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Who treated prince in the days before he died. His onetime Medical Center saying he is no longer an employee. As Police Return to paisley park in search of more clues. And the rock. Surrounded by sharkinfested waters, alcatraz was once an island prison thought to be escape proof. One man has managed his way out, and hes on the loose today. Wednesday, may 11th, 2016. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today on a wednesday morning. Al roker continues this tour of our National Parks. Exactly. Hes been to wte sands, now were sending him to prison. Hes in front of alcatraz this morning. Hey, al. Hey, guys. Thats right, one of the most feared prisons in the world, from 1934 to 1963. Alcatraz federal penitentiary. Ten years later, 1973, becomes a National Park. Now, its just unbelievable to see how popular it is. Well have a complete tour coming up a little later. Guys . Al, see you in a little bit. We want to start with our top story. The breaking news in massachusetts, where authorities are investigating a stabbing rampage at a mall and a home near boston. Nbcs joe fryer has the latest on all this. Joe, what happened . Reporter good morning, matt. Police are trying to figure out what drove a man to go on this wild stabbing spree. It started at a nearby home and ended here at the mall. In all, three people are dead, including the attacker. Reporter inside this shopping mall, a grizzly scene. Two people viciously stabbed, the attacker brought down by a bullet from an off duty sheriff deputys gun. If it hadnt have been for his heroic actions, there could have been more loss of life this evening. Reporter police say the suspect, arthur derosa, rammed a car into the Macys Department store before running into the Silver City Galleria maul, in tautton, massachusetts, creating total chaos. After assaulting several people, he made his way to bertuccis. Grabbing a knife, derosa stabbed two victims, killing a 56yearold man. Witnesses ran for their lives. I was shopping. I didnt know what was going on, so everybody started running, including the macys employees. We started running. Reporter the attack, with no clear motive, began after derosa crashed a different car near a home a few miles from the mall. 270 myrick street and birch avenue for multiple stab victims. Reporter investigators say he stabbed two people inside the home. One of the victims, an 80yearold woman, later died from her wounds. Officials say the attack doesnt appear to be terror related. This morning, there are new questions about the suspects mental health. In a statement to nbc news, darosas cousin said he was feeling suicidal and admitted to a local hospital but released tuesday morning. The says they stated he was fine, but obviously wasnt. I believe if he was better evaluated, the situation may not have happened. The surviving victims were all taken to a hospital. Their conditions have not been released. Authorities did say one of the stabbing victims suffered lifethreatening injuries. So far, officials havent identified the hero officer. Joe fryer, thank you so much. Joe, thanks so much. To the president race. Bernie sanders says he is in it to win it after defeating clinton by double digits in West Virginias primary. But that victory did little to dent clintons nearly insurmountable lead in the delegate count. With no more challengers in his way, Presumptive Republican nominee, donald trump rolled to victories in West Virginia and nebraska, setting to stage for a key meeting on capitol hill tomorrow. In a moment, well talk to senator marco rubio, trumps former rival. Lets begin with hallie jackson. Good morning to you. Good morning. Donald trump is acknowledging those wins in West Virginia and nebraska, but he is already looking ahead. Not just to tomorrows key meetings here on the hill, but to who he may pick as his running mate. Trump now insisting he wont announce his pick until the convention in july. Reporter usually quick with an insult calling him lying ted. Little marco. Crooked hillary. Reporter donald trump has only praise for paul ryan hes a good man, wants whats good for the party. I think well have very positive results. Reporter the candidate is complimentary now trying to smooth the path ahead of tomorrows meetings on capitol hill. Dont expect a kumbaya moment. Sources close to the House Speaker caution itll be a process. Telling nbc ryan wants to see trump commit to con sempbtive principles and to bringing republicans together. It was a very, very bitter, divisive primary. Itll take more than a week just to repair and unify this party. Reporter ryan down playing expectations, returning to capitol hill. So is ted cruz for the First Time Since dropping out. Ruling out a thirdparty run, but keeping his options open. If circumstances change, we will always assess changed circumstances. Reporter and withholding an endorsement of trump. There will be plenty of time for voters to make the determination who theyre going to support. Reporter despite big differences on policy, another former rival, marco rubio, says he will back trump. Seemingly begrudgingly. I dont want Hillary Clinton to win. As i said, i want to be supportive of the republican nominee. I signed a pledge saying i would do so. Reporter rubio dismissed talk of the vp job. Trump narrows his list of potential running mates, including allies, chris christie. I like chris a lot. Im not going to say ruling in or not. I would say that i have in mind five different people. I think theyre excellent. Reporter looking to november, Hillary Clinton clearly ready to take trump on. I am looking forward to debating donald trump come the fall. Reporter clinton now getting her strongest show of support yet from the white house. Vice President Joe Biden stopping short of an endorsement, but just barely. I feel confident that hillary will be the nominee, and i feel confident shell be the next president. From the white house now to capitol hill, where we expect to hear from speaker ryan later today, ahead of those meetings with trump. And trump finds himself in a new controversy. While his Campaign Says it tried to get a prominent White Nationalist off its list of potential delegates in california, the secretary of States Office tells us, it is too late to do that. Savannah . Hallie jackson on the hill for us, thank you. As we said, senator marco rubio joins us exclusively. Senator, nice to see you. Good morning. Morning. Let me see if i can clear something up. You have said youre going to uphold your pledge, the pledge you signed to support the eventual nominee of the republican party. That appears to be donald trump. But when pressed on one question, would you vote for donald trump, you didnt seem to be able to make yourself say yes, ill vote for him. Will you say that now . Well, i mean, obviously, this is the quandary everybody finds themselves in. At least who holds my perspective. On the one hand, the party nominated someone ill have strong differences with, both on policy and deep reservations on the way hes conducted his campaign. On the other hand, the only other choice on the ballot is someone i have more policy disagreements with. And reservations about. As a candidate, i signed a pledge to support our nominee, thats what i intend to do. What does support mean . Give me a definition. Will you stand on a tv show like this and say, im keeping my pledge, or does it mean youll go to the convention and speak on his behalf, or go in the booth and vote for him . Well, first of all, obviously as a voter in florida, support would mean the ultimate way for the primary way people support candidates in this country is to vote for them. In terms of what i intend to do throughout the campaign, i would just say i think donald trump would be best served by having people working on his behalf, that agree with him on these Public Policies and that are enthusiastic about his campaign and enthusiastic to support the things he stood for. My reservations about him have been clearly stated and they remain unchanged. You were explicit during your campaign about some of your concerns. You said he was an embarrassment. You were fearful at the prospect of his hand on the nuclear codes. You said he wasnt a republican, not a conservative, that hed lose to Hillary Clinton. I know you want to stick by your pledge, but are you exalting that piece of paper over these fears you say you still have for the country with donald trump as the nominee . Sure. The only other choice then would be to vote for Hillary Clinton or abstain, both supportive of her. I have more policy differences with her and am more scared of her being in control of the u. S. Government and continuing the status quo of barak obamas policies. I think its clear, that this is the position obviously, i didnt want us to be in. Donald trump wasnt my first choice. I ran for president and did the best i could. It didnt work out, and Republican Voters chose a different direction. I have to respect the result, even if im not the even though it is not necessarily the one i wanted. I think, clearly, youre describing here the quandary, choice, that millions of republicans not just me but millions of republicans across the country are trying to grapple with. But for you it seems like youre being loyal and you should be applauded for that that youre sticking to this pledge, but youre going to be leaving the senate. You say you dont want to run for governor in florida in two years. So its possible for you to put politics aside right now and take some kind of a principled stand and say, no, everything i said during the campaign i still believe. I can not support this guy. First of all, everything i said during the campaign, i still believe. But what youre leaving out of that is, you have to make a choice. You dont have a choice anymore between 17 people or even 5. For voters in florida in november, the choice is going to be, if you want to legitimately vote to elect a president , itll be between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Or abstaining. If i as a republican abstain or vote for Hillary Clinton, thats support for her. I am not going to support Hillary Clinton. To put it bluntly, senator rubio, do you want donald trump to win . Do you hope in your heart of hearts that he wins and assumes the presidency . Look, again, all of the policy differences i have with him remain. All of the reservations i have about his campaign remain. I clearly didnt want us to be in the position we are today. I was a candidate for president who tried to be the nominee myself. It didnt work out. I dont want Hillary Clinton to win. Donald trump is the only other choice on the ballot. I recognize that. I have a pledge to support the nominee on top of it. I intend to keep it. What i dont intend to do is spend the next six months taking shots at donald. Whether we like it or not, hes earned the right to make his case to the american people. He earned it at the ballot box, and ill respect that. Senator marco rubio, nice to spend time with us this morning. We appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Tomorrow on today, former Vice President dan quayle speaks out about this race for the first time when he joins us in studio 1a for a live interview. Another round of tornadoes. On tuesday. This one causing significant damage in mayfield, kentucky. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez is following it all. He is in oklahoma this morning. Gabe, good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning. The cleanup effort here in oklahoma is in full swing. This as the states governor declared states of emergency in 15 counties. All this as millions more throughout the country are preparing for yet another round of potentially severe thunderstorms later today. Reporter this morning, western kentucky is cleaning up after two tornadoes touched down. One of them sending residents in mayfield running for cover. We heard loud noises and the glass crashing. We dove into the washroom and stayed there until the noises stopped. Reporter homes leveled, trees toppled, lives shattered. You could hear it. It sounded like it was right over the building. Reporter today, seven states are on high alert for more potential Severe Weather, after this weeks string of ferocious tornadoes. Oh, god look out. Reporter oklahomas governor declaring a state of emergency in 15 counties. Two people were killed. Please dont hit that barn. Oh, my god. Reporter the National Weather service saying this twister near wynnewood topped 136 Miles Per Hour winds. Was an ef3. For jamie ramirez, the search for her lost pets was frantic. Now the harsh realization that her home is gone. Devastating. Reporter that devastation extending this morning to kentucky, where driscoll rushed to her friends house, only to find it in pieces. When i walked up, i started crying. I mean, its heartbreaking. Reporter no deaths were reported in that kentucky tornado. At least ten people were injured. Now today, a lot of people are bracing for the potential of Severe Weather. The swath of the country extends from north texas up through the midwest. Right now, there are reports of flooding underway in tennessee, just north of nashville. Matt and savannah . Tough times there. Gabe gutierrez, thank you. Some of the video out of that region the last couple days is horrifying, and our thoughts are with the people there. Several new twists in the investigation into princes death. Authorities were back at his home in minnesota last night and a minnesota doctor who wrote prescriptions for the pop star has now been identified. Nbcs Stephanie Gosk has the latest on all that. Hi. Good morning. Good morning. It had been quiet here the last couple weeks at paisley park, until late yesterday when a line of police vehicles, about a dozen or so investigators, entered the compound. It happened after a warrant for princes medical records was released publicly, showing that the pop star had been getting medical treatment here in minnesota from a local doctor. Up until the day before he died. Reporter according to a search warrant, a minneapolis area doctor was at princes home to deliver test results the morning he died. The document indicates dr. Michael todd schulenberg, seen in this video made for a local university, examined prince twice. Once on april 7th, before princes plane made an Emergency Landing in illinois. Whats the nature of the emergency . Whats the nature of the medical condition . Unresponsive passenger. Reporter and again on april 20th, the day before he died. According to the warrant, dr. Schulenberg told police he prescribed medications for prince, and the unspecified prescriptions were filled at a walgreens. Investigators interviewed dr. Schulenberg and sought records related to prince from an area Medical Centers. Schulenberg says he works with north memorial clinic. He is a family physician. That hospital says he is no longer an employee there. Schulenbergs lawyer is not commenting. Late tuesday, police were seen at princes paisley park home. The Carver County sheriff tweeting detectives were revisiting the scene as a component of a complete investigation. Offering no further details. The warrant does not say what the medications were that prince was prescribed or whether he took them. The toxicology report could shed some light on that. Its still not complete, and theres still no official cause of death. Stephanie, thank you very much. First test of Futuristic Technology that could revolutionize transportation is happening in nevada. Dubbed the hyperloop. This was proposed by elon musk. Nbcs Gadi Schwartz is in las vegas. This is the first public test of the technology. Good morning, savannah. Thats right. This right here is Hyperloop One. The idea eventually is to put people, to put cargo, in specialized pods, and then put them in airtight tubes like this and shoot them for hundreds of miles, all at the speed of sound. To put this in perspective, l. A. To San Francisco takes six to seven hours. This would take 30 minutes. Reporter faster than a speeding bullet train. More powerful than an airplane. Thats what elon musk was hoping for when he unveiled his idea for the hyperloop in 2014, 2013. Sparking a Competition Among rival if i recalls to build the first working model. Later this morning, one of the companies will unveil its version in the las vegas desert and demonstrate how it works. Hyperloop is immediate, safe, efficient and sustainable. Reporter it is presenting a 10foot long sled, reaching 250 350 Miles Per Hour in just two seconds they say. Well do this well and take the design, build two kilometers worth of it, put it inside of a tube and accelerate a vehicle thats about ten times heavier to a speed thats about twice as high. By the end of the year, well hit our kitty hawk moment and hit the fullscale test. Itll handle a cargo of people. Reporter some skeptics call it impractical. In terms of moving people over Long Distances. Elon musk isnt associated with any specific company, but he has a contest among College Students to design and build a hyperloop pod. Other competitors are working on their own prototypes, all players in a race to zoom us into the future of travel. If this test is successful, Hyperloop One might be in the lead. We believe were the one company that is actually building this, not just talking about it. Were showing it today with the live test of our propulsion system. In a few hours, Hyperloop One promising to unveil the Technology Thatll make all of this work. There is a lot of excitement. Still a lot of skepticism. One big question, what to do in an earthquake. Matt and savannah, back to you. Thats a good question. We have so many questions, gadi, but its exciting to see. Thank you. Let us head back to al in San Francisco for a check of the weather before his big tour of the National Parks. Al . Thats right, guys. Weve got a lot of Severe Weather going on. Stretching from the plains all the way into the Mississippi River valley. Look on the radar. You can see our nbc affiliate is reporting a lot of flooding going on in that area right now. We have a risk of Severe Weather today, stretching from san angelo all the way to des moines. 23 Million People at risk. Large hail, isolated tornadoes are possible. This system will be pushing through, bringing heavy rain from chicago all the way down into texas. As it pushes through, it will leave a lot of rain behind it. Damaging winds and the possibility of those isolated tornadoes, as well. Not as strong as yesterday, but still, there is the threat there. Were going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. This is my sister, annie. She goes with the flow. Gracies always trying to get me to eat green things. Annies always trying to get me to try new things. Weve both been on weight watchers. And now theyve totally changed it up. I like that this new plan encourages me to eat healthier. I like that it lets me eat my favorite foods. Smartpoints has really helped me. Im now down 37 pounds. Its helped me too im down 40 pounds. Just sayin. All new smartpoints. Join for free by may 16th and get one month free. Thats your latest weather. Coming up, well have our. Good morning, im meteorologist kari hall. We are looking at temperatures in the mid50s about average for this time of year, but these temperatures later on today well above argue, up to 68 degrees in San Francisco, north bay 80 degrees east bay if time for the warriors guam, looking good, 85 degrees in the trivalley, looking good for the vients game at at t park over one towns plan to build the most expensive football stadium in the country for high school. The price tag nearly 63 million. Wow. And as seen on tv, do the conducts really work like they do in the commercials . What happened when jeff rossen and team tested out a few of the products. First, this is today on nbc. scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com nice to meet you welcome, welcome coming up, why Justin Bieber says hes done taking pictures with fans. After your local news. What emoji would you use to describe the design . Sfx message sent i think its sexy. Mmmmmm it has available builtin 4g lte wifi® sfx message sent rock on. Thats excellent. We got wifi. The cruze offers up to an epa estimated 42 mpg highway. Sfx message sent this car is like a unicorn. Its Magical Group laughing to you, theyre more than just a pet. So protect them with k9 advantix ii. It kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. K9 advantix ii. For the love of dog. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Topvo a busy downtown street in San Francisco will remain closed at least through today. After a sinkhole opened up yesterday. Its located on Mission Street and new montgomery near second street. Both directions are closed as crews scramble to repair the damage. Muni lines are also being re routed. When the sinkhole opened. It damaged a rideshare suv that got snagged on its its periphery. The family inside the car had been on their way to the airport. No one was injured. City workers say the sinkhole opened after a decades old sewer line ruptured. Anchor toss to weather adlib toss to weather a busy downtown street . San francisco will remain closed at least through today after a sink hole opened up yesterday. Mission street and new montgomery street, both directions are closed as crews are scrambling to view the damage. When the sinkhole damaged, they got snagged on the periphery the family has been on the way to the airport. Luckily, no one was injured. They say it opened after it ruptured. Yes, just in time for midday, warming up to 68 degrees at at t park. Well see some mid80s for parts of the south bay. 70 through the peninsula, looking at some 80s for the north bay. Very warm inland temperatures today as well as tomorrow and it does cool down just in time for the weekend as we see the morning fog and on shore flow returning. Lets head over to mike. All the bay looks predictable t. South bay the biggest changeup for the build. South 680 has some change from 580, down to the similar offramp. It may have cleared up. Shy of the offramp, you can use it as an option through that area. There is that closure. Use a market through the area. This is not far from mosconi center. Back to you. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you for joining us as well. Ill be back with another local update in half an hour. I want to show you some cutting edge technology. This is a vhs tape. Push that tape in and hit play. This is a flip phone. Have you seen these before . Its called a compact disc. Oh. Looks like were getting a facsimile. What year is it to you . Its old. Youd rather use Newer Technology . Definitely. Well, ive got something to show you. This is the 2016 chevy volt. It uses extended range electric technology. The prius hybrid uses Battery Technology developed 15 years ago. Chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. Its got every technology there is. The prius actually belongs on the table. Were back at 7 30. Its wednesday morning, the 11th of may. Starting to look like may here in midtown manhattan. Itll get to the 70s today. No ponchos in our crowd. Lets look at todays headlines. Massachusetts Police Investigating a stabbing rampage near boston. The 28yearold attacked two people at a home, killing an 80yearold woman. He then crashed a stolen car into a mall, went inside and stabbed four more people, killing one of them. The suspect was later shot and killed by an off duty sheriffs deputy. Bernie sanders notched another victory in the democratic president ial race, beating clinton by double digits in the West Virginia primary. Let me be as clear as i can be. We are in this campaign to win the democratic nomination. While sanders win gives him fresh momentum, it doesnt dent clintons large delegate lead by much. Isis is claiming responsibility for a deadly car bombing this morning at a crowded market in baghdad. At least 45 people died in the attack. More than 60 others were wounded. We begin this half hour in texas, where controversy is brewing over the sky high costs of High School Football stadiums. Money some say would be better spent on education. Nbcs Janet Shamlian has the story for us. Good morning. The cost of the New High School stadiums here in texas are staggering. Here in allen, the price tag was 60 million. Just down the road, there is about to be a new record holder. Its in the next district. It will be the most expensive High School Stadium in the country. This morning, not everyone is cheering. Reporter even at a state filled with football question gn fanatics, the cost of High School Football stadiums are spiraling to astronomical heights. Today, a new record holder. Voters just said yes to spending 62. 8 million on a 12,000seat cathedral to High School Football. Are you okay with it . Yeah, its crazy, but its texas. Anything for texas football. I think its ridiculous, to spend that kind of money on a High School Football team. Reporter away from the gridiron most players play on. In texas, the state is full of football. Lets play some football. Reporter this new stadium will fit in. Four mile acewas away, this 60 million stadium, with a jumbotron. Not to be outdone, theyre building a 62 million stadium outside of houston. Now, mckinney is in the big leagues. May be nicer than the worst nfl stadium. Not sure. Reporter School Officials are unapologetic. They say no money was taken from education, and voters overwhelmingly approved the bonds to pay for it all. Are you competing with the guys down the road . Thats a good question. A lot of people have asked us, are you trying to keep up with the joneses . I think our approach is, we want to give the same opportunities to our students that our neighboring districts provide their students. Reporter now, it is an open field. But for football fans, in 16 months time, a field of dreams. Now to put this in perspective, these are very large high schools. In allen, 6,400 students in the high school. School Officials Say even with 18,000 seats here, on game day, its often standing room only. Matt and savannah, gak back to everything is bigger in texas. Thank you. Lets go back to al on San Francisco bay for another check of the weather. Al . Guys, were in the bay. There is alcatraz. One of the reasons why it was considered escape route, the current, the water 54 degrees, were on the ferry that takes people out here. Our captain is working hard. The current is dragging us out, and he has to bring us back. It is amazing. You understand why this prison was so feared. Lets show you whats going on right now. We are fearing the cooler air coming back in. We finally have warmer temperatures in the Midatlantic States, the northeast and new england. But that cool air is going to come back for the weekend. Boston, above average. Cleveland, memphis. Den denver, nine degrees cooler. The cool air moves east. Friday, its in the great lakes. We stay a little warm in the southeast and the gulf coast. It starts to cool in the northeast. By saturday, even though new england, boston, youll be above normal, norfolk, as well, the we do have some low cloud, right near where al is now cant see the top of the bridge. We will see highs reaching the mid80s for the south bay. 70s for the peninsula, 60s along the coast and in San Francisco. Inland areas up to 87 degrees in fairfield and 77 in hayward, livermore 83 degrees. Just in time for the warriors game, perfect weather. Temperature 70 degrees at 7 30. Pal. What a pal. Al, see you in a bit. New rossen report testing out new products. Coming up, weve all seen the commercials. Products making big promises on tv. Like the phone they say you can dunk underwater and itll work. What about this pan . They say nothing sticks and you cant scratch it. Then this device here, promising luscious curls in seconds. Do they really work . Do they really work . Were testing verizon is the Number One Network in america. I know what youre thinking, they all claim stuff like that. Yeah, but some of them stretch the truth a little bit. Like this. Faster, more reliable and better coverage than ever. And it shows the coverage there. Uh, oh, hold on. Oh map is not a depiction of coverage well, then whats the point . Im speechless. Only verizon has the largest 4g lte network in america. And now if you buy a Samsung Galaxy s7 edge, you get one free. Customer service d. Maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. No, no, no, no, [music] people are both soft and strong. Yey which is why our products are too. Angel soft. What if the sweet stevia leaf was discovered. Before the sugarcane. And everything had fewer calories. Truvia. Life with less sugar is just as sweet. Wrely on the Us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Here, there, everywhere. United states Postal Service priority you one dark chocolate rises masteringabove the rest. Inement. Lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers. Pure, rich, elegantly thin. Experience excellence with all your senses. From the lindt master chocolatiers. Its all about getting to the dunkin quicker. Man i smell dunkin. Delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee. Pick some up where you buy groceries. Try our kcup pods today. America runs on dunkin. Iveand im doing just fine. Allergies. Claritin provides 24hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. Yeah, over 200 allergens with claritin my allergies dont come between me and victory. Live claritin clear. Give extra. Get extra. Jane loves to treat herself. So she loves new light fit crunch. Greek nonfat yogurt with delicious toppings like chocolate and almonds. Now thats a treat light fit crunch. Feel free to enjoy. Kelloggs® frosted 8 layers of wheat. And one thats sweet. For the adult and kid in all of us. Kelloggs frosted miniwheats® feed your inner kidult twith smoothing care. New whole blends by garnier. Smoothing haircare. Enriched with Coconut Oil Cocoa Butter extracts. Nurtures and protects for naturally beautiful, shiny hair. New garnier whole blends Coconut Oil Cocoa Butter. Were back at 7 41. Time for a new rossen report series called as teen on tv. You know the products you see on Television Commercials . Today National Investigative correspondent jeff rossen tested them out so you dont have to. Good morning. Sometimes i cant sleep at night and im up watching the infomercials. The products are making promises to solve every promiblem in my life. Gadgets for my phone, even women who want curls on the go. Lets be honest, you want to buy them. But do they really work . This morning, we are putting them to the test. You have to see these results. Everything slides right off. Reporter it sounds so good. Pour the champagne, and it still works. Reporter guaranteeing results in no time. Every girl wants a perfect curl, and she can have it in 20 seconds. Is it too good to be true . Reporter first up, the pan, commercials aired day and night. Use metal and never make a scratch, ever. Reporter they say nothing stitches. Parmesan right on the heat. Reporter will it hold up in our test . They show burning parmesan in the pan on the commercial. Lets burn it up and see if it slides out. Reporter the cheese quickly melted on to the pan. Hear that sizzle. It is supposed to slide off like the commercial. Lets see if it works. Im bad at this anyway. Wow, it did it. Look at that. Put that on the plate. Ill wipe it off. Now, were going to test to see if itll scratch. In the commercial, they show the mixer. Lets try it. No scratches. It works. Reporter now, on to your smartphone. In these new extreme samsung commercials, the galaxy 7s edge claims to be water resistant. Even if you pour champagne all over it. What . All right. Lets get this party started. We have the champagne here. We went to the store and bought a brandnew Samsung Galaxy smartphone. My producer lindsey is on the phone. Can you hear me . Hey, jeff. Whats up. Im about to pour the champagne. This feels so wrong. Reporter once the bubbly is gone lindsey . I can still hear you. No way. The phone is drying itself. Still looks perfect. About to put you in a fish tank. Reporter in the commercial, the phone works after taking a dip. So we went out and bought a fish tank. Lindsey, still there . Im still here. Im sticking you underwater. Here we go. I cant believe this phone is underwater right now. Lindsey, still there . I can still hear you. Its working perfectly, and its beaded up the water again. Perfect. Reporter we cant forget about beauty products. Check out this gadget. The revolutionary new styling tool that creates the perfect curl every time. Reporter promising luscious curls in seconds. Never been so easy to create hair that looks so good. Reporter my producer catherine is going to take it for a spin. The instructions say to connect it to your home blow drier. Damp hair. Hair is damp. Also says, 20 seconds, warm air, high speed. Ill put my hair in consider clo. Reporter her hair is spinning all over the place. Now 20 seconds of cool air. 20 seconds. And stop. How is it looking . I dont want to say anything mean. Here is a mirror. Ill take a look. Well, this is my natural hair and this is the side the air curler worked on. They look similar to me. What do you think . There is a slight wave, but no ringlets like the commercial. More like a mess than anything else to me. Reporter the maker of aircurler telling nbc news, it takes time and practice to perfect your technique, to get excellent results. They stand by the product. In the end, two of the three products we tested worked as advertised. But sometimes, what you see on tv isnt always what you get. Learned a new word, ringlets. Probably in your vocabulary, not mine. The lesson, do your research before you buy. Most of the products have reviews online. There are even videos of people trying them out. Could save you time and money. You dont have to have me or catherine do it for you. Ever try that thing . No, no. You . Yeah, thats what happened. Jeff, thank you. Ahead, Meredith Vieira will share her exclusive interview with chimp attack survivor charla nash. Plus, what Sharon Osbourne plus, what Sharon Osbourne is saying about the whole day to sell to the their old cart aside and buy a new one. Oops. Nanas got the kids til 9. But its only 2. Guess youll just have to see a movie. Then get some dinner. What a pity. General mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. So you can love cereal. Again dmade with the perfect balance of raspberry ice cream, luscious raspberry sauce, and belgian chocolate. Discover magnum chocolate pleasure. Towe put them to the test in a towels can subway. Any mess, only viva vantage has our stretchable, scrubby texture and clothlike durability that give it the power to clean more than just spills. If it works here, imagine how well viva will unleash clean in your home. You may know what its like to deal with high. And low blood sugar. Januvia sitagliptin is a oncedaily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. Januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your bodys own ability to lower blood sugar. Plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar hypoglycemia . Januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. Serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. Stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis. Tell your doctor right away and stop taking januvia if you have an allergic reaction that causes swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, or affects your breathing or causes rash or hives. Kidney problems sometimes requiring dialysis have been reported. Some people may develop severe joint pain. Call your doctor if this happens. Using januvia with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. To reduce the risk, your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of the sulfonylurea or insulin. Your doctor may do blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. If you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. Side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, and headache. For help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia. Look, i know youre a cow and all. And you may not know what im talking about, but, uh. The yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. Mmmm, yoplait. Its all about getting to the dunkin quicker. Man i smell dunkin. Delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee. Pick some up where you buy groceries. Try our kcup pods today. America runs on dunkin. Were back at 7 50. Willie is in the orange room for carson this morning. Good morning. Good morning, guys. Good to see you. Sharon osbourne, as we talked about earlier this week, speaking out about her split with ozzy osborne. She did that on the talk yesterday. Her show. She confirmed she has moved out and talked about moving forward. I honestly, at this point today, have no idea what im going to be doing with the rest of my life. I dont know where im going. Who im going with. And i just need time to think. Im 63 years of age, and i cant keep living like this. Sharon didnt give a specific reason for the split, but our crack Investigative Team in the orange room picked up on this, shes holding a glass of lemonade during the show, perhaps a reference to beyonces lemonade, cheating perhaps in the relationship. Not so subtle, we think. Kelly osborne is tweeting out, guess who is turning lemons into lemonade . Guys, confirmation. Ozzy and sharon have split. Your crack investigators . Yeah. We were working hard on this one all morning. Very good, willie. Coming up, welcome to the rock. Al is taking us inside alcatraz. Plus, well tag along on his father daughter trip to see the largest trees in the world, but first your local news and weather. Car. Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive three quarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. New aquafina sparkling. An experience thats all together refreshing. Aquafina sparkling. For happy bodies. Tto nourishing repair. New whole blends by garnier honey treasures haircare. With the essence of royal jelly and propolis. Nourishes deeply, for naturally beautiful, revived hair. New garnier whole blends honey treasures. The best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. Ifor all the wrong reasons. Gical you may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. How localluses and bunions ymake them unbearable . S, introducing dr. Scholls cushions with advanced duragel technology. They provide a thin, flexible layer between your shoes and foot pain. So you can move with confidence. New dr. Scholls cushions. Kelloggs® frosted 8 layers of wheat. And one thats sweet. For the adult and kid in all of us. Kelloggs frosted miniwheats® feed your inner kidult daddy doing work,d its funny that ive been in the news for being a dad. Windows 10 is great because i need to keep organized. School, grocery shopping. My face can unlock this computer. Thats crazy. Macbooks are not able to do that. Hey cortana, remind me we have a play date tomorrow at noon i need that in my world. Anything that makes my life easier, im using. And windows is doing that. Is caringing because covering heals faster. For a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a bandaid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. Wx toss to traffic traffic toss traffic ck palo alto 101 good wednesday morning, im meteorologist kari hall. We have a lot of clouds across the bay area this morning. You can leave the umbrella at home. We wont see any rain. We will see the sun quickly breaking out, temperatures warming into the 80s. In the north bay, San Francisco will see a high of 68 degrees. In time for the giants game today at 12 45. At first pitch, it will be 55 degrees, winds if from the southwest at 10 to 15 miles an hour. By the fifth inning at 58 degrees. Feeling a little bit warm during the middle of the game,fully especially with all of that sunshine, we see our temperatures cooling down, especially for the weekend. Lets head over to mike now with an update on whats happening on bay area roadways. We have the southbound, 101 slowing a bit. Folks are shifting over. Thats the reason for slowing here. We look at your map. Its a typical pattern through this section south of the dun par don bridge, northbound through silicon valley, of course, westbound, a crash heading past the toll plaza. Overall that section of the east bay looking really good, in fact, improvements for the trivalley. A big improvement over the last half hour. Slow towards the bay bridge through oakland for 580 and 880. Back over to you. Happening now, it may be the future of Long Distance travel. Its about to take its first baby stems t. Elon musk hyper loop gets its first test in the las vegas desert. One day it may take us to l. A. In 20 minutes. Trending on our west site, seth currys east bay hop is up for its on our facebook page. What critics are calling an element of racial profiling. On our home page what the ceo is doing to tackle that head on. Another update in half an hour. Hope to see you then. Its 8 00 on today. And coming up, staying strong. Did you believe back then that you would ever reach this point . I never thought id be like this. Meredith vieira sits down with chimp attack survivor charla nash, amid her setback following face transplant surgery. Plus, als adventure. A weeklong celebration of National Parks heads to San Francisco, as al visits alcatraz. Is this the infamous broadway . It is. Then sleeps among the sequoias for a fatherdaughter camp out. Sequoia, bear. Quite the camping experience. Kate the great. Excuse me for arriving this way. What a delightful family. Kate beckinsale stops by to talk about life, love and friendship. Today, wednesday, may 11th, 2016. Were gonna live, were gonna live forever this time, i want it all i want it right now all the way here we love alabama. We love the today show. Happy birthday, mom. Good morning to nebraska. Were here celebrating in the big apple. Were back at 8 00 on this wednesday morning. Its the 11th day of may, 2016. Stop and take a gamble at the nice people out on the plaza this morning. We thank them for coming down. We dont have to thank them because the weather is beautiful. Great day. It is. Coming up, by the way, al is on the road again. He left me in new mexico yesterday and headed off to San Francisco. More on the National Parks. Al . Thats right. Were celebrating 100 years of the National Park service. One of the most popular right behind me is alcatraz. 1. 4 Million People come here every year. Were going to take you on a behind the scenes tour in just a little bit. Guys . Looking forward to that, al. Thank you. Lets head inside to tamron for a check of the top stories, in for natalie. Investigators are trying to figure out why a man went on a stabbing spree that ended in chaos in a massachusetts mall. The 28yearold, arthur darosa, began his rampage by crashing a car and then forcing his way into a house, stabbing two people, killing an elderly woman. Next, he drove to a mall, crashed into a store and stabbed several more people, one fatally. He was shot and killed by an off duty deputy. A cousin said darosa had been feeling suicidal and had sought medical treatment. A week after suspending his campaign for president , ted cruz returned to his job in the senate but appeared to keep his options open on tuesday, saying hed assess the situation if circumstances changed. Cruz also withheld an endorsement of donald trump as the republican nominee. Trump meanwhile is preparing to meet with House Speaker paul ryan, also refusing to endorse him at this time. Earlier on today, former trump rival senator marco rubio said he had differences with trump but he stands by his pledge to support the partys choice. What i dont intend to do is spend the next six months, by the way, taking shots at donald. Whether we like it or not, he earned his opportunity to make his case to the american people. They said it at the box, and ill respect it. Hes more afraid of clinton being in control. Surveillance video shows a worker fall more than three stories in philadelphia. We want to warn you, some viewers certainly may find this very disturbing. The video is at the top of your screen. Out of nowhere, this man falls violently to the ground. The engineer was inspecting lighting when the glass floor gave way, sending him plunging 38 feet to the ground. This was back in 2012. The man was just awarded 7. 2 million, the settlement he received. He suffered multiple fractures and spent more than a month and a half in the hospital. Unbelievable. Tough. I almost said, let me show it again. Its interesting, there is a guy in it who runs away. I hope he eventually came back. It appears he didnt know if it was glass, the whole ceiling was coming down. Nevertheless, incredible, this man survived this. Yeah, i think the guy there was running. Looked like a different person came back. Youd hear the glass first and not think think the roof is coming down. Exactly. Up next, why a british barn ne baroness is calling this her most embarrassing picture. Why Justin Bieber says he will no longer take pictures with fans. Chimp attack survivor charla nash speaks out to Meredith Vieira about her recent setback with her face tran i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. Iveand im doing just fine. Allergies. Claritin provides 24hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. Yeah, over 200 allergens with claritin my allergies dont come between me and victory. Live claritin clear. The citi double cash® card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. Earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. Thats cash back now, and cash back again later. Its cash back deja vu. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. Ii cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. Ter. I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter thank you so much. Did you say honey . Hey, try some . You know im always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios. Well youve come to the right place. Mind if i have another taste . Not at all mmm part of a complete breakfast life is a sport. We are the utility. The new ford escape. Were back at 8 09. Trending time. How many friends do you have . Real friends . Real friends. Like i dont know, maybe ten. 20. 20 . Sure thousands. No. Those are twitter followers. Right. I dont know. I feel like i have a lot of friends. Heres something that might get a little bit of attention. The people you think are your friends probably arent. Oh. Its a suggestion from a fascinating new study from mit in tel aviv university. Found that almost half of the people we consider friends dont think that the feeling is mutual. Wow. 50 of those people you call a friend might not say the same thing about you. Researchers say the findings suggest people are bad at judging how others feel about them. Thats why i labeled ten. I think i met strong friends each point of my life. Best friend since age 4. I have a great friend in middle school, high school, college. Then other points in your life, right . The question is yes. But the question, do you think there are people out there saying, yeah, willie, were friends . Yeah. Youd go, what . Should i go through the list of my friends . I need to send a blast email to my friends this morning, are we really friends . Maybe its how you define friends. If you socialize at all, i would consider that a friend. Sure. No, thats not what i said. No . Friends are real people like you call in a time of need. You can cry on the phone with. Whats your number . Five. Something like that. Wait a minute. I consider us youre on the cusp. I know im not top five. Its better we drop this. A british baroness was in vietnam recently addressing entrepreneurs. In the crowd, she spotted a 6yearold boy. She picked him up for a hug, which is super sweet. Problem is, this is not a 6yearold boy. This is a 22yearold man. Luckily, both sides are being really good sport about the situation. On twitter, the baroness made fun of herself, saying this was her most embarrassing moment. On facebook, the man posted a photo of his i. D. Card to verify his age. Theyre both officially registered at pottery barn. Theyre both friends. Justin bieber and what he wont do for his fans now. Plus ellens latest prank against matt has now expanded. This keeps coming, matt. Lets start with Justin Bieber, standing his ground refusing to take any more photos with his fans. In an instagram post, justin wrote, know im not going to take a picture. Im done taking pictures. It got to the point people wont say hi to me or recognize me as a human. I feel like a zoo animal and i want to be able to keep my sanity. Justin went on to say, i realize people will be disappointed, but i dont owe anybody a picture. Justin echoing similar comments made recently by amy schumer. Next to the movie reyew on24 yearsment making. A league of their own. The movie that gave us the famous line, there is no crying in baseball. Geena davis reunited with several cast members. The ladies played a game of softball in arkansas. This is for geenas film festival, showcasing female voices in media. Matt responded to ellens met gala stunt, vowing revenge. Today on her show, ellen airs her latest prank. This time she does not stop at matt. Im sorry, matt. Youre right, i should not have done that. [ applause ] but i dont think that was the full clip. Did we show the full clip . Theres more. Lets see the rest. I have a long flight home to think about something. Oh come on. Please, ellen. Please stop. Oh, boy. We have some serious work to do. We really do. We do. Wow. Al, wow. Thats all we can say. Wow. You can confirm youre working on something . Im collateral damage. Were all collateral damage. That clip also proves it was cold in the desert yesterday morning. Never mind. We got it. Clip it. Willie, always good to have you here. Thank you. Glad i could help out. We move on to more of our special series, celebrating 100 years of the National Park series. Al is there in San Francisco bay, where he visited one of americas most popular National Parks, alcatraz island. Hey, al. Hey, guys. How you doing . Right there, you can see the city of San Francisco. A mile and a half away is alcatraz. This prison was feared not just in this country but all around the world. People said if you broke the rules, you went to prison. If you break the rules in prison, you end up in alcatraz. Reporter its a place as mysterious today as it was 50 years ago. Alcatraz, a federal prison from 1934 to 1963. Locking away some of the countrys most notorious criminals. Al capone was here. He played the banjo in the prison band. James Whitey Bulger ent three years here when he was 30. Just about the same time as the infamous bird man of alcatraz, robert stroud. Alcatraz, still escape proof. Reporter promising to be inescapable. Who are the prisoners that came to alcatraz . People at alcatraz got in trouble at other prisons. Reporter hes been a park ranger for more than 20 years. What was it about this place that made it so escapeproof . For one thing, you have water, cold water surrounding this island. Strong current . Thats right. You had one guard to every three con vicks here on the island. Reporter most inmates lived on what they called broadway. Is this the infamous broadway. This is the infamous broadway. If you were a prisoner on the island this is where your first home would be. Reporter Haunting Images often seen in movies, even today. Hollywood, helping build the mystique about alcatraz. Welcome to alcatraz. Reporter escape from alcatraz was based on the reallife escape of three inmates in 1962. They got through the utility corridor. How do they cut through . We believe they used spoons. They got from the mess hall and they also used a drill they made from a vacuum cleaner motor. Their bodies never found. Questions even today. Was it the perfect escape . Bill baker served time here in his 20s for cashing fraudulent checks. Today hes an author and celebrity on the rock. You think they made it to the mainland . I keened of think they did. Reporter potentially escaping both the prison and its hardened inmates. Everybody who came here with the exception of a few came here for breaking rules. We had already been in the hole maybe a dozen times, broke a lot of rules. We were a bunch of hardheaded convicts before we got here. Reporter baker served time at the rock with another legend of alcatraz, robert stroud, the bird man, kept in solitary. I got to know him very well. He was a sociopath, i would say. Reporter george spent nearly a decade as a gafford at the rock, watching over the bird man. I would put a little table about two or three feet high, and a checker board on top. I put a chair in front of it and robin and i used to play checkers, one or two hours at the most. Im not proud to admit it, but i did do that. Reporter ranger bennie took me to the d block where the bird man spent a lot of time. This is the hole where you were locked in that cell. One of these cells here, up to 19 days. Not a place youd want to be. Reporter as brutal as alcatraz was known to be, some inmates actually requested it. Why . You got your own cell. Whitey bulger reportedly was a fan. He may have come back as a tourist while on the run from the fbi. This photo surfacing of him and his girlfriend, believed to be from the 1990s. There was a rumor in the 90s, he came back for a visit as a tourist. Do you think he would have done Something Like that . Absolutely. Reporter really . Oh, yeah. Reporter if bulger did come back, it was easy to slip in. Thats because since opening in 1973, alcatraz has become one of the most popular National Parks with more than a million visitors each year. Sure, they come to hear about the legends of the rock, but also the incredible history, as well. It was occupied by native american protesters in the 1970s before becoming a National Park. Now, its a bird sanctuary, too. Home to more than 10,000 sea birds. The birdman of alcatraz himself just may have approved. We were really thrilled to get a little behind the scenes here at alcatraz. In fact, so much so, i almost ended up spending the night. They took my mug shot and were prepared to book me. Thats not a good look. By the way, guys, there is a little today show connection to alcatraz. You see the building there, right by the light house . Thats the wardens quarters. Back in the 50s, the warden was interviewed live on the today show by Dave Garraway at that building. Wow. Its kind of a neat little bit of history with the today show and alcatraz. Very, very cool. Al, while youre there, can we ask you to do double duty . How about a check of the weather . Absolutely. I had to be here anyway. Lets show you what we have got going on. Again, were talking about heavy rain, thunderstorms, isolated tornadoes possible, stretching from the plains all the way back into the Mississippi River valley. We do have a risk of severe storms, including an enhanced risk from abilene to fort smith. 23 Million People at risk for strong storms. And weve got a lot of dense fog in the Mississippi River valley, chicago right now, ground stop at ohare. Thats whats going on around we are still looking at some low clouds and fog. Starting out this morning in parts of the bay area. A live look now at the golden gate bridge. We will have some low visibility in spots for a little while longer, but then the skies will quickly clear. Were now in the mid50s all across the bay and looking at 84 degrees in los gatos today as well as gilroy. 73 degrees in redwood city, while we have some upper 60s on the embarcadero. 87 degrees in fairfield, hayward 77 and dublin today a high of 83 degrees. Guys, in the next half hour, we continue our celebration of the National Parks. Leila, my 17yearold, and i did a little camping trip to sequoia, not far from here. Well show you that coming up. Looking forward to that. Thank you very much. Look whos here, Meredith Vieira. Shes spent a lot of time with chimp attack survivor charla nash. Ive seen her several times over the years. I absolutely love her. Shes probably the most inspirational person i ever met. She had numerous surgeries and the Ground Breaking face transplant. Just recently, charla was back in the hospital when her body began to reject that transplant. Im so excited to see you again. Me, too. Reporter to see her progress close up is truly remarkable. I cant tell you sitting across from you how dramatic the difference is. Ive come a long way. Reporter she sure has. If you know charla nash, youd expect nothing less, despite a recent setback. Doctors discovered your body seemed to be rejecting the face transplant. Can you tell us what happened . Well, this one biopsy said a slight rejection. Reporter the rejection came after charlas participation in a military funded study. The purpose was to wean you off medication because of the side effects. Your dad was in the air force. Why was it important for you to be a part of the study . Well, it would help all the servicemen and women. But the study is not a failure. Its a success. Weve learned so much from all my testing. Reporter luckily, charlas face will be fine, relying on the treatment of medication she took before. Its been a long road for charla nash since the attack seven years ago. Hes killing my friend. Who is killing your friend . The chimpanzee. Reporter her nose, mouth, eyelids were ripped off by the 200pound pet chimpanzee. The vicious mauling left charla nash permanently blind. We first met a month after the attacks. Her face was destroyed but not her resilience. I just want to get better. Reporter following countless medical procedures, doctors at bostons brigham and Womens Hospital performed the first ever double hand and face transplant. The hands failed to thrive but her face was a success. Can you touch your face your thumb . Do you ever do that, just to feel it . I can touch it. I am touching my skin. Reporter today the results were profound. Did you believe back then youd ever reach this point . I never thought id do it like this. Reporter fiercely independent, charla lives on her own. I know you have somebody coming in monday through friday to help out and aid. Saturday and sunday youre on your own. Why was that so important in terms of your recovery . Ive always been independent. As far as the help, i have just what i need. Reporter she even gets out and about, using a transport service for the disabled. What does that mean to you, because you could have just decided im going to stay in my house, wait for the aide to come every day. I dont want to go out. You feel like youre almost normal. You feel like youre a person again. Reporter a person who loves a bargain. And charla took me to one of her favorite shopping destinations. They all know her at sabres and love her, too. You want to start at jewelry . Yes. Come on over here. Reporter she cant see, charlas sense of style is as strong as ever. Ill try this one. Reporter so is her generosity. I bought this for you. You bought the star for you. Youre my star today. Reporter charla, youre my star. Thank you. Reporter shes grateful for everything but struggles with expenses. I wish i had more care but im thankful for what i do have. Reporter youre stubborn, independent. Youre strongminded and you have a great sense of humor. Am i right on all of those . Yes. And im ready. I want to ride horses again. Reporter do you think you will . I will. Reporter despite unimaginable challenges, charlas spirit is unbreakable. And she finds joy at every turn. Whats your favorite time of day . Morning, i think. Reporter why is that . I hear the birds singing. I can feel the sun. Another good day. Lets get started. Charla is learning to use a new robotic arm which will help her manage every day tasks. Shes considering to moving back to connecticut where she can be close to her beloved daughter. She just got her masters degree, which sin credible. I know charla is watching. Thank you for my star. I told you id wear it. I did. Ive known you a long time and ive never seen you react to someone the way you reacted to charla. Well, look what happened to her. And the courage shes displayed over these seven years and the determination to just stick with it and every day is a new day for her and i dont know, ive never met somebody like that. Its impressive. She has a great sense of humor when people say to her, you look great. Her normal response is, ive had im. Topvo crews are making progress t a very good morning to you. 8 26. Im laura garciacannon. Crews making progress today on a busy San Francisco street that closed yesterday from a sinkhole. Within the last few minutes, we learned one lane is now open in each direction along Mission Street at new montgomery. Thats where that sinkhole opened up yesterday and damaged a rideshare suv that got snagged. The family inside the car had been on the way to the airport. Luckily, they were removed. No one was injured. City workers think it opened after lines ruptured. Muni lines are also rerouted through the area. Lets look at the morning commute with mike. Good morning, laura. The south bay shows progression through the bay moving better, but dumbarton bridge extra slow right now getting towards the facebook site. Westbound jammed up. There was a slowmoving vehicle trying to clear the bridge. I think it has. Prepare for delays there. And in San Francisco, as you said, one lane in each direction of mission has reopened. Still, avoid the area of new montgomery and second. This will affect much of the market area. B. A. R. T. Will take you underneath a lot of the surface street congestion. And even though there is one lane open in each direction, theyre still rerouted. Back to you, laura. Thank you very much. Another local news update in a half hour. Hope you have a great morning. Dont you just love it we dont wanna go home 8 30 now on this wednesday morning, the 11th of may, 2016. Just doing a little meet and greet here on the plaza. Say hello to the folks standing by. University of arizona sweatshirt. Nice to have you along. Coming up, were going to talk love and friendship with Kate Beckinsale. You love jane sus taustin. Brandnew movie, all about the jane austin experience for you. I think this was a story written early in her career. Shes going to tell us all about it. Not as wellknown as some of the others, like pride and prejudice. Plus, jill martin has new steals and deals, all about accessories. Thatll be ahead. Lets first go out to al in San Francisco for a check of the weather. Guys, thanks so much. Lets look at today. We do have a risk of strong storms stretching from texas into the Mississippi River valley, with an enhanced risk in a closer area. 23 Million People at risk for that. Beautiful weather along the west coast. We expect sunshine, warmer conditions through the southeast, as well. Tomorrow, that sunshine continues through the southeast, gulf coast. We are looking though at storms continuing from texas on and moving east into the ohio river valley, as well. The sunshine continues along the west coast, as well there. Thats whats going on aro were in for some sunshine later on today, but now we still have these low clouds that have yet to clear out. And temperatures now in the low to mid50s. Still a cool start but warming up today up to 82 degrees in the south bay as well as the north bay up to 80 degrees. The east bay 75, and the trivalley 85 degrees. A wide range in temperatures as High Pressure remains in control. Heating up our inland temperatures into the 80s today. But over the next few days well have some fog returning and cooling us down. Thats your latest weather. Get your weather any time you need it. Go to Weather Channel on cable. Weather. Com online. Matt . Al, thank you very much. Kate beckinsale stars in the new movie love and friendshi friendship, based on a short story by jane austin. She plays the lady susan vernon, who earned a scandalous reputation in proper 18th century society. After attracting the attention of a married man. Lady susan vernon. How dare you address me, sir. Lady susan. Be gone, sir. Ill have you whipped. Outray jo outrageo outrageous. Do you know him . Ive met him. Id never speak to a stranger like this. Seems harsh. This was a short story early in jane austins career. Yeah, it wasnt until 40 or 50 years later that her nephew published it. We use the word proper when we think of jane austin, but the director of this movie went out of his way to say, you know what, this is a movie and story that emphasizes the humor of jane austin. Right. I think thats what has been surprising to people. I think we have an expectation of what a jane austin period movie is like. Its been fun, being in screenings and seeing people belly laughing, and laughing all the way through. Its great. Is it also fun to play a character described this way, in various publications . Irresistibly devious. Diabolically selfinterested. Uncharacteristically viperous. She is a nightmare. Id go on vacation with her. You like her . I do like her, yeah. I wouldnt want her to be a member of my family, but it was fun playing her for a couple months. It brings together a team that worked very successfully on the movie, the last days of disco, which was 1998 . Long ago. The director in that. Was it fun to recreate it . Did you get lightning in a bottle again . When we did the first movie, it was precell phones and internet. There was this period of time we would see each other at events, stay in touch. But everybody had so much life and stuff happen to them. It was a very similar vibe. Everybody is a little bit of an odd ball, and it works. Im glad you said that. When you look back at the first movie versus now, how have you changed as an actress and a person . As a person, im levery. Anything but. As an actress, i dont know. You have an overconfidence when youre really young. I think as you get better at what youre doing, it seems weird, you get slightly less pleased with yourself. You know what i mean . We notice our flaws more. You see how much you have to go with anything. You have a daughter, 17, and she wants to be an actress, or is an actress. Yeah. Do you offer advice . Do you say, sweetheart, ill tell you about the ups and the downs and the pitfalls of the business . I had a Good Parenting moment when she asked if she could have a nose ring. I said, no, if youre going to be in a jane austin movie, you dont want hole in your nose. Very good. Love and friendship opens in theaters on friday. Coming up, al and his daughter leila check out the epic landscape at sequoia National Park. First on a wednesday morning, this is today on nbc. Announcer 100 years of National Parks today is sponsored by camping world. Get onestop shopping for everything rv at your nearby camping world rv super center. 8 38. Were all marveling at the fact that Kate Beckinsale has a 17yearold daughter. So beautiful. Unbelievable. Anyway, 27 National Parks in the state of california. Some, like alcatraz and death valley, are on the mustsee list. There are also some lesser known gems, like sequoia National Park. It is considered a wellkept secret. They call it the hidden park. Al was lucky enough to find some good company, too. Hey, al. Thats right. In fact, whats so amazing is just really a three plus hour drive north of here is sequoia National Park. Located in the southern sierra nevada. Its a gem not a lot of people go to, but all need to make the trip. I took my 17yearold daughter leila with me to check it out. It was so aweinspiring, it knocked her socks off. Map at the ready . Yeah. Here we go. Look at that engine purr, bade addy. Lets drive nice and slow. Im stunned that when i asked leila if she wanted to come on the trip, she said yes. Im still surprised im here. Im a city kid, so camping, im not good at that. There is a stop sign, so you should stop. I will. Reporter leila heads to college in a year, so im thankful shes riding shotgun as we attempt our first ever camping trip. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Reporter even if she is a little squeamish. Were about 7,000 feet. Thats so high. Theres no guardrails. Dad, dad, why would you mention that . Its interesting. I dont know. There are animals and trees everywhere. I really dont like birds because im afraid one will poop on my head. One hasnt pooped on your head. Yeah, twice. Thats right. General sherman tree, is that where were going . Yup. This is pretty cool. One of these sequoisequoias fed they put a walkway through it. Reporter this giant forest has the largest concentration of sequoia trees in the world, and the granddaddy of them all, general sherman. His trunk alone weighs 1,400 tons, equal to 25 army tanks. Each year, general sherman grows enough wood around the trunk that would equal a large tree. Its still growing . Its still growing. Reporter yup, still growing at 2,000 years old. We are looking at the largest tree on earth. Wow. Yeah. Reporter struck by their greatness, everyone seems to whisper down below until oh, my gosh, its a bird. A big one. Its a raven. Its not like youre going to be able to avoid them. Were good. Oh, my gosh. You do know were in the forest. Oh, my gosh. Its right there. Its right over your head. Save yourself. Reporter perhaps less intimidating for leila, the park also home to american black bears. Just waking up from their winter naps. Oh, my gosh. Is that it . I see it. I see it. Wow. I can see her face. A giant sequoia, a bear, a thunderstorm and sleet. Quite the camping experience. It is. So youre right wait, say that again. Like, youre correct. Say that again. No. Youre right. Say that again. No, what i meant was like, bear left. Bear right, your right. I dont think i ever have really roughed it before. We camped out once in our backyard. Yeah. We didnt last the night. No. Both doors facing desired direction. What does that mean . This is the top. Do you blow it up . No, it doesnt inflate. Thats not the thats not correct. Yeah. Do you have a hammer . No. Where do these go . They look like numchucks. How is this going so far . Terribly. Wait right there. Okay. Look what i found. Check it out. Wow. Ding, magic. Lets go catch some fish. Thanks. Fishing in the sleet. Plan b is going to be tube steaks and burgers. Who calls hot dogs tube steaks . Have you started a fire . Never, never started a fire, and had no desire to. No, i dont either. Had no reason to. You get your newspaper dont do all of it. I dont think that is correct. You light here. No. Thats not how you do it. That was drilled into us, dont start fires. You see smoky the bear. Hes looking at you, pointing at you. Dont do it. That is a fire. What do you say . Our next vacation, you, me, your brother and your sister and mom, go camping. For now, i shouldnt push it, but its not a no. Ill take that as a maybe. So ive got to tell ya, it is one of the most aweinspiring sights. You cannot even as great as the video was, and our camera guy did a great job, it doesnt do it justice on tv. Guys, you have to see it in person. The most amazing part to me, al, was leila is going to college next year. Oh, my goodness. I know. I know. It really is amazing. Whats also amazing is i was actually able to get out of alcatraz using this. Im now going to complete my escape. Captain aaron, hit it, baby lets blow this joint. All right, guys. Im making my way back to solid land. So long, rock. Roker on the rock, out macgyver, see you later. Well done. Mcguire. Tomorrow is dylan and sheinelles turn. From hiking to lobster fishing, no shortage of adventure in maines acadia National Park. Find out more ways to celebrate the National Park Service Centennial and find your park at today. Com. Ahead, jill martins steals and deals on accessories that can make any outfit. First, this is today on nbc. Were back at 8 47. Weve got an all new steals and deals when it comes to fashion. Sometimes the smallest additions make the biggest statements. Were all about the accessories. Jill martin is here to reveal the big bargains. Morning. Get your engines ready. Get out the steals and deals page. Were doing secret steals and deals. You will be the vanna, spinning. First one, leigh and luca scarf. Eight designs and is super soft. It comes with instructions for different ways to tie it. Cool, as well. Yup. Even a house warming gift over the summer. Fans are naomi watts and madonna. Its 80 off. Very nice. A bag in terms of storing it, too. Next up . Cri de coeur handbag. Tried my best. It has a detachable strap. Wear as handbag or crossbody bad. The deal, 48, 73 off. Theres a lot of organization inside. I look for the pockets. Great colors. Very cute. You are wearing the next deal. I have an s for you. Its cute to do a v and put the birthstone of your child in it. Yeah. You can mix and match the birthstone and initial. 86. Fans include selena gomez, rihanna and j. Lo. The deal is 25. 71 off. You can pick the letter and your stone . Right. Its your birthstone. Yeah. Great. Very pretty, personalized gift. We love to layer the necklaces. What is this . This is for people who cannot find their keys. I need this. And if you really want to make a statement when you go into your home. I think this is a fun gift for someone. Totally. Again, if you keep everything in the kitchen sink in your bag and have problems getting into your purse. Thats me. Jessica elliot keychains, retain, 54. Oversized is one of the talking points, very clear. They have sayings on it. Key to happiness. Key to success. Kate hudson and jessica alba are fans. Im stealing that deal right now. Blow the belt clutch. These are all about hashtags. Are you against hashtag selfies . Im over it. Love. Omg. Happy. This can express your personality. Retail, 120. The deal, 29, 70 off. Leather . Yeah. Great. Lets run through them. The scarf from leigh and luca. Handbag from cri de coeur. Necklaces from nissa. Keychain from jessica el lot and blow the belt for the handbag. If you have questions, head to today. Com. Have an hour a day, a weekend to spare . Kevin oconnors weekend project fits any schedule. First, this is today on nbc. Announcer design your life on today is sponsored by ford. We go further so you can. All right. Were back with more of our special series, design your life, where were exploring diy projects so easy, youll actually try them. Kevin oconnor, host of the emmywinning this old house. Hes here with ideas that will take an hour, a day and a weekend. Good to see you. Good to see you again. Why do i get the feeling the one thats supposed to take an hour will still take me a weekend . We tested this. Youll be able to do it in an hour. First thing, were fixing the annoying, squeeaky floor. If the plywood isnt properly connected to the joist, the separation moves when you step on it and causes a squeak. What is the fix . Skew it back in. You have carpet down. Now weve got this contraction. 20 at the home center. Comes with a screw thatll automatically snap off. Put the screw here. Set this above the joist, which weve identified. Keep screwing. Cant go too far. It stops itself. Thats a problem. You can trip on that. Here, you have a little attachment. You can actually go into the screw, wiggle it back and forth, left and right, and itll snap off. Now thats not good. That should have gone down, matt. You have to put a little muscle with it. Itll go below the sub floor. 20 stops the squeaking. You got it. Thats an hour . Thats an hour. Now, if we have a day . This is a day. So this is a bookcase right here. This is kind of cool. Were using steel pipe as sort of an industrial look. For 100 of wood, you dont have to do fancy joints. You can build this itll take me longer than a day. With these parts here. Take the butcher block, and you need a circular saw and drill. Put the holes in the four corners. Youll actually put this on to the threaded pipe. Itll slide through. Put a couple of those on and screw them on. These couplings wont only join pieces of pipe to raise this up, but its going to hold this shelf in place. Now, you can put the second shelf on that. Itll go right on top. The next repeat the process . You can do this how many shelves . Four, five or six. Not too high. 30 of wood and 30 of pipe. Now, were building a raised garden box. What wood are you using . Not pressure twepressure twr. 2 by 10. We screwed it together. These are small. Starters, you can do it, no problem. You didnt do fancy joints, you went end to end. Screwed them to the ends like this. Perfectly fine. You can control your soil. You can put in great pots soil. Make them as long as you want. I wouldnt make them too wide because you have to weed them. This will hold up year after year with the moisture . This is going to be great outside. It will not last forever, it is wood, but itll last a long time. How much will that cost us as a diy project . About 100, most, for all of the wood and the plants. Specifically, whatever you want. You can put in vegetables, your flowers. How do you attach the trellis . Goes in the back. Great for climbers. We have tomatoes. Any vine you want. Done in a weekend . Great stuff. Kevin, good to see im. Our breaking news. Live and good morning at 8 56 on your wednesday. Im sam brock. Were following breaking news this morning. Two people are injured after Police Say Officers shot and wounded a man who was attacking his mother with an ax in san jose. This is a live look from one of our cameras right now on the scene. And as you can tell from that shot, theres still plenty of Police Activity there. Police say it all started unfolding within the last hour on lansing avenue and jarvis avenue. Thats right near the expressway. Police say officers were responding to a call about a traffic accident, but when they arrived, it turned out to be a much more volatile situation. Police tell us when the suspect refused to drop the ax and turned toward officers, they fired. Were told both the 26yearold suspect and his mother were alive when they were transported from the scene. Were going to bring you updates. But happening now, our crews gathering more information on what happened and the closures that are impacting that neighborhood. Were going to have a live report in our midday news cast at 11 00. We are also posting updates online. You can link to the very latest on our home page. Also in San Francisco, a sinkhole that opened yesterday on Mission Street continuing to cause disruptions this morning. A short time ago we did learn one lane in each direction has reopened. Well see you in 30 minutes. This morning on todays take, Meghan Trainor says no after a photoshop faux pas. We have her rereleased music video. Would you ride this . The doctor is in, or is he . Greys anatomy star jason george. All that and more coming up now. Announcer from nbc news, this is todays take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today. It is a beautiful wednesday morning in new york city. May 11th, 2016. Im willie alongside tamron. As you can see, beautiful in pink today. Thank you. Natalie is off. Al is at alcatraz in San Francisco for crimes he says he didnt commit. Well ask him about that. Hes there as part of our National Park series. Talk to me about the jam. Go ahead. Okay. W wham, everything she wants is my jam of the day. I was reflecting on my life. At a particular point in my life, i was living at home whether it was High School Ready to break thrfree. My dad, you know, very, very, you know, youre going to go to college but right now, we own you. Did you have the wham tshirt with the exclamation point . Yeah. Remember George Michaels hair . Man, he was so hot. Still is. Amazing. I was in the lounge chilling with friends and the song came on, and i love this song. Then he went solo and had the early 90s run, with freedom d. This is when your social life was based on mtv. All the models in videos and stuff. Remember . Freedom, mmhmm. Yeah. When i saw willie for the first time this morning, i said, willie is slowly morphing into leo dicaprio. Far from the truth but look at your hair. Same hair since 86. I knew you when it was lasagna. He has wavy, finger waves in his hair. The suit, the look. Tamron, i wear a suit to work every day. I feel like willie is morphing into leo. What do you want from me . Feels like youre setting me up to ask me for something. I dont want anything. I think we saw leo dicaprio name drop at the global citizens festival. Thats right. Huge summer festival to raise money for awareness and child poverty. Big event. The only person we wanted to see, lets be honest, was leo, and now youre leo. I sit next to leo. Thanks but i still want to know what you want out of me. Were also caught up in the moment of future and travel. We talked about this earlier. Its an airtight tube that would travel 750 Miles Per Hour. This is basically the future of transportation. A few companies are trying to launch the first ever they call it the super fast tube. Is that the official name . Hyperloop. I was going to say, tony stark from iron man would call it something cooler. Planning to unveil and test the first version of this in a nevada desert. They created a tenfoot long sled, they say, will reach 350 Miles Per Hour in two seconds. It would travel from l. A. To san fran in 30 minutes. That would usually take you six to seven hours. Twice as fast as a bullet train. To put it in context, boeing 747, top speed, 600 Miles Per Hour. The concord, remember that, it traveled at more than 1,300 Miles Per Hour. Do you want to go that fast . Yes, i do. I do not. Elon musk was working on this. This is not his though. Oh, its not . Its like it. This is a competitor. The way it was explained to me, this is the same, is you know the bank tubes . They get sucked up in the drive through . Its like that. But its your body. You wont notice. Youre reading the paper at 750 Miles Per Hour. Do you feel it in a plane . Good point. I dont feel it. Youre not in the air. Youre cruising on the track. Oh, man. You could leave new york and have lunch in l. A. You know what im saying . That would be amazing. Leave there in the morning and get there for lunch. We talk about infrastructure, and we live in new york. I grew up in texas. You get a car when youre born because we dont have Mass Transportation of a real kind there. We do need to focus more on this. Not just in the northeast corridor. We take the train a lot to d. C. Take the fast track, its 2 hours and 20 minutes. The high speed travel is almost exclusive to the northeast. Id love to have it in texas. Dallasft. Worth to san antonio in 30 minutes. Even by international standards, the high speed in the northeast is not high speed. The ones in japan, for instance, go twice as fast. This could take us to the next level. Als father used to drive a bus in new york city. Thats my transition to al. He has ties to transportation and all things wonderful when it comes to our National Parks. Youre hanging out. Like that transition . Score it. I did. It was amazing. Really, from a hyperloop to my dad driving a bus. He did, didnt he . He did. He drove the b35 on flatbush avenue. Thank you. It was kind of cool. In fact, right now, i am on the alcatraz flier, which is one of the ferries that shuttles between San Francisco, about a mile and a half that way, and alcatraz prison, which is one of the most popular National Parks in the system. 1. 5 Million People come here every year. Its really cool. I got a tour yesterday. Youve got to come out and see it. Have you been to alcatraz . Not since i broke out. Oh, im sorry i said that out loud. Were on tv. Hey. Yeah, i mean, it really is amazing. Theres so much history here. I actually got a little behind the scenes. They took a mug shot. I kind of got into the feeling of it. What crime did you commit . What did you do . Well, i was passing bad checks. Thats what it was. Actually interviewed a guy who was in prison for passing bad checks. He was how old was bill, kate . 83, he was 83. He was 83. He just went straight five years ago. He finally decided you ran into him on this trip . No, we actually did an interview. We set it up. We did an interview, and we talked to him. He was quite the character. He met and actually talked with the birdman from alcatraz. I mean, he was quite it was quite fascinating. Anyway, we also visited sequoia National Park with my daughter leila. We had a lot of fun. It is beautiful there. Did you discover a new thing about leila at all on this adventure . I know its to embrace the beauty of our National Parks, but it was a great bonding moment for you guys, too, right . Yeah, it was i didnt realize how afraid of birds and getting pooped on she is. Irrationally afraid. It was like a phobia. Yeah, i mean, like and we live in manhattan, where there are pigeons everywhere. Yes. She walks around normally. But wow, freaked me out. I liked, al, when youre putting the tent together and she said, how does this thing inflate . Its a great idea, by the way. I love that. You know, we actually have a tent at our house that you unzip and it kind of pops up. Its like a small, oneperson tent, you know. Right. Its not like this giant structure. It was funny. Fun watching you together. Al, stick right there. We want you to see something very important here. You are now the latest casualty in the Ellen Degeneres v matt lauer prank war. Earlier this week, ellen pranked matt at the met gala. Looks like shes ready to take this to the next level. Check this out. I find this to be a rather disturbing development. We had a well choreographed truce. Oh, wow. This blows it. The only thing that could have been worse is if shed done me. Im sorry, matt, and youre right. I should not have done that. But i dont think that was the full clip. Did we show the full clip . Theres more. Lets see the rest. If youre tweeting me now saying, why would you do that . I did not do that. Guys, i have a long flight home to think about something, but ill take any and all suggestions. Oh, my gosh. Well see you in a couple minutes. Wow. Wow. Tear away pants, al. Ellen has too much time on her hands. She she really needs to get a hobby. Al, do you feel a draft . Tell them about the shri shrinkage, gary. We have a wide shot on you, al. We pixelated you from the wide down. Want to see me step out of the pixelization . No its following you, like a video game. Phew. Al, in pixelation, can you do the weather that way . I can. For today, we have an enhanced risk of strong storms from abilene on into the mid plains. Were watching for the possibility of isolated thunderstorms. More likely, damaging winds and hail. Were also looking at a gorgeous day along the east coast. Temperatures will be nice and moderate. Were looking at beautiful weather out west. As we move into tomorrow, were going to see that Stormy Weather move east. Cooler weather starts to invade from the Northern Plains into the upper midwest. That is all heading to the east. Thats whats going we are still waiting on sunshine across the bay area. We are starting to see them in the north bay. Behind the clouds, we have a steady cloud cover for most of the bay area. Temperatures in the 50s and the upper 60s in San Francisco. 80 degrees in the north bay. A lot more sunshine there in the east bay. A high of 75 degrees while we see mid 80s in the trivalley. High pressure stays in control, but it cools in time for the weekend. That is your latest weather. Guys . Al, thank you very much. Talk to you again in a minute. Before break, its eat what you want day. In america, you can have anything you want. I said chocolate cake is the one thing i cant live without. Good choice. Our producer christine is killing tamron right now. We didnt have enough time to do it, so youll stand and eat her cake. I am. Wheres my pizza, by the way . Thats just maybe b. J. Will bring something. B. J. Was a temp on the office but is running jane loves to treat herself. So she loves new light fit crunch. Greek nonfat yogurt with delicious toppings like chocolate and almonds. Now thats a treat light fit crunch. Feel free to enjoy. Have you tried the tissue test . Question, are my teeth yellow . Ugh, yellow. What do you use . Crest whitestrips crest 3d whitestrips whiten. 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. Oh yeah. Crest whitestrips are the way to whiten ii cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. Ter. I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter im lika small boxer. Ring. You dont expect much. And then, wham i hit em with huge creamy goodness alright round two bring it, girlfriend rich, creamy, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. Millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you hey there, hi. Why do people have eyebrows . Why do people put milk on cereal . Oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . Why is it all mimics a stomach grumble no more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Yeah, happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. I got your back. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. It wasnt enough for b. J. Novak to be an emmynominated producer, bestselling author, standup comic, beloved actor in shows like the office, where he played the, hell always be a temp to me, ryan howard, and in movies like saving mr. Banks. He decided to become an app developer, as well. B. J. Created the new app, list, which allows users to discover lists about anything that comes to mind. B. J. Is with us now, and we started our list, the best things to have for breakfast. Thats exactly what its all about. People have these lists in their head all the time. We were talking during the break of what your favorite pancakes were, favorite breakfast. These are the things that, i think, people have in their heads all day or friends want to see what their favorite restaurant is, books, or their thoughts on the subway. Theyre overheard at family thanksgiving dinner. This is a place where people can share more thoughtful, funny, authentic, off the top of your head stuff. How did you come up with the idea for the list . Were you at a party . Im one of these guys. I have lists in my head all the time, and i love to write things down. I have a pocket notebook where i keep them. Whenever anyone asked, whats your favorite this or that, i blanked, and wished i had kept it somewhere. I had an idea for a simple social media app where people could share and keep all these things. Its taken off not just for that, but creativity. Theres 250,000 lists already in the first six months. Theyre everything from, you know, memories of my childhood to the author of wild, who made a list called, objects found many my mothers car at the time of death. Very moving. People go in different directions. Favorite breakfast foods, and before you know it, you realize how many lists are in your mind all day long. I got on last night. Super easy sign up. What do they find when they get in . Make a list or read a list first . We have a list of recommended people to follow. A lot of celebrities that are sharing more personal sides of themselves, publications, then people we just discovered who are doing these interesting, funny things. I think most people sign up, click around to see who to follow and read the lists that come in. Its an easy form to read. Often, when we see a news article online, we want to see the bullet points. This is a way to do that with peoples personal feelings. Just see the bullet points. Who is the number one choice on your list right now for us to look up on list . I recommend myself. I got you. I follow. Interesting people. There is a friend of mine, zoe did one, how to break a mans heart. It was a selfdeprecating idea about relationships shes had. Mindy kaling, im partial to, but she does funny lists. We have a range of people doing sort of thoughtful advice, all kinds of things. On the fun stuff, it opens debates. The breakfast thing, would you go pancake . The fluffy or crispy . We have an open list. If you want friends or people to contribute to a list, you can open it up. If you like the suggestion, you can put it on the list. Actor and app entrepreneur, b. J. Novak, thank you so much. List is available for download on iphone and android. Thanks, b. J. After pulling her video for a photoshop fail, Meghan Trainor, shes on our list, is rereleasing that video. Well show it to they think that its sad. I think its important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. That these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. That theyre not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter. That is what i do this for. Cno artificial flavors. Philadelphia® garden vegetable. Rich, creamy. And delicious nothing else tastes like philadelphia®. Choose the one new revlon ultimateallinone. Our revolutionary mascara delivers 5 lashtransforming benefits. Volume, length, definition, lift, and intense color. Choose love from the new collection of revlon mascaras. There are a lot of ways to pack your breakfast with protein. But the most delicious way is to just add milk. New Nature Valley cereals. At least 10 grams of protein with milk, and a touch of sweetness for three new ways to power you through your day. Its time to get seriously silly, people. Join red nose day to do some serious good to help fight kids poverty. Its simple just get your red nose, only at walgreens, and get your silly on, seriously. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Curincan take days. Ction relieving the itch. Can happen instantly. Vagisil max strength antiitch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. So why wait to feel comfortable . Trust vagisil. The number one wipe for itch. This yeardespicable,y amazing, wizarding second of your vacation count by staying where the adventure never ends. Come with me now. Two theme parks. Spectacular resort hotels. More epic than ever. Dont just vacation. Whoa go with me now vacation like you mean it. Universal orlando resort. Go big with onsite hotel rates starting at just 120 per night. Ifor all the wrong reasons. Gical you may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. Normally, we take a sip of coffee. But it is eat anything you want day. Chan Grilled Cheese, ive already started on. After pulling her own music video from the internet over unapproved photoshopping, Meghan Trainors me too is back online without digital alterati alteration. The lines like i cant he, i but loving myself. She wrote, missed that bass. Thank you, everyone, for the support. Her second album drops this friday. Take a bite of Grilled Cheese in between stories. We have bad news for the bleebe beliebers. New instagram post, justin will no longer take photos with fans because, in his words, its gotten to the point that people wont recognize me as a human or say hi. I feel like a zoo animal. The singer wrote, just because someone had bought his album does not mean he owes them a picture. The news comes on the heels of justin cancelling meet and greets with fans at concerts. A better line maybe for justin is, listen, approach me in a nice way and well get a picture. Dont cut everyone off, justin. Fans love you. But they should respect you. Rob kardashian wants respect from his family. He has a lot of it from his fiance, black chi chyna. They are expecting a baby. It was a Birthday Party for the bride to be, who turns 28 today, as well as the launch of an event because she now has her own emoji. We all should. Her baby bump was barely visible under the black jumpsuit. They released the line of emojis to break they were having a baby. I begged for that story to be in pop fix because im obsessed with blac chyna and rob. Dont judge me. Still ahead, try to get g y greys anatomy star Jason George Greys anatomy star jason george to spill the beans on the fortifying the greys anatomy star jason george to spill the beans on the gravitydefying. Friendconnecting. Dayseizing. Strong. You. New special k nourish. Multigrain flakes with quinoa, apples, almonds and raspberries. New special k nourish. Fortify. You need to eat this special. I love it start your day with crunchy wholegrain flakes. And real strawberries. Special k. Eat special. Feel special. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Our breaking news. Map a chaotic confrontation in san good morning. Its 9 26. A chaotic confrontation that ended with Police Shooting a man who was armed with an ax. This was unfolding at lansing avenue where it meets jarvis avenue. Today in the bay, live at the scene. How volatile was the situation . Probably it was very volatile. A lot of Police Officers and investigators still here. The unit has just arrived about five minutes ago. Investigators are here as they do in every officerinvolved shooting. What we know so far, they got a call about a man with an ax a being taing another person. The victim was down and that the suspect had the ax in his hand and they fired the guns to make sure no one else was injured or killed in the situation. We later learned that the victim in this case is the suspects own mother. With everything that happened in the last couple of weeks killing their two parents in the evergreen area of san jose, its difficult to explain the family on family violence. The ax used in this attack is still on scene. Im damian trujillo. Also we will have a look at weather and traffic after the break. Traffic good wednesday morning. Temperatures are in the mid to upper 50s and will continue to warm up as we get clearing skies. Beautiful weather at at t park as temperatures rise into the 60s. By the fifth inning and the end of the game, lots of sun and warmer temperatures into the mid 80s. Upper 60s for San Francisco. A wide range in temperatures, heating up today as well as tomorrow. Lets go to mike for a look at the commute. Southbound 101 still slows and this is the on ramp and the offramp. The map will show you we see a little bit of red off the dumbarton bridge. Silicon valley and the 14 and the 14 are now moving through the one lane. We have more for you in a half hour. Taking a look at the headlines. Lawmakers are suggesting a way to reduce those long lines at Airport Security checkpoints this summer. Two senators want airlines to drop their fees on checked bagga baggage. They say it resulted on more carryon bags, slowing the time for passengers to get through security. While they admit it wont eliminate the lines, they say itd be a start. The airlines say, whats really needed is more staffing for the tsa. Many American Adults are not aware of the common symptoms of asthma. New survey found that people generally do know about wheezing and shortness of breath, but many dont know that sleep trouble, chest pain and persistent cough can be asthma warning signs. Doctors say surveys show adults with asthma may not know they have it and may not get the help they need. Payless is pulling lightup children shoes from the shelves. It follows a report that a texas toddlers shoes ignited and burned the familys suv seat. The parents blamed the lithium battery inside the shoes. More and more americans are ditching their land lines and relying solely on their mobile phones. Could want me count me in on that. Half of American Homes had wireless homes only during 2015. Its an increase of 3 from 2014. Only 7 of u. S. Households were living with land lines only. The odds of finding life beyond earth may be better than ever. Nasa revealed tuesday the kepler space telescope found more than 1,200 new planets outside our solar system. That doubles the previous number. Nasa released an artists depiction of the planets. Some are right for liquid water and, potentially, potentially life. Lets send it to al roker in San Francisco. One of the most beautiful cities in this country. Lets get a check of the weather. Guys, thanks so much. Lets show you what we have going on. Beautiful in the east. Severe weather from texas making its way to the mid Mississippi River valley. 23 Million People at risk for strong storms. Cant rule out an isolated tornado or two. Plenty of sunshine out west. As we move into tomorrow, we have more wet weather making its way east from where it was today. Were also going to see cooler weather coming in out of the plains, making its way into the upper midwest. That makes its way to the northeast and Midatlantic States by the weekend. Thats whats going on around the countr still seeing the clouds on the bay, but starting to get a little bit of clearance in the north bay. 50 degrees and still very cool. We will continue to see the temperatures warming up when the sun breaks out. Up to 80 degrees in the north bay. 75 degrees in the east bay and up to 85 degrees in the trivalley. Also 80s for the south bay. 78 today. Over the next couple of days, warm weather and cooling down just in time for the weekend. Im heading home. Thanks to our friends on the alcatraz rock. Were heading back, and see you tomorrow. Travel safely. A lot of fun there. Imagine going to work every day with your spouse. Now imagine she is your boss, and then she suspends you. Makes for awkward dinner conversation at home. Thats exactly what happened to dr. Ben warren, having a rough go at the moment on the hit show greys anatomy. Ben is played by the talented jason george. In tomorrow nights episode, the marital friction is on display, when theyre invited to a party. How about you . Ill be there. Im not sure about dr. Warrens schedule though. Okay. Warren . Im in. Im in. What can i bring . I wouldnt say no to the a artichoke dip you brought. Thats her secret recipe. Okay. Oh. Awkward. Jason, big season finale. I got goosebumps. Spill beans. What happened . I cant give you i mean, i have a force field. Shonda will get you. I know. Its real. Whenever we have somebody on from a shonda show, they get serious real fast. You have a glimpse on stand scandal. People can kill anybody. Thats reallife shonda land security team. Before you do press, do they sit you do and say, listen, as tempting and charming as willie geist is, do not say a word . Its not a sit down. We know you cant give it all away. They give us points. With this, i will say this, the finale is packed with, you know, all your favorite characters having serious stuff going on. The fun thing for me is the table read is the opportunity for us in the cast to enjoy the show the way the fans do at home. We hear the story for the first time and enjoy it. At the table read for the finale, we were done. The whole day of work, were shooting the scenes but in between were like, did you read this . This is crazy. Thats whats coming. Theres a bunch of you can give us a little status report though on ben and bailey. We saw it in the clip there. Shes your boss. She suspends you. Boss boss. Right. Even worse, shes the big dog. Its not good. Ben had i think ben did what he had to do, trying to save a pregnant woman and her child. Unfortunately, he did it out in the hallway and everybody died. It was a bad outcome. He got suspended for six months. Shes lost faith in him as a surgeon, and hes lost faith in her as a wife because she didnt back him up. You dont come back from that easily. Or get together and make artichoke dip. Because im in. Im in. Im going to the party. But you have nothing to bring. Yeah. Tell us a little bit about mask. Its the multiracial organization of the southern california. Dedicating to people figuring out their cultural identity so they can communicate it to the world. You can have a conversation with somebody that is not like you. The point is about creating better communication between people. Im actually doing a raffle. You can enter a raffle to win a chance to come to los angeles and hang out on an incredible thursday. Jason georges incredible thursday, jgit. Hang out with you on a thursday . Yeah. You might have to hang out with me at work. That may happen. Thats cool. Then well end up with a live tweeting party with me and a bunch of the folks from the show. You can live tweet with us an episode. Hopefully the premiere, but its based on who wins. Its raising money for the charity and increasing communication. Melting pot project. Org is because were doing a documentary to talk about how we can better communicate as a culture. If you win the auction, hell tell you all shondas secrets, too. Everything. You can see them firsthand. Jason, thank you. Greys anatomy airs thursday nights. Up next, the financial wiz kid who impressed warren buffet shares her investing secrets for kids. Like any good investor, she may give us a few golf tips. I didnt know that was a requirement. Golfer, too . Look at her y do people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . No more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. Get your own liquid gold. Go on, git theres gold in them thar shells. Liquid gold. 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Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you there are a lot of ways to pack your breakfast with protein. But the most delicious way is to just add milk. New Nature Valley cereals. At least 10 grams of protein with milk, and a touch of sweetness for three new ways to power you through your day. Its realizing beauty doesnt stop at my chin. Roc®s formula adapts to delicate skin areas. My fine lines here . Visibly reduced in 4 weeks. Chest, neck face cream from roc®. Methods, not miracles. ™ theres nothing like trying something new. Especially when it comes to snacking. With the laughing cows nine flavorful varieties of creamy cheese, theres no end to what you can discover. And once you get a taste for the new, chances are you wont stop there. The laughing cow. Reinvent snacking. Its never too early to start investing. For one 13yearold from connecticut, it became an obsession. She got the attention of one of the greatest investors of all time, warren buffet. Well meet this financial wiz in a moment. First, more of her story. Reporter 13yearold Meghna Mazumdar is not your typical teenager. Shes not only a champion golfer, starting at the age of 6 and winning two back to back junior championships, shes also an accomplished investor. At 11 years old, mageghna enrold in an extracurricular stock market class. She wrote to her idol, warren buffet. The business mogul responded, writing her a handwritten note, inviting her to his annual Shareholders Meeting in omaha, nebraska. Meghnas success didnt stop there. The following year, she participated in the wells fargo succeeding together essay contest. A competition promoting the positive effects of working together. In her essay, meghna wrote about her personal board of directors, or goto team, and how they have impacted her own achievements. Meghna received the grand prize. Earlier this month, got the chance to play in the proam as a wells fargo Golf Championship alongside another one of her idols. Rory mcilroy. Meghna mazumdar is here to share some investing secrets. We are honored the meet the combination apparently of warren buff let aet and tiger woods, i human being. Incredible. Investing tips. The first, you say to learn the language. You watch cnbc a lot. Definitely one of my favorite channels, especially to learn the language. Just because there are so many great shows there. Like i love watching jim cramer on mad money. Also becky on squawk box. First of all, jim cramer, he makes investing seem less intimidating and more fun. Kind of the crazy way he acts. Becky has the great relationship with warren buffet, and id like to think i do, too. You do, certainly. We saw the letter. Yeah, so those are just reasons i like watching them. My parents read wall street journal and forbes, and i leaf through that, too. You say look around the house and find things you enjoy to invest in, which is interesting. Yeah. I believe in investing in what you believe is. Me so me personally i like the stock facebook because it owns instagram which is one of the only social medias i have. So thats why facebook is so great because its not only an American Company but has like world wide sales. I use nike driver and i wear nike golf shoes. And then mcdonalds. Its great fast food. You say its never too early to start saving. So like if you get an allowance of like 10 then you can start like saving five of those dollars and then i also believe in donating. That comes from the Warren Buffett philosophy. And so i have decided that every year on the day i start investing that i wanted to donate to a charity of my choice. So like last year i donated to first yurth connecticut who got me started with golf and stooshow how much i appreciated them. Do you mind giving us a putting tip . Im going to watch this. What is your secret . You are a lefty. Is there a safe side . Just put that home. 18th hole at the masters. Along the way i told them like be honest with me. Lets try one more time. She is going to drain the putt. Very nice. Bravo, young lady. Thanks for being with us. Coming up next, the stars of the Ground Breaking mini series roots reuniting here after three decades. Right after this. [female narrator] you listen when your body says im tired. Or, im hungry. What if your body said Something Else might be wrong . Gynecologic cancers cervical, ovarian and uterine cancers have symptoms. So pay attention. If your body says something may be wrong. Please listen if it goes on for two weeks, see a doctor, it may be nothing but find out. Learn the symptoms. Get the inside knowledge about gynecologic cancers. We invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. 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[ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, the perfect brow new brow drama pomade crayon from Maybelline New York. Our 1st creamy, pigmented wax crayon sculpts and tames as it colors, in one easy swipe. Maybellines new brow drama pomade make it happen Maybelline New York ohomestyle sounds good. Country style, not without its charms. Brown sugar hickory. Who says no to hickory . Singleserve vegetarian . Sure there are no rules here. Bushs beans. Whats your favorite flavor . Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive three quarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. An unprecedented number of viewers tuned in in 1977 to witness roots based on the novel by alex haley. The series follows west african teen who loses freedom after he is brutally captured and brought to the united states. Warner brothers is releasing roots. Joining us now jane amos. Ben varine and sandy duncan played ms. Ann reynolds. Good morning to you all. Breath taking honor to have you sitting in one place with us. I was looking up numbers. 130 to 140 Million People watched roots that week in 1977. At the time there were 221 Million People in the united states. How do you explain those staggering numbers . What was the draw . A blessed epiphany. It is when something happens which you have no idea. You had no idea. I remember vividly i was 7 years old. It was the first conversation that my mother and my father had with me about slavery. I remember just my mothers reaction of crying and not understanding because im a kid. And then later really knowing that this is my life and my history. You heard from people your whole life reacting to what we saw then. It was a magical moment in television. Material it never been covered that extensively before and then coming out of the best seller made it a winner before it even got on the starting blocks. We start to see the early signs of emancipation. Why do you think that character was so critical to the story . Because he was the one that brought the new. And all praise to alex haley for his vision and allowing us to interpret his familys expression. I had the good fortune of visiting the family recently. My want is that we remember that island for the elder. Millions of black people. Thats to me where he was. And that is true to me. So my opportunity to lead the family after going to london was an honor. And you were a minority on this set and your journey was so unique. I read about you crying while filming this role. It was a character very different from you but this was your journey. My grand mother said she didnt even like me. I was definitely the bad girl. You were. Is it true you couldnt bring yourself to watch it . I havent yet. Will you watch it on the rerelease . Are you ready . I dont know. I know that the conversation has been said to me earlier has got to go on and be kept alive which for someone 7 years old not to be aware is criminal in this world. You changed lives together and it is an honor to be in your presence. Thank you so much. This is today on an amaz trt 28 trx at ck we are seeing clouds that will clear up and we are up to 75 today and 78 in the peninsula. Low 80s and mid 80s today. It will be warming up for the valleys. San francisco will see a lot more sunshine and up to 68 degrees. Over the next couple of days, get ready for warmer air and cooling down in time for the weekend as onshore flow returns. Lets go over to mike with an update. Heres a live look at dublin. Unusually slow. Let me show you the map because of a disabled vehicle and a fender bender. Southbound 680 at the interchange. All the way back. Thats the biggest slow down and a late crash and right in that area as well. Happening now, we are staying on top of breaking news in san jose. Officers shot and injured a man who was attacks his mother with an ax. Both people were alive when they were taken to the hospital. Damian is on scene and will have a live report. We have updates on switer as well. A sinkhole that opened yesterday in the Mission District continues to cause disruptions. One lane in each direction did open. We have the latest on nbcbayarea. Com. More news in a half hour. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hey, everybody, welcome to wineay wednesday. Love that day. Hodas favorite day, may 11, and that is wild heart by the vamp. We have a great show today. One of them is standing in the kitchen. I love this show. We talk about it all the time. From veep, anna klum ski is here to talk about the new season. She looks bored. No, i was reading along thats the first rule of television, you dont read

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