Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150507 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150507

and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> morning, everyone, welcome to. >> it fascinated a lot of people because it deals with legal issues, medical ethics and that's a potent mix. >> this is the first time he's speaking out in a live interview. >> let's start with the nation's midsection really dealing with a lot of tough weather. we're starting to see a lot of the videos now coming into us of those damaging tornadoes. >> yeah, take a look at some of the damage we're seeing. cars overturned, roofs ripped off homes, and there is major flooding from these storms. let's turn to al with what we can expect. >> oklahoma city got 7.1 inches, more than double their record last night, and it's not done yet. this is going to be a multiday event going right on into the weekend. let's show you what we've got going on right now. again, tornadoes, up to 50 tornado reports from nebraska, kansas, on into oklahoma. and we saw these tornadoes moving across at a very alarming rate. at some point these tornadoes had multiple vortices within them. multiple funnels of suction causing major damage. thankfully nobody killed but 12 injured, 2 of them critically in an rv park somewhere right outside of oklahoma city. we continue to track this. the damage major. and in fact, oklahoma city's airport, the will rogers airport, was shut down. people had to be actually evacuated. jay gray was able to get there because he was able to drive in. and jay, it looks like what you see behind you is some major devastation. >> reporter: good morning, al. i want to give you a firsthand look at some of that devastation. take a look behind me. believe it or not, there were people inside when the storm hit. miraculously, they all survived here. it was the winds that caused the problems here. other places, it was the water. in some cases, more than seven inches. overnight, dangerous storms unleashed a string of tornadoes in and around oklahoma city. sirens warning hundreds of thousands to take cover as the violent system delivered tennis ball-sized hail and tornadoes. several touching down throughout the night. >> that thing just started spinning. >> reporter: kfor reporter mark dillard found himself in the middle of one. >> i've got trees coming down on me and power flashes. i've got to back out of here. i've got trees coming down on me. back it out, mike. back it out. >> reporter: some of the twisters believed to be f-3s with winds in excess of 158 miles an hour ravaged homes, blew off roofs and knocked down walls. southeast of oklahoma city what was once a storage facility is now gone. and for the first time ever, a flash flood emergency was declared for oklahoma city as torrential rains caused widespread catastrophic flooding. homes and businesses swallowed by the water. motorists left stranded. then amid the night's chaos, there was this. residents in tuttle, oklahoma, told to stay inside after the tiger safari exhibit was hit by one of the twisters. >> there are wild animals on the loose right now. >> that's all we needed, wasn't it, flooding, tornadoes and now wild exotic animals on the loose. >> reporter: now, all of the animals were recovered quickly. the cleanup, the recovery here is going to take a bit longer. al? >> yeah, jay. and in fact, we spoke with the police chief in oklahoma city. there are more water rescues going on right now. jay gray in oklahoma city, thank you so much. and this is going to be an ongoing event. right now this is looking at the live radar. you can see heavy thunderstorms south of oklahoma along i-35. and we've got this dry line. that's where that dry air gets sucked into this and makes it even more potent. so for today, we've got the risk of strong storms stretching from wichita, pueblo, colorado, down to dallas. it goes into tonight. kansas city, wichita, oklahoma city, austin. 9 million people at risk. wind gusts of 60 miles per hour. isolated tornadoes. friday, we've got an enhanced risk from central oklahoma, oklahoma city again included, down to del rio, texas. and this is very unusual. looking ahead to saturday, there is already a strong risk -- a strong risk -- we're looking at a major outbreak of tornadoes on saturday. 20 million people at risk. wind gusts of over 70 miles per hour. strong tornadoes. oklahoma city, again, right in the midst of this, guys. and it lasts right on into sunday. this is going to be a multiday event that could cause major, major problems. not only just with damage from tornadoes but with the rains, we could see massive flooding as well. so this is going to be a very dangerous event to track. >> we'll spend a lot of time with you this morning. al, thanks very much. meanwhile, deflategate is trending in a big way. a much-anticipated report finding it's more probable than not that new england patriots staffers took air out of footballs in the afc championship game and that tom brady knew something about the practice. nbc national correspondent peter alexander's been on this story since the start. peter, good morning. >> yeah, three months later we're still talking about this. no word yet from tom brady but his dad came to his defense speaking to "usa today," dismissing this investigation as framegate, not deflategate. so here's your lengthy wells report. 243 pages in all. compare that to the ray rice domestic violence report, just 96 pages. it felt like a thud in new england. the fallout and reaction landing squarely on the shoulders of new england's number 12. >> now he's going to be looked at as a quarterback who's cheated, which has helped him achieve his glory. >> reporter: tom brady is in the nfl's crosshairs. the league must decide whether to fine or suspend the reigning super bowl mvp. brady defended his record to me when deflategate first broke before the super bowl. >> i feel like i've always played within the rules. i would never do anything to break the rules. i believe in fair play and i respect the league. >> reporter: but the independent report concludes it was more probable than not that brady was at least generally aware that team personnel were deflating footballs before a critical playoff game. the wells report singles out two longtime members of the patriots' locker room staff and some of the most telling evidence is a trail of text messages between those two locker room attendants. one of them calling himself "the deflator." over the course of months, there were complaints about a demanding brady. tom is acting crazy about balls, ready to vomit! and heavy implications footballs were deflated in exchange for bribes. "i have a big needle for you this week." "better be surrounded by cash and new kicks." >> i think this hurts his image in the short term, but in the long term, i think people are going to still think of tom brady as tom brady the mvp of super bowls and america's quarterback. so while it seems like a big deal now, it's still -- we're talking about football. and deflating footballs. >> reporter: missing from the report, complete texts from brady's phone. according to the report, he refused to turn over call, text or e-mail records to investigators. while brady was a no-show at the white house back in april when even the president joked about deflategate -- >> i usually tell a bunch of jokes at these events, but with the patriots in town, i was worried that 11 out of 12 of them would fall flat. >> reporter: this week brady's been his usual high-profile self, trackside at the kentucky derby and ringside at the mayweather/pacquiao fight on the same day. he's been silenced so far on the report, but brady did also say this about deflategate back in january. >> this isn't isis. this isn't, you know, no one's dying. >> reporter: the rest of the patriots including coach bill belichick and owner robert kraft all cleared in this report. when the story first broke, kraft demanded an apology from the league if the investigation turned up no proof his team did anything wrong. on wednesday he reiterated his disappointment in how the investigation was conducted but said the patriots will accept the report's findings and take the appropriate actions going forward. >> all right. thank you, peter. meantime, we've got peter king here. he covers the nfl for "football night in america" and "sported illustrated." he's as plugged into this league as anybody. good morning to you. everyone's faulting the report for saying more likely than not, using wishy-washy legal terms. does the nfl have the evidence or not? >> it's a good question. i think they used 23 quivocating terms in a 129-page document. i think one of the things the nfl has to look at is how positive are they? because they are messing with the reputation of one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. and they have to be absolutely sure, when they penalize him, when they sanction him, that they have the goods on him. >> well, that's why they're in such a tricky position here because they commissioned this report. this is the standard of proof for the league to say if there's a violation, is it more probable than not, they found that it is. >> right. >> now the request he is how do you discipline him? >> right. i think if roger goodell and his assistant, troy vincent, executive vice president of the nfl, find incontrovertible proof in their eyes that brady had something to do with it, that they will sanction him harshly. that is going to be the big question because i don't think we know yet what roger goodell thinks, and he's the man holding the cards right now. >> that suggests you think there's more investigation to be done. i mean, isn't this report supposed to be the final word on it? >> it is supposed to be the final word, but, you know, the last time this happened when the new orleans saints had a report done on them, sean payton, the coach of the saints, went into roger goodell's office and basically kind of threw himself on the mercy of the court. it didn't work, but again, that's why i'm not positive that it's over right now. >> when you look at this generally, when you look at the pats' super bowl victory they went on to win after all of this, do you think it has a different meaning for a lot of fans? >> for a lot of fans it will because the patriots are like the yankees, the old cowboys, the team that america loves to hate. and i think that is one of the things that people take great delight in the kingpin getting toppled. and that's why i think people take great delight this morning in looking at tom brady and saying that hey, look. he should get what's coming to him. >> needless to say, it's being viewed a little differently in boston. peter king, good to have you. >> thanks. >> so what do you think? we're posing that question on should the patriots keep their 2015 super bowl title? head to our website to weigh in. we'll have results a little later. how about this exchange between the two guys at the center, jim mcnally and john jastrem jastremski. "talked to him last night. he actually brought you up last night. you must have a lot of stress trying to get them done." >> brady says he doesn't even know who these guys were. >> but there were text messages. a connection between one of the gunmen who opened fire at that controversial event in texas and isis sympathizers is becoming clear this morning. our pete williams has been talking to investigators. pete, what's the latest on this? >> matt, good morning. a congressional committee today hears from experts on this alarming rise in direct terrorist recruiting through social media, just the kind of thing the fbi says was behind the plot to attack the gathering in texas dealing with the prophet muhammad. >> reporter: in the wake of the plot by two phoenix men to shoot up the texas meeting, isis sympathizers and recruiters have suggested more is coming. "you ain't seen nothing yet" tweets a british isis convert. "i smell something big coming soon." as investigators look for exactly what prompted the two gunmen, elton simpson and nadir sufi, they say simpson was deeply immersed in jihadi twitter accounts including some that called before attacking the event. two weeks before, it carried the "risk of being targeted." federal officials say more than 5,000 people are following the kind of radical twitter accounts that elton simpson did. but how to tell which followers are truly dangerous? >> this is a very difficult task for law enforcement. there are a lot of people who say a lot of things on twitter, and most of them don't carry out terrorist strikes. >> reporter: people who knew the other gunman, nadir sufi, say he showed no signs of violence, helping out at a nonprofit for the homeless. >> he was very gentle with the clients that he worked with. he helped them with their computer systems. he was just a really nice person. >> the fbi says this latest plot dramatically shows how powerfully isis and other terror groups have exploited social media, taking calls for violence directly to people already receptive to the message. matt, savannah? >> pete williams, thank you very much. turn to natalie covering a big medical story this morning. >> that's right. and good news perhaps for parents. a surprising new study with big implications. thousands of premature births have found that some babies born at 22 weeks with proper medical treatment are able to survive with few health problems. currently most medical experts consider 24 weeks as the age of viability, but now leading medical groups are considering reducing that. and this study in "the new england journal of medicine" may help them decide. and it could affect the abortion debate. we'll have more on this with dr. natalie azar coming up later on in the program. new attorney general loretta lynch heads to capitol hill today to ask congress for $28 billion next year. and that includes a 40% increase in her immigration budget to deal with the massive backlog of cases. lynch also wants more money for prisons, grants for things like police body cameras, and funding for civil rights investigations. former u.s. house speaker jim wright has died. the texas democrat served in congress for 34 years, rising to the speakership back in 1987. however, he stepped down as house speaker in 1989 amid charges he violated house ethics rules. jim wright was 92. defense attorneys for boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev plan to call notable anti-death penalty advocate to testify today in the penalty phase of his trial. the roman catholic nun portrayed in the 1995 film "dead man walking" is one of two remaining witnesses tsarnaev's defense attorneys intend to call. federal prosecutors have indicated they will file a motion to restrict or prevent her from testifying. we have some dramatic new video this morning of a frightening close call between an airplane and a boat. this happened in argentina. take a look. there was an air show going on at the same time a fishing tournament was happening. and three men cruising down the lake here when take a look, a small plane -- you saw that buzz right past them, cruising along. the men can be heard laughing. one of them later admitted, though, they were scared. i would be, too. >> you call it a small plane. it looked big to me. >> it looked pretty big when it comes that close to you. and broadcasting legend bob euc eucker and his colleagues became trapped in the radio booth in milwaukee. turns out the door handle broke. it wouldn't open from the other side either. an employee climbed up on a ladder, removed the hinges and finally they got it open again and bob uecker could go on home. >> must be in the front row. >> that's right. i think he said it was just a little bit inside. >> all right. matt, thank you. mr. roker, busy morning for you. >> i've got to tell you, he is still one of the greatest. he really is. warm air. look at these temperatures. 10 to 20 degrees above average from the northeast all the way into the midwest. behind the front, though, we're looking at cooler than average temperatures. 10 to 15 degrees below average. as you get into the western plains and the pacific northwest. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. plains and in the pacific west. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. 7:17. i'm meteorologist christina loren tracking light shower activity. with now most of the bay area is dry. you might have to use our windshield wipers five minutes at a time. but look at this. lake tahoe this morning getting snow down to the lake level. we could accumulate over a foot of snow above 7,000 feet. very unusual pattern. temps in the 50s ppz on our way to the 70s. 78 degrees in the north bay. 71 degrees in the south bay. degrees. zbrrnls. and that's your latest weather. carson has the internet waiting. >> tom brady and the fallout over deflate gate are dominating a conversation on my space. if you go to, we have a couple questions up there for you, we ask you in light of the report should the patriots keep their 2015 super bowl title? in a sland slide so far, we have 73% saying no 27 saying yes. we also asked you this other question obviously, guys, people overwhelmingly think the nfl should take a stance. it's a little bit of new england patriots hate in there. >> no question i think peter said it's a little like the yankees, a lot of people weighing in programs more emotionally than logically. >> thank you. all right, coming up a "today" live exclusive. sophia vergara's ex-fiance, nick loeb opens up about their embryo battle. first, this is "today" on nbc. wow, that big crowd gathered outside for the weekend and we'll have a live performance with hit music coming up. also on trending what would time's square be without massive iconic billboards? ♪ ♪ it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases 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aggressive and may try to strike again. we now know what killed a humpback whale that washed ashore this week. scientists say it was struck by a passing ship. the whale suffered four broken vertebrae and hemorrhaging around one broken rib. another whale washed ashore in pacific a last month. a follow-up. looks like starting the summer some workers in emeryville will take home bigger paychecks. they voted to give minimum wage workers raise. minimum wage will increase to $12.25 per hour. the wage hike takes effect on june 1st. christina has activated the doppler radar. let's check in with her now. >> good morning. we're tracking a pretty potent system. mostly impacting tahoe at this point. just getting some light activity along the east shore and in san francisco as we speak. getting into this afternoon, we're going to switch gears and watch for mountain thunderstorm activity. we could see a few light showers throughout the day. 64 degrees at lunchtime for the peninsula. 66 degrees as you break for lunch in the east bay. rounding out the day at 71 degrees in the south bay. 78 for the north bay. warm conditions. tm, more of the same. clearing out for tomorrow afternoon. mother's day weekend looks spectacular. all across the bay area. we had problems earlier. let's get the latest drive with mike. >> the bay bridge stall out at mid span. your commute direction. that has cleared. i think they might have slowed down the metering lights a tad bit. we still have this backup of course, look at the map. the maze with the slower drive. but not so bad for the east shore freeway. north bay slowing. rest of the east bay approach. glean is indicating there may be slick erode ways. a lot of moisture in the air. looking at 880 and 101 on both sides of the san mateo and dumbarton bridges. be right back. >> looks good. we'll be back with another local news update in half hour. it's 7:30 now on the 7th of may, 2015. take a look at some of the damage in oklahoma city from that outbreak of very powerful tornadoes overnight. >> people there are waking up to it. our look at the headlines, dozens of tornadoes spotted in kansas and nebraska him at least 12 people were injured overnight when one storm tore through parts of the city. dozens of homes have been destroyed across the region. what will goodell do? the nfl commissioner will have to decide if punishment will be handed out in the deflate gate controversy. it's probable the new england patriots' personnel deliberately deflated footballs in the afc championship game and the top quarterback tom brady was probably aware of the riles violations. maryland's governor lifted the state of mortgages put in place in baltimore following the death of freddie gray. six officers have been charged in that case. now a closely watched and controversial case t. lawsuit by sophia vergara's fiance nick loeb over embryos created while they were a couple. nick loeb will speak out. but hoda is here with more. >> guys this started off as a very private battle that has gone very very public after loeb wrote an op-ed in the "new york times" saying quote, our frozen embryos have a right to live. >> reporter: sophia a lot of people think not bringing the embryos to completion is murder. any comment? >> reporter: on wednesday, a smiling sophia vergara arrived at lax with her fiance joe manage manganiello. she brushed off paparazzi asking about her battle with former fiance nick loeb. >> i forgive you for bumping into me though. >> reporter: in his "new york times" op-ed, loeb wrote, in my view it's tantamount to killing them. he wants to raise the children himself. one place she spoke about her ex is with howard stern who, of course went there. >> you guys break up and you say, look i don't want to have a baby with you, i'm not involved with you anymore. >> can you braham me? >> a child needs a matter. >> more than a mother needs a loving relationship of parents. you know that get along, that don't hate each other, that -- i mean i -- >> you hate each other now? >> i don't hate him, but obviously he has a problem with me. >> reporter: vergara breaking her silence on loeb. >> my advise would be go out and find a girl and make a family? >> and you know what it's like i totally understand him, but the thing is this that fortunately or unfortunately, there is law. you wrote, you, you signed paper, legal papers and he if it was so serious for him, this issue, which i totally respect if it's serious for someone, then you should have taken it more serious at the time like i did. >> all right. and nick loeb is with us now. nick good morning. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> let's talk about that agreement as it was stated you seech signed an agreement saying neither of you would bring these empriios to term without the other's consent. it sort of seems like a dead issue, is it? >> we actually signed these forms way at the very beginning before all the processes happened. none of the forms really discussed what would happen in the terms of separation. it was while we were together. after we signed the forms, we went through invitro, creating life putting it into a surrogate once and a surrogate a second time. we went through the process again to create new live then we went and my thought was we would do it again. there was no really thought of well now, she's going to change her mind now we're not going to do it. i always assumed with our agreement that we will take it to term. >> here's the perception sophia vergara, a beautiful actress, about to get married, starting a new life very successful. she doesn't want to have a child with her exe. you are perceived as the guy who cannot let go of a relationship. she wants to move on. >> i have tremendous respect for sophia. she is very successful. she is very smart. you know we filed this back in october. it had nothing to do with this at all. this has to do with doing moral, legal and ethical contests that are out there about lives we have already created. it has nothing to do with anything else. >> now you said this in the "new york times" for as long as i can remember, i've dreamed of being a parent. okay i want to ask you a very very important question. do you want to have a baby or do you want to have her baby? >> it has nothing to do with her, her baby or a baby. lives were already created. we created. a lot of the question is why don't you move on and meet somebody else. no doubt i want to do that. these are two lives i wouldn't toss them aside than a child that had been born. >> you are 39-years-old let's pretend you find a girl tomorrow. you fall madly in love and say let's have a baby. is it possible this whole issue would go away if that were the case? >> absolutely not. it has nothing to do with one woman over another woman. this has to do with the two lives we created and exist that are two female embryos. >> so let's pretend, sophia said okay joe manganiello and i, we want to take those embryos, we want to have those babies would you be okay in that? >> as long as i were involved in the parental process, no different than if we had children and i separated. we would have joint custody. they would spend time raising the child. no different than millions of americans out there today. >> nick a lot of people say the timing is so weird. the op-ed comes out at the time that sophia is promoting this movie, on the red carpet. doing all this stuff and boom it comes out. it looks like a publicity thing. you want press. >> unfortunately, i didn't come out with this story to begin with. it was leaked to the press. there were comments made. i felt i needed to come out and correct the record. i submitted the op-ed to the "new york times" a week before it even went out. i have no control when the "new york times" prints their op-eds. >> why did you sign this thing, i was looking through your complaint. i found this interesting. it said there's talk of abuse here. for example you say she physically abused him of four separate occasions. she bunched on two occasion kicked him, threw her phone at his head andrew teenly bullied him, called him loser, and degrading names. you signed this form even they he did not agree with it in order to avoid further abuse. i got to tell you, i was reading this complaint for the first time last night. i read this part and said oh my god what was going on there? so what was going on? >> i really came here to talk about the embryos, the live wes are creating. i think sophia is a wonderful, wonderful woman. i don't want to sit here and talk about our personal issues we had in our relationship. i don't think that's fair to her. we are both going through a tough time with that. >> she said on howard stern, a child needs a loving relationship and parents that get along and don't hate each other. she says she doesn't hate you. >> i don't hate her at all. you know there are 20 million single parents in this world and you know i think they're all working really hard to bring children. so i don't think there is anything wrong with being a single father, a single mother raising a child in america today. >> any financial motivation? i think people are going, why would he be doing there? like what's the deal? >> not only do i have financial motivation. i have offered her to waive all financial responsibilities. i'll financially pay to raise this child. put it in college i can give these children a wonderful life. these girls will be knowing a father fought so hard for them because he loves them so much. >> you can understand from a mother sophia's perspective, you wouldn't want children walking around, inevitably you will say who is their mom. oh it's the lady over there on television. does not not put her in a position she sort of has to agree in some sense. >> i let it open to her. if she wants to be involved. if she doesn't want to be involved. either one is okay with me. i want these children to have the best lives possible. whatever makes everybody happier, but there is nothing i want to do more than bring these children to life for me. they're on a journey and a path way to being born. why go the other way? we are talking equal rights. ierer on the side of death? we should be erring on the side of life. >> so will is a court date or a hearing on the 22nd of may. so we'll hear more then? >> yes. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. guys back to you. >> that is fascinating and by the way this is one of those stories where it seems it will be hard for them to find compromise either or not. >> some judge's decision which is a difficult one to make. >> and set a precedent as well. >> hoda thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> let's get a check of weather from al roker. so besides the severe weather, we are also watching the possible development of what could become a tropical storm or subtropical cyclone anna. right now, it is a 70% chance in the next 40 hours, 35-mile-per-hour winds. 225 miles on the north carolina-south carolina bordered and the track of this thing right now, the models we put into motion kind of mean ders along the south coast a. high blocking pressure system off the northeast coat. e -- coast. so that would be more rain. the two big effects, rain. we are talking anywhere three-to-five inches of rain from cape hatteras to charleston. also a beach erosion. a high wind warning. a high surf advisory rip currents from happy hatteras all the way down to daytona beach. we will be tracking this very closely as 7:40. good morning. happy thursday. happy to see some showers on the radar at this hour. mostly south of the golden gate bridge at this point. san francisco getting some light activity. that's also extending down if east shore. this will be the weather story today. showers and thunderstorms later on this sarch. 71 for the south bay. 72 on the east shore today. 74 out in the tri-valley. tomorrow more of the same weather coming your way. spectacular conditions for your mother's day weekend. hope you have a fantastic day. and that's your latest weather. >> thanks al. take a look at this guy, he's the answer to mcdonald's declining tale. shaquille o'neill eats it on national television. it could win you some cash. carson will ♪ ♪ ♪ (laughing) come here you. this mother's day, remember... i told you this was gonna happen. every kiss does begin with kay. save up to 30% on select diamonds in rhythm. the center diamond constantly moves catching light from every angle. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. do i have to chase you, too? ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪ look like this. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got 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some color to your life with certain dri. at the plaza coming up who here has really been embarrassed on live television? >> we all have. >> exactly. carson is in the orange room with an example of it. >> shaq is trending after tripping on the "inside the nba" halftime show that drew widespread attention on social media. it looked bad. shaq of course kept a good sense of hume more whoever makes me the best m eme, he also posted this one later, getting knocked out by floyd mayweather of course the internet accepted the chal sent in a few funny ones, here he is doing the smooth criminal dance with michael jackson and simba in the lion king. coming up here's what's trending today, the billboards in time's square are too big. have you seen the new and improved hamburg lar? >> that's in proved? >> carson thank you very much. coming up a remarkable story, a woman misdiagnosed with a debilitating disorder u ♪ (spoken in japanese) (spoken in japanese) reliability, is now an american thing. introducing the all new chrysler 200 america's import find it at i'm brian vickers, nascar® driver. i'm kevin nealon comedian. and i'm arnold palmer, professional golfer. know what we have in common? we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. me, when i had a blood clot in my leg that could have traveled to my lungs. that's why i took xarelto®, too. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. i took xarelto® for afib... an irregular heartbeat that can lead to a stroke from a blood clot. xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. hey, well i'm glad we got together. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. i tried warfarin before, but the blood testing routine and dietary restrictions had me off my game. tell me about it. let's see, golf clinic, or blood clinic? ooh, that's a tough one. not this time. not with xarelto®. anything else? i'll have another arnold palmer. ok. make mine a kevin nealon. really, brian? hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking xarelto® you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve, or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u.s. and that number's growing. like your guys' scores. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. you may be able to get up to 12 months at no cost. when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. he says "it has a certain code that's my line, this is the date." if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. ♪ to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix® ii. it's broad-spectrum protection k ills fleas ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix® ii. for the love of dog™. just ahead on trending what has diane keaton revealing her dream husband, although she said she would never marry. the last performance of the "fifty shades of grey" this weekend, here to perform the sound track. first your local news and 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paintballs at random people walking down the street. on tuesday an elderly man was hit near newell road and dana avenue. later two women were struck near melville and parkinson avenues. police want to find those culprits or culprit before someone gets seriously injured. san francisco police have released surveillance video of a bold smash and grab targeting a jewelry store in the west portal neighborhood. you can see the man kick in the door and march in. gets inside and starts stuffing his duffel bag. investigators say he made off with about $3,000 worth of items in less than a minute. anybody who might recognize him should call san francisco police. okay. seeing some light storm activity coming our way. i believe east to west. christina loren here with more. >> good morning to you sam. i want to show you the doppler radar at this hour. you can see the showers are pushing to the south bay at this point. we did have a lot of activity earlier this morning on the peninsula up in san francisco. things seem to be ramping up. that will be the story as we head throughout the day today. otherwise, temperatures look really comfortable get sbook this afternoon. we are expecting the 70s. 71 degrees in the south bay. 72 degrees for the peninsula today. and we're looking towards the same activity as we head throughout early friday morning. then conditions start to change just in time for your mother's day weekend. here's mike and your drive. >> christina as you've been telling folks, gray maybe damp roadways. oak had, slows a bit 880. some folks might have got scared by somebody appearing on their wind windshield. we have slowing on the east shore freeway. a little mist on the roadways from time to time. here a slower drive for 880 down through fremont. northbound routes move better now that 87 the crash has cleared. back to you. >> that's what's happening right now. see you in 25 minute for another update. ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up medical mystery solved. the remarkable story of a young mom misdiagnosed with a disorder for decades. >> it was painful, exhausting. it was challenging. >> until one little pill changed everything. >> she was able to do so many things that we never dreamt she'd be able to. plus love in full bloom on our week long tribute to moms. it's tamron's turn to honor the woman she calls her inspiration. >> there are times you'll fall. get yourself up, dust yourself off and go on. >> we'll reveal the special way that tamron is giving back to her mom. everybody is working for the weekend. the plaza is packed for a special concert, and he'll perform live today, may 7, 2015. ♪ hey, mom, i love you. >> it's my birthday. >> good morning, pennsylvania! >> good morning! >> we're here! >> good morning. welcome back to "today." we have got a great concert for the weekend. a great mother's day throw back thursday song. >> that's right. the intruders? i'll always love my mama. mine has been gone five years and i miss her every day. >> good song. by the way, speaking of music, earl brown from hot chocolate -- >> oh. >> where you from, you sexy thing, he passed away. age 71. >> wow. >> sad. >> it is sad. but inside we'll get the stories of the morning. natalie has a check of the top stories. >> good morning to you once again. severe thunderstorms are threatening from texas to minnesota on the heels of tornados that ripped through oklahoma, kansas and nebraska overnight. about 50 homes were damaged or destroyed. and at least a dozen people were injured. the worst of the destruction was near oklahoma city. the nfl is now deciding if super bowl mvp tom brady should be punished over the deflategate scandal. a league investigation found it was likely that patriots staff members removed air from footballs before the afc championship game and that quarterback tom brady probably knew about it. the report includes text messages between two locker room attendants. one calls himself the deflator. brady refused to turn over his cell, text or e-mail records. colorado's governor will make repeated drunk driving a felony. state lawmakers passed the bill on wednesday and the problem was highlighted in colorado. one of the states with the weakest repeat offender laws. it will make the person's fourth dui a felony. it could send them to prison for up to six years. some premature babies born at 22 weeks can survive with proper medical care and have few health problems. most medical experts currently consider 24 weeks as the age of viability. doctor, what does this study tell us and what are the implications of this? >> first of all, it's very important. because number one, 18,000 premature babies are born every year in this country. 5,000 of born are at 21 to 22 weeks. the thing that comes ott of the study. first of all, it was a well designed study. rather large. and basically showed that what happens to these babies how much intervention they get very widely based on the hospital you're in. it reaffirms that the babies born before 22 weeks can still make it. >> a small percentage of the premature babies from 22 to 23 weeks survive. so what is the take away here? >> the take away this is really important for parents to understand they should know regionally what their hospitals are capable of doing. have a discussion with your obstetrician, physician, what is their belief system, what experience do they have in this area and to be as informed as possible. as we said, the minority can have a good outcome. the majority of the babies unfortunately born before 24 weeks don't do that well but there's some hope and it's rethinking that cutoff. >> thanks. actor hugh jackman saw a spot on his nose that turned out to be skin cancer thought was caused by a role. he was diagnosed with basil cell carcinoma. prince harry can't wait to get home to see his new niece. he is wrapping up a one-month military training program in australia. he did miss charlotte's birth but he'll be bringing her a suitcase full of presents no doubt from well-wishers there in australia. >> i have a lot of toys from this morning and a lot of other things. i look forward to it. i'm looking forward to meeting her. she's beautiful. it's great. >> meanwhile, it bumped uncle harry down to fifth in line. i'm sure he doesn't mind that one bit. 8:05. let's go back over to matt. >> all right, thank you very much. now a medical mystery that's almost impossible to believe. a young mom from minnesota who found out that the pain she has been enduring for something like 33 years may have been unnecessary. nbc national correspondent kate snow is here to explain that. good morning to you. >> good morning. this is a medical story, but it's also really a story about the human spirit and a woman with an incredibly positive attitude. jean abbott struggled to walk for more than three decades. by the time she hit the 30s she thought she'd end up in a nursing home and one little pill changed everything. this is jean abbott in high school, struggling to get up the school stairs. >> it was painful. it was exhausting. it was challenging. >> as a child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. a specific form of it called spastic deplease ya. >> no one babied me. >> she took thousands of medications from more than a dozen doctors. she was using a scooter when she met her husband steve. she leaned on him as they cut their wedding cake. they had two girls, but it was tough. she couldn't drive them to activities. >> as a mom i felt inadequate. people that didn't really know me they would come up and say, you have cerebral palsy? >> jean looked like she had cerebral palsy but here's the crazy part of her story. it turned out she never had cp. never. in her early 30s, she was referred to dr. mann who quickly realized it didn't look like classic cp. she walked more easily in the morning and her disability was getting worse with age. >> my job when i saw her was to think about any other possibility. >> i thought she was crazy. i couldn't imagine living life any other way. i have cerebral palsy. i had been treated my whole life for that. >> dr. nance gave jean a new diagnosis. a rare brain disorder called dopa responsive distone ya. it's a different genetic disorder, not as well known when jean was a child. >> this is kind of a one in a million disease. >> and with one big difference from cerebral palsy. drd can be treated with a simple pill. for jean, that one pill meant that after more than 30 years she could walk without help. now jean could play really play with her kids. >> to have a child cry for joy, it's something you see, she was so genuinely happy for her mom. i thought so grateful. and i want to see more. there's so much out there i want to see. i want to see more. >> she's able to do so many things that we never dreamt she'd be able to. it's amazing to see the transformation. >> my leg is still like jell-o. >> jean made this video showing the difference from when she's not taking her medicine to when she does. >> my walking is a lot faster. a lot easier. >> one pill made all the difference. and could have for nearly three decades. >> i'm not angry in the least. all the life experience the physical therapy, the surgeries, all the medication, all made me a really strong person. >> their 2-year-old john won't even remember what it was like when mommy couldn't walk. jean rode her first roller coaster, took a second honeymoon. >> you have got a really good life. if this wouldn't have ever happened we still would have had a good life. i'm grateful for it. i can honestly say i would go through it all again. all of it. >> such a remarkable woman. jean and her doctor caution that the medication is not a treatment. it is a treatment, rather, but not a cure. now she still has to get plenty of rest and sleep, but jean hopes by sharing her story she might help others who have this rare disease. meanwhile, jean says she's not considering lawsuits against all the many doctors who misdiagnosed and treated her. >> it was a long and winding road to get her to the one doctor who correctly diagnosed her condition. >> right. she was referred to dr. nance and she had seen it before and had read an article in a medical journal and had it in the very back of her mind. but it's a very rare disorder so it's understandable the other doctors didn't see it. >> thank you very much. there's more of jean's story on our website. that's up next millions flock to times square to check out the huge billboard, but could some of them be going away? we'll tell you about that. it's tamron's turn to honor her mom for mother's day. and we're here live after these messages. when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. i'm a bull rider make it part of your daily diabetes plan. so you stay steady ahead. one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. (laughing) when i'm shopping for a used car, i want to be comfortable. i don't want an aggressive salesperson breathing down my neck pressuring me into a decision. when i go to the supermarket there's no one pushing me to buy the more expensive cereal. i just want to shop like i do everywhere else. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. ♪ [music] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. >> all right. a good time for what's trending today. are you ready? >> okay. go. >> i say time's square go. everyone but matt. >> yes, exactly. broadway and those big billboards. one of those things could be going away. believe it or not, time's square technically is a federal highway. therefore the feds have jurisdiction. they are now saying those ads are so beg they violate federal law t. limit is 1,200 square feet. so officials have now issued and ultimatum, all those billboards are at risk of federal funding worth $90 million. >> just noticed? >> you think they will do that? >> you know who can be behind this whole thing? >> who? >> the naked cowboy. not the attention on his buns of steel. >> the way they will get them is to send the hamburglar in. right now, mcdonald's tried ditching fatty food and villagegys they hit upon the real solution. that's right. bring back the hamburglar. >> oh so obvious. >> the theevg mascot is back. he doesn't look like this anymore. instead, check out the new hamburglar. business insiders says the internet is a little torn between thinking mcdonald's new hamburglar is a hunk or a creep. >> almost as creepy as the burger king king. >> what do you guys think? >> creepy. i don't know if that will be the thing that makes sales go back up. >> i don't think so. >> as long as they don't tink with mayor mccheese. >> where is grimes a? >> that's what's trending today. >> we are starting a new segment pop stars. it will keep you up to date on all things culture. carson. >> we have diane keaton's dream husband and a bizarre attack on adam levine let's start with pop start. matt i know you have a huge crush on diane keaton. listen unfortunately for you, she has her eye on someone else. >> and so the fact that somebody could live for 40 years with someone and be devoted to that person is something that moves me and i'm -- >> it's not too late. >> me? >> it's not too late. >> who is going to wait. oh channing tatum? >> dianne chaning is married, right. you can catch him in all of his glory t. trailer to the sequel "magic mike" matt and al stood if line. they have their tickets. did you see the strange attack on adam levine. he was signing autographs outside jimmy kimmel and a guy ran up and threw a bag of powdered sugar on him. it does beg the question where was blake shelton last night? >> yes. >> that's scary. >> he's all right, though. did you know that anna wintour's comic genius? he's in bed with a super model wife. >> okay. >> did you know that anna wintour is a comic genius? you know her the face behind a famous magazine. >> every night we meet and go through last night's show. >> you seem nervous. >> i'm not nervous, it's my show. you know if i want to start this meeting right now i could, in fact that is what i'm going to do. >> not now, please. >> yep. >> you seem happy. oh. >> oh yeah look it's great when you get her approval. she pushes you really hard but, you know the sketch is 100 times better. i try so hard. >> stop crying you're a grown man. >> anna actually directed "animal house" and gave jerry seinfeld the show about nothing. and that is it guys but your pop start doesn't end there few need more check out our facebook page or go to >> i thought that was fun. >> what was your reason again we shouldn't feel bad for adam levine? >> he's okay. >> just ahead, i love you because, tamron gives back to her mom in a special way. but first, al's got a check of the weather. go ahead. and go. >> okay. >> all right. wow, let me show you what's going on. we got these severe storms now moving onto the west to the east of oklahoma city. and dallas today, we're looking at more showers and thunderstorms they're in for severe weather, a slight risk of strong storms stretching from dallas into wichita into pueblo up to 9 million people at risk. tonight, more of the same. as we move on into friday we got an enhanced risk of severe storms stretching from oklahoma city into del rio, texas. an even stronger risk on saturday 20 million people at risk. this is going to be a severe weather outbreak on saturday. we're going to continue t 8:19. good morning to you. happy to see some showers on the radar. especially through san jose and up and down the peninsula. keep that in mind for today. that's the weather story. in addition to the light showers we're also expecting some thunderstorm activity which is what we're seeing right now up and down the spine of the sierra nevada. best chance for that is later on this afternoon. our temperatures will be very warm today. 72 degrees for the east bay. 78 degrees, close to 80 in the north bay. 71 in the south bay. good-looking conditions will prevail tomorrow. bll s your latest weather. >> him mo i love you because is brought to you by minute maid. tell mom she's doing good. >> and now to our special series counting down to mother's day, mom i love you because, and tamron it is your turn to honor your mom. >> i think you know i mentioned it over and ever o. i talk to my mom first thing in the morning. countless times during the show most of the cats are to say hello, our heart-to-heart discussions being resilient in the toughest of times are why i love my mama. we are at my family's home in texas. my mom and dad some years ago came out to this small community and fell in love with this particular piece of land. this home was a dream for all of us. and one thing they always wanted was a vegetable garden. >> he wanted tomatos. he wanted corn. >> greens herbs. >> peas cucumber he wanted everything. >> the problem was we had rain that year. >> it rained out. he said mary i'm done. >> so he was done on the garden. >> reporter: the garden went unplanted. in 2008 before they could try again, my dad suddenly passed away. >> i remember this conversation with her one day i flat out said are you going to keep going? and she looked at me in my mother's way and never said a word but i knew i could see that resilient spirit in the middle of all of that heart break that she was here for us. she's taught me to be resilient. she's my inspiration. there isn't a mother's day gift big enough to fully thank my mom for all that she's meant. but last year on mother's day, i remembered my parents' unfinished plans. >> the next thing i knew you had purchased all of this stuff for a garden. >> did you have high hopes for my garden? >> really? >> yes, come on. turns out, i'm no gardener. i'm like what happened to my garden? >> at some point something did grow. i don't know to this day what it was. but it was grown with love. even though my garden failed. i always wanted to have that for her. >> so this year i gave it another go. this time with the help of country garden's magazine and editor james bagett. >> one of the main problems was shade. >> i planted in the wrong spot? >> it's in the wrong spot. that's why it failed. we will have a perfect garden you can't fail with. >> a can't fail garden. >> i promise you will have tomatos and zucchini coming out your ears this summer. >> after finding the right spot they went to work leaving me with some mom time. you are so resilient. you lost your mom when you were how old? >> 11. >> then dad has passed away. >> i hope what i instill in you, that's going to be time that you are going to fall get yourself up dust yourself off and go on. my goal was to have a home to raise you and your brother and now raising my grandchildren with the father's help and the mother. so i'm hoping in the future that they remember me as being a good granny and you remember me as being a good mother. >> now, it was almost time to bring another of my mom's goals to life. >> okay. granny look! come on. >> really? >> look at this. >> we have -- >> oh i love you. oh! >> we have four tomatos. we have eggplant. we have hot pep mers sweet peppers, zucchini flowers for you to cut and bring in the house. more basil. you will be able have a pesto party in this house. >> i just love this. >> after my dad passed away there seemed to be no life and now she is as bold and beautiful and sassy of a 65-year-old as you can imagine and that garden to me will represent her new growth. her new happiness. her new green. >> okay. so i got something to show you guys. take a look our first tomato! >> yes. >> tomatos and carrots. i can't thank james helping us bring life to our garden. my mom's story after losing her mom, losing her dad, losing her husband, the love of her life she really has fought back through the pain. i think people understand the loss of a parent, a child in some cases, but you have to find your green, your growth in her heart. that's her lesson to me. i'll be cooking for you. >> one tomato. >> make salsa. >> she can't cook but she can make a salad. >> but you can. tamron thank you. ahead over to carson. >> all right, guy, sometimes the best moments with your child are when they're holding your hand or giving you a kiss good night. with mother's day coming up we want to see those mom homes with savannah and vale showing parenting #somuchmore. we will share it. coming up we got the weekend out on the plaza. he will perform his smash hit off the "50 shades of gray." that is coming up on the plaza. first your local news and weather. i'm kris sanchez. the two men who beat brine stowe into a coma will be sentenced today. they pleaded gimenty to one count each of being a possession in firearms. they face up to ten additional years in prison. the two are already serving time after admitting to beating him in the parking lot of dodgers stadium in 2011. detectives discovered the weapons were there while serving a search warrant o on norwood's home during the stowe investigation. we know what killed a humpback whale that washed ashore in pacifica this week. scientists say it was struck by a passing ship. the whale suffered four broken vertebrae and hemorrhaging around at least one broken rib. another whale washed ashore in pacifica last month. it's still unclear how that whale, a sperm whale, died. follow-up now. it looks like starting this summer some workers in emeryville will be taking home bigger paychecks. city council members voted to give minimum wage workers a boost. it will now increase to $12.25 per hour tying san francisco and oakland for the highest in the country. more local news coming up in just a half an hour. . here to perform on rockefeller plaza. >> he has a big following. huge hit, earned it from the ""50 shades of grey" sound track. he's signing autographs. he's going to delight the crowd with a performance. >> first we're celebrating moms all week long. this is going to be savannah's first mother's day. she has written a special letter in "time" magazine to vale. >> i read it yesterday and was tearing up. >> thank you. >> jenna wrote a great one to her little girls. >> that's really really nice. >> you can find them on our website, let's show you what's going on for the weekend. starting off with tomorrow we have an enhanced risk of strong storms throughout much of texas. wet weather into the great lakes. looking at wet weather through the central plains also. sunshine along the mid-atlantic coast. watching anna along the coast which continues on saturday. strong risk in oklahoma and into kansas, sunshine along the eastern seaboard and what could be anna going into sunday on mother's day. slight risk of strong storms texas into the central plains. i'm christina loren. we're tracking light activity right now. temperature-wise we're in the 50s on our way into the 70s. look at this. the rainfall actually intensifying over the santa cruz mountains. if you're headed over 17 travel cautiously. could see thunderstorms later today. 72 on the peninsula. east shore the same and 74 in the tri-valley. conditions steady for tomorrow and we'll clear you out tomorrow afternoon. beautiful mother's day weekend coming your way. your latest weather. let's go back inside. our friend tom brokaw has been battling cancer for much of the year. he's faced much of what he's faced and the impact on his family in the new book "lucky life interrupted." good morning, tom. >> the truth of cancer is it affects the patient's whole family. our family had been on a long streak of very good fortune, what our friends call the brokaw lucky star. suddenly i was facing an incurable but treatable cancer. in the early stages i had to be med evacced out of montana because the pain was so great. i was paralyzed by the pain. sara our youngest daughter was there with our newest grandchild, archer. she realized i may not be around forever. >> when did you realize i might have been sicker than you thought? >> when we were in montana and you were having a lot of back pain and you asked for a kiss from archer and we leaned down to give you a kiss and your body just convulsed. you just -- your body became paralyzed, and i thought, something is seriously seriously wrong. all of a sudden recognizing that, no life is so finite and you might be gone. >> in my new book i recount what happened next and hope to offer some guidance to other families who face cancer. >> just four days earlier i had been diagnosed with a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. i was keeping it a secret between meredith and me. i was determined to go on with my life at full force. not knowing how unrealistic that would be. i did a dumb thing. i get up and i feel not too bad so i'm going to go fishing. i was going to drive 150 miles across montana to meet friends to fish. at a friend's stream a half hour into the day i had to crawl out of the water into a nearby cabin porch and curled up in agonizing pain. i lay there until another friend of mine came along and said my god, what's going on. a fishing buddy drove with me for three hours back to our ranch. i was in bed for two days immobilized by pain. at that point meredith my wife had seen enough. she put in a call for the emts and a med evac flateight to the mayo clinic more than a thousand miles away. then we got down to the ambulance. i think i was kind of hallucinating. i don't think i was checked in at that point. >> i think that you were in so much pain that it's hard to even recall for you what that was like, i think. >> when the emts arrived to carry me out for the ride to the airport my daughter sara confronted her mother. >> i said tell me right now what's happening to dad. i need to know right now. and she said well he has multiple myeloma. >> sara thought immediately of archer. >> it was awful. especially because he was only six months and i was mad too. i thought, you have only had six months with him. i wanted to envision you playing baseball with him and fly fishing and not knowing if that was ever going to happen. >> and that's -- the good news is that i am in remission. the cancer is in what we call a check place. i'll be on a drug maintenance program for the rest of my life but that's better than the alternative. >> you take this the right way when i say it. there was a time a year ago, eight months ago when i would see you and you didn't look so good. you didn't look as good as you look today. >> it was a lot harder than i thought it was going to be. we tried to keep it a secret by the way. >> you did keep it very private. you told a few of us but you didn't share the story. so what was the decision to share the story now? >> well the decision was that i thought i could be helpful to other families. this is a book not just about tom brokaw having cancer. it's really about what i learned and what families need to know when cancer invades their family because it is an invasion. there is a great line about cancer. doesn't care if you're a mother father if you have children. it only cares about declaring war on your body. the whole family does get involved. then it's important that cancer patients also help manage their own cases. and i describe how they can do that, being honest with your doctor. there are a lot of sites that you can go to at the mayo clinic. dana farber sloan kettering to find out more about the kind of cancer you have. >> happy to see you looking so good. >> i'm doing much better. >> you'll share more of your story on "dateline," a special tonight. do your kids care more about getting the grades or learning. first, this is "today" on nbc. e more about the grades or learning. first, this is "today" on nbc. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. back with an eye-opener with parents and teens. according to a princeton review survey when it comes to getting into college students feel learning is actually less important than getting good grades. katie o'brien and hunter mots are contributors to the princeton review. good morning to both of you. this is very very interesting. we'll put our first results on the board. 90% of students said getting good grades is important. >> i'll buy it. >> only 6% say they care about whether they're learning. >> this is why we were so excited to collaborate with the princeton review on this study. it takes some of the focus off just grades and test scores and really onto how are students thinking and feeling on a daily basis. >> that seems a little bit disturbing to me. they're sort of results oriented but they don't care if they learn. >> that's a problem. that sort of attitude will get you into college but really won't get you through college. what ends up happening is there is a myth in america that you have to make a choice. either get good grades and be stressed or have a fun life and get mediocre grades. it's not a choice. you can have great grades without the stress. >> 43% said the college acceptance is what drove them to get good grade. obvious. >> 100%. yes. >> let's talk about students' stress. we have a next series of stats. 25% said homework causes the most stress. >> that's no surprise. students reported they spend one-third of their study time stressing out. which is a ton of wasted time. >> we now know from science that stress shuts down the learning process. so that third of the time that they're stressing out they're not learning anything. students need to know that stress can be managed and it's something you can deal with. >> i think that's one of the most remarkable results that you have, that a third of the study time is freaking out basically. >> exactly. parents and students should know there are things you can do about it starting tonight. if you need to get the stress out of the study process students can do an emotional reset. when you feel the stress take a deep breath tell yourself this is just an assignment. i have to do this so my dad lets me use the car or whatever it takes. then break the assignment down into pieces. if you have 20 calculus problems do the first three and see where that gets you. >> we have results from parents too. these are also interesting. 43% of parents said they check in about grades regularly. once a month. 76% said they check in more than that. surprising? they check in more than that. surprising? >> well it's not surprising. i think the thing that was most powerful about this was the disconnect. in general, parents feel they are checking in twice as often as students report they are checking in. it's possible parents are check income that often. it's when the teenager is running through the kitchen. you ask them how their school is going. they're going fine that i are hearing you half of the time. >> there is another result. 50% said their parents ask you to do better. the parents said oh no 77%. i encourage them. so basically, parents think they are more encouraging than the students think they are. >> absolutely. one of the issues is that parents want to help. they don't always felt they k. that makes sense, few are a parent. you might not have taken algebra ii for years and years. what you can do is say, i don't know how to do this either. that's almost more helpful. if you can't go through the textbook with them. get an academic support system in place a. sibling, a teacher, a tutor, their online resources, available 24/7. physical out what that will be to get your student through that process. >> thank you very much. interesting results. appreciate it. just ahead, the next stop on shorted foods, search for america's best foods, where they're landing this week. first this is "today" on nbc. hi. looking for a prius, i bet. it's high-tech too with the latest safty features. and available entune app suite. and, i'm sorry... i don't mean to drone on. honey, stop messing with jan. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2015 prius. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit enjoy your prius. thanks, jan. look out people, coming in hot. toyota. let's go places. all right. we are back 8:45 with our special series lost and hungry with the guys from sordid food. >> we are following the u2 stars with 25 million views as they eat their way across america. >> the tasting tour starts with tacos in los angeles as they call them tacos. that was from laughs week. they headed north to san francisco making seven stops along the way. take a look. >> our lost and hungry tour came to an en. you guys said the next destination is san francisco. >> how we get there on the way is completely down to you. >> i'm going to sorted food send a tweet. >> sent. >> first stop santa barbara for breakfast at a patisserie and bistro. i am particularly looking forward to the sorted caramel peanut chocolate bond. >> oh that delivers to all areas of the mouth. >> next, we're heading into the mountains, too, los olivos. >> it has 18 different sandwiches. >> for me it's a few things good filling. good bread, good salad, good source. this has all of it. tate it. so fresh. >> the number 17 i just had was like italy from a mouthful artichoke, basil, tuna it was yummy. >> if it hasn't been recommend to us we would have never come here. that's what i love about it. our first on the first day was the passe doble and spoebl spoke to friend gary why california is so good at producing wine. >> california is number one. it doesn't rain. there is no moisture. the wine and that sunset were not a bad way to end a pretty awesome day. it's day two. we're currently going to jump up to big sur. we are requested to come here. we were told we have to get the famous and bruisedambrosia burger. it's a combination of mayonnaise ketchup and green cheese is there that is stunning. >> it's a little pink inside. >> that is insanely good. >> next stop monterey. ben nearly lost his recipe book. we stopped off getting ice cream. which actually operates under the wharf. >> hey. >> abilone are giant marine snails they feed on plant production. shushemi style is delicious. there is no other food like abilone. >> we set off on our final drive into san francisco. >> what an incredible journey and we've made it. >> we've eaten our way from l.a. to san francisco with your help. thanks, to you, we found some phenomenal food along the way. >> who is hungry? >> i can eat. >> yeah same. >> all right. we asked you what food the guys should try in san francisco. their community narrowed it down to clam chowder. sourdough bread, ice cream and dim sum and the favorite was clam chowder. >> really? >> the sorted guys are back next week to show us how their chowder tasting went. >> chowda? >> that's next. >> he will perform his beg hit live on the plaza. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ we came in station wagons, campers, on planes to see what walt had built. ♪ forever young ♪ and what we found was a place that was always growing, but never grew old. ♪ forever young ♪ and now comes a celebration 60 years in the making. the disneyland diamond celebration. ♪ may you stay ♪ with dazzling, new experiences for the young ♪ may you stay ♪ and the young at heart. ♪ forever young ♪ come remember that feeling. ♪ forever young ♪ come feel forever young. the weekend is one of the hottest artists in the world. he is here to get you ready for a special unrated edition of "fifty shades of grey." more than $560 million at the box office the weekend's number one hit earned it a sound track. ladies and gentlemen, the weekend. ♪ ♪ [ music playing ] you were making love like it's magic ♪ ♪ i see nobody but you ♪ ♪ hey. ♪ ♪ the answer you serve me ♪ ♪ i wait for the more than is expensive ♪ ♪ so i'm going to care for you ♪ ♪ baby i'm going to care for you, you ♪ ♪ the way you grab it ♪ ♪ you know why love could be tragic ♪ ♪ so you don't pay ♪ ♪ don't pay you ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ you know baby kind of like me babe ♪ ♪ so i love when you call ♪ ♪ 'cause i care for you, you, you ♪ ♪ new york city! ♪ i care for you, you, you ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ 'cause girl you love me ♪ ♪ your arm be sweating ♪ ♪ and you decept me baby ♪ ♪ the way you when wept ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ you said it wouldn't be bad direction ♪ ♪ it was only this ♪ ♪ since we decide life ♪ ♪ check inside ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ you deserve it ♪ ♪ you deserve it new york city ♪ ♪ 'cause girl you earned it ♪ ♪ you deserved it ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the weekend, "fifty sh good morning. just a couple minutes before 9:00. i'm kris sanchez. no signs of lingering issues after yesterday's forget b.a.r.t. -- yesterday's day to forget for b.a.r.t. commuters. that's when train service suffered several mishaps. a cracked section of tracks caused major frustration for thousands of riders and it caused the domino effect of delays that lasted long past the evening commute. overnight crews installed the permanent fix. and as if the track issue was not enough this balloon shut down service between bay farr and castro valley. it hit a transformer in san leandro triggering a power outage. more local news in a half an hour. [♪] ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ gonna have a look around ♪ ♪ now is the time ♪ ♪ i started flyin' ♪ ♪ both feet off of the ground ♪ ♪ head in the sky ♪ ♪ eyes open wide ♪ ♪ happy to look around ♪ this morning on "today's" take. josh hartnett on why he returned to television for a dreadful role. pope francis showing his skills. nick loeb speaking out on that embryo battle. all that and more coming up now. from nbc news this is today's take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." it's thursday morning, may 7th 2015. let's call it a chamber of commerce day. it is beautiful. there is a big crowd on the plaza for the weekend. >> tamron's favorite. >> i'm tweeting the picture al roker took of the weekend, not with me because we couldn't get near him. >> i sent you a couple of selfies i took. >> you took selfies. you were far away. he is very elusive. he doesn't like to give tvs. he has never given a full interview. >> i think you take a camera down there and ambush him. >> ambush him with my camera? he's probably gone with his body guards. >> he draws a crowd. >> huge! >> thursday morning. >> coachella. his fan base is huge and diverse. let me tell you. you want to pop that in and listen to it all weekend. >> i know he is called "the weekend." i started him referring to the band as the weekend. >> that's my confusion too. if he would only come on today's take and do an interview and clear it up is the band the weekend or is he the weekend? i'm sure people will tweet the answer but we want to hear it from him. >> is he named offer the o jay's song living for the weekend. >> he left one weekend and never game back home something about that. in canada. there is a story behind it. we may never know. that's the mystery of "the weekend." >> what else is fascinating, the interview hoda did earlier. a lot of people are waiting to hear both sides of the story. we're hearing from nick loeb. the story is about the embryo battle. he is the former fiancé of sofia vergara. he wrote an op-ed in "the new york times" last week. he is talking about the lawsuit that he has with sofia vergara. he's talking about his fight and talking to wanting to have a surrogate have the baby girls, as he calls them. the custody of the two frozen embryos he shares with sofia vergara is important to him and he feels like he deserves to be a father. wants to be a father. take a listen to what he had to say this morning. >> do you want to have a baby or do you want to have her baby? >> it has nothing to do whether it's her baby or a baby. lives were already created. we created -- a lot of question is why don't you move on and meet somebody else. no doubt i would love to do that. it doesn't matter that two lives have already been created. i wouldn't just toss them aside. no different than a child that had been born. >> interesting point of view. it's the right to life he is saying. these are children essentially that, you know deserve to have a life. but on monday sofia vergara told howard stern that bringing children into the world under these circumstances would be selfish. she said that loeb's plan would violate a contract that they both signed which when you sign that contract it's saying that you mutually agree that you're going to bring these children up in a world that you come to terms with -- you're agreeing that you are bringing them. >> you both agree and agree with what's going to happen to the embryos. >> exactly. exactly. so he did admit to hoda that he signed the contract before going forward with the idea and stating nothing could be done with the embryos unless they both agreed. but the contract didn't specify what happens if you separate as a couple and i guess that's something that's required by california law. so it's an interesting legal battle but i think it's one that could possibly set a precedent for other people in this position where you have the frozen embryos and when you do break up what happens to them if, you know the mother or father potentially want to be able to have that baby then have life. >> a lot of couples are probably having that discussion. a lot of people have frozen embryo ands what are they going to do. they'll probably lartstart looking at that. >> what about her right not to have two or three or however many children in the world that are hers and is she obligated to be a part of their life. >> hoda asked him that. he said he would raise the children on his own. he doesn't want her help if she doesn't want to be a part of it. i thought hoda did an amazing job. i think she asked all the questions people wanted to hear him answer. and he said it would be up to her. but what if you know suddenly the daughters, as he refers to them as find out who their mother is. this is -- >> a lot of questions. >> perception too in the timing of this. he is coming forward at the time where she is out promoting what is a star turn for her in a movie. she is a leading lady. a wedding. planning a wedding with her now fiancé. the timing of it of course is why now. >> there may be other motives. let's just say. >> can you let go of her. that's the question. can he let go of her and move on. as he even suggested people asking him that question moving on having a life with somebody else and maybe a family. >> she talked to howard the other day and said that's about all i'm going to say about it. >> she is moving on. remember when deflategate was the biggest thing in the world for a couple days. >> it's back. >> the report called the wells report after ted wells who did the study. it was found that, quote, it was proper probable than not two too locker room attendants did deflate footballs prior to the afc championship game that the patriots won against the colts and led them to the super bowl. the report concludes it was, quote, more probable than not that tom brady, quote, was at least journal aware team personnel were deflating footballs before the playoff game. >> is this a revelation? >> the text messages were very revealing. >> but had people pretty much come to the logical conclusion -- >> yeah. pretty much. >> we wanted to know what the proof was, though. >> it's all circumstantial stuff. >> i don't know. the text messages are pretty damning. >> you could never convict anybody on those. >> at the same time where is tom brady's side of the text messages? >> he's in them. >> he's not revealing them. he's not giving over his text messages. >> which might be telling. >> if you have nothing to hide you know -- and tom brady is -- >> if you were on hillary clinton's service. >> you would say here is my phone. >> there were questions of a larger patriots conspiracy. this report found that the ownership, bob kraft, didn't know anything. that the head coach bill belichick did not know anything. that the equipment manager didn't know anything. it kind of narrowed it down to tom brady and the two locker room guys. if you use common sense you say these guys are not going to do this without at least winking consent from tom brady. i think you can still conclude that. but there is no concrete evidence tying brady to it. >> what happens now? >> nothing. >> is there going to be any kind of a punishment? a suspension? fines. >> i doubt it. >> i doubt it. >> i bet the players union or whatever will get involved. there won't be. >> any fine or suspension of tom brady is a statement by the nfl that they believe he cheated. from that point forward -- >> with no proof. >> his legacy is tainted. that's a huge decision for the league. >> does this still boil down to people who like the patriots and people who don't? >> a lot of it. >> i think you have the optimism that exists in the new england area and outside of that people -- there is no proof. >> the debate will go on. i have to tell you, we loved your piece with your mom earlier today on "today." it was just really special. >> thank you. all week long we've been celebrating our moms cooking our dishes. willie said his mom started crying yesterday about the fet cheen cheni. >> people across the country said i made the pasta and loved it. >> i missed it. >> if you missed a piece of tamron's interview with her mom, take a look at this. >> you are so resilient. you lost your mom when you were how old? >> 11. >> and then dad has passed away. >> i hope that what i instilled in you there's going to be times that you're going to fall. get yourself up dust yourself off and go on. my goal was to have a home to raise you and your brother, and now i'm raising my grandchildren. with the father's help and the mother's. so i'm hoping in the future that they remember me as being a good granny and you remember me as being a good mother. >> we went out to texas. that's the home i grew up in. and i tried to grow a garden last year for my mom and it didn't work out. these mysterious creatures started coming from the ground but none of them edible. there was invasion of the body snatchers. i grew the pods. this year country garden home along with the editor came out and showed me where to grow the garden. the over all message was resilience. al you've lost your parents. we've all had different losses. my mom having lost her mom at such a young age. she said that she was determined to be the best mom, and she has lived up to it. she actually hasn't seen the show yet because it's delayed in texas. >> central time. >> yes. she texted me did i make you proud? >> gosh! >> i'm like woman, i'm on the plane. give me a hug. >> beautiful woman. >> great mother's day. >> we have that in common. people wonder about our relationships and everything. we have a strong bond with our parents in common and i think that that has actually made us have a great friendship as well. finish up with our favorite. pope francis. how many hopes are going to meet with the harlem globetrotters at the vatican. >> one! >> look at this. look at the video. he's trying to do the ball spin. he went up for a high five too. look at this. i love this! >> he wanted to try it again. let's see. >> oh! >> he did it. he did it. he is amazing. >> man. >> the people's pope. he really is. >> i'm looking forward to him coming to new york. cannot wait. whoa! hey. >> you have a ball? let's see if you can do this again, al. come on. >> good try! i know willie can do it. we're watching severe weather. yesterday 50 reports of tornadoes from kansas oklahoma on into nebraska. right now we have a risk of strong storms including dallas today. tornadoes possible from wichita, pueblo to dallas. tonight, kansas city to austin. 9 million people at risk. this goes into tomorrow. folks, this is a dangerous situation we have developing through the weekend. del rio, texas to oklahoma city. 11 and a half million people at risk. this is very unusual to see a strong risk almost 72 hours out. 20 million people from garden see down to oklahoma city and ft. worth and dallas all at risk. we'll be watching this closely over the next sev 9:11. happy thursday! happy to see the showers on the radar. in fact we're actually getting some moderate shower activity all the way from san jose south through san martin. as we head throughout the next couple hours that will continue to be the case. also expecting some thunderstorms later on today. oh, look at that. we have a thunderstorm cell over the santa cruz mountains at this hour. this is realtime doppler. we'll track that for you. 74 in the tri-valley today. 72 degrees on the east shore. that's your latest weather. >> okay. >> we have food. >> empen audas. >> up next he's starred in big budget movies like "pearl harbor." the terrifying series and great series on showtime. he'll tell us all about it after this. ney dreadful on show right now, verizon is offering unlimited talk. and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever. for more of what you want. on the network that's #1 in speed. call. data. and reliability. so you never have to settle. $80 a month. for 10 gigs. and $15 per line. stop by or visit us online. and save without settling. only on verizon. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? 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>> it's victoria london 1890s. a lot of the characters are taken from victoria horror literature treated as real people. they bump into each other. they all sort of know each other and, craziness ensues. >> to say the least. >> this is a horror i mean a horror genre i mean really in the true sense of the word. are you attracted to that? >> it wasn't necessarily the genre that attracted me. it's because john logan who has written everything from "sky fall" to "the afiator" to "gladiator asks. sam mendes directed "american beauty" and this great director was directing the first few episodes i thought these were great amazing collaborators, to work with. if you work with tv you want to work with good people giving consistent material. >> you seem so thoughtful in the roles you choose i recently read batman. tell me the truth, did you turn down batman? >> i think that story got blown out of proportion. sometimes when things go from your mouth to the page. >> you are telling us. >> through the blog sphere. it end up being a game of telephone. i said back if 2002 or 2003 i had a meeting with a director who i thought i should have formed a relationship with and i liked a script that he had that his brother had written and he ended up doing that next. i said to him at the time i really want to do this. we were talking about batman. it wasn't what i was interested in. i said that in that interview that i thought i should have formed that relationship not knowing more about hollywood now, i would have definitely done anything to stay in that relationship and make you know multiple films. it doesn't know what it is. >> it's all lies? >> it's a reinterpretation of the truth. >> okay. you keep really busy it seems with directing and producing as well. do you prefer that to acting? >> it's much less nerve racking on the camera, i have to say. i like to be a little more in control. you know and here i'm giving up all control to you guys. whenever i'm on screen. but, yeah i like both. >> josh hartnett. thanks so much. penny dreadful airs sunday on show time. coming up next are you eating enough foods like this? photos are great... ...for capturing your world. and now they can transform it with the new angie's list app you can you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project or just tell us what you need done... ...and angie's list will find a top-rated provider to do the job. start your project for free today. i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." believe me, i put this hair through a lot every day. l'oreal's total repair 5 shampoo system fights 5 signs of damage. my hair feels strong! and look at this shine! 5 problems, 1 solution. l'oreal total repair 5 shampoo. that's the power of beautiful hair. every day. ♪ ♪ introducing new country time lemonade starter with real lemon juice. a fresh, new way to make country time. [ female announcer ] take skincare to the next level with roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. proven to hydrate dryness illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. the taste of light and fit greek non fat yogurt gives you the power to help make temptation shrink away! with irresistible flavors never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying! light and fit greek. taste the power of satisfaction. you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store where you'll find the best buy rated mattress with sleepiq technology. know better sleep with sleep number. a new study confirms what we all have been told since we were kids eat your fruits and vegetables it found people who ate healthy diet had 24% less decline to have cognitive decline and memory loss. >> what did you see? here what you need to know is dr. natalie asur. what did the study find? >> so the study looked at a population of people at high risk for cognitive decline. >> that means people over the age of 55 men and women who had a history already of stroke, vascular disease, heart disease, we know they are at risk of cognitive decline as they get older. what they found. they took a questionnaire and did a mini mental status exam looking at a number of different docknytive variables as well-- cognitive variables. there were 150,000 people in the study. a fair number experienced cognitive decline over a number of years and found the people with the least healthy diet were more likely to experience it than people that ate a healthy diet. >> fruits and vegetables are a specific category. are there specific fruits and vegetables we should be eating? >> they didn't break that down. there are a few caveats, for example, some people don't like tomatos, they find it to be pro inflammatory. in general, the vegetables linked to better cognitive health were nuts. this is a big one. i know they get a ton of press as they should particularly almonds and walnuts, but generally speaking we are talking about fish a moderate amount of red meat not a ton. a moderate amount of alcohol and of course fresh fruit and vegetable, the so-called mediterranean diet. >> where do we see exercise in this. >> exercise helped for this. they think one power of the study they tried to correct for certain confounding variables, pre-existing hypertension and physical activity. this is interesting. we know good food like this is good for heart health. now we have subjective evidence it's good for brain health. >> thank you so much. for more information, check out coming up we will catch up with the stars of real cheese people know good things come in threes. new sargento balanced breaks are a trio, a triad, a trilogy of goodness. natural cheese, dried fruit, and nuts. three wholesome ingredients that live as one. savory, salty, sweet a triangle, perfectly balanced. three is company the musketeers. and in the eyes of real cheese people never, ever a crowd. new sargento balanced breaks. we're real cheese people. many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula... to work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. if you can't put a feeling into words, why try? at 62,000 brush movements per minute philips sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like you've never felt before. innovation and you. philips sonicare. good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm kris sanchez. the search is on this morning for the man in this chilling video. he is attacking a san jose girl in her own home. the 13-year-old girl managed to fight the man off and police say that was after he followed her home from school and likely had no idea there were surveillance cameras in the home. the same man is believed to have targeted at least one other young woman. police fear he may be bold enough to strike again. we know who killed the humpback whale in pacifica this week. scientists say it was struck by a passing ship. the whale suffered four broken vertebrae and hemorrhaging around at least one broken rib. another whale washed ashore last month. it is still unclear how that sperm whale died. a follow-up now. looks like starting this summer some workers in emeryville will get bigger paychecks. city council members voted to give minimum wage workers a boost. minimum wage will now be $12.25 per hour that ties san francisco and oakland for the highest in the country. the wage hike takes effect june 1st. we have a look at weather and traffic coming up for you after the break. 9:28. welcome back. i'm christina loren. tracking action in the south bay. we actually had a thunderstorm roll right over the santa cruz mountains firing off a little bit of lightning. at this point the cell is moving south towards monterey. if you're headed south on 5 make sure you travel cautiously. the wet weather is traveling with you. 71 for the south bay today. 72 on the east shore and 74 degrees out in the tri-valley. tomorrow clearing by the afternoon and temperatures will be comfortable, beautiful conditions will persist into the weekend. let's see if the drive is any better. here is mike inouye. yeah. a lot better. we have fewer cars on the roadway. in the south bay we have a couple sticking points. 880 had a tough stretch. latest crash southbound at old oakland road at 101. we're looking at the rest of the bay. coming into the south bay it's better than normal through palo alto and fremont. moving north of the san mateo bridge looking at no problems for the walnut creek interchange. a late crash on the east shore freeway. slowing through oakland. live look past the coliseum slows you folks clustering around high street. more local news coming up in half an hour. an important new study of thousands of premature births found some babies born at 22 weeks with the proper medical treatment are able to survive with few health problems currently most medical experts consider 24 weeks as the age of viability but now leading medical groups are considering reducing that. and the study raises new questions for parents on how intensively to treat those infants. most cases are treated with measures like ventilation and intubation to improve the functioning of babies' lungs. if you have allergies, you know that pollen is bad in parts of the u.s. especially this time of year. in the northeast, a combination of a rough winter and a delayed spring has helped create what one expert calls a pollen tsunami that is covering cars and porches with lots of green residue. no doubt you've seen it all around. experts say that you should consider lowering -- or showering, rather, at night to wash the pollen off of your body and outside to hose down the green pollen instead of sweeping it away. a company that keeps track of what business travelers put on their expense report says starbucks is the restaurant that most -- is most frequently expensed followed by mcdonald's, panera bread and subway. the firm certify says businesspeople eat most of their breakfast at starbucks, lunches at subway and dinners at mcdonald's. whole foods is planning to open a whole new chain of stores next year aimed at luring shoppers who are younger and more hip and cool technology oriented according to the ceo. he says the new store will stock cheaper items while maintaining, of course, the company's standards for quality. more details including the name of the new chain are expected later in the year. well, if you're hoping toe ing toing to turn around declining sales, mcdonald's is bringing back the hamburglar. after a 13-year absence, the new hamburglar, he's grown up he's settled down apparently and he's seen flipping burgers in a suburban backyard with his wife and son. when he hears an ad for the company's newburghers, it's enough to bring him out of retirement, apparently. some people have tweeted that he is hot. others say he's creepy. i say creepy. let's get a check of the weather right now. al? creepy? >> no. there's no question about it. the creepster. all righty. there you go. but if he gives me free fries, then i'll change my mind. we're looking tomorrow at an enhanced risk of strong storms stretching from central texas into central oklahoma. we're watching this for tornadoes, damaging winds, hail. beautiful along the west coast, east coast as well. as well as this could be tropical storm ana by tomorrow. we're watching that. saturday, more of the same. big problems rip currents high tides, surf and heavy rain. there is a strong risk for central oklahoma into kansas. we will watch that very closely. in nebraska i should say. we're also looking at plenty of sunshine along the west coast, northeast as well. sunday sunday! we're expecting that rain to continue with possibility of tropical storm ana. and again, a wide area from iowa all the way down to louisiana and texas for a risk of strong storms again. that's wha 9:33. good thursday morning to you. a lot of shower activity rolling through the south bay right now as we head throughout the day we're going to keep the chance going. and we're also expecting some thunderstorms. you've got this very unstable air mass overhead. temperatures are going to be warm enough to fuel some of the storms later on today. 78 degrees for the north bay. 72 for the east shore and 68 degrees on the way to san francisco. tomorrow temperatures stay steady. it will start to clear out by tomorrow afternoon. and then saturday/sunday looking fantastic. >> and that's your latest weather. we have a group of people who starred if "back to the quit," "father of the bride," and "dazed and cob fusednfused. >> christopher lloyd, parker posey, george newbern. hi great to see you. >> hi. >> we will talk about this show in a second. i know al celebrated very publicly the 30th anniversary of "back to the future" and probably has a question for you, christopher, i assume? it may not be a question in there just in awe of that movie. you have been my guiding principle in life as doc brown. >> oh wow. >> i wanted to say that. >> you made my day. >> we did read a story, though when you first read the script you threw it out. >> i discarded it. i made up my mind i was going to do something different, come back to new york to [ bleep ] with all that. they persuaded me to check it out. >> it's a good thing. >> glad they got to you. parker let's talk about "granite flatts" here. for people that don't get byo tv. a lot of new eyeballs will be on it. set the screen a bit. >> "granite flatts" is a period piece. you will watch it on netflix on may 15th. right? >> mm-hmm. >> i describe it as the gremlins meets david lynch meets the -- >> oh wow. >> she has not been drinking. >> hold the coffee. >> set 1960s cold war, right? >> right. >> but there's mystery, intrigue -- >> yes, that's the david -- >> gremlins. >> i kind of play a white witch. the whacky aunt. kind of agnes moorehead from "bewitched." to "gun interest moke." >> a lot of mash-ups here. george where do you fit in all this? >> i just walk around without my shirt on. i play i don't know where that came from. i play a fresh divorced fella who comes in sort of the 3rd season. he's worked for the fbi and different sort of government agencies. it's kind of difficult to tell the entire plot. but it's a family-based spy genre from the '60s. small town. >> that's the plot of the show. i think it was the "time's" said it hit a sweet spot with the show. it does give families a great option for something to watch on television. it's not violent. it's entertaining. >> very sweet, sweet film show. love it. >> it's sweet, yeah. >> what attracted you to this christopher? >> i kind of loved the part the variety is great. it's a wonderful cast. and it's kind of handles in an era of american history in a very thorough honest kind of way. >> had a great time -- not a great time in this country? >>. but, very interesting moment in recent history. >> though a lot of people will be binge watching this on netflix. go down the line the number one show you binge watch parker what do you got? >> i'm not pinge watching anything at the moment. >> how about binge eating? >> i'm a carboholic. >> one dream you have you may not binge dream, but you binge dream doing the weather with al roker? >> can i do the weather with you? >> absolutely. whenever you feel like it. you show up. ahead of time. >> i can do it all day long. >> george 6 zwrees of "back to the future" you auditioned for the role. >> i flew out for a screen test my junior year in college. i was with christopher and chris lloyd and chris mclever and the rest of the class, except michael fox, i didn't get it clearly. he doesn't remember i don't think. >> it turned out all right for you. you are really busy. >> guys great to have you here t. show is really cool christopher lloyd, george newbern. >> you want to do the weather? >> just take this right here. boom. hit that button. boom. and now you can tell us whatever you see. >> umm the sun is out today. umm -- >> you've got the job. parker posey. thank you so much. we are back with natalie's empanadas right a when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. nicorette mini starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. anytime. anywhere. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i choose nicorette mini. seeing changes in your skin? it could be losing volume. new revitalift volume filler from l'oreal. volumizes skin surface layers. cheeks are fuller. wrinkles, smoother. i can see the difference here and here. new revitalift volume filler from l'oreal. things made with love are the best things. you put your heart into it make it special. you go out of your way to show how much you care. and that's exactly how we grow our avocados all year round. with love, from mexico. ♪ recently we've noticed some ads created by these two birds inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. well dear windex users these ads are false. sfx: squeaks from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. don't stand for dirty. use windex. what's going on? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. ♪ what's that sound? did you leave your hairdryer running? no. something smells delicious. how could something smell delicious when the toaster's broken? i smell sausage, egg, cheese and... eggo? l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. the eggo breakfast sandwich. but the toaster's broken. it's sweet, it's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. life begins with a howl, we scream, shout shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in, our world gets smaller quieter, but life should be loud. sing loud, play loud, love loud. dentures shouldn't keep you quiet life should be ringing in your ears. live loud, super poligrip. . well now to our series matter cooks best celebrating our mother's dishes. it's my turn to spice things up a bit with my mother's incredible empanadas. this reminds me of my mom. this is her go--to-family gathering. the emma na -- empanadas are there in the center of the table. any time we moved around we felt thrown off. my mom brought us back around the table and reminded us of what home is. the real reyetssecrets besides the spices and obvious flavor of it. raisin olives and cubed potatoes. in order to seal the empanada you seal the fork and gently press to seal the seams together like that. these are perfect golden delicious beauties. mmm. perfection! just a little awesomeness in a pocket. >> they sure are. i will say. let's get started. you guys i will help you assemble them. to review the ingredients, i'm making them with chicken. you can do ground beef vegetarian spinach, mushrooms and vegetarian stock. first with the chicken, i'm going to shred the chicken. it's cooked already. you move the fork through it to shred it. i got the onions in here sauteing in olive oil. so it's the chicken, it's about sex, tomato paste the recipe on for the specific ingredients. red wine vinegar, some salt some pepper this is chili powder and/or reg oregano. we will less that simmer saute. this is cubed potatoes raisin, olives that salty and sweetness at the same time. that's the real secret i think in the mix. once this sautes you get this going 30 minutes or so will you have this great filling just like this. will you assemble the empanadas. there is a spanish section. goya makes these shells perfect. you can make them at home. put the filling in the middle. yu like that. >> okay. >> then what you will do is pull it over. >> okay. >> take the egg wash with a little of water inside and then around the edges of the shell. >> all the way around. >> on the one side is fine it doesn't matter. >> then you will fold it over. as i said use that fork press down to make those little. >> how long do you bake it? >> seals. until it's delicious golden brown. a little egg wash on tom you bake it. they come out looking like this. voilla! go ahead, guys give it a go. >> are these warm? is it proper to use your hands? >> hands. >> go in. >> these are good. delicious. >> you can fry them too, tomorrow al it's your turn right? >> that's right. my mother's stew and women talking about activia. when i feel bloated and my stomach is rumbling in the morning, it takes me forever to get dressed. i just like wearing a lot of black. i don't have the time to be gassy and uncomfortable, when i'm trying to get out of the house. those are the days you wear sweatpants. i love activia. that is so good. i eat activia every day. enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. feeling good, looking good. activiaaaa. my husband has been singing that to me for two weeks. clorox knows to make a big meal, you have to make a big mess. new clorox scrub singles are pre-loaded with cleaners to scrub away stuck-on messes and even get into tough corners. it cleaned all this. good job, mom. great job, mom. real scrubbing. for your real life. fact. advil is not only strong it's gentle on your body too. no wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil... for their tough pains for over 30 years. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. super poligrip seals out more food particles. so your food won't get stuck and you can enjoy every single bite. eat loud, live loud, super poligrip. super poligrip holds your dentures tightly in place so you never have to hold back. laugh loud, live loud, super poligrip. one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. (laughing) thanks for calling angie's list. how may i help you? i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that. real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. dude totino's blasted rolls. sweet. totino's blasted crust rolls... yeah. flavor at full blast it's hard finding time to moisturize your skin every day. ♪ with micro droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care spray moisturizes and absorbs in seconds to help heal dry skin. so there's always time for healed skin. that's the healing power of vaseline. in seconds. doug, we have the results, but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? >> all week we have been showing you how our moms are inspiring us. if you ask any mom, she will say she find inspiration in children. that's what happens to two women who turn their kids' ideas into booming businesses. >> these are for school. these are for the park. >> 8-year-old ayla blumberg had a creative streak. as a toddler, she was climbing drawing, and experimenting with fashion. >> i think my daughter was two.5 years old when she started to have fun with her unique creative wardrobe choices. >> the most memorable choice opting to wear mismatched shoes with every out fit. >> as a mom, i wanted to embrace her creative spirit. shelves a little off balance because the out soles will be different. >> that's when her mom had an idea. >> a void i wanted to start a company that empowers kids to express themselves creatively. >> shoes was born if 2011 featuring boys and girls footwear. each shoe a different pattern with hundreds of thousands of shoes sold it is sharon and husband mark's full-time job and a-lest title. >> i'm the chief tester of shoes him. i try them on tell them if they're comfortable. i loing a at their designs. >> the coolest this inc. is that my daughter inspired me. now i'm getting to inspire her. i hope she learns from me she can come up with an idea and really make it happen. >> i started my company just out of sorry, just out of love for my kid. you know i just wanted to do something for him. >> abigail wall was also inspired by her family to create a business. >> when arthur was born he was just really sensitive. he was sensitive to gluten and dairy, i couldn't needle anything he had reflux all the time. >> so they put him on a strict diet no gluten corn, sugar. >> i had to say no to everything he wanted to eat all the time. we were literally that family eating kale and carrots in the corner while other everybody was eating blue birthday cake. >> fed up abigail decided to create something her son would love to eat. >> i went in the kitchen and put all the things i can say yes to and make something and after about two hours, i had made this thing and i put like 30 of them on the plate and they were gone in like five minutes. like oh you guys like that thing? and they're like yeah more more. >> and in that moment the yes bar was born. it's now sold online and in over 80 stores. >> i like the berry. >> for me it's much bicker than a little snack bar, it's about being who you want your kid to be and being what you want to put out there in the world. >> very nice. by the way, the yes bars were even given to celebrities at the 2014 golden globe. we don't have one. >> can we have a yes bar? >> i want some of those shoes for my kid. how cool. >> this has turned into our own shopping show. we are back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. >> amazing. hi wladz, how are you? >> great. >> i have a quick shout out. yesterday in d.c. we honored 14 different organizations make a difference day, usa today guy na menzel was there to help us present the awards. >> you both look beautiful. >> you had a great time. >> did she sing? >> she didn't. she gave a great speech about broader way. >> about young girls. >> she's just amazing. >> that's good for you. >> you are, too. we don't know we have makeovers, we have on people. fun family good morning. 9:56 right now. i'm kris sanchez. a quiet palo alto neighborhood under siege with pranksters armed with paint ball guns. police say someone inside a moving car is shooting paint balls at random people walking down the street. on tuesday an elderly man was hit near newell road and dana avenue. two women were also hit near melville and parkinson's avenue. police want to know who the culprit is. they want to find him before somebody gets hurt. san francisco police released surveillance video of a bold smash and grab robbery targeting a jewelry store in the west portal neighborhood. this happened back on april 21st. in the video you see a man kicking in the door. when he gets inside he starts stuffing the duffel bag. he made off with about $3,000 worth of items in less than a minute. if you recognize him call san francisco police. now a look at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. you have an active radar there. yeah. even though the picture behind you is nice and clear. what you'll notice is the core of low pressure is currently traveling through the bay area. we had lightning fire off over the santa cruz mountains and now looks like we have a pretty active cell over monterey. as we head throughout the day today and get warmer that's what fuels the thunderstorms. you need instability and heat and we have some on the way. 71 in the south bay. 78 in the north bay for today. good news is tomorrow we clear out and then spectacular conditions coming your way for mother's day weekend. let's check on the drive with mike. unstable air comes pretty cool-looking clouds. over here this is all right looking. the bay bridge toll plaza. you're backed up to the end of the parking lot in earnest. thing out a bit. no big drama coming toward the area. crash on 24 outside the caldecott. slowing for san mateo. here is your south bay, northbound routes continue to ease up. 101 slow down aren't the airport. more local news coming up in half an hour and we'll see you then. from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. ♪ i believe in miracles ♪ oh, okay. come on. ♪ you sexy thing ♪ >> do you remember this 1975 hit," you sexy thing." it's in honor of the passing of errol brown from the band hot chocolate. he died. >> too young, 71. >> we had a whole group in our makeup room -- >> i'm the only one who never remembered the song. >> electric slide. look what we did in the morning. >> i'm sitting there, who are these people? >> the electric slide is always fun when you're trying to work. >> so cute. >> adorable. >> our hearts go out to his family. >> look at billy and kid all getting into it. >> along with tim stackable from "entertainment weekly." >> we have a good show for you guys today. >> they're talking. >> i'm sure it's important. ambush makeover day. we're honoring two moms getting a new look for mother's day. and how much your valuables are worth. people always love this. you always wonder if you should toss something or sell it in a garage sell. >> billy bush and kit hoover and tim stack. >> what's with the gloves? >> you want to know? we're playing a game today. >> it's a weird -- >> watch this. >> no. >> oh, come on. >> that's my balloon. it's not time. >> oh, yeah. let's get this party started. >> well we're also going to have your music. >> yes, an ihoda week. >> you've had a busy morning. it's -- billy called you. >> billy called me on this. nick lobe decided to finally speak. he was engaged to sophia vergara. they had some embryos. >> two frozen female embryos. >> and now nick has come out and said he wants those embryos so he can have these children without her. >> they signed a contract? >> iron clad? >> most attorneys say it is a contract. both people agreed not to bring the embryos to term unless they signed off on it. we had a discussion about that. let's take a listen to this. do you want to have a baby or do you want to have her baby? >> it has nothing to do with her baby or a baby. lives were already created. we created -- a lot of the question is why don't you move on and meet somebody else. no doubt i'd love to do that. but two lives are already created. i wouldn't just toss them aside no different than a child that had been born. >> let's pretend you meet a girl tomorrow and say let's have a baby. is it possible this whole issue would go away if that were the case? >> absolutely not. >> i was looking throughior complaint and it says there's talk of abuse here. for example you say she physically abused him on four occasions, kicked him and threw his phone at her head. bullied him, called him a loser, worthless and other degradesing names. you signed this portion of the form directive even though he did not agree with it in order to avoid further abuse. i was reading this complaint for the furst time last night and said what was going on there? what was going on? >> i really came here to talk about, to deal with the embryos. i think sofia is a wonderful, wonderful woman. i don't want to sit here and talk about our personal issues we had in our relationship. i don't think that's fair. >> wow. good job, though. at the same time she was speaking out. >> she was speaking out an another show. i don't like promoting my private life. i don't want this man to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself. i asked about the timing. is this about getting press? he says no. regarding the lawsuit it shouldn't be out there for people to give their opinion when there's nothing to talk about. there's papers signed a court date. he shouldn't be creating something so ugly out of nothing. the court date is coming up in may. >> on the one hand i agree with her. you don't want your private court situations made public unless there's some good for the -- in the public interest. this is -- it's very -- i understand why she doesn't want it. it's obviously not flattering for her. it also may not be true. what it does -- people do have opinions. once it's out there in the publicarena, everybody is going to -- >> what once he put the op-ed in the paper it became a bigger story. he talked about this stuff. i asked him, let's pretend that sofia and joe who are starting their new lives wanted to have a baby and they wanted that embryo. it's half hers. how would you feel? he said he'd want a role in the parenting of it. are you worried about the lives of the embryos, the children or wrd about yourself and being a dad. >> or potentially just jealous that she's moved on so quickly with her life. getting married to one of the sexiest men in the world. he was in her shadow forral that time. and joe is a very accomplished guy. maybe it's a little of everything and a lot of all of it. >> it's going to play out. may 22nd we'll probably find out if that contract was iron clad. >> why have contracts if they don't mean anything. it's not something you can say that's settled in case we're not happy with it. something should mean something in this world we live in today. >> you don't want to talk about -- >> diane keaton. >> i want to talk about tom brady. you mean we have to have ihoda? >> we get to have ihoda. this will put you in a good mood. it's thursday which is practically friday. >> thirsty thursday. >> get your dancing shoes on. whistle while you work it by katie tiz. >> who? >> katie tiz. it's easy. words are simple. ♪ keeping my cool even if i'm broken up ♪ ♪ if you blow my mind won't make me cry ♪ ♪ whistle while you work it ♪ ♪ never let him see you down see you down ♪ ♪ gotta smile while you're hurting ♪ ♪ whistle while you work it ♪ >> come on billy. >> what is billy doing? stop it billy. >> wow. that's his dancing? ♪ whistle while you work it ♪ >> they all sound alike to me. is it just me? just live there for a while, hoda. you gave a great speech yesterday. >> i was at the elle cancer center. great ladies there. >> katy tiz will be here june 10th. that was great! shout out. you know you can listen to us on sirius xm channel 108. >> you can't see billy dancing. >> and hoda is on her sir yus shows, too. two moms on the plaza for the ambush. >> we help you figure out whether to freeze it or eat it these little angels build in softness. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. what are we missing here, janet? because with citrusy peel shine, i might as well be spraying orange juice on...grape juice. get serious, get a cleaner with bleach in it. that's right...i'll get it. clorox. bleach means clean. i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." wish your skin could bounce back like it used to? new neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena. i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. it's springtime. so bake cookies with someone you love. and country crock's fresh, buttery taste and smooth, creamy texture means your cookies will turn out just the way you like 'em... extra soft... ... and extra special. welcome to crock country. some questions can't wait until morning. so i'm one of many nurses at cigna with answers anytime, day or night. i'm lauren, and i've got your back. since sunday is mother's day and today samm bush makeover thursday we wanted to give some special moms something. headto toe makeovers. >> louis licari. ♪ la la la la la ♪ >> and the most fashionable author "today" contributor jill martin. you found two deserving moms out there? >> we sure did. great ladies. between the music and fans we found two perfect candidates. >> weekend, that group out there killed it. >> loved it. >> i couldn't believe the crowd. >> kim richards our first lucky lady. 45 from fortwright kentucky. an occupational therapist and mother of three. the same low maintenance beauty routine. her pilot husband is away a lot. she calls being a mom the best thing i've ever done. let's listen to her story. >> i know your sons are still sleeping and on their way. what does mother's day mean to you? >> it's such a special day. no other thing like being a mother. my own mother at home. hi mom. happy mother's day and kirsten who can't be here today. i love you. wish you were here. >> happy we can give you this gift. >> thank you. >> that was sweet. here she is with her two sons and co-worker sarah and husband mark. please keep your blindfolds on until i tell you to take them off. here's kim richards before. bring it out, honey. wow! >> oh, my gosh. >> kids are you ready? take off your blindfolds? >> oh, my gosh. >> i like it. >> turn right around kim. >> oh, my god! oh! >> that is -- >> wow! >> fun and flirty. >> look right there at camera 12. >> you match the kids. >> tell us about the hair. >> today another mad rush. igor igor. with the color i just made it a little warmer keeping it very natural. a pinch of red. if i would have seen your son before i would have gone all the way. >> what do you think? >> beautiful. >> amazing. >> beautiful. >> you want to give your mom something? >> go give her the flowers. >> that's a great mother's day. >> thanks guys. >> i don't know. who is the dress? >> new. built-in control panels. and look at her little waist with that leather belt. >> big round of applause. our second lady is song dickinson. she's 38. she is they say stay-at-home. i say work-at-home mom. when asked about her beauty routine she said what beauty routine. she said she's lucky she brushes her hair. she uses concealer and sun screen. she calls the job of being a mom hard but can't imagine life without her kids. let's hear her story. >> gavin, you are excited for mother's day. tell me why mom is so wonderful? >> she's caring and loving and always does so much for us. like she makes breakfast on like testing days and picks me up from school. >> so nice to hear. landon what do you think? >> same? same thing? >> we'll take that. >> oh, my gosh. so beautiful. today she's here with brad and her two boys. and gavin, happy birthday turning 13. let's take one last look at fong before and bring out the new fong dickinson. >> wow! >> oh, my goodness! >> oh, do i love that dress. all right, guys. you ready? take off your blindfolds? >> wow! >> beautiful. >> gorgeous. >> you ready to see yourself? >> yes. >> turn around sweetheart. >> oh, my god. >> her husband goes welcome to new york city. >> welcome to me. >> look at you. you look sensational. >> that's a great outfit. >> i want her body. >> look right there, camera 12. tell us louis. >> fong had her hair trimmed up quite a bit, layered. gorgeous hair. extreme hair to have. her hair was so dark but there are color options. i gave her highlights and softened her base color. and to make it all work together. slightly pink lip. i kept the makeup natural. she's a work-at-home mom. >> brad you are like loving -- >> and i'm in new york city right. >> you also have two sons with you. >> i'm going to have to look for a babysitter. >> hey, jill -- >> i love that dress. >> it's robert rodriguez. it's two pieces. >> it's gorgeous. >> so sexy. >> do you love that dress? >> i love it. i'm taking it home. >> you are. >> let's bring him out. good job, ladies. >> are you in the situation where you don't know what to do with your leftovers? trying to figure my budget was always second guessing me when i'd buy stuff for the family. fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. at we can shop with low monthly payments. over 200,000 items and growing from brands like samsung lego and kitchenaid. just click on over to to get the credit you deserve and great stuff for your family. not fingerhut. i got that at a garage sale. for a dollar. ♪ olive garden's all new duos are here. but not for long starting at $11.99. our most craveable classics like chicken parmigiana, paired with new tastes to explore, all served with unlimited salad and breadsticks. four all new duos, starting at $11.99. at olive garden. did you use the loo paper in there? i did. how was it? it was good! why do you think that the ripples work? because it gets it all clean. are you so clean that you would go commando? ok! how do you feel? i feel awesome! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . this is special. food is my art. when we cook for someone, we are sharing a little bit of our soul. to life! and when we eat, we begin with our eyes. just as the beauty of the food entices you to try it, the beauty of the website should entice you to explore it. i am eric ripert and this is my squarespace. now it's time for a little game we like to call "freeze it or eat it." when we figure out which foods are okay to store in the freezer. and which are not. here is nbc news health and nutrition editor madeleine bernstrom. we're going to play one of our favorite games. when you're going to take this food and it's left over. we're not talking about safety. we're talking about taste, and texture. these are all safe. potato salad berries, burgers, hot dogs deviled eggs alcoholic beverages and fresh fruit pies. 20 seconds to determine if you want to put it in the freezer. in this batch. or in this basket. this is stuff you want to eat now. and then we'll compare them. >> ready, set -- >> you'll put all this together. >> look in. that looks like strawberries. >> for taste? no i take it back. >> taste, texture -- >> can you freeze it or eat it now? >> potateo salad. >> better eat that. freeze that. >> you can freeze that? >> wait a minute. >> we thought we -- >> no guacamole, you have to eat now. >> what's that? >> pie. >> let's start with potato salad. >> hoda said freeze it. >> i say freeze it. >> and you would be wrong. you want to eat the potato salad. >> i didn't know what was in there. you cannot freeze mayonnaise containing things. next we have fresh berries. hoda says yes. and kathie -- >> you can freeze them but they'll be just like the -- the taste and texture. >> nothing is better after it's been frozen is it? nothing tastes better. >> so kathie lee gets the second one. >> imagine that. >> grilled burgers. >> burgers are fine. >> i said freeze it. >> freeze it for up to three or four months. let's go to deviled eggs. >> they are best fresh. >> and the thing is you have to eat it. eggs don't freeze well. the mayonnaise and egg whites get really rubbery. >> let's go to guacamole. kathie lee, you said -- >> eat it. >> you are both wrong on that. >> i'm sorry, but i don't like it if it's been frozen. avocados freeze well. if you have lime juice in it -- >> it turns that nasty color. sorry, madeleine. >> how about the leftover drinks? you have to drink it -- >> freeze it. >> alcohol lasts forever and that frozen slurry is great. >> i put my vodka in the freezer. >> you can have it as a slushy. >> completely disagree. >> hoda said eat it. >> i said freeze it. >> and you would be right. >> i still don't understand this game. >> i think you won. >> i don't care if i win. >> you won. >> i don't care. >> what's the prize? >> oh, i do care. >> thank you. >> all right. where's madeleine's. >> for more an what to freeze and what to eat go to klg and water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and just let it be itself. flowing freely into clean lakes - clear streams - and along more fresh water coast line than any other state in the country. come realize water's true potential. dive in - to the waters of pure michigan. your trip begins at new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. protein from yogurt? yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. mmm... dannon oikos triple zero mmm dannon. [ jennifer garner ] why can't powerful sunscreen feel great? actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. its superior uva uvb protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer, all with the cleanest feel. it's the best for your skin. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. sweet mother of softness... charmin!!! take a closer look at charmin ultra soft and you'll love what you see. not only can you use less, but you can actually see the softness in our comfort cushions. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft? what's the best room in the house? the living room, of course. that's where life happens. but sometimes life can be a little messy. that's why there's pledge. pledge helps make living rooms look beautiful. we love that and we love living rooms. good morning everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. just absolutely terrifying video. this is a man attacking a girl in her own san jose house. the 13-year-old girl managed to fight this man off. this happened in west san jose. police say he followed her home from school. likely had no idea there were surveillance cameras. a closer look at this fellow. the man also believed to target at least one other young victim. the girl is going to be okay but police fear he may strike again. a follow-up it looks like starting this summer. some workers in emeryville will be taking home bigger paychecks. city council members voted unanimously to give minimum wage workers a raise up to $12.25 which ties san francisco and oakland for the highest in the country. the hike takes effect june 1st. a look at weather and traffic next. welcome back now. i'm meteorologist christina loren. temperatures for today are going to be comfortable. 72 degrees on the peninsula. same for the east shore. 74 in the tri-valley and 69 degrees in san francisco. meanwhile we've got the unsettled weather pattern, and we could see some mountain thunderstorm activity. best chance south bay, east bay. a few showers lingering tomorrow morning and a lovely mother's day weekend coming your way. we'll track the showers for you when we meet back here at 11:00. let's check your drive with mike inouye. bay bridge toll plaza we're sad to see this. all lanes are filled at the toll plaza still. moving a little better. the map shows you that the compression over here southbound down the east shore freeway -- westbound is late for the commute. a couple late crashes but everything is moving very well. south bay no problem, guys. join us at 11:00 for our next newscast. see you then. we've got our game faces on because "access hollywood's" billy bush and kit hoover came to challenge us. >> here to host the game we're calling "what's poppin'" is entertainment weekly's senior writer -- >> oh, my gosh. there are tacks on the end of this. you're doing it again. >> he stabbed me. >> i'm going to read a question. you pop your balloon. whoever pops your balloon first i'll call your name and you answer your question. >> there are tacks in these gloves. >> we're on the same time. >> don't injured each other. >> the uk has a new princess. as of monday we officially -- >> charlotte, elizabeth diana. >> yes. >> don't high five me with that hand. >> getting the answer and predicting the question. >> she hosts the show. number two -- what singer and tv star last night was sugar bombed or flower bombed -- >> kit hoover? >> where was blake shelton? adam levine. >> that is hurtful. >> his new album is called "sugar." >> we need to keep going. >> this past weekend "avengers" -- >> wait a minute. >> what happened? >> they're only one down. >> you have to go in order. >> i'm bleeding. this last weekend avengers age of ultron hit number one at the box office. what movie holds the number one spot. >> it won't do it. >> no. kathie lee. >> it was the first "avengers." >> yes, correct. >> kathie lee. >> i am on a roll. >> all right. number four what power couple announced their split this week. >> tiger woods and lindsey vonn. >> "access hollywood" -- >> number five. name the handsome actor who remodeled his mother's basement. he launched a website called -- >> did you say bradley cooper? >> ashton kutcher. >> we've ruined the scoreboard. >> 3-2. who is winning? >> we are. >> what celebrity opted to skip the met gala and hung out with her daughter -- >> gwyneth paltrow! >> i heard gwyneth paltrow! >> this is terrible. look at this. it's tied. >> wait a minute. there's another person too. blake lively because she was in australia doing a movie. >> this is the last question. and it's tied. >> that's obnoxious. >> all right. hold on. i'm not ready. another band made news this week. what famous group reunited at a superstar athlete's birthday over the weekend. >> spice girls at david beckham's. >> oh, my! >> i don't know who these people are, but i read the papers. >> kathie lee! >> bubble wrap. >> why? >> because we're popping things. >> well done ladies. >> we love you guys. >> we've got the award-winning family vacation spots you voted on. and grandma's old in my bakery, i see customers every day. but some days, i felt like all they saw was my acne, not me. i couldn't believe i still had acne. so i went to, found a dermatologist, and asked her about aczone® (dapsone) gel. together, we decided aczone® gel was right for me and my acne got better. acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, your doctor can prescribe aczone® gel, fda approved for the topical treatment of acne and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness redness, oiliness, and peeling of treated skin. now you could pay no more than $10 for aczone® gel. get your coupon and learn more at aczone® gel. prescription treatment. proven results. hey! have an awesome vacation everyone! thank you so much! you're so sweet. yummy! key lime pie at 90 calories. it is so good for not giving in. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. are you so congested... it feels like that brick's on your face? try zyrtec®-d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec®-d. find it at the pharmacy counter. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. it's springtime. so bake cookies with someone you love. and country crock's fresh, buttery taste and smooth, creamy texture means your cookies will turn out just the way you like 'em... extra soft... ... and extra special. welcome to crock country. did ya know? fresh step extreme lightweight litter isn't just light. it's also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. amazing, right? for superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme... lighweight. to feel this special... you need to eat this special. kellogg's special k... made with whole grains and fiber to help a body thrive. ♪ folic acid and vitamin d... to make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... in a bowl of special k. eat special, feel special. special k red berries, now with more real strawberries. [ female announcer ] who are we? we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. if you've been holding on to something for years like your great grandmother's old broach or a coin collection we're going to help you figure out if it's worth something. nobody can help you more than the stars of "hard core pawn." >> how are you? >> we're going to do a little teaching today. people have stuff in their garages or attics. if you were going to give them a nutshell. how do you know if something is valuable? >> look at it. you can kind of determine if it has value. >> if you are attached to it -- >> the attachment is one thing we talk about. move the attachment. >> that's the only way you'll sell it. >> you have seen it 1,000 times. >> the first thing is a magnifying glass. we said we'd bring a few. utilize your eyes it tell you what the item is. the first thing is the brooch and the purse. if you went in your basement and you saw this you'd think a typical piece of jewelry and a brooch. it's really cool but you flip it over and see a hallmark. you'd see that there's a marking on it. >> you are looking for the manufacturer. >> that's the first thing. >> flip it over and it's judith lieber. that's huge. >> the brooch is or the purse? >> they are beautiful. >> you want to date the item. it's probably been in your garage or basement for a while. how long how old it is. >> what about condition? >> condition is important. >> carolyn monroe magazine and that coin? >> 1955. playbill magazine. prior to the playboy magazine "photo play." you'd think it's worth a ton of money because it's marilyn monroe. that doesn't have a scarcity effect to it. people hold on to it. >> what about a "playboy" one? >> that has much more value. >> well she's naked. >> what about the coin? >> it's dated. look at the date of the coin. a lot of people collected silver dollars. prior to 1964 all the coins were silver. after that they started taking the silver off. >> what about nickel? >> nickel is nickel. >> it's worth about ten times face value prior to 1964. >> you have seen things from the '30s. pennies and things. >> i brought a coin from 1799. the coin laying there is worth anywhere from $1,000 to $300,000. ours is worth $1,000. >> the next thing -- >> you can just look right on the internet. >> it's an easy way to guide you. i brought two bobbleheads. new york yankees and detroit tigers. that's a precursor to the modern day bobblehead. they are made out of papier-mache and ceram ic. typically things are made out of plast ic. do some research. it's a good path to guide you. >> are those worth -- >> $300 a piece. >> there's a bird cage. we were just in italy doing an event. a bird cage clock. i'd never seen one before. i had to have it. so we bought it. >> it's beautiful. i'd never seen anything like that. >> you take that to a dealer? >> $250. >> now we brought the gems. a lot of people kept expenseive gems in a jewelry box. that's a prime example. the ones in the big dish are run of the mill coins -- or gems. the one in the front is a 3.5 carat emerald cut emerald. if you utilize your loop and look at the gem, you'll realize there's imperfections. when you really question that take it to your local jeweler, pawn shop. go to somebody that you trust. >> can you trust a pawn shop or somebody to tell you -- >> there's been association most legitimate pawn brokers. make sure they are represented and do your homework. >> you could have a treasure. >> you guys are so great. >> we love you. >> come to the pawn shop. now that you made a little extra money we're going to put it t women talking about activia. when i feel bloated and my stomach is rumbling in the morning, it takes me forever to get dressed. i just like wearing a lot of black. i don't have the time to be gassy and uncomfortable, when i'm trying to get out of the house. those are the days you wear sweatpants. i love activia. that is so good. i eat activia every day. enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. feeling good, looking good. activiaaaa. my husband has been singing that to me for two weeks. in one mesmerizing stroke, create a smoldering look. l'oreal's new smokissime. our 1st powder liner to create a smoky effect in just one stroke. concentrated pigments... effortlessly shade... and intensify... it's smoky made simple. smokissime from l'oreal makeup designer, paris. [ female announcer ] choices aren't always this easy. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love. mazola makes it better. 30 minutes ago this he washing machine said 7 minutes. now, every spin is a laugh in his face. you're in laundry limbo pal. and you're here because your machine is overwhelmed by the suds of your detergent. next time, wash with tide he turbo. he turbo smart suds collapse faster... to save up to 25 minutes a wash. is that magic? yes, turbo magic. new tide he turbo. saves up to 25 minutes a wash. ♪ when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. he says "it has a certain code that's my line, this is the date." if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. did you use the loo paper in there? i did. how was it? it was good! why do you think that the ripples work? because it gets it all clean. are you so clean that you would go commando? ok! how do you feel? i feel awesome! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. things made with love are the best things. and that's exactly why avocados from mexico are grown with love, all year round. keep up with everyday messes with the help of roomba from irobot. sensors automatically guide roomba around your home, vacuuming up dirt and debris for a more thorough clean every day. roomba. only from irobot. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing new country time lemonade starter with real lemon juice. a fresh, new way to make country time. look what i just bought. >> that was from the hard core pawn segment. >> i'll sell it for $500. i'm kidding. i'm taking that home. that's going to be in our guest house. >> put it down over here? >> no. >> she's very possessive. all right. the school year is winding down. now it's time to start planning the summer get aways. >> before you book anything family fun magazine has 2,000 families to name favorite get aways, one of the top attractions in the south was gatlinburg tennessee. it is beautiful there. >> the top science museum went to the national museum of science where it is free. >> here to reveal more family fun hot spots is the gudeputy editor. >> thank you. >> okay. i'll put it down. >> we're going to play a game. >> another game. >> we like games. all right. fire away. >> we have a quiz to see if can you guess where these locations are. ready to play? >> yes. >> this is beach one. >> this one is in florida. to get us in the right frame of mind. we have mimosas. >> okay. >> oranges. okay. >> i'm going to say -- >> let me give ut clue. in this florida island town buildings can't be taller than the tall am trees. >> sania bell island. >> very nice. >> i used to work in ft. myers. >> all right. >> i was going to say key west. >> this town is famous for the lay back vibe where families can hang out. they're known for 250 varieties of sea shells and the active outdoor things they can do. zbh because the buildings are not tall it's such a quaint beautiful place. >> santa bell island. >> that's right. >> okay. >> gulf coast, right? >> no. you are on a roll. >> okay. our number one animal attraction is home to the world's largest indoor desert which midwestern state is it in? >> st. louis. >> arizona. >> no. it's in omaha, nebraska. >> of course it is. it is the henry doorly museum. they also have the largest nocturnal exhibit in the world. >> that is a snake skin. >> yeah. >> i want to buy that, too. >> also the largest rain forest in north america at the zoo. it is supposed to be awesome. >> okay. >> i guess they're into that. >> okay. >> i know they like the animals. >> hoda is in. >> hershey, pennsylvania. >> no. our number one state park sits on an island in lake huron where cars are banned? >> >> mackinaw island. >> so not only is it just beautiful for things like biking and cycling because it's a gorgeous state park, it is part of the charm they don't have cars. you have to get around by horse drawn carriage or bikes. >> how do you get there? >> by boat. >> you get there by boat. that's right. and then they have a revolutionary war era fort that can you tour. you can also go to the nearby town of mackinaw which is one of the top ten tourist towns. >> you can stay in the hotel. >> that's right. >> where christopher reeve and jane see more. watch that movie first. and then it's famous for the fudge. >> in that case okay. >> it is called research. >> i'm just going to try. >> we're doing all right. >> yes. >> so now we have all 50 winners online at family fun magazine do the co. the last one -- voted the number one destination by family fun readers on the west coast. and this is home to more than 35,000 sea creatures. >> sea world? >> no. it's an aquarium on the bay. >> don't know it. >> this goes aquarium. >> close, monterey bay aquarium. >> the seals and all of that. >> that's right. you know what? i stay there sometimes because it's close to my stuff. i forgot what a gorgeous place monlt ray is. >> yes. >> this is amazing. >> they have 550 species, sea otters giant pacific octopus. they have a 90 foot long wall where can you observe sharks to turtles. >> thank you so much. this is great fun. thank you so much. >> all right. here's a question for hoda. is it okay to talk back to fans? >> what does that mean? you have to wait for the answer. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. first, this is "today" on nbc. now time for okay or not okay. sometimes when you are in the spotlightlight there are some not so nice things said. some celebs responded to their critics. is it okay or not okay to talk back to angry fans. here's what we thought about it. >> i understand the compulsion to lash out at ignorant people but i doubt it changes someone's behavior. haters seem to hate by nature. >> mine says it's okay to respond. just make sure you leave the expleasex expletives and the hate out of it. #chillout. >> what's the point? >> don't say anything. >> that's what i said. >> we are out of control. we have some lovely ladies here. winners of our auction representing city meals on wheels. thank you ladies so much. tomorrow if you like home makeovers you'll like the big surprise i gave to my mom this mother's day. >> and some funny girls try out their stand-up routines on us. our studio turns into a ball room. >> and giveaway friday. so much going on. >> thanks . right now at 11:00 look at the radar. rain returns to the bay area. bringing thunder and lightning along with it. that is realtime doppler radar. here is a live look outside at san jose right now where the clouds are looming and threatening as well. thanks for joining us. i'm kris sanchez. i'm scott mcgrew. let's get to the expert. christina loren. 11:00 straight up. a lot of the activity is starting to press out of the bay area, but we have had some very interesting storm reports so far. in fact one person a trained weather spotter, reported that they saw a funnel cloud earlier today which is basically rotation

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150507 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150507

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and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> morning, everyone, welcome to. >> it fascinated a lot of people because it deals with legal issues, medical ethics and that's a potent mix. >> this is the first time he's speaking out in a live interview. >> let's start with the nation's midsection really dealing with a lot of tough weather. we're starting to see a lot of the videos now coming into us of those damaging tornadoes. >> yeah, take a look at some of the damage we're seeing. cars overturned, roofs ripped off homes, and there is major flooding from these storms. let's turn to al with what we can expect. >> oklahoma city got 7.1 inches, more than double their record last night, and it's not done yet. this is going to be a multiday event going right on into the weekend. let's show you what we've got going on right now. again, tornadoes, up to 50 tornado reports from nebraska, kansas, on into oklahoma. and we saw these tornadoes moving across at a very alarming rate. at some point these tornadoes had multiple vortices within them. multiple funnels of suction causing major damage. thankfully nobody killed but 12 injured, 2 of them critically in an rv park somewhere right outside of oklahoma city. we continue to track this. the damage major. and in fact, oklahoma city's airport, the will rogers airport, was shut down. people had to be actually evacuated. jay gray was able to get there because he was able to drive in. and jay, it looks like what you see behind you is some major devastation. >> reporter: good morning, al. i want to give you a firsthand look at some of that devastation. take a look behind me. believe it or not, there were people inside when the storm hit. miraculously, they all survived here. it was the winds that caused the problems here. other places, it was the water. in some cases, more than seven inches. overnight, dangerous storms unleashed a string of tornadoes in and around oklahoma city. sirens warning hundreds of thousands to take cover as the violent system delivered tennis ball-sized hail and tornadoes. several touching down throughout the night. >> that thing just started spinning. >> reporter: kfor reporter mark dillard found himself in the middle of one. >> i've got trees coming down on me and power flashes. i've got to back out of here. i've got trees coming down on me. back it out, mike. back it out. >> reporter: some of the twisters believed to be f-3s with winds in excess of 158 miles an hour ravaged homes, blew off roofs and knocked down walls. southeast of oklahoma city what was once a storage facility is now gone. and for the first time ever, a flash flood emergency was declared for oklahoma city as torrential rains caused widespread catastrophic flooding. homes and businesses swallowed by the water. motorists left stranded. then amid the night's chaos, there was this. residents in tuttle, oklahoma, told to stay inside after the tiger safari exhibit was hit by one of the twisters. >> there are wild animals on the loose right now. >> that's all we needed, wasn't it, flooding, tornadoes and now wild exotic animals on the loose. >> reporter: now, all of the animals were recovered quickly. the cleanup, the recovery here is going to take a bit longer. al? >> yeah, jay. and in fact, we spoke with the police chief in oklahoma city. there are more water rescues going on right now. jay gray in oklahoma city, thank you so much. and this is going to be an ongoing event. right now this is looking at the live radar. you can see heavy thunderstorms south of oklahoma along i-35. and we've got this dry line. that's where that dry air gets sucked into this and makes it even more potent. so for today, we've got the risk of strong storms stretching from wichita, pueblo, colorado, down to dallas. it goes into tonight. kansas city, wichita, oklahoma city, austin. 9 million people at risk. wind gusts of 60 miles per hour. isolated tornadoes. friday, we've got an enhanced risk from central oklahoma, oklahoma city again included, down to del rio, texas. and this is very unusual. looking ahead to saturday, there is already a strong risk -- a strong risk -- we're looking at a major outbreak of tornadoes on saturday. 20 million people at risk. wind gusts of over 70 miles per hour. strong tornadoes. oklahoma city, again, right in the midst of this, guys. and it lasts right on into sunday. this is going to be a multiday event that could cause major, major problems. not only just with damage from tornadoes but with the rains, we could see massive flooding as well. so this is going to be a very dangerous event to track. >> we'll spend a lot of time with you this morning. al, thanks very much. meanwhile, deflategate is trending in a big way. a much-anticipated report finding it's more probable than not that new england patriots staffers took air out of footballs in the afc championship game and that tom brady knew something about the practice. nbc national correspondent peter alexander's been on this story since the start. peter, good morning. >> yeah, three months later we're still talking about this. no word yet from tom brady but his dad came to his defense speaking to "usa today," dismissing this investigation as framegate, not deflategate. so here's your lengthy wells report. 243 pages in all. compare that to the ray rice domestic violence report, just 96 pages. it felt like a thud in new england. the fallout and reaction landing squarely on the shoulders of new england's number 12. >> now he's going to be looked at as a quarterback who's cheated, which has helped him achieve his glory. >> reporter: tom brady is in the nfl's crosshairs. the league must decide whether to fine or suspend the reigning super bowl mvp. brady defended his record to me when deflategate first broke before the super bowl. >> i feel like i've always played within the rules. i would never do anything to break the rules. i believe in fair play and i respect the league. >> reporter: but the independent report concludes it was more probable than not that brady was at least generally aware that team personnel were deflating footballs before a critical playoff game. the wells report singles out two longtime members of the patriots' locker room staff and some of the most telling evidence is a trail of text messages between those two locker room attendants. one of them calling himself "the deflator." over the course of months, there were complaints about a demanding brady. tom is acting crazy about balls, ready to vomit! and heavy implications footballs were deflated in exchange for bribes. "i have a big needle for you this week." "better be surrounded by cash and new kicks." >> i think this hurts his image in the short term, but in the long term, i think people are going to still think of tom brady as tom brady the mvp of super bowls and america's quarterback. so while it seems like a big deal now, it's still -- we're talking about football. and deflating footballs. >> reporter: missing from the report, complete texts from brady's phone. according to the report, he refused to turn over call, text or e-mail records to investigators. while brady was a no-show at the white house back in april when even the president joked about deflategate -- >> i usually tell a bunch of jokes at these events, but with the patriots in town, i was worried that 11 out of 12 of them would fall flat. >> reporter: this week brady's been his usual high-profile self, trackside at the kentucky derby and ringside at the mayweather/pacquiao fight on the same day. he's been silenced so far on the report, but brady did also say this about deflategate back in january. >> this isn't isis. this isn't, you know, no one's dying. >> reporter: the rest of the patriots including coach bill belichick and owner robert kraft all cleared in this report. when the story first broke, kraft demanded an apology from the league if the investigation turned up no proof his team did anything wrong. on wednesday he reiterated his disappointment in how the investigation was conducted but said the patriots will accept the report's findings and take the appropriate actions going forward. >> all right. thank you, peter. meantime, we've got peter king here. he covers the nfl for "football night in america" and "sported illustrated." he's as plugged into this league as anybody. good morning to you. everyone's faulting the report for saying more likely than not, using wishy-washy legal terms. does the nfl have the evidence or not? >> it's a good question. i think they used 23 quivocating terms in a 129-page document. i think one of the things the nfl has to look at is how positive are they? because they are messing with the reputation of one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. and they have to be absolutely sure, when they penalize him, when they sanction him, that they have the goods on him. >> well, that's why they're in such a tricky position here because they commissioned this report. this is the standard of proof for the league to say if there's a violation, is it more probable than not, they found that it is. >> right. >> now the request he is how do you discipline him? >> right. i think if roger goodell and his assistant, troy vincent, executive vice president of the nfl, find incontrovertible proof in their eyes that brady had something to do with it, that they will sanction him harshly. that is going to be the big question because i don't think we know yet what roger goodell thinks, and he's the man holding the cards right now. >> that suggests you think there's more investigation to be done. i mean, isn't this report supposed to be the final word on it? >> it is supposed to be the final word, but, you know, the last time this happened when the new orleans saints had a report done on them, sean payton, the coach of the saints, went into roger goodell's office and basically kind of threw himself on the mercy of the court. it didn't work, but again, that's why i'm not positive that it's over right now. >> when you look at this generally, when you look at the pats' super bowl victory they went on to win after all of this, do you think it has a different meaning for a lot of fans? >> for a lot of fans it will because the patriots are like the yankees, the old cowboys, the team that america loves to hate. and i think that is one of the things that people take great delight in the kingpin getting toppled. and that's why i think people take great delight this morning in looking at tom brady and saying that hey, look. he should get what's coming to him. >> needless to say, it's being viewed a little differently in boston. peter king, good to have you. >> thanks. >> so what do you think? we're posing that question on should the patriots keep their 2015 super bowl title? head to our website to weigh in. we'll have results a little later. how about this exchange between the two guys at the center, jim mcnally and john jastrem jastremski. "talked to him last night. he actually brought you up last night. you must have a lot of stress trying to get them done." >> brady says he doesn't even know who these guys were. >> but there were text messages. a connection between one of the gunmen who opened fire at that controversial event in texas and isis sympathizers is becoming clear this morning. our pete williams has been talking to investigators. pete, what's the latest on this? >> matt, good morning. a congressional committee today hears from experts on this alarming rise in direct terrorist recruiting through social media, just the kind of thing the fbi says was behind the plot to attack the gathering in texas dealing with the prophet muhammad. >> reporter: in the wake of the plot by two phoenix men to shoot up the texas meeting, isis sympathizers and recruiters have suggested more is coming. "you ain't seen nothing yet" tweets a british isis convert. "i smell something big coming soon." as investigators look for exactly what prompted the two gunmen, elton simpson and nadir sufi, they say simpson was deeply immersed in jihadi twitter accounts including some that called before attacking the event. two weeks before, it carried the "risk of being targeted." federal officials say more than 5,000 people are following the kind of radical twitter accounts that elton simpson did. but how to tell which followers are truly dangerous? >> this is a very difficult task for law enforcement. there are a lot of people who say a lot of things on twitter, and most of them don't carry out terrorist strikes. >> reporter: people who knew the other gunman, nadir sufi, say he showed no signs of violence, helping out at a nonprofit for the homeless. >> he was very gentle with the clients that he worked with. he helped them with their computer systems. he was just a really nice person. >> the fbi says this latest plot dramatically shows how powerfully isis and other terror groups have exploited social media, taking calls for violence directly to people already receptive to the message. matt, savannah? >> pete williams, thank you very much. turn to natalie covering a big medical story this morning. >> that's right. and good news perhaps for parents. a surprising new study with big implications. thousands of premature births have found that some babies born at 22 weeks with proper medical treatment are able to survive with few health problems. currently most medical experts consider 24 weeks as the age of viability, but now leading medical groups are considering reducing that. and this study in "the new england journal of medicine" may help them decide. and it could affect the abortion debate. we'll have more on this with dr. natalie azar coming up later on in the program. new attorney general loretta lynch heads to capitol hill today to ask congress for $28 billion next year. and that includes a 40% increase in her immigration budget to deal with the massive backlog of cases. lynch also wants more money for prisons, grants for things like police body cameras, and funding for civil rights investigations. former u.s. house speaker jim wright has died. the texas democrat served in congress for 34 years, rising to the speakership back in 1987. however, he stepped down as house speaker in 1989 amid charges he violated house ethics rules. jim wright was 92. defense attorneys for boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev plan to call notable anti-death penalty advocate to testify today in the penalty phase of his trial. the roman catholic nun portrayed in the 1995 film "dead man walking" is one of two remaining witnesses tsarnaev's defense attorneys intend to call. federal prosecutors have indicated they will file a motion to restrict or prevent her from testifying. we have some dramatic new video this morning of a frightening close call between an airplane and a boat. this happened in argentina. take a look. there was an air show going on at the same time a fishing tournament was happening. and three men cruising down the lake here when take a look, a small plane -- you saw that buzz right past them, cruising along. the men can be heard laughing. one of them later admitted, though, they were scared. i would be, too. >> you call it a small plane. it looked big to me. >> it looked pretty big when it comes that close to you. and broadcasting legend bob euc eucker and his colleagues became trapped in the radio booth in milwaukee. turns out the door handle broke. it wouldn't open from the other side either. an employee climbed up on a ladder, removed the hinges and finally they got it open again and bob uecker could go on home. >> must be in the front row. >> that's right. i think he said it was just a little bit inside. >> all right. matt, thank you. mr. roker, busy morning for you. >> i've got to tell you, he is still one of the greatest. he really is. warm air. look at these temperatures. 10 to 20 degrees above average from the northeast all the way into the midwest. behind the front, though, we're looking at cooler than average temperatures. 10 to 15 degrees below average. as you get into the western plains and the pacific northwest. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. plains and in the pacific west. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. 7:17. i'm meteorologist christina loren tracking light shower activity. with now most of the bay area is dry. you might have to use our windshield wipers five minutes at a time. but look at this. lake tahoe this morning getting snow down to the lake level. we could accumulate over a foot of snow above 7,000 feet. very unusual pattern. temps in the 50s ppz on our way to the 70s. 78 degrees in the north bay. 71 degrees in the south bay. degrees. zbrrnls. and that's your latest weather. carson has the internet waiting. >> tom brady and the fallout over deflate gate are dominating a conversation on my space. if you go to, we have a couple questions up there for you, we ask you in light of the report should the patriots keep their 2015 super bowl title? in a sland slide so far, we have 73% saying no 27 saying yes. we also asked you this other question obviously, guys, people overwhelmingly think the nfl should take a stance. it's a little bit of new england patriots hate in there. >> no question i think peter said it's a little like the yankees, a lot of people weighing in programs more emotionally than logically. >> thank you. all right, coming up a "today" live exclusive. sophia vergara's ex-fiance, nick loeb opens up about their embryo battle. first, this is "today" on nbc. wow, that big crowd gathered outside for the weekend and we'll have a live performance with hit music coming up. also on trending what would time's square be without massive iconic billboards? ♪ ♪ it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases 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aggressive and may try to strike again. we now know what killed a humpback whale that washed ashore this week. scientists say it was struck by a passing ship. the whale suffered four broken vertebrae and hemorrhaging around one broken rib. another whale washed ashore in pacific a last month. a follow-up. looks like starting the summer some workers in emeryville will take home bigger paychecks. they voted to give minimum wage workers raise. minimum wage will increase to $12.25 per hour. the wage hike takes effect on june 1st. christina has activated the doppler radar. let's check in with her now. >> good morning. we're tracking a pretty potent system. mostly impacting tahoe at this point. just getting some light activity along the east shore and in san francisco as we speak. getting into this afternoon, we're going to switch gears and watch for mountain thunderstorm activity. we could see a few light showers throughout the day. 64 degrees at lunchtime for the peninsula. 66 degrees as you break for lunch in the east bay. rounding out the day at 71 degrees in the south bay. 78 for the north bay. warm conditions. tm, more of the same. clearing out for tomorrow afternoon. mother's day weekend looks spectacular. all across the bay area. we had problems earlier. let's get the latest drive with mike. >> the bay bridge stall out at mid span. your commute direction. that has cleared. i think they might have slowed down the metering lights a tad bit. we still have this backup of course, look at the map. the maze with the slower drive. but not so bad for the east shore freeway. north bay slowing. rest of the east bay approach. glean is indicating there may be slick erode ways. a lot of moisture in the air. looking at 880 and 101 on both sides of the san mateo and dumbarton bridges. be right back. >> looks good. we'll be back with another local news update in half hour. it's 7:30 now on the 7th of may, 2015. take a look at some of the damage in oklahoma city from that outbreak of very powerful tornadoes overnight. >> people there are waking up to it. our look at the headlines, dozens of tornadoes spotted in kansas and nebraska him at least 12 people were injured overnight when one storm tore through parts of the city. dozens of homes have been destroyed across the region. what will goodell do? the nfl commissioner will have to decide if punishment will be handed out in the deflate gate controversy. it's probable the new england patriots' personnel deliberately deflated footballs in the afc championship game and the top quarterback tom brady was probably aware of the riles violations. maryland's governor lifted the state of mortgages put in place in baltimore following the death of freddie gray. six officers have been charged in that case. now a closely watched and controversial case t. lawsuit by sophia vergara's fiance nick loeb over embryos created while they were a couple. nick loeb will speak out. but hoda is here with more. >> guys this started off as a very private battle that has gone very very public after loeb wrote an op-ed in the "new york times" saying quote, our frozen embryos have a right to live. >> reporter: sophia a lot of people think not bringing the embryos to completion is murder. any comment? >> reporter: on wednesday, a smiling sophia vergara arrived at lax with her fiance joe manage manganiello. she brushed off paparazzi asking about her battle with former fiance nick loeb. >> i forgive you for bumping into me though. >> reporter: in his "new york times" op-ed, loeb wrote, in my view it's tantamount to killing them. he wants to raise the children himself. one place she spoke about her ex is with howard stern who, of course went there. >> you guys break up and you say, look i don't want to have a baby with you, i'm not involved with you anymore. >> can you braham me? >> a child needs a matter. >> more than a mother needs a loving relationship of parents. you know that get along, that don't hate each other, that -- i mean i -- >> you hate each other now? >> i don't hate him, but obviously he has a problem with me. >> reporter: vergara breaking her silence on loeb. >> my advise would be go out and find a girl and make a family? >> and you know what it's like i totally understand him, but the thing is this that fortunately or unfortunately, there is law. you wrote, you, you signed paper, legal papers and he if it was so serious for him, this issue, which i totally respect if it's serious for someone, then you should have taken it more serious at the time like i did. >> all right. and nick loeb is with us now. nick good morning. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> let's talk about that agreement as it was stated you seech signed an agreement saying neither of you would bring these empriios to term without the other's consent. it sort of seems like a dead issue, is it? >> we actually signed these forms way at the very beginning before all the processes happened. none of the forms really discussed what would happen in the terms of separation. it was while we were together. after we signed the forms, we went through invitro, creating life putting it into a surrogate once and a surrogate a second time. we went through the process again to create new live then we went and my thought was we would do it again. there was no really thought of well now, she's going to change her mind now we're not going to do it. i always assumed with our agreement that we will take it to term. >> here's the perception sophia vergara, a beautiful actress, about to get married, starting a new life very successful. she doesn't want to have a child with her exe. you are perceived as the guy who cannot let go of a relationship. she wants to move on. >> i have tremendous respect for sophia. she is very successful. she is very smart. you know we filed this back in october. it had nothing to do with this at all. this has to do with doing moral, legal and ethical contests that are out there about lives we have already created. it has nothing to do with anything else. >> now you said this in the "new york times" for as long as i can remember, i've dreamed of being a parent. okay i want to ask you a very very important question. do you want to have a baby or do you want to have her baby? >> it has nothing to do with her, her baby or a baby. lives were already created. we created. a lot of the question is why don't you move on and meet somebody else. no doubt i want to do that. these are two lives i wouldn't toss them aside than a child that had been born. >> you are 39-years-old let's pretend you find a girl tomorrow. you fall madly in love and say let's have a baby. is it possible this whole issue would go away if that were the case? >> absolutely not. it has nothing to do with one woman over another woman. this has to do with the two lives we created and exist that are two female embryos. >> so let's pretend, sophia said okay joe manganiello and i, we want to take those embryos, we want to have those babies would you be okay in that? >> as long as i were involved in the parental process, no different than if we had children and i separated. we would have joint custody. they would spend time raising the child. no different than millions of americans out there today. >> nick a lot of people say the timing is so weird. the op-ed comes out at the time that sophia is promoting this movie, on the red carpet. doing all this stuff and boom it comes out. it looks like a publicity thing. you want press. >> unfortunately, i didn't come out with this story to begin with. it was leaked to the press. there were comments made. i felt i needed to come out and correct the record. i submitted the op-ed to the "new york times" a week before it even went out. i have no control when the "new york times" prints their op-eds. >> why did you sign this thing, i was looking through your complaint. i found this interesting. it said there's talk of abuse here. for example you say she physically abused him of four separate occasions. she bunched on two occasion kicked him, threw her phone at his head andrew teenly bullied him, called him loser, and degrading names. you signed this form even they he did not agree with it in order to avoid further abuse. i got to tell you, i was reading this complaint for the first time last night. i read this part and said oh my god what was going on there? so what was going on? >> i really came here to talk about the embryos, the live wes are creating. i think sophia is a wonderful, wonderful woman. i don't want to sit here and talk about our personal issues we had in our relationship. i don't think that's fair to her. we are both going through a tough time with that. >> she said on howard stern, a child needs a loving relationship and parents that get along and don't hate each other. she says she doesn't hate you. >> i don't hate her at all. you know there are 20 million single parents in this world and you know i think they're all working really hard to bring children. so i don't think there is anything wrong with being a single father, a single mother raising a child in america today. >> any financial motivation? i think people are going, why would he be doing there? like what's the deal? >> not only do i have financial motivation. i have offered her to waive all financial responsibilities. i'll financially pay to raise this child. put it in college i can give these children a wonderful life. these girls will be knowing a father fought so hard for them because he loves them so much. >> you can understand from a mother sophia's perspective, you wouldn't want children walking around, inevitably you will say who is their mom. oh it's the lady over there on television. does not not put her in a position she sort of has to agree in some sense. >> i let it open to her. if she wants to be involved. if she doesn't want to be involved. either one is okay with me. i want these children to have the best lives possible. whatever makes everybody happier, but there is nothing i want to do more than bring these children to life for me. they're on a journey and a path way to being born. why go the other way? we are talking equal rights. ierer on the side of death? we should be erring on the side of life. >> so will is a court date or a hearing on the 22nd of may. so we'll hear more then? >> yes. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. guys back to you. >> that is fascinating and by the way this is one of those stories where it seems it will be hard for them to find compromise either or not. >> some judge's decision which is a difficult one to make. >> and set a precedent as well. >> hoda thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> let's get a check of weather from al roker. so besides the severe weather, we are also watching the possible development of what could become a tropical storm or subtropical cyclone anna. right now, it is a 70% chance in the next 40 hours, 35-mile-per-hour winds. 225 miles on the north carolina-south carolina bordered and the track of this thing right now, the models we put into motion kind of mean ders along the south coast a. high blocking pressure system off the northeast coat. e -- coast. so that would be more rain. the two big effects, rain. we are talking anywhere three-to-five inches of rain from cape hatteras to charleston. also a beach erosion. a high wind warning. a high surf advisory rip currents from happy hatteras all the way down to daytona beach. we will be tracking this very closely as 7:40. good morning. happy thursday. happy to see some showers on the radar at this hour. mostly south of the golden gate bridge at this point. san francisco getting some light activity. that's also extending down if east shore. this will be the weather story today. showers and thunderstorms later on this sarch. 71 for the south bay. 72 on the east shore today. 74 out in the tri-valley. tomorrow more of the same weather coming your way. spectacular conditions for your mother's day weekend. hope you have a fantastic day. and that's your latest weather. >> thanks al. take a look at this guy, he's the answer to mcdonald's declining tale. shaquille o'neill eats it on national television. it could win you some cash. carson will ♪ ♪ ♪ (laughing) come here you. this mother's day, remember... i told you this was gonna happen. every kiss does begin with kay. save up to 30% on select diamonds in rhythm. the center diamond constantly moves catching light from every angle. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. do i have to chase you, too? ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪ look like this. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got 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some color to your life with certain dri. at the plaza coming up who here has really been embarrassed on live television? >> we all have. >> exactly. carson is in the orange room with an example of it. >> shaq is trending after tripping on the "inside the nba" halftime show that drew widespread attention on social media. it looked bad. shaq of course kept a good sense of hume more whoever makes me the best m eme, he also posted this one later, getting knocked out by floyd mayweather of course the internet accepted the chal sent in a few funny ones, here he is doing the smooth criminal dance with michael jackson and simba in the lion king. coming up here's what's trending today, the billboards in time's square are too big. have you seen the new and improved hamburg lar? >> that's in proved? >> carson thank you very much. coming up a remarkable story, a woman misdiagnosed with a debilitating disorder u ♪ (spoken in japanese) (spoken in japanese) reliability, is now an american thing. 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we've helped millions of people protect their families and run their businesses. we have the right people on-hand to answer your questions backed by a trusted network of attorneys. so visit us today for legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. ford is taking the ecoboost challenge all across america. ford has really stepped up! check out fusion and find out why ford is the brand more people buy, and buy again. i like the grill. the sexy look to it. epa-estimated 37 miles per gallon on the highway. are you serious? fusion is amazing. my opinion of ford has dramatically changed. take the ecoboost challenge at your ford dealer. and for a limited-time get a fusion with zero for sixty plus one-thousand bonus cash plus seven-fifty cash if you own a ford or qualifying competitive vehicle. a good thursday morning. 7:56. i'm sam brock. a quiet palo alto neighborhood is under siege right now from pranksters arm we'd paintball guns. police say someone inside a moving car firing paintballs at random people walking down the street. on tuesday an elderly man was hit near newell road and dana avenue. later two women were struck near melville and parkinson avenues. police want to find those culprits or culprit before someone gets seriously injured. san francisco police have released surveillance video of a bold smash and grab targeting a jewelry store in the west portal neighborhood. you can see the man kick in the door and march in. gets inside and starts stuffing his duffel bag. investigators say he made off with about $3,000 worth of items in less than a minute. anybody who might recognize him should call san francisco police. okay. seeing some light storm activity coming our way. i believe east to west. christina loren here with more. >> good morning to you sam. i want to show you the doppler radar at this hour. you can see the showers are pushing to the south bay at this point. we did have a lot of activity earlier this morning on the peninsula up in san francisco. things seem to be ramping up. that will be the story as we head throughout the day today. otherwise, temperatures look really comfortable get sbook this afternoon. we are expecting the 70s. 71 degrees in the south bay. 72 degrees for the peninsula today. and we're looking towards the same activity as we head throughout early friday morning. then conditions start to change just in time for your mother's day weekend. here's mike and your drive. >> christina as you've been telling folks, gray maybe damp roadways. oak had, slows a bit 880. some folks might have got scared by somebody appearing on their wind windshield. we have slowing on the east shore freeway. a little mist on the roadways from time to time. here a slower drive for 880 down through fremont. northbound routes move better now that 87 the crash has cleared. back to you. >> that's what's happening right now. see you in 25 minute for another update. ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up medical mystery solved. the remarkable story of a young mom misdiagnosed with a disorder for decades. >> it was painful, exhausting. it was challenging. >> until one little pill changed everything. >> she was able to do so many things that we never dreamt she'd be able to. plus love in full bloom on our week long tribute to moms. it's tamron's turn to honor the woman she calls her inspiration. >> there are times you'll fall. get yourself up, dust yourself off and go on. >> we'll reveal the special way that tamron is giving back to her mom. everybody is working for the weekend. the plaza is packed for a special concert, and he'll perform live today, may 7, 2015. ♪ hey, mom, i love you. >> it's my birthday. >> good morning, pennsylvania! >> good morning! >> we're here! >> good morning. welcome back to "today." we have got a great concert for the weekend. a great mother's day throw back thursday song. >> that's right. the intruders? i'll always love my mama. mine has been gone five years and i miss her every day. >> good song. by the way, speaking of music, earl brown from hot chocolate -- >> oh. >> where you from, you sexy thing, he passed away. age 71. >> wow. >> sad. >> it is sad. but inside we'll get the stories of the morning. natalie has a check of the top stories. >> good morning to you once again. severe thunderstorms are threatening from texas to minnesota on the heels of tornados that ripped through oklahoma, kansas and nebraska overnight. about 50 homes were damaged or destroyed. and at least a dozen people were injured. the worst of the destruction was near oklahoma city. the nfl is now deciding if super bowl mvp tom brady should be punished over the deflategate scandal. a league investigation found it was likely that patriots staff members removed air from footballs before the afc championship game and that quarterback tom brady probably knew about it. the report includes text messages between two locker room attendants. one calls himself the deflator. brady refused to turn over his cell, text or e-mail records. colorado's governor will make repeated drunk driving a felony. state lawmakers passed the bill on wednesday and the problem was highlighted in colorado. one of the states with the weakest repeat offender laws. it will make the person's fourth dui a felony. it could send them to prison for up to six years. some premature babies born at 22 weeks can survive with proper medical care and have few health problems. most medical experts currently consider 24 weeks as the age of viability. doctor, what does this study tell us and what are the implications of this? >> first of all, it's very important. because number one, 18,000 premature babies are born every year in this country. 5,000 of born are at 21 to 22 weeks. the thing that comes ott of the study. first of all, it was a well designed study. rather large. and basically showed that what happens to these babies how much intervention they get very widely based on the hospital you're in. it reaffirms that the babies born before 22 weeks can still make it. >> a small percentage of the premature babies from 22 to 23 weeks survive. so what is the take away here? >> the take away this is really important for parents to understand they should know regionally what their hospitals are capable of doing. have a discussion with your obstetrician, physician, what is their belief system, what experience do they have in this area and to be as informed as possible. as we said, the minority can have a good outcome. the majority of the babies unfortunately born before 24 weeks don't do that well but there's some hope and it's rethinking that cutoff. >> thanks. actor hugh jackman saw a spot on his nose that turned out to be skin cancer thought was caused by a role. he was diagnosed with basil cell carcinoma. prince harry can't wait to get home to see his new niece. he is wrapping up a one-month military training program in australia. he did miss charlotte's birth but he'll be bringing her a suitcase full of presents no doubt from well-wishers there in australia. >> i have a lot of toys from this morning and a lot of other things. i look forward to it. i'm looking forward to meeting her. she's beautiful. it's great. >> meanwhile, it bumped uncle harry down to fifth in line. i'm sure he doesn't mind that one bit. 8:05. let's go back over to matt. >> all right, thank you very much. now a medical mystery that's almost impossible to believe. a young mom from minnesota who found out that the pain she has been enduring for something like 33 years may have been unnecessary. nbc national correspondent kate snow is here to explain that. good morning to you. >> good morning. this is a medical story, but it's also really a story about the human spirit and a woman with an incredibly positive attitude. jean abbott struggled to walk for more than three decades. by the time she hit the 30s she thought she'd end up in a nursing home and one little pill changed everything. this is jean abbott in high school, struggling to get up the school stairs. >> it was painful. it was exhausting. it was challenging. >> as a child, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. a specific form of it called spastic deplease ya. >> no one babied me. >> she took thousands of medications from more than a dozen doctors. she was using a scooter when she met her husband steve. she leaned on him as they cut their wedding cake. they had two girls, but it was tough. she couldn't drive them to activities. >> as a mom i felt inadequate. people that didn't really know me they would come up and say, you have cerebral palsy? >> jean looked like she had cerebral palsy but here's the crazy part of her story. it turned out she never had cp. never. in her early 30s, she was referred to dr. mann who quickly realized it didn't look like classic cp. she walked more easily in the morning and her disability was getting worse with age. >> my job when i saw her was to think about any other possibility. >> i thought she was crazy. i couldn't imagine living life any other way. i have cerebral palsy. i had been treated my whole life for that. >> dr. nance gave jean a new diagnosis. a rare brain disorder called dopa responsive distone ya. it's a different genetic disorder, not as well known when jean was a child. >> this is kind of a one in a million disease. >> and with one big difference from cerebral palsy. drd can be treated with a simple pill. for jean, that one pill meant that after more than 30 years she could walk without help. now jean could play really play with her kids. >> to have a child cry for joy, it's something you see, she was so genuinely happy for her mom. i thought so grateful. and i want to see more. there's so much out there i want to see. i want to see more. >> she's able to do so many things that we never dreamt she'd be able to. it's amazing to see the transformation. >> my leg is still like jell-o. >> jean made this video showing the difference from when she's not taking her medicine to when she does. >> my walking is a lot faster. a lot easier. >> one pill made all the difference. and could have for nearly three decades. >> i'm not angry in the least. all the life experience the physical therapy, the surgeries, all the medication, all made me a really strong person. >> their 2-year-old john won't even remember what it was like when mommy couldn't walk. jean rode her first roller coaster, took a second honeymoon. >> you have got a really good life. if this wouldn't have ever happened we still would have had a good life. i'm grateful for it. i can honestly say i would go through it all again. all of it. >> such a remarkable woman. jean and her doctor caution that the medication is not a treatment. it is a treatment, rather, but not a cure. now she still has to get plenty of rest and sleep, but jean hopes by sharing her story she might help others who have this rare disease. meanwhile, jean says she's not considering lawsuits against all the many doctors who misdiagnosed and treated her. >> it was a long and winding road to get her to the one doctor who correctly diagnosed her condition. >> right. she was referred to dr. nance and she had seen it before and had read an article in a medical journal and had it in the very back of her mind. but it's a very rare disorder so it's understandable the other doctors didn't see it. >> thank you very much. there's more of jean's story on our website. that's up next millions flock to times square to check out the huge billboard, but could some of them be going away? we'll tell you about that. it's tamron's turn to honor her mom for mother's day. and we're here live after these messages. when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. i'm a bull rider make it part of your daily diabetes plan. so you stay steady ahead. one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. (laughing) when i'm shopping for a used car, i want to be comfortable. i don't want an aggressive salesperson breathing down my neck pressuring me into a decision. when i go to the supermarket there's no one pushing me to buy the more expensive cereal. i just want to shop like i do everywhere else. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. ♪ [music] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. >> all right. a good time for what's trending today. are you ready? >> okay. go. >> i say time's square go. everyone but matt. >> yes, exactly. broadway and those big billboards. one of those things could be going away. believe it or not, time's square technically is a federal highway. therefore the feds have jurisdiction. they are now saying those ads are so beg they violate federal law t. limit is 1,200 square feet. so officials have now issued and ultimatum, all those billboards are at risk of federal funding worth $90 million. >> just noticed? >> you think they will do that? >> you know who can be behind this whole thing? >> who? >> the naked cowboy. not the attention on his buns of steel. >> the way they will get them is to send the hamburglar in. right now, mcdonald's tried ditching fatty food and villagegys they hit upon the real solution. that's right. bring back the hamburglar. >> oh so obvious. >> the theevg mascot is back. he doesn't look like this anymore. instead, check out the new hamburglar. business insiders says the internet is a little torn between thinking mcdonald's new hamburglar is a hunk or a creep. >> almost as creepy as the burger king king. >> what do you guys think? >> creepy. i don't know if that will be the thing that makes sales go back up. >> i don't think so. >> as long as they don't tink with mayor mccheese. >> where is grimes a? >> that's what's trending today. >> we are starting a new segment pop stars. it will keep you up to date on all things culture. carson. >> we have diane keaton's dream husband and a bizarre attack on adam levine let's start with pop start. matt i know you have a huge crush on diane keaton. listen unfortunately for you, she has her eye on someone else. >> and so the fact that somebody could live for 40 years with someone and be devoted to that person is something that moves me and i'm -- >> it's not too late. >> me? >> it's not too late. >> who is going to wait. oh channing tatum? >> dianne chaning is married, right. you can catch him in all of his glory t. trailer to the sequel "magic mike" matt and al stood if line. they have their tickets. did you see the strange attack on adam levine. he was signing autographs outside jimmy kimmel and a guy ran up and threw a bag of powdered sugar on him. it does beg the question where was blake shelton last night? >> yes. >> that's scary. >> he's all right, though. did you know that anna wintour's comic genius? he's in bed with a super model wife. >> okay. >> did you know that anna wintour is a comic genius? you know her the face behind a famous magazine. >> every night we meet and go through last night's show. >> you seem nervous. >> i'm not nervous, it's my show. you know if i want to start this meeting right now i could, in fact that is what i'm going to do. >> not now, please. >> yep. >> you seem happy. oh. >> oh yeah look it's great when you get her approval. she pushes you really hard but, you know the sketch is 100 times better. i try so hard. >> stop crying you're a grown man. >> anna actually directed "animal house" and gave jerry seinfeld the show about nothing. and that is it guys but your pop start doesn't end there few need more check out our facebook page or go to >> i thought that was fun. >> what was your reason again we shouldn't feel bad for adam levine? >> he's okay. >> just ahead, i love you because, tamron gives back to her mom in a special way. but first, al's got a check of the weather. go ahead. and go. >> okay. >> all right. wow, let me show you what's going on. we got these severe storms now moving onto the west to the east of oklahoma city. and dallas today, we're looking at more showers and thunderstorms they're in for severe weather, a slight risk of strong storms stretching from dallas into wichita into pueblo up to 9 million people at risk. tonight, more of the same. as we move on into friday we got an enhanced risk of severe storms stretching from oklahoma city into del rio, texas. an even stronger risk on saturday 20 million people at risk. this is going to be a severe weather outbreak on saturday. we're going to continue t 8:19. good morning to you. happy to see some showers on the radar. especially through san jose and up and down the peninsula. keep that in mind for today. that's the weather story. in addition to the light showers we're also expecting some thunderstorm activity which is what we're seeing right now up and down the spine of the sierra nevada. best chance for that is later on this afternoon. our temperatures will be very warm today. 72 degrees for the east bay. 78 degrees, close to 80 in the north bay. 71 in the south bay. good-looking conditions will prevail tomorrow. bll s your latest weather. >> him mo i love you because is brought to you by minute maid. tell mom she's doing good. >> and now to our special series counting down to mother's day, mom i love you because, and tamron it is your turn to honor your mom. >> i think you know i mentioned it over and ever o. i talk to my mom first thing in the morning. countless times during the show most of the cats are to say hello, our heart-to-heart discussions being resilient in the toughest of times are why i love my mama. we are at my family's home in texas. my mom and dad some years ago came out to this small community and fell in love with this particular piece of land. this home was a dream for all of us. and one thing they always wanted was a vegetable garden. >> he wanted tomatos. he wanted corn. >> greens herbs. >> peas cucumber he wanted everything. >> the problem was we had rain that year. >> it rained out. he said mary i'm done. >> so he was done on the garden. >> reporter: the garden went unplanted. in 2008 before they could try again, my dad suddenly passed away. >> i remember this conversation with her one day i flat out said are you going to keep going? and she looked at me in my mother's way and never said a word but i knew i could see that resilient spirit in the middle of all of that heart break that she was here for us. she's taught me to be resilient. she's my inspiration. there isn't a mother's day gift big enough to fully thank my mom for all that she's meant. but last year on mother's day, i remembered my parents' unfinished plans. >> the next thing i knew you had purchased all of this stuff for a garden. >> did you have high hopes for my garden? >> really? >> yes, come on. turns out, i'm no gardener. i'm like what happened to my garden? >> at some point something did grow. i don't know to this day what it was. but it was grown with love. even though my garden failed. i always wanted to have that for her. >> so this year i gave it another go. this time with the help of country garden's magazine and editor james bagett. >> one of the main problems was shade. >> i planted in the wrong spot? >> it's in the wrong spot. that's why it failed. we will have a perfect garden you can't fail with. >> a can't fail garden. >> i promise you will have tomatos and zucchini coming out your ears this summer. >> after finding the right spot they went to work leaving me with some mom time. you are so resilient. you lost your mom when you were how old? >> 11. >> then dad has passed away. >> i hope what i instill in you, that's going to be time that you are going to fall get yourself up dust yourself off and go on. my goal was to have a home to raise you and your brother and now raising my grandchildren with the father's help and the mother. so i'm hoping in the future that they remember me as being a good granny and you remember me as being a good mother. >> now, it was almost time to bring another of my mom's goals to life. >> okay. granny look! come on. >> really? >> look at this. >> we have -- >> oh i love you. oh! >> we have four tomatos. we have eggplant. we have hot pep mers sweet peppers, zucchini flowers for you to cut and bring in the house. more basil. you will be able have a pesto party in this house. >> i just love this. >> after my dad passed away there seemed to be no life and now she is as bold and beautiful and sassy of a 65-year-old as you can imagine and that garden to me will represent her new growth. her new happiness. her new green. >> okay. so i got something to show you guys. take a look our first tomato! >> yes. >> tomatos and carrots. i can't thank james helping us bring life to our garden. my mom's story after losing her mom, losing her dad, losing her husband, the love of her life she really has fought back through the pain. i think people understand the loss of a parent, a child in some cases, but you have to find your green, your growth in her heart. that's her lesson to me. i'll be cooking for you. >> one tomato. >> make salsa. >> she can't cook but she can make a salad. >> but you can. tamron thank you. ahead over to carson. >> all right, guy, sometimes the best moments with your child are when they're holding your hand or giving you a kiss good night. with mother's day coming up we want to see those mom homes with savannah and vale showing parenting #somuchmore. we will share it. coming up we got the weekend out on the plaza. he will perform his smash hit off the "50 shades of gray." that is coming up on the plaza. first your local news and weather. i'm kris sanchez. the two men who beat brine stowe into a coma will be sentenced today. they pleaded gimenty to one count each of being a possession in firearms. they face up to ten additional years in prison. the two are already serving time after admitting to beating him in the parking lot of dodgers stadium in 2011. detectives discovered the weapons were there while serving a search warrant o on norwood's home during the stowe investigation. we know what killed a humpback whale that washed ashore in pacifica this week. scientists say it was struck by a passing ship. the whale suffered four broken vertebrae and hemorrhaging around at least one broken rib. another whale washed ashore in pacifica last month. it's still unclear how that whale, a sperm whale, died. follow-up now. it looks like starting this summer some workers in emeryville will be taking home bigger paychecks. city council members voted to give minimum wage workers a boost. it will now increase to $12.25 per hour tying san francisco and oakland for the highest in the country. more local news coming up in just a half an hour. . here to perform on rockefeller plaza. >> he has a big following. huge hit, earned it from the ""50 shades of grey" sound track. he's signing autographs. he's going to delight the crowd with a performance. >> first we're celebrating moms all week long. this is going to be savannah's first mother's day. she has written a special letter in "time" magazine to vale. >> i read it yesterday and was tearing up. >> thank you. >> jenna wrote a great one to her little girls. >> that's really really nice. >> you can find them on our website, let's show you what's going on for the weekend. starting off with tomorrow we have an enhanced risk of strong storms throughout much of texas. wet weather into the great lakes. looking at wet weather through the central plains also. sunshine along the mid-atlantic coast. watching anna along the coast which continues on saturday. strong risk in oklahoma and into kansas, sunshine along the eastern seaboard and what could be anna going into sunday on mother's day. slight risk of strong storms texas into the central plains. i'm christina loren. we're tracking light activity right now. temperature-wise we're in the 50s on our way into the 70s. look at this. the rainfall actually intensifying over the santa cruz mountains. if you're headed over 17 travel cautiously. could see thunderstorms later today. 72 on the peninsula. east shore the same and 74 in the tri-valley. conditions steady for tomorrow and we'll clear you out tomorrow afternoon. beautiful mother's day weekend coming your way. your latest weather. let's go back inside. our friend tom brokaw has been battling cancer for much of the year. he's faced much of what he's faced and the impact on his family in the new book "lucky life interrupted." good morning, tom. >> the truth of cancer is it affects the patient's whole family. our family had been on a long streak of very good fortune, what our friends call the brokaw lucky star. suddenly i was facing an incurable but treatable cancer. in the early stages i had to be med evacced out of montana because the pain was so great. i was paralyzed by the pain. sara our youngest daughter was there with our newest grandchild, archer. she realized i may not be around forever. >> when did you realize i might have been sicker than you thought? >> when we were in montana and you were having a lot of back pain and you asked for a kiss from archer and we leaned down to give you a kiss and your body just convulsed. you just -- your body became paralyzed, and i thought, something is seriously seriously wrong. all of a sudden recognizing that, no life is so finite and you might be gone. >> in my new book i recount what happened next and hope to offer some guidance to other families who face cancer. >> just four days earlier i had been diagnosed with a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. i was keeping it a secret between meredith and me. i was determined to go on with my life at full force. not knowing how unrealistic that would be. i did a dumb thing. i get up and i feel not too bad so i'm going to go fishing. i was going to drive 150 miles across montana to meet friends to fish. at a friend's stream a half hour into the day i had to crawl out of the water into a nearby cabin porch and curled up in agonizing pain. i lay there until another friend of mine came along and said my god, what's going on. a fishing buddy drove with me for three hours back to our ranch. i was in bed for two days immobilized by pain. at that point meredith my wife had seen enough. she put in a call for the emts and a med evac flateight to the mayo clinic more than a thousand miles away. then we got down to the ambulance. i think i was kind of hallucinating. i don't think i was checked in at that point. >> i think that you were in so much pain that it's hard to even recall for you what that was like, i think. >> when the emts arrived to carry me out for the ride to the airport my daughter sara confronted her mother. >> i said tell me right now what's happening to dad. i need to know right now. and she said well he has multiple myeloma. >> sara thought immediately of archer. >> it was awful. especially because he was only six months and i was mad too. i thought, you have only had six months with him. i wanted to envision you playing baseball with him and fly fishing and not knowing if that was ever going to happen. >> and that's -- the good news is that i am in remission. the cancer is in what we call a check place. i'll be on a drug maintenance program for the rest of my life but that's better than the alternative. >> you take this the right way when i say it. there was a time a year ago, eight months ago when i would see you and you didn't look so good. you didn't look as good as you look today. >> it was a lot harder than i thought it was going to be. we tried to keep it a secret by the way. >> you did keep it very private. you told a few of us but you didn't share the story. so what was the decision to share the story now? >> well the decision was that i thought i could be helpful to other families. this is a book not just about tom brokaw having cancer. it's really about what i learned and what families need to know when cancer invades their family because it is an invasion. there is a great line about cancer. doesn't care if you're a mother father if you have children. it only cares about declaring war on your body. the whole family does get involved. then it's important that cancer patients also help manage their own cases. and i describe how they can do that, being honest with your doctor. there are a lot of sites that you can go to at the mayo clinic. dana farber sloan kettering to find out more about the kind of cancer you have. >> happy to see you looking so good. >> i'm doing much better. >> you'll share more of your story on "dateline," a special tonight. do your kids care more about getting the grades or learning. first, this is "today" on nbc. e more about the grades or learning. first, this is "today" on nbc. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. back with an eye-opener with parents and teens. according to a princeton review survey when it comes to getting into college students feel learning is actually less important than getting good grades. katie o'brien and hunter mots are contributors to the princeton review. good morning to both of you. this is very very interesting. we'll put our first results on the board. 90% of students said getting good grades is important. >> i'll buy it. >> only 6% say they care about whether they're learning. >> this is why we were so excited to collaborate with the princeton review on this study. it takes some of the focus off just grades and test scores and really onto how are students thinking and feeling on a daily basis. >> that seems a little bit disturbing to me. they're sort of results oriented but they don't care if they learn. >> that's a problem. that sort of attitude will get you into college but really won't get you through college. what ends up happening is there is a myth in america that you have to make a choice. either get good grades and be stressed or have a fun life and get mediocre grades. it's not a choice. you can have great grades without the stress. >> 43% said the college acceptance is what drove them to get good grade. obvious. >> 100%. yes. >> let's talk about students' stress. we have a next series of stats. 25% said homework causes the most stress. >> that's no surprise. students reported they spend one-third of their study time stressing out. which is a ton of wasted time. >> we now know from science that stress shuts down the learning process. so that third of the time that they're stressing out they're not learning anything. students need to know that stress can be managed and it's something you can deal with. >> i think that's one of the most remarkable results that you have, that a third of the study time is freaking out basically. >> exactly. parents and students should know there are things you can do about it starting tonight. if you need to get the stress out of the study process students can do an emotional reset. when you feel the stress take a deep breath tell yourself this is just an assignment. i have to do this so my dad lets me use the car or whatever it takes. then break the assignment down into pieces. if you have 20 calculus problems do the first three and see where that gets you. >> we have results from parents too. these are also interesting. 43% of parents said they check in about grades regularly. once a month. 76% said they check in more than that. surprising? they check in more than that. surprising? >> well it's not surprising. i think the thing that was most powerful about this was the disconnect. in general, parents feel they are checking in twice as often as students report they are checking in. it's possible parents are check income that often. it's when the teenager is running through the kitchen. you ask them how their school is going. they're going fine that i are hearing you half of the time. >> there is another result. 50% said their parents ask you to do better. the parents said oh no 77%. i encourage them. so basically, parents think they are more encouraging than the students think they are. >> absolutely. one of the issues is that parents want to help. they don't always felt they k. that makes sense, few are a parent. you might not have taken algebra ii for years and years. what you can do is say, i don't know how to do this either. that's almost more helpful. if you can't go through the textbook with them. get an academic support system in place a. sibling, a teacher, a tutor, their online resources, available 24/7. physical out what that will be to get your student through that process. >> thank you very much. interesting results. appreciate it. just ahead, the next stop on shorted foods, search for america's best foods, where they're landing this week. first this is "today" on nbc. hi. looking for a prius, i bet. it's high-tech too with the latest safty features. and available entune app suite. and, i'm sorry... i don't mean to drone on. honey, stop messing with jan. during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2015 prius. offer ends june 1st. for great deals on other toyotas, visit enjoy your prius. thanks, jan. look out people, coming in hot. toyota. let's go places. all right. we are back 8:45 with our special series lost and hungry with the guys from sordid food. >> we are following the u2 stars with 25 million views as they eat their way across america. >> the tasting tour starts with tacos in los angeles as they call them tacos. that was from laughs week. they headed north to san francisco making seven stops along the way. take a look. >> our lost and hungry tour came to an en. you guys said the next destination is san francisco. >> how we get there on the way is completely down to you. >> i'm going to sorted food send a tweet. >> sent. >> first stop santa barbara for breakfast at a patisserie and bistro. i am particularly looking forward to the sorted caramel peanut chocolate bond. >> oh that delivers to all areas of the mouth. >> next, we're heading into the mountains, too, los olivos. >> it has 18 different sandwiches. >> for me it's a few things good filling. good bread, good salad, good source. this has all of it. tate it. so fresh. >> the number 17 i just had was like italy from a mouthful artichoke, basil, tuna it was yummy. >> if it hasn't been recommend to us we would have never come here. that's what i love about it. our first on the first day was the passe doble and spoebl spoke to friend gary why california is so good at producing wine. >> california is number one. it doesn't rain. there is no moisture. the wine and that sunset were not a bad way to end a pretty awesome day. it's day two. we're currently going to jump up to big sur. we are requested to come here. we were told we have to get the famous and bruisedambrosia burger. it's a combination of mayonnaise ketchup and green cheese is there that is stunning. >> it's a little pink inside. >> that is insanely good. >> next stop monterey. ben nearly lost his recipe book. we stopped off getting ice cream. which actually operates under the wharf. >> hey. >> abilone are giant marine snails they feed on plant production. shushemi style is delicious. there is no other food like abilone. >> we set off on our final drive into san francisco. >> what an incredible journey and we've made it. >> we've eaten our way from l.a. to san francisco with your help. thanks, to you, we found some phenomenal food along the way. >> who is hungry? >> i can eat. >> yeah same. >> all right. we asked you what food the guys should try in san francisco. their community narrowed it down to clam chowder. sourdough bread, ice cream and dim sum and the favorite was clam chowder. >> really? >> the sorted guys are back next week to show us how their chowder tasting went. >> chowda? >> that's next. >> he will perform his beg hit live on the plaza. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ we came in station wagons, campers, on planes to see what walt had built. ♪ forever young ♪ and what we found was a place that was always growing, but never grew old. ♪ forever young ♪ and now comes a celebration 60 years in the making. the disneyland diamond celebration. ♪ may you stay ♪ with dazzling, new experiences for the young ♪ may you stay ♪ and the young at heart. ♪ forever young ♪ come remember that feeling. ♪ forever young ♪ come feel forever young. the weekend is one of the hottest artists in the world. he is here to get you ready for a special unrated edition of "fifty shades of grey." more than $560 million at the box office the weekend's number one hit earned it a sound track. ladies and gentlemen, the weekend. ♪ ♪ [ music playing ] you were making love like it's magic ♪ ♪ i see nobody but you ♪ ♪ hey. ♪ ♪ the answer you serve me ♪ ♪ i wait for the more than is expensive ♪ ♪ so i'm going to care for you ♪ ♪ baby i'm going to care for you, you ♪ ♪ the way you grab it ♪ ♪ you know why love could be tragic ♪ ♪ so you don't pay ♪ ♪ don't pay you ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ you know baby kind of like me babe ♪ ♪ so i love when you call ♪ ♪ 'cause i care for you, you, you ♪ ♪ new york city! ♪ i care for you, you, you ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ 'cause girl you love me ♪ ♪ your arm be sweating ♪ ♪ and you decept me baby ♪ ♪ the way you when wept ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ you said it wouldn't be bad direction ♪ ♪ it was only this ♪ ♪ since we decide life ♪ ♪ check inside ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ you deserve it ♪ ♪ you deserve it new york city ♪ ♪ 'cause girl you earned it ♪ ♪ you deserved it ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the weekend, "fifty sh good morning. just a couple minutes before 9:00. i'm kris sanchez. no signs of lingering issues after yesterday's forget b.a.r.t. -- yesterday's day to forget for b.a.r.t. commuters. that's when train service suffered several mishaps. a cracked section of tracks caused major frustration for thousands of riders and it caused the domino effect of delays that lasted long past the evening commute. overnight crews installed the permanent fix. and as if the track issue was not enough this balloon shut down service between bay farr and castro valley. it hit a transformer in san leandro triggering a power outage. more local news in a half an hour. [♪] ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ gonna have a look around ♪ ♪ now is the time ♪ ♪ i started flyin' ♪ ♪ both feet off of the ground ♪ ♪ head in the sky ♪ ♪ eyes open wide ♪ ♪ happy to look around ♪ this morning on "today's" take. josh hartnett on why he returned to television for a dreadful role. pope francis showing his skills. nick loeb speaking out on that embryo battle. all that and more coming up now. from nbc news this is today's take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." it's thursday morning, may 7th 2015. let's call it a chamber of commerce day. it is beautiful. there is a big crowd on the plaza for the weekend. >> tamron's favorite. >> i'm tweeting the picture al roker took of the weekend, not with me because we couldn't get near him. >> i sent you a couple of selfies i took. >> you took selfies. you were far away. he is very elusive. he doesn't like to give tvs. he has never given a full interview. >> i think you take a camera down there and ambush him. >> ambush him with my camera? he's probably gone with his body guards. >> he draws a crowd. >> huge! >> thursday morning. >> coachella. his fan base is huge and diverse. let me tell you. you want to pop that in and listen to it all weekend. >> i know he is called "the weekend." i started him referring to the band as the weekend. >> that's my confusion too. if he would only come on today's take and do an interview and clear it up is the band the weekend or is he the weekend? i'm sure people will tweet the answer but we want to hear it from him. >> is he named offer the o jay's song living for the weekend. >> he left one weekend and never game back home something about that. in canada. there is a story behind it. we may never know. that's the mystery of "the weekend." >> what else is fascinating, the interview hoda did earlier. a lot of people are waiting to hear both sides of the story. we're hearing from nick loeb. the story is about the embryo battle. he is the former fiancé of sofia vergara. he wrote an op-ed in "the new york times" last week. he is talking about the lawsuit that he has with sofia vergara. he's talking about his fight and talking to wanting to have a surrogate have the baby girls, as he calls them. the custody of the two frozen embryos he shares with sofia vergara is important to him and he feels like he deserves to be a father. wants to be a father. take a listen to what he had to say this morning. >> do you want to have a baby or do you want to have her baby? >> it has nothing to do whether it's her baby or a baby. lives were already created. we created -- a lot of question is why don't you move on and meet somebody else. no doubt i would love to do that. it doesn't matter that two lives have already been created. i wouldn't just toss them aside. no different than a child that had been born. >> interesting point of view. it's the right to life he is saying. these are children essentially that, you know deserve to have a life. but on monday sofia vergara told howard stern that bringing children into the world under these circumstances would be selfish. she said that loeb's plan would violate a contract that they both signed which when you sign that contract it's saying that you mutually agree that you're going to bring these children up in a world that you come to terms with -- you're agreeing that you are bringing them. >> you both agree and agree with what's going to happen to the embryos. >> exactly. exactly. so he did admit to hoda that he signed the contract before going forward with the idea and stating nothing could be done with the embryos unless they both agreed. but the contract didn't specify what happens if you separate as a couple and i guess that's something that's required by california law. so it's an interesting legal battle but i think it's one that could possibly set a precedent for other people in this position where you have the frozen embryos and when you do break up what happens to them if, you know the mother or father potentially want to be able to have that baby then have life. >> a lot of couples are probably having that discussion. a lot of people have frozen embryo ands what are they going to do. they'll probably lartstart looking at that. >> what about her right not to have two or three or however many children in the world that are hers and is she obligated to be a part of their life. >> hoda asked him that. he said he would raise the children on his own. he doesn't want her help if she doesn't want to be a part of it. i thought hoda did an amazing job. i think she asked all the questions people wanted to hear him answer. and he said it would be up to her. but what if you know suddenly the daughters, as he refers to them as find out who their mother is. this is -- >> a lot of questions. >> perception too in the timing of this. he is coming forward at the time where she is out promoting what is a star turn for her in a movie. she is a leading lady. a wedding. planning a wedding with her now fiancé. the timing of it of course is why now. >> there may be other motives. let's just say. >> can you let go of her. that's the question. can he let go of her and move on. as he even suggested people asking him that question moving on having a life with somebody else and maybe a family. >> she talked to howard the other day and said that's about all i'm going to say about it. >> she is moving on. remember when deflategate was the biggest thing in the world for a couple days. >> it's back. >> the report called the wells report after ted wells who did the study. it was found that, quote, it was proper probable than not two too locker room attendants did deflate footballs prior to the afc championship game that the patriots won against the colts and led them to the super bowl. the report concludes it was, quote, more probable than not that tom brady, quote, was at least journal aware team personnel were deflating footballs before the playoff game. >> is this a revelation? >> the text messages were very revealing. >> but had people pretty much come to the logical conclusion -- >> yeah. pretty much. >> we wanted to know what the proof was, though. >> it's all circumstantial stuff. >> i don't know. the text messages are pretty damning. >> you could never convict anybody on those. >> at the same time where is tom brady's side of the text messages? >> he's in them. >> he's not revealing them. he's not giving over his text messages. >> which might be telling. >> if you have nothing to hide you know -- and tom brady is -- >> if you were on hillary clinton's service. >> you would say here is my phone. >> there were questions of a larger patriots conspiracy. this report found that the ownership, bob kraft, didn't know anything. that the head coach bill belichick did not know anything. that the equipment manager didn't know anything. it kind of narrowed it down to tom brady and the two locker room guys. if you use common sense you say these guys are not going to do this without at least winking consent from tom brady. i think you can still conclude that. but there is no concrete evidence tying brady to it. >> what happens now? >> nothing. >> is there going to be any kind of a punishment? a suspension? fines. >> i doubt it. >> i doubt it. >> i bet the players union or whatever will get involved. there won't be. >> any fine or suspension of tom brady is a statement by the nfl that they believe he cheated. from that point forward -- >> with no proof. >> his legacy is tainted. that's a huge decision for the league. >> does this still boil down to people who like the patriots and people who don't? >> a lot of it. >> i think you have the optimism that exists in the new england area and outside of that people -- there is no proof. >> the debate will go on. i have to tell you, we loved your piece with your mom earlier today on "today." it was just really special. >> thank you. all week long we've been celebrating our moms cooking our dishes. willie said his mom started crying yesterday about the fet cheen cheni. >> people across the country said i made the pasta and loved it. >> i missed it. >> if you missed a piece of tamron's interview with her mom, take a look at this. >> you are so resilient. you lost your mom when you were how old? >> 11. >> and then dad has passed away. >> i hope that what i instilled in you there's going to be times that you're going to fall. get yourself up dust yourself off and go on. my goal was to have a home to raise you and your brother, and now i'm raising my grandchildren. with the father's help and the mother's. so i'm hoping in the future that they remember me as being a good granny and you remember me as being a good mother. >> we went out to texas. that's the home i grew up in. and i tried to grow a garden last year for my mom and it didn't work out. these mysterious creatures started coming from the ground but none of them edible. there was invasion of the body snatchers. i grew the pods. this year country garden home along with the editor came out and showed me where to grow the garden. the over all message was resilience. al you've lost your parents. we've all had different losses. my mom having lost her mom at such a young age. she said that she was determined to be the best mom, and she has lived up to it. she actually hasn't seen the show yet because it's delayed in texas. >> central time. >> yes. she texted me did i make you proud? >> gosh! >> i'm like woman, i'm on the plane. give me a hug. >> beautiful woman. >> great mother's day. >> we have that in common. people wonder about our relationships and everything. we have a strong bond with our parents in common and i think that that has actually made us have a great friendship as well. finish up with our favorite. pope francis. how many hopes are going to meet with the harlem globetrotters at the vatican. >> one! >> look at this. look at the video. he's trying to do the ball spin. he went up for a high five too. look at this. i love this! >> he wanted to try it again. let's see. >> oh! >> he did it. he did it. he is amazing. >> man. >> the people's pope. he really is. >> i'm looking forward to him coming to new york. cannot wait. whoa! hey. >> you have a ball? let's see if you can do this again, al. come on. >> good try! i know willie can do it. we're watching severe weather. yesterday 50 reports of tornadoes from kansas oklahoma on into nebraska. right now we have a risk of strong storms including dallas today. tornadoes possible from wichita, pueblo to dallas. tonight, kansas city to austin. 9 million people at risk. this goes into tomorrow. folks, this is a dangerous situation we have developing through the weekend. del rio, texas to oklahoma city. 11 and a half million people at risk. this is very unusual to see a strong risk almost 72 hours out. 20 million people from garden see down to oklahoma city and ft. worth and dallas all at risk. we'll be watching this closely over the next sev 9:11. happy thursday! happy to see the showers on the radar. in fact we're actually getting some moderate shower activity all the way from san jose south through san martin. as we head throughout the next couple hours that will continue to be the case. also expecting some thunderstorms later on today. oh, look at that. we have a thunderstorm cell over the santa cruz mountains at this hour. this is realtime doppler. we'll track that for you. 74 in the tri-valley today. 72 degrees on the east shore. that's your latest weather. >> okay. >> we have food. >> empen audas. >> up next he's starred in big budget movies like "pearl harbor." the terrifying series and great series on showtime. he'll tell us all about it after this. ney dreadful on show right now, verizon is offering unlimited talk. and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever. for more of what you want. on the network that's #1 in speed. call. data. and reliability. so you never have to settle. $80 a month. for 10 gigs. and $15 per line. stop by or visit us online. and save without settling. only on verizon. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream for years the makers of windex has been trying to convince you that making glass spotless and clear is good. but no! it is not a good thing to have so many hard to see windows in the air. leave dirty stuff on your windows and do not use windex on them. ♪ join red nose day, a national event to help lift children out of poverty. it's easy: buy a red nose, exclusively at walgreens and start making a difference. it's a good laugh for a good cause. tune in on may 21st to watch the red nose day benefit live on nbc. when we're making mashed potatoes, and add a packet of hidden valley original ranch. it becomes the first thing they reach for. ranch mashed potatoes. hidden valley it! nexxus introduces a new movement in hair. ♪ ♪ a beautiful fluidity. restoring strength and flexibility ♪ ♪ so it moves and responds the way you do. ♪ ♪ new improved nexxus with concentrated elastin protein and precious ingredients. for hair that lives to move. we are chatting it up. actor/producer josh hartnett plays a hollywood heartthrob. a virgin suicide, he played captain danny walker our hearts racing in the epic "pearl harbor" now he made it to the small screen for "penny dreadful" he happens to be hiding a secret of his own. good morning. >> good morning. >> spoiler alert for those who haven't been following along, the secret you have been hideing is you are a werewolf. >> a werewolf. >> you are unaware-wolf. >> i haven't heard that before. that's fantastic. he doesn't know he'ss a werewolf. he knows things are happening. he blacks out, wakes up things have gone incredibly wrong in his vicinity. he is putting together what that is. at that time there was no lore of a werewolf. he doesn't know the concept of who he is. >> josh for people who may just be coming to penny dreadful i mean it's fleeky to faint backdrop of this show you created? >> it's victoria london 1890s. a lot of the characters are taken from victoria horror literature treated as real people. they bump into each other. they all sort of know each other and, craziness ensues. >> to say the least. >> this is a horror i mean a horror genre i mean really in the true sense of the word. are you attracted to that? >> it wasn't necessarily the genre that attracted me. it's because john logan who has written everything from "sky fall" to "the afiator" to "gladiator asks. sam mendes directed "american beauty" and this great director was directing the first few episodes i thought these were great amazing collaborators, to work with. if you work with tv you want to work with good people giving consistent material. >> you seem so thoughtful in the roles you choose i recently read batman. tell me the truth, did you turn down batman? >> i think that story got blown out of proportion. sometimes when things go from your mouth to the page. >> you are telling us. >> through the blog sphere. it end up being a game of telephone. i said back if 2002 or 2003 i had a meeting with a director who i thought i should have formed a relationship with and i liked a script that he had that his brother had written and he ended up doing that next. i said to him at the time i really want to do this. we were talking about batman. it wasn't what i was interested in. i said that in that interview that i thought i should have formed that relationship not knowing more about hollywood now, i would have definitely done anything to stay in that relationship and make you know multiple films. it doesn't know what it is. >> it's all lies? >> it's a reinterpretation of the truth. >> okay. you keep really busy it seems with directing and producing as well. do you prefer that to acting? >> it's much less nerve racking on the camera, i have to say. i like to be a little more in control. you know and here i'm giving up all control to you guys. whenever i'm on screen. but, yeah i like both. >> josh hartnett. thanks so much. penny dreadful airs sunday on show time. coming up next are you eating enough foods like this? photos are great... ...for capturing your world. and now they can transform it with the new angie's list app you can you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project or just tell us what you need done... ...and angie's list will find a top-rated provider to do the job. start your project for free today. i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." believe me, i put this hair through a lot every day. l'oreal's total repair 5 shampoo system fights 5 signs of damage. my hair feels strong! and look at this shine! 5 problems, 1 solution. l'oreal total repair 5 shampoo. that's the power of beautiful hair. every day. ♪ ♪ introducing new country time lemonade starter with real lemon juice. a fresh, new way to make country time. [ female announcer ] take skincare to the next level with roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. proven to hydrate dryness illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. the taste of light and fit greek non fat yogurt gives you the power to help make temptation shrink away! with irresistible flavors never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying! light and fit greek. taste the power of satisfaction. you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down. you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store where you'll find the best buy rated mattress with sleepiq technology. know better sleep with sleep number. a new study confirms what we all have been told since we were kids eat your fruits and vegetables it found people who ate healthy diet had 24% less decline to have cognitive decline and memory loss. >> what did you see? here what you need to know is dr. natalie asur. what did the study find? >> so the study looked at a population of people at high risk for cognitive decline. >> that means people over the age of 55 men and women who had a history already of stroke, vascular disease, heart disease, we know they are at risk of cognitive decline as they get older. what they found. they took a questionnaire and did a mini mental status exam looking at a number of different docknytive variables as well-- cognitive variables. there were 150,000 people in the study. a fair number experienced cognitive decline over a number of years and found the people with the least healthy diet were more likely to experience it than people that ate a healthy diet. >> fruits and vegetables are a specific category. are there specific fruits and vegetables we should be eating? >> they didn't break that down. there are a few caveats, for example, some people don't like tomatos, they find it to be pro inflammatory. in general, the vegetables linked to better cognitive health were nuts. this is a big one. i know they get a ton of press as they should particularly almonds and walnuts, but generally speaking we are talking about fish a moderate amount of red meat not a ton. a moderate amount of alcohol and of course fresh fruit and vegetable, the so-called mediterranean diet. >> where do we see exercise in this. >> exercise helped for this. they think one power of the study they tried to correct for certain confounding variables, pre-existing hypertension and physical activity. this is interesting. we know good food like this is good for heart health. now we have subjective evidence it's good for brain health. >> thank you so much. for more information, check out coming up we will catch up with the stars of real cheese people know good things come in threes. new sargento balanced breaks are a trio, a triad, a trilogy of goodness. natural cheese, dried fruit, and nuts. three wholesome ingredients that live as one. savory, salty, sweet a triangle, perfectly balanced. three is company the musketeers. and in the eyes of real cheese people never, ever a crowd. new sargento balanced breaks. we're real cheese people. many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula... to work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. if you can't put a feeling into words, why try? at 62,000 brush movements per minute philips sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like you've never felt before. innovation and you. philips sonicare. good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm kris sanchez. the search is on this morning for the man in this chilling video. he is attacking a san jose girl in her own home. the 13-year-old girl managed to fight the man off and police say that was after he followed her home from school and likely had no idea there were surveillance cameras in the home. the same man is believed to have targeted at least one other young woman. police fear he may be bold enough to strike again. we know who killed the humpback whale in pacifica this week. scientists say it was struck by a passing ship. the whale suffered four broken vertebrae and hemorrhaging around at least one broken rib. another whale washed ashore last month. it is still unclear how that sperm whale died. a follow-up now. looks like starting this summer some workers in emeryville will get bigger paychecks. city council members voted to give minimum wage workers a boost. minimum wage will now be $12.25 per hour that ties san francisco and oakland for the highest in the country. the wage hike takes effect june 1st. we have a look at weather and traffic coming up for you after the break. 9:28. welcome back. i'm christina loren. tracking action in the south bay. we actually had a thunderstorm roll right over the santa cruz mountains firing off a little bit of lightning. at this point the cell is moving south towards monterey. if you're headed south on 5 make sure you travel cautiously. the wet weather is traveling with you. 71 for the south bay today. 72 on the east shore and 74 degrees out in the tri-valley. tomorrow clearing by the afternoon and temperatures will be comfortable, beautiful conditions will persist into the weekend. let's see if the drive is any better. here is mike inouye. yeah. a lot better. we have fewer cars on the roadway. in the south bay we have a couple sticking points. 880 had a tough stretch. latest crash southbound at old oakland road at 101. we're looking at the rest of the bay. coming into the south bay it's better than normal through palo alto and fremont. moving north of the san mateo bridge looking at no problems for the walnut creek interchange. a late crash on the east shore freeway. slowing through oakland. live look past the coliseum slows you folks clustering around high street. more local news coming up in half an hour. an important new study of thousands of premature births found some babies born at 22 weeks with the proper medical treatment are able to survive with few health problems currently most medical experts consider 24 weeks as the age of viability but now leading medical groups are considering reducing that. and the study raises new questions for parents on how intensively to treat those infants. most cases are treated with measures like ventilation and intubation to improve the functioning of babies' lungs. if you have allergies, you know that pollen is bad in parts of the u.s. especially this time of year. in the northeast, a combination of a rough winter and a delayed spring has helped create what one expert calls a pollen tsunami that is covering cars and porches with lots of green residue. no doubt you've seen it all around. experts say that you should consider lowering -- or showering, rather, at night to wash the pollen off of your body and outside to hose down the green pollen instead of sweeping it away. a company that keeps track of what business travelers put on their expense report says starbucks is the restaurant that most -- is most frequently expensed followed by mcdonald's, panera bread and subway. the firm certify says businesspeople eat most of their breakfast at starbucks, lunches at subway and dinners at mcdonald's. whole foods is planning to open a whole new chain of stores next year aimed at luring shoppers who are younger and more hip and cool technology oriented according to the ceo. he says the new store will stock cheaper items while maintaining, of course, the company's standards for quality. more details including the name of the new chain are expected later in the year. well, if you're hoping toe ing toing to turn around declining sales, mcdonald's is bringing back the hamburglar. after a 13-year absence, the new hamburglar, he's grown up he's settled down apparently and he's seen flipping burgers in a suburban backyard with his wife and son. when he hears an ad for the company's newburghers, it's enough to bring him out of retirement, apparently. some people have tweeted that he is hot. others say he's creepy. i say creepy. let's get a check of the weather right now. al? creepy? >> no. there's no question about it. the creepster. all righty. there you go. but if he gives me free fries, then i'll change my mind. we're looking tomorrow at an enhanced risk of strong storms stretching from central texas into central oklahoma. we're watching this for tornadoes, damaging winds, hail. beautiful along the west coast, east coast as well. as well as this could be tropical storm ana by tomorrow. we're watching that. saturday, more of the same. big problems rip currents high tides, surf and heavy rain. there is a strong risk for central oklahoma into kansas. we will watch that very closely. in nebraska i should say. we're also looking at plenty of sunshine along the west coast, northeast as well. sunday sunday! we're expecting that rain to continue with possibility of tropical storm ana. and again, a wide area from iowa all the way down to louisiana and texas for a risk of strong storms again. that's wha 9:33. good thursday morning to you. a lot of shower activity rolling through the south bay right now as we head throughout the day we're going to keep the chance going. and we're also expecting some thunderstorms. you've got this very unstable air mass overhead. temperatures are going to be warm enough to fuel some of the storms later on today. 78 degrees for the north bay. 72 for the east shore and 68 degrees on the way to san francisco. tomorrow temperatures stay steady. it will start to clear out by tomorrow afternoon. and then saturday/sunday looking fantastic. >> and that's your latest weather. we have a group of people who starred if "back to the quit," "father of the bride," and "dazed and cob fusednfused. >> christopher lloyd, parker posey, george newbern. hi great to see you. >> hi. >> we will talk about this show in a second. i know al celebrated very publicly the 30th anniversary of "back to the future" and probably has a question for you, christopher, i assume? it may not be a question in there just in awe of that movie. you have been my guiding principle in life as doc brown. >> oh wow. >> i wanted to say that. >> you made my day. >> we did read a story, though when you first read the script you threw it out. >> i discarded it. i made up my mind i was going to do something different, come back to new york to [ bleep ] with all that. they persuaded me to check it out. >> it's a good thing. >> glad they got to you. parker let's talk about "granite flatts" here. for people that don't get byo tv. a lot of new eyeballs will be on it. set the screen a bit. >> "granite flatts" is a period piece. you will watch it on netflix on may 15th. right? >> mm-hmm. >> i describe it as the gremlins meets david lynch meets the -- >> oh wow. >> she has not been drinking. >> hold the coffee. >> set 1960s cold war, right? >> right. >> but there's mystery, intrigue -- >> yes, that's the david -- >> gremlins. >> i kind of play a white witch. the whacky aunt. kind of agnes moorehead from "bewitched." to "gun interest moke." >> a lot of mash-ups here. george where do you fit in all this? >> i just walk around without my shirt on. i play i don't know where that came from. i play a fresh divorced fella who comes in sort of the 3rd season. he's worked for the fbi and different sort of government agencies. it's kind of difficult to tell the entire plot. but it's a family-based spy genre from the '60s. small town. >> that's the plot of the show. i think it was the "time's" said it hit a sweet spot with the show. it does give families a great option for something to watch on television. it's not violent. it's entertaining. >> very sweet, sweet film show. love it. >> it's sweet, yeah. >> what attracted you to this christopher? >> i kind of loved the part the variety is great. it's a wonderful cast. and it's kind of handles in an era of american history in a very thorough honest kind of way. >> had a great time -- not a great time in this country? >>. but, very interesting moment in recent history. >> though a lot of people will be binge watching this on netflix. go down the line the number one show you binge watch parker what do you got? >> i'm not pinge watching anything at the moment. >> how about binge eating? >> i'm a carboholic. >> one dream you have you may not binge dream, but you binge dream doing the weather with al roker? >> can i do the weather with you? >> absolutely. whenever you feel like it. you show up. ahead of time. >> i can do it all day long. >> george 6 zwrees of "back to the future" you auditioned for the role. >> i flew out for a screen test my junior year in college. i was with christopher and chris lloyd and chris mclever and the rest of the class, except michael fox, i didn't get it clearly. he doesn't remember i don't think. >> it turned out all right for you. you are really busy. >> guys great to have you here t. show is really cool christopher lloyd, george newbern. >> you want to do the weather? >> just take this right here. boom. hit that button. boom. and now you can tell us whatever you see. >> umm the sun is out today. umm -- >> you've got the job. parker posey. thank you so much. we are back with natalie's empanadas right a when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. nicorette mini starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. anytime. anywhere. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i choose nicorette mini. seeing changes in your skin? it could be losing volume. new revitalift volume filler from l'oreal. volumizes skin surface layers. cheeks are fuller. wrinkles, smoother. i can see the difference here and here. new revitalift volume filler from l'oreal. things made with love are the best things. you put your heart into it make it special. you go out of your way to show how much you care. and that's exactly how we grow our avocados all year round. with love, from mexico. ♪ recently we've noticed some ads created by these two birds inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. well dear windex users these ads are false. sfx: squeaks from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. don't stand for dirty. use windex. what's going on? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. ♪ what's that sound? did you leave your hairdryer running? no. something smells delicious. how could something smell delicious when the toaster's broken? i smell sausage, egg, cheese and... eggo? l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. the eggo breakfast sandwich. but the toaster's broken. it's sweet, it's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. life begins with a howl, we scream, shout shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in, our world gets smaller quieter, but life should be loud. sing loud, play loud, love loud. dentures shouldn't keep you quiet life should be ringing in your ears. live loud, super poligrip. . well now to our series matter cooks best celebrating our mother's dishes. it's my turn to spice things up a bit with my mother's incredible empanadas. this reminds me of my mom. this is her go--to-family gathering. the emma na -- empanadas are there in the center of the table. any time we moved around we felt thrown off. my mom brought us back around the table and reminded us of what home is. the real reyetssecrets besides the spices and obvious flavor of it. raisin olives and cubed potatoes. in order to seal the empanada you seal the fork and gently press to seal the seams together like that. these are perfect golden delicious beauties. mmm. perfection! just a little awesomeness in a pocket. >> they sure are. i will say. let's get started. you guys i will help you assemble them. to review the ingredients, i'm making them with chicken. you can do ground beef vegetarian spinach, mushrooms and vegetarian stock. first with the chicken, i'm going to shred the chicken. it's cooked already. you move the fork through it to shred it. i got the onions in here sauteing in olive oil. so it's the chicken, it's about sex, tomato paste the recipe on for the specific ingredients. red wine vinegar, some salt some pepper this is chili powder and/or reg oregano. we will less that simmer saute. this is cubed potatoes raisin, olives that salty and sweetness at the same time. that's the real secret i think in the mix. once this sautes you get this going 30 minutes or so will you have this great filling just like this. will you assemble the empanadas. there is a spanish section. goya makes these shells perfect. you can make them at home. put the filling in the middle. yu like that. >> okay. >> then what you will do is pull it over. >> okay. >> take the egg wash with a little of water inside and then around the edges of the shell. >> all the way around. >> on the one side is fine it doesn't matter. >> then you will fold it over. as i said use that fork press down to make those little. >> how long do you bake it? >> seals. until it's delicious golden brown. a little egg wash on tom you bake it. they come out looking like this. voilla! go ahead, guys give it a go. >> are these warm? is it proper to use your hands? >> hands. >> go in. >> these are good. delicious. >> you can fry them too, tomorrow al it's your turn right? >> that's right. my mother's stew and women talking about activia. when i feel bloated and my stomach is rumbling in the morning, it takes me forever to get dressed. i just like wearing a lot of black. i don't have the time to be gassy and uncomfortable, when i'm trying to get out of the house. those are the days you wear sweatpants. i love activia. that is so good. i eat activia every day. enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. feeling good, looking good. activiaaaa. my husband has been singing that to me for two weeks. clorox knows to make a big meal, you have to make a big mess. new clorox scrub singles are pre-loaded with cleaners to scrub away stuck-on messes and even get into tough corners. it cleaned all this. good job, mom. great job, mom. real scrubbing. for your real life. fact. advil is not only strong it's gentle on your body too. no wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil... for their tough pains for over 30 years. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. super poligrip seals out more food particles. so your food won't get stuck and you can enjoy every single bite. eat loud, live loud, super poligrip. super poligrip holds your dentures tightly in place so you never have to hold back. laugh loud, live loud, super poligrip. one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. (laughing) thanks for calling angie's list. how may i help you? i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that. real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. dude totino's blasted rolls. sweet. totino's blasted crust rolls... yeah. flavor at full blast it's hard finding time to moisturize your skin every day. ♪ with micro droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care spray moisturizes and absorbs in seconds to help heal dry skin. so there's always time for healed skin. that's the healing power of vaseline. in seconds. doug, we have the results, but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? >> all week we have been showing you how our moms are inspiring us. if you ask any mom, she will say she find inspiration in children. that's what happens to two women who turn their kids' ideas into booming businesses. >> these are for school. these are for the park. >> 8-year-old ayla blumberg had a creative streak. as a toddler, she was climbing drawing, and experimenting with fashion. >> i think my daughter was two.5 years old when she started to have fun with her unique creative wardrobe choices. >> the most memorable choice opting to wear mismatched shoes with every out fit. >> as a mom, i wanted to embrace her creative spirit. shelves a little off balance because the out soles will be different. >> that's when her mom had an idea. >> a void i wanted to start a company that empowers kids to express themselves creatively. >> shoes was born if 2011 featuring boys and girls footwear. each shoe a different pattern with hundreds of thousands of shoes sold it is sharon and husband mark's full-time job and a-lest title. >> i'm the chief tester of shoes him. i try them on tell them if they're comfortable. i loing a at their designs. >> the coolest this inc. is that my daughter inspired me. now i'm getting to inspire her. i hope she learns from me she can come up with an idea and really make it happen. >> i started my company just out of sorry, just out of love for my kid. you know i just wanted to do something for him. >> abigail wall was also inspired by her family to create a business. >> when arthur was born he was just really sensitive. he was sensitive to gluten and dairy, i couldn't needle anything he had reflux all the time. >> so they put him on a strict diet no gluten corn, sugar. >> i had to say no to everything he wanted to eat all the time. we were literally that family eating kale and carrots in the corner while other everybody was eating blue birthday cake. >> fed up abigail decided to create something her son would love to eat. >> i went in the kitchen and put all the things i can say yes to and make something and after about two hours, i had made this thing and i put like 30 of them on the plate and they were gone in like five minutes. like oh you guys like that thing? and they're like yeah more more. >> and in that moment the yes bar was born. it's now sold online and in over 80 stores. >> i like the berry. >> for me it's much bicker than a little snack bar, it's about being who you want your kid to be and being what you want to put out there in the world. >> very nice. by the way, the yes bars were even given to celebrities at the 2014 golden globe. we don't have one. >> can we have a yes bar? >> i want some of those shoes for my kid. how cool. >> this has turned into our own shopping show. we are back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. >> amazing. hi wladz, how are you? >> great. >> i have a quick shout out. yesterday in d.c. we honored 14 different organizations make a difference day, usa today guy na menzel was there to help us present the awards. >> you both look beautiful. >> you had a great time. >> did she sing? >> she didn't. she gave a great speech about broader way. >> about young girls. >> she's just amazing. >> that's good for you. >> you are, too. we don't know we have makeovers, we have on people. fun family good morning. 9:56 right now. i'm kris sanchez. a quiet palo alto neighborhood under siege with pranksters armed with paint ball guns. police say someone inside a moving car is shooting paint balls at random people walking down the street. on tuesday an elderly man was hit near newell road and dana avenue. two women were also hit near melville and parkinson's avenue. police want to know who the culprit is. they want to find him before somebody gets hurt. san francisco police released surveillance video of a bold smash and grab robbery targeting a jewelry store in the west portal neighborhood. this happened back on april 21st. in the video you see a man kicking in the door. when he gets inside he starts stuffing the duffel bag. he made off with about $3,000 worth of items in less than a minute. if you recognize him call san francisco police. now a look at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. you have an active radar there. yeah. even though the picture behind you is nice and clear. what you'll notice is the core of low pressure is currently traveling through the bay area. we had lightning fire off over the santa cruz mountains and now looks like we have a pretty active cell over monterey. as we head throughout the day today and get warmer that's what fuels the thunderstorms. you need instability and heat and we have some on the way. 71 in the south bay. 78 in the north bay for today. good news is tomorrow we clear out and then spectacular conditions coming your way for mother's day weekend. let's check on the drive with mike. unstable air comes pretty cool-looking clouds. over here this is all right looking. the bay bridge toll plaza. you're backed up to the end of the parking lot in earnest. thing out a bit. no big drama coming toward the area. crash on 24 outside the caldecott. slowing for san mateo. here is your south bay, northbound routes continue to ease up. 101 slow down aren't the airport. more local news coming up in half an hour and we'll see you then. from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. ♪ i believe in miracles ♪ oh, okay. come on. ♪ you sexy thing ♪ >> do you remember this 1975 hit," you sexy thing." it's in honor of the passing of errol brown from the band hot chocolate. he died. >> too young, 71. >> we had a whole group in our makeup room -- >> i'm the only one who never remembered the song. >> electric slide. look what we did in the morning. >> i'm sitting there, who are these people? >> the electric slide is always fun when you're trying to work. >> so cute. >> adorable. >> our hearts go out to his family. >> look at billy and kid all getting into it. >> along with tim stackable from "entertainment weekly." >> we have a good show for you guys today. >> they're talking. >> i'm sure it's important. ambush makeover day. we're honoring two moms getting a new look for mother's day. and how much your valuables are worth. people always love this. you always wonder if you should toss something or sell it in a garage sell. >> billy bush and kit hoover and tim stack. >> what's with the gloves? >> you want to know? we're playing a game today. >> it's a weird -- >> watch this. >> no. >> oh, come on. >> that's my balloon. it's not time. >> oh, yeah. let's get this party started. >> well we're also going to have your music. >> yes, an ihoda week. >> you've had a busy morning. it's -- billy called you. >> billy called me on this. nick lobe decided to finally speak. he was engaged to sophia vergara. they had some embryos. >> two frozen female embryos. >> and now nick has come out and said he wants those embryos so he can have these children without her. >> they signed a contract? >> iron clad? >> most attorneys say it is a contract. both people agreed not to bring the embryos to term unless they signed off on it. we had a discussion about that. let's take a listen to this. do you want to have a baby or do you want to have her baby? >> it has nothing to do with her baby or a baby. lives were already created. we created -- a lot of the question is why don't you move on and meet somebody else. no doubt i'd love to do that. but two lives are already created. i wouldn't just toss them aside no different than a child that had been born. >> let's pretend you meet a girl tomorrow and say let's have a baby. is it possible this whole issue would go away if that were the case? >> absolutely not. >> i was looking throughior complaint and it says there's talk of abuse here. for example you say she physically abused him on four occasions, kicked him and threw his phone at her head. bullied him, called him a loser, worthless and other degradesing names. you signed this portion of the form directive even though he did not agree with it in order to avoid further abuse. i was reading this complaint for the furst time last night and said what was going on there? what was going on? >> i really came here to talk about, to deal with the embryos. i think sofia is a wonderful, wonderful woman. i don't want to sit here and talk about our personal issues we had in our relationship. i don't think that's fair. >> wow. good job, though. at the same time she was speaking out. >> she was speaking out an another show. i don't like promoting my private life. i don't want this man to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself. i asked about the timing. is this about getting press? he says no. regarding the lawsuit it shouldn't be out there for people to give their opinion when there's nothing to talk about. there's papers signed a court date. he shouldn't be creating something so ugly out of nothing. the court date is coming up in may. >> on the one hand i agree with her. you don't want your private court situations made public unless there's some good for the -- in the public interest. this is -- it's very -- i understand why she doesn't want it. it's obviously not flattering for her. it also may not be true. what it does -- people do have opinions. once it's out there in the publicarena, everybody is going to -- >> what once he put the op-ed in the paper it became a bigger story. he talked about this stuff. i asked him, let's pretend that sofia and joe who are starting their new lives wanted to have a baby and they wanted that embryo. it's half hers. how would you feel? he said he'd want a role in the parenting of it. are you worried about the lives of the embryos, the children or wrd about yourself and being a dad. >> or potentially just jealous that she's moved on so quickly with her life. getting married to one of the sexiest men in the world. he was in her shadow forral that time. and joe is a very accomplished guy. maybe it's a little of everything and a lot of all of it. >> it's going to play out. may 22nd we'll probably find out if that contract was iron clad. >> why have contracts if they don't mean anything. it's not something you can say that's settled in case we're not happy with it. something should mean something in this world we live in today. >> you don't want to talk about -- >> diane keaton. >> i want to talk about tom brady. you mean we have to have ihoda? >> we get to have ihoda. this will put you in a good mood. it's thursday which is practically friday. >> thirsty thursday. >> get your dancing shoes on. whistle while you work it by katie tiz. >> who? >> katie tiz. it's easy. words are simple. ♪ keeping my cool even if i'm broken up ♪ ♪ if you blow my mind won't make me cry ♪ ♪ whistle while you work it ♪ ♪ never let him see you down see you down ♪ ♪ gotta smile while you're hurting ♪ ♪ whistle while you work it ♪ >> come on billy. >> what is billy doing? stop it billy. >> wow. that's his dancing? ♪ whistle while you work it ♪ >> they all sound alike to me. is it just me? just live there for a while, hoda. you gave a great speech yesterday. >> i was at the elle cancer center. great ladies there. >> katy tiz will be here june 10th. that was great! shout out. you know you can listen to us on sirius xm channel 108. >> you can't see billy dancing. >> and hoda is on her sir yus shows, too. two moms on the plaza for the ambush. >> we help you figure out whether to freeze it or eat it these little angels build in softness. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. what are we missing here, janet? because with citrusy peel shine, i might as well be spraying orange juice on...grape juice. get serious, get a cleaner with bleach in it. that's right...i'll get it. clorox. bleach means clean. i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." wish your skin could bounce back like it used to? new neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena. i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. it's springtime. so bake cookies with someone you love. and country crock's fresh, buttery taste and smooth, creamy texture means your cookies will turn out just the way you like 'em... extra soft... ... and extra special. welcome to crock country. some questions can't wait until morning. so i'm one of many nurses at cigna with answers anytime, day or night. i'm lauren, and i've got your back. since sunday is mother's day and today samm bush makeover thursday we wanted to give some special moms something. headto toe makeovers. >> louis licari. ♪ la la la la la ♪ >> and the most fashionable author "today" contributor jill martin. you found two deserving moms out there? >> we sure did. great ladies. between the music and fans we found two perfect candidates. >> weekend, that group out there killed it. >> loved it. >> i couldn't believe the crowd. >> kim richards our first lucky lady. 45 from fortwright kentucky. an occupational therapist and mother of three. the same low maintenance beauty routine. her pilot husband is away a lot. she calls being a mom the best thing i've ever done. let's listen to her story. >> i know your sons are still sleeping and on their way. what does mother's day mean to you? >> it's such a special day. no other thing like being a mother. my own mother at home. hi mom. happy mother's day and kirsten who can't be here today. i love you. wish you were here. >> happy we can give you this gift. >> thank you. >> that was sweet. here she is with her two sons and co-worker sarah and husband mark. please keep your blindfolds on until i tell you to take them off. here's kim richards before. bring it out, honey. wow! >> oh, my gosh. >> kids are you ready? take off your blindfolds? >> oh, my gosh. >> i like it. >> turn right around kim. >> oh, my god! oh! >> that is -- >> wow! >> fun and flirty. >> look right there at camera 12. >> you match the kids. >> tell us about the hair. >> today another mad rush. igor igor. with the color i just made it a little warmer keeping it very natural. a pinch of red. if i would have seen your son before i would have gone all the way. >> what do you think? >> beautiful. >> amazing. >> beautiful. >> you want to give your mom something? >> go give her the flowers. >> that's a great mother's day. >> thanks guys. >> i don't know. who is the dress? >> new. built-in control panels. and look at her little waist with that leather belt. >> big round of applause. our second lady is song dickinson. she's 38. she is they say stay-at-home. i say work-at-home mom. when asked about her beauty routine she said what beauty routine. she said she's lucky she brushes her hair. she uses concealer and sun screen. she calls the job of being a mom hard but can't imagine life without her kids. let's hear her story. >> gavin, you are excited for mother's day. tell me why mom is so wonderful? >> she's caring and loving and always does so much for us. like she makes breakfast on like testing days and picks me up from school. >> so nice to hear. landon what do you think? >> same? same thing? >> we'll take that. >> oh, my gosh. so beautiful. today she's here with brad and her two boys. and gavin, happy birthday turning 13. let's take one last look at fong before and bring out the new fong dickinson. >> wow! >> oh, my goodness! >> oh, do i love that dress. all right, guys. you ready? take off your blindfolds? >> wow! >> beautiful. >> gorgeous. >> you ready to see yourself? >> yes. >> turn around sweetheart. >> oh, my god. >> her husband goes welcome to new york city. >> welcome to me. >> look at you. you look sensational. >> that's a great outfit. >> i want her body. >> look right there, camera 12. tell us louis. >> fong had her hair trimmed up quite a bit, layered. gorgeous hair. extreme hair to have. her hair was so dark but there are color options. i gave her highlights and softened her base color. and to make it all work together. slightly pink lip. i kept the makeup natural. she's a work-at-home mom. >> brad you are like loving -- >> and i'm in new york city right. >> you also have two sons with you. >> i'm going to have to look for a babysitter. >> hey, jill -- >> i love that dress. >> it's robert rodriguez. it's two pieces. >> it's gorgeous. >> so sexy. >> do you love that dress? >> i love it. i'm taking it home. >> you are. >> let's bring him out. good job, ladies. >> are you in the situation where you don't know what to do with your leftovers? trying to figure my budget was always second guessing me when i'd buy stuff for the family. fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. at we can shop with low monthly payments. over 200,000 items and growing from brands like samsung lego and kitchenaid. just click on over to to get the credit you deserve and great stuff for your family. not fingerhut. i got that at a garage sale. for a dollar. ♪ olive garden's all new duos are here. but not for long starting at $11.99. our most craveable classics like chicken parmigiana, paired with new tastes to explore, all served with unlimited salad and breadsticks. four all new duos, starting at $11.99. at olive garden. did you use the loo paper in there? i did. how was it? it was good! why do you think that the ripples work? because it gets it all clean. are you so clean that you would go commando? ok! how do you feel? i feel awesome! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . this is special. food is my art. when we cook for someone, we are sharing a little bit of our soul. to life! and when we eat, we begin with our eyes. just as the beauty of the food entices you to try it, the beauty of the website should entice you to explore it. i am eric ripert and this is my squarespace. now it's time for a little game we like to call "freeze it or eat it." when we figure out which foods are okay to store in the freezer. and which are not. here is nbc news health and nutrition editor madeleine bernstrom. we're going to play one of our favorite games. when you're going to take this food and it's left over. we're not talking about safety. we're talking about taste, and texture. these are all safe. potato salad berries, burgers, hot dogs deviled eggs alcoholic beverages and fresh fruit pies. 20 seconds to determine if you want to put it in the freezer. in this batch. or in this basket. this is stuff you want to eat now. and then we'll compare them. >> ready, set -- >> you'll put all this together. >> look in. that looks like strawberries. >> for taste? no i take it back. >> taste, texture -- >> can you freeze it or eat it now? >> potateo salad. >> better eat that. freeze that. >> you can freeze that? >> wait a minute. >> we thought we -- >> no guacamole, you have to eat now. >> what's that? >> pie. >> let's start with potato salad. >> hoda said freeze it. >> i say freeze it. >> and you would be wrong. you want to eat the potato salad. >> i didn't know what was in there. you cannot freeze mayonnaise containing things. next we have fresh berries. hoda says yes. and kathie -- >> you can freeze them but they'll be just like the -- the taste and texture. >> nothing is better after it's been frozen is it? nothing tastes better. >> so kathie lee gets the second one. >> imagine that. >> grilled burgers. >> burgers are fine. >> i said freeze it. >> freeze it for up to three or four months. let's go to deviled eggs. >> they are best fresh. >> and the thing is you have to eat it. eggs don't freeze well. the mayonnaise and egg whites get really rubbery. >> let's go to guacamole. kathie lee, you said -- >> eat it. >> you are both wrong on that. >> i'm sorry, but i don't like it if it's been frozen. avocados freeze well. if you have lime juice in it -- >> it turns that nasty color. sorry, madeleine. >> how about the leftover drinks? you have to drink it -- >> freeze it. >> alcohol lasts forever and that frozen slurry is great. >> i put my vodka in the freezer. >> you can have it as a slushy. >> completely disagree. >> hoda said eat it. >> i said freeze it. >> and you would be right. >> i still don't understand this game. >> i think you won. >> i don't care if i win. >> you won. >> i don't care. >> what's the prize? >> oh, i do care. >> thank you. >> all right. where's madeleine's. >> for more an what to freeze and what to eat go to klg and water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and just let it be itself. flowing freely into clean lakes - clear streams - and along more fresh water coast line than any other state in the country. come realize water's true potential. dive in - to the waters of pure michigan. your trip begins at new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. protein from yogurt? yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. mmm... dannon oikos triple zero mmm dannon. [ jennifer garner ] why can't powerful sunscreen feel great? actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. its superior uva uvb protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer, all with the cleanest feel. it's the best for your skin. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. sweet mother of softness... charmin!!! take a closer look at charmin ultra soft and you'll love what you see. not only can you use less, but you can actually see the softness in our comfort cushions. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft? what's the best room in the house? the living room, of course. that's where life happens. but sometimes life can be a little messy. that's why there's pledge. pledge helps make living rooms look beautiful. we love that and we love living rooms. good morning everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. just absolutely terrifying video. this is a man attacking a girl in her own san jose house. the 13-year-old girl managed to fight this man off. this happened in west san jose. police say he followed her home from school. likely had no idea there were surveillance cameras. a closer look at this fellow. the man also believed to target at least one other young victim. the girl is going to be okay but police fear he may strike again. a follow-up it looks like starting this summer. some workers in emeryville will be taking home bigger paychecks. city council members voted unanimously to give minimum wage workers a raise up to $12.25 which ties san francisco and oakland for the highest in the country. the hike takes effect june 1st. a look at weather and traffic next. welcome back now. i'm meteorologist christina loren. temperatures for today are going to be comfortable. 72 degrees on the peninsula. same for the east shore. 74 in the tri-valley and 69 degrees in san francisco. meanwhile we've got the unsettled weather pattern, and we could see some mountain thunderstorm activity. best chance south bay, east bay. a few showers lingering tomorrow morning and a lovely mother's day weekend coming your way. we'll track the showers for you when we meet back here at 11:00. let's check your drive with mike inouye. bay bridge toll plaza we're sad to see this. all lanes are filled at the toll plaza still. moving a little better. the map shows you that the compression over here southbound down the east shore freeway -- westbound is late for the commute. a couple late crashes but everything is moving very well. south bay no problem, guys. join us at 11:00 for our next newscast. see you then. we've got our game faces on because "access hollywood's" billy bush and kit hoover came to challenge us. >> here to host the game we're calling "what's poppin'" is entertainment weekly's senior writer -- >> oh, my gosh. there are tacks on the end of this. you're doing it again. >> he stabbed me. >> i'm going to read a question. you pop your balloon. whoever pops your balloon first i'll call your name and you answer your question. >> there are tacks in these gloves. >> we're on the same time. >> don't injured each other. >> the uk has a new princess. as of monday we officially -- >> charlotte, elizabeth diana. >> yes. >> don't high five me with that hand. >> getting the answer and predicting the question. >> she hosts the show. number two -- what singer and tv star last night was sugar bombed or flower bombed -- >> kit hoover? >> where was blake shelton? adam levine. >> that is hurtful. >> his new album is called "sugar." >> we need to keep going. >> this past weekend "avengers" -- >> wait a minute. >> what happened? >> they're only one down. >> you have to go in order. >> i'm bleeding. this last weekend avengers age of ultron hit number one at the box office. what movie holds the number one spot. >> it won't do it. >> no. kathie lee. >> it was the first "avengers." >> yes, correct. >> kathie lee. >> i am on a roll. >> all right. number four what power couple announced their split this week. >> tiger woods and lindsey vonn. >> "access hollywood" -- >> number five. name the handsome actor who remodeled his mother's basement. he launched a website called -- >> did you say bradley cooper? >> ashton kutcher. >> we've ruined the scoreboard. >> 3-2. who is winning? >> we are. >> what celebrity opted to skip the met gala and hung out with her daughter -- >> gwyneth paltrow! >> i heard gwyneth paltrow! >> this is terrible. look at this. it's tied. >> wait a minute. there's another person too. blake lively because she was in australia doing a movie. >> this is the last question. and it's tied. >> that's obnoxious. >> all right. hold on. i'm not ready. another band made news this week. what famous group reunited at a superstar athlete's birthday over the weekend. >> spice girls at david beckham's. >> oh, my! >> i don't know who these people are, but i read the papers. >> kathie lee! >> bubble wrap. >> why? >> because we're popping things. >> well done ladies. >> we love you guys. >> we've got the award-winning family vacation spots you voted on. and grandma's old in my bakery, i see customers every day. but some days, i felt like all they saw was my acne, not me. i couldn't believe i still had acne. so i went to, found a dermatologist, and asked her about aczone® (dapsone) gel. together, we decided aczone® gel was right for me and my acne got better. acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, your doctor can prescribe aczone® gel, fda approved for the topical treatment of acne and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness redness, oiliness, and peeling of treated skin. now you could pay no more than $10 for aczone® gel. get your coupon and learn more at aczone® gel. prescription treatment. proven results. hey! have an awesome vacation everyone! thank you so much! you're so sweet. yummy! key lime pie at 90 calories. it is so good for not giving in. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. are you so congested... it feels like that brick's on your face? try zyrtec®-d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec®-d. find it at the pharmacy counter. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. it's springtime. so bake cookies with someone you love. and country crock's fresh, buttery taste and smooth, creamy texture means your cookies will turn out just the way you like 'em... extra soft... ... and extra special. welcome to crock country. did ya know? fresh step extreme lightweight litter isn't just light. it's also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. amazing, right? for superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme... lighweight. to feel this special... you need to eat this special. kellogg's special k... made with whole grains and fiber to help a body thrive. ♪ folic acid and vitamin d... to make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... in a bowl of special k. eat special, feel special. special k red berries, now with more real strawberries. [ female announcer ] who are we? we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. if you've been holding on to something for years like your great grandmother's old broach or a coin collection we're going to help you figure out if it's worth something. nobody can help you more than the stars of "hard core pawn." >> how are you? >> we're going to do a little teaching today. people have stuff in their garages or attics. if you were going to give them a nutshell. how do you know if something is valuable? >> look at it. you can kind of determine if it has value. >> if you are attached to it -- >> the attachment is one thing we talk about. move the attachment. >> that's the only way you'll sell it. >> you have seen it 1,000 times. >> the first thing is a magnifying glass. we said we'd bring a few. utilize your eyes it tell you what the item is. the first thing is the brooch and the purse. if you went in your basement and you saw this you'd think a typical piece of jewelry and a brooch. it's really cool but you flip it over and see a hallmark. you'd see that there's a marking on it. >> you are looking for the manufacturer. >> that's the first thing. >> flip it over and it's judith lieber. that's huge. >> the brooch is or the purse? >> they are beautiful. >> you want to date the item. it's probably been in your garage or basement for a while. how long how old it is. >> what about condition? >> condition is important. >> carolyn monroe magazine and that coin? >> 1955. playbill magazine. prior to the playboy magazine "photo play." you'd think it's worth a ton of money because it's marilyn monroe. that doesn't have a scarcity effect to it. people hold on to it. >> what about a "playboy" one? >> that has much more value. >> well she's naked. >> what about the coin? >> it's dated. look at the date of the coin. a lot of people collected silver dollars. prior to 1964 all the coins were silver. after that they started taking the silver off. >> what about nickel? >> nickel is nickel. >> it's worth about ten times face value prior to 1964. >> you have seen things from the '30s. pennies and things. >> i brought a coin from 1799. the coin laying there is worth anywhere from $1,000 to $300,000. ours is worth $1,000. >> the next thing -- >> you can just look right on the internet. >> it's an easy way to guide you. i brought two bobbleheads. new york yankees and detroit tigers. that's a precursor to the modern day bobblehead. they are made out of papier-mache and ceram ic. typically things are made out of plast ic. do some research. it's a good path to guide you. >> are those worth -- >> $300 a piece. >> there's a bird cage. we were just in italy doing an event. a bird cage clock. i'd never seen one before. i had to have it. so we bought it. >> it's beautiful. i'd never seen anything like that. >> you take that to a dealer? >> $250. >> now we brought the gems. a lot of people kept expenseive gems in a jewelry box. that's a prime example. the ones in the big dish are run of the mill coins -- or gems. the one in the front is a 3.5 carat emerald cut emerald. if you utilize your loop and look at the gem, you'll realize there's imperfections. when you really question that take it to your local jeweler, pawn shop. go to somebody that you trust. >> can you trust a pawn shop or somebody to tell you -- >> there's been association most legitimate pawn brokers. make sure they are represented and do your homework. >> you could have a treasure. >> you guys are so great. >> we love you. >> come to the pawn shop. now that you made a little extra money we're going to put it t women talking about activia. when i feel bloated and my stomach is rumbling in the morning, it takes me forever to get dressed. i just like wearing a lot of black. i don't have the time to be gassy and uncomfortable, when i'm trying to get out of the house. those are the days you wear sweatpants. i love activia. that is so good. i eat activia every day. enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. feeling good, looking good. activiaaaa. my husband has been singing that to me for two weeks. in one mesmerizing stroke, create a smoldering look. l'oreal's new smokissime. our 1st powder liner to create a smoky effect in just one stroke. concentrated pigments... effortlessly shade... and intensify... it's smoky made simple. smokissime from l'oreal makeup designer, paris. [ female announcer ] choices aren't always this easy. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love. mazola makes it better. 30 minutes ago this he washing machine said 7 minutes. now, every spin is a laugh in his face. you're in laundry limbo pal. and you're here because your machine is overwhelmed by the suds of your detergent. next time, wash with tide he turbo. he turbo smart suds collapse faster... to save up to 25 minutes a wash. is that magic? yes, turbo magic. new tide he turbo. saves up to 25 minutes a wash. ♪ when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. he says "it has a certain code that's my line, this is the date." if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. did you use the loo paper in there? i did. how was it? it was good! why do you think that the ripples work? because it gets it all clean. are you so clean that you would go commando? ok! how do you feel? i feel awesome! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. things made with love are the best things. and that's exactly why avocados from mexico are grown with love, all year round. keep up with everyday messes with the help of roomba from irobot. sensors automatically guide roomba around your home, vacuuming up dirt and debris for a more thorough clean every day. roomba. only from irobot. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing new country time lemonade starter with real lemon juice. a fresh, new way to make country time. look what i just bought. >> that was from the hard core pawn segment. >> i'll sell it for $500. i'm kidding. i'm taking that home. that's going to be in our guest house. >> put it down over here? >> no. >> she's very possessive. all right. the school year is winding down. now it's time to start planning the summer get aways. >> before you book anything family fun magazine has 2,000 families to name favorite get aways, one of the top attractions in the south was gatlinburg tennessee. it is beautiful there. >> the top science museum went to the national museum of science where it is free. >> here to reveal more family fun hot spots is the gudeputy editor. >> thank you. >> okay. i'll put it down. >> we're going to play a game. >> another game. >> we like games. all right. fire away. >> we have a quiz to see if can you guess where these locations are. ready to play? >> yes. >> this is beach one. >> this one is in florida. to get us in the right frame of mind. we have mimosas. >> okay. >> oranges. okay. >> i'm going to say -- >> let me give ut clue. in this florida island town buildings can't be taller than the tall am trees. >> sania bell island. >> very nice. >> i used to work in ft. myers. >> all right. >> i was going to say key west. >> this town is famous for the lay back vibe where families can hang out. they're known for 250 varieties of sea shells and the active outdoor things they can do. zbh because the buildings are not tall it's such a quaint beautiful place. >> santa bell island. >> that's right. >> okay. >> gulf coast, right? >> no. you are on a roll. >> okay. our number one animal attraction is home to the world's largest indoor desert which midwestern state is it in? >> st. louis. >> arizona. >> no. it's in omaha, nebraska. >> of course it is. it is the henry doorly museum. they also have the largest nocturnal exhibit in the world. >> that is a snake skin. >> yeah. >> i want to buy that, too. >> also the largest rain forest in north america at the zoo. it is supposed to be awesome. >> okay. >> i guess they're into that. >> okay. >> i know they like the animals. >> hoda is in. >> hershey, pennsylvania. >> no. our number one state park sits on an island in lake huron where cars are banned? >> >> mackinaw island. >> so not only is it just beautiful for things like biking and cycling because it's a gorgeous state park, it is part of the charm they don't have cars. you have to get around by horse drawn carriage or bikes. >> how do you get there? >> by boat. >> you get there by boat. that's right. and then they have a revolutionary war era fort that can you tour. you can also go to the nearby town of mackinaw which is one of the top ten tourist towns. >> you can stay in the hotel. >> that's right. >> where christopher reeve and jane see more. watch that movie first. and then it's famous for the fudge. >> in that case okay. >> it is called research. >> i'm just going to try. >> we're doing all right. >> yes. >> so now we have all 50 winners online at family fun magazine do the co. the last one -- voted the number one destination by family fun readers on the west coast. and this is home to more than 35,000 sea creatures. >> sea world? >> no. it's an aquarium on the bay. >> don't know it. >> this goes aquarium. >> close, monterey bay aquarium. >> the seals and all of that. >> that's right. you know what? i stay there sometimes because it's close to my stuff. i forgot what a gorgeous place monlt ray is. >> yes. >> this is amazing. >> they have 550 species, sea otters giant pacific octopus. they have a 90 foot long wall where can you observe sharks to turtles. >> thank you so much. this is great fun. thank you so much. >> all right. here's a question for hoda. is it okay to talk back to fans? >> what does that mean? you have to wait for the answer. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. first, this is "today" on nbc. now time for okay or not okay. sometimes when you are in the spotlightlight there are some not so nice things said. some celebs responded to their critics. is it okay or not okay to talk back to angry fans. here's what we thought about it. >> i understand the compulsion to lash out at ignorant people but i doubt it changes someone's behavior. haters seem to hate by nature. >> mine says it's okay to respond. just make sure you leave the expleasex expletives and the hate out of it. #chillout. >> what's the point? >> don't say anything. >> that's what i said. >> we are out of control. we have some lovely ladies here. winners of our auction representing city meals on wheels. thank you ladies so much. tomorrow if you like home makeovers you'll like the big surprise i gave to my mom this mother's day. >> and some funny girls try out their stand-up routines on us. our studio turns into a ball room. >> and giveaway friday. so much going on. >> thanks . right now at 11:00 look at the radar. rain returns to the bay area. bringing thunder and lightning along with it. that is realtime doppler radar. here is a live look outside at san jose right now where the clouds are looming and threatening as well. thanks for joining us. i'm kris sanchez. i'm scott mcgrew. let's get to the expert. christina loren. 11:00 straight up. a lot of the activity is starting to press out of the bay area, but we have had some very interesting storm reports so far. in fact one person a trained weather spotter, reported that they saw a funnel cloud earlier today which is basically rotation

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Fremont , California , United States , Montana , Rogers Airport , Kansas , Louisiana , Australia , Sierra Nevada , Minnesota , Kansas City , San Francisco , Mexico , Wichita , Arizona , New Orleans , Monterey Bay Aquarium , Castro Valley , Pacifica , Iowa , Monterey , Omaha , Nebraska , Los Angeles , Spain , Greece , Baltimore , Maryland , New York , Canada , Japan , Hamburg , Germany , Oakland , Texas , Argentina , San Leandro , Kentucky , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , Michigan , Lake Huron , United Kingdom , Emeryville , Colorado , Phoenix , Pennsylvania , Santa Cruz Mountains , Dallas , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Italy , Americans , America , Greek , Spanish , British , Japanese , American , Gwyneth Paltrow , Blake Shelton , Dana Farber Sloan Kettering , Brian Vickers , Billy Bush , Roger Goodell , Nick Loeb , Jim Mcnally , Fong Dickinson , Elizabeth Diana , Floyd Mayweather , Mike Inouye , Samsung Lego , Michael Fox , Robert Rodriguez , Pete Williams , Tom Brady , Jean Abbott , Scott Mcgrew , Arnold Palmer , Sean Payton , Josh Hartnett , Lindsey Vonn , David Beckham , Jerry Seinfeld , Jimmy Kimmel , Anna Wintour , Sophia Vergara , A Kevin Nealon , Eric Ripert , Phil Mickelson , Michael Jackson , Christopher Reeve , Parker Posey , Errol Brown , Adam Levine , Elton Simpson , Channing Tatum , Ayla Blumberg , Kris Sanchez , Peter Alexander , Hugh Jackman , Troy Vincent , Kathie Lee Gifford , Sam Mendes , Rockefeller Plaza , Dannon Oikos , Natalie Azar , Hillary Clinton , Agnes Moorehead , Jim Wright , Bob Euc , Earl Brown , Judith Lieber , Santa Barbara , Sam Brock , Diane Keaton , Bob Kraft , Loretta Lynch , Uva Uvb , Savannah Guthrie , Danny Walker , Natalie Morales , Kim Richards , Jill Martin , Marilyn Monroe , Vigor , Kevin Nealon , King , Kathie Lee , Mike Matt , Al Roker , David Lynch , Carolyn Monroe , Tom Brokaw , Peter King , Hollywood Billy Bush , Christina Loren , Robert Kraft , John Logan , Chris Lloyd , Ashton Kutcher , Mayweather Pacquiao , Christopher Lloyd , Bradley Cooper , Louis Licari , Dzhokhar Tsarnaev , Willie Geist , Los Olivos ,

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