Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140517 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140517

cindy crawford, you know, is famous for a lot of reasons. one is for her trademark beauty mark. >> she's got, the mole. >> the mole. okay. so -- >> why is her mole adorable? >> right. other people can have a mole and maybe it is not as cute. aaron neville has a mole. >> he has several. >> he has one big one. i think it is cute, but -- >> wouldn't be aaron neville without it, would he? >> she did an interview with she said she used to hate it but her mom was instrumental in what was it? >> she said, you know what, don't have it removed because you know what your mole looks like. but you don't know what the scar is going to look like if you have it removed. and she helped her think it through and now she credits her mom. cindy is not only a gorgeous girl, she's very, very smart. valedictorian, she's -- i think she's come to embrace it. her sister and her kids at school used to call her it her ugly mark. i think she's got the last say on that. >> and you know what, you know it's her. if you see a bunch of beautiful women you know which one is cindy. i think it is great. i think often we do try to blend in with everybody. that's why people get nose jobs and other things because they wouldn't to look just like everybody else. >> you spend the first part of your life trying to fit in and then trying to spend the rest of it trying to stand out. it is interesting. yeah. i just -- i have a funny tweet from somebody who said, oh, my gosh, enough with the plastic surgery. thank you for the laugh. i never had a face-lift, but people just assume stuff. it cracks me up. >> so many people do have plastic surgery. you go to lunches and see the same nose on like 20 women, you're like, oh, my god. the same exact nose. >> mm-hmm. it is weird. >> let's look at some cute noses. >> these are wet noses from wet dogs. >> the kind of moisture we like. >> this is a dog who believes a wet dog is art. this is sophie gammond. she won a coveted sony world photography award for these photographs of wet dogs. just called wet. >> she just thinks they're at their most vulnerable and most humiliating moments. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. >> you know what is so funny? some dogs love their baths and some hate every minute of it. louie could sit in the sink for 12 hours. as long as you brought him food and he could pee and poo in the water, he would be fine. >> ew. >> he's that kind of dog. if somebody didn't come and make him leave, he would still be there. >> it is sweet. this photographer works with animal rescue, so it also goes for a good cause. >> you've been wanting to talk about this for a long time. a new trend in china. >> if you like dogs and you like pandas, we have the perfect combo platter. these are chows that they dyed to look like pandas. >> this is unbelievable. >> used hair dye. it lasts for six weeks before the dogs need touchups with the spray. but is that unbelievable? and look, we're not -- they claim there are no chemicals or cruelty involved in this and they look like miniature pandas. it can't be good for the dog and it can't be fun for the dog, and we're not condoning it, but it looks cute. >> why did you want to put it on for the last week? >> everybody loves pandas. what if that helps this dog get adopted and no one wanted to adopt the dog and he looked like that. >> they would be surprised when it grew out, right? the u.s. discouraged any groups from dyeing dogs. we don't do that here. okay. >> want to see something funny, an episode of "that's so raven", remember with raven-symone. it was such a funny episode, i took a bishon frise and dyed it pink. she did, by mistake. it is one of the funniest -- raven-symone is one of the funniest -- she's hysterical, great comedic actress. your kids might want to find that and enjoy that. >> try day friday. the preakness signature drink. >> let's see what it is. >> held in baltimore, maryland, this weekend. kentucky derby winner california chrome, remember, just won the derby, this will take him one step closer to the triple crown and the belmont. >> the official drink of the preakness is the black eyed susan. >> you know why? that's the official flower of maryland. >> the black eyed susan is. orange juice, pineapple juice, vodka, rum and orange liqueur. it's good. >> did you taste it? >> not yet. >> i don't drink. airs tomorrow at 4:30 eastern on nbc. if you like watching golf, good on you. if you like watching golf because something interesting happened other than the golf itself, these are the best in towners of animals at the pga. it is very serious golf tournament, but sometimes animals -- >> steal the spotlight. >> take a look. >> next challenge, the swarm. see if you can strike a putt with killer bees in the area. wow. >> look at these guys. hit the deck. incoming. >> oh, my. >> 16. look at that, the iguana trying to eat his ball on 16. >> come on, push it back to the hole. >> flirting with disaster. >> what an idiot. >> got his camera on his mobile phone. >> don't jump, don't jump! don't do it. >> he's going to jump! >> oh! that was a beauty. >> oh, my gosh. >> a new hazard at 17. >> what do you do when that happens? i guess they got the video that shows where the ball was. >> that is hysterical. makes golf fun for the rest of us. >> i can't watch golf. frank loves it. >> people could watch it nonstop. >> mesmerized. he can watch it with the sound off. just watching it. 6-year-old yo-yo master, wait until you see this, a little boy from japan named kazuya or yo-yo baby. it has gone viral. this kid is amazing. >> welcome kazuya! >> oh! ♪ ♪ >> no idea. >> you think your kids are talented. until you see somebody else's. >> my kid is not so bright. you remember the yo-yos, what were the ones that everyone loved? the lightup. i don't remember what they were called. the asia pacific yo-yo championship presented by see free yo-yo design. >> they compete against adults. >> he finished ninth overall. seven places below his mentor, a 19-year-old from singapore. >> because we know you were wondering. >> you know what it is time for? >> it is time for friday funny. >> all right, once upon a time there was a famous sea captain. for years, he guided merchant ships all over the world, never did stormy seas or pirates get the best of this guy. he was admired by his crew and fellow captains everywhere. however, there was one thing that was different about this captain. every morning he went through a strange ritual, he went into his private quarters, opened a small safe, pulled out a piece of paper, read it for a minute, and then lock it back up. one eye, because i have something in there. this went on every day for years. and everybody, argh, and his crew became very curious. they debated if it was a treasure map or a love letter from a long lost love. then one day the captain died. one day they went in to solve the mystery of the piece of paper. >> how do you talk with one eye? >> he opened the safe, took out the piece of paper. first mate red the words to himself and turned pale and told the crew, port left, starboard right. >> what? >> did this take away from it -- >> i missed it. what happened? >> those are the words. which side is port and which side is starboard. >> i don't know anything about music. >> music? >> fan picture. we have to do it. i did this selfie a long time ago. see this lady in the back. i don't know if you can see her. she's a crazy woman with her mouth wide open, so i was like who is the crazy lady, her. you know what her name is? everybody knows her. her name is flozell. she's a comedian. she has 2,000 comedy videos. 475 million views. >> 475 million. >> yes. maybe it's 4.75. she posted our picture up and she got 29,000 likes. so, anyway, she, flozell is a fan. we're happy. >> if you have something to share with us, go to our website and do that. johnson's baby of the week announcements. >> we like to celebrate moms and their adorable new additions to their families. our first johnson baby of the week is jaxen jerome cooks, born on march 29th, third child for breeann and jerome who say their new son has some attitude. >> next baby is abigail rebecca greene, born charlotte, north carolina, also on march 29th. abigail arrived three weeks early and mom jennifer says her new daughter loves to be in her swing. >> our final johnson's baby of the week is liam daniel grigas from illinois. mom jean offers this advice, check any expectations at the door and just go with the flow. your baby is now in charge. >> yep. the one that wears the diapers is the one who wears the pants. congratulations to all of our babies and if you would like to submit your baby to our johnson's baby the week contest, go to >> bobbie thomas will quench your summer thirst. >> and jack is back. why don't they want his former lover to find out. >> kim raver will tell us about reprising her role on "24" right after this. do you have something for pain? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip! i cthis year aloneore places offi hit new and texas! see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ socan go a long way. rt that's why there's resolve stain remover. it's designed to remove lots of messes on lots of fabrics. resolve. for stains on your carpet and even those above it. she starred in "lipstick jungle" and "grey's anatomy." >> but many know her as jack bauer's love interest in "24." but when we last saw her, she was in a catatonic state after being kidnapped and tortured. >> she's now alive and well. on the next episode of "24," her father has become president and audrey is married to the chief of staff, getting interesting. but she's about to learn jack could be back in her life. >> let's watch. >> why didn't you tell me jack was in london when you first found out. >> i was gathering the facts. >> i don't believe that. i am telling you that this is the wrong call. jack is telling the truth. that's based on me knowing him better than anybody else in that room. that's my measured opinion. and god help us if i'm right. >> you can't stand him. >> you're not in love with your husband. >> i want to watch the whole series with you guys. >> that's right. we know. has it been four years since this was on before? >> it is kind of shocking it has been four years. when we stepped back in, i was, like -- it has been four years. >> like a new series. >> the fans' allegiance, they have been waiting, wringing their hands and waiting for this. >> i think in a really kind of amazing way, i think we have gained fans because of the whole sort of binge watching of television that started. i don't think shows ever end and then you gain fans and then the show comes back. >> catch us up on her. on audrey. she was -- >> she's not doing so good. >> kidnapped and tortured by the chinese. >> went to china to try to bring jack back. he also got captured. and came back obviously we saw her in some sort of catatonic state. i think over those four years she has been brought back to a much better place and she's now married to budreau. i think at the beginning of the series, she doesn't have the strong voice she had that we knew in season four and five. but from the little clip, she's starting to -- >> yeah. >> she's kind of finding her way. especially with that sort of twist of that jack is back, and how could you not tell me and who are you? it leads into an interesting then i really find that audrey is kind of coming back as well. >> you don't love him. >> you're looking at him like you didn't. >> so he's great. he's so great in this character. there is a couple of us who were there when the series, you know, was four years ago, and some amazing additions and -- >> do you know what's going to happen? >> i know some of the secrets. and then some i don't. i was just reading -- i flew in from london yesterday. i'm in new york now. they sent me episode 11, which is crazy because you think we would be done by now but we're still filming and i gasped out loud. i was like -- so there is some things you don't know. and i'm not telling you. i'm not saying. >> we're not asking you to tell the whole thing. >> just some really, you know, interesting -- even being on the show, the writers are so good. they create moments where, you know, it is still a page turner. >> you don't -- it is no fun -- if you're sitting on the seat of your pants and don't see it coming. >> it is great. >> we wish you good luck with this. >> all the best. >> catch kim in "24" monday nights on fox. >> jill martin is here with some of the summer's must haves for 50 bucks and under. >> and bobbie thomas is all abuzz with thirst quenchers you can make yourself. what is that? right after this. beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. it is time for bobbie's buzz. summer is right around the corner. "today" style editor and bobbie thomas has the best thirst quenchers for all your -- >> we weren't going to give up. going all the way. >> hi. i love you ladies. let's get started. for the beer fans out there, this brewski flavored cup is awesome. this puts it on the inside of the neck, so you can slam it hard. >> ow. it went in. >> some of it. but it is supposed to be on the top. salt and lime -- >> it is fizzing up and about to overflow. >> i'll drink it. >> how does that go with the preakness drink. >> i love lime. it is so good. >> this is the spin shell. using convection, this will spin a beer can, beer -- soda can, beer bottle or wine bottle and in 20 seconds the spin chill will chill and under a minute you get a cold brew of a soda can. >> will it explode? >> no, funny enough, the geeks that made this have a whole video -- >> don't call them geeks. >> it is fun. >> i can't get it off. >> so next, i love iced tea. these are inspired, tropical collection, tropical inspired iced teas. mojito, berry bellini, green tea, you can put your own lime mixer in if you with like or make virgin iced teas for those -- they're delicious. last but not least, this is the zinger. there is an aqua zinger and citrus zinger. the bottom of it, you'll see, you can put the fruit in and it has this citrus zinger is meant for lemons and limes that are a little tougher. and this way you don't have the fruit floating in your water. actually helps create sangria, water, and more. this is a delicious drink. >> flavors your water. >> there you go. that's bobbie thomas, everybody. >> you rock. >> coming up, jill has your must haves for spring for under 50 bucks. >> and just because you lost your keys, could this be a symptom of something more serious. >> we'll talk about what mimics dementia and what you can do about it. we're back on this try day friday with more of "today" and jill's must haves. >> with everything you need too get ready for summer under 50 bucks. >> here with the goods is "today" contributing editor and contributing editor for "style watch" and really great girl, jill martin. >> so going to get everybody ready for summer. and i'm going to start with a very easy way to wax at home. hopefully you'll be going on a fabulous trip, spur of the moment. usually it's a mess. you have that hot thing, you have to put nit the microwave. what you do is take these out of the packet. >> i can't look. >> you rub it together to make heat. you put it on. >> go. >> oh! >> it does work. we have to keep it on a little longer. >> you might want to do something about that. >> summer beauty, this is from, all the different pallets to get you ready for summer. >> so pretty. you don't have to splurge on a lot. great makeup bag, pottery barn, great tote for the beach. and reversible tote. if you're going from beach to barbecue, $48. oversize clutches, the big craze. this is great to throw everything in for during the day. and then banana republic, fun patterns. everything under $50, everything on the table. jewelry, i'm going to have you set. this is durham, under $50. look at this statement jewelry. you don't are to spend a lot to get a lot. loving that. your design, show your personality. it will spruce up any outfight, even when you're going to the beach. >> it looks like the things the kids make. >> yeah, like a glorified version of it. these i'm really loving, $40 and under, they represent all different things. okay, this -- >> i spelled it. it is a fresh in the shower, it is waterproof. it is music. you get a phone call, you can answer it. >> you can take the phone -- >> it works. >> what? >> you take it -- these are just from music, they light up. >> forget it. >> one place you couldn't get away from it, now you can. >> i need it in the shower. >> that's fabulous. >> jelly sandals are back but with a kick. i wasn't sure if you like these. >> no. >> i didn't think so. >> other people do. >> get a great pair of heels to go with your little black dress. transition to summer. >> we're going to get to ansel in one moment. these are great hats for the beach, oversized. >> okay. >> got to have that. >> okay. >> not oversized enough. >> not quite oversized enough. >> okay. now, okay, this is ansel and owen and lindsey. turn around so you can show your mustacheifier. >> that's so cute. >> look at this child, oh, my gosh. >> this is owen and his little glasses. >> i can't even. >> and peace, love, world, teamed up with pharrell to make these t-shirts. let's show everyone your t-shirt. look at this t-shirt. >> love. >> great stuff. >> great, you guys. >> all right. >> are you losing your mind? this could be something other than dementia causing your memory loss. >> on a lighter note, baby animals after this. hey, this is where we grow the mustard seed that makes french's yellow mustard. 100% natural from me to you. with 40% more free, there's more to love. french's. naturally amazing. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ it is time for boomtastic as we look at the topic that effects many of us, memory loss. it is easy to think you're sliding toward dementia when you forgot a name or forgot an appointment. >> there are other factors at play that may mimic the disease and may have a cure. aarp covers this topic. barbara hannah grufferman is a contributing editor and dr. brett osborne is a neurosurgeon. excuse me. >> hello, fancy. good morning. >> let's talk. what are the real symptoms of dementia because i think a lot of people aren't quite sure. >> or they think dementia is the same as alzheimer's. >> that's a big misconception. dementia is a group of symptoms. alzheimer's is a brian disease. and that's the difference right there. alzheimer's is under the umbrella of dementia. and alzheimer's is 70% to 80% of dementia cases. that's number one. >> if you were misdiagnosed with alzheimer's when it was dementia. >> a lot of people are probably forgetting things and can't remember names or keys. should they be concerned there is dementia at play? >> that's a good question. that always happens to me, and it is in the range of normal. >> it is a great question. and just like your iphone, your computer has glitches, we have these glitches on occasion. and those occasional glitches are completely normal. and within the realms of normalcy. when they become contiguous and start affecting your activities for daily living, then it becomes a concern. >> how do you define that, though. more than ten times a day. >> that's concerning. >> i walk out of my house and i always have this issue with directions. and i know, again, that's in my normal, but if it started to happen more often, that's when i would -- >> you got to be honest with yourself, don't you? can't live on that river in egypt. >> there are certain things we are in control of, that we can do to help stave it off, right? >> absolutely. >> it is about nourishing the brain. i think so many of us think about what can we do better, but what can we do -- how can we exercise our brains? nourish our brains with -- >> the answer is that when you fuel the body, you're fueling the brain as well. so the things that augment the cardiovascular system augment the brain as well. >> all one thing. >> that's correct. everything is the same. there is a large study, two large studies that came out recently that suggest that exercise actually maintains the size or increases the size of the area in the brain known as the hippo campus, the memory hub of the brain. what they did was they compared patients who had a genetic predisposition to alzheimer's disease, didn't exercise, to those that did and found that the 3% decrease in size of this memory hub in the brain, that occurs in the patients that have genetic predisposition to alzheimer's disease does not occur in those patients that were exercising. >> more important than we ever thought. >> absolutely. and eating. other ways to nourish the brain, eating the right foods, including, you know, healthy oils, like nuts and olive oil. >> we have one minute. i want to make sure, we talked about things that mask dementia. b 12 deficiency, that may be your issue, not dementia. >> so interesting, this is something checkable, treatable, and it is also preventable. >> you find that out by a blood test? >> a simple blood test. >> diabetes is another one. >> diabetes and also fibroids. the ths test can be added on to your blood work when you go to the doctor for your annual exam. >> ask for it if they don't? >> insist upon it. >> insist when? when you're over 50, for sure. >> all right, thank you so very, very much. i forgot what we just talked about. a performance and adorable baby animal coming up right after this. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. it is time for today's call of the wild. spring is in full swing and animals everywhere are getting busy having babies. >> national wildlife federation naturalist david mizejewski is here with some adorable baby animals you may be able to catch at the zoo. >> hello. >> i just got my haircut. summertime is coming up. had to get my haircut. this is a leopard. leopards live in africa and asia. she's a few months old, maybe six months old. she weighs 45 pounds. when she's full grown, she can be well over 100 pounds. amazing beautiful predator. widespread. >> she's very domesticated. >> no, she's a wild animal. grant is her handler. i'm not even getting in there close because even though she looks cute and cuddly, she is still a wild animal. not a pet. and so she has teeth, claws. she can do some damage. >> okay. thank you. >> bye. >> thank you for visiting. >> our next animal, even hoda will love this animal. come over here. >> this is so sweet. >> little baby lama. see if we can get her to -- >> she doesn't know where -- >> come on, sweetie. anyway, she's only about 2 months old. >> she doesn't quite get it. >> but we are just going to hold her here. let's see, try one more time. one more time. there we go. there we go. >> oh. >> i'm clearly not a father. anyway, yeah, she's only 2 months old. this is a domesticated species. you want to feel the coat. it is completely soft. this keeps them warm. >> feels very wet. >> i hate to say the word, moist. >> it is a little humid out. >> oh, wow. >> how big is she going to get? >> she'll get to be several hundred pounds. lamas are big animals. they use them to protect herds of sheep. want to try it. don't get it in her nose, like me. why don't we move on to the next animal. >> okay. >> also really cool. our next animal is not quite a baby anymore. kind of a teenager. we'll put this down. >> everything is moist today. >> i know. >> this guy is a vervet monkey. >> like green toned. >> do they have cheetos in africa. >> that's a special treat for coming on tv. >> he's got them with both hands. so funny. >> let me see if i can get him -- a little groom going on here. you know when they hit puberty when their faces turn from a pinkish white color to a black color. and so, of course, he has his back to the camera, see if we can get him to turn around a little bit. >> are you nervous around him? >> i'm always cautious when working with animals. even if they are in captivity, they're still a wild animal. >> have you been attacked? >> i've never been attacked. but monkeys are not my favorite. >> they're not? >> yeah. >> look at his nose. >> that is the sun, actually. >> baked in the amazon. >> baked. okay. >> do you smell what i smell? >> all these animals smell. >> our last animal -- >> good-bye. nice talking to you. >> our next animal, most people call it a peacock, but it is actually -- this is a female. think of a peacock. you know what a peacock looks like. >> we work at nbc. >> so this is -- this is the juveniles and the females look like. only the males have the beautiful coloration. in the bird world, the females have to nest and be camouflaged. they have this sort of very dull coloration they have a little bit of that iridescence on the neck. the males are the ones with the bright, beautiful fancy colors and use those to attract the females. kind of a little wit of the opposite with how humans typically do it. >> look at that mohawk. >> she's not that old. only 6 months old. >> is that a mullet? >> it may be a mullet. >> another beautiful animal. they live in asia. when they come out, they look just like baby chickens. but all these animals need our help, we want everybody to join the national wildlife federation so we can make sure we have these beautiful animals. >> thank you. >> all righty, they'll have you on your toes. >> a performance by the famous school of american ballet. it will be terrific. but first, this is "today" on nbc. most of us only dream of becoming professional dancers, but these students are making it a reality. >> they all belong to the famous school of american ballet at lincoln center here in new york city. >> now "teen vogue" is taking you behind the scenes to see how grueling and rewarding their dreams can be in their new online show called "strictly ballet" which premieres today on >> i've been accepted into the best school in america. >> it is just like any other sport. definitely not something you can do for two hours a day. >> it is a great art form but strenuous on your body. >> 14 years old is really young to move away from home. >> don't have normal graduation. always at practice, rehearsals. >> but it is all worth it when you're dancing. >> wow. >> it is just extraordinary. and, wow. >> it is. you're so accomplished at such a young age, you guys. >> how many hours do you put into this? >> it can be from, like, three to -- >> five a day. >> five hours a day? >> you're doing your other school work, as well. are you all good students too? >> we try. >> yeah. >> you're all type-a achievers. how long -- when did you start dancing? >> i started dancing at 8. >> 7. >> i was 5. >> i was 10. >> wow. you guys, this sounds look a fascinating show. what is your goal? where do you want to see yourselves? >> i just want to have a job. >> okay. >> i want to be able to express -- >> you guys are going to dance for us. >> thank you very much. >> they are going to dance. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140517 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140517

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cindy crawford, you know, is famous for a lot of reasons. one is for her trademark beauty mark. >> she's got, the mole. >> the mole. okay. so -- >> why is her mole adorable? >> right. other people can have a mole and maybe it is not as cute. aaron neville has a mole. >> he has several. >> he has one big one. i think it is cute, but -- >> wouldn't be aaron neville without it, would he? >> she did an interview with she said she used to hate it but her mom was instrumental in what was it? >> she said, you know what, don't have it removed because you know what your mole looks like. but you don't know what the scar is going to look like if you have it removed. and she helped her think it through and now she credits her mom. cindy is not only a gorgeous girl, she's very, very smart. valedictorian, she's -- i think she's come to embrace it. her sister and her kids at school used to call her it her ugly mark. i think she's got the last say on that. >> and you know what, you know it's her. if you see a bunch of beautiful women you know which one is cindy. i think it is great. i think often we do try to blend in with everybody. that's why people get nose jobs and other things because they wouldn't to look just like everybody else. >> you spend the first part of your life trying to fit in and then trying to spend the rest of it trying to stand out. it is interesting. yeah. i just -- i have a funny tweet from somebody who said, oh, my gosh, enough with the plastic surgery. thank you for the laugh. i never had a face-lift, but people just assume stuff. it cracks me up. >> so many people do have plastic surgery. you go to lunches and see the same nose on like 20 women, you're like, oh, my god. the same exact nose. >> mm-hmm. it is weird. >> let's look at some cute noses. >> these are wet noses from wet dogs. >> the kind of moisture we like. >> this is a dog who believes a wet dog is art. this is sophie gammond. she won a coveted sony world photography award for these photographs of wet dogs. just called wet. >> she just thinks they're at their most vulnerable and most humiliating moments. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. >> you know what is so funny? some dogs love their baths and some hate every minute of it. louie could sit in the sink for 12 hours. as long as you brought him food and he could pee and poo in the water, he would be fine. >> ew. >> he's that kind of dog. if somebody didn't come and make him leave, he would still be there. >> it is sweet. this photographer works with animal rescue, so it also goes for a good cause. >> you've been wanting to talk about this for a long time. a new trend in china. >> if you like dogs and you like pandas, we have the perfect combo platter. these are chows that they dyed to look like pandas. >> this is unbelievable. >> used hair dye. it lasts for six weeks before the dogs need touchups with the spray. but is that unbelievable? and look, we're not -- they claim there are no chemicals or cruelty involved in this and they look like miniature pandas. it can't be good for the dog and it can't be fun for the dog, and we're not condoning it, but it looks cute. >> why did you want to put it on for the last week? >> everybody loves pandas. what if that helps this dog get adopted and no one wanted to adopt the dog and he looked like that. >> they would be surprised when it grew out, right? the u.s. discouraged any groups from dyeing dogs. we don't do that here. okay. >> want to see something funny, an episode of "that's so raven", remember with raven-symone. it was such a funny episode, i took a bishon frise and dyed it pink. she did, by mistake. it is one of the funniest -- raven-symone is one of the funniest -- she's hysterical, great comedic actress. your kids might want to find that and enjoy that. >> try day friday. the preakness signature drink. >> let's see what it is. >> held in baltimore, maryland, this weekend. kentucky derby winner california chrome, remember, just won the derby, this will take him one step closer to the triple crown and the belmont. >> the official drink of the preakness is the black eyed susan. >> you know why? that's the official flower of maryland. >> the black eyed susan is. orange juice, pineapple juice, vodka, rum and orange liqueur. it's good. >> did you taste it? >> not yet. >> i don't drink. airs tomorrow at 4:30 eastern on nbc. if you like watching golf, good on you. if you like watching golf because something interesting happened other than the golf itself, these are the best in towners of animals at the pga. it is very serious golf tournament, but sometimes animals -- >> steal the spotlight. >> take a look. >> next challenge, the swarm. see if you can strike a putt with killer bees in the area. wow. >> look at these guys. hit the deck. incoming. >> oh, my. >> 16. look at that, the iguana trying to eat his ball on 16. >> come on, push it back to the hole. >> flirting with disaster. >> what an idiot. >> got his camera on his mobile phone. >> don't jump, don't jump! don't do it. >> he's going to jump! >> oh! that was a beauty. >> oh, my gosh. >> a new hazard at 17. >> what do you do when that happens? i guess they got the video that shows where the ball was. >> that is hysterical. makes golf fun for the rest of us. >> i can't watch golf. frank loves it. >> people could watch it nonstop. >> mesmerized. he can watch it with the sound off. just watching it. 6-year-old yo-yo master, wait until you see this, a little boy from japan named kazuya or yo-yo baby. it has gone viral. this kid is amazing. >> welcome kazuya! >> oh! ♪ ♪ >> no idea. >> you think your kids are talented. until you see somebody else's. >> my kid is not so bright. you remember the yo-yos, what were the ones that everyone loved? the lightup. i don't remember what they were called. the asia pacific yo-yo championship presented by see free yo-yo design. >> they compete against adults. >> he finished ninth overall. seven places below his mentor, a 19-year-old from singapore. >> because we know you were wondering. >> you know what it is time for? >> it is time for friday funny. >> all right, once upon a time there was a famous sea captain. for years, he guided merchant ships all over the world, never did stormy seas or pirates get the best of this guy. he was admired by his crew and fellow captains everywhere. however, there was one thing that was different about this captain. every morning he went through a strange ritual, he went into his private quarters, opened a small safe, pulled out a piece of paper, read it for a minute, and then lock it back up. one eye, because i have something in there. this went on every day for years. and everybody, argh, and his crew became very curious. they debated if it was a treasure map or a love letter from a long lost love. then one day the captain died. one day they went in to solve the mystery of the piece of paper. >> how do you talk with one eye? >> he opened the safe, took out the piece of paper. first mate red the words to himself and turned pale and told the crew, port left, starboard right. >> what? >> did this take away from it -- >> i missed it. what happened? >> those are the words. which side is port and which side is starboard. >> i don't know anything about music. >> music? >> fan picture. we have to do it. i did this selfie a long time ago. see this lady in the back. i don't know if you can see her. she's a crazy woman with her mouth wide open, so i was like who is the crazy lady, her. you know what her name is? everybody knows her. her name is flozell. she's a comedian. she has 2,000 comedy videos. 475 million views. >> 475 million. >> yes. maybe it's 4.75. she posted our picture up and she got 29,000 likes. so, anyway, she, flozell is a fan. we're happy. >> if you have something to share with us, go to our website and do that. johnson's baby of the week announcements. >> we like to celebrate moms and their adorable new additions to their families. our first johnson baby of the week is jaxen jerome cooks, born on march 29th, third child for breeann and jerome who say their new son has some attitude. >> next baby is abigail rebecca greene, born charlotte, north carolina, also on march 29th. abigail arrived three weeks early and mom jennifer says her new daughter loves to be in her swing. >> our final johnson's baby of the week is liam daniel grigas from illinois. mom jean offers this advice, check any expectations at the door and just go with the flow. your baby is now in charge. >> yep. the one that wears the diapers is the one who wears the pants. congratulations to all of our babies and if you would like to submit your baby to our johnson's baby the week contest, go to >> bobbie thomas will quench your summer thirst. >> and jack is back. why don't they want his former lover to find out. >> kim raver will tell us about reprising her role on "24" right after this. do you have something for pain? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip! i cthis year aloneore places offi hit new and texas! see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ socan go a long way. rt that's why there's resolve stain remover. it's designed to remove lots of messes on lots of fabrics. resolve. for stains on your carpet and even those above it. she starred in "lipstick jungle" and "grey's anatomy." >> but many know her as jack bauer's love interest in "24." but when we last saw her, she was in a catatonic state after being kidnapped and tortured. >> she's now alive and well. on the next episode of "24," her father has become president and audrey is married to the chief of staff, getting interesting. but she's about to learn jack could be back in her life. >> let's watch. >> why didn't you tell me jack was in london when you first found out. >> i was gathering the facts. >> i don't believe that. i am telling you that this is the wrong call. jack is telling the truth. that's based on me knowing him better than anybody else in that room. that's my measured opinion. and god help us if i'm right. >> you can't stand him. >> you're not in love with your husband. >> i want to watch the whole series with you guys. >> that's right. we know. has it been four years since this was on before? >> it is kind of shocking it has been four years. when we stepped back in, i was, like -- it has been four years. >> like a new series. >> the fans' allegiance, they have been waiting, wringing their hands and waiting for this. >> i think in a really kind of amazing way, i think we have gained fans because of the whole sort of binge watching of television that started. i don't think shows ever end and then you gain fans and then the show comes back. >> catch us up on her. on audrey. she was -- >> she's not doing so good. >> kidnapped and tortured by the chinese. >> went to china to try to bring jack back. he also got captured. and came back obviously we saw her in some sort of catatonic state. i think over those four years she has been brought back to a much better place and she's now married to budreau. i think at the beginning of the series, she doesn't have the strong voice she had that we knew in season four and five. but from the little clip, she's starting to -- >> yeah. >> she's kind of finding her way. especially with that sort of twist of that jack is back, and how could you not tell me and who are you? it leads into an interesting then i really find that audrey is kind of coming back as well. >> you don't love him. >> you're looking at him like you didn't. >> so he's great. he's so great in this character. there is a couple of us who were there when the series, you know, was four years ago, and some amazing additions and -- >> do you know what's going to happen? >> i know some of the secrets. and then some i don't. i was just reading -- i flew in from london yesterday. i'm in new york now. they sent me episode 11, which is crazy because you think we would be done by now but we're still filming and i gasped out loud. i was like -- so there is some things you don't know. and i'm not telling you. i'm not saying. >> we're not asking you to tell the whole thing. >> just some really, you know, interesting -- even being on the show, the writers are so good. they create moments where, you know, it is still a page turner. >> you don't -- it is no fun -- if you're sitting on the seat of your pants and don't see it coming. >> it is great. >> we wish you good luck with this. >> all the best. >> catch kim in "24" monday nights on fox. >> jill martin is here with some of the summer's must haves for 50 bucks and under. >> and bobbie thomas is all abuzz with thirst quenchers you can make yourself. what is that? right after this. beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. it is time for bobbie's buzz. summer is right around the corner. "today" style editor and bobbie thomas has the best thirst quenchers for all your -- >> we weren't going to give up. going all the way. >> hi. i love you ladies. let's get started. for the beer fans out there, this brewski flavored cup is awesome. this puts it on the inside of the neck, so you can slam it hard. >> ow. it went in. >> some of it. but it is supposed to be on the top. salt and lime -- >> it is fizzing up and about to overflow. >> i'll drink it. >> how does that go with the preakness drink. >> i love lime. it is so good. >> this is the spin shell. using convection, this will spin a beer can, beer -- soda can, beer bottle or wine bottle and in 20 seconds the spin chill will chill and under a minute you get a cold brew of a soda can. >> will it explode? >> no, funny enough, the geeks that made this have a whole video -- >> don't call them geeks. >> it is fun. >> i can't get it off. >> so next, i love iced tea. these are inspired, tropical collection, tropical inspired iced teas. mojito, berry bellini, green tea, you can put your own lime mixer in if you with like or make virgin iced teas for those -- they're delicious. last but not least, this is the zinger. there is an aqua zinger and citrus zinger. the bottom of it, you'll see, you can put the fruit in and it has this citrus zinger is meant for lemons and limes that are a little tougher. and this way you don't have the fruit floating in your water. actually helps create sangria, water, and more. this is a delicious drink. >> flavors your water. >> there you go. that's bobbie thomas, everybody. >> you rock. >> coming up, jill has your must haves for spring for under 50 bucks. >> and just because you lost your keys, could this be a symptom of something more serious. >> we'll talk about what mimics dementia and what you can do about it. we're back on this try day friday with more of "today" and jill's must haves. >> with everything you need too get ready for summer under 50 bucks. >> here with the goods is "today" contributing editor and contributing editor for "style watch" and really great girl, jill martin. >> so going to get everybody ready for summer. and i'm going to start with a very easy way to wax at home. hopefully you'll be going on a fabulous trip, spur of the moment. usually it's a mess. you have that hot thing, you have to put nit the microwave. what you do is take these out of the packet. >> i can't look. >> you rub it together to make heat. you put it on. >> go. >> oh! >> it does work. we have to keep it on a little longer. >> you might want to do something about that. >> summer beauty, this is from, all the different pallets to get you ready for summer. >> so pretty. you don't have to splurge on a lot. great makeup bag, pottery barn, great tote for the beach. and reversible tote. if you're going from beach to barbecue, $48. oversize clutches, the big craze. this is great to throw everything in for during the day. and then banana republic, fun patterns. everything under $50, everything on the table. jewelry, i'm going to have you set. this is durham, under $50. look at this statement jewelry. you don't are to spend a lot to get a lot. loving that. your design, show your personality. it will spruce up any outfight, even when you're going to the beach. >> it looks like the things the kids make. >> yeah, like a glorified version of it. these i'm really loving, $40 and under, they represent all different things. okay, this -- >> i spelled it. it is a fresh in the shower, it is waterproof. it is music. you get a phone call, you can answer it. >> you can take the phone -- >> it works. >> what? >> you take it -- these are just from music, they light up. >> forget it. >> one place you couldn't get away from it, now you can. >> i need it in the shower. >> that's fabulous. >> jelly sandals are back but with a kick. i wasn't sure if you like these. >> no. >> i didn't think so. >> other people do. >> get a great pair of heels to go with your little black dress. transition to summer. >> we're going to get to ansel in one moment. these are great hats for the beach, oversized. >> okay. >> got to have that. >> okay. >> not oversized enough. >> not quite oversized enough. >> okay. now, okay, this is ansel and owen and lindsey. turn around so you can show your mustacheifier. >> that's so cute. >> look at this child, oh, my gosh. >> this is owen and his little glasses. >> i can't even. >> and peace, love, world, teamed up with pharrell to make these t-shirts. let's show everyone your t-shirt. look at this t-shirt. >> love. >> great stuff. >> great, you guys. >> all right. >> are you losing your mind? this could be something other than dementia causing your memory loss. >> on a lighter note, baby animals after this. hey, this is where we grow the mustard seed that makes french's yellow mustard. 100% natural from me to you. with 40% more free, there's more to love. french's. naturally amazing. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ it is time for boomtastic as we look at the topic that effects many of us, memory loss. it is easy to think you're sliding toward dementia when you forgot a name or forgot an appointment. >> there are other factors at play that may mimic the disease and may have a cure. aarp covers this topic. barbara hannah grufferman is a contributing editor and dr. brett osborne is a neurosurgeon. excuse me. >> hello, fancy. good morning. >> let's talk. what are the real symptoms of dementia because i think a lot of people aren't quite sure. >> or they think dementia is the same as alzheimer's. >> that's a big misconception. dementia is a group of symptoms. alzheimer's is a brian disease. and that's the difference right there. alzheimer's is under the umbrella of dementia. and alzheimer's is 70% to 80% of dementia cases. that's number one. >> if you were misdiagnosed with alzheimer's when it was dementia. >> a lot of people are probably forgetting things and can't remember names or keys. should they be concerned there is dementia at play? >> that's a good question. that always happens to me, and it is in the range of normal. >> it is a great question. and just like your iphone, your computer has glitches, we have these glitches on occasion. and those occasional glitches are completely normal. and within the realms of normalcy. when they become contiguous and start affecting your activities for daily living, then it becomes a concern. >> how do you define that, though. more than ten times a day. >> that's concerning. >> i walk out of my house and i always have this issue with directions. and i know, again, that's in my normal, but if it started to happen more often, that's when i would -- >> you got to be honest with yourself, don't you? can't live on that river in egypt. >> there are certain things we are in control of, that we can do to help stave it off, right? >> absolutely. >> it is about nourishing the brain. i think so many of us think about what can we do better, but what can we do -- how can we exercise our brains? nourish our brains with -- >> the answer is that when you fuel the body, you're fueling the brain as well. so the things that augment the cardiovascular system augment the brain as well. >> all one thing. >> that's correct. everything is the same. there is a large study, two large studies that came out recently that suggest that exercise actually maintains the size or increases the size of the area in the brain known as the hippo campus, the memory hub of the brain. what they did was they compared patients who had a genetic predisposition to alzheimer's disease, didn't exercise, to those that did and found that the 3% decrease in size of this memory hub in the brain, that occurs in the patients that have genetic predisposition to alzheimer's disease does not occur in those patients that were exercising. >> more important than we ever thought. >> absolutely. and eating. other ways to nourish the brain, eating the right foods, including, you know, healthy oils, like nuts and olive oil. >> we have one minute. i want to make sure, we talked about things that mask dementia. b 12 deficiency, that may be your issue, not dementia. >> so interesting, this is something checkable, treatable, and it is also preventable. >> you find that out by a blood test? >> a simple blood test. >> diabetes is another one. >> diabetes and also fibroids. the ths test can be added on to your blood work when you go to the doctor for your annual exam. >> ask for it if they don't? >> insist upon it. >> insist when? when you're over 50, for sure. >> all right, thank you so very, very much. i forgot what we just talked about. a performance and adorable baby animal coming up right after this. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. it is time for today's call of the wild. spring is in full swing and animals everywhere are getting busy having babies. >> national wildlife federation naturalist david mizejewski is here with some adorable baby animals you may be able to catch at the zoo. >> hello. >> i just got my haircut. summertime is coming up. had to get my haircut. this is a leopard. leopards live in africa and asia. she's a few months old, maybe six months old. she weighs 45 pounds. when she's full grown, she can be well over 100 pounds. amazing beautiful predator. widespread. >> she's very domesticated. >> no, she's a wild animal. grant is her handler. i'm not even getting in there close because even though she looks cute and cuddly, she is still a wild animal. not a pet. and so she has teeth, claws. she can do some damage. >> okay. thank you. >> bye. >> thank you for visiting. >> our next animal, even hoda will love this animal. come over here. >> this is so sweet. >> little baby lama. see if we can get her to -- >> she doesn't know where -- >> come on, sweetie. anyway, she's only about 2 months old. >> she doesn't quite get it. >> but we are just going to hold her here. let's see, try one more time. one more time. there we go. there we go. >> oh. >> i'm clearly not a father. anyway, yeah, she's only 2 months old. this is a domesticated species. you want to feel the coat. it is completely soft. this keeps them warm. >> feels very wet. >> i hate to say the word, moist. >> it is a little humid out. >> oh, wow. >> how big is she going to get? >> she'll get to be several hundred pounds. lamas are big animals. they use them to protect herds of sheep. want to try it. don't get it in her nose, like me. why don't we move on to the next animal. >> okay. >> also really cool. our next animal is not quite a baby anymore. kind of a teenager. we'll put this down. >> everything is moist today. >> i know. >> this guy is a vervet monkey. >> like green toned. >> do they have cheetos in africa. >> that's a special treat for coming on tv. >> he's got them with both hands. so funny. >> let me see if i can get him -- a little groom going on here. you know when they hit puberty when their faces turn from a pinkish white color to a black color. and so, of course, he has his back to the camera, see if we can get him to turn around a little bit. >> are you nervous around him? >> i'm always cautious when working with animals. even if they are in captivity, they're still a wild animal. >> have you been attacked? >> i've never been attacked. but monkeys are not my favorite. >> they're not? >> yeah. >> look at his nose. >> that is the sun, actually. >> baked in the amazon. >> baked. okay. >> do you smell what i smell? >> all these animals smell. >> our last animal -- >> good-bye. nice talking to you. >> our next animal, most people call it a peacock, but it is actually -- this is a female. think of a peacock. you know what a peacock looks like. >> we work at nbc. >> so this is -- this is the juveniles and the females look like. only the males have the beautiful coloration. in the bird world, the females have to nest and be camouflaged. they have this sort of very dull coloration they have a little bit of that iridescence on the neck. the males are the ones with the bright, beautiful fancy colors and use those to attract the females. kind of a little wit of the opposite with how humans typically do it. >> look at that mohawk. >> she's not that old. only 6 months old. >> is that a mullet? >> it may be a mullet. >> another beautiful animal. they live in asia. when they come out, they look just like baby chickens. but all these animals need our help, we want everybody to join the national wildlife federation so we can make sure we have these beautiful animals. >> thank you. >> all righty, they'll have you on your toes. >> a performance by the famous school of american ballet. it will be terrific. but first, this is "today" on nbc. most of us only dream of becoming professional dancers, but these students are making it a reality. >> they all belong to the famous school of american ballet at lincoln center here in new york city. >> now "teen vogue" is taking you behind the scenes to see how grueling and rewarding their dreams can be in their new online show called "strictly ballet" which premieres today on >> i've been accepted into the best school in america. >> it is just like any other sport. definitely not something you can do for two hours a day. >> it is a great art form but strenuous on your body. >> 14 years old is really young to move away from home. >> don't have normal graduation. always at practice, rehearsals. >> but it is all worth it when you're dancing. >> wow. >> it is just extraordinary. and, wow. >> it is. you're so accomplished at such a young age, you guys. >> how many hours do you put into this? >> it can be from, like, three to -- >> five a day. >> five hours a day? >> you're doing your other school work, as well. are you all good students too? >> we try. >> yeah. >> you're all type-a achievers. how long -- when did you start dancing? >> i started dancing at 8. >> 7. >> i was 5. >> i was 10. >> wow. you guys, this sounds look a fascinating show. what is your goal? where do you want to see yourselves? >> i just want to have a job. >> okay. >> i want to be able to express -- >> you guys are going to dance for us. >> thank you very much. >> they are going to dance. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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