Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140424 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140424

happy. >> is he remarried, do we know? >> no, i don't think so. but anyway, i know it's weird. >> okay. all right. >> if you ever misplace anything like your keys or your phone or your mind like hoda, we've got something that's going to help put that to an end. >> yeah, there was a great article in "the wall street journal." and there is a man who is supposed to be super smart in that department, he can help us find our stuff. also what women are doing to put an end to that to-do list. >> endless. there's a whole other list that's out today. "people" always does a beautiful job on their "most beautiful" issue. well, the big day around here, everybody knows know, lupita nyong'o is on the cover. >> what a great pick. we were both just talking about what a great pick it was to have her chosen, right? >> because i think it's going to be for the very first time, it's going to be -- it's a unanimous decision. and even i think jess cagle was saying earlier, it was a no-brainer this year. >> people aren't going to say, why did they pick her? >> everybody has a different definition of what's beautiful. and while we're on the subject, finally somebody's agreeing with me, our own egyptian sun goddess hoda is featured in this beautiful picture. look at you. >> somebody else's bathroom. >> you look like you're doing an ad for aveena skin care. >> we were in somebody's apartment. it was a space that we were allowed to shoot in, and that was the bathroom. >> i want that tub, by the way. your toes. hoda has the most beautiful feet you've ever seen in your life. and i was very pleased to be able to rub them for you this morning. >> by the way, i've got to tell you, if it took me getting in that magazine to get a foot rub, i'd do it again. so thank you for that. >> okay. now, they also did something fun. they took people, you know, beauty -- if you're beautiful, you tend to remain beautiful as the aging process, you take good care of yourself. teamed up with some of the most beautiful stars from the past years with their younger selves to show that real beauty never ages. >> this is so great. take a look at some of our favorites. michelle pfeiffer may be the first one. this is her with her younger self photo shopped next to her. >> she's really, truly, beautiful. >> that's better. thanks. look at kate hudson. >> this is hysterical. ready for kate hudson. there we go. >> oh, my gosh! >> that doesn't look like her at all. yeah. >> it's cute, though. julia roberts. this is her and her younger self. i remember that. yeah. leonardo dicaprio is just priceless. look at that. >> it looks like he's there with his son or something. >> it's very, very cute. okay. >> something that everybody's so excited about around her -- >> katy perry has a new music video that's coming out. i glanced up at the tv a couple days ago and i saw what looked like some people dressed up. and i thought, who was that? i had no idea it was katy perry. it's a music video for her song "birthday." she plays so many parts. look at her. >> in the rat pack. have you ever heard that song -- >> i mean, can you believe that's her? look at what's hanging down there. >> i'm not really a birthday party entertainer. >> and then it goes through all these different -- >> look. wow! >> i mean, she really is unrecognizable. anyway, they're going to release the full music video tomorrow. >> you know what she's proving by those, she's an innately good actress. >> yeah. >> you can tell that. she's comfortable -- i wonder if she's got some acting in her future. >> i wonder if she does, yeah. jimmy fallon -- >> jimmy fallon. >> i love this. it's earth week at nbc. >> yes. it's earth week everywhere. >> especially here. jimmy fallon had some fun with us this time regarding earth week. >> i wonder if there's something about wine. >> let's take a look at the pros and cons of celebrating earth day. here we go. pro, nbc held a recycling drive and collected over 10,000 bottles. con, and that was just from hoda and kathie lee's dressing room. >> yes. >> helping out. >> they never -- >> hysterical. >> i want to point out something that i said yesterday. we had these props on the show. >> people bones. >> i asked you when you were squeezing it, i said please don't do it because blake will freak out. well, apparently that sound made a lot of other dogs freak out. so people flooded our facebook page with pictures of their dogs up on the tv. we got so many responses. anyway, suzy moore shared one about what happened to her dog when he heard us playing with the toy. take a peek. [ howling ] >> oh, my gosh. oh, wow! >> gilbert's dog also went a little bit cuckoo. let's take a look. >> whenever he hears that sound -- oh. >> look. >> that one? >> stop it. >> 85% reengineered, recycled fibers. >> isn't that crazy? >> we apologize, everybody. we don't think about that. but if you want us to do it some more, we'd be happy to. so "the voice" was on last night, and this was a big night. monday night the top 12 performed, and last night two singers were sent home. here's what happened. they had the bottom three. and america got to send in tweets to try to save one person of the bottom three. so we're going to play the bottom three, and you let us know which one you thought should have been saved. let's take a look. ♪ i'll be your crying shoulder ♪ i'll be love's suicide ♪ i can't keep up with your turning tables ♪ ♪ under your spell i can't breathe ♪ ♪ promise you ♪ yeah ♪ do you love me >> the thing was that people were tweeting in, and you can actually watch the results build on screen. i didn't see it, but i would pick the second girl, the girl in the middle. >> that is so interesting. i happened to be sitting in my dressing room when i saw this on the earlier hour. >> so you know who it was? >> i know who they picked. but if i just sat here like normally and saw, i would have also picked danny from team shakira. >> let's take a look. >> pat boyer, you're moving on! saved instantly by america! >> oh, my god. oh, my god. how dramatic with the credits running, we're running out of time. >> yeah. >> you know what? it's america so it may or may not be exactly how perfect the singing is. it's who they love. >> it's who they love and who they -- >> oh, my god, that is so dramatic! >> mm-hmm. >> i love it. so have you ever been -- >> it comes back next monday. have you ever been walking down the street somewhere and someone is walking so slow and you try to get around them? >> and just when you do, they either move to the side or they stop. >> in the uk they decided to put in a fast lane for shoppers, certain shoppers. >> in a mall or something like that, right? >> yeah. >> a little request from a school girl. >> all right, let's take a look at the two lanes. slow and fast. all right. now, this would be genius because sometimes when you're in the airport or when you're on an escalator -- >> people like to mosey. >> or they walk three across down the sidewalk. talking. and you know what i do. i have that terrible vision in my head when that happens. >> of what? >> sometimes i think about pushing them. in the middle of their back down on the ground. >> that's your evil twin, helen. >> yeah, she does that. you know how you're, like, "excuse me," or worse than the slow walker is the slow walker with the cigarette, smoking. >> that drives me crazy. >> like a chimney in front of you. >> yeah, i know, i know. i can't stand when you're at the airport and there's the fast thing and you're rushing. >> the moving sidewalk. >> the moving sidewalk and somebody is standing there and all their luggage is there. >> move it. you're supposed to walk. who would go anywhere and just stand? >> we have a different energy level in new york. >> yes, we do. >> that i don't realize often until i get someplace else and people go, what's the hurry? >> you know what? i know. >> and maybe we're in too much of a hurry here, hoda woman. >> you're right. here's some good news, if you love to laugh, laughing may also be good for your memory. scientists studied a couple of groups of people. >> that's where my ex-husband went. >> stop bringing him up. it's getting really weird. anyway, they decided to study a couple of groups. and one group watched an amusing video, and the other sat calmly and watched a more serious film. the ones who laughed ended up having better memory. >> short-term memory. >> it's chemicals that are released that make you remember things better. >> that's what we try to do around here, to lower your stress level and apparently endorphins kick in, hoda. >> i like it. are we not going to show our tape, you guys? >> no, we're not. nobody liked that. so anyway -- nobody was interested. nobody liked it. nobody thought it was funny. don't cry! oh, my god, we'll do it tomorrow. oh, my god. let's go off to our green week props. oh, my god! she says tomorrow. joanne said tomorrow. >> i'm not coming in tomorrow. >> she's crying, and you're shooting the boots. >> i'm available for any acting that someone would like me to do. that was darn good, come on. >> have you ever seen that commercial that goes. ♪ and boots and pants and boots and pants ♪ kamik is out with these boots. >> they're so cute. >> they're 100% recyclable. they're made with ecological rubber. >> available for adults and kids. kids start at $34.99 from >> boots and pants, you've never seen the commercial? are you tired of being too busy? why some women are taking a step back and slowing down and why you should, too. >> you should, too. then a walk down memory lane when we play "who knew?" >> and we want you to play along, too, right after this. everything your mouth does in a day is building up layer, upon layer, of bacteria. and to destroy those layers? you need listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try new listerine® naturals. the only mouthwash that combines the power of listerine® with naturally sourced ingredients. sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. there's no dip in that bowl. they're new pringles tortillas. so good, they don't need dip. mmmm... not bad, right? i'll have some more! that's a double dip! you... double dipped... new pringles tortillas. you dip 'em or don't. pringles! as a i'm still not going toall the pmake it to mars,o visit. but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. if you're a mom that goes without saying your life is probably very busy. >> it's becoming the new normal to be juggling kids, after-school activities and your own to-do list to a point where we're all exhausted and overscheduled like this scene from "parental guidance." >> they're flying us both next week, five days of lectures and networking and love. >> oh, saturday's harper's audition. >> yeah, but it's at night. we're flying back early. we'll make it. >> also speech therapy after the audition. we're supposed to take the kids. >> we haven't had a vacation since barker was born. that's five years. >> mm-hmm. this conversation is the longest we've been alone in months. >> you know what? it rings true, doesn't it, for a lot of people. guess what? moms are beginning to buck the trend. while teaching kids the value of down time, here to talk about that is child and adolescent psychologist -- i don't take her that seriously -- jen hartsley. >> jessica is a writer, educator and mother of two. >> we are overscheduled, overstressed, overwhelmed, are we not? >> we are. it's becoming a big problem. one of the things we notice psychologically is because we're so spread thin, we aren't paying attention to any of the things or enjoying the moment because we're so ready for the next moment that we're missing the joy of the little things and the now. and that's really problematic. >> if you're overscheduling, that means your kids are overscheduled. that must put a lot of stress even on little ones. >> the thing that people are starting to understand, we have two different kinds of thought process. we have working memory and we have this daydreamy state where the real creativity happens and we can't do both at the same time. so we need this down time in order to engage that daydreamy sort of stream of consciousness thinking. >> but we live in a world where you have to have homemade cupcakes at the bake sale. >> it's true. >> it's ridiculous. and we create it all. >> we do. >> ridiculous. >> absolutely. and one of the things we have to remember is busyness is a choice, right? we are choosing in some ways to be busy. i think as women, one of the challenges is saying no which is a conversation we have a lot. saying i just can't do that and feel okay in that decision. because you're then taking care of you. if you're not taking care of you, you can't take care of your kids or anybody else. >> you see that kid's going to drama camp and that kid's doing this and you think they're ahead of that child. >> it's even more important to model for our kids that we have to be able to take time for our selves and have to be able to say you know what? i don't want to be busy today. i want to have down time with my family. >> a thing that dawned on me years ago, i shared it with hoda and it's become our mantra. my joy is not negotiable. >> right. >> if you are so busy accomplishing stuff and yet you realize if you're really honest, do i have joy in my life? well, then things have to go along the side. >> absolutely. and i think the people that care about you will understand why you're saying no. >> and the others don't matter. >> well, that's the key. you have to parse out, if i am saying yes and then i stop and i say hmm, that doesn't feel good to me, i'm not feeling that, and then i turn around and say hey, you know, i said yes, i'm so sorry. i need to say no now. people will get it. >> how do you unring the bell? families are overscheduled. they have three hours of homework, dinner on the table, basketball practice. certain things you can't change. >> certain things are seasonal. you can decide, do i really want my kid to play lacrosse? talk to the kid and say i hear you want to play lacrosse, but here are all the things you won't be able to do. you know that time you spend sitting on the floor reading "harry potter" for the 16th time, you won't have time to do that, so you need to make those decisions. >> if they come back and say yes, then you support them and find that balance. the other key thing, we talk about parenting is as parents we have to model what that looks like. and if we have to say no, we teach our children to say no appropriately. >> thank you. good advice, ladies. if we told you that you would never lose your keys or your sunglasses ever again -- >> you're about to meet someone who can help you do that, and we've got a fun game that you can do at home. >> right after these messages. >> i love games. i'd say i clean the toilet 6 or 7 times a day. like clockwork, every 20 minutes i clean the toilet. sometimes i get up in the middle of the night and clean the toilet. now every time you go, lysol cleans for you. new lysol no mess max gives you max cleaning with every flush. while its fragrance gels release 4 weeks of max freshness. that's what i like to hear. someone cleaning the toilet for me. lysol. start healthing. i'm on break sweetheart. you know you don't have to put up with this. ...those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers, like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... ... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better. ♪ i'll remember how many times has this happened to you? you're about to run out of the house, and suddenly you realize you can't find your keys? >> or you swear you put your cell phone in your purse, but it is nowhere to be found. >> well, this man -- >> this man! >> -- says he can help you find whatever it is you've misplaced. he's michael salomon, self-proclaimed findologist and a fine one at that. and author of "how to find lost objects." hello and welcome. >> hi, michael. >> thank you. >> first of all, we want everyone to look at this photo that we're going to put up in the back. we're also going to tweet it and post it on our website. there is the picture. hidden in that photo, you guys, are five things that are often misplaced. house keys. >> glasses. >> a cell phone. wallet. a pair of glasses and a purse. so michael, let's pretend we live in that. what's your first tip in looking for items like this? >> the first tip is to admit to yourself, it's not lost. i am. >> okay. >> that i'm not searching the right way or i'm in the wrong state of mind. >> right. >> then when you get that done, probably my most useful principle -- i have 12 -- it's called the eureka zone or the 18-inch principle. and what i have found is many lost objects are actually within 18 inches of where they last were or where you remember them being, where they're supposed to be. but they've gotten moved or displaced a little bit. >> shifted. >> they've gotten shifted. something's on top of it. so i use my eureka stick. this is an 18-inch ruler. >> where did you find that? >> menards stores. i measure an 18-inch radius, and i search is meticulously, every square inch of it, and often it works. the object is right there. >> as we're going room to room -- i've even looked in the refrigerator and the stove. >> in your house, it might be there. >> or a weird drawer, because you never know. they say if you retrace your steps -- >> that's a principle, trail thyself. another one is think back. you know where it is. that memory is in there somewhere because you've left it somewhere. relax and let that memory float up. >> you're going to help us after the commercial. he's coming back. it's not over. >> wow! >> yeah. >> during the commercial break, we're going to see if you can find all of those five items. and in a few minutes, we're going to reveal where they are, and hopefully you'll never lose anything else again for as long as you live. it's wednesday, so come play "who knew" with us. the talented young choir from a popular commercial is going to sing for us, too, right after this. ♪ everybody's workin' for the weekend ♪ we're ready to play our weekly trivia game we call "who knew?" and today is national administrative professionals day. so we're going to test the knowledge on famous assistants you know and love from pop culture. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store. she's ready to hand out $100 to anyone who gets the questions right. and to those who don't, a kathie lee cd. here to help me out is personal aide to actress olympia dukakis, patrick healy. hey. >> hi. >> are you ready to play? >> i am. >> let's play. >> this lady is from florida. in "the devil wears prada," who plays the hardworking permanent assistant to meryl streep's character? gwyneth paltrow? lindsay lohan? anne hathaway or gisele bundchen? >> gisele bundchen. >> oh. >> i would have put money that that would never have happened, but you know what she's going to win? "scandalous." >> the correct answer is anne hathaway. >> an interesting fact, anne hathaway volunteered as an assistant at an auction house for a week to prepare for her role. and another fun fact, meryl streep donated her entire wardrobe to a celebrity auction at the end of filming. >> okay, good to know. >> lady from new jersey. as three secretaries of consolidated industries, dolly parton, lily tomlin and jane fonda star in which 1980 film? was it working girl? 9 to 5? the first wives club? or the outsiders? >> "9 to 5." >> yes, indeedy. >> what a great movie. "9 to 5." >> one of my favorites. and dolly parton's film debut. >> was it? >> it was. can you believe it? and she wrote the song "9 to 5" and made it super popular. >> still is. >> what was the name of the magazine that betty suarez worked at in the 2006 tv series "ugly betty"? >> "cosmopolitan"? ♪ everyone has a story >> the correct answer, "mode." >> "mode" magazine was the magazine. "vogue" and "cosmopolitan," obviously we know those. "mode" magazine, interestingly, was an actual magazine for plus-size women, but it closed in 2001 before the series came about. >> all right. back across. >> lovely lady from georgia. which popular film actress was once howie mandel's assistant? halle berry? eva longoria? olivia wilde or paula patton? >> eva longoria. >> no, no, but you're going to really like this one. >> this is such a surprise. paula patton was his assistant? >> the gorgeous paula patton was howie mandel's production assistant on "the howie mandel show." before she became "mission impossible" gorgeous star. >> and a megastar. >> from wisconsin, big, handsome guy. which actor played the personnel director in the 1988 movie "working girl"? annie potts, alec baldwin, olympia dukakis or joan cusack? >> choice "c." olympia dukakis. >> yep. >> no one is happier than patrick who works with olympia. >> my amazing boss, olympia dukakis. >> what is she like as a boss? >> she is amazing, wonderful, generous, kind, engaging, warm, funny, interesting. >> you're getting a raise, baby. >> and she's watching at home. >> i think we have time for one last quick one. >> lovely lady from west virginia who is the big troublemaker in the group. which of the following character says was promoted from assistant to a higher position in the 2007 series "mad men"? peggy olsson? petty francis? sally draper or midge daniels? >> "b"? >> maybe you have a little child. >> great day for kathie lee. the correct answer, peggy olson. >> from secretary pool to copy chief and she's not the only woman that's advanced in her career out of the secretary pool. >> thank you. you were terrific. tell your boss we said hey. we also, you guys, want to honor our administrative professionals here at nbc news, and they happen to be kath, in the orange room. oh, they're marching out. come on out. kath, we've got them all here. no, they're all here. it's a big deal. >> i know christine is refusing to do that. >> you never know. wait. more. more. more. oh, my god! look who's here! kathy ryan. i want to point out that my assistant is right here, kathy ryan. she always refuses to be on tv, but today kathy ryan made it. you guys, we want to thank you for all the work you do. thanks, guys. thanks, brooke, chelsea, everybody. we really appreciate it. you guys are awesome. all right, gang, it's time to learn how you can increase your memory so you'll never lose anything again. plus, green gadgets that will help you save money coming up right after this. i dunno, i just ah woke up today and i said i need something sportier. annnd done. ok maxwell, just need to ah contact your insurance company with the vin number. oh, i just did it. with my geico app. vin # is up to the loaded. ok well then jerry here will take you through all of the features then. why don't weeeeeeeeeeee go out to the car. ok, i'll just be outside... ok, yeah. his dad is my boss. yeah. vin scanning to add a car. just a tap away on the geico app. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. ♪ but still haven't found according to a study in "the wall street journal," the average person misplaces nine items a day, so we're going to help you cut that down and hopefully never lose anything again. >> cynthia green is a clinical psychologist and author of "your best brain ever." sue wrote "the wall street journal" article called "why we keep losing our keys." >> and back with us is michael salomon who forgot -- i'm only kidding -- he himself calls himself a findologist. >> before we get started, with ed this little game where we had this setting and we asked you to find the five things that were missing. we removed them and now we're going to put them back on the screen. but we talked about it, keys, a purse, phone, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. so where are they? >> are we supposed to answer? >> see the keys are on the bottom, the glasses are on the table. >> right. >> the purse is in the back. the wallet is up top. >> on the mantel. and the phone is over there. >> okay. but is that the general rule? when we put something down, it's usually in the wheelhouse as we go traipsing around the house trying to find it in other places? michael, is that usually the case? >> my maksim is, if you put it down, it's gone. because you're thinking of something else. you put your keys down when you come in the house. you're not thinking where you put it. you're thinking what you're going to do next. >> your mind is usually scattered anyway. you're freaking out. i've got to find them. i'm late. >> absolutely. it boils down to distractions. these are items we pick up and put down all the time and we're not really paying attention when we put them down. if we don't have a place where we always put them -- >> that's the key. it's called organization. >> people that are organized do better at these kinds of tasks. >> i do this sometimes, too. i thought i had my phone. i'm in the cab. and suddenly i don't see it in my purse. and i'm already thinking about calling the cab people or 311 because i'm sure i left it on the seat. when in reality, it was right exactly where i thought i left, but i was panicking and searching for it. >>ike cynthia said, it's attention, but factors like stress, fatigue, multitasking, all these things distract us so we're not thinking about where we put it. >> which of these should we be worried about this? if it's happening so much. not just 9 times, maybe 15 and not just that many items, but it's over and again the same. when do you have a problem? >> this is not the kind of thing to worry about. i think when we worry about it when they start happening to us more, are we stressed? are we overanxious? what's distracting us? in terms of worrying about a serious memory issue, this isn't the kind of symptom that we need to worry about. but it's the kind of thing that we can do better in terms of developing better habits for keeping track of things. >> you say saying something out loud. what does that mean? >> it reinforces. >> you're walking in the door, juggling groceries, you're on the phone, i'm putting my keys on the dresser. >> you say that out loud before you put them down? >> it helps so it encodes it into your memory. >> i wonder if you could train yourself to really do that and not feel stupid. >> yeah, yeah. >> you know? i'm walking in the door. the phone's ringing. so you go, dresser. it does work. >> sometimes you forget what you're looking for. and it helps -- potholder, potholder, to keep saying to yourself, while this is boiling over, you may remember what you're looking for. >> or if you walk into the other room to get the scissors. you don't have to say it out loud. you can say it to yourself, but it keeps you focused. really all of this is about distraction. >> so the ways, to stop losing things. say something out loud. find a place where you always put your keys, your glasses, et cetera. are there any other tips that could help people at home? >> forget-me-not spot so you don't have to pay attention. chances are we're always going to be distracted. if you have a place where you always put those things and always get into the habit of putting them there will also help. >> visualization. you might forget where you park your car. picture, like, the produce department and what you're going to get there. when you get there -- >> and say it out loud. k22. >> when you do finally search for it, do so methodically and wait until your agitated mind has gone. if you're not calm, you could look right at something and not see it. >> i've done that. i usually get another set of eyes. do you see it? i know my glasses are here. look around. >> thank you, everybody. >> thanks so much. >> what was that all about? i forgot. you want to lower your electricity and water bills? >> you'll want to check out these green products with our gadget guy, steve greenberg, after this. there's no dip in that bowl. they're new pringles tortillas. so good, they don't need dip. mmmm... not bad, right? i'll have some more! that's a double dip! you... double dipped... new pringles tortillas. you dip 'em or don't. pringles! sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. as you know, we're celebrating earth week here at nbc universal, so it's a good time to think about how we can all be more ecofriendly. >> help save the environment and save money with these green gadgets from the author of "gadget nation," steve greenberg. hello! how are you? >> what you got for us today? >> green shirt, greenberg, it all shirts. >> green attitude. >> first up, this one blows my mind. this is called laundry ball. this replaces your detergent. it will do 365 washes. it uses -- actually, because of the ph changes the water, you don't need soap. you can wash in cold water. that's it. i tried it out with t-shirts right here. dirty t-shirt. i've been using it a week. amazing. >> so that's called smart -- >> it's called smart clean, but it's laundry ball. >> what's the dryer? >> this is from woolsey's, basically pieces of wool but it reduces dryer time 25%. you don't need these with a lot of chemicals. >> they're going to be sorry to hear that. >> sorry for them. next, this is called fan buddy. it's a filter you can put on a regular square fan. instead of getting an expensive air purifier or running your air conditioner, this is a much cheaper way to keep your air clean. you can add it to a tall one. we ran this run for a couple weeks. you can see how dirty it is. i don't know if the camera can pick it up, but we can see it really picks up a lot of dirt. >> you throw it away or clean it? >> clean it and use it again. it's $29. this is called the water pebble right over here. >> what this does, you put it in your shower. and it measures the time of your first shower and then tries to shorten the shower time after that. it first shows up as green, then yellow, then red. look, very nice. that's water pebble from a company called bambicode for $14. this, you plug anything you want into it. you can control it from your smartphone. you can also set all sorts of schedules with it. you can set it so it goes on and off like your cable box which uses a lot of energy. and you can also make it geo sensitive. you can turn it on and off. >> my head's going to explode. okay. >> this is a clock that runs on water. >> stop it. >> now that we understand. >> you just add water to it. make sure you don't spill all over the thing and you've got a working clock. no batteries, nothing. these are called pack 'ems. and these are washable bags. basically, with kids, 20 million plastic bags are thrown out every day by schoolkids. >> this is genius. >> this is washable. it's got velcro on it. >> that's great. >> next for mommies with babies who do a lot of wipes. the average family spends $240 on wipes if you have one baby. 7.6 billion pounds in our landfill every year. so these are reusable wipes. they're made from bamboo. this is a little warmer so they're nice and warm. it's more absorbent than cotton. it's bamboo so it's sustainable. >> and you wash them. >> it's a great way to clean up. >> we've been waiting for the toilet. >> this is called hydra right. you can install it on any toilet. all you do, no tools needed. you can make it a one flush or a two flush for a number one or number two. great way to go. it's only $20, on amazon, terrific. and then we use a lot of toilet paper in this country. i'll give you the numbers. 34 million rolls a day, which is 54 million trees a year. you can reduce your toilet paper usage by turning your toilet into a bidet and toilet by adding water. >> you still need toilet paper. >> 75%. you attach it here. it costs $49, $59. and we turn it on here. and this adds a little water to the cleanup. you get the idea. i think every toilet should have this. i think it's a great idea. >> steve, thank you so much. they made us smile on a television commercial here in new york. >> with a little luck, they're going to become huge stars one day. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. if you live here in the new york area, you've probably seen the commercial. it's for the new york lottery, and it features young singers from the new york foundlings haven kids rock. >> and since today is national take a chance day, who knew that either? >> i do. >> we decided to bring them in to sing for us. the kids are students at mott haven academy in the south bronx, and they're part of a weekly music program that teaches performance, technique, voice and songwriting. welcome, guys. >> hi, guys! how exciting is this? >> they're blase. they're on tv all the time. >> do you guys watch yourselves on television? >> yes. >> do you like it? >> yes. >> are you famous at school and everything? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. what are you singing for us? >> "thank you for being a friend." >> here they are. take it away, kids. ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ we've traveled down the road and back again ♪ ♪ your heart is true ♪ you're a pal and a confidante ♪ ♪ i'm not ashamed to say ♪ i hope it always will stay the same ♪ ♪ my hat is off ♪ won't you stand up and take a bow ♪ ♪ and if you threw a party ♪ invited everyone you knew ♪ you would see the biggest gift would be from me ♪ ♪ and the card attached would say thank you for being a friend ♪ >> oh, yeah! ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ if it's a car you lack ♪ i'd surely buy you a cadillac ♪ ♪ whatever you need any time of the day or night ♪ ♪ i'm not ashamed to say ♪ i hope it always will stay this way ♪ ♪ my hat is off ♪ won't you stand up and take a bow ♪ ♪ and when we both get older ♪ with walking canes and hair of gray ♪ ♪ have no fear even though it's hard to hear ♪ ♪ i will stand real close and say ♪ ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend [ applause ] >> thank you guys. >> oh, my god! how fun was that? >> that is terrific. >> that was awesome. tomorrow -- >> actor dean cain stops by. >> that means anything can happen. >> from his series. >> he's going to sit down with us. >> plus we're going to tell you how to get organized and to fit more into her kitchen. >> don't forget, "ambush makeover" thursday. we'll see you. >> enjoy your winesday wednesday, everybody. thank you guys! >> whoo! i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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New York , United States , Jim Falls , Wisconsin , Egypt , New Jersey , Texas , Florida , Hollywood , California , Mott Haven , Georgia , West Virginia , Americans , America , Egyptian , Peggy Olsson , Lindsay Lohan , Gwyneth Paltrow , Patrick Healy , Kathy Ryan , Katy Perry , Michael Salomon , Howie Mandel , Suzy Moore , Jimmy Fallon , Peggy Olson , Ike Cynthia , Pat Boyer , Eva Longoria , Jane Fonda , Alec Baldwin , Anne Hathaway , Hou Chi , Joan Cusack , Halle Berry , Annie Potts , Kathie Lee , Julia Roberts , Olympia Dukakis , Kate Hudson , Betty Suarez , Steve Greenberg , Meryl Streep , Leonardo Dicaprio , Dolly Parton , Paula Patton , Jess Cagle , Kathie Lee Gifford , Harry Potter , Rockefeller Plaza , Gisele Bundchen ,

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140424 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140424

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happy. >> is he remarried, do we know? >> no, i don't think so. but anyway, i know it's weird. >> okay. all right. >> if you ever misplace anything like your keys or your phone or your mind like hoda, we've got something that's going to help put that to an end. >> yeah, there was a great article in "the wall street journal." and there is a man who is supposed to be super smart in that department, he can help us find our stuff. also what women are doing to put an end to that to-do list. >> endless. there's a whole other list that's out today. "people" always does a beautiful job on their "most beautiful" issue. well, the big day around here, everybody knows know, lupita nyong'o is on the cover. >> what a great pick. we were both just talking about what a great pick it was to have her chosen, right? >> because i think it's going to be for the very first time, it's going to be -- it's a unanimous decision. and even i think jess cagle was saying earlier, it was a no-brainer this year. >> people aren't going to say, why did they pick her? >> everybody has a different definition of what's beautiful. and while we're on the subject, finally somebody's agreeing with me, our own egyptian sun goddess hoda is featured in this beautiful picture. look at you. >> somebody else's bathroom. >> you look like you're doing an ad for aveena skin care. >> we were in somebody's apartment. it was a space that we were allowed to shoot in, and that was the bathroom. >> i want that tub, by the way. your toes. hoda has the most beautiful feet you've ever seen in your life. and i was very pleased to be able to rub them for you this morning. >> by the way, i've got to tell you, if it took me getting in that magazine to get a foot rub, i'd do it again. so thank you for that. >> okay. now, they also did something fun. they took people, you know, beauty -- if you're beautiful, you tend to remain beautiful as the aging process, you take good care of yourself. teamed up with some of the most beautiful stars from the past years with their younger selves to show that real beauty never ages. >> this is so great. take a look at some of our favorites. michelle pfeiffer may be the first one. this is her with her younger self photo shopped next to her. >> she's really, truly, beautiful. >> that's better. thanks. look at kate hudson. >> this is hysterical. ready for kate hudson. there we go. >> oh, my gosh! >> that doesn't look like her at all. yeah. >> it's cute, though. julia roberts. this is her and her younger self. i remember that. yeah. leonardo dicaprio is just priceless. look at that. >> it looks like he's there with his son or something. >> it's very, very cute. okay. >> something that everybody's so excited about around her -- >> katy perry has a new music video that's coming out. i glanced up at the tv a couple days ago and i saw what looked like some people dressed up. and i thought, who was that? i had no idea it was katy perry. it's a music video for her song "birthday." she plays so many parts. look at her. >> in the rat pack. have you ever heard that song -- >> i mean, can you believe that's her? look at what's hanging down there. >> i'm not really a birthday party entertainer. >> and then it goes through all these different -- >> look. wow! >> i mean, she really is unrecognizable. anyway, they're going to release the full music video tomorrow. >> you know what she's proving by those, she's an innately good actress. >> yeah. >> you can tell that. she's comfortable -- i wonder if she's got some acting in her future. >> i wonder if she does, yeah. jimmy fallon -- >> jimmy fallon. >> i love this. it's earth week at nbc. >> yes. it's earth week everywhere. >> especially here. jimmy fallon had some fun with us this time regarding earth week. >> i wonder if there's something about wine. >> let's take a look at the pros and cons of celebrating earth day. here we go. pro, nbc held a recycling drive and collected over 10,000 bottles. con, and that was just from hoda and kathie lee's dressing room. >> yes. >> helping out. >> they never -- >> hysterical. >> i want to point out something that i said yesterday. we had these props on the show. >> people bones. >> i asked you when you were squeezing it, i said please don't do it because blake will freak out. well, apparently that sound made a lot of other dogs freak out. so people flooded our facebook page with pictures of their dogs up on the tv. we got so many responses. anyway, suzy moore shared one about what happened to her dog when he heard us playing with the toy. take a peek. [ howling ] >> oh, my gosh. oh, wow! >> gilbert's dog also went a little bit cuckoo. let's take a look. >> whenever he hears that sound -- oh. >> look. >> that one? >> stop it. >> 85% reengineered, recycled fibers. >> isn't that crazy? >> we apologize, everybody. we don't think about that. but if you want us to do it some more, we'd be happy to. so "the voice" was on last night, and this was a big night. monday night the top 12 performed, and last night two singers were sent home. here's what happened. they had the bottom three. and america got to send in tweets to try to save one person of the bottom three. so we're going to play the bottom three, and you let us know which one you thought should have been saved. let's take a look. ♪ i'll be your crying shoulder ♪ i'll be love's suicide ♪ i can't keep up with your turning tables ♪ ♪ under your spell i can't breathe ♪ ♪ promise you ♪ yeah ♪ do you love me >> the thing was that people were tweeting in, and you can actually watch the results build on screen. i didn't see it, but i would pick the second girl, the girl in the middle. >> that is so interesting. i happened to be sitting in my dressing room when i saw this on the earlier hour. >> so you know who it was? >> i know who they picked. but if i just sat here like normally and saw, i would have also picked danny from team shakira. >> let's take a look. >> pat boyer, you're moving on! saved instantly by america! >> oh, my god. oh, my god. how dramatic with the credits running, we're running out of time. >> yeah. >> you know what? it's america so it may or may not be exactly how perfect the singing is. it's who they love. >> it's who they love and who they -- >> oh, my god, that is so dramatic! >> mm-hmm. >> i love it. so have you ever been -- >> it comes back next monday. have you ever been walking down the street somewhere and someone is walking so slow and you try to get around them? >> and just when you do, they either move to the side or they stop. >> in the uk they decided to put in a fast lane for shoppers, certain shoppers. >> in a mall or something like that, right? >> yeah. >> a little request from a school girl. >> all right, let's take a look at the two lanes. slow and fast. all right. now, this would be genius because sometimes when you're in the airport or when you're on an escalator -- >> people like to mosey. >> or they walk three across down the sidewalk. talking. and you know what i do. i have that terrible vision in my head when that happens. >> of what? >> sometimes i think about pushing them. in the middle of their back down on the ground. >> that's your evil twin, helen. >> yeah, she does that. you know how you're, like, "excuse me," or worse than the slow walker is the slow walker with the cigarette, smoking. >> that drives me crazy. >> like a chimney in front of you. >> yeah, i know, i know. i can't stand when you're at the airport and there's the fast thing and you're rushing. >> the moving sidewalk. >> the moving sidewalk and somebody is standing there and all their luggage is there. >> move it. you're supposed to walk. who would go anywhere and just stand? >> we have a different energy level in new york. >> yes, we do. >> that i don't realize often until i get someplace else and people go, what's the hurry? >> you know what? i know. >> and maybe we're in too much of a hurry here, hoda woman. >> you're right. here's some good news, if you love to laugh, laughing may also be good for your memory. scientists studied a couple of groups of people. >> that's where my ex-husband went. >> stop bringing him up. it's getting really weird. anyway, they decided to study a couple of groups. and one group watched an amusing video, and the other sat calmly and watched a more serious film. the ones who laughed ended up having better memory. >> short-term memory. >> it's chemicals that are released that make you remember things better. >> that's what we try to do around here, to lower your stress level and apparently endorphins kick in, hoda. >> i like it. are we not going to show our tape, you guys? >> no, we're not. nobody liked that. so anyway -- nobody was interested. nobody liked it. nobody thought it was funny. don't cry! oh, my god, we'll do it tomorrow. oh, my god. let's go off to our green week props. oh, my god! she says tomorrow. joanne said tomorrow. >> i'm not coming in tomorrow. >> she's crying, and you're shooting the boots. >> i'm available for any acting that someone would like me to do. that was darn good, come on. >> have you ever seen that commercial that goes. ♪ and boots and pants and boots and pants ♪ kamik is out with these boots. >> they're so cute. >> they're 100% recyclable. they're made with ecological rubber. >> available for adults and kids. kids start at $34.99 from >> boots and pants, you've never seen the commercial? are you tired of being too busy? why some women are taking a step back and slowing down and why you should, too. >> you should, too. then a walk down memory lane when we play "who knew?" >> and we want you to play along, too, right after this. everything your mouth does in a day is building up layer, upon layer, of bacteria. and to destroy those layers? you need listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try new listerine® naturals. the only mouthwash that combines the power of listerine® with naturally sourced ingredients. sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. there's no dip in that bowl. they're new pringles tortillas. so good, they don't need dip. mmmm... not bad, right? i'll have some more! that's a double dip! you... double dipped... new pringles tortillas. you dip 'em or don't. pringles! as a i'm still not going toall the pmake it to mars,o visit. but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. if you're a mom that goes without saying your life is probably very busy. >> it's becoming the new normal to be juggling kids, after-school activities and your own to-do list to a point where we're all exhausted and overscheduled like this scene from "parental guidance." >> they're flying us both next week, five days of lectures and networking and love. >> oh, saturday's harper's audition. >> yeah, but it's at night. we're flying back early. we'll make it. >> also speech therapy after the audition. we're supposed to take the kids. >> we haven't had a vacation since barker was born. that's five years. >> mm-hmm. this conversation is the longest we've been alone in months. >> you know what? it rings true, doesn't it, for a lot of people. guess what? moms are beginning to buck the trend. while teaching kids the value of down time, here to talk about that is child and adolescent psychologist -- i don't take her that seriously -- jen hartsley. >> jessica is a writer, educator and mother of two. >> we are overscheduled, overstressed, overwhelmed, are we not? >> we are. it's becoming a big problem. one of the things we notice psychologically is because we're so spread thin, we aren't paying attention to any of the things or enjoying the moment because we're so ready for the next moment that we're missing the joy of the little things and the now. and that's really problematic. >> if you're overscheduling, that means your kids are overscheduled. that must put a lot of stress even on little ones. >> the thing that people are starting to understand, we have two different kinds of thought process. we have working memory and we have this daydreamy state where the real creativity happens and we can't do both at the same time. so we need this down time in order to engage that daydreamy sort of stream of consciousness thinking. >> but we live in a world where you have to have homemade cupcakes at the bake sale. >> it's true. >> it's ridiculous. and we create it all. >> we do. >> ridiculous. >> absolutely. and one of the things we have to remember is busyness is a choice, right? we are choosing in some ways to be busy. i think as women, one of the challenges is saying no which is a conversation we have a lot. saying i just can't do that and feel okay in that decision. because you're then taking care of you. if you're not taking care of you, you can't take care of your kids or anybody else. >> you see that kid's going to drama camp and that kid's doing this and you think they're ahead of that child. >> it's even more important to model for our kids that we have to be able to take time for our selves and have to be able to say you know what? i don't want to be busy today. i want to have down time with my family. >> a thing that dawned on me years ago, i shared it with hoda and it's become our mantra. my joy is not negotiable. >> right. >> if you are so busy accomplishing stuff and yet you realize if you're really honest, do i have joy in my life? well, then things have to go along the side. >> absolutely. and i think the people that care about you will understand why you're saying no. >> and the others don't matter. >> well, that's the key. you have to parse out, if i am saying yes and then i stop and i say hmm, that doesn't feel good to me, i'm not feeling that, and then i turn around and say hey, you know, i said yes, i'm so sorry. i need to say no now. people will get it. >> how do you unring the bell? families are overscheduled. they have three hours of homework, dinner on the table, basketball practice. certain things you can't change. >> certain things are seasonal. you can decide, do i really want my kid to play lacrosse? talk to the kid and say i hear you want to play lacrosse, but here are all the things you won't be able to do. you know that time you spend sitting on the floor reading "harry potter" for the 16th time, you won't have time to do that, so you need to make those decisions. >> if they come back and say yes, then you support them and find that balance. the other key thing, we talk about parenting is as parents we have to model what that looks like. and if we have to say no, we teach our children to say no appropriately. >> thank you. good advice, ladies. if we told you that you would never lose your keys or your sunglasses ever again -- >> you're about to meet someone who can help you do that, and we've got a fun game that you can do at home. >> right after these messages. >> i love games. i'd say i clean the toilet 6 or 7 times a day. like clockwork, every 20 minutes i clean the toilet. sometimes i get up in the middle of the night and clean the toilet. now every time you go, lysol cleans for you. new lysol no mess max gives you max cleaning with every flush. while its fragrance gels release 4 weeks of max freshness. that's what i like to hear. someone cleaning the toilet for me. lysol. start healthing. i'm on break sweetheart. you know you don't have to put up with this. ...those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers, like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... ... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better. ♪ i'll remember how many times has this happened to you? you're about to run out of the house, and suddenly you realize you can't find your keys? >> or you swear you put your cell phone in your purse, but it is nowhere to be found. >> well, this man -- >> this man! >> -- says he can help you find whatever it is you've misplaced. he's michael salomon, self-proclaimed findologist and a fine one at that. and author of "how to find lost objects." hello and welcome. >> hi, michael. >> thank you. >> first of all, we want everyone to look at this photo that we're going to put up in the back. we're also going to tweet it and post it on our website. there is the picture. hidden in that photo, you guys, are five things that are often misplaced. house keys. >> glasses. >> a cell phone. wallet. a pair of glasses and a purse. so michael, let's pretend we live in that. what's your first tip in looking for items like this? >> the first tip is to admit to yourself, it's not lost. i am. >> okay. >> that i'm not searching the right way or i'm in the wrong state of mind. >> right. >> then when you get that done, probably my most useful principle -- i have 12 -- it's called the eureka zone or the 18-inch principle. and what i have found is many lost objects are actually within 18 inches of where they last were or where you remember them being, where they're supposed to be. but they've gotten moved or displaced a little bit. >> shifted. >> they've gotten shifted. something's on top of it. so i use my eureka stick. this is an 18-inch ruler. >> where did you find that? >> menards stores. i measure an 18-inch radius, and i search is meticulously, every square inch of it, and often it works. the object is right there. >> as we're going room to room -- i've even looked in the refrigerator and the stove. >> in your house, it might be there. >> or a weird drawer, because you never know. they say if you retrace your steps -- >> that's a principle, trail thyself. another one is think back. you know where it is. that memory is in there somewhere because you've left it somewhere. relax and let that memory float up. >> you're going to help us after the commercial. he's coming back. it's not over. >> wow! >> yeah. >> during the commercial break, we're going to see if you can find all of those five items. and in a few minutes, we're going to reveal where they are, and hopefully you'll never lose anything else again for as long as you live. it's wednesday, so come play "who knew" with us. the talented young choir from a popular commercial is going to sing for us, too, right after this. ♪ everybody's workin' for the weekend ♪ we're ready to play our weekly trivia game we call "who knew?" and today is national administrative professionals day. so we're going to test the knowledge on famous assistants you know and love from pop culture. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store. she's ready to hand out $100 to anyone who gets the questions right. and to those who don't, a kathie lee cd. here to help me out is personal aide to actress olympia dukakis, patrick healy. hey. >> hi. >> are you ready to play? >> i am. >> let's play. >> this lady is from florida. in "the devil wears prada," who plays the hardworking permanent assistant to meryl streep's character? gwyneth paltrow? lindsay lohan? anne hathaway or gisele bundchen? >> gisele bundchen. >> oh. >> i would have put money that that would never have happened, but you know what she's going to win? "scandalous." >> the correct answer is anne hathaway. >> an interesting fact, anne hathaway volunteered as an assistant at an auction house for a week to prepare for her role. and another fun fact, meryl streep donated her entire wardrobe to a celebrity auction at the end of filming. >> okay, good to know. >> lady from new jersey. as three secretaries of consolidated industries, dolly parton, lily tomlin and jane fonda star in which 1980 film? was it working girl? 9 to 5? the first wives club? or the outsiders? >> "9 to 5." >> yes, indeedy. >> what a great movie. "9 to 5." >> one of my favorites. and dolly parton's film debut. >> was it? >> it was. can you believe it? and she wrote the song "9 to 5" and made it super popular. >> still is. >> what was the name of the magazine that betty suarez worked at in the 2006 tv series "ugly betty"? >> "cosmopolitan"? ♪ everyone has a story >> the correct answer, "mode." >> "mode" magazine was the magazine. "vogue" and "cosmopolitan," obviously we know those. "mode" magazine, interestingly, was an actual magazine for plus-size women, but it closed in 2001 before the series came about. >> all right. back across. >> lovely lady from georgia. which popular film actress was once howie mandel's assistant? halle berry? eva longoria? olivia wilde or paula patton? >> eva longoria. >> no, no, but you're going to really like this one. >> this is such a surprise. paula patton was his assistant? >> the gorgeous paula patton was howie mandel's production assistant on "the howie mandel show." before she became "mission impossible" gorgeous star. >> and a megastar. >> from wisconsin, big, handsome guy. which actor played the personnel director in the 1988 movie "working girl"? annie potts, alec baldwin, olympia dukakis or joan cusack? >> choice "c." olympia dukakis. >> yep. >> no one is happier than patrick who works with olympia. >> my amazing boss, olympia dukakis. >> what is she like as a boss? >> she is amazing, wonderful, generous, kind, engaging, warm, funny, interesting. >> you're getting a raise, baby. >> and she's watching at home. >> i think we have time for one last quick one. >> lovely lady from west virginia who is the big troublemaker in the group. which of the following character says was promoted from assistant to a higher position in the 2007 series "mad men"? peggy olsson? petty francis? sally draper or midge daniels? >> "b"? >> maybe you have a little child. >> great day for kathie lee. the correct answer, peggy olson. >> from secretary pool to copy chief and she's not the only woman that's advanced in her career out of the secretary pool. >> thank you. you were terrific. tell your boss we said hey. we also, you guys, want to honor our administrative professionals here at nbc news, and they happen to be kath, in the orange room. oh, they're marching out. come on out. kath, we've got them all here. no, they're all here. it's a big deal. >> i know christine is refusing to do that. >> you never know. wait. more. more. more. oh, my god! look who's here! kathy ryan. i want to point out that my assistant is right here, kathy ryan. she always refuses to be on tv, but today kathy ryan made it. you guys, we want to thank you for all the work you do. thanks, guys. thanks, brooke, chelsea, everybody. we really appreciate it. you guys are awesome. all right, gang, it's time to learn how you can increase your memory so you'll never lose anything again. plus, green gadgets that will help you save money coming up right after this. i dunno, i just ah woke up today and i said i need something sportier. annnd done. ok maxwell, just need to ah contact your insurance company with the vin number. oh, i just did it. with my geico app. vin # is up to the loaded. ok well then jerry here will take you through all of the features then. why don't weeeeeeeeeeee go out to the car. ok, i'll just be outside... ok, yeah. his dad is my boss. yeah. vin scanning to add a car. just a tap away on the geico app. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. ♪ but still haven't found according to a study in "the wall street journal," the average person misplaces nine items a day, so we're going to help you cut that down and hopefully never lose anything again. >> cynthia green is a clinical psychologist and author of "your best brain ever." sue wrote "the wall street journal" article called "why we keep losing our keys." >> and back with us is michael salomon who forgot -- i'm only kidding -- he himself calls himself a findologist. >> before we get started, with ed this little game where we had this setting and we asked you to find the five things that were missing. we removed them and now we're going to put them back on the screen. but we talked about it, keys, a purse, phone, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. so where are they? >> are we supposed to answer? >> see the keys are on the bottom, the glasses are on the table. >> right. >> the purse is in the back. the wallet is up top. >> on the mantel. and the phone is over there. >> okay. but is that the general rule? when we put something down, it's usually in the wheelhouse as we go traipsing around the house trying to find it in other places? michael, is that usually the case? >> my maksim is, if you put it down, it's gone. because you're thinking of something else. you put your keys down when you come in the house. you're not thinking where you put it. you're thinking what you're going to do next. >> your mind is usually scattered anyway. you're freaking out. i've got to find them. i'm late. >> absolutely. it boils down to distractions. these are items we pick up and put down all the time and we're not really paying attention when we put them down. if we don't have a place where we always put them -- >> that's the key. it's called organization. >> people that are organized do better at these kinds of tasks. >> i do this sometimes, too. i thought i had my phone. i'm in the cab. and suddenly i don't see it in my purse. and i'm already thinking about calling the cab people or 311 because i'm sure i left it on the seat. when in reality, it was right exactly where i thought i left, but i was panicking and searching for it. >>ike cynthia said, it's attention, but factors like stress, fatigue, multitasking, all these things distract us so we're not thinking about where we put it. >> which of these should we be worried about this? if it's happening so much. not just 9 times, maybe 15 and not just that many items, but it's over and again the same. when do you have a problem? >> this is not the kind of thing to worry about. i think when we worry about it when they start happening to us more, are we stressed? are we overanxious? what's distracting us? in terms of worrying about a serious memory issue, this isn't the kind of symptom that we need to worry about. but it's the kind of thing that we can do better in terms of developing better habits for keeping track of things. >> you say saying something out loud. what does that mean? >> it reinforces. >> you're walking in the door, juggling groceries, you're on the phone, i'm putting my keys on the dresser. >> you say that out loud before you put them down? >> it helps so it encodes it into your memory. >> i wonder if you could train yourself to really do that and not feel stupid. >> yeah, yeah. >> you know? i'm walking in the door. the phone's ringing. so you go, dresser. it does work. >> sometimes you forget what you're looking for. and it helps -- potholder, potholder, to keep saying to yourself, while this is boiling over, you may remember what you're looking for. >> or if you walk into the other room to get the scissors. you don't have to say it out loud. you can say it to yourself, but it keeps you focused. really all of this is about distraction. >> so the ways, to stop losing things. say something out loud. find a place where you always put your keys, your glasses, et cetera. are there any other tips that could help people at home? >> forget-me-not spot so you don't have to pay attention. chances are we're always going to be distracted. if you have a place where you always put those things and always get into the habit of putting them there will also help. >> visualization. you might forget where you park your car. picture, like, the produce department and what you're going to get there. when you get there -- >> and say it out loud. k22. >> when you do finally search for it, do so methodically and wait until your agitated mind has gone. if you're not calm, you could look right at something and not see it. >> i've done that. i usually get another set of eyes. do you see it? i know my glasses are here. look around. >> thank you, everybody. >> thanks so much. >> what was that all about? i forgot. you want to lower your electricity and water bills? >> you'll want to check out these green products with our gadget guy, steve greenberg, after this. there's no dip in that bowl. they're new pringles tortillas. so good, they don't need dip. mmmm... not bad, right? i'll have some more! that's a double dip! you... double dipped... new pringles tortillas. you dip 'em or don't. pringles! sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. as you know, we're celebrating earth week here at nbc universal, so it's a good time to think about how we can all be more ecofriendly. >> help save the environment and save money with these green gadgets from the author of "gadget nation," steve greenberg. hello! how are you? >> what you got for us today? >> green shirt, greenberg, it all shirts. >> green attitude. >> first up, this one blows my mind. this is called laundry ball. this replaces your detergent. it will do 365 washes. it uses -- actually, because of the ph changes the water, you don't need soap. you can wash in cold water. that's it. i tried it out with t-shirts right here. dirty t-shirt. i've been using it a week. amazing. >> so that's called smart -- >> it's called smart clean, but it's laundry ball. >> what's the dryer? >> this is from woolsey's, basically pieces of wool but it reduces dryer time 25%. you don't need these with a lot of chemicals. >> they're going to be sorry to hear that. >> sorry for them. next, this is called fan buddy. it's a filter you can put on a regular square fan. instead of getting an expensive air purifier or running your air conditioner, this is a much cheaper way to keep your air clean. you can add it to a tall one. we ran this run for a couple weeks. you can see how dirty it is. i don't know if the camera can pick it up, but we can see it really picks up a lot of dirt. >> you throw it away or clean it? >> clean it and use it again. it's $29. this is called the water pebble right over here. >> what this does, you put it in your shower. and it measures the time of your first shower and then tries to shorten the shower time after that. it first shows up as green, then yellow, then red. look, very nice. that's water pebble from a company called bambicode for $14. this, you plug anything you want into it. you can control it from your smartphone. you can also set all sorts of schedules with it. you can set it so it goes on and off like your cable box which uses a lot of energy. and you can also make it geo sensitive. you can turn it on and off. >> my head's going to explode. okay. >> this is a clock that runs on water. >> stop it. >> now that we understand. >> you just add water to it. make sure you don't spill all over the thing and you've got a working clock. no batteries, nothing. these are called pack 'ems. and these are washable bags. basically, with kids, 20 million plastic bags are thrown out every day by schoolkids. >> this is genius. >> this is washable. it's got velcro on it. >> that's great. >> next for mommies with babies who do a lot of wipes. the average family spends $240 on wipes if you have one baby. 7.6 billion pounds in our landfill every year. so these are reusable wipes. they're made from bamboo. this is a little warmer so they're nice and warm. it's more absorbent than cotton. it's bamboo so it's sustainable. >> and you wash them. >> it's a great way to clean up. >> we've been waiting for the toilet. >> this is called hydra right. you can install it on any toilet. all you do, no tools needed. you can make it a one flush or a two flush for a number one or number two. great way to go. it's only $20, on amazon, terrific. and then we use a lot of toilet paper in this country. i'll give you the numbers. 34 million rolls a day, which is 54 million trees a year. you can reduce your toilet paper usage by turning your toilet into a bidet and toilet by adding water. >> you still need toilet paper. >> 75%. you attach it here. it costs $49, $59. and we turn it on here. and this adds a little water to the cleanup. you get the idea. i think every toilet should have this. i think it's a great idea. >> steve, thank you so much. they made us smile on a television commercial here in new york. >> with a little luck, they're going to become huge stars one day. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. if you live here in the new york area, you've probably seen the commercial. it's for the new york lottery, and it features young singers from the new york foundlings haven kids rock. >> and since today is national take a chance day, who knew that either? >> i do. >> we decided to bring them in to sing for us. the kids are students at mott haven academy in the south bronx, and they're part of a weekly music program that teaches performance, technique, voice and songwriting. welcome, guys. >> hi, guys! how exciting is this? >> they're blase. they're on tv all the time. >> do you guys watch yourselves on television? >> yes. >> do you like it? >> yes. >> are you famous at school and everything? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. what are you singing for us? >> "thank you for being a friend." >> here they are. take it away, kids. ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ we've traveled down the road and back again ♪ ♪ your heart is true ♪ you're a pal and a confidante ♪ ♪ i'm not ashamed to say ♪ i hope it always will stay the same ♪ ♪ my hat is off ♪ won't you stand up and take a bow ♪ ♪ and if you threw a party ♪ invited everyone you knew ♪ you would see the biggest gift would be from me ♪ ♪ and the card attached would say thank you for being a friend ♪ >> oh, yeah! ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ if it's a car you lack ♪ i'd surely buy you a cadillac ♪ ♪ whatever you need any time of the day or night ♪ ♪ i'm not ashamed to say ♪ i hope it always will stay this way ♪ ♪ my hat is off ♪ won't you stand up and take a bow ♪ ♪ and when we both get older ♪ with walking canes and hair of gray ♪ ♪ have no fear even though it's hard to hear ♪ ♪ i will stand real close and say ♪ ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend ♪ thank you for being a friend [ applause ] >> thank you guys. >> oh, my god! how fun was that? >> that is terrific. >> that was awesome. tomorrow -- >> actor dean cain stops by. >> that means anything can happen. >> from his series. >> he's going to sit down with us. >> plus we're going to tell you how to get organized and to fit more into her kitchen. >> don't forget, "ambush makeover" thursday. we'll see you. >> enjoy your winesday wednesday, everybody. thank you guys! >> whoo! i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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