Transcripts For KNTV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Transcripts For KNTV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20160609

and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 484! woo! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: please. sit down and enjoy yourself, please. everyone have a seat. thank you very much for being here. welcome, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] welcome. welcome to "the tonight show," everybody. this is it. you made it. you're at the show. [ cheers and applause ] you're here. hot crowd tonight. well, here is what everybody is talking about, you guys. here's the big news story. the big story is that last night hillary clinton earned enough delegates to be the democratic nominee. making her -- [ cheers and applause ] making her the first woman to secure a major party's nomination. [ cheers and applause ] she gave a moving speech afterwards and told the crowd, "tonight belongs to all of you." then bernie sanders was like, "oh, so now she's a socialist. [ laughter and applause ] now -- great timing. perfect timing." but bernie sanders has still not conceded the race, and said there's actually a chance he could end up being the nominee. unfortunately for bernie, that chance involves a delorean and a flux capacitor. [ laughter and applause ] "we gotta get back, marty!" over on the republican side, donald trump gave a big speech last night where he said that he understands the responsibility of carrying the republic mantle and said that he will never, ever let you down. then he was like, "starting now. [ laughter and applause ] okay, now. here we go. and go. and go. and now." meanwhile, some senior aides working with donald trump told "nbc news" that his campaign is actually severely understaffed, and very disorganized. even crazier, most of trump's speeches are written by throwing poetry magnets at a a fridge. >> steve: really? [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: "tremendous spark must never foot. and i like it, it's good. [ laughter ] it's beautiful." trump released a statement yesterday to address the trump university scandal claiming 98% of students gave the school high ratings in one survey. yeah. i saw some of the survey questions and i think that they're a little bias. take a look. first they ask, rate your experience at trump university on a scale of 9 to 10. [ laughter ] i mean that's even on a test that seems -- >> steve: what can you pick. >> jimmy: that seems -- next they asked, finish this sentence, my time at trump university was great! please add one more exclamation point. [ laughter and applause ] that's not really a question. >> steve: that's not a a question. >> jimmy: it is, but it -- here's the last one. trump university is the greatest institution on earth. agree, strongly agree, or have it tattooed on your face. [ laughter and applause ] that just seems biased to me. >> steve: look through those glasses. >> jimmy: and only 98% out of those -- [ light laughter ] listen to this. despite major set backs, brazil's sports minister is insisting that rio is ready to host the summer olympics in august. saying people who attend will have a great experience. when asked what he's looking forward to the most, the minister was like, "oh, i'm not going to be there." [ laughter and applause ] oh, hey people! happy -- no. here in the states, tomorrow night, we have game 5 of the stanley cup finals, between the pittsburgh penguins and san jose sharks. that's big. [ cheers and applause ] now as you know, at the end of the series, they give out most valuable player award. but they also give out other awards during the series. sort of like the ones in high school year books, like most likely to succeed, class clown, stuff like that. so with that in mind, it's time for tonight show superlatives. here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ tonight show superlatives ♪ >> jimmy: our first player is logan couture. he's a center for the san jose sharks. he was voted, "most likely to be the love child of tom cruise and gary busey." [ laughter and applause ] they rarely -- >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: rarely give that award out. >> steve: yeah, rarely. only twice. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: it's a special award. >> steve: yeah, very special. >> jimmy: next up is ben lovejoy. he's a defenseman for the pittsburgh penguins. he was voted, "most likely to hand you a mixtape labeled 'songs i've watched you sleep to.'" [ laughter and applause ] [ snores ] >> steve: goodnight. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: next up from san jose is patrick marleau. [ light laughter ] he was voted, "most likely to be experiencing every emotion at once." [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: next from san jose is melker karlsson. he was voted, "most likely to always end sex by saying 'aw geez, thanks.'" [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: come on. my god. >> jimmy: next from pittsburgh is justin schultz. he was voted, "most likely to chase a tennis ball you pretended to throw." [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: next up from pittsburgh is ian cole. he was voted, "most likely to offer you help at j. crew but then judge you the entire time." [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: you're gonna wear that? [ laughter ] what, what? what's wrong it? >> jimmy: finally from pittsburgh is oskar sundqvist. [ audience ohs ] he was voted, "least sideburns." [ laughter and applause ] there you go. that was your stanley cup superlatives. we have a great show. give it up for the roots. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much, everybody. thank you, higgins, thank you, roots. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: it's been a great week so far. there is more ahead. tomorrow night, this is huge for us, he's the first sitting president to visit "the tonight show" in new york, president barack obama will be here. >> steve: woah! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: the preezy. >> steve: the preezy. >> jimmy: of the united steezy. >> steve: of the united steezy. >> jimmy: that's correct. if that wasn't enough we are going to have a performance from one of the biggest names in music. and she's just the coolest person for doing this. madonna will be here as well. >> steve: oh. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: president barack obama and madonna on one show. >> steve: madonna and obama. >> jimmy: tomorrow night, madonnobama >> steve: madonnobama. >> jimmy: obama madonna. ♪ obama madonna madonna obama obama madonna ♪ ♪ fe fy mo-mommo ♪ >> steve: mahna mahna. >> jimmy: madonnobama. ♪ ♪ madonnobama madonnobama ♪ ♪ ♪ madonnobama [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ obama madonna madonna madonna ♪ ♪ obama ♪ obamadonna do do do do do obamadonna do do do do ♪ ♪ obamadonna do do do do do obamadonna do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do do do do do do do ♪ obamadonna do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do do do do do do do ♪ >> steve: hey! >> jimmy: it's a big show. it's gonna be fun. [ cheers and applause ] fun show, big. >> steve: big. >> jimmy: we have a big show tonight. >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: this guy is the best, from the new movie "now you see me 2," mark ruffalo is here tonight. >> steve: oh! [ cheers and applause ] love that guy. >> steve: he's a delight. >> jimmy: he won an oscar for "spotlight." he's a great guy. later in the show, mark and i are going to see how well we really know each other in a fun new game called "the best friends challenge." >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: today is best friend day. >> steve: bff day. >> jimmy: happy bff day, my man. >> steve: aw, happy bff day to you. i was talking to -- sorry, i was talking to questlove. >> steve: oh. [ light laughter ] plus, this movie is going to be giant. from "warcraft," the beautiful paula patton is stopping by. >> steve: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "warcraft," giant. >> steve: nuts. >> jimmy: and we have great stand-up, every time they come, they just bring the house down. i love them so much, oh, my gosh, twin brothers, the lucas brothers, you guys. >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: funny, funny, funny stand-up. love those guys. i always say, our show is lucky to have the greatest band in late night, the roots, right there, ladies and gentlemen. they're from philadelphia. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: roots! >> jimmy: but it isn't always fun and games. from time to time we put the roots to the test. we pick people from our audience and we have the roots make up songs about them on the spot. it is time for freestylin' with the roots! here we go! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ time to freestyle with the roots ♪ >> jimmy: oh! roots, you ready to do this? >> roots: yeah. >> jimmy: that's right. all right, let's pick someone. who wants the roots to write a a song about them? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on up. come on over. come on over here. come on over here. [ cheers ] how are you? >> i support you for president. >> jimmy: thank you very -- [ light laughter ] i think it's a horrible idea. but thank you for -- i love the shirt. what is your name? >> i'm jessica rosinski. >> jimmy: jessica. jessica, where are you from? >> one year new yorker today. >> jimmy: hey, no way, welcome. well now you're official. [ applause ] you're a new yorker. okay. game three of the nba finals was tonight between the cleveland cavaliers and the golden state warriors. just go with it. >> okay. great. awesome. >> jimmy: if you were in the nba, what would be your jersey number? >> 14. >> jimmy: why 14? >> i didn't play sports. but my husband does and that's his number. >> jimmy: aw, that's sweet. [ audience aws ] now, a lot of the best players have nicknames. lebron james, "king james." steph curry and klay thompson are "the splash brothers." if you were in the nba, what would your nickname be? >> the granter of dreams. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: i mean, what? what? i did not see that one coming. wait. the granter of dreams. that is the best nickname i've ever heard in my entire lifetime. the granter of dreams. >> it's on my business card. >> jimmy: is it really? >> yes. >> jimmy: no way. are you a granter of dreams? >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: and you're -- you are a lucky man. so, wait a second, you can grant someone's dreams? >> yeah. >> jimmy: this is unbelievable. [ light laughter ] we're gonna have to talk. because i'm doing pretty well, but why not? yeah, okay cool. guys, we got our pal jessica here. if she were in the nba, her jersey number would be 14. because that was her husband's number. and her nickname would be, ladies and gentlemen, "the granter of dreams!" [ cheers and applause ] i love it. for this next one, abba just reunited the past weekend for the first time in 30 years. i know, i was freaking out. so roots, can you guys do an abba-style song? >> granted, oh never mind. ♪ dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams ♪ ♪ jess ronsiski is on nbc and if she was on a team she'd be number 14 ♪ ♪ and back in the day her husband was on a team and her nickname is the granter of dreams ♪ ♪ she's the granter of dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams dreams ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks for doing that. timberlake, timberlake i would vote for. i'm gonna slip through here if you don't mind. do you mind? i'll go to the other side. hi, nice to see you. hi, how are you? >> how are you? >> jimmy: very good. very -- like a very yoga pose. hey, how are you, buddy? >> hey-o! >> jimmy: nice to see you. how you doing? oh, of course. yeah. hey, how are you? [ cheers and applause ] hi, guys, how are you? how are you? nice to see you. thank you so much. excuse me, sorry. yeah. don't get up, don't worry about me. oh my goodness. hey, oh, almost here. almost there, sorry about it, buddy. coming through, coming through. hey, how are you, pal? sorry. oh, here we go. [ cheers and applause ] come on, we got to, we got to, we got to. please, we have to. we just have to. this is fantastic. [ light laughter ] this is -- speaking about the granter of dreams, it works. it works. [ cheers and applause ] my dream right here. here you go. what is your name? >> michael anderome. >> jimmy: yeah, michael. all right good. >> do you want the full name? >> jimmy: no, it doesn't matter. [ light laughter ] michael. the big california primary was yesterday. and "teenage mutant ninja turtles" is the number one movie right now. if you had to pick one ninja turtle to be president, who would you pick? >> michelangelo. >> jimmy: you didn't even think about that. [ light laughter ] why would it be michelangelo? >> well, he's got a good first name. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: ah, very interesting. i get it now, michael, yeah. is your middle name angelo? >> no. >> jimmy: okay, perfect, yeah. >> my wife's name is angela, so. >> jimmy: oh my gosh, you got to be kidding me. this is -- the granter of dreams is here. this is unbelievable. [ applause ] you did it. you did it. unbelievable. >> we have pizza parties in the sewer. >> jimmy: you do? yeah. well, that's good because both of your names, and you have pizza parties in the sewer. good for you. [ light laughter ] guys, we have my man michael here. if he could pick a ninja turtle to be president, of course it would be michelangelo because his name is michael. and, is it your wife or girlfriend? >> wife. >> jimmy: your wife's name is angela. close enough for michelangelo. and we also eat pizza now and then in the sewer. [ light laughter ] it's like the cartoon. that's a joke. for this last one, because -- >> but seriously, we do. >> jimmy: you do. i know you do. i've been to a couple of them, you don't remember? but this last one, because the california primary was yesterday. roots, can you guys do west coast rap sort of thing? [ light laughter ] ♪ ♪ the primaries of cali a place that seen made you an animal ♪ ♪ now you michal but it ain't michelangelo ♪ ♪ i'm at the waldorf where i'm a resident i just voted michelangelo for president ♪ ♪ and you too boy if you mess with me the roots crew gonna have to come and get me ♪ ♪ off this stage that's how i'm going out hey yo questlove wh that afro about ♪ ♪ tonight show is always on the air baby we come on after the news daily ♪ ♪ hey yo weekly monthly yearly hey yo turn the mic up so they can hear me ♪ ♪ love comes down with captial q-u-e-s-t and my home boy jimmy ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: michel, angela. thanks to these guys! thank you to the roots! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with mark ruffalo. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ get just what you're craving with a mcpick 2... choose any two mcdonald's classics for five bucks. like the 100% beef big mac, filet-o-fish made with sustainably sourced fish, or 10-piece chicken mcnuggets made with white meat! enjoy the choice! ♪ lemme get a mcpick2! find more delicious deals in our app. ♪ ba da da da da whe gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at ♪ ♪ ♪ innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. ♪ ♪ heyyyyy! ♪ it's the little things that make life rich. ritz. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar-nominated actor and just great all around dude. he stars in a new movie called "now you see me 2", which is in theaters this friday. ladies and gentlemen, please we welcome mark ruffalo. mark ruffalo! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: mark ruffalo! that's the move -- how can i do it? you're here. >> thank you. ♪ >> jimmy: hey, buddy. nice to see you, buddy. >> the roots! >> jimmy: that's right. the roots. [ cheers ] we're so -- thank you so much for being here. you always look sharp. you're a good man. what? were you gonna say something? >> i'm so happy to be here. >> jimmy: you are? >> you invited me. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: i did, yeah. no, i wish you were here every week, 'cause i look forward to seeing you. i haven't seen you since you won an oscar for "spotlight", buddy. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, that kind of blew my mind a little bit. >> jimmy: it did? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you guys didn't think you were gonna win? >> no, i don't think anyone thought we were gonna win. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: well, you have a one and six chance or something, right? whatever it is. >> but as the night -- as the night wore on and we didn't win any other oscars -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is true. >> our chances became very, very slim. >> jimmy: were you all sitting next to each other? >> we were all sitting next to each other. >> jimmy: just like losers row? >> this is the longest night of our lives. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but you -- but you ended up winning and it was just -- >> and we closed the place down! >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] that's what you gotta do. that what you gotta do. >> my tail. >> jimmy: oh, okay. sorry. >> i dropped my tail. >> jimmy: i thought you split your pants or something. i was like, all right. [ laughter ] but you were talking backstage and it was very interesting, because you did not win the individual oscar, sorry about that, for acting. sorry to bring it up. [ laughter ] but i have to bring it up, only because you lost to mark rylance. no, yeah. >> yeah, that was hard. >> jimmy: was that rude? >> it wasn't the kind of thing i thought of pre-oscars. was that the one person in my category also shared my first name and the first consonant of my last name. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's just the weirdest thing. 'cause i was watching and i go, mark ra -- >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> and the difference between "ra" and "lan" ended up being an hour for me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're like -- >> slow motion. it was just like "mark raaaaaa" -- and everyone -- everyone went into slow motion. people were run -- like grabbing towards me down the aisle. my wife was like waiting for the slow scream, like -- [ laughter ] stanley tucci turned around and grabbed the inside of my thigh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes! we're gonna do this, yeah. >> yes. and then "lance." >> jimmy: "lance." and you go, him too. he was great as well. >> yeah. that was a let down. >> jimmy: oh, gosh. let's talk about "now you see me 2." speaking of magic and stuff like that. this is -- the first one i loved. it's just a fascinating movie, because the tricks -- to do magic in a movie, to me, i think is one of the trickiest things ever, 'cause you go, oh, that's editing or something. it could easily, and now it's here and then you cut, quick, edit and then you're holding a a bunny. but for some reason -- >> you had to give away the whole movie? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: spoiler alert! it's a bunny at the end. >> spoiler alert. >> jimmy: spoiler alert. there's a rabbit in the hat, big deal. >> we pull a hat out of a a rabbit. we do, we do. we truly do. >> jimmy: it's a giant illusion at the end of the film, but now we can say that you're part of the horseman. you can say that, right? >> we can officially say that. >> jimmy: 'cause the movie's -- the first one's already out and if you didn't see it well then please, guys. i can't -- how long can i wait for this? >> forget about it. >> jimmy: but you have a great cast and man -- >> amazing. >> jimmy: we've had a bunch of people from the movie on our show and they said the best, nicest stuff about you. 'cause a lot of people like you. you're a good guy. >> well, that's nice to hear. >> jimmy: well, i wanna -- did you have fun? >> if people don't like somebody do they like, you know -- "we've had a lot of people from the cast here and they pretty much hated you." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they wouldn't bring you up. they wouldn't bring you up. >> right, right. >> jimmy: they wouldn't talk about you. but we've had a bunch of people on the show and they all -- like, we had daniel radcliffe and we had dave franco. >> franco. >> jimmy: and they both said, "ruffalo is the greatest guy." we had a love fest when -- >> we had an amazing time. >> jimmy: i really don't want you to leave. i want you to be here every single week, 'cause we just -- we're fans. >> i'm here, man. >> jimmy: i know. i love you. >> i live, right, just a few block away. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah, i could walk to work. >> jimmy: you guys, we have busses waiting for everybody. we're going back to mark's tonight. [ cheers ] to party! but first -- >> you guys are coming, too. >> jimmy: yeah, everyone's coming. first, i wanna show a clip. here's mark ruffalo and morgan freeman in "now you see me 2." take a look at this. >> i know you blame me for your father's death. i know you think i goaded him into performing a trick he couldn't pull off. i know the time in jail was a a result of a 30-year revenge plot against me. >> supposing that's all true, you think i'd tell you now? >> you wanna know how i know? i know because it's always, always more than what's on the surface. >> i'm not my father. you're not getting in my head, okay? you think you're luring me into a trap? you're not. now i am desperate, which means i'm dangerous. my only concern is the health and well-being of the horsemen. and you're going to lead me to them and if you don't, i promise you you're gonna end up far worse than in some cushy jail cell somewhere. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: grabbing god. yelling at -- >> god. >> jimmy: that's god. >> i held -- i had god like that. >> jimmy: you had god like that. yeah, exactly. it's morgan freeman, yeah. i wanna play a game with you after the break, 'cause i always like to have fun with you. do you mind playing a game with me? >> will i lose? >> jimmy: no, it's kind of a a fun game -- >> yeah, i'd love to do that. >> jimmy: we play together, kind of. >> sure, yeah. >> jimmy: good. mark and i are playing a fun new game after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ take on the unexpected with a car that could stop for you. nissan safety shield technologies, available in the altima, sentra and maxima. from the makers of pepsi cola. i'm gonna smell it. i'm just gonna take one small sip... kinda seemed like more than a sip. 1893. bloldly blended colas. amber assumed all ranch dressings were made equal.rror. assume nothing. hidden valley ranch has artificial flavors. kraft ranch has no artificial flavors. no synthetic colors. no wonder it tastes so good. today's the day! oh look! creepy gloves for my feet. when i was a kid there was a handle. and a face. this is nice. does it come in a california king? getting roid rage. hemorrhoid. these are the worst, right? i'm gonna buy them. boom. i'll take them. impulse buy. ommmmmmmmmmm. presenting the american express blue cash everyday card with cash back on purchases. it's all happening. and no annual fee. here we go! cash back on purchases. backed by the service and security of american express. hey, can we get some beers? beer! ice cold beer! cash back on purchases. what beer? ummmm... redd's apple ale! i'll take one too. me too! hey! redd's apple ale! redd's apple ale. crisp like an apple. brewed like a beer. try duo fusion!ing antacids? new, two in one heartburn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds... and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. from the makers of zantac. so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing, even a ufh2o. [man] that's not good. [pilot] that's not good. [man] that's really not good. [burke] it happened august fourteenth,2008, and we covered to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ okawhoa!ady? [ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. ♪ get america's fastest internet. only from xfinity. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we are hanging out with mark ruffalo. his new movie, "now you see me 2", comes out this friday. mark, as you know, today is national best friends days. [ scattered cheers ] >> it is? >> jimmy: you've been a guest on this show a lot. and i was to try this game, it's called "the best friends challenge" to see how much that we know about each other. would you like to play? >> i'd love to play. >> jimmy: all right, great. we're gonna test to see if we're best friends. here is how the game works right here. >> this is the perfect game for you and i. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: you draw a question from the best friends box. then the other person guesses how they think the other person would answer. aw, you're opening up your heart light? >> yeah, turning it on. turn the heart light on. >> jimmy: turn on the heart light. what you're gonna -- how many we can get right. and once you draw the first question -- here you go. so, this will be me, and that's you. >> okay. >> jimmy: all right, so yeah. you draw the first question. i'm not looking. >> don't look. >> jimmy: but i guess i'll hear it anyway. >> what is my favorite sandwich? >> jimmy: your favorite sandwich? mark ruffalo's favorite sandwich. ooh, you're moving like -- that's like a peanut butter-y jam. but that's too obvious. [ laughter ] or is it not? all right. all right, now you show your answer to that camera. i'm not gonna look. okay? [ laughter ] okay. so here is my answer. i think your favorite sandwich is -- blt. [ audience aws ] ♪ no, it didn't happen. wait, wha -- what do you mean? >> that is so close. >> jimmy: it really is close? [ laughter ] bacon, lettuce, tomato? >> and peanut butter and jelly. >> jimmy: no! [ laughter and applause ] >> you should have gone with your first! you went with -- you got to go with the first! >> jimmy: i know. i saw pb & j. >> the first thing! the first one! you went peanut butter and jelly! >> jimmy: i know! you're doing it. >> aw, you don't even know me! i feel like we don't even know each other. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: come on! no, no, no, no, no! that's so wrong. >> we've been through so much together! >> jimmy: here we go, now. here we go. come on. here we go. here we go. ready for this? oh. >> oh, come on. >> jimmy: what do you think is my best physical asset? [ laughter ] >> on national television? >> jimmy: i am, like -- i'm having hard time answering. >> me too. >> jimmy: because this is -- >> really hard. i'm, i'm having a hard time with this, because it's so hard for you to know what your best asset is. there's so many. >> jimmy: yeah. [ audience aws ] >> that's how best friends treat each other. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: all right. >> all right. ready? >> jimmy: yep. i have my answer. i'm gonna show the camera first, so don't look. [ drumroll ] [ laughter ] all right. [ laughter ] ♪ >> all right. >> jimmy: that's not it. >> all right. all right. >> jimmy: no, that's -- [ laughter ] yeah. ♪ >> what was it? >> jimmy: i just put -- there's too many. i thought you were giving me another hint. [ laughter ] we're best friends. >> that's why i'm listed two. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: too many. >> too many. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: more than -- >> more than one. >> jimmy: too man-y. we're men. >> and we're men. >> jimmy: we're men and man-y. >> and men-y. >> jimmy: we're too man-y. >> this, this -- >> jimmy: manly people. we're gonna get this one here. >> it's just too man-y. >> jimmy: we're gonna get this one. we're gonna get this one. >> all right. all right. >> jimmy: this one's good. [ laughter ] >> all right. >> jimmy: it doesn't mean anything. doesn't mean -- here, you draw, you pick from this one. we'll get this one. don't worry about it. >> i feel like i'm giving a a christmas gift to my wife. >> jimmy: and? [ laughter ] did she enjoy it? >> it's just so hard to get it right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: come on. no, no. >> there's so much pressure. >> jimmy: no, no. >> all right, number two. this is me. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. all right, here we go. >> oh, oh. >> jimmy: i can't look. >> what is my biggest fear? ♪ >> jimmy: i think i got this. >> you better get this one. >> jimmy: okay. show yours. [ drumroll ] [ laughter ] >> this one's a shoe-in for you. >> jimmy: your biggest fear i think is -- >> drowning in milk! >> jimmy: to be alone in this world. ♪ >> jimmy: to be alone in this world in a pool of milk. >> to be alone in this world in a pool of milk with a weight attached to my foot! >> jimmy: attached -- well, you think a pool of milk, and then you have a pb & j and all drowning in milk. it makes sense. all right. we still have a chance. we have one more. right? one more and then the speed round. here we go. this is ready. who's my favorite superhero? [ audience aws ] ♪ oh! oh, come on! come on. come on. come on. come on. come on. come on. come on, man. you know what's up. you know what is up. [ cheers and applause ] okay? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: best friends! best friends forever! "now you see me 2" opens on friday! paula patton joins us after the break. stick around. my best friend! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ when craft... ...meets cold... ...something amazing happens. flavors are transformed... ...possibilities are born... ...because starbucks espresso changes everything, from the sweet starbucks iced caramel macchiato, to the bold starbucks doubleshot on ice. experience the icy side of espresso. in stores now. man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. i have an orc-o-gram we for an "owen."e. that's me. ♪ you should hire stacy drew. ♪ ♪ she wants to change the world with you. ♪ ♪ she can program jet engines to talk and such. ♪ ♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. ♪ ♪ and sanjay patel is who you should hire. ♪ thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh... that's why bud light has aes new look... and we want to share it with everyone... jackpot! still the same refreshing bud light. with a new look. if yo...well do i haveen it all, a surprise for you. it's red lobster's new lobster and shrimp summerfest! with the lobster and shrimp... love in so many new dishes, you're gonna wanna try... ...every last one. like the new coastal lobster & shrimp. with a wood-grilled lobster tail, ...wild-caught red shrimp crusted with panko, ...and shrimp fresh off the grill and brushed with... ...summer ale bbq sauce. or try the new lobster & shrimp overboard, ...because when a dish can wow you like this, ...overboard's the only way to describe it. but hurry, this ends soon. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest it a a talented actress who stars in the new movie "warcraft", which is in imax 3-d in theaters on friday. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, paula patton! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: paula patton! >> nice to see you! >> jimmy: oh, it's so good to see you! you look gorgeous! >> oh, you're so sweet. >> jimmy: and it's great to see you on best friends day, which is fantastic. >> i know, and i'm feeling a a little left out. i got to be honest. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> i mean, i don't know. i thought we were friendly. i thought -- >> jimmy: not only are we friendly, we are best friends. >> no, you didn't -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> i might actually get emotional. i haven't gotten a gift from a a man in a really long time. [ audience aws ] this is amazing. >> jimmy: here you go, yeah. >> and it matches my outfit. did you know? >> jimmy: it looks gorgeous. look. >> how did you know? >> jimmy: try this, watch. >> aw. >> jimmy: look at this -- the granter of dreams. there you go. [ audience aws ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that's it. we have this forever. >> actually really, really nice. i'm gonna wear this. >> jimmy: you going to wear it? you look gorgeous, by the way. >> for sure. it's matching my outfit. >> jimmy: pal, i just love having you on. i have so much to talk about. >> okay. >> jimmy: because first of all, "the do-over" with adam sandler and david spade. it's on netflix now. you were fantastic in it. >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: i loved it. i laughed so much. >> i had so much fun making that movie. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i was like, "oh, i love paula patton!" and you were great in it. and gosh, you know, i love spade, and i love adam sandler. they are the nicest guy. >> they are the nicest man. i had so much fun. adam's awesome, him and his wife. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah. >> it was an incredible experience. i would do it over and over again. >> jimmy: it's almost like summer camp, right? >> it is summer camp. we did it in savannah. and he puts on a camp for everybody's kids. >> jimmy: oh, he actually does? >> and it's, like, top level summer camp. >> jimmy: does he really? >> there is tumbling class and, like, field trips. it's really -- he's so thoughtful. >> jimmy: he's just a good dude. >> i would do it over and over and over again. >> jimmy: i love that you can do that. >> do it over and over for days. >> jimmy: and action -- that's an action-comedy. but then you go and do "warcraft", which i have spent many hours playing. >> oh, no way. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. i tried to figure it out. >> oh, please. tell me, were you, like, a a blood elf -- is that even a real character? >> jimmy: no. but i started off -- my name was -- >> you didn't do it. >> jimmy: i did, yeah. i did because i -- what was my name, again? "d'varnon" was my name. >> really? >> jimmy: yeah. >> okay. >> jimmy: because somebody said, "make it sound like a a candybar or something like that? i got advice from somebody who actually played it, and i go -- i couldn't think of a name. and i thought of maybe bar none? is that a candy? >> yeah, i think that is a a candy. >> jimmy: so i did "bar none." then i go, "d'varnon." [ laughter ] and i was "d'varnon" and i spent months and months just getting killed by other people, but i enjoyed it. as i played the game and it was -- felecia day, who game me the props on that. just a shout out to her. but we played all the time. and then i just go, "i don't know what i'm doing." but then this movie comes out and go, okay, "warcraft" -- it's bigger than big, you guys. congratulations on this. i just heard in china, biggest non-weekend opening, made $46 million in one day. [ cheers and applause ] >> it's unreal, right? >> jimmy: in one day. >> i can't even fathom it. it's really amazing. >> jimmy: that's fantastic. and you play an orc? >> i do. i play a half orc, half human. >> jimmy: half orc, half human, yes. >> yes. >> jimmy: and did you learn how to -- >> i didn't have many friends. >> jimmy: did you learn how to speak orc? >> i did. and they took it really seriously. you know, i thought, maybe i could just go out there and riff. and they're like, "no, you need a battle coach." >> jimmy: what do you mean you go out there and riff? >> i don't know. [ grunting ] like, no one would know. they're like, "no, we have an actual dialect." >> jimmy: a language. >> and all the words mean something. >> jimmy: and also, let me just show this picture of you. this is you from the movie. look at this. >> oh. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: look at the -- look at the -- look at the teeth. look at the -- look at the -- how did you -- did you get used to those -- >> those were challenging at the beginning, but i ended up loving them. but yes, it stretched out -- i had to stretch out my mouth, because i was dribbling wherever i went. i couldn't -- i -- >> jimmy: you don't want a a dribbling orc. you're like -- [ grunting ] [ laughter ] >> not cute. it's like, enough already. >> jimmy: yeah. >> no, but i would, like, clean the house, play with julian. i must have looked crazy to other people. i can't imagine. but you have get it to be good. >> jimmy: you just have to do the actor's normal stuff, like, go pick your -- go in the store and go -- [ grunting ] "hi, everybody!" >> i wasn't that bold. i should have. you know, looking back i should have gone in the store and done it. >> jimmy: no, you went for it, and you nailed it, and it's paying off. i want to show a clip of my best friend, paula patton, in "warcraft." take a look at this. ♪ [ roaring ] ♪ [ roaring ] [ shrieking ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how do you do that and also look gorgeous? unbelievable. paula patton. "warcraft" is in imax 3-d and theaters on friday. the lucas brothers perform standup for us after the break. stick around. look at this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ heyyyyy! ♪ it's the little things that make life rich. ritz. canredd's apple ale!ome beers? ♪ [ "stay" by lisa loeb ] redd's apple ale. also for a limited time in blueberry. 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(mamost of the show. we missed (woman) and there's no way to restart it. (jon bon jovi) with directv there is. ♪ you see, we've got the power to turn back time ♪ ♪ so let's restart the show that started at nine ♪ ♪ and while we're at it, let's give you back your 'do ♪ ♪ and give her back the guy she liked before you ♪ ♪ hey, that's the power to turn back time. ♪ (vo) get the ultimate all-included bundle. call 1-800-directv. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm very excited for our next guests. they are two of my favorites. currently they can be seen in the netflix series, "lady dynamite." please welcome, the lucas brothers, ladies and gentleman. ♪ >> sup? >> what's up? >> how you guys doin'? you good? [ cheers ] >> good. good. >> our father just got out of prison recently. it was like ten years ago. >> yeah. >> and it's been terrible. 'cause all he wants to do is father/son stuff. >> and it wouldn't be so bad, but he's super arrogant. like two weeks ago we were playing basketball and mid way through, he was like, "yo, man, if i was 15 inches taller i would have been in the nba." [ light laughter ] we we're like, "no, dude, you'd just be a taller criminal." [ laughter ] >> but it got us to pondering. you think nba players do the same thing in reverse? like do they talk about the things they would do if they were a little bit shorter? [ laughter ] >> like lebron james and kevin love chillin' at chuck e. cheese. [ laughter ] and lebron james is like, "yo, man, if i was 15 inches shorter, i'd kill myself." [ laughter and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> we used to love watching the nba, but now it's like kind of ruined because of stats. >> oh, yeah the advanced stats are killing the game, man. destroying the game. >> i don't know if y'all know these stats, man, but there's this one stat we saw and it said every time steph curry shoots 40% from the three point line, a black man gets arrested. [ laughter ] >> terrifying. >> it scared us, man. >> it was terrifying. >> it scared us. [ laughter ] we did some more research. we read in the atlantic, one out of every three black dudes get arrested before they turn 31. we just turned 30. [ laughter ] it's getting close. >> mm-hmm. [ laughter ] >> fortunately enough we got a a younger brother that just turned 18. >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> so we've been trying to get that dude arrested. [ laughter and applause ] i mean, it's either him or us. >> that's right. >> terrified of getting arrested. also terrified of the police. >> oh, man, the police are too aggressive. too -- we had an encounter with them a couple weeks ago. we were chillin' at chuck e. cheese walking away. >> that's right. [ light laughter ] >> and then a cop came out of nowhere and pulled a gun out on us. >> that's right. >> and it got real strange. he had the gun on me and then he pointed at him, then he pointed at me and then he pointed him and then he stopped. >> and we got mad nervous, yo. we thought we were going to get arrested because steph curry shot 40% that night. [ laughter ] we got nervous. >> got nervous. >> but it was cool. he didn't arrest us. he just wanted a selfie. >> and we took it because he had a gun. >> mm-hmm. [ laughter ] >> and then he got on his horse and he flew away. >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> but that experience changed our perspective on guns. now we're anti-gun activists. >> that's right, that's right. >> and any time we see someone who makes a defense of guns we gotta do something about it. >> that's right. so when we saw trump talkin' to the nra about people having more guns. we said, "we gotta write letter." >> we gotta write him a letter. >> so, we're gonna share that letter with y'all tonight. [ cheers and applause ] >> dear donald trump. what's good? [ laughter ] while chillin' at chuck e. cheese. [ laughter ] we saw your orange face makin' a defense of guns. you argue that if people have more guns they'll be safer. that logic is flawed. here's why. 20th century poet biggie smalls once said -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i got seven mac-11s, about eight .38s, nine 9s, ten mac-10s, the guns never end. now that's about 34 to an infinite amount of guns for one rapper. and he still got shot. >> that's right. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, guys. >> thank you, guys. >> we appreciate it. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: can't beat 'em. the lucas brothers! you can see them in the netflix series, "lady dynamite." we'll be right back, everybody. lucas brothers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to mark ruffalo, paula patton, the lucas brothers right there, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] the lucas brothers. and give it up for the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- james corden. star of "the girlfriend experience," actress riley keough. from new york magazine, writer frank rich. featuring the 8g band with jon theodore. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers! >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] yeah, that's good to hear. in that case, let's get to the news. it's official now, hillary clinton and donald trump have both clinched the nomination for their respective parties. which means we could be looking at our first female president or our last president. [ laughter ]

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