Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20170515 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20170515

we're live in san francisco, rick boon, nbc bay area news. >> a daughter killed her mother in the hospital after an early morning crash in fremont. this was the scene just after 2:00 this morning on fremont boulevard and darwin drive. police say the mother and daughter were trying to make a u-turn when an oncoming car crashed into them. the daughter 18 years old died at the scene and the mother expected to survive. firefighters talked about the crash like this. >> one was making a u-turn and the other was on fremont boulevard coming from southbound going northbound so one of them obviously ran a red light. >> two in another car suffered minor injuries. after a massive fire crews dismantled an unstable crane damaged yesterday in emeryville. it was a threat to topple over on to nearby homes and power lines. those evacuated were allowed to return home to get some things. this is the second time in less than a year that the large building at the site caught fire. the oracle arena in oakland, right now, wow, did you see the game there today. >> it was appraising. >> i would believe what i saw. winning the western conference finals, an amazing comeback for the warriors to beat the spurs. they were down big time, down at 20 at the half but steve kerr back at oracle, talking to the team at half time, motivational talk. you best believe. christie smith is live at oakland and fans, that had to be really loud and really something special today? >> reporter: yeah, that is right. terry, this was an incredible game for warriors fan and they were down and up and then finally they won it by two points. sometimes you see fans leaving games early. not today. it was the ending warriors fans wanted in game one of the western conference finals against the spurs. >> that was awesome. best game ever. >> did it worry you at halftime? >> oh, yeah. i was wondering if my wife knew cpr. >> this was a great game. >> reporter: the dubs didn't show it early on and trailing big at the half. the coach steve kerr sidelined from back surgery gave a pep talk to players in the locker room. >> i thought our defense was really good in the first quarter. >> reporter: he wasn't coaching but fans certainly appreciated his being there and the impact. >> of course, all of the warriors fans are looking forward to see him getting back on the sideline. >> that will lift it up. >> reporter: still fans kept the faith and including those who told us their tickets were gifts for mother's day. >> i didn't know we were coming for mother's day and i thought lunch or brfeakfast and this is way better. >> and the gift on top of it all, a win left fans feeling grateful. >> thank you, thank you. >> reporter: now the spurs leonard went out with an ankle injury and a blow for that time. game two is back here on tuesday night. reporting live in oakland, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> a lot of people looking forward to that. and also a beautiful day across most of the bay area today. but there was some rain and even a bit of thunder on this mother's day. meteorologist rob mayeda has a look at the conditions and if that will continue, rob. >> we've been seeing rapidly changing conditions around the north bay. 68 degreeses and partly cloudy skies and a different story back on the radar. mid-afternoon today, those clouds building up in the north bay dropping some hail at times, frequent lightning there to the north of napa but things certainly quieting down now on the radar view. also to the south, san jose around the santa cruz mountains watching showers, cool finish to the weekend. only 64 degrees. and you could see if you see a few showers in between san jose and morgan hill, the briefly intense shower fire up around 4:00 but this now starting to shut down as the sun sets. we'll lose a lot of the solar energy through the cooler air aloft which helped to fire out the stronger showers but the workweek will begin with cool and breezy conditions. another chance of showers, once more as we head into tuesday and after that everything changes. as we see the temperatures soar from the 60s and possibly into the 90s later this week. we'll have a look at that roller coaster ride that is your seven-day forecast coming up in about 11 minutes. back to you. >> and you can track the forecast with the free nbc bay area app. just click on the weather tab to get updates for your neighborhood. now to the latest from washington, d.c. the decision by president trump to fire long-time fbi director james comey dominating headlines and now a poll giving mixed reactions about what people think about that. >> sergio kwints anna joining us with the details. >> the big take away from the polling data. the 800 adults asked, 29% approved of the president firing the fbi director comi and 38% disapproved and 32% didn't know enough about the issue to offer an answer. this is not a huge statistical difference of opinion. since he fired the director of the fbi his administration is trying to manage the fallout. last night he spoke to fox news commentator judge jeannine piero and he denied reports that he demanded loyalty from james comey but he doesn't think it is a bad thing to ask for james comey. in an interview with lester holt he had planned on firing comey months ago. he spoke at graduation ceremonies and camela harris spoke at her alma mater in washington, d.c., howard university and said those graduates are witnessing an interesting moment in time. >> a time when we worry that a late night tweet could start a war. a time when we no longer believe the words of some of our leaders and where the very integrity of our justice system has been called into question. >> the nbc news and wall street journal asked about the overhaul of the health care system and half said it is a bad idea and only a quarter said it is a good idea and according to the poll the president's job approval rating has dropped by a point since last month. back to you. >> thank you so much. and last week a jury found antel on garcia torres guilty of murdering a 15-year-old sierra lamar as she left her home for school. now the defense team will fight to spare him from execution. they will face off again in a special hearing. marianne favro is live at the hall of justice in san jose with the details. and many more will be watching this process as well. >> reporter: during the sentencing phase, which begins coming up on this week, the issue is going to be looking back at garcia-torres' childhood and that is at issue during that phase. one of the other things that could be looming tomorrow is a come battle over psychologists here at same courtroom where garcia-torres was convicted of killing sierra lamar. those court documents reveal that the defense will bring in a forensic psychologist to help make the case to spare his life. and documents show the prosecution wants its own psychologist to interview and evaluate torres to see if he has any known mental impairment from his childhood. the psychologist will offer scientific data and insight but not advocate for a certain penalty. the childhood will come up including a case of a father convicted on 17 counts of child molestation. but today volunteers who have searched for years for sierra say they now hope that garcia-torres faced the death penalty now, that he will finally reveal where sierra is. >> all of the pain and suffering that sierra's family and her friends have gone through and continue to go through, lie at the hands of this male. come forward. and tell this family where their daughter is. so she can be returned to her loving family. >> reporter: during the sentencing phase, legal experts say sierra's parents will be the primary witnesses for the prosecution. and will be asked to talk about what it is like losing a child and not knowing where she is. you have to remember, that the jury that is now going to decide whether garcia-torres receives life in prison without parole or the death penalty is the same jury that now sees him as a murderer. reporting live in san jose, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. and still to come, cyber attack concerns. hundreds of thousands of people have already been impacted by hackers. why the problem could get worse tomorrow. and france's new leader takes office. the ceremony kicking off the new chapter for france. ♪ affordable paper towels that shine as bright as you do. own your shine™. sparkle®. began on friday could get worse before it gets better. ==take vo== there are now 200-thousand the worldwide cyber attack that began on friday could get worse before it gets better. there are now 200,000 victims and at least 150 countries. but that number could go up with the start of the workweek tomorrow when millions will be out using their office computers. plus experts say that hackers could launch a second attack tomorrow. now the virus is known as, "wanna cry" and it struck british health service first causing serious delays to medical care and spread to car manufacturers and russian banks and universities in china and fedex here in the u.s. the ware effects computers through a bad link in an e-mail and spreads across the whole network, locking up computers and encristing files an demanding $300 in bit-coin to unlock them. people should stay alert and update computers and searchers from sunnyvale have stopped the cyber attack from doing more damage. france inaugurated the new president. the 39-year-old emanuel macrone took over during a ceremony in paris. he is pledging to unite a divided france. the independent centrist was elected last sunday beating marine le pen. he is not only france's youngest president ever but the political newcomer has never held elected office until now. when britain leaves the european union in 2019, he will lead the only country with nuclear weapons and a permanent seat on the united nations security council. checking in now with meteorologist rob mayeda. we are talking about the week ahead. you need your coat one day and a lighter sweater another day. >> or everything in one day. compared to where things are later this week. a lot of changes coming up. today we saw rapidly changing weather around the hills of north bay, east bay and still santa cruz mountains as we take you outside. clearing skies, tiburon, cool finish to the weekend at 64 degrees. inside at&t park where the sprink sprinklers and seagulls have taken over. 58 degrees. the dodgers coming to town, next three days, hopefully the trend continues but bundle up out at at&t park with the evening temperatures game time in the low 50s tomorrow evening. 61 in dublin. the numbers possibly 30 degrees warmer by the end of the week. and right now san jose, you could see the showers off to the southwest and there is the view underneath the clouds from mt. hamilton. and low 60s in the south bay and the radar showing you intense showers between san jose and morgan hill starting to weaken around the south bay. so once again up toward the north bay. we had more intense showers north of napa, hail and lightning from about 3:00 to 4:30 this afternoon but that starting to calm down. and upper level with cool air aloft and firing up the showers from here as the future-cast will show you, shower chances ending as we approach sunset and we should stay dry into tomorrow morning. other than a stray sprinkle or two here in the santa cruz mountains, the morning is chilly with partly cloudy skies and mid-40s from the north bay valley and tri-valley and santa clara valley. thicker coat weather for the morning but then dress in layers. afternoon not bad. but the winds pick up through the afternoon around san jose. 67 for a high. 72 in pleasant ton and walnut creek and upper 50s to low 60s around the peninsula and palo alto 65 degrees, upper 50s closer to san francisco and a combination of 60s to low 70s into the north bay. so monday increasing clouds late. and then tuesday a chance of seeing a few scattered showers. that is the second in last chance of showers we'll see this week. but notice the wind speeds. it will be a bit blustery for your tuesday. the wind off the ocean means tuesday's temperatures are going to be chilly. but this system looks like it will aim in more east of the sierra so we are not expecting a whole lot of showers out of the tuesday system and the second half of the weather story is high pressure building in leading to a big-time jump in temperatures for san francisco, meaning highs from the upper 50s to low 60s to possibly upper 70s by friday. perfect setup into next weekend. if you like summer-like temperatures and on tuesday could see a few low 90s possible by friday and saturday. so all seasons covered in the next seven days. >> sounds good. rob, thanks a lot. coming up, a special day at great america. how a group of courageous kids took over the park. ♪ at air wick we know the power of that first whiff of your favorite scent. ♪ air wick freshmatic releases timed bursts of the fragrances you love. so that first whiff feeling never fades. air wick freshmatic. ♪ happy mother's day. >> is that it? >> well thank you for taking care of me. and thank you for everything that you've done. thank you for feeding me, and raising me and i've had a great childhood with you. and happy mother's day. >> that makes me want to cry. >> i've had a great childhood. >> thank you for feeding me. >> you have a few years left. hang if there. it is going to be great. >> sweet kid. a special mother's day at a bay area amusement park. >> at california's great america for a great reason. the amusement park hosted courageous kids today when 600 kids undergoing cancer treatments were able to celebrate a day away from cancer and forget about it and get out doors and have some fun. the american cancer society hold this is event every year and celebrities like nfl hall of famer ronnie lott like we just saw him there in the hat to help out. they got to enjoy the park for free and have lunge and get goody bags. now time to check in with fallon smith who has more on the warriors win today. the nbc sports bay area newsroom. most of the nba world is hoping for another warriors-cavs rematch in this year's nba finals but don't for the dubs have to goat throu-- get throug spurs first. game one took place on sunday afternoon and san antonio gave the warriors all they could handle. and more. highlights from a thriller at oracle next in sports. going into the western conference finals, the question wasn't whether the warriors would win the series, but in how many games they would win it in. well it was evident in game oner the warriors were not about to roll over the dubs and we may be in for a long series. let's take you to oakland. now here is steve kerr walking into oracle with his son nick kerr. watching the game from the locker room. in the third they were up 21 and leonard who had suffered an ankle injury against the rockets in the previous series lands ouk wardly on pachulia and woe come out of the game and not return. and from there warriors would go on a huge run. and with under 2:00 to play, dubs down three and curry misses and gets his own rebound and finds durant and he misses but it is tip to curry and this time, let's see -- oh, yeah. he's money. dubs up two. then under 15 seconds to go and dubs up one, curry, the floater -- gets the shooters bounce, finishing with a game high of 40 points and he seven triples on the night and warriors win 113-111. >> they came out and challenged us heavy and put a nice little run together and took us a minute to figure it out to get up to this game speed, after this little break. and it was definitely a nice way to win game one and we have to capitalize off that and start game two a lot better. >> it is actually perfect game one. you get punched in the mouth, and yet you could still get the win. it is a lot tougher in game two when you win easily 20 or 30 points and then you have a let-down and now we could come out knowing how good this team. they just came off something real where they had to fight or take control of that series. ours way was a little lighter than that. so play a great team like that and get punched in the mouth and now have our guard up and start better, that is big for us. >> the leonard injury hampered the spurs. they went on a run but the curry sharp shooting in the third quarter brought the dubs back into the game. and we have more on the reigning mvp performance from oracle. >> steph happens, steph took control in the third quarter. it was not just the points, but the effort of changing the style of the play and the pace of the game. it was dictated by the spurs in that first half. they were playing inside, slowing the game down, warriors were turning it over, but steph in the second half, every time he got the ball, he pushed the ball up the court and zipped it up the court. even just to get to the three-point line it doesn't mean he was pushing it to go score in transition or get a layup or a three. he was just pushing it into the half court offense. beating the defense down the court. speeding the game up. and the warriors had to get back to their style of play. it started with stef. >> game two coverage starts on tuesday at 5:00 on nbc sports bay area. greg papa and gary st. jean and collena will get you seat up to tipoff which is at 6:00 p.m. no across the bays, giants beat the reds for the first win streak of the season. how about that. that is it for sports. more news after the break. [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. at&t fiber sounds amazing. wait a sec, i'm not done yet. less than 12% of at&t homes actually qualify. huh... hold on. everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. but no one reads this stuff anyway. except for the old guy with the binoculars. huh... we got ourselves a reader. don't be fooled by at&t. xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. discovered a stow-away early i want to say for my mother, i like -- i love her because i get my mom always say bye to me and gives me kisses and hugs. >> wow! that is so cool. >> really nice to hear all of those messages. chp officers in oakland discovering a very cute stowaway at the scene of an accident. >> and there she is. this kitten had been riding underneath the patrol car for more than a an hour. officers responding to calls with lights and sirens blaring at the scene of a crash officers kept hearing a cat meowing and the cat is holding on to the underneath of their patrol car, they posted that picture after getting her to safety. and with some food an water. >> up for adoption soon maybe. we'll keep you posted. >> we'll find a good home. we'll see you back here tonight at 11:00. good night. and we've got some great discoveries for you along the open road. explore an ancient and sacred sanctuary hidden in the hills of sonoma county, connecting the past to the present, and us to the future. see a large and lovely protected landscape above and around silicon valley, giving all of us room to roam and room to breathe. witness the wonders of a new trail growing along the california coast from oregon to mexico. and hike towards the heavens and dance for joy in the bay area's parks and open spaces. [music]

Related Keywords

Fremont , California , United States , Russian Hill , Paris , France General , France , Santa Clara Valley , Washington , China , San Antonio , Texas , Oregon , Russia , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Mexico , Emeryville , Sonoma County , Santa Cruz Mountains , Morgan Hill , Tiburon , Britain , America , British , Russian , American , Rick Boone , Lester Holt , Garcia Torres , Famer Ronnie Lott , Oakland Christie Smith , Steve Kerr , James Comey , Greg Papa , Jeannine Piero , Nick Kerr , Fallon Smith , Christie Smith ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20170515 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20170515

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we're live in san francisco, rick boon, nbc bay area news. >> a daughter killed her mother in the hospital after an early morning crash in fremont. this was the scene just after 2:00 this morning on fremont boulevard and darwin drive. police say the mother and daughter were trying to make a u-turn when an oncoming car crashed into them. the daughter 18 years old died at the scene and the mother expected to survive. firefighters talked about the crash like this. >> one was making a u-turn and the other was on fremont boulevard coming from southbound going northbound so one of them obviously ran a red light. >> two in another car suffered minor injuries. after a massive fire crews dismantled an unstable crane damaged yesterday in emeryville. it was a threat to topple over on to nearby homes and power lines. those evacuated were allowed to return home to get some things. this is the second time in less than a year that the large building at the site caught fire. the oracle arena in oakland, right now, wow, did you see the game there today. >> it was appraising. >> i would believe what i saw. winning the western conference finals, an amazing comeback for the warriors to beat the spurs. they were down big time, down at 20 at the half but steve kerr back at oracle, talking to the team at half time, motivational talk. you best believe. christie smith is live at oakland and fans, that had to be really loud and really something special today? >> reporter: yeah, that is right. terry, this was an incredible game for warriors fan and they were down and up and then finally they won it by two points. sometimes you see fans leaving games early. not today. it was the ending warriors fans wanted in game one of the western conference finals against the spurs. >> that was awesome. best game ever. >> did it worry you at halftime? >> oh, yeah. i was wondering if my wife knew cpr. >> this was a great game. >> reporter: the dubs didn't show it early on and trailing big at the half. the coach steve kerr sidelined from back surgery gave a pep talk to players in the locker room. >> i thought our defense was really good in the first quarter. >> reporter: he wasn't coaching but fans certainly appreciated his being there and the impact. >> of course, all of the warriors fans are looking forward to see him getting back on the sideline. >> that will lift it up. >> reporter: still fans kept the faith and including those who told us their tickets were gifts for mother's day. >> i didn't know we were coming for mother's day and i thought lunch or brfeakfast and this is way better. >> and the gift on top of it all, a win left fans feeling grateful. >> thank you, thank you. >> reporter: now the spurs leonard went out with an ankle injury and a blow for that time. game two is back here on tuesday night. reporting live in oakland, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> a lot of people looking forward to that. and also a beautiful day across most of the bay area today. but there was some rain and even a bit of thunder on this mother's day. meteorologist rob mayeda has a look at the conditions and if that will continue, rob. >> we've been seeing rapidly changing conditions around the north bay. 68 degreeses and partly cloudy skies and a different story back on the radar. mid-afternoon today, those clouds building up in the north bay dropping some hail at times, frequent lightning there to the north of napa but things certainly quieting down now on the radar view. also to the south, san jose around the santa cruz mountains watching showers, cool finish to the weekend. only 64 degrees. and you could see if you see a few showers in between san jose and morgan hill, the briefly intense shower fire up around 4:00 but this now starting to shut down as the sun sets. we'll lose a lot of the solar energy through the cooler air aloft which helped to fire out the stronger showers but the workweek will begin with cool and breezy conditions. another chance of showers, once more as we head into tuesday and after that everything changes. as we see the temperatures soar from the 60s and possibly into the 90s later this week. we'll have a look at that roller coaster ride that is your seven-day forecast coming up in about 11 minutes. back to you. >> and you can track the forecast with the free nbc bay area app. just click on the weather tab to get updates for your neighborhood. now to the latest from washington, d.c. the decision by president trump to fire long-time fbi director james comey dominating headlines and now a poll giving mixed reactions about what people think about that. >> sergio kwints anna joining us with the details. >> the big take away from the polling data. the 800 adults asked, 29% approved of the president firing the fbi director comi and 38% disapproved and 32% didn't know enough about the issue to offer an answer. this is not a huge statistical difference of opinion. since he fired the director of the fbi his administration is trying to manage the fallout. last night he spoke to fox news commentator judge jeannine piero and he denied reports that he demanded loyalty from james comey but he doesn't think it is a bad thing to ask for james comey. in an interview with lester holt he had planned on firing comey months ago. he spoke at graduation ceremonies and camela harris spoke at her alma mater in washington, d.c., howard university and said those graduates are witnessing an interesting moment in time. >> a time when we worry that a late night tweet could start a war. a time when we no longer believe the words of some of our leaders and where the very integrity of our justice system has been called into question. >> the nbc news and wall street journal asked about the overhaul of the health care system and half said it is a bad idea and only a quarter said it is a good idea and according to the poll the president's job approval rating has dropped by a point since last month. back to you. >> thank you so much. and last week a jury found antel on garcia torres guilty of murdering a 15-year-old sierra lamar as she left her home for school. now the defense team will fight to spare him from execution. they will face off again in a special hearing. marianne favro is live at the hall of justice in san jose with the details. and many more will be watching this process as well. >> reporter: during the sentencing phase, which begins coming up on this week, the issue is going to be looking back at garcia-torres' childhood and that is at issue during that phase. one of the other things that could be looming tomorrow is a come battle over psychologists here at same courtroom where garcia-torres was convicted of killing sierra lamar. those court documents reveal that the defense will bring in a forensic psychologist to help make the case to spare his life. and documents show the prosecution wants its own psychologist to interview and evaluate torres to see if he has any known mental impairment from his childhood. the psychologist will offer scientific data and insight but not advocate for a certain penalty. the childhood will come up including a case of a father convicted on 17 counts of child molestation. but today volunteers who have searched for years for sierra say they now hope that garcia-torres faced the death penalty now, that he will finally reveal where sierra is. >> all of the pain and suffering that sierra's family and her friends have gone through and continue to go through, lie at the hands of this male. come forward. and tell this family where their daughter is. so she can be returned to her loving family. >> reporter: during the sentencing phase, legal experts say sierra's parents will be the primary witnesses for the prosecution. and will be asked to talk about what it is like losing a child and not knowing where she is. you have to remember, that the jury that is now going to decide whether garcia-torres receives life in prison without parole or the death penalty is the same jury that now sees him as a murderer. reporting live in san jose, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. and still to come, cyber attack concerns. hundreds of thousands of people have already been impacted by hackers. why the problem could get worse tomorrow. and france's new leader takes office. the ceremony kicking off the new chapter for france. ♪ affordable paper towels that shine as bright as you do. own your shine™. sparkle®. began on friday could get worse before it gets better. ==take vo== there are now 200-thousand the worldwide cyber attack that began on friday could get worse before it gets better. there are now 200,000 victims and at least 150 countries. but that number could go up with the start of the workweek tomorrow when millions will be out using their office computers. plus experts say that hackers could launch a second attack tomorrow. now the virus is known as, "wanna cry" and it struck british health service first causing serious delays to medical care and spread to car manufacturers and russian banks and universities in china and fedex here in the u.s. the ware effects computers through a bad link in an e-mail and spreads across the whole network, locking up computers and encristing files an demanding $300 in bit-coin to unlock them. people should stay alert and update computers and searchers from sunnyvale have stopped the cyber attack from doing more damage. france inaugurated the new president. the 39-year-old emanuel macrone took over during a ceremony in paris. he is pledging to unite a divided france. the independent centrist was elected last sunday beating marine le pen. he is not only france's youngest president ever but the political newcomer has never held elected office until now. when britain leaves the european union in 2019, he will lead the only country with nuclear weapons and a permanent seat on the united nations security council. checking in now with meteorologist rob mayeda. we are talking about the week ahead. you need your coat one day and a lighter sweater another day. >> or everything in one day. compared to where things are later this week. a lot of changes coming up. today we saw rapidly changing weather around the hills of north bay, east bay and still santa cruz mountains as we take you outside. clearing skies, tiburon, cool finish to the weekend at 64 degrees. inside at&t park where the sprink sprinklers and seagulls have taken over. 58 degrees. the dodgers coming to town, next three days, hopefully the trend continues but bundle up out at at&t park with the evening temperatures game time in the low 50s tomorrow evening. 61 in dublin. the numbers possibly 30 degrees warmer by the end of the week. and right now san jose, you could see the showers off to the southwest and there is the view underneath the clouds from mt. hamilton. and low 60s in the south bay and the radar showing you intense showers between san jose and morgan hill starting to weaken around the south bay. so once again up toward the north bay. we had more intense showers north of napa, hail and lightning from about 3:00 to 4:30 this afternoon but that starting to calm down. and upper level with cool air aloft and firing up the showers from here as the future-cast will show you, shower chances ending as we approach sunset and we should stay dry into tomorrow morning. other than a stray sprinkle or two here in the santa cruz mountains, the morning is chilly with partly cloudy skies and mid-40s from the north bay valley and tri-valley and santa clara valley. thicker coat weather for the morning but then dress in layers. afternoon not bad. but the winds pick up through the afternoon around san jose. 67 for a high. 72 in pleasant ton and walnut creek and upper 50s to low 60s around the peninsula and palo alto 65 degrees, upper 50s closer to san francisco and a combination of 60s to low 70s into the north bay. so monday increasing clouds late. and then tuesday a chance of seeing a few scattered showers. that is the second in last chance of showers we'll see this week. but notice the wind speeds. it will be a bit blustery for your tuesday. the wind off the ocean means tuesday's temperatures are going to be chilly. but this system looks like it will aim in more east of the sierra so we are not expecting a whole lot of showers out of the tuesday system and the second half of the weather story is high pressure building in leading to a big-time jump in temperatures for san francisco, meaning highs from the upper 50s to low 60s to possibly upper 70s by friday. perfect setup into next weekend. if you like summer-like temperatures and on tuesday could see a few low 90s possible by friday and saturday. so all seasons covered in the next seven days. >> sounds good. rob, thanks a lot. coming up, a special day at great america. how a group of courageous kids took over the park. ♪ at air wick we know the power of that first whiff of your favorite scent. ♪ air wick freshmatic releases timed bursts of the fragrances you love. so that first whiff feeling never fades. air wick freshmatic. ♪ happy mother's day. >> is that it? >> well thank you for taking care of me. and thank you for everything that you've done. thank you for feeding me, and raising me and i've had a great childhood with you. and happy mother's day. >> that makes me want to cry. >> i've had a great childhood. >> thank you for feeding me. >> you have a few years left. hang if there. it is going to be great. >> sweet kid. a special mother's day at a bay area amusement park. >> at california's great america for a great reason. the amusement park hosted courageous kids today when 600 kids undergoing cancer treatments were able to celebrate a day away from cancer and forget about it and get out doors and have some fun. the american cancer society hold this is event every year and celebrities like nfl hall of famer ronnie lott like we just saw him there in the hat to help out. they got to enjoy the park for free and have lunge and get goody bags. now time to check in with fallon smith who has more on the warriors win today. the nbc sports bay area newsroom. most of the nba world is hoping for another warriors-cavs rematch in this year's nba finals but don't for the dubs have to goat throu-- get throug spurs first. game one took place on sunday afternoon and san antonio gave the warriors all they could handle. and more. highlights from a thriller at oracle next in sports. going into the western conference finals, the question wasn't whether the warriors would win the series, but in how many games they would win it in. well it was evident in game oner the warriors were not about to roll over the dubs and we may be in for a long series. let's take you to oakland. now here is steve kerr walking into oracle with his son nick kerr. watching the game from the locker room. in the third they were up 21 and leonard who had suffered an ankle injury against the rockets in the previous series lands ouk wardly on pachulia and woe come out of the game and not return. and from there warriors would go on a huge run. and with under 2:00 to play, dubs down three and curry misses and gets his own rebound and finds durant and he misses but it is tip to curry and this time, let's see -- oh, yeah. he's money. dubs up two. then under 15 seconds to go and dubs up one, curry, the floater -- gets the shooters bounce, finishing with a game high of 40 points and he seven triples on the night and warriors win 113-111. >> they came out and challenged us heavy and put a nice little run together and took us a minute to figure it out to get up to this game speed, after this little break. and it was definitely a nice way to win game one and we have to capitalize off that and start game two a lot better. >> it is actually perfect game one. you get punched in the mouth, and yet you could still get the win. it is a lot tougher in game two when you win easily 20 or 30 points and then you have a let-down and now we could come out knowing how good this team. they just came off something real where they had to fight or take control of that series. ours way was a little lighter than that. so play a great team like that and get punched in the mouth and now have our guard up and start better, that is big for us. >> the leonard injury hampered the spurs. they went on a run but the curry sharp shooting in the third quarter brought the dubs back into the game. and we have more on the reigning mvp performance from oracle. >> steph happens, steph took control in the third quarter. it was not just the points, but the effort of changing the style of the play and the pace of the game. it was dictated by the spurs in that first half. they were playing inside, slowing the game down, warriors were turning it over, but steph in the second half, every time he got the ball, he pushed the ball up the court and zipped it up the court. even just to get to the three-point line it doesn't mean he was pushing it to go score in transition or get a layup or a three. he was just pushing it into the half court offense. beating the defense down the court. speeding the game up. and the warriors had to get back to their style of play. it started with stef. >> game two coverage starts on tuesday at 5:00 on nbc sports bay area. greg papa and gary st. jean and collena will get you seat up to tipoff which is at 6:00 p.m. no across the bays, giants beat the reds for the first win streak of the season. how about that. that is it for sports. more news after the break. [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. at&t fiber sounds amazing. wait a sec, i'm not done yet. less than 12% of at&t homes actually qualify. huh... hold on. everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. but no one reads this stuff anyway. except for the old guy with the binoculars. huh... we got ourselves a reader. don't be fooled by at&t. xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. discovered a stow-away early i want to say for my mother, i like -- i love her because i get my mom always say bye to me and gives me kisses and hugs. >> wow! that is so cool. >> really nice to hear all of those messages. chp officers in oakland discovering a very cute stowaway at the scene of an accident. >> and there she is. this kitten had been riding underneath the patrol car for more than a an hour. officers responding to calls with lights and sirens blaring at the scene of a crash officers kept hearing a cat meowing and the cat is holding on to the underneath of their patrol car, they posted that picture after getting her to safety. and with some food an water. >> up for adoption soon maybe. we'll keep you posted. >> we'll find a good home. we'll see you back here tonight at 11:00. good night. and we've got some great discoveries for you along the open road. explore an ancient and sacred sanctuary hidden in the hills of sonoma county, connecting the past to the present, and us to the future. see a large and lovely protected landscape above and around silicon valley, giving all of us room to roam and room to breathe. witness the wonders of a new trail growing along the california coast from oregon to mexico. and hike towards the heavens and dance for joy in the bay area's parks and open spaces. [music]

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