Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20161210 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20161210

about ten minutes. >> okay, thank you, so much, jeff. you can track this latest storm with the help of our nbc bay area weather app. it's free. here's peggy bunker to explain how. >> reporter: when we're in an nbc bay area microclimate weather alert, we made it easy for you to get the latest information on your smartphone. click on this bar across the top that says weather alerts. that will take you right to what you need to know when you need to know it. i'm peggy bunker. that's how to stay informed with the nbc bay area app. >> thank you. it's friday night, plenty of crews still on the clock, and will be for several more hours. a major cleanup as we speak at one of san francisco's busiest intersections. a water main break right near the moscone center, and a lot of people caught up in this wet mess. nbc bay area's christie smith is on the scene for us in san francisco. christie, we can see the machinery and the activity right behind you. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. and i have to say, the pipe itself was fixed hours ago. it's the street repair they're still dealing with, and say they will be for quite some time. the issue is that when this pipe broke, it caused quite a bit of erosion under the street. you can see where the two men are standing. they say they're dealing with empty spaces, and they're still trying to fix them. water bubbled up from the street at fourth and howard overnight. a 12-inch water main break briefly disrupted service to two buildings and spilled into a garage near moscone center and the central subway project. >> the pipe was originally put in, in about 1 1895. we do have aging infrastructure, as old as the city. >> reporter: she says oftentimes, water main failures occur in months when it's cold, like january. that in fiscal year 2013, they replaced six miles of pipe. nine in 2014. 12 in 2015 and 15 in 2016. >> the puc has undertaken an aggressive goal of repairing or replacing about 15 miles of pipe per year. although clearly we haven't caught up with all of the vulnerable ones. >> reporter: one block away at third and howard streets, traffic was at a crawl. samuel gonzalez struggled to make it home to fresno. >> an hour. >> reporter: you've been trying to leave san francisco for an hour? >> yes. it's really bad. and the kids, they're hungry. they're crying. are we there yet? no. >> reporter: then frustrated drivers never came near the intersection or knew of the water main break. they just waited. >> it's been hectic for a while. i've been sit in it for probably 30 minutes now. just got out of the garage. >> i've been probably half an hour for four blocks. >> reporter: so we're back here live. you can see this hole they're still working on, still pulling big pieces out from underneath the street. then, of course, they have to fill it in, then they have to pave it over. so they're saying that it will be at least until late tonight, and, of course, you would want to avoid the area. one thing you can do, though, if you are coming down fourth street, you can make the right turn on to howard. but, again, you can see there's quite a bit of traffic. so, again, the best advice, they're saying, you i want to avoid the area. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> a big night in the city. thank you, christie. our investigative unit has been looking into san francisco's aging pipe problems. if you would like to see all of our previous reports, you can click on the investigative unit icon, right there on the front page at it wasn't the refrigerator, as some had reported. federal investigators have ruled that out as the cause of the deadly warehouse fire in oakland. one week after the fire killed 36 people, agents are now using some high-tech equipment to pinpoint the cause. nbc bay area's elyce kirchner is live in oakland where atf agents will be on-scene for a couple more days. >> reporter: that's right. and we have seen agents from atf all day long, part of a digital mapping team, forensic mapping team, gathering digital evidence inside of the warehouse here, hoping to determine the exact cause of this deadly fire. and there has been some progress here. they now know exactly what did not cause the fire. investigators have ruled out a refrigerator found inside as a possible source of the blaze. it took seven days for john blair to finally feel strong enough to see the devastation left after fire engulfed the so-called ghost ship warehouse. >> i would like to know what started it. >> reporter: his friend seen here just before the oakland warehouse went up in flames, deejayed the electronic music dance party last friday night. >> i keep playing how it went in my head. and i'm trying to understand. >> reporter: fire investigators also want to know what started the fire that killed 36 people. >> outlets, power cords, anything that could be a possible source of ignition. >> reporter: today, a special forensic team from atf arrived with tools to create a digital map of the inside of the warehouse. >> it documents what the area of origin -- >> reporter: authorities are also gathering evidence that could help hold somebody criminally responsible. we saw investigators getting footage from this surveillance camera across the street from the burned out 10,00 10,000-square-foot building. while the community rallies around those on the ground and families mourn loved ones. >> they're going through a hard time. >> reporter: sanchez was a food friend of 17-year-old draven mcgill, the son of an alameda county sheriff's deputy. >> i just can't believe somebody as humble and generous as he vanished from us. >> reporter: atf says it will take about three days to complete the digital mapping of inside the warehouse here. we are told there will be a mediauik8 briefing again here o monday. reporting live from oakland tonight, elyce kirchner, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. a look now at the people who died in this fire. most of them suffocated by the smoke on the second floor. all of them with the unique story. today the complete list of names was released. as we saw, a lot of family and friends continue to arrive at the scene of the fire to see it first-hand. today the father of one of the victims came with his camera. he's a photographer and plans to honor his son through pictures. here's nbc bay area's jodi hernandez. >> it's to honor their journey and the loss of their life. >> reporter: these bay area artists came to the site of the deadly warehouse fire to lay garland and spread lavender and sage in honor of the 36 lives lost there. fellow artists, they feel, connected to. >> they were a community. they were a family. >> they had an expression and they had a way of using their music and celebrating together. and we celebrate them. >> reporter: people from all over the bay area are coming to pay their respects. bob la peen's 34-year-old son edmund, died in the fire. lapine gathered from utah to see the warehouse for himself. >> there's a lot of things that i wish i had said to him. but i'll never be able to. and that's what's sad. >> it was terrible. it was tragic. >> reporter: they are having a tough time dealing on many levels. they own a cell phone shop and a shoe and clothing store just a few doors down from the warehouse. not only are they grieving for their neighbors, but their livelihood has been impacted in a big way. >> all our merchandise and the store damped and smoked out. >> reporter: they still don't have power and lost at least a half million dollars in merchandise. the ripple effect of the fire will be felt for weeks, and in some cases, a lifetime. in oakland, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. you can learn more about all of the 36 people who died in our interactive memorial on our website. just click on their pictures and you'll find a biography about each of them. at more than $1 million, that's how much money has been given to support the victims of the oakland fire. consumer investigator chris kimura is tracking the efforts and as well as warnings about fraud. >> it's more than $1 million. we only add up just the two biggest campaigns. the as and the raiders and the warriors were among the very first to raise money. they offered matching donations, and more than 3,300 people joined them in donating more than $504,000. even more contributions are flooding the gray area foundation for the arts. that san francisco nonprofit's donation page is showing pledges, get this, from more than 10,000 people totalling more than $591,000. tonight alone, we watched that figure jump $14,000 in two hours. gray area founder told me she's bringing in experts from the red cross to make sure that money goes where it's intended. there are many more personal pleas appearing online because it's easy on websites like go fund me and law enforcement regularly reminds us, and this is no exception, that tragedies motivate scammers who want to exploit your generosity. here's how we think you can protect your donation. hold fund-raisers accountable. ask them tough questions. and if you don't get clear answers, hold off. ideally, establish a personal connection. give to a person or organization you know. don't just take their word for it. janelle? >> okay, good advice. thank you so much, chris. our coverage of the fire continues tomorrow night with an nbc bay area news special. "the oakland warehouse fire one week later" hosted by our own raj mathai. we investigate how the tragedy unfolded. tomorrow at 6:30. one of the two inmates who escaped from the santa clara jail back in court today. chavez did not enter a plea as scheduled. his alleged accomplice, laron campbell pled no contest. they are accused of sawing through the bars and lowering themselves to the ground using bed sheets tied together. both were captured several days later. a settlement for the family of the inmate beaten to death inside the santa clara county jail. santa clara will pay to the estate of michael tyree. tyree died in august of last year while in custody. the three guards accused of killing him pled not guilty and a trial is set for next month. his estate is made up of his two sisters and 7-year-old daughter. a troubled local football star wants his job back. today raiders' linebacker aldon smith met with the commissioner, roger goodell. smith wants to be reinstated and needs the commercial's approval. you might remember, he started his career with the 49ers, but was cut after a dui arrest and a hit and run. the raiders picked him up just before the nfl hit him with a year-long suspension. he is now eligible to return, pending the commissioner's approval. and it's official. the oakland city council will vote on a new stadium proposal. it was submitted by ronny lott. two weeks ago, lott revealed to us the details about his plan but late today there are additional nmts to this deal. not just a new privately funded stadium but the deal calls for a grand central style b.a.r.t. station at the coliseum. it also saves room for the oakland a's if they want to build a new baseball park. but here's the bottom line. if the proposal passes next tuesday, lott and his investment group will present it to the nfl in january. oakland and las vegas remain the leading options for the raiders. and by the way, raiders' owner, davis, has yet to comment on lott's proposal. many immigrants say they gave a consultant their money and trust. and now they say they have been left in limbo. what investigators say the immigration consultant did and what will happen to the potential victims. san jose state police arrested student for sexual attacks. why some students say they still don't feel safe. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. storm ranger right now is tracking a few spotty showers near the coastline. and a little bit of activity right here for san mateo. we're tracking heavier rainfall developing to the north. my forecast at 6: 19. last night -- the arrest. tonight -- more details about the mu last night, the arrest. want to, more details about the multiple sexual assaults at san jose state. 19-year-old david kong in custody this evening accused of sexual battery. police say the crime started in october, but even with this arrest, some students tell us they still don't feel safe on campus. the university says it will take several steps in the coming months to make san jose state more secure. that includes installing two dozen additional security cameras, hiring more campus police officers and increasing lighting. dozens of students walked out of oakland technical high school this morning. they are demanding president obama pardon all so-called dhaka immigrants. those are undocumented students brought into the u.s. when they were children. students left class around 10:00 a.m. and marched to the federal building in oakland. it was part of a national call to action organized to fight mass deportations promised by president-elect donald trump. another march is set for tomorrow at noon as part another day of action to protect undocumented immigrants. a lot of concern for immigrants in the south bay. we broke the story several weeks ago when a man was arrested for running a fraudulent immigration service. investigators say after our story ran, they received more calls from potential victims and are still getting calls to this day. nbc bay area's robert handa joins us now in the south bay with more. robert. >> reporter: well, it's been a very enlightening followup report. the victims tell us sad and scary stories. investigators say what this immigration consultant did or didn't do could mean deportation. jesus asked us not to reveal his wife's identity, because he's worried about revealing her immigration status, a situation he was trying to remedy when he paid more than $1,000 of hard-earned pay to james lopez, who rafa this immigration offi in cupertino. >> to be honest, i was shocked. he seemed very honest, but then you never know. >> reporter: but last month, sheriffs investigators arrested lopez, a disbarred attorney, for operating his immigration business without state approval. officers seized records for about 1,000 clients, and said lopez was providing improper service, forging documents, and charging up to $1200 for services that are normally free. investigators say after the nbc bay area report ran, they were surprised by the public response. >> a little more than what we expected. we have had over 30 calls that we're filtering. there are still some calls that we have got to get back to. >> we had three kids here. 10, 13 and 15. and without her, i cannot manage the house. >> reporter: another potential victim of lopez told us she's lost money and faith. >> and now i'm here with no answer. no papers, nothing. and i'm worried. >> reporter: now, mr. lopez did not return our calls. he faces several felony charges, including forgery, grand theft and practicing without a license. he returns to court in january. live in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, robert. a silicon valley tech giant is leading the charge to try and end homelessness in san francisco. sales force says it's committed to helping 800 families find housing. there is currently a six-month waiting list for families to receive housing assistance in san francisco. salesforce ceo marc benioff has pledgedz8y'ñ $10 million. >> there is nothing more important than the education and health care for our kids. and when you look at health care and their future t starts with where they're living. >> san francisco leaders say there are more than 1,800 homeless students in san francisco's public schools. if you would like to help, we have a link posted on our website, our chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri, is with us. we need this weekend to be here asap. >> i know. >> rain or shine. >> i was going to say the same thing. exactly. i have big plans tomorrow to sit inside and do absolutely nothing. if you guys are all with me, that weather forecast is going to cooperate. let's get a live look at stormranger. if you haven't seen it, well, it is a beauty. we have our doppler radar hoisted up about 20 feet on the back of a truck. it's also equipped with an x band radar to help us to detect wildfire smoke when we get into the hot summer months and a camera and also a weather station. so let's show what stormranger is picking up as the doppler radar will have higher detail than other raiders in the bay area. and that's just due to the fact that we can move this to exactly where we want it to be. current scan right now shows some spotty showers offshore. a little bit of activity developing near san mateo, specifically right here near the 82 corridor and also coming out over 101. not very heavy, more of a mist to light drizzle at this point. the larger activity continues to remain off to the north. this is where the cold front is, slowly but surely, this make its way down as we head through tomorrow morning's forecast. i want to show the time line on the futurecast. we expect scattered rainfall for tonight. i think the heavier, widespread areas of rainfall will arrive by 5:00 a.m. on saturday to the north bay and then pushing down to the east bay right around 9:00 and 10:00. eventually by noon we get wet weather in here for the south bay and then we start to clear out once we hit the evening hours. extended forecast does have dry weather on sunday and monday. chance of a spotty shower on tuesday and by friday, that's when i'm watching of next week for potentially a larger storm. before i leave you tonight, something totally different with a lot of large earthquakes across the world. i thought i would take a look at the bay area and how we did today. no earthquakes, at least in the immediate bay area. but at 5:21, a 1.3, a very weak earthquake. we'll be monitoring and another update in 25 minutes. >> thank you, jeff. see you shortly. identity thieves have a new way to get at your personal information this holiday season. i'm scott budman. coming up, why you'll want to protect not only your computer, but your mailbox, as well. conjoined twins can now lead succsf happening now, up to 50 doctors and 17 hours of surgery, conjoined twins can lead successful lives separately. the extraordinary details on our twitter feed. and today second earthquake in the pacific. the magnitude 6.9. yesterday an even more powerful quake in remote parts of the nation. president obama made the flags at half-staff to honor late pioneer, john glenn. president obama made the official order today. the u.s. senator passed away yesterday at the age of 95, shortly after being admitted to a hospital in ohio. no word yet on funeral plans for glen and no official cause of death. new at 6:00, the holidays approach, it's not just packages being stolen. it's your mail right out of your mailbox. >> yep. identity thieves going straight to your house. there is a way to fight back. business and tech reporter, scott budman is live with more. scott, this is prime season for thieves. >> reporter: yeah, you're absolutely right, janelle and raj. we are sending each other this holiday season lots of expensive things. and because of the volume of mail, some of it is getting to our houses later than we're used to. so a bit of advice to protect yourself, make sure to get to that mailbox, even if it's later than usual. as this home security video reminds us, thefts are on the rise this holiday season. both your front porch and mailbox are targets for thieves. looking to steal not just gifts, but your identity. >> the bills from your power company, from your water company, from credit cards. i mean, they all have information about you. >> reporter: personal information, not to mention gifts like cash and checks right outside your door. >> my bank warned us, they put a notification that there is a lot of left theft in the area so be very careful. lock everything up. >> reporter: and because of the volume of mail this time of year, some is arriving late. later than you're used to. >> yeah, yeah. the whole schedule, i believe, is thrown off, due to the holidays. >> reporter: which can give thieves hours of darkness to swipe your mail, and like your social media posts, your mail can also tell i.d. thieves a lot about you. >> get a glimpse of who you are, what you do. what your preferences are, and use that to steal your identity. >> reporter: so check your mailbox often. even if it gets late. the mail is for your eyes only. we spoke to postal officials today. they admit, they have seen a rise in mail theft lately. they have two bits of advice. one, make sure not to go to sleep before you check your mailbox. and two, if you want extra security, get a p.o. box. reporting live in campbell, scott budman, nbc bay area news. >> unfortunately, the situation in oakland is just -- it was kind of the wild west. >> a crackdown could be coming on the warehouses are people live. so what's next for the artists? many of the artist who is live in these warehouses illegally, for many of them. and president-elect donald trump continues to fill his cabinet. but one well-known ally is now out of con things. it's been exactly one week since that warehouse caught fire.' right now at 6:30, it's been exactly one week since that warehouse caught fire. we still don't know the cause, but we do know about the 36 people seen here who lost their lives. today the complete list of the victims was released. who is responsible for this tragedy? while the fire itself was an accident, there is mounting evidence that this dance party was hosted without permits, and the warehouse hadn't been inspected in years. senior investigative reporter, vicki nguyen, leads our coverage. >> reporter: raj, in the hours and days following the ghost ship fire, our 12-member investigative unit dug into the history of this warehouse. what did the city know about it, and why didn't inspectors take action sooner? here's what we have uncovered so far. >> i'm with the fire captain. >> reporter: max orr was one of the last to leave the ghost ship warehouse alive. >> the ceiling was on fire. and there was a sheet -- it was like a sheet of fire that was just rolling towards the door. the power cut out, and it was pitch-black. >> reporter: hours after the inferno erupted, we obtained government records that revealed the space should have only been use as a warehouse. but nearly two dozen artists lived and worked inside. part of the building was even rented out for secret all-night dance parties. and government inspectors had been receiving complaints about the warehouse for years. >> you had people from alameda county confirm what our victimive unit affirmed hours ago. this very facility was actuallynd investigation by the city of oakland. >> reporter: we learned building inspectors were at the warehouse just two weeks before the fire. but when a fence kept them from entering, they left, and didn't return until after the fatal fire erupted. >> we had received recent complaints about blight and unpermitted construction at the property. we had opened an investigation, and that investigation is ongoing. >> reporter: building inspectors weren't the only ones who missed a chance to get inside. we discovered fire inspectors had not checked the warehouse in at least ten years. >> and they go out into the community to investigate building. our investigation shows that that effort has long been criticized. >> reporter: oakland says it has 12,000 commercial buildings in the city. but a recent report found inspectors only checked about half of those buildings, and we discovered the ghost ship warehouse wasn't even on the city's master list. >> multiple police officers, firefighters, that have, like, come through our space and have been, like, this place is amazing. >> reporter: derick almena was the lease holder of the converted warehouse. he says he subleased the building to 20 hours. >> it didn't start off as our home. it started off as an initial dream, idea, that we would have a facility and venue that would host. >> reporter: documents obtained reveal he had a restraining order filed against him for allegedly assaulting a party promoter, who said he feared almena might be unstable and claimed almena threatened to get his gun. no charges were ever filed. >> i am incredibly sorry, and that everything that i did was to make this a stronger, more beautiful community. >> reporter: and what about the building owner? how did the ghost ship turn into a packed living space, and remain off the grid for at least three years? >> we spoke with the daughter and the son-in-law of the own. >> reporter: we found records showing the city cited the owner at the lot next to the ghost ship warehouse. >> the city notified ng of, quote, substandard conditions on the property. at least four times over the past decade. >> reporter: the city also filed liens against the property to cover the costs of the cleanup and more than a dozen others since the 1980s. no one from the ng family would speak on camera but told us our condolences go out to the family and friends of those injured and those who lost their lives. we found another space nicknamed the death trap, records show past complaints about the lack of smoke detectors and a complaint from five years ago about alterations without required permits that still pending. promoters were advertising a party at the death trap. some say there is a blind eye, knowing the warehouses exist and not doing anything about them. what say you? >> well, and that's part of why we absolutely need the investigation. because what we don't yet know is, did the incident not get reported up to the next people to respond, or was it reported and not responded to? >> reporter: city councilwoman, rebecca kaplan, now calling for an investigation into mayor libby schaaf and the city's inspection process. >> what are you going to do about this? >> definitely, i think this is a priority in terms of making sure what is it that we need to enforce our codes. >> reporter: did the city of oakland drop the ball on this? >> i think by the enforcement, we did. >> reporter: our investigation doesn't stop here. >> in the coming weeks, we will continue to hold the powerful accountable. for the investigative unit, i'm vicki nguyen. >> vicki, thank you. a programming note to pass along. we're hosting an nbc bay area news special tomorrow night. about the fire. we investigate how the tragedy unfolded, what's being done, and most importantly, we profile the people who died. that's tomorrow evening at 6:30. artists fear the ghost ship tragedy will force them to be evicted from other work spaces. we are shown what some are doing to preserve the buildings. >> reporter: with its major shipping freight trains, the city of oakland has been a hot bed of heavy industry since world war ii. hundreds of old warehouses are reminders of the industrial past, while many still used for industry, others become a haven. for artists. >> the six-acre facility, we've got about 200 people working in arts and small businesses here. >> reporter: the american steel building in west oakland is a former manufacturing plant covering two blocks that now legally provide studio space for hundreds of working artists. including artists karen cusolito, one of the founders. >> the diversity of different kinds of art means we need an equally diverse stock of building spaces to work within. >> reporter: the tragedy at the ghost ship collective has resonated with artists like her. many are now watching the fallout as illegally operating artists warehouse spaces now face a city crackdown. >> from what i understand, nine studio spaces have gotten eviction notices. that is alarming. >> unfortunately, the situation in oakland is just such that there was kind of the wild west. >> you could say the ghost ship or something like it, was bound to happen eventually. >> reporter: architect thomas dolan has worked for decades, helping them become legal. dolan acknowledges that going legit will often drive up rents, forcing out artists. >> there are probably many places like ghost ship out there. one of the challenges, how to take situations like that and not just evict everyone, not just close them down. >> reporter: in the wake of the ghost ship tragedy he and others are creating a citizens group to advise operators on how to make their building safe and up to code without city involvement. >> the desire is not to take the place of the city, but to sort of -- to intervene prior to the city coming in. >> i do feel that keeping a space safe is a responsibility that needs to be taken very seriously. >> reporter: cusolito hopes the city will strike a balance between safety and affordability knowing much of the underground art movement may now have to step out of the shadows. joe rosato jr., nbc bay area news. in other news, did they or didn't they? concern about russia hacking into u.s. election computers was debated throughout this past presidential campaign. and now president obama says he wants to get to the bottom of it. mr. obama ordered u.s. intelligence agencies to provide any evidence they might have indicating the russians did, in fact, intervene last month. the order comes while president-elect donald trump is insisting russia did not hack anything. the obama administration says the president is concerned russia will go unpunished for any involvement if he doesn't take action now. meantime, trump is building his cabinet. the president-elect announced his pick for interior secretary. congresswoman cathy mcmorris rogers of washington state. trump is getting some criticism for choosing fast food ceo and puzder as labor secretary. puzder opposed raging the minimum wage. and rudy guiliani is no longer under consideration for secretary of state. exxonmobil ceo, rex tillerson and mitt romney are still in the running. one popular smartphone has given its final update. we'll tell you about the future of the samsung galaxy 7. next. and he's an accused child predator from the bay area. he was on homeland securi security's most wanted list, an accused child predator from the bay area. tonight behind bars. police caught kevin trask in alaska. officers pulled him over in fair banks and he gave police a fake name, but when pressed, admitted his real name and told police he's been on the run. investigators staurt are started looking at him in 2012 when he allegedly downloaded child porn. the end of the line for the samsung galaxy note 7. it was recalled after the batteries in many of the phones exploded. most customers returned their phones, but more than 100,000 of these phones are still unaccounted for. samsung says it will update the software, which will stop the smartphone from charging, effectively killing the whole thing. so no more explosions. the update comes out december 19th. the presidential scandal in south korea came to a head today. the parliament voted to impeach ountry's first female leader. and when the news broke, people celebrated in the streets. she is accused of allowing a close friend to extort tens of millions of dollars. she has given no indication she will resign. it's up to the country's constitutional court to decide wh whether the charges merit her ouster. >> holiday parties this weekend and family dinners. the forecast is para mount. >> it is. and i think it will cooperate. rain coming our way and a lot of holiday parties happening at night. tonight we have scattered rain moving into the north bay. nothing huge. but you can see for napa, once we hit 5:00 a.m. tomorrow, heavier pockets develop. and by 9:00 a.m., the storm starts to move to the south towards the south bay. to help track that storm, we have stormranger here, which is positioned at san bernardino mountain. what it means for your weekend in just a few minutes. a six-month progress report worth a couple hundred grabbed. i'm chris kimura. nbc bay area responds has saved viewers like you, next. - hi, it's me. 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thing we complain about the most? >> ooh, what is it? >> this thing right here. >>. >> oh, bills and overages? >> we like -- >> i was going to say credit card theft. >> this is probably number ten. cellular plans, insurance, batteries. >> they get you. >> interesting tidbit. >> wick take more, though. have a good weekend. >> jeff ranieri is here. speaking of the weekend. >> and no complaints from the weather department. everyone really likes the rainfall we've had over the past couple days. even though the south bay has been lucked out on the heavier pockets, there is another chance for those of you in santa clara county as we head into saturday. stormranger is here. if you haven't heard about it, check out the hash tag on twitter. it's hash tag stormranger. and a lot of posts about this. it is our mobile doppler radar on wheels. and right now it's hoisted up about 20 feet above the truck, scanninging around atpú2= san b mountains. remember when we had stormranger active, what you're going to see here is a red sweep on that map. and we'll show you that in a minute. now out here at stormranger, we currently have 60 degrees and temperatures dropping to the 50s once we hit the next few hours. so let's get to the scan right now. and if you can see, it's moving around, finding a few spotty showers right here along the peninsula. nothing too heavy at the current moment. but it will begin eventually to pick up in intensity. we may get a few spotty showers moving in throughout the next half hour or so. but in terms of the heavier rainfall, it's still off to the north right now. and eventually that will move down here to the bay area. let's show the futurecast, and we can tell you exactly when that heavy rain will move in. 7:30, no, still not going to happen by then. but once we hit 11:30, scattered rain develops ahead of the storm. i think this is still overdoing it a little bit on the forecast model. but i definitely think by 5:00 tomorrow morning, as the cold front sweeps across, we'll see that rainfall pick up in intensity. and then we'll likely see temperatures drop. as that cold front arrives. down to 47 to start for the south bay tomorrow. 46 in the peninsula, and 42 for the tri valley. throughout the east bay, san francisco and the north bay also temperatures in the 40s. let's bring you back to the futurecast. and you can see once we hit 9:00 in the morning, it moves down to the mid peninsula and the east bay. then eventually to the south bay, by the noon hour on saturday. after that, we start to dry out for your evening. so any holiday plans tomorrow night, any parties, the way it looks now, you should be dry for that with just areas of clouds lingering. let's take you into the microclimate forecast on saturday. temperatures all around very similar. 59 in morgan hill. 60 in san jose. we're not going to spend too much time on these, because, again, no matter where you're headed tomorrow, upper 50s and low 60s for the peninsula. 60 in san mateo. san francisco, 50s across the board. throughout the north bay, jacket weather in mill valley and 55. warmer in napa, and 62 degrees. snow up across the sierra. totals are widely varied. just watch out for slick continues, anywhere from 1 inch in kingville to maybe 6 inches in twin bridges. on the extended forecast after the rain tomorrow, we dry out on sunday and monday. a chance of showers on tuesday. but i am personally watching friday very closely for all of you. that's our next big chance of possibly some rain and also wind. we'll have the same outlook here for the interior valleys, as well. so tomorrow morning, the rain arrives. i have no plans at all except to just sleep in and enjoy it. >> that sounds -- >> a great day. >> great. perfect. >> we won't bother you tomorrow. >> all right. i'll take you up on that. up next, the giants introduce their new big-money player. is he the savior? fallon smith joins us next their new star arrved for duty. . a lot of happy giants fans today. their new star arrives for duty. >> he took pictures, tried on his uniform and checks out the city as we speak. fallon smith joins us from the news room. we need good news after the raiders' loss last night. take it away. >> let's not talk about the raiders, okay? the giants got their guy. friday, officially introduced as the newest member of the orange and black. afterward alex past low very much caught up and has this one-on-one. >> joined my mark malancin, the new giants closer. why was san francisco the right fit for you? >> well, it was -- they're all about winning. and just being on the other side, you felt like they've always had something going on that's good. and coming here and visiting with the front office and talking to some of the guys that have played here and currently play here, it was like this is exactly what i'm looking for. >> what were some exact impressions being on the other side? you get to throw now, crawford behind you, joe panik, a line of full veterans. what do you think, facing these guys? >> you have to bring your "a" game if you're facing the giants. so being able to come on their side and be with them, it was beautiful. >> you do have a four-year deal here. i know you came here in november. and you've been here in the past as a player. getting a chance today to kind of walk around the ballpark and meet the organization, what did that tell you about the decision you made? >> it seems like everybody has been here for 20 years. and that's just such a positive sign. people aren't looking to go. they're looking to come and stay. and just bring kind of a close-knit group for the whole organization. there's a lot of fluidity throughout, and it's really a good sign of a quality organization. >> and get this. over the last three seasons, melancon has more saves than any other major league pitcher. a big reason the giants are paying him $62 million over the next four seasons. that's it support sports, guys. >> $62 million for four years? >> hope he's worth the money? >> i thought she said billion at first. i'll take $62 billion. >> yeah. good night, everybody. >> bye! over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something that's been out of reach for far too long: health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to have health insurance starting january 1st, you need to enroll by december 15th. visit today. kri kri an angel evena and kanye come out of hiding. >> they each re-emerged on "extra." >> "extra," "extra." ♪ extra. >> the first kanye sighting since his break down. his hair bleached. new details on his surprise night out without kim. and angelina out of exclusion as her divorce war continues to rage. ivanka quitting trump inc. to work in the white house? 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