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Well, its a 12hour hike up and back for these young men and a lot of things changed during the course of those 12 hours. The mensah the fire jump into the valley, then it was suddenly burning east of half dome. Then something happened theyll never forget. At one point we saw two swedish women like sprinting and frantic. And they stopped and talked to us for a second and asked why we werent running down the mountain. In all of our perspective we kind of thought it wasnt a serious thing. Just the position of the fire and where we, were we thought we would be okay. Reporter turned out they were okay. The men shot these pictures for us. It was when they were well along the trail coming down off of half dome they saw the sky blacken and the wind was blowing the fire towards them. They saw the helicopters going to the top of half dome but they didnt know about the evacuations via helicopter until they were done with the hike. These guys are truly adventurers. I said, at least you didnt have to be rescued off the top of half dome by helicopter. They said, we might have liked that, might have been a nice takeoff, all of a sudden you look down and Yosemite Valley is right below you. These guys are adventurous. Terry mcsweeney, nbc, bay area news. S to the lee, thank you, terry. Weather is helping fire crews get an upper hand. Chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is tracking the conditions. Thats a good alternatitakealte. Most of the time the weather plays a bad role. The wind now is 10 to 15 miles per hour. Could be gusting a lot higher so that is helping firefighters. Check out the humidity, a bit of moisture in the atmosphere. Humidity levels at 40 to 50 . We see the most Dangerous Levels for firefighters when it gets down into the single digits. We are not seeing that at this point. I do think the largest concern for firefighters in the days ahead will be much hotter weather coming by wednesday, thursday, friday with temperatures that will eventually be in the upper 80s to also 90s. Of course with our drought in place, as many of you know, the National Fire agency continues with our aboveaverage possibility of significant wildfires this evening. Includes the bay area. If youre out and about and happen to see any kin you want to report that it could turn larger very quickly. Watch that video of the hikers, click on nbcbayarea. Com, the top story box to play it. New details, a 6yearold boy is out of the hospital and recovering at home right now after a Mountain Lion attacked him. We want to show you an exclusive photo of the boy as a paramedic treated him. Tonight fish and wildlife teams are looking for this elusive animal. Nbc bay areas marian favro is live in cupertino with new developments in the search for the Mountain Lion. Reporter this is one of the cage traps that has been brought in to try and catch the Mountain Lion. The idea is to put animal carcasses inside to try to lure the Mountain Lion into the cage and catch him while hes alive. Also, a new team of dogs will start searching tonight and theres a sense of urgency because the Mountain Lion was so aggressive, attacking the boy in front of a group. This is an exclusive photo taken of a 6yearold boy just minutes after a Mountain Lion attacked him in the cupertino foothills yesterday. The lion dragged the boy off the trail into some bushes. You can see the child has puncture wounds on his neck and back. The boy was treated here at Santa Clara Valley medical center. Hospital Officials Say he was released this morning. As the child recovers, the hunt for the animal that attacked him continues. The second day, three hound dogs try to track the big cat. I can tell you the Mountain Lion is mulling around in the area specifically. And it feels very comfortable in that specific area. Reporter the attack happened more than a mile from this trailhead near pachetti winery in cupertino. The boy was walking with his parents, two siblings, and another family of five. The boy strayed 10 feet in front of the family group. Reporter he says tracks reveal the Mountain Lion followed the group down the trail after the attack. So what should you do if you come across a Mountain Lion . The recommendation for if a person is confronted by a Mountain Lion is stand tall, shout aggressively, fight back if attacked, throw things, whatever is necessary to protect yourself if the animal does attack. Reporter tonight the tracking hounds are resting and live traps are being brought in to try to catch the big cat alive. Officials say if the dogs track the Mountain Lion, it will be euthanized and tested for rabies. Witnesses say with deep wounds on his neck, this boy is lucky to be alive. At least two game wardens will be out here keeping an eye on these traps. They will spend a night out here in this area. And also all the trails in this area will remain closed until they find that Mountain Lion. Reporting live in cupertino, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. More details on Mountain Lion attacks in california. This is the 14th recorded attack since 1986. Three of the 14 were deadly. The last recorded attack happened two years ago in nevada county, northwest of lake tahoe. This is the only one reported in the bay area. This latest one in the past 20 years. Done deal, saying hes saddened by what happened, Baltimore Ravens Head Coach John Harbaugh spoke about having to fire one of its best players. This is after stunning video of ray rice surfaced today showing the ravens running back punching his thenfiance. When someone that you care about does wrong, you know, is faced with the consequences of doing wrong, and rightfully so, it is tough. It is hurtful. And my pain is for both of them as a couple, you know, in Going Forward my hope that is they can make it work. The news of rice punching and knocking out his fiance is not new. In fact, the nfl originally suspended rice for two games following that original release of the video. What is new is the video showing not just what rice did. Nbc bay areas scott budman joins us with more details. Since it got out this morning the video has moved a Football Team and league to action. Its also stirred up an ongoing discussion. But first, a disclaimer from us. We need to warn you the video is violent and some may find it disturbing. We made the decision to airive after consulting with Domestic Violence prevention organizations who feel the images may help raise awareness about the problem. Reporter ray rice hitting and knocking out his fiance in an elevator. Among the millions who have seen the video, mike johnson who runs playground dads and has four daughters. And 338,000 twitter followers. Its definitely something when she gets home from school well talk about. Reporter after the video surfaced today, rice had his contract terminated by the Baltimore Ravens and was suspended indefinitely by the nfl. Even after that, many say the league needs to do more about Domestic Violence. Its a very dangerous time. Reporter at san joses next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence, they say the video could turn out to be a catalyst for victims to seek help. Its not that more Domestic Violence is going on in the nfl. Its that now theyre talking about it. Reporter is that healthy . Yes. Reporter for those who need help, this and other agencies say theyre ready to take your call. If youre wondering why the video hasnt been seen until today, thats a subject of some controversy. In a statement thats already drawing skepticism, the nfl today says it had requested the elevator video from Law Enforcement but did not get it. Nfl Officials Say they did not see that video before today. We heard from john harbaugh. The other brother niners coach jim harbaugh also had to answer some tough questions today because niners star ray mcdonald was arrested on suspicion of Domestic Violence. Head coach jim harbaugh was asked if mcdonald could face the same fate as ray rice. Weve been very clear on how were approaching the situation. Whats determining facts, what facts will determine and information will determine and the principals. Ray rice, have you seen the video . Ive answered your question. Despite mcdonalds arrest the team allowed him to play yesterday against dallas. He had three tackles in that game. On the wrong side of the law today. A Walnut Creek Police officer pleaded no contest to beating a woman with a baseball bat. The crime happened on a residential street in the city of richmond last month near a home owned by a deceased relative of officer gregory thompson. The property apparently had been burglarized before. Thompson was off duty and parked nearby when police arrived. They found a mask and a bat in his car. Thompson pleaded no contest to felony assault, felony vandalism, and being armed in the commission of a tellny. The victim will recover from her injuries. Investigators say her car had run out of gas and she was looking for help when she was attacked. Eureka, free water. Still ahead, shaken to the surface. How a droughtstricken neighborhood is bubbling with a bounty of new water. Samesex marriage debate has landed in San Francisco again. This time california laws arent being discussed. Im Michelle Robertson. Coming up your arguments on both sides. This is a different kind of airline. One that invented lowfares so everyone could fly. One that decides where to go next by putting your needs first. And knows people are its most powerful fuel. Some say we do things differently. We say, why would we do things any other way . Without a heart, its just a machine. The napa quake has brought an unexpected bonanza to the bay area, water. It seems all the shaking created some cracks and big rocks and hidden groundwater came pouring out. Its happening in green valley between napa and fairfield. Nbc bay areas Jodi Hernandez joins us live where creeks that were dry a few weeks ago are man xlee flowing tonight. Reporter thats right. Some people are calling this miracle water. This is wild horse creek. Believe it or not, before last months quake, it was bone dry. As you can see, not anymore. Were just calling it earthquake water. Thats what it is. Earthquake water. Reporter youre looking at groundwater that water experts say was shaken to the surface during last months big quake. Once dry, green valleys creeks and streams are now flowing at an unbelievable rate. This is totally dry two weeks ago. Now were running about 200,000 gallons a day through here. I thought, eureka, free water. Reporter reservoir keeper mark witherspoon, who maintains the Green Valley Falls and Diversion Dam owned by the city of vallejo, said he couldnt believe his eyes when he saw the groundwater flowing. This is groundwater. After the earthquake on the 24th. Reporter its bubbling up through the ground and seeping through cracks in the canyon walls. The ironrich water leaving a trail of orange in many spots. Whats happened is the rock, when its shaken, it fractures a little bit and opens up fractures and it becomes more permeable so the water can flow out more easily. Reporter geologist tom hoelzer with the u. S. Geological survey says a similar thing happened after loma prieta. But he says flows this heavy are unusual. He warns it could lead to area wells eventually running dry. Its basically like a bank account. What were doing, were overdrafting right now. Its like when we overdraft our account, think we have a lot of money, and then in the future its not there. So were basically borrowing future water. Reporter water officials hope the flow will lead to lower rates for the green valley customers they serve. The waters being tested to see if its drinkable. Hope is we can somehow tap into that. That would be nice. Mother natures no joke. Does what it wants. I want to use it, i really do. It seems wasteful to not be able to use it. Reporter back live, youre looking at wild horse creek. Green valley creek is also now flowing again. Again, 200,000 gallons of water a day is now flowing through this areas. The test results should be back in the next day or so to determine whether or not this water is suitable for drinking. More details now on the aftermath of the napa quake. Victims now have a new resource. The city and county opened up an Assistance Center today. Services include building permits, financial help, mental health, food assistance. Monday through friday it will be open until there is no longer a need. Its on the corner of first street and silverado trail in napa. The issue of samesex marriage has landed in a San Francisco courtroom again. The judges trying to decide about samesex in three other states. This time hawaii, idaho, and nevada. Each state already has a gay marriage ban in place. Nbc bay areas Michelle Roberts is at the ninth Circuit Court of appeals for that hearing and joins us live from San Francisco with the very latest. Reporter gay marriage is legal in 19 states but for couples who move or even travel, those rights dont always follow. So many local supporters and opponents are closely watching this decision, which could take months to come down. Two and a half years after overturning californias ban on samesex marriage, the ninth Circuit District Court of appeals is considering whether three other state bans are constitutional. Idaho, nevada, and hawaii. Heterosexual men and women arent going to enter into samesex marriages so whats the issue . Reporter a panel of three judges questioned lawyers on both sides of the issue. Supporters of the gay marriage ban argue overturning the ban could have a Significant Impact on children and how theyre raised. Attorney monty stewart, representing the state of idaho, told the court that upholding idahos ban was critical to reduce the number of fatherless families. The manwoman meaning at the core of the Marriage Institution generates and sustains the childs bonding right. Reporter outside the court, farrelle and karen are hoping the bans are overturned. Theyve been married 17 years. They said i do in california but live in nevada, a state that doesnt recognize their marriage. They say the courts decision would directly affect their two children. In order to have inheritance rights, in order to have the ability to go to school and be seen as an equal family instead of a Domestic Partnership registered with the secretary of state in the state of nevada. Reporter karen is the plaintiff in the push to overturn nevadas ban. She says this is a battle for both legal and social rights. That were not good enough, that our relationship is somehow less than anyone elses, and our children hear that message and thats simply not okay with me. Reporter one of the judges on the panel struck down californias ban on gay marriage. And the two other judges have also supported gay rights in the past, leaving some to wonder if they can be fair on this decision. Reporting live in San Francisco, im Michelle Roberts, nbc bay area news. We dug into the details about the status of samesex marriage across the utah. Check out the map for you. 19 purple states on this map where samesex marriage is currently legal. 13 yellow states where the youngs have overturned samesex bans and where samesex marriage could soon be legal. Overcast skies this morning but they cleared. Lets get a check of our microclimate forecast with jeff ranieri. We managed sunshine throughout the afternoon. Mt. Diablo behind me. Notice besides the fact that a lot of the hills are brown, it is shaking quite a bit, winds 15 to 25 miles per hour. Thats helping keep our fire danger on the increase throughout tonight and through tomorrow. Well take you outside to the sky camera network. Were still managing lots of sunshine in San Francisco. Fog at the coastline and cool at 64. If youre heading to down up to the next two to three hours, youll have mainly clear skies. South bay clear and currently very cool, 65 degrees. Taking you to tomorrows forecast, cooler than average start for today, here we go again. Numbers are going hotter. Trivalley will average 85 and sunny. 82 north bay. Expecting 80 for the south bay. So heres whats happening in the atmosphere. We had this trough of low pressure for today sitting right across the pacific northwest. That enabled some of this cooler air to move in across california. That starts to push east tomorrow. High pressure builds in. Most notably its going to start to bump up temperatures inland 4 to 8 degrees. By wednesday, it moves even a little bit closer. And by thursdays forecast, High Pressure right on top of us will eventually bring us 90degree temperatures. Take a look at what this is going to mean. You can see for the south bay, well get close to the 90s by thursdays forecast. For the peninsula, some gradual warming from the 70s on tuesday to low to mid 80s by thursday. San francisco popping up into the 70s by thursday as well. And for the north bay, east bay, and trivalley, well start to see things heat up in the trivalley from 70s today, 80s for tuesday, and by thursday 90s returning. And were going to leave you with this last note. It is wine harvest schedule. This week weve got shar donnie and pe i dont noir on top, next week merlot, end of the month cabern cabernet. Something to talk about at the water cooler tomorrow. Still ahead, a Silicon Valley turning red. Whats happening thats pushing tech titans to support republicans rather than democrats. Twitter gets an upgrade. The change that could help you get social with your shopping. A classic coaster goes up in flames. Why no one was ever in any danger. Yet another way for you to spend your money and it involves twitter. This new test program rolls out today for some users. In the example seen here a band tweets out that it has a new tshirt. The buy button enables you to i wou buy one. Twitter says its a way for sellers to turn the relationship they build with their followers into sales. Now to what may be a changing tide. Not long ago Silicon Valley was considered an atm for the Democratic Party but that may be changing. Political analyst Larry Gersten joins us. Were seeing a shift . I think so. Its no secret for years theres been a close relationship between hightech, particularly social media, and the democrats. Well, 2008, much of Barack Obamas success, in fact, was due to his campaigns mastery of social media, for campaigning, outreach, and fundraising. And for their part, most of the tech sector found obama and the democrats as change agents aligned with the irreverent we can do anything approach, if you will, of technology. Well, as their agreement as well as i should say their agreement on social issues. But now it looks like many of the techies who embraced the democrats may be giving republicans a second look. What is it about the Business Climate that has changed thats renewed this interest in the gop . We can put a finger on at least three recent disagreements that come to mind. First, patent law. Silicon techies have sought help in this area. The Republican House passed legislation earlier this year. But the Democraticcontrolled Senate yielded to trial lawyers who opposed it. Then theres the second element. Electronic snooping by the National Security agency. Allowed by the obama administration, this activity has embarrassed social Media Companies and could cost billions of dollars in lost business to the cloud industry. Finally, third, Consumer Protection. Democrats have been pushing legislation against Ridesharing Companies like uber and lift. Something that would protect labor, if you will. But harm these new techbased companies. Simply put, Tech Companies and their clevel types, they no longer feel the love. Will cash flow in both directions . Look for more money to go to republicans. Couple that with the new look of republican gubernatorial candidate neil kashkari. We may see something of a sea change in Silicon Valley, money going in more than one direction. Welders working on an iconic roller coaster start a fire. Flames collapsed one part of the colossus coaster at magic mountain. It was made of wood and was shut down because the park is converting it into a modernized wood and steel roller coaster. It took 30 minutes to put out the fire, no one was hurt. New details about the the home depot Security Breach. Which credit cards may have been stolen . We try to stay out of sight, out of mind. But we want people to understand theres a whole lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. Theres some of the oldest parts of San Francisco and theyre in trouble. We go underground to see what needs to be done to keep the sewer system from crumbling. It was four years ago tomorrow the explosion and fire in san bruno. Today, why the mayor of san bruno is saying it was no accident and what should be done with the recordsetting fine. Tomorrow marks the fouryear anniversary of the san bruno pipeline explosion. The neighborhood is slowly returning to normal but tensions over the disaster are still running high. The mayor of san bruno is calling on pg e to take responsibility and stop calling the tragedy an accident. Nbc bay area areas Mark Matthews spoke with the mayor and joins us live. Memories still painful tonight. Reporter sure are, janelle. The explosion and fire right down at the bottom of this hill. It was a catastrophe. One of the worst gas pipeline disasters in u. S. History. Eight people killed, 38 homes destroyed, and two independent audits found that over a 15year period, pg e diverted more than 100 million in gas safety and operations money to other purposes, including executive bonuses and shareholder profits. Multiple investigations found this explosion to be the result of the companys decision to deliberately misdirect money designated for Pipeline Safety to executive salaries and shareholder returns. Reporter san brunos mayor added hes sure it is no accident, saying that the company put financial gain ahead of safety. It is time for pg e to do the right thing, stop calling this an accident and accept the level of penalty as proposed. Reporter the penalty is 1. 4 billion. The largest ever levied against a public utility in company. Under the ruling 400 million would be spend on pipeline improvements but the lions share, 9150 million, would go to the states general fund. San brunos mayor says thats too much, he wants 300 million to the general fund, 50 million for Pipeline Safety, 30 million for an independent monitor, 570 million to offset the companys proposed rate hikes. The Public Utilities commission is opposed to paying for an independent monitor saying the money would be better spent on the pucs Consumer Protection division. A pg e spokesman again today referred to the explosion as an accident. This was a very tragic accident. Its something that weve been dedicating ourselves to earning the trust of everybody in the community. Reporter the pg e spokesman said the company has settled more than 500 million in claims with victims and their families. I asked the puc for an oncamera interview. A spokeswoman for the agency declined. Just in, the fbi says it has a break in the notorious bay area crime spree, the gypsy hill murders. Apparently dna on a 38yearold cigarette butt. 56yearold rodney howbauer is considered a person of interest. The first two mug shots are from 1976. The final photograph is what howbauer looks like now. Police agencies banded together to announce they were reinvestigating the cold cases in which six women were killed. One body found on gypsy hill road in pacifica giving the serial crime its name. A judge has released a woman who has served 30 years in prison for one of the murders. Dna on a cigarette butt cleared her but Law Enforcement says it matched howbauer. Governor schwarzenegger returned to the capitol today where he received a special honoring attending the unveiling of his official gubernatorial portrait painted by an austrian artist who is well known for his realistic portraits, including seb rights such as andy warhol, john f. Kennedy, and mohammad ali. Wildest dreams did i ever think one day i will be governor or one day there will be a portrait hanging hi ining here capitol. I might have envisioned a sculpture on muscle beach. Governor schwarzeneggers portrait will be on display on the third floor of the state capitol. We flush and forget but this week the people who manage managers waste water are telling congress that billions in funding is needed to keep youre aging sewer system from failing. In San Francisco, some of those pipes date back to the 1800s. Traveling beneath San Francisco streets to find out whats being done to fix that ageing system. Monitored at three levels reporter people in the bay area love to wade through history. It was put in 1912. Reporter but there are some Historic Places in San Francisco, even the most avid historian steamy, muggy. Reporter wouldnt care to tread. Now in a sixfoot circular sewer. This particular sewer is 102 years old. Reporter all beneath the city streets, handiwork of the citys original builders. When the gold rush came, we started building sewers. Reporter Daniel Whitlock has worked inspecting the sewers for the last far years. First time you dont know what youre going to see. You get used to it. Reporter down here everythings alive. Reporter youre never alone. Tons of roaches, were in their territory here. Reporter even in this sweltering hellhole, whitlock sees something. Its amazing the craftsmanship that they had back then. Reporter some of the sewers were built in the mid 1800s. You could just break through with picks and hammers. Reporter more recently, time and able have done the hammering. Signs of deterioration. Reporter San Franciscos Public Utilities commission is kicking off a 1. 2 billion project to upgrade the citys sewer system. The whole system needs constant attention. Reporter mission bay this system is like a moat around San Francisco. Reporter a new neighborhood has sprung up around the bayside pump station. You have a dog park, a tennis court. Now neighbors are right there. Reporter the plant filters sewage and storm water on its way to a nearby treatment plant. The system failed in the 89 loma prieta quake and could fail again. Theres a Current Program to enhance the entire system. Reporter as part of the sewer upgrades the city will likely dig large underground tunnels to the plant in the neighborhood near at t park. With all this work in the pipeline, utility officials are inviting people to ponder sewage. We say out of sight, out of mind. But we want people to understand theres a whole lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. Reporter below the scenes, some of San Franciscos earliest relics. The fact that its still useable today, its amazing. Reporter still show up to work every day. In other news a Security Breach confirmed. Home depot officially announced today the credit cards of its customers have been compromised. The store says the hacking could affect transactions made as far back as april. However, it says theres no evidence debit pin numbers were stolen. The breach could be the biggest since target was hacked last year. The fbi investigating a bizarre attack. What happened with the syringe that has an air marshal under quarantine. President obama preparing for a new conflict in iraq. In tonights reality check we look at how this new strategy stacks up against president bushs actions in that country. Another royal on the way. Prince harry weighs in on what hes looking forward to the most about the big pregnancy news. Heres a good one seattle. What did geico say to the mariner . We could save you a boatload foghorn sounds loudly whats seattles favorite noise . The puget sound foghorn sounds loudly all right, never mind doesnt matter. This is a classic. What does an alien seamstress sew with . A space needle foghorn sounds loudly continuously oh come off it captain geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. The world eagerly awaiting apples big announcement tomorrow expected at 10 00 a. M. Re the new iphone 6. The announcement will take place at the flint center for performing arts in cupertino. Ebay says its seen a 30 increase in people selling their old iphones on its site this week as consumers get ready to buy the newest edition. Prince george is going to have a big brother. Prince william and the duchess of cambridge are going to have another child. The queen and both families are very excited. Kate show is being treated for acute morning sickness, the same illness she had carrying baby george. Prince harry is very excited to be an uncle again and kind of hopes for a girl. Yeah, its very good news. I cant wait to see my brother suffer more. With any luck it will be a girl and hell suffer any greater. Id love to see him try and cope with that. The baby will become fourth in line to the throne behind prince george. Royal watchers are guessing the baby will be due in april, which will make them about 22 months apart. Perfect. Wow. Like they had a calendar to figure that out. She just calculated that. Addition. I mean planning it out. It is monday. Weve got a harvest moon today. Yes, certainly. You can see outside right now, mainly clear skies across the peninsula. Were also talking about the fog. Full details in your full forecast. Life in the fast lane, an exclusive new perk to help giants fans get into games quicker. Safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. Thats why they have lots of ways for you to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. School is in and so are the savings. Pretty lady green grapes are just 1. 99 a pound. Kids love kraft mac cheese. Youll love that its 79¢ a box. And grab capri sun for just 1. 88. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. A bizarre story out of nigeria. The fbi says a federal air marshal was attacked by a man at the Lagos Airport yesterday, stabbed with a needle. After the attack he got onto a flight to houston, texas. Hes in houston being tested for diseases like ebola and hiv. The needle is also being tested. As far as the attackers, they got away and they dont know who they are. Back to work. Congress returns to capitol hill today from summer break and the main topic, isis. President obama will lay out his plan of attack against the terror group on wednesday. It will include more air strikes but no u. S. Ground troops. Instead, the white house says it will support iraqi and Syrian Forces in the ground war. As for the air strikes, the plan would be to target isis strongholds in iraq but not syria where the group has its main bases. Law patients are asking why. The head of the snake is in syria. If youre going to kill the snake youve got to go to where the head is and cut it off. The most pressing National Security threat since 9 11. Lawmakers are demanding a formal vote about any u. S. Led action against isis. President obama says he does not need the okay of congress but is hoping for their support. Very basic question, are you preparing the country to go back to war . Im preparing the country to make sure that we deal with a threat from isil. It is the hottest top nick politics right now. Will the u. S. Get involved in yet another conflict in iraq . The president told chuck todd on meet the press, this time it will be different. His reasoning is that unlike in 03, the president says the u. S. Will only act with the backing of the international community. In tonights reality check, exploring whether that statement is true. Weve heard the claims made by Democratic Leaders repeatedly. That president bush acted unilaterally when he invaded iraq in 2003. Its often cited as the main difference between Operation Iraqi freedom and u. S. Military involvement since. As the president tries to sell the public this week on more strikes in iraq, lets get the facts straight. This is not going to be an announcement about u. S. Ground troops. This is not the equivalent of the iraq war. Reporter as the u. S. Ramps up air strikes against isis, trying to slow down the militant group on its brutal march through iraq and syria, the breadth of the mission may take on a new flight. President obama seideled up to World Leaders at natos summit last week, working on a coalition of nine countries, power players like germany and england, to take on this growing threat. Is this anything new from iraqi engagements past . On his twitter page former White House Press secretary Ari Fleischer said, not a chance, referring to his former boss tweeting, time to put to rest the myth that bush acted unilaterally in iraq. President o just formed a ninenation coalition versus isis, 20plus joined bush in 03. Is this true . Yes and no. The reality is 40plus nations lent support to the u. S. Operation iraqui freedom. This white house document from 2003 lists them. But its also the reality that only a handful, like australia, britain, and south korea, actually supplied a meaningful number of troops. U. S. Forces made up the vast n majori majority. Its also true that president bush led the attack without the approval of u. N. Or nato. U. N. Rejected the idea. Thats the very definition of unilateral action. President obama is looking to those organizations for the go ahead. A major difference between 2003 and now. So the claim president bush went it alone back in 2003 isnt entirely true. As mentioned more than 40 countries ended up supporting the u. S. In some capacity. But president obamas efforts this time would include world bodies, something missing in operation iraqui freedom. Thats todays reality check. Back to you. Jeff ranieri, lets talk about the beginning of the week and a little change. Cooler start on this monday, then we are looking at some much hotter weather ahead. Youre going to want to pay close attention to that sevenday forecast at the bottom of the screen. You can see back here behind us in san jose, a little bit of haze. Mainly clear skies tonight. If youre headed anywhere you need to take a jacket. Check out the microclimate temperatures right now. We are in the 60s for all areas except for the east shore. Currently at 70 degrees. That again is not only due to colder air aloft but also that brisk westerly wind. Currently 66 in the peninsula. San francisco 64. North bay right now averaging 68. As we get you to the forecast, numbers running from 3 to 6 degrees cooler than what we experienced on sunday. That was large enough for many of you out there to notice that today. I think a lot of you probably needed that light jacket until lunchtime. As we head throughout tomorrows forecast, yes, the fog is going to be back. The onshore flow is staying with us as we head throughout tuesday morning. Tuesday midday. Tuesday afternoon as well. Its going to start out with typical fog in the north way counties. Also for the east bay near the peninsula. I dont think its going to be too cloudy in the south bay but clouds to start off. Throughout the afternoon well get things clearing back to the immediate coastline and sunshine returning to the forecast. Lets take you into that microclimate forecast for tuesday. Numbers do go up but well be a little below average for parts of the south bay. San jose, a very, very comfortable day. 79 degrees. Hotter when you get away from that onshore flow. 87 expected in morgan hill. Palo alto 78. Most of San Francisco in the 60s. North bay, east bay, trivalley. And yes, numbers are going to warm up into the 80s for napa. Thats a little bit more comfortable for you. For the east bay, still chilly in oakland with 70. The wind blows, going to feel like the skis. Walnut creek heating up to 83. Looks like the warmest temperature will be pleasanton with 84 degrees. All right, lets look ahead towards the weekend forecast. You can see temperatures will continue to go up by this saturday and sunday. South bay averaging mid to upper 80s. San francisco back into the 70s. This is our warmest time of the year for San Francisco. For the trivalley in the low 90s. North bay, you are going to notice a lot of activity in wine country. Weve also added this, talking about the harvest earlier, the grapes are ready about a week early this month. Last week we had sauvignon blanc, this week chardonnay and pinot noir. Why not talk about it again . Weve got some of the worlds best wine here in the bay area. Its time to harvest. Put it in a bottle so we can drink it later. Sounds good, delicious. The raiders made it just 25 yards on the ground yesterday against the jets. Hear what coach dennis allen had to say coming up next. Getting into at t park could become easier starting tomorrow. A live picture of the park, all is quiet there. But tomorrow night the giants will host arizona. Beginning at that game and lasting through the end of the season, fans can use a clear lane to go through security faster. All fans must be screened with metal detectors or handheld wands but now if you have a clear card you can use a new popup lane. Clear is currently used at airports to mixed reviews. The new lane can be found at the marina gate at at t park. Live, both harbaugh brothers dealing with sensitive and difficult issues. You know what, jessica and janelle, if you saw the video of ray rice and the elevator incident it was a nobrainer for the ravens and the nfl. Running back ray rice released by the ravens and suspended indefinitely from the nfl. Tmz released video from an incident inside an elevator between his wife and then f fiance, now wife, in january. The video which was shown during this newscast shows rice punching out palmer, igniting a firestorm across the country. After seeing something this morning, seeing the video, we had a chance to get together with steve, dick, ozzie, myself, we had a meeting, it was not a long meeting. We came to the decision to release ray. Thats what we did. So you know that. Had a chance to talk to ray. Along with ozzie. This afternoon after we did it. And, you know, i have nothing but hope and good will for ray and jenae and well do whatever we can Going Forward to help them as they try to make the best of it. League spokesman Brian Mccarthy regarding the video, we requested from Law Enforcement any and all information about the incident including the video from inside the elevator. That video was not made available to us and no one in our office had seen it until today. Csn bay areas mindi bach is reporting 49ers defensive lineman ray mcdonald is cooperating with authorities as he remains under investigation for an alleged incident of Domestic Violence involving his pregnant fiance. Last thursday mcdonald met with Police Investigators for nearly two hours. Lamichael james wanted his release from the 49ers and he was granted his wish. The 2012 secondround draft pick never really fit into the offensive the red and gold. James played two snaps on offense and two on special teams during the 49ers win at dallas on sunday. The former oregon duck rushed for a total of 184 yards on 41 carries with San Francisco. Also catching five passes. Kassim osgood replaces james roster spot. I can talk about what led to the procedure, et cetera. Wish lamichael well, appreciate his contribution. And i wish him success moving forward in his career. Speaking of running backs, the raiders need to find a way to get theirs productive in the offense. During sundays 1914 loss to the jets, maurice jonesdrew, darren mcfadden, and marcel reece together combined for just 25 yards on 15 carries. Were just a little bit off as far as maybe its getting to a backer, maybe its getting a guy blocked on the edge. Give you an opportunity to break off those big runs. We knew it was going to be tough to be able to run the football against this team and it was. As hoping to get away to the windy city to get out of an 818 slide. Top fifth, oakland trailing against is white sox. One aboard, deep to right off hector know i wassy. His 11th of the year. Jed lawrie joined in the fun. Solo shot to right as well. His fifth this season. Backtoback jobs for oakland, 32. Right now it is 33 in the sixth inning. The as started the night with two up in the loss column on seattle, three on detroit, for the top spot in the a. L. Wild card race. Complete highlights of that game at 11 00 tonight. For a full half hour of sports coverage, sports net central on comcast bay area tonight at 10 30. One of the most recognizable airlines is getting a makeover. Southeast unveiled its new look today. Colors stay the same but theyre bolder and a large heart will be added to the belly of each plane in an homage to the original planes. Southwest says it will take six years to repaint all the planes because of the size of its fleet. Are they still going to have face that face each other, party seats . Ive never been on them. I didnt know about party seats. Seat that does face each other. I know thats on trains but i didnt know on the planes. We need to break up. Is it the biting . Cuz i can stop . No i love you and your show. Its cable. Customers are more satisfied with uverse. Switch and we can Stay Together forever. Forever . Ow. Im not gonna lie to you. Its also the biting. Break up with cable. Choose uverse tv from 19 a month for 2 years. An outpouring of stars, a downpour of tears and a final roast fit for the queen of comedy. We take you inside joan rivers funeral now on extra. [ music playing ] mellissa rivers kissing her mothers casket, hugh jackman singing joans favorite song, Howard Sterns outrageous and touching eulogy. Joan rivers gets her final wish. It was big. It was funny. This is exactly what joan would have wanted. Now trending, nfl star ray rice punching his wife t. Aftermath from the shocking new video. New

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