Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20170312 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20170312

a deep ravine about 600 yards off skyline boulevard in san mateo county. >> this is where she's recovering, laura, at the medical center. it had a lot to do with her dog. >> that's right. a happy ending to almost two days of constant worry, rescuers say the hike her some cuts and bruises and she was dehydrated. but she was conscious, talking and happy to be found. it's a flurry of activity as search-and-rescue crews in san mateo county pull missing hiker bethany haury from a deep ravine near woodside. they load the 56-year-old on to a gurney and whisk her away by ambulance. she was later flown to hospital. >> she's doing good. >> her husband, he had haury is relieved. >> this is phenomenal. it's two days, we weren't sure haas going to happen. this is incredible. >> he says his wife went hiking thursday with her australian shepherd named camaro, the last time he saw the two. they were on vacation with their son and had been staying at a nearby air b & b. >> bettany haury was considered high risk because she suffers from early onset dementia. diabetes. >> she thought she was up here for a day. >> mike mckinney was among the group of volunteer who is first spotted haury and her beloved pet. >> we heard her yell back and a couple of seconds later we heard the bark of the dog bark very clearly. so camaro did his job. >> she was sitting up, shivering, very dehydrated. she wanted water. the first thing we did was get our jackets over her, try to warm her up. >> ed haury says the whole time camaro never left his wife's side. >> he's a big hero, he stayed with her the whole time. he's just very loyal. that was good. >> ed haury says his wife might have hurt her foot, but she is pped to be okay. he says he will likely get her a tracking device so something like this never happens again, reporting live from palo alto, laura malpert, nbc bay area news. a terrifying attack caught on camera. cell phone video shows the scene on highway 101 in san francisco this week as a gang of dirt bike riders beat a driver. tonight for the first time, we're hearing from the driver. nbc bay area's christine smith is live outside san francisco general hospital with the interview you'll only see on nbc bay area. christie? >> alex says he suffered a broken nose and a broken leg in the assault. as you can imagine, he says he felt his life was in danger. this has left him feeling vulnerable. he did feel that now is the time to speak out about what happened to him on the freeway. the 35-year-old from modesto says he's already had one surgery on his leg and will likely have more before he's allowed to leave. he says he is in pain after he was knocked down, punched and kicked by the group of dirt bike riders on the freeway. he says he had just dropped off a lyft rider and was headed towards sfo, on 101 southbound near caesar chavez. when he said he noticed a group of dirt bike riders blocking traffic and some of them doing stunts. he said he was slowly trying to get past one of them who apparently got upset. he said the guy punched his side mirror and the another guy broke the other mirror. he waved them to pull over because his car was damaged. that's when it escalated and someone broke his passenger window. >> they started pawing at me and that's when i got out of the car. >> probably wasn't the brightest thing, but i didn't want them to come to the other side and break the window and cause any other damage. started vandalizing my car. >> he says at the end of it, one of the guys on dirt bikes rode over his leg and that's how it was broken. >> he says that witnesses did help, including an off-duty firefighter. he says that he did notice that the bikers did not have license plates on their dirt bikes. we've reached out to the chp and they are investigating, they say that witnesses have been cooperating. they are still asking for the public's help so far no arrests. reporting live, san francisco, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> we take you for a live look at the white house tonight where the secret service is investigating the first-known security breach there since president donald trump took office. we have learned the alleged intruder is from the south bay. >> nbc bay area's marianne favro joins us with more. >> this is the criminal complaint from u.s. district court it alleges that shortly before midnight last night, tran scaled a fence at the white house and walked close to the wall of the mansion until he was detained by a secret service agent. according to court documents tran said quote i am a friend of the president, i have an appointment. and later said he had information to share about russian hackers. president trump was inside the white house, during the incident. and congratulated the secret service today. >> is the secret service did a fantastic job. i appreciate it. >> secret service today. fantastic job, a troubled person. >> he was fantastic. >> according to court documents, tran was carrying two cans of mace. he reportedly graduated from san jose state university. as a result of his security breach last night, for a brief time, the white house was placed on orange alert, one of the highest levels of security alert. reporting live in milpitas, marianne favro. frightening moment at stanford medical school when a fire broke out in a room with hazardous materials, it was the scene as firefighters switched into hazmat gear. it happened 7:00 a.m. in the pathology department. firefighters say it was a tense situation because water alone wasn't enough to battle the flames. >> when they made entry, they did go in with those lines and put the fire out with the hose line and whatever was on fire reacted negatively to the water. so they backed out, requested fire extinguishers, which they then used to fully extinguish the fire. >> firefighters say thanks to the sprinkler system the flames were confined to just that room. officials say the fire did not affect any hospital buildings, where patients were being treated. the cause of the fire under investigation. a wild scene in the south bay this morning. as police chase spans three cities and reaches speeds of more than 100 miles per hour, beginning in mountain view when police try to pull a driver over for a traffic stop. the chase went through mountain view and sunnyvale but the police rear-ended the car in santa clara. after a scuffle with police a that injured an officer, a driver and passenger were arrested. the officer is expected to be all right. the driver of the car that was rear-ended suffered minor injuries. we are continuing to follow a political bombshell out of d.c. today. u.s. attorney general preet bharara was fired. he tweeted this this morning. i did not resign, moments ago, i was fired. being the u.s. attorney in southern district of new york will be the greatest honor of my professional life. the manhattan prosecutor was one of 46 u.s. attorney who is served under the obama administration who were asked to step down this week. but in november, bharara said the president-elect trump asked him to stay in his position during a meeting at trump tower. bharara has a strong reputation for being an aggressive attorney for the u.s. some of his key cases that made his career included chasing down corruption and crime on wall street, also prosecuting government officials and white-collar criminals. he also prosecuted the times square bomber. vice president mike pennsylvania was in louisville, kentucky to make a case for the trump administration's plan to repeal and replace the affordable care act. the visit was an effort to reassure conservatives who have raised objections to the house gop's health care proposal. one of those critics, kentucky governor matt devin said he's not impressed with the alternative plan. the vice president told the crowd kentucky was one of many states negatively impacted by obamacare and things are about to change. >> obamacare has failed the people of kentucky. it's failed the people of america and obamacare must go. >> event was not without controversy. hundreds of protesters lined the streets as the vice president's motorcade passed by. they say the country needs a health care system that works for everyone and repealing the current plan is not the solution. coming up next, at 5:00, a somber moment at an east bay high school baseball game. the pre-game ceremony was a very special meaning. plus, more problems for at&t. the latest hang-up to affect the wireless company. and a mild start to our weekend continues, still in the 70s around concord, livermore and santa cruz and morgan hill. evening plans around los gatos, mid 60s around 6:00. increasing high clouds later tonight. we'll let you know if the clouds bring you a chance of rain in the seven-day forecast and warmer temperatures on the way for tomorrow. a look at that, when we come back. an east bay high scobaseballtea former member wita bright futur an east bay high school baseball team paid tribute to a member whose life was cut short. ryan abley in a special ceremony he was honored. he died in october after suffering a life-threatening brain injury during a fall. he just started college at the university of nevada reno. today the team held a special memorial for him and ryan's brother threw out the first pitch. >> my brother was very outgoing. generous, you know, larger than life personality. he carried that to the baseball team. and he had a great personality and everybody kind of really enjoyed his presence. >> abele is still very much a part of the baseball team. his jersey hangs in the dugout duringorry game. another hang-up today for at&t. the wireless carrier says customers' phone calls were not connecting because of hardware issues. happened this morning, company did not specify how many customers were affected. but says the connectivity issues lasted for a brief period. customers faced similar conditions for three hours on wednesday. if you tried to call 911 dispatchers from their cell phones. still to come, you might want to move over for these skiers. >> a major event in our backyard that could be a preview of the olympic games. is outstanding conditions in the sierra today, you can see high clouds, beautiful sunshine there and a summer-like spread of temperatures around the bay area with upper 50s by half moon bay with the sea breeze still near 70 in walnut creek. we'll talk about a warm-up, that you might lose a little sleep over, when we come back. no amateurs here.==peggy 2 ot== the center ofhe skracing world -- in squavaly this certainly no amateurs here. >> that's right. the ski racing world is in squaw valley this weekend. take a look. >> it's going to be very, very close. will it be enough? yes! a new winner! >> if you see her behind you, move to the right. just get out of the way. >> she would never be behind me. >> that's team usa's michaela shiffrin, who crossed the finish line to win her fourth world title. she's running the giant slalom on friday. winning the giant slalom on friday, she's going to turn 22 on monday and she is the heavy favorite to go for gold at the winter olympics. which of course you can watch right here on nbc. >> still a little ways away. as for the here and now we've got great weather up there. >> olympic venue weather, squaw valley. a lot of snow and sunshine and temperatures warming up gorgeous right now. we'll show you the view from the sierra to the ocean right now. live view from squaw creek, doesn't that make you want to go up there. folks hanging out at the pool. temperatures 52 degrees. if you want to head to the sierra, the forecast looks good again tomorrow. very similar to what we had today. temperatures by mid afternoon approaching the mid 50s. now in tiburon, 39, 68 degrees, we were close to 70 earlier. a different story in half moon bay, 57 degrees, a strong sea breeze blowing through, typical of what you get in the summer. 21-mile-per-hour winds actually. >> if you want to find warmer weather, for tomorrow at least on the coast, it looks like santa cruz, temperatures by mid afternoon approaching the low to mid 70s. healdsburg, sunshine and a few high clouds, around napa and sonoma to wrap up the weekend. look at the temperatures by mid afternoon, climbing to the mid 70s. a lot of sunshine in the north bay. santa rosa, climbing to 78 degrees. 66 degrees in san jose. you see the green hillsides and the trees and blossoms right now. the pollen count is the main issue through the next few days. pine, cedar, juniper and ash. in the santa clara valley, moderate to high. kind of like this morning for tomorrow, patches and fog in a few spots, 40s and 50s to start the day. we wrap up the weekend. with partly cloudy skies, a few high clouds, numbers in the mid 70s. downtown san jose, 76, close to los gatos, pleasanton, pleasant temperatures, for the peninsula, not a true offshore breeze, so we're not going to warm up too much. especially in half moon bay, mid 60s, upper 60s around san mateo. a bit of a north wind and santa rosa boosting temperatures to about 78 degrees. we've got high clouds at times and a pretty active weather pattern that continues to take a lot of storms up to the pacific northwest. high pressure hold its ground there are two opportunities we could see a few showers burst up, it will be tuesday into wednesday. that system notice how it falls apart as it runs into drier air. approaching northern california. maybe a better chance now late next saturday, next sunday. notice the time stamp. the 19th, not tomorrow. midway through next weekend. we may get a chance of seeing a few showers. the temperatures around san francisco, looks like the warmest days could be monday and tuesday, so the stretch of warmer weather is going to last with the start of the work week now. mid to upper 70s heading into monday and tuesday. the clocks move forward an hour. you lose a little sleep but it's going to warm up. tomorrow it could be a little on the groggy side. just so you know. >> still to come at 5:00, turning the shop into a way to help very sick kids. >> you find something you love to do. it no longer becomes a challenge. >> how one woman in the east bay is putting people's unwanted items to very good use. as part of our bay area proud series. it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. has crazy low prices. do you know how we do it? - how? - bargainomics! say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. we've got name-brand, top-quality groceries priced 40-70% off every day. bargainomics. that's our business model. and our business model is... delicious. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ choice in fe. making thmost second bt, though, a vaable li we don't always get our first choice in life but making the most of second best is a very valuable life skill. >> a skill that a san leandro woman has put to great use, not just for herself but to sick children and their families. we meet dee gonzales in tonight's bay area proud. >> look at how huge that is. >> for the past 12 years, dee gonzales has been running the treasures hospice gift shop in downtown san leandro. selling just about anything. charging -- close to nothing. >> 50 cents. we can get that. >> a lady donated all these hats. >> dee's got a whole lot she could share about selling second-hand stuff. >> carmen will get that red carve for you. >> she's got something even more valuable to teach the rest of us. like how to turn a second choice in life into something first-rate. >> you find something you love to do, it no longer becomes a challenge. >> it all has to do, dee, says, with this place -- the george mark children's house, a home away from home for sick and often terminally ill children and their families. dee years ago wanted to volunteer here. so she and a friend took a tour. >> coming home from george mark house, i had to pull off to the side of the road because both of us were weeping. this is not for us. >> thinking of parent losing a child just hit too close to home for dee. she you see -- lost her son to heart disease. >> i'm sorry. i can't. >> but when that one door closed, dee and some friends decided to open this one. >> she's been a good customer. >> every cent they have made at treasures hospice over the years after paying their bills has gone to george mark. and over the years, those cents have added up to quite a few dollars. >> approximately $250,000. from dollar items. >> in these little tiny increments, what a difference they've made up here. that's a lot of care for our families and children. >> dee gives a lot of credit to her team of volunteers. not just for their hard work, but for their companionship over the years and for helping her prove that plan b sometimes turns out to be an a-plus. >> pretty amazing, that was garmin thomas reporting. still to come, it is just getting more and more popular. >> the ultimate photo bomb. taking the internet by storm. got to see it. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. well this one is for all the parents out there with young kids. bbc interview about south korea's political upheaval now one of the most popular videos on the internet. >> nothing to do with the interview itself. as insightful as that was. what is going on in the background. look at this. >> the big question is how these democracies are part of the scandal. >> what will it mean for the wider region? i think one of your children has just walked in. >> yes, she did. bbc said it's already been viewed 17 million times. and now he might know who is to blame. the american grandparents of 4-year-old marian and -month-old jane says the family usually skips them. there's mom rescuing. you see the kids probably heard dad in the room and thought maybe they were skyping with grandma and grandpa. and the professor was able to finish the interview. one more thing she reaches in, grabs the door and closes it. >> i love the 9-month-old coming in in the little roller. >> the 4-year-old came in like dancing, she was ready to talk to grandma. >> quick. >> the weather for tomorrow morning. patchy fog, 40s and 50s to start. we've highlighted with the harrow, the time changes, sunrise, at 7:25 and sunset at 7:14 tomorrow as we lose the hour's sleep. >> thank you, nbc nightly news is next. >> see you then. on this saturday night, white house intruder. the suspect now in custody after scaling the fence while the president was there. just the latest breach of white house security. winter blast. ten days before spring, snow in the midwest and south followed by what could be the biggest storm of the season in the northeast. house of horrors. eight women held captive in a georgia mansion until one of themanaged to call the police. suspect charged with human trafficking. seniors and pot. the unlikely substance in pill form helping the elderly reduce pain and their use of addictive opioid drugs. and baby steps. as you've never seen them. the hot new dance for new moms, dads and their babies. the videos viewed by millions. "nightly news" begins now.

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Georgia , Nevada , Australia , Santa Clara Valley , San Leandro , Kentucky , Sonoma , Squaw Creek , Russia , San Francisco , Los Gatos , San Jose State University , Squaw Valley , Healdsburg , Modesto , Pennsylvania , South Korea , San Mateo County , Jersey , Morgan Hill , Tiburon , Mountain View , Australian , America , Russian , American , Christine Smith , Caesar Chavez , Garmin Thomas , Mike Mckinney , Santa Clara , Milpitas Marianne , Dee Gonzales , November Bharara , Preet Bharara , Terry Mcsweeney , Matt Devin , Christie Smith ,

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