Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20141014 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20141014

captured on camera, police say this surveillance video shows the two men responsible for burglarizing a home and then beating the family's small dog. nbc bay area's michelle roberts just spoke with that dog's owner. >> reporter: the dog is home tonight and doing okay. but still, not as healthy as it usually is. the owner says somebody knocks on the door, the dog's bark. they have a sign beware of the dog, which clearly these burglars didn't see as a deterrent. san jose police are looking for these two men. surveillance cameras caught them walking down the street with a suitcase. moments after breaking into a home on culpepper drive in san jose. >> nightmare come true for them. >> reporter: it happened friday. the thieves not only burglarized the home, they also brutally attacked the family dog boba. his owner tony says he's thinking about moving. tony took this cell phone video of the gruesome scene the burglars left behind. bloody footprints scattered throughout the house. >> just all this blood. the dog's okay. >> reporter: boba was beaten or kick sod badly he couldn't eat on his own. the vet says the 14-pound pomeranian mix will be okay. police have identified one of the men in this video, 18-year-old josiah johnson, still on the loose. >> they've identified the cull pit. >> reporter: tony says his family will be on edge. the vet bill was over $1,000. tony says friends, family, even strangers all pitched in to help cover that cost. he should be easy to spot, older man with long, gray hair and a beard. campbell police are trying to track him down. they say he exposed himself to a woman outside the safe way store on hamilton avenue in campbell last month. the woman described the man as possibly being homeless and wearing a green army jacket. she says the man ran off when she entered that safe way store. drastic times call for drastic measures. the san jose police department is considering a plan to help cover its severe staffing shortage. require all full-time officers to work overtime. it's a story you'll see only on nbc bay area. robert honda joins us live from police headquarters with more on this plan. what's prompting the department to do this now? >> reporter: you can imagine the prospect of mandatory overtime is generating a lot of buzz. the top brass is looking for input from cops on this new plan because officials say right now, they just can't fill the patrol staffing gaps. san jose police have been trying stopgap measures to solve its staffing shortage. even as the force dropped from a peak of about 1,300 to around 900 active officers. nbc bay area has learned the department is now surveying the rank and file for input on a plan requiring mandatory overtime. one cop we talked to, a poa officer, got mad when he saw the survey. >> i was a bit offended. because i took it as, which of these ideas that we have do you like best? not, how are we going to fix this problem? >> reporter: the survey says so-called pay car shifts, meaning cops volunteering to fill patrol gaps, cannot meet the demand given current and projected staffing levels. so the flex car program, which rotates cops on patrols, would be replaced by the mandated overtime applied to all full-duty officers. >> it's going to be a detriment to the personal life but also cause more stress to them, more fatigue. so we're concerned about this direction. >> reporter: a drop in police academy cadets may have helped lead to this plan. a new academy plas starts tomorrow and an already small group of 29 dropped to 22. that's on top of 95 officers who resaned or retired. >> for every one new hire that comes in and at least temporarily stays, two officers are leaving. >> what we're facing is a competitive disadvantage. we are in a competition with other agencies who offer better salaries, better benefits. >> reporter: now, the police department says it has been working on a possible plan for months because of an expected surge in retirements. they hope to have the survey completed by october 20th. coming up at 6:00, more on the proposal, the survey, and the possible painful options ahead. this just in. a teenager on the peninsula has been arrested, booked for drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter. 19-year-old miguel torres veered off the road and killed a pedestrian, a man, in palo alto. here's the foot an from the scene. torres survived and was uninjured in this accident. it happened just after 6:00 this morning. police say the victim was killed as he was walking on east bayshore road in palo alto. this road runs parallel to 101 a few clocks from ikea. the driver pit a hit a power pole and public works reinstall the power pole. the victim's name, the man who died, has not been released. earthquake pressure. literally, pressure is building on california's underground fault system. a new usgs study reinforces what seismologists have been saying for years, the bay area is overdue for a major seismic event. such as the loma prieta earthquake in 1989. coincidentally the 20th anniversary of that quake is this friday. here are the latest findings. geologists say they're seeing no creep on these fault lines which are all linked to the san andreas fault. no creep means no pressure is being released, therefore tension is building for earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.8 or greater. there are big plans for redevelopment, but is the land safe for people to actually live on? we're talking about hunters point in san francisco. there are new questions today after we obtained an internal report questioning the radiation cleanup at the former naval shipyard. vicky nguyen joins us with more. >> reporter: the exclusive details are in this report leaked by sources close to the cleanup. it's an investigation that was conducted by tetro tech. the company admits it collected and supplied critical data that was false. in october 2012, the navy discovered tetrotech handed in samples inconsistent with other samples. these samples were supposedly clear of radiation. turns out they were collected from a completely different area of the shipyard. when crews retested the area they found some locations that had elevated levels of radiation. this is land slated for homes, parks, and offices. >> they basically collected a false sample, analyzed it, and then put a report out that had false results. >> this is huge. this is a very, very big incident. >> reporter: t echetra tech 39e comment but the company says it disciplined and retrained staff and "has not had a recurrence of the false data." we'll have much more tonight in our full investigation at 11:00. >> if you have a tip for the investigative unit, we urge you to give us a call, 888-996-tips. or send us an e-mail [email protected]. we are learning new details about the texas nurse diagnosed with ebola over the weekend. she is 26-year-old nina pham, the first person to contract ebola here in the u.s. pham caught the virus while caring for thomas duncan who died from ebola last week. health leaders are re-examining protocols for working with ebola patients. they're looking into the protective gear doctors and nurses wear, how they put it on, take it off, and whether anything safer can be done. >> we have to rethink the way we address ebola infection control. because even a single infection is unacceptable. >> meanwhile, new survey from national nurses united shows that 3 of 4 nurses feel their hospital has not provided sufficient education on ebola. and nearly 40% of nurses polled say their hospital did not have all the supplies needed to contain the virus. coming up at 5:30, what went wrong? "nightly news" goes in-depth on the new ebola case in dallas and the questions raised about how nina pham became infected. gay rights supporters call it a breakthrough for the catholic church and a dramatic shift towards homosexuals. a document released today by the vatican asks for catholics to respect the dignity of gay people and accept positive aspects of same-sex couples. it says gay people have many gifts and qualities to offer. the text was released during a high-level meeting of bishops. and not everyone is happy. church conservatives are calling it a betrayal of fily values. gas prices are dropping and could go even lower by christmas. i'm kimberly terry live in emeryville with the reasons behind the fall coming up. good afternoon. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri live if san francisco where a tech conference is booming with activity. but it's about what's happening away from the computer that has our attention. we'll talk more about gives and dream force in a few minutes. plus details on a weather forecast that's going to dramatically change. when rain will return to the bay area in a few. at 6:00, looks like a cocoon and it could save lives. >> every ambulance is going to have to have masks, goggles. >> how health officials are looking to build up defenses in case ebola ever comes to the south bay. insurance companies are spending millions of dollars trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. another rough day on wall street. the last hour of trading, the final hour, the dow dropped more than 200 points. investor anxieties over upcoming earnings and global growth or the lack thereof helped trigger the sell-off. the dow and nasdaq lost nearly 1.5%. taking a dive, prices at the pump which drivers are happy to see, plummeting an average of 20 cents a gallon over the last month. there is speculation prices will continue to fall as we head into the holiday season. kimberly terry is live in emeryville with more on the reasons behind this drop. >> reporter: the national average for a gallon of unleaded is $3.21 today. and some analysts think that might fall below $3 by christmas. of course here in the bay area we do expect to pay more. but it's still a great break for drivers. mest bay area residents expect to pony up when it comes to filling up at the pump. >> cost of living, gas prices. it's unbelievable. >> reporter: which is why many couldn't believe their eyes this weekend when prices at this new gas station in pleasanton dropped below 3 bucks a gallon. >> $2.99 is unbelievable. >> it was packed for days. so i think it was very successful promotion to open up their new store. >> reporter: it wasn't here for long. the price was a grand opening promotion. but it was enough to garner customer loyalty. >> i knew it wasn't going to last. but still, $3.29, that's not bad either. >> reporter: drivers are looking for a deal. according to aaa they are getting one. over the last month prices for a gallon of regular unleaded in the bay area have dropped between 16 to 20 cents a gallon. and some analysts predict we might see prices plummet another 30% by christmas. >> if we don't have any major storms throughout the winter, and barring any unforeseen geopolitical situation, we should see the gas prices continue to descend. >> we've had high prices for so long, this is going to be quite a present for us for christmas if that happens. >> reporter: aaa attributes the drop in gas prices to a few things. less drivers on the road, a major increase in u.s. production of crude oil, and refineries switching over to the less-expensive winter blend of gasoline. >> it would be great. let's keep it going down. it would be fine with me. >> reporter: a aaa spokesperson says the low prices could influence the way families travel this holiday season. they could choose to drive now instead of flying or using other forms of transportation. gas prices are dropping across the bay area. san francisco, though, still has some of the highest prices at $3.74. in oakland the average is $3.62. and in san jose the average cost per gallon is $3.60. orange october continues. the giants are back in town. this is a live look from our exclusive ballpark cam. after last night's gut-wrenching loss in st. louis, the giants flew back to sfo today. so this is where we stand. the best of seven series is tied 1-1 apiece. the next three games are at at&t park beginning tomorrow evening. mark matthews is at the ballpark. i am ready for three straight nights of torture, what about you? >> i know you watched the game last night. forget about it, put it out of your mind. the giants are back home. it's a new day. the place is looking pretty good. let me show you the pictures. they've got two rows of red, white and blue bunting that encircle the outside of the stadium. the gates are standing by, ready to open up and welcome in the faithful. inside the giants started their practice this afternoon. they looked relaxed, glad to be home. even the cardinals talked about the beautiful wither in northern california. we're hoping that tomorrow it will cool them off just a little bit. the practice looked pretty much as it always does. a little catch, a little toss. except that you feel an edge in the air this time that just isn't there during the regular season. >> there's always a sizzle in the air. you see the bunting around the ballpark. everybody says there's an air of excitement that you can't have during the regular season because the stakes are so high. so we're excited. there's going to be 42,000 people that are literally going to be screaming their lungs out as there were last night in st. louis. >> raj, i know you've been a sports reporter, i have not. rarely, if ever, get a chance to go in and cover a game. never been in an interview situation with the coach before. today i got a chance to sit in the room and ask bruce bochy a question. and i gave it up. we asked regular fans what they wanted to ask bochy and then we passed them along to the coach. you'll hear their questions and his responses coming up at 6:00 tonight. >> i like that, very interesting. see you at 6:00. this is one of the busiest weeks of the year in san francisco. not just because of the giants game. >> but because of a lot of other things, including this. the world's largest software conference has officially kicked off. are you ready for sales force? they are taking over, taking center stage in san francisco. the bay area-based company has kicked off the big conference dream force and it has thousands of people streaming into the bay area. >> chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is there right now. jeff, the weather holding up for the start of dream force. >> yeah, it sure was today. temperatures in the 80s. a lot of sunshine. we're right at the epicenter of all of the action. back here behind me, a tent where there's going to be music happening at dream force. but while this is a tech conference and you've got a lot of tech geeks coming out here, there's also a different kind of twist to the dream force conference this year. that's what's really got our attention. right now we want to bring in michael peachy with sales force. sales fourth has had this baby of sorts this dream force conference, if you will. >> yes, it's our 12th annual dream force conference. it's bigger and better than ever. it's now the world's largest software conference. absolutely awesome. we're expecting 140,000 registered attendees here and up to 5 million people watching online. >> that's fantastic. then the other thing besides what people will do when they come out here and be a part of this conference is you guys are also doing a little bit of give-back as well. >> absolutely. it's part of and we've had a one on one model from the beginning. we're asking everyone who comes to bring a can of food on a drive to deliver 1 million meals throughout the world. our ceo mark bennie offand tom robins agreed to match that number, 3 million meals. >> if you're not coming to dream force because you don't have any ticket or anything like that, you can still donate? >> you can donate at, sign up there. come to the music festival, there's fun stuff going on here as well. bruno mars is playing in the civic center plaza. the energy is just amazing. >> fantastic. michael peachy, thank you so much. we really appreciate it. the energy is phenomenal. if you are not registered, you're not planning on coming out, maybe it's a last-minute thing you want to come and be a part of this. they're doing a lot of give-back and it is fantastic. your weather forecast, it has been sunny and unusually warm for today. check it out. numbers going down dramatically as we head through tomorrow. san jose 70 with increasing cloud cover. we'll also see areas of showers in pacifica beginning to develop. as well for portions of san francisco. now it's not a major storm system but you'll definitely want to have that umbrella handy. also the north bay, napa expecting 67. sausalito 64. throughout oakland temperatures in the upper 60s. we'll have sun in pleasanton and also livermore. here's the future cast. you can see for tomorrow as we head throughout tuesday's forecast, still dry mainly throughout 11:00 p.m. then as we head throughout wednesday, we'll gradually start to see a few scattered showers beginning to develop across the bay area. but it's not much. really the next largest chance for any rainfall would be on friday and into saturday's forecast as well. so let's go and take you into the temperatures. everyone's going to be impacted by dropping down into the 70s for san jose after 90s this past weekend. and san francisco also dropping into the 60s as well. so if you are headed out here to the dream force conference, we do have a slight chance of showers for tomorrow. you're going to want to bring your jacket. temperatures are going to primarily be in the 60s. the next largest chance of any kind of rainfall really is not going to come here until we head throughout friday and also saturday. so we've got a little bit of a quiet buzz of activity back here behind us. but it's going to be going off tonight and again tomorrow. we've got the bruno mars concert. and we also hear hillary clinton is going to be out here. you don't have to be registered at the conference to be able to come out and maybe get a glimpse of a little bit of hillary action. >> always a big event, streets are closed down in that area. thanks so much. still ahead, it was supposed to collapse. but not like this. the mistake that sent a building crashing in san francisco's financial district today. also, what's to blame for that fire that brought bart to a halt during this morning's commute. we now know the name of a fisherman who was swept into the ocean at the marin head lands during a high surf advisory yesterday. the man, 61-year-old jimmy choo of san francisco, was fishing near another man when a wave overtook body of them. the other man was able to reach some rocks and was rescued by the coast guard. first responders could not get to choo in time. an unexpected detour for morning commuters in san francisco's financial district. take a look at this video. the side of a building fell onto the roadway. the debris closed two lanes near the intersection of pine and montgomery streets. firefighters say the building was in the middle of a demolition. city building inspectors are trying to figure out what caused the side of the building to come down. a fire at a homeless camp is being blamed for stopping bart trains and spreading this heavy black smoke across the east bay today. the delay started just before 8:00 a.m. between the san lea leandro bayfair and hayward stations. firefighters say a tent at the camp caught fire and spread. trains were moving again about a half hour later. bart continues to roll toward san jose. it should be an easier commute tonight for some south bay drivers. traffic is flowing at full capacity along hoff steader road in north san jose. some of the lanes on hoffstead wear closed for nine months while crews dug up a trench for future bart trains that will run below the road. bta reopened all lanes this morning. so very good news. the extension project is expected to be completed by 2018. his pumpkin smashed the record. the winner of the big half moon way weigh-off next. hey john check it out. whoa! yeah i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv and the tablet worked just fine but i wanted to see if the phone will work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel's live just like on tv but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. the x1 entertainment operating system only from xfinity. here's what wear working on for 6:00. trouble for tesla. the stock is dropping and customers are complaining. why tesla drivers say they're being short changed by the palo alto-based company and what they're doing about it. a ghostly white pumpkin squashed the competition at today's half moon bay pumpkin weigh-off. >> yes, sir! i think that's the north american champion right there! >> it is the first one-ton pumpkin in half moon bay history, 2,000 pounds. the napa man who grew it is taking home a prize of $13,000 which is really useful these days in napa. >> i don't have plans. you know, i've got a chimney to fix from the earthquake. >> really? >> yeah. so this is meant to be. god gave us these. >> and like previous winners, hockley's going to share the seeds from this monster pumpkin with his fellow competitors, other pumpkin farmers. >> great story, especially using that money to rebuild after the earthquake. >> so glad he won that. >> thanks for joining us here at 5:00, hope to see you back here at 6:00. on our broadcast tonight, what went wrong with hospital procedure? the questions now that a 26-year-old nurse is the latest ebola patient in the u.s. high alert as a violent storm system now moves across our country. it's already spawned tornadoes tonight. 40 million americans are in the path of this weather. behind closed doors. what happened today at the vatican that's being described as earth-shattering for the catholic church. and "making a difference." a place where one man's trash is treasure island for a lot of young creative minds. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. good evening. and with another ebola patient now hospitalized, it's clearer than ever this mondani

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