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Descriptions. The local president of the correctional Deputies Union is angry and worried ability the attacks. Its a polarizing issue. And today another key decision regarding ray mcdonald. Head coach jim harbaugh saying mcdonald will play against the dallas cowboys. I feel like the way the facts are and whats known, he has the liberty to play in the game. Mcdonald is accused of abusing his pregnant fiance. He has been practicing with the team all week. In fact, this was the practice earlier at levis stadium. The 49ers arrived in dallas this evening for sundays opener in texas. The decision to let him play despite the allegations isnt just controversial with many 49ers fans, but also with former players. Hall of Famer Ronnie Lott saying today the team should bench ray mcdonald. One day later, San Francisco building left in ruins. You saw it live on our air, fire in the Mission District that burned for hours and sent plumes of smoke skyward. Now it turns out that building has to be demolished. Nbc bay areas Christie Smith is live in San Francisco to show why the cleanup hasnt even started yet. Christie . Reporter good evening. Well, firefighters say that this building just has to come down because it isnt safe at all. But they say the owners are still working out the details with their insurance to make that happen and thats also why all this burned debris is still sitting here in the street. Most businesses opened back up on the block, but not all. We were supposed to have our local installed on the windows and the top of the building yesterday and this happened. Reporter total care plus just moved in, they were planning a grand opening. Now she says they need to clean up a little after a fire three doors down. They plan to reopen monday. We have patients scheduled to come in today. Ive been answering the phones and letting them know that were closed today. Reporter nearby, a pile of luggage, clothes, and plastic items fill Mission Street in front of whats left of big house inc. , a store so packed with stuff that firefighters are still looking for possible hot spots more than 24 hours later. The entire roof has failed. Reporter the battalion chief says the fivealarm fire yesterday that spent thick black smoke into the neighborhood burned so hot, that it weakened the steel beams that support the building. Its determined the building in question, the actual fire building, is going to be demolished. The integrity of the building was compromised. Reporter he believes the owners and their insurance will take care of it. Three other businesses are also dealing with smoke or water damage, but for most of the neighborhood, it was back to business. Fivealarm fire, so definitely, yes, i was worried about it. Fortunately, nothing happened. Reporter back here live, we asked firefighters when they thought the building might be taken down. At this point they still dont know and say because of the poor shape of the building, arson investigators havent had a chance to look inside and search for a cause. Coming up, well check back in with some of the residents who say they decided to self evacuate because of all the smoke. We checked in with them to see how they were doing today. Thats the story from here reporting live in San Francisco, Christie Smith, nbc bay area news. Thank you. Also new at 5 00, the search for a serial thief. He may be linked to robberies in three local cities. Take a look at the surveillance photo now. Fremont police say this may be the same man wanted for two different robberies in fremont alo alone. Hes described as middle eastern or hispanic. He could also be linked to robberies in san jose and san mateo. A suspected flasher on the peninsula has been caught. Santa clara county sheriffs deputies arrested cory jacobs. They said women called for help when he exposed himself at seale park in palo alto, then more calls came in, women reporting a man touching himself at three other locations, including johnson park. Detectives arrested jacobs last saturday. In the east bay, a moving ceremony today as a key interchange was named for a fallen officer. This is the scene on interstate 680 in alamo two years ago when he was shot. The officer had gotten out of his cruiser to remove a dead deer when a man opened fire. Today he was remembered by his family, friends, and other officers, who gathered to name the 680 24 interchange in his honor. Knowing kenyon will be forever memorialized makes this day special. Nothing compensates the family for the loss suffered, but hopefully todays ceremony brings a bit of understanding in a somewhat crazy world. That location where state highway 24 meets interstate 680 is officially named the Kenyon Youngstrom memorial interchange. Were following developing news overseas, a vow from president obama to disrupt, degrade, and defeat isis, that promise as more u. S. Air strikes struck the extremist islamic group. Today senator Barbara Boxer told reporters here in San Francisco the president will go after isis the same way he went after al qaeda. Mark matthews is in the city this evening. Mark, were awaiting the president s plan and apparently got it today. Reporter well, not exactly, raj. Senator boxer did start out by saying that the rise of isis can be laid directly at the feet of the bush administrations invasion of iraq, because that invasion erupted or, i think her word was exacerbated longsimmering divisions within that country, but what she said about isis being defeated is that she believes it can be done without u. S. Combat troops. Isis has an army that al qaeda never had, yet senator Barbara Boxer is convinced both can be defeated in similar fashion. Yes, terror groups are terror groups. Reporter and she says it wont involve extending the war in iraq. Were going to do it without american combat boots on the ground. Reporter the senator says the Iraqi Military and u. S. Backed syrian fighters can handle the ground combat, coupled with u. S. Intelligence and u. S. Air strikes. Air strikes have stopped isis from moving closer to the kurdish capital of irbil and forces have retaken key territory, including mosul dam. Reporter some experts believe arming and supporting moderate syrian fighters and beefing up iraqs forces against isis is at best going to be a long and difficult task. Boxer sits on the Senate Foreign relations committee. I asked if her confidence came from what the pentagon has been telling her. Are you hearing from the pentagon that air strikes and support for foreign fighters is going to be enough . Yes, we are hearing from this president every day that we have a strategy. Reporter well, actually the president said he does not have a strategy for syria, but he is working on it. And i think its going to be its going to be a good strategy and its going to be like the strategy we have in iraq, which is to have other boots on the ground, from people who know the area, who are very familiar with it, with american intelligence, with American Security personnel, and i think its going to make a lot of sense. John . Reporter and with that she moved on to another reporters question. Senator, very apparently in support of the president. What is not apparent is how the u. S. Will degrade, defeat isis. Those details yet to come. Reporting from San Francisco, mark matthews, nbc bay area news. Mark, thank you. Our coverage of the threat isis poses continues in just about 20 minutes from now at 5 30. Nightly news going indepth exploring the worlds response to this unexpected rise of this group. Im Michelle Roberts in hayward, where an elderly man was attacked on sunday. Coming up, police are trying to ask two questions, who did this and why did no one call 911 . And good afternoon, im meteorologist jeff ranieri, after some sunshine in San Francisco, the fog continuing to roll back in at this hour, some sun in San Francisco, but also across the peninsula. More about your full forecast in just a few minutes. I love california so much and i would love to i try to get there whenever i can. Meredith vieira reveals the one place she likes to go in the bay area. She sits down to talk about her new show. Then at 6 00, it would be a dramatic shift on crime and police dont like it. Law enforcement, were not there to put bad people in jail, wait a minute, yes, we are. Now weve learned a south bay political heavyweight is about to endorse this potential new law. The exclusive story new at 6 00. No rush, andy. Come on. With the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. Youve got to be kidding. Did you guys see that . That ball was out. To paying your coach for adding five Miles Per Hour to your serve. That ball wasnt in. Get your eyes checked. Help me out here. Download the best mobile app today. So you can always have the advantage. Chase. So you can beaten in a park on a sunny sunday afternoon and no one did a thing to help him. That elderly man is recovering tonight after a stunning attack in a crowded hayward park. Police say hundreds of people were in kennedy park but no one called police to report the man laying unconscious for more than an hour. Nbc bay areas Michelle Roberts is live with the latest on the investigation. So people just walked past him . Reporter apparently thats what happened and thats the big question. Kennedy park here is busy even on a week day, but last sunday, labor day weekend, it was absolutely packed. Police say there were hundreds of people around dinnertime when an elderly man was attacked. Not one person called 911. Hayward police say a 70yearold man was at kennedy park on sunday collecting recycled goods. Investigators think he was involved in some type of argument with someone at a picnic party when he was attacked. This is a grandfather, a father, somebody who really wasnt there causing problems, and he suffers for what . Reporter the elderly man was knocked unconscious and whoever did it left him laying on the ground, and so did everyone else. Theres hundreds of people at the park that day, and nobody contacted and called the police or 911 to let them know there was someone lying there, needed help, its a little disturbing. Reporter police were finally called at 7 00 p. M. When the victims wife saw him laying there. 70yearold man lying on the floor, even if you didnt know he got punched, you said see if hes okay. Reporter the victim is still in the hospital, hes expected to survive but may have suffered brain damage. The incident has many people in hayward shaken up. I want some violence stopped. Reporter police dont have any suspects, but they do say an africanamerican they believe was here driving a tan vehicle may be involved. Reporting live in hayward, Michelle Roberts, nbc bay area news. Whos going to pay and whats going to happen with all that money . A peninsula lawmaker wants to use some of the 1. 4 billion in the fine against pse g to better our current pipelines. He represents the neighborhood where eight people died and 38 homes were destroyed in that explosion in 2010. Pse g was fined a record 1. 4 billion. Some of that money will pay for pipeline and Safety Improvements, but hill objects to putting nearly a half a billion dollars of that money into the states general fund. We were the ones with the exposure, so why should the residents of Los Angeles County or shasta county, why shouldnt the rest of the state benefit from pse gs negligence here . We should be the beneficiaries of that. Senator hills proposed law would divide a bulk of the money this way, 300 million for the general fund, 50 million for a Pipeline Safety trust, 30 million for the independent monitor to oversee pse gs Safety Improvement plans and 570 million to help offset 12 billion in proposed pse g rate hikes. Is california moving in the right direction . That answer depends who you ask and where they live. 80 felt california was on the wrong track, but a new field poll shows more optimism in voters. 43 say the states moving in the right direction now. Almost as many say its growing in the wrong. Coastal residents are more positive. 47 say california is on track. 51 of inland voters say the state is seriously off track. A lot of people are excited, a particular face is returning to nbc next week, Meredith Vieira. We traveled to new york to the set of vieiras new talk show. The amazing, the beautiful, Meredith Vieira Meredith Vieira is back. Monday, the veteran journalist and talk show host starts a show of her very own, so she wanted it to be a true reflection of herself. This room is designed, the set is designed, to look like my family room. I really wanted it to be a true reflection. Reporter the idea behind the new show is that youre just hanging out with an old friend. You might be sharing a story that could be a sad one, could be a happy one, but youre sharing, youre connecting. You might be playing a game, you might have music on, weve got a band, so its going to be a lot of humor and heart and information, too. Reporter television isnt new to the veteran broadcaster. You know her from who wants to be a millionaire, and, of course, from the today show. I couldnt be happier than to welcome the woman next to me to our family and team. Meredith vieira is here. Reporter she sat alongside matt lauer before retiring to spend time with her family. That didnt last long. Why do you want to do this . I dont know, i dont know. Go do it, it will be fine. I miss the connection with people. I really do. I guess i wasnt done, and i wanted to do a show that reflected me. I didnt want to have my name on it, but thats the way it goes, and my sensibilities and just try it. Why not . Reporter vieira says she wouldnt mind taking the show on the road one day. Shes not a stranger to the bay area. I love california so much and i would love i try to get there any time i can. Reporter any favorite haunts in the bay area . Tiburon . Sam . Many times. The people are great. Reporter really excited for your show, 3 00, our living rooms every single day. Maybe some time you can help me make dinner. Im terrible. Ill share a drink with you, though. You can watch out for those two ladies together. A reminder, watch the show week days at 3 00 in the afternoon right here on nbc bay area. I think they are chilling a bottle of chardonnay at sams. Jeff ranieri is with us now. Perfect weekend for chardonnay, right . Great weather saturday and sunday, right here behind me, we had the marine layer and also the fog. Yet again for today, a little thicker throughout the afternoon, but it did clear out at least for two to three hours to allow some sunshine from San Francisco, right into tiburon. Outside to the Sky Camera Network and you can see cloud cover continuing to build right now and hazier conditions with the westerly wind coming back and the fog. Youre not going to have too much more daylight here. Of course, the suns setting, but on top of that, its going to feel like the suns setting earlier. Peninsula, thick fog at the coastline, 73 degrees. East shore, very hazy, and still a bit of sun in San Francisco, but that fog, again, is quickly approaching. Even back to the trivalley, where we had temperatures in the low 90s today, weve already dropped about ten degrees from that daytime high with the cooler westerly wind. All right, next graphic, something to sleep in with here saturday and also sunday. If you have a hard time waking up with that sun shining outside your bedroom window, the fog is not going anywhere this weekend. Cloudy conditions, this is where were getting, sleeping in longer. Weve got the thick marine layer in place saturday morning and as we get you in closer, the other thing on top of not just plain old cloud cover is the possibility again of some drizzle, actually picking up on a decent amount here throughout the coastline, maybe even a little drizzle back towards the east bay, and, of course, clouds for the north bay, east bay, and patchy cloud cover there for the south bay. Through the afternoon, typical sunny skies back for the afternoon hours, but well still keep some patchy fog near the coastline. So with the fog staying put near the coast, temperatures are not going to get too hot. Going to keep us right in the middle, very comfortable here. San jose expecting 84 degrees for your high, 87 in morgan hill, and for the peninsula, we may push out 71 with sunshine, palo alto 81, most of San Francisco in the 60s, downtown, maybe the Farmers Market this weekend, temperatures will be right at about 70 degrees. For the north bay, east bay, and trivalley if youre heading up towards tiburon or napa, temperatures expected in the low 80s. For the trivalley, 91 in pleasanton, also 89 in livermore. Taking you to the weekend forecast, saturday will be the warmest of the weekend. Temperatures in the mid 80s for the south bay. Then by sunday well go down just a couple of degrees, so if youre already thinking about maybe heading to San Francisco, dont forget the jacket this weekend. We have the autumn moon festival happening. Cool one in chinatown, once the wind kicks up, youre going to feel it. Weve got you covered on this one, as well. 43rd annual art and Wine Festival is going to be happening, temperatures warmer there and low to mid 80s. Not a bad weekend coming our way. Lets talk about the chardonnay. Thanks, jeff. Still ahead at 5 00, apple is fighting back, the new security measures having put in place in the wake of that celebrity photo hack. Plus, caught on camera, a wild and unusual rescue on the peninsula, the animal in need of a little help. [ mike ] our living local program is identifying farmers within a 50mile radius of the Stores Within their community. Capay valley puts some of the most beautiful heirloom tomatoes in the box and we get those to the store on the next day. Its a really great relationship when you can buy fresh, flavorful, outstanding products from your neighbor. Its our passion for produce, combined with our strong sense of community. And were able to deliver that experience by living local. The cause of joan rivers death is still unknown. The medical examiner said further tests are needed to determine what cause the legendary comedian to go into cardiac arrest last week. Rivers was undergoing a routine outpatient procedure. New york state investigators are also examining what happened. Her private funeral is this sunday at a new york city synagogue. We have much more on joan rivers tonight in primetime. A onehour special, several stars will share their memories of working with the Ground Breaking entertainer. You can see it right here on nbc bay area beginning at 9 00 p. M. Complaints of hacking and privacy violations from hollywood celebrities has apples ceo making a move to restore confidence in the icloud, and the timing is critical, with apple unveiling new products next week. Ceo tim cook tells the wall street journal apple plans to warn users when theyve been hacked. He denies the labor day breach was apples fault and is sticking with this. Cook says apple will alert users when someone tries to change their password or restore icloud data to a new device. In the case of sending old data to a new device, the warning would inform you the information was transferred, but it would not prevent it. Happening now, our nbc chopper overhead in downtown oakland. You can see down below a pretty sizable group of protesters outside the marriott hotel. These protesters want to send a message against a militarization against local police agencies. This weekend First Responders from around the world are staying at that marriott. They are here to take part in a disaster exercise called urban shield. Earlier today, our nbc chopper was on the other side of the bay in moffitt field where the exercise will take place. You see the tents down below. Its billed as the largest First Responder event in the world. It begins tomorrow morning. An unusual rescue call this morning at a home, video, sheriffs deputies what youre seeing there and firefighters working together to free a deer that got caught in the netting in a san carlos backyard. The rescue was tricky because the deers antlers were tangled up and the deer was moving around a lot. Were told the buck was not hurt, just frightened. They did release it and it was heading back into the wild on its own when firefighters were still there, so a happy ending to that deer rescue. I used to live two streets away from carmelita in san carlos, we saw deer all the time. Back in a moment with another interesting tidbit about levis stadium. Safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. Thats why they have lots of ways for you to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. School is in and so are the savings. Pretty lady green grapes are just 1. 99 a pound. Kids love kraft mac cheese. Youll love that its 79ยข a box. And grab capri sun for just 1. 88. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. A new distinction tonight for the 49ers, levis stadium is the most expensive venue in the entire nfl. If youre going to the game, you better bring your wallet or bring jessicas wallet. I was going to say yours. A family of four is going to have to shell out about 640 to go to a 49ers game. Heres what it includes, four averagepriced tickets, parking, two programs, two beers, four sodas, and four hot dogs. Basically, the minimum there. The majority is for the ticket. In comparison, last year at candlestick, the average price for a family of four, 117. This season, 640. That is a distinction. Quite a distinction. Got to take out a small loan. We have a game coming up in a week or so on nbc. Watch it on tv. Teamwork. See you at 6 00. On our broadcast tonight, high drama. All afternoon an unresponsive pilot, a plane flying out of control, fighter jets scrambled and tonight a tragedy at sea. Grounded in iran, a flight with 100 americans on board ordered to land. Destroying isis, is the world finally going to get together to fight a brutal enemy . And risk factors. As tributes pour in for joan rivers. A closer look tonight at the procedure she was having just as millions do every year. And tonight what patients should know if they have one scheduled. Nightly news begins now. Good evening

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