Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20130108 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20130108

an ntsb investigation did determine that the bar pilot navigating the ship was impaired by prescription drugs. he spent ten months behind bars and had his pilot license revoked. one of the biggest factors in that accident was the weather. thick fog blanketed the bay. chief meteorologist jeff ranier is in the weather center with the conditions at the time of the incident. it was foggy at least interior. was it like that on the water? >> we did definitely have plenty of low clouds, also fog. weather, was this a prime factor in this? we can't say so far. there you can see the bay bridge in the center of your screen and that marker indicating that this collision again happening at tower 6 which is just off to the west of treasure island. once again, at 11:120 this morning, visibility was a quarter mile or less. it was a long area of low clouds that straddled right across the bay bridge. wind east-southeast at five miles per hour and wave heights anywhere from five to eight feet. what i will say is we have had fog, wind and also wave heights that have been much worse than this on the bridge in the past six months. so with this, our most extreme case? doesn't look like it at this point, but there was earlier this morning, guys. >> thanks, jeff. see you in a little bit for our weather. for more information including video and close-up photographs, logon to our website, not competent to stand trial. at least for now. 43-year-old one l. goh is charged with killing seven people last march. today a judge ordered goh to a state mental facility. our kimberly terry was at the competency hearing. kimberly, this is news that most of the families of the victims did not want to hear. legally what does this mean? >> reporter: well, legally this means that it's just a temporary suspension. in fact, the for the reason for one l. goh says he still fully expects his client to go to trial. the judge made her decision to send him to a mental health facility based on two reports submitted by psychiatrists. goh's attorney says both doctors diagnosed the 43-year-old with paranoid schizophrenia. goh has pleaded not guilty to seven counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder in the shooting in oakland. authorities say goh was in a dispute with school officials over tuition at the time of the massacre. >> well, he was certainly a deeply troubled man. he's locked up in shame and remorse and sadness. he's not eating. he's not taking good care of himself. i think he's significantly mentally ill, and he needs help. >> reporter: goh will be back in court at the end of the month when it will be decided which mental health hospital he will go to. his attorney says he will receive therapy and medication and the court will receive reports every 90 days on his progress. once he is restored to better health, his attorney says he is expected to stand trial. live in oakland, kimberly terry, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, kimberly. new details emerging on day one of a preliminary hearing for that suspect in last year's colorado movie theater massacre. officers held back tears as they recounted the day that james holmes entered the aurora theater and then opened fire, killing 12 and injuring 70. the officers say holmes appeared relaxed and detached after the shooting and even told them his apartment was booby-trapped. the hearing is expected to last through the week. holmes faces dozens of murder and attempted murder charges and also faces the death penalty, if convicted. it's not just guns, it's ammunition as well. today an east bay legislator unveiled a new bill that would make it harder to get the type of bullets used in the shootings in aurora and oikos university. maryann favreau joins us with the so-called bullet bill. >> you mentioned a state assembly member introduced new legislature that takes aims at bullets to closely regulate ammunition sales. it would require bullet buyers to show i.d. it would require ammo dealers to be licensed. it would also require ammo sellers to report sales to the department of justice. which would set up a bullet registry. assembly member nancy skinner says right now in california it's just too easy for people to stockpile bullets. >> today it is easier in california to buy bullets than to buy alcohol, cigarettes or sudafed cold medicine. >> emeryville police chief ken james spoke out today supporting the proposed bill. he says recording ammunition sales would allow officers to track who is purchasing large amounts of bullets like the shooter in aurora, colorado. the bill would also ban kits to convert ammunition clips into high-capacity magazines. last year in california, 2,800 people were killed by gunfire. assembly member skinner says some of those deaths may have been prevented if it wasn't so easy to buy bullets. after the shooting in newtown, there is heightened concern about the sales of guns and bullets. and now a new store in lohs gats is selling both. that's creating a lot of controversy. that story coming up at 6:00. >> thank you, maryann. new details tonight in the investigation into the so-called speed freak killings. a hand-picked evidence response team has converged on a new location. a farm 12 miles east of stockton where investigators expect to find several victims remains. the feds are leading the excavation of an old well located on a farm outside the town of lyndon. this site is near another abandoned well where four bodies were found nearly a year ago. one of the convicted killers seen on the right directed investigators to the site from his cell on death row. authorities say that he and lauren herzog who committed suicide last january went on a meth-fueled killing rampage in the '80s and '90s. the original well now filled in is about 50 feet deep. investigators hope to excavate and hand sift about five feet of soil per day. the san carlos airport is closed tonight while aviation officials investigate what caused a plane to skid off the runway. the small plane crashed while landing at the airport on the peninsula this morning. the sheriff's department says the plane was coming in too fast and slid off the end of the runway, went over the side of a levee and dived, as you can see, nose first into the mud. this is video from our nbc chopper. the two people on board were not hurt. the plane is registered to the ceo of weber logistics, a southern california company, and it was flying to san carlos from l.a. prop 8 will go before the u.s. supreme court. the high court announcing it will hear arguments on march 26th, meaning a decision can be expected in june. back in 2008, as you well know, california voters approved prop 8 defining marriage as only between a man and a woman. the two same-sex couples appeared and the ninth circuit court struck it down. in sacramento lawmakers returned to the capitol from holiday break. democrats are now in control of both state houses, so they'll have the votes to move legislation without gop support. capitol observers say that's likely to mean fewer deadline problems with passing the state budget. and speaking of getting back to work, the san jose sharks are back on the ice. yes, the lockout is over. the deal to end the 113-day work stoppage was struck yesterday morning. the revised and shortened sharks schedule is expected to be released on wednesday. it's believed the season will start the weekend of january 19th. let's bring in nbc bay area's kris sanchez from the shark tank. a lot of happy players, fans and business owners, right? >> reporter: a lot of happiness all around, but a lot of folks feeling a little angry and frustrated still, though the sharks say they are ready to make it up to them. >> just move everything around. >> reporter: we were in the locker room as it opened to players for the first time since last season. head coach todd mcclelland says each player was supposed to stay in shape for what they knew would be a shortened stone. mcclelland and many of the sharks players not only play in san jose but they also live here and heard from fans around town during the 113-day lockout about the appointment and frustration. downtown businesses don't just miss the action, they also bring the money that hockey brings in. the sharks generate more than $1.3 million for san jose and sharks-related spending outside the venue is about $38 million a year. now as the sharks prepare for a season that could begin in less than two weeks, they know they have something to prove to their fans and their community. >> there will be some people that are upset. it's our job to put a quality product on the ice now, to play hard every night, to win as many games as possible and try and earn their loyalty back. you know, there's not much we can say other than apologize. >> reporter: the sharks aren't yet up on the hp pavilion marqu marquee, but other acts are, and that speaks to the difficulty about coming up with the home schedule for the abbreviated season. that must be an unenviable task. we do know that the regularly scheduled home game that is coming up next is january 31st against the boston bruins. but that is, of course, subject to change as the nhl gets their act together. in san jose, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. the sharks are back. how about the 49ers now? 180 seconds. that's how long it took for playoff tickets to sell out. fans snapped up the tickets this morning. the 49ers, as you probably know, host the packers this saturday night. and you may recall the niners beat the packers led by cal grad and chico native aaron rodgers in week one. things much different in the playoffs. kickoff saturday night at candlestick. driving with a stack of paper enough to get you into the hov lane? one local man's crusade to change the rules of the roads -- or the rules for corporate america. good afternoon, i'm jeff ranieri in the weather center. low to mid-50s. as you think about where we were this time last week, but we are going to see some warming for tomorrow. it's going to make that air quality suffer with a spare the air alert in effect for tuesday. we'll talk about how long we get coming up in just a few minutes. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. it's horrific. san francisco police looking for a man wanted for dousing his girlfriend with gasoline and then setting her on fire. they say 22-year-old dexter oliver attacked her yesterday afternoon in the city's bayview district. 25-year-old starr lamar is now in critical condition in the burn unit at st. francis hospital. she has severe burns to her face and chest. family members say oliver became enraged when lamar told him the relationship was over. >> that's when he poured gasoline in a bottle and i didn't know he was going to burn her. >> police say oliver is 5'10", 155 pounds and has a haircut with a lightning bolt on one side of his head and a fish design on the other. getting ready for his next political battle. president obama announcing today two changes to the national security council. the president is nominating former republican senator from nebraska chuck hagel as the nation's next defense secretary, replacing leon panetta. he also nominated john brennan to lead the cia. both hagel and brennan will face senate confirmation hearings, and republicans are saying both nominees could face congressional opposition. now, hagel would take over for leon panetta who lives in monterey. panetta talked about life after the pentagon. >> the time has come for me to return to my wife, silvia, our three sons, their families, our six grandchildren, and my walnut farm. dealing with a different set of nuts. >> panetta has served as secretary of defense since 2011. his legny will include overseeing the troop drawdown in afghanistan, the trimming of the defense budget and the death of osama bin laden. a gag gift greeted secretary of state hillary clinton when she got back to work at the state department today. you see this picture here? mrs. clinton got a football helmet with the state department logo on the side. secretary clinton has not made any public appearances since early december when she fell, hit her head and sustained a concussion. hence the helmet. she was released from the hospital last week after treatment for a blood clot. just hours from now a special meeting will be held to talk about the proposed closure of several east bay fire stations. contra costa supervisors voted last month to shut down stations in clayton, lafayette, martinez and walnut creek. they say it's necessary to close a budget deficit after voters refused the tax increase. tonight's meeting begins at 6:30 at the lafayette veterans memorial building. can you drive in the carpool lane alone? every driver in the bay area could have a vested interest in a marin county man's challenge to the rule. he was in court today. jonathan freeman says he got a traffic ticket for driving solo or alone in the carpool lane, but he says he wasn't really alone in the car. here's where it gets interesting. he had his corporation papers with him. and since legally, corporations are considered people in the state of california, he says he did, in fact, have another person in the car with him. >> i've got corporation papers here. he yelled at me. he said you need two persons in the car. i said, i got them. >> the court might say, well, you know, it says "person," and a corporation is a person. so that will work for a carpool lane, but i doubt it. >> only in california, right? freeman says he hopes his case creates a national discussion about so-called corporate personhood. he wants to, quote, turn that legal definition on its head. in health matters, most of us know how important a mother's health is to her unborn baby. now we're learning how the father's mental health is linked to his child in utero. a new study finds high stress levels in expectant fathers can lead to emotional and behavioral problems by the time chtheir chd reaches the age of 3. doctors say identifying those mental health problems in the father can help lead to their children's potential problems earlier in life. let's turn things over to jeff. jeff, 10:30 this morning, 38 degrees outside! >> ooh! so cold. you know, we didn't get a decent warm-up, warms up 10 to even 25 degrees in some cases across the bay area. that was some of the good news. we'll talk more about cold temperatures coming back in that seven-day forecast. we also have rain. a very active week. the most immediate concern remains this dense fog advisory that has been issued for late tonight, also through tomorrow morning. that includes the east bay, south bay and also the peninsula. two of the primary concerns will be if you're out on the roadways, make sure to use those low beams and also the fog lights if you have them and keep that safe distance between you and that car in front of you. otherwise right now, numbers, not so bad. when you think about where we were this time last week for daytime highs. mid to upper 50s in the north bay, 55 san jose and currently 55 in gilroy. let's take you outside of that live hd sky camera. what you'll find is an incredible shot from our emeryville cam looking back towards san francisco. that doesn't even look real. let's also bring you out here to san jose. the sun's already pretty much went down here. a lot of haze and we'll find the cloud cover on the increase. there is our shot from treasure island from our live crew looking right towards san francisco. back-lit city tonight. again, looking stellar. let's get you back to the weather for tonight. and what we're going to find here is the storm track is just off to the north with some rainfall here across washington and oregon. a lot of cold air tucked back here. that could even drop snow levels later on this week to about 1,000 feet. but for right now, we're going to be under the influence of high pressure. that will give us brief warming in the forecast. in fact, tomorrow we could be about five to ten degrees above our averages. we'll find mainly 50s and 60s on the immediate coastline and back here for the east bay and south bay, you'll stay in the 60s. then eventually as we head throughout wednesday, that's when we'll get that colder air in and temperatures will drop five to ten degrees. tomorrow morning, low clouds and fog for the south bay, east bay, also peninsula. watch this. by 10:00 and 11:00 in the morning, low clouds will still be with you in the east bay and back into the east bay, a slow burnoff. in fact, we may not see things clear entirely until 1:00 p.m. for tomorrow. as far as tonight, temperatures in the mid to upper 30s throughout concord. also livermore, san rafael and santa rosa. daytime highways in the low to mid-60s. above average. sun for the afternoon. a nice day for you. and then as we look at that seven-day forecast, we will be finding that chance of showers by thursday. and look at this. low snow that could go down to as low as 1,000 feet. not to the valley floor but folks in san francisco near twin peaks may actually get the snowfall. >> you're kidding. >> no, we are not. we'll see about this one. >> we'll get our snowshoes on. moving science and history. the massive project ahead for a bay area institution. stay with us. ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. san francisco's famed science museum has officially started one very big move. across town today, crews started transporting 450 exploratory exhibits. the museum is moving from the palace of fine arts to its new home at pier 15, which is three times larger than its current location. the move is expected to take a few weeks to complete. the grand opening will be in april. with the exploratory on the move, what happens to the old home of the palace of fine arts? that is now on the market if you're interested. talk about amazing location. the building is 80,000 square feet of space and the rent will set you back about $490,000 a year. city officials say a search for a long-term tenant could take a year or two. >> perfect for weddings, that's all i have to say. what do kim kardashian and vice president joe biden have in common? i know it's a stunning question, nothing right now, but that could change. there are actually calls for a reality tv show featuring the vice president. >> this could get very interesting. new petition submitted to the white house website is asking the president to authorize a tv program featuring the vice president and his everyday actions, or interactions. the request says the program would, quote, educate the american public about the duties and responsibilities of their vice president while providing a glimpse of the light-hearted side of politics, even in the midst of contentious and directive national debates. how about that? if the petition receives 25,000 significant tears in one month, the white house says it will consider the request. so far only about 1,300 people have signed the petition so don't hold your breath. >> hanging out with joe. >> we're back in a moment. are you seeing this? >> is this real? did you create this in your graphics? >> no, it's not the weather computer. no. >> it's gorgeous. >> i know. >> it's the sunset. >> thanks for watching us. have a great evening. we hope to see you at 6:00. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful on our broadcast tonight, on defense. a shakeup in the national security team and a big fight over one of the president's choices before he even announced him. also, our first official glimpse of the secretary of state, since she got out of the hospital. a surprise for hillary clinton on her first day back on the job. outrage tonight over a big settlement in the housing crisis. the families wrongly forced from their homes. tonight, why critics s some big banks got a pass. fighting cancer. fewer americans are dying. but there's a new warning about some hidden threats that some doctors aren't even looking for. and going home. while congress fights over relief money for sandy victims, think of this. these folks are just now returning to their homes today, 70 days after the storm. finally, a homecoming to report. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian

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