Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20110823 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20110823

stadium security says get ready for major changes, including dui checkpoints and increased patrols. >> to those of you that decide to come to our games, and it real doesn't matter what jersey you may be wearing or what hat you may wear or what team you may support, the behavior of saturday night, it's not welcomed. don't come here. absolutely, you're not welcome. >> reporter: now the police chief did give us an update on the victims and the investigation from over the weekend. he says all three victims are in fair condition recovering at the hospital. they have identified one person of interest so far, but they are looking for many more. they say anyone with information should call the san francisco police department. reporting live at candlestick park, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much. the head of stadium security at candlestick park says in the past 19 years he has never had to deal about the amount of bad behavior he encountered on saturday night. as we reported, new security steps are being put in place. they include dui checkpoint as people leave the stadium, more bike, foot, and motorcycle patrols in the parking lots. brighter lights throughout the parking lot, and no public consumption of alcohol as people wait to get into the parking lot to tailgate. a lot of people are talking about this. in fact, there are so many facets to the story including the players themselves, just like many fans, the players are questioning if candlestick is a safe environment for their own families. >> they have to realize that, you know, there's other families out there, too, not just my family. but anybody's family comes to the game. and we want to make that a safe environment for everybody to enjoy. you know, that's -- it's just a matter of being a good samaritan, you know. do the right thing. >> one of the 49ers offensive linemen at practice tonight. it should be noted there is a designated private family room for the players' wives and kids near the 49ers' locker room. this is especially sensitive for another bay area sports fan. giants fan bryan stow. it was less than five months ago when stow was seriously injured after a baseball game. the giants-dodgers game in los angeles. highway remains hospitalized at san francisco general. he's now breathing on his own and is alert. while he still hasn't spoken, he is able to mouth words, respond to some commands and give his family kisses. doctors say the next goal is moving stow to a rehabtation facility as soon as he's no -- as soon as he no longer needs acute hospital care. another protest taking place at b.a.r.t.'s civic center station. police are making arrest. the spot has become the epicenter for demonstrators who disagree with b.a.r.t.'s controversial decision to shut down cell phone service in order to avert a previously planned protest. in fact, b.a.r.t. and san francisco police are on scene in riot gear. as i've mentioned, we hear arrest have been made. nbc's traci grant has the latest. what are you seeing? >> reporter: well, from up here, we are above the b.a.r.t. station. so we're not seeing that much. we have a reporter who is downstairs keeping an eye on the platforms. it's getting off to a slow start with only a handful of protesters, but apparently they are making some arrests. an anonymous group has encouraged people to come in peace and stand up for what's right. that plea worked for the most part next week when protesters came out here and had a less chaotic protest than the previous one. b.a.r.t. is hoping that this one will have an even more obedient crew who will stick to the designated areas. >> i think that everybody has the right to say what they feel. if it makes it that much harder for anybody else, i guess that's what people are going through and anybody else to adjust. >> reporter: that might be easy for some to say. elena's a regular b.a.r.t. rider but today had no plans to board the train. william griggs did. were you planning to take b.a.r.t. in evening? >> i was, but i'm leaving early. i don't think it's fair to hold up people who are trying to get home to families after working all day. >> reporter: protesters are expected to show up again at b.a.r.t. civic center station during the commute. anonymous, the activists who have hack interested b.a.r.t.'s web sites twice in protest of the transit agency's decision to shut down cell service to head off a planned august 11 protest, asked people to show up for the second monday in a row to rail against b.a.r.t. amalgamated transit union president annette bryant said she and members including station agents have had enough. >> sometimes i have a beef with b.a.r.t., but you take proper avenues to address that. you don't hold independent people hostage. >> reporter: a july 11 demonstration shut down the station for hours while protesters not only took over the platforms but climbed on top of a train. during monday's protest, b.a.r.t. police only shut down civic center station for 30 minutes but other followed. b.a.r.t.'s president said the agency's getting better at managing protests, but they're still being held without permits and outside the designated free speech areas. >> we want to hear voices of dissension and whatever you want to express. we want it done peacefully and respectfully and in the appropriate area. >> reporter: what we know is that they've arrested two people so far that were holding up signs and chanting. now b.a.r.t. wants to remind people that the b.a.r.t. board of directors is actually having a public meeting on wednesday where the public can come in and complain about whatever they want, from b.a.r.t.'s police force to the cell phone shutdown. they say they're hoping that people will choose that arena for their protest rather than come here and quite possibly shut down the train stations. live in san francisco, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. we have traci grant above ground monitoring the situation. we have jean ellie inside monitoring. we'll monitor throughout the hour and in our 6:00 news. moving on now, tears in oakland's federal court today as a former state narcotics agent plead not guilty. 50-year-old norman sweshl accused of stealing drugs from police evidence lockers, taking cash from prostitute during phony sting operations and running a prostitution ring. federal prosecutors have taken over the case. he sobbed as his father pledged to put up his bond, but first he has to be evaluated by psychologists to determine whether he's suicidal. welsh's co-defendant, christopher butler, is a former east bay private investigator and antioch police officer. both were arrested by federal agents last week. butler also went to federal court on friday pleading not guilty. he was released on $900,000 bail. the "san francisco chronicle" report the investigation into the scandal is still underway. a once-prominent child psychiatrist accused of child molestation is going to a state-run mental hospital. william ayers, former head of the academy of children adolescent psychiatry, was troyed in 2009 for molesting several of his young patients. the case ended in a hung jury. prosecutors wanted to retry the 79-year-old doctor but agree with his defense team that he is not competent to stand trial because he sever from dementia and memory loss. he'll be monitored at a mental hospital for six months before deciding where he'll be permanently housed. accused serial killer joseph nassa will stand after a marin county judge denied his request to postpone the hearing. the 77-year-old reno man wanted more time to find an advisory attorney to assist in his attorney. he's representing himself. he's charged with killing four women in northern california dating back to the 1970s. police say it's a cold case solved. three men are behind bars for a gang-related murder dating back to 2004 in mountainview. 23-year-old anthony figueroa and his father, arthur, have been arrested in connection with the drive-by shooting that killed a 17-year-old los altos high school student seven years ago. the fbi says anthony was driving the car that september night and is charged with murder. his father is accused of lying to a grand jury, which was investigating the case. the accused gunman, here's his picture, is 24-year-old giovanni duarte. the violent gang task force says three others were in the car, as well. investigator are working to identify them. the body of a baby girl has been found near the burned southern california home where a police officer was shot yesterday. that shooting was caught on tape. we want to warn you now, the video you're about to see is graphic. just east of san diego is the scene. el cajon police say -- the officer is in critical condition. he was shot in the neck during a fire-fight between police and a man hiding in a residential neighborhood. police say 31-year-old kevin collier set the home on fire. and when officers arrived, he started shooting from inside the burning home. police believe collier died in the blaze. you see the smoke there. in the hours before the shooting, collier sent tweets saying he had killed his daughter and mother-in-law. the girl's body was indeed found in collier's truck near the home. still ahead at 5 clock, why there's a shortage of cancer-fighting drugs and what is being done to find more medicine. and sir richard branson's island hope goes up in flames. now it's also a hollywood actress who narrowly escapes. also, those nightmare flights waiting on the tarmac are being bumped. now some major change that should help travelers. and good afternoon, i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. a few 80s today in the east bay. livermore at 85. san jose still in the 70s right now. and throughout tonight, it will be cooling in the south bay, temperatures dropping into the 50s t. coming up, we'll tell you about trav delevelop delopg in hurricane. a simple splash of color might increase business. theft that's the hope. some of san jose's residential shopping areas have a new look tonight. the signs also tell the story of the fight redevelopment agencies are facing against the state. nbc bay area's chris sanchez joins us live from san jose with more. >> reporter: hi there, this is one of the older neighborhoods in san jose. some people refer to it as old san jose, and it is here in this neighborhood that retail businesses are really struggling, not just because of the economic hard times but also because the redevelopment agency in the city of san jose is losing some of the funds that it uses to help these districts bring in customers. ♪ >> reporter: san jose's business district has a definite sound and feel. now has a definite look with new banners trumpeting the long-standing community's name to the rest of the city. >> makes us look special. makes it look like there's an event. people are actually walking the streets again. so we're happy about that. and anything that we can have done to bring more attention to us and to our businesses and our clients, which the people that live here, is just great for us. >> reporter: while the signs are nice, their presence is bittersweet. they are a reminder of the fight between cities like san jose and the state over redevelopment dollars. the state wants to abolish redevelopment agencies. san jose wants to keep them, and the state supreme court will ultimately decide whether the funds will end up in sacramento or in hyper-local economic development programs like san jose's neighborhood business district. the area is one of nine neighborhood business districts in san jose's redevelopment areas. in addition to signage, the city's contributed toward projects like facade improvement, better sidewalks, and lighting. and while it looks good, it's also about making sure the people of san jose spend their money in the city where it will benefit them most. >> they generate a lot of sales tax, and they also are critical to neighborhood development. a good quality neighborhood to live in has adequate retail and neighborhood-serving businesses. >> reporter: in cale willow, it's something business owners would like to see more of. >> the recession's been hard, especially in a neighborhood like this. >> reporter: now the supreme court did issue a stay. it is getting written argument now. oral argument are in the works. but when the state legislature offered a plan to allow cities to opt in or pay to play, they issued january 15 as the first date for the first payment installment due on that date, january 15. it is likely the supreme court will issue a ruling by then. in san jose, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much for the update. in health news, we're barely out of summer cold season, but doctors are already thinking about the flu. the vaccine only protects for about one year, so doctors say an annual flu shot is necessary. this year's flu shot is designed to protect against seasonal and swine flu. the cdc recommends everyone over the age of six months be vaccinated. the vaccines available in shots, nasal mists, and new this year, an intradermal flu vaccine that's delivered through a tiny needle in the skin. several local pharmacies are already offering flu shots. a shortage of cancer drugs has doctors scrambling to find more. the chemotherapy drug taxol is in dangerously short supply. oncologies are having to substitute it with similar drugs while nurses try to find more. the shortage is due to higher demand and manufacturing delays. some doctors believe that because many cancer drugs are generic and therefore less profitable, manufactures are not producing as much as before. our weather has been cool -- i mean calm and steady, easy as she goes. but on the other side of the country, i hear a hurricane is winding up. >> it's crazy. let's bring in jeff ranieri. >> we'll have an update coming up. nice recovery throughout today for sure. after a lot of fog there throughout san francisco, the sun really started to rebound today. 70 in san mateo, look at this, 85 in livermore with 75 in san jose. 74 in napa, and 80 in santa rosa. look at the weather headlines. we are going to find fog at the coastline tonight. for tuesday, yes, warming inland. even some 90s coming back. we are looking at possibly anyone doing traveling in the east coast here from california will be dealing with the potential impacts of hurricane irene this week. now for us, we do have the cloud cover well off here to the northwest. it's some cooler air. but we're not going to get any of that at least for tomorrow. we have a region of high pressure moving up from the south. that's going to help warm things up with a few 90s expected inland for tomorrow. the hottest will no doubt be the east bay. as we head throughout wednesday, it's going to be short-lived. we have a cooling breeze that's going to help drop the numbers. as we look at the fog, we're going to find it at the coastline and for the peninsula. it's not going to be as widespread as it was this morning. by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, not much in the way of low clouds here. if anything at all for the east or the south bay. by 11:00 a.m., sunny skies, and much warmer temperatures once again, especially for those of you in the east bay. let's get you a hurricane irene update. traveling to the east coast, the storm system over the caribbean. it is expected to strengthen to a category 3 storm by thursday and friday, parallel with florida. and then moving right into south carolina. here's the thing -- a slight shift in the track. we could be talking about a georgia landfall still. possibly even into florida. so this is by all means a storm to watch. once again, the estimated landfall as we head into saturday morning winds that could be just before landfall from 100 to 115 miles per hour. we'll update you throughout this week. if you do have friends and family that way. 54 in fremont. 54 in napa. 52 in san rafael. and for tuesday, yes, look at this. the heat is on here in the south bay. warming up to 91 in evergreen. 91 in dublin. 92 in livermore. 88 in san jose. for the peninsula, yes, even warmer here. 78 in san mateo, 86 in redwood city, and 88 in benecia. 91 in concord. 91 in fairfield, 81 in napa. the north bay, temperatures in the mid to upper 80s. not too many 90s here. east bay going to be the hottest. more any time on the weather channel on cable, especially on hurricane irene. your seven-day forecast drops numbers off after tomorrow with mid to upper 80s. it looks like we'll stay with that upper 80s, close to 90 trend here into friday. so tomorrow, hottest day in the seven day. get outside and enjoy it. get your lunch outside, something. >> tomorrow's finally august. is that -- >> no, wait. >> finally feel like august. >> one day of august in august. >> i'm behind here. yes. >> thank you very much, jeff. cell phone thefts are on the rise. r hasenator's plan to make it y rd fev to sell your phone on the black market next. it was a scene straight out of a hollywood movie. actress kate winslett narrowly escapes a fire on sir richard bramson's private island. >> the actress was one of 20 guests staying athe home in the british virgin islands whenm a fire broke out from a spark. kate winslett carried bran some's 90-year-old mother from the burning mansion. no one was hurt in the fire. the mansion was a complete loss. a u.s. senator is sending a clear message to wireless companies -- make smartphones harder to sell on the black market. senator chuck schumer of new york is calling on at&t, t-mobile, and other major wireless provide force permanently deactivate phones not just sim cards when a customer reports a stolen device. the move follows a new report showing cell phone thefts are on the rise. in a list of the top 20 cities where cell phone theft is up, sacramento ranks fifth and san francisco is 13th on the list nationwide. new airline rules aimed at protecting passengers take effect tomorrow. airlines can now be fined up to $27,000 for leaving an international flight on the runway for more than four hours. passengers bumped off an oversold flight will now get double the price of their ticket. if they're significantly delayed, up to four times the price of their ticket, the rules also require airlines to be more transparent when it comes to extra fees for checking bags, providing food, and canceling reservations. the stricter rules could translate to fewer delays on the tarmac and fewer passengers being bumped from flights. for the first time in its history dating back more than 150 years, u.c. berkeley's bancroft library will be directed by a woman. elaine tenant has been a professor in cal's german and scandinavian departments since 1995. the library houses some amazing items, archives from the free speech movement, mark twain's papers, and egyptian chronicles printed on paper made from 2,000-year-old mummified crocodiles. she says her biggest challenge will be making the library's collections available digitally. when we cozing lmeibry, ban. when we come back, a home run wedding. apparently it's very expensive. you're going to tell us how much it is? a new york bride gave her husband a surprise wedding so big and so expensive, his only word was unbelievable. >> you could call it a nuptial home run. yankees fans kathy shiploe and nick cassiano exchanged wedding vows inside yankee stadium at home plate. was kathy's idea. she said since nick is such a big yankees fan, she coop think of a better place to get married. nick says kathy made it happen, and that's exactly why he loves her. >> okay. price tag -- >> okay, we hear, our producer tells us to book a wedding there is $750,000. three quarters of a million dollars. >> wow. they paid that? >> they should have invited more people. throw in jeter for that price. >> and there's chewing tobacco on the side, of course. >> that's more than some players make in a year, isn't it? >> yes. >> insane. thanks for joining us. b

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Fremont , California , United States , New York , Germany , Oakland , Redwood City , Florida , San Diego , Georgia , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , Marin County , Mountainview , Egypt , South Carolina , British Virgin Islands , Hollywood , Sacramento , Yankee Stadium , Jersey , German , Egyptian , Chuck Schumer , Giovanni Duarte , Christopher Butler , William Ayers , Kris Sanchez , Chris Sanchez , Jeff Ranieri , Kevin Collier , Los Angeles , El Cajon , William Griggs , Jean Ellie , Richard Bramson , Anthony Figueroa , Annette Bryant ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20110823 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20110823

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stadium security says get ready for major changes, including dui checkpoints and increased patrols. >> to those of you that decide to come to our games, and it real doesn't matter what jersey you may be wearing or what hat you may wear or what team you may support, the behavior of saturday night, it's not welcomed. don't come here. absolutely, you're not welcome. >> reporter: now the police chief did give us an update on the victims and the investigation from over the weekend. he says all three victims are in fair condition recovering at the hospital. they have identified one person of interest so far, but they are looking for many more. they say anyone with information should call the san francisco police department. reporting live at candlestick park, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much. the head of stadium security at candlestick park says in the past 19 years he has never had to deal about the amount of bad behavior he encountered on saturday night. as we reported, new security steps are being put in place. they include dui checkpoint as people leave the stadium, more bike, foot, and motorcycle patrols in the parking lots. brighter lights throughout the parking lot, and no public consumption of alcohol as people wait to get into the parking lot to tailgate. a lot of people are talking about this. in fact, there are so many facets to the story including the players themselves, just like many fans, the players are questioning if candlestick is a safe environment for their own families. >> they have to realize that, you know, there's other families out there, too, not just my family. but anybody's family comes to the game. and we want to make that a safe environment for everybody to enjoy. you know, that's -- it's just a matter of being a good samaritan, you know. do the right thing. >> one of the 49ers offensive linemen at practice tonight. it should be noted there is a designated private family room for the players' wives and kids near the 49ers' locker room. this is especially sensitive for another bay area sports fan. giants fan bryan stow. it was less than five months ago when stow was seriously injured after a baseball game. the giants-dodgers game in los angeles. highway remains hospitalized at san francisco general. he's now breathing on his own and is alert. while he still hasn't spoken, he is able to mouth words, respond to some commands and give his family kisses. doctors say the next goal is moving stow to a rehabtation facility as soon as he's no -- as soon as he no longer needs acute hospital care. another protest taking place at b.a.r.t.'s civic center station. police are making arrest. the spot has become the epicenter for demonstrators who disagree with b.a.r.t.'s controversial decision to shut down cell phone service in order to avert a previously planned protest. in fact, b.a.r.t. and san francisco police are on scene in riot gear. as i've mentioned, we hear arrest have been made. nbc's traci grant has the latest. what are you seeing? >> reporter: well, from up here, we are above the b.a.r.t. station. so we're not seeing that much. we have a reporter who is downstairs keeping an eye on the platforms. it's getting off to a slow start with only a handful of protesters, but apparently they are making some arrests. an anonymous group has encouraged people to come in peace and stand up for what's right. that plea worked for the most part next week when protesters came out here and had a less chaotic protest than the previous one. b.a.r.t. is hoping that this one will have an even more obedient crew who will stick to the designated areas. >> i think that everybody has the right to say what they feel. if it makes it that much harder for anybody else, i guess that's what people are going through and anybody else to adjust. >> reporter: that might be easy for some to say. elena's a regular b.a.r.t. rider but today had no plans to board the train. william griggs did. were you planning to take b.a.r.t. in evening? >> i was, but i'm leaving early. i don't think it's fair to hold up people who are trying to get home to families after working all day. >> reporter: protesters are expected to show up again at b.a.r.t. civic center station during the commute. anonymous, the activists who have hack interested b.a.r.t.'s web sites twice in protest of the transit agency's decision to shut down cell service to head off a planned august 11 protest, asked people to show up for the second monday in a row to rail against b.a.r.t. amalgamated transit union president annette bryant said she and members including station agents have had enough. >> sometimes i have a beef with b.a.r.t., but you take proper avenues to address that. you don't hold independent people hostage. >> reporter: a july 11 demonstration shut down the station for hours while protesters not only took over the platforms but climbed on top of a train. during monday's protest, b.a.r.t. police only shut down civic center station for 30 minutes but other followed. b.a.r.t.'s president said the agency's getting better at managing protests, but they're still being held without permits and outside the designated free speech areas. >> we want to hear voices of dissension and whatever you want to express. we want it done peacefully and respectfully and in the appropriate area. >> reporter: what we know is that they've arrested two people so far that were holding up signs and chanting. now b.a.r.t. wants to remind people that the b.a.r.t. board of directors is actually having a public meeting on wednesday where the public can come in and complain about whatever they want, from b.a.r.t.'s police force to the cell phone shutdown. they say they're hoping that people will choose that arena for their protest rather than come here and quite possibly shut down the train stations. live in san francisco, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. we have traci grant above ground monitoring the situation. we have jean ellie inside monitoring. we'll monitor throughout the hour and in our 6:00 news. moving on now, tears in oakland's federal court today as a former state narcotics agent plead not guilty. 50-year-old norman sweshl accused of stealing drugs from police evidence lockers, taking cash from prostitute during phony sting operations and running a prostitution ring. federal prosecutors have taken over the case. he sobbed as his father pledged to put up his bond, but first he has to be evaluated by psychologists to determine whether he's suicidal. welsh's co-defendant, christopher butler, is a former east bay private investigator and antioch police officer. both were arrested by federal agents last week. butler also went to federal court on friday pleading not guilty. he was released on $900,000 bail. the "san francisco chronicle" report the investigation into the scandal is still underway. a once-prominent child psychiatrist accused of child molestation is going to a state-run mental hospital. william ayers, former head of the academy of children adolescent psychiatry, was troyed in 2009 for molesting several of his young patients. the case ended in a hung jury. prosecutors wanted to retry the 79-year-old doctor but agree with his defense team that he is not competent to stand trial because he sever from dementia and memory loss. he'll be monitored at a mental hospital for six months before deciding where he'll be permanently housed. accused serial killer joseph nassa will stand after a marin county judge denied his request to postpone the hearing. the 77-year-old reno man wanted more time to find an advisory attorney to assist in his attorney. he's representing himself. he's charged with killing four women in northern california dating back to the 1970s. police say it's a cold case solved. three men are behind bars for a gang-related murder dating back to 2004 in mountainview. 23-year-old anthony figueroa and his father, arthur, have been arrested in connection with the drive-by shooting that killed a 17-year-old los altos high school student seven years ago. the fbi says anthony was driving the car that september night and is charged with murder. his father is accused of lying to a grand jury, which was investigating the case. the accused gunman, here's his picture, is 24-year-old giovanni duarte. the violent gang task force says three others were in the car, as well. investigator are working to identify them. the body of a baby girl has been found near the burned southern california home where a police officer was shot yesterday. that shooting was caught on tape. we want to warn you now, the video you're about to see is graphic. just east of san diego is the scene. el cajon police say -- the officer is in critical condition. he was shot in the neck during a fire-fight between police and a man hiding in a residential neighborhood. police say 31-year-old kevin collier set the home on fire. and when officers arrived, he started shooting from inside the burning home. police believe collier died in the blaze. you see the smoke there. in the hours before the shooting, collier sent tweets saying he had killed his daughter and mother-in-law. the girl's body was indeed found in collier's truck near the home. still ahead at 5 clock, why there's a shortage of cancer-fighting drugs and what is being done to find more medicine. and sir richard branson's island hope goes up in flames. now it's also a hollywood actress who narrowly escapes. also, those nightmare flights waiting on the tarmac are being bumped. now some major change that should help travelers. and good afternoon, i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. a few 80s today in the east bay. livermore at 85. san jose still in the 70s right now. and throughout tonight, it will be cooling in the south bay, temperatures dropping into the 50s t. coming up, we'll tell you about trav delevelop delopg in hurricane. a simple splash of color might increase business. theft that's the hope. some of san jose's residential shopping areas have a new look tonight. the signs also tell the story of the fight redevelopment agencies are facing against the state. nbc bay area's chris sanchez joins us live from san jose with more. >> reporter: hi there, this is one of the older neighborhoods in san jose. some people refer to it as old san jose, and it is here in this neighborhood that retail businesses are really struggling, not just because of the economic hard times but also because the redevelopment agency in the city of san jose is losing some of the funds that it uses to help these districts bring in customers. ♪ >> reporter: san jose's business district has a definite sound and feel. now has a definite look with new banners trumpeting the long-standing community's name to the rest of the city. >> makes us look special. makes it look like there's an event. people are actually walking the streets again. so we're happy about that. and anything that we can have done to bring more attention to us and to our businesses and our clients, which the people that live here, is just great for us. >> reporter: while the signs are nice, their presence is bittersweet. they are a reminder of the fight between cities like san jose and the state over redevelopment dollars. the state wants to abolish redevelopment agencies. san jose wants to keep them, and the state supreme court will ultimately decide whether the funds will end up in sacramento or in hyper-local economic development programs like san jose's neighborhood business district. the area is one of nine neighborhood business districts in san jose's redevelopment areas. in addition to signage, the city's contributed toward projects like facade improvement, better sidewalks, and lighting. and while it looks good, it's also about making sure the people of san jose spend their money in the city where it will benefit them most. >> they generate a lot of sales tax, and they also are critical to neighborhood development. a good quality neighborhood to live in has adequate retail and neighborhood-serving businesses. >> reporter: in cale willow, it's something business owners would like to see more of. >> the recession's been hard, especially in a neighborhood like this. >> reporter: now the supreme court did issue a stay. it is getting written argument now. oral argument are in the works. but when the state legislature offered a plan to allow cities to opt in or pay to play, they issued january 15 as the first date for the first payment installment due on that date, january 15. it is likely the supreme court will issue a ruling by then. in san jose, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much for the update. in health news, we're barely out of summer cold season, but doctors are already thinking about the flu. the vaccine only protects for about one year, so doctors say an annual flu shot is necessary. this year's flu shot is designed to protect against seasonal and swine flu. the cdc recommends everyone over the age of six months be vaccinated. the vaccines available in shots, nasal mists, and new this year, an intradermal flu vaccine that's delivered through a tiny needle in the skin. several local pharmacies are already offering flu shots. a shortage of cancer drugs has doctors scrambling to find more. the chemotherapy drug taxol is in dangerously short supply. oncologies are having to substitute it with similar drugs while nurses try to find more. the shortage is due to higher demand and manufacturing delays. some doctors believe that because many cancer drugs are generic and therefore less profitable, manufactures are not producing as much as before. our weather has been cool -- i mean calm and steady, easy as she goes. but on the other side of the country, i hear a hurricane is winding up. >> it's crazy. let's bring in jeff ranieri. >> we'll have an update coming up. nice recovery throughout today for sure. after a lot of fog there throughout san francisco, the sun really started to rebound today. 70 in san mateo, look at this, 85 in livermore with 75 in san jose. 74 in napa, and 80 in santa rosa. look at the weather headlines. we are going to find fog at the coastline tonight. for tuesday, yes, warming inland. even some 90s coming back. we are looking at possibly anyone doing traveling in the east coast here from california will be dealing with the potential impacts of hurricane irene this week. now for us, we do have the cloud cover well off here to the northwest. it's some cooler air. but we're not going to get any of that at least for tomorrow. we have a region of high pressure moving up from the south. that's going to help warm things up with a few 90s expected inland for tomorrow. the hottest will no doubt be the east bay. as we head throughout wednesday, it's going to be short-lived. we have a cooling breeze that's going to help drop the numbers. as we look at the fog, we're going to find it at the coastline and for the peninsula. it's not going to be as widespread as it was this morning. by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, not much in the way of low clouds here. if anything at all for the east or the south bay. by 11:00 a.m., sunny skies, and much warmer temperatures once again, especially for those of you in the east bay. let's get you a hurricane irene update. traveling to the east coast, the storm system over the caribbean. it is expected to strengthen to a category 3 storm by thursday and friday, parallel with florida. and then moving right into south carolina. here's the thing -- a slight shift in the track. we could be talking about a georgia landfall still. possibly even into florida. so this is by all means a storm to watch. once again, the estimated landfall as we head into saturday morning winds that could be just before landfall from 100 to 115 miles per hour. we'll update you throughout this week. if you do have friends and family that way. 54 in fremont. 54 in napa. 52 in san rafael. and for tuesday, yes, look at this. the heat is on here in the south bay. warming up to 91 in evergreen. 91 in dublin. 92 in livermore. 88 in san jose. for the peninsula, yes, even warmer here. 78 in san mateo, 86 in redwood city, and 88 in benecia. 91 in concord. 91 in fairfield, 81 in napa. the north bay, temperatures in the mid to upper 80s. not too many 90s here. east bay going to be the hottest. more any time on the weather channel on cable, especially on hurricane irene. your seven-day forecast drops numbers off after tomorrow with mid to upper 80s. it looks like we'll stay with that upper 80s, close to 90 trend here into friday. so tomorrow, hottest day in the seven day. get outside and enjoy it. get your lunch outside, something. >> tomorrow's finally august. is that -- >> no, wait. >> finally feel like august. >> one day of august in august. >> i'm behind here. yes. >> thank you very much, jeff. cell phone thefts are on the rise. r hasenator's plan to make it y rd fev to sell your phone on the black market next. it was a scene straight out of a hollywood movie. actress kate winslett narrowly escapes a fire on sir richard bramson's private island. >> the actress was one of 20 guests staying athe home in the british virgin islands whenm a fire broke out from a spark. kate winslett carried bran some's 90-year-old mother from the burning mansion. no one was hurt in the fire. the mansion was a complete loss. a u.s. senator is sending a clear message to wireless companies -- make smartphones harder to sell on the black market. senator chuck schumer of new york is calling on at&t, t-mobile, and other major wireless provide force permanently deactivate phones not just sim cards when a customer reports a stolen device. the move follows a new report showing cell phone thefts are on the rise. in a list of the top 20 cities where cell phone theft is up, sacramento ranks fifth and san francisco is 13th on the list nationwide. new airline rules aimed at protecting passengers take effect tomorrow. airlines can now be fined up to $27,000 for leaving an international flight on the runway for more than four hours. passengers bumped off an oversold flight will now get double the price of their ticket. if they're significantly delayed, up to four times the price of their ticket, the rules also require airlines to be more transparent when it comes to extra fees for checking bags, providing food, and canceling reservations. the stricter rules could translate to fewer delays on the tarmac and fewer passengers being bumped from flights. for the first time in its history dating back more than 150 years, u.c. berkeley's bancroft library will be directed by a woman. elaine tenant has been a professor in cal's german and scandinavian departments since 1995. the library houses some amazing items, archives from the free speech movement, mark twain's papers, and egyptian chronicles printed on paper made from 2,000-year-old mummified crocodiles. she says her biggest challenge will be making the library's collections available digitally. when we cozing lmeibry, ban. when we come back, a home run wedding. apparently it's very expensive. you're going to tell us how much it is? a new york bride gave her husband a surprise wedding so big and so expensive, his only word was unbelievable. >> you could call it a nuptial home run. yankees fans kathy shiploe and nick cassiano exchanged wedding vows inside yankee stadium at home plate. was kathy's idea. she said since nick is such a big yankees fan, she coop think of a better place to get married. nick says kathy made it happen, and that's exactly why he loves her. >> okay. price tag -- >> okay, we hear, our producer tells us to book a wedding there is $750,000. three quarters of a million dollars. >> wow. they paid that? >> they should have invited more people. throw in jeter for that price. >> and there's chewing tobacco on the side, of course. >> that's more than some players make in a year, isn't it? >> yes. >> insane. thanks for joining us. b

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