Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20171204 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20171204

and a world war veteran. we're standing in front of that home on 2300 block of eagle avenue in alameda. what's left of this home following that morning fire. the house going up in flames and crews finding that man deceased inside. let's show you some video from our nbc bay area skyranger. according to alameda fire, they're saying their fire started roughly before 6:00 a.m. started seeing smoke coming out of windows and basement areas the crews were able to knock this out in 30 minutes, but they found the elderly man inside pronounced dead on the scene. he lived here decades, mostly by himself. he was a world war veteran and folks the this tight-knit neighborhood described him as a fine man. their worst fears were confirmed when he didn't come outside. here is one of the neighbors i spoke to speaking about her neighbor this morning. >> he was old and we would all try to pitch in and help. and, you know, he would come out and sit on his porch every morning and everybody, you know, would give him food and stuff like that and help him out because he lived all by himself. >> reporter: neighbors say he would cook at night and then fall asleep sometimes. but, of course, they're not sure if that played a role in this fire. of course the cause of this fire is still under investigation. we're live in alameda. pete suratos, nbc nbc news. >> all right. thank you very much, pete. well this just in from the south bay. take a look at this video just into our newsroom. firefighters rushing into action just a short time ago as a homeless encampment caught fire in san jose. large plumes of smoke could be seen for miles. this video was taken in the last hour near 880 and thornton way. we have been checking with the fire department. they say there were propane tanks nearby but that fortunately none exploded. there are no reported injuries but the cause of the fire is now under investigation. happening now, one lane and one toll bother at the bay area toll plaza remain closed at this hour after a box truck slammed into the booth over the weekend, destroying it and killing an attendant inside. around 7:00 this morning, our nbc bay area skyranger caught the video of the backup and closure. no word on when that lane will reopen. over the weekend, four lanes were shut down. here is video from the toll plaza cameras of that crash on saturday. you can see that rent box truck speeding towards the bay bridge toll plaza moments before that crash. according to chp, the driver of the rented box truck hit several cars before hitting and destroying the toll booth. 46-year-old si si han was working in that booth. she worked to cal france for more than a decade. the drive, 32-year-old daniel berk is hospitalized with serious injuries. he could face charging for driving under the influence and vehicular manslaughter. we have been tracking the closures all marking. reopening around 4:30 this morning. mike, any changers with those delay? >> you showed folks the live looks, i'll show you the maps really quickly. with that aside, let's take a live look out there once again and reassure folks traveling through the bay bridge toll plaza right now is moving just fine. lane 14 is the one -- the toll booth was destroyed when that delivery truck slammed into it on saturday morning. that is the only one that remains closed. one of your cash lanes on the right. everything else is moving smoothly. let's get out to your maps. looking at a smooth drive but the big concern with the four freeways all converging on the toll plaza. at one point it was down to only 20% of the lanes. only one lane closed this morning. we didn't have additional delays this morning and that's good news. in fact, there is the san rafael bridge that we were also worried about. this is moving smoothly. we've been updating you through the morning. this is great news but tomorrow is a heavier commute. stick with us. back to you. >> thanks, mike. mike inouye is going to continue to monitor this developing situation. you can follow member @mikeinouye on twitter. >> hold on to your hats. the wind is going to pick up today. >> taking a live look outside right now. this is the golden gate bridge right there. meteorologist kari hall, you've been tracking these conditions. are we going to be able to deal with this all day? >> we're going to have gusty winds all day long. watching that as our winds pick up and seeing the waves also along the coast a little bit higher today as we take a live look outside in ocean beach. it's only 57 degrees. not only the gusty winds, king tides happening as we speak. we reach high tide shortly after 10:00 this morning and also see those tides coming up once again. we call it king tides because we have a very high astronomical tide because of that supermoon and it's going to create some higher waves out there and the possibility of localized flooding. winds also customing coming in from the northeast and high surf along with the high winds. we'll talk about that coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you very much, kari. hundreds of parents and students in san jose are worried about what might happen to their neighborhood schools. several schools in the oak groves school district face possible closure on consolidation because of a drop in enrollment. live in san jose where parents can weigh in tonight. sharon, we've seen in the past these are very emotional types of meetings. >> reporter: that's right, kris. you know, imagine buying or renting a home near a school thinking your child is going to go there and it's within walking distance, but hearing that the school will be shutting down. that's what's possibly going to happen to many parents here in the oak grove school district. most of the schools are in south san jose near highway 85 and highway 101. the district says the closures may be necessary due to lower enrollment in some schools in the south san jose and western regions of san jose. the schools on the list include minor, anderson, baldwin, frost, glider oak ridge and santa teresa. despite growing construction in the bay area there is limiting housing growth for families with children and that's affecting enrollment. right now there about about 10,300 students in the district. the district told me they lost about 1,000 students in enrollment over the past five years. the district will hold a public meeting tonight here at this school. that takes place at 5:30. of the eight schools that are being considered for closure, in the end about three to five schools will be closed. reporting live in san jose, i'm sharon cass da, nbc bay area news. >> oakland place are investigating a deadly hit-and-run crash involving a pedestrian. it happened about 2:00 this morning. so far police are providing only a few details but we do know that the car crashed near a walgreens store on 82nd and international. one person has been confirmed dead. police have not identified the victim. if you live or work in oakland, a potential strike could shut down nearly every city service tomorrow. the city of oakland is bracing for a citywide strike whole holding out hope that cooler heads might still prevail. one of the labor unions at issue here is holding a news conference. we're watching them right now. we expect to hear a little bit more detail about what they will do when they walk off the job or if they walk off the job. we're monitoring this in the newsroom for you right now. we can tell you that a strike would affect oakland city services from libraries to child care services, public works and building inspectors. two big labor unions planned that strike over a contract dispute. oakland and the unions have been in labor talks for the past seven months. both sides were to meet again today to try to reach that agreement, but, again, we're waiting to hear what one of those labor unions has to say. our camera is monitoring that as we speak. well, it's official, president trump is endorsing alabama senate candidate roy moore. >> the president will spend time into utah today to announce he is reducing the size of two national monuments. scott mcgrew says the president may have one other reason to go to utah as well. >> yeah, good morning. president trump is pushing longtime utah senator orrin hatch to run for re-election. hatch is 83 years old. he's been very loyal to the president. trump would prefer hatch keep his office because the guy likely to replace him is mitt romney. he is one of the president's arch enemies. remember, ro remember, romney has called trump a fraud and warned the republican party long before trump became president that it would be bad for the country. hatch supports the president, even supporting him after that famous "access hollywood" tape. a tape so scandalous, the official church of the -- the president is now directly supporting roy moore, the man accused of sexual contact with a 14-year-old who is running for the senate in alabama. trump says, quote, we need roy moore to win alabama. moore tweeted back this morning, thankful for the president's support. meantime, the white house is scrambling to explain a tweet that came from the president's personal account over the weekend. take a look. the important sentence is in the first one. i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the vice president and the fbi. the president's never before mentioned the fbi as a reason to fire flynn. the problem here is the timeline. the president says he fired flynn because he lied to the fbi. well, that firing was february 13th and on february 14th, then fbi director james comey said that trump asked him to go easy on flynn. i hope you can let it go, the president reportedly said. now trump denies this conversation ever took place but it's his word against the then director of the fbi. what you have here potentially is evidence of obstruction of justice. the white house now says trump never wrote that tweet you just saw. his lawyer did. now why his lawyer would take over the president's twitter to write a tweet that implicates his own client in obstruction of justice, well, guys, that's a bit hazy. back to you. >> well, coming up, a game-changing deal in health care. cvs looking to buy aetna. what it means for the future of health in america. plus, a new messaging app for kids. the way facebook wants to connect kids and still keep them safe. opening bell. a live look at the big board. and that is the opening bell at the new york stock exchange. right now the dow is actually up. we're looking at it drag up 159 points. right now the dow jones industrial average rose 203 points with boeing and walt disney leading on the 30 stock index. now to a deal that could change health care forever. cvs is pushing deep noor customer care. the retail and health company is looking to buy health insurer aetna -- with an insurer that covers about 22 million people. the $69 billion deal could generate a new stream of customers to cvs stores as the list of services offered at cvs stores continues to grow. >> this is a sneak peek of what the city of san jose will unveil in less than an hour. they are tiny homes designed to be part of the city's emergency sleeping cabin system. all new. the house department is working with an architectural firm on this project for bridge housing communities to shelter the homeless. when we learn more, we'll oh post it at you would need more than a down payment to buy more than you one of a dozen homes in livermore. you're also going to need some luck. the east bay times and reporting that the city is holding a lottery for first-time home buyers, and they will get the chance to buy the houses below market prices. priority is being given to teachers, firefighters, police officers and veterans. we looked up details overnight. the average home price in livermore according to zillow is still more than $750,000. zillow writes livermore's home values have gone up 9% from last year. >> just in, "time" magazine is out with its short list for person of the year. amazon's ceo jeff bezos is being considered. so is president trump, who was the 2016 person of the year. also on the list, the me too movement dealing with sexual harassment. kim jong-un, former 49ers star colin kaepernick, china's president, the d.r.e.a.m.ers, also known as daca recipients. the crown price of saudi arabia, special counsel robert mueller and "wonder woman" director pat and jenkins. the person of the year will be revealed on the "today" show. this morning, billy bush says that now infamous "access hollywood" tape of donald trump is, in fact, real. here's why it's back in the headlines. "the new york times" reported last week that the president has been saying privately that he does not believe it is his voice on the tape in the 2005 recording that surfaced just weeks before the 2016 election. you'll probably remember that on that tape trump brags about degrading behavior toward women. in 2016, trump directly confirmed the remarks and then apologized for making the remarks. in an op-ed piece released sunday night, billy bush, to whom trump made those remarks writes in part, along with donald trump and me, there were seven other guys present on the bus at the time and every single one of us assumed we were listening to a crass stand-up act. surely he was performing, we thought none of this was real. bush goes on to write, we now know better and president trump is currently indulging in some revisionist history. well, facebook is debuting a new app today, one that is specifically designed for kids. it's called messenger kids and allows children to video chat and message with friends and family. >> remember, they're not supposed to have accounts until they're at least 13, so kids between 6 and 11 might gravitate towards this app. nbc's joe fryer reports that parents have concerns about safety. >> reporter: the concept may raise some eyebrows, the social media app called messenger kids, but facebook says it's parents who are in control, setting up accounts and approving all contacts before children start chatting. >> the latest tragic case, a 12-year-old girl who took her own life. >> reporter: in recent years we've seen the dark side of social media, bullying taken to the extreme. which is why she is glad she will be able to monitor her 10-year-old daughter's activity. >> i think it's very important that parents know who their kids are talking to, that they know the conversations are appropriate. >> reporter: this family lives in raleigh, north carolina, one of many places where facebook held roundtables. they were among the groups allowed to test the apps and offer input. >> it's really fun and helps me stay in contact with my friends and family. >> reporter: we also got a sneak peek. >> an old man. and then if you open your mouth, you turn into a baby. >> reporter: the video chat feature puts a huge emphasis on interactive face filters and sound effect infects. >> now you're an opera singer with your mouth wide open like an opera singer would do. one of the things we found over and over is that kids look at communication as play. we wanted to make it as playful as possible. >> tell them about your day. >> reporter: these kids still too young for smartphones, the app gives them an amusing way to talk with their grandmother who lives in another state. >> what i really liked about it is it's not a profile. it's not like anyone else can look up your child. >> reporter: facebook says safety is a primary concern which is why parents must okay the contacts using their own facebook accounts. >> the parent is really helping to establish that social community. >> reporter: children can block or report anything that makes them uncomfortable and parents are immediately notified and kids cannot delete the conversations so adults can check the devices. as for worries the kids will be glued to their screens, facebook said it's looking at building controls about how much time is spent on the app. >> i think at some point we need to be realistic that social media isn't going away. it's actually really great to kids to see how grown-ups communicate effectively online and you can have the chance to model it for them. >> reporter: some may worshipped is messenger kids is a way for facebook to attract children at a younger age, but the company says that is not the goal. >> this is about facilitating communication among families. >> that was joe fryer reporting. as for other privacy concerns, facebook says kids' information will not be used for advertising. in fact, messenger kids has no ads or in-app purchases. a preview of the app is coming today to the app store, but right now only available on apple products. happening now, king tides are moving in and it's all because of the supermoon that maybe woke you up last night. that's when the moon is closest in its orbit causing more of a gravitational pull. high tides are expected to be at the highest. do be careful if you're out in ocean beach, you know the trouble spots. >> you were saying because it may wake you up. i woke up and looked out the window and could see this bright light shining in. i thought it was the motion sensor light. oh, yeah, supermoon. it was super bright. >> very bright. >> we have some clear skies and that's also what's causing that coastal flooding. we talked about the king tides. here is a live look outside in san francisco right now as we get a view of the city. it's breezy, too. we've been talking about the winds kicking up. so a coupling of things we'll be watching pep even on this dry day, you can tell here by the flag looking at fremont that it is a windy day and the winds have been whipping around these flags all morning long. that will continue even into this afternoon. looking at now these current temperatures, it's 62 degrees in napa, 57 in fairfield. we've had a pretty big spread in temperatures even since this morning. as you get a look at the seven-day forecast at the bottom of the screen, warming up over the next few days. our high temperature today in milpitas reaching up to 60 degrees and in the low 60s as well for the east bay. oakland, 62. 64 in livermore. for the peninsula, 62 degrees in half moon bay. san mateo and 60 degrees in the mission district. san francisco stays in the up 050s today and 62 degrees today in sonoma. we also have this wind advisory in effect for the east bay and north bay hills. all these areas shaded in brown, that's where we could have winds gusting up to 45 miles per hour for today. that could bring down some trees and also have some power impacts. as we look add our sustained winds in the forecast for the rest of the day, it shows those winds rushing in from the northeast coming in at about 25 to 35 miles per hour. then look at the timeline, 5:00, during that evening commute many people out there driving on the roads. you have to keep a tight grip on that steering wheel. even later on tonight, the winds stay gusty and into the start of the day tomorrow, still windy and then it starts to calm down. if you're going to christmas in the park this evening in san jose, that goes on until midnight. our temperatures dropping fairly quickly and staying breezy. then the other thing i'm watching, the storm track still well to the north of us. this is really unusual for this time of year. normally we're seeing that storm track dipping farther to the south. but this area of high pressure will block it, keep us dry and warm our temperatures up over the next few days. so san francisco will go from the upper 50s today to the upper 60s by the end of the week. for the inland areas, 60 today and windy and cool. morning temperatures really cold. and 7 degrees by thursday. al -- 70 degrees by thursday. i'll talk about how cold it gets tonight and what's ahead over the next several days as far as our rain coming up a little bit later. kris and marcus. >> thank you very much, kari. coming up, under fire and under the microscope. allegations of racism and hazing in san francisco's fire academy prompts new action. we investigate. >> but first, happening now, 22 people are facing auto insurance fraud charges. 19 of them live in santa clara county. the district attorney's office says that the group was running a fraud ring, faking car accidents. this was generating almost a quarter million dollars in insurance payouts. also now, a former florida congresswoman has been sentenced to five years in federal prison. convicted of fraud and tax crimes, independent colluding raising about $800,000 for a fake charity. and finally, as many as 1.6 million customers may have had their personal information stolen from a payment processing company acquired by paypal. we're back in two minutes with more news. the street name change one south bay city may make. hear from one of the people behind the effort. plus - avoiding a bad deal. the lesson we can all learn - when it comes to buying a used car. join us tomorrow from 4:30 to 7. hazing at the san francisco fire training academy. accusations of racism and hazing at the san francisco fire training academy and we are now learning the city has opened up a formal investigation. investigative reporter jaxon van derbeken tells us the probe follows a letter by eight african-american firefighters ladies and gentlemen of the jurying a climate of racism and abuse. >> reporter: this week, three would-be firefighters were dismissed from their class at the san francisco fire academy. that is not unusual. what is unusual is that two of them may be among the eight african-american trainees who penned an anonymous letter to fire chief stating they were offended by an instructor usings "n" word during a training session. they say they've endure, quote, retaliatory, demeaning, punishing, and racist and sexist behavior there. other recruits have signed a petition saying each of us is treated fairly without any indication of racism, sexism or favoritism by the academy training instructors. joe serves on the fire commission. he says there is an urgency to resolving the allegations. >> if you fail out of the academy, you're out, right? there is a long list to get back into the academy. >> reporter: he hopes the probe will find out whether those claims are legislation or the product of disgruntled recruits unable to meet standards. >> if this is a matter of actual racial animus, let's get to the bottom of that and root that out because that's a cancer and we need to remove that immediately. >> reporter: the fire department -- but couldn't comment further on a personnel matter. the black firefighters' association told us in a statement we look forward to the city attorney's office taking the necessary steps to conduct a complete, thorough and unbiased investigation. jaxon van derbeken, nbc bay area news. >> and if you have a story for our investigative unit, give us a call. that number 1-888-996-tips or visit our website coming up, breaking news. a california state assemblyman accused of sexual harassment. the new accusations just revealed. plus, a disturbing find in a local mailbox. a serious investigation underway right now. what the postal service is saying about it. accusations of sexual misconduct at the california st breaking news now. accusations of sexual misconduct at the california state capitol centered on this man. a female lobbyist just named this assembly member as a man she claims locked her in a bar bathroom and then touched himself in front of her. >> this is not right. we can not have a man in our house as one of our colleagues who would make you feel unsafe, make anyone woman that we work with feel unsafe and as fellow lawmakers, we can't have a person among our ranks who is not a good representative of the public's safety. even women who haven't been able to step forward who get over the fear and the anxiety and get up in the morning and put on their suit and come to work, it takes courage for them to do that. so i find strength in that collective action. and i find strength in their numbers. >> no immediate response from the the representative who is a democrat from los angeles county. pamela lopez says this happened during a legislative event during january of last year. she is calling for changes in the way that sexual harassment is handled at the state capitol. postal inspectors are trying to track down the person who put a suspicious device in an oakland collection mailbox. now that threat shut down two major streets for hours over the weekend. >> nbc bay area's marianne favro has more. >> reporter: a postal carrier making the usual rounds yesterday found something very unusual after opening up this collection box on the corner of stanford and san pablo avenues. >> it looked very, very suspicious. >> reporter: that's when u.s. postal inspectors, oakland police and the alameda county sheriff's department bomb squad were called in to determine if it was an explosive device. the bomb squad destroyed the device. this circle on the sidewalk marks where pieces of it landed and were collected as evidence. the investigation force sections of san pablo and stanford avenues to close for nearly nine hours. >> it was a lot of traffic. >> reporter: de-anthony niblett lives nearby. >> i don't know who would want to put a bomb in our neighborhood. >> reporter: investigators say the device was not a piece of mail addressed to anyone and this is the second time in less than two weeks a suspicious, potentially explosive device wound up in the mail in alameda county. on november 24th, a device exploded after it was mailed to a home in alameda's bay farm neighborhood. >> we're not speculating or making any connections at this time. we have postal inspectors actively working those other investigations. >> reporter: investigators are now checking video from nearby surveillance cameras in oakland to see if they caught a suspect on tape. >> well, a berkeley man faces charges, accused of pushing a b.a.r.t. train operator. this happened earlier sunday at the dumbarton station. police arrested him on suspicion of public intaxication and are banning him from riding b.a.r.t. for some time. the train operator is not hurt. on east bay firefighter, though, was seriously injured while fighting this fire in el sobrante yesterday. the fire happened in a fire on san pablo dam road. the firefighter is recovering as is a resident who suffered smoke inhalation. the cause of this foyer is under investigation. a search continues this morning for a driver who struck and killed a pedestrian in santa rosa. that crash happened around midnight on saturday night east of warm strings road. officers say they found the victim along with broken glass and windshield wipers at the scene. other than that, there were few clues to go on. the identification of that victim has not been released. antd ideological police are looking for suspects in the city's latest homicide. a man was found shot to death in the middle of a road. police found that victim around 2:00 a.m. sunday at empire mine road near deer valley road. details are still very limited. all we have been able to find out is that the officers received a call and when they arrived, that victim was dead. a developing story now. the united states and south korea launched a massive combined air force exercise. the war games come a week after north korea fired its most powerful missile ever in a test. nbc's keir simmons reports. >> reporter: this morning, the u.s. and south korea flexing their combined military muscle, launching a major air force drill amid fury from north korea. some 12,000 personnel and 230 aircraft taking part in the annual exercise. the war games involving some of the pentagon's most powerful war planes. north korean state media warning the week-long exercises are pushing the korean peninsula to the brink of nuclear war. senator lindsey graham saying the families of more than 28,000 u.s. service members insouth korea should be moved for their safety. over the weekend, north koreans celebrating their country's latest missile test. the new missile flying higher and longer than ever, capable, analysts say, of reaching much of the continental united states. >> thank you, sir. >> reporter: the white house national security adviser saying the threat is increasing daily. >> it's immensely important that we work together with all of our allies, partners, everyone internationally to convince kim jong-un that the continued pursuit of these capabilitys is a dead end for him and his regime. >> reporter: kim jong-un continuing the missile tests despite international pressure after a two-month pause. the white house returning to an often repeated message, pushing china to do more to rein in north korea. we're now learning last week's north korean missile was even spotted by a plane. the crew of the commercial airliner flying over japan close enough to witness what is now thought to be the reentry of the missile into the earth's atmosphere. back to you. >> well, new york's metropolitan opera is investigating its longtime conductor. he's been suspended in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations. met executives say the opera company is investigating details behind a police report filed last year accusing 74-year-old james levine of abusing a teenage boy. "the new york times" reports at least three men have come forward with accusations that levine assaulted them decades ago when they were teenagers. a music critic believes the met may have known about the accusations for months. >> was the metropolitan opera invested in protecting him? that is the question that is now being investigated. they have known about these allegations for at least a year and are only investigating them now that they've gone public. >> levine was the met's longtime music director until last year. he's conducted the orchestra for more than four decades. according to "the times," some of the accusations stretch back nearly 50 years. san francisco city workers removed the candlelight memorial set up shortly after the verdict of kate steinle in the murder case there. a group of white supremacists placed candles, roses and signs where she was killed following last week's acquittal by jurors on the most serious charges. the examiner reporting that steinle's family requested they be removed. a san francisco transit leader this month will reportedly take the first steps at looking into taking private vehicles off market street. that means onliy taxis, delivery and emergency vehicles would be allowed on market street. according to the examiner, a concrete plan is still years away but the environmental review will be out later this month. on how it might be phased in. >> neighbors of an iconic san francisco home are upset over proposed renovations to the so-called "full house" house. the sf examiner reports people living near broaddrick street's painted ladies have problems with the renovations. they say it will replicate the way the home looks in the original tv show and the reboot. jeff franklin who produced the show is the current owner. his neighbors are worried about even more public texas and visitors visitors in the neighborhood. >> we are tracking a cool week but without a sign of rain. >> not only will it be dry, but we'll also have some gusty winds. looking at those winds picking up today from the north at about 25 to 30 miles per hour. we could even have some higher gusts. we'll talk what's ahead as the winds calm down and the dry weather continues. that's coming up next. a persistent problem with a washing machine, plus persist ant silence from the bt manufacturer. i'm consumer investigative reporter chris chmura. nbc bay area responds next. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. campbell woman who couldn )t get the help she needed with a recalled appliance. nbc bay area responds to a campbell woman who could not get the help she needed with a recall. >> guess what she did? she got consumer investigative reporter chris chmura to step in and help. >> last year, stacey wood but a samsung washer. she said it started vibrating and making strange noises just a few months laterally. after a little digging around, stacey learned samsung issued a recall for that exact issue with that exact washer. so she contacted samsung. it then sent a technician out to fix that problem. however, the repair didn't help. stacey said it actually got worse and even noticed a burning smell. she was nervous about that so asked samsung for a refund but couldn't. she couldn't even get an answer from them. so she reached out to us. we contacted samsung and it issued stacey an $800 refund for her noisy washer. in a statement, the company apologized to stacey and said we are listening and learning from every customer's experience in order to constantly improve our processes. stacey was savvy when her appliance started acting up, she checked for a recall. we should all remember to do this and be sure to register the products you buy as soon as you buy them. fill out that little card in the box by registering your name and address, the company can personally notify you when a recall is announced. you can call us anytime too, 1-888-996-tips or go online to >> we are recalling images of kari hall's trip. you just went to hawaii. welcome back to the cold temperatures. >> thank you. >> and the windy conditions. >> i wish i could bring some of that rain with me because it definitely rained off and on the whole trip, but now we are seeing a lot of those showers just to the north of us and we are going to check that out, too. as we are also dealing with some gusty winds. here is a live look outside in downtown san jose. christmas in the park going on as we speak. so it's a really nice day. maybe you can avoid some of the crowds if you go this afternoon. that continues until midnight. looking at healdsburg right now, we've had some cool temperatures and this is an area i'll be watching for the possibility of some freezing temperatures in the next couple of mornings. that may be an issue there. looking at sausalito, king tides now just getting past high tide right now and we'll have extremely low tides this evening and the tides come right back up tomorrow. looking at the water levels as well. our temperatures are all over the place. as we've seen throughout the morning, really dipping down in some of the valleys, but starting to recover. upper 50s from morgan hill to san jose. livermore, 55 degrees now. low 60s in the north bay and santa rosa and napa in the low 60s. as we go through the rest of the afternoon into that evening commute in the south bay, we are going to see those temperatures hold steady in the low 60s. you do need the sunglasses, all of that sunshine keeping things clear as we go into tonight. as we look at our microclimate forecast for the south bay, low 60s once again today. for the east bay, up to 62 degrees in walnut creek and heyward. 61 in san mateo. 60 degrees there. also 60 degrees in the mission district and some low 60s for the north bay. think we'll see those temperatures holding steady there for the rest of the day. and then as we look at our nighttime temperatures, it does start to cool down, but it's still going to be windy enough to keep a lot of those valleys from dipping below freezing, but we will be very close and may get very close to freezing in santa rosa, but i think by wednesday morning that's when we will have our coldest temperatures. we are going through this week with no rain in the forecast. normally through the month of december, it's one of the wettest months we have of the year, but it's kind of unusual to see the storm track so far to the north. that is where we've seen that connection of the atmospheric river now well up into canada. not even the pacific northwest getting some heavy rain. high pressure keeps it dry as we go into the next several days and then our temperatures start to warm up as well. as we look at our high temperatures, upper 50s for today in san francisco. stays windy. the wind starts to subside tomorrow. then we get some sunshine, warmer temperatures for the end of the week. the weekend also staying dry. just a few more clouds in the mix but look how warm it's going to be by thursday. a lot of sunshine. that's our warmest day in the forecast. up to 70 degrees and then cooling down by the end of the weekend. so a lot to watch here with the winds and the king tides, but still no rain here for possibly into next week as well. i'll keep you update. >> we don't like to hear that, especially when we know there are breezy conditions with the fires. >> absolutely. well, coming up, recovered memories. a decades old photo album found near a home encampment. it is now back with its rightful owners and a touching reunion we got exclusively. now to an nbc bay area exclusive... you may remember a story we firep now to an nbc bay area exclusive. you might remember this is a story we first reported back in august. we like a good story. >> we do. mountain view police found a world war ii era photo album at a homeless camp and launched a nationwide search to find the owners. they found them and nbc bay area's ian cull has the incredible update. >> reporter: in police are meant to protect and serve, on this day, mountain view officers took service to a whole new level. beneath that cloth, a photo album. officers found it at a homeless camp under a bridge in ago. it looked special so they asked for help to find the owners on social media and the request spread quickly. they cross referenced name on the back of the photos, even used >> we see them young and now you're going to see them, you know, later in life. well, hello. >> reporter: and finally their investigation led them here to a los gatos retirement home. >> nice to meet you. >> how do you do? >> there you go. look familiar? >> oh, yes. >> reporter: two sisters, both in their 90s, seeing their album for the first time in nearly 35 years. >> i'm amazed at the shape it's in. >> reporter: janice ann duncan and her sister nancy rose made the album in their 20s. they can't recall how it was lost, but today just glad it's back. >> it's like meeting an old friend. >> reporter: spending this morning with the officers who spent nearly three months searching for this moment. >> we all sort of became part of their history by looking at the photos and kind of became more and more intrigued as to who they were and what was going on in their life during that time. >> reporter: one main man who appears in many photos was a navy sailer, janis' love back there. >> chuck and i were fast friends. >> reporter: he returned from war and they moved on. the stories continue with each page. the vacation to yosemite, a possible high school reunion. >> it's with you now so it's all yours. >> thank you. >> you're very welcome. >> reporter: it was never just a photo album found under a bridge, it's a piece of their history, their lives now back in their hands. in los gatos, ian cull, nbc bay area news. >> we still don't know how they got separated. but at least i can stop hounding katie nelson at mountain view police. i kept asked her, what about the album? >> it's been found and returned. was nice to see them look at those pictures. >> we were fast friends. >> we'll be right back. silicon valley. some a-list celebrities rubbing elbows wit well, the red carpet rolled out in silicon valley as some a-list celebrities rubbed elbows with our bay area scientists. >> the sixth annual event was held at nasa aims. stars like morgan freeman, ashton kutcher and his wife mila kunis. mark zuckerberg said the goal was to bring awareness to their achievements. the ceremony for their work including ucsf physicists. >> carrie washington there as well. and kari hall with us. >> i loved the videos seeing the celebrities. >> probably not. well, anyway, here we are looking at our forecast. and looking pretty good there. 59 degrees. still windy today in san francisco. some of those gusts up to 35 to possibly 40 miles per hour. so really watch it out there. and then for the next couple of days, it's going to be cool in mornings, but still very warm and nice during the afternoons. >> take advantage of it now. >> sounds very good. thank you so much for joining us. our next newscast is coming up tonight at 5:00. >> don't dpgt to join us tomorrow morning starting at 40k 30 on "today in the bay." >> ooh, that's early. ♪ we're live in five, four, three, two, one. billy bush. >> uh-huh. yep. i'm here to remind you that "access hollywooa "access hollywood" saved my man. can you belief i got fired for listening to you. you're president and now you're saying it's not real? >> you're fine. you'll find work again. >> frankly, i'm looking pretty good in the nbc news news division now the. >> billy bush back on tv, with alec baldwin's

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