Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20170222 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20170222

good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm janelle wang. kris sanchez is out in the field. >> i'm sam brock. as we continue to follow the latest, what you're looking alt-right here is something that people were specifically told not to do, which is to walk into contaminated flood water. we just had a press conference from sam liccardo talking about all the things we know are inside of that water right now. oil, sewage, household chemicals. now, this is the latest, janelle. this is a look right now over the mobile home park off of oakland avenue and dish in san jose. one of the areas targeted for mandatory evacuation. >> 40 homes in the mobile home park, it started flooding late last night and overnight people were evacuated from the area. this is kind of the flood zone of coyote creek, the section in the bottom there in the bottom near 280, that is the area that's flooding right now. and people are being told to evacuate. if you live in a low-lying area along coyote creek the threat is not over. they just want you to be on the look out and stand by. for now, if you can go somewhere else, san jose mayor sam liccardo said just go to another area just to stay for now until this water reseeds. >> that is exactly right. sam liccardo talking about the fact this was roughly 30 minutes ago that there are probably about 400 people at this point that were saved by boat yesterday. there are 300 living in shelters, and we have been talking about not trying to drive through this. some some cases a few feet deep, in other places more, but you are clearly looking at someone now trying to get through the flood soaked area. the biggest concern at this point that mayor liccardo wanted to stress to folks is that this area is clearly not decontaminated. they couldn't start that process until the water reseeds a lot more than it has right now. again, you're watching people blatantly disregarding though suggestion. >> it is a dangerous situation with the sewage contamination. we have team korchl. all the trouble spots right now, let's begin with nbc's kris sanchez. what is the update? >> there was a lot of information, but still a lot of questions for the folks who want to get back home. you can see some of them milling about behind me trying to see if they can get inside to get some of the their belongings. we want to give you a little perspective where the water line is. you see where the pavement dries near the green dumpster? that's where the water was yesterday. it has gone done. it's receded a couple of feet there. but the water is still at about flood stage. in the last hour, mayor sam liccardo and other city leaders did hold a press conference and we learned a few things. one is that the flooding exceeded what was expected to be 100-year flood level and they attribute that to a problem with the anderson reservoir and the dam there. coyote creek is receding. it is about a couple inches above flood stage at this point, and there is no time estimated for these folks to be able to come home. take a listen to what the mayor and those city leaders also had to say. >> we are sending out crews to assess damage. we are urging people not to return to their homes and those mandatory evacuation areas. the water is not safe. >> this was never characterized as a 100-year flood event. >> we continue to monitor flows through the streams to better understand what the waters will do in the coming days. and, of course, we are preparing for rains expected over the weekend. >> it's the first time a resident is aware that they need to get out of a home is when they see a fire fighter in a boat, clearly there has been a failure. but what we have is an event that is truly unique. we had evacuation areas that exceeded the 100-year flood zone. that gives you an indication that this is not a flood that we would typically anticipate. what happened in the dam is the cause of what is happening here. >> reporter: anna gonzalez's family was evacuated from their second story apartment with 25 minutes to grab what they could before being taken out on a boat yesterday. >> i'm shaking. i'm blessed my mom didn't get flooded, but i still feel like my heart goes out to everybody else. >> reporter: today anna gonzalez came back to grab a few things against the advice of the city, her brother came to pickup her sister's car. it's gone. they don't know if it floated away or what happened. if you were told to evacuate, you need to stay away until your home is deemed safe. the mayor did clarify that first responders are out and about, not only trying to get people out to safety, but making sure the community is safe from any kind of looting or any other kind of ill deeds. now, the best way to help, we've had a lot of folks tweeting us, facebooking us asking how they can help. it is not going to be to clean out your linen closet and drop off blankets or old clothing. what these folks need is money because once they get back into their homes they are going to have a lot of stuff to replace. the city did set up a website. it is the sj flood victim fund. you can find that through the mayor's office. it is posted on social media platform. to reiterate, if you were told to get out you need to stay out. even when the water is gone, this stuff is contaminated and shockingly we have seen people walk around in their bear feet because they cared more about their shoes than their health. this is not a healthy situation and it's going to be awhile before it is again. janelle and sam? >> kris, thank you very much. not something to play with. and sam liccardo a few minutes ago saying he does president have a timetable for when folks are going to be able to return. it will be awhile before they can. it's a rude awakening for folks in downtown san jose and other neighborhoods as flood waters there started rushing in during the overnight hours. >> scary situation. nbc's bob redell has been working the story since 4:00 this morning on today in the bay. bob, you've seen some of the destruction left behind. >> reporter: janelle and sam, it's misery here on 1th street where you can see the flood waters areb%s receding, but unfortunately not fast enough for the people who live here and on adjacent streets. those who did evacuate yesterday have been returning to this neighborhood to assess the damage caused by the rising waters of coyote creek located a few blocks away, which would have seemed like a safe distance, but unfortunately it was not. a number of cars were submerged. many home flooded. in some cases with several inches of water as you've been hearing, contaminated with oils, gasoline and sewage. one woman we spoke to was able to raise her belongings before she evacuated last night. another family, they're in the process of tearing out their hardwood floors and wiping down all the moisture off their wall. they don't know when it will be okay to return home for good. >> no good. >> right now she's worried about her house and all her stuff. >> just move on. i'm glad it was -- the drought is over. that's the good thing. we need the water so here it is. >> reporter: roberto perez's basement full of water, 6 feet deep, destroying his water heater and other belongings he had in there. doesn't know how long it will take to pump it out. he feels lucky, the house itself did not flood. it came close within 3 inches. young lady right here, your car. we're live on nbc bay area. you came out to check your car? >> yeah, it's full of mud. it was you wiall the way up her night. there's mud inside. my whole basement is full of water. >> reporter: what about your house? >> well, it's elevated. >> reporter: this house behind us? >> the one with the black gate. >> reporter: did you evacuate? >> yeah, i did. >> reporter: what time? >> did was around 8:00. >> reporter: where was the water at that point? >> it was high. i can't remember how high it was. my entire basement is full of water. it's making its way up. >> reporter: into the house it snefl >> yes. >> reporter: do you have a pump? >> no. and i'm scared because i heard they're going to release more water. >> reporter: they've been releasing and they're going to continue release. if you look to the left, the creek is receding. the flood water are receding. the issue is if there is another storm on sunday. how are you handle everything? >> i'm really stressed out. i'm sad because we're going to have to move from this house that i've lived in for 29 years. i've lost everything, honestly, but you have to start somewhere, right? >> reporter: i'm sorry. do you have a support system? >> yes, i have a great support system. my family, they've always been there. as long as i have them, i think i'll be fine. >> reporter: i'm glad you're okay. >> thank you. >> reporter: take care of yourself. this is one person's store i. similar stories we've been hearing 1th stre9th street, 20t go down all these streets, you get close tore coyote creek, this is the sadness you're seeing here, the flooding was not expected. remember, this is considered to be a 100-year flood plain and yet here we are on year 2017 and it happened. reporting live here in san jose, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> heart breaking to hear that story, similar stories out there. >> absolutely tears at your heart. bob, we were talking about this is tens of families going through that, janelle. very hard to digest now. thank you, bob. >> another live shot from sky ranger, this is just a couple blocks from the mobile home park we showed you. this is on commercial street off of oakland road. you can see a salvage yard, and i'd say hundreds of cars just under water, submerged from coyote creek over flowing there. again, this is off commercial street. so, sky ranger keeping an eye on all the situation. they were covering the traffic this morning, quite the gridlock. but fortunately all lanes of the busiest freeways back open right now. that includes 101 in san jose. that was a very tense situation for drivers this morning as it shut down rush hour in the south bay for several hours. >> yeah, we saw these chopper shots earlier this morning. you're absolutely right, janelle. there were back ups. people coming northbound couldn't continue at the 680 interchange. mike has been following this since 4:00. mike, finally things are flowing. >> that's right, sam. you and i were here. first the water was flowing. now the traffic flowing again in the south bay. this critical section of 1 0 1 was completely closed from 680 to 280, all the way to 880. this elbow right here. they had it closed because of flooding just right there over coyote creek. that has since cleared. all lanes are reopened. 280 and 87 took the brunt of that commute. the north bound push continued to buildup for 87. coming up 280 and the alternates. nort natal fortunately the schools are on ski week. now back to 101, pete suratos was standing in the middle of the freeway when it was close this had morning. pete, you had to move. where are you now? >> reporter: yes, good morning to you, mike. we're near 101 southbound right before mckey road. the traffic running so smoothly. when you take into account what we were seeing this morning, in fact, we'll show you some of that ground video from earlier. that's on southbound 101 near mckey road. the flooding water was one to 2 feet deep. nowhere near drivable for the morning commute. that's why the area was shut down. officials worried about where the water would go since the reservoirs were full. here are things clearing up around 9:00 a.m. you can see cal trans clearing up the debris on northbound 101 l all the lanes reopened before 10:00 a.m., shortly before the show, northbound 101 reopened as well. we spoke with the sergeant with chp. he tells me he's never seen anything like this in san jose. >> when all lanes are stopped and you're diverting traffic it's extremely stressful on everybody involved including the motorists who only know one route to work perhaps. just trying to get everybody moving. they all want to stop and ask where do i go now. so very chaotic especially during the morning commute. >> reporter: back out here you can see traffic moving along nicely near 101, a much different sight from what we saw in morning. live in san jose, pete suratos nbc bay area news. >> thank you, pete. let's look at the culprit, the cause of all this. we're going to go to anderson reservoir. take a look at that. all that water is flowing into coyote creek. this is new video of a very full anderson reservoir in morgan hill. it's actually at capacity. it hit capacity over the weekend. you can see all that water gushing out of the reservoir. that's the overflow, uncontrolled water going into coyote creek which runs through the morgan hill area, then up through south santa clara county into san jose before finally dumping into the bay near milpitas. yesterday obviously too much water going into that creek and that's why we're seeing this flooding. you know, let's bring in kari hall now. it's dry, it's sunny, but the water is still rising in some areas. >> janelle, even with all of that water rushing out of the anderson reservoir over the dam, i haven't seen water levels dropping this much. it's holding steady. that shows you how much water we have to deal with here and how much it continues to drain down. here's a live look outside at san jose. we do have some sunshine now and some dryer weather conditions which will help as we go into the next couple of days. we also have storm ranger parked on a mountain in san brown owe. our mobile doppler radar and it is scanning around the bay area also showing those dry conditions. as we get a look at that flood warning that continues, we're talking about areas upstream from the coyote river and the dam that continues to move farther to the north as it gets ready to drain into the san francisco bay area, we will still see this water flowing upstream once again through parts of east san jose. and we still have this ongoing flood warning as the water levels are dropping just very slowly. but this area that we're seeing farther to the south near south coyote, that flood warning looks to expire soon. so, we'll see that if that gets extended as these flood waters continue to just very slowly drop. >> in the meantime, kari, thank you very much. they are definitely inflicting their wrath this morning as we're getting new looks in the light of day. up next at 11:00, the nbc bay area sky ranger is up above an area in san jose where we are looking at closed streets. you see there are officers out there blocking off traffic flow as the flood waters have taken over. we're going to get a wider perspective of that and return to this scene in just a couple of minutes. >> plus not just people 8 in danger, but animals. these horses caught in flood waters. the hazards and work being done to save them. welcome back. we continue to follow breaking news this morning. and you see the homes there in the beriessa neighborhood of san jose. absolutely su rounded by water. you see the bottom of your screen, mayor sam liccardo telling us only about an hour ago there are 14,000 households that had to be evacuated from mandatory evacuation areas overnight as the city of san jose continuing to deal with an emergency here. i mean, those are people's patios where water has actually breached over the top of that, toward the house, in some cases reaching all the way to the first floor window of the homes. and, again, this is by commercial street. not far from the mobile home park that we showed you where there are also evacuations just a picture, just a glimpse here, janelle, of what we're seeing all over san jose right now. >> so much devastation. and we were talking about the people evacuated. there weres also animals, livesto livestock stranded in these flood waters. we want to show you footage from nbc bay area sky ranger. this morning horses that are stuck in their stalls. they're drinking the flood water, which is not good because it's contaminated. crews are working right now to get these animals out. i know we've got a lot of calls into the newsroom. people are aware of the situation and they are working to get these animals out safely. >> and city officials are telling you to make sure you take your pets with you when you're being evacuated, when you leave your home. apparently this is the case with a lot of folks yesterday where they were not. obviously the horses are a different situation and very toxic water was the words city officials were using. >> for sure. let's get a check of our forecast with meteorologist kari hall. we have storm ranger out right now keeping an eye on the situation. >> now is our time to watch this water go down and it's happening very slowly around the bay area. we also have some flood warnings farther to the north. here is a live look outside at storm ranger parked on san bruno mountain and it is scanning around right now. and gives us a high detailed view of what's happening around the bay area. so, definitely a very useful tool. we are the only ones with this. and this is what we're trying to put away right now. in santa rosa for the water year, we've had offer over 205% of average. and this is for the water year, we are not done with the water year just yet. in oakland, we've had also close to 23 inches of rain. and in san jose, this is what 15 inches of rain has done for the water year. we've had our normal amount plus almost half. and we've been monitoring the water levels, reservoir levels, and for more on that we're going to head over to forecaster vianey arana, she has a look of what it looks like now in san jose. >> yeah, kari, we have been monitoring that and this morning we were here at 4:00 a.m.. the coyote creek was still over flood stage about 11 feet. right now the latest is showing 1.10 feet. an inch below the flood stage. you can eventually see that going down. of course, we know this was a record crest. it reached 13.6 feet, and that's the highest level had has reached in about 95 years. and, of course, the coyote creek, the forecast, they were expecting it to reach 11.8 feet on monday, it went to 13.6. the 2 feet definitely made a difference. looking ahead into the coming several days we are going to deep a close eye on the reservoir update. the coyote lake reservoir is still 106%. anderson still at 104%. uvas reservoir still at 103%. although we are getting a nice break from the rain, we are still seeing some rain coming into this weekend so i know kari and i will keep a close eye on that. and also right now i just learned that in front, this street right here, century street, they will be bringing back the bus service. they just pulled up the vta just pulled up and let us know. they are restoring bus service right in front of this street so i will give you the latest updates. kari, back to you. >> thank you. as you mention, we are going to be looking farther down the line to what's ahead as we head toward the weekend. as of now we are going to see some of those water levels receding as we are getting a break from the rain. some dry weather, a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures in the lower 50ss. we'll see those temperatures holding steady and much cooler than average for this time of year as we've seen behind the storm system. it's 55 degrees in the south bay and 54 degrees in the tri-valley with a high today of 53 degrees in san francisco. here is a look at storm ranger. we were just talking about that. we see it scanning around the bay area, and no rain as of now. so, that's definitely good news. but as we continue throughout the next several days we'll be putting this back in action and most likely going to be tracking this storm as we go into the weekend. this one will arrive on saturday. and here's a look at the time line because we will have a couple of days of dry weather once again on saturday. we start to see the scattered showers move in. on sunday it looks to become a little more widespread for the bay area, but some of the computer models shifting it farther to the south which will be great news for us because we've also seen some fluctuation in how much rain we can get. earlier today it looked like an inch. now it is looking a little less, less than half an inch for most of the bay area. i'll keep you up to date on these changes the next couple of days f. you're follow me on facebook and twitter i'll have more updates on that. we're also looking at what's happening in the sierra because many people may be heading in that direction. there is a lot of snow on the ground and we've had in some spots seen those measurements from the past snowstorm over about 2 feet. so, as we go into the weekend, going to see some more showers and some snow for for the sierra. here we are looking at much more quiet and cool weather for the next couple of days. seeing the high temperatures reaching into the low 50s. i'll have another look at the microclimate forecast coming up later janelle and sam. >> kari thanks so much. >> coming up next we continue to monitor this from every angle. our nbc bay area sky ranger is up in the air this thorning and showing you images like this. cars, for some reason, trying to get through flooded streets. we have been warned that this is the situation all over san jose. contaminated water out there and flooded homes. be careful. do not go in that water unless you have to. >> and happening now, the best photos and videos of the floods are coming from you. our viewers. so, send them to i see at you can also tag us on twitter or instagram. plus nbc bay area storm ranger as you saw is in action. the mobile doppler radar is giving an exclusive look at the storm. you can download our free nbc bay area app to see it live. back in a moment. did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. sale ends sunday! go to for a store near you. back live, a shot from nbc bay area's sky ranger, this is just off east williams street, just east of downtown san jose. what you're looking at is an over flowing coyote creek. waters fortunately are receding, but the damage has already been done. as you can see a structure right there submerged under water. at this time people seem to be wanting to go back to their homes. at this time the city says stay out, stay away. the area, if it's been flooded, it's been contaminated. of course we're going to keep an eye on the situation and keep you posted. >> we have been seeing, janelle, tearful faces and heart breaking stories and just wondering what state they're in, when they'll be able to go back. it's been a hectic morning to people in the south bay. officials warn no matter what you do, don't do this. don't walk into this runoff of flood waters here. that's contaminated water. that guy right there, we caught him on our sky ranger this morning walking in the runoff spilling onto nay streets. near that area where there was a flood zone this morning, mandatory evacuation. there he is strolling along the road there. we know what's in this water. reportedly it's contaminated with oil, sewage and household chemicals. we are being advised don't go into it. moving now farther south into morgan hill, there is more flooding there as well. look at all of that gushing water right there. this is at barn hard avenue at old monterey road. that road completely washed away. if i step away, you get a better picture of it. washed away by the over flowing coyote creek. this is happening not too far from the coyote creek golf club. chp is on the scene there. that road is blocked off. >> thank you, sam. still to come, breaking news coverage in san jose continues. a live look from sky ranger of a flooded area. this is east of downtown san jose between 208 and 101. the area under a mandatory evacuation order that remains in effect at this hour, even with the sun shining. meteorologist kari hall will have more on our forecast coming up after the break. >> storm ranger showing this storm has cleared the bay area. no more rain as of now. but we are looking ahead to the next storm system this weekend and how much to expect in the microclimate forecast. welcome back to our breaking coverage of historic flooding in the south bay. entire neighborhoods, as you see here, are under water right now. this is actually a scene we're showing you on nbc bay area sky ranger. this is the same location we were yesterday, only very different visuals. yesterday there were water rescue boats moving in and out of this part of the neighborhoods just to the south of happy hollow zoo and kelly park right there. we were watching as hundreds of people were being rescued by boat. now, we know the waters have gone down a little bit. kari was talking about coyote creek just above flood stage. but just looking at the cars, they're still completely submerged in the water. it's up past the tire wheel well there. that's about where it was yesterday. here's a broader look, again, at the same neighborhood off of center and felan yesterday where we saw 2,500 people displaced and hundreds of people rescued by boat. again, something that continues to be a surreal sight for people who live in san jose. and city leader right now have been very busy around the clock trying to deal with the situation. >> yeah, the mayor and the others held a news conference an hour ago focusing on what's next but also blaming the full at capacity anderson reservoir for the flooding we're seeing now. and here's what mayor sam liccardo said earlier. >> we are sending out crews to assess daniel. we are urging people to not return to their homes and those mandatory evacuation areas. water is not safe. there is contamination in this water. and the contamination runs the gamut. obviously we saw vehicles that were inundated in rock springs. that's certainly fuel and oil, but also we're concerned about any potential mixing with sewer as well. we're working hard to do everything we can to secure those areas and make them safe. this is not about rain. this is about anderson dam. obviously the rain contributed to the over flowing of anderson dam, but what we have is a situation that is unique. it exceeded the 100-year flood zone. that gives you an indication thats this is not a flood that we would typically anticipate. what happened at anderson dam is the cause of what iss' hamg here. >> historic flooding is what we're seeing right now in san jose. this is what we know. at least 14,000 people are under a mandatory evacuation order. several schools inside that evacuation zone have also been canceled today. nos class. >> this is a situation where a lot of folks woke up this morning and found out the first time this area of downtown san jose is under mandatory evacuation. bob redell has been out there for us all morning. bob, describe what the situation is at this point. you've seen families returning to their homes in some cases, not sure what to expect. >> reporter: a lot of people out on the streets near coyote creek sweeping up, wiping away the grime that was left behind by these rising flood waters. we're in the backyard of a home on south 21st street. you can see where the water line is, the line of muck up against the pink stucco. if you look at the doorway unfortunately this this instance, it did go over the threshold which means it did go inside the house. henry live in the property. his sister live in the back. she fortunately evacuated. can you show us what happened? >> yeah, man, it's pretty much destroyed, demolished. so, i mean, this is pretty much the aftermath of -- i mean pretty much everything. >> reporter: did she have a chance to put anything up? >> actually she didn't. she was at school at the time. when she came home she seen that the water levels was rising and she pretty much went to her friend's house in san francisco and evacuate over there. >> reporter: have you had a good chance to look around in here outside of what we're doing right now? >> a ctually i haven't. i just got off of work. i'm seeing if the neighbor needs help with anything. that's where we're at right now. >> reporter: let's walk out front and look at the neighbor's and what the rest of the neighborhood is looking like. your sister evacuated, you said, henry. what about yourself? were you at work or were you -- >> no, we actually evacuated also last night. we went to roosevelt right here, the community center. after that we just stayed at a family member's house. from there i went to work. i just came home right now and seeing the aftermath of everything that happened. >> tell me what it was like watching the water rise. >> i was here when the water was rising. it rose so fast, within about like an hour. >> reporter: how much would you say it rose in an hour? >> i'd say maybe like a foot, oh, yeah, foot and a half, something like that. >> reporter: what are you thinking as you're watching this happen? >> i just really want to know if anything else was going to -- if they're going to open up -- if it's going to come back again. we don't want to pretty much think we're safe and it comes back all over again when the anderson -- when they open up the dam or whatever. >> reporter: they are still releasing the water there. there is talk of a storm possibly on sunday. you lived here all your life. obviously you've never seen it like this. >> no. >> reporter: what's your impression now, your thoughts? >> i mean, we're pretty much -- we're a close community around here. i'm pretty much going to help the neighbors, try and see what's going on and pray for the best. everyone here helps each other out. we're pretty tight around here. so, i mean, we're just going to hope for the best and see what happens. >> reporter: all right, henry, i'm glad you're safe. hope you're 5iable to repair th daniel soon. thanks for talking to us. the water, this is henry's car which he believes is waterlogged. you said the water was on your car to here? >> yes. >> reporter: this gives you a sense of where the water is out. we were out on 21st street. the water what covering the roadway. you are seeing a significant water reseed, but on other streets it hasn't yet or it is, but it just hasn't receded enough. we've seen neighbors, if you look down the sidewalk, you see neighbors sweeping out the muck, as i mentioned. there's a guy over there, if you look beyond our live truck, he's got -- to the left, he's got a classic car looks like he pulled out of his garage. he's lifted the hood. i presume he's trying to see if the thing is going to still run. it does president look like the water might have gotten up to the engine but it's to tell from this distance. a lot of people out here have been doing a lot of the clean up. as we mentioned, this water is contammed with sewage, gasoline and oil. and you look down here on the sidewalk, you can see the rainbow color. that's an indication of what kind of fluids are unfortunately in this water. that flood is south 21st street and so many other streets in this area which as we've been talking about all morning long, we're not right next door to coyote creek. we're a good five blocks away. you would think that would be far enough, but fortunately it wasn't. and what turned out to be an historic flood. reporting live in san jose, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> okay, bob, so much. terrible situation to see. >> it really is. and bob just talked a second ago about the contaminated water. this is something that is raising a lot of concern for folk right now. the state of animals and specifically these horses that we have been watching drink the water throughout thing. now, this is video from near where we were a second ago. this is the rock springs area of san jose. rock springs road south of needles drive. that's where we found out a couple howard ago they were assembling a horse rescue. it's not clear at this point how successful they've been in term of actually rounding of some of these horses. we've seen on nbc bay area sky ranger horses walking around and in some cases drinking the contaminated water. >> animal control says they are there. they're assessing the situation so they are going to keep an eye. they are not going to put these horses in any more danger. fortunately the waters are receding. the traffic has been terrible. major arteries down. let's get a check of the situation with mike inoue. >> thing are much calmer. the closure of highway 101, the live shot i'm going to show you was completely empty of the cars. right now it is lighter traffic flow. what they call ski week for a lot of schools in the south bay. we get back to the map, that's what saved much of us from the morning commute. things were jammed up, this portion of 101 is closed. everything is reopened. 280, 107, 101, a typical problem we have on 101, but it stayed in san jose and did not push into the rest of silicon valley for the late commute again because of the lighter volume of traffic. a lot of folks be on brake, on vacation, or not having to make their way into work. all these things are clear. so is highway 17. we still have the flooding and mud closing 85 through niles canyon. we're not clear of everything. back to you. >> thanks, mike. we want to go back to sky ranger, another live shot of the horses that ared right now. they've been stranded in flood waters since. this is the rock springs area. more than a dozen horses we've seen in the stables wandering around. good news is the water is receding and m-- animal rescuer are out. we're back in a moment. all right. a look right now as the nbc sky ranger kind of panning across the san jose sky line and pulling out a little bit as we get a broader look at just the amount of damage and flooding from the coyote creek. you see things pretty smoothly on the highway there. i believe that is 8. what we are learning this morning, at least what we have since about 10:05, 10:10 this morning as you see on the bottom of your screen there, we just got clarification, it is 14,000 people who were evacuated. this is straight from the city of san jose, 14,000 people who were evacuated from mandatory zbloen zones. bob redell is reporting from one. policemen and emergency personnel are going door to door to get people out of downtown san jose where we've seen flooding. >> 36,000 people impacted by the flooding in the san jose area. fortunately we have sunny skies today. let's get a check on the forecast with meteorologist kari hal. >> and janelle, we are seeing how massive and expansive the coyote creek is, how long it run, going from the anderson reservoir all the way through san jose and milpitas and draining into the bay. the reservoir is still over capacity and flowing at 104%. and this is a new record here. we've been talking about this. it's never gotten up to 13.6 feet, which is where it peaked yesterday afternoon. the old record was 12.8 feet in 1922. so, the flood concern is still ongoing, even into the day tomorrow. and it will drop below flood stage this evening at edenville, but farther up to the north, but downstream from the reservoir, it will continue to flood and very slowly drop. now, looking at those reservoir levels once again we are seeing all of these over 100% just to the south of san jose. so, this water really doesn't have much of a place to go. even though we are seeing some sunshine out there, fremont showing sunny conditions and we are also seeing those conditions away from the coyote creek area, really improving. and this flood warning continues until further notice for all of these areas shaded in green. that means you just need to keep a close eye on those water levels and be prepared to possibly move to higher ground in case something changes. we're also seeing the ongoing flooding as you head farther to the south from, from center road and tully road, those areas close by the coyote creek, hillier avenue, 101, condition have improved as we are going closer to the reservoir, we are seeing the water levels dropping. the flood warning has been extended until 11:30 later tonight for south san jose. looking now live at downtown san jose, we are expecting those temperatures to stay cooler than arch average. only reaching -- with this cool air we'll have a break in between these storms. we see the other one is well to the west of us. and this weekend storm expected to arrive late saturday night into sunday. looking at the planner and the future cast, it shows that we will start to see a couple of waves of rain moving in on saturday. on sunday, the rain gets a little bit heavier, but as of right now with this model run, it take it farther to the south and that will change quite a bit how much rain we see out of this next storm system. right now decreasing the amount of rain we will see between saturday and sunday to maybe half of an inch, especially for the north bay where the rainfall totals will be a little bit higher. we may see some changes in this forecast so i'll keep you up to date on facebook and twitter over the next couple of days as we get closer to this time frame. we'll be able to get a better handle on the exact timing and exactly how much we could see out ahead of this. looking at temperatures in san francisco in the lower 50s, cool, breezy, and it will be clear. once again, we'll be tracking the next round of scattered showers moving in on saturday and i'll have another update on that. janelle and sam? >> okay, thanks, kari. well, traffic was a nightmare with all the flood waters. major highway shut downs including 101 in the heart of san jose. we're going to have an update on the traffic situation next. we are back live, view from sky ranger and you're seeing just a wide scope of the area of san jose. and we're zooming in right now to a very swollen coyote creek. water levels receding, but really slowly. a lot of communities flooded still at this hour. total of 36,000 people affected by this historic flood, and there are mandatory evacuations right now for 14,000 people. flood warning will remain in effect until further notice because the damage is so severe. and anderson reservoir is still full, at capacity, and spill over a lot of uncontrolled water. but, of course, we'll be keeping the. and we'll have updates throughout the afternoon every half hour. >> all right. for those who are not just concerned about their homes right now, but also being able to get to work this morning, if they were fortunate enough, it was a headache. now, this is the good news as we look live now at 101. traffic is flowing again. that was not the case this morning. there was a huge swaddling of movement. basically from the 680, 280 connector all the way up to 880 in san jose. we out about this overnight, many of us coming in and discovering one of the central, as mike inoue puts it, elbows in san jose was completely shut off. traffic had to be redirected on 280 and 880. they had to remove puddles all over the highways and get traffic flowing again in both directions. that's one picture there. our viewers have been sending us pictures and videos from their area. this is from benny blank owe, folks being rescues from happy hollow park. we were watching that live on the 11:00 newscast yesterday as people were being rescued in boats. this comes from m.c. alkaraz in downtown san jose. it used to be a park. right now it's submerged in water. we always want to see your pictures and videos to help us tell the story. tag us on at which timer or instagram, post them directly to our facebook. >> finally a check of all the flooding and issues you should know about. babbli back in two minutes. well, welcome back. as you've been seeing it's been a crazy 36 hours in the south bay. right now 14,000 people under a mandatory evacuation order and it's all because of the swollen coyote creek. >> let's go to the center of the mandatory evacuation order where bob redell has been this morning, all morning long. bob, you're checking out the water level. how does it compare to what it was like at 6:00 or 7:00 this morning? >> compared to even a couple hours ago, the water level is down significantly. you're looking down 19th street where that car right now is trying to drive through. this area was flooded when we arrived here a few hours ago. as you can see the waters draining swiftly. a lot of it due to the help of a lot of people who live here on this street who has got their rakes out here. they've got their shovels and their buckets. hey, quick question. how helpful has it been getting the water to come down faster? you've been out here, i see you trying to clear the drains. has it been helpful in terms of speeding up the process? >> yes, it has been helpful. i mean, this morning when i got here around 7:00, it was really high and everything. so -- >> reporter: were the drains clogged? >> they were clogged. we had to open up the manhole. it went down faster by doing that. >> reporter: do you live on the street? >> i live right across the street. >> reporter: which house? >> the white one. >> reporter: you were looking at the water line. >> my basement got flooded. >> reporter: what's the plan for is that? >> just pumping it out. >> reporter: did you evacuate? >> yes. >> reporter: you saw the water coming. what were you thinking? >> seeing if we can maybe do it, but -- and maybe at that time, we're going to get trapped, just leave. we left. >> reporter: how close did it come to the threshold of your door? >> it got to the third step so we're good. >> reporter: i'm glad you're okay. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> reporter: as you can see here, his neighbors behind us, trying to clean up the mess to speed up the process. this road right here a couple hours ago was flooded and you can see right now it is dry. reporting live here in san jose, bob redell, snnbc bay area business news. >> good teamwork. >> a sense of community. absolutely. it's not ray raining now. the water is slowly receding, kari and the dam still at 100%? >> and we have a couple days to watch the water levels go down with dry weather in the forecast. we'll be watching the storm this. >> thanks so much. we want to show you one more shot of the culprit of this problem. anderson reservoir at capacity, over flowing now. fortunately we have dry weather but more rain on the way. we'll have updates every half hour. >> janelle will be back for nbc news at 5:00. we will see you then. stand by, everyone. we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> you could just breathe. come on now, breathe with me. there you go. hey. >> oh, my gosh, i'm sorry if you haven't seen it yet, spoiler alert. what a heart wrenching good-bye last night. america was weeping at the emotional, most beautiful episode of "this is us." it took my breath away. >> they took it to a whole other the tears, we showed you the scene. the way the hol

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