Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160318 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160318

fingerprints of this man were found earlier this week during another different raid. le fled paris after the terror dttacks in which 130 people were killed in a theater and at the national stadium along with several cafes. >> most of the paris attackers llowg aat night, including his brother, who blew himself up. isis has claimed responsibility for those attacks. we are following another ff tking story, this one here at home out of contra costa county. en officer-involved shooting in scenn. police say it started with a eriffoff with a barricaded suspect. this is a photo just in from the scene. night.ntra costa county sheriff's department posted this to twitter and the standoff itseted when deputies went home on hoffman lane to serve an stay w warrant at 10:00 last night. s on of the circumstances surrounding the shooting itself are yet unclear. stay with nbc bay area and we continue to gather information for updates. a de break those on our twitter page, also our nbc bay area app. it's been a very busy morning. we're also following a developing story out of san francisco. stauraghters have just contained a fire in the back of a chinese restaurant. you see the location on the map there. at least one person is hurt. that restaurant is on clement test as firefighters are telling people to avoid that area. homeave a crew headed to the scene and will bring you the they a as soon as it comes into lur newsroom. severack here right now hundreds of people making their voices es==d, protesting recent police violence. several recent officer-involved shootings in the city has the community asking for police to make some changes. >> stephanie chuang is live at city hall in san francisco with more on what those protesters are hoping for today, steph. >> reporter: good morning, kris and sam. we're on the steps of city hall where they're having this rally. monday will mark two years since his death and you can see the crowd here. this is the first major gathering after an eight-member jury exonerated the four police officers in the wrongful death civil rights lawsuit. that was just last week. the message is that forces are combining, nieto as well as mario woods and two other fam y families who say police shot and killed their loved ones. >> the pressure has just begun that we're putting pressure on the city and county of san francisco, the san francisco police department, because we definitely want to put pressure on the culture of the san francisco police department. >> reporter: now, the nietos said police used excessive force shooting him ten times. he pointed an object at him and it turned out to be a taser. organizers say they are also here for mario woods, the man killed by police last december. woods had stabbed a stranger, refused to drop the knife even after they shot him with a bean bag gun. people here are looking for real solutions. one specific idea i just spoke with just coming out pertains to the autopsy process. they said there were problems with both nieto and woods' autopsies. they want legislation to require the chief medical examiner to lead the autopsy and have appear outside examiner from another county come in and review to make sure there are no problems. and they want this for every officer-involved shooting. i also just spoke with the san francisco police department spokesperson who said the department is working on community relations, has town hall meetings -- or police commission meetings every wednesday and adds that the police department has since implemented crisis intervention team training for its officers. but these people here say they're not done. every week there will be something else they have got going on. live here in san francisco, and hanie chuang, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much, steph. well, change is coming to our forecast. cisco.a week of sun and warm temperature, the clouds and rain are returning this weekend just ka time. a live look at downtown san francisco right now. meteorologist kari hall, i could have known this would happen, it's the last day of winter. >> but the rain is not coming today, it's not coming tomorrow, it's coming toward the end of the weekend. this is the view from atop those low clouds in sunol. we've seen the clouds settling into the valley and right along the coast. this is what we will see after everything clears out. heading into the weekend we've had high pressure blocking all of the rain, but this storm system, fairly weak one, will continue to advance closer. by the time it gets here on sunday morning, we'll start to see showers moving into the north bay. then it begins its progression to the south as we go into the afternoon. right now starting out as light rain. that's what we're expecting off and on not only sunday but monday as well and ending on tuesday morning. i'll let you know how much rain we could see during that time period and a look at the full microclimate forecast coming up a little bit later. largely sunny skies, not a sunny projection for b.a.r.t. and r now. thr the third day in a row a bus bridge dropped off b.a.r.t. passengers between the pittsburg, bay point and north coulda stops. this as crews continue to try to fix an electrical problem in that area that has already conaged dozens of cars. fixing the cars, though, could make months. pete has been on this story since yesterday and joins us live from the north concord stop. it's something commuters i guess will have to adjust to here. >> reporter: yes, they're going to have to adjust to these changes and there's no word from b.a.r.t. as to when regular train service will return to this north concord stop. in the meantime you'll have this bus bridge. we're waiting to get an update on when regular train service will begin. wednesday 50 cars were put out of service, b.a.r.t. officials calling it a power surge along the tracks that led to that, that on top of the 80 cars already under repair following a similar problem two weeks ago affecting trains going through the transbay tube. this is going to take months to repair these cars. with less cars in the overall fleet, that could mean overcrowding on trains for those of us taking b.a.r.t. much of b.a.r.t.'s fleet of cars date back to the 1970s so we're talking about an aging infrastructure. i spoke to commuters earlier today and it's putting them in a bind. >> i've been just hopping on the internet, looking at it and planning my routes and stuff, backup routes, of course, for things like this. you know, i was planning on just taking it all the way to sfo but now i might have to change up my plans a little bit to come here instead. >> reporter: a multi billion dollar bond measure by b.a.r.t. is expected to go on the november ballot. it's going to be approved by the board of directors. it will be used to make repairs to this aging transit system. b.a.r.t. officials will meet later today to discuss how much longer they plan to use this bus high sch >> thank you very much, pete. more on that in our later newscasts as well. l distw details on a san jose ia"h school track coach who is accused of having sex with two students. school district leaders tell us that this young man, 21-year-old is not a paid coach at mt. pleasant high school, they say he is a volunteer and he is a former graduate of the school himself. garcia is accused of having 3:54propriate relationships with two girls, 17 years old and 14. >> as soon as it was reported, we immediately took action, immediately notified cps, immediately discontinued his employment. we immediately called sjpd and arhwas handled. >> garcia is the second east side union high school district orployee arrested for similar charges in just the last two months. a man is recovering after an early morning shooting just sieps from a b.a.r.t. station in the middle of the mission district. police say a 30-year-old man was shot at 2:00 in the morning outside a tacoria. police say the victim is he fering nonlife-threatening injuries but right now police raq not saying much more about what happened. >> kris, we are learning right now on this developing story more about the alleged american isis fighter who was captured in d thaand still being held there. he spoke to a kurdish tv channel about how he joined the militant group and why he left and also said he wants to come back to the u.s. richard engle has more. >> reporter: he's the first alleged american isis fighter to surrender to kurdish troops in iraq. >> my name is mohammed. i'm from the united states. >> reporter: in a taped confessional aired on kurdistan tv, the virginian described how he traveled through turkey, linked up with isis in serious and was transferred to mosul, an isis stronghold. >> my message to the american people is that life in mosul, it's really, really bad. the people were controlling mosul don't represent the religion. >> reporter: these statements were made as he was held in captivity. >> i didn't really support their ideology and that's -- at that point that's when i decided i needed to escape. >> reporter: to escape from isis, he said he crossed battle lines in search of kurdish fighters, knowing they are close allies of the united states. a u.s. official told nbc news that american personnel have not yet met him in custody but that the kurds have been debriefing him and passing that information along to the americans. richard engle, nbc news, istanbul. up next at 11:00, the stop trump movement is picking up steam as some leaders of the republican party wonder if their but af has to include the donald. and coyotes making otect lves at home in san francisco. =i unfter a family pet is killed, folks in one neighborhood are asking how to protect themselves. runs=:03==sam/on't vo==the marke [ bell ringing ] more than just making up lost ground. the markets gaining steam. they want to end the week with a win. so far the dow jones up more than 90 points on the day. markets have risen after the fed announced it would not raise rates yesterday. oil also going up. if the dow can hold its gains through the end of the month it would mark the biggest quarterly comeback since 1933. now to decision 2016, the presidential race being dominated by that so-called stop trump movement. the republican front-runner is now the target not only of democrats but of conservative leaders who are trying to block his potential nomination and also the hacker group anonymous. hallie jackson has more on that. >> reporter: now claiming credit for hacking donald trump, the group anonymous calling him a would be dictator. >> we are very serious about stop anything proposed forthright by the fascist donald trump. >> reporter: the hackers claim they posted their cell phone and social security numbers but those have been floating around online for months. trump's campaign telling nbc law enforcement is investigating those who tried to illegally hack the candidate's accounts. anonymous probably trying to get attention for their so-called war on trump. in washington, a very different battle to try and stop him, less public too, after a secret huddle of frustrated conservatives, reassessing how to slow trump down with attack ads like this new one haven't seemed to do much. their plan, first call for a unity ticket. if that doesn't work, plot out strategy for a contested convention. house speaker paul ryan acknowledging that scenario looks more likely. >> we're getting our minds around the idea that this could very well become a reality. >> reporter: now taking aim at trump for warning what could happen at a convention if he leads in delegates but doesn't get the nomination. >> i think we'd have riots. i'm representing a tremendous -- many, many millions of people. >> nobody should say such things in my opinion, because to even address or hint to violence is unacceptable. >> reporter: and while the stop trump movement wants unity, they're not saying who conservatives should unify behind. talk of ted cruz and marco rubio teaming up, shot down. >> no, i'm not going to be anybody's vice president. >> reporter: rubio now praising cruz as conservative, as the texas senator faces more attacks from donald trump. this new photo shopped poster of the movie "liar liar" puts cruz's head on jim carrey's body. but cruz may get the last laugh. now backed by an unlikely former foe. senator lindsey graham raising money for cruz less than a month after cracking this joke. >> if you killed ted cruz on the floor of the senate and the trial was in the senate, nobody could convict you. >> not joking now. 11:16 and surveillance cameras catch a bar fight that led to a stabbing. now police are hoping it will lead them to the killer. here's video of a fight that nearly ended in a murder outside of the bar last november. the suspect seen here in that white shirt confronted the victim. the two began arguing and ultimately the suspect stabbed the victim at least one time and then ran from the scene. a body is found near vallejo and authorities are investigating how the body got there. yesterday afternoon police were called to an area near azuar drive. police have not revealed whether the body is that of a man or a woman and haven't revealed any possible clues as to how it might have ended up there. it was a wild night for two men who crashed an ambulance in san francisco. you can see the emergency vehicle up on the sidewalk. one man was arrested, another was not too far away. police also found a bottle of rum at the scene and they're trying to determine whether alcohol was a role in the crash. i want to know how they get the ambulance in the first place. while we look into that, a police chase ending in the east bay with a suspect driving their car into a home. something else bizarre. officers were searching the neighborhood in the richmond area for a -- i should say in richmond for a car that appeared to be casing the area. when they approached the car matching that description, the driver sped off. they found the car minutes later crashed into the side of a house, as you see from that picture. police quickly caught and arrested the passenger, but the driver is still on the loose. police discovered stolen property inside of that car and linked it to a recent home burglary. the property has been returned to its rightful owners. pets in danger right now and we're not talking about in the suburbs, in san francisco. a family says that a coyote attacked and killed its dog in balboa terrace near sf state. city leaders confirm the number of reported coyote encounters are up across the board in san francisco. jeff markey says saturday night his dog was in the front yard for a quick bathroom break when a coyote killed her. animal care and control posted warning signs in that area. >> right there, the next house down, there's a coyote. at that point the dog is screeching, something happened very quickly. >> what's our city plan when people are getting nervous about it? do we just sit there and wait for something really bad to happen? i'm not willing to do that. >> and it is not just right in that neighborhood. across ocean avenue in the engelside terrace area, people snapped these photos. >> it looked like a family pet. make sure you use a leash when you take your dog or cat out, but also pick up the food. >> do not provide incentives for them to come out. plenty of incentive to go outside this weekend, though. we'll have some nice weather. kari hall has more on that. >> good morning. we've seen low clouds and fog all across the bay area this morning. we're still dealing with that with our temperatures holding steady in the mid-50s. once the sun breaks out, we'll see temperatures rising. we'll be up to 67 degrees in the east bay and the peninsula up to 71 degrees. then as we go hour by hour in livermore, we will quickly see those clouds moving out. by 1:00 we're at 65 degrees and then into the upper 60s today. so feeling very comfortable and then more clouds again tonight. we'll be in this pattern for at least the next couple of mornings with the low clouds during the morning and then clearing out as we go through the day. as we go into the next several days, we'll begin a trend of cooler temperatures moving in. it was so warm yesterday, many spots hit the upper 70s to low 80s. today it's in e upper 60s. also the same on saturday. sunday we'll have more clouds moving in and we'll be slightly above average. then also to start next week with more clouds and a chance of rain, it will be trending a little bit cooler than where we should be for the middle to end of march. i've still been watching this storm system out there. it's barely visible here on the satellite imagery, but it is spreading out and also picking up on some dry air. we're starting to see some of those scattered showers now approaching the coast of washington now and oregon as well. we'll see those showers well to the north of us. for us, we will have dry weather continuing for a little while longer. looking at the futurecast, we'll see the spotty light showers starting to move into the north bay late saturday night and then into the day on sunday we'll see the showers moving in. at this point it looks like the rain will stay very light and then it continues to make its advancement towards the south by drying out for the most part as it moves into the south bay, but still some spotty showers between sunday night and monday, may also linger into the start of the day on tuesday. so the rain totals at this point, looks like we could have over three-quarters of an inch in santa rosa, half of an inch in napa and then those rain totals drop off to a quarter of an inch as you approach san jose. and spring officially begins tomorrow night at 9:30 in the evening. we'll be flipping that calendar with cloudy skies and looking forward to some rain. we will be dry, mostly cloudy heading into the day tomorrow. once again sunday will be the day to watch for scattered showers. i'll talk about that more coming up a little bit later. >> as long as we which have to flip our clocks anymore, i think we're good. up next at 11:00, more than 100 cars vandalized and police say this may be the man responsible. a lot of victims shelling out big cash for repairs. but first, happening now, we are tweeting updates on an officer-involved shooting in byron. investigators tell us it started last night when sheriff's deputies went to the suspect's home to serve an arrest warrant. also trending on our facebook page, video of six bay area kids who shared the stage last night with pop star justin bieber. they were chosen from thousands of fans who submitted their video, and they are impressive. we're back with more news in a moment. we need to be ready for whatever weather may come our way. my name's scott strenfel and i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. been targeted ine on the hunt for a vandal. so far nearly 200 cars have been targeted in the east bay and this new surveillance video shows a critical clue in the investigation. the weapon of choice, a bb gun. >> he's out holding it like it's a handgun from that video. it does not appear to be a student prank, instead some serious damage. the neighborhoods in these four cities are getting hit right now, hayward, san lorenzo, castro valley and san leandro. jodi hernandez has more from san leandro. >> i feel violated. >> reporter: that's how many people in san leandro are feeling tonight about the damage caused by a crew of vandals armed with bb guns. >> you can only imagine waking up to go to work tomorrow morning and you come out to find your window smashed out on your vehicle. the next thing you know, your bill is $500 to $1,000. >> reporter: surveillance cameras have captured the vandals driving into neighborhoods and taking aim at parked cars, blasting away at their windows. >> well, i tell you what, i hope the police catch them before i do. >> reporter: this man's hit was in the latest attack wednesday morning. it's the third time the crooks have struck on santiago road. this man's car was targeted on the street a month ago. >> somebody is angry about something, and because they get away with it, they come back and do it again. >> reporter: police say the bb gun vandals have damaged at least 180 cars in san leandro and surrounding areas of alameda county and the attacks have been going on for months. so far they have no clue what or who's behind it. >> we don't know the reason why they're doing this. it really makes no sense as to why people would randomly drive around neighborhoods and shoot windows out on cars for no reason whatsoever. >> reporter: jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. happening today, biology and b biogenetics a hands-on exhibit. >> it's called the biodesign studio. kids get their hands on reengineering some dna here. visitors can explore the building blocks of life. did you ever want to create your own mix of colorful dna? here is your opportunity. the museum's biotinkering lab is the first of its kind in any museum here in the country. did you charge alcohol to the district credit card. >> i'm not too sure. >> receipts show this chancellor spent hundreds of tax dollars on booze. up next, what he and his leadership are doing now to ensure they can wine and dine on your dime. plus uber wants to take you south. the new destination the ride-sharing company wants to take you. we are followi nedevelopments i. we continue to follow breaking news developments out of the city of brussels, belgium. two explosions were just heard in a neighborhood where the paris attacks happened and a fugitive was captured and where police were still looking for another person. >> this is going on during police raids in that brussels neighborhood. these are our first pictures coming into our newsroom. police say that the terror suspect was shot in the leg and then arrested. we're learning that several people have been hurt. >> the raids come after belgian authorities found the fingerprints of this man earlier this week during another raid. he fled after the paris attacks after 130 people were killed at a theater and stadium and city cafes. >> most of the attackers were killed that night, including his brother, who blew himself up. >> stay with nbc bay area for continuing updates on this breaking story. you can download our nbc bay area app to get push alerts when we're not on the air. public dollars to buy booze. we first told you about the questionable spending by a bay area college chancellor. >> we've now learned that he and his administrators are changing the rules. they can now wine and dine with taxpayer money. senior investigative reporter vicky nguyen has the new twist. >> we've learned the chancellor and his leadership team are changing the rules. they have decided it's okay to wine and dine on the taxpayers' dime. a $100 bottle of wine in san diego, a staff dinner with a $900 tab including french martinis, wine and beer during a work day lunch, just a few of the expenses the investigative unit first uncovered in november, revealing how ron galatolo is spending your tax dollars. >> hi, i'm vicky nguyen with nbc bay area news. did you charge alcohol to the district credit card? >> i'm not quite too sure. >> reporter: he's the chancellor of the community college district and he told us he was both aware and unaware of the district's rules about using public money to buy booze. >> an employee is not authorized to use a procurement card for personal purchases. >> absolutely. and that is true. that is true. >> were you aware of this policy before we showed it to you? >> no, i was not aware of that policy before you showed it to me. >> reporter: we found he charged hundreds of dollars of alcohol to his public credit card during his work meals and trips, even though the policy clearly says that's prohibited. last night the district announced a revision to its procedures which now say when employees dine with business partners, vendors, donors or potential donors, the district will reimburse for alcohol. there's no cap limiting how much money is to be spent on booze, just that employees must use prudence and must not purchase an unreasonable amount of alcohol. the district also clarified meals that are lavish or extravagant are not allowed. but resorts are okay if they're reasonable based on the facts and circumstances. there won't be a vote on these new guidelines. it's up to the chancellor and his administration, and the new rules take effect now. the chancellor did not respond to our request for comment. the board of trustees president says he agrees with the changes. maurice goodman told us he does not think it's appropriate to spend public money on alcohol and he wouldn't do it, but he understands that it happens. >> that's a tough sell. charges for a $300 bottle of wine, the public usually doesn't say that's okay. >> we called community colleges around the area. none allow the purchase of alcohol with public money. in san mateo, 276 employees have these credit cards but only the senior administrators can use their cards to buy booze. guys. >> if you have a tip for our investigative unit, call us, 888-996-tips or send us an e-mail to [email protected]. what could we do to prevent this from happening again? that is a question about the terror attack at san bernardino at a state lawmakers hearing today. 14 people died at the hands of two terror suspects, a husband and a wife, back in december. today assemblyman freddie rodriguez will hold a joint hearing to talk about possible lessons that can be learned from that day. sheriff's department workers and an emergency room doctor are expected to testify. they held a similar hearing after the shooting death of a tsa worker at los angeles international airport. a man who went on a stabbing spree at uc merced was inspired by isis. the 19-year-old from santa clara is accused of bursting into a classroom and stabbing four people last november. mohammed was shot and killed by a uc merced police officer. the fbi now says that detectives uncovered isis propaganda on mohammed's laptop and there was evidence that he visited the terror group's website as well. they say he acted alone. president obama is packing for an historic trip. come sunday he will become the first president to visit cuba in almost 90 years. the president will visit havana first. there he will have an address on cuban television. he will also meet with cuban president raul castro on this trip and he will also attend a baseball game. up next at 11:00, it's a bay area proud from flowers to philanthropy. how a south bay man is using his amazing backyard garden to help his neighbors. >> you might as well go to las vegas. i don't approve of that as at all. electronic billboards along 280. we'll explain the proposal. >> and we still have the clouds affecting some sunshine this afternoon and cooler temperatures ahead with some rain. i'll detail all of that, coming up. people could be eg somethinew dr forget about the beautiful lakes and mountains, hundreds of thousands of people could be seeing something new during their commute now. >> picture this, san mateo county might be considering putting up electronic billboards along 280. this is a pristine stretch of freeway that is supposed to be free of billboards. it's a state scenic highway, a designation that limits development and advertising along the corridor but buried in a county report, the idea to put up billboards on 280 in order to bring in more money. the people we spoke with are conflicted. >> i'm torn because that might compromise my serene drive. however, if it was useful content, digital signage versus old school advertising, i would be open to seeing what that looks like. >> we did reach out to county officials. they tell us that san mateo county is not considering putting billboards on 280, but they say, quote, all that's being done right now is information gathering on the possibility of having billboards. sounds like it's a bit of semanti semantics. spring is just around the corner and for many folks, their thoughts are turning to the garden. not one man, though, in san jose. >> it's not just about having a green thumb here. he thinks about his garden year round and it shows. this year his incredible pack yard display has a new special purpose. nbc area's garvin thomas joins us with this morning's bay area proud. >> i've done stories on the past on rick's passion for flowers and gardening. normally i'm pretty good at figuring out deep down what is motivating someone to do what they do, but clearly i didn't figure it out with rich. in my defense, until recently, he didn't understand it as well. >> be careful. it gets kind of slippery. >> reporter: the third time rick is discovering isn't always a charm. in fact on this milpitas hillside, it's just about the opposite. >> it's a disaster. >> reporter: for the third year in a row, rich has planted thousands of bulbs up here, which when in bloom are supposed to spell out a secret message for passersby, except they didn't bloom, again. >> look at that. that's completely -- completely mildewed. what you see here is 6700 failures. >> reporter: it's all a bit of a surprise, considering rich is something of a maestro when it comes to bulb gardening. just not up here. >> in the backyard i'm a near expert. >> reporter: rich is well known in gardening circles as the bulb guy of san jose. each year he plants more than 10,000 in his backyard. then opens it up for the public to enjoy the colorful results. rich did it, he said, to simply share his love of flowers with the world of the not this year though. >> now it's taken on a different purpose. >> reporter: so what changed? well, a door closed. literally. and when it did, a picture that had been hanging on rich's walls for more than 30 years crashed to the floor. >> when the picture fell off the wall, it was an epiphany. boom! >> reporter: the picture, a rainbow, had been drawn by richard's son, nicknamed boom. he died of cancer at the age of 6. suddenly rich says he realized the garden was never supposed to just look good. it should do good. the rainbow on his garage door this year meant to match boom's drawing, is being built with petals, each representing a $5 donation to fight childhood cancer. >> no parent should have to bury their child. it's pretty horrendous. that's what this garden is all about now. >> reporter: rich says losing a child taught him a lot about perspective in life. that, for example, 6,000 flowers that don't bloom isn't a tragedy. but 10,000 that do might just one day prevent one. in spite of his failures up on that milpitas hillside, rich promises he'll be back again for a fourth year planting his bulbs and trying to get his message out. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. >> whatever he comes up with no doubt it will be beautiful. thank you, garvin. if you know of someone doing something nice for other people, go to our website, and search bay area proud. we were just looking at our garden yesterday and thinking we've got to tear it all out and start over. kari, a good weekend for that? >> i think so, especially today and tomorrow. and then if you go ahead and get it in the ground, you'll get a little water on top of that before we start next week. let's do a time lapse of the fog rolling into san francisco from last night. we've had these clouds with us for the past several hours. even as the sun game up, we still have these clouds that we are having a hard time shaking, but we'll gradually see those clouds clearing out and our temperatures warming up. it's so much cooler right now compared to yesterday at this time. some spots are hitting 70 degrees already. we are now at 57 degrees in san francisco, 58 degrees in the south bay. a look at the north bay now. we're still in the low 50s in some spots like healdsburg and yountville. it's 61 in san rafael. so we will have some clearing today and boy this afternoon we'll have sunshine in san jose. our temperatures bouncing up quickly. by this evening we'll start to see clouds rolling right back in and we'll start out tomorrow basically the same way as today. looking at a high today in gilroy up to 74 degrees in san mateo, 65 in mission district. 66 degrees, much cooler than yesterday, thanks to those clouds and a stronger ocean breeze today. oakland today heading up to 67 degrees. and this weather system that is well to the west of us is fairly spread out and it will create some light rain from sunday night into monday as well as tuesday morning before it's well off to the east. and the futurecast shows that we will start to see some of those spotty showers moving in on saturday night for the north bay, but the rest of the bay area won't see that until about sunday morning into early afternoon. around napa we'll start to see the rain creeping in. mainly some once again spotty light showers. then in the south bay another round on monday. rainfall totals once again looking at about three-quarters of an inch in santa rosa, half an inch in napa and a quarter of an inch for san jose. so as you make plans for the weekend, definitely a gardening weekend, getting into the upper 70s -- or upper 60s to low 70s. peninsula to 70 degrees and the tri-valley 71. then that chance of rain in the forecast for sunday with some spotty showers. it looks good that we will have at least a little bit of rain in that forecast before we go back into some dry weather for the rest of next week. i'll keep you up to date on that and another look at the forecast coming up a little later. sam and kris. >> sprinkle some rain in there for your flowers, kris, good idea. up next at 11:00, the united way trying a new path to help people. a big change you might notice in the bay area. billions are spent to confuse and, dare i say it, flummox the american public. "save 16% on car insurance." "switch now..." well at, we say enough's enough. so we've created this mind boggling facility. where we're constantly scrutinizing millions of rates... answering the question: who has the lowest. go to, plug in some simple info and get up to 50 free quotes. choose the lowest, and hit purchase. it's fast and easy. saving humanity from high insurance rates. mike inouye here and so is the first day of spring. maybe you're thinking about your spring planting. this is the international year of the pulses, beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils so swap seeds at the bay area seed interchange library until 9:00 tonight at berkeley's historic fellowship hall. just starting tonight is the new exhibit at the tech in downtown san jose. you build, tinker and play with the building blocks of life in their biodesign studio. their first-ever interactive bioengineering exhibit. design your own multicolored double-stranded dna, build a new creature and release it into the virtual world, see how it develops. also eco friendly mushroom bricks. if you like movies in general, sci-fi or otherwise, especially the short ones, this weekend the albany filmfest is on for sunday featuring short and very short films. of interest to the younger ones is saturday's part of the festival, the kids matinee from 10:00 to noon at landmark's albany twin theater. check the web and get tickets in advance. i'm thinking at our house we may make some of those stop motion movies. have our own private screening and of course popcorn. guys? >> thank you, sir. a silicon valley merger can be very tricky. many people are often left out in the new plan. >> this time it involves the united way, an organization that has helped struggling families in the south bay for more than nine decades. joe rosato jr. has this exclusive story. >> i get up at 5:00 a.m. every day. >> reporter: every morning bright and early, jonathan sosa shows up for work at this san jose construction site. but this work crew isn't building buildings, it's building futures. it's part of a job training program located in san jose's center for employment training. >> the thing about this program is that they help you find a job after, like right away. >> reporter: the program is aimed at helping people with low incomes find jobs. it's one of many programs partially supported by the united way of silicon valley. >> we're really focused on how we can lift people out of poverty by supporting the agencies and critical needs. >> reporter: but now this age-old organization, which was founded in 1922, is going through its own transition. today the boards of the united way, silicon valley, and the united way of the bay area, which oversees seven counties, voted to merge into a single organization. >> it means that as a combined organization we can provide a better and deeper engagement in the community. >> reporter: ann wilson says the merger will help expand the group's mission to care for low income families struggling amid silicon valley's economic boom. >> the issue of poverty is a regional matter. it is not solved one county at a time. >> that's a great way to use that credit card. >> reporter: the merger will help them expand programs like the spark point financial training center at san bruno community college. >> they give me free food because of the low income and that helps me worries less about bills and payments and more on my school. >> reporter: some agencies worry they'll lose funding as their local united way folds into the regional one. >> and there will be some rethinking of our strategy to create impact, so it's understandable, but it's hyperlocal. >> reporter: but as sosa has learned, sometimes to get ahead in life, you have to learn to build something new. >> when i'm doing it, i'm thinking about my future. >> reporter: joe rosato jr., nbc bay area news. >> that's a nice program. >> the united way is one of those organizations that does so much for the community here. >> very nice. we'll be right back. the gillette mach 3 turbo still feels better after 10 shaves than a disposable on it's first. mach 3 blades have twice the coatings. for a closer shave with zero redness. get an incredible experience shave after shave after shave. gillette. the best a man can get. president' and 'e fir lady'. let's go live to washington, d.c., where all eyes are on mr. president and the first lady. you're thinking this is the wrong video, but it's not. these are new parents. an eaglet broke through its shell just this morning and a second egg is expected to hatch in four days. they first built a net in 2014 and raised one eaglet last year but it is the first time in nearly 70 years that they have nested there. >> wow, and they don't even need to use air force one to soar. they're going to do it anyway. all right. thirsty right now? we have just the thing. it's bring your own cup day at 7-eleven. >> today and tomorrow customers can show up with anything remotely resembling a cup and fill it up with slurpy favor of their choice for $1.50. sam, slurpy flavor of your choice? >> blueberry. >> kari? >> eh, i like cherry. >> it's $1.50. it's being held in honor of its 50th anniversary. it has to be upright, can't be more than 9 inches, can't be a trash bag, kiddie pool or a kitchen sink. when we talk about 9 inches by 11 inches, that's not that big. >> enjoy your weekend. you can see there's rain on sunday. >> that's one place you'll want to enjoy. >> and fill up your cups there as well. >> have a great weekend. we'll see you on monday. stand by billy and kit, stand by camera two, we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> getting downright toasty in here at this point. he gets called for a technical, arizona scoring 81 a game, scored just 55. >> we like people that don't sweat. welcome to "access hollywood," kit is off skiing with her family. march madness, do we do that? >> no, haven't got a clue abiliabout that, but i will say, the other coach actually fainted during that game. someone turned up the heat in

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160318

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fingerprints of this man were found earlier this week during another different raid. le fled paris after the terror dttacks in which 130 people were killed in a theater and at the national stadium along with several cafes. >> most of the paris attackers llowg aat night, including his brother, who blew himself up. isis has claimed responsibility for those attacks. we are following another ff tking story, this one here at home out of contra costa county. en officer-involved shooting in scenn. police say it started with a eriffoff with a barricaded suspect. this is a photo just in from the scene. night.ntra costa county sheriff's department posted this to twitter and the standoff itseted when deputies went home on hoffman lane to serve an stay w warrant at 10:00 last night. s on of the circumstances surrounding the shooting itself are yet unclear. stay with nbc bay area and we continue to gather information for updates. a de break those on our twitter page, also our nbc bay area app. it's been a very busy morning. we're also following a developing story out of san francisco. stauraghters have just contained a fire in the back of a chinese restaurant. you see the location on the map there. at least one person is hurt. that restaurant is on clement test as firefighters are telling people to avoid that area. homeave a crew headed to the scene and will bring you the they a as soon as it comes into lur newsroom. severack here right now hundreds of people making their voices es==d, protesting recent police violence. several recent officer-involved shootings in the city has the community asking for police to make some changes. >> stephanie chuang is live at city hall in san francisco with more on what those protesters are hoping for today, steph. >> reporter: good morning, kris and sam. we're on the steps of city hall where they're having this rally. monday will mark two years since his death and you can see the crowd here. this is the first major gathering after an eight-member jury exonerated the four police officers in the wrongful death civil rights lawsuit. that was just last week. the message is that forces are combining, nieto as well as mario woods and two other fam y families who say police shot and killed their loved ones. >> the pressure has just begun that we're putting pressure on the city and county of san francisco, the san francisco police department, because we definitely want to put pressure on the culture of the san francisco police department. >> reporter: now, the nietos said police used excessive force shooting him ten times. he pointed an object at him and it turned out to be a taser. organizers say they are also here for mario woods, the man killed by police last december. woods had stabbed a stranger, refused to drop the knife even after they shot him with a bean bag gun. people here are looking for real solutions. one specific idea i just spoke with just coming out pertains to the autopsy process. they said there were problems with both nieto and woods' autopsies. they want legislation to require the chief medical examiner to lead the autopsy and have appear outside examiner from another county come in and review to make sure there are no problems. and they want this for every officer-involved shooting. i also just spoke with the san francisco police department spokesperson who said the department is working on community relations, has town hall meetings -- or police commission meetings every wednesday and adds that the police department has since implemented crisis intervention team training for its officers. but these people here say they're not done. every week there will be something else they have got going on. live here in san francisco, and hanie chuang, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much, steph. well, change is coming to our forecast. cisco.a week of sun and warm temperature, the clouds and rain are returning this weekend just ka time. a live look at downtown san francisco right now. meteorologist kari hall, i could have known this would happen, it's the last day of winter. >> but the rain is not coming today, it's not coming tomorrow, it's coming toward the end of the weekend. this is the view from atop those low clouds in sunol. we've seen the clouds settling into the valley and right along the coast. this is what we will see after everything clears out. heading into the weekend we've had high pressure blocking all of the rain, but this storm system, fairly weak one, will continue to advance closer. by the time it gets here on sunday morning, we'll start to see showers moving into the north bay. then it begins its progression to the south as we go into the afternoon. right now starting out as light rain. that's what we're expecting off and on not only sunday but monday as well and ending on tuesday morning. i'll let you know how much rain we could see during that time period and a look at the full microclimate forecast coming up a little bit later. largely sunny skies, not a sunny projection for b.a.r.t. and r now. thr the third day in a row a bus bridge dropped off b.a.r.t. passengers between the pittsburg, bay point and north coulda stops. this as crews continue to try to fix an electrical problem in that area that has already conaged dozens of cars. fixing the cars, though, could make months. pete has been on this story since yesterday and joins us live from the north concord stop. it's something commuters i guess will have to adjust to here. >> reporter: yes, they're going to have to adjust to these changes and there's no word from b.a.r.t. as to when regular train service will return to this north concord stop. in the meantime you'll have this bus bridge. we're waiting to get an update on when regular train service will begin. wednesday 50 cars were put out of service, b.a.r.t. officials calling it a power surge along the tracks that led to that, that on top of the 80 cars already under repair following a similar problem two weeks ago affecting trains going through the transbay tube. this is going to take months to repair these cars. with less cars in the overall fleet, that could mean overcrowding on trains for those of us taking b.a.r.t. much of b.a.r.t.'s fleet of cars date back to the 1970s so we're talking about an aging infrastructure. i spoke to commuters earlier today and it's putting them in a bind. >> i've been just hopping on the internet, looking at it and planning my routes and stuff, backup routes, of course, for things like this. you know, i was planning on just taking it all the way to sfo but now i might have to change up my plans a little bit to come here instead. >> reporter: a multi billion dollar bond measure by b.a.r.t. is expected to go on the november ballot. it's going to be approved by the board of directors. it will be used to make repairs to this aging transit system. b.a.r.t. officials will meet later today to discuss how much longer they plan to use this bus high sch >> thank you very much, pete. more on that in our later newscasts as well. l distw details on a san jose ia"h school track coach who is accused of having sex with two students. school district leaders tell us that this young man, 21-year-old is not a paid coach at mt. pleasant high school, they say he is a volunteer and he is a former graduate of the school himself. garcia is accused of having 3:54propriate relationships with two girls, 17 years old and 14. >> as soon as it was reported, we immediately took action, immediately notified cps, immediately discontinued his employment. we immediately called sjpd and arhwas handled. >> garcia is the second east side union high school district orployee arrested for similar charges in just the last two months. a man is recovering after an early morning shooting just sieps from a b.a.r.t. station in the middle of the mission district. police say a 30-year-old man was shot at 2:00 in the morning outside a tacoria. police say the victim is he fering nonlife-threatening injuries but right now police raq not saying much more about what happened. >> kris, we are learning right now on this developing story more about the alleged american isis fighter who was captured in d thaand still being held there. he spoke to a kurdish tv channel about how he joined the militant group and why he left and also said he wants to come back to the u.s. richard engle has more. >> reporter: he's the first alleged american isis fighter to surrender to kurdish troops in iraq. >> my name is mohammed. i'm from the united states. >> reporter: in a taped confessional aired on kurdistan tv, the virginian described how he traveled through turkey, linked up with isis in serious and was transferred to mosul, an isis stronghold. >> my message to the american people is that life in mosul, it's really, really bad. the people were controlling mosul don't represent the religion. >> reporter: these statements were made as he was held in captivity. >> i didn't really support their ideology and that's -- at that point that's when i decided i needed to escape. >> reporter: to escape from isis, he said he crossed battle lines in search of kurdish fighters, knowing they are close allies of the united states. a u.s. official told nbc news that american personnel have not yet met him in custody but that the kurds have been debriefing him and passing that information along to the americans. richard engle, nbc news, istanbul. up next at 11:00, the stop trump movement is picking up steam as some leaders of the republican party wonder if their but af has to include the donald. and coyotes making otect lves at home in san francisco. =i unfter a family pet is killed, folks in one neighborhood are asking how to protect themselves. runs=:03==sam/on't vo==the marke [ bell ringing ] more than just making up lost ground. the markets gaining steam. they want to end the week with a win. so far the dow jones up more than 90 points on the day. markets have risen after the fed announced it would not raise rates yesterday. oil also going up. if the dow can hold its gains through the end of the month it would mark the biggest quarterly comeback since 1933. now to decision 2016, the presidential race being dominated by that so-called stop trump movement. the republican front-runner is now the target not only of democrats but of conservative leaders who are trying to block his potential nomination and also the hacker group anonymous. hallie jackson has more on that. >> reporter: now claiming credit for hacking donald trump, the group anonymous calling him a would be dictator. >> we are very serious about stop anything proposed forthright by the fascist donald trump. >> reporter: the hackers claim they posted their cell phone and social security numbers but those have been floating around online for months. trump's campaign telling nbc law enforcement is investigating those who tried to illegally hack the candidate's accounts. anonymous probably trying to get attention for their so-called war on trump. in washington, a very different battle to try and stop him, less public too, after a secret huddle of frustrated conservatives, reassessing how to slow trump down with attack ads like this new one haven't seemed to do much. their plan, first call for a unity ticket. if that doesn't work, plot out strategy for a contested convention. house speaker paul ryan acknowledging that scenario looks more likely. >> we're getting our minds around the idea that this could very well become a reality. >> reporter: now taking aim at trump for warning what could happen at a convention if he leads in delegates but doesn't get the nomination. >> i think we'd have riots. i'm representing a tremendous -- many, many millions of people. >> nobody should say such things in my opinion, because to even address or hint to violence is unacceptable. >> reporter: and while the stop trump movement wants unity, they're not saying who conservatives should unify behind. talk of ted cruz and marco rubio teaming up, shot down. >> no, i'm not going to be anybody's vice president. >> reporter: rubio now praising cruz as conservative, as the texas senator faces more attacks from donald trump. this new photo shopped poster of the movie "liar liar" puts cruz's head on jim carrey's body. but cruz may get the last laugh. now backed by an unlikely former foe. senator lindsey graham raising money for cruz less than a month after cracking this joke. >> if you killed ted cruz on the floor of the senate and the trial was in the senate, nobody could convict you. >> not joking now. 11:16 and surveillance cameras catch a bar fight that led to a stabbing. now police are hoping it will lead them to the killer. here's video of a fight that nearly ended in a murder outside of the bar last november. the suspect seen here in that white shirt confronted the victim. the two began arguing and ultimately the suspect stabbed the victim at least one time and then ran from the scene. a body is found near vallejo and authorities are investigating how the body got there. yesterday afternoon police were called to an area near azuar drive. police have not revealed whether the body is that of a man or a woman and haven't revealed any possible clues as to how it might have ended up there. it was a wild night for two men who crashed an ambulance in san francisco. you can see the emergency vehicle up on the sidewalk. one man was arrested, another was not too far away. police also found a bottle of rum at the scene and they're trying to determine whether alcohol was a role in the crash. i want to know how they get the ambulance in the first place. while we look into that, a police chase ending in the east bay with a suspect driving their car into a home. something else bizarre. officers were searching the neighborhood in the richmond area for a -- i should say in richmond for a car that appeared to be casing the area. when they approached the car matching that description, the driver sped off. they found the car minutes later crashed into the side of a house, as you see from that picture. police quickly caught and arrested the passenger, but the driver is still on the loose. police discovered stolen property inside of that car and linked it to a recent home burglary. the property has been returned to its rightful owners. pets in danger right now and we're not talking about in the suburbs, in san francisco. a family says that a coyote attacked and killed its dog in balboa terrace near sf state. city leaders confirm the number of reported coyote encounters are up across the board in san francisco. jeff markey says saturday night his dog was in the front yard for a quick bathroom break when a coyote killed her. animal care and control posted warning signs in that area. >> right there, the next house down, there's a coyote. at that point the dog is screeching, something happened very quickly. >> what's our city plan when people are getting nervous about it? do we just sit there and wait for something really bad to happen? i'm not willing to do that. >> and it is not just right in that neighborhood. across ocean avenue in the engelside terrace area, people snapped these photos. >> it looked like a family pet. make sure you use a leash when you take your dog or cat out, but also pick up the food. >> do not provide incentives for them to come out. plenty of incentive to go outside this weekend, though. we'll have some nice weather. kari hall has more on that. >> good morning. we've seen low clouds and fog all across the bay area this morning. we're still dealing with that with our temperatures holding steady in the mid-50s. once the sun breaks out, we'll see temperatures rising. we'll be up to 67 degrees in the east bay and the peninsula up to 71 degrees. then as we go hour by hour in livermore, we will quickly see those clouds moving out. by 1:00 we're at 65 degrees and then into the upper 60s today. so feeling very comfortable and then more clouds again tonight. we'll be in this pattern for at least the next couple of mornings with the low clouds during the morning and then clearing out as we go through the day. as we go into the next several days, we'll begin a trend of cooler temperatures moving in. it was so warm yesterday, many spots hit the upper 70s to low 80s. today it's in e upper 60s. also the same on saturday. sunday we'll have more clouds moving in and we'll be slightly above average. then also to start next week with more clouds and a chance of rain, it will be trending a little bit cooler than where we should be for the middle to end of march. i've still been watching this storm system out there. it's barely visible here on the satellite imagery, but it is spreading out and also picking up on some dry air. we're starting to see some of those scattered showers now approaching the coast of washington now and oregon as well. we'll see those showers well to the north of us. for us, we will have dry weather continuing for a little while longer. looking at the futurecast, we'll see the spotty light showers starting to move into the north bay late saturday night and then into the day on sunday we'll see the showers moving in. at this point it looks like the rain will stay very light and then it continues to make its advancement towards the south by drying out for the most part as it moves into the south bay, but still some spotty showers between sunday night and monday, may also linger into the start of the day on tuesday. so the rain totals at this point, looks like we could have over three-quarters of an inch in santa rosa, half of an inch in napa and then those rain totals drop off to a quarter of an inch as you approach san jose. and spring officially begins tomorrow night at 9:30 in the evening. we'll be flipping that calendar with cloudy skies and looking forward to some rain. we will be dry, mostly cloudy heading into the day tomorrow. once again sunday will be the day to watch for scattered showers. i'll talk about that more coming up a little bit later. >> as long as we which have to flip our clocks anymore, i think we're good. up next at 11:00, more than 100 cars vandalized and police say this may be the man responsible. a lot of victims shelling out big cash for repairs. but first, happening now, we are tweeting updates on an officer-involved shooting in byron. investigators tell us it started last night when sheriff's deputies went to the suspect's home to serve an arrest warrant. also trending on our facebook page, video of six bay area kids who shared the stage last night with pop star justin bieber. they were chosen from thousands of fans who submitted their video, and they are impressive. we're back with more news in a moment. we need to be ready for whatever weather may come our way. my name's scott strenfel and i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. been targeted ine on the hunt for a vandal. so far nearly 200 cars have been targeted in the east bay and this new surveillance video shows a critical clue in the investigation. the weapon of choice, a bb gun. >> he's out holding it like it's a handgun from that video. it does not appear to be a student prank, instead some serious damage. the neighborhoods in these four cities are getting hit right now, hayward, san lorenzo, castro valley and san leandro. jodi hernandez has more from san leandro. >> i feel violated. >> reporter: that's how many people in san leandro are feeling tonight about the damage caused by a crew of vandals armed with bb guns. >> you can only imagine waking up to go to work tomorrow morning and you come out to find your window smashed out on your vehicle. the next thing you know, your bill is $500 to $1,000. >> reporter: surveillance cameras have captured the vandals driving into neighborhoods and taking aim at parked cars, blasting away at their windows. >> well, i tell you what, i hope the police catch them before i do. >> reporter: this man's hit was in the latest attack wednesday morning. it's the third time the crooks have struck on santiago road. this man's car was targeted on the street a month ago. >> somebody is angry about something, and because they get away with it, they come back and do it again. >> reporter: police say the bb gun vandals have damaged at least 180 cars in san leandro and surrounding areas of alameda county and the attacks have been going on for months. so far they have no clue what or who's behind it. >> we don't know the reason why they're doing this. it really makes no sense as to why people would randomly drive around neighborhoods and shoot windows out on cars for no reason whatsoever. >> reporter: jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. happening today, biology and b biogenetics a hands-on exhibit. >> it's called the biodesign studio. kids get their hands on reengineering some dna here. visitors can explore the building blocks of life. did you ever want to create your own mix of colorful dna? here is your opportunity. the museum's biotinkering lab is the first of its kind in any museum here in the country. did you charge alcohol to the district credit card. >> i'm not too sure. >> receipts show this chancellor spent hundreds of tax dollars on booze. up next, what he and his leadership are doing now to ensure they can wine and dine on your dime. plus uber wants to take you south. the new destination the ride-sharing company wants to take you. we are followi nedevelopments i. we continue to follow breaking news developments out of the city of brussels, belgium. two explosions were just heard in a neighborhood where the paris attacks happened and a fugitive was captured and where police were still looking for another person. >> this is going on during police raids in that brussels neighborhood. these are our first pictures coming into our newsroom. police say that the terror suspect was shot in the leg and then arrested. we're learning that several people have been hurt. >> the raids come after belgian authorities found the fingerprints of this man earlier this week during another raid. he fled after the paris attacks after 130 people were killed at a theater and stadium and city cafes. >> most of the attackers were killed that night, including his brother, who blew himself up. >> stay with nbc bay area for continuing updates on this breaking story. you can download our nbc bay area app to get push alerts when we're not on the air. public dollars to buy booze. we first told you about the questionable spending by a bay area college chancellor. >> we've now learned that he and his administrators are changing the rules. they can now wine and dine with taxpayer money. senior investigative reporter vicky nguyen has the new twist. >> we've learned the chancellor and his leadership team are changing the rules. they have decided it's okay to wine and dine on the taxpayers' dime. a $100 bottle of wine in san diego, a staff dinner with a $900 tab including french martinis, wine and beer during a work day lunch, just a few of the expenses the investigative unit first uncovered in november, revealing how ron galatolo is spending your tax dollars. >> hi, i'm vicky nguyen with nbc bay area news. did you charge alcohol to the district credit card? >> i'm not quite too sure. >> reporter: he's the chancellor of the community college district and he told us he was both aware and unaware of the district's rules about using public money to buy booze. >> an employee is not authorized to use a procurement card for personal purchases. >> absolutely. and that is true. that is true. >> were you aware of this policy before we showed it to you? >> no, i was not aware of that policy before you showed it to me. >> reporter: we found he charged hundreds of dollars of alcohol to his public credit card during his work meals and trips, even though the policy clearly says that's prohibited. last night the district announced a revision to its procedures which now say when employees dine with business partners, vendors, donors or potential donors, the district will reimburse for alcohol. there's no cap limiting how much money is to be spent on booze, just that employees must use prudence and must not purchase an unreasonable amount of alcohol. the district also clarified meals that are lavish or extravagant are not allowed. but resorts are okay if they're reasonable based on the facts and circumstances. there won't be a vote on these new guidelines. it's up to the chancellor and his administration, and the new rules take effect now. the chancellor did not respond to our request for comment. the board of trustees president says he agrees with the changes. maurice goodman told us he does not think it's appropriate to spend public money on alcohol and he wouldn't do it, but he understands that it happens. >> that's a tough sell. charges for a $300 bottle of wine, the public usually doesn't say that's okay. >> we called community colleges around the area. none allow the purchase of alcohol with public money. in san mateo, 276 employees have these credit cards but only the senior administrators can use their cards to buy booze. guys. >> if you have a tip for our investigative unit, call us, 888-996-tips or send us an e-mail to what could we do to prevent this from happening again? that is a question about the terror attack at san bernardino at a state lawmakers hearing today. 14 people died at the hands of two terror suspects, a husband and a wife, back in december. today assemblyman freddie rodriguez will hold a joint hearing to talk about possible lessons that can be learned from that day. sheriff's department workers and an emergency room doctor are expected to testify. they held a similar hearing after the shooting death of a tsa worker at los angeles international airport. a man who went on a stabbing spree at uc merced was inspired by isis. the 19-year-old from santa clara is accused of bursting into a classroom and stabbing four people last november. mohammed was shot and killed by a uc merced police officer. the fbi now says that detectives uncovered isis propaganda on mohammed's laptop and there was evidence that he visited the terror group's website as well. they say he acted alone. president obama is packing for an historic trip. come sunday he will become the first president to visit cuba in almost 90 years. the president will visit havana first. there he will have an address on cuban television. he will also meet with cuban president raul castro on this trip and he will also attend a baseball game. up next at 11:00, it's a bay area proud from flowers to philanthropy. how a south bay man is using his amazing backyard garden to help his neighbors. >> you might as well go to las vegas. i don't approve of that as at all. electronic billboards along 280. we'll explain the proposal. >> and we still have the clouds affecting some sunshine this afternoon and cooler temperatures ahead with some rain. i'll detail all of that, coming up. people could be eg somethinew dr forget about the beautiful lakes and mountains, hundreds of thousands of people could be seeing something new during their commute now. >> picture this, san mateo county might be considering putting up electronic billboards along 280. this is a pristine stretch of freeway that is supposed to be free of billboards. it's a state scenic highway, a designation that limits development and advertising along the corridor but buried in a county report, the idea to put up billboards on 280 in order to bring in more money. the people we spoke with are conflicted. >> i'm torn because that might compromise my serene drive. however, if it was useful content, digital signage versus old school advertising, i would be open to seeing what that looks like. >> we did reach out to county officials. they tell us that san mateo county is not considering putting billboards on 280, but they say, quote, all that's being done right now is information gathering on the possibility of having billboards. sounds like it's a bit of semanti semantics. spring is just around the corner and for many folks, their thoughts are turning to the garden. not one man, though, in san jose. >> it's not just about having a green thumb here. he thinks about his garden year round and it shows. this year his incredible pack yard display has a new special purpose. nbc area's garvin thomas joins us with this morning's bay area proud. >> i've done stories on the past on rick's passion for flowers and gardening. normally i'm pretty good at figuring out deep down what is motivating someone to do what they do, but clearly i didn't figure it out with rich. in my defense, until recently, he didn't understand it as well. >> be careful. it gets kind of slippery. >> reporter: the third time rick is discovering isn't always a charm. in fact on this milpitas hillside, it's just about the opposite. >> it's a disaster. >> reporter: for the third year in a row, rich has planted thousands of bulbs up here, which when in bloom are supposed to spell out a secret message for passersby, except they didn't bloom, again. >> look at that. that's completely -- completely mildewed. what you see here is 6700 failures. >> reporter: it's all a bit of a surprise, considering rich is something of a maestro when it comes to bulb gardening. just not up here. >> in the backyard i'm a near expert. >> reporter: rich is well known in gardening circles as the bulb guy of san jose. each year he plants more than 10,000 in his backyard. then opens it up for the public to enjoy the colorful results. rich did it, he said, to simply share his love of flowers with the world of the not this year though. >> now it's taken on a different purpose. >> reporter: so what changed? well, a door closed. literally. and when it did, a picture that had been hanging on rich's walls for more than 30 years crashed to the floor. >> when the picture fell off the wall, it was an epiphany. boom! >> reporter: the picture, a rainbow, had been drawn by richard's son, nicknamed boom. he died of cancer at the age of 6. suddenly rich says he realized the garden was never supposed to just look good. it should do good. the rainbow on his garage door this year meant to match boom's drawing, is being built with petals, each representing a $5 donation to fight childhood cancer. >> no parent should have to bury their child. it's pretty horrendous. that's what this garden is all about now. >> reporter: rich says losing a child taught him a lot about perspective in life. that, for example, 6,000 flowers that don't bloom isn't a tragedy. but 10,000 that do might just one day prevent one. in spite of his failures up on that milpitas hillside, rich promises he'll be back again for a fourth year planting his bulbs and trying to get his message out. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. >> whatever he comes up with no doubt it will be beautiful. thank you, garvin. if you know of someone doing something nice for other people, go to our website, and search bay area proud. we were just looking at our garden yesterday and thinking we've got to tear it all out and start over. kari, a good weekend for that? >> i think so, especially today and tomorrow. and then if you go ahead and get it in the ground, you'll get a little water on top of that before we start next week. let's do a time lapse of the fog rolling into san francisco from last night. we've had these clouds with us for the past several hours. even as the sun game up, we still have these clouds that we are having a hard time shaking, but we'll gradually see those clouds clearing out and our temperatures warming up. it's so much cooler right now compared to yesterday at this time. some spots are hitting 70 degrees already. we are now at 57 degrees in san francisco, 58 degrees in the south bay. a look at the north bay now. we're still in the low 50s in some spots like healdsburg and yountville. it's 61 in san rafael. so we will have some clearing today and boy this afternoon we'll have sunshine in san jose. our temperatures bouncing up quickly. by this evening we'll start to see clouds rolling right back in and we'll start out tomorrow basically the same way as today. looking at a high today in gilroy up to 74 degrees in san mateo, 65 in mission district. 66 degrees, much cooler than yesterday, thanks to those clouds and a stronger ocean breeze today. oakland today heading up to 67 degrees. and this weather system that is well to the west of us is fairly spread out and it will create some light rain from sunday night into monday as well as tuesday morning before it's well off to the east. and the futurecast shows that we will start to see some of those spotty showers moving in on saturday night for the north bay, but the rest of the bay area won't see that until about sunday morning into early afternoon. around napa we'll start to see the rain creeping in. mainly some once again spotty light showers. then in the south bay another round on monday. rainfall totals once again looking at about three-quarters of an inch in santa rosa, half an inch in napa and a quarter of an inch for san jose. so as you make plans for the weekend, definitely a gardening weekend, getting into the upper 70s -- or upper 60s to low 70s. peninsula to 70 degrees and the tri-valley 71. then that chance of rain in the forecast for sunday with some spotty showers. it looks good that we will have at least a little bit of rain in that forecast before we go back into some dry weather for the rest of next week. i'll keep you up to date on that and another look at the forecast coming up a little later. sam and kris. >> sprinkle some rain in there for your flowers, kris, good idea. up next at 11:00, the united way trying a new path to help people. a big change you might notice in the bay area. billions are spent to confuse and, dare i say it, flummox the american public. "save 16% on car insurance." "switch now..." well at, we say enough's enough. so we've created this mind boggling facility. where we're constantly scrutinizing millions of rates... answering the question: who has the lowest. go to, plug in some simple info and get up to 50 free quotes. choose the lowest, and hit purchase. it's fast and easy. saving humanity from high insurance rates. mike inouye here and so is the first day of spring. maybe you're thinking about your spring planting. this is the international year of the pulses, beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils so swap seeds at the bay area seed interchange library until 9:00 tonight at berkeley's historic fellowship hall. just starting tonight is the new exhibit at the tech in downtown san jose. you build, tinker and play with the building blocks of life in their biodesign studio. their first-ever interactive bioengineering exhibit. design your own multicolored double-stranded dna, build a new creature and release it into the virtual world, see how it develops. also eco friendly mushroom bricks. if you like movies in general, sci-fi or otherwise, especially the short ones, this weekend the albany filmfest is on for sunday featuring short and very short films. of interest to the younger ones is saturday's part of the festival, the kids matinee from 10:00 to noon at landmark's albany twin theater. check the web and get tickets in advance. i'm thinking at our house we may make some of those stop motion movies. have our own private screening and of course popcorn. guys? >> thank you, sir. a silicon valley merger can be very tricky. many people are often left out in the new plan. >> this time it involves the united way, an organization that has helped struggling families in the south bay for more than nine decades. joe rosato jr. has this exclusive story. >> i get up at 5:00 a.m. every day. >> reporter: every morning bright and early, jonathan sosa shows up for work at this san jose construction site. but this work crew isn't building buildings, it's building futures. it's part of a job training program located in san jose's center for employment training. >> the thing about this program is that they help you find a job after, like right away. >> reporter: the program is aimed at helping people with low incomes find jobs. it's one of many programs partially supported by the united way of silicon valley. >> we're really focused on how we can lift people out of poverty by supporting the agencies and critical needs. >> reporter: but now this age-old organization, which was founded in 1922, is going through its own transition. today the boards of the united way, silicon valley, and the united way of the bay area, which oversees seven counties, voted to merge into a single organization. >> it means that as a combined organization we can provide a better and deeper engagement in the community. >> reporter: ann wilson says the merger will help expand the group's mission to care for low income families struggling amid silicon valley's economic boom. >> the issue of poverty is a regional matter. it is not solved one county at a time. >> that's a great way to use that credit card. >> reporter: the merger will help them expand programs like the spark point financial training center at san bruno community college. >> they give me free food because of the low income and that helps me worries less about bills and payments and more on my school. >> reporter: some agencies worry they'll lose funding as their local united way folds into the regional one. >> and there will be some rethinking of our strategy to create impact, so it's understandable, but it's hyperlocal. >> reporter: but as sosa has learned, sometimes to get ahead in life, you have to learn to build something new. >> when i'm doing it, i'm thinking about my future. >> reporter: joe rosato jr., nbc bay area news. >> that's a nice program. >> the united way is one of those organizations that does so much for the community here. >> very nice. we'll be right back. the gillette mach 3 turbo still feels better after 10 shaves than a disposable on it's first. mach 3 blades have twice the coatings. for a closer shave with zero redness. get an incredible experience shave after shave after shave. gillette. the best a man can get. president' and 'e fir lady'. let's go live to washington, d.c., where all eyes are on mr. president and the first lady. you're thinking this is the wrong video, but it's not. these are new parents. an eaglet broke through its shell just this morning and a second egg is expected to hatch in four days. they first built a net in 2014 and raised one eaglet last year but it is the first time in nearly 70 years that they have nested there. >> wow, and they don't even need to use air force one to soar. they're going to do it anyway. all right. thirsty right now? we have just the thing. it's bring your own cup day at 7-eleven. >> today and tomorrow customers can show up with anything remotely resembling a cup and fill it up with slurpy favor of their choice for $1.50. sam, slurpy flavor of your choice? >> blueberry. >> kari? >> eh, i like cherry. >> it's $1.50. it's being held in honor of its 50th anniversary. it has to be upright, can't be more than 9 inches, can't be a trash bag, kiddie pool or a kitchen sink. when we talk about 9 inches by 11 inches, that's not that big. >> enjoy your weekend. you can see there's rain on sunday. >> that's one place you'll want to enjoy. >> and fill up your cups there as well. >> have a great weekend. we'll see you on monday. stand by billy and kit, stand by camera two, we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> getting downright toasty in here at this point. he gets called for a technical, arizona scoring 81 a game, scored just 55. >> we like people that don't sweat. welcome to "access hollywood," kit is off skiing with her family. march madness, do we do that? >> no, haven't got a clue abiliabout that, but i will say, the other coach actually fainted during that game. someone turned up the heat in

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