Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160712 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160712

suspects were in court today. nbc bay area's shared hurd is live in vallejo. with the suspects in custody, her friends are to be so frustrated about where she is. >> reporter: that's right. the victim's family and friends are worried and scared. they know that four suspects are behind bars but they desperately want police to find their friend elvira babb. >> this is a tragedy that shouldn't have happened but it did. >> reporter: tonight a handful of people came to he will vi ra's home for a prayer judgeal. two of her friends didn't want to show their faces because they say there are too many unanswered questions about their friend's kiss appearance. >> we don't know she has any enemies. she goes to work, comes home. she's a sing mom. >> reporter: two of the four people investigators believe hold the key to babb's whereabouts were formally charged with kidnapping for ransom. 26-year-old emmanuel espinole za and larry young along with two others kidnapped her nearly two weeks ago depending ran some for her return. >> there was a text message that was sent to the victim's family demanding $60,000. >> reporter: police say the victim was dropped off at seafood city by a co-worker june 29th around 3:00 p.m. when her son got the text message asking for money, came to her home and found her dog dead inside her apartment and no signs of the mother. this is disturbing for her friends who say she's a hard worker who doesn't drive a war. >> whatever they're holding her for, they're not going to get it. she doesn't have it. >> reporter: two of the remaining suspects will be in court tomorrow. reporting live in vallejo, cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. new at 11:00, what went wrong? an investigation is underway after a freight train kit and killed someone just before 9:00. the victim landed in a nearby river. we're working to gather more information. a cyclist is in the hospital this evening with serious injuries after colliding with a car in downtown san jose. you can see the damage here. it happened just after 4:30 this evening at the intersection of north first and mission street. the driver of the car is cooperating with this investigation. >> i was hoping he was okay. as i was mentioning, my car can get fixed but hopefully he can -- he's going to be okay. >> once again that, cyclist was transported to a local hospital with what police are causing serious injuries. a man from a small coastal town near half moon bay is in jail tonight. daniel miranda, seen here, is accuse confidence molesting girls over a period of several years in pescadero. jean, this could be a widespread case in a small community. what are you hearing? tuscadero is truly a small town, fewer than 1,000 people live here and now one of those residents is accused of molesting girls here. investigators say it's been going on for years. people living in the quiet farping town of pescadero are stunned tonight. many are just learning the san mateo io county sheriff's department arrested neighbor daniel miranda last week. the 66-year-old is charged with molesting five girls between 1999 and 2013 at his home. >> the victims were between the ages of 10 and 17. in their teens and preteens. >> reporter: the district attorney's office says miranda targeted his daughter's friends when they would come over for sleepovers. he pleaded not guilty today to 17 felony counts of lewd acts with a child. investigators say the first victim came forward in 2014. >> the san mateo county child protective services notified us someone they were interviewing made allegations they had been sexually molested which him. >> reporter: the sheriff's department says there was not enough evidence for an arrest until last month when a second victim came forward. investigators say once they established a pattern, they located three more victims. tonight, they want parents on the coast to talk to their daughters. >> if there are other victims out there in the community, that they will -- that you know maybe they'll come forward because we want to help them. >> reporter: tonight, his bail is set an at more than $6 million. the district attorney's office says he's scheduled foch a preliminary hearing in september. jean ellee, nbc news. >> continuing coverage tonight on thursday's ambush in dallas. tonight a vigil for the five officers gunned down by a sniper. hundreds gathered at the dallas city hall to pay respects. a picture of each fallen officer was shown in front of the crowd as a moment of silence was held. police leaders called for peace and unity among officers and the community. also tomorrow in dallas, the president is expected to pay his respects. mr. obama is set to attend an inner faith memorial service for the five late officers. president george w. bush and laura bush will also join the president for the trip. this week will be a tough one for the city of dallas as funerals for the five officers begin on wednesday. meanwhile, protests demanding police reforms are now continuing across the country including tonight in the east bay. this is where hundreds turned out for a black lives matter rally at uc berkeley. this rally comes in the wake of last week's deadly police shootings in baton rouge and st. paul. there were similar rallies in oakland and san francisco over the weekend. >> take you outside. a live look at oracle arena. two weeks interest tomorrow night, team usa will host china in a preolympics tuneup game. the question is, will draymond green be there. the warriors star is out on bail tonight following an alleged incident at a bar in his college town of east lansing, michigan. this is cell phone video of police arresting him last night for assault and battery. this isn't just a warriors issue. it now becomes an olympics issue. mary and fab rojas more why green could have problems getting to rio. >> reporter: golden state warriors forward draymond green escorted by two officers into jail. police arrested green early sunday morning outside a popular downtown restaurant in east lansing, michigan. >> beak, outside conrad's green was arrested for assault and battery. victim was a male subject. he was uninjured. green was arrested. >> reporter: there are unconfirmed reports the man was taunting green about basketball. police will only say the man involved did not suffer any injuries. nbc bay area obtained this court document that shows green post aid $200 bond and was released sunday morning. >> shocked actually. you know? i didn't think he would do something like that. you know? he's a good -- seemed like a good guy. >> reporter: green is also on the usa men's olympic basketball team. we reached out to the olympic committee to see if the arrest would impact his eligibility. but have not yet received a response. usa basketball declined to comment but legal analysts tell us his arrest could potentially impact his ability to enter brazil because he would have to make changes on his immigration paperwork. many fans hope draymond will still make it tory yoep. >> we still have to go through due process. >> the warriors said they need to know more about the situation. draymond has had at least one legal issue in the past and on the court dustups. he missed game five of the finals for racking up too many flagrants and technical fouls postseason. marianne favro, bay area news. >> draymond green made headlines off the court earlier this year. in march' apologized for poor judgment after posting and quickly deleting a snapchat video from inside of his car. the video showed him driving a car going at 118 miles per hour on a bay area freeway. a lot of room for change tonight the revealing report about san francisco's police department. this year long investigation by a blue ribbon commission uncovered a "code of silence within the department and also questions about racial bias." the police officers responded by saying the district attorney who created the panel after a racist texting scandal last year is really the one who is biassed. >> i'm not surprised with the poa's position. hopefully their position will soften and they'll come around and recognize there's some truth to what the report is telling us. >> there will be a second reported analyzing the racest texting scandal specifically. those results are expect this had fall. more than a dozen pigs are let loose from a high school's farm in morgan hill had school officials believe this was a student prank. all the details coming up in a live report. >> the new smartphone craze that may explain some of the odd behavior you might be seeing on the streets lately. and good evening. i'm meet jolgs jeff ranieri. a beautiful view of san francisco right now. we do have fog moving in. we're track'g fog free morning forecast. plus hotter temperatures this week. details in just a few minutes. hi. is the internet still out? yes! come on. work together. work together. do you have anything? no i don't have anything. please come back internet. i love you. i love you so much. just come back. please. please. he's streaming a cat video. (family laughs) and the whole party is looking... can i take a look? mitch come on! get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability at an everyday price with no extra fees. keep calm, your internet's on. it was a bloody mess. more than a dozen pigs were let loose on a morgan hill farm over the weekend. it might have been a seemingly harmless prank but there are serious consequences for the pigs and some local high school students. new at 11:00, we have the details from pete suratos. >> yes, and the high school has a program for the students where they raise these pigs. while school officials believe this may have been a student prank, they're not lavoring about it. at the high school, these pigs are investments. >> it was upsetting because i know how much time my students invest in their projects. they're out there twice a day feeding animals. >> katie whitmire is in charge of the farming program at the school where students invest money into the pigs, raise them and sell them for a profit to the santa clara county fair. but a few of the pigs are recovering after someone released them from their pig pens on saturday night. the pig shown here battered, bruised and bloodied from fighting after roaming on the farm unsupervised throughout the night. >> whos are territorial. if you let them all loose, they will fight with each other. >> by the time students showed up friday morning, the damage had been done. the school believes it was a student prank and christian who is part of the program says his classmates are wondering why someone would do this. >> seeing that someone came in and let them all out and like potentially damaging their project that they invested oech in, it like really hurt. >> reporter: the school did not file an official police report but i am told that police will patrol this area through end of the week. live in morgan hill, pete suratos. >> thank you very much. they want her out. pro trefrtz calling for libby shaft to resign in the wake of the recent oakland police sex scandal. after two dozen oakland police officers were accused of having potentially illegal sexual relations with a teenage girl, possibly while she was underage. protesters gathered signatures with the hopes of starting a campaign to eventually get a recall on the ballot. a 17-year-old child was raped by the oakland police department and the mayor was incapable of finding one, two, three police chiefs who weren't too dirty to be the chiefs of the city. >> the group did fail to get the signatures. once the 50 signatures are gathered, opponents can gather tens of thousands more for the ballot. >> police officers in the bay area's biggest city will be wearing body cameras. on wednesday, san jose police will begin wearing the cameras. last year the department field tested the cameras for several months. they'll become standard. the recordings will be part of investigative records similar to 911 calls. tonight police across the bay area are warning people to be aware of surroundings while playing poke key mon go. the mobile game has only been out a few days but already has millions of followers following their smart phones to the most random of places. police spotted pokey mon players all over downtown this weekend. one player put herself in a dangerous position. >> there was a young girl looking for these pokey mon who almost wandered into a street. >> police are also cautioning against driving or trespassing while playing game. this evening, the free month police department tweeted its own warning asking players to train in a well lit populated and public area. pokemon is a bit of nostalgia for the late 1990s. among the 7.5 million people who have downloaded the game, scott budman is one. >> reporter: they're on the streets and in nearby parks. pokemon hunters spanning all age groups, you'll recognize them by the way they stare intently into their smartphones, some already being called pokey zombies. >> they were talking and moving which i think is progress, right. >> you can literally walk around and they're everywhere. >> they spend hours at a time hunting for pokemon, kind of like the ones you remember from the '90s only this time it's pokemon go, an augmented reality game with virtual creatures that appear on your phone when you reach certain real world locations. >> whether he i was a kid, i wanted to think what would happen if i could actually catch one in relife. the idea is to get people to go out and experience life and walk around and stuff instead of sitting in the dark and playing video games. >> the new versioning from nintendo of japan uses your phone's gps to tell you if you're near the virtual creatures. be careful. real world bad guys know about it, too. >> beak, they were following where the players were gathering to hunt it the monsters and they got robbed. >> reporter: so have fun, but once in awhile look up. scott budman, nbc bay area news. so if you're seeing somebody that looks confused. >> there's some in the studio right now. >> yeah. >> everywhere. >> i was going to say, we were downloading that to make sure to check out >> very nice. good plug. well done. >> the names are kind i have similar on the alphabet. the morning forecast, for tomorrow, a mix of sawn clouds coming our way. best start here for the south bay 56 degrees. areas of fog coming back to the peninsula. also the east bay and san francisco. so the you'll have that typical low clouds patchy at times to drive through tomorrow morning. for the north bay it, starts with 50 degrees. the largest change we'll undergo as paired to last week when it was so comfortable. you didn't need the ac, windows open. it was great. now we have high pressure back again. that's the largest change moving our way. a lot of the hot air with this. as it continues get closer to california, that's going to jack up the temperatures as you can see in the forecast. it doesn't look like widespread 90s. no 100s. certainly some upper 80s. while we'll get hot air inland, it's not a locked in deal for major beach weather at the coastline. fog here at the coastline. it's very thick right now. we'll likely see that replicated over the next few days. classic bay area weather. cool at the coastline and then hotter inland. let's take a look at the mic microclimate forecast. there's the contrast we're talking about if you're here visiting. a temperature spread like 65 at the beaches in pacifica. then over towards palo alto, a warmer 79. in san francisco, a little bit of fog for the morning hours. by the afternoon, sunshine and temps in the 60s. for the north bay, east bay and for the tri-valley, the best weather for tomorrow is going to be right here across oakland. 76, a little bit of a breeze off the bay. then you go 15 minutes inland and walnut creek surges up to 88 degrees. tryvale some of our hottest temperatures. mid-90s. if you're out in the sun, 89 at danville will feel like the low 90s. wear the spf and remember to drink water. it can catch up with you even though it's not 100 degrees. the forecast ahead towards this weekend, we'll stay with similar temperatures through sated. by sunday, notice things starting to drop a little bit more. 85 in the south bay. by sunday, east bay at 77 and the north bay at 83. all in all, no the a bad week. it's a good week in summer when we don't hit 100 degrees. it's way too hot. >> we'll take it. thanks, jeff. coming up next, sharing is caring. but it could land you in jail. the warning for netflix users. >> and we have jimmy. >> hey, guys. we're backing with kristin stewart. plus yawn mendez. do not change the channel. n toxtendome othe mo ambious >> happening now on our website, governor brown has launched a campaign too extend some of the most ambitious climate changes in the country. and on our facebook page, piedmont is one of the best suburbs in the world. according to a new sfra tracking het and fitness, public education and jobs. mountain view and hillsborough also on the list. we're back in two minutes. thrh2nd te in days,irecrewbattl. for the second time in four days did, fire crews battled flames at a recycling plant. this fire broke out overnight in san jose in a pit behind valley recycling. firefighters found wood pellets and construction debris in the flames. they got it under control in about hour. on friday, this huge blaze at a recycling plant out in newark. investigators don't know the causes. families of victims of palestinian attacks are suing facebook. the families say hamas is using facebook to spread violence. the lawsuit alleges facebook is violating u.s. anti-terrorism laws by providing service to militant groups that helps them recruit, radicalize and inevacuate terrorists. the company's spokesperson cannot comment directly on the lawsuit. >> sharing is caring unless it's your net flex password. sharing that password and your lough in could be a federal crime. the case before the court dealt with an employee that was using the shared password of a coworker to gain access to employer data. however, the majority opinion in that case states that sharing any password could violate the federal computer fraud and abuse act. >> i plead guilty of that. >> i think it would not be alone. >> up next, the giants and a's about to take the field for the all-star game tomorrow. amy g reporting for us in san diego tonight. stay with us. newest phce he'slso g the ts ha. johh cuetwill th >> what an honor for the giants newest pitcher. he also has the best hair. >> very good hair. >> johnny cueto will be the starting pitcher for the national league in tomorrow night's all-star game. >> so many people are watching this. he will have a lot of friends with him. the giants have the best record in all of baseball well represented in this game. here's the details in san diego. >> reporter: it's really not much of a surprise that san francisco giants pitcher johnny cueto earlier today named as the national league starting pitcher for this year's all-star game. he's leading the league with 13 wins and has four complete games in the first half of the season. cueto knew several days ago but he was able to keep it from teammates. they found out today along with all the fans. they could not be more related for their fellow giant that? >> that was a huge pickup for us, johnny been unbelievable. thrown four complete games. thrown a ton of innings. he's a workhorse and he knows how to pitch. he's a good teammate and glad to see him get this opportunity. >> anybody who's seen him before or played against him like myself knows what he was capable of. even though i knew what he was capable of, it's still like he still exceeded expectations. that's what's crazy about it. he's just done a great job for us and it's fun playing behind him. he's a big reason why we have the best record in baseball right now. >> it's nice to catch somebody that you're familiar with. and johnny has -- johnny's quickly becoming one of my favorite pitchers to catch just because number one, he's such a smart pitcher and understands what hitters are trying to do. he's able to make adjustments on the fly. he works fast which all position players like that. we like pitchers that work fast and he's really good, too. >> johnny cueto is just as excited to throw to buster as buster is to catch johnny in tomorrow's midsummer classic. johnny said to me earlier today he's going to do his job just like he always does. it is going to be more special throwing to buster posey on such a big stage. amy gutierrez for nbc bay area. >> she gets the good assignments. >> that is a really good one. not too bad. >> if you like to shop, there's something big about to go down in 29 minutes. we'll explain next. >> feels like the holidays. (whispering) what are you doing up? (whispering) mom said i could have a midnight snack. well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. why? because i am the boss. you're not the boss, mom's the boss. well, technically, we are co-bosses. technically, mom's the boss. mmmm. shhh. the family favorite. yoplait. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world full of possibilities. connecting with family, friends and the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. if a member of your household is a snap participant, you may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. the mmer. in aittleesstha well, it's about to be black pride in the middle of summer. it's actually happening here just less than half an hour. tomorrow, july 12th is amazon prime day. this means, shoppers the website will have 100,000 deals for just one day and only for prime members. amazon says last year, it broke black friday records at the time. many people though were disappointed and say the items sold out too quickly. some of the deals were too small. members interested can start shopping in about 26 minutes. >> oh. >> if you're about to go to bed, don't go to bed. >> fire up the plastic. let's get going. >> before we go, jeff, take us outside for the morning, tuesday morning, black tuesday. >> get a look. tomorrow morning, 50 in the north bay. san francisco 55, the south bay 56. by the afternoon, mostly sunny to partly cloudy skies. as warm as 88 in the tri-valley. >> peggy is already shopping. > i might have just logged on. >> see you tomorrow. >> good night. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- kristen stewart. chris colfer.

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New York , United States , Rockefeller Center , Japan , East Lansing , Michigan , Oakland , California , Mountain View , Brazil , Santa Clara County , China , San Diego , San Francisco , Berkeley , Israel , Hillsborough , Piedmont , Pacifica , Danville , Dallas , Texas , San Mateo County , Morgan Hill , Palestinian , Kristen Stewart , Raj Mathai , Jeff Ranieri , Conrad Green , Kristin Stewart , Elvira Babb , Jimmy Fallon , Daniel Miranda , Chris Colfer , George W Bush , Johnny Cueto , Morgan Hill Pete , Amy Gutierrez , Katie Whitmire , Laura Bush ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160712 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160712

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suspects were in court today. nbc bay area's shared hurd is live in vallejo. with the suspects in custody, her friends are to be so frustrated about where she is. >> reporter: that's right. the victim's family and friends are worried and scared. they know that four suspects are behind bars but they desperately want police to find their friend elvira babb. >> this is a tragedy that shouldn't have happened but it did. >> reporter: tonight a handful of people came to he will vi ra's home for a prayer judgeal. two of her friends didn't want to show their faces because they say there are too many unanswered questions about their friend's kiss appearance. >> we don't know she has any enemies. she goes to work, comes home. she's a sing mom. >> reporter: two of the four people investigators believe hold the key to babb's whereabouts were formally charged with kidnapping for ransom. 26-year-old emmanuel espinole za and larry young along with two others kidnapped her nearly two weeks ago depending ran some for her return. >> there was a text message that was sent to the victim's family demanding $60,000. >> reporter: police say the victim was dropped off at seafood city by a co-worker june 29th around 3:00 p.m. when her son got the text message asking for money, came to her home and found her dog dead inside her apartment and no signs of the mother. this is disturbing for her friends who say she's a hard worker who doesn't drive a war. >> whatever they're holding her for, they're not going to get it. she doesn't have it. >> reporter: two of the remaining suspects will be in court tomorrow. reporting live in vallejo, cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. new at 11:00, what went wrong? an investigation is underway after a freight train kit and killed someone just before 9:00. the victim landed in a nearby river. we're working to gather more information. a cyclist is in the hospital this evening with serious injuries after colliding with a car in downtown san jose. you can see the damage here. it happened just after 4:30 this evening at the intersection of north first and mission street. the driver of the car is cooperating with this investigation. >> i was hoping he was okay. as i was mentioning, my car can get fixed but hopefully he can -- he's going to be okay. >> once again that, cyclist was transported to a local hospital with what police are causing serious injuries. a man from a small coastal town near half moon bay is in jail tonight. daniel miranda, seen here, is accuse confidence molesting girls over a period of several years in pescadero. jean, this could be a widespread case in a small community. what are you hearing? tuscadero is truly a small town, fewer than 1,000 people live here and now one of those residents is accused of molesting girls here. investigators say it's been going on for years. people living in the quiet farping town of pescadero are stunned tonight. many are just learning the san mateo io county sheriff's department arrested neighbor daniel miranda last week. the 66-year-old is charged with molesting five girls between 1999 and 2013 at his home. >> the victims were between the ages of 10 and 17. in their teens and preteens. >> reporter: the district attorney's office says miranda targeted his daughter's friends when they would come over for sleepovers. he pleaded not guilty today to 17 felony counts of lewd acts with a child. investigators say the first victim came forward in 2014. >> the san mateo county child protective services notified us someone they were interviewing made allegations they had been sexually molested which him. >> reporter: the sheriff's department says there was not enough evidence for an arrest until last month when a second victim came forward. investigators say once they established a pattern, they located three more victims. tonight, they want parents on the coast to talk to their daughters. >> if there are other victims out there in the community, that they will -- that you know maybe they'll come forward because we want to help them. >> reporter: tonight, his bail is set an at more than $6 million. the district attorney's office says he's scheduled foch a preliminary hearing in september. jean ellee, nbc news. >> continuing coverage tonight on thursday's ambush in dallas. tonight a vigil for the five officers gunned down by a sniper. hundreds gathered at the dallas city hall to pay respects. a picture of each fallen officer was shown in front of the crowd as a moment of silence was held. police leaders called for peace and unity among officers and the community. also tomorrow in dallas, the president is expected to pay his respects. mr. obama is set to attend an inner faith memorial service for the five late officers. president george w. bush and laura bush will also join the president for the trip. this week will be a tough one for the city of dallas as funerals for the five officers begin on wednesday. meanwhile, protests demanding police reforms are now continuing across the country including tonight in the east bay. this is where hundreds turned out for a black lives matter rally at uc berkeley. this rally comes in the wake of last week's deadly police shootings in baton rouge and st. paul. there were similar rallies in oakland and san francisco over the weekend. >> take you outside. a live look at oracle arena. two weeks interest tomorrow night, team usa will host china in a preolympics tuneup game. the question is, will draymond green be there. the warriors star is out on bail tonight following an alleged incident at a bar in his college town of east lansing, michigan. this is cell phone video of police arresting him last night for assault and battery. this isn't just a warriors issue. it now becomes an olympics issue. mary and fab rojas more why green could have problems getting to rio. >> reporter: golden state warriors forward draymond green escorted by two officers into jail. police arrested green early sunday morning outside a popular downtown restaurant in east lansing, michigan. >> beak, outside conrad's green was arrested for assault and battery. victim was a male subject. he was uninjured. green was arrested. >> reporter: there are unconfirmed reports the man was taunting green about basketball. police will only say the man involved did not suffer any injuries. nbc bay area obtained this court document that shows green post aid $200 bond and was released sunday morning. >> shocked actually. you know? i didn't think he would do something like that. you know? he's a good -- seemed like a good guy. >> reporter: green is also on the usa men's olympic basketball team. we reached out to the olympic committee to see if the arrest would impact his eligibility. but have not yet received a response. usa basketball declined to comment but legal analysts tell us his arrest could potentially impact his ability to enter brazil because he would have to make changes on his immigration paperwork. many fans hope draymond will still make it tory yoep. >> we still have to go through due process. >> the warriors said they need to know more about the situation. draymond has had at least one legal issue in the past and on the court dustups. he missed game five of the finals for racking up too many flagrants and technical fouls postseason. marianne favro, bay area news. >> draymond green made headlines off the court earlier this year. in march' apologized for poor judgment after posting and quickly deleting a snapchat video from inside of his car. the video showed him driving a car going at 118 miles per hour on a bay area freeway. a lot of room for change tonight the revealing report about san francisco's police department. this year long investigation by a blue ribbon commission uncovered a "code of silence within the department and also questions about racial bias." the police officers responded by saying the district attorney who created the panel after a racist texting scandal last year is really the one who is biassed. >> i'm not surprised with the poa's position. hopefully their position will soften and they'll come around and recognize there's some truth to what the report is telling us. >> there will be a second reported analyzing the racest texting scandal specifically. those results are expect this had fall. more than a dozen pigs are let loose from a high school's farm in morgan hill had school officials believe this was a student prank. all the details coming up in a live report. >> the new smartphone craze that may explain some of the odd behavior you might be seeing on the streets lately. and good evening. i'm meet jolgs jeff ranieri. a beautiful view of san francisco right now. we do have fog moving in. we're track'g fog free morning forecast. plus hotter temperatures this week. details in just a few minutes. hi. is the internet still out? yes! come on. work together. work together. do you have anything? no i don't have anything. please come back internet. i love you. i love you so much. just come back. please. please. he's streaming a cat video. (family laughs) and the whole party is looking... can i take a look? mitch come on! get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability at an everyday price with no extra fees. keep calm, your internet's on. it was a bloody mess. more than a dozen pigs were let loose on a morgan hill farm over the weekend. it might have been a seemingly harmless prank but there are serious consequences for the pigs and some local high school students. new at 11:00, we have the details from pete suratos. >> yes, and the high school has a program for the students where they raise these pigs. while school officials believe this may have been a student prank, they're not lavoring about it. at the high school, these pigs are investments. >> it was upsetting because i know how much time my students invest in their projects. they're out there twice a day feeding animals. >> katie whitmire is in charge of the farming program at the school where students invest money into the pigs, raise them and sell them for a profit to the santa clara county fair. but a few of the pigs are recovering after someone released them from their pig pens on saturday night. the pig shown here battered, bruised and bloodied from fighting after roaming on the farm unsupervised throughout the night. >> whos are territorial. if you let them all loose, they will fight with each other. >> by the time students showed up friday morning, the damage had been done. the school believes it was a student prank and christian who is part of the program says his classmates are wondering why someone would do this. >> seeing that someone came in and let them all out and like potentially damaging their project that they invested oech in, it like really hurt. >> reporter: the school did not file an official police report but i am told that police will patrol this area through end of the week. live in morgan hill, pete suratos. >> thank you very much. they want her out. pro trefrtz calling for libby shaft to resign in the wake of the recent oakland police sex scandal. after two dozen oakland police officers were accused of having potentially illegal sexual relations with a teenage girl, possibly while she was underage. protesters gathered signatures with the hopes of starting a campaign to eventually get a recall on the ballot. a 17-year-old child was raped by the oakland police department and the mayor was incapable of finding one, two, three police chiefs who weren't too dirty to be the chiefs of the city. >> the group did fail to get the signatures. once the 50 signatures are gathered, opponents can gather tens of thousands more for the ballot. >> police officers in the bay area's biggest city will be wearing body cameras. on wednesday, san jose police will begin wearing the cameras. last year the department field tested the cameras for several months. they'll become standard. the recordings will be part of investigative records similar to 911 calls. tonight police across the bay area are warning people to be aware of surroundings while playing poke key mon go. the mobile game has only been out a few days but already has millions of followers following their smart phones to the most random of places. police spotted pokey mon players all over downtown this weekend. one player put herself in a dangerous position. >> there was a young girl looking for these pokey mon who almost wandered into a street. >> police are also cautioning against driving or trespassing while playing game. this evening, the free month police department tweeted its own warning asking players to train in a well lit populated and public area. pokemon is a bit of nostalgia for the late 1990s. among the 7.5 million people who have downloaded the game, scott budman is one. >> reporter: they're on the streets and in nearby parks. pokemon hunters spanning all age groups, you'll recognize them by the way they stare intently into their smartphones, some already being called pokey zombies. >> they were talking and moving which i think is progress, right. >> you can literally walk around and they're everywhere. >> they spend hours at a time hunting for pokemon, kind of like the ones you remember from the '90s only this time it's pokemon go, an augmented reality game with virtual creatures that appear on your phone when you reach certain real world locations. >> whether he i was a kid, i wanted to think what would happen if i could actually catch one in relife. the idea is to get people to go out and experience life and walk around and stuff instead of sitting in the dark and playing video games. >> the new versioning from nintendo of japan uses your phone's gps to tell you if you're near the virtual creatures. be careful. real world bad guys know about it, too. >> beak, they were following where the players were gathering to hunt it the monsters and they got robbed. >> reporter: so have fun, but once in awhile look up. scott budman, nbc bay area news. so if you're seeing somebody that looks confused. >> there's some in the studio right now. >> yeah. >> everywhere. >> i was going to say, we were downloading that to make sure to check out >> very nice. good plug. well done. >> the names are kind i have similar on the alphabet. the morning forecast, for tomorrow, a mix of sawn clouds coming our way. best start here for the south bay 56 degrees. areas of fog coming back to the peninsula. also the east bay and san francisco. so the you'll have that typical low clouds patchy at times to drive through tomorrow morning. for the north bay it, starts with 50 degrees. the largest change we'll undergo as paired to last week when it was so comfortable. you didn't need the ac, windows open. it was great. now we have high pressure back again. that's the largest change moving our way. a lot of the hot air with this. as it continues get closer to california, that's going to jack up the temperatures as you can see in the forecast. it doesn't look like widespread 90s. no 100s. certainly some upper 80s. while we'll get hot air inland, it's not a locked in deal for major beach weather at the coastline. fog here at the coastline. it's very thick right now. we'll likely see that replicated over the next few days. classic bay area weather. cool at the coastline and then hotter inland. let's take a look at the mic microclimate forecast. there's the contrast we're talking about if you're here visiting. a temperature spread like 65 at the beaches in pacifica. then over towards palo alto, a warmer 79. in san francisco, a little bit of fog for the morning hours. by the afternoon, sunshine and temps in the 60s. for the north bay, east bay and for the tri-valley, the best weather for tomorrow is going to be right here across oakland. 76, a little bit of a breeze off the bay. then you go 15 minutes inland and walnut creek surges up to 88 degrees. tryvale some of our hottest temperatures. mid-90s. if you're out in the sun, 89 at danville will feel like the low 90s. wear the spf and remember to drink water. it can catch up with you even though it's not 100 degrees. the forecast ahead towards this weekend, we'll stay with similar temperatures through sated. by sunday, notice things starting to drop a little bit more. 85 in the south bay. by sunday, east bay at 77 and the north bay at 83. all in all, no the a bad week. it's a good week in summer when we don't hit 100 degrees. it's way too hot. >> we'll take it. thanks, jeff. coming up next, sharing is caring. but it could land you in jail. the warning for netflix users. >> and we have jimmy. >> hey, guys. we're backing with kristin stewart. plus yawn mendez. do not change the channel. n toxtendome othe mo ambious >> happening now on our website, governor brown has launched a campaign too extend some of the most ambitious climate changes in the country. and on our facebook page, piedmont is one of the best suburbs in the world. according to a new sfra tracking het and fitness, public education and jobs. mountain view and hillsborough also on the list. we're back in two minutes. thrh2nd te in days,irecrewbattl. for the second time in four days did, fire crews battled flames at a recycling plant. this fire broke out overnight in san jose in a pit behind valley recycling. firefighters found wood pellets and construction debris in the flames. they got it under control in about hour. on friday, this huge blaze at a recycling plant out in newark. investigators don't know the causes. families of victims of palestinian attacks are suing facebook. the families say hamas is using facebook to spread violence. the lawsuit alleges facebook is violating u.s. anti-terrorism laws by providing service to militant groups that helps them recruit, radicalize and inevacuate terrorists. the company's spokesperson cannot comment directly on the lawsuit. >> sharing is caring unless it's your net flex password. sharing that password and your lough in could be a federal crime. the case before the court dealt with an employee that was using the shared password of a coworker to gain access to employer data. however, the majority opinion in that case states that sharing any password could violate the federal computer fraud and abuse act. >> i plead guilty of that. >> i think it would not be alone. >> up next, the giants and a's about to take the field for the all-star game tomorrow. amy g reporting for us in san diego tonight. stay with us. newest phce he'slso g the ts ha. johh cuetwill th >> what an honor for the giants newest pitcher. he also has the best hair. >> very good hair. >> johnny cueto will be the starting pitcher for the national league in tomorrow night's all-star game. >> so many people are watching this. he will have a lot of friends with him. the giants have the best record in all of baseball well represented in this game. here's the details in san diego. >> reporter: it's really not much of a surprise that san francisco giants pitcher johnny cueto earlier today named as the national league starting pitcher for this year's all-star game. he's leading the league with 13 wins and has four complete games in the first half of the season. cueto knew several days ago but he was able to keep it from teammates. they found out today along with all the fans. they could not be more related for their fellow giant that? >> that was a huge pickup for us, johnny been unbelievable. thrown four complete games. thrown a ton of innings. he's a workhorse and he knows how to pitch. he's a good teammate and glad to see him get this opportunity. >> anybody who's seen him before or played against him like myself knows what he was capable of. even though i knew what he was capable of, it's still like he still exceeded expectations. that's what's crazy about it. he's just done a great job for us and it's fun playing behind him. he's a big reason why we have the best record in baseball right now. >> it's nice to catch somebody that you're familiar with. and johnny has -- johnny's quickly becoming one of my favorite pitchers to catch just because number one, he's such a smart pitcher and understands what hitters are trying to do. he's able to make adjustments on the fly. he works fast which all position players like that. we like pitchers that work fast and he's really good, too. >> johnny cueto is just as excited to throw to buster as buster is to catch johnny in tomorrow's midsummer classic. johnny said to me earlier today he's going to do his job just like he always does. it is going to be more special throwing to buster posey on such a big stage. amy gutierrez for nbc bay area. >> she gets the good assignments. >> that is a really good one. not too bad. >> if you like to shop, there's something big about to go down in 29 minutes. we'll explain next. >> feels like the holidays. (whispering) what are you doing up? (whispering) mom said i could have a midnight snack. well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. why? because i am the boss. you're not the boss, mom's the boss. well, technically, we are co-bosses. technically, mom's the boss. mmmm. shhh. the family favorite. yoplait. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world full of possibilities. connecting with family, friends and the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. if a member of your household is a snap participant, you may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. the mmer. in aittleesstha well, it's about to be black pride in the middle of summer. it's actually happening here just less than half an hour. tomorrow, july 12th is amazon prime day. this means, shoppers the website will have 100,000 deals for just one day and only for prime members. amazon says last year, it broke black friday records at the time. many people though were disappointed and say the items sold out too quickly. some of the deals were too small. members interested can start shopping in about 26 minutes. >> oh. >> if you're about to go to bed, don't go to bed. >> fire up the plastic. let's get going. >> before we go, jeff, take us outside for the morning, tuesday morning, black tuesday. >> get a look. tomorrow morning, 50 in the north bay. san francisco 55, the south bay 56. by the afternoon, mostly sunny to partly cloudy skies. as warm as 88 in the tri-valley. >> peggy is already shopping. > i might have just logged on. >> see you tomorrow. >> good night. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- kristen stewart. chris colfer.

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