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Of all wasnt most what he did. I felt so scared for her. But who he was. I just about fell off my chair. We were in that much danger and we didnt even know it. It was january, 2009. Brenda constantine and her husband, brian rogers and their three teenagers, two boys and a girl, spent the new years holiday the way they always had. A trip out of town and then back to their home in orlien, a middle class suburb in ottawa. Its the kind of place where the houses are snug to the street, and each other. Its a very familyoriented community. Lots of young families still live in orleans. Lots of kids. As you say in a town which is very safe, orleans seemed particularly safe . There was never a lot of crime. That january when brian and brenda got their brood home on friday evening, the family house seemed exactly as they left it. Brian did notice something odd. The digital clock in our room on the wayside of the bed was blinking. I thought that was unusual, but didnt think much of it. Then you went ahead and just continued . Carried on our lives. And never dreamed, why would they, that their digital clock was blinking out of warning. Two days passed during which time their 15yearold daughter lived out of the clothes in her suitcase as teenagers sometimes do. Then came sunday. Just taking a shower, she went to her room and went to her drawer and thats when she discovered all of her underwear had been taken from the drawer. So she told her parents. Shes a teenager, and clothes are everywhere. I said, well did you check your Laundry Basket . Did you check your suitcase . She said no, mom. Everything is gone. She was freaked out. Her parents said what parents say. I said, go up and look again. So she started to cry. She said, no, everything is gone. Everything. She checked again and found more things were missing. She was running out and crying and very upset. Then we realized theres Something Weird going on here. But what was going on . We went upstairs and looked and see what was missing. We immediately called the police. We called the police. And reported it. The next surprise because although brenda and brian were worried enough to call the police, they werent sure of the reception theyd get. We thought, yeah, theyre going to laugh at us. I thought it was kids playing a joke. The police did not think so. They were at the house in a matter of minutes and they were all business. They spent five hours combing through the place and came back the next day to take apart of the family computer. They didnt find anything. Not in the computer, but in their daughters bedroom disturbing discoveries. Along with 50 pairs of missing underwear, a number of bathing suits, dresses and tank tops vanished. The intruder rifled through the family photo albums and removed pictures, but only those that showed their daughter. And those like vacation pictures, so they were all beach pictures, bathing suit pictures. And then, said brian, it got ugly. They said they found dna evidence on my daughters dresser. That was the one that it was really weird. Investigators said the sample was consistent with dried semen. They found it on the top of the daughters dresser where the underwear had been stolen. All of that along with the fact that no one else in the house reported anything missing led them to issue a warning no parent wants to hear. They told us to watch our daughter. Lock your doors, secure your house. They said she was targeted. It wasnt a random breakin. Targeted, not random . That was when the fear crawled in and infected their once comfortable lives. Everything from this moment different. You take your safety for granted almost, and all of a sudden nothing you do is good enough. After that their daughter was never alone. Brian and brenda put in a new alarm system and kept asking, who was it . Who would do this . They tried to come to terms, too, with the other troubling news they learned from police. That theirs was by no means the only breakin of its kind in orleans. So they knew there was a pattern. Its creepy to hear Something Like that. Very creepy. In fact, almost a dozen such breakins had been reported in orleans in the past year. The police had issued a warning to residents in late 2008, though brian and brenda didnt know about it. Now officers told the couple of their biggest concern, that the intruder, whoever he was would escalate from stealing lingerie to more dangerous behavior. They were very concerned at the time about the escalation. Rightly so, because in a matter of months, thats exactly what was going to happen. Almost like he had a gun on my head at that moment. A woman living alone discovers shes not. I was like how. She freezed up where she was. She was standing with her hands like this. Because all the berries we pick come with their 100 money back guarantee. And thats the kind of thing i can really get behind. Picked by farmers. Guaranteed by us. Bathroom is trashed. He boys in 2b threw another party. Dudes. Come in lets bubble we dont just kill 99. 9 of germs. Were also approved for tougher cleaning jobs. Thats a reason to celebrate. You really think they need one . When youre getting the most out of yourself and out of life. Start your day with the power of protein. Milk life. All day . R mouthwash fight germs . Even after you eat and drink . Mine does. Colgate totalĀ® mouthwash. Kills plaque germs on contact. And its proshield formula keeps on protecting. All the way through dinner. Colgate total mouthwash. 12hour Germ Protection even after eating and drinking. Tan sola, se congelosola, se co brenda and brian, eager to warn others about the threat, called a neighborhood meeting. Odd as it sounds, they say the police asked them to cancel it. Their objective was to keep this man doing it, because hes very intelligent and knows what hes doing. They thought they had to catch him in the act. Using the neighborhood as bait . Exactly. The police were doing what they could without success, but in november of 2009 almost a year later the intruder was still out there. More than a dozen breakins had been reported, many involving stolen underwear, shockingly high for this snug, safe neighborhood. Brenda and brian, now on nervous alert, could not stop wondering who . Who could do this . A woman named anne marsan cook and her friend howard gray began asking that same question. Anne lives in this lovely Old Farmhouse 150 miles away from brenda and brian. Howard lives on the same busy highway not far from the small city of belleville. November 17, 2009. Late that afternoon anne hurried home to change into party clothes. It was her bitter day. Her birthday. She was heading to howards place to celebrate. I was rushing and looking forward to go. Anne lived alone in this old place, and that suited her fine. Shes a music teacher and artist. She wanted time and space to herself. I like to have space. My heart grows with space. Did you feel insecure ever before . Did you lock your doors and windows . No. Annes friend howard gray grew up down the road. 15 years ago we didnt even take the keys out of the ignition of the cars. Thats where i grew up. That safe. So you knew everybody . Yeah. Back on that november day, when anne got up to her bedroom on the second floor, she looked in the mirror thinking about what to wear. It was then she noticed something strange in the mirrors reflection. Her bedside table with a drawer open. I looked at it and thought i didnt open this. She looked at the other bedside table. The drawer was open on and some stuff was gone. Thats when i realized somebody had been in the house. Had to be a prank. Had to be howard. He had a set of keys to her place because he often did handyman jobs there. She hopped in her car, drove the 200 yards to his house. She came right in and said are you playing a practical joke on me . No. So she proceeded to tell me and i jumped in the car. Followed right over behind. They traipsed upstairs to annes bedroom and discussed at length whether to report the missing sex toys to the Belleville Police. My words were if we phone the police, youll hear laughter. My first reaction was to phone the police. Because somebody had to be in the house. Then he said, think about it. It was embarrassment . No. No. We were just thinking reality of what will happen if you phone. They were trying to decide if maybe they should be laughing, too. Maybe it it really was a joke. But if so, who could have been behind it . I was thinking its somebody that knows me. Theyll come up in the morning at the mailbox with ha, ha or Something Like that. Theres a reason they recall that conversation in minute detail. A it terrifying reason. As they returned to howards house for the Birthday Party he was throwing her. And it was simply an excess of caution when he told her, bring her pajamas. I said to her, obviously someone has been in the house, youre not staying alone tonight. This was important. Before they left they locked annes house up tight just in case. All we did is went arnold to all the doors and windows and made sure with everything. She went in front of me. I went behind her and doublechecked every one. That night they partied with friends and drank howards homemade strawberry wine. Made light of the bizarre happening. Perhaps the new day would reveal the prankster. 7 45 next morning they were back at the farmhouse. Anne ran upstairs to her home office to do photocopying. Howard waited below and heard annes terrifying scream. It was like howard my work boots were still on. They were freezed up. She was up where she was and she was standing with her hands like this. Standing and staring at the old desk computer she hadnt fired up for months. And the screen was glowing in the dim morning light. A message that shook anne marsan cook to the core. I took it so personally. I knew someone was out there for me. And that was that was very, very scary. Was that same someone preying on other women . His crimes growing ever more depraved . It had to be one person. There cant be that many evil persons around. Dont want him the more people we have, the more we save. He already owes me money for like 4 pizzas. We all get separate bills. Besides, if you dont like gordon why did you invite him this weekend . I didnt invite him. He just, like, shows up its pronounced gordon. [ dad ] hey lets go those tacos arent going to eat themselves over there. Tacos [ dad ] you look great, by the way. [ male announcer ] start a sprint framily and everyone gets separate bills. The bills are separate . 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Every kiss begins with kay. Safeway knows you dont want to fly all over town to find the best deals. Thatshy they have lots of ways to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. This week, bite into a juicy, seedless watermelon. Theyre just 3. 99 each. Breyers ice cream is 2. 99. And start the fiesta. Corona is just 11. 97 a twelve pack. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. On the morning after her Birthday Party, anne marsan cook made a terrifying discovery. I was really, really scared. It was november 2009. Anne and her friend howard were standing in an upstairs hallway of her Old Farmhouse near belleville, ontario. Staring at her computer screen. It was spooky. It was the first time in my life that the hair stood up on the back of my neck, because it was a it was a message directed personal. Yeah. Now they knew. The breakin the previous day, the theft of those sex toys was not a joke. Not even a bad one. All that time last evening they stood in this spot deciding a long discussion, should they call the police or not . They figured the cops would just laugh, so they decided not to call. After anne spent that night at howards and returned home first thing in the morning, this is what greeted her on the computer screen. Go ahead and call the police, it said. I want to show the judge your really big dildos. Eventually anne would wonder about the typos but right now quite suddenly she froze. Its like he had a gun at my head at that moment. This time they called 911. As they waited for the police to arrive, they came it to a disturbing conclusion. Whoever wrote the message must maybe some half literate crazy, judging from the typos, must have been hiding in the house the evening before when they debated whether to report the theft. He was listening to us. We cant prove he was there. We have no evidence that he was there. Theyd been talking just outside annes bedroom. Down the hall in this closet they found evidence to support their chilling theory that the the intruder had been hiding there. It was all upsidedown. So he he had to be listening to tell us a message, go ahead and phone the police. Then a second dreadful discovery. They searched the house to see if anything else had been stolen, and in her bedroom anne discovered all her underwear had disappeared. And that was sickening. Anne loved lingerie, owned more than 100 sets, all gone. She was a basket case. She really was. I got her right downstairs. Only to make a third gutwrenching discovery. Anne, we locked that door last night. And she goes yes. That door is open. She goes no, its not. But it was. And then the two of us looked at one another and we started talking about the possibility that whoever was here let themselves out. They had to. The rest of that day passed in a blur. A Police Officer from the nearby city of belleville got to house and got to work. They took it seriously . They did. As soon as he walked to the office and looked at the computer screen, he pulled up and said get forensics out here right now. That same day amid the upset, anne and howard had a question for the Belleville Police. It was about a couple of disturbing incidents that happened up the road in tweed two months before. Incidents more serious than what happened to her. Incidents also directed against women alone at night. Although tweed was only 20 minutes away, it was not policed by the belleville cops. We asked them if they knew anything about it. I said it had to be connected. You told the police in . Oh, yes. Of course, how do you know about it . We dont know anything about it . They didnt know about if . They didnt seem to. Or didnt want to let on. Anne was convinced the incidents were linked. They had to be. It had to be one person. There cant be that many evil persons around. She begged the detective handling her case to investigate a connection. The police looked into the tweed case. I said it has to be connected. Then life took over, as life will, and anne let the matter drop. I was thinking, you know, they know their job. But Nothing Happened . No. My son was getting married, and there was a lot of things to do. Life was busy at the time. But anne was right about what happened up the road in tiny tweed, a terrible threshold had been crossed. Then the second one, everyone just went haywire then. Coming up, police close in on a suspect. He says, so youre going to tell us why you did this . Do they have the right man . Yup. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easyopen red arthritis cap. In all kinds of places. Lets do this. More saving. More doing. Thats the power of the home depot. Bonnie 4 or 5 vegetables and herbs, right now just 1. 99. Vegetables and herbs, do you know what happens when you eat acti everyday . Activia helps regulate your digestive system. Because when your tummy smiles, you smile too activia. Feeling good starts from the inside. Let mom shine. Thirty percent off our best gifts for mom now through sunday. At zales. We cannot let the fans down. Dont worry the United States Postal Service will get it there on time with Priority Mail flat rate shipping. Our priority has always been saving the day. Because our priority. Amazing . Is you the amazing spiderman 2 delivered by the United States Postal Service. [ ] tweed is one of those little canadian places that takes its ice fishing seriously in winter. Snowmobiling, too, except the road from anne marsan cooks place and about 150 miles from brenda and brians orleans. Here at tweed larry jones, a former government surveyor, the picture of grandfatherly respectability, was about to be caught up in a monstrous crime story. Larry has lived in tweed all his life, the last four decades on this lakeside lane called cozy cove. Cozy cove is probably one of the most ideals places to live. You have the whole lake at your backyard. It was a safe place also. Enviably so. We never had a problem here with anything, never. Though, there was one disturbing incident back in 2007 larry confessed. Thats when his daughter, who lives nearby, surprised an intruder in her home. Chris opens up the door, and heres this guy running out the door and runs in the wood. My daughter went behind him. The intruder got away, and that was that, or so larry and his family thought. Then came september 2009, and the events that troubled anne marsan cook. The first call came in at 3 15 a. M. , september 17th. A terrified young mother stribed being awakened by an intruder, blindfolded and stripped and forced to pose for degrading pictures. After a couple of hours, the man left. There are issues that would cause the police some concern. Greg ackley is a former fbi investigator and profiler. Dateline nbc asked him to evaluate these cases. You have an individual taking pictures. What does that say . It suggests that its an individual who is playing out a fantasy, that is fantasydriven behavior. Its also probably somebody who would do it again. So apparently he did. 13 days later another terrified call to the police in the Early Morning hours. Once again, a woman alone had been blindfolded, tied up, stripped and photographed, and then the intruder left. He clearly has engaged in sort of reconnaissance behavior of knowing the victim is alone, that he would have the opportunity to spend two to three hours with her without fear of somebody coming in. Hes done some research . Hes done some research, which shows planning. That would have been shocking anywhere but it was doubly so in tiny, little tweed. Two sex assaults with women alone at night within days of each other within blocked of each other. Not rape but terrifying and weird. Two attacks that seemed to bear the same signature. So two attacks and maybe just one attacker. The Ontario Provincial Police responded to both assaults, and after the second sexual assault, they began canvassing the neighbors. I was standing there. They wanted to know if i saw anything or heard anything. Know anything going on. Larry says he had nothing to tell them. By now the news of the two assaults was all over tweed and beyond. I remember saying to my guys, look, we have to get more on this. Chris malette is the city editor of the newspaper in the nearby city of belleville. We were given nothing. We were told the investigation is ongoing and no further information would be released. Around cozy cove lane the women were terrified. Everybody was scared to death of what was going after the first one was assaulted, and then the second one, everything went haywire then. Everyone thought it had to be someone local, but who . It was just a real mystery who this could be, and nobody could find out who it was. Nobody, that is, until the day larry jones came home from a partridge hunt to find his house crawling with cops. I said whats going on . Did somebody break in my house . No, sir, way more serious than that. Way more serious it was as larry jones was about to learn. First, he was escorted into a cruiser by one of the officers. He says, well we think you have something to do with two sexual assaults down the road. It was a shocker. Larry jones, a 65yearold grandfather and 44year resident of tweeds ideal lick cozy cove lane was now a suspect in the doubleassault. He said so are you going to tell us why you did this . All larry jones wanted to know was this . Why him . The guy who loved to hunt and fish. How did he end up in the back of a cop car about to face an interrogation about the worst crimes to hit his neighborhood in living memory. Whatever lay ahead wouldnt be pretty. I couldnt believe that, that they would even think that. A crime wave moves from depraved to deadly. Thats when i found out she was murdered. Mcchicken, mcdouble, beef and cheese galore. Now thats the flavor of dollar menu and more, on a random red couch. No one says to stop and see the roses, but to stop and smell the roses. Because scent makes us feel like nothing else can. Inspired by the best feelings in the world. Glade so whis a way to plus our Accounting Firms mobile plan. And minus our expenses. Were offering our bestever pricing on mobile plans for business. Run the numbers on that. Well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. Thirtyfive bucks each with a year of highspeed internet, free. Ah, free is not deductible i smell audit i smell savings. At t mobile share value plans for business. Now with a year of free highspeed internet. In the fall of 2009, a pair of brazen sex attacks shattered a tiny place in canada, called tweed. Four weeks after the second assault, larry jones, a longtime tweed resident, was picked up by the police for questioning in connection with both attacks. He says the police interrogated him for three and a half hours. How did you break in . Did you break in the door . How did you get in there . Why were the cops so sure they had their man . Because the second victim, larrys neighbor, had called to say she thought his voice matched that of her intruder. The first house, i dont know what youre talking about . The second house, yeah, i was in there three years ago. Larry says he was so shocked by the questions, it was all he could do to answer them. I couldnt not even believe that, that they would even think that. Because if there was one thing larry jones knew without a doubt in the world, it was that he was innocent. Hed never sexually assaulted either woman. Me of all people, who has lived here for 44 years and after living here for 44 years on this road, i go start raping and pillaging single women on the road . Thats ridiculous. Larry gave the police dna samples and fingerprints, and he promised to return to the station for a lie detector test, which he did, in due course, and which he says he aced. That didnt mean larry jones got his old life back or his reputation. I always did everything honestly and truthfully, and somehow your life is gone out the window. Its just not right. Larry jones would eventually be cleared, and meanwhile Police Investigating that series of breakins in brenda and brians neighborhood in the ottawa suburb 150 miles that way seemed no closer to nabbing their intruder. Anne marsan cook was trying to put her Home Invasion and that taunting computer message behind her, and still no investigators were able to connect any of these crimes. But then why should they so far apart . When something truly awful happened in a nearby town in that direction, again nobody, nobody was able to think of any reason why there should be a link. Marie france comeau was by all accounts vibrant and vie vashs, accounts vibrant and vivacious, a dedicated consumer of the new country, the press dress. He was captivated the moment he saw her. First thing that caught me was her smile. Because she has a beautiful smile. Sadly for him, she already had a boyfriend, so he waited. A year later in the spring of 2004 she approached him. He, well, he was done waiting. We started dating, and it went pretty well. It didnt take so long for me to move in with her. He took his two sons with him. So she essentially became a mother or stepmother. To your children . She did it very well. What did you like about living with her . Basically she was in love with life in general, yes. She could also be feisty. A temper, huh . Temper . Something was wrong, she would say about it. Thats for sure. She wouldnt keep it inside. They were french canadian and came from military families. Early on she chose to make the military her life, too, becoming whats called a traffic tech. Its the people who actually load the stuff on the aircraft and they have to balance the weight on the aircraft. She served in germany and dubai and afghanistan. Then in 2008, after more than a decade in the military, she became a Flight Attendant with the 437 squadron in trenton. The base is just down the road from belleville, and not far from tweed. Soon she was chosen to work the flight for the top leaders. She was happy . Oh, yeah. She loved her job. But it was also that year, after four and a half years together, they split up. He moved away. She stayed close to the base, living here in a town called brighton. They were apart, but still in close contact. He remembers a conversation they had in late november 2009. She just got back from japan and singapore, and she was telling me all the countries she discovered and all the new meals she could taste. It was fun. It was their last conversation. Three days later, november 25th, 2009, comeaus body was discovered in her home lying on her bed. I was told on the 26th. Told only that she was dead, nothing more. With a heavy heart and 100 questions he went to brighton to find out for himself, what happened to the woman he still loved . Horror awaited. Thats when i found out she was murdered in her house. What was it like to hear that . I was in shock, but how to describe that . There were no words in any language, the man would learn. Comeaus murder was brutal. A sexual homicide. Former fbi investigator craig ackley examined this case at datelines request. He had no role in the investigation. What was clear is that somebody had raped her and killed her. Somebody had spent time in the home. Which, again, in the dismal business of investigating this sort of thing, suggested its an organized criminal as opposed to a disorganized criminal . Sure. It suggests somebody who spent some time planning the offense, understanding he had time to go into the house and spend whatever time he needed with the victim, which suggests reconnaissance activity. At the base cfb trenton, her grieving colleagues held a memorial service. Even the base commander got involved, sent a letter of condolence to her father. Who could have done this . Investigators were stumped. Although they looked at anybody close to marie, anybody including alan plant. I went through some interrogation with the police. That must have been very strange. There was one time one policeman came to me and asked me for my dna. Thats when i freaked out and i had to explain to him that i i wasnt even there. I was four and a half hours from there. He cooperated with investigators and he was cleared. When the forensics people were finished in the house and the police handed over the keys, it was elan, as maries executor, who had cleaned and emptied. So i saw the crime scene. What was that like . I saw blood on the walls, on the floor. Like csi but its not csi. He had to step outside for a cigarette to steady himself, and then he went back in resolved to take care of her last business on earth and to laugh in his brokenhearted way about the easygoing woman whose life he once shared. We got rid of all of her civilian clothes. Every coat, every pants, she had money. Just change, a dollar bill or something. It made me laugh, because that was marie. Right there was marie. Anne marsan cook and howard gray lived 45 minutes from comeaus house. They heard about the murder on the news. They never connected it to annes breakin or the tweed attacks for that matter. She was military. Know now, before another awful crime shook their community. Only then could all these crimes be connected and only then could the perpetrator be unmasked in a story that would rock the nation. 3 f2 yi men horroroso que afecto a la and it comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza is not insulin. Do not take victoza if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. 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A commercial for womenwelry preonly. This is levian chocolate diamond jewelry. Levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Is the only company on earth to make jewelry with chocolate diamonds. And jared is the only place where youll find. Such an amazing levian selection. With styles you wont find anywhere else. Levian. Thats why he went to jared. It was friday, january 29th, 2010. Jessica lloyd was late for work that morning, and no one knew why. The sunny, steady young woman who worked as a school bus coordinator, had never pulled a noshow before. Her supervisor called her mom to tell her. Her mom called her son, andy, jessicas brother. Just flat out and said jess is missing, and everything is at her house and shes not here and she didnt show up for work. That was all she knew. What on earth was going on . There was no way their jess as they called her would have taken off without alerting them. She wouldnt do that to her work or me or her mom. Andy rushed to join his mom and friends and relatives gathering at jesss house. Its a small tidy house by a field just outside belleville, faces the highway that runs right past ann marson cooks home and down into tweed. Jess car was parked outside. Inside the house her bed was made and her personal stuff was still there. A 27yearold woman wouldnt leave mibehind her blackberry, r purse, her makeup, her wallet and car and car keys and house keys. They called everyone they could think of. She had watched tv at a friends house the night before, and when she left she went straight home texting the friend at 10 36 p. M. To say she was home and going to bed. That was the last anyone heard from jess lloyd. The young woman who loved to yuck it up playing the video game guitar hero. The jess lloyd with a ton of friends but no current boyfriend. The sister who loved to crack wise with her older brother. Id call her a name, and shed have a better one right there waiting. But where was she now . Just a mystery. An absolute mystery, and nobody could come up with answers. They didnt wait long to call the police. She was reported to us missing at noon on the friday. Cory mcmullan is the chief of the Belleville Police service. With the information the family provided us, we realized that it had the potential to be a very serious case. When the police arrived, andy lloyd says he and his cousins went outside with Police Permission to scout the grounds around the house, no idea that what he was about to discover wouldnt just break the case but send a shock wave right across the country. The first thing, says andy, the footprints. There was a couple different ones in the backyard. He called into the cops working in the house. I said theres footprints. Go look at them. They said stay away from them. Andy and his cousins headed to the field by jess house and took a walk around. Thats when they found them, the tire tracks. Tire tracks where they shouldnt be. We saw them come right off the road, so then instantly we thought, theres been a strange vehicle next door. Andy says he went straight to the cops with this, too, and then the investigating officers were handed another clue from one of their own because the night before at 9 30 p. M. An observant member of the Belleville Police force noticed an suv parked in the field by her house. There was an officer on regular patrol, and thought there was something suspicious. Just driving along. Just driving along, yep. The truck was sitting in somebodys backyard . It was in a field. The officer stopped and knocked on the door and checked the house, and nobody was home. Took detailed notes of the vehicle, and carried on. But the officers notes were not quite as complete as they might have been. She left out some rather significant details. The suvs make and its license number. That may not have seemed so important at the time, after all nobody was home, there was no evidence of any crime. So imagine how it was when the officer learned that Jessica Lloyd was missing. Obviously, its upsetting. Its going to be upsetting to everyone, but this officer went above and beyond, and were very proud of her. At what point after Jessica Lloyd went missing did she say, hey, i saw that suv . As soon as she became wear that jessica was missing from that residence, she immediately came forward with the information. That weekend andy lloyd was running on coffee and cigarettes and urgent hope out searching every day. It was overwhelming how many people, volunteers showed up. There was Police Officers everywhere. But no jessica. Not a word, call or hint of her whereabouts. Chris malette of the local newspaper. The intelligencer. I remember what i was thinking at the time. I dont think this is going to end well. He couldnt know it then. No one could, but the mystery of jess lloyds disappearance would be solved in a matter of days. Her case and the other unsolved crimes, the marie comeau murder, the sex assaults in tweed and the breakin at anne marsan cooks place pulled into one horrific vortex, and the outcome would stun not just the small city of belleville but the communities around it, but a nation, coast to coast. I was blown away. I couldnt take it all in at first. If you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. This is humira helping me lay the groundwork. This is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Mccafe coffee and the bacon, egg, cheese mcgriddles. So, how do you take yours . Got everything i need to make my specialty. Cheesy tuna casserole. Mmmmm. Should i light some candles . Everythings fine. Lets skip the candles. Good idea. Kraft mac cheese, mayo, and tuna are always better together. Walmart. Save money. Live better. 36 of all teachers in the u. S. Have been teaching for more than 20 years. What does that mean . Do the math. We need more teachers to lead future generations. The more you know. Jessica lloyd, 27 years old, resident of the small canadian city of belleville vanished in late january 2010. Her family made phone calls increasingly frantic and went out searching and put up posters and waited. Andy lloyd is jessicas older brother. Everybody was on edge waiting for good news to come through. It never came. Her face posted across the country. The 27yearold belleville woman went missing. The story was all over the local news. Chris malette has worked for the belleville newspaper the intelligencer for three decade. Hes covered just about every during those years. I think for a span of several days we had page one stories almost every day. It never occurred to anyone at the paper, said malette, to link jess lloyds disappearance to other unsolved crimes in the region. The two sex assaults in tweed or the murder of a military woman, Corporal Comeau a short drive away in brighton. We were thinking, okay, we are having a run of a bit of bad luck here in this community right now. The lloyd family didnt make the connection either, though andy says his sister was well wear of the sex assaults in nearby tweed. She had a name for the man responsible. His nickname was the tweed creeper. Thats what they called him. Lock your doors or the tweed creeper will get you. The Belleville Police department declined to discuss information, but Cory Mcmullan chief of the Belleville Police service will say this much. The officers were scrutinizing links to other unsolved crimes in the region early on. Because we had jessica reported missing to us and because it was unusual circumstances, we were dedicating as many resources as we could, and that includes looking at whats happening in your neighboring jurisdictions. What was happening . We were aware that there had been two serious crimes out in tweed against women, and that there was another situation in brighton where a woman was murdered. Is that far way . No, its not too far away. It was enough at the beginning it was lets make some contact and have conversations and see if theres any potential connections. At first there was work to be done, starting with those clues andy said he discovered outside jessicas house. There were three sets of footprints, one going towards the house, the other two, one smaller than the other, heading out of the house across the field. Investigators quickly realized the the smaller set was a likely match for jess lloyds boots and those tire tracks preserved in the field, going off road into the field, they soon nailed the tire type. They were toyos. Because they had reports an suv was parked in the field that night, they could narrow down the make of the vehicle. From the wheel base they figured out there was three possible makes this could have been. Only three makes. A toyota fourrunner, a Jeep Cherokee or Nissan Pathfinder, but which one . Could they track it down . On thursday, february 4th, the week after jess lloyd went missing, the police set up a roadblock at the busy highway in front of her home stopping cars. One officer chatting up the driver, another checking tire treads. Afterwards the Police Called andy. They made some discovery. They just said we found something that possibly could be very, very crucial. Thats all that we knew. Soon after teams of officers went doorknocking on the highway in front of the lloyd place. Anne marsan cook lives five miles down that road. Her friend howard gray has a place nearby, and thats how she and howard found themselves once again telling a couple of cops the story of annes november breakin. When they came in the door, i dont know anything, but do i have a story for you guys that has to be connected to this. Howard told the officers about annes breakin, the underwear taken, sex toys stolen. He told them, too, that he and anne strongly believed her breakin was linked to sex assaults almost five months before in tweed. They got it. They got it. Yes, they did. Now anne was convinced her case was linked to jessicas disappearance. It had to be related. I felt so scared for her, for me, for all the women. Sunday, february 7th, jess lloyd had been missing for ten days. That night andy lloyd, who was at his mothers place, got the news he had been dreading. They said shes gone. Shes no longer with us. The worst news possible. After running on empty for days, after trying to stay strong for her shattered family, andy absorbs the blow, was the familys stoic public face. At least he said they knew. Im kind of glad it didnt take forever and ever. The police didnt tell the lloyds all they knew, just they had an unnamed suspect in custody. It wasnt until andy and his cousin turned on the radio the next day they learned the identity of the suspect. Unbelievable. They said his name, and i thought, oh, no. Then they explained his position and who he was. I said, oh. It was simply incomprehensible. This sort of news would explode like a bomb. Everybody hit the ground running saying, boys, this is the biggest story were ever going to have. A suspect, but could it possibly be the right man . I pulled it off the wall, and i said are you kidding me . He said, yeah, yeah thats the queen. But its fun, too with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, cause a good playlist is good for business. I need the bosss signature for this. Im the boss. Honestly i wanna see you be brave it was winter dark when the break came. That police roadblock on the highway out front of jess lloyds house. Investigators were hoping to find a set of tire tracks to match those found in the field by jess house after she disappeared. It was a long shot, of course. And then 6 57 p. M. , a Nissan Pathfinder was pulled over for questioning and they asked to see the drivers license. Had to be coincidence. He was Canadian Forces cornell Russell Williams heading home after a day at the nearby trenton airbase. Williams was base commander, trenton the largest airbase in canada. The man in the drivers seat was a celebrated, decorated military bigwig with a reputation impeccable. They asked him a question or two and let him go on his way, but also they put a tail on him just in case. This guy couldnt be the suspect, not possible. Lucy critch could have told them that. Shes a retired sergeant who once worked for cornell williams. Ive never seen colonel williams conduct himself unprofessionally or inappropriately ever. They could have had absolute assurance from his character from the man who knew him about as well as anybody. There was Three Friends in my life that have been Close Friends and gotten into my inner circle and know my family and that and russ was one of them. As close as they get . Yeah, as close as they get. Jeff farquahar met Russell Williams in college. Jeff discovered he was livering living with a controlling neat freak. We had a couple names. Drill sergeant and mother goose. And that kind of thing. It didnt last. Before long, they were buddies, close buddies. Shared an offbeat sense of humor. Jump in the closets and scare each other. Russ was the athlete, a dedicated jogger. He kept his room remarkably clean, folded his laundry just so. Rarely talked about family. Rarely visited them either. His parents were divorced. And for a college kid, he was extraordinarily selfdisciplined. Obsessive really. If i got him to come out for beer and chicken wings, and it was exactly two beers. Never seen him have more. Never seen him intoxicated, and as soon as we got home, hed take the change out of his wallet to look and see what he spent. When russ was dumped by his first love, they worried he saw top gun. I was concerned because hes getting the girl back. Getting the girl and flying the plane. So maybe it shouldnt have come as a surprise when after college with an economics and Political Science degree in hand russ confided he wanted to join the air force. I was dumbfounded. I said why the hell did you do all this . You did a pretty lofty degree, but he said, no, i really want to fly. And he did. He joined the Canadian Forces in 1987, earned his wings in 1990, and up he went, captain in 91, major in 99, Lieutenant Colonel in 2004. I would describe him as a great boss. Lucy critch started to work for williams in 2004. He was Squadron Commander there. She, the squadrons load master. I never, ever saw colonel williams upset. He was just very lowkey, very even. And he was easily approachable. And not half bad as a pilot. When we landed, he knew his job and knew it well. By then williams was flying canadas top leaders. Here is her majesty, the queen. In 2005, he ferried the queen of england around during her visit to canada. His buddy, jeff, was hugely impressed when he saw a few autographed pictures in williams office. I pulled it off the wall and said, are you kidding me . Is this the queen . Yeah, i met the queen. Here i am feeling like a goof because im making a big deal of it, and hes thinking thats my job. Just the sort of modesty that becomes a standout officer with an impeccable record and a big future. In 2007 williams was working for the commander officer of the countrys air force. Lieutenant general angus watts, now retired. He worked hard and provided good advice and produced good staff work whenever needed it. We wish you the very best for your lives together. But he had a life, too. When jeff got married, Russ Williams was the emcee. When russ himself got married in 1991, the small affair in an art gallery, jeff was there to emcee for him. Jeff liked his wife, Mary Elizabeth harriman. Mary liz to friends. She was a classy lady. Very classy and intelligent. And she was fun to be with, too. So i thought it was a good marriage. Over the years jeff says she clearly learned to laugh about her husbands obsessive behavior. Jeff remembers going to their house one night. Russ was taking our jackets at the front door. I opened the closet door and in there were all these jackets. Mary lizs and russ. I swear they were lined up within an inch of each other. It was a thing of beauty. I thought it was in a mens shop or something. I threw my jacket at him and said for gods sake you do. Mary liz laughed, i told you jeff, just let him do it. Russ and mary liz golfed and gardened together. They didnt have kids. A cat instead. And a home in orleans. She worked long hours at the heart and Stroke Center in canada. In 2004 after 13 years of marriage, russ and mary liz bought a second home by a lake in tweed. Jeff was invited up immediately before the deal even closed. As he remembers it russ was taking photos that day as he did almost during every visit. Boom out came the camera. And he set it up on the tripod and we had some self portraits, i guess you would call them, self photos done. Photography was his passion for decades. He loved to shoot landscapes and birds and then store it meticulously. He showed the setup to jeff. I felt i was in a wellorganized photo lab with someones personal museum and photos. By 2009 as far as jeff could tell, though russ and his wife were increasingly living separate lives during the week, he at tweed and she at their other home, they seemed happy. Two professionals who went their different ways. They had careers pulling at them in different directions, butd they made it work. Then came the night when colonel williams was pulled off. That night for the first time, investigators began scrutinizing the decorated colonel. Could he be the suspect, the man responsible for the disappearance of Jessica Lloyd . What about the other crimes nearby, the murder of that military woman, marie comeau, the two sex assaults in tweed . Could this man be responsible for those crimes . Could this respected military leader be that monster . Soon the loved friend, the respected boss, the military man with the glittering resume would reveal his true self in a remarkable and disturbing encounter. Cop and colonel that would reverberate across the entire country. On camera and under pressure, the colonel gets a chance to clear his name. Can he . What would you be willing to give me today to help me move past you in this investigation . What do you mean . woman the constipation and belly pain feel like a knot. How can i ease this pain . man when i cant go, its like bricks piling up. I wish i could find some relief. announcer ask your doctor about linzess a oncedaily capsule for adults with ibs with constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation. Linzess is thought to help calm painsensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. It helps you proactively manage your symptoms. Do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. 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The man whose tire treads turned up beside jessicas house was colonel Russell Williams, commander of the countrys Largest Air Force base. They kept an eye on him for a few days and did their homework and invited colonel williams to the Police Station for an interview. Would he agree to come . He did. Everything in this room is videotaped and audiotaped. Youre being interviewed by the police in a room before . I have never been interviewed. Williams sounds comfortable. His interrogator is defective tim smyth. He tells the colonel about the continuing search for Jessica Lloyd. Hes gracious and welcoming of the. I appreciate you coming into an investigation like this. Im sure you can appreciate this is big news. Notice its just russell, not colonel williams. Thats why were here on a sunday afternoon. So, again, i appreciate it. Exprofiler craig ackley watched the tape of interrogation. He is impressed. The first thing he does, the detective, he gives Russell Williams the respect he believes he deserves, but he also places himself at the same level that somebody Russell Williams can respect. Not subservient. Then the detective goes to work, tells williams the police are talking to him about two murders and two sexual assaults. Its a matter of proximity, they tell him. The murder of jess lloyd because the colonel drove past her house on his way to work most days. And the murder of comeau because she was the subordinate. The two sexual assaults because they happened a short walk from the colonels home in tweed, a place he used during the week. Whether williams knows it or not the detective is following a playbook tweaked and tweaked again. Essentially theres a connection between you and all four of those cases. Would you agree . Geographically, or i drive past them, yes. I would say theres a connection, yeah. Now the details. Where was williams the day Jessica Lloyd was reported missing . Friday, most of the day i had the stomach flu. Okay. In ottawa or tweed . Tweed. Now to the murder of corporal under his command. The day that do you remember how you found out . I do. I was sent an email well, as soon as the staff on the base learned, they told me. Okay. I cant remember what day of the week were talking about, but yeah. I mean, obviously, one of your people gets killed, it gets your attention. Absolutely. And how did you know marie comeau . I only met her once. She was on a crew i was on just after i got to the base. Next, the detective asks williams politely and respectfully for his dna. What would you be willing to give me today to help me move past you in this investigation . What do you need . Well, would you be willing to supply things like fingerprints, blood samples, things like that . Yeah. Footwear impressions . Yeah. Williams now sounds a little apprehensive. Can i assume use be discreet . Its possible, yeah. This could have a Significant Impact on the base if they thought i did this. The noose is tightens. The detective offers williams an out. Would there be some innocent explanation, he asks, to connect him to those victimized women . Is there any contact you may have had with any of those four women that you may not want your wife to be aware of, anything like that that we should know about to try and explain why, if your dna is found, to help us understand why it may be there . Absolutely not. Not in the homes of the sex assault victims, and not in the homes of the murder victims. Have you ever visited marie comeau at her residence . No. All right. So youre quite positive theres no reason that your dna would be at any of the locations . No. Did you know Jessica Lloyd even in passing for any reason . No, i didnt hear her name until it was on the news. Okay. Now a big reveal from the detective. Its time to bring in the tire treads. Williams has no idea the the cops have them. What kind of tires do you have on your pathfinder . I think theyre toyo. Yeah. I dont know the model. Ill read this off to you, see if it rings a bell. Ever heard of there is toyo open country hts . Yes. Now williams knows theyve got something on him. Russ williams is a very intelligent man. He pauses before each and every response. He thinks things through. The detective allows him to do this. Next, the detective gets an important denial from williams. His pathfinder with its toyo tires, has it ever been in that field . Your pathfinders wheel base wheel is very, very close to the width of the tires that were left in that field. Uhhuh. Do you have any recollection at all of being off that road . I was not off the road, no. What hes doing is building each fact that he presents builds on the fact before. And he allows Russell Williams to process each and every fact. And with each fact that is set before him, Russell Williams inches toward the abyss. He just doesnt know it yet. But this detective does. You and i both know that the unknown offender on marie comeau is going to be a match to you. Quite possibly before the evening is over. Ready to color outside the lines . Lets do this. More saving. More doing. Thats the power of the home depot. Get beautiful color with one quart vigoro annuals now just 4 for 10 bucks. With one quart vigoro annuals hey have an awesome vacation thank you so much youre so sweet. Yummy key lime pie at 90 calories. It is so good for not giving in. But, please dont try this at home. Because you simply cant do this at home. Go and smell the roses [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. Whats this . Its uverse live tv. With at t uverse. You can watch live tv from your device. Hey. Hey. Anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. Hey. So you wont miss a minute of the game. 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Here they are, the highflying base commander and one careful softspoken there are three cameras in the Interview Room and a lot of tension. The minutes tick past four hours, then for five. Colonel Russell Williams doesnt know it yet, but hes going down tonight. As he sits in this bare room, officers are in his home in tiny tweed looking for evidence. Theyre in the swank townhouse in ottawa he and his wife moved into, a point that will soon make a difference. Now, detective Sergeant Jim Smyth lets williams know that mr. Nice guy is done. The tone changes. The problem is every time i walk out of this room, theres another issue that comes up, okay . Its not issues that point away from you, its issues that point at you, okay . The detective has let williams know the tire treads on his tire treads match tire treads found in a field by Jessica Lloyds house. He shows williams the boot prints behind the house. Its obvious they match the prints of williams boots, the very boots he is wearing in this Interview Room. Your vehicle that drive up to the side of Jessica Lloyds house, your boots walked to the back of Jessica Lloyds house on the evening of the 28th and 29th of january. Okay . You want discretion. We need to have some honesty, okay . Because this is getting out of control really fast, russell. Okay. Really, really fast. Hmm. This is getting beyond my control. All right . I came in here a few hours ago and i called you today because i want to give you the benefit of the doubt. You and i both know you were at Jessica Lloyds house, and i need to know why. Williams is busted. But not yet ready to admit it. So smyth ratchets up the pressure. We know the unknown offender on marie comeaus body is going to be a match to you quite possibly before the evening is over. He gives williams time to think. Your opportunity to take some control here and to have some explanation that anybody is going to believe is quickly expiring. Uhhuh. And then he turns up the heat again. Russell. Uhhuh. Listen to me for a second, okay . The night the evidence comes in and the dna match and that phone rings and somebody knocks on this door, your credibility is gone, okay . Because this is how credibility works, all right . I know youre an intelligent person, and you probably dont need to hear this explanation but i know your mind is racing right now. I saw it across a lot of people in your position over the years. The detective plays to the colonels selfimage. Imagine how people will view you, okay, if the truth comes out after the evidence is presented to you when you finally go, okay, im screwed now. Uhhuh. He gets to the point of a constant theme of sort of doing the right thing. How do you want to be viewed here. Craig ackley the former fbi investigator and behavior analyst. Im doing everything i can for you. How do you want to be viewed . How do you want to be viewed is the driving force of this mans life. Its hard to believe this. Why is that . Why is it hard to believe . Long silences now. Williams is cornered. Its just hard to believe. And then this. The only two main concerns from a perception are what my wife must be going through right now. Yeah. And the impact this is going to have on the Canadian Forces. And one more thing. Russ, what are you looking for . Im concerned that theyre tearing apart my wifes brandnew house. So am i. But if nobody tells them whats there and whats not, they dont have any choice. The confession is coming. Its right around the corner. The impact on my wife. So do i. So how do we do that . Well, you start by telling the truth. Okay. Okay. So where is she . Here it comes. Three little words. Got a map . Got a map so he could show detectives where he dumped Jessica Lloyds bound body. Four hours and 40 minutes after they sat down, williams has cracked thanks to the skill of one patient, persistent detective. He allowed Russell Williams to arrive at the decision himself. He allowed Russell Williams to feel as if he had some control, even though he didnt. But williams was only getting started. He would talk for almost six more hours that night alone spilling his guts, telling everything, directing the police to find troves of evidence in his homes, bags and bags of womens underwear, tapes hidden in a piano in the tweed place, thousands of photographs hed taken, evidence of his crimes stored on memory sticks in the ottawa home. Ill tell you where the prints are. Really . Where are they . Some in the camera bag, which they would have found in my office. Late that very night williams led investigators to the bound body of Jessica Lloyd. He dumped it on a rural road near tweed. The formalities then, colonel Russell Williams, 46 years old, commander of canadas most important air force bases would be charged with two murders and two sex assaults. Later, more charges, 82 lingerie breakins and attempted breakins in tweed, in the belleville area and in orleans, the ottawa suburb where brian lived. Williams and his wife had lived there too just around the corner. But how did he do it . How did he live this incredible doublelife . It wasnt hard for investigators to figure it out, because the evidence was all there stored in the colonels own computer. Bizarre and ugly and unbelievable. On the job with a killer. Hes smiling and laughing and completely at ease. He didnt feel anxious over what he did. Did the mask ever slip . And open hearts by jane seymour. And, get this free bracelet or a charm valued up to fortyfive dollars with any charmed memories purchase of ninetynine ninetynine or more. At kay, the number one Jewelry Store in america. Every kiss begins with kay. Nowchoose one option fromith red lothe woodfire grill,trios one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. All on one plate. Three delicious choices. All for 15. 99 for a limited time only come sea food differently today petsmaof pets ands familiies togetherds inside your local petsmart. When you adopt, walks are more fun. And the dark isnt so scary anymore. This weekend, adopt a pet. Change their life and yours. Make em as moist and whenchewy as they can be,s. With country crock. Its soft and easy to mix, which makes it easy to bake with. And country crocks fresh buttery taste and smooth creamy texture means your cookies will always turn out just the way you like them. Extra soft and extra special. Welcome to crock country. Where good habits are delicious. Murder charges against a highprofile military officer have sent shock waves. It was stunning news that the commander of canadas Largest Air Force base, a standup officer, pilot to a Prime Minister and queen. A rapist and killer . Two murders, two sex assaults, and hed actually videotaped himself raping and killing. The name colonel Russell Williams ricochetted across the nation. A topranking military officer was charged today with some very grave crimes. A wave of disbelief followed. I just cant connect colonel williams with Russell Williams the deviant. After all, this was the man who supervised canadas supply mission to afghanistan. And the nations Disaster Relief flights to haiti after its earthquake. His friend jeff farquahar heard the news and threw up. Could it be possibly russ murdered . What . It just doesnt make any sense at all. But it was true. The friend he thought he knew had carefully, obsessively recorded his depraved double life on thousands of photographs. Here he was a highly regarded officer by day, a lingerie thief and worse, far worse, by night. You look at this individual and say, how could he lead this doublelife . Russell williams is somebody who everything he did was compartmentalized and categorized. You not just in his behavior but in his thoughts. Williams doublelife began in september 2007, the lingerie raids. The first one on cozy cove lane in tweed, larry jones home turf. Soon larry jones daughters home was broken into. She surprised the intruder. He ran, but not far, because Russell Williams second home was right next door to larry jones. Once william was arrested, Police Called larrys daughter, gave her the news. The whole family was astounded. No clue that it could be him. We trusted this guy next door. Typically williams told police he would break in through an unlocked door, a window. Hed head to the bedrooms, try on female underwear, photograph himself wearing it. Hed steal keep sakes which hed photograph later at home in meticulously ordered display. In essence Russell Williams was creating his own pornography collection in which he was the star. That collection was buried in williams computer in a complex file folder system, the lurid photos time and date stamped, every offense logged, every location noted. It was all there to be relived again and again. As hes doing this, the fantasies become stronger and stronger and the acting out has to escalate. He worked the area near his tweed home for eight months with impunity. Virtually all the breakins were undetected. He turned to his other neighborhood in orleans. Where he lived with his hardworking wife. In the spring of 2008 he committed the first of two dozen breakins again, and again some homeowners never knew theyd been burglarized. Remember Brenda Constantine and brian rogers . They knew. Williams broke into their house in january 2009, left his semen in their daughters bedroom. This is into an arena of showing you, ive been in your home. I can come in here anytime i want. Its completely tacky and horrible and you dont want to think about it. Then came july 2009. Colonel Russell Williams took over the top job at canadabiggest air force base, in charge of some 3,000 people, cleared by all manner of security checks. By then hed broken into more than 40 different homes in orleans and tweed, some multiple times. Occasionally hed enter a home stark naked. Heres williams later that summer presiding over one of the many ceremonies now part of his duties as the face of the base. So i understand there are challenges, and i congratulate the member of the squadron. As he spoke his secret behaviors were about to escalate to rape and murder. In September Williams flew a supply mission to a remote Canadian Forces base in the arctic with a local official. He returned to his tweed home on september 16. That night he committed his first sexual assault. Very impressive. The next day he presided over a publicity stunt, a strong man hauling a huge plane across the tarmac attempting to break a Guinness World record. Were going to dedicate the Upcoming Season to the men and women of trenton. Days later he answered questions at a local hockey arena. Ill have the opportunity to drop the puck at the beginning. A week later the second sexual assault, a neighbor three doors down. On october 29th the same day police hauled larry jones away for the sexual assaults, he was photographed at a book signing at the base. Two weeks after that he broke into anne marsan cooks farm home and left that taunting message to the computer to call the cops. For Russell William was it was the ultimate feel of power. Probably quite exhilirating for him. I think that night i was a target. His crimes escalated. He went from her next to the murder. One week later the murder of marie comeau. She was williams subordinate. He had access to her file, her address and her schedule. The day her body was discovered, williams was taking part in a lighthearted united fundraiser called jail and bail. Charged with being too young to be a Wing Commander at 46. He took part in a mock arrest. Hes smiling and laughing and completely at ease. He didnt feel anxious over what he did. As base commander williams sent sincere condolences to comeaus grieving family and welcomed santa to the base. January 2010, Disaster Relief operations sending aid to haiti after the earthquake. Williams oversaw the effort, hosted canadas defense minister on the tour of the supply and won praise for his handling of the whole thing. Days later he broke into Jessica Lloyds house, took her back to his place in tweed and thats where he murdered her after hours of torture, and then left for work, left her body in his garage. While her body was lying in his garage, he drives to the air force base and gets in an airplane and flies to california. How is that possible . He has a complete lack of anxiety in that sense, because once that tension is reduced from acting out, hes fine. So what was to be done with such a man . Canadians would find out soon enough. But will they ever find out the answer to this question. Have you spent much time thinking about that . About that . Yeah. Could there possibly be an answer . R 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. New at t mobile share value plans. Our best value plans ever for business. All day . R mouthwash fight germs . Even after you eat and drink . Mine does. Colgate totalĀ® mouthwash. Kills plaque germs on contact. And its proshield formula keeps on protecting. All the way through dinner. Colgate total mouthwash. 12hour Germ Protection even after eating and drinking. Bathroom is trashed. He boys in 2b threw another party. Dudes. 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There was never any doubt either about the sentence in a country with no death penalty. He would be locked up up for years and years to come. Chris nicholas led the investigation and went to court each day. The nations getting a good dose of reality at just how evil people can be. But there were those who had already had their dose of reality. It still is so hard to get around the fact that we were in that much danger and didnt even know it. Evil had touched them. Its about being dirty. And changed their lives forever. She tried to tell him im a good person, let me live. During the fourday hearing the evidence was on display day after day, those pictures, that blank stare, the last pleading words of his victims. On screens nationwide that confession tape on which the killer recites his evil acts as if they were a trip to the grocery store, like what he did to Jessica Lloyd even as she begged him, if i die, tell my mother i love her. I also raped her in her house, and then i took her to the car and took her to tweed. And i spent the day in tweed, and i hid hit her as we were walking. She thought we were leaving. I hit her on the back of head. The murder of marie comeau same matter of fact, same tone. I subdued her, tied her up, brought her upstairs, and strangled her. I suffocated her. I had some tape. I left her there. The details were horrific, how she fought back, how viciously he beat her before he raped her and the final obscenity. Videotaped her death. What in heavens name was he thinking . The detective tried to understand. Let me ask you this. Did you like or dislike these women . I didnt know any of them. Okay. I had met her one time in the airplane. Okay. Jessica was there with you for the whole day, right . Uhhuh. What kind of feelings did you experience while you were with her that day . I thought she was a very nice girl. Do you know why you killed her . I think i killed her because i knew that her story would be recognized. Because she knew i was taking pictures. Uhhuh. So because of the two stories in tweed, it would be quite obvious. So if you didnt take pictures, what would you have done with her . I dont know. Williams was given two life sentences to be served concurrently. No chance of parole for 25 years at least. And so they carted him off to prison and finally the canadian public could let it go. The Russell Williams horror story had finally come to an end. But not for everyone. Jeff farquahar wants answers, he was convinced something happened to push his old friend over the edge. Perhaps it was something to do with the medications williams was taking. Perhaps it was stress. He didnt contact his old buddy immediately after the story broke, but he did consider visiting in jail. Russ is still a friend of mine. And i hate the crimes, but i dont hate russ. The Canadian Forces took care of some business after williams was sentenced. His commission was rescinded, a very big deal. And his uniform was burned. The former commanding officer, angus watt, says williams deserved it. We take an honor in the military and he betrayed that honor so profoundly, i dont see much room for most military people to forgive that betrayal. As for ann marson cook, she believes she was given a second chance, and she is grabbing it with both hands, living life to the full. But still, haunted by the past. I feel that if i if it comes out, it might just be a scream. A scream that is forever. In the ottawa suburb of orleans, theres a new wariness or so it seems. So many breakins here. For Brenda Constantine and brian rogers its important to tell their story so no teenage girl is targeted as theirs was. No child should have to to go through that and then hearing that he committed murder, he murdered two victims after that. How horrible could that be . Andy lloyd has his good days and bad. He still struggles with an evil he cant fathom and the question, why . She was my only sister, so ill never had any nieces or nephews from my lloyd sanity. Elad thinks of marie every day. Russell williams stole from him, too, a wonderful woman and a hope he had. I always had the hope in the back of my head i was always hoping that she would come back one day to me. Not now, not ever. The colonel, of course, claimed another victim during his murderous run, his wife of 19 years. Mary elizabeth herryman hasnt spoke out publicly. Its widely reported she had no idea of his doublelife and has indicated shell file for divorce. As for the former colonel himself hes at canadas stately penitentiary in prison for years to come. So there will be time for Russell Williams, the man who flew the queen and ran the big important base to contemplate the question the detective asked him in that airless room. Why do you think these things happened . I dont know. Did you spend much time thinking about that . About why . Yeah. Yeah, but i dont have the answers, and im pretty sure the answers dont matter. They may not to him, but for those who lost a sister, a daughter, a lover, a friend, for those he violated, for those whose peace he stole, the question will echo until the end of time. Figureskating championships. Live from boston, its the u. S. Mens heterosexual figureskating championships. Good evening. Im Scott Hamilton here wi tara lipinski. Were two weeks away from the sochi olympics, and theres already been a lot of controversy around Vladimir Putin and his antigay policies. Many athletes are rightly upset, with a few organizations even demanding a boycott. So, in case of any lastminute problems, the u. S. Committee has decided to put together a bsquad of lesstalented but undeniably heterosexual figure skaters. On the ice now is our first

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