Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 5 PM Sunday 20160222 : compar

Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 5 PM Sunday 20160222

we are going to experience some interesting weather, and it's going to include snow. here across the plains, and farther south, we've had a fire burning. the winds have died down a bit more, but that's where that was burning yesterday. current wind speeds between 15 and 25 miles an hour. we'll talk about the snow and the timeline, and just how much we're expecting coming up. with all the dry weather comes a bigger risk for wildfires. this one was sparked in fort carson yesterday, during a training drill. it burned 1200 acres. to put it in perspective, there ground here. another grass fire in el paso county. this was triggered by several people shooting guns for target practice. and took firefighters about an hour 30 tut it out. this fire was about 50 miles a denver 7news alert, take a close look at this man's % sketch, douglas county investigators say he sexually assaulted a woman in parker last week. the woman's vehicle broke down, and she says that's when he assaulted her. here's his description, he's fit, about 6'3", between 20 and 30 years old. he's driving a pickup with flood lights above the cab. dennis simonton is a member of the white supremacist gang the 211 crew. the two other men were caught last weekend, simleton was arrested last night in denver. tomorrow, the jury may begin deliberating in the trial of a woman accused of killing a baby from a mother's womb. wilkins and only cut the baby out to quote save her. >> she wouldn't stop, and it just seemed like every time i would try and get leverage, she would come t me again. >> when she stopped moving, i started thinking i didn't want the baby to die too. >> the defense rested without calling any witnesses. closing arguments are set for thirst thing monday, and we'll have live updates on denver 7 app. a tragic story out of el paso county, where four kids were viciously mauled by three great danes. it happened last night in rush, that's in the eastern edge of the county. investigators say jackie cushy took her child to the boss's house, where he breeds dogs. the owner faces charges of dangerous dog. a man is dead after slamming a car into a pole in mississippi in denver. police say the driver was driving pretty fast when this happened. police think the drivvr may have taken drugs, or may have been drinking before this crash. in north denver, a group of serve men and women raced for a cause today. it is designed to give people a healthy way to reduce stress. today's race was dedicated to a fallen state trooper who died after she was hit by a drunk driver in november. >> reporter: the engines roaring to life. >> get up! servants to help the u.s. and our communities. of each participant. racing has special meaning. >> this is my way of giving back, and saying thank you for the job that you do every day. >> reporter: before the 23-year- old christopher, and airman, just back from iraq died. >> i do this, my son was unfortunately killed by a driver 11 years ago. >> reporter: since then, mansfield has been raising money to pay for theseewishes, but also a little extra for the family of jamie. the state trooper killed by a suspected drunk driver. the colorado state patrol has their own team racing for the goal. >> the message is serious. drunk driving affects almost everybody on a daily basis on these roadways in colorado. >> reporter: together, they hope a message of sober driving will be heard over the squeal of tires. kyle brand, denver 77 we have some bbeaking news now out of denver. denver police are trying to figure out who killed a woman. this is a live look at the scene. right now, police tell us they do not have a suspect. we're working to get more information and will pass it along as soon as we have it. friends and family will gather to remember this westminster man, he was killed in a crash involving a police officer going to an emergency call. travis wood died thursday. that officer is okay. wood's family will hold a candlelight vigil in westminster tonight at 6:00. more than a thousand people hustled to the top of denver's tallest building today. it's called the fight for air climb. it benefits lung cancer research. denver 7 is a proud sponsor of the event and participated in this as well. >> it's an amazing, athletic challenge. >> reporter: more than 50 flights of stairs. >> like nothing else, it uses your lungses. people who may not have the full function of their lungs. >> reporter: climbers lined up to take on the challenge at republic plaza. the first competitors ran the stairs as many times' this could in one hour. the record? six trips to the top. for me, once up was more than enough, and i think the same can be said for this pair. reporter mark stewart, and lisa hildalgo. a celebration of strength and a chance to honor the many people impacted by lung disease. >> a lot of times when you're climbing up, you just say a quick prayer amend remember them. >> reporter: this firefighter carried all his gear. to support those who have gotten sick in his profession. >> it's really more on the motivation while you're training. >> reporter: david rossy made it up the fastest, in under 7 minutes. plumbing and got asbestos induced lung cancer. >> i wrote his name on the write board downstairs, running for my dad. >> reporter: the many names here, an inspiration. >> this hurts more than anything else, it's amazing. at the end, i'm usually questioning why i do it. >> reporter: lindsey watts. >> yeah, i think i want to come back next year. >> reporter: denver 7. >> organizers are still tallying the money raised. the expectation is over $350,000. coming up on denver 7, home decorating deals. then the secrets to saving. some simple things you can do now that will make you money later. and it's a promise to help you get rid of your time share, but these scammers will take a lot more than just that. how to avoid becoming the next victim. >> and no doubt, we've had some fantastic weather the ast few days. soak it up while it's around. there is snow coming to the when coming up. centurylink prism tv has all your favorite channels, tons of live sports, and more -- all in crystal-clear hd. watch when and where you want with advanced features like our wireless set-top box, whole home dvr, and prism on the go. and choose from a variety of great packages to fit your home. call... ...and get started with the prism essential tv bundle. plus up to 12 megs of centurylink internet. all for only $55 a month. this deal sounds great, especially if you love sports. get prism essential tv and up to 12 megs of internet score! or, if you love great movies... 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[ whip cracks ] [ normal voice ] call... get started with prism essential tv plus up to 12 megs of internet speed. just $55 a month for a year. only from centurylink. we're back with breaking news, 12 people are hurt after a three car crash in aurora. two of those people hurt had serious injuries. this was at eest hamden and south buckley. two people, including a child is in critical condition. neither were wearing their seat belts. police say a driver in a saturn was making a left turn onto buckley. half of the people involved were not wearing their seat belts, including the kids. a woman was thrown from the saturn. she's now in critical condition. we talked to the father-in-law of the driver of the toyota who tells us, she's 9 months pregnant, and is supposed to be induced tomorrow. >> was upsetting when i got the call, and then when i camm over the hill here, and i saw the commotion, you know, my heart, >> he tells us, she is okay. police say the biggest challenge is finding a witness who wasn't involved in this exactly what happened here. changing gears now. there are some pretty cool companies here in colorado. here at denver 7, we're showcasing the innovators and inventers bringing us the next big thing. this company has a solution for affordable home decorating. >> this is a new house that i just moved into. >> reporter: when she moved to denver -- >> this is our family room. >> reporter: eunice park's new home had a lot of space, but not much style. >> i know what i like, but i think putting it all together, and making it cohesive is something a lot of people can use help with. >> reporter: shed found something different. company, offering help for $79 per room. you upload photos of your space, and get two different concept boards for your room. >> this is what she came up with. >> reporter: before we show you her new room, we check out havenly's new headquarters. >> everyone deserves a beautiful home. >> reporter: the ceo says her inspiration came from her move to the mile high city. >> i remember trying to figure out what sofa i wanted. >> reporter: why not connect people like her looking for smaller project ddcorating help, with young designers. designer director, shelby gerard credits technology, with allowing designers to do more online. check how much this room rendering looks like the real room. >> $79. how good could these designers be? >> we vet them. we train them. we check the work of all of our >> reporter: havenly has gone from 4 employees this time last year to 28, and it is doubling customers every two months. >> with what do you think >> i love it. >> reporter: after working with her designer, here is her final concept, and here is the finished family room. >> i really wanted something fun, but comfortable. >> reporter: her design came in on time, and under budget, saving her money for the next room that needs a little style. >> and a reflection of you bank. >> here's the business model. just about any company you can think of, and they make a cut from anything they sell from those companies, but they will work within your budget, and you can choose to buy when your ready. havenly has two packages right now, one for $79, one for $199, eventually, they hope to offer an even less expensive package like suggesting specific items like a rug or a lamp. many of us have taken a hit to our 401(k)'s, wondering if we may have enough to retire. financial advisers say for young workers with decades to go until retirement, you might consider an index fund, such as one that tracks s & p 500, thh biggest companies in the u.s. it can help you decide on investments that can make you money. also think about target date retirement funds that automatically move your money into something less risky the closer you get to retirement. >> trying to take some of the decision making process, nd put it on automatic pilot for you. >> at target date retirement fund is based on your age and when you think you'll retire. if you are driving through estes park this weekend, did you run into back upped traffic? traffic there was absolutely horrible, all because of these guys. stacy, the elk look like weather this weekend, but snow is now on our radar. >> i think they feel it. they can tell omething's in the air. they're going to soak up the sunshine while it's around. we actually have a cold front headed in our direction that's going to bring snow to the metro area, even though you wouldn't know it, by looking at now. way for us. up in the high ccuntry, it well. this is a live picture from the really, the drives haven't looked too bad at all, at least the timing there, jason was saying everything is looking pretty smoothly on the way down. mountain snow is starting to show up tomorrow afternoon. rain tomorrow in the then it changes over to snow in the overnight, and it looks like we'll have snow into tuesday. some of the heavier snow amounts showing up in the mountains on tuesday as well. look at this cool down. 46degrees, our afternoon high today. we got up to 62 yesterday. so ssme cooler air making its way in, but that puts us right around where we should be this our record high, 71 degrees. the overnight low last night, 23. right now, we're sitting at 44 degrees. the winds about 14 miles per hour. the winds really have started to die down a bit in the last 24 hours thank goodness, because they were just so strong. the last few days. so we're getting a little break there. much its for today, mostly in the 40s, here for the front range. 30s up into the foothills. our satellite radar, as you see here, shows very quiet conditions across much of the west, except this next cold front is coming in through oregon, washington, and northern california. that is headed this direction. we are going to experience snowfall because of this next storm system. a winter weather advisory has been issued for our northern, central, even southern mountains here from monday night into tuesday. that's when the heaviest snowfall is going to show up. also i want to give you a break 10inches of snow to the south, 6 to 12 inches ddwn to telluride, and durango. 4 to 8 inches of snow for monday into tuesday. here in the metro area, about 2 to 5, across the eastern plains, about 1 to 2. that's what we're looking at over the next couple of days. our future cast pulls in this moisture by 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. i want you to notice down in the southern portion of the state by monday night, we have some heavy snow occcrring here as well. by the time we get into rush hour time, there's going to be snow throughout the area. a very slippery commute. then things kind of clear out. i want to show you the front range a little more closely too. by the time we get to the afternoon, scattered rain showers start to show up. we'll see the snow moving in, and it looks like by tuesday morning, we'll have snow showers here around the metro area. especially here to thh south around castle rock, kiowa, then it clears out as we go into tuesday afternoon and evening. so it's a real quick mover. then we're going to warm things lows tonight, mostly in the 20s here around denver, and eastern plains. teens up through the higher elevations. our highs for tomorrow in the low 50s. but, on this seven-day forecast, you see that we cool it off to 37 degrees on tuesday, with snow. but like i mentioned, it will be getting out of the way, as we go through the rest of tuesday. then by wednesday, thursday, and friday, that warm up starts. next weekend looking absolutely fantastic. that spring-like weather is back for us. >> so you probably just told us about five times, how much snow can we expect for tuesday? >> about 2 to 5 riggt here in the metro area. >> so it will be significant. >> yeah, for the traffic, and the commute, it will mess things up a little bit. >> take your time out there. coming up here on denver 7, are you looking to sell off your time share? we have the details on a scam that looks all too legit. offered at csu football games. tt0w!t.*(=! %4@-,2( tt0w!t.*(=! el@-&5d tt0w!t.*(=! ed@- 7 tt0w!t.*(=% )8h-@i\ tt0w!t.*(=% kzh-]& tt0w!t.*(=% n-h-(o, tt0w!t.*(=% 0ph-6(4 tt0w!t.*(=% s"h-&zt tt0w!t.*(=% ueh-%8$ tt0w!t.*(=% 7hh-9:p to help get rid of your timeshare, and it looks legit, but it'ssnot. a realtor says he's a victim as well. >> the call usual starts the same way. you're dan nelson? and they're saying this with some shock in their voice, knowinggthat the person on the other end of the line is not the person they've been speaking with. >> reporter: that man, is not dan nelson. the denver based realtor. he's an iddntity thief located overseas. >> he said he represents buyers that don't speak english. >> reporter: the company called timeshare closing management group luring people to this website, but the address, 1450 glenarm place in denver, is actually the address to the crowne plaza downtown. >> the first five phone calls i received was froo people who said i've been contacted by a scammer who knew that there was a scam. with the better business bureau, she says timeshare closing management has an f rating. >> unfortunately, there's somebody using that instead for bad. >> reporter: rantly, it has gone from bad to worse. a woman in new york fell for the scam. >> i think timeshare owners are unfortunately, easy targets, because the majority of people that buy a timeshare end up regretting the purchase and they want a way out of it. >> reporter: dan says he's gotten at least a dozen calls from people angry with him and they're still coming. next season, csu will be able to sell full strength beer at football games. up until now, only 3.2 beer seels were allowed. most people we talk with say this is a welcome change, but a few said selling stronger spirits could create an unsafe environment. had major problems at the football games themselves. so i don't know that the changing alcohol content is really doing to have an impact stadium. >> i feel that could pose an issue, with driving back from the game, because students are going to probably consume more handle. >> substance abuse experts say this change will have a minimal impact on student safety. they say preventing binge ddinking starts long before kickoff on saturday. of the nearly 40 failing schools in our state getting federal grants, listen to this, only a handful are showing signs of improvement. our partners at the denver post an analysis of student achievement data shows little correlation between the extra money nd academic improvement. about 30 schools have one morr year to approve. all new tonight at 10:00, several counties around the land to open up shooting ranges. coming up tonight at 10:00, the impact the decision could have on your kids. and we have more ahead here in the next half hour. in michigan, 6 people are dead after an apparently random shooting spree. what we're learning about the suspect tonight. and the new details about this dramatic helicopter crash out of hawaii. >> you know denver won the super bowl a few weeks ago. today, denver almost won the super bowl of nascar. a photo finish at the biggest race. our own furniture row racing team, martin truex jr. coming to the line. we're staying on top of breaking news right now. i-70 at glen canyon is expected to partially reopen n about 30 minutes. it will open at mile marker 116 for one lane for six miles before the pilot car configuration. one lane will be open at 129 for six miles as well. the pilot car configuration means a vvhicle will help escort traffic in the area. i-70 was badly damaged in a rockslide earlier, a week aao. tomorrow morning, it will close beginning at 9:00, so c-dot can do more work. new information tonight about a horrible tragedy out of kalamazoo, michigan. a man randomly opened fire on the city streets killing six people. more information on the alleged gunman and people he killed. >> reporter: a 60-year-old retired teacher, seek answers. lining in this terrible tragedy. >> very relieved that we have someone in custody. >> shots fired. >> reporter: overnight, a city was gripped with ear after a man opened fire at three different locations across a 13- mile span in kalamazoo, michigan, the first, a parking lot where a woman walking to her car was shot several times. a father and son killed. the third, outside of a cracker barrel restaurant. the suspect taking the lives of 9, and 3 others in two leaving a 14-year-old girl in critical condition. >> you don't ever expect something like this to happen anywhere, let alone here in kalamazoo. this is just the most awful thing ever. >> reporter: the suspect, jason dalton, an uber driver was taken into custody hours after the shooting. in a statement the company says, our hearts and prayers are with the victims of this deserve stating crime. it's a crime, not just heartbreaking, but baffling for police and dalton's neighbors. >> it's just very unexpected. he's a quiet guy, stuck to himself. never really had any problems, cops were neverrout to his house before. >> reporter: also baffling because uber says he passed their background check and cops said he has no history. we're learning about this helicopter crash in hawaii's pearl harbor. the helicopter was having trouble just before this crash. including a family of four from canada survived thursday's crash, but a teen boy was badly hurt. crews pulled the helicopter out of the water on friday. just hours after the nevada caucuses in south carolina primaries, the presidential candidates arr back on the campaign trail. but the field of republican candidates is smaller, after another poor showing in south carolina, jeb bush ended his campaign. meanwhile, dooald trump is riding high on his big win. again trump is taking heat for a message he retweeted suggesting his competitors ted cruz, and marco rubio are not eligible to be president. >> i have 14 million people between twitterrand instagram. i retweet things and we start dialogue. >> reporter: for the democrats, hillary clinton hopes to gain ground after her win in nevada. former president bill clinton is wrapping up his campaign swing in our state. he held an event to push springs this afternoon, and he was in pueblo yesterday. with just a little change in the last 24 hours, some cooler air made its way into the front range, in the eastern plains, but things are pretty quiet statewide, as you can see here on our satellite, radar map. that's not going to be the case as we go into the next 48 hours. we already have winter weather advisory issued for monday night into tuesday night. that's for 6 to 12 inches of snowfall, especially south of i- 70. but even the denver metro area will have snow mooing in, as we go throughhthe beginning of the week as well. at thhs point, we have 44 degrees outside. our windchill 37 degrees, but really not bad here throughout the metro area and the eastern plains. very normal temmeratures for this time of the year, but it doesn't look like it will be that way for long. i'll show you our timeline, and what we're expecting for snow totals coming up. >> say it ain't snow. we're learning more about a large fire burning in fort carson. has burned about 1200 acres of land used as training ground. firefighters hope to have it more than 65% contained in the next few minutes. investigators say it's not threatening any building, so that's good news, and there are no reports of any injuries. listen up dog owners, a warning now from a fellow owner who spent $1,000 in vet bills all because of the gravel used at some dog parks. that gravel is made from granite, and one owner tells us, it can cut your dog's paws. >> it's like putting glass shards down on a playground. >> reporter: a spokesperson says this material is the industry standard, because it's easier to maintain, than grass is. >> the fact is, that you've got dogs that are getting injured. >> thornton, northglenn, and commerce city all haae dog parks with material. commerce city has not received complaints. neither city says ttey've had enough complaints to consider changes. we have more ahead here on to drink coffee, there is another reason to pour yourself an extra cup in the morning. the new potential benefit, (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, we have new breaking developments on a story we brought you earlier ear on denver 7. policc have arrested a man in connection with a homicide investigation. a woman's body was found at park avenue west earlier this afternoon. police are not sharing the names of the suspect or the woman found dead. more than a third of enough sleep. a cdc study analyzed data from hundreds of people in all 50 states. than the recommended 7 hours of sleep on average a night. fortunately, this isn't too big of a problem for us in `olorado. our state, along with minnesota, and south dakota reports the highest amounts of sleep, while residents in hawaii reported the lowest amounts of time sleeping. now there is another run to pour another cup of coffee. it could cut your chances of liver disease. specifically, two cups a day could cut your chance to develop alcohol related cirrhosis by almost 50%. despite that, coffee won't balance out all the negative effects of too much alcohol. >> darn. well, temperatures today, mostly in the 40s and 50s here for the front range and the plains, but we have know headed welcome back, we are looking at beautiful weather across the front range. but not for long. a big system coming in across the pacific northwest, is going to cloud up our skies and bring snowfall into monday and tuesday. looks like 2 to 5 inches expected around the area. i wanted to show you this shot, because you can see the moon coming up over the city. as for our weather headlines, mountain snow is coming up tomorrow afternoon. it will change over to snow in the overnight, and into commute tuesday morning, allow extra time. 46degrees our afternoon high today. normally we should be at 47 degrees. the record high 71. that batch of cold air, that brought us out of the 60s, back into the 40s, put us right the year. that's going to change pretty 44degrees right now. our winds out of the east at 14 miles per hour. look at these highs. temperatures in the mid- to and platteville. fort morgan and akron, mid- to upper 40s. our satelllte and radar picture shows question quiet conditions for the time being throughout the four corners. keeping an eye on this storm system coming in throughout the pacific northwest now. the cold front, is headed in our direction, and because this storm system, we already have a winter weather advisory issued for our northern central, even southern mountains, for monday i wanted to break down what we're looking at for snowfall totals. our foothills about 4 to 8. 2 to 5 here around the denver area, and then 1 to 2 for the eastern plains. this is going to be a quick mover though, as it pushes on through we'll have snow tomorrow afternoon, and then it winds around, and you see here into southern colorado, we'll have significant snowfall there too. as it pushes out, we're going to quiet things down by tuesday afternoon and evening. here for the front range, it looks like we're definitely going to see that moisture move in by the evening. it will be rainfall first, by tuesday morning's commute, yes, we're going to have snowfall through the metro area, pushing southward, and getting out of the way. lows for tonight will be in the 20s, here around denver, and the eastern plains by tomorrow 50s. we'll also have 20s and 30s for the higher elevations. really not a bad seven-day forecast. you know, as we head hrough this time of the year, sometimes we get extended periods of snowfall. shot, then we get back into the 50s and 60s, going through the weekend. >> you know what i learned about lionel today? he is a huge nascar fan. he was hooting and hollering up there in the newsroom. >> the entire newsroom was a fan of nascar today, because of denver's own furniture road nascar team. in the super bowl of racing, the daytona 500. a historic ride for furniture road. you won't believe the end of this story. all kinds of people on all kinds of teams >welccme to 7 sports extra. we are leading with nascar today. the 50th annual daytona 500. 11 years ago, a lot of people would have said, nascar, who cares? today nearly won the super bowl of nascar. let's get this party started right with the help of >> this is daytona! >> and now i really need your help. drivers, start your engines! >> yes! we're ready! all right, martin truex jr. started 28th, because he crashed out twice in the last week. this car was the backup to the backup, but it was fast. marty up to top 5 in no time. dale earnhardt jr. spun through the infield. he was okay, but the caution flag was out. more crash and burn. danica patrick, and greg biffle tangle with 25 laps to go. set up another green flag restart. now to the last lap. the drama, martin still in second. kenseth in first. the rest of the field coming hard, it came down to this. here is the call. martin truex jr. tried to bring the championship back to denver. >> truex to the bottom. here they go to the bottom of the line. here is the finish at the dayttna 500. bouncing off each other, unbelievability. >> i think it was danny hamlin. >> by an inch. >> oh, my goodness. wow. >> i should have, i probably should have -- >> unreal! truex finish second, by less than a foot. the closest finish in daytona 500 history. great showing by furniture row. but second is painful when you're that close. >> wish we could have won obviously. but just going to have to watch that on the highlight rile for the rest of my life, i guess. i remember when it happened to mark martin. poor guy. been so close for so long, and they still show that highlight. the picture is in the tunnel in turn one. that same thing for a long time. it hurts a little bit, but a lot to be proud of for sure. today was a great day. we all want to win. this is competition. i would be lying if i said i didn't want to win. but i realize, the position i'm in, and the opportunities i'm going to have this year. i'm going to have a lot more opportunities to win races, and i feel like we did everything we could. everything right today to put ourselves in position to win. sometimes things go your way, sometimes they don't. >> i wanted to see the daytona 500 championship parade. that 78 car, molly, riding through downtown, with martii holding up the big trophy. anyway, 4th place in the chase last season. great start to this season. next stop, atlanta next sunday. now to the nba and pepsi center. newest member of the team, dj augustine, knocked down a third rock for the nuggets. boston started raining down leather from the skies. avery with a long ranger. the nuggets made it close, but boston won it 121-101 the final. vail's golden girl, lindsey vonn, sweetthammer of thor. upset her skis came off during a race in italy. she said i made a mistake, i took them off. i am human. it is a good lesson for me. the good news is she clinched her 8th downhill title. what a week for hockey. du beat cc4-1, ow we look forward to the avs and the red wings, but the pioneers with the weekend sweep of cc, the hottest team in the country. >> they score! >> it's awesome to see everyone rolling. i mean, we're playing great hockey right now. >> we're trending the right way, and it's a matter of keeping it going. >> hhre's a chance, they score! >> when you play like we've been playing, i don't think >> du's hockey team saved its best for the 2nd half. that time off helped the team get their season back on track. >> we weren't playing well, and we weren't getting some bounces that we needed to. >> we needed to communicate at a higher level. all facets, players to players, players to coaches, coaches to players, and the last thing was our detailed needed to be better. >> reporter: when the pioneers return to the ice, they shifted gears from good to great. going unbeaten in 12 of their first 13 games. >> that's a great way to put it. we shifted into a different gear. guys are out here before practice, guys are after practice working. >> i think we realize, we had the mindset, we needed to have a good 2nd half. >> reporter: it's been 11 years since the pioneers last national championship. hang another banner. >> we've been close, all three years that i've been here, we haven't made it to the four, but we've beee a bounce or two from getting there. this team's determined. >> do you feel pretty good at where this team is, and where they're headed? >> i know the people in that dressing room brief. that's all that matters. >> pioneers all over the place. they've got a great lacrosse team, hockey team. they're rolling over there for sure. >> how about nascar? oh. >> so close. >> you were all screaming. >> the newsroommwent nuts, we thought he had won, because he `aa in the lead there at the since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. everybody got out and enjoyed the weather today, because change is a-coming. here's a sneak peek at tonight's "afv." we know you're gonna love it! oh! man: ohh! [ screaming ] yeah. whoa! [ laughing ] [ cheers and applause ] welcome to "america's funniest home videos"! and now here he is, the host of our show, alfonso ribeiro! hey!

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