Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 11 AM 20160927 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KMGH 7 News At 11 AM 20160927

the colorado state patrol says a truck pulling a trailer rolled and one person was ejected. that person died on the scene. investigators do not suspect drug or alcohol. new at 11:00, a violent attack at the 16th street mall involving several men and women. all of it caught on camera. >> amanda del castillo is the only person to talk to the have any arrests been made? >> reporter: denver police confirmed they arrested shonquez dorsey for public fighting and interference. police say he was involved in two separate fights involving 10 to 15 people. here is a look at one of the fight that happened after 10 pm last night on 16th. you can see the crowd dispersing as police are arriving. this video, like many others, highlighting some of he problems that brought exit -- extra security to the mall in mid-august. he says more needs to be done to keep aggressors off the mall. >> a lot of people are going to -- >> we will get back to that soundbite but darnell says he didn't want to rest becoming a victim or suspect by engaging in the fight so he kept his distance and started recording. we will hear more in the next half-hour from him. new video right now at 11:00. a man riding his bike up to a car and it only takes you then see him grab to duffel bags out of the car and he takes off. denver police shared the video on their facebook page to remind everyone to lock your car and take your valuables with you to prevent this from happening. amber police are investigating a drive-by shooting early this morning. the shots apparently went through the wall of a house aad hit a couch. this was on south quitman street and colorado avenue. police are looking for a 2 ton white, long bed at 350 that may be stolen. -- f 350 that may be storm. this 88-year-old woman has been found. she disappeared after leaving for jury duty in arapahoe county. hours later, she was seen at a ?as station in deer trail colorado. she was apparently confused and disoriented but is now safe. it -- at 11:03 am, pretty nice outside. >> the top headline is it's gorgeous. you walk outside, just gorgeous. temperatures starting to climb. it is getting warmer. we are going to see a lot of sunshine and we're going to stay above normal the next couple days. live from our wireless camera at the airport, cllar skies, hard to find a single cloud across the state. we stay under a really sunny that will help warm us three to and then we start to drop. overnight, pretty mild and above normal. clear skies and 50s by tomorrow. we have denver at 82 degrees, fort collins about 84 degrees. closer to 90 degrees across southeastern colorado. here is your first alert that it's warm today. pretty warm through thursday. a change for the weekend. more about that in just a few minutes. >> i have the temperament. i know how to win. she doesn't. >> secrettry? >> okay. >> fiery exchanges in their first debate, hillary clinton and donald trump clashing on several fronts in one of the biggest moments for the race for the white house. >> trump repeatedly slammed clinton for her demeanor saying she doesn't have the stamina to be president. >> one of the most highly anticipated debates of all time. >> here is maggie rulli with the recap. >> reporter: donald trump and hillary clinton sharing the month. as a first presidential debate turned into more of a backyard brawl. challenges against each other's character: >> when you try to act holier than thou, it really doesn't work. >> reporter: personal attacks: >> he started his business with $14 million part from his father. >> reporter: and nonop interruptions. >> donald, i know you live in your reality but that is not the facts. >> you have no plan. >> oh, i do. >> reporter: on the defensive, starting out strong. >> [ applause ] >> let me tell you, hillary has experience but it's bad experience. you called it the gold standard . >> and you know what? >> you said it's the finest deal -- >> no. >> and then you heard what i said about it and you were against it. >> reporter: sent in quickly turning those critiqueabout >> you decided to stay home. >> reporter: against him. >> i think donald just and yes, i did. and you know what else i prepared for? i prepared to be president. >> reporter: when he defended leading the birther movement: >> i was the one that got them to produce the birth certificate nd i think i did a good job. >> so he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior. and the birther lie was a very hurtful one. >> reporter: and then the whole trump blaming ut many heard as sniffles as what he claims a bad microphone. >> they also gave me a did anybody notice that? >> anybody who has to blame the microphone is not having eight good night. >> reporter: some say trump should skip the next debates but clinton says she will be there even if she is the only one on stage. to debates really sway undecided voters? will they make a difference and about 14 minutes, we talk one-on-one with the clinton campaign manager. hear what he has to say about the debate. >> who do you think won? cnn says hillary clinton. they pulled viewers after the face-off and 67% said hillary clinton pot hillary won. does skew left. you can go on our denver 7 facebook page to let us you likely have an opinion after the debate. a colorado app developer has created a real-time presidential poll. the app is called voter moeeand it lets you cast your vote and see real-time data. it breaks things down demographically such as approval by party, gender, or age. the app is a snapshot in time to provide a way for potential voters to engage with each you don't have to wait long for the next debate. the vice president candidates get the chance to take the stage as they face off next tuesday. this is the only time the vice presidential candidates will go head to head on the national stage. watch that right here on denver 7 social media exploding overnight and greeley after reports surfaced that armed clowns were going to target schools. threat. greeley police say they got several calls about clowns threatening to shoot schools on halloweee. police tracked the facebook post to a forwarded the message they received on facebook. police say they are patrolling some schools today just as a precaution but say there is no credible threat. they are still investigating the origin of this facebook post. today, this teenager faced a judge to be charged for the attack of an elderly woman in lefthand canyon. jeffrey collins is accused of beating the woman who picked up jason gruenauer has details on the case live. >> reporter: ttorneys on both sides are inside court righh now arguing over the potential release of more information in this case. we're talking about the arrest affidavit that would have certain things from investigators, possible statements to police, and things like that over jeffrey collins, who is accused of beating that 71-year-old elderly woman. members of the defe he is a 16-year-old. even though he is charged as an adult, he has certain privacy result -- writes. but the prosecutor says they release this type of information in every adult case. a judge will ultimately decide. thh complicated thing is this arrest affidavit was already emailed to some members of the media. then, a judge had to put a stop on that. going to decide whether or not this information is going to become public. 16-year-old collins is going to be charged tomorrow as an adult with first-degree attempted murder and first-degree assault we will keep you updated with i am jason gruenauer, denver 7 a death investigation is now underway for this man. peterson air force man eugene caughey, found that over the weekend in an apparent suicide. he had been involved in a raped case. 's court-martial hearing was set for october 17. a juvenile was found dead in his coda springs home. shocking new details about a woman found shot near a arm in timnath near fort collins. turns out, she was reported missing five days before from northglenn. the only other details we know is that her body was left in a car in larimer county. we will continue digging for additional information. former teacher accused of sexually assaulting a seven- year-old says he wants to clear his name. prosecutors dismissed the charges against ibn shabazz on friday but not before he lost his job as a teacher and the ability to coach high school basketball. ibn shabazz says a family dispute gone bad led to him being falsely accused. >> i slept okay last night for the first time in a long time. i have to start over and i think that may be maybe, it's just time for a new beginning. >> the district attorney's office says it dismissed charges because the prosecutor felt sheecould not prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. the charges could be refiled at a later date. only on denver 7, two students disappoint after this video showing an incident of bullying in commerce city. this video went viral on facebook. and the minute long video, you see the boy getting poked with a stick. times to stop. the student seen antagonizing the victim even further. the victtm's mom says herrsons of his ptsd and has other special needs. >> stop. back off. put it down. >> kids with special needs are a target for bullying behavior. one of the key aspects of bullying is theepower differential where one student or individual has an upperhand. >> it doesn't have the necessary staffing to provide security at bus stops but it does take allegations of bullyyng seriously. new details are coming out about the shooting at a strip mall in houston. what evidence police found that i first met mike on a fundraising event to help the hunger in ethiopia. i was an aurora scholar this year. at his birthday party. mike is a very nice guy. he's a really nice guy. he can do 62 pushups. mike is a great friend to the ethiopian community. mike's not like other politicians. he's not like other republicans. i think he's better. mike coffman es uno de nosotros. mike is one of us. i'm mike coffman, first alert weather brought to you by the lodge casino. your first choice for fun. >> i could just hear the ways of bullets going through my window. >> we are hearing from witnesses from the shooting when a man opened fire at a shopping center in houston. his car was filled with weapons and not see logos. the fbi is assisting with the investigation. a firrfighter has died while battling a house 3 explosion in the bronx. the explosion came after investigators discovered a drug lab. the initial call came in as a as you can see, the house iss shredded to pieces. the explosion sent debris flying across the neighborhood. nearby residents were evacuated. from police beating to the emmy awards, you may remember was awarded a $75,000 settlement after a 2009 beating involving denver police. since then, he has been working to improve relations with officers but was also just part of a short animated film that just won a national emmy award in new york he sat down with marc stewart to talk about it. spoke -- >> this emmy award will things. >> absolutely. it could potentially lead to revisions in the criminal justice system. as long as we continue the ground game, we will ann -- we will elevate ourselves to platforms about speaking engagements, etc. >> glendale still once the involved officers to be prosecuted but says the emmy award symbolizes his own personal strength. luisa is back. it was a chilly weekend, started off warm. >> know about that. >> we dealt with some storms. we got a beautifullaaternoon with clear skies and 70 degrees that is just a few degrees off our normal high for the day. a temperature we typically hit around 3:00-4:00. winds at of the west southwest at five to 10 miles per hour. skies are clear and it is we are well on our way into the 80s. denver expecting a high of 82 degrees. parker, 81 eight. low to mid-70s for the central mountains. boulder 81 egg and evergreen today, 75 degrees. statewide, we are all still feeling very nice summertime heat. pueblo and lamar near 90 degrees this afternoon. we have craig in grand junction -- and grand junction near 80 degrees. the skies are billy clear riiht now. it is not until this afternoon or early evening that we southwestern colorado. otherwise, it is clear, dry through tonight into early tomorrow morning. we are dealing with very bright commutes the next few days. tomorrow, similar where we had a lot of sunshine. tomorrow afternoon, at 3:00 to 3:30 pm, not much to show you. clear skies out east. it's later wednesday into early thursday when we're going to be it's a pretty weak disturbance % but it will likely bring some showers by early thursday morning across the western slope and this is going to grrdually shift east. we see oou best shot at wet weather by the end of the week. chance of showers, increasing cloud cover on friday here in town. untillthen, low 80s expected. today, through thursday. a good seven to 10 degrees above normal through thursday. the rockies, the last weekend of baseball at home. you will find fr the game, the chance of a few showers early on. temperature that -- temperatures in the mid to upper 70s to start the game and then the 60s. this weekend, goes on the road at tampa bay. low to mid-70s both saturday and sunday with upper 40s and low 50s overnight. next week, this is the first full week of fall. we hould see more showers with the low 70s. >> i can't believe it's the end of baseball season. >> i cannt believe october starts. >> you better not have halloween decorations already up. >> i might be one of them. >> are you? >> they are already in the stories. we have been talking about last night's debate. billions tuned in to watch the showdown between hillary clinton and donald trump. joining us live now is the hillary clinton campaign manager, thanks o much for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> start off with talking about obviously, we have seen some of the polls that have come out showing that clinton won. what do you feel she did best and what do you think she struggled on? >> well, at a fundamental level, voters were tuning into this debate to see who on that stage was fit and prepared to be our next commander-in-chief and the head of our armed hillary passed with flying colors. we saw donnld trump become a little unhinged at the end and questions about foreign affairs but i think the most important thing that secretary clinton wanted -- secretaay clinton did was make the case for the economic future of the middle class. donald trump proposed more big tax breaks for the ultra- wealthy. hillary's proposed plan was to get wages rising and help families afford health care, child care, and college and job training. >> because we have been seeing the polls really closing the gap between them. thhy are neck and neck. here in colorado, hillary clinton not long ago was far ahead in the polls but now the latest polls show them neck and neck. ww know she pulled some advertising from our state when she was ahead. are you planning to change your strategy in colorado? should we expect anything here? >> well, we are reevaluating every single battleground state every day. colorado is a battleground we have over 25 offices and hundreds of organizers on the ground. we are talking to hundreds of thousands of voters every few weeks. we have a very robust organization in cclorado and we will monitor that day after day. i have to say in the internal information we are looking at, the picture looks a lot more favorable but we call these ssates battleground states for a reason. in colorado, every voter in this election is going to be however, there are early voting centers open on october 17. we are verr focused n making sure everybody is registered. if your address has changed since the last time you voted, we will help youuget registered as soon as you can. if yyu are not registered, you can gooto an early voting center on october 17 and register and castro valley. it has never been easier. >> you talked about you have a we have had trump, his daughter, his son. is she going to viiit colorado? >> well, we are making scheduling decisions on a rolling basis as well. i know president clinton has visited. senator tim kaine, they looo forward to visiting again. -?we do certainly hope and expe secretary clinton will visit again before election day. in part because, as i said, a lot of ppl hear that they can vote by mail now. and that they can vote early at one of these centers starting october 17. we want secretary clinton to help promote that as well. we will be doing that on the ground. >> thank you so much for joininn us. manager. linton's campaign %- we will be intouch, of course. donald trump tweeted this morning about the debate. going to do so many things. how come she hasn't done them in her last 30 years." the #trump won was trending this morning but different polls show different outcomes about who won the debate. >> and we are looking into the candidate's guest lists. you can see clinton's guests on the left. mark cuban, who has been one of the most vocal critics of trump and also a single mom and domestic violence and survivor, and a nine-year-old with cerebral palsy. trump had bobby knight and rudy giuliani. and there was also a mother of a navy seal who had died ii afghanistan. the power of the sun and the wind. it can fuel our lives and our economy, too. but when washington gridlock was choking the industry, something had to be done. so, i teamed up with republicans and democrats to pass the new laws we needed to help renewable energy grow. protecting the jobs we have and generating more for the future. i'm michael bennet, and that's the broncos are back in denver and studying the game tape from trevor siemian set records throwing for four touchdowns and no interceptions. his teammates say they always had faith in him. >> we see how hard he works and how hard he has tried. at the beginning of the year, i don't know that we thought he would be the starter but we had faith in him and we saw what kind of player he was. >> the broncos are one of five unbeaten teams remaining in the nfl. they are taking on tampa bay in tampa on sunday. go broncos. still ahead, we are partnering with politifact to fact check claims made by candidates in last night's i have a feelinn by the end of evening i will be blamed for everything that has ever happened. >> why not? >> yeah, why not. trump sharing the stage for the first time as both try to prove to voters, they are the best person to lead this country. >> donald, i know you live in your own reality but that is nnt the ffct. >> you have no plan. >> oh, i do. >> they send each other on climate -- climate change, trade and trump blasted clinton on her stamina and strength but clinton shut down the line of attack. >> well, as soon as he travels a peace deal, a cease-fire, a release of dissidents, an opening of new opportunities in nations around the world or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina. >> one debate down and two more to go between clinton and trump before the next election day. is the next. ?>> we are partnering with politifact to evaluate claims from last night. here's what hillary clinton had to say about trump refusing to return his tax return: >> or maybe he doesn't want the american people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he has paid nothing in feddral taxes because the only years that anybody has ever seen for a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities whennhe was trying federal income tax. >> our parrners at politifact say even without the full returns, there are public records about some of trump's taxes showing trump did not pay federal income taxes in 1978 and 1979. the same records include ?ecords from the 70s when trump paid federal income taxes. how does clinton, out? mostly false. her statement has some truth but it iinores critical facts. on the same subject, donald trump defended his refusal to le he said the voters have plenty of information about his finances. >> you will learn more about donald trump by going down to the federal elections, where i filed a 104 page essentially financial statement. >> our partners at politifact found little evidence to support trump's argument that the financial disclosure form offers more information than a tax return. pieces, the effectiie tax rrte trump pays and his charitable giving. so politifact rated rump's statement false. we have also fact check -- fact checked a handful of other statements. read about how accurate trump and clinton were on our denver 7 app. 62% of voters thought clinton was the winner of the debate but many haven't made up their minds about who they want to vote for. we were at a watch party several young voters who are not thrilled about their oppions. >> hillary clinton is one of the least trustworthy people in my opinion. donald trump, he doesn't know how to control his mouth. >> i think trump presented better han i thought he was going to and clinton presented about as well as i expected her to. so, still very much undecided. >> voters are split oo whether or not trump can handle the registration day. here in colorado, you can register to vote on election day as long as you bring an id to the polling center. if you register online, you need to register at least eight dayy before the election. looking outside, it doesn't feel like october. really, it's hard to believe. i can't stop the calendar. that's not me but it's beautiful. we have temperatures right now already in the 70s. 71 degrees in bennett, 76 degrees in deer trail, 71 degrees in boulder and low 60s and evergreen and in conifer. a beautiful start to our tuesday afternoon and we are going to be well into the 80s by 3:00. low to mid 80s and denver around 82 degreee to closer to 85 degrees in a few neighborhoods with a lot of sunshine. driving home, for those of you to h another bright drive home. denver 82 degrees, fort collins 84 degreessand 60s and 70s in the mountains. here is your first alert but it will feel more likeefall this weekend. the details coming up. another violent brawl on the 16th street mall caught on camerr. one person arrested. >> this happened just outside a smoothie restaurant. amanda del castillo captured it -- spoke with a any injuries to report? >> reporter: denver police tell me they don't believe anyone was seriously hurt but they do again have one suspect in custody. police arrested 20-year-old shonquez dorsey for public fighting and interference. according to police, he was involved in two separate fights. this video shows several men and women fighting along 16th street and california. the crowd disperses as police arrived. this video like any others, the all in mid-august. i spoke exclusively with the man who shot the video who says he kept hii distancc. >> you could be trying to stop something and end up a vvctim and you don't wanttto just let it happen. you are sttck in a position where you just have to observe ignorance. >> reporter: heesays he lives on the mall and understands its negative reputation. his safety and hopes more can be done..3 we are now hearing from a hero even though he doesn't want to be called that. >> too good samaritans stopped an attacker and saved a woman's life in weld county at this home near hudson when they came upon a woman who was stabbed and beaten and unconscious. the attacker then came back with a shovel so he grabbed a break and jumped into action. >> it was a rake against a shovel. ?t was like putting down an old dog or getting rid of a rodent. >> davis's wife called 991 and they held the suspect until health -- help arrived. johnny cordova, the suspect is charged with assault and attempted murder while he is recovering. it is unclear how they knew each other. a woman in jail accused of killing her own children's father. this is roxanne sanchez. police say she shot josi sanche in randall place. police have not said exactly what motivated the shooting but post it appears to be domestic related. a man accused of killing his brother's girlfriend in need has been formally charged. ronald budler aces a possible life sentence if convicted of first-degree murder. deputies say they found the woman dead of two gunshot wounds to the head last week. butler is being held without court next wednesday. an aurora man sentenced eight years behind bars for driving drunk and kiiling a denverom was a passenger in his vehicle. michael hartman pled guilty to vehicular homicide and dui. again, this crash killed 20- year-old evelyn taylor. he was driving a chevy trailblazer when he rolled his suv into a yard. investigators say he was speeding and admitted to drinking. his blood-alcohol level was three times theelegal jeffrey collins is accused of beating an elderly woman. she picked him and his friends up as they were hitchhiking and now he is being charged as an adult. our jason gruenauer is in boulder with the new details. >> reporter: should information about the arrest of jeffrey collins be made public? that is the question right now lawyers on both sides are arguing inside older county courr we're talking about the more details from law enforcement about exactly what happened in this casee his defense eam says no, he is 16 and has certain privacy rights. the prosecution says he will be charged as an adult, therefore this is public information. the complicating factor here is a copy of the affidavit has already been sent out and emailed to at least one member of the media. now, the judge will decide if it will continue to be sealed eventually eleased to the public. meanwhile, collins will be back formally charged as an adult with first-degree attempted murder and first-degree assault on the 71-year-old woman in lefthand canyon. we will keep you updated as the judge's decision becomes available. reporting in boulder, jason gruenauer denver 7 the justice department is stepping in to help police departmeets get body cameras. or than $20 million were awarded for this. some of that will be spent here in our state. county will get part of the money. denver already has 800 cameras but theyyapplied for money to help keep them running. besides denver, boulder, aurora, and fort collins officers already we're body cameras. a new app aimed to help curb sexual assaults. it's cold sassy. the idea is to help college students comply with their school's sexual conduct policies. before hooking up, sign a contract, snap photos of their identification and save all of that to a password- protected file. one social -- one sexual assault advocate wants to know what happens if someone decides they don't want to do it anymore. >> one of them says i don't want this anymore. i changed my mind. this is not what i was looking for. >> this app does allow users to send an email saying they have changed their mind. it can provide a chain of legal evidence that would give clues about what happened. concerns this morning about a outbreak of hand foot mouth disease on the cu boulder campus. plus, researchers have found a way to combat kidney stones. why they say roller coasters may be the answer. and labels on pot edibles are changing. what is being added that may in colorado, we stand together, they've spread falsehoods about president obama. trump: oh, no. coffman: i don't know whether barack obama was born in the united states or not. coffman and trump are too dangerous for colorado. tyson foods is recalling could be contaminated. ars they- the chicken nuggets have a best use state of july 2017. somebody reported the problem after finddng plastic material in the packaging. it may come from a plastic rod used to connect to a transfer belt. so far, no cu boulder is dealing with an outbreak of hand foot and mouth disease according to the boulder daily camera. health officials say the worst of the outbreak is probably over. at least 10 students were diagnosed with the illness at the start of the semester. hand foot mouth causes fever and sore throat as well as sores on your hand, feet and mouth. no one has gotten sick in the past week. marijuana edibles in label, meant to prevent kids from mistaking it for candy. starting saturday, i'll edibles must have a red symbol warning that there is thc in the product. in december, products ill all have the same symbol. product less appealinn to kids. stay with me on this. scientists say if you have a kidney stone, you might try going for a ride at disney world. i am not kidding. several patients have stone after riding thunder mountain. i don't need to see the kidney stones. the findings have been published in an academic journal. this is a real thing. >> why just big thunder? >> i don't know. turning to some other news of iowa. all of this as floods continue to threaten their homess officials so far have added a curfew as a precaution. the video you are looking at is from cedar rapids. more than 10,000 people have been evacuated. the city is expecting the cedar river to crest at 23 feet later today. that is a level not seen since record flooding in 2008. you said you brought storms our way from vegas? >> with that front that rolled or just today. temperatures nice and warm for the end of september. sunny skies expected statewide today and begin tomorrow. it will start to get cooler starting friday and through the weekend. right now, nice and mild in the low to mid 70s. wins west southwest at 5 to 10 miles per hour. he southwesterly flow will keep things above normal with low to colorado springs, 1, sterling 75 ddgrees right now, and some 50s in the mountains. as we fade, you see how much warmer it gets in the next few hours. fort collins, 84 degrees, denver 82 degrees today. lyman, -- limon, 80 degrees. we have grand lake at 70 degrees, decker 77 degrees and mckeesport 84 degrees. nice and warm. the kids are going to need sunscreen the next couple days has you send them to school. not only clear skies through tonight but into early tomorrow morning. 6:30 pm to 7 pm, bright. a few clouds will start to filter in on the western slope why tomorrow afttrnoon. ooherwise, wednesday is really dry again. at esplanade until wednesday night, early thursday morning, showers on the western slope. more rain expected throughout western half of our state. we will see a few showers with this week disturbance in town by friday. even with it rolling in, it is not going to be a huge change with our temperaturee. 80s to 70s but not a huge drop. today, tomorrow, thursday, right around 80 degrees to 84 degrees. a little more cloud cover by thursday. on friday, that chance for a few showers. looking aheaa to the weekend, beautiful low to mid- 70s both days. we see a littte bit more cloud temperatures drop to the upper - 60s and close to 70 degrees. it looks like that for monnay and tuesday. our seven-day forecast, a little lopsided but still very summerlike for the last few days of september. it is the end of september and school is in full swing. after a rocky start for colleges in the state when it aaa are taking -- taking a look at renters insurance. aaa says it is a good idea to talk to your insurance agent about what type of housing a student lives in. >> it is possible that when a student is living in the dorms full-time, some of their possessions will be covered under their parent's homeowners policy but students who live off-campus should consider renters insurance because that only what -- not only will it cover what they have but if someone gets hurt while they are at their home, liability u are on campus. >> for more information on how renters inssrance works in colorado, you can go to this next story goes viral. a denver couule couldn't wait for an altar. they got engaged and married -?all in one day. that story, next. plus, it may look like cracks in a statue but it's a -- well, if you have planned a wedding, you know it this past weekend. it can take a lot of time and money. a couple in denver didn't waste any time. two months leading up to the proposal and it was the groom who did the planning. zack baldwin got down on one knee and proposed to katie boster but what she didn't know is everything was already set to go for the ceremony. >> so later that day, katie's mom, best friend, and sister, took care of all the details including the dress. literally, proposal, marriage, all in ne day within a couple hours. >> and a gorgeous background. this looks like a photo of a cracked statue but it is actually europa. it shows a plume of water interrupting from the ice covered surface. he suspected plume is the light blue area at the bottom left of the moon. >> europa has a global ocean containing twice as mmch water as earth pests -- earth's oceans so astronomers consider >> it looks real cozy. ? ? >> announcer: today, get ready to see stars, because we've got an hour of simple showstoppers. clinton's in the kitchen with tony award-winner sutton foster. mario's serving up a delicious dish with the incredible alton brown. clash against the clock. the party starts right now on "the chew." ? [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, everybody, and welcome to "the chew." thank you very much. thank you. you know, sometimes i say to myself, clinton kelly, you were born to be a star. and guess what, today's recipes

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