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Opener. Your world in 90 seconds. With prior republican nominees for president , i never questioned their fitness to serve. Donald trump is different. The candidates square off in a brutal president ial debate. Were going to get a special prosecutor and were going to look into it. Because its a disgrace. And honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Its just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our because youd be in jail. Secretary clinton this was just disgraceful. There wasnt much president ial about some of the discussion well, this is wrestle mania. The aftermath of hurricane matthew, reports now indicate at least 900 people were killed in haiti. Here in the u. S. , at least 20 people killed. Nearly half those victims from North Carolina. Hurricane matthew is off the map, but its still with us. Its going to be with us for a long time. From florida to the beginning. Oh, theres nothing left. I dont have nowhere else to go. Samsung has reportedly suspended production of the galaxy note 7 smartphone after replacement devices caught fire. The boat in california capsizing with 30 people on board. All that touchdown after serving the fourgame suspension tom brady was back on the field. Just his teammates going. For the touchdown. The record. And all that matters. Melania oh, here we go. Excellent. The fact that he just said how about a little hug for the bushy. On cbs this morning. Old rich white dudes just always assume youre being recorded. You fall for it every two years. Now a president ial election. Tape recorders have done more damage to old rich white dudes than tennis elbow. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Last nights second president ial debate offered more insults than insights. Donald trump told Hillary Clinton that as president he she said a video showing trump talking lewdly about women represents exactly who he is. Trumps comments recorded in 2005 and released on friday blindsided Republican Leaders. Theyve condemned trumps talk on that video about aggressively pursuing women. I moved on her and i failed. I admit it. She was married. We begin in our coverage with nancy cordes at Washington University in st. Louis, the site of last nights debate. Good morning. There was no hand shake, norah, at the start of this debate, and things only got more tense from there. Donald trump calling Hillary Clinton a liar at least nine times, making all the attacks the supporters wanted to hear in the first debate. She argued he was simply trying to distract from the herd of elephants in the room. You bragged that you have zex usually assaulted women. Do you understand that . No i didnt say that at all. I dont think you understood what was said. Trump insisted he never did any of the lewd things he bragged about in that leaked 2005 video. But he argued Hillary Clintons husband, sitting in the front row, had. If you look at bill clinton, mine were words and his were action. His opponent said it wasnt true but didnt elaborate. What we all saw and heard on friday was donald talking about trump quickly shifted the conversation to clintons use of private email servers as secretary of state. The thing that you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 emails that you deleted. If i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. The fbi recommended against charges in july. Its just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. Secretary clinton okay, donald. I know youre in to big diverse tonight. Clinton was asked about her campaign chairmans recently hacked emails that included passages from some of her paid wall street speeches. Did you secretary clinton purportedly say you need both a public and private position on certain issues . Clinton said she was referring to scenes from the president lincoln was trying to convince some people he used some arguments, convincing other people he used other arguments. Okay. Honest abe. Honest abe never lied. Thats the good thing. Thats the big difference between Abraham Lincoln and you. One big difference that cropped up was between trump and mike pence. I want to remind you what your running mate said. He said provocations by russia need to be met with american strength he and i havent spoken and i disagree. I disagree. You disagree with y running mate . To knock out isis. The Clinton Campaign argued that some of trumps comments once again crossed the line. At one point he called clinton the devil. He said more than once that she had hate in her heart. But at the very end of the debate one of the audience members asked both of them to name something that i like about the other. She said trumps children, he said her tenacity. But they quickly added, gayle, that they virtually disagree on that was clear. That question got huge applause in the room last night. Thank you very much, nancy. Donald trump spent nearly 48 hours before the debate fending off critics of his comments about groping [ bleep ] he apologized on video and then held a News Conference with women who say that bill clinton assaulted them. Major garrett is also still in st. Louis. Major, good morning to you. Good morning. Donald trump took the stage with the weight of the sexist comments dragging his campaign down. After parading four women who accused the clintonf misconduct before reporters, was prepared for an intensely personal fight with Hillary Clinton. No i didnt say that at all. Donald trump quickly offered a defense of recently revealed comments making light of assaulting women. Its locker room talk, and its one of those things. This was locker room talk. That talk appeared on a 2005 videotape with access hollywood published friday by the Washington Post. You can do anything. Within hours, trump released an online apology video. I said it. I was wrong. And i apologize. And when pressed last night, said his words were embarrassing and empty. I have tremendous respect for women have you ever have respect for me. And i will tell you, no i have not. That opened the door for Hillary Clinton to challenge trumps sincerity and his character. I think its clear to anyone who heard it that it represents tl seeking to deflect criticism of his coarse and vulgar language trump launched long dormant accusations of bill clintons sexual misconduct. Bill clinton was abusive to women. Hillary clinton attacked those same women, and attacked them viciously. Less than two hours before the debate, trump appeared with four women who claimed to have been victimized by the clintons. Bill clinton raped me, and his debate entourage. She talks about words that i said eleven years ago. I think its disgraceful, and i think she should be ashamed of herself. Trumps wife melania accepted his apology. But daughter and adviser ivanka has remained conspicuously silent for his part running mate mike pence said he will not defend trumps sexist vulgarity but is committed to the ticket and will campaign enthusiastically for it thho it was leveled in 1978 by Juanita Broadrick who said bill clinton committed that crime. Clinton had steadfastly denied it. A special prosecutor for whitewater found the evidence behind the charge inconclusive. All right, major thank you so much. Dozens of donald Trump Supporters say his vulgar comments on video are more than they can take. More than 70 prominent republicans have denounced trumps remarks in public statements. At least 25 of them who had say they can no longer support him. Julianna goldman is washington joins us with how this could hurt the campaigns bottom line. Good morning. Good morning. Well word that the tape could cost them the house and the senate rnc officials are discussing whether to shift resources away from trump, and towards candidates for other down ballot races. Though one source tells cbs news its likely too late to make much difference. Im out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. Utah congressman Chiasson Chaffetz said his decision came after he realized he couldnt explain away to his teenage daughter Donald Trumps language on the 2005 video. I moved on her like [ bleep ] but i couldnt get there. And she was married. Trump has a history of controversial comments. But bragging about Sexual Assault crossed the line for a slew of republican lawmakers. Former republican president ial nominee senator john mccain pulled his endorsement saying it how about it, huh . Meanwhile House Speaker paul ryan disinvited trump from a joint appearance in his home state of wisconsin after the tape surfaced. Although he stopped short of pulling his support. Over the weekend trump tweeted, so many selfrighteous hypocrites. Watch their poll numbers and elections go down. . Proud to be an american . And a cbs news Battle Ground tracker poll shows why some gop lawmakers are wary of completely disavowing their president ial nominee. Just 8 of his supporters in the Battle Ground states of ohio and pennsylvania say the tape worsens their view of the nominee. At least 90 say their view is unchanged. Still cbs news has counted more than two dozen republican politicians. Like utah senator mike lee, who are now calling for trump to bow out. For donald trump to step aside, and for the Republican Party to find a candidate who can bring together all the elements within the Republican Party, and defeat Hillary Clinton in november. Thats what we need to do now. House republicans have scheduled a Conference Call for later this morning to regroup after the release of the tape. And while its clear there are deep divisions in the party, so far at least the handle orty of House Republicans are still supporting their candidate for president. Thanks, julianna. Robby mooc is the Campaign Manager for Hillary Clinton. Good morning, robby. Good morning. So where is this Campaign Going after the debate last terms of the bitterness of it all. And are you going to have to finally defend and go darker . Well, first of all, we were all disappointed by Donald Trumps stunt prior to the debate. He went in to this debate intent on throwing Hillary Clinton after her game, and trying to sling a lot of mud. Hillary showed up at the debate wanting to talk to the american she has to make a difference in peoples lives. I think she had the opportunity to do that. Unfortunately she had to do quite a bit of Fact Checking on donald trump throughout, but but we feel like we got that done. Theyre calling it the uglyist, nastiest debate ever. Did it feel that way to you watching it . Well like i said, i was disis apointed, first of all, that donald trump wanted to make this about mudslinging. I was disappointed about the stunt that he tried to pull just about an and unfortunately he tend a string of inaccuracies and lies. The Fact Checkers have said that. So, yeah, i was disappointed in that. But like i said, i do think despite it all, secretary clinton was able to make a clear case, she articulated clear plans on health care, foreign policy, and many other topics. Robby, the Washington Post is reporting that Donald Trumps campaign sought to intim late former president bill clinton by placing and seating the women who have accused former president clinton of sexual abuse and putting them in the trump family box but at the last minute they were in thwarted by the commission. Were you aware that this was happening . I i was not. Youd have to ask the commissioner about that. Would you like to comment on what perhaps would have happened if they had been seated in the family box . Well, i th the whole situation is very disappointing. Donald Trumps Campaign has had a string of disasters, his failed performance in the last debate. He had been Vice President ial nominee refused to defend him at his debate. And then obviously we had the machado controversy, taxes, and this video that came out last friday. Donald trumps trying to change the dynamic. But i would argue hes just digging the hole deeper with these attacks, and trying to the issues. Beyond that he said that if he was elected he would appoint a prosecutor to try to put her in jail, because she deleted emails after they were under subpoena. It again, its disappointing. I i and i would say its chilling that donald trump thinks that the presidency is like some Banana Republic dictatorship where you can lock up your political opponents. The career staff at the department have ruled on this issue, and again, this is just donald trump trying to intimidate hillary, bully hillary, and change the debate from anything but himself. I think he should apologize. Thanks, robby. Hurricane matthews toll is rising in the southeast. The storm is blamed for at least 19 deaths. Severe flooding led to more than 1,000 water rescues. The cost do Property Damage could hit 6 billion. Fayetteville with why the rescue and recovery effort is so difficult. Good morning. Good morning. In some parts of North Carolina getting around has been a real challenge. Look at this road, completely washed away, and impassable. Not just for residents, but for rescue teams trying to reach people trapped in life threatening moments. Hold on. Were coming were coming for you. In fayetteville, rescue teams scrambled to help a stranded mother and her infant the familys car got stuck in swirling flash floodwaters. Its okay. Also okay this family of three marooned on top of their suv. They had tried to drive through a raging current and needed to be rescued by a team of new york firefighters. Over the weekend, more than 1,000 people were rescued here. Hurricane matthew is off the map, but its still with us. And its still deadly. And were taking it very seriously. Its going to be with us for a we have roadways that have been washed away. Carl lee is a member of femas urban search and rescue team. From the air he showed us the challenge on the ground. The areas that somebody has shown where theyre stranded on their roof or their vehicle matthew dumped up to 15 inches of rain on parts of North Carolina. Even 90 miles inland you can see water, and water related problems all over. Stranded home and washed out roads. Over the weekend, rain was falling at a rate of two inches an hour. All that rain also overflowed the state rivers, several feet above normal levels. Breaching dams and threatening towns with record flooding. Were going to try to get some clothes out of there before they get wet. Families are using their own boats to collect what they can from homes where the water is rising. It gone before this come. Nowhere for it to go. Because of roads like this, some residents wont get home for days. Contaminated Drinking Water is another worry. And the city of fayetteville has declared a water shortage emergency. Norah . What an incredible picture there, mark, thank you so much. The hurricane is blamed for at least 1,000 reported deaths in haiti. Vladimir duthiers is at the International Airport in portauprince. Vlad, good morning. Good morning. The death toll may continue to rise here in haiti. But well never know for sure because its very difficult to get to the more remote parts of the country. For now, though, the u. S. Military is helping the haitian police. You can see some of the helicopters behind me here. Theyre trying to get help to those in need. Days after matthew made landfall in haiti, hundreds are dead and tens of thousands are homeless and hungry. In the town of jeremy, 80 of destroyed. Geoff showed us what was left of his home. Every time the wind would blow you took all the children and got on your niece. Yes. He described the horror of living through the storm. Wow, the first half yeah, yeah. The roof came flying yeah, yeah. I called them come, come. Wow. More than 1,000 p staying at this shelter. A school that is one of the few structures to have survived the hurricane. They tell us theyve seen little to nothing in terms of help from their government. They dont have anything to eat. They dont have anything to drink. And for the moment, no ones coming to help them. The most difficult part of our reporting came as we were walking through the community. Dozens of survivors surrounded me and asked me to write their names in my reporters notebook. Say, look, were surviving. Were here. Dont forget about us, norah. Incredible reporting. Vladimir duthiers, thank you. Coming up samsung reportedly halts production of galaxy note 7 phlow 90s sunday. And we should be warmer today with light southwest winds and some high clouds here and there. Temps in the 60sh so maybe some light long sleeves for a while. Today low 90s. And then slowly sliding to eventually mid 80s by your weekend and breezy to gusty winds. donald trump has a lengthy record of making degrading remarks about women. 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Narrator at dav we help veterans and withdrew his support for donald trump. After that video surfaced revealed the nominee talking about women i can no longer in good conscience continue to support donald trump. Kirsten Joyce some of hecks supporters didnt agree with his decision and even booed him. His opponent running for senate. Democrat Catherine Cortez masto. Says this decisions Catherine Cortez masto clearly it shows no leadership on his part. Hes followed him and supported him for the last nine months. Its a desperate attempt for him to save his political career. Kirsten Joyce hecks change of heart is expected to be one of the main topics to come up in the Senate Debate next friday. 8 news now is teaming up with univision to host the debate at Canyon Springs high school in North Las Vegas and you can submit your questions for the candidates by going to las vegas now dot com. Or our 8 news now facebook page. Kirsten Joyce election day will be here in Voter Registration deadline to tomorrow. The deadline for inperson and online Voter Registration is october 18th. As we mentioned early voting in nevada begins on october 22nd and ends on november 4th. quick check on your commute sunday. And we should be warmer today with light southwest winds and some high clouds here and there. Temps in the 60s this morning. So maybe some light long sleeves for a while. Today low 90s. And then slowly sliding to eventually mid 80s by your weekend and breezy to gusty winds. its 7 56 Kirsten Joyce the asia diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. But i spent my whole life fighting back. So you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say. I dont know what i said, ah, i dont remember that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. I dont want a president who makes fun of me. I want a president who inspires me, and thats not donald trump. , spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. Smearing Catherine Cortez masto with ads called bogus, highly misleading, and false. As attorney general, its cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. And governor sandoval praised Cortez Mastos dedication to fighting sex trafficking. Dont let joe hecks billionaires fool you. Catherine cortez masto has always stood up for us. Im Catherine Cortez masto . It takes seven years to write a show so i dont know when im going to be back here. So i am not throwing away my job. I am not throwing away my job. My name is lin manuel. I am hosting snl and i am not . Past the baton and give me the ball tonight i got emmy and grammy but what i want to is name the person cameo. I do a bunch of sketches and sometimes i play the lead and give you what you need. If the cue calls me for to read. Youll see me tonight and walk into the audience and because i am not throwing my job. I am not throwing my job. I could watch fa for another five minutes. I know. Hey, guys. I wonder if he wrote that. Saturday night live was on fire this weekend. If you havent seen that open on saturday night live about the debate, it is mustsee tv. More than that, they incorporated the latest developments over the weekend. Absolutely. They did it really good. Welcome back to cbs this morning. . This half hour, the leaked video of Donald Trumps lewd comments about women could seriously erode h voters. We will take a look at the history of statements of many women including a former executive who find offensive. Galaxy notes 7 smartphone some u. S. Companies are stopping distribution of their replacements over these safety concerns. The new fallout over phones that may overheat. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The desert sun of palm springs says the suspect in the deaths of two Police Officers had body armor and a large a 12hour standoff. The officers were shot saturday responding to a disturbance call. The suspect is a felon with street gang connections. The New York Times reports that two missiles were fired last night toward a u. S. Navy destroyer near he yemen. The ship in the red sea in international waters. The missiles fell well short of the ship and the pentagon say they were launched from coastal areas controlled by rebels. The rebels are backed by iran. Britains telegraph reports on a suspect alleged bomb plot in germany. The man was arrested today after a twoday hunt. The suspect is a 22yearold who had been granted a asylum. They found explosives in his apartment. He was arrested after police got a tip from fellow syrians who had held the man. New attention to Donald Trumps history of questionable statements. The republican nominee apologized for the language he used in the 2005 tape. Latest incident threatens to erode his support among female voters. Jan, good morning. Reporter good morning. So, you know, over the course of his campaign, i mean, trump has insulted Rosie Odonnell and many more. His statements go back decades and something many women voters find repulsive. I did try and [ bleep ] she was married. Reporter the leaked nbc video was not they Trumps Campaign on the defensive. By the way, your daughter. Shes beautiful. Can i say this . A piece of [ bleep ]. Reporter cnn uncovered interviews he did in 2005 and 2006 with howard shortterm where he talked about ivankas appearance and sleeping with beauty pageant contestants. You could also say is the owner of the pageant that its reporter after the first debate, trump spent days attacking 1996 Miss Universe Alicia Machado who accused him of making derogatory comments and humiliating her because she gained weight. She was the worst we ever had. The absolute worst. She was impossible. . Rep suggested trump subjected contestance on the apprentice. You drop to your knees . Must be a pretty picture you dropping to your knees. He wanted everybody to think that his office was decorated with beautiful women. Reporter clinton supporter barbara rest worked with trump nearly two decades. A former executive Vice President of his company, she says trump often made inappropriate comments to his staff. Created a a what we call a hostile environment. All of the talking about playboy and stuff like that. Reporter ivanka defended her misogyny. He is not a groper. Not who he is. I have known my father, obviously, my whole life and he has total respect for women. This was locker room talk. Im not proud of it. Have you ever done those things . Women have respect for me and i will tell you no, i have not. Reporter but trump had a strained relationship with female voters before the latest revelation says usa today Washington Bureau chief susan page. Donald trump has been leading among men in National Polls but trailed among women and had biggest gender gap in our modern political history. Reporter trump is also pointed to his record of promoting women to key positions in his company but a new cbs news poll found that 53 of female voters in the battleground state of pennsylvania said the leaked footage worsened their view of trump. Gayle . Thank you very much, jan. Face the nation moderator and political news director John Dickerson joins us at the table. Support and many gop members heading to the hill . Reince priebus thought he won the debate saying that today. He has to say that or going with the people who were fleeing the Trump Campaign last week. The things that caused him to flee still exists and what exists is not just the audio but in republicans ive talk to the latest of an example of his volatility that its unpredictable and that he is going to hook other republicans this campaign and also as president. Will be there more defections today . Well, we are going to have to see. There were planning to be. Others who were thinking of jumping and didnt want to the it before the debate but that nervousness he created still exists regardless of what happened in the 90 minutes and even some people who saw the stupt before the debate where he brought up the Clinton Accusers, the bill Clinton Accusers saw that as a way to leave, give donald trump has shown he will win at all costs. For those who want to win that is great news. For republicans who are worried about the costs, it scares them. One thing it has accomplished there is not been the appropriate amount of conversation about her leaked speech. Can that become a big issue . Well, it well, it if donald trump and the Republican Party conversation breakup that is going on, that is topic a. A major party in the United States is having a crisis at the moment. A civil war. It was not one of her finer moments last night, her response to the question about these hacked emails, the speeches to wall street where she was chamming cham i channeling abe lincoln. Speak speaks in private one way that is what she had . That is what she said. In the movie lincoln this is what lincoln did but she was explanation and went huh . Yes. They didnt find it a compelling explanation why you cant say in public what you would say in private. Although, you know, again, the Public Private company Kathleen Frankovic is going right now about donald trump. We talked a little bit about this last night. The treatment of women has now become a central focal point of this campaign. Donald trumps treatment of women. He tried to make it about bill clintons treatment of women and we learned from the Washington Post overnight that not only this Facebook Live stunt, but that apparently donald trump and his soninlaw and Campaign Manager tried to have these Clinton Accusers sit in the family vip box so they would be staring Hillary Clinton in the face. And maybe have to shake hands with bill clinton. Right exactly. People before this debate some of them like pence the running mate said he wanted to see donald trump show his heart. Rudy giuliani said trump is like this was not a contrite donald trump. 100 donald trump and behaved in way gotten him to the dance and counterpunching and interrupting and what his base loves about him. The political challenge for him he had to expand that base with women voters and with these College Educated voters and nothing in that debate last night that those voters are going to find specifically new and attract. Bob schieffer described it as wrestle mania and my friend said they are giving wrestle man ia bad name. One more debate to go. Thats right. John, how are you feeling this morning . Im feeling like i could go every day with only 45 minutes of sleep. You wear it well. Welcome to the club. Thank you. Samsung faces a new crisis over its flagship phone. It wasnt plugged in or it wasnt anything. Just sitting there. What she calls the cause of her life. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba . . Tresiba . Ready . Tresiba . Is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. . Tresiba . Ready . Tresiba . Provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. . Tresiba . Ready . I can take tresiba . Any time of day. Ber, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. 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Really no way downy . Downy fabric conditioner. Give us a week, and well ange your bed forever. Rite down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. . Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. As a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. Our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. Politicians like joe heck should understand that. Narrator joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. His military record deserves respect. But back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. And that doesnt work for me. Narrator vote vets is responsible for the content of this advertising. Responsible for the content suspended production of its Flagship Smartphone amid new safety concerns. The Embattled Company recalled around 2. 5 million galaxy note 7s last month. Their batteries could overheat and they sometimes caught fire each when they are turned off. Now there are reports that the replacement phones also overheat. Kris van cleave is outside of an at t store in washington. One of the sellers that no longer offers the replacements. Reporter good morning. Samsung. First, at t and several other carriers said they were pulling the devices and halting the replacement program. Then this news from korea emerged samsung may be suspending production of the galaxy note 7 altogether. Which raises the question is this the end of the galaxy device . It got hot in my pocket. Reporter at least three u. S. Owners of the replacement galaxy note 7 say their new dangerously overheated, the same problem reported with the original device. Those phones were recalled last month after more than two dozen reports of burn injuries due to overheating lithium ion batteries. Cnets dan ackerman says he is not surprised about the reported production halt. A enough cases with these replacement phones they didnt have a choice if they cant identify the problem immediately. Verizon say they will stop exchanging the original phones with samsungs new replacements, urging customers to power down their devices and return them. We are so fortunate she wasnt injured or severely burned. Reporter andrew of minnesota says his daughters replacement galaxy note 7 overheated while she was holding it last week. Michael clairing says his new note 7 filled his bedroom with smoke. It wasnt plugged in. It wasnt anything. It was just sitting there. Reporter a southwest plane was evacuated when a says his replacement phone started making sizzling sounds. And looked around to see what that was and there was smoke just billowing, pouring out of my pocket. Reporter analysts say samsung faces now an uphill battle, regaining the publics trust. Samsung needs to convince people its taking the proper time and care and not rushing out replacement phones too qirl before they figure out what the problem or problems are with these phones. Reporter samsung has not are suspended production, but earlier in the weekend, samsung told cbs this morning that if a safety issue is found, it will take appropriate action. Kris, thank you. What does that mean, appropriate action . It scares me its turned off and still catches fire and now make an announcement on the planes which is scary because you have to rely on people to police themselves. You dont want something on fire in your pants. Old time Rock N Rollers are uniting generations of fans. That is ahead. First, its time to check your local weather. Low 90s sund. And we should be warmer today with light southwest winds and some high clouds here and there. Temps in the 60s this morning. So maybe some light long sleeves for a while. Today low 90s. And then slowly sliding to eventually mid 80s by your weekend and breezy to gusty winds. announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by panera. Food as it should be get a sanh or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Wits not a weekend hobby. E . You have to live and breathe it for 50 years. Its the sound. And the fury. Its letting it all hang out there, and its hanging on for dear life. That is what amg driving performance means. And this is where it lives. The 503horsepower mercedesamg c63 s coupe. We asked real pele elle. On their bums. Why do you think the ripples make a difference . It gets it all clean. They give me a very happy feeling bum. 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Serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. Stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. Or kidney problems or are on dialysis. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. Using invokana . With a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Its time to turn things around. Lower your blood sugar with invokana . Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana . The Asian Culture Center says it plans to rebuild after a fire caused some 1 Million Dollars in damages. The building near charleston and valley view went up in flames late saturday night. More than 70 firefighters responded. It took them about 45 minutes to get things under control. The Community Center just opened 2 months ago. Six Small Businesses were affee alliance say they wont let this fire discourage them. And they hope others rally behind the center as well cavin fung, president , Asian Culture Alliance we have to recover, the whole Asian Community will come stand together as one. Kirsten Joyce as we mentioned, fire crews say damages are estimated at 1 Million Dollars right now. But there is a possibility that number could go up. In the meantime, they are trying to figure out exactly what sparked this massive fire. Kirsten Joyce and firefighters across the valley are spreading the word about some safety tips. During this they say you should test your Smoke Detector monthly, and change the batteries at least twice a year. Firefighters also say you should practice an escape route at your home with your family at least twice a year. Also keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen. If oil or grease catches fire, smother it with baking soda or salt. And never use water on an electrical fire, only a fire extinguisher. want to check on your commute temps hitting the low 90s sunday. And we should be warmer today with light southwest winds and some high clouds here and there. Temps in the 60s this morning. So maybe some light long sleeves for a while. Today low 90s. And then slowly sliding to eventually mid 80s by your weekend and breezy to gusty winds. . Good morning to our viewers in the west. It is monday, october 10th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more world news ahead including the rough and tumble president ial debate. Donald trumps Campaign Manager tato matchup. And the talk about women. First, here is todays eye opener at 8 00. Trump calling Hillary Clinton a liar at least nine times. She argued he was trying to distract from the elephant in the room. Donald trump was prepared for an intensely personal fight with the weight of his sexist comments dragging his campaign town. Could it cost him the house and the senate . Theyre discussing whether to shift resources away from trump. Put her in jail. It is chilling that donald trump thinks that the presidency is like some Banana Republic dictatorship. It goes back decades and thats something many women voters find repulsive. He tried to make it about bill clinton. Look at this road, completely washed away and impassable, not just for residents but for rescue teams. Haiti, but well never know for sure because it is difficult to get to the more remote part of the country. Martin on the ground. Andrew makes the play. Goes to second. Throw to first. Oh, and what a play here comes the hes got it. The blue jays are moving on king and norah odonnell. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton traded sharp personal attacks in last nights second debate. The candidates met two days after a 2005 video came out. It showed trump making aggressive sexual comments about women. Prominent republicans denounced those remarks. At least 25 republicans pulled their endorsements of trumps because of the video. When youre a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. You can do anything. Trump held a News Conference before the debate with women who accused foormer president bill clinton of sexual misconduct. Donald trump was asked in the deb debate about the 2005 and he said no one has more respect for women than he does. You called what you said locker room banter. You bragged that you have sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that . I dont think you understood what was said. This was locker room talk. Im not proud of it. So for the record, youre saying you never did that . Frankly you hear these things that are said. And i was embarrassed by it. But i have tremendous respect for women. Have you ever done those things . And women have respect for me. And i will tell you, no, i have not. I want to send a message, we all should, to every boy and girl and indeed to the entire world that america already is great, but we are great because we and we will respect one another. And we will work with one another. And we will celebrate our diversity. If you look at bill clinton, far worse, mine are words and his were action. Everyone can draw their own conclusions at this point about whether or not the man in the video or the man on the stage respects women. But he never apologizes for anything to anyone. In a cbs news battleground ohio and 51 in pennsylvania said the tape did not change their view of donald trump. Donald trumps Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway joins us from trump tower in new york. Good morning. Good morning. The Washington Post is reporting that the Trump Campaign wanted to seat the women who have accused bill clinton of indiscretion in the vip box. Were you upset that the commission on president ial debates thwarted that . I thwarted that only because it did not say family box, it said vip box. In the clinton box, they had invited senator Claire Mccaskill of missouri and shes not a family member. But they threatened to have security remove the women. I thought that was unfortunate because mark cuban got to sit where he wanted to sit. But i think the broader issue, i was very surprised of the clip that you played of Hillary Clinton, the First Response and anything. And then he went on to apologize again for the remarks he made and said there is a difference between word and actions, that su succeeded his earlier post that he said foolish things and he was sorry for them. What was the point of having the women there in the Facebook Live chat. Reporters werent able to ask them question. What was the point of bringing them forward . Do you think that plays well wi it wasnt a Facebook Live chat. These women want to be heard. And im sure they would be available to come on your show anytime. They deserve to be heard. We agree with Hillary Clinton. She famously said about a year ago she believes all Sexual Assault victims deserve to be heard and believed. And im sorry that there are exclusions to her list based on the way shes treated them. Whole point of those four women last night, juanita, kathy, kathleen and paula, is how shes the one running for president. And the New York Times last week shortly after endorsing her for president went through the whole litany of Hillary Clintons modus operandi, the way she would name and shame the women, comply with them being the target of private investigators, and really just try to ruin their lives and they want to be heard. The case of kathy shelton, she was a 12yearold rape victim. That is not in dispute and hi Hillary Clinton represented successfully her accuser, got him a plea deal. S she was selected by a judge to defend the man. Well and she did so and a year later laughed about the tactics getting him to have the plea deal. She deserves to be heard. Do you expect to be more videos and more people coming forward to talk about donald trump in the way this video spoke about donald trump . There is no way for me to know that, charlie. I just am very happy that donald trump said that he was embarrassed and apologized and then said this is not who he is, a half as hes been running for president he met millions of americans who have inspired him to soldier on to fight for the issues that they care about, that hes trying to articulate and show a real contrast with Hillary Clinton. There was a lot discussed in a 90 minute debate. Tons of issues. He held Hillary Clinton to account for lying about her emails, for not knowing the c means confidential on documents even though shes been secretary of state, United States senator, first lady. He went point by point. Can you tell us about the relationship betweene he seemed to throw mr. Pence under the bus last night. Thats not true. In fact, mike pence is on other networks now talking about what a fabulous job his running mate, the top of the ticket did in the debate last night. But over the weekend, he was nowhere to be seen, kellyanne. He was nowhere to be seen over the weekend. Thats actually not true. Friday he was active. Saturday, he decided not to go to wisconsin. And if donald trump wasnt welcome there, then he wasnt island to keep a commitment at a fundraiser done for the kellyanne yesterday, he had sunday off after had his debate. You expect speaker ryan will keep his endorsement of donald trump or will he defect as well . I dont know, charlie. I hope speaker ryan keeps his word and his endorsement of donald trump. Speaker ryan, of course, took to the stage in wisconsin and his event and faced some boos from the crowd because those who were expecting to see donald trump, but were happy the speaker of the house endorsed has endorsed a nominee donald trump but what are the defections doing to the campaign . These are people that endorsed donald trump, hopeful he would be a different kind of candidate, and they have disendorsed him. What does that do to the campaign . Well, it tells us many of them dont want to support him and well take the case directly to the voters. I can tell you as a Campaign Manager, we welcome them back and we hope they saw someone on display last night, someone willing to take the case to Hillary Clinton. If they can live with giving the next three or four Supreme Court clinton, they should think about that. Kellyanne, there is a story making the rounds on social media about what Melania Trump wore, a gucci bow silk duchine blouse. I dont confer with dont miss the point that im making. Yes, she looked beautiful and lovely. That wasnt the question. I think under the circumstances, that we thank you. Thank you very much for joining us today. Appreciate it. Last nights town hall debate format created awkward moments. Two long time political strategists weigh in on how the candidates performed without a. And we should be warmer today with light southwest winds and some high clouds here and there. Temps in the 60s this morning. So maybe some light long sleeves for a while. Weekend and breezy to gusty winds. its 7 26. Kirsten Joyce Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg reflects on more Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg reflects on more than two detectives on the nations highest court. Office as long as i can do the job full steam. And youre doing it full steam . Ahead, her candid conversation with charlie about her time on the court and her vision for the future. Youre watching cbs this morning. Ive been taking probiotics gx from natures bounty to maintain healthy digestion and help with the occasional t stuck today, my future self will thank me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hang on, go go go back. Thank you. Do i get stuck in an air duct . 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Which helps you feel more energized. All day long. I want what he has. Im Catherine Cortez masto and i approve this message. Theyre bringing drugs, theyre bringing crime, theyre rapists. Narrator and joe heck says i have high hopes well see donald trump become president. I dont know what i said, aah. I would bomb the [bleep] out of them. Narrator and heck . Reporter you trust him having his finger on the Nuclear Button . Heck i do. Reporter why do you say that . Heck why wouldnt i . Narrator donald trump and joe heck. Where are last night we got the inside look at the preparations with veterans political strategists and their names are dan senor and michael feldman. Including the opening behind the opening handshake but we know that handshake did not happen and that set the stage for a tense feisty between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Dan and michael are here with rea reaction. We were sitting there. What had happened if he had reached out . I think she would have taken it back. I dont think there was anything in it for her to shake his hand after the country was seeing them for the first time after this video, this vulgar predatory video had been out. Neither one of them made a move toward each other but no. I think him responding saying nice to her as not a quitter. It was quick. Rentedly prehe repeatedly des locker room behavior. How do you think that played . Well, its interesting. I dont know how well it played with the very small number of people right now who are sitting on the fence between the republican establishment fleeing donald trump and staying with him. That potentially is the most important audience. He clearly made a decision he was going to move and the best defense is a good offense and stay on the attack last night and not use any of that air time on the defensive. And she came prepared to make a connection between the tape and a larger pattern of behavior or what she sees are poor traits in him but then not dwell on it and i think both executed on that strategy. How about the way they moved on the stage . A couple times going around sayiying he was lururking over hehe was sort of hovovering beh all . Ammunition . I thought it was weird. I ththought her positioning on e stage was perfect. I thought his hovering was s weird. I thought his shaking back and forth as she was speaking froro the e split screen was weird. At the end of the day im not sure it will matter that much. This is fairly depict where the Republican Party the new y the Republican Party was at the brink of civil war on sun as donald trump signaled he would retaliate against lawmake his campaign and others fear losing control of both house and congress. Very few Republican Leaders i know believe that trump should be president or trump will be president. I dont think that has changed. I think the standard has really dropped now. The standard used to be can trump win. Now the standard is or the standard heading into debate was can he do well enough in the debate he wents be forced off the ticket . Did he do that . House paul ryan continue to stand by the nominee who stood by the comments that he says you can do anything, you can grab them by the p word. How does a republican then, if they want a future in politics stand by that . Norah, after he used the word, he was sickened by Donald Trumps behavior. Sickened. Is there a real test . The same speaker that wanted the party to outreach to win the africanamerican the same question for every republican leader and the same question for mike pence. All of these leaders have to think about what it says for the party and their own futures. In the near term, what they are hearing from many of their rank and file from the members of congress, i spoke to a few members of congress over the weekend who are first, secondterm congressmen saying, look. Im going to win my race and my reelection. The only concern a majority of the Republican Voters in my district are still sticking by trump. If i take on trump im playing with fire and they could turn on me l me like that and i could lose my election. Paul ryan, does he stand to lose more by disendorsing or remaining quiet . My counsel to every republican is to best distance yourself from donald trump. Now, honestly what speaker ryan has a series of equities he has to balance within his own conference and what the party does in the future, then i cant speak to but generally speaking as far as the future of the y more distance with trump, the better. Mike, he is not doing anything to expand his base. Rudy giuliani made all of the rounds yesterday saying he is ashamed and embarrassed and be contrite but he was quite the opposite when he came out yesterday. Look. I agree with that and i dont think he did anything to reach out to new voters. He may have stopped the bleeding among the establishment. Kept his core, energized his core and made the decision for speaker ryan very complicated today. Speaker ryan has to worry about the caucus he is going to be governing in next congress and there divergent views how this should be handled so a difficult position for him. Look. We are not talking about who is going to win the election and whether the debate will move that now. We are talking about what is the impact going to be down ballot and what is the makeup of both houses of congress. A vastly different conversation. Everybody is concerned the election is over . Its never over. Believe me. Consider this. We are less than four weeks out. 1 in 4 republicans today, 1 in 4 trump should not be the nominee. Just unprecedented you have this pr proximity to a general election and believe the party got the wrong guy. We will see. , and, only 50 calories a serving. Good morning, indeed. Mr. Clean gets tough on dirt and grime and grease in just a minute mr. Clean will clean your whole house and every room thats in it floors, doors, walls, halls hes so tough, he cleans em all mr. Clean we asked real people to use cottonelle. On their bums. Why do you think the ripples make a difference . It gets it all clean. They give me a very happy feeling bum. Moms got this cold. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. Hashtag mouthbreather. Just put on a breathe right strip. It instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Bald eagle rescued from the grill of a car is drawing comparison to the at country this election season. The eagle looked confused after it got stuck in f they got him out. That is good. Hard to see that. Kicking off a special legislative session today in carson city the main focus is funding for the proposed nfl stadium. Its expected to cost nearly 2 billion dollars. Lawmakers will discuss paying for 750 million of that with public money. The largest ever for an nfl stadium. It would come from an increase in a tax on hotel rooms oth and the raiders will also make contributions. The top locations for the venue are the bali hai golf course and the lot across the i15 from mandalay bay. The plan requires a twothirds vote of the legislature to pass. And in order for the raiders to move to las vegas, the majority of team owner must vote yes. now we want to get a check on your commute it was a warm weekend with temps hitting the low 90s sunday. And we should be warmer today with light southwest winds and some high clouds here and there. Temps in the 60s this morning. So maybe some light long sleeves for a while. Today low 90s. And then slowly sliding to eventually mid 80s by your weekend and breezy to gusty winds. two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. Smearing Catherine Cortez masto with ads called bogus, highly misleading, and false. As attorney general, its cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. Cortez mastos dedication to fighting sex trafficking. Dont let joe hecks billionaires fool you. Catherine cortez masto has always stood up for us. Im Catherine Cortez masto . A close call for veteran wing suit jumper whose suit got caught on the exit step of the plane he was trying to jump from he down until his crew was able to free him he landed safely and so did the plane. Nothing like getting into trouble right away. How terrifying that must be. Thank you, crew. Lesson get caught. Welcome back to cbs this morning. . This half hour, charlies wide ranging conversation with ginsburg. How the bench has changed when she was appointed 20 years ago and her friendship with justice Antonin Scalia. And ahead what Jennifer Weiner wants to teach other women, including her daughters. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The independent in london says some top athletes wants donald trump to stop calling his vulgar statements locker room talk. The pro athletes took to twitter after trump ushe last nights debate to explain away his 2005 comments. Baseball, football and basketball players all said demeaning comments about women never come up in their locker rooms. The athletes say dont put us in that category. John dickerson said that last night. Not in any locker room ive been in. A locker room, when youre 59 years old at the time that he made those comments. Business insider reports on the debate questioner who has he always has a bright sweater and attracted instant attention on twitter. They noted his snazzy dress. One person thought he looked like a character from the board applause of the night. His question was can you same something about each other that you like. The companies didnt answer requests for comment. The guardian of britain reports on a pongs legal case about the suspected mistreatment of Migrant Workers in ka tar. They are seeking damages in a swiss court from the world cup organizers fifa. To build. Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued cases that transformed the Supreme Courts view of gender equality. In 1993 she became the second woman appointed to the nations highest court and known for her candor and unlikely friendship with Antonin Scalia who died in february. We sat down for a conversation about past and her future. Whoever becomes president , when they arrive in the white house, they have the opportunity to appoint a new Supreme Court justice. That is one possibility. At the election the senate will act. Reporter what would you like to see the senate do . I would like to see the court have a full house by the time this term ends. Reporter youd like to see the court have a full house . Have nine members, yes. Reporter before this term retiring . I have said that i will hold this office as long as i can do the job full steam. Reporter you are doing it full steam . So i know that this year, im okay. At my age, im 83. You have to take it yearbyyear. Reporter many people, you know, have been fascinated by the fact that ginsburg and we all know that you both loved opera. You have told me when we talked about your chambers that he is a better singer than you are. He was a much better singer. Justice scalia had a very good tenor voice. I am a monatone. We agree on a whole lot of stuff. We do. Ruth is bad only on the kneejerk stuff. Reporter do you miss him on reporter because . Its place without him. He had an uncanny ability to make even the most somber judge smile. Reporter when you came to the court, Sandra Day Oconnor was your good friend. When she left, you said that was a turning moment . When sandra left, it was a very lonely place for me to be. That is, the perception of the court, we comend bench and there is the audience of spectators, and they saw eight rather wellfed men there. Little woman. It was the wrong perception. Reporter yeah, exactly. Ive been there over 23 years so i sit by seniority close to and keegan on the left side and my new colleagues take a very active heart in the colloquy that goes on in oral argument. This is the first book you have written since being a justice of the Supreme Court. Yes. Not the first book ever. The first book was the best seller called civil procedure in sweden. Reporter i missed that one. But youve alw interested in procedure. Yes. I taught procedure for 17 years. Reporter when did this love affair with the law, how did it begin . My interest in becoming a lawyer was spocked in the 1950s when i was a student, an undergraduate student at cornell. It was a hey day of junior joe mccarthy. It was not a good time for our law brought to my attention the lawyers that were appearing before the people called before the committees. Lawyers who were reminded congress, we have a First Amendment and we have a fifth amendment. Reporter you saw the law as a protector of individual liberty . Yes, yes. I thought it could be a way to make a living, plus to do something that would make conditions in your society a little better. Student at cornell. Yes. Reporter who decided to become a lawyer too. Yeah. My dear husband. Reporter your husband . Yeah. In fact, we had decided that whatever we do, we do it together. Marty started out as a chemistry major but his true major was golf. Reporter yes. And labs were in the afternoon and interfered with golf practice. So then it was either Business School or law school. Reporter you were at harvard . Yes. Reporter both great law schools but why transfer . Marty was one year ahead of me. He had had his first year at harvard and then was called into service. My daughter was 3 years old and i didnt want to be a single mom, so i left harvard. Reporter and harvard didnt give you a degree. And then marty comes to you and says, dont go back and accept anything from harvard unless they are willing to give you an Honorary Degree . Which i received in 20 there is a picture in your chambers of you and domingo. Yes. Reporter he is singing to you . . Reporter in the harvard graduation robes . Yes. . . To the Supreme Court . Reporter and your title to that is me. Reporter thank you for this time. I enjoyed it very much. I did, too. I like that. A woman ecstasy. What a sweet way to end too. You talked about, too, many people dont realize, too, her legacy in terms of being a great legal mind. Exactly. And really she has been called the third good marshal of the womens right movement. Before she was a judge, she was writing briefs about gender discrimination and has continued that plight all i love she is 83 and going full steam. I often her described as frail. She was alive and funny. Very much so. We loved it. Her voice is monotone. I like that. In a couple of weeks i get an opportunity to do her and Justice Sonia sotomayor together. Thats what you like, smart girls on either side of you that is very nice. Charls pbs program. You know he has got one. Author Jennifer Weiner is getting personal in our green room. She talks about her decision to write her very first Nonfiction Book and guess what. Its about her own life and find out why she says this one is difficult and she is writing lo. And we should be warmer today with light southwest winds and some high clouds here and the temps in the 60s this morning. So maybe some light long sleeves for a while. Today low 90s. And then slowly sliding to eventually mid 80s by your weekend and breezy to gusty winds. its 7 26. . You like that choice of music, miss weiner. Best selling author Jennifer Weiners books have been on the best sellers list more than five years and 15 Fiction Books penned over the years and in 36 countries. She is a big, big seller. For the first time she is telling her own life story, the must memoir heart. Adventures in life love and writing. The book is published by atria, a division of simon and shuster which is a division of cbs. Youre numbering off those like hillary, bang, bang, bang. This is the first team you weight and . Parents, divorce, parents death. Why . Because i think that women, a lot of times will put the happy face on and will say its fine, everything was great, you know . Its all good. And sometimes its not all good and sometimes theres, like you said, catharsis in talking about like this is how my father died or i had a pregnancy that ended. There is you know . And then when you start telling those stories, you start from people saying that is my story too. I understand. You talk about the first time your daughter used the f word. Fat. Not the other f one. I think shes said that a couple times already. That really cut you, jennifer . It hurt you . It did. Im thinking, you know, ive been so careful. Ive been so good, you know . I dont say that word about mice. I dont talk about bad foods or mommy was naughty last night, she had dessert. Body and stuff and my girl is like i dont like that girl, she is fat. Im like, what . We had to turn it into a teachable moment. What did you say to her . I said a lot of reasons not to like somebody but what they look like should not be one of them. In this house, we dont say that. Because your dad was so hard on you about your weight. So hard. Saying no one will ever want you and boys wont look at you. Yeah. That stays with you. Now that the books are out in the world, im hearing from women who heard similar stuff. Did you have a lot of friends when you were growing up . What do you think . Ill give you a million guesses but only the first one counts. No i had no friend i was the weirdest kid in the world i was always in a book. I had this, like, giant vocabulary. Nobody knew what i was talking about i mean, like, they would have stuffed me into locker rooms if i had hit. Social media is a great discovery for you . Yes. Part of me wishes it had been craft and maybe made some, like, you know, some friends . Yeah. But i also tell my daughter, lucy, who is 1 and watching right now, hi, lucy. You know, that every person on on the internet, no matter who they say they are, is a 64yearold man living in a basement. Like, every single one of them. Even if you think youre talking to another kid, a 64yearold man in a basement. But youve gotten yourself in trouble on social media. Well, i wouldnt say trouble. Id say opportunities for growth i just have to google your name and you were critical for oprah for not picking you to be a part of her book club. I was disappointed. I was sad. I mean, everybody wants that fairy dust sprinkled on their book and it was a little difficult when you write a frank, funny about marriage and other book about the same topics. It didnt have something to do with you rather than the content of your novel . What i said was that its hard to watch the pretty girls get things. Hard for me personally. It brings up old stuff. And that is a story. I mean, what i heard from my friends onbook is that, you know, that resonated with them a lot, that you carry those disappointments with you and, you know, am i sorry i said it . Absolutely. Did i apologize . Absolutely. But you know what . Like im i screw up. I fall down. I crawl my way back to the top. Im going to assume you had a bad day after any negative comments. As we should we all. Let me ask you this. Your husband bill, because you talk about your divorce. You have one of the best divorces. Indeed, i do. And youve got a new husband in the green room. Hello, bill, in the green room. 2. 0 the key to having a good divorce is what . Kids its putting them first. Doing the things that everyone says they are going to do and people really struggle with. Its just saying their emotions take priority and their needs take priority and if they want to be hurt, they want to be angry, you dont paper that over and say mommy and daddy still love you. Of course, they still love them but they have two houses now. You have to love your children more than you dislike your spouse . Exactly. A good point. Thank you, jennifer. Congratulations on book number 14 tomorrow. Awesome. You love mcgriddles. But you dont love that you cant get them all day. But now you can get mcgriddles all day, and more. So, you can find Something Else to not love. Like when sportscasters get carried away with the instant replay pen. You love mcgriddles. But you dont love that you cant get them all day. But now you can get mcgriddles all day, and more. So, you can find Something Else to not love. Like when sportscasters get carried away with the instant replay pen. Get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. Ba da ba ba ba . If youre following us on social media last night, you might have noticed the sketches of our rrnt cartoonist that is liza donnelly. Hello she live drew the second president ial debate. Im Catherine Cortez masto and i approve this message. Theyre bringing drugs, theyre bringing crime, theyre rapists. Narrator and joe heck says i have high hopes aah. Narrator heck says he completely supports trump. I would bomb the [bleep] out of them. Narrator and heck . Reporter you trust him having his finger on the Nuclear Button . Heck i do. Reporter why do you say that . Heck why wouldnt i . Narrator donald trump and joe heck. Nevada lawmakers kicking off a special legislative session today in carson city the main focus is funding for the proposed nfl stadium. Its expected to cost nearly 2 billion dollars. Lawmakers will discuss paying for 750 million of that with public money. The largest ever for an nfl stadium. It would come from an increase strip. Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and the raiders will also make contributions. The top locations for the venue are the bali hai golf course and the lot across the i15 from mandalay bay. The plan requires a twothirds vote of the legislature to pass. And in order for the raiders to move to las vegas, the majority of team owner must vote yes. Kirsten Joyce metro police will be working with the Clark County School district today. To identify students involved in it happened after this weekends football game. Between students from arbor view and centennial high schools. They started fight at Innout Burger and it spilled over to raising canes. A witness tells 8 news now the fight started with trash talk. And escalated later with food and drinks being thrown voice of arbor view student people on top of each other, people throwing each other around, people on the ground. Voice of arbor view parent i was startled and shocked that something can get out of hand so quick. Kirsten Joyce taken to the hospital for injuries. And a couple innout employees were hurt when they tried to stop the fight. The fast food chain is now looking into getting extra security for football games. No word yet on any arrests. Kirsten Joyce firefighters are investigating a massive fire. That destroyed the Asian Culture Center. It broke out late saturday night at a strip mall, near charleston and valley view. More than 70 firefighters the fire is believed to have caused at least 1 Million Dollars in damages. as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. Our benefits are earned, and that. Narrator joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking Critical Services for nevada veterans. And during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. His military record deserves respect. But back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. And that doesnt work for me. Narrator vote vets is responsible for the content of this advertising. Two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. Smearing Catherine Cortez masto with ads called bogus, highly misleading, and false. As attorney general, its cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. And governor sandoval praised Cortez Mastos dedication to fighting sex trafficking. Dont let joe hecks billionaires fool you. Catherine cortez masto has always stood up for us. Im Catherine Cortez masto announcer its live with kelly. From the walking dead, and from the walking dead jennifer morrison. Stay tuned for the live show lobby. And the Television Actor Zachary Quinto joins kelly at the cohost text. All next on a live. . . And now, here are kelly ripa and Zachary Quinto. . . [cheering and applauding]

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