Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20160608 :

Transcripts For KGO World News Now 20160608

very happy, because we're going to let them have a little taste of the "who wants to be a millionaire" experience and maybe win $1,000. [cheers and applause] all right. nicole kolenberg. nicole ko--nicole. [cheers and applause] hey, nicole. how you doing? >> how are you? i'm good. >> good to see you. take this little contraption. >> thank you. >> nicole, what do you do? you work? in school? >> i'm a college student. >> oh, where are you in college? >> i go to the catholic university of america in washington, d.c. >> nice. >> yeah. >> well, if anybody could use $1,000-- >> it is a broke college student. >> it is a broke college student. okay, so here's how this works. i'm gonna give you a question. you're gonna answer it correctly, hopefully, and i'm just gonna give you $1,000. >> i would love that. >> it's that simple. are you ready to go? >> yes. >> wait; what are you majoring in? >> i'm a politics major. >> okay, hopefully that's what we're gonna-- hopefully that's what this question will be about. let's play. [dramatic musical flourish] $1,000. kids are often taught how to make rudimentary kaleidoscopes by placing mirrors inside a what? >> um, i never did this as a child, but i was almost thinking the toilet paper roll, the inside of a toilet paper roll. i know we used that in elementary school. and i think the thing closest to that would be c, a pringles can. >> is that your final answer? >> it is. >> [sighs] i wanted to give you $1,000. so i will! >> yay! >> congratulations! $1,000. >> whoo! >> congratulations! $1,000 to a starving college student. and congratulations to vanessa as well, $5,000 winner. thanks for joining us today. for everyone who's been a part of this one, i'm chris harrison. we'll see you next time. [cheers and applause] closed captioning sponsored by: (roosevelt) i always thought that cigarette smoking just messed up your lungs. i never thought that at only 45, it would give me a heart attack. my tip is, do your heart a favor and quit now. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks, which means babies born even a few weeks early can have breathing, feeding, and learning problems. if your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait. it's the second leading cancer killer in the u.s. but, it is almost entirely preventable. most colon cancers start as polyps. and screening finds polyps, so they can be removed, before they even turn into cancer. if you're over 50, get screened for colorectal cancer. screening saves lives. >> told you. >> told you. hands behind your back. >> this is newly released dashcam video showing a former missouri police officer dropping a teen driver on his face after he had tased and handcuffed him during a traffic stop two years ago. doctors say the boy suffered cardiac arrest and some facial injuries and that he survived only because he was treated quickly. the officer has been sentenced to four years in federal prison for violating the teen's civil rights. turning to a kidnapping inside a busy mall outside philadelphia. the suspect stole a 7 week old infant in front of the baby's mother. >> that video released immediately after the baby was taken led police right to the suspect. linzie janis has the story. >> reporter: surveillance video shows exactly how this woman managed to steal a newborn baby. the suspect, 32-year-old cherie amoore, seen striking up a conversation with malika hunter, a mother with her toddler and 7-week-old baby boy at this philadelphia area mall. the two strangers walk through the mall talking. they sit down at the food court. after a while, amoore picks up the crying infant while the mother tends to her other child. with the baby still in her arms, amoore grabs her purse, throws away some trash. then she takes off out of sight in roughly ten seconds. other cameras catch her as she hurries up the stairs, two at a time, and into the parking lot. just hours later, the baby found safe at amoore's home. the suspect's own family calling police after seeing her in a security camera image. >> it's opened and closed as to what happened. what is not closed is why it happened. >> reporter: police say amoore told them she had recently given birth to a baby that died and she was overcome with emotion. she has pleaded not guilty to kidnapping charges. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> sad story. police say the moment she answered the door she immediately said i took the baby and i'm sorry. >> she said she can't explain why she did it. she just did it. >> she said she never went to the mall with the intention of stealing a baby. >> they did put the mall on lockdown. there was an amber alert issued immediately afterwards senator bail's been set at half a million dollars for cherry an moore. when we come back, the big doings that went down last night on "the bachelorette." ♪ skinny, so skinny it is "skinny" time. time to finally get some details on what happened on "the bachelorette." >> so he wasn't with us this guy, monday night. so you're here now with the analysis. >> i hardly -- i didn't think i was going to make it to be honest. >> really. >> four hours of the bachelorette on monday and tuesday night. >> very subtle. >> terrible towel edition here. see why momentarily. let's just reset where we were. >> please. >> 17 guys started the episode last night. there was a rose ceremony pretty much straightaway. alley, christian and nick b., forget them. they're gone. we didn't know them anyway. 14 were left. they were off to the wilds of pennsylvania. roll that beautiful bachelorette footage starts off a one-on-one date with jojo and luke. that was a sled dog ride. it looked like fun in the snow. but the real fun was had in a hot tub in the middle of the woods. where else would it be, of course. there was champagne, there were strawberries. you get the idea. this is a really good date. you get the idea that luke is going to be around for a while. he gets the rose. excuse me. the group date was why we had the terrible towel here because they were in heinz field in pittsburgh. we're going to play some football. big ben roethlisberger there. these guys worked out a little bit. no one was all that good at it. to be quite honest. >> not even aaron rodgers' little brother? >> well, you know, he did okay. that's james taylor right there. he wound up cutting his head. so he got into it. should have had a purple heart or something. >> he got back out onto the field. >> he did. they wrapped him up and off he went. finally they played a game. it was a relatively closely contested or something. wound up being decided by an interception return for a touch down. speaking of jordan rodgers, he actually got the rose. >> he did? >> he's still very much in the thick of things. put it that way. >> bet he did. >> this whole episode was about the two-on-one date. alex versus chad, our guy ochocinco. >> chad. >> they went on a two-on-one date. there's only one rose involved. so somebody's going home. alex and ochocinco didn't like each other through the whole season. the date was basically painted as the good versus the evil villain type of thing. came down to jojo's decision which of these two dudes was going to stick around. >> sounds like a tough one. >> jojo had a lot of time to think about the whole thing. she wound up telling chad she doesn't think he's the person that he really says he is. >> i don't think that the way that you behave and resort to violence is something that's acceptable. i don't want somebody that threatens other people who can't get along with other people and who thinks physical violence is the way to solve things. so with that said, alex, will you accept this rose? >> please, thank you. >> well, so much for ochocinco. >> bye, chad. >> he didn't take that too well. meanwhile back at where the guys were hanging out, these guys were great scenes of celebration. these guys were partying like england just won the european championship. >> subtle. >> right? >> bring out the bubbly, the whole nine yards. everybody's like the game's on now. no doubt we'll have some of that. anyway, that's how the episode ended in essence. >> chad comes back. >> there was. there was a little bit of cliff hanging there. you had some creepiness from ochocinco. >> hanging chad. >> knocking on the door. uh-oh. maybe it's going to get messy or maybe it won't. we'll see. bring the security guards in from l.a. 13 guys remain. there's no episode next. weak week so we're back -- the episode is monday the 20th. on that note, i think the analyst is out. >> all right. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, sir. is this for us? >> yeah. it's a real rose, too. >> it's lovely. next taking political theater to a new level. >> meryl streep has more award nominations than any actor or actress in history. this may have been her toughest role yet. she donned a fat suit, toupee and a face full of fake tan to transform herself into donald trump. >> it does appear she kind of nailed it right to donald's pursed lips and his braggadocio inflected voice. >> part of the gala right here in new york city monday night. she's a method actress. i wonder if she did that to get ready for this role. >> it's acting. to get ready for this role. >> it's acting. medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could 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doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ ylysol with hydrogen peroxide. bleach. for a tough clean with zero percent bleach. lysol that. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. ♪ skinny, so skinny ♪ skinny, so skinny >> just when you thought it was over, it is time for the bonus round starting with the gloves coming off between axl rose and google. >> it all started six years ago with a photo snapped and publishes of the guns and roses front man during a concert in canada. it's a less than flattering image and led to countless memes mocking his weight. now he's ordering google to take the photo down from the internet. >> so some of those memes include take me down to the bakery city. and oh, oh, oh sweet piles of pie. and, of course, welcome to mcdonald's. we got super size. >> here's the rub. even if google does succeed in taking down the original photo, it lives on forever in the form of millions upon millions of those altered memes. >> now google has declined to comment on the case. i just did a google image search. it's number three. he's still there. >> all right. next in other heavy metal news, a rare peek inside ed force 1. >> forget about a tour bus. for years this has been iron maiden's tour bus. boeing 747 named after the band's mascot eddie. it is pimped inside and out with everything iron maiden right down to customized seat covers. >> but it gets better, the band's lead singer bruce dickinson is a licensed commercial pilot who flies the group around for their world tour. they've gone to 35 countries. >> the band doesn't own the $350 million plane. they lease it. and fans follow it all over. >> i wonder if when they return it, the company will continue to keep iron maiden's skull on the tail. i don't know how i feel about getting on a plane with that. >> not quite. looking like she's from a completely different world, jamie lee curtis cementing had herself as the coolest nerd mom ever. >> she and her son thomas guest turned out in costume for the premiere of the film "warcraft" in los angeles. it is based on the popular video game series and set in the mythical world azeroth where humans and orks coexist. >> the mother and son brought them into near flawless existence. at the film's premiere. he commented we're serious about our games. yeah. >> i bet she's super fun to hang out with on halloween. >> do you think? >> yeah, i'll invite her to my party next year. >> i didn't get an invite. >> sorry, buddy. you're not making the cut. sorry. >> be back. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now." informing insomniacs for two decades. informing insomniacs for two decades. rming insomeny good morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo with some of the top headlines we're following for you this morning on "world news now." hillary clinton has taken her place in history declaring herself the democratic presidential nominee defeating bernie sanders in several primaries last night. but sanders did not concede the race. we have full coverage coming up shortly. the driver of a damaged pickup truck you see on the right is in custody after police say he struck a group of cyclists from behind near kalamazoo, michigan. five riders were killed. four others seriously injured. prosecutors have yet to file charges. a hawaiian woman charged with murdering her twin sister will appear in a maui court today. prosecutors say she deliberately drove an suv off the road and over a cliff, killing her sister anastasia. tropical storm colin dumped up to 9 inches on rain. the storm is now well off the coast in the atlantic. those are some of our top stories on this wednesday, june 8th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we begin this half hour with hillary clinton's big night delivering a historic speech as the first woman to become the presumptive nominee for a major party. >> clinton's victory speech came as she won the primary in new jersey and several other states. she held a commanding lead in california as soon as the results started coming in. clinton sat down for an exclusive interview with our abc's david muir and spoke about bernie sanders. >> do you think it's time for a meeting with senator sanders? >> i'm reaching out and looking forward to talk to him personally because i think his campaign has been a really dynamic and exciting experience for -- >> we're going to have much more of that exclusive interview later on this half hour. >> despite her milestone, bernie sanders is not giving up on his bid for the white house. sanders addressed thousands of supporters in santa monica, california, overnight. he was defiantly introduced as the next president of the united states. sanders said he was enormously optimistic about the future and vowed to keep going. >> we are going to fight hard to win the primary in washington, d.c. and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial, and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania! >> that relatively brief speech came after sanders spoke with hillary clinton and president obama. and abc's maryalice parks covers the sanders campaign for us and is live on the phone from santa monica where that rally was head. maryalice, where does this campaign go from here, the sanders campaign? >> reporter: as you heard him say, he's planning to continue to work for every delegate, every vote. take that message all the way to the convention. on a day to day basis, that looks like a big effort to continue to influence the party platform. push for some policy wins. we saw just today he's going to keep using that golden e-mail list he has to back congressional candidates around the country hoping he can spur some of his donors to donate to them. >> looks like we may have lost mary alice. do we still have you? >> reporter: yeah, i'm here. >> i wonder what the mood is among sanders supporters that you've talked to. we heard donald trump trying to solicit their support. any chance of that happening? >> not in this room. these were the die hard fans here. it was a passionate sort of related room. once the fans knew where he was going in his speech, they cheered. he could barely get the words out. the head of the national nurses union which has been one of his biggest backers in this race told me that the news tonight was music to her ears. they've been excited to take this fight all the way to philly. they want greater assurances that clinton will adopt some of their more progressive plat forms. some in the room were not ready to concede california yet, talking about provisional ballots. this room was ready to fight on. >> that's abc's maryalice parks live with the sanders campaign in california. thank you. turning now to donald trump who had a victory lap of his own last night. >> that's right. trump won all five gop races taking his delegate count well beyond the required magic number of 1237. in a scripted speech from his new york golf club, he trump urged bernie sanders supporters to back him instead. he also attacked hillary clinton and promised there's more to come. >> i am going to give a major speech on probably monday of next week and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the clintons. you're going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. >> and earlier, trump released a statement saying his remarks about a judge's mexican heritage was misconstrued and he said he did not feel a person's heritage makes them incapable of being impartial. house speaker paul ryan blasted trump calling his initial remarks a textbook definition of a racist comment. ryan did not pull his endorsement but republican senator from illinois mark kirk said he can no longer support trump. >> looking at a few congressional races, a republican will take john boehner's old seat. warren davidson won 77% of the vote. boehner stepped down as speaker of the house last year. and there's a very unusual result in the race to fill barbara boxer's seat. two democrats will likely end up running against each other. under california's election rules, only two candidates advance out of 34. 34 candidates were in that primary. in this case, it will be the state attorney general kamala harris versus congresswoman loretta sanchez. >> we want to take another look at hillary clinton's history making accomplishment. >> abc's rick klein was there for the celebration and he takes a look at what clinton has in store. good morning, rick. >> reporter: diane and kendis, an evening that was a lifetime or at least eight years in the making. it was eight years ago that hillary clinton declared she had put 18 million cracks in that highest and hardest glass ceiling. now she's declaring for the first time that she's shattering it becoming the democratic nominee, the first female nominee of either major party for president. the moment is colored by the fact she still has bernie sanders' supporters. for the first time said she's trying to bring them on board and then to the general election, training her eyes on donald trump knowing the folks in the room have to become an army for her going forward. for now though, a celebration for hillary clinton as she looks forward to combat in the fall. diane and kendis? >> that's abc's political director rick klein. thank you. you can stay with abc news throughout the morning as we give you the latest developments on america this morning as well as full coverage on "gma." now to the growing anger at the california judge who sentenced a convicted rapist, a former stanford athlete brock turner, to six months in jail. judge aaron penski would have faced voters yesterday but the election was canceled because he ran unopposed. a petition has gained thousands of signatures demanding he be remove. turner has file add appeal. there's word this morning president obama will not be able to be attend muhammad ali's funeral on friday. instead valerie jarrett will represent the president. former president bill clinton will deliver the eulogy and people will begin lining up at 6:00 this morning hoping to get one of 15,000 tickets available for that service. so lebron james saying that tonight's game three is do or die for his cleveland cavaliers. the cavs have been outclassed by the golden state warriors losing the first two games of the series by double figures. cleveland is hoping its home crowd can give them some sort of boost. you can see how they do tonight starting at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on abc. >> i'm sure lebron will have his nikes on tonight. steph curry wearing his underarmor. soon we're going to see a new pair of converse. >> they're called the all-star modern. from the side they're pretty similar to the famous chuck taylor all-stars. >> which haven't changed in a while. the company rep says it brings together converse's heritage with modern design coming in five colors, all of which will be available a week from tomorrow. >> you can't mess, look at that. you can't mess. >> the classic? >> i don't like these. >> what are they, 100 years old? >> i'm not okay with there. >> the colors are black, action red, lucid green, soar blue and white. $140 for the high top version. $130 for the low cut version. or zero dollars if you're you. >> i'll going to the clack. i'm a class eijkman. coming up, a couple will soon be saying i do thanks to the kindness of strangers. why their dream wedding was derailed and what a community did to rally together to make sure that wedding was put on track. and making history. abc's david muir scores the first exclusive interview with hillary clinton after she became the presumptive democratic presidential nominee. first, here's a look at today's temperatures. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. wa, empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) and there's moving with thermove free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike glucosamine chondroitin, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. hillary clinton is hillary clinton is celebrating her historic accomplishment as the first woman to become the presumptive nominee of a major party clinton won several primaries last night but bernie sanders is not bowing out, at least not yet. in a late night speech he promised supporters he will fight on. sanders spoke with clinton and president obama last night and he plans to meet with the president tomorrow. now that she's cemented herself in history as the first woman to lead a presidential ticket of a major party, what's next? >> her challenge now is to unify the party, of course. but the big question is, will the bernie sanders supports and even more importantly will the candidate, as well cooperate? here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: she's been waiting years for this moment. the night she the finally got to be the one making history. >> thanks to you, we've reached a milestone. the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee. >> it's been a long time coming. as clinton told my colleague david muir, this isn't just about her. >> you have talked so often about the unfinished business not only in this country but around the world when it comes to women's rights. is having the first female american president part of that unfinished business? >> it is, david. and it is, of course, symbolic. but symbols mean something. and symbols often can spark hope and action in people particularly young people. and i think it will be a real milestone with my nomination for our country. but it will also send a signal around the world i care deeply about women's rights. i have been outspoken advocate for them for many years. and as secretary of state, i carried that message around the world because empowering women, providing for women's rights, their full participation in society, politics, the economy is not only a matter of individuals being able to chart their own futures, it's good for democracy and good for peace and prosperity. >> reporter: it's getting harder to ignore the mag. as of tonight, clinton has enough delegates to secure the democratic nomination. that's not likely to change between now and the convention. true, not all of them are pledged delegates, the ones you earn winning primaries and caucuses. more than 500 of clinton's total are super delegates, party insiders who have been with her since the beginning. it would be tough for sanders to convince them to jump ship now. >> it's really going to be almost impossible for bernie sanders to woo over hillary clinton's super delegates. since day one, bernie sanders has been really against the rigged system, but what he's asking clinton's super delegates to do is to overturn the will of the voters, especially asking them to rig the system. >> reporter: clinton supporters now feel a sense of urgency about turning the focus to the general election. clinton is eager to get on with things so tonight she's putting primary season behind her. >> let's go out and make that case to america. thank, god bless you. and god bless america. >> reporter: whether or not bernie sanders is ready to do the same. i'm david wright for "nightline" in brooklyn. >> and hillary clinton also marked the milestone on social media changing her new twitter profile image to this. history made. >> humblebrag. >> a little bit. >> no, but it is history. >> she's earned it. >> she's definitely earned it. >> the sanders campaign manager is saying they should not be counting the superdelegate votes till they vote at the convention. >> we'll see how that plays out over next couple of days when the president speaks with bernie sanders. coming up, the dream wedding that was derailed by tragedy. >> how one community in mississippi cape together to make sure the couple would eventually say i do. that's next on "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ as any bride and groom for that matter can tell you, there are thousands of details that go into planning of a wedding that could potentially go wrong. >> but the wedding for one couple in biloxi, mississippi was completely derailed by tragedy, that is until the kindness of strangers kicked in. jonathan brannan has the story. >> reporter: when courtney and jeremy got engaged last july, they had a life full of hope ahead of them. then courtney's mom passed away suddenly from a massive heart attack in november. >> i explained to jeremy that this is going to be hard because i am a mama's baby. >> reporter: she knew it was going to be tough to continue her wedding plans without one of her best supporters. but she and jeremy pushed on saving and planning. then in february, courtney got a phone call. jeremy had been in a wreck. she rushed to the scene frantic for information from the police. >> he said all you need to know is he's alive. i asked them if i could ride in the ambulance and they said no, they have to work on him now. >> reporter: that's when she knew it was serious. three days in an induced coma, a fractured neck, broken rib and collar broken and a complete spinal cord break. then jeremy woke up. >> that's when they came and told us that jeremy's paralyzed. >> reporter: life changed in an instant. now jeremy depends on courtney for everyday tacks. >> without courtney, i couldn't tell you where the situation would be. >> reporter: after all of this, their wedding plans suddenly came to a halt and any money saved had to be redirected to jeremy's care. so courtney posted a request on facebook. she was looking for a reasonably priced photographer hoping a wedding could still happen. then people started reaching out. people courtney and jeremy didn't even know. a complete stranger jennifer dupri started a facebook page and a go fund me account. this attracted the attention of hope flicki who paid for jeremy's tux and is helping with the food and serving. >> to see this happening in such a short time mississippi strong that's what it shows. they deserve this. >> reporter: local businesses got involved like melissa's specialty cakes. >> i'm going to do their wedding cake. >> the owner lisa says the story touched her. >> that's got to be tough. it's got to be really, really tough on this young couple who is wanting to get married and met so many unfortunate circumstances. we decided to help out. >> reporter: from decor and entertainment to photography and invitations their dream wedding started taking shape, all thanks to the kindness of strangers. >> they're the light at the end of the tunnel and our tunnel's had some very big rocks in it, you know? >> i feel like it's a sunset after the biggest storm. >> reporter: jonathan brannan, wlox news now. >> after so many obstacles it's nice to see them having something to look forward to. the power of social media use for good there. >> what a tough start to their lives together. it's got to be all downhill from there or uphill from there. >> they say 23 services needed to put the whole wedding together. there are only three things left to be paid for. one of them is her dress. everything else covered. >> and it will be. e of them is her dress. everything else covered. >> and it will be., and my sweethearts gone sayonara. this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on! the long lasting scent of gain flings. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. (male #1) it's a little something i've done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. ♪ >> i'm always discovering new apps. >> look that one up. >> she's gone down in history as the people's princess. just when we thought we had heard everything, we're hearing more. >> diana's private chef is now opening up, revealing what the princess was really like behind those closed doors. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: for the first time, darren mcgrady is opening up about the people's princess. the diana he knew. >> while you were with her in kensington palace, what was she like? >> she was incredible. she was always interested in what was going on behind those doors in the kitchen. the princess was a terrible cook. she said that herself. she couldn't cook. >> reporter: telling us about the time her royal highness and a friend attempted to make themselves dinner. >> and the spaghetti boiled over. it put the pilot lights away. they cleared away. in the afternoon, she came into the kitchen, she walked past the stove and she could smell gas. monday morning, she came into the kitchen and said dan, you won't believe i nearly set the whole palace on fire. i called the fire brigade. but you know the best part, i had 12 hunky firemen all to myself. >> reporter: mcgrady using kitchens at new york's institute of culinary education to whip up some of the royal family's favorite dishes. >> stuffed bell peppers is one of her favorites. >> reporter: telling us he wanted to share his experience of princess diana after prince harry recently said he was struggling to remember what his mother was like. >> he's struggling to remember but it's coming back in his personality. william is like his father and his uncle but harry is more like the princess. the princess used to say darren, they're going to take care of the heir. i've got to take care of the spare. they were so alike. his mom would have been so, so proud. >> reporter: for "good morning america," lynn i janice, abc news. >> can you believe she would have been 55 this august. >> i love the behind the scenes look, especially the tale about the pasta boiling over. people always focus on everything she was good at. it's cute to know she confessed she's a terrible cook. >> i'm amazed she did some cooking. > she tried to learn. that's important. >> that's why she's a people's princess. >> that's the news for this half hour. >> do remember to follow us on facebook at see you later. see you later. see you later. bls this morning on "world news now," hillary clinton is staking her claim to the democratic nomination. >> she caps a historic night with an impassioned speech delivering a message to her supporters as she pulls away from bernie sanders and focuses on donald trump who promises new attacks against both clintons. we're live with team coverage straight ahead. breaking news out of michigan. a pickup truck crashes into a group of cyclists in a deadly scene. and police receive a warning call from another driver just moments too late. twin twisters caught on camera. the huge tornadoes dancing around each other tearing up a field full of wind turbines. the frightening scene playing out as eyewitnesses react in sheer awe of mother nature. meet the adorable bundle of joy and abundant born at 14 pounds and, of course, his brave mother who labored to bring the two for one sized little tyke into the world. and wait till you hear what he was supposed to be born. it's wednesday, june 8th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i am feeling for that mother. 14 pounds? >> 14 pounds. >> lord. >> man, she pulled her back out. >> anytime that kid miss behaves, 14 pounds. do you have any idea? >> it took me three weeks in labor to get you out. >> i'm diane macedo. hi, everyone. >> i'm kendis gibson. hillary clinton seems like she's been laboring for several years to try to get to this point but -- >> here she is. >> the daily news capturing it just simply with her. and also the "new york post" was relatively kind to her, as well with this one saying the first lady there. >> get it. >> first lady. >> first lady. >> and the twitter #i'm with her trending. > a lot of people are with her apparently this morning. >> all right. we begin with hillary clinton embracing that hysteric moment by staking the claim to the democratic nomination. >> so she addressed supporters in brooklyn last night as the first female presumptive nominee of a major party pulling off a resounding victory in new jersey get this, by more than 60% of the vote. >> the big prize delegate rich california clinton with a wide lead as the votes came in. last night's win are padding her delegate lead, as well pushing her well past the 2383 she needed to clinch. it's your voice, your vote. elizabeth hur has the latest from brooklyn where clinton declared victory. good morning, elizabeth. >> good morning to you. yes, it was here at the brooklyn navy yard where hillary clinton claimed victory, speaking for about 30 minutes. first thanking her supporters then denouncing donald trump. calling him unfit to be president. history for hillary clinton. >> the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee. >> reporter: this turning point in american politics comes exactly eight years after clinton had to concede the same nomination to barack obama. before her big event in brooklyn, she sat down for an exclusive one-on-one with abc's david muir. >> do you think it's time for a meeting with senator sanders? >> i'm certainly reaching out and look forward to talking to him personally because i think his campaign has been a really dynamic and exciting experience. >> reporter: clinton's night started on a high note with a win in new jersey, but it's still not clear who take the night's biggest delegate prize, california. and clinton's rival bernie sanders vowing to keep his message alive. >> we're going to go into this convention with enormous momentum. >> reporter: as clinton pivots to the general election trying to win over sanders supporters, so is republican donald trump. >> to all of those bernie sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of super delegates, we welcome you with open arms. >> reporter: but the billionaire is also trying to contain the firestorm set off when he attacked a judge in that trump university lawsuit because of his mexican heritage. >> claiming a person can't do the job because of their race is like the textbook definition of a racist comment. >> reporter: well, in response, trump says republicans just need to get over that judge controversy and promises what he calls a major speech about the clinton on monday. hillary clinton in the meantime says she is getting back on the campaign trail hitting battleground states ohio and pennsylvania next week. kendis and diane, back to you. >> abc's elizabeth hur live in brooklyn for us this morning. elizabeth, thank you. >> let's take a look where both parties go from here. deputy political director so shawna walsh is joining us right now. we know that president obama spoke with both bernie sanders and hillary clinton late last night. what sense are we getting from that conversation? >> yes, they both spoke but president obama congratulated hillary clinton on clinching the democratic nomination. and going forward, i think we're likely to see president obama on a campaign trail quite a lot. he's popular. and he's actually extremely popular for a second term sitting president. and you know, i mean, he seems itching to get out there on the campaign trail, so i think we're going to see it. >> shifting gears to the republicans, there's a lot of fallout over trump's comments about the judge. the daily news is taking it on in their cover. paul ryan isn't taking back his endorsement but pulling back from trump and condemning the comments. senator kirk rescinded his endorsement completely. so where does this take them especially with all the stress on party unity lately? >> i think that republican leaders and especially vulnerable senators are in a very tough spot. and i think that if donald trump continues to make outrageous and offensive comments, then you're going to see those vulnerable senators who are fighting for re-election possibly continuing to rescind that support. people like paul ryan are in a tough spot because they don't want to go back on their endorsement but also don't want to disagree with the party's nominee every day. >> he's calling the republicans to defend him. will we see that? >> do you see that happening? >> i think if donald trump changes his tone, yes, there may be more party unity. but if he continues to say comments that offend part of the electorate, no, ryan is not going to be embracing him. >> he was on a teleprompter last night. >> that was a sign. >> more scripted. the next big step for both campaigns is the selection of a running mate. how soon could that happen? >> donald trump has said repeatedly he wants to do it at the convention. he wants the showbiz quality to the convention which is usual but he said that's when he's going to do it. hillary clinton i think it's likely will see around the convention next month. not too much longer to wait. >> any potentials being floated out there? >> it's interesting because we had newt gingrich and senator bob corker at the top of our short list, but because of their recent condemnations of trump, they've moved down on our short list, which is based on abc news reporting and analysis. chris christie the only republican to defend trump, we've moved him up. >> christie in the fantasy league from politics. >> the vp steaks fantasy league. >> is when we care about the presidency the most. the veepstakes. >> thank you so much for being here. it's great to talk to you as always. we'll have more on your voice your vote ahead on "america this morning" as well as "good morning america." we want to move on right now to a tragic story developing overnight from michigan. a group of cyclists fatally struck by a driver. prosecutors say a 50-year-old man was driving that damaged pickup truck when struck a group of nine riders from behind. at least five cyclists were killed. other four were seriously injured and are being treated at hospitals. police were seeking the truck driver after receiving reports of erratic driving moments before the incident. the driver fled the scene but is now in custody. no charges have been filed as yet. you might recall this incident from last october. a car crashing into a crowd at the oklahoma state university homecoming parade. four people were killed in that incident. an attorney for the driver says he will seek an insanity defense. she faces second degree murder, assault as well as battery charges when she goes on trial in january. and a maui woman is charged with murdering her twin sister by driving her off a cliff. prosecutors say alexandria duval intentionally veered her suv off a highway where it plunged 200 feet and killed her sister anastasia who was in the passenger seat. witnesses say they saw them fighting and pulling each other's hair inside the vehicle before it went off the road. alexandria duval appeared in a maui court where she was ordered held without bail. in new york, four corrections officers and their boss have been convicted of beating an inmate at rikers island, then covering up their actions. witnesses testified they had took jamaal lightfoot to a area with no surveillance cameras, then kicked him in the face with their boots so badly, both his eye sockets were fractured. they are facing up to 15 years in prison. parts of the southeast are cleaning up after tropical storm colin. the water is slowly receding at this home park. about 30 residents were evacuated due to that flooding after the storm dumped as many as 9 inches of rain flooding roads and causing outages. thunderstorms are in the forecast again today. and these surfers in north carolina took advantage of the waves that colin created in the atlantic. the storm by the way, is no longer a threat. it's now headed out to sea. they're enjoying it in the meantime. let's go clear across the country to arizona, glendale to be specific. maybe some sand surfing. it's where the arizona cardinals stadium is and where the fiesta bowl is held. >> this morning something a little different. this video is from a traffic camera. that is a family of ducks on the move. >> luckily for them, that trooper was on the scene. he basically guided them away from the road ultimately bringing them to safety. >> i guess you could say he was able to get all those ducks in a row. >> i see where you're going with that. >> nailed it. >> boom. >> i'll be here all week. >> jack wrote that and he was so proud. >> i got you. >> slow clap on that. >> really slow clap. >> we can't even read -- verklempt. when we come back, we're going to show you more of this scary scene caught on camera. twin twisters here looming ominously over a wind turbine field. the storm chasers paralyzed in fear of the intense scene. an extra special and extra large delivery for one family. meet the baby big enough to be his own twin. remember you can always find us on facebook and on twitter. >> you're watching "world news now." on twitter. >> you're watching "world news now." hair color wants to to help you keep on being you.. nice'n easy. natural-looking color... ...that even in sunlight, doesn't look like hair color... it just looks like you. nice'n easy: color as real as you are. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. who doesn't like twins? well, not this type. check out this video from germany as twin twisters tore through a field of wind turbines. the two large funnels spun for several minutes before moving on. amazing pictures and thankfully, we should mention no damage reports and no one injured. back here at home, growing anger at the california judge who sentenced a convicted rapist to six months in jail. the judge would have faced voters yesterday but it was canceled because he ran unopposed. now a petition demanding he be removed gained thousands of signatures. here's abc's stephanie ramos. >> reporter: brock turner a top tier swimmer at stanford university found guilty of sexual assault. now the attention shifting to the judge in the case, aaron perski. the former lacrosse captain and stanford alum criticized for sentencing turner to only six months in jail for three counts of sexual assault. >> i think there was some sense of entitlement the way in which they presented their case as though the victim liked it. >> reporter: the victim writing in her statement if i had been sexually assaulted by an unathletic guy from a community college, what would his sentence be? the district attorney asked for six yeerps for his assault of an unconscious victim outside a party near a dumpster. perski ruled that a prison sentence would have a severe impact on brock and now there's an online petition to remove the elected stanford alum judge from the bench. that petition gaining nearly 400,000 signatures in a day. >> he ignored a jury and in my mind ignored her. >> the palo alto judge is up for re-election. his name won't be on the primary election ballot, that's because he's running unopposed, but he could still lose in november if there's a write-in candidate. as for brock turner, he withdrew from stanford university and will have to register as a sex offender for life. kendis and diane, back to you. >> all right, stephanie. and the nfl says it is strengthening its cybersecurity measures after its twitter account was hacked. a fake tweet claimed commissioner roger goodell had died. he was fine golfing with jim kelly when it took place. the league says law enforcement is investigating. okay. oh congratulations i guess we should say that to a family in kansas welcoming a bouncing baby man. moses william hilton who came into this world weighing 14 pounds 14 pounces. >> that's about twice the size of an average newborn. mom had no idea he was going to be so large till after the c-section. >> they took him out, the nurse said it's a mini sumo wrestler. i said what? they showed me and i was like, that is a sumo wrestler. >> oh, man. look how big it measured. >> little moses was born 11 days before his due date. he has two little sisters waiting for him to get home from the hospital. you wonder how big he would have been had he gone to term. >> i like we say two little sisters because they're smaller. and there must be something in the water because just a few days ago, the biggest baby in the world was born in india, 15 pounds. baby girl. >> 15 pounds. >> yeah. >> my cousin had a 14 pound kid. i thought a 22 pounder was born in italy once. >> maybe it's the biggest this year. >> my cousin had a 14 pounder. he's adorable. he's now eight years old and the size of a 15-year-old. in the nicu, it was so easy to identify him. you showed up at the nursery when they're laying in the basinets. he was the size of the entire bed with all the other babies this big. we expected him to walk away and realized he's only a few days old. >> he had twin beds. >> he needed them. coming up in our next half hour, the brazen kidnapping at a mall outside philadelphia. the kidnapper caught on surveillance video stole a 7 week old infant from under his mother's nose. how she did it and what led police directly to her home. first, the mustang versus the motorcycle. see the new road rage in colorado springs and the images used to catch both drivers. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. i'm super excited to introduce my dad because he's my hero. when i was little, he was doing this really important work driving ambulances in iraq. now he's home. and he's still a hero because he tells the ambulances where to go when there's an emergency. i'm so proud of him. he's awesome. he's my dad! announcer: if your service-connected disability hinders your civilian career, vocrehab offers a variety of services to help prepare you for your next mission. ♪ take it easy, take it easy, don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy ♪ >> and it's an appropriate theme for our next story. not really. social media helped police do some quick work in solving a wild road rage case. >> like many incidents these days, the encounter was caught on camera, but this time the images were used to catch both drivers. here's abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: police in colorado springs say this youtube video helped them bust two drivers behaving badly. a mustang versus a motorcycle, sparking as it goes down. the rider okay. as summer heats up, police warn that more drivers are taking the low road. in tampa, this car revving and rolling right over two people on a motorcycle. >> we just got run over by a car. >> reporter: the driver charged with attempted murder. and in oklahoma this pickup truck ramming two teenagers off the highway. slamming their car into a guardrail. here in colorado, road rage complaints are way up. more than 74,000 calls to state patrol just last year. that is a record, an average of more than 200 every day. in this crash, police arrested the mustang driver for assault. the motorcycle driver for harassment. they have not entered pleas. the police have a plea of their own, to not take matters into your own hands. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> apparently the delivery driver who shot the video said the motorcycle driver told him the car tried to run his girlfriend off the road and that started the whole incident. >> more scenes like this as the summer heats up. >> i hope not. coming up, a rare look at a fish literally. erally. a rare look at a fish literally. bot sheets, theyd more than detergent could handle. they needed a rescue. otherwise, we might have had to say bye-bye to our favorite robots ya. so we added tide rescue to the wash. it cleans super deep down where detergent just doesn't. daddy, i've got to go potty! progress! go, go, go! eww stinky. introducing tide rescue. eliminates tough odors at the source. find it in the stain remover aisle. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. ylysol with hydrogen peroxide. bleach. for a tough clean with zero percent bleach. lysol that. new pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, you wanna see something intense? with our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. and there's moving with thermove free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike glucosamine chondroitin, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. this pimple's gonna aw com'on.ver. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. ♪ the first one is -- time for "the mix." the fish. trapped inside a fish. it's like fishception. check this out. >> what is that? >> this was taken by an australian marine photographer. in byron bay australia. he said he was filled with amazement. what's happening is -- that fish somehow ended up inside the jellyfish. it's not clear if he was trying to eat the fish or not. it's actually the fish inside that's propelling them both forward. >> interesting. >> kind of a fight for survival of the fittest in a way. >> have you had stuffed octopus? it's really good. i can understand it. apparently the jellyfish thinks it's really, really good as well. keeping with the theme of like seafood i guess, okay, so there's a video that was posted first in 2012 but suddenly you know, the internets discovered it. and it's from north carolina. skywalk down to the beach here. this guy walked down to the beach and noticed what he thought was strange activity but it turns out it was like this massive clam feeding frenzy. clamageddon is right. at first he thought they were dead but then a full cycle came and exposed they were opening up their mouths. >> i've never seen a clam eat before. >> i've never, as well. >> i'm usually the one doing the eating of the clam. >> then the sun came out and it turned into a clam bake. >> sounds delicious. >> sounds really good. speaking of delicious, most people love to eat chicken. >> and most normal people. >> kendis is not a fan of chicken. >> not down with the bird. >> we've seen this lately where people take farm animals and try to portray them in a different light. cows playing with toys. people keep pets inside the house. now a new photographer is taking on the chicken. these are his models. he says they're beautiful and eat like birds. they are a real chicken. the whole point was to portray them like glamorous models of high fashions magazines. he says they're surprisingly patient and collaborative and that doing the project gave him newfound respect for the chicken. >> and they were delicious. >> he dedicated the project to you, kendis. >> thank you. you can have those. so how does a golfer open a bottle of champagne? this is how. this is josh kelly. and he uses the wedge for the shot. boom. look at that. >> wow. >> now, that -- >> i'm guessing he's done that before. >> that's definitely a good way to start a tinder date. >> show that one off at the club. you might get a free bottle out of the deal. >> his girlfriend looks -- wow. college already. ( chuckles ) yeah. - ( engine starts ) - we gotta go. ♪ for all the truth that you made me see... ♪ i love you. ♪ for all the joy you brought to my life... ♪ i love you too, daddy. ♪ you're the one who saw me through... ♪ and thanks - for everything. - ♪ through it all... - ♪ you were my strength when i was weak... ♪ - ( woman speaks ) a message from the foundation for a better life. this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now," a turning point in this election season. hillary clinton having a historic night grabbing more delegates overnight. and planting her feet firmly as the democratic nominee trying her best to take out bernie sanders and taking aim at that guy, donald trump. >> an abc news exclusive. on her big night, hillary clinton sits down with abc's david muir, telling us where she goes from here and how she ultimately intends to get back to the white house. complete primary coverage ahead. and new this half hour, dramatic images of alleged excessive force. >> an officer seen tasing a suspect at traffic stop is under fire for allegedly dragging the teen and dropping him on his face. the dashcam video captured the confrontation. and the bomb shell on last night's episode of the "bachelorette." by the time the dust settled, four guys were shown the door. wait till you hear who was among them. we're going to have a full wrap-up as the analyst joins us in "the skinny" on this wednesday, june 8th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> it was, oh, my god, it was like two days of just you know, edge of the seat. >> on "the bachelorette." >> jack needed last night off just to like to take it all in. >> i didn't think i was going to make it. >> they ended on yet another cliffhanger. >> i can't take the cliffhangers. i need to know now. >> you have to wait two weeks for it. >> we'll have the full analysis coming up a little bit later on. but we're going to get started, of course, with history. hillary clinton going where no other woman has gone before. declaring herself the democratic party's nominee. >> clinton claimed her place in history after a bruising battle with bernie sanders. she crushed him in new jersey. he got his first win of the night in north dakota but a lot of people focusing overnight on california. as soon as results started coming in clinton held a commanding lead where 475 pledged delegates were at stake. >> these wins pushing her well past the number of delegates needed to clinch a nomination. abc's elizabeth hur has the latest. she's in brooklyn. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning to you, kendis and diane. and right off the bat, i have to tell you, hillary clinton addressed and thanked her supporters who i have to tell you, so many of them waited hours first outside then again inside the brooklyn navy yard here all to witness history. now, as far as clinton's victory speech is concerned, we should note here, it came exactly eight years to the day she conceded the race to then senator barack obama. now, fast forward to today. her current democratic challenger senator bernie sanders just made it clear in california that he is still in the race and clinton tonight took the time to commend and congratulate him. >> i want to congratulate senator sanders for the extraordinary campaign he has run. and the vigorous debate that we've had about how to raise incomes, reduce inequality, increase upward mobility have been very good for the democratic party and for america. >> reporter: and senator sanders is right now in santa monica, california, addressing his supporters. thanking them for being part of the political revolution and again, we understand he just made it clear he is not conceding tonight. reminding his supporters that there's another primary one more in d.c. next week. and he's asking them and he is vowing to fight till the end. kendis and diane. >> elizabeth, there's been a lot of talk about the president's endorsement. we know he spoke to both candidates last night. how does he fit into all of this? >> reporter: yeah, according to white house officials, we should note here the president is scheduled to in new york city later today. we understand there are two fund-raisers scheduled he will be attending. we are told this has been scheduled for a long while and at this time, the president officials say, does not expect to see, meet or appear with hillary clinton when he is in town. that said, as you mentioned, of course, the very next obvious natural question was what about an endorsement now that we have hillary clinton who has claimed victory in this race here. well, as of yesterday afternoon, white house officials said that endorsement not happening just yet but we do understand president clinton did call both hillary clinton and senator sanders yesterday i should say late yesterday to congratulate clinton and then to thank senator sanders -- and we understand sanders will be in d.c. on thursday to meet with the president. kendis and diane? >> yeah. >> president obama making that late phone call to both of those candidates tonight. >> thank you, elizabeth. well, just before clinton took the stage last night she sat down for an exclusive interview with abc's david muir. >> she called her nomination a real milestone for our country and talked about a singular moment in history debating donald trump. we have more on the exclusive interview. >> good morning, diane and kendis. it was a historic night here in brooklyn navy yard in new york. hillary clinton officially celebrating becoming the first woman to clinch the nomination of any major presidential party. last night she opened up and reflected on what that means to her in an exclusive interview with our david muir. she said it's a milestone and will send a signal around the world. >> you have talked so often about the unfinished business not only in this country but around the word when it comes to women's rights. is having the first female american president part of that unfinished business? >> it is, david. and it is of course, symbolic. but symbols mean something. and symbols often can spark hope and action in people, particularly young people. and i think it will be a real milestone with my nomination for our country. but it will also send a signal around the world. >> reporter: clinton told david she is focused on uniting the democratic party. she said her campaign has already been in talks with the sanders campaign but she hopes to have a personal conversation with sanders soon. she talked a lot about donald trump. said she's looking forward to debating him and that will be a "singular moment in american history." >> are you ready for that debate stage against donald trump? >> i am so looking forward to it. i'll have a chance to make clear why i believe he is not qualified and temperamentally unfit to be president. >> reporter: in this interview, clinton also declined to call trump a racist and said she doesn't know what's in his heart. a big night here in new york. it's really just the beginning. diane and kendis? >> liz kreutz, thanks for that. donald trump took a victory lap last night vowing to be america's champion. he won all five gop races taking his count well with beyond the required magic number of 1237. speaking from his new york golf club and using a teleprompter, trump attacked hillary clinton. he urged sanders supporters to back his campaign instead and tried to reassure republicans after a contentious week. >> you've given me the honor to lead the republican party to victory this fall. i understand the responsibility of carrying the mantle and i will never ever let you down. >> earlier trump released a statement saying his remarks about a judge's mexican heritage were misconstrued and said he did not feel a person's heritage makes them incapable of being impartial. >> house speaker paul ryan had blasted trump, called his remarks of a textbook definition of a racist comment. ryan did not pull his endorsement, but republican senator mark kirk said he can no longer support. we continue to bring you the latest on the race for the white house. let's turn to our other headlines right now, and a developing story from michigan where a group of cyclists have been fatally struck by a driver. prosecutors say a 50-year-old man was driving that truck you see there when it struck a group of nine riders from behind. at least five cyclists were killed, the other four injured. police were seeking the truck after receiving reports of erratic driving moments before the incident. the driver is in custody this morning. charges haven't been filed as the of yet. the young man charged with killing nine penalty at a church will face trial in november. the ruling came in court when dylann roof did not speak during the hearing the federal trial will come roughly two months before south carolina begins its own death penalty trial against him as well. a south carolina surfer is minus his board this morning thanks to a hangry shark. jack o'neal says he was paddling out when he stopped short as though he hit a rock. >> the shark was chomping down on his board. he says he was knocked into the water and quickly swam to shore. the pieces of his broken board washed up on the beach after that. veteran surfers are questioning o'neal saying his story smells fishy. but witnesses say they saw the whole thing go down. >> yeah. i would say his board provides a little bit of protection. >> maybe a little bit. coming up in "the skinny," the bomb shell that dropped last night on "the bachelorette." four guys eliminated. wait till you hear who was among them. our analyst is here with exclusive insight. >> what's with the blood. >> first here's a look at today's forecast. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by vistaprint. vistaprint. >> first here's a look at ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. >> told you. >> told you. >> told you. hands behind your back. >> this is newly released dashcam video showing a former missouri police officer dropping a teen driver on his face after he had tased and handcuffed him during a traffic stop two years ago. doctors say the boy suffered cardiac arrest and some facial injuries and that he survived only because he was treated quickly. the officer has been sentenced to four years in federal prison for violating the teen's civil rights. turning to a kidnapping inside a busy mall outside philadelphia. the suspect stole a 7 week old infant in front of the baby's mother. >> that video released immediately after the baby was taken led police right to the suspect. linzie janis has the story. >> reporter: surveillance video shows exactly how this woman managed to steal a newborn baby. the suspect, 32-year-old cherie amoore, seen striking up a conversation with malika hunter, a mother with her toddler and 7-week-old baby boy at this philadelphia area mall. the two strangers walk through the mall talking. they sit down at the food court. after a while, amoore picks up the crying infant while the mother tends to her other child. with the baby still in her arms, amoore grabs her purse, throws away some trash. then she takes off out of sight in roughly ten seconds. other cameras catch her as she hurries up the stairs, two at a time, and into the parking lot. just hours later, the baby found safe at amoore's home. the suspect's own family calling police after seeing her in a security camera image. >> it's opened and closed as to what happened. what is not closed is why it happened. >> reporter: police say amoore told them she had recently given birth to a baby that died and she was overcome with emotion. she has pleaded not guilty to kidnapping charges. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> sad story. police say the moment she answered the door she immediately said i took the baby and i'm sorry. >> she said she can't explain why she did it. she just did it. >> she said she never went to the mall with the intention of stealing a baby. >> they did put the mall on lockdown. there was an amber alert issued immediately afterwards senator bail's been set at half a million dollars for cherie amoore. when we come back, the big doings that went down last night on "the bachelorette." and why axl rose is taking on google. >> jack, it was huge, right? >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny, so skinny ♪ skinny, so skinny it is "skinny" time. time to finally get some details on what happened on "the bachelorette." >> so he wasn't with us this guy, monday night. so you're here now with the analysis. >> i hardly -- i didn't think i was going to make it to be honest. >> really. >> four hours on "the bachelorette" on monday and tuesday night. >> very subtle. >> terrible towel edition here. see why momentarily. let's just reset where we were. >> please. >> 17 guys started the episode last night. there was a rose ceremony pretty much straightaway. alley, christian and nick b., forget them. they're gone. we didn't know them anyway. 14 were left. they were off to the wilds of pennsylvania. roll that beautiful bachelorette footage starts off a one-on-one date with jojo and luke. that was a sled dog ride. it looked like fun in the snow. but the real fun was had in a hot tub in the middle of the woods. where else would it be, of course. there was champagne, there were strawberries. you get the idea. this is a really good date. you get the idea that luke is going to be around for a while. he gets the rose. excuse me. the group date was why we had the terrible towel here because they were in heinz field in pittsburgh. we're going to play some football. big ben roethlisberger there. these guys worked out a little bit. no one was all that good at it. to be quite honest. >> not even aaron rodgers' little brother? >> well, you know, he did okay. that's james taylor right there. he wound up cutting his head. so he got into it. should have had a purple heart or something. >> he got back out onto the field. >> he did. they wrapped him up and off he went. finally they played a game. it was a relatively closely contested or something. wound up being decided by an interception return for a touch down. speaking of jordan rodgers, he actually got the rose. >> he did? >> he's still very much in the thick of things. put it that way. >> bet he did. >> this whole episode was about the two-on-one date. alex versus chad, our guy ochocinco. >> chad. >> they went on a two-on-one date. there's only one rose involved. so somebody's going home. alex and ochocinco didn't like each other through the whole season. the date was basically painted as the good versus the evil villain type of thing. came down to jojo's decision which of these two dudes was going to stick around. >> sounds like a tough one. >> jojo had a lot of time to think about the whole thing. she wound up telling chad she doesn't think he's the person that he really says he is. >> i don't think that the way that you behave and resort to violence is something that's acceptable. i don't want somebody that threatens other people who can't get along with other people and who thinks physical violence is the way to solve things. so with that said, alex, will you accept this rose? >> please, thank you. >> well, so much for ochocinco. >> bye, chad. >> he didn't take that too well. meanwhile back at where the guys were hanging out, these guys were great scenes of celebration. these guys were partying like england just won the european championship. >> subtle. >> right? >> bring out the bubbly, the whole nine yards. everybody's like the game's on now. no doubt we'll have some of that. anyway, that's how the episode ended in essence. >> chad comes back. >> there was. there was a little bit of cliff hanging there. you had some creepiness from ochocinco. >> hanging chad. >> knocking on the door. uh-oh. maybe it's going to get messy or maybe it won't. we'll see. bring the security guards in from l.a. 13 guys remain. there's no episode next. weak week so we're back -- the episode is monday the 20th. on that note, i think the analyst is out. >> all right. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, sir. is this for us? >> yeah. it's a real rose, too. >> it's lovely. next taking political theater to a new level. >> meryl streep has more award nominations than any actor or actress in history. this may have been her toughest role yet. she donned a fat suit, toupee and a face full of fake tan to transform herself into donald trump. >> it does appear she kind of nailed it right to donald's pursed lips and his braggadocio inflected voice. >> part of the gala right here in new york city monday night. she's a method actress. i wonder if she did that to get ready for this role. >> it's acting. ready for this role. >> it's acting. to get ready for this role. >> it's acting. medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years 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time for the bonus round starting with the gloves coming off between axl rose and google. >> it all started six years ago with a photo snapped and publishes of the guns and roses front man during a concert in canada. it's a less than flattering image and led to countless memes mocking his weight. now he's ordering google to take the photo down from the internet. >> so some of those memes include take me down to the bakery city. and oh, oh, oh sweet piles of pie. and, of course, welcome to mcdonald's. we got super size. >> here's the rub. even if google does succeed in taking down the original photo, it lives on forever in the form of millions upon millions of those altered memes. >> now google has declined to comment on the case. i just did a google image search. it's number three. he's still there. >> all right. next in other heavy metal news, a rare peek inside ed force 1. >> forget about a tour bus. for years this has been iron maiden's tour bus. boeing 747 named after the band's mascot eddie. it is pimped inside and out with everything iron maiden right down to customized seat covers. >> but it gets better, the band's lead singer bruce dickinson is a licensed commercial pilot who flies the group around for their world tour. they've gone to 35 countries. >> the band doesn't own the $350 million plane. they lease it. and fans follow it all over. >> i wonder if when they return it, the company will continue to keep iron maiden's skull on the tail. i don't know how i feel about getting on a plane with that. >> not quite. looking like she's from a completely different world, jamie lee curtis cementing had herself as the coolest nerd mom ever. >> she and her son thomas guest turned out in costume for the premiere of the film "warcraft" in los angeles. it is based on the popular video game series and set in the mythical world azeroth where humans and orks coexist. >> the mother and son brought them into near flawless existence. at the film's premiere. he commented we're serious about our games. yeah. >> i bet she's super fun to hang out with on halloween. >> do you think? >> yeah, i'll invite her to my party next year. >> i didn't get an invite. >> sorry, buddy. you're not making the cut. sorry. >> be back. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now." informing insomniacs for two decades. snoon that's what's making news in >> morning, declaring victory. hillary clinton claiming her place in history. acknowledging for the first time overnight that she's the presumptive nominee for president. >> thanks to you, we reached a milestone. [ cheers and applause ] >> the former first lady triumphantly taking the stage on an important primary night as bernie sanders vows to fight on. more tough talk from donald trump, the other presumptive nominee taking aim at his gop critics. >> they have to get over it. they shouldn't be so angry for so long. hello. >> his message to the republican party as he prepares for a big speech all about the clintons. breaking overnight, deadly hit-and-run involving a group of bicyclists. new details just coming in. and caught on camera, a man

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