Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America Weekend Edition 201

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20160807

want somebody that's going to short-circuit. >> all this as we learn about the results of a new abc/"washington post" poll that points to good news for clinton. and going for gold. the victories for team usa on the first day of competition. the teenager taking aim and stealing the spotlight. and the swimmers adding to our medal count, as "gma" sits down with serena williams. >> i have so much fun playing with venus. >> her big hopes at the big games. good morning, everyone. great to have you with us. we're going to get to all of the olympic action coming up. including key early victories for the usa on the court and the field. both the men's basketball team and u.s. women's soccer teams off to a strong start. usa. >> they are off to strong starts. but we're starting with the breaking news involving the disgraced former olympian, oscar pistorius. we're learning this morning tht he was sent to the hospital after being found in his prison cell with injuries to his wrists. >> he's denying it was a suicide attempt. either way, it is a shocking turnaround for an athlete who just four years ago was stunning the world at the london olympics, becoming the first amputee runner to compete at the games. >> he's now serving the six-year sentence for killing his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. and abc's jennifer eccleston is on the story from london. >> reporter: good morning, dan, and paula. the prison where oscar pistorius is serving time for murdering his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, confirms that the olympian was treated at the prison for what they call minor injuries to his wrists. they say he was transferred to a nearby hospital for treatment and taken back to the prison on saturday. they say pistorius denies allegations of a suicide attempt. but this incident will be investigated. oscar pistorius is serving a six-year sentence for the 2013 valentine's day murder. he testified in court that he thought she was an intruder. he was originally found guilty of manslaughter, but that conviction was upgraded to murder last december. he's eligible for parole in three years. paula. >> jennifer, thank you. to our other top story this morning. team usa, ready for rio. day one of the summer olympics proved to be a gold medal day. there are more victories to celebrate. our amy robach is going to have a medal count in a moment. amy begins our coverage this morning. bon gia. good morning to you. >> oh, very nice, paula. i love that. it is another beautiful day here in rio, and the athletes are ready. but waking up to a smoky sight. near a small private airport here when some type of small balloon, like a chinese lantern crashed and set some grass on fire. it was not in the olympic park. to the games now. it was a lot of drama there inside and out of the venues on day one. team usa with the first gold under its belt. and thanks to a teenager, there was a big victory on the basketball court. overnight in rio, team usa wrapped up an impressive first day of olympic competition with the men's basketball team cruising to a 119-62 victory over china with dominating performances by kevin durant. >> catch and shoot for durant. from downtown. >> reporter: an incredible display of dunking by demar derozan. >> leading to this. derozan again! >> reporter: 19-year-old sheeting teen star ginny thrasher with a win. on the socker the pitch, the women's team seizing a win with a single goal from carli lloyd. the crowd revolting against the reigning champs, taunting hope solo with boos and chants of zika. >> in france. >> reporter: and in the pool in a day that saw u.s. swimmers rack up three silver medals and a world record smashed by hungarian katinka hosszu. >> and this is just an unbelievable performance. a world record for the iron lady. >> reporter: the biggest splash was made by the 18-year-old syrian refugee. she missed a slot in the next round, but put the world on notice after a stunning first heat. >> i want everyone to do what they feel in their hearts, even if it's impossible. >> reporter: and around the village, the athletes waiting for competition having fun. trying their hand in other arenas. the women's gymnastics team led by simone biles and gabby douglas, showing off at the foosball table. and secretary of state joh kerry putting a pretty mean set and spike on display with the beach volleyball team. nice moves on the beach. let's look at the medal count, after day one. right now, there's a three-way tie for the most medals. the u.s., japan, and china all have five. let's turn now to some security concerns that have been in the headlines here in rio. the bomb squad saw some action yesterday. there was a scare over a stray bullet. abc's matt gutman joins us. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, amy. organizers said the bomb squad detonated an unattended bomb and the bullet that ripped through here wasn't intended for an olympic venue. still this village still lots of jitters. we saw a room full of explosives. apparently confiscated by the criminal gangs in the city. they included rpgs and homemade mortars and grenades that you can buy for just a couple of bucks. on day one of the rio olympics, fresh security scares. a stray bullet ripping into the media tent of the dressage equestrian event. rio 2016 officials said that the event wasn't the target, but it was only the start. as the games began, it seems the lines never ended. spectators bunching in the heat. lines stretching nearly a mile. and magnetometers not working. and then, at the road cycling event, the bomb squad rushing in for what turned out to be an unclaimed bag. rio's bomb squad took us deep inside their operations. of exactly how to use how to use the robots to conduct the remote detonations. wow. they're up against this. confiscated by drug lords. >> this is our warehouse. >> reporter: this building crammed with confiscated bazookas, explosives. even rocket-propelled grenades. this is live ammunition? >> yeah, unfortunately, it is. >> reporter: put that back down. 3,000 of them confiscated in just 2015. basically this comes in every day? little bombs like this, grenades? >> yes. >> reporter: as for the untold areas nells of these weapons still in the hands of the so-called bad guys, keeping them out of the olympic zone is a grueling job, often conducted in the bomb suit. oh, my gosh. just getting it on is a three-person job. so, how many hours would you have to spend in this suit? >> depends the driver. >> reporter: now, security officials here tell us that they're not so worried about the criminal gangs in this city. but they're concerned about a possible lone wolf attack, amy. >> all right. and matt, i have to ask you. you and i both know it's been very hot here the last few days. near 90. what was it like in that suit? >> reporter: it was hot. and it was stinky. it was kind of like running around in a sumo suit. it had one of those rip-off pants that basketball players wear. it took awhile to get in it. but getting out was pretty easy. amy? >> all right, we're glad that so many men and women are out there protecting us here in rio. thank you so much, matt. and in just a few hours, serena williams will begin her quest for her fifth olympic gold medal. i went one on one with her to find out why she says the summer games will be different for her this time around. serena williams, now a four-time gold medalist is a different woman than the veteran olympian who scored double wins four years ago. how would you compare serena now to serena in london? >> serena in london was the best serena i've ever seen. and, um, i can only hope that i get there again. because that was insane. i never played that well in my life. it was just -- i don't know what happened. i just played unbelievable. >> reporter: it wasn't all about bringing home the gold for the 22-time grand slam champion. serena also hoping to enjoy the games as a spectator. >> well, the goal for me is to really have fun and enjoy myself. i want to get to an event this year. the ladies gymnastics. >> reporter: finals are next thursday, 3:00 p.m., can you do it? >> for the ladies gymnastics? ooh. >> reporter: and the tennis star getting personal in her new nike unlimited you campaign. >> with that, i get up, i go. >> reporter: reminiscing about her storied career. >> i never felt i would be great one day. >> reporter: and close relationship with her fellow olympic champ and big sis, venus. >> i was really small for my age. and i was venus williams' younger sister. >> reporter: i know you're playing the singles, and, of course, the doubles with your sister, venus. do you care more if you had to pick one? is your heart in both the same? >> honestly, if i could only play one, it would for sure be doubles. no, i wouldn't think twice about it. it's interesting. i have so much fun playing with venus. we won wimbledon. that was awesome. still can't believe that. so -- yeah. it was just great. we really just peaked at the right time. >> reporter: even after venus' stunning first round loss overnight, serena says one thing she still can't, and won't feel, is pressure. there are so many titles, so many records you have broken, where do you go from here? >> you keep winning. it's the only thing you can do. you don't want to start losing now. now is not the time for that. >> no, now is not the time. serena was so relaxed and so great to talk to. we're wishing her the best of luck starting today. i'll be back in a bit with a look at some of the highlights of the games for the coming week. we're also going to talk to the muslim american athlete who's ready to make history. so, a lot to get to, dan and paula. >> see you in a bit. great stuff, amy. >> thank you, amy. we're going to turn now to the big headline this morning in the presidential race. a brand-new abc news/"washington post" poll shows hillary clinton leading donald trump by eight points. she's making gains among women and consolidating her support within her own party. meanwhile, trump trying to put a tough week behind him with a new line of attack against clinton. abc's devin dwyer is out on the trail, in manchester, new hampshire, this morning. hey, devin, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. donald trump is down in our new poll in part because of concerns about his temperament. overnight here, trump turning the tables on clinton, suggesting she's losing her mind. overnight, in new hampshire, donald trump recalling his first big political victory. >> the last time i was here we won. right? we won. big league. >> reporter: in attacking his democratic opponent, who he trails by eight points in a new abc news poll. >> unstable. hillary clinton. and you saw that, did you saw that where she basically short-circuited? >> reporter: trump is zeroing in on clinton's explanation for why she twice wrongly implied that the fbi director said she had been truthful with the american public about her e-mail. >> i may have short-circuited it and for that, i will try to clarify. because i think, you know, chris wallace and i were probably talking past each other. >> she used the term short circuited. the people of this country don't want somebody that's going to short circuit up here. okay. >> reporter: trump trying to turn the page on a week of distraction, controversy, and sliding poll numbers. though his supporters are unfazed. >> who cares about polls? donald trump is the man. he knows what he's doing. >> reporter: and the new abc news poll shows clinton consolidating support among women. hitting her highest level of support yet. it also found strong disapproval of trump for his handling of those muslim parents of a fallen american soldier. including disapproval from a majority of republicans. dan and paula? >> all right, devin, we want to thank you. to get more on these latest polls, as well as voter sentiment, let's bring in martha raddatz. gearing up to host "this week." thank you for joining us. good morning. >> good morning. >> if you dig into this poll, there are worrying numbers here for donald trump. 79% of americans say he doesn't show enough respect for people he disagrees with. 70% express anxiety about a trump presidency. and 67% think he lacks the personality and temperament to serve effectively. in sum, how bad is this for the campaign? >> there is reason for deep concern and hope in the numbers for the trump campaign. concern because as you said, a majority of americans still think trump is essentially unqualified to be president. and that number hasn't budged in the last year. and that is exactly the message the clinton camp will hammer into the electorate. but it isn't over yet. not in august. things could even out after clinton sees her convention bounce deflate. if trump can stay on message, he could reduce some of the hesitation. dan and paula? >> yeah, we got a couple of months left. i know you just spent a lot of time in pennsylvania. it's a battleground state. it hasn't swung republican since i believe 1988. what are voters there saying? >> well, this is a must-win state for trump. and voters there are split among the same geographic, racial, lines as elsewhere. in western pennsylvania where manufacturing and mining jobs have all but disappeared. poor, less educated white voters are turning to trump. they like his message, his brashness. they don't trust hillary clinton. but the same comments that excite them are turning off educated white and minority voters in philadelphia and its suburbs. if that trend continues it does not bode well for mr. trump, guys. >> yeah, a lot of polarization there. we want to thank you, martha. we know you have a big show to prepare for. go do that. a reminder, everyone, watch martha and our powerhouse political team covering all angles. trump adviser rudy giuliani will be on the show. be sure to catch "this week" right here later this morning. a lot of other news overnight. and for that, as always, we turn it over to dr. ron claiborne. good morning, sir. >> hey, good morning. good morning, dan, paula. sara, robert. good morning, everyone. we begin overseas in belgium. a new terror investigation where a man shouting god is great in arabic attacked two police officers with a machete. a third police officer shot and killed that attacker. the two policewomen who were attacked suffered nonlife- threatening injuries. the motive for that attack under investigation. but the belgian prime minister saying, the preliminary investigations are that it was an act of terrorism, according to the belgian prime minister. back in the u.s., investigators ruling that an explosion that demolished a house in connecticut was an accident. they say a propane leak in a gas line to a dryer in the basement of the home caused this blast. it's still not clear what ignited the gas. seven people were injured including two children and two adults are still hospitalized. and medics had to rush to a rap music festival in butler, ohio. two dozen concertgoers became sick after eating drug-laced candy. authorities saying that someone tossed bags of the candy into the crowd. the candy turning out to contain a high dose of the active ingredient in marijuana. and the pro football hall of fame class of 2016 has been e shrined. former green bay packer quarterback brett favre emotional, as he spoke about trying to make his father proud. after he had a bad game when he was still in high school. >> i spent the rest of my career trying to redeem myself and make him proud. i hope i succeeded. >> the next seven years highlighted by -- >> he did succeed. also, former indianapolis colts coach tony dungy, and the late ken stabler of the oakland raiders, one of my favorite players of all time, were also among the inductees. and take a look at this video from off the coast of san diego. fishermen getting quite the show. check that out. that is a shark. mako shark. estimated 500 pounds. leaping in and out of the water. that shark -- eventually broke off the line and took off. we believe heading for tahiti or somewhere. and finally, a high school basketball coach in nashville, tennessee, showing his team how to shoot hoops from way up high. now, check this out. his name is drew maddox, firing the pill from the top of the omni nashville hotel. to a basket 250 feet below. >> no way, no way, no way. >> way, way, way. sara. >> that was awesome. >> we're told it took him less than half an hour to make the shot. we don't know how many he missed first. >> doesn't matter. that is so cool. >> we're not showing misses. >> i could do that all day long and never get it in. congratulations. >> that's pretty awesome. >> those special effects where great. >> it will be an olympic sport. >> dan, don't be a cynic. don't take anything away from them. >> say a big hearty congratulations for the trick shot. >> a big hearty congratulations for the special effects. let's go over to rob marciano. a good opportunity to tease what we hope will be an olympic sport. we'll show you that competition later in the broadcast. stay tuned for that. we have a flood watch out for parts of northwest florida, north of tampa. pasco county about a year ago had some devastating floods. we could see four the five inches right at cedar key. almost to gainesville. right along the coastline is the heaviest rain. this moisture is going to stream up into the carolinas. we have flood watches posted for greenville, spartanville. south carolina. and atlanta gets much-needed rain, as well. in some cases, it will be too much over too short a time. we could see 10 to 15 inches, maybe 20 offshore. this is really through thursday or friday. a significant event there. tropical development just east of the turks and caicos, watching this. not a huge threat at the moment. but things are getting toward primetime in hur >> all right. the beach forecast is coming up. i think beach volleyball happened last night at the olympics. i'm not sure about the results. but we're going strong here. >> we know john kerry was playing, we saw that. >> he has some skills. much like ron claiborne, probably. >> we all have skills. >> probably. back in the day? >> or right now. always. >> let's not make age jokes, rob, not funny. but we do have more on the real 2016 summer games now. a father from pennsylvania is realizing the dream of seeing his son compete in the olympics in person. it's all because of who happened to step into his car. this morning, ellis hill is prepping for the trip of a lifetime. the proud olympic dad now able to be in rio to cheer on his son. all thanks to a chance encounter behind the wheel of his uber. >> thank you so much for everything, liz. you're the greatest, i tell you. >> oh. >> reporter: when hill picked up liz willock for a ride to a business meeting, he couldn't help but beam about his 22-year-old son, darrell, who is making his olympic debut next week in shot put. >> my son will be competing. doing his very, very best. and i'll be hollering and supporting him 150%. >> reporter: when hill revealed he sadly couldn't afford to be there in person, his backseat angel sprang into action. >> two of my friends said, start a go fund me. >> reporter: in just two days, the go fund me page set up by the health care executive swelled to over $8,000. enough for hill's air fare, hotel, and meals, with plenty leftover for sightseeing and souvenirs. >> we're definitely going to be there. >> i want to look at that medal when it comes back to darby, pa. >> so darrell will compete on august 18th. if you want to cheer him on. he's 23. that's the day after his birthday, we want to wish him good luck from here. >> i love the benevolency of strangers. she had no idea who this guy was and she took some action. and i love it. he's going to go see his son. >> and he was just bragging as a proud dad. he was excited even if he was watching if home. now he gets to go in person. >> it's cool. >> thank you, sara. >> thank you, sara. coming up on "gma," chicago is a city on edge. fresh protests overnight after new police body cam videos show police firing at an unarmed black teenager. plus, more from rio. including the first u.s. athlete to compete while wearing a hijab. her olympic holmes and struggle as a muslim american. keep it right here. ♪ what if an insurance company wasn't only there when things went wrong? because for every tornado... there's a twister. for every crash... an even bigger collision. and for every tailspin... well, tailspins. state farm understands that getting the most out of life doesn't just mean being there when things go wrong. it's about being here... in all of life's moments. when things go perfectly... right. ♪ good is a catalyst,ue diamond almond. good is contagious. and once it gets going there is no stopping what you can do. get your good going. blue diamond almonds. proud sponsor of the us swim team i want my blood sugar i to stay in so i asked about tresiba®. 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and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba® ready. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ now, from chbs 7 news. >> good morning. developing news. a 9-year-old boy in critical condition after eating possibly drug-laced candy in san francisco. 14 people, 7 adults, and 7 children were hospitalized after suffering multiple symptoms during the coming of age party on 18th street in the mission district. all the victims had eaten gummy watermelon candy. police are asking anyone who was at the party and saw something to give officers a call. mike nicco is here with your bay area forecast. hey, mike. >> thank you very much. good morning, everybody. mainly mid to upper 50s. antioch at 61. you can see some sunshine inland east bay. 80s there. 70s around the bay and upper 50s at the coast. my accuweather seven-day forecast, a little bit of a warming trend through tuesday. >> cornell. >> thank you very much. have a great day, everyone. the news continues now with "good morning america." welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. and happening right now, trump in trouble? a new abc news poll shows hillary clinton widening the gap. leading donald trump by eight points. gaining ground with women as well as within her party. trump fighting back after a tough week of trying to make nice with republicans. also happening right now, a-rod's big announcement. yankees fans waiting to hear what alec rodriguez will do. ron claiborne waiting with bated breath. the team has scheduled a last-minute press conference right before today's game. will the 41-year-old designated hitter stay or go? and new york has a new statue of lucille ball. they love this one. the old one, known as scary lucy, outraged fans. saying it looked nothing like the late comedian. >> it didn't. >> glad this controversy was put to bed. >> thank you for joining us on this sunday morning. also, quick moves and lightning reflexes earned her a spot on team usa. now this muslim american fencer is ready to make history while wearing a hijab. the fascinating reason that she chose the sport of fencing. don't miss this story. it's coming up. >> it's really interesting interview. but first, here, the overnight protests in chicago. after the release of these police body cam videos showing the police chase that ended in the death of an unarmed black teenager. >> and there are big questions this morning about why the exact moment of the fatal shooting was not on camera, but virtually everything else was. abc's marci gonzalez joins us with more. hi, marci. >> reporter: hi, paula and dan. this comes at a time when the department is still trying to regain the public's trust. the police superintendent saying people have a right to be upset as there are still a lot of questions about this latest case. >> if we don't get no justice. >> reporter: demonstrations in chicago. over the shooting death of unarmed car robbery suspect paul o'neil. by police. >> get your hands behind your back. >> reporter: two police officers' body cam capturing them firing their guns at the stolen jaguar driven by o'neil last month. that car then crashes head on into a patrol car. what's shown in the videos raising concerns within the top brass. >> our policy clearly states that we're prohibited from firing at or into moving vehicles if the vehicle is the only use of rce. >> reporter: but what's not seen is the shot to the back that later ended o'neil's life. the officer who killed the 18-year-old after he ran from police didn't turn his body camera on until after the shooting. >> let us be clear about this, too. in that particular district, they had had those cameras maybe about a week. when we introduce new equipment and new technology, there's going to be a learning curve. >> reporter: the department still facing criticism for its handling of other police-involved shootings, including the death of laquan mcdonald in 2014. now responding to the latest case, stripping the three officers who fired their guns of their police powers and vowing to take a hard look at overall training and tactics. >> you're seeing a lot more transparency with respect to the chicago police department in this shooting than what we have seen in previous police shootings. >> reporter: and o'neil's family has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the chicago police department and officers involved. those officers' names not been made public yet. >> a lot of anger in the city yet again. back to to rob check the forecast yet again. >> we had thunderstorms through the northeast yesterday. and clearing out. going to be a gorgeous day. you may be tempted to head to the beach. why not? temperatures in the mid to upper 80s. water temperatures in the 60s along the cape and 70s along long island. 80s south of that. bath water across the gulf of mexico. the heat building in the arklatex region. today, and then again on tuesday, it is going to feel like well up and over 100 degrees. it has been a steamy, steamy summer. we'll crank up the southerly flow as we go through midweek. a lot more people get into the heat and humidity as the week goes on. this, this circulation is kind of leftovers of earl. that hit central america earlier this week. it may become another tropical storm as it heads toward the baja. the moisture will get into the desert southwest, which right now is taking a break from the monsoon. but midweek, more rain there. very dry across the pacific northwest and windy conditions here. fire watches and warnings for parts of oregon and idaho. low humidity and high winds. good morning. i'm abc 7 meteorologist. here is how the sunday unfolds. the sun breaking through the clouds. by 4:00, 59 at the coast. >> this weather report is brought to you by the countdown continues for the first-ever "gma" bean bag toss olympic competition right here during "pop news." >> guys versus girls. >> unfortunately so. for us. >> fortunately for you. >> and ron is going to be -- with his glasses on his head, he'll be making sure we stick to the rules. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> he's a stickler. coming up, the young female olympic fencer breaking down barriers and skewering stereotypes. what she's saying about making history at the games. >> it's a fascinating story. and what we're learning about that amazing dress that gisele wore to the opening ceremony. dan, i know you want all the details. so stick around for "pop news." >> i'll be here. i have no choice. >> favorite part of the show. e. i have no choice. >> favorite part of the show. here. i have to choice. 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ibtihaj muhammad, who's set to become the first u.s. woman ever to compete at the olympics wearing a hijab. she wasn't at all en garde, sorry for the pun, for breaking barriers and slashing her way into history. ibtihaj muhammad wears that mask because hers is a sport of slashing swords and also because it allows her to wear what perhaps she's now best known for. that hijab. the new jersey native, among the most recognized american faces here. you were voted number two behind michael phelps to be the flag-bearer. what was that like? >> really exciting. a really exciting moment for me to even be considered. and even be in the conversation. >> reporter: her slashing personal style making waves with security concerns soaring, she says it's in the u.s. where she feels most endangered. >> there are moments at home where i don't feel safe. and i think that those sentiments are echoed amongst the muslim community, especially with muslim women, who do wear their religion on their sleeves every day. >> reporter: at south by southwest she was hustled -- i was just asked to remove my hijab at south by southwest registration for my id badge. i can't make this stuff up. that fighting spirit and the modesty embedded in her faith making her a perfect fit for fencing. >> as a muslim kid, i had to add long sleeves. i had to add pants. and with fencing, it's a unique opportunity to be covered as an athlete and fit in we my teammates. >> reporter: this is the only one you didn't have to alter the uniform or equipment. >> exactly. exactly. >> reporter: but she's not one to mess with. especially with saber in hand. >> hand is up a little bit. >> reporter: i needed a quick lesson. don't hit me. does anybody ever run away from you while you're competing? >> i mean, i hope. i hope all the girls will run away from me on monday. >> reporter: that's right. tomorrow morning and bright and early for this fencer. she starts her competition at 7:00 a.m. now, she's not expected to win gold. however, she's already proven herself a winner. she and her sister have established a fashion line for modest clothing that is already taking off across the u.s. >> making quite a statement. thank you so much, matt. coming up here on "gma," the names to watch in rio this week as the competition kicks into high gear. and sara is warming up for a little competition in "pop news." sara. they're supposed to go in the hole. oh, this is going to go off. >> olympic bean bag cornhole competition. coming up. >> are we on? are we on tv? >> yes. >> are we still on? rer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including 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calories... maybe we're kind of bragging? new light & fit. we're back now with "the weekend download." and the action is just beginning here in rio. with two more weeks of competition ahead. there will be plenty of triumphs. and those disappointments to grab the world's attention. and joining me now with some of the star athletes to watch this week is julie foudy, an espn analyst, and, oh, by the way, three-time olympian. thanks for being here. all eyes are going to be on the pool this afternoon with michael phelps. what do you think we're going to see? >> most decorated olympian of all time. we'll see him adding to that medal haul. which is amazing. 22 medals. can you imagine your neck, how that would be holding those. we'll see him in the 4 by 100 relay today, it's expected. he'll be in three individual events this week. so, for viewers that's a must see. >> also a must-see, katie ledecky. she dove in yesterday with a preliminary heat. there's a lot of talk about what she's going to do. you say she's the one to watch. >> she'll be the breakout star. 19 years old. four olympic golds they're expecting from her. her first individual event is going to be today as well. so, she is going to be a treat. one legend stepping out of the pool in phelps, another stepping in in ledecky. >> very cool. and my favorite, the u.s. women's gymnastic team. making their first appearance tonight. what are we going to see? a gold medal-winning team? >> sure. simone biles possibly could haul in five individual medals. >> how much pressure is that? you're going to get five gold medals. >> and this is her first olympics. she just missed the cutoff for london, 19 years old. >> and gabby douglas is on the team, too. >> so much to looking forward to. julie foudy, thank you so much. dan, paula, back you to. what are you watching today? >> i'm keeping an eye on paula. she's making some serious fashion faux pas right now. i'm not sure you can see it on the feed down in rio. >> oh, wow, i'm going to agree with you. >> paula, that looks beautiful. >> it is guys versus girls in "pop news" bean bag toss. >> not yet an olympic competition. >> the headband is the key. we'll be right back with more "gma." we'll see you soon. thank you. >> thanks, ladies. thank you. >> thanks, ladies. hrough? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, 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this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. ssoon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. ♪ introduce me. >> time now for "pop news." and here's sara haines. the always subtle sara haines. >> i'll keep it as a clip so we can get to our big competition. we're dressed for success for this edition of "pop news" with these cool jackets. well, we may not be rio material because we were not invited, we're game for healthy competition. but first, someone who took center stage in rio. brazilian supermodel gisele commanded the world's attention during her dramatic walk. lots of raves for the shimmering dress. it was made to match her hair and skin tone. it apparently took four months to make. and lots of celebrities are showing their spirit for team usa. "ghostbusters" star leslie jones posted this instagram to virginia thrasher's gold medal victory. >> i want to give a shoutout to ginny thrasher for getting us a medal. go ahead and get it. i'm watching a biking event right now. go, usa! >> and she also showed off this patriotic outfit. she's awesome. >> look at her. hollywood power couple ashton kutcher and mila kunis instagrammed this picture. of them wearing matching track suits. and samuel l. jackson tweeted this picture, saying he's pumped to cheer on usa's finest. i wonder if he's watching today. >> he said more than that. >> he did. a couple more things, yeah. >> did he say snakes on a plane? >> we have a competition to get to. you're never too young to start training to be a star athlete. take a look at 1-year-old rockwell lawrence of paradise, utah. his dad made him a star in a series of photos. competing in all sorts of olympic sports. allen said he never really got into the olympics as a kid. he wanted his kids to take an interest. so they helped him create this photo shoot. >> really cute. >> so cute. and now, something less cute. is us. we have our own miniolympics going on. so maybe bean bag toss is not an olympic support. you never know. thanks to, and this is the quote, corn hole worldwide, for creating our game boards that we can't call that. we're splitting into two teams. boys against women. with ron as the referee. we're setting a minute timer. let's do it. let's do it. game on, people. we're going to go as fast as we can. ready, paula. i'm behind the line, right? >> you just cheated. your foot's on the line. >> come on, paula. get it. >> one! >> oh, geez. >> one for paula. 1-1. come on. 1-1. >> you have another bean bag. >> here, dan. dan. >> interference. >> interference, 2-1. >> oh. >> 2-2. >> okay. >> 2-2. 2-2. come on, come on, come on. stay behind. 3-2, 3-2. >> oh, my god, paula. >> i got you, babe. >> paula, paula, paula. >> 3-2, dan and rob. >> swing, batter. >> 4-2, dan and rob. >> keep going. >> keep going, keep going. 4 -3, dan and rob. >> oh, come on! >> you stay behind the line. >> i am staying behind the line. >> oh, no. >> i'm missing a bag. >> 4-3, dan and rob. 4-3, dan and rob. >> come on. >> 5-3. >> yes! >> oh, i went in. >> 5-4, dan and rob. come on, come on. dan and rob, 5-4! hurry. one more. one more. you're out. crazy? >> i think we have the winners, right? the boys. >> dan and rob, 5-4. >> no, that was warmup. >> thank you very much for watching "gma" this morning. i apologize for my colleagues. see you next weekend. go now from abc. news. >> good morning. i'm cornell barnard. san francisco police say crime is going down this year at the outside lands music festival. 70,000 music lovers packed golden gate park. police caught some people sneaking in. they cite the 27 folks, 2 were arrested, and there was one report of sexual battery as a woman claimed she was groped from behind as she danced. robberies and purse snatchings are down which could be because of electronic bracelets used in place of catch. music continues at noon on seven stages. headlines lionel rich eie about 8:00 p.m. >> do you want to say hi? don't be shy. >> sports director larry beil and morning anchor ngaatasha greated fans yesterday at the aloha center. it continues at 10:00. after you stop by the abc 7 booth, there's plenty to enjoy. crafts and hawaiian music and hula dancing will make for a relaxing day in san mateo. mike nicco has the bay area forecast. hey, mike. >> hi, everybody. off to a little bit of a gray start. temperatures mainly in the 50s. 61 in antioch. 57 in san jose. oakland 59 and napa at 57. here is what's going to happen. 60s along the coast, san francisco, richland, oakland. it's going to be a pretty good day no matter what you're doing, sailing light breezes. beaches, it will be sunny in some areas and swimming good if you're going to be inland where it's going to be warm today, tomorrow, and tuesday. >> "this week" with george stephanopoulos is coming up next. starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. trump's worst week? >> terrible. >> after a series of self-inflicted wounds. >> i think i made a lot of sacrifices. she's the devil. i always wanted to get the purple heart. this was much easier. >> his own party once again divided. >> yeah, he's had a pretty strange run since the convention. >> now, can hillary clinton capitalize? >> i have met people who were destroyed by donald trump. >> as trump tries to steady the ship, his adviser, rudy giuliani joins us live. plus, our brand-new poll. how much did trump's stumbles hurt him? we'll get a real-world reality check from swing state voters. >> do you trust him with the nuclear codes?

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