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On high alert. Nasty storms from kansas to new york. This tornado touching down in missouri and flash floods in pennsylvania overnight, emergency rescues, animals struggling to escape Rushing Waters, now more flooding and hail on the way. This is what you came for battle of the pop stars. Taylor swifts ex calling her out publicly after she reveals she wrote part of his song. Calvin harris blasts the superstar, saying shes trying to bury him. So, will she be able to shake it off . And good morning, america. What a night at the espys last night. Always so much fun. Always a huge spectacle. Last night something unexpected. Something very powerful. Yeah, it was a powerful moment, indeed. The nba stars taking the stage in the wake of that deadly gun violence and racial tension. Were going to have much more on what they had to say later on. That is coming up. First, we have breaking news the race for the white house, speakers for the Republican National Convention Just released as Donald Trumps veepstakes draws to a close after one more round of auditions, he is set to make a decision today and appear with his pick tomorrow. The latest from tom llamas. Reporter good morning to you. We now have a day and a time for the announcement. Trump tweeting its going to be friday at 11 00 a. M. Now all we need is a name. Overnight, Newt Gingrich making his case arguing he and trump are cut from the same cloth because and im not joking here theyre both pirates. Today could be decision day for donald trump. His search for a running mate now down to two people. Im at three, potentially four, but in my own mind i probably am thinking about two. Reporter sources tell abc news, the two finalists are likely Newt Gingrich and indiana governor mike pence. I suspect sometime tomorrow that mike and will both get phone calls, and one of us will be packing our bags to go to new york, and the other one will be going to watch it on tv. Reporter pence may have benefited from a mechanical issue with trumps plane that grounded the candidate in indiana. Pence ended up hosting the trump family at his home meeting with the trump children. Nothing was offered. Nothing was accepted but we had a great conversation about the country, challenges facing america, and my firm belief that donald trump is going to provide the kind of leadership that america needs. Reporter but the indiana governor shouldnt pick his seat on Trump Force One just yet. Newt gingrich also flew to indiana wednesday to meet with the trump family. Newt, breaking down what trump may be considering. In many ways donald trump is like a pirate. Hes outside the normal system. He gets things done. Hes bold. Hes actually like a figure out of a movie. And in a lot of ways my entire career has been a little bit like a pirate. Do you really want a twopirate ticket or want to take a very solid guy reporter trump who has played by his own rules from the getgo could end up with a surprise pick and he said hes going with his gut on this call. I want to pick somebody solid, smart. Im not looking for an attack dog. Reporter as the drama builds around the trump vp search, hes also dealing with yet another court matter. Trump demanding 10 million in damages from former Campaign Adviser sam nunberg saying he violated a nondisclosure agreement by leaking a story to the New York Post about an alleged screaming match between excampaign manager Corey Lewandowski and a female staffer. Trumps camp says the story is untrue. But nunberg claims he wasnt the leak, referring to the matter in his filings as a lovers quarrel. Lewandowski nor the campaign are commenting on the case. Nunberg is asking the court to drop the matter. We also have the speakers list for the rnc and we know that all of the trump Adult Children will be speaking along with Melania Trump, and well also be hearing from speaker paul ryan, ted cruz, governor Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich, guys. We dont know exactly when. We dont know when but hell be speaking. On the list. Will he be in the vp slot . No pirate patch over the eye, its just going to be newt. Good to know, tom. Thank you. Now to the democrats and Hillary Clintons scathing new attack on donald trump saying her opponent is dividing the country and a threat to american democracy. Abcs cecilia vega is on the campaign trail in springfield, illinois, good morning, cecilia. Reporter amy, good morning to you. It was in this Historic Building right here behind me that Hillary Clinton made that case but she said shes part of the problem too, that some of her words have helped fuel division in this country. In the same chamber where Abraham Lincoln denounced slavery Hillary Clinton laid out her newest attack. This man is the nominee of the party of lincoln. We are watching it become the party of trump. Reporter in the Old State Capitol in springfield, illinois, where lincoln famously said a house divided against itself cannot stand, clinton accused donald trump of dividing the country for this generation. His campaign is as divisive as any we have seen in our lifetimes. It is built on stoking mistrust and pitting american against american. Reporter the new attacks come as those polls show a tight race for clinton and trump in battleground states like iowa and ohio and she is now losing ground in florida. Her strategy, bring in the reinforcements. Clinton hits the campaign trail today with virginia senator tim kaine, rumored to be a potential vp pick, and she is laser focused on hammering trump. He said that he understands systemic bias against black people because, and i quote, even against me the system is rigged, unquote. Even this, the killing of people is somehow all about him. Reporter and again, clinton has what looks like it could be a vp audition today out there with virginia senator tim kaine. George, her campaign is still vetting possible running mate picks right now. Okay, cecilia, thanks very much. Lets get more on all this from our political analyst matthew dowd. A lot to get to this morning. Matt, lets begin with this veepstakes. Pretty transparent process if you take donald trump at his word and he seems to be struggling between his head and his heart. Indiana governor mike pence consensus pick of his advisers, it appears, would pacify some conservatives at the convention, solid, safe choice. Newt gingrich, a lot more like donald trump, unconventional choice for sure. Where do you think he goes . What difference will it make . Well, george, you and i have watched this for a year. Theres no telling where he goes and theres no telling even if it is these two, we think its these two, but theres no telling. I thought actually i cant let go of Newt Gingrichs pirate reference. Theres so many things i could say about pirates of the caribbean, on stranger tides. Are they going to call their plane the black pearl . Whos captain jack sparrow, who is barbosa, theres no telling in this whole process. My bet, my gut says he goes with mike pence. It seems the safer choice and it seems the choice that will unite the party which is the main goal i think of his vp pick at this point, uniting the party right now. He needs to have a good Convention Next week. We just got this list of speakers released by the rnc. You know, well see the trump kids every single night and well see donald trump at least once, maybe more than that. You did get the big Republican Leaders in the house and the senate. But he really needs to find some way to get that bounce out of the convention. Its usually about a four to fivepoint bounce. Well, donald trump i think better than anybody and you and i have both been at conventions and around conventions. He understands that a convention is a broadway production. A convention is about interesting characters with a compelling plot and a driving message. And i think donald trump understands that and i think hes going to produce this convention in a way that hell probably get maximum bounce but, Donald Trumps already got, it looks like, some bounce coming into this convention. Thats right. In fact, there sa new poll out backs that. Cbs and the New York Times have a new poll showing the National Race tied at 4040. We all know these early polls will bounce around but whats striking about that is the two major candidates both at 40 . Thats pretty low. Absolutely, and i think not only do you see these National Polls now converging to even, youve seen all these state polls now converging to very close and within the margin of error. It is an amazing thing that the president of the United States again, weve seen this in the past, could get elected with under 40 and even in this election closer to 40 of the vote. It means a very divided country. Boy, it sure does. Matthew dowd, thanks very much. All right, george, now to the espy awards, the top nba stars lebron james, Carmelo Anthony, chris paul and dwyane wade all taking to the stage at the beginning of the show, issuing a big challenge to go beyond the game and act to end violence and abcs t. J. Holmes was there for it all in los angeles. T. J. , what an incredible night. Reporter its not what anybody expected, robach. Including espn producers. This wasnt the plan. Four nba superstars standing side by side and calling out their fellow athletes for not saying enough and doing enough when it comes to gun violence and race in this country. A night to celebrate great athletes started instead with lebron james issuing a direct challenge to them. Its time to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, what are we doing to create change . Reporter lebron, dwyane wade, chris paul and Carmelo Anthony sieged the stage to address the recent rash of gun violence and heightened racial tension in the country. The endless gun violence in places like chicago, dallas, not to mention orlando, it has to stop. Enough. Lets use this moment as a call to action for all professional athletes. Reporter wade later told me they came up with the idea to do this themselves. Then asked and got the okay from espn. We said, listen, we have to do something. We have a platform, you know, what can we do and perfect time and espys is coming up so, we all wrote our own piece of what we wanted to say and we wanted our voice to be heard. You guys ready to have some fun . Reporter the show soon after turned to celebration. Lebron didnt get to sit much. He won three individual awards including best male athlete. Vice President Joe Biden was there too, he presented the jimmy v perseverance award to craig sager. He teaches us how to live with perseverance and passion, fearless, hopeful, together. Reporter the longtime nba sideline reporter whos been battling leukemia. I will never give up and i will never give in. I will continue to keep fighting. Reporter sager was mobbed by his tnt colleagues after his speech. Wherever youre from, whatever you think, whatever your politics are, what you cant forget is that every one of those people who dies has a story, this is one of them. Reporter one honoree couldnt be there. Zaevion dobson, the 15yearold shot and killed when he tried to shield three girls from bullets. His mother and two brothers accepted the arthur ashe courage award on his behalf. Now, i urge you to think tonight about why he died and what you can do tomorrow to prevent the next innocent young man or woman from being lost, as well. Reporter a celebratory night that struck a serious even somber tone at times. With this lasting message. We all have to do better. Reporter yes, this was a celebratory night. A night to honor great athletes. But at the same time, many of the athletes i talked surrounding the show said there was a tone to it that was different and it was necessary. What happened at the top of the show was all anybody was talking about. Lebron james said last night on a guys were honoring muhammad ali we do a disservice to his legacy if we dont speak up more. T. J. Holmes, thank you so much. Boy, and that hero zaevion dobson, what a story, what a selfless, selfless act. That should be celebrated. It certainly was last night and hopefully it will continue to be so, and the espys touched on the Heated National Debate over race and policing. As that was happening, a service for Philando Castile who was killed by an officer in minnesota will be held today and thousands of mourners attending Funeral Services on wednesday to honor the dallas officers. President Obama Holding a marathon fourhour meeting at the white house on police and criminal justice reform. Abcs jon karl is at the white house with more on all that. Jon, the president meeting with Law Enforcement and black lives matter activists. Tell us what happened. Reporter good morning, amy. This was an extraordinary meeting, first of all, as you mentioned, it was long, more than four hours, and the president was there and engaged in the discussion for all of it. It included an extraordinary breadth of people including as you mentioned black lives matter activists, several Big City Police chiefs, mayors, community leaders. After the meeting was over, the president said that there must be an extended effort to what he said, quote, grind it out to improve relations between police and the communities that they are there to protect. But he said that this is going to be frustratingly slow in the coming weeks and months and we will continue to see more tension between police and their communities. The president has been speaking about it all week and gave a twohour meeting with police with Law Enforcement on monday. He gave that powerful speech in dallas on tuesday. And then he will be present at that town hall meeting this evening. This is the top priority for him. Reporter absolutely, and we spent an hour and a half with the victims, with the families of the murdered Police Officers in dallas. I expect that this will be a sustained commitment for the president that goes beyond his presidency. This will be one of his major causes after he leaves the white house. All right, jon karl at the white house, thank you so much, jon. And president obama as we just said will join our town hall tonight to discuss the recent tragic shootings and how we can all move forward. You can see the president and the people starting at 8 00 p. M. , 7 00 central right here on abc. Okay, were going to move on now to those powerful storms from kansas to new york, creating flash floods in pennsylvania, hundreds of thousands without power in missouri. Ginger, more is coming. Almost 400 severe storm reports just in the last 24 hours from florida to wisconsin, kansas to virginia. This may look like a busy game of pokemon go, it is not. It was a very dangerous afternoon in the midwest. Torrential rain, and relentless hail. Oh, my gosh. Reporter terrifying winds gusting to more than 80 Miles Per Hour in the midwest. Hundreds of thousands without power as trees smash into homes taking out traffic lights. Watch as a brief spinup takes shape in this timelapse video from st. Louis, missouri. In lancaster, pennsylvania, four inches of rain falling in less than two hours. Emergency workers rescuing people from their homes. Highways shut down in both directions. And the cows, watch as they helplessly bob in the Rushing Water struggling but finally emerging safe on the other side. And in pensacola, florida, folks on the beach running for cover. Three waterspouts swirling over the gulf of mexico. Now, youve seen how powerful the storms could be. Well, that energy moves to the south today along the southern part of the cold front. If youre driving i40 or i35 close to oklahoma city, up to wichita, watch out for dangerous winds and, of course, hail possible. Same thing as we go into the afternoon and evening, parts of new england get into the Severe Weather threat. Ill have a whole lot more coming up. Thank you. Were going to move on now to the latest on the zika virus. A new report from the cdc that concludes the upcoming Olympic Games are unlikely to spread zika worldwide. Our dr. Richard besser is here with details. This is kind of encouraging news. Yes, the cdc looked at the numbers and a number of travelers and what they estimate 500,000 people will travel to the games. But, if you look at overall travel to the region thats affected by zika, it represents less than a quarter of 1 of overall travel. So, for most countries including the u. S. , it should not increase the risk. At the same time we have this report out of texas of a baby born with microcephaly. Yeah, its a sad situation. This is what were trying to prevent. The mom had been in latin america and acquired the infection there. So far the cdc reports 320 pregnant women in the u. S. Who are infected with zika. Seven so far that have birth defects. People who are traveling need to take precautions because this is what were trying to avoid. Still a danger of spread here in the summer . Well, it is. We have the mosquito and so theyre expecting that some of the travelers will bring it in. Thats why theyre trying to build up the surveillance. So, theyll be able to defect when its here to try to knock it out. Okay, rich besser, thanks very much. You will take questions on twitter. All morning long. Fantastic. Back to ginger with more weather. The heat advisories from South Carolina up through new jersey an excessive heat warning in philadelphia because we dont get cooler at night. Thats a big reason. Also the humidity levels. A quick look at what it will feel like this afternoon, the heat really starts going in boston by tomorrow. Lets get your local weather in just 30 seconds. I am drew tuma with the accweather forecast, 80 in oakland, and were 1 in san francisco, and 91 in san jose, and 94 in santa rosa, tomorrow, mild night, with coastal fog, most spots, though, controlling to 50. Hot inland on friday, but cooler air over the weekend, and, then, we turn to typical temperatures early next coming up next here on gma, battle of the pop stars. Taylor swift under fire from her ex after revealing she helped write his hit song. Calvin harris now saying she is trying to bury him. And a new report reveals nearly 80 of america is getting angry behind the wheel. What road rage means for safety on our streets is coming up on our big board. And an abc news exclusive. The family of the navy s. E. A. L. Trainee who died tragically now speaking out for the first time. All coming up next here on Good Morning America. The new 2017 ford fusion is here. Its the beauty of a wellmade choice. 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Quite a bit of slowing on the freeways. Traffic is slow through oakland. 8880 at a street traffic is sluggish all the way to fremont. We had a couple of earlier problems on the dumbarton bridge. Another accident reported at the bay bridge toll plaza. Thats backed up to the foot of sfx turbines revving up, you hear that . And louder thats the sound of our summer sale firing up its engines with fares as low as 69 dollars oneway. So get ready to take off. Because sale prices as low as these dont happen every day book your low fare now at southwest. Com low fares. Nothing to hide. Thats transfarency. Sfx clap, clap, ding good morning. The sun is up and we are going to quickly warm. Live doppler 7 showing a it will ll low cloud cover along the coast. Good morning oakland 59. 64 san jose. 55 san francisco. Today we will be hot inland 100. Same in antioch. Spare the air day in effect. Inland areas for poor air quality. San francisco up to 71 and oakland a lot of sunshine and 80 degrees this afternoon. Coming up, interview with the family of a navy s. E. A. L. Who died during training. His death ruled a homicide. Another update in 30 minutes and always on our app at abc the wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Welcome back to gma. All eyes on donald trump as he prepares to announce his running mate. Newt gingrich saying the race is between him and governor mike pence. Trump now says he will reveal his vp choice tomorrow. Theyll appear together probably in new york and 11 00 a. M. Northeast and midwest on high alert after storms spread from kansas to new york. Flash floods and emergency rescues in pennsylvania overnight and more Severe Weather on the way. And theres a new headline about selfdriving cars. This morning, Consumer Reports is calling on the Car Company Tesla to disable their automatic steering function until it can be reprogrammed to require drivers to keep their hands on the wheel. Of course, weve seen several crashes recently. And speaking of on the road, there is a new report now out about road rage. An estimated 8 Million People displaying anger on the road. Were going to dig into the stunning numbers. Whats behind them all coming up in our big board in just a minute. That is coming up. We have twitter rage though as well surrounding taylor swift. Her team has revealed she cowrote the Calvin Harris hit song this is what you came for. Now, of course, calvin is her exboyfriend. Hes fighting back a little bit on twitter. Abcs david wright here with all the details. Hello, david. Well, call it swift revenge, maybe. Harris ex taylor swift ended months of speculation about who wrote his new hit with rihanna and the timing of it leads many people to speculate whether the song maybe wasnt a factor in the breakup. Normally taylor swift writes songs about her exes, not for them. This is what you came for reporter this what you came for may not be what recording artist Calvin Harris bargained for, recorded with rihanna it is a smash hit, number 4 on billboards hot 100. The video viewed more than 200 million times. Taylor swift now reveals that nils sjoberg, who supposedly wrote the lyrics is actually a pseudonym for her. But the day the song dropped Ryan Seacrest asked harris about swift, his then girlfriend. Will you do a collaboration with your girlfriend . We havent even spoken about it, i cant see it happening. Reporter awkward. Could that be the reason that weeks later she and harris were splitsville and suddenly there was all that pda with her new beau, actor Tom Hiddleston. The romance documented from rome to rhode island. The couple even canoodling in the ocean while he wore an i love t. S. Tshirt. Harris took to twitter wednesday to compliment swifts lyrics but then accused swift and her team of going so far out of their way to try and make me look bad adding, i figure if youre happy in your new relationship, you should focus on that instead of trying to tear your exboyfriend down for something to do. Shake it off shake it off reporter clearly finding it hard to shake it off. This isnt the first time harris has had drama with an ex over a song. Cue Ryan Seacrest again. Unfortunately, we could have done the teen choice awards. What happened . Ask calvin. Reporter yep, rita ora told seacrest after she broke up with harris, he prevented her from performing their new song at the teen choice awards. Could swift now do the same to him . She could not prevent him from performing the song live. She could prevent him from performing it on television, on a livestream, on a radio stations video show. Reporter ouch. Harris even teased swift about the rivalry with katy perry, he had to go there, suggesting that shes lashing out at him because she has time on her hands and needs somebody new to bury like katy, thats a quote. But check this out katy perry tweeted this gif out of her favorite candidate. What do you guys think . Shake it off . Oh, i think we ought to take it inside. Thanks, david. All right. Thank you, david. And now to an abc news exclusive. Were going to have the latest now on the tragic death of a navy s. E. A. L. Trainee. A san diego medical examiner is labeling his death by drowning a homicide. I sat down with his sister and their family attorney who are speaking out for the first time. James Derek Lovelace was just one week into his navy s. E. A. L. Training when the unthinkable happened. Drowning during a swimming exercise. Why did he want to become a s. E. A. L. So badly . He said i want to defend my country. I want to fight terrorism. He wanted to help this country and make a difference. Reporter last wednesday, a medical examiners report was made public ruling the 21yearolds may death a homicide, saying while some could consider his death an accident, the actions and the inactions of the instructors and other individuals involved were excessive and directly contributed to the death. You found out that your brothers death was ruled a homicide. Yes. How . By reading the autopsy report on facebook. We had no clue that the autopsy report was going to come out and be shown to the public before the family. Reporter navy s. E. A. L. Training is considered to be the most rigorous training in the u. S. Military. While the report says lovelace was reported to not be a strong swimmer, his family disagrees, saying he sent home letters writing, the pool here is so nice, i love swimming in it. Id say im one of the most fit guys in here. Id rather die than quit so i know im going to make it through. I talked to him the day before he passed away. He said he was going through these exercises like nothing, something wasnt done right. Reporter while instructors are supposed to create adverse conditions like splashing and yelling, dunking reportedly goes against training regulations. The medical examiner says she and the ncis agent watched Surveillance Video showing lovelace struggling and an instructor approaches and dunks him continually splashing him for several minutes as he continues to struggle before dunking him again. I think its fair to say there is a few bad apples and kind of rogue instructors that took it too far and thats really the problem here. Reporter according to the report, he was still breathing when he was eventually pulled out of the pool but soon turned unresponsive. I think the medical examiners came to their conclusion that the dunking started his initial drowning and from then on, they caused what happened to him ultimately. Do you believe that youll be allowed to see that video . I believe when the ncis investigation is over we will be. I mean, if not i wont stop until i have my hands on it. Reporter while defense Officials Say the medical examiners ruling does not mean a crime had been committed the navy tells abc news it is fully cooperating with authorities and remains committed to providing the Lovelace Family as much support as possible in this difficult time. What does justice look like to you . I want to see the instructors held accountable for their actions. Reporter dereks sister lynsi and his girlfriend rachel are starting a Campaign Justice for derek raising money for boys who want to become s. E. A. L. S to go to crossfit if they cant afford it. Derek had intended to propose to rachel with his late mothers wedding ring in june. Sadly, he came to such a tragic end there in may but despite what happened to him, the fact that the family wants to encourage other young men to join the s. E. A. L. S is pretty remarkable. Thats their support for the military and they know thats what derek would have wanted. They do deserve a lot of answers. They do. Okay, amy, thanks very much. Coming up, when we come back on our big board, tom bradys big setback. Will deflategate now go to the Supreme Court . Road rage revelations, nearly 80 of us admit we get angry behind the wheel. Is game of thrones set to crush the competition at the emmy, our insiders are back in just two minutes. Crush the competition at the emmy, our insiders are back in just two minutes. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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Team of insiders standing by with more of todays top stories and were going to start with deflategate, its still around. Legal battle between tom brady and the nfl, and now it could end up in the Supreme Court after brady was denied a rehearing by the 2nd Circuit Court of appeals. Lets talk about that with our senior Legal Correspondent sunny hostin. The question is, is tom brady going to give up or go to the Supreme Court . What do you think the chances are . Well, i got to tell you, i dont think there are very many chances. This is a real hail mary by tom brady. The Supreme Court review is discretionary. It takes less than 5 of its cases and so the bottom line is, out of 7,000 to 10,000 cases, only about 80 are taken so its very unlikely. So unlikely that it be taken. I also heard Ruth Bader Ginsburg could be back in the news with this one because he could directly appeal to her. What are the chances, by the way, if she or the Court Decides to hear the case that he could win . I dont think that the notorious rbg is going to give him a win here. The bottom line is that, because she comes from the 2nd circuit, yes, she is the justice that will hear this petition but four out of eight of the justices have to agree to take this case so this is a really juicy sports controversy. A legal one, not so much. Whats his best argument . Does he even have a good argument . He has an argument that nfl commissioner Roger Goodell did him wrong. Hes saying Roger Goodell shouldnt have suspended him for four games. Hes saying that Roger Goodell acted outside the scope of the collective Bargaining Agreement and he didnt give him adequate notice of the rules. He just ignored basic requirements of consistency. He is really, pretty upset with the nfl commish but the Supreme Court taking deflategate case with all the things that are going on in the world, doubtful. Dont bet on it, okay, thanks. Fair enough, sunny. Thank you. Now to an alarming new report on road rage. The American Automobile Association revealing this morning that nearly 80 of drivers admit to expressing significant anger behind the wheel at least once in the past year. Dr. Elizabeth lombardo, a clinical psychologist, joins us now, and dr. Lombardo, i have to say that im not surprised by those numbers. Were saying its outrageous but i actually dont think it is having driven a few times in my life. What do you think why people are so quick to rage when theyre behind the wheel . We can all be mildmannered people and get behind the wheel and change. First of all, stress levels are higher than ever. When were stressed out we tend to personalize other peoples behavior, theyre insulting me by doing that, couple that with the anonymity of driving, you dont see them facetoface and a lot of times we give ourselves permission to act more aggressively. So, if you feel this coming on and boiling up inside, this is for amy more than anyone, what do you do . Quick intervention, amy. So what tips do you have . What you want to do, first is take a deep breath or turn up your music. Laugh even if something isnt funny, do something to reduce your stress. Stress is on a continuum from 0 to 10. When we are at a 7 or higher we dont think rationally. Thats when we do things that we later regret. So first decrease that stress. And then play the game i call i wonder why. I wonder why they reacted like that. We tend to assume its because theyre being insulting to us but really maybe theyre on their way to the hospital because someones having a baby or maybe theyre trying to get away from their inlaws as quickly as possible. When you change your perspective it can change your life. Put yourself in the other drivers shoes. Get away from their inlaws as quick as possible, thats hilarious. Thats really good advice, by the way. If im alone i try to pretend my children are in the car and react differently or hopefully when our children are in the car. All right, thank you, dr. Lombardo, that was great. Now we move on to the emmy nominations. Television academy set to announce the nominations later this morning and theyll choose from 8,000 submissions over 100 categories and nick watt joins us from l. A. This morning. Hey, nick, youre looking dapper this morning there by the stage. What kind of story lines are you expecting this morning . Reporter well, george, its going to be all about game of thrones. That show can become the most decorated drama in emmy history. Right now tied with i believe the west wing and hill street blues. Last year 24 nominations and 12 wins, but it was not always so. In season one they only won two, that was for the opening title credit and peter dinklage, of course, who will get nominated again this year. Probably when he wasnt quite so front and center in this last season but, you know, the Cultural Impact of this show is immense. I know people who have named their babies khaleesi. I mean, im a fan but i have never gone that far. And i have to say this season in my opinion the best yet so that will be exciting. Big focus is on the limited Series Category and this is often overlooked category. I just looked at who theyre saying may be nominated, and ive seen every one of these shows. You know, in this age of kind of on demand tv viewing, this category has really come to the fore. We have fargo this year, roots, American Crime on abc, and the frankly overrated night manager and o. J. Simpson the people v. O. J. Simpson, now, this show, theyve taken a story we know how it ends and made it scintillating, fantastic tv and the acting, i mean courtney b. Vance, weve got sterling brown, weve got cuba gooding jr. , john travolta, Sarah Paulson and David Schwimmer playing the original kardashian. One critic told me if this show does not win, the emmys are broken, broken forever. Wow, amy, you showed how much youre working. You have all that time on planes to watch all of these shows. Download them and watch them. Its true. I got to put nick on the spot. Whats the matter with night manager . Exactly. You know, im british so i see through this british thing. Not everything that british people say is smart, clever or funny. Its just not true. I see through that show. I love Tom Hiddleston as much as the next man but i dont love that show. You dont love Tom Hiddleston as much as the next woman because he is nice to look at, too, thats another big perk of the show. Just saying. Taylor swift agrees. Thank you, dr. Lombardo, thank you, sunny, as well. That was great. Coming up, our hot shot of the day. A 7yearolds invention to keep pokemon go players safe. Well reveal what it is when we come back in two minutes. Come back in two minutes. It is when we come back. On my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. 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I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter were back with this mornings hot shot. And look who is here. Sara haines is here with that. Ive got a good one for you. Pokemon continues. Weve been sharing the craziest stories from the app beating out twitter in daily users but there have been stories of people who have gotten into a little bit of hot water because theyre not paying attention while playing or in this guys case, cold water. Listen very carefully. Wow. Oh. I didnt know that was water. Amy and our favorite. Someone falling. Theyre okay. It was nighttime thats anothers pain. Its true, though. Its true. He was okay. He was okay. They really are empathetic people. Unless you fall. Unless you fall. If youre going to fall, i give you permission to laugh at me as well. Athen salcedo, a 7yearold from nebraska, is hoping to prevent future unplanned swims creating safety buttons that light up for pokemon go players. The young entrepreneur with the help of his mom came up with the idea because he says, quote, he doesnt want anyone to ever get hurt playing the game. He even started a go fund me page to help with production. And this is really cute. One of my favorite quotes, he says i dont want to be rich by selling these because ill be in the nfl. So i want him to know he can do both, be rich and be in the nfl. Try to help. He doesnt want anyone getting hurt, george. Thats good. We end on a positive note, thank you. When we come back at the top of the hour, were backstage at the espys with exclusive access to some of the nights biggest wins, from abby to kobe and peyton, and so much more coming up next. Want to lie down. I refuse to lie down. Why suffer . Stand up to chronic migraine. With botox®. 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Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Carmax will give you seven days to consider their offer. Why seven days . Science. Join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. Consideration. 2. Questioning. 3. Deciding. 4. Queso. 5. Nap. 6. Sudoku. 7. Tambourine practice. I think i made my point. Theyll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it. Back here on gma, really slowmoving storms dropped more than five inches of rain in southern delaware and this was the result. So you know youre going to get some flash flooding there and this morning we actually have flash flood warnings on the map in southern missouri and, again, those swollen rivers, the saturated ground up in minnesota still have some of those warnings in place, heaviest rain will fall near the gulf as we go through the next couple of days. This weather brought to you by angies li Good Morning America is brought to you by carmax. Drive whats possible. Good morning to you. Meteorologist drew tuma is tracking the toasty forecast. Good morning, everybody. Off to a nice start. Mainly sunny in most spots. Dealing with a little fog. Live doppler 7 showing the fog around half moon bay, less than a quarter mile. As the fog burns off, a warm to hot day. Poor air quality inland and south bay. Traffic is slow all around the bay area, especially in san jose northbound 280 slow and go the whole stretch up to cupertino. A lot of brake lights, as well. 680 to walnut creek. As you continue it is heavy through lafayette and a lot of slow drive times as well. 53 minutes on 580. North 101 heavy from san jose to the airport. Thank you so much. Coming up, are you getting acne through items in your home. The common everyday items that could be making you break out. Another update as well in 30 minutes and always on our news app and things are heating up on the wta. Time to play. When the Emirates Airline us open series hits stanford for the bank of the west classic, join the celebration of summer. Where the action off the court, is just as hot as the action on it. July 18th through july 24th. Its time to shine brighter than you ever thought possible. The Emirates Airline us open series. Were serving up the best of summer. Dont miss the summer action while its in stanford. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Trump about to reveal his running mate set to make a decision today. Newt gingrich says its down to him and indiana governor mike pence. The latest on who could be joining trump on the trail. Dr. Phil fights back. Are you kidding me . The talk show host and his wife file a 250 million lawsuit against the National Enquirer saying theyve crossed a line, lied over and over. Dan abrams weighs in live on the case. Youre so classic proud husband, one day after Jennifer Aniston says shes fed up with all the pregnancy speculation and tabloid rumors, Justin Theroux with his own response and its picture perfect. Welcome to my house and were taking you on the red carpet and backstage for the biggest night in sports from john cena to shaq. Im not as hot as you, goodlooking fella. And lindsey vonn, to backstage with peyton, kobe and abby. See what theyre revealing to our cameras. Thats what squishy is . As we say all good morning, america. That was horrible. Here we go. Wait, wait. Lets do it in peytons voice i dont know how to do that. Well try. All good morning, america. And good for abby to get them to do it a second time. Sara haines and paula faris with us. On this thursday morning in times square, it means, of course, tory johnson is here with big deals steals on summers hottest items, up to 68 off. Also this morning, we have style expert Lori Bergamotto here. Shes got more ways to reinvent classics. And this morning she is putting and this morning she is putting new twists oh, there it is, on an old favorite, the jean jacket. Cant wait to see what shes coming up with. Thats coming up in a bit. It looked like t. J. Was having fun last night at the espys. Got a nice shoutout from shaq. Now, nba mvp steph curry doing a special warmup dance with chance the rapper. [ laughter ] now, chances muhammad alis tribute was one of the great moments of the night and t. J. , you see him right there, will bring us exclusive access backstage in just a bit. But we have to get the morning rundown from paula faris. Good morning, america. How was that impression of abby wambach . Guys, good morning to you. The big story this morning, donald trump preparing to announce his running mate tomorrow. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is now claiming that he is one of the finalists. Abcs tom llamas has the latest on the veepstakes. Tom. Reporter paula, good morning. We could learn very soon who Donald Trumps running mate is going to be. Sources tell abc news the decision is between Newt Gingrich and indiana governor mike pence. Now, overnight, Newt Gingrich made the case saying he thinks donald trump right now is considering whether its going to be him or governor mike pence and one of them will get the call today to find out they will be Donald Trumps running mate. Just moments ago, Ruth Bader Ginsburg just released a statement, saying on reflection my recent remarks in press inquiries were illadvised and i regret making them. We also know who is going to be speaking at the rnc convention. We know that all the trump Adult Children will speak, Melania Trump will speak, as well along with senators ted cruz, speaker paul ryan, governor Chris Christie and, yes, Newt Gingrich. Paula. Quite a list. Thanks, tom. Also speaking at the convention will be eileen collins, the first woman to command a Space Shuttle mission, and the New York Times says tim tebow will also address the convention. And in washington, an extremely powerful moment from the senates only black republican speaking out about racial profiling. Senator tim scott described the, quote, humiliation of being targeted by police revealing that he has been pulled over seven times in one year. Often for nothing more than driving a new car. And the aclu is suing Baton Rouge Police over their treatment of protesters rallying against the shooting of alton sterling. The suit claims officers used Excessive Force against the crowd. These issues will be the focus of tonights town hall with president obama right here on abc, the president and the people a National Conversation begins at 8 00 eastern. And there is a new effort to confront the opioid abuse epidemic in our country. President obama says that he will sign a bill that treats addiction like a disease instead of a crime. This new effort will increase access to a drug that reverses an overdose. And a parenting alert this morning. Your childs bedtime could affect their health years down the road. A new study found that preschoolers who went to bed by 8 00 p. M. Were far less likely to be obese as teenagers than those who went to bed after 9 00. Thats because kids who stayed up tended to snack more. And a taxpayer outrage overseas where french president Francois Hollande may be having a bad hair day. Word has leaked that his personal hairstylist is getting paid 10 grand a month. Hollande promised to be less extravagant than his predecessor. And finally, a scary sight at the supermarket. Look at this its a giant lizard strolling through the automatic doors of a store in thailand sending shoppers running in all directions. Now, there were a couple of brave workers, some men, that pushed the roaming reptile out. It refused to go out without a fight, though. Really i think its there just to enjoy the stores ac. They eventually used cardboard signage to nudge it out to the parking lot. But i dont know about you, my first instinct is not to go near the reptile. Ooh, thats a good instinct. Call the professionals. And they were telling it go away. I dont think it can understand you. So maybe are you sure . Well, i dont have that on record but lets call some reptilians, okay, some experts but just a hunch. Thank you, paula. Lets move over to sara for pop news. Thanks, george. Were going to start with alicia keys. Shes called on hollywoods biggest names for a powerful rallying cry in response to police brutality. Take a look. Failing to signal a lane change. Riding in your girlfriends car with a child in the back. Running to the bathroom in your own apartment. Missing a front license plate. The we are here movement lists ordinary actions that resulted in the loss of black american lives. Beyonce, kevin hart and chris rock are just a handful of celebrities joining forces to bring about change. Queen latifah, adam levine and taraji p. Henson also spoke up to make a difference in collaboration with mike. Com. That is powerful. That is powerful. And up next, wednesday we told you about Jennifer Anistons powerful oped slamming the tabloids and photogs who suggested she may be pregnant. Overnight jens husband Justin Theroux posting this photo on instagram with the caption, with the hashtag, woman crush wednesday. The link to it and go girl. Its a surprising move for justin who rarely shares photos of his wife on social media. The last was five months ago on valentines day but theyre always picture perfect, of course, and i love this, i love that shes speaking out because how often as women are you asked are you pregnant or who are you with . I was asked the other day if i was pregnant again, and im not. I just was wearing a baggy shirt. She told you it was a burrito, folks. Let it go. Whats wrong with that . The problem is once youve been pregnant several times yeah, get it all out. Lets go, guys. We have more to offer the world. And finally, proof that some movies are timeless, continuing to inspire generation after generation, take a look at Little Charlie from ohio who has found his fitness inspiration from the movie rocky 2. Oh, there we go. Those are great pushups. Oh, my gosh. I think hes seen this movie a couple of times. Hes turned it into a taebo workout. Look at this. Hes good. Oh, my gosh. My son is a little behind. The baby boxer at the end. Fights stallone. Sly actually shared the video on instagram and said he may wind up fighting the toddler tough guy in rocky 10. Sara, youre on to something baby taebo. Its called babybo. How sweet. Great workout. My son doesnt have that focus or mobility. Hes 3 days old. True, true. Give him a minute. Serious time. How cute is that . So cute. In a diaper . Come on. Speaking of something sorry. Oh. Am i still on . Okay. Heres a look at whats coming up on the gma morning menu. Dr. Phil takes on the tabloids. Why hes suing the National Enquirer and more for 250 million. And tory is here with deals steals on hot summer trends starting at just 4. Plus, were reinventing classics with Lori Bergamotto this morning. Its all about the jean jacket. Wait till you see what shes come up with. Dont go away yet. Oh, dont go away yet . You were so amused by yourself that you completely forgot. My mom says im my best audience. I think im hilarious im the only one laughing. We think youre funny too. Well be right back. 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But 80 of your mouths bacteria arentt even on teeth. Eughty purschunt . colgate totals different. It fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. Colgate total for whole mouth health. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. Whats your body of proof . Welcome to my house welcome back to gma. We have Peyton Manning, kobe bryant, abby wambach and Justin Timberlake. What happened behind the scene there, a lot of fun at the espys. Well have much more on that in just a bit. But first, dr. Phil is taking on the National Enquirer, the tv host and his wife filing a 250 million lawsuit against the tabloids and its Parent Company saying they falsely accused him of spousal abuse. Abcs linsey davis has that story. Are you kidding me . Reporter hes the booming texas voice known for dishing out downtoearth advice. The thing that will keep you consistent is accountability. Reporter but this morning, dr. Phil mcgraw says hes finished playing nice with the tabloids. This is just attentiongetting behavior on your part. Reporter the talk show host and his wife are now taking American Media inc. Which owns the National Enquirer to court suing the company for libel saying they crossed the line. In the lawsuit they allege the National Enquirer and its sister publications published more than 85 false articles about them over the past 13 years claiming the stories were usually without any legitimate sources, without any basis in fact or taken entirely out of context. Dr. Phil has only one person to blame for the skeletons that lurk inside his closet and that is himself. The National Enquirer, radar online and star magazine cannot be held responsible for those actions. Reporter dr. Phil says the stories were salacious and unfounded. Front cover spreads accuse him of cheating and physical abuse and being a fraud. In the lawsuit, he argues these stories hurt his reputation. We look forward to successfully defending ourselves in a court of law. Reporter just this week, the National Enquirer doubled down with another article similar to those dr. Phil is challenging in his lawsuit. The real dr. Phil will be unmasked through depositions, through the evidence we have in our possession and through this litany of lawsuits that has been filed against him. Reporter dr. Phils lawyer tells abc news in a statement, the couple wants to stop these lies and the business practice of libel for profit. For Good Morning America, linsey davis, abc news, new york. And joining us now with more on this case, abc news chief legal analyst dan abrams. Dan, we hear these headlines have been going on for 13 years so lets talk about the timing. Why sue now . Well, they had a kind of truce in place from 2013 to 2015 where dr. Phil agreed not to sue them. They sort of held off on writing new articles. They agreed to sort of toll which means to extend the statute of limitations if need be and then, according to dr. Phil, as soon as that twoyear period ends, they start writing the articles again, he says dredging up the old information again, republishing those articles, those allegations, et cetera, and thats why its happening now. One of the legal fights will be over whether the statute of limitations is expired. Yeah, from linsey davis piece there, the National Enquirer and its Parent Company seem very confident. What do you think the chances are that dr. Phil can win this . Well, look, these lawsuits are always hard because not only does dr. Phil have to show that it was false, but he also has to show that the tabloids knew or reasonably should have known it was false. Now his position is we informed them, they knew it. But, remember, a lot of what theyre taking, you see those quotes, right, around some of the words in the headlines, some of those are taken directly from lawsuits against dr. Phil and the tabloids is going to say, look, we were simply reporting on what other lawsuits had alleged, so these lawsuits are never easy. Theres a whole list of allegations here and theyre going to have to go through each and every one to determine which ones are the strongest ones, which ones make it into court. All right, dan abrams with the latest for us, thanks so much, dan. Coming up next here, your allaccess pass to the espys, wait until you see what all the stars are saying backstage about the biggest night in sports. El, and i quit smoking with chantix. I have smoked for 30 years and by taking chantix, i was able to quit in 3 months and that was amazing. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. 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Benefiber® healthy shape helps curb cravings. Its a clear, tastefree daily supplement. Thats clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. Benefiber® healthy shape. This, i can do. Find us in the fiber aisle. This dog treat called max and dentalife. Covered its really different. See . Its flexible. And it has a chewy, porous texture, full of little tiny air pockets that gives dogs teeth a clean scrub all the way down to the gum line. vo purina dentalife. For life. You brush your teeth diligently. Two times a day, right . But 80 of your mouths bacteria arentt even on teeth. Eughty purschunt . colgate totals different. It fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. Colgate total for whole mouth health. There has been a quest for sout of this world refreshment. , now the search is over. Cool aquafina. For happy bodies. And see ice age collision course in theaters july 22. Ashley went to lowes to ctheir curated bath collections helped her bring the perfect look together. Oh. One sec. My shell phones ringing. Hey girl hey. Now get up to 40 off select bath products, at lowes. When you dont get enough and your body aches. Youre not yourself. Tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. We give you a better night. Youre a better you all day. Tylenol®. Welcome to my house good morning, america. Good morning, john cena. There with nikki bella last night, of course, john hosted the espys last night. What a night it was. He did great. So did t. J. Holmes, who was there for every minute and, boy, t. J. , looked like you had a lot of fun backstage too. Oh, i guess you can tell. You can tell when im having a good time, cant you, george. Welcome back here to the red carpet at l. A. Live. Yes, i showed you last hour what happened on stage, but now let me take you offstage and backstage where stuff was really going down and i discovered the Host John Cena had a plan for in case he bombed, and i discovered the reason behind kobe bryants new facial hair and also discovered abby wambach has apparently let herself go. Its the biggest night in sports. Athletes trading in their uniforms for something a little more stylish for the espys red carpet. How hot are you . Im not as hot as you goodlooking fella. Im in actual heat. I love meeting new athletes and hearing their stories and talking shop. Thats boring. Come on. What do you really talk about . How much can they bench press and we do a squat contest of some sort. Who can play the best cornhole. Reporter this years Host John Cena stepped out of the wrestling ring and took center stage but he came with a plan. You got Something Special cooking for us tonight. You know, well, heres the thing, if i go out there and bomb, i can always do what i do in the wwe, i just go like this and they cant see me. Reporter the wwe star took jabs at some of the best athletes in the world. This is that one magical night of the year when j. R. Smith wears a shirt. [ laughter ] reporter king james, however, was hard to miss. The nba finals mvp took the stage with his fellow cavs adding to their trophy collection. Go ahead, swish. Go ahead, swish. Speak up. He got a shirt on too, by the way. He got a shirt on, everybody. Reporter and Justin Timberlake gave a little bye, bye, bye to three sports legends handing out the prestigious icon award to retiring athletes Peyton Manning, abby wambach and kobe bryant. Dont take this the wrong way. But yall are the oldest people i talked to so far this evening. You know what im saying. Thank you. Tell the truth. How much have you been working out . Its so sad. I took six months off and got squishy. Im starting to get back on that train. Squishy. Is that squishy . Thats what squishy is . When youre doing it by yourself its a little more of a challenge but ive been able to keep a good routine but a little more of a challenge. Ill admit that. Im the same way but the motivation is a lot different. Its easier to roll over and go back to sleep and thats something you have to fight. Congrats. You got another on the way. Yes. When is the due date . Three girls. In the fall. Just really excited. And theyre all going to play womens soccer. Amen to that. Guys. Reporter all right, kobe did admit that, yes, he looked at that treadmill at 5 00 a. M. And the playoffs aint coming and the motivation is different so he is not on it these days. You saw Peyton Manning there in kind of a turquoise jacket, looked like he belonged on a boat and trying to look the part of being in retirement. George, yes, this is their one night so they love it. The one night athletes get. Actors have several and musicians do too. This is the one night they get together and make the best out of it. Its got a lot of sparkle. You got a nice shoutout from shaq too. Reporter yeah, you know, we go way back now. [ laughter ] great job, t. J. Thanks very much. Lets go outside to ginger. Love that, t. J. And, george, yes, youve got to meet my new friend. This is quaelin. He is from shreveport, louisiana. Youve been here since 4 30. You want to say hello to who . My grandma. So good morning, grandma. We wanted to say hello to you. You know youre hot and humid there. Where its dry and hot, that would be lake sherwood, california. So Ventura County and they had that actually has been contained but then this big one, hayden pass in colorado, doesnt look like itll get contained until potentially early october. Thats the big picture. I am drew tuma with the accweather forecast, 80 in oakland, and were 1 in san francisco, and 91 in san jose, and 94 in santa rosa, tomorrow, mild night, with coastal fog, most spots, though, controlling to 50. Hot inland on friday, but cooler air over the weekend, and, then, we turn to typical temperatures early next week. And breaking news, mississippi, harley is pregnant. All right. Coming up, all the excitement for the emmy nominations, who is in and out and were reinventing classics. How to take your jean jacket to the next level at work, on the weekend, wherever you go. Now from a abc 7 news. It is 8 27. Good morning. Im reggie aqui from the abc 7 morning news. They are planning to teach lgbt history in schools. They are going over a curriculum that will start with in second grade. Additional lessons until their senior year of high school. It is unclear when it will start but a better timetable is expected after the meeting. An update on the commute with frances. Good morning. You see all of the red, it is slow out there. A lot of little accidents wherever you go. There is a new one westbound 580 on the connector ramp. Traffic slow through oakland. 880 not much better bet. Thank you, franc [ ghost voice ] the name your price tool can save you money by finding a policy to fit your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat water would be nice, but that would go right through me. Ghost problems. Good morning. Im meteorologist drew tuma. We are warming up nicely. Current temperatures in the warmest locals right now, low 70s in fairfielden antioch and san ramon. Poor air quality inland and east bay in the santa clara valley. Heres why. The we are turning hot inland. The warmest spots in the lower 100s. Summer has returned. Thank you, drew. Another update in 30 minutes and always on our news app and welcome back to Good Morning America. Were live on the west coast for the emmy nominations. We want to go Anthony Anderson and Lauren Graham and Bruce Rosenblum in the wolf theater in l. A. For the big announcements. Lets take a listen. Good morning. Welcome to the 68th emmy awards nominations announcement. The firstever to be held in our beautiful wolf theater in the saban media center. Were very excited that this year is the 70th anniversary of our academy. And even with the remarkable history of television, from i love lucy to friends, to breaking bad, at no time in the past 70 years has our industry achieved the vibrancy, relevancy, consistent creative excellence and diversity were experiencing at this very moment. This morning, were recognizing this generations Creative Leaders and the brilliant work thats made now television the premier cultural touch stone throughout the world. This is far more than second golden age of television. The fact is, no other entertainment medium surpasses the popularity, Cultural Impact or global scale of television. Television dominates the entertainment conversation and enjoying the most spectacular run in its history with breakthrough creativity, emerging platforms and dynamic new opportunities for our industry story tellers. This season saw the final episodes for downton abbey, the good wife and american idol. Late night welcomed newcomers samantha bee and trevor noah. And the live experience of the wiz and grease live. Quite a year. The best of the best, both in front and behind the camera. On broadcast, cable and on demand services. And it promises to be another extraordinary emmy season. To help me announce the emmy nominations this morning two our finest actors, shes currently in production on its highly revital for netflix in Gilmore Girls and he stars in blackish, please welcome Lauren Graham and Anthony Anderson. [ applause ] thank you, guys, for being here. Take it away. All right. Thank you very much. Good morning, everybody. Anthony, do you remember where you were last year when you heard you were nominated and how could i forget, my firstever emmy nomination, layover at Heathrow Airport on my way to south africa. Everyone knew about my nomination before i did. But i dont mind being the last to known when an emmy nomination is in the news. Im excited to be here this morning. Lets do this. Okay. Okay. Our first category is outstanding lead actor in a drama series and the nominees are kyle chandler, rami malek. Bob odenkirk. Matthew rhys, Levi Schreiber and kevin spacey. The nominees for outstanding lead actress in a drama series are claire danes, viola davis, tarajip henderson hold on, hold on. They gave me this name right here phonetically. Im going to do it. I went to Public School in compton but i got this. Tatiana maslany, Kerri Russell and robin wright. The nominees for outstanding lead actor in a limited series or movie are bryan cranston, all the way. Benedikt come be bavp, idris elba, cuba gooding jr. , tom hildston and courtney b. Vance. All right. The nominees for outstanding lead actress in a limited series or movie are kirsten dunst, felicity huffman, audra mcdon d mcdonald, sara paulson, taylor and kerry washington. The nominees for outstanding lead actor in a Comedy Series are Anthony Anderson wow hi, mama i know youre watching, hi, mama congratulations. Thank you. Its not in alphabetical order. They just through the names out there. You dont have to name anybody else. Just go to the next category [ laughter ] aziz ansari, will forte, william h. Macy, Thomas Middleditch and jeffery tambor. Congratulations thank you, thank you. The nominees for outstanding lead actress in a Comedy Series are eli kemper, julia louisdreyfus, laurie metcalf. Tracee ellis ross amy schumer and lily tomlin. Here are this years nominees for Outstanding Reality Competition Program the amazing race, american ninja warrior, dancing with the stars, project runway, top chef and the voice. The nominees for outstanding variety talk series are comedians in cars getting coffee. Jimmy kimmel live. Last week tonight with john oliver. The late late show with james corden. Real time with bill maher. And the tonight show starring jimmy fallon. The nominees for Outstanding Television movie are a very merry christmas. All the way. Confirmation. Luther. And sherlock the abombal bride. For Outstanding Limited series the nominees are American Crime. Fargo. The night manager. The pe the people v. O. J. Simpson American Crime story. And roots. To complete this mornings emmy nominations lets bring back bruce do we have to . We do. Hes our boss. Congratulations. Thank you very much, sir. Thank you. The nominations for outstanding Comedy Series are blackish blackish, oh master of none. Modern family. Silicon valley. Transparent. Unbreakable kimmy schmidt. And veep. Finally the nominations for Outstanding Drama Series are the americans. Better call saul. Downton abbey. I always thought it was downtown abbey. I did as well. Game of thrones. Home land. House of cards. And mr. Robot. All right, a very lively emmy nominations there from los angeles. Lets go outside now to ginger. I found abbey whos my hometown. Shes going to my high school next year. Our emojis are getting excited or not so excited based on this forecast. Cleveland, ohio, george, youre not happy because its stormy. Grand rapids, michigan, for me. I love these emojis. Heres a look from west to east. Severe storms in i am drew tomb my with the accweather forecast, a spare the air day is in effect with poor air quality inland in the south bay, and tonight, mild with sevenday forecast showing cooler air hitting us this this Weather Report brought to you by pfizer and disney emoji blitz, a fun and fastpaced matching game ready to download right now. You can play with more than 400 disney and pixar emojis. You can see how the game is played right there. Youre seeing it right now and check out the cool emojis these guys are holding. Theyre all in the game. So much fun. All in the palm of your hand. Coming up summer deals and steals. Starting it is deals steals. Tory johnson here this thursday morning with a nice, happy crowd. A lot of summer stuff today. A lot of summer stuff and were going to start with the first one here, tunics. What are great about these, theyre super lightweight. Breezy to use as a beach coverup but also opaque fabric so that you can put it on to go out with jeans, shorts, jeggings, whatever it is that you like to wear, and a really fabulous deal. An assortment of colors, even more online normally 78, these are slashed by 63 , 29 and free shipping. Free shipping too. Free shipping. These are fun. These are part of the big trend right now which is choker necklaces. And what i love about these is that you can wear these three ways. Your girls would know all about it. They would know all about this, so this is something you can wear as a choker, tight necklace, or a little longer because theyre all adjustable which is great, or as a wrap bracelet so you get kind of a lot of mileage. The chokers are really in. Look at that. You know that. My girls do. Three girls, thats what happens when you have a house full of the most fashionable girls. So fabulous deal on these. Normally 30 to 45 all slashed so 15 apiece to get in on the trend. I love that. Okay, another really fun trend, bling, Everybody Loves bling. Kings of cole has done an assortment of tops all incredibly lightweight cotton. Just super soft material. There is the vneck tee, the tanks, then the brandnew baseball caps with all kinds of fun embellishments so, sort of like something for every mood no matter what mood youre in, theres something that just makes the day a little more fun when you add some sparkle. Big discount on these as well. Normally they start at 38, everything is slashed by at least 53 so all of the pieces, 18 to 22. I love that. Okay, this is another big summer trend right now. These pouches are patches. So you buy them all individually, letters, all kinds of different symbols. You can either stick them on to patches or stick them on to jeans, jean jackets. The crops too. Yes, people put them all over the place. Theyre really fun to design your own. A fabulous deal from kitsch on these. Normally they start from 18 to 22 for the pouches but today everything is slashed in half starting at just 4. A care package. And last but not least lunch boxes. What i love about these, youll feel that this one is cold outside its not freezing on the inside it is because we put this in the freezer overnight and it will then stay cold for up to ten hours so you dont need messy ice packs that drip, that get lost that are just creating a big mess. No ice packs, its built inside the freezable gel is built in. Perfect. Big assortment of styles to choose from when you go to our website normally starting at 16, everything today slashed in half. Lunch bags starting at 8. All kinds of great deals. As always, tory, thanks very much, and thanks to these companies for providing great deals and a bonus deal at goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo well be back with jean jackets. Time now for our fashion series, reinventing classics and this morning its all about jean jackets and easy ways to upgrade them. Back again with her tips, Good Housekeeping style director Lori Bergamotto. Thanks for being us. Thank you. Im so excited to be here with both of you. Now, we all have one of these jean jackets, possibly the same one from when we were in eighth grade. Thats fine. Do they ever go out of style . They never go out of style. The denim jacket is a style chameleon and well show you today how you can you probably have one at home. How you can get an affordable one and what to look for. Great. Lets get the looks going. Come on out, ladies. All right, we have the girls coming out. Im going to tell you, guys, these are under 30 at old navy. The thing is to maximize versatility. You want to make sure it hits around your hipbone that you can button up and down easily and scrunch the sleeves. The first look a lot think jean jackets are too casual for work. Right, and the jacket by itself might be too casual but the way you wear it is what matters. You can see shes wearing it as a coverlet and we see this on street style. What it does it gives the outfit context and lets you know shes fancy going to work. Sorry, i didnt want to jump ahead. The second one is upping your weekend game kind of. Yes, shall we walk . Lets do. On jane this is upping your weekend game. What we did is took the denim shirt and we made the denim jacket, excuse me and made it into a shirt. A lot of times people think its a onetrick pony but its a wardrobe workhorse. Oh. But essentially what we did, this is a really fancy dress that she could wear to a wedding. Just like you can take a denim jacket like we did with hannah and elevate a look, you can take this piece and dress it down. She has sneakers on too. Its all about paring it down making it wearable for the weekend. I would never think to do that but it looks so great. And shop your closet. This is like, again, something i would never think to do. Spicing up your wardrobe. You pit put it underneath . Yes, as a layering piece and acknowledge this is thinking outside the box. Thats what we do at Good Housekeeping. Try to be creative and buttoned it up and put a longer piece on top. Again, this is something for somebody who is more forward but its a great season to season transition piece. Has to be longer . The top should be longer than Everything Else should be more cut. Thanks for pointing that out. I need to take notes on all this and we have a viewer question. I love my old denim jacket but the particular style i have feels outdated. What can i do to make it cool for the summer . Choreography. Okay, so, that is a great question and you can actually breathe new life into your denim jacket. Heres a you need a pair of house scissors, you dont need fancy scissors. What you want to do is cut half an inch. This one is already started. Cut a half an inch off and flip it inside out because the seams are a little thicker here than they are here so you want to make sure you dont get frays. Like the cheater line. Exactly, and then start snipping away. Another way if youre not ready to make the cut is add flair. I still have these on from eighth grade. Theres nothing trendier than buttons in an election year. Just like my members only jacket. Thats right and on tomorrows show, amys members only jacket. Thank you, lori. The issue of Good Housekeeping is on newsstands now. Tomorrow lori will be back on how to style the offshoulder i just picked us up 2 breakfast croissants for 4, when this bear attacked. With one swipe, it devoured one of the croissants. Then jack showed up, and took care of the beast, so i could escape. And thats what happened to your breakfast croissant. And yours . It survived. Enjoy freshly cracked egg with ham and bacon. Or sausage. Two tasty croissants at an even tastier 4 price. Its a deal youll devour. Good morning america is brought to you by the makers of tylenol. For what matters most. They want me thanks for watching and thank you to our audience for helping us all get ready for world emoji day. That was a big help. Tomorrow, elle king. Shell be here live right here in times square. Great concert. Have a great thursday, everyone. You live life your way. We can help you retire your way, too. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. Now from abc 7 news. Good morning. Im reggie aqui with the abc 7 morning news. Meteorologist drew tuma is on the roof with the bay area forecast. Its going to be a warm one. Indeed. We had coastal fog this morning. Improving conditions, especially half moon bay. A half mile visibility from a quarter earlier today. Warmest spots in the 70s. Accuweather sevenday forecast shows inland we are going to the century mark. Cooler air over the weekend. You will find a lot of brake lights in san jose. A crash remains slow on 87 as you continue. The san mateo bridge, westbound traffic, 28 minutes across the bridge. Dumbarton bridge sluggish as well. For its live with kelly. Today, one of the stars of cafe society, chris step stewart. And from the new ghostbusters movie, kate mckinnon. Plus, shes back for another hes back for another day at the cohost desk, fred savage, all next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] and now here are kelly ripa and fred savage. [applause] kelly hi, hi. Hi, guys

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