Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141210 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141210

baby on board. a southwest jet making a special delivery. stunned passengers pitching in, the pilot making a quick detour. touching down with one brand-new passenger. >> i can't think of anything else that's going to top that, at least not for a while. and good morning, america. you know, it may be twins next time. >> gosh. why not? amazing story. one of the passengers said they were totally shocked to hear a baby crying because there were no babies on that plane when they boarded. >> but they didn't hear any of the labor leading up to that baby? that's pretty impressive. >> having been there. bite on that towel. >> i wonder if they had to change the manifest after they landed, they have one more passenger. >> i believe they did. that's incredible. we have a lot to get to. we want to begin with the wintry weather battering both sides of the country. heavy snow, rain, wind in the east and west. and ginger starts it all off for us. good morning, ginger. >> we have to start in the west coast. some places will see the worst storm they've seen in two or even five clears. let's look at berkeley, california, where 1800 sandbags ordered by the city so they can prepare for the storm. here's how it will go. the river of moisture forming in the west. a parade of storms coming at them will transition further south and pick up more moisture. it rides along something called the pineapple express. look at the wind warnings, reno, even l.a. and even a blizzard warning, which means one to three feet of snow possible, with wind gusts up to 80 miles an hour. coastally, big, big waves. look at wind gusts, 52 at redding tomorrow. and thursday night into tomorrow, slips to the south and east, 50 at indian springs, nevada. now a look at the west coast. of course we're dealing with the nor'easter and that's where we'll find linzie janice this morning in the catskills. >> reporter: good morning, ginger, the rain turning into snow overnight. as you can see, it is still coming down. already between four and eight inches on the ground. schools here have delayed the start of classes by two hour, to make sure everybody can get around safely and authorities warning this is heavy, wet, snow, the kind that can bring down tree, power line, even roofs. this morning, a wild mix of wintry weather threatening both coasts. a powerful nor'easter up the east coast overnight, delivering a deadly combination of rain, ice, and snow. >> this is the worst i've seen. >> reporter: wind gusts battering houses and ripping down trees in massachusetts. drivers in maine battling everything from pounding rain and slushy roads on the coast to blizzard-like conditions further north. in delaware, drivers navigating heavy rainfall. this highway, flooding. on the jersey shore, washed out streets stranding cars. these massive waves filling homes with water. >> i literally couldn't get out my front door. >> reporter: roads in new hampshire, treacherous with heavy snow causing several accidents. in upstate new york, five tractor-trailers and two passenger vehicles colliding on an icy highway. the accident causing one death. this storm is nowhere near over. the snow is expected to continue to fall throughout the day and into the evening. ginger? and, yeah, there's still snow and still wind. how much snow? the next two days really compacted. new york, western new york, and western very montd. travel will be difficult there. overall, cold and windy. george? and to the fall out on the explosive senate report on the cia. it details the mistreatment of prisoners after 9/11. claims the agency misled the public and the president. former officials are fighting back saying the program did provide lifesaving intelligence. martha raddatz is tracking all of the developments from washington. officials are worried this report will make new threats against americans. are we seeing anything yet? >> reporter: u.s. diplomatic facilities are on alert this morning for what some online jihadist calls for retaliation. and the state department warning for americans in thailand and afghanistan in particular, where some of the torture took place to be on alert to anti-american hostility because of this graphic report. in secret cia black sites across the globe, american interrogators punched, shackled, dragged and nearly drowned al qaeda operatives. one even left to die from hypothermia while chained to a wall. >> the interrogations of cia detainees were absolutely brutal. far worse than the cia represented them to policy makers and others. >> reporter: the very first detainee, abu zubaydah, believed to be a key al qaeda operative was waterboarded 83 times. in one session, he became completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth. kept in a coffin size box for 11 days, he was told the only way he would leave the facility was in a coffin. the senate report concluding that despite the extreme interrogation, he had no new information about future plots. in fact senate investigators said that torture did not play a part in getting any useful information, including finding osama bin laden. but cia pushback was swift. director john brennan saying the harsh interrogations helped thwart attack plans, capture terrorist, and save lives. and three former cia directors in the wall street journal this morning, calling the senate report flat-out wrong. a partisan attack on the agency that's done the most to protect america after the 9/11 attacks. george. >> they are fighting back hard. now to president obama. he chose not to make a public speech about the report, but he did address the subject last night in an interview with jorge ramos of fusion. >> is it the responsibility of president bush? did he betray american values? >> as i have said before, after 9/11 i don't think that you can know what it feels like to know that america's gone through the worst attack on the continental united states in its history. and you're uncertain as to what's coming next. so there were a lot of people who did a lot of things right and worked very hard to keep us safe. but i think that any fair-minded person looking at this would say that some terrible mistakes were made. >> let's bring in jon karl for more. the president also banned torture. says we will not do this going forward. banned since 2006 as well. but the president walking a very, very fine line on this whole subject. >> reporter: sure, george. the white house is deeply conflicted on this. on one hand you have the president's cia director, as you heard martha report, say that the program may have been harsh, but it worked. it saved lives. it helped in the hunt for bin laden, it thwarted attacks. the white house, and i have pressed them repeatedly on this, does not say that. the white house will only say the president believes even if these tactics did work, it's an open question, wasn't worth it. >> but the justice department will not prosecute cia officials looking backward. >> reporter: it's been investigated, they have decided not to prosecute. jon karl, thanks very much. and now to the whirlwind royal visit. will and kate wrap ing up the with a jam-packed day, a gala at the met and a visit to the empire state building. and aim my has all our details. good morning, amy. >> that's right. you have to admire the stamina in the final non-stop day, taking in the sights, meeting with celebrity, the mayor, and connecting with ordinary people around this great city. overnight, william and kate crowning the visit to the big apple with a gala at the met, race raising money for the university of st. andrews where the couple first fell in love. the prince showing off his humorous side on stage. >> it is often said of undergraduates at st. andrews, you have to give us one of two states, either married or an alcoholic. fortunately, for catherine and me, we ended up married. >> reporter: the couple braving the heavy winds and rain earlier at the 9/11 memorial. william holding up an umbrella, as kate placed flowers and a personal note on a plaque me moralizing those two died in the tragedy. next, enjoying a performance at the city kids' foundation and the door, organizations that provide help to disadvantaged youth. william giving one of the performers his contact information, offering to help him take his show to the next level. >> william was blown away by steven prescott's performance. he was absolutely fantastic and he was adamant that he wanted to make steven a star. >> reporter: and no trip to new york city is complete without a trip to the top of the empire state building. but this photo of lebron james with his arm around the duchess monday night continued to grab headlines. and while some suggested a possible breach in etiquette protocol, the palace says no offense was taken at all. >> kate and william are casual. they are not stuffy. they like it when people relax around them and are able to be themselves. >> and word from london. the royal couple landed. i did ask if they had to go through that customs line like we all have to. apparently they're fast-tracked. they don't have to do that. which is good, i'm sure they're so excited to see baby george. >> i'll bet. so putting your arm around the princess like that, that's a thing? >> apparently, it's okay. >> i think protocol says, if they do it first, that's totally okay. but we're not subjects of the royal family, so the protocol does not apply. >> nobody told lebron. they didn't stop him. >> he is the king, after all. >> true. and, i know, amy, you have the rest of the day's top stories for us? >> i do. good morning, everyone. we begin with the breaking news overnight concerning oscar pistorius. the olympian could be facing more time in prison. this morning the judge who found him guilty of manslaughter for the death of his girlfriend ruled prosecutors can appeal his acquittal on murder charges. if an appeals court rules he should have been convicted of murder, he faces a minimum of 15 years behind bars which is far more than his current five-year sentence which could be reduced to house arrest next year. and history is unfolding this morning in oslo, norway. at the ceremony getting under way this morning, 17-year-old malala yousafzai is becoming the youngest recipient of the nobel peace prize she was jointly awarded the prize with a india child rights advocate. malala has become an international advocate for girls education two years after surviving a bullet to the head by taliban gunmen. she wants to pursue politics and may one day become prime minister of pakistan. congratulations to you. back here in this country, violence erupting once again in northern california overnight, during the fourth consecutive night of protests stemming from police violence in new york and ferguson, missouri. they fired rubber bullets and arrested a dozen people who blocked a highway. hundreds marched through berkeley, forcing a city council meeting to be postponed. meanwhile, kobe bryant and several of his teammates showed solidarity, wearing "i didn't breathe" shirts, the final words of eric garner. today our week long look at race and justice in america continues as george moderates a town hall meeting on abc's facebook page, featuring a panel of experts. it gets under way at 1:30 eastern. the fbi is searching for two suspects who pulled off this brazen bank robbery in new york. the teller and a customer terrified with their hands up. later, though, suspects are seen throwing thousands of dollars of cash into a bag before eventually escaping down the street. and investigators are looking into whether pilot error caused this private jet to crash in maryland. a mother and her two young sons in the home were among the six people killed. officials have found no evidence of engine failure or a bird strike. and a close call for a driver during this thunderstorm in australia. watch, as a bolt of lightning splits a tree in half, sending it crashing down on to that busy highway. oh, my goodness. landing just inches from the hood of that car. incredibly, no one was hurt. and finally, it's not every day you see a sheep roaming the streets of a city. and it's not every day that the sheep that you see is wearing this. an ugly christmas sweater. >> yay! >> this guy, named gauge, was roaming through omaha after escaping through a fence. a local shelter took him in. all dressed up with nowhere to go. they spread the word online. fortunately a family friend saw gauge on the news. so, this morning we have the happy reunion to show you. there the owner and her christmas sheep baaaack together. >> you did it again. genius. bravo. >> all right. they're saying we have to move on. >> probably better. we are going to move on to nfl star cam newton. quarterback recovering in the hospital this morning after a frightening car crash. his pickup truck flipped after colliding with another car. and this video shows newton wheeled away on a stretcher. abc's ryan smith has the story. >> cam newton taking off. >> reporter: he's one of the nfl's biggest stars. known as much for his dynamic plays on the field -- >> and newton dived over the top for a carolina touchdown. >> reporter: as his big personality. >> what did you win now? >> golden water cooler. got it for a joke i told in the break room. >> what was the joke? >> it was -- >> it was about me, wasn't it? >> yes. >> reporter: but this morning, cam newton lays in a carolina hospital after witnesses say his truck flipped over four times at this charlotte intersection. >> a truck has turned over. >> 911, do you need police, fire or medic? >> i think everything. >> reporter: after a collision with another driver, witnesses reportedly saw newton's car go airborne, landing on the passenger side, the windows shattering. the carolina panthers quarterback pulling himself out. >> i saw a man pull himself out of the back window of the truck's cab. he appeared shaken and maybe a little bit woozy. >> reporter: staggering to the side of the road where medics strapped him on this back board and neck brace before transporting him to the hospital. there haven't been any charges and won't be, if any, until the accident report is released. as for newton, he suffered two fractures in his back. his team saying, he is staying in the hospital overnight. fortunately, michael, he has no internal injuries. >> we hope he heals up real soon, ryan. great player, great player. mothers who give birth on the way to the hospital in a car have a great story to tell them all. a baby born in midair shortly after takeoff. abc's clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: southwest flight 623 took off with 111 passenger, but landed with 112. >> southwest 623, need anything else? >> reporter: flying from san francisco to phoenix, a pregnant passenger goes into labor. the captain tells air traffic control, they need a quick detour to los angeles. >> it was like moses parting water. they got all of the traffic out of the way. >> reporter: still in midair, the crew reaches out to the passengers. luckily a nurse and doctor come forward and help deliver a baby boy. >> the woman sitting there just calmly turned around and said, she just gave birth. we're like -- >> it was amazing. >> reporter: we don't know when the baby was due. but airlines have different rules for flying while pregnant. southwest says no flight past 38 weeks. american keeps moms to be grounded within a week of their due date. there's no restriction on delta, but like all airlines, they recommend getting a doctor's advice before the cabin door closes. >> i can't think of anything else that's going to top that. at least not for a while. >> reporter: this morning the mom and newborn son are said to be doing just fine. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> should have named that baby airborne. >> i like lucky. the fact there was a doctor and nurse on board? >> there always seems to be a doctor and a nurse on board. for some reason. >> just a great story. ginger, you have looked at both coasts, and now the big chill in the midwest too? >> yes, we have the chill and it actually stretches all of the way to florida. look at some of these numbers. the morning windchill in detroit is 21. even miami is 52. that's cold for them. i know it doesn't seem like a lot. everyone's going, poor, miami. but really, though, look at orlando, windchill, 43, jacksonville, 44, and sub-freezing. and again, i want to focus on the west real quickly. we didn't get a chance to show you how much rain will fall. through friday, some of the heaviest in northern california. yes, they need it, but there is a potential for mudslides. and mudslides are potential. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. today is the last day to get prepared. you can do it with fog and drizzle. clouds and sprinkles this afternoon. storm arrives tonight in the north bay. the rest of us with rain and high surf tomorrow. the chance of rain in the north bay starts at 5:00. high risk storm, mudslides, dangerous surf, and high we're just discussing flying while pregnant. >> how close we all got. >> yes. and coming up on "gma," damaging testimony in the trial of the montana home owner who is charged with killing a student in his garage. the neighbor saying he talked about setting a trap. and avril lavigne, what's keeping her out of the limelight. and don't get into a fight in the parking spot at the mall. find out how. oh, of course! vo: meet maggie. smile! woah, this takes really good pictures! vo: maggie wants some hands-on experience. hands-on experience...with samsung. but she's been going about it all the wrong way. i have? 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i'm keeping him in the trunk of my car so when i get pulled over, he can help me out. he has more incredible tricks coming up for us when we come back. back to you lara and george. >> i want to go slo-mo. ing there up there. begin with the latest on the trial of the montana homeowner accused of gunning down a teenager in his garage. neighbors of markus kaarma taking the stand on tuesday claiming his common law wife talked about a trap to bait blar burglars. tom llamas has the story. >> reporter: so much happening in the case, including what that montana man's neighbor saw before the shooting. and who had marijuana in their system the night it went down. >> she said you don't have to worry about the burglaries anymore. and suzanne said why is that? she said because he's dead. >> reporter: in a montana courtroom tuesday, markus kaa a kaarma's neighbors testifying that the morning after the shooting death of 17-year-old dire dede, they spoke and acted more like vigilantes than victims. neighbors saying that flagger openly spoke about baiting burglars shortly before he shot and killed the foreign exchange student in their garage. >> he said he's coming back because we are going to bait him. >> reporter: jurors hearing for the first time from dede's friend and fellow exchange student. he witnessed him walking around the driveway in front of the open garage. possibly looking for beer. something he says he had done before. >> no one told us you could be shot if you went inside a garage. we don't have that kind of rules in our country. >> reporter: jurors also getting a tour of the crime scene. some images too graphic for dede's mother. leaving the courtroom in tears. a detective pointing out pellets from some of the four shotgun blasts ended up going through the garage and into the home where his baby was. >> it comes into this dining area and continues through the dining area into the next wall. >> reporter: that detective describing the garage set up like a trap with a baby monitor and a purse left suiciinside. he has pleaded not guilty, claiming he was trying to protect his family. nervous about past burglars. arguing that his neighbors are biased because they don't like him. >> community up there is not in favor of him. pretty accurate? >> yes. >> reporter: a forensic crimologist testified that he tested positive for marijuana the night he shot dede. dde was clean. and avril lavigne, suffering from a serious health problem. not specifying what it is. fans sending the well wishes, get well soon, avril, pray for avril. gio benitez has the story. ♪ you have to go and make things complicated ♪ >> reporter: that's what you call her revelation that she's dealing with health issues. the 30-year-old artist explaining to a member of her twitter fan page why she hasn't released new music lately. saying, quote, i feel bad because i haven't been able to say anything to the fans. i'm not feeling well. i'm having some health issues. keep me in your prayers. almost immediately, hashtags going viral, get well soon, avril, and pray for avril. her name trending at number one on facebook. >> it's caused fan concern online. because she's been suspiciously absent from the public eye. >> reporter: last seen in september partying in l.a. without her wedding ring. sparking resumes that she and chad kroeger were splitting up. both have denied the rumors. in november 2013, lavigne talked about their duet together on "gma." >> you have new music, a new husband. on tour, life is good. >> yes, lots going on. it's very exciting. >> reporter: in april this year, controversy over her latest video, "hello kitty," accused of mocking japanese culture. her camp has no comment bout her illness this morning. ♪ keep holding on concerned and confused fans all over now telling her to keep holding on. for "good morning america," gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> and we all hope she is okay. turn to the weather now. ginger start with a question from jimmy kimmel. it's a question a lot of us asked before. >> why we say nor'easter instead of northeaster, is that okay? the only people who should say that is people making or processing cod. >> it's hard to say. >> this is my answer, jimmy. you have 45 minutes for your show to fill. any of the small letters i can take down at the same time. we're going to answer like that. come with me, i'll show you what i am talking about. i have shortened everything, i wasted time. slick roads with ice and snow, burlington, abl, buff. it's going to back up into new england. and snow will be falling, windy and cold. may see snow showers closer to the coast, flight nature. up there, 1 to 5 inches. and dense fog in the southwest. dense fo if we want to again. >> good morning, i will a machine machine with delays at sfo. more tomorrow. mainly gray today with sprinkles and temperatures in the 60's. seven-day forecast show rain starts in the north by at 5:00 tonight and the rest of us get the stormy conditions this time >> all that weather brought to you by the u.p.s. store. lara. >> afraid you've given the producers an idea. they're going to take random letters and syllables out. coming up here, the dramatic rescue at sea. a father adrift for nearly two weeks. all searches called off. how he was finally saved. plus how to avoid a fight for a parking spot at the mall this holiday season. the mathematician who said he's cracked the code to keep you from fist a cuffs. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! it's only for a couple nights ok, yep. ♪ baby. uhhh ... 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[ male announcer ] for certain medical conditions where straining should be avoided, colace softens the stool for effective relief from occasional constipation. go to for savings. for effective relief from occasional constipation. start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. ♪ all right. we just can't get enough that have video of the magician who made a speeding ticket disappear. and we showed it to you tuesday. we invited him here this morning to show us what else he has up his sleeve. first let's check out that trick one more time. >> i want you to watch close. >> reporter: it's being called the most incredible speeding ticket escape ever. >> one-handed behind the back. when i catch it, it's back to solid. from every side, mixed up, one-handed, behind the back. when i catch it again, that's one second right there. >> reporter: tuesday we showed you magician steven brundage, using a rubik's cube to make a speeding ticket vanish into thin air. now the video that the magician uploaded to youtube has been seen more than 4 million times. fans flocking to his youtube page to see head-scratching illusions and cunning card tricks. >> it was in your head. >> no, it's in your head. >> reporter: and now he's being offered to fly around the world to get up close and personal with the cryptic cube. now that's street magic. we're joined by stephen broun damage. how does it feel to go from kids's parties, and you have gone viral. >> i love it. going all over the world, it's a lot of fun. >> who knew that getting pulled over was the best thing that happened to you. >> we understand you have another trick. >> yes. hold out your hand. >> i break stuff down. >> you are going to need to select a card. any card, can you name it out loud. >> six of diamonds. >> we're going to use the six. have i touched the cube yet. watch the corner of the six of diamonds. i'm going to tear it right off the card. hold on to that for me. watch the corner piece. to get the corner to disappear and go inside the rubik's cube. just a snap like that. it's now inside. if i take off a little piece, inside that little piece, there's a tiny little corner. unfold the corner. >> it can't be the same. there's no way. >> line it up, it's a perfect match. >> how did you do that? >> that was incredible. that was incredible. >> move over david blooiaine. >> that was so good. >> i'll tell you right now, i'm going to make sure my wallet is in my pocket. i'm going to need it. we are going to teach you how to create your own holiday decorations at home. and steven, thank you. this man, don't ever give him a ticket. >> thank you. with all the presents you have to wrap, how are you going to get organized ? use a hangar for your ribbons, tap in a nail and you're ready to wrap. ♪ bells... [drill whirring noise.] ♪ bells... [drill whirring noise.] ♪ all the way... come in for great gifts like 20% off select kobalt mechanic's tool sets at lowe's. did you get chips for the party? nope. (ding) cheese plate? cheese plate. no, i made something better. you used the oven? boom. pillsbury crescents. make the holidays pop. introducing the citi® double it's a cash back win-win. with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn on puchases, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. the sleepless night. (cough). (baby crying). sorry. robitussin dm max nighttime's dual action liquid instantly soothes your throat and delivers fast, powerful cough relief. robitussin. don't suffer the coughequences. and there are some people you shouldn't. people you should. shouldn't. janice! should. shouldn't. yes. no. should. no way. should. no. definitely not. ha ha, nay. you shouldn't give underwear to everybody. but for those you do, give them fruit of the loom. ♪ wellllll... ♪ earlyfit ♪ latefit ♪ risefit ♪ fallfit ♪ ballfit ♪ wallfit ♪ pingfit ♪ pongfit ♪ pingfit ♪ pongfit ♪ rowfit ♪ throwfit ♪ slowfit ♪ olliefit ♪ oopsfit ♪ otisfit ♪ thiswayfit ♪ thatwayfit ♪ daddyfit ♪ pappyfit ♪ datefit ♪ weightfit ♪ goalfit ♪ gooooooalfit ♪ stepfit ♪ stairfit ♪ smartfit ♪ heartfit ♪ spinfit ♪ bikefit ♪ hikefit ♪ yikesfit ♪ wheeeeefit ♪ wowfit ♪ whoafit ♪ findyourfit ♪ it's all fitbit a typical male penguin shows his love... offering the female... ...a pebble. some males, however... are smarter than others. diamonds in rhythm. its continuous motion catches light from every angle. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. and apparently antarctica. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. this weekend only, it's our best holiday sale of the season. save up to 60% storewide at kay. still ahead on "gma," what's happening in this incredible video? looks like he's walking on water. good morning, i'm kristen sze. you know, you can bet the house on it. rain is coming, lots of it. meteorologist mike nicco has the details. >> this is when the strongest storm is coming through tomorrow. north bay 6:00 to 10:00 in the morning. the bay, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. but inland east bay, south bay 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. we'll have urban flooding, creek flooding, rock slides, dangerous surf and wind damage. scattered showers and thunderstorms continue friday. it doesn't really matter if you're heading east or west. as we look at the macarthur maze, it is a packed house as you make that travel over towards the bay bridge tolls. it will take you about 37 minutes to cross over to san francisco. eastbound traffic on 80, the skyway at fourth street an accident blocking one lane. we are backed up from the extension, slow from 280. you'll start to see traffic thinning out once you hit ti. thinning out once you hit ti. the ne as a toddler, i enjoy three activities. breaking things... spilling things... and just general destruction, in the abstract sense. so i, for one, am not a big fan of nest. you see, the dropcam is always watching... even when my folks are in another room. i rue the day that this product was invented. but i'm not 100% sure what rue means. nest dropcam. welcome to a more thoughtful ♪ on brand name mattress sets. years interest-free financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ [instrumental music] ♪ . good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and incredible rescue. the boater found after 12 days lost at sea. the coast guard and navy searching 12,000 square miles. why his son never gave up hope. and photo firestorm. why one dad is being accused of lazy parenting, causing outrage online with this picture. the story behind the backlash. >> everybody thought i was disconnected from my kids, put down the controller. to get that out of one picture was kind of odd to me. >> and trending right now. is this man really walking on water? the story behind the unbelievable video. and our layaway live special goes bigger and better. tim tebow making so many christmas wishes some true. now wait until you see who's surprising america this morning as we say -- >> good morning, america. that's not all. cam mathison right there in chicago. a big walmart. and look at all those layaway gifts. it's part of our "gma" layaway live. so many of you at home getting into the action as well. turning into christmas angels. paying off layaways. we are so grateful for that. a lot of grateful people out there as well. we have more surprises coming up this morning. cam's having fun with this one. >> spreading that holiday spirit. and i think it's safe to say that princess kate is a big fan of j. crew. we want to show you guys this picture. look how excited she is to meet jenna lyons, the creative director of j. crew. kate was spotted wearing j. crew at the basketball game monday night. so many people dieing to meet the royals. and to see her -- i can understand. jen is an amazing woman. fun little thing to share. >> i love it. i feel like that every day i see george. and we have great ways to decorate your home for the holidays for less. diy projects on a budget. >> say it with me. improve this. >> improve this. >> that's it. well done. improve this, coming up. >> he was mocking me. >> no, i wasn't, george. i get excited when i see you. >> show the face every day when you see him. >> thank you, michael. >> let's get some news from amy. good morning, everyone. we begin with a big move from the nfl today following the high-profile domestic abuse cases. commissioner roger goodell is rolling out a new personal conduct policy for players that mirrors the one used by new york's police department. a player suspected of a violation would be suspended with pay pending the outcome of the investigation. the players' union has had no input into the policy. u.s. military and diplomatic facilities are on alert for the violent reactions to the report on cia torture tactics. it has gruesome and vivid descriptions of al qaeda operatives punched, kicked and nearly drowned. the cia director insists it helped save lives. and the u.s. is negotiating with cuba for the release of american contractor allen gross. gross has been held on espionage charges in havana for more than five years now. the president telling our colleagues at fusion his administration is working to secure his release through a variety of channels. and an incredible rescue at sea. a missing fisherman plucked off his crippled boat off the coast of hawaii after drifting for nearly two weeks. reena ninan joins us. >> reporter: good morning. rescuers had given up. he had two broken masts. and for 12 days tried desperately to stay afloat. this morning 67-year-old boater ron ingram found after 12 days lost at sea. watch as naval officers pull him from the 25-foot sail boat to safety. >> he's doing okay. he's tired and weak. they got him food and water. he's doing all right. >> reporter: ingram, an experienced fisherman, set out for sail on thanksgiving day. but just 45 miles southwest of hawaii, his boat began take on water. and he began making his first of two calls for help. >> this is a mayday, i'm in the middle of the channel. small boat, in danger of sinking. >> reporter: the coast guard and navy conducted an extensive search flying 59 search and rescue flights. approximately 12,000 square miles. but no sign of ingram. finally suspending the search four days later. ingram's son never giving up hope. >> i said, man, i don't think you should call off the search. i don't think he's gone. >> reporter: tuesday morning after nearly two weeks of radio silence -- >> got a mayday here, this is the malia. anybody picking this up? >> reporter: the coast guard picking up the call, locating ingram 64 miles south of oahu. and only 14 miles from a nearby navy ship. just about an hour later ingram finally rescued. >> 12 days, he's a champ, he's tough. >> reporter: the coast guard says it's extremely rare to find someone after rescue efforts are canceled. ingram is expected back on terra firma this morning. >> thank you so much. and in medical news, american's waistlines are expanding. the obesity rate rose by nearly 2% last year to 29% of adults. nearly a quarter of people in a recent survey admitted they had not exercised at all in the last month. mississippi was ranked as the unhealthiest state. as for the healthiest, hawaii topped the list followed by vermont and massachusetts. and finally we know that no one likes getting pulled over the police. those blue lights, your stomach drops, right? but hear what happened in one michigan town. when people were stopped for minor traffic violations. but instead of getting a ticket, police gave them christmas gifts. officers chatted with them about what they wanted for themselves and their kids, radioed the info to the helpers and had the presents wrapped and ready within minutes. how incredible is that? the idea and the money came from a religious tv network. the goal was to uplift someone during the holidays. i'm guessing they absolutely accomplished that goal. can you imagine thinking how much is this going to cost me? how many points on my license? and then get a christmas gift. >> almost as good as our magician, steven. >> and the layaway thing. everybody in on the holiday spirit. >> lots of good stuff. to michael in the social square now. >> all right, george. now here's a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" in social square powered by samsung gal axaxy. new details of the highly-anticipated sequel to "finding nemo." can't wait. and cameron, so many viewers getting in on the movement. he's about to make it a very, merry day for some shoppers. and the hot new fashion trend this holiday season. athleisurewear. the important dos and don'ts. coming up live on "gma" in times square. lori and czar sara are looking real fashionable. when it comes to the caribbean you haven't lived until you've lived for the wow!! royal caribbean has been voted best overall cruise line eleven years running. proving that no one does the caribbean like royal caribbean. call 1 800 royal caribbean today. yes! let the holiday season begin! i'm on the roof, you're in the attic. hon, i can't even tie my shoes at this point. okay, i'll tie your shoes, i'll go to the attic, and i'm on the roof. finding some gems up here. who's this little girl? stay focused please. bingo! merrrryyy christmasssss! just bring him downstairs. ♪ ...for a sleigh ride together with you ♪ (ringing) how's it going up there? do you have enough lights? uh, yeah, i don't know if we have enough roof. you think a little more snow would make it look real? okay, so full blizzard? well, that might be too close to the tree, huh? what is that? it's mistletoe. deal with it. that's cheating. ohhhh, it's beautiful! you know what this gets me in the mood for? oh, absolutely. (mrs. griswold) clark! start your morning offak, righthite and cheese: with juicy, sizzly steak, stacked high with protein-packed egg whites, melty cheese and whatever else you love, like jalapeños or spinach - all on warm, toasty flatbread. subway. eat fresh. here's your vacation in a word... wow. and here's the sale to match. royal caribbean's first ever caribbean wow sale ends today. buy one get 50% off your second guest and up to four hundred dollars to spend onboard. call 1-800-royal caribbean today. i'm here with sara haines and "good housekeeping's" lori bergamatto. ladies, i love the new outfits. look at that. that's called athleisurewear. we'll tell you about this hot new trend coming up. where's my pair? >> i can only imagine you in these. >> double xl. i can only imagine you in these. >> double xl. i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. i was out for a bike ride. i didn't think i'd have a heart attack. but i did. i'm mike, and i'm very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. but add brand new belongings from nationwide and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. making sure every season is the season of giving. just another way we put members first. join the nation ♪ nationwide is on your side we're not just selling the at famohottestwear, shoes of the holiday season. we're selling straight up "i'm going to kiss sara marcus under the mistletoe" confidence. this year give them converse from famous footwear. victory is yours. and welcome back to "gma" this wednesday morning. michael strahan, "pop news." >> it's popping, george. all you -- how many of you are a fan of "finding nemo"? >> one of my favorites. >> me too. if you can't get enough of this one. brand new details for the hotly anticipated sequel, "finding dory." disney-pixar revealing the plot. dory is joined by nemo and marlin on the quest to find dory's parents. >> aw. >> much of the film apparently unfolding at the marine life institute in california. and ellen degeneres is back, joined by "modern family"'s ty burrell, diane keaton and more. and it's set to hit the big screen in june of 2016. >> i wish it were a little earlier. i don't want my kids to outgrow it. >> based on our reaction, i don't think they will. we're all like, yay. >> you don't want them to outgrow it, it's 2016. we have a little while to wait. and -- ♪ i did it my way is that a little frank sinatra i hear? >> beautiful. >> and it's actually thanks to another legendary singer, bob dillon. turns out he's doing it his way with the upcoming album "shadows in the night," entirely of frank sinatra covers. and now dillon selected ten tracks of old blue eyes including "the night we called it a day" and "autumn leaves." he's not so much covering the classics as uncovering them with a stripped down version, with a stripped down sound. he says he's always wanted to do something like this, but has never been brave enough until now. who can imagine? >> i'm trying to imagine his sound. >> i can't even think. >> would you like to give us your rendition of bob dillon doing frank sinatra? >> don't want to do them injustice. so i will not. i would never do that. i'm not going to do it my way. that's not a good way to do it. and finally, a kitten that has a solid chance of taking home a prize at an arcade. it's whack-a-mole, kitten-style. >> that's cute. >> i guess i guess that's more like whack-a-finger? >> that's cute. >> this was posted by an animal rescue group that lighted up facebook with nearly half a million views and tens and thousands of shares. >> he's pretty good at it. >> look at the kitty's white paws. they're so cute. >> i love him. >> the kitten's at the animal shelter. i'm sure you can adopt this kitten if you'd like. and you can go home and play whack-a-finger. you can't lose in "pop news" on the animal video. >> you know the secret. >> you're not going to sing, bring in the kitty. >> i'm not beginning to sing. you won't dance, george. we'll do it together. >> thanks. coming up, let's go to ginger with the weather. >> and my new friend, charlotte. she's from miami. i said it's not that much colder here than miami. the windchill is 51 this morning. we want to talk about the forecast for the west coast and start with the timing of the storm. you can see it here starting tonight especially into thursday. that's the heavy rains in northern california. some of the gustiest winds. and then it's friday morning, when it's more the los angeles to san diego time period. by the end of the weekend, things start to change. and thawing out right in the middle. you see the numbers there? dallas to 71 on saturday. des moines even gets into the 50s. someone said, hey, dallas. right from there. all right, that's the big >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. today is the last day to get prepared. you can do it with fog and drizzle. clouds and sprinkles this afternoon. storm arrives tonight in the north bay. the rest of us with rain and high surf tomorrow. the chance of rain in the north bay starts at 5:00. high risk storm, mudslides, dangerous surf, and high winds. >> we have just got some big umbrellas. keep it real high so we get everyone's face on. welcome from louisiana. let's get inside. >> thank you. and first up on the "gma" heat index, a candid daddy/daughter shot going viral causing controversy. the father says he's being a dad, playing video games while one of his girls paints his toe nails. paula faris looks at debate he's inspired. >> reporter: one photo creating a firestorm. >> they bug me to paint my toe nails. so finally i let them do it. >> reporter: 28-year-old dad joe posted this photo on reddit. entitled just being a dad. in it he's playing video games with one daughter beside him, as another, 3-year-old amelia, paints his toenails. >> each one, ten different colors. i decided since i was sitting there watching tv, turned the xbox on and started playing video games. >> reporter: in just a matter of hours, the photo was getting a ton of attention with supportive comments like looks awesome from here. and a small sacrifice to make her happy. to the more negative, put the controller down and play with your kids. and he couldn't be more disinterested in them. >> i know i wasn't staring right at my daughter. i was disconnected from my kids? and i need to put down the controller, and to get that out of one picture was odd to me. >> reporter: in an age of helicopter parents and mommy and me play groups, the photo goes against the grain of hyper-engaged parenting. >> you don't always have to be playing educational games to have good memories for your kids of being with you. >> reporter: others ripping him for bending gender roles. on wednesday, he goes shopping and has butter scones for tea. >> a lot of dads should take notice of this photo. because it also shows that they can also relax and have fun and do something girly and still look really cool doing it. >> reporter: joe's wife, michelle, who took the picture, isn't taking the negative comments to heart. >> we know we're good parents. just because people got bad ideas from it doesn't mean we're bad parents. >> reporter: and as for the nail polish. >> it was harder to get off than i thought. maybe not do it as freely. >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> the haters got to lighten up. >> give that guy a break. and another reason why you shouldn't read all the comments. >> the girls love playing with your hair. never the toenail thing. >> those are the things the girls will remember. it's a sweet moment. >> i loved the photo. next on the heat index. hottest trends in women's clothing right now. it's called athleisurewear. and it's evidence women are no longer sacrificing comfort for style. or mic comfort is becoming more styli stylish. sara haines looked into the trend for us. take a look. >> reporter: my lifestyle is no different than most ladies. i like to work out and have nights out. so when i heard the hottest must-wear trend combines those two worlds, i wanted in, stat. >> this trend is all about athleisure. it's the crossroads of fashion meeting fitness. it's reaching a fever pitch now and not going anywhere fast. >> reporter: you heard right. athleisure, athletic and leis e leisure. designers everywhere are jumping on this band wagon. from the affordable brands like h&m, to the high end, gucci and vera wang. and they are sporting the pants. >> you have seen beyoncé, gwen stefani. yeah. this is so her trend. >> reporter: these fashion for all pants transition you seamlessly, and, yes, comfortably, from day to night. any time i see a loose pant, i want to put a t-shirt on. how do you wear the trend correctly? >> you can wear some of these with a t-shirt if that's the look you're going for. it's about how you put it together. >> reporter: but to see how to put it together, here's a few looks. >> these are 98. the key is tucking it in. it makes it look way more polished. >> reporter: the weekend look. >> classic track pant. racing stripes down the side and under $60. >> reporter: the evening look. >> $88. these are an evolution on the track pant. so the silhouette is very much the same, but the tailoring is a little bit different. >> reporter: casual, chic, and oh, so comfy. a lot of trends, and i have to say, this one i want to hold on to. i love these pants. lori can tell you, i haven't stopped talking about them. >> look fantastic. i love the pockets. you mentioned we are joined by "good housekeeping" style director, lori. tell us what everybody is wearing. you are pulling off the silky jogging pants. >> yes. and they're super-comfortable. ginger is in a dusty rose color from j. crew. $98. we to want make them more feminine. added a sparkly top. miss sara, she's in a graphic print. these are from piper line. they are a splurge at 110. the key here is that we added some structure and shape on her sweater and blouse. and for me, these are $19. joe fresh, temper the print with a shirt. >> the shoes you put with the pants make all the difference. >> they're the game-changers. start with a fashion sneaker. these are from h&m, 10 bucks, embellishments, different from a fitness sneaker. a point toe pump for work. these are around 90 bucks. and make it a little sexy. these are strappy sandals, $59. the track pant isn't inherently sexy. so you have to jazz it up. >> if you're comfortable here, make sure you're uncomfortable here. >> that works. >> that's a good equation. >> sara, over to you. you look great. and now more great stuff, improve this sponsored by lowe's. and this morning, my friend sabrina soto is here to help you get your home holiday ready. i love this. this is pvc piping you can buy at lowe's and turn into a wreath that will last forever and always. >> i love this. so inexpensive. pvp pipe, you can get at any hardware store in different widths. hot glue them together. get a paint can in the middle to get the opening. drill two holes in the middle and on the top for ribbon, you're done. >> any trick to creating the circle or using which size to use where? >> don't make it perfect. play with the shapes and velcro it on to the wall. and a drill. >> it's super inexpensive. >> and you can spray paint to match your decor. >> go crazy with color. >> go crazy with copper or something. >> this is so cute. not all logs are meant for the fire. these reindeer are not hard to make and very adorable. >> you have to know how to use a chainsaw to do this. >> i didn't ask, how do we cut the pvc? >> use a saw. >> use a hand saw if you don't want to use the power tools? >> if you are handy with power to tools, you should make this. you can get this in the backyard and make it for next to nothing. >> if you happen to be into chainsaws, this is a cute idea. and then what are -- >> you can get that at the craft store. the googly eyes. >> your drill. new need a drill and a saw for this. >> and hosting the great american light fight. >> the christmas light fight. >> sorry. >> yeah. all around the country and looking at amazing decorations that people go crazy over. a winner gets $50,000. that's -- >> oh, my gosh. >> it really was amazing. i went so many different cities around the country. it airs on monday at 8:00. >> you have a great idea. if you don't to want go that hog wild with the lights, these letters are available at most craft stores. this is simple. and the lights, how do you do it? >> take the craft store letters, put on a piece of canvas or wood, spray paint with glitter or other paint and just poke holes, a little drill and pop the lights in and you're done. >> it's really cute. any word you want, monogram. doesn't have to be just a holiday idea. most of these items are available at lowe's. and you can learn how sabrina made these little wire trees. that's wiring, also available at a hardware store. and we have that on on yahoo. so we will see you. when is the special? >> monday at 8:00. >> all right, monday special. and coming up we have the red hot band 5 seconds of summer opening up about their music, their touring and their dating. so don't go anywhere. "gma" is coming right back. thank you so much, sabrina. these are cute. i love this guy. >> take them home. >> chainsaw, difficult, but i love them. ♪ good morning, i'm kristen sze. tonight's storm may prevent a fifth straight day of violent protests in the east bay. last night demonstrators angry over the claims of police brutality in missouri and new york shattered shop windows and looted stores in emeryville. they also stopped traffic. 13 people were arrested by the chp. leyla gulen has your traffic. >> here's a look right now at berkeley, your drive along i-80 as you're traveling right up to emeryville. your headlights are going to be heading in the westbound direction. eastbound traffic pushing away from us. we do have a new crash in south san jose southbound on 101 right near metcalf. there's an accident blocking a few lanes. expect delays. >> thanks so much. we'll check out the detailed forecast on the storm start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. good morning. live doppler 7 hd showing the strongest part of the storm just getting into northern california. by 5:00 tonight waves to moderate showers in the north bay and that's where they'll stay with the heaviest of the storm coming up in 6:00 to 10:00 in the north bay, 10:00 through 1:00 through most of the bay and 1 clouds to 4:00 through the south bay. we're looking at urban flooding, creek flooding, rocks, ♪ you're so perfect ♪ you look so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear ♪ ♪ and i know now i love that song too, lara. it's a great song. "she's so perfect" from 5 seconds of summer. big hit. they have a brand new book out. and they are talking to cam about that. and get into their personal lives and dating. >> they are very nice young men. i love their songs. they are terrific. they have one called "amnesia." it's good. also coming up, emily blunt. so lovely, and part of the cast in "into the woods," and amy is going to talk to her coming up. >> she is one of my favorites. and we are making holiday dreams come true with the layaway live series. take a look at cameron mathison live in chicago, right now skating throuskate ing through layaway. getting ready to reveal big holiday surprises. so many of you getting in on the gift giving too. we love that. we have so much more ahead. and head to tony reali with the speed feed in the social square. good morning. >> good morning, guys. we start on the big screen, but the small screen this year. it's in all of your feeds. youtube's top videos of 2014. number one, and this is impressive what it did in a short time. the horror prank mutant giant spider dog. only came out in september. but clicked 114 million times. tops for youtube for that sweet-faced pup turned giant arachnid. top music video, katy perry, her video "dark horse," 717 million clicks. three quarters of the way to a billion. and another hit you'll see today, youtube's rewind 2014. some videos that fell just outside the top ten. here, of course, bethany mota performs "frozen." you can see the video on "gma's" facebook page. the top tweets on twitter for the year, all about music. katy perry has the biggest following. take a look at her profile. 61.2 million for katy perry. but she wasn't the most-tweeted about artist of 2014. that distinction went to those boys from britain, one direction. this is so true. every year, trying to find the trends. they're always trending. one way or another, zane, harry, liam, nile and louis winning twitter. top song of 2014, no surprise to anybody here. "happy" by pharrell. song of the summer. plrpt all right. youtube. and take a look, half a million views in just two days. in slovakia. two hikers thought a trail through the mountains was too difficult. they thought this was safer. a frozen river with ice so clear it looks like you're walking on water. no special effects here. they made it across safely. that's where you want to go on a first date to make an impression. right? lara, george, guys. please. >> that was spectacular. >> that was very beautiful. >> thank you, tony. you know all week long we have been making christmas dreams come true with "gma's" layaway live. kicked off by tim tebow, paying off accounts down in orlando. and many of you at home have joined in. becoming layaway angels. i love the looks on their faces. and spreading the christmas spirit at a walmart in chicago. how is it going, cam? >> reporter: it's going great here in chicago, right, guys? of course melissa rycroft is down in dallas doing the same thing. it's part of a national movement. people all over the country part of the layaway angels movement. so fantastic. so many awesome holiday surprises. paying off people's layaways. take a look. it's the holidays, and, well, it's time for some serious cheer. so many things people are waiting to pick up this holiday season. and we are going to surprise a few of them by picking up the tab. layaway departments pop up at stores across the country during the holidays. allowing shoppers to hold gifts and gradually pay them off. cue the anonymous angels. a growing trend of people who stop in to pay off layaway accounts for complete strangers. last year alone, these angels paid more than $1 million in christmas gifts. >> oh, my god. >> seriously? >> oh, my god. >> reporter: this year, "gma" is on an angel mission of our own. tim tebow took the lead in orlando. >> we're going to take care of this layaway for you. >> reporter: and now me and melissa in dallas. what these shoppers don't know, "gma" is paying their layaway. beverly grant is picking up tvs for her family after a very hard year. >> we got a lot of stuff stolen in the house. $493.63. i think "good morning america" can take care of that for you. you want me to put it on your cart today? >> reporter: even after we told her we were paying, it took a while to convince her. >> are you serious? >> i'm serious. i will put these in your cart right now. >> are these for your kids? >> yes, ma'am. my god. >> reporter: but finally beverly took her new tvs home to her family. >> i'm about to pass out. >> reporter: and in chicago -- we're paying for all of it. you're included. >> are you serious? >> reporter: i'm dead serious. we're here to help you out. tamika johnson is trying to give her kids a great christmas. her husband lost her job, and the mom of four is working 12-hour shifts to make up the lost income. can i ask about how much you think you owed? >> 2200? >> reporter: really? totally on your own. we're here for you. happy holidays. >> i think we're going to go ahead and do the whole thing. >> reporter: again and again we delivered the news. "good morning america" wants to pick up your layaway tab. and we to want take care of this this holiday season for you. >> i appreciate it. >>. >> reporter: yeah? and sent shoppers home with their christmas gifts. some were excited. some were overwhelmed. it's on us. everyone went home happy. you're here on the right day. "gma" trying to make everybody's holiday special. that's what we're doing. >> yay! >> reporter: happy holidays, everybody. >> for "good morning america," thank you so much. i really -- i really am grateful. thank you. >> reporter: and i'm here with a couple of the families who's layaways we helped pay off. welcome, guys. it's honestly hard to explain how good it feels to be part of something like this. meeting wonderful people, spreading the christmas spirit. not just us at "gma," it's you at home, the viewers this week taking part, giving back, being part of the layaway angels movement. in fact our friends at said thousands of you at home have logged on and donated to this amazing cause. way to go, everybody. for more information go to at yahoo and check it out. you will not regret it. george. >> that is so great. you don't have to explain. we see it on your face and in your smile. that was so great. see all that happens there. >> beautiful. and now to ginger with a final check on the weather. >> i'm -- thank you, my friends from texas. straight to the west coast. a beautiful start for san diego. this is from beacons beach. the waves not too big yet. wait until friday. it will change dramatically. wind gusts in redding could go to 52. that's tomorrow. and going into friday, look at big bear. gusts to 50. and indian springs, nevada, 48. big changes to come in the next three days on the west coast. a lot of rain, too. even places like san francisco bay area, 3 to 5 inches of rain. >> good morning, i will a machine machine with delays at sfo. more tomorrow. mainly gray today with sprinkles and temperatures in the 60's. seven-day forecast show rain starts in the north by at 5:00 tonight and the rest of us get the stormy conditions this time to >> that's it. where are you from? they said, indiana. so kentucky, like the southern -- >> louisville, kentucky. >> from louisville. they're right there. all that weather brought you by pronamel, by the way. let's go to amy. is there anything emily blunt can't do? gone from slaying aliens with tom cruise in "edge of tomorrow" to lifting her voice in the eagerly-awaited movie version of "into the woods," already being called this season's most wickedly beautiful film. she plays a baker's wife trying to break a witch's spell that has left her childless. ♪ back to life back to sense back to child back to husband no one lives in the woods ♪ ♪ there are vows there are ties there are needs there are standards there are shouldn'ts and shoulds ♪ ♪ why not both instead snoet ♪ there's an answer if you're clever ♪ ♪ have a child for warmth and a baker for bread and a prince for whatever ♪ ♪ never ♪ it's these woods >> and emily blunt joins us now. i loved watching you watching yourself sing. you were darn good in it. i can tell you're embarrassed watching yourself sing. >> it's hideous watching it. yeah. >> you're extremely good. i grew up in musical theater. >> i know you did. that's why i'm nervous for you to watch. i'm looking at you to see what you would think. >> you were fantastic, and only a few voice lessons. >> well, i had a few more than a few. i had a few before the audition. and then a couple of months of going a few times a week. and doing everything from just lying on the ground and singing the song and walking around -- >> mi mi. mi. >> the craziest vocal exercises. they're kind of embarrassing. >> i have done them all. >> he made me go goo goo ga ga in a scale. oh, my god, if someone were filming this. >> and speaking of goo goo ga ga, your character is desperate for a baby. >> i know. >> she'll go to great extremes to appease meryl streep's character. and you were actually pregnant at the time. >> i know. it was the ultimate irony playing this barren woman and just getting bigger throughout the course. >> and you got pregnant very quickly in the movie. that was great. >> yes. yeah. >> in keeping with the fairy tail theme, we're going to play a game called emily ever after. clever, right? fill in the blanks. once upon a time there was a girl named emily and she wished more than anything to -- >> eat pasta every day. >> that is an extremely good one. i love that. but then she grew up and went out into the big world on her own and discovered -- >> that it made you fat. >> she soon married a handsome prince who was absolutely perfect in every way except when he -- >> grew excessively long nose and ear hairs. >> that's not anything -- >> john doesn't have that just so you know. >> i was going to say. >> he has perfect nose hair. nasal hair. i don't know why i thought of that. that would be terrible to discover. >> thank you for playing the game. >> i love the games. >> and sharing your wonderful movie and incredible singing voice. >> you're very nice. thank you. >> "into the woods" is in theaters on christmas day. and coming up, the guys from 5 seconds of summer opens up and coming up, the guys from 5 seconds of summer opens up about life on the road and who ♪ on brand name mattress sets. years interest-free financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the best meat and the bests produce.ving it's my job to start a new legacy, the best wine beer and spirits. we travel all over california and the world to find all sorts of new craft spirits, craft beers, small production wines. ♪ brews from mendocino, and the finest wines from around the world. at raley's, we're really into craft, so we enjoy and are excited about carrying those products in the store. ♪ share your ideas, tell us on facebook. ♪ 5 seconds of summer are way beyond their first 15 minutes of fame. and now getting personal with fans in a new book called "hey, let's make a band." cameron mathison sat down with them to talk about that and a whole lot more. ♪ you're so perfect standing there ♪ >> reporter: they're the infectious pop band rocking the music world. 5 seconds of summer. with hits like "good girls" and "don't stop." ♪ don't stop doing what you're doing ♪ the group hails from sydney, australia, and formed in a garage in 2011. since then, it's been a whirlwind. ♪ performing on "gma's" fall concert series in september. ♪ and just last month winning new artists of the year at the american music awards. >> 5 seconds of summer. >> reporter: i caught up with the guys to talk about their crazy year. was there one kind of moment when it dawned on you guys when your enormous popularity landed on you? man, we are really big. >> we don't go, man, the band's big or small. i don't know. we just kind of go, cool, we're playing a show here today. let's give it all we got. >> reporter: you sold out the headline tour coming up. are you excited to get pack on tour? >> i am more excited about that than anything in my life. i know don't i don't sound like it. but i am. it's going to be awesome. >> reporter: this is the exciting version of michael. >> yeah. >> reporter: when not playing sold out shows, they're putting pen to paper. why did you come out with a book? >> this is an introduction to our band, what we are and where we're from. >> the crash course. >> what are you excited for fans to read and learn? >> a lot of embarrassing pictures of us. we are kind of still in it, but super awkward prepubescent state. >> reporter: you let the fans in on a lot of your personal stories. why is that important to you? >> that's a thing. from day one on twitter, we are open. tell the fans what we're doing. we like to be open. >> reporter: since nothing is off limits, i had to ask. my job here is to ask what the fans to want know. >> i'm not dating anyone. >> i don't know where i am half the time. >> reporter: so for now they're focusing on guitar riffs and not relationships. for "good morning america," cameron mathison, abc news, los angeles. >> okay. and the offers are pouring in already. "hey, let's make a band," the official 5 s.o.s. book -- is that how you pronounce nine. seven. we're about the same age. the discoveries at st. jude children's research hospital help kids like these across america. st. jude has the worlds best survival rates for the toughest childhood cancers, and no family ever pays. how old are you? guess! one...two...three... this will take a while. go to st. jude dot org or shop wherever you see the st. jude logo. we are joined now by celebrity chef jean-georges vongerichten, a destination las vegas spokesperson. and he's here to show us some of his easy to make holiday favorites. it's exciting that you have easy to make favorites. your food is so beautiful and elegant. >> thank you. i'm excited about the ninth annual event. encore vegas. >> i have a lot of vegas information i want to share with everybody. you are mr. las vegas. you have vegas uncorked by bon appetite. what is that? >> it's an event where all the celebrity chefs get together in vegas. from april 23rd to 26. so much fun. and the tickets are on sale today. >> they got them to come. >> and on top of that, check out your two restaurants. german-german jean-george steak house. what makes vegas so great for food? >> there are so many events going on. food and wine are the best. >> yeah, it's almost become as well known for the food as the gambling. easy to make recipes. focus on that. this is chocolate molten cake. >> i have been doing this for 28 years. >> this cake? >> this cake. >> talk to me. >> it's dark chocolate. a stick of butter, about four ounces. we melt that together. two egg yolks, two whole eggs, sugar. a pinch of salt. >> we will have the recipe on our website for you, of course. >> and then mix the chocolate. >> okay. i'm going to let you -- i'm going to let you do that. >> mix it up. here's my mixture of eggs, sugar. we're going to a little bit of flour as well. next to you. >> it's not too chocolatey. doesn't look like it. >> it will be like this. yeah. i am using dark chocolate. but you can use any chocolate you like. >> can it be milk? >> it can be milk. but it's better with dark. this has about 66% cocoa butter. >> it's mixed. >> and then mix it up into my little container here. it's like a four ounce, five ounce container. >> and what do you have on the sides there? >> just butter, no flour. you know what's easy? you can use a toaster oven to bake it. >> i love that. look what just came out of the oven, everybody. >> oh, yummy. >> chocolate molten cake. thank you. oh, my goodness. and how is it? >> it's delicious. >> this is healthy, right? it's dark chocolate. >> it is good for you. it's good for you. >> that's what i thought. >> and a of course a little scoop of ice cream. >> yum. >> fantastic. in the meantime, you have a recipe on the website for a steak done your way. the jean-georges way. >> that's a good way. >> great way. >> it's a steak grilled with miso mustard sauce. >> me miso mustard? >> a little bit of a kick. >> very simple. >> we're lucky to have you and your recipes. we thank you so much. >> please join us. >> yes, you got it. we're all going to vegas. this is jean-georges restaurant and prime steak house. and jean-georges steak house. and you can find those restaurants on on yahoo. we'll be right back. [bell chime] ting and we want to share some special news right now. our parent company disney chairman and ceo bob iger announced today they will be donating $50 million in books to serve children from low income families through the next three years. it's through the non-profit first book. all part of president obama's invest in us initiative. and the new disney imagicademy programs. great cause. >> that is. great cause. and tomorrow on "gma" we have deals and steals and the golden globe nominations live. 2 breakfast croissants for just $4 - both made with a freshly cracked egg it's cheaper to eat at my place. i've got - and melting cheese. try supreme or sausage. hey, you can't make a commercial in my restaurant! not if you keep interrupting me. start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. good morning, i'm kristen sze. batten down the hatches, the storm is on its way. meteorologist mike nicco has the timeline. >> here's my newest timeline. north bay, this is when you'll get the heavy rain, flooding rain and strongest winds. 6:00 tomorrow morning until 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. throughout the bay and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the south bay. wind damage, dangerous surf, mudslides and flooding. accuweather seven-day forecast, it lasts through friday. we've got plenty of red on the wide view showing traffic everywhere we go. we have a problem at the san mateo toll plaza. as you move along, it does start announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, television and film star ricky gervais. an 18-year-old recording artist turned author, austin mahone. plus, our "holiday hits week" continues with a performance from johnnyswim. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪

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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141210 :

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20141210

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baby on board. a southwest jet making a special delivery. stunned passengers pitching in, the pilot making a quick detour. touching down with one brand-new passenger. >> i can't think of anything else that's going to top that, at least not for a while. and good morning, america. you know, it may be twins next time. >> gosh. why not? amazing story. one of the passengers said they were totally shocked to hear a baby crying because there were no babies on that plane when they boarded. >> but they didn't hear any of the labor leading up to that baby? that's pretty impressive. >> having been there. bite on that towel. >> i wonder if they had to change the manifest after they landed, they have one more passenger. >> i believe they did. that's incredible. we have a lot to get to. we want to begin with the wintry weather battering both sides of the country. heavy snow, rain, wind in the east and west. and ginger starts it all off for us. good morning, ginger. >> we have to start in the west coast. some places will see the worst storm they've seen in two or even five clears. let's look at berkeley, california, where 1800 sandbags ordered by the city so they can prepare for the storm. here's how it will go. the river of moisture forming in the west. a parade of storms coming at them will transition further south and pick up more moisture. it rides along something called the pineapple express. look at the wind warnings, reno, even l.a. and even a blizzard warning, which means one to three feet of snow possible, with wind gusts up to 80 miles an hour. coastally, big, big waves. look at wind gusts, 52 at redding tomorrow. and thursday night into tomorrow, slips to the south and east, 50 at indian springs, nevada. now a look at the west coast. of course we're dealing with the nor'easter and that's where we'll find linzie janice this morning in the catskills. >> reporter: good morning, ginger, the rain turning into snow overnight. as you can see, it is still coming down. already between four and eight inches on the ground. schools here have delayed the start of classes by two hour, to make sure everybody can get around safely and authorities warning this is heavy, wet, snow, the kind that can bring down tree, power line, even roofs. this morning, a wild mix of wintry weather threatening both coasts. a powerful nor'easter up the east coast overnight, delivering a deadly combination of rain, ice, and snow. >> this is the worst i've seen. >> reporter: wind gusts battering houses and ripping down trees in massachusetts. drivers in maine battling everything from pounding rain and slushy roads on the coast to blizzard-like conditions further north. in delaware, drivers navigating heavy rainfall. this highway, flooding. on the jersey shore, washed out streets stranding cars. these massive waves filling homes with water. >> i literally couldn't get out my front door. >> reporter: roads in new hampshire, treacherous with heavy snow causing several accidents. in upstate new york, five tractor-trailers and two passenger vehicles colliding on an icy highway. the accident causing one death. this storm is nowhere near over. the snow is expected to continue to fall throughout the day and into the evening. ginger? and, yeah, there's still snow and still wind. how much snow? the next two days really compacted. new york, western new york, and western very montd. travel will be difficult there. overall, cold and windy. george? and to the fall out on the explosive senate report on the cia. it details the mistreatment of prisoners after 9/11. claims the agency misled the public and the president. former officials are fighting back saying the program did provide lifesaving intelligence. martha raddatz is tracking all of the developments from washington. officials are worried this report will make new threats against americans. are we seeing anything yet? >> reporter: u.s. diplomatic facilities are on alert this morning for what some online jihadist calls for retaliation. and the state department warning for americans in thailand and afghanistan in particular, where some of the torture took place to be on alert to anti-american hostility because of this graphic report. in secret cia black sites across the globe, american interrogators punched, shackled, dragged and nearly drowned al qaeda operatives. one even left to die from hypothermia while chained to a wall. >> the interrogations of cia detainees were absolutely brutal. far worse than the cia represented them to policy makers and others. >> reporter: the very first detainee, abu zubaydah, believed to be a key al qaeda operative was waterboarded 83 times. in one session, he became completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth. kept in a coffin size box for 11 days, he was told the only way he would leave the facility was in a coffin. the senate report concluding that despite the extreme interrogation, he had no new information about future plots. in fact senate investigators said that torture did not play a part in getting any useful information, including finding osama bin laden. but cia pushback was swift. director john brennan saying the harsh interrogations helped thwart attack plans, capture terrorist, and save lives. and three former cia directors in the wall street journal this morning, calling the senate report flat-out wrong. a partisan attack on the agency that's done the most to protect america after the 9/11 attacks. george. >> they are fighting back hard. now to president obama. he chose not to make a public speech about the report, but he did address the subject last night in an interview with jorge ramos of fusion. >> is it the responsibility of president bush? did he betray american values? >> as i have said before, after 9/11 i don't think that you can know what it feels like to know that america's gone through the worst attack on the continental united states in its history. and you're uncertain as to what's coming next. so there were a lot of people who did a lot of things right and worked very hard to keep us safe. but i think that any fair-minded person looking at this would say that some terrible mistakes were made. >> let's bring in jon karl for more. the president also banned torture. says we will not do this going forward. banned since 2006 as well. but the president walking a very, very fine line on this whole subject. >> reporter: sure, george. the white house is deeply conflicted on this. on one hand you have the president's cia director, as you heard martha report, say that the program may have been harsh, but it worked. it saved lives. it helped in the hunt for bin laden, it thwarted attacks. the white house, and i have pressed them repeatedly on this, does not say that. the white house will only say the president believes even if these tactics did work, it's an open question, wasn't worth it. >> but the justice department will not prosecute cia officials looking backward. >> reporter: it's been investigated, they have decided not to prosecute. jon karl, thanks very much. and now to the whirlwind royal visit. will and kate wrap ing up the with a jam-packed day, a gala at the met and a visit to the empire state building. and aim my has all our details. good morning, amy. >> that's right. you have to admire the stamina in the final non-stop day, taking in the sights, meeting with celebrity, the mayor, and connecting with ordinary people around this great city. overnight, william and kate crowning the visit to the big apple with a gala at the met, race raising money for the university of st. andrews where the couple first fell in love. the prince showing off his humorous side on stage. >> it is often said of undergraduates at st. andrews, you have to give us one of two states, either married or an alcoholic. fortunately, for catherine and me, we ended up married. >> reporter: the couple braving the heavy winds and rain earlier at the 9/11 memorial. william holding up an umbrella, as kate placed flowers and a personal note on a plaque me moralizing those two died in the tragedy. next, enjoying a performance at the city kids' foundation and the door, organizations that provide help to disadvantaged youth. william giving one of the performers his contact information, offering to help him take his show to the next level. >> william was blown away by steven prescott's performance. he was absolutely fantastic and he was adamant that he wanted to make steven a star. >> reporter: and no trip to new york city is complete without a trip to the top of the empire state building. but this photo of lebron james with his arm around the duchess monday night continued to grab headlines. and while some suggested a possible breach in etiquette protocol, the palace says no offense was taken at all. >> kate and william are casual. they are not stuffy. they like it when people relax around them and are able to be themselves. >> and word from london. the royal couple landed. i did ask if they had to go through that customs line like we all have to. apparently they're fast-tracked. they don't have to do that. which is good, i'm sure they're so excited to see baby george. >> i'll bet. so putting your arm around the princess like that, that's a thing? >> apparently, it's okay. >> i think protocol says, if they do it first, that's totally okay. but we're not subjects of the royal family, so the protocol does not apply. >> nobody told lebron. they didn't stop him. >> he is the king, after all. >> true. and, i know, amy, you have the rest of the day's top stories for us? >> i do. good morning, everyone. we begin with the breaking news overnight concerning oscar pistorius. the olympian could be facing more time in prison. this morning the judge who found him guilty of manslaughter for the death of his girlfriend ruled prosecutors can appeal his acquittal on murder charges. if an appeals court rules he should have been convicted of murder, he faces a minimum of 15 years behind bars which is far more than his current five-year sentence which could be reduced to house arrest next year. and history is unfolding this morning in oslo, norway. at the ceremony getting under way this morning, 17-year-old malala yousafzai is becoming the youngest recipient of the nobel peace prize she was jointly awarded the prize with a india child rights advocate. malala has become an international advocate for girls education two years after surviving a bullet to the head by taliban gunmen. she wants to pursue politics and may one day become prime minister of pakistan. congratulations to you. back here in this country, violence erupting once again in northern california overnight, during the fourth consecutive night of protests stemming from police violence in new york and ferguson, missouri. they fired rubber bullets and arrested a dozen people who blocked a highway. hundreds marched through berkeley, forcing a city council meeting to be postponed. meanwhile, kobe bryant and several of his teammates showed solidarity, wearing "i didn't breathe" shirts, the final words of eric garner. today our week long look at race and justice in america continues as george moderates a town hall meeting on abc's facebook page, featuring a panel of experts. it gets under way at 1:30 eastern. the fbi is searching for two suspects who pulled off this brazen bank robbery in new york. the teller and a customer terrified with their hands up. later, though, suspects are seen throwing thousands of dollars of cash into a bag before eventually escaping down the street. and investigators are looking into whether pilot error caused this private jet to crash in maryland. a mother and her two young sons in the home were among the six people killed. officials have found no evidence of engine failure or a bird strike. and a close call for a driver during this thunderstorm in australia. watch, as a bolt of lightning splits a tree in half, sending it crashing down on to that busy highway. oh, my goodness. landing just inches from the hood of that car. incredibly, no one was hurt. and finally, it's not every day you see a sheep roaming the streets of a city. and it's not every day that the sheep that you see is wearing this. an ugly christmas sweater. >> yay! >> this guy, named gauge, was roaming through omaha after escaping through a fence. a local shelter took him in. all dressed up with nowhere to go. they spread the word online. fortunately a family friend saw gauge on the news. so, this morning we have the happy reunion to show you. there the owner and her christmas sheep baaaack together. >> you did it again. genius. bravo. >> all right. they're saying we have to move on. >> probably better. we are going to move on to nfl star cam newton. quarterback recovering in the hospital this morning after a frightening car crash. his pickup truck flipped after colliding with another car. and this video shows newton wheeled away on a stretcher. abc's ryan smith has the story. >> cam newton taking off. >> reporter: he's one of the nfl's biggest stars. known as much for his dynamic plays on the field -- >> and newton dived over the top for a carolina touchdown. >> reporter: as his big personality. >> what did you win now? >> golden water cooler. got it for a joke i told in the break room. >> what was the joke? >> it was -- >> it was about me, wasn't it? >> yes. >> reporter: but this morning, cam newton lays in a carolina hospital after witnesses say his truck flipped over four times at this charlotte intersection. >> a truck has turned over. >> 911, do you need police, fire or medic? >> i think everything. >> reporter: after a collision with another driver, witnesses reportedly saw newton's car go airborne, landing on the passenger side, the windows shattering. the carolina panthers quarterback pulling himself out. >> i saw a man pull himself out of the back window of the truck's cab. he appeared shaken and maybe a little bit woozy. >> reporter: staggering to the side of the road where medics strapped him on this back board and neck brace before transporting him to the hospital. there haven't been any charges and won't be, if any, until the accident report is released. as for newton, he suffered two fractures in his back. his team saying, he is staying in the hospital overnight. fortunately, michael, he has no internal injuries. >> we hope he heals up real soon, ryan. great player, great player. mothers who give birth on the way to the hospital in a car have a great story to tell them all. a baby born in midair shortly after takeoff. abc's clayton sandell has the story. >> reporter: southwest flight 623 took off with 111 passenger, but landed with 112. >> southwest 623, need anything else? >> reporter: flying from san francisco to phoenix, a pregnant passenger goes into labor. the captain tells air traffic control, they need a quick detour to los angeles. >> it was like moses parting water. they got all of the traffic out of the way. >> reporter: still in midair, the crew reaches out to the passengers. luckily a nurse and doctor come forward and help deliver a baby boy. >> the woman sitting there just calmly turned around and said, she just gave birth. we're like -- >> it was amazing. >> reporter: we don't know when the baby was due. but airlines have different rules for flying while pregnant. southwest says no flight past 38 weeks. american keeps moms to be grounded within a week of their due date. there's no restriction on delta, but like all airlines, they recommend getting a doctor's advice before the cabin door closes. >> i can't think of anything else that's going to top that. at least not for a while. >> reporter: this morning the mom and newborn son are said to be doing just fine. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> should have named that baby airborne. >> i like lucky. the fact there was a doctor and nurse on board? >> there always seems to be a doctor and a nurse on board. for some reason. >> just a great story. ginger, you have looked at both coasts, and now the big chill in the midwest too? >> yes, we have the chill and it actually stretches all of the way to florida. look at some of these numbers. the morning windchill in detroit is 21. even miami is 52. that's cold for them. i know it doesn't seem like a lot. everyone's going, poor, miami. but really, though, look at orlando, windchill, 43, jacksonville, 44, and sub-freezing. and again, i want to focus on the west real quickly. we didn't get a chance to show you how much rain will fall. through friday, some of the heaviest in northern california. yes, they need it, but there is a potential for mudslides. and mudslides are potential. >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. today is the last day to get prepared. you can do it with fog and drizzle. clouds and sprinkles this afternoon. storm arrives tonight in the north bay. the rest of us with rain and high surf tomorrow. the chance of rain in the north bay starts at 5:00. high risk storm, mudslides, dangerous surf, and high we're just discussing flying while pregnant. >> how close we all got. >> yes. and coming up on "gma," damaging testimony in the trial of the montana home owner who is charged with killing a student in his garage. the neighbor saying he talked about setting a trap. and avril lavigne, what's keeping her out of the limelight. and don't get into a fight in the parking spot at the mall. find out how. oh, of course! vo: meet maggie. smile! woah, this takes really good pictures! vo: maggie wants some hands-on experience. hands-on experience...with samsung. but she's been going about it all the wrong way. i have? 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i'm keeping him in the trunk of my car so when i get pulled over, he can help me out. he has more incredible tricks coming up for us when we come back. back to you lara and george. >> i want to go slo-mo. ing there up there. begin with the latest on the trial of the montana homeowner accused of gunning down a teenager in his garage. neighbors of markus kaarma taking the stand on tuesday claiming his common law wife talked about a trap to bait blar burglars. tom llamas has the story. >> reporter: so much happening in the case, including what that montana man's neighbor saw before the shooting. and who had marijuana in their system the night it went down. >> she said you don't have to worry about the burglaries anymore. and suzanne said why is that? she said because he's dead. >> reporter: in a montana courtroom tuesday, markus kaa a kaarma's neighbors testifying that the morning after the shooting death of 17-year-old dire dede, they spoke and acted more like vigilantes than victims. neighbors saying that flagger openly spoke about baiting burglars shortly before he shot and killed the foreign exchange student in their garage. >> he said he's coming back because we are going to bait him. >> reporter: jurors hearing for the first time from dede's friend and fellow exchange student. he witnessed him walking around the driveway in front of the open garage. possibly looking for beer. something he says he had done before. >> no one told us you could be shot if you went inside a garage. we don't have that kind of rules in our country. >> reporter: jurors also getting a tour of the crime scene. some images too graphic for dede's mother. leaving the courtroom in tears. a detective pointing out pellets from some of the four shotgun blasts ended up going through the garage and into the home where his baby was. >> it comes into this dining area and continues through the dining area into the next wall. >> reporter: that detective describing the garage set up like a trap with a baby monitor and a purse left suiciinside. he has pleaded not guilty, claiming he was trying to protect his family. nervous about past burglars. arguing that his neighbors are biased because they don't like him. >> community up there is not in favor of him. pretty accurate? >> yes. >> reporter: a forensic crimologist testified that he tested positive for marijuana the night he shot dede. dde was clean. and avril lavigne, suffering from a serious health problem. not specifying what it is. fans sending the well wishes, get well soon, avril, pray for avril. gio benitez has the story. ♪ you have to go and make things complicated ♪ >> reporter: that's what you call her revelation that she's dealing with health issues. the 30-year-old artist explaining to a member of her twitter fan page why she hasn't released new music lately. saying, quote, i feel bad because i haven't been able to say anything to the fans. i'm not feeling well. i'm having some health issues. keep me in your prayers. almost immediately, hashtags going viral, get well soon, avril, and pray for avril. her name trending at number one on facebook. >> it's caused fan concern online. because she's been suspiciously absent from the public eye. >> reporter: last seen in september partying in l.a. without her wedding ring. sparking resumes that she and chad kroeger were splitting up. both have denied the rumors. in november 2013, lavigne talked about their duet together on "gma." >> you have new music, a new husband. on tour, life is good. >> yes, lots going on. it's very exciting. >> reporter: in april this year, controversy over her latest video, "hello kitty," accused of mocking japanese culture. her camp has no comment bout her illness this morning. ♪ keep holding on concerned and confused fans all over now telling her to keep holding on. for "good morning america," gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> and we all hope she is okay. turn to the weather now. ginger start with a question from jimmy kimmel. it's a question a lot of us asked before. >> why we say nor'easter instead of northeaster, is that okay? the only people who should say that is people making or processing cod. >> it's hard to say. >> this is my answer, jimmy. you have 45 minutes for your show to fill. any of the small letters i can take down at the same time. we're going to answer like that. come with me, i'll show you what i am talking about. i have shortened everything, i wasted time. slick roads with ice and snow, burlington, abl, buff. it's going to back up into new england. and snow will be falling, windy and cold. may see snow showers closer to the coast, flight nature. up there, 1 to 5 inches. and dense fog in the southwest. dense fo if we want to again. >> good morning, i will a machine machine with delays at sfo. more tomorrow. mainly gray today with sprinkles and temperatures in the 60's. seven-day forecast show rain starts in the north by at 5:00 tonight and the rest of us get the stormy conditions this time >> all that weather brought to you by the u.p.s. store. lara. >> afraid you've given the producers an idea. they're going to take random letters and syllables out. coming up here, the dramatic rescue at sea. a father adrift for nearly two weeks. all searches called off. how he was finally saved. plus how to avoid a fight for a parking spot at the mall this holiday season. the mathematician who said he's cracked the code to keep you from fist a cuffs. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! it's only for a couple nights ok, yep. ♪ baby. uhhh ... 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[ male announcer ] for certain medical conditions where straining should be avoided, colace softens the stool for effective relief from occasional constipation. go to for savings. for effective relief from occasional constipation. start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. ♪ all right. we just can't get enough that have video of the magician who made a speeding ticket disappear. and we showed it to you tuesday. we invited him here this morning to show us what else he has up his sleeve. first let's check out that trick one more time. >> i want you to watch close. >> reporter: it's being called the most incredible speeding ticket escape ever. >> one-handed behind the back. when i catch it, it's back to solid. from every side, mixed up, one-handed, behind the back. when i catch it again, that's one second right there. >> reporter: tuesday we showed you magician steven brundage, using a rubik's cube to make a speeding ticket vanish into thin air. now the video that the magician uploaded to youtube has been seen more than 4 million times. fans flocking to his youtube page to see head-scratching illusions and cunning card tricks. >> it was in your head. >> no, it's in your head. >> reporter: and now he's being offered to fly around the world to get up close and personal with the cryptic cube. now that's street magic. we're joined by stephen broun damage. how does it feel to go from kids's parties, and you have gone viral. >> i love it. going all over the world, it's a lot of fun. >> who knew that getting pulled over was the best thing that happened to you. >> we understand you have another trick. >> yes. hold out your hand. >> i break stuff down. >> you are going to need to select a card. any card, can you name it out loud. >> six of diamonds. >> we're going to use the six. have i touched the cube yet. watch the corner of the six of diamonds. i'm going to tear it right off the card. hold on to that for me. watch the corner piece. to get the corner to disappear and go inside the rubik's cube. just a snap like that. it's now inside. if i take off a little piece, inside that little piece, there's a tiny little corner. unfold the corner. >> it can't be the same. there's no way. >> line it up, it's a perfect match. >> how did you do that? >> that was incredible. that was incredible. >> move over david blooiaine. >> that was so good. >> i'll tell you right now, i'm going to make sure my wallet is in my pocket. i'm going to need it. we are going to teach you how to create your own holiday decorations at home. and steven, thank you. this man, don't ever give him a ticket. >> thank you. with all the presents you have to wrap, how are you going to get organized ? use a hangar for your ribbons, tap in a nail and you're ready to wrap. ♪ bells... 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looks like he's walking on water. good morning, i'm kristen sze. you know, you can bet the house on it. rain is coming, lots of it. meteorologist mike nicco has the details. >> this is when the strongest storm is coming through tomorrow. north bay 6:00 to 10:00 in the morning. the bay, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. but inland east bay, south bay 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. we'll have urban flooding, creek flooding, rock slides, dangerous surf and wind damage. scattered showers and thunderstorms continue friday. it doesn't really matter if you're heading east or west. as we look at the macarthur maze, it is a packed house as you make that travel over towards the bay bridge tolls. it will take you about 37 minutes to cross over to san francisco. eastbound traffic on 80, the skyway at fourth street an accident blocking one lane. we are backed up from the extension, slow from 280. you'll start to see traffic thinning out once you hit ti. thinning out once you hit ti. the ne as a toddler, i enjoy three activities. breaking things... spilling things... and just general destruction, in the abstract sense. so i, for one, am not a big fan of nest. you see, the dropcam is always watching... even when my folks are in another room. i rue the day that this product was invented. but i'm not 100% sure what rue means. nest dropcam. welcome to a more thoughtful ♪ on brand name mattress sets. years interest-free financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ [instrumental music] ♪ . good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and incredible rescue. the boater found after 12 days lost at sea. the coast guard and navy searching 12,000 square miles. why his son never gave up hope. and photo firestorm. why one dad is being accused of lazy parenting, causing outrage online with this picture. the story behind the backlash. >> everybody thought i was disconnected from my kids, put down the controller. to get that out of one picture was kind of odd to me. >> and trending right now. is this man really walking on water? the story behind the unbelievable video. and our layaway live special goes bigger and better. tim tebow making so many christmas wishes some true. now wait until you see who's surprising america this morning as we say -- >> good morning, america. that's not all. cam mathison right there in chicago. a big walmart. and look at all those layaway gifts. it's part of our "gma" layaway live. so many of you at home getting into the action as well. turning into christmas angels. paying off layaways. we are so grateful for that. a lot of grateful people out there as well. we have more surprises coming up this morning. cam's having fun with this one. >> spreading that holiday spirit. and i think it's safe to say that princess kate is a big fan of j. crew. we want to show you guys this picture. look how excited she is to meet jenna lyons, the creative director of j. crew. kate was spotted wearing j. crew at the basketball game monday night. so many people dieing to meet the royals. and to see her -- i can understand. jen is an amazing woman. fun little thing to share. >> i love it. i feel like that every day i see george. and we have great ways to decorate your home for the holidays for less. diy projects on a budget. >> say it with me. improve this. >> improve this. >> that's it. well done. improve this, coming up. >> he was mocking me. >> no, i wasn't, george. i get excited when i see you. >> show the face every day when you see him. >> thank you, michael. >> let's get some news from amy. good morning, everyone. we begin with a big move from the nfl today following the high-profile domestic abuse cases. commissioner roger goodell is rolling out a new personal conduct policy for players that mirrors the one used by new york's police department. a player suspected of a violation would be suspended with pay pending the outcome of the investigation. the players' union has had no input into the policy. u.s. military and diplomatic facilities are on alert for the violent reactions to the report on cia torture tactics. it has gruesome and vivid descriptions of al qaeda operatives punched, kicked and nearly drowned. the cia director insists it helped save lives. and the u.s. is negotiating with cuba for the release of american contractor allen gross. gross has been held on espionage charges in havana for more than five years now. the president telling our colleagues at fusion his administration is working to secure his release through a variety of channels. and an incredible rescue at sea. a missing fisherman plucked off his crippled boat off the coast of hawaii after drifting for nearly two weeks. reena ninan joins us. >> reporter: good morning. rescuers had given up. he had two broken masts. and for 12 days tried desperately to stay afloat. this morning 67-year-old boater ron ingram found after 12 days lost at sea. watch as naval officers pull him from the 25-foot sail boat to safety. >> he's doing okay. he's tired and weak. they got him food and water. he's doing all right. >> reporter: ingram, an experienced fisherman, set out for sail on thanksgiving day. but just 45 miles southwest of hawaii, his boat began take on water. and he began making his first of two calls for help. >> this is a mayday, i'm in the middle of the channel. small boat, in danger of sinking. >> reporter: the coast guard and navy conducted an extensive search flying 59 search and rescue flights. approximately 12,000 square miles. but no sign of ingram. finally suspending the search four days later. ingram's son never giving up hope. >> i said, man, i don't think you should call off the search. i don't think he's gone. >> reporter: tuesday morning after nearly two weeks of radio silence -- >> got a mayday here, this is the malia. anybody picking this up? >> reporter: the coast guard picking up the call, locating ingram 64 miles south of oahu. and only 14 miles from a nearby navy ship. just about an hour later ingram finally rescued. >> 12 days, he's a champ, he's tough. >> reporter: the coast guard says it's extremely rare to find someone after rescue efforts are canceled. ingram is expected back on terra firma this morning. >> thank you so much. and in medical news, american's waistlines are expanding. the obesity rate rose by nearly 2% last year to 29% of adults. nearly a quarter of people in a recent survey admitted they had not exercised at all in the last month. mississippi was ranked as the unhealthiest state. as for the healthiest, hawaii topped the list followed by vermont and massachusetts. and finally we know that no one likes getting pulled over the police. those blue lights, your stomach drops, right? but hear what happened in one michigan town. when people were stopped for minor traffic violations. but instead of getting a ticket, police gave them christmas gifts. officers chatted with them about what they wanted for themselves and their kids, radioed the info to the helpers and had the presents wrapped and ready within minutes. how incredible is that? the idea and the money came from a religious tv network. the goal was to uplift someone during the holidays. i'm guessing they absolutely accomplished that goal. can you imagine thinking how much is this going to cost me? how many points on my license? and then get a christmas gift. >> almost as good as our magician, steven. >> and the layaway thing. everybody in on the holiday spirit. >> lots of good stuff. to michael in the social square now. >> all right, george. now here's a look at what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" in social square powered by samsung gal axaxy. new details of the highly-anticipated sequel to "finding nemo." can't wait. and cameron, so many viewers getting in on the movement. he's about to make it a very, merry day for some shoppers. and the hot new fashion trend this holiday season. athleisurewear. the important dos and don'ts. coming up live on "gma" in times square. lori and czar sara are looking real fashionable. when it comes to the caribbean you haven't lived until you've lived for the wow!! royal caribbean has been voted best overall cruise line eleven years running. proving that no one does the caribbean like royal caribbean. call 1 800 royal caribbean today. yes! let the holiday season begin! i'm on the roof, you're in the attic. hon, i can't even tie my shoes at this point. okay, i'll tie your shoes, i'll go to the attic, and i'm on the roof. finding some gems up here. who's this little girl? stay focused please. bingo! merrrryyy christmasssss! just bring him downstairs. ♪ ...for a sleigh ride together with you ♪ (ringing) how's it going up there? do you have enough lights? uh, yeah, i don't know if we have enough roof. you think a little more snow would make it look real? okay, so full blizzard? well, that might be too close to the tree, huh? what is that? it's mistletoe. deal with it. that's cheating. ohhhh, it's beautiful! you know what this gets me in the mood for? oh, absolutely. (mrs. griswold) clark! start your morning offak, righthite and cheese: with juicy, sizzly steak, stacked high with protein-packed egg whites, melty cheese and whatever else you love, like jalapeños or spinach - all on warm, toasty flatbread. subway. eat fresh. here's your vacation in a word... wow. and here's the sale to match. royal caribbean's first ever caribbean wow sale ends today. buy one get 50% off your second guest and up to four hundred dollars to spend onboard. call 1-800-royal caribbean today. i'm here with sara haines and "good housekeeping's" lori bergamatto. ladies, i love the new outfits. look at that. that's called athleisurewear. we'll tell you about this hot new trend coming up. where's my pair? >> i can only imagine you in these. >> double xl. i can only imagine you in these. >> double xl. i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. i was out for a bike ride. i didn't think i'd have a heart attack. but i did. i'm mike, and i'm very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. but add brand new belongings from nationwide and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. making sure every season is the season of giving. just another way we put members first. join the nation ♪ nationwide is on your side we're not just selling the at famohottestwear, shoes of the holiday season. we're selling straight up "i'm going to kiss sara marcus under the mistletoe" confidence. this year give them converse from famous footwear. victory is yours. and welcome back to "gma" this wednesday morning. michael strahan, "pop news." >> it's popping, george. all you -- how many of you are a fan of "finding nemo"? >> one of my favorites. >> me too. if you can't get enough of this one. brand new details for the hotly anticipated sequel, "finding dory." disney-pixar revealing the plot. dory is joined by nemo and marlin on the quest to find dory's parents. >> aw. >> much of the film apparently unfolding at the marine life institute in california. and ellen degeneres is back, joined by "modern family"'s ty burrell, diane keaton and more. and it's set to hit the big screen in june of 2016. >> i wish it were a little earlier. i don't want my kids to outgrow it. >> based on our reaction, i don't think they will. we're all like, yay. >> you don't want them to outgrow it, it's 2016. we have a little while to wait. and -- ♪ i did it my way is that a little frank sinatra i hear? >> beautiful. >> and it's actually thanks to another legendary singer, bob dillon. turns out he's doing it his way with the upcoming album "shadows in the night," entirely of frank sinatra covers. and now dillon selected ten tracks of old blue eyes including "the night we called it a day" and "autumn leaves." he's not so much covering the classics as uncovering them with a stripped down version, with a stripped down sound. he says he's always wanted to do something like this, but has never been brave enough until now. who can imagine? >> i'm trying to imagine his sound. >> i can't even think. >> would you like to give us your rendition of bob dillon doing frank sinatra? >> don't want to do them injustice. so i will not. i would never do that. i'm not going to do it my way. that's not a good way to do it. and finally, a kitten that has a solid chance of taking home a prize at an arcade. it's whack-a-mole, kitten-style. >> that's cute. >> i guess i guess that's more like whack-a-finger? >> that's cute. >> this was posted by an animal rescue group that lighted up facebook with nearly half a million views and tens and thousands of shares. >> he's pretty good at it. >> look at the kitty's white paws. they're so cute. >> i love him. >> the kitten's at the animal shelter. i'm sure you can adopt this kitten if you'd like. and you can go home and play whack-a-finger. you can't lose in "pop news" on the animal video. >> you know the secret. >> you're not going to sing, bring in the kitty. >> i'm not beginning to sing. you won't dance, george. we'll do it together. >> thanks. coming up, let's go to ginger with the weather. >> and my new friend, charlotte. she's from miami. i said it's not that much colder here than miami. the windchill is 51 this morning. we want to talk about the forecast for the west coast and start with the timing of the storm. you can see it here starting tonight especially into thursday. that's the heavy rains in northern california. some of the gustiest winds. and then it's friday morning, when it's more the los angeles to san diego time period. by the end of the weekend, things start to change. and thawing out right in the middle. you see the numbers there? dallas to 71 on saturday. des moines even gets into the 50s. someone said, hey, dallas. right from there. all right, that's the big >> good morning, i am meteorologist mike nicco with the bay area forecast. today is the last day to get prepared. you can do it with fog and drizzle. clouds and sprinkles this afternoon. storm arrives tonight in the north bay. the rest of us with rain and high surf tomorrow. the chance of rain in the north bay starts at 5:00. high risk storm, mudslides, dangerous surf, and high winds. >> we have just got some big umbrellas. keep it real high so we get everyone's face on. welcome from louisiana. let's get inside. >> thank you. and first up on the "gma" heat index, a candid daddy/daughter shot going viral causing controversy. the father says he's being a dad, playing video games while one of his girls paints his toe nails. paula faris looks at debate he's inspired. >> reporter: one photo creating a firestorm. >> they bug me to paint my toe nails. so finally i let them do it. >> reporter: 28-year-old dad joe posted this photo on reddit. entitled just being a dad. in it he's playing video games with one daughter beside him, as another, 3-year-old amelia, paints his toenails. >> each one, ten different colors. i decided since i was sitting there watching tv, turned the xbox on and started playing video games. >> reporter: in just a matter of hours, the photo was getting a ton of attention with supportive comments like looks awesome from here. and a small sacrifice to make her happy. to the more negative, put the controller down and play with your kids. and he couldn't be more disinterested in them. >> i know i wasn't staring right at my daughter. i was disconnected from my kids? and i need to put down the controller, and to get that out of one picture was odd to me. >> reporter: in an age of helicopter parents and mommy and me play groups, the photo goes against the grain of hyper-engaged parenting. >> you don't always have to be playing educational games to have good memories for your kids of being with you. >> reporter: others ripping him for bending gender roles. on wednesday, he goes shopping and has butter scones for tea. >> a lot of dads should take notice of this photo. because it also shows that they can also relax and have fun and do something girly and still look really cool doing it. >> reporter: joe's wife, michelle, who took the picture, isn't taking the negative comments to heart. >> we know we're good parents. just because people got bad ideas from it doesn't mean we're bad parents. >> reporter: and as for the nail polish. >> it was harder to get off than i thought. maybe not do it as freely. >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> the haters got to lighten up. >> give that guy a break. and another reason why you shouldn't read all the comments. >> the girls love playing with your hair. never the toenail thing. >> those are the things the girls will remember. it's a sweet moment. >> i loved the photo. next on the heat index. hottest trends in women's clothing right now. it's called athleisurewear. and it's evidence women are no longer sacrificing comfort for style. or mic comfort is becoming more styli stylish. sara haines looked into the trend for us. take a look. >> reporter: my lifestyle is no different than most ladies. i like to work out and have nights out. so when i heard the hottest must-wear trend combines those two worlds, i wanted in, stat. >> this trend is all about athleisure. it's the crossroads of fashion meeting fitness. it's reaching a fever pitch now and not going anywhere fast. >> reporter: you heard right. athleisure, athletic and leis e leisure. designers everywhere are jumping on this band wagon. from the affordable brands like h&m, to the high end, gucci and vera wang. and they are sporting the pants. >> you have seen beyoncé, gwen stefani. yeah. this is so her trend. >> reporter: these fashion for all pants transition you seamlessly, and, yes, comfortably, from day to night. any time i see a loose pant, i want to put a t-shirt on. how do you wear the trend correctly? >> you can wear some of these with a t-shirt if that's the look you're going for. it's about how you put it together. >> reporter: but to see how to put it together, here's a few looks. >> these are 98. the key is tucking it in. it makes it look way more polished. >> reporter: the weekend look. >> classic track pant. racing stripes down the side and under $60. >> reporter: the evening look. >> $88. these are an evolution on the track pant. so the silhouette is very much the same, but the tailoring is a little bit different. >> reporter: casual, chic, and oh, so comfy. a lot of trends, and i have to say, this one i want to hold on to. i love these pants. lori can tell you, i haven't stopped talking about them. >> look fantastic. i love the pockets. you mentioned we are joined by "good housekeeping" style director, lori. tell us what everybody is wearing. you are pulling off the silky jogging pants. >> yes. and they're super-comfortable. ginger is in a dusty rose color from j. crew. $98. we to want make them more feminine. added a sparkly top. miss sara, she's in a graphic print. these are from piper line. they are a splurge at 110. the key here is that we added some structure and shape on her sweater and blouse. and for me, these are $19. joe fresh, temper the print with a shirt. >> the shoes you put with the pants make all the difference. >> they're the game-changers. start with a fashion sneaker. these are from h&m, 10 bucks, embellishments, different from a fitness sneaker. a point toe pump for work. these are around 90 bucks. and make it a little sexy. these are strappy sandals, $59. the track pant isn't inherently sexy. so you have to jazz it up. >> if you're comfortable here, make sure you're uncomfortable here. >> that works. >> that's a good equation. >> sara, over to you. you look great. and now more great stuff, improve this sponsored by lowe's. and this morning, my friend sabrina soto is here to help you get your home holiday ready. i love this. this is pvc piping you can buy at lowe's and turn into a wreath that will last forever and always. >> i love this. so inexpensive. pvp pipe, you can get at any hardware store in different widths. hot glue them together. get a paint can in the middle to get the opening. drill two holes in the middle and on the top for ribbon, you're done. >> any trick to creating the circle or using which size to use where? >> don't make it perfect. play with the shapes and velcro it on to the wall. and a drill. >> it's super inexpensive. >> and you can spray paint to match your decor. >> go crazy with color. >> go crazy with copper or something. >> this is so cute. not all logs are meant for the fire. these reindeer are not hard to make and very adorable. >> you have to know how to use a chainsaw to do this. >> i didn't ask, how do we cut the pvc? >> use a saw. >> use a hand saw if you don't want to use the power tools? >> if you are handy with power to tools, you should make this. you can get this in the backyard and make it for next to nothing. >> if you happen to be into chainsaws, this is a cute idea. and then what are -- >> you can get that at the craft store. the googly eyes. >> your drill. new need a drill and a saw for this. >> and hosting the great american light fight. >> the christmas light fight. >> sorry. >> yeah. all around the country and looking at amazing decorations that people go crazy over. a winner gets $50,000. that's -- >> oh, my gosh. >> it really was amazing. i went so many different cities around the country. it airs on monday at 8:00. >> you have a great idea. if you don't to want go that hog wild with the lights, these letters are available at most craft stores. this is simple. and the lights, how do you do it? >> take the craft store letters, put on a piece of canvas or wood, spray paint with glitter or other paint and just poke holes, a little drill and pop the lights in and you're done. >> it's really cute. any word you want, monogram. doesn't have to be just a holiday idea. most of these items are available at lowe's. and you can learn how sabrina made these little wire trees. that's wiring, also available at a hardware store. and we have that on on yahoo. so we will see you. when is the special? >> monday at 8:00. >> all right, monday special. and coming up we have the red hot band 5 seconds of summer opening up about their music, their touring and their dating. so don't go anywhere. "gma" is coming right back. thank you so much, sabrina. these are cute. i love this guy. >> take them home. >> chainsaw, difficult, but i love them. ♪ good morning, i'm kristen sze. tonight's storm may prevent a fifth straight day of violent protests in the east bay. last night demonstrators angry over the claims of police brutality in missouri and new york shattered shop windows and looted stores in emeryville. they also stopped traffic. 13 people were arrested by the chp. leyla gulen has your traffic. >> here's a look right now at berkeley, your drive along i-80 as you're traveling right up to emeryville. your headlights are going to be heading in the westbound direction. eastbound traffic pushing away from us. we do have a new crash in south san jose southbound on 101 right near metcalf. there's an accident blocking a few lanes. expect delays. >> thanks so much. we'll check out the detailed forecast on the storm start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. good morning. live doppler 7 hd showing the strongest part of the storm just getting into northern california. by 5:00 tonight waves to moderate showers in the north bay and that's where they'll stay with the heaviest of the storm coming up in 6:00 to 10:00 in the north bay, 10:00 through 1:00 through most of the bay and 1 clouds to 4:00 through the south bay. we're looking at urban flooding, creek flooding, rocks, ♪ you're so perfect ♪ you look so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear ♪ ♪ and i know now i love that song too, lara. it's a great song. "she's so perfect" from 5 seconds of summer. big hit. they have a brand new book out. and they are talking to cam about that. and get into their personal lives and dating. >> they are very nice young men. i love their songs. they are terrific. they have one called "amnesia." it's good. also coming up, emily blunt. so lovely, and part of the cast in "into the woods," and amy is going to talk to her coming up. >> she is one of my favorites. and we are making holiday dreams come true with the layaway live series. take a look at cameron mathison live in chicago, right now skating throuskate ing through layaway. getting ready to reveal big holiday surprises. so many of you getting in on the gift giving too. we love that. we have so much more ahead. and head to tony reali with the speed feed in the social square. good morning. >> good morning, guys. we start on the big screen, but the small screen this year. it's in all of your feeds. youtube's top videos of 2014. number one, and this is impressive what it did in a short time. the horror prank mutant giant spider dog. only came out in september. but clicked 114 million times. tops for youtube for that sweet-faced pup turned giant arachnid. top music video, katy perry, her video "dark horse," 717 million clicks. three quarters of the way to a billion. and another hit you'll see today, youtube's rewind 2014. some videos that fell just outside the top ten. here, of course, bethany mota performs "frozen." you can see the video on "gma's" facebook page. the top tweets on twitter for the year, all about music. katy perry has the biggest following. take a look at her profile. 61.2 million for katy perry. but she wasn't the most-tweeted about artist of 2014. that distinction went to those boys from britain, one direction. this is so true. every year, trying to find the trends. they're always trending. one way or another, zane, harry, liam, nile and louis winning twitter. top song of 2014, no surprise to anybody here. "happy" by pharrell. song of the summer. plrpt all right. youtube. and take a look, half a million views in just two days. in slovakia. two hikers thought a trail through the mountains was too difficult. they thought this was safer. a frozen river with ice so clear it looks like you're walking on water. no special effects here. they made it across safely. that's where you want to go on a first date to make an impression. right? lara, george, guys. please. >> that was spectacular. >> that was very beautiful. >> thank you, tony. you know all week long we have been making christmas dreams come true with "gma's" layaway live. kicked off by tim tebow, paying off accounts down in orlando. and many of you at home have joined in. becoming layaway angels. i love the looks on their faces. and spreading the christmas spirit at a walmart in chicago. how is it going, cam? >> reporter: it's going great here in chicago, right, guys? of course melissa rycroft is down in dallas doing the same thing. it's part of a national movement. people all over the country part of the layaway angels movement. so fantastic. so many awesome holiday surprises. paying off people's layaways. take a look. it's the holidays, and, well, it's time for some serious cheer. so many things people are waiting to pick up this holiday season. and we are going to surprise a few of them by picking up the tab. layaway departments pop up at stores across the country during the holidays. allowing shoppers to hold gifts and gradually pay them off. cue the anonymous angels. a growing trend of people who stop in to pay off layaway accounts for complete strangers. last year alone, these angels paid more than $1 million in christmas gifts. >> oh, my god. >> seriously? >> oh, my god. >> reporter: this year, "gma" is on an angel mission of our own. tim tebow took the lead in orlando. >> we're going to take care of this layaway for you. >> reporter: and now me and melissa in dallas. what these shoppers don't know, "gma" is paying their layaway. beverly grant is picking up tvs for her family after a very hard year. >> we got a lot of stuff stolen in the house. $493.63. i think "good morning america" can take care of that for you. you want me to put it on your cart today? >> reporter: even after we told her we were paying, it took a while to convince her. >> are you serious? >> i'm serious. i will put these in your cart right now. >> are these for your kids? >> yes, ma'am. my god. >> reporter: but finally beverly took her new tvs home to her family. >> i'm about to pass out. >> reporter: and in chicago -- we're paying for all of it. you're included. >> are you serious? >> reporter: i'm dead serious. we're here to help you out. tamika johnson is trying to give her kids a great christmas. her husband lost her job, and the mom of four is working 12-hour shifts to make up the lost income. can i ask about how much you think you owed? >> 2200? >> reporter: really? totally on your own. we're here for you. happy holidays. >> i think we're going to go ahead and do the whole thing. >> reporter: again and again we delivered the news. "good morning america" wants to pick up your layaway tab. and we to want take care of this this holiday season for you. >> i appreciate it. >>. >> reporter: yeah? and sent shoppers home with their christmas gifts. some were excited. some were overwhelmed. it's on us. everyone went home happy. you're here on the right day. "gma" trying to make everybody's holiday special. that's what we're doing. >> yay! >> reporter: happy holidays, everybody. >> for "good morning america," thank you so much. i really -- i really am grateful. thank you. >> reporter: and i'm here with a couple of the families who's layaways we helped pay off. welcome, guys. it's honestly hard to explain how good it feels to be part of something like this. meeting wonderful people, spreading the christmas spirit. not just us at "gma," it's you at home, the viewers this week taking part, giving back, being part of the layaway angels movement. in fact our friends at said thousands of you at home have logged on and donated to this amazing cause. way to go, everybody. for more information go to at yahoo and check it out. you will not regret it. george. >> that is so great. you don't have to explain. we see it on your face and in your smile. that was so great. see all that happens there. >> beautiful. and now to ginger with a final check on the weather. >> i'm -- thank you, my friends from texas. straight to the west coast. a beautiful start for san diego. this is from beacons beach. the waves not too big yet. wait until friday. it will change dramatically. wind gusts in redding could go to 52. that's tomorrow. and going into friday, look at big bear. gusts to 50. and indian springs, nevada, 48. big changes to come in the next three days on the west coast. a lot of rain, too. even places like san francisco bay area, 3 to 5 inches of rain. >> good morning, i will a machine machine with delays at sfo. more tomorrow. mainly gray today with sprinkles and temperatures in the 60's. seven-day forecast show rain starts in the north by at 5:00 tonight and the rest of us get the stormy conditions this time to >> that's it. where are you from? they said, indiana. so kentucky, like the southern -- >> louisville, kentucky. >> from louisville. they're right there. all that weather brought you by pronamel, by the way. let's go to amy. is there anything emily blunt can't do? gone from slaying aliens with tom cruise in "edge of tomorrow" to lifting her voice in the eagerly-awaited movie version of "into the woods," already being called this season's most wickedly beautiful film. she plays a baker's wife trying to break a witch's spell that has left her childless. ♪ back to life back to sense back to child back to husband no one lives in the woods ♪ ♪ there are vows there are ties there are needs there are standards there are shouldn'ts and shoulds ♪ ♪ why not both instead snoet ♪ there's an answer if you're clever ♪ ♪ have a child for warmth and a baker for bread and a prince for whatever ♪ ♪ never ♪ it's these woods >> and emily blunt joins us now. i loved watching you watching yourself sing. you were darn good in it. i can tell you're embarrassed watching yourself sing. >> it's hideous watching it. yeah. >> you're extremely good. i grew up in musical theater. >> i know you did. that's why i'm nervous for you to watch. i'm looking at you to see what you would think. >> you were fantastic, and only a few voice lessons. >> well, i had a few more than a few. i had a few before the audition. and then a couple of months of going a few times a week. and doing everything from just lying on the ground and singing the song and walking around -- >> mi mi. mi. >> the craziest vocal exercises. they're kind of embarrassing. >> i have done them all. >> he made me go goo goo ga ga in a scale. oh, my god, if someone were filming this. >> and speaking of goo goo ga ga, your character is desperate for a baby. >> i know. >> she'll go to great extremes to appease meryl streep's character. and you were actually pregnant at the time. >> i know. it was the ultimate irony playing this barren woman and just getting bigger throughout the course. >> and you got pregnant very quickly in the movie. that was great. >> yes. yeah. >> in keeping with the fairy tail theme, we're going to play a game called emily ever after. clever, right? fill in the blanks. once upon a time there was a girl named emily and she wished more than anything to -- >> eat pasta every day. >> that is an extremely good one. i love that. but then she grew up and went out into the big world on her own and discovered -- >> that it made you fat. >> she soon married a handsome prince who was absolutely perfect in every way except when he -- >> grew excessively long nose and ear hairs. >> that's not anything -- >> john doesn't have that just so you know. >> i was going to say. >> he has perfect nose hair. nasal hair. i don't know why i thought of that. that would be terrible to discover. >> thank you for playing the game. >> i love the games. >> and sharing your wonderful movie and incredible singing voice. >> you're very nice. thank you. >> "into the woods" is in theaters on christmas day. and coming up, the guys from 5 seconds of summer opens up and coming up, the guys from 5 seconds of summer opens up about life on the road and who ♪ on brand name mattress sets. years interest-free financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the best meat and the bests produce.ving it's my job to start a new legacy, the best wine beer and spirits. we travel all over california and the world to find all sorts of new craft spirits, craft beers, small production wines. ♪ brews from mendocino, and the finest wines from around the world. at raley's, we're really into craft, so we enjoy and are excited about carrying those products in the store. ♪ share your ideas, tell us on facebook. ♪ 5 seconds of summer are way beyond their first 15 minutes of fame. and now getting personal with fans in a new book called "hey, let's make a band." cameron mathison sat down with them to talk about that and a whole lot more. ♪ you're so perfect standing there ♪ >> reporter: they're the infectious pop band rocking the music world. 5 seconds of summer. with hits like "good girls" and "don't stop." ♪ don't stop doing what you're doing ♪ the group hails from sydney, australia, and formed in a garage in 2011. since then, it's been a whirlwind. ♪ performing on "gma's" fall concert series in september. ♪ and just last month winning new artists of the year at the american music awards. >> 5 seconds of summer. >> reporter: i caught up with the guys to talk about their crazy year. was there one kind of moment when it dawned on you guys when your enormous popularity landed on you? man, we are really big. >> we don't go, man, the band's big or small. i don't know. we just kind of go, cool, we're playing a show here today. let's give it all we got. >> reporter: you sold out the headline tour coming up. are you excited to get pack on tour? >> i am more excited about that than anything in my life. i know don't i don't sound like it. but i am. it's going to be awesome. >> reporter: this is the exciting version of michael. >> yeah. >> reporter: when not playing sold out shows, they're putting pen to paper. why did you come out with a book? >> this is an introduction to our band, what we are and where we're from. >> the crash course. >> what are you excited for fans to read and learn? >> a lot of embarrassing pictures of us. we are kind of still in it, but super awkward prepubescent state. >> reporter: you let the fans in on a lot of your personal stories. why is that important to you? >> that's a thing. from day one on twitter, we are open. tell the fans what we're doing. we like to be open. >> reporter: since nothing is off limits, i had to ask. my job here is to ask what the fans to want know. >> i'm not dating anyone. >> i don't know where i am half the time. >> reporter: so for now they're focusing on guitar riffs and not relationships. for "good morning america," cameron mathison, abc news, los angeles. >> okay. and the offers are pouring in already. "hey, let's make a band," the official 5 s.o.s. book -- is that how you pronounce nine. seven. we're about the same age. the discoveries at st. jude children's research hospital help kids like these across america. st. jude has the worlds best survival rates for the toughest childhood cancers, and no family ever pays. how old are you? guess! one...two...three... this will take a while. go to st. jude dot org or shop wherever you see the st. jude logo. we are joined now by celebrity chef jean-georges vongerichten, a destination las vegas spokesperson. and he's here to show us some of his easy to make holiday favorites. it's exciting that you have easy to make favorites. your food is so beautiful and elegant. >> thank you. i'm excited about the ninth annual event. encore vegas. >> i have a lot of vegas information i want to share with everybody. you are mr. las vegas. you have vegas uncorked by bon appetite. what is that? >> it's an event where all the celebrity chefs get together in vegas. from april 23rd to 26. so much fun. and the tickets are on sale today. >> they got them to come. >> and on top of that, check out your two restaurants. german-german jean-george steak house. what makes vegas so great for food? >> there are so many events going on. food and wine are the best. >> yeah, it's almost become as well known for the food as the gambling. easy to make recipes. focus on that. this is chocolate molten cake. >> i have been doing this for 28 years. >> this cake? >> this cake. >> talk to me. >> it's dark chocolate. a stick of butter, about four ounces. we melt that together. two egg yolks, two whole eggs, sugar. a pinch of salt. >> we will have the recipe on our website for you, of course. >> and then mix the chocolate. >> okay. i'm going to let you -- i'm going to let you do that. >> mix it up. here's my mixture of eggs, sugar. we're going to a little bit of flour as well. next to you. >> it's not too chocolatey. doesn't look like it. >> it will be like this. yeah. i am using dark chocolate. but you can use any chocolate you like. >> can it be milk? >> it can be milk. but it's better with dark. this has about 66% cocoa butter. >> it's mixed. >> and then mix it up into my little container here. it's like a four ounce, five ounce container. >> and what do you have on the sides there? >> just butter, no flour. you know what's easy? you can use a toaster oven to bake it. >> i love that. look what just came out of the oven, everybody. >> oh, yummy. >> chocolate molten cake. thank you. oh, my goodness. and how is it? >> it's delicious. >> this is healthy, right? it's dark chocolate. >> it is good for you. it's good for you. >> that's what i thought. >> and a of course a little scoop of ice cream. >> yum. >> fantastic. in the meantime, you have a recipe on the website for a steak done your way. the jean-georges way. >> that's a good way. >> great way. >> it's a steak grilled with miso mustard sauce. >> me miso mustard? >> a little bit of a kick. >> very simple. >> we're lucky to have you and your recipes. we thank you so much. >> please join us. >> yes, you got it. we're all going to vegas. this is jean-georges restaurant and prime steak house. and jean-georges steak house. and you can find those restaurants on on yahoo. we'll be right back. [bell chime] ting and we want to share some special news right now. our parent company disney chairman and ceo bob iger announced today they will be donating $50 million in books to serve children from low income families through the next three years. it's through the non-profit first book. all part of president obama's invest in us initiative. and the new disney imagicademy programs. great cause. >> that is. great cause. and tomorrow on "gma" we have deals and steals and the golden globe nominations live. 2 breakfast croissants for just $4 - both made with a freshly cracked egg it's cheaper to eat at my place. i've got - and melting cheese. try supreme or sausage. hey, you can't make a commercial in my restaurant! not if you keep interrupting me. start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. a revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. a revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. good morning, i'm kristen sze. batten down the hatches, the storm is on its way. meteorologist mike nicco has the timeline. >> here's my newest timeline. north bay, this is when you'll get the heavy rain, flooding rain and strongest winds. 6:00 tomorrow morning until 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. throughout the bay and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the south bay. wind damage, dangerous surf, mudslides and flooding. accuweather seven-day forecast, it lasts through friday. we've got plenty of red on the wide view showing traffic everywhere we go. we have a problem at the san mateo toll plaza. as you move along, it does start announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, television and film star ricky gervais. an 18-year-old recording artist turned author, austin mahone. plus, our "holiday hits week" continues with a performance from johnnyswim. all next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪

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