Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140425 : comparem

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140425

michael phelps, in the pool for the first time since the olympics, going head-to-head with longtime rival, ryan lochte. battling it out, all the way to the finish line. we have ktl on this friday morning. good morning, america. we have news overnight, on the rising tensions between the u.s. and russia, over the crisis in ukraine. president holding a press conference in south korea, threatening more sanctions, saying putin is, quote, not a stupid man. and then, a hijacking scare on a virgin flight. a drunk passenger trying to break into the cockpit of an australian flight on the way to bali. we'll have much more on that. and then, we'll also have the very latest on the measles outbreak. the worst in almost two decades. cases in 13 states. and dr. besser is with us live with the latest. let's get right to the severe weather outbreak expected over the next three days. ginger tracking it all. >> this is only the start of what's going to happen in the next three, four, and five days. a powerful system. this one in kentucky, a lightning strike overnight. and in missouri, the strength of a 70-mile-per-hour, 80-mile-per-hour wind, is going to knock down trees, a power line. damage roofs. one person injured in the state of missouri. today, we are targeting north carolina and virginia beach. southern virginia, for this afternoon and evening. there's a completely different storm i want to focus on. that will be coming tomorrow, from the plains here. iowa, parts of nebraska, all the way down to deep south texas. and sunday, we're even intensifying the risk area, into parts of arkansas, louisiana, texas and oklahoma. so, it's going to be a busy weekend of damaging winds, tornadoes, isolated, but still. and then, of course, large hail. amy? >> ginger, thanks so much. and now, to the latest of an emergency landing in tampa, florida, after reports of smoke in the cockpit. david kerley has the latest right now. he joins us live. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, amy. this is a flight from north-to-south florida. but the pilot had to put this down as quickly as possible, in the middle of the state, in tampa. >> i was physically taken extremely emotional. thinking this was the end, end, end of the road. >> reporter: overnight, panicked passengers describing what they called a traumatic energy landing. >> i heard behind me, the very loud explosion. and smoke came in a little bit from the bottom. and people started screaming. >> reporter: american airlines envoy flight 3454, with 50 people onboard, was an evening flight from tallahassee to miami, when passengers say they heard a loud boom. in the cockpit, the pilot reported smoke. >> request permission to go to our standby locations for incoming energy on runway 1 left. >> reporter: you can hear the alarm bells as he's asking for the emergency landing. >> envoy 3454 tampa approach, descend and maintain 5,000. >> okay. i got 50 souls onboard. and fuel is standby. two hours of fuel onboard. >> reporter: on the flight, congressman and the superintendent of miami-dade county schools. he tweeted this selfie. but said the experience was no laughing matter. >> we descended quickly. and we proceeded through the instructions. you know, brace yourselves and put your head between your legs. >> you didn't know that the plane was going to explode. >> reporter: the plane was met by emergency vehicles on the ground. some passengers were hyperventilating. one girl with asthma treated at the scene. we're told by passengers in a they had to get on and off this plane twice because of maintenance problems, a couple hours' delay. american airlines tells us that's not related to what happened. and the airline would not confirm there was an explosion on the aircraft. amy? >> david kerley, thanks for the latest. those are the things you never want to hear from a pilot. brace yourself. >> a lot of questions about this flight. we're going to get more on that later. and we move to ukraine. tensions rising, as russian troops step up on the border. and accusations fly between the u.s. and russia. martha raddatz tracking all of the latest. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, george. harsh word and provocative actions this morning, with russian poised to ramp up military exercises. the russians have tens of thousands of troops on ukraine's border. and the u.s. is about to begin military exercises with about 600 troops on the other side of ukraine, in portland, in the baltic region. this, as russia's foreign minister is accusing the west of provoking the clashes inside ukraine. sergey lavrov saying pro-russian militants will not lay down arms until the ukrainian governments lays down their arms. >> and the president trying to have an even tone. but also pretty blunt. >> reporter: by secretary kerry, saying russia has done nothing to live up to the agreement to calm things down. the president saiding vladimir putin, is not a stupid man. and knows the sanctions are hurting. but there was no definitive announcement about what may happen next. this is a standoff, george. a dangerous one. >> we'll have more on the crisis, sunday on "this week." also, jay johnson and elizabeth warren. now, to the measles outbreak, escalating around the country, shaping to be the worst in almost 20 years. according to the cdc, so far, cases of measles spiking in 13 states. abc's medical editor, dr. richard besser is here to report on why this is happening and what parents can do. >> reporter: this is really concerning. so far, there's 129 cases of measles around the country. on track, the most since 1996. 58 of the cases in california. last year, at this time, they only had four cases. the cdc is concerned. measles is probably the most contagious disease we know of. and a lot of doctors have never even seen a case. so, some of the transmissions taking place in doctor's office. here's what you look for. you're going to see a high fever. red eyes. a hacking cough. and then, you have a rash that starts with dots around the forehand and then, throughout the entire body. >> why is this happening now? is it concerns about vaccinations? >> there's two things going on. we have outbreaks of measles around the globe. and you're seeing pockets where parents are saying, i either don't want to vaccinate or i'm going to delay vaccination. you have some schools in california where 20% of the kindergarten kids haven't been vaccinated. and that's really concerning. >> that's alarming because it not only affects that child, but those around them who have compromising systems. >> very young children. you can't be vaccinated. and young children at risk. and people like yourself, who are going under treatment for cancer, they're at risk for these diseases. that's concerning. part of the issue here is that people got misinformation about connections of vaccines and autism. and a lot of people are taking advice from celebrities. it's very dangerous. >> vaccinate your children. >> an airplane ride away, measles can be here. vaccinate to protect your own child and everybody else around you. >> important information. thank you, as always. and abc's dan harris with the other top developing stories. >> good morning. we're going to start with a terrifying moment for a group of middle schoolers in southern california. nearly a dozen of them got hurt, some of them seriously, after the driver of their school bus lost control. moments later, a frantic effort to save that driver. and here's abc's bazi kanani. >> reporter: the school bus, precariously perched on a steep anaheim hillside, after a violent crash nearly split it in two, and sent terrified students clamoring to escape. >> the bus driver was out. a couple of children were hanging out. gas was pouring out the back. >> reporter: stunned bystanders say the bus appeared to be driving quickly around a curve in the road, when it jumped a curb, and went airborne, snapping this tree like a twig. >> it went up. and either scraped the tree or went up the hill and fell off of the tree. >> reporter: students scrambling to get out the rear door exit. five students were rushed to the hospital. the 24-year-old bus driver, trapped inside. his feet dangling out the window. crews able to free him and take him to the hospital. his father said his son knew this route well and had no medical conditions. investigators are now questioning him. >> want to find out what the speed was. if he was alert or attempted to brake. >> reporter: fortunately, all of the students are expected to be okay. for "good morning america," bazi kanani, abc news, denver. and crews are working to put out brush fires along the jersey shore. they were whipped up by strong winds. officials hope to have everything contained by later today. president obama is in south korea, where he expressed condolences over that sunkle ferry disaster. mr. obama joined with the korean president for a moment of silence, honoring the more than 300 victims. he pointed out as a father of two daughters, he could only imagine the parents' heartbreak. a big scare overnight at the airport in bali, indonesia. reports of an attempted hijacking on this virgin australia flight. the pilot declaring an emergency after a man tried to storm the cockpit. but moments later, they got the all-clear. the man was simply intoxicated. online retailer amazon may soon be competing the likes of u.p.s. and fedex. the company is testing its own shipping service to reduce costs and allow for late-night deliveries to prevent backups like we saw over the holidays. walmart, google and ebay are all reportedly testing their own delivery services. finally here, pharrell's "happy" may be the number one song these days. but we dare you to find anybody happier than the boy you are going to see. first, he got a chance to see his local hockey team take the ice. and then -- >> tootoo. >> buddy, that's all yours. >> yeah. >> whoa. >> i love that giggle. i got that giggle when i was told i have a chance to fill in on the newsdesk this morning. he'll have that stick. and we're told that jordan tootoo, has a real tough guy reputation, which is needed when your last name is tootoo. and this whole thing, by the way, reminded us of a video we showed you a couple days ago. this guy, the little boy handed the foul ball in the stands. and he looks at it. he looks at it. speechless. it reminds me of "lord of the rings" and the precious. >> oh, yes. >> lots of movie representatives. >> we want to hear that giggle later. >> from me? i can reproduce it on command. not right now. we're going to turn to vatican city, when history will be made when two popes will be made at the same time. and two popes will be up for canization. >> reporter: it really is extraordinary. and here on the streets of rome, a joyful moment. the crowds are building up to 1 million pilgrims expected, to join hundreds of bishops and cardinals and thousands of world leaders, to celebrate the ancient ritual of the canonization of saints, for two that were rock stars of the modern era. the crowds are pouring into the eternal city. souvenir stands doing brisk business. up to 1 million pilgrims are expected. there's never been anything like this in the long history of the church. two popes, one day to remember. >> probably the two popes that changed the church the most. these are lives that are recorded. we watched them. and now, they're saints. >> reporter: for john paul ii, it's been a fast track for sainthood. nine years. so fast, it stirred controversy, especially by victims of sexual abuse by priest, a scandal that deepened during john paul's papacy. but he towered over his times. his fierce resistance to tyranny, seemed to help end the cold war. sainthood now, and now it comes. john xxiii, when he pushed for a fresher, more modern catholicism. >> the calling of the council and his personality. he was a very jovial man. a fat and happy saint. >> reporter: pope francis is expected to be joined by pope benedict. that's never happened before. and this whole celebration, a moment of unity for the catholic church. pope john. john paul ii, a conservative hero. pope francis says it's about faith. amy? >> terry moran, with the latest from the vatican. thank you. now, for a lawsuit that's ended a season for the buffalo bills cheerleaders. women on the squad suing the team and the nfl, saying they get paid less than minimum page and are targets of sexual harassment. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: this morning, the buffalo bill cheerleaders are putting down their pom-poms. the company announces they are suspending operations for the rest of the season. this, just two days after being named in a lawsuit, brought by former cheerleaders. the lawsuit names the jills and the company associated with the team, alleges the women worked hundreds of hours for free. and were subject to groping at three unpaid events. >> we didn't get paid. >> it's definitely unacceptable. and we had hoped that we would not be put into situations like that. >> reporter: according to the lawsuit, the women were also allegedly forced to endure a weekly jiggle test. failing the test could result in suspension, penalties or dismissal. >> our coach had us do about ten jumping jacks to see if she could see any type of jiggle. >> reporter: but former dallas cowboy cheerleader, star spangler ray, say fitness requirements are part of the job. >> there's expectations that you stay in shape and you maintain a good appearance. but i'm not sure you could have it any other way. >> reporter: the nfl and the buffalo bills aren't commenting on the lawsuit. as for the decision to leave the bills' sideline barren for the rest of the season, lawyers for the former jills cheerleaders tell us they are disappointed. saying, quote, like the decision not to pay a lawful wage. >> this decision was not made by the cheerleaders but by jills management. this isn't the only lawsuit like this one in the nfl. cheerleaders have launched similar suits against the oakland raiders and the cincinnati bengals. >> thank you so much. they are seeking unspecified payback. we turn to the rivalry renewed that have so many buzzing. michael phelps, going head-to-head with ryan lochte. linzie janis is in the social square with the story. >> reporter: the boys are back. after winning a heat back in his first competitive waters, phelps lost to his archrival lochte in the 100-meter butterfly final. here's how lochte celebrated. with a shirtless selfie, surrounded by fans. that prompted plenty of posts, including a marriage proposal. lochte admitted he almost retired last year because of a serious injury. but he's glad that he and phelps are back competing against each other. and even though he came in second, phelps was happy about his performance. tweeting this, pumped to be racing again. happy with the time. and right where i wanted to be. i don't know about you guys, but this rivalry is sounding a little warm and fuzzy right now. >> does ryan lochte ever wear shirts? >> i was wondering. and was michael phelps not trying to up him with another shirtless selfie? >> why peak early? i'm going with it. you can say he already has. >> it's all part of the strategy. ginger keeping an eye on the weather. rain, snow and cold weather for a lot of the west. >> it's all coming into the west. should ryan lochte ever put a shirt on? i don't think so. i don't know about you. yeah. burning questions this morning. we have the rain and snow headed and happening in central california, where we know, now, new numbers in. the biggest drought and the most drought, 100% of california in moderate drought or higher. it's been 15 years. we haven't seen this type of thing. and 70% of that state, now, in the exceptional, or up to the exceptional. a lot going on. you see here the severe drought. i didn't want to get that wrong. 57 for portland today. 57, seattle. the snow levels will drop to 4,000 or 5,000 feet. that means you could see three inches in the mountain there's. that's the same storm that's going to head east and bring the severe weather. but first, all of the warmth. 83 in oklahoma city today. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco with your bay area microclimate forecast. light rain sunday. today, upper 50s, mid to upper 50s along the coast into san francisco, low siktsds for the rest of us. significantly colder tonight if you're out and about, mid to upper 40s for the rest of us. accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s, 80s, and 90s next week. >> some of the places in the dakotas, going some 15 degrees above average. going up in the 70s today. >> all right. >> you have to take this phelps/lochte thing outside. >> we just decided. i'm team phelps. ginger is team lochte. we'll see how this goes. disturbing, new dash cam video. a high-speed chase ending with police shooting the driver. why her family is suing right now. also ahead, the former fire chief who claims the stress of his newborn baby caused him to start setting fires instead of fighting them. elizabeth vargas is here with that. plus, the battle being waged in some of the country. real estate bidding wars are heating up for ♪ since 1984 ♪ but when i saw taco bell made a waffle taco ♪ ♪ i figured i would get with the times ♪ ♪ so i got a haircut ♪ and i got some tighter pants ♪ lost my flip phone, got a smartphone ♪ ♪ even took down my loverboy poster ♪ ♪ now i'm eating waffle tacos and a.m. crunchwraps ♪ ♪ and i just made like $700 on craigslist ♪ [ male announcer ] move on from your old macdonald breakfast... with taco bell's exciting new breakfast menu. [ alarm ring, bong ] ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off in-stock wood fence pickets and panels at lowe's. you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. hd 3 ly 50 delicious calories. needs long term relief. eucerin calming creme. it soothes dry, itchy skin with a triple-acting formula. no wonder calm, comfortable skin starts with eucerin. good morning. i'm eric thomas. police are going door to door in east san jose this morning searching for two armed suspect who is robbed two 7-eleven stores earlier. pleasanton school district officials are warning parents about somebody soliciting inappropriate photos from students on instagram. police are working with instagram officials to figure out who's behind the account. friday morning commute. let's take a look. here's leyla gulen. >> been a busy one, eric. we're still tracking this accident as we make it out of orinda through the caldecott. this is an overturned pickup truck. it's in the center divider. you can see that bumper-to-bumper traffic through the tunnel. it will be a bit of a bear of a drive out of orinda but highway 13, hopefully we'll have things cleared. slick conditions across the bay area, so slow down. >> when we come back, meteorologist mike nicco and the weekend forecast. we're back and looking at live doppler 7-hd. good morning. you see light rain just about everywhere, some more moderate rain around san rafael coming across towards san mateo and most of your neighbors. this is all moving from west to east and it's going to be around through about 10:00, and then this upper-level low will star to slide through and that will bring us the chance of scattered showers this afternoon with some thunder and small hail. it's all gone by tomorrow morning. we'll have some light rain saturday night into sunday morning, then look at that heat next week in your accuweather seven-day forecast ♪ i had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high i touched a cloud ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa i want sammi to remember this for the rest of her life. that's high school junior josh meissner. about to launch a huge live surprise. an unforgettable prom-posal. about to happen on this stage right there. and it could be a surprise for this lucky girl, samantha davis. she has no idea what's about to happen. will she say yes to the prom? we will find out in a while. we get the weekend started here with d.j. pro style. >> that is something you remember forever. i love that. >> i remember mine. i had to ask a boy. >> so did i. yeah, yeah. i had to ask someone to my senior prom too. >> did he say yes or no? >> he said yes. >> you hesitated. you hesitated. >> it was a moment i'll never forget. >> it was embarrassing. >> yes. i did not know we had that in common. we're going to switch gears to the former fire chief is accused of intentionally setting fires instead of fighting them. elizabeth vargas is with us for that story. >> looking forward to that. and all-out bidding wars are sweeping across the real estate market right now in suburbs across the country. so, what you need to know before making an offer on a home. it is getting hot out there. >> it is. and we've got a provocative question for you this morning. can you be allergic to exercise? >> absolutely. >> it sounds like the ultimate excuse. lara and amy are sneezing uncontrollably. this is no laughing matter for this college athlete. how you can tell if you are at risk and not just faking it. >> i'm allergic to yardwork, which is interesting. >> the laundry. >> if only there were medications. >> there is. it's called wine. >> it's called a bottle. >> we're getting ready for the weekend. switch gears. we're going to switch gears right now to the shocking dash cam video just released. a texas woman shot to death by police last fall, after a wild high-speed chase. her family maintains there was no reason for her to die and filed a lawsuit. we want to warn you, this video is disturbing. abc's cecilia vega has the story. >> reporter: it was a 20-mile chase across state lines and hit speeds of 100 miles per hour. the whole thing caught on camera. officers from denver city, texas, in hot pursuit, all the way into new mexico. chasing 35-year-old amy reyna, wanted for probation violations, including burglary. >> before somebody gets hurt, pull over! >> reporter: but this morning her family is suing police for the way the chase ended. the dash cam video that recorded every moment of last october's shooting obtained by abc's lubbock affiliate. watch as reyna drives off the highway and into an open field. her tires blown out, she comes to a stop. officer ryan taylor draws his gun and shoots into the engine. moments later, he fires again -- [ gunfire ] straight through the windshield, hitting reyna. her car rolling to a stand still. she was pronounced dead at the scene. an autopsy found methamphetamines in her system. taylor told investigators he thought reyna had a gun. >> i fired. she is picking something up, she is grabbing something. that's when i fired that last round. >> reporter: but an investigation determined reyna was not armed. and taylor also told investigators he did not have a clear view into her car when he fired. he remains on the job. but could face charges in the future. >> the video of the shooting does not match the statement. if officer taylor had a fear for his safety, he would have taken cover. >> reporter: a lawyer for taylor told abc news, ryan protected himself and the other officers in the situation and was not responsible for the events that occurred. amy reyna was. >> that's just kind of a snapshot of what was happening. so, in this case, you're really going to have to rely on what's on the videotape and what the other officers who were there, what they observed. >> reporter: a high-speed chase that may have a very long legal road ahead. for "good morning america," cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. now, to the man bites dog story. the minnesota fire chief who confessed to setting several fires in his community. "20/20" anchor elizabeth vargas has been working on this shocking story. and the chief's explanation as to why he did what he did is just as surprising. >> oh, yes. definitely. between 2010 and 2012 there were 39 suspicious fires around the town of babbitt, minnesota. it's a big deal because it's surrounded by 3 million acres of national forest and authorities say conditions were very dry. imagine the shock in the town when the town's new fire chief, a new father with a brand-new baby, confessed to setting those fires. and the reason? it was all about the baby. when the tiny down of babbitt, minnesota, experienced an unexplained spike in suspicious fires, investigators gravitated toward a bizarre and disturbing theory, that the fire starter could actually be a fire fighter. believe it or not, it happens more often than you think. >> it's a dirty secret. if you just do an online search, you will find about 100 firefighter arrests every year in this country, for arson. >> a part-time firefighter has been arrested for arson. >> the trial within the brotherhood. >> a former volunteer firefighter. >> reporter: the theory that the babbitt arsonist may be one of the firemen developed into suspicion, when the fire chief ryan sharber was caught one night on 79-year-old don mattila's rural property with a gas can that was half-full. what did you think he was doing back there with the gas can? >> what do you think? >> reporter: starting the fire. >> didn't sound good. >> i never poured gas on anything. i never tried to light a match. i never physically attempted to start a fire. >> reporter: but you brought the gas can there. >> it was in the trunk of my car at the time, from a few days earlier, i think from filling it up. >> reporter: investigators for state and local agencies believe they had found their fire starter. they confronted scharber with that gas can. and he confessed. not just to the attempted arson there, but also to nine fires in superior national forest. but even more stunning than his criminal behavior, his excuse. he says it was stress, brought on by a constantly crying newborn son, ayden. >> it was just when i was home. and around the stress that caused me to go out and start the fires. when i was at work, i didn't have that. >> reporter: people are going to say, i don't get this. i don't get it. millions of babies around the world have colic. their dads don't go out and set fires. >> it was a legitimate way for me to get away for a couple of hours. >> reporter: why not go down to the firehouse and hang out with your fellow firefighters? how was it that you thought, i know, i'll go set a fire? >> people are coming to me for help. i was always solving everybody else's problems. i didn't realize i needed a little bit of help myself. >> reporter: ryan has been sentenced to five years in prison for his way to have dealing with the stress of his newborn son's crying. you and i had a colicy baby. it is stressful. i don't deny that. we were discussing it earlier. neither one of us thought -- >> no. sleepless nights, might be a little cranky the next day, but that's about it. and his story was inconsistent throughout all of this. he didn't exactly say the same story each time he was questioned. >> absolutely. for 2 1/2 hours under questioning, he tried to implicate other babbitt firefighters. he was pointing the finger around and trying to implicate others until finally confronted with that gas can that he couldn't explain away. but he continues to minimize. he says they were only glarass fires. but investigators and authorities say by the grace of god. we'll have a lot more on the story tonight, on "20/20." >> looking forward to that. >> thank you. >> thank you. let's get some weather, now, from ginger. >> we had red flag warnings and fire danger throughout the northeast the last couple of days. look what happened. ocean county, new jersey, more than 600 homes evacuated. schools evacuated there, too. and some welcome rain is going to come along with the cold front. but fortunately, everyone is back at their homes and in school today. severe weather pocket in the mid-atlantic down into north carolina. but the rain coming through late night into early saturday. a rainy start to the weekend. good morning. i'm mike nicco. we have some light rain through the morning and then scattered showers with some thunder and small hail through a tmpb. check out how cool the temperatures are, 50s in most areas, if awe low 60s around the bay and inland. accuweather seven-day forecast, summer next week. >> all that weather brought to you by jared, the galleria of jewelers. >> thank you, ginger. coming up here, the big bidding wars of the real estate heating up coast-to-coast. what you need to know before making an offer on a home. and will, kate and little prints -- prince george say good-bye to australia. but george stole the show as they headed out. >> again. ♪ that's for heidi? 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"okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ♪ and now you get hit again.asis. this time by joint pain. it's a double whammy. it could psoriatic arthritis a chronic inflammatory disease that attacks your joints on the inside and your skin on the outside. if you've been hit by... find out more about psoriatic arthritis. take the symptom quiz at and talk to your doctor. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. welcome back. it is 7:43. and we continue with the new real estate bidding wars. the housing market, so red-hot all over the country. and for buyers, that can mean major headaches and sometimes a heartbreak. abc's bianna golodryga has the story. >> reporter: the battle is being waged across the country. >> this spring is nutty. everybody's going crazy. >> reporter: this home in oregon received five bids over asking price. and will sell for $17,000 over list price. this boston condo received nine offers and sold for more than $30,000 over its asking price. and here's the real jaw-dropper. in silicon valley, this two-bedroom townhouse got 19 offers and sold for almost $200,000 over asking price. it's become a nightmare scenario for home buyers everywhere, who set their sights on a home, only to find it already has multiple offers. and if you don't want to be left in the dust, you better step up your game. >> we need to move right now. >> reporter: one family on the front lines, the johnsons of denver, colorado, in the midst of their own hellish home buying process. >> there's nothing available. and the stuff that is is selling for way over market price. >> reporter: they've been outbid two times in a coveted suburb and still on the hunt for their dream home. their price range is about $330,000. >> so we just signed the offer letter. we feel good about our decision. we hope that we get the house. >> reporter: now, there's nothing left to do but wait. >> we're waiting for a phone call. we're very nervous. >> hello? >> hi, kim. it's debbie west at remax. how are you? >> hey, debbie. >> i wanted to get back to you in regards to your buyer's offer. unfortunately, we have not selected your offer. and then -- i know, i know. >> reporter: you didn't get the news you were hoping for. >> we didn't. >> reporter: how does that feel? >> i'm trying to get myself in a position to live the american dream and work really hard. and it just seemed to be sort of snatched out of my grasp. >> reporter: the sentiments echoed by middle-class families nationwide. simply trying to find a home in a market where the highest bidder takes all. for "good morning america," bianna golodryga, abc news, new york. >> it is hot out there. and bianna will have much more on her full report, coming up on "nightline." tomorrow, 10:00 p.m. eastern, 9:00 central, here on abc. coming up, could you really be allergic to exercise? call the doctor, stat. we'll tell you how to discover a few symptoms. >> i'll be writing those down, lara. and we're helping this high schooler with an epic prom-posal, live. you see rachel smith putting on his boutonniere. and "the play of the day." his boutonniere. and "the play of the day." 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[ male announcer ] our story begins here. where we get our milk. and our inspiration, to keep things simple. so now kraft singles have no artificial preservatives. because simple is simply...better. ♪ right then. here's "the play of the day." >> we like pranks around here, right? this was a very clean, cute prank. these three guys decided to pull one at their local home improvement store. they hid a small speaker, they have in their hands, around the store and sometimes in people's shopping carts when they weren't looking. and then, take a look at what happened next. >> hey, ma'am? >> yes. >> excuse me, ma'am? >> excuse me, sir? >> ma'am? >> i mean, their reactions were subdued. i would be like, what? >> pretty clever. >> where is that coming from? >> bobby right there. >> thank you, bobby. >> bobby right there. >> thank you, bobby. you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and love it... they're a must? yes, i did. this is viva® vantage, and it's different because of the stretch. wow, that's awesome. that stretch means scrubbing power. i never knew paper towels could do that. [ abbey ] new viva® vantage. the towel more people prefer. [ abbey ] new viva® vantage. iwas thathe biggest vit gave confidence to buy my very first car... and to walk out of that dealership... and know that i got a good deal. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off in-stock wood fence pickets and panels at lowe's. [ male announcer ] spring is calling. happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one.ide. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. it's d.j. pro style friday here on "gma." and we'll be right back. d.j. pro style friday here on "gma." and we'll be right back. good morning. i'm kristen sze. this morning for the first time in 15 years the entire state of california is now experiencing drought. that's according to the national cli at theic data center. uc, davis, is focusing on a drought seminar today. some rain this morning. let's check in with mike. >> unfortunately, it won't help. 77% of the state is under the top two categories of drought, unheard of. best rate of return around burlingame, san bruno, san mateo, and out towards san rafael. uptick in the intensity around the rest of our neighborhoods west through noon. leyla? a couple crashes 80 along the east bay through berkeley. if you're traveling east bound, you'll find this accident. but then as you come closer to the westbound side at 580, five-car crash there. marks. go! it's chaos out there. but the m-class sees in your blind spot, pulls you back into your lane, even brakes all by itself. it's almost like it couldn't crash... even if it tried. the 2014 m-class. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and deejay friday. and hello, avril lavigne. the pop star's new music video for "hello kitty" buzzing big. but there's a surprising reason. she says she is just celebrating. so, why is there so much backlash this morning? and could you be allergic to exercise? why your workouts may have consequences you didn't expect. and what you need to know this morning. plus, it's a g-m-amazing prom-posal. one lucky teen is about to get the surprise of her life, as she is asked out live. and "the other woman's" taylor kinney. live. as we say -- >> good morning, america. d.j. pro style in the house. kind of a rowdy crowd out there in times square. also, cannot wait for that epic prom-posal. there he is right there. high school senior, josh, all suited up, waiting in the wings. looking good. waiting for his big moment. >> he's not nervous at all. >> nah. >> and we have josh's date-to-be, sam. she has no idea what's about to happen. and she's dancing there, waiting for something. she didn't know it's all about her. she thinks the local station is there to do a piece on her theater group. and that's all. that's coming up next. >> they have no clue. so, stay with us for that. and also coming up, look at this photo buzzing big-time right now. tiger woods girlfriend, lindsey vonn and his ex-wife, at a game for one of tiger's kids. that's great. would it bother you if your ex brought a date to your child's event? go to the way we worded that. >> that sets it off a little bit. >> i think it's a great thing. you're at a certain point in your relationship. pleads, come in peace. also coming up, lara has great ways to "improve this." >> we say, "improve this." >> give me a hand there. >> i was wondering what the chainsaw was doing. >> our expert is revving up the chainsaw, because lara is going to show how to update our patio. and look at these so-called ugly sandals. apparently they're so ugly, they're cute. it's the hottest footwear trend. we're going to tell you how to make my halloween special. >> you don't know? >> like, everybody wears these. >> they look like a nightmare. >> i have a hard time picturing lara in those. >> george is going to pull me on. you tried to sell it. and then, you thought, no. >> it's like the ugly dog. they're so ugly, it's cute. >> celebs are wearing birkenstocks. they are supertrendy. there is a point. we have a lot of news to get to. >> all right. let's do the headlines. we're going to start with some dicey moments for passengers flying to miami on a american airlines jet. they heard a boom. and then, they reported smoke and had an early landing in tampa. there were earlier problems. the flight had taken off two hours late, which raises questions about why they took off at all. reportedly, they had mechanical issues. the airline and the faa are investigating. new accusations as the standoff between u.s. and russia intensifies. the top russian diplomat is accusing america of trying to control ukraine. and he says pro-russian militias will not disarm until they took off. president obama is accusing russian of ignoring to stop the violence. the president took time to mourn the nearly 300 victims dead or missing in the sunken ferry disaster. and he said it may now be time to consider further sanctions that have, quote, even more bite. back in the u.s. this morning, a violent end to a high-speed crash near atlanta. a jeep hitting speeds of 100 miles per hour. then, flipping over and bursting into flames. the police jumping into action. to kick out the windshield so they could pull the driver out to safety. he was arrested on a list of charges too long to list here. in phoenix, fire heigfighted to rescue a weather and his son while the two got lost. the father and son did have enough water. they were okay. federal health regulators have approved a genetic test as an alternative to the pap smear for cervical cancer screening. it can now work as a stand alone option for that screening. and will, kate and baby george are heading home. they waved good-bye to australia today after their ten-day tour. and as he's done for nearly the entire visit, a dressed up little prince george was clearly the star of this show, making a variety of faces and doing everything possible to wriggle out of mommy's arms during the whole thing. when most couples learn they're expecting a baby, they tell their family and friends. but a reporter in richmond was inspired by taylor swift lyrics. check it out. ♪ good things we're telling you, telling you ♪ ♪ we are having, having, having another baby ♪ ♪ we are having, having, having another baby ♪ >> a great case for autotune. >> oh. >> sorry. it just came out. it came out. sometimes i go off the teleprompt every and i get in trouble. we should say this song was a parody of "we are never, ever getting back together." despite my tart comment, we want to send our congratulations. i will now be taking the rest of the show off. >> you said congratulations. why don't you send some flowers, as well. >> i will send some flowers. >> and baby sitting services. >> and some vocal lessons. perhaps. >> oh. >> i think it's time for dan to stop digging. so, we're going to get to the weather from ginger. >> we have a crowd, i will tell you, here in times square. look at these beautiful ladies from chicago. they got some voices on them, that's for sure. celebrating birthdays and everything else in the world. we have to start with dallas. we have some serious weather to talk about. dallas right now, fine. through the weekend, going to develop some severe weather chances. i wanted to show you that. a hot day here. saturday's risk takes you from nebraska to the deep south texas. and wraps close to little rock. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco with your bay area microclimate forecast. light rain sunday. today, upper 50s, mid to upper 50s along the coast into san francisco, low siktsds for the rest of us. significantly colder tonight if you're out and about, mid to upper 40s for the rest of us. accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s, 80s, and 90s next week. >> here it is. i like this one. "gma" getaway weekend. miles from home, from south dakota. lara, let's get into you. >> thank you, ginger. here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first, in "pop news," superstar in disguise. any guesses? well, that's a clue. we'll get into that. it's very, very funny. coming up. and also, tiger woods hanging out with his girlfriend, lindsey vonn, and also his ex-wife. why it's all for the kids. and are you allergic to exercise? if so, i know your pain. all that and more. we have so much more than that, including ugly sandals. we'll explain, on "good morning america" in times square. stay with us. in pursuit of all things awesome, amazing, and that's epic, bro, we've forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ] good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it and do some experiments. ♪ so start your day off good with a coffee that's good cup after cup. maxwell house. ♪ good to the last drop they weren't looking at me. ♪ i can't believe i still have acne at my age. i feel like it's my acne they see...not me. [ female announcer ] acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, a dermatologist can prescribe aczone® (dapsone) gel... fda approved for the topical treatment of acne, and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness, redness, oiliness and peeling of treated skin. looked great. [ female announcer ] ask about a free sample size of aczone® gel. aczone® gel. see a dermatologist and see for yourself. aczone® gel. buttons. what phones are supposed to have? one for each number. so-called smartphones have two, maybe three buttons max. that's neat, but what do you do when you want to dial a four? it's not so smart then, is it? (laughter) nice phone, dude. thanks! smart phones make life easier. that's why esurance is introducing video appraisal. you can use your smart phone to video chat with a claims expert. they'll assess the damage and help settle your claim faster than ever. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. ♪ ♪ hello kitty hello kitty ♪ avril lavigne causing internet buzz. critics blasting her song "hello kitty" calling it racist. levine is defending it saying, i love japanese culture. i spend half of my time in japan. and she made it for her japanese fans. >> honest comeback for her. >> i agree with her. >> yeah. it looked like that to me, as well. >> agreed. and more coming up in "pop news." we begin with major buzz in the art world. the andy they have found. it was commissioned to celebrate the amiga computer. they were uncovered by the computer club. thank you for doing that. >> how often do you look at a floppy disc? think about that. >> last night. >> a different context. >> oh, no. okay. dan, you're on fire today. >> i'll say anything. we've all been to birthday parties, i dare say, when the entertainer may not have entertained. in katy perry's video, "birthday," she turns herself into five. she turns hes into an animal trainer. a princess. and over-the-hill exotic dancer. the superstar said she was so tired of making gorgeous, racy videos. she wanted to change. she wanted to laugh. and in the video, she revealed herself, to the kids. [ screaming ] >> it's a great moment. it's also a really fun song. >> it's a great idea, too. >> that's brave, i think. braver than brave. >> really? >> yeah. you never forget it. >> memory. >> and the song, "birthday," climbed this week on the hot 100 chart. and her last two songs from "prism," have gone number one. >> one person who does not need autotune. i'm so excited to announce. a zonkey has been born. a rare cross between a zebra and a donkey. born at a zoo in northern mexico. his mom is a zebra named reya. and his dad is a donkey. he lives on an adjacent farm. and momma used to visit the donkey every afternoon. the zoo says the zonkey is a rare case in the world, because they are not known to be compatible. >> that's the cutest thing. like it's wearing leg warmers. >> that's "pop news," everybody. now, we go to the family photo, creating so much buzz. tiger woods, after that messy divorce, and his new girlfriend. paula faris has the story. >> reporter: this is a snapshot of tiger woods' modern family, sitting between elin nordegren and current girlfriend, olympic gold medal skier, lindsey vonn. >> it's wonderful that tiger's kids are getting to see tiger, elin and lindsey together at their sporting event. it shows there's a unity in supporting the kids. and it makes for a huge cheering section. >> reporter: it's a moment far removed from the infamous suv crash outside of woods' home in 2009. revealing a cheating scandal. and inevitably, the divorce from elin in 2010. >> they realized their marriage was not perfect. and tiger made some mistakes. he learned from those mistakes. he took a big fall. >> for all that i have done, i am so sorry. >> reporte >> now, they're both happy in other relationships. >> reporter: woods went public with his relationship with vonn last year. there's no bad blood between the ladies. >> it turns out elin loves linds lindsey. she respects her. >> reporter: the couples have reportedly even gone on double-dates with elin and her current beau, coal industry billionaire, chris klein. >> for most people, the breakup of their marriage is that they don't want to spend time together. it tells me that all of these four people actually enjoy each other's company. >> reporter: now, the therapist we spoke with said it's rare that the couple will go on dates without the children. but they could actually enjoy each other's company. and they reportedly have gone on vacation, as well. >> there's so many sporting events. a divorced mom, blended families. we sit side-by-side, at the theater or in the stands. it's a show of unity. >> would it bother if your ex brought a date? 54% said yes. date. >> the word date throws the thing off. if you're in a meaningful relationship, you put the kids first. >> exactly. now, what sounds like the dream of every couch potato, a reason not to exercise. it turns out some people are actually, legitimately, allergic to exercise. and many people who don't even know it. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: it's the ultimate excuse to avoid the gym. i'm allergic to exercise. but for caitlin, it's no joke. >> i have dots on my arms. bad stomachaches. brain fog. >> reporter: that's right. when the 20-year-old soccer player works out too hard, it triggers an allergic reaction that be so life-threatening, it could put an end to her soccer career. the university's team doctor watched it happen. >> she got swelling around the mouth. >> my core temperature rises. and that triggers cells, which causes me to go into anaphylactic shock. >> reporter: anaphylactic shock can kill you. similar bombs begin with exercise. including hives or skin irritation. swelling of the mouth or face, and abdominal pain. for some, it's a food they may have eaten before working out. >> 25% of the patients have food plus exercise as the allergic trigger. the double-whammy. >> reporter: others may have a mild form of the allergy and not realize it may be dangerous. >> it may progress. >> reporter: trainers tried everything to help caitlin, from cooling baths to cold showers. but nothing worked. today, her allergy is kept in check with antihistamines and asthma medication. but she hasn't completely hung up her sneakers. she's now coaching soccer at a local club. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> all right, reena. thank you so much. moving on, they say you don't have to sacrifice comfort for style. the women are listening. they're ditching their stilettos for foot-friendly flats. sara haines has how these ugly sandals are becoming the must-have shoe of the season. >> reporter: we're used to sexy stilettos. plastic pumps. high heels. introducing the new spring fashion in shoewear. >> some people look at shoes like this. >> the word ugly might come to mind. it's the cool thing right now. >> the newest trend hitting the streets and the runway, the look people are calling ugly sandals. jane buckingham, the ceo of trendera, a trend forecasting company, says women have drawn the line. making comfort convert in a fashionable way. >> we can't be perfect. we might have a stylish outfit, but we're going to wear comfortable shoes. >> reporter: and kim, a style blogger, says the shoes off the foot may look sweet. but comfort is sexy. >> i know it's not the most attractive for a shoe. and it's a similar toll of not caring too much or trying too hard. and i think that's so much sexier. so, i decide it was time to get professional help. eva chin, editor in chief at "lucky" magazine, needed to give me a shoe makeunder. >> we're frumpifying your outfit. and you're going to look cute. >> i like frumpy. >> you're wearing something that's frumpy on the bottom. and something cute or feminine on top. >> shorter dress. a tailored trauser. and the deal-breaker is a chipped pedicure. these shoes may not add five inches. but now -- >> i can do this. >> yes. >> sara, thank you for exploring this. and we're joined by sara and eva chen of "lucky" magazine. we have on our own version. they're calling them ugly sandals. i think they're quite comfortable. i like the way they look. some big celeb. long, lean legs. i think you can pull it off. >> when you're stunning and you put that on, it doesn't ugly you down. >> but the price tags can be ugly. >> they go from, you know, $60 to $600. and some are selling on ebay for $6,000. >> you're paying for that frumpy. >> exactly. in the case of some brands. they're wearing them in fashion week and in paris. it's a thing. >> every time i say i'm not going to wear the next trend, i always end up wearing it. >> you're wearing it now. >> moonwalk. >> i've never seen amy in a flat shoe. and i've known for her for a long time. >> there's a reason why. >> can you do that in a heel? >> possibly. i don't know. >> why do you think this style has come back in a big way? >> i think what's so cool right now is looking comfortable. looking like you're confident in yourself. and really, this is the manifestation of that. >> birkenstocks, you think of the hippie. how can our viewers make them work in their day-to-day life? >> there's a trend right now called norm corp, which is dressing like a normal person. >> with we all are. >> if you're wearing a frumpy scandal, wear something feminine on top. i'm wearing a little dress, wearing it with my tevas. >> would we back up? >> yes. >> obviously, you'll let us know on social media what you think. we'll be right back. stay with us. good morning. i'm kristen sze. police are going door to door in east san jose this morning searching for two armed suspect who is robbed two 7-eleven stores earlier. the first one on south white road was robbed at 4:30 this morning. the second one on martin avenue just a short time later. officers have been gathered in an area near mt. pleasant road and rocky mountain drive. pleasanton school officials are warning parents about somebody soliciting inappropriate photos from students on instagram. police are working with instagram officials to figure out who's behind the account. your morning commute is a little wet and a little troublesome. let's talk to leyla gulen. >> indeed it is. we take you over the millbrae along 280 northbound side at millbrae avenue, that's where we have some sweating in the roadway. it pulled a car 15 feet to the side. it did result in an accident but we have some water causing for slick conditions and also hydroplaning. so be careful. as we head out the door to 101, a busy drive to sfo. >> we'll neck in on your forecast with mike in just a moment. good morning. live doppler 7-hd seeing some heightened radar returns along the peninsula, especially along skyline boulevard, 280 getting some reports of ponding on the roadways, right into the san mateo bridge. this is all moving to the east so, watch out east bay, especially across the bridge over towards hayward and eventually into the east bay valleys. we're going to have light rain through noon, scattered showers this afternoon. good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right. there is -- i told you, there's josh in virginia getting ready for his epic prom-posal. it will happen in just a minute. you'll see in just a minute. you won't believe the surprise he has planned for one very, very lucky girl. and also right here, d.j. pro style, spinning us into the weekend. also a big day for amy. yesterday was your eighth and final round of chemo. >> yeah. >> she posted on facebook. never facing a battle like this. >> you can see the range of emotions on my face. i started out strong. and you know, it gets harder as it goes along. but i'm sheer today. happy to share my story and encourage others. >> and you look beautiful in every picture. >> oh, thank you so much. >> how do you feel? >> i'm marginal. but i'm good. i'm here. i'm alive. i'm happy. >> really looking forward to that. so proud for you. and also, coming up. say it with me. "improve this." we have some great do-it-yourself tips for making over your patio. ginger, you have to be happy about good weather. >> i'm always happy. >> i'm going to deliver really easy do-it-yourself tips. >> we'll be watching those. and he is the good guy in "the other woman." we are talking about taylor kinney. he's here. he stars alongside cameron diaz. he's going to answer your questions and have them ready. look at that selfie. >> getting photo bombed right there. now, the moment has come. time for our epic prom-posal. josh and sami all ready to go, on live tv. sami doesn't know it's coming. first, you're going to look at a phenomenon that's gone viral. ♪ ♪ going to be the best day of my life ♪ >> will you go to prom with me? >> reporter: prom season is here. and teens are redefining how they ask that question. elaborately-planned prom-posals are all the rage. from horseback suitors. ♪ i don't know what you're used to ♪ ♪ let me take you out you and your friends ♪ ♪ and me and my friends and come back to my house ♪ >> reporter: to crafty music video parodies. ♪ let me take you out >> maddie, if you don't go to the prom with stephan, then maybe your best course of action will be to tread lightly. >> reporter: even getting the biggest celebrities to help out. >> maddie, would you go to program with me? >> reporter: others involving the law. scaring their dates into saying yes. >> thank you. oh, my god. ♪ go to prom with me >> reporter: and guys and girls, even setting off real fireworks. so, let's see what happens now. we're going to hanover, virginia. josh, a junior at reid davis high school has a big surprise for his girlfriend, sami davis. and rachel smith is there, with students who think they're doing a local story about their theater group. big surprise is coming. open my mic right now. rachel, how are you this morning? hey, rachel. >> hey, guys. hey, george. good morning to you all. we're in the bradley theater. the historic hanover tavern. and i'm hanging here with the coolest of cool, the lee davis players. you guys are so talented. but we're going to let you in on a little, bitty secret we have going on here. this is not your wonderful local abc affiliate, wrsc-tv 8. you're actually on "good morning america," live right now. [ cheers ] all right. you don't cut me out. where is miss sami davis? come here, miss sami. step forward with me, young lady. so, we have something very special to show you from your boyfriend, josh. so, take a look right here, young lady. ♪ >> sami and i have been dating for about a year now. ♪ i had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high ♪ ♪ i touched a cloud whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa >> i know her through school, through doing theater with her. that's how we met and got to know each other. i want sami to be able to say my prom-posal was the most over-the-top thing to happen to me. ♪ ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life, life >> i want sami to remember this for the rest of her life. i'm ready for this. >> this is zach from american authors. and i just want to say, josh is the man. so, come on, sami. say yes. >> did you hear what he said? >> oh. >> where is he? >> i don't know. >> i believe josh is around here somewhere. josh? >> josh? [ cheers ] >> we love you, josh. ♪ ♪ i had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high i touched the cloud ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ i reached my hands up to the sky ♪ ♪ we danced with monsters in the night ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ i'm never going to look back i'm never going to give it up ♪ ♪ no please don't wake me now >> oh, my god. >> will you go to prom with me? [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> all right. are you surprised? >> yeah. he said he was going to be, like, not here. >> he certainly is here. and that was quite the prom-posal. was it over the top enough? >> yeah. >> yeah? that's wonderful. was it hard to keep it a secret? >> i feel really bad about all of the lies i've had to tell. >> all right. more to come from this epic prom-posal. for right now, we'll go back to george in the studio. >> that was a lot of fun. that was great. actually heard that sami was getting a little annoyed with josh. what he was doing was getting ready for prom. we want to thank rent the runway and the men's warehouse and the hanover tavern for pulling off this surprise. ginger, you had a big night last night. >> he is very brave. so many superheros. we were at the premiere, sara and i, at "the amazing spider-man 2" and what a night it was. there were huge crowds of spidey fans and stars galore on the red carpet. including the movie's villain, electro. showing his not-so-villainous side with his daughter. jamie foxx is here, everybody. >> she's 5 years old. how do you spell spider-man? >> s-p-i-d-e-r-m-a-n. >> you nailed it. nice job. >> what team are you on tonight? >> electro. >> reporter: spider-man showed up with a school bus of real-life heroes, kids who are volunteers from new york city. kind of like peter parker. >> he's a working-class kid from queens that is extraordinary. he's as ordinary as he is extraordinary. just like all the kids you see here. just like these three here. and we're trying our best to be the best we can be, just like peter parker is. >> reporter: then, emma stone, spidey's love interest on and off the screen, surprised one young fan. >> you want to see the movie? >> reporter: with two tickets to the premiere. >> it's nice to meet you. >> that was out of control. >> reporter: look who we have behind us. it's pharrell. who would pharrell play in the movie? >> i would have to choose spider-man because i would want to do some good. >> now that you're spider-man, meet your electro. she was trying to speak like electro. and it came out like a gremlin. it didn't work. >> i'm not very good at it. >> let's do it together. >> thank you. it's like a "gma" sandwich. >> with my boo. >> it was a good night. pharrell saying he likes us together. >> you need to work on your voice. that electro voice is very cute. but not very scary at all. >> you'll see it when you see the movie. there is a point. let's go ahead and check on the weather forecast because we do want to get to the rain that's going to come along with some of the severe storms. in places there will be flooding rains. two to three inches in the pockets of red there. some local spots may even see more than that. i'll leave you with a look across the nation. good morning. i'm mike nicco. we have some light rain through the morning and then scattered showers with some thunder and small hail through a tmpb. check out how cool the temperatures are, 50s in most areas, if awe low 60s around the bay and inland. accuweather seven-day forecast, summer next week. >> all that weather brought to you by pet armor. amy is in social square. yes, i have a special guest with me. taylor kinney plays the good guy in "the other woman," after getting burned by her three-timing boyfriend, cameron diaz turns to taylor for some advice. you are a good guy. you said, do you want some pezz? he carries pezz in his pocket. that was so nice of you. i can really appreciate it. and you do play a nice guy in this film. >> yes. >> i'm curious. do you think that women always fall for the bad boys? is it hard playing the good guy? >> it's not hard playing the good guy. but there's an allure to the bad guy. trying to change him or remedy any mishaps he may have. and trying to get him on the straight and narrow. >> are you a good guy in real life? i think you are. of course you are. it's pretty natural for you to play a good guy. you come from lancaster county, amish country. how did you find your way to that seedy world of hollywood? >> i get out as much as possible. i had a good mom. i got into theater in college. and it just -- it held my interest more than anything. and it beats roofing. >> agreed. all very good points. let's get to the social slot machine. >> sure. >> a lot of fans have a lot of questions for you. go ahead and pull the lever. this one is from i think britt on instagram. were you nervous to be in a movie with cameron diaz? >> i think nervous is not the operative word. i was more excited. i remember meeting her. i met nick cassavetes, who i was really excited to work with, the same day. and i remember going up to meet her. and i was just -- i was really excited. you have expectations of people. and how they'll be and interact and work with you. and she exceeded all those. >> who was funnier? cameron or leslie? >> oh, that's a -- you can't -- i don't think you can -- >> you're a nice guy. >> just across the board, amazing personalities. and then, leslie's a force. cameron's salt of the earth. i had a blast. >> i cannot wait to see this movie. >> i hope you do. >> i will. "the other woman" is in theaters everywhere today. i'll be there. coming up, diy spring projects you can do this weekend. [ cheers and applause ] time, now, for "improve this." and this morning, we have great diy tips for beautifying your outdoor space in just a weekend. and what do you know? it is friday. here to show us how to do it, host of diy network's "yard crashers," matt blashaw. hi, matt. >> hello. >> i love these ideas. these planters are gorgeous. >> nice, chic planters are what i like to call them. >> these are reclaimed wood. >> reclaimed wood is so hot right now. we basically made a box out of plywood. we sprayed it with flexible sealant. the rubber sealant. >> available at any home improvement store. >> exactly. and what we did was we used a brad nailer and had reclaimed wood to make our pattern in front. you can do parallel. you can do stripes. >> i like the stripes. very in. and i like how you brushed the paint on, rather than doing a thick coating. >> and more textures and variety of colors, the better. it will make it truly unique for your backyard. >> how long does this take? >> a day. or two. but the most important thing is just make them truly unique. this is what you can do instead of buying a glazed pot. >> we'll have all of the instructions on our website,, for those planters. i love those. this is a great idea for a garden trellis. store-bought and reinvented. explain. >> you find these trellises. fan trellises. you have these next to a wall. but now, by putting three of them together, we have made our own free-standing trellis tower. >> it's like a tripod. >> exactly. we cut the bottoms to make sure they're nice and flat. we cut the sides to make sure they fit together. and a terra-cotta pot. you can paint it whatever you want. >> really easy. >> you have the knowledge on that. i like that. >> we only have time for one more. >> yeah. i know you are wearing the safety chaps. these are actually garden stools, everybody. big hunks of wood. you have 30 seconds. >> this is really easy. this looks great with a modern table. here we go. everyone want to see a chainsaw? we cut this off. and you slice it like the crust off of a sandwich. ready to see this work? >> yes. >> there you go. we'll be right back. big news on amy. stay with us. we'll be right back. okay. we want to round out our happy friday with encouraging news from our "gma" family and for our "gma" family. amy, a big milestone in your recovery from breast cancer. >> that's right. this year, it's estimated more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. i was diagnosed just six months ago. and this week, yesterday, actually, i reached a milestone to inspire anyone to know that after dark, there is light. words i never expected to hear. i was told that i have breast cancer. i found out i had stage 2 breast cancer that spread to my lymph nodes only because of this mammogram, live on "gma," for breast cancer awareness month. for anyone fighting this fight, undergoing a double-mastectomy and 12 weeks of chemotherapy, is an uphill battle. while i maintained a strong front working through treatment the last six months, every day is different. some, much harder than the others. i was one of the lucky ones. only losing about one-quarter of my hair. but no one escapes all of the side effects, both physical and emotional. from december to april, i went through seven rounds of chemotherapy. and while i started off strong, each round became increasingly more difficult. today marks my eighth round of chemo. this is my final round of treatment. the doctors say i graduate today. i decided to have most of my medical moments remain private. but this one, i wanted to share. this is a huge milestone for me and for anyone else who has battled cancer. and i join the ranks of 2.8 million u.s. women who are breast cancer survivors. and i plan on living each day to the very fullest, thankful and grateful, and encouraging so many women out there who are still in the thick of it, who have yet to fight this fight, that you can do it. you can get through this. one step at a time. and i am there for you. i am there with you. with my eighth and final round of chemo complete, i will start on a new journey. helping raise awareness about early detection, and letting women everywhere know, you can kick cancer's butt. i wanted to say another word. but they wouldn't let me. >> go ahead. >> you can kick cancer's [ bleep ]. >> i know robin shared this tradition. blowing bubbles right now. tell us what it is. >> for every one that lands or every one in the air, it's good luck. it's hope. it's everything positive hitting you at once. >> and look at everybody. oh, gosh. >> that's so beautiful. and while everyone's blowing those bubbles, i want to share. i had so much positive reaction on social media yesterday. but one stood out to me. joanne said, congratulations, i, too, am a breast cancer survivor. tough times don't last. tough people do. >> yes. >> and i loved that. and it's so inspiring to hear everyone's story, too. we're all in it together. >> absolutely. >> congratulations. >> i appreciate it. i know. i am -- woo. a sigh of relief. >> is there a part two? is it different kinds of bubbly? >> that comes in two weeks when i don't have to go to chemo. and i'm going to pop a bottle of champagne. that's what they suggested. may 8th. >> well deserved. >> thank you. thank you. 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[cheers and applause] ♪

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Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140425 :

Transcripts For KGO Good Morning America 20140425

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michael phelps, in the pool for the first time since the olympics, going head-to-head with longtime rival, ryan lochte. battling it out, all the way to the finish line. we have ktl on this friday morning. good morning, america. we have news overnight, on the rising tensions between the u.s. and russia, over the crisis in ukraine. president holding a press conference in south korea, threatening more sanctions, saying putin is, quote, not a stupid man. and then, a hijacking scare on a virgin flight. a drunk passenger trying to break into the cockpit of an australian flight on the way to bali. we'll have much more on that. and then, we'll also have the very latest on the measles outbreak. the worst in almost two decades. cases in 13 states. and dr. besser is with us live with the latest. let's get right to the severe weather outbreak expected over the next three days. ginger tracking it all. >> this is only the start of what's going to happen in the next three, four, and five days. a powerful system. this one in kentucky, a lightning strike overnight. and in missouri, the strength of a 70-mile-per-hour, 80-mile-per-hour wind, is going to knock down trees, a power line. damage roofs. one person injured in the state of missouri. today, we are targeting north carolina and virginia beach. southern virginia, for this afternoon and evening. there's a completely different storm i want to focus on. that will be coming tomorrow, from the plains here. iowa, parts of nebraska, all the way down to deep south texas. and sunday, we're even intensifying the risk area, into parts of arkansas, louisiana, texas and oklahoma. so, it's going to be a busy weekend of damaging winds, tornadoes, isolated, but still. and then, of course, large hail. amy? >> ginger, thanks so much. and now, to the latest of an emergency landing in tampa, florida, after reports of smoke in the cockpit. david kerley has the latest right now. he joins us live. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, amy. this is a flight from north-to-south florida. but the pilot had to put this down as quickly as possible, in the middle of the state, in tampa. >> i was physically taken extremely emotional. thinking this was the end, end, end of the road. >> reporter: overnight, panicked passengers describing what they called a traumatic energy landing. >> i heard behind me, the very loud explosion. and smoke came in a little bit from the bottom. and people started screaming. >> reporter: american airlines envoy flight 3454, with 50 people onboard, was an evening flight from tallahassee to miami, when passengers say they heard a loud boom. in the cockpit, the pilot reported smoke. >> request permission to go to our standby locations for incoming energy on runway 1 left. >> reporter: you can hear the alarm bells as he's asking for the emergency landing. >> envoy 3454 tampa approach, descend and maintain 5,000. >> okay. i got 50 souls onboard. and fuel is standby. two hours of fuel onboard. >> reporter: on the flight, congressman and the superintendent of miami-dade county schools. he tweeted this selfie. but said the experience was no laughing matter. >> we descended quickly. and we proceeded through the instructions. you know, brace yourselves and put your head between your legs. >> you didn't know that the plane was going to explode. >> reporter: the plane was met by emergency vehicles on the ground. some passengers were hyperventilating. one girl with asthma treated at the scene. we're told by passengers in a they had to get on and off this plane twice because of maintenance problems, a couple hours' delay. american airlines tells us that's not related to what happened. and the airline would not confirm there was an explosion on the aircraft. amy? >> david kerley, thanks for the latest. those are the things you never want to hear from a pilot. brace yourself. >> a lot of questions about this flight. we're going to get more on that later. and we move to ukraine. tensions rising, as russian troops step up on the border. and accusations fly between the u.s. and russia. martha raddatz tracking all of the latest. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, george. harsh word and provocative actions this morning, with russian poised to ramp up military exercises. the russians have tens of thousands of troops on ukraine's border. and the u.s. is about to begin military exercises with about 600 troops on the other side of ukraine, in portland, in the baltic region. this, as russia's foreign minister is accusing the west of provoking the clashes inside ukraine. sergey lavrov saying pro-russian militants will not lay down arms until the ukrainian governments lays down their arms. >> and the president trying to have an even tone. but also pretty blunt. >> reporter: by secretary kerry, saying russia has done nothing to live up to the agreement to calm things down. the president saiding vladimir putin, is not a stupid man. and knows the sanctions are hurting. but there was no definitive announcement about what may happen next. this is a standoff, george. a dangerous one. >> we'll have more on the crisis, sunday on "this week." also, jay johnson and elizabeth warren. now, to the measles outbreak, escalating around the country, shaping to be the worst in almost 20 years. according to the cdc, so far, cases of measles spiking in 13 states. abc's medical editor, dr. richard besser is here to report on why this is happening and what parents can do. >> reporter: this is really concerning. so far, there's 129 cases of measles around the country. on track, the most since 1996. 58 of the cases in california. last year, at this time, they only had four cases. the cdc is concerned. measles is probably the most contagious disease we know of. and a lot of doctors have never even seen a case. so, some of the transmissions taking place in doctor's office. here's what you look for. you're going to see a high fever. red eyes. a hacking cough. and then, you have a rash that starts with dots around the forehand and then, throughout the entire body. >> why is this happening now? is it concerns about vaccinations? >> there's two things going on. we have outbreaks of measles around the globe. and you're seeing pockets where parents are saying, i either don't want to vaccinate or i'm going to delay vaccination. you have some schools in california where 20% of the kindergarten kids haven't been vaccinated. and that's really concerning. >> that's alarming because it not only affects that child, but those around them who have compromising systems. >> very young children. you can't be vaccinated. and young children at risk. and people like yourself, who are going under treatment for cancer, they're at risk for these diseases. that's concerning. part of the issue here is that people got misinformation about connections of vaccines and autism. and a lot of people are taking advice from celebrities. it's very dangerous. >> vaccinate your children. >> an airplane ride away, measles can be here. vaccinate to protect your own child and everybody else around you. >> important information. thank you, as always. and abc's dan harris with the other top developing stories. >> good morning. we're going to start with a terrifying moment for a group of middle schoolers in southern california. nearly a dozen of them got hurt, some of them seriously, after the driver of their school bus lost control. moments later, a frantic effort to save that driver. and here's abc's bazi kanani. >> reporter: the school bus, precariously perched on a steep anaheim hillside, after a violent crash nearly split it in two, and sent terrified students clamoring to escape. >> the bus driver was out. a couple of children were hanging out. gas was pouring out the back. >> reporter: stunned bystanders say the bus appeared to be driving quickly around a curve in the road, when it jumped a curb, and went airborne, snapping this tree like a twig. >> it went up. and either scraped the tree or went up the hill and fell off of the tree. >> reporter: students scrambling to get out the rear door exit. five students were rushed to the hospital. the 24-year-old bus driver, trapped inside. his feet dangling out the window. crews able to free him and take him to the hospital. his father said his son knew this route well and had no medical conditions. investigators are now questioning him. >> want to find out what the speed was. if he was alert or attempted to brake. >> reporter: fortunately, all of the students are expected to be okay. for "good morning america," bazi kanani, abc news, denver. and crews are working to put out brush fires along the jersey shore. they were whipped up by strong winds. officials hope to have everything contained by later today. president obama is in south korea, where he expressed condolences over that sunkle ferry disaster. mr. obama joined with the korean president for a moment of silence, honoring the more than 300 victims. he pointed out as a father of two daughters, he could only imagine the parents' heartbreak. a big scare overnight at the airport in bali, indonesia. reports of an attempted hijacking on this virgin australia flight. the pilot declaring an emergency after a man tried to storm the cockpit. but moments later, they got the all-clear. the man was simply intoxicated. online retailer amazon may soon be competing the likes of u.p.s. and fedex. the company is testing its own shipping service to reduce costs and allow for late-night deliveries to prevent backups like we saw over the holidays. walmart, google and ebay are all reportedly testing their own delivery services. finally here, pharrell's "happy" may be the number one song these days. but we dare you to find anybody happier than the boy you are going to see. first, he got a chance to see his local hockey team take the ice. and then -- >> tootoo. >> buddy, that's all yours. >> yeah. >> whoa. >> i love that giggle. i got that giggle when i was told i have a chance to fill in on the newsdesk this morning. he'll have that stick. and we're told that jordan tootoo, has a real tough guy reputation, which is needed when your last name is tootoo. and this whole thing, by the way, reminded us of a video we showed you a couple days ago. this guy, the little boy handed the foul ball in the stands. and he looks at it. he looks at it. speechless. it reminds me of "lord of the rings" and the precious. >> oh, yes. >> lots of movie representatives. >> we want to hear that giggle later. >> from me? i can reproduce it on command. not right now. we're going to turn to vatican city, when history will be made when two popes will be made at the same time. and two popes will be up for canization. >> reporter: it really is extraordinary. and here on the streets of rome, a joyful moment. the crowds are building up to 1 million pilgrims expected, to join hundreds of bishops and cardinals and thousands of world leaders, to celebrate the ancient ritual of the canonization of saints, for two that were rock stars of the modern era. the crowds are pouring into the eternal city. souvenir stands doing brisk business. up to 1 million pilgrims are expected. there's never been anything like this in the long history of the church. two popes, one day to remember. >> probably the two popes that changed the church the most. these are lives that are recorded. we watched them. and now, they're saints. >> reporter: for john paul ii, it's been a fast track for sainthood. nine years. so fast, it stirred controversy, especially by victims of sexual abuse by priest, a scandal that deepened during john paul's papacy. but he towered over his times. his fierce resistance to tyranny, seemed to help end the cold war. sainthood now, and now it comes. john xxiii, when he pushed for a fresher, more modern catholicism. >> the calling of the council and his personality. he was a very jovial man. a fat and happy saint. >> reporter: pope francis is expected to be joined by pope benedict. that's never happened before. and this whole celebration, a moment of unity for the catholic church. pope john. john paul ii, a conservative hero. pope francis says it's about faith. amy? >> terry moran, with the latest from the vatican. thank you. now, for a lawsuit that's ended a season for the buffalo bills cheerleaders. women on the squad suing the team and the nfl, saying they get paid less than minimum page and are targets of sexual harassment. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: this morning, the buffalo bill cheerleaders are putting down their pom-poms. the company announces they are suspending operations for the rest of the season. this, just two days after being named in a lawsuit, brought by former cheerleaders. the lawsuit names the jills and the company associated with the team, alleges the women worked hundreds of hours for free. and were subject to groping at three unpaid events. >> we didn't get paid. >> it's definitely unacceptable. and we had hoped that we would not be put into situations like that. >> reporter: according to the lawsuit, the women were also allegedly forced to endure a weekly jiggle test. failing the test could result in suspension, penalties or dismissal. >> our coach had us do about ten jumping jacks to see if she could see any type of jiggle. >> reporter: but former dallas cowboy cheerleader, star spangler ray, say fitness requirements are part of the job. >> there's expectations that you stay in shape and you maintain a good appearance. but i'm not sure you could have it any other way. >> reporter: the nfl and the buffalo bills aren't commenting on the lawsuit. as for the decision to leave the bills' sideline barren for the rest of the season, lawyers for the former jills cheerleaders tell us they are disappointed. saying, quote, like the decision not to pay a lawful wage. >> this decision was not made by the cheerleaders but by jills management. this isn't the only lawsuit like this one in the nfl. cheerleaders have launched similar suits against the oakland raiders and the cincinnati bengals. >> thank you so much. they are seeking unspecified payback. we turn to the rivalry renewed that have so many buzzing. michael phelps, going head-to-head with ryan lochte. linzie janis is in the social square with the story. >> reporter: the boys are back. after winning a heat back in his first competitive waters, phelps lost to his archrival lochte in the 100-meter butterfly final. here's how lochte celebrated. with a shirtless selfie, surrounded by fans. that prompted plenty of posts, including a marriage proposal. lochte admitted he almost retired last year because of a serious injury. but he's glad that he and phelps are back competing against each other. and even though he came in second, phelps was happy about his performance. tweeting this, pumped to be racing again. happy with the time. and right where i wanted to be. i don't know about you guys, but this rivalry is sounding a little warm and fuzzy right now. >> does ryan lochte ever wear shirts? >> i was wondering. and was michael phelps not trying to up him with another shirtless selfie? >> why peak early? i'm going with it. you can say he already has. >> it's all part of the strategy. ginger keeping an eye on the weather. rain, snow and cold weather for a lot of the west. >> it's all coming into the west. should ryan lochte ever put a shirt on? i don't think so. i don't know about you. yeah. burning questions this morning. we have the rain and snow headed and happening in central california, where we know, now, new numbers in. the biggest drought and the most drought, 100% of california in moderate drought or higher. it's been 15 years. we haven't seen this type of thing. and 70% of that state, now, in the exceptional, or up to the exceptional. a lot going on. you see here the severe drought. i didn't want to get that wrong. 57 for portland today. 57, seattle. the snow levels will drop to 4,000 or 5,000 feet. that means you could see three inches in the mountain there's. that's the same storm that's going to head east and bring the severe weather. but first, all of the warmth. 83 in oklahoma city today. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco with your bay area microclimate forecast. light rain sunday. today, upper 50s, mid to upper 50s along the coast into san francisco, low siktsds for the rest of us. significantly colder tonight if you're out and about, mid to upper 40s for the rest of us. accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s, 80s, and 90s next week. >> some of the places in the dakotas, going some 15 degrees above average. going up in the 70s today. >> all right. >> you have to take this phelps/lochte thing outside. >> we just decided. i'm team phelps. ginger is team lochte. we'll see how this goes. disturbing, new dash cam video. a high-speed chase ending with police shooting the driver. why her family is suing right now. also ahead, the former fire chief who claims the stress of his newborn baby caused him to start setting fires instead of fighting them. elizabeth vargas is here with that. plus, the battle being waged in some of the country. real estate bidding wars are heating up for ♪ since 1984 ♪ but when i saw taco bell made a waffle taco ♪ ♪ i figured i would get with the times ♪ ♪ so i got a haircut ♪ and i got some tighter pants ♪ lost my flip phone, got a smartphone ♪ ♪ even took down my loverboy poster ♪ ♪ now i'm eating waffle tacos and a.m. crunchwraps ♪ ♪ and i just made like $700 on craigslist ♪ [ male announcer ] move on from your old macdonald breakfast... with taco bell's exciting new breakfast menu. [ alarm ring, bong ] ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off in-stock wood fence pickets and panels at lowe's. you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. hd 3 ly 50 delicious calories. needs long term relief. eucerin calming creme. it soothes dry, itchy skin with a triple-acting formula. no wonder calm, comfortable skin starts with eucerin. good morning. i'm eric thomas. police are going door to door in east san jose this morning searching for two armed suspect who is robbed two 7-eleven stores earlier. pleasanton school district officials are warning parents about somebody soliciting inappropriate photos from students on instagram. police are working with instagram officials to figure out who's behind the account. friday morning commute. let's take a look. here's leyla gulen. >> been a busy one, eric. we're still tracking this accident as we make it out of orinda through the caldecott. this is an overturned pickup truck. it's in the center divider. you can see that bumper-to-bumper traffic through the tunnel. it will be a bit of a bear of a drive out of orinda but highway 13, hopefully we'll have things cleared. slick conditions across the bay area, so slow down. >> when we come back, meteorologist mike nicco and the weekend forecast. we're back and looking at live doppler 7-hd. good morning. you see light rain just about everywhere, some more moderate rain around san rafael coming across towards san mateo and most of your neighbors. this is all moving from west to east and it's going to be around through about 10:00, and then this upper-level low will star to slide through and that will bring us the chance of scattered showers this afternoon with some thunder and small hail. it's all gone by tomorrow morning. we'll have some light rain saturday night into sunday morning, then look at that heat next week in your accuweather seven-day forecast ♪ i had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high i touched a cloud ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa i want sammi to remember this for the rest of her life. that's high school junior josh meissner. about to launch a huge live surprise. an unforgettable prom-posal. about to happen on this stage right there. and it could be a surprise for this lucky girl, samantha davis. she has no idea what's about to happen. will she say yes to the prom? we will find out in a while. we get the weekend started here with d.j. pro style. >> that is something you remember forever. i love that. >> i remember mine. i had to ask a boy. >> so did i. yeah, yeah. i had to ask someone to my senior prom too. >> did he say yes or no? >> he said yes. >> you hesitated. you hesitated. >> it was a moment i'll never forget. >> it was embarrassing. >> yes. i did not know we had that in common. we're going to switch gears to the former fire chief is accused of intentionally setting fires instead of fighting them. elizabeth vargas is with us for that story. >> looking forward to that. and all-out bidding wars are sweeping across the real estate market right now in suburbs across the country. so, what you need to know before making an offer on a home. it is getting hot out there. >> it is. and we've got a provocative question for you this morning. can you be allergic to exercise? >> absolutely. >> it sounds like the ultimate excuse. lara and amy are sneezing uncontrollably. this is no laughing matter for this college athlete. how you can tell if you are at risk and not just faking it. >> i'm allergic to yardwork, which is interesting. >> the laundry. >> if only there were medications. >> there is. it's called wine. >> it's called a bottle. >> we're getting ready for the weekend. switch gears. we're going to switch gears right now to the shocking dash cam video just released. a texas woman shot to death by police last fall, after a wild high-speed chase. her family maintains there was no reason for her to die and filed a lawsuit. we want to warn you, this video is disturbing. abc's cecilia vega has the story. >> reporter: it was a 20-mile chase across state lines and hit speeds of 100 miles per hour. the whole thing caught on camera. officers from denver city, texas, in hot pursuit, all the way into new mexico. chasing 35-year-old amy reyna, wanted for probation violations, including burglary. >> before somebody gets hurt, pull over! >> reporter: but this morning her family is suing police for the way the chase ended. the dash cam video that recorded every moment of last october's shooting obtained by abc's lubbock affiliate. watch as reyna drives off the highway and into an open field. her tires blown out, she comes to a stop. officer ryan taylor draws his gun and shoots into the engine. moments later, he fires again -- [ gunfire ] straight through the windshield, hitting reyna. her car rolling to a stand still. she was pronounced dead at the scene. an autopsy found methamphetamines in her system. taylor told investigators he thought reyna had a gun. >> i fired. she is picking something up, she is grabbing something. that's when i fired that last round. >> reporter: but an investigation determined reyna was not armed. and taylor also told investigators he did not have a clear view into her car when he fired. he remains on the job. but could face charges in the future. >> the video of the shooting does not match the statement. if officer taylor had a fear for his safety, he would have taken cover. >> reporter: a lawyer for taylor told abc news, ryan protected himself and the other officers in the situation and was not responsible for the events that occurred. amy reyna was. >> that's just kind of a snapshot of what was happening. so, in this case, you're really going to have to rely on what's on the videotape and what the other officers who were there, what they observed. >> reporter: a high-speed chase that may have a very long legal road ahead. for "good morning america," cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. now, to the man bites dog story. the minnesota fire chief who confessed to setting several fires in his community. "20/20" anchor elizabeth vargas has been working on this shocking story. and the chief's explanation as to why he did what he did is just as surprising. >> oh, yes. definitely. between 2010 and 2012 there were 39 suspicious fires around the town of babbitt, minnesota. it's a big deal because it's surrounded by 3 million acres of national forest and authorities say conditions were very dry. imagine the shock in the town when the town's new fire chief, a new father with a brand-new baby, confessed to setting those fires. and the reason? it was all about the baby. when the tiny down of babbitt, minnesota, experienced an unexplained spike in suspicious fires, investigators gravitated toward a bizarre and disturbing theory, that the fire starter could actually be a fire fighter. believe it or not, it happens more often than you think. >> it's a dirty secret. if you just do an online search, you will find about 100 firefighter arrests every year in this country, for arson. >> a part-time firefighter has been arrested for arson. >> the trial within the brotherhood. >> a former volunteer firefighter. >> reporter: the theory that the babbitt arsonist may be one of the firemen developed into suspicion, when the fire chief ryan sharber was caught one night on 79-year-old don mattila's rural property with a gas can that was half-full. what did you think he was doing back there with the gas can? >> what do you think? >> reporter: starting the fire. >> didn't sound good. >> i never poured gas on anything. i never tried to light a match. i never physically attempted to start a fire. >> reporter: but you brought the gas can there. >> it was in the trunk of my car at the time, from a few days earlier, i think from filling it up. >> reporter: investigators for state and local agencies believe they had found their fire starter. they confronted scharber with that gas can. and he confessed. not just to the attempted arson there, but also to nine fires in superior national forest. but even more stunning than his criminal behavior, his excuse. he says it was stress, brought on by a constantly crying newborn son, ayden. >> it was just when i was home. and around the stress that caused me to go out and start the fires. when i was at work, i didn't have that. >> reporter: people are going to say, i don't get this. i don't get it. millions of babies around the world have colic. their dads don't go out and set fires. >> it was a legitimate way for me to get away for a couple of hours. >> reporter: why not go down to the firehouse and hang out with your fellow firefighters? how was it that you thought, i know, i'll go set a fire? >> people are coming to me for help. i was always solving everybody else's problems. i didn't realize i needed a little bit of help myself. >> reporter: ryan has been sentenced to five years in prison for his way to have dealing with the stress of his newborn son's crying. you and i had a colicy baby. it is stressful. i don't deny that. we were discussing it earlier. neither one of us thought -- >> no. sleepless nights, might be a little cranky the next day, but that's about it. and his story was inconsistent throughout all of this. he didn't exactly say the same story each time he was questioned. >> absolutely. for 2 1/2 hours under questioning, he tried to implicate other babbitt firefighters. he was pointing the finger around and trying to implicate others until finally confronted with that gas can that he couldn't explain away. but he continues to minimize. he says they were only glarass fires. but investigators and authorities say by the grace of god. we'll have a lot more on the story tonight, on "20/20." >> looking forward to that. >> thank you. >> thank you. let's get some weather, now, from ginger. >> we had red flag warnings and fire danger throughout the northeast the last couple of days. look what happened. ocean county, new jersey, more than 600 homes evacuated. schools evacuated there, too. and some welcome rain is going to come along with the cold front. but fortunately, everyone is back at their homes and in school today. severe weather pocket in the mid-atlantic down into north carolina. but the rain coming through late night into early saturday. a rainy start to the weekend. good morning. i'm mike nicco. we have some light rain through the morning and then scattered showers with some thunder and small hail through a tmpb. check out how cool the temperatures are, 50s in most areas, if awe low 60s around the bay and inland. accuweather seven-day forecast, summer next week. >> all that weather brought to you by jared, the galleria of jewelers. >> thank you, ginger. coming up here, the big bidding wars of the real estate heating up coast-to-coast. what you need to know before making an offer on a home. and will, kate and little prints -- prince george say good-bye to australia. but george stole the show as they headed out. >> again. ♪ that's for heidi? oh, yeah. oh, no. she's gonna love it, right? no. she will not. four words: he. went. to. jared. jared? jared. trust us. now, step away from the jersey and nobody gets hurt. jared, the galleria of jewelry has a selection larger than ordinary jewelry stores, including unique styles you won't find anywhere else. the perfect gift. i love it! from an almost-perfect guy... ...that's why he went to jared. makes everything algood even better...ilk from the bowls of cereal you make... to all the delicious recipes you bake. because inside every carton is the goodness of blue diamond almonds. almond breeze. almondiciously good! visit truecar.comoney,com,t and never overpay.yer's remorse. a good deal or not. "okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ♪ and now you get hit again.asis. this time by joint pain. it's a double whammy. it could psoriatic arthritis a chronic inflammatory disease that attacks your joints on the inside and your skin on the outside. if you've been hit by... find out more about psoriatic arthritis. take the symptom quiz at and talk to your doctor. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. welcome back. it is 7:43. and we continue with the new real estate bidding wars. the housing market, so red-hot all over the country. and for buyers, that can mean major headaches and sometimes a heartbreak. abc's bianna golodryga has the story. >> reporter: the battle is being waged across the country. >> this spring is nutty. everybody's going crazy. >> reporter: this home in oregon received five bids over asking price. and will sell for $17,000 over list price. this boston condo received nine offers and sold for more than $30,000 over its asking price. and here's the real jaw-dropper. in silicon valley, this two-bedroom townhouse got 19 offers and sold for almost $200,000 over asking price. it's become a nightmare scenario for home buyers everywhere, who set their sights on a home, only to find it already has multiple offers. and if you don't want to be left in the dust, you better step up your game. >> we need to move right now. >> reporter: one family on the front lines, the johnsons of denver, colorado, in the midst of their own hellish home buying process. >> there's nothing available. and the stuff that is is selling for way over market price. >> reporter: they've been outbid two times in a coveted suburb and still on the hunt for their dream home. their price range is about $330,000. >> so we just signed the offer letter. we feel good about our decision. we hope that we get the house. >> reporter: now, there's nothing left to do but wait. >> we're waiting for a phone call. we're very nervous. >> hello? >> hi, kim. it's debbie west at remax. how are you? >> hey, debbie. >> i wanted to get back to you in regards to your buyer's offer. unfortunately, we have not selected your offer. and then -- i know, i know. >> reporter: you didn't get the news you were hoping for. >> we didn't. >> reporter: how does that feel? >> i'm trying to get myself in a position to live the american dream and work really hard. and it just seemed to be sort of snatched out of my grasp. >> reporter: the sentiments echoed by middle-class families nationwide. simply trying to find a home in a market where the highest bidder takes all. for "good morning america," bianna golodryga, abc news, new york. >> it is hot out there. and bianna will have much more on her full report, coming up on "nightline." tomorrow, 10:00 p.m. eastern, 9:00 central, here on abc. coming up, could you really be allergic to exercise? call the doctor, stat. we'll tell you how to discover a few symptoms. >> i'll be writing those down, lara. and we're helping this high schooler with an epic prom-posal, live. you see rachel smith putting on his boutonniere. and "the play of the day." his boutonniere. and "the play of the day." [ dog barks ] ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive... being able to see so clearly... to respond so intelligently and so quickly, they can help protect us from a world of unseen danger. it's the stuff of science fiction... minus the fiction. and it is mercedes-benz... today. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. [ male announcer ] our story begins here. where we get our milk. and our inspiration, to keep things simple. so now kraft singles have no artificial preservatives. because simple is simply...better. ♪ right then. here's "the play of the day." >> we like pranks around here, right? this was a very clean, cute prank. these three guys decided to pull one at their local home improvement store. they hid a small speaker, they have in their hands, around the store and sometimes in people's shopping carts when they weren't looking. and then, take a look at what happened next. >> hey, ma'am? >> yes. >> excuse me, ma'am? >> excuse me, sir? >> ma'am? >> i mean, their reactions were subdued. i would be like, what? >> pretty clever. >> where is that coming from? >> bobby right there. >> thank you, bobby. >> bobby right there. >> thank you, bobby. you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. new zyrtec® dissolve tabs. in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and love it... they're a must? yes, i did. this is viva® vantage, and it's different because of the stretch. wow, that's awesome. that stretch means scrubbing power. i never knew paper towels could do that. [ abbey ] new viva® vantage. the towel more people prefer. [ abbey ] new viva® vantage. iwas thathe biggest vit gave confidence to buy my very first car... and to walk out of that dealership... and know that i got a good deal. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. get 10% off in-stock wood fence pickets and panels at lowe's. [ male announcer ] spring is calling. happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one.ide. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. it's d.j. pro style friday here on "gma." and we'll be right back. d.j. pro style friday here on "gma." and we'll be right back. good morning. i'm kristen sze. this morning for the first time in 15 years the entire state of california is now experiencing drought. that's according to the national cli at theic data center. uc, davis, is focusing on a drought seminar today. some rain this morning. let's check in with mike. >> unfortunately, it won't help. 77% of the state is under the top two categories of drought, unheard of. best rate of return around burlingame, san bruno, san mateo, and out towards san rafael. uptick in the intensity around the rest of our neighborhoods west through noon. leyla? a couple crashes 80 along the east bay through berkeley. if you're traveling east bound, you'll find this accident. but then as you come closer to the westbound side at 580, five-car crash there. marks. go! it's chaos out there. but the m-class sees in your blind spot, pulls you back into your lane, even brakes all by itself. it's almost like it couldn't crash... even if it tried. the 2014 m-class. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and deejay friday. and hello, avril lavigne. the pop star's new music video for "hello kitty" buzzing big. but there's a surprising reason. she says she is just celebrating. so, why is there so much backlash this morning? and could you be allergic to exercise? why your workouts may have consequences you didn't expect. and what you need to know this morning. plus, it's a g-m-amazing prom-posal. one lucky teen is about to get the surprise of her life, as she is asked out live. and "the other woman's" taylor kinney. live. as we say -- >> good morning, america. d.j. pro style in the house. kind of a rowdy crowd out there in times square. also, cannot wait for that epic prom-posal. there he is right there. high school senior, josh, all suited up, waiting in the wings. looking good. waiting for his big moment. >> he's not nervous at all. >> nah. >> and we have josh's date-to-be, sam. she has no idea what's about to happen. and she's dancing there, waiting for something. she didn't know it's all about her. she thinks the local station is there to do a piece on her theater group. and that's all. that's coming up next. >> they have no clue. so, stay with us for that. and also coming up, look at this photo buzzing big-time right now. tiger woods girlfriend, lindsey vonn and his ex-wife, at a game for one of tiger's kids. that's great. would it bother you if your ex brought a date to your child's event? go to the way we worded that. >> that sets it off a little bit. >> i think it's a great thing. you're at a certain point in your relationship. pleads, come in peace. also coming up, lara has great ways to "improve this." >> we say, "improve this." >> give me a hand there. >> i was wondering what the chainsaw was doing. >> our expert is revving up the chainsaw, because lara is going to show how to update our patio. and look at these so-called ugly sandals. apparently they're so ugly, they're cute. it's the hottest footwear trend. we're going to tell you how to make my halloween special. >> you don't know? >> like, everybody wears these. >> they look like a nightmare. >> i have a hard time picturing lara in those. >> george is going to pull me on. you tried to sell it. and then, you thought, no. >> it's like the ugly dog. they're so ugly, it's cute. >> celebs are wearing birkenstocks. they are supertrendy. there is a point. we have a lot of news to get to. >> all right. let's do the headlines. we're going to start with some dicey moments for passengers flying to miami on a american airlines jet. they heard a boom. and then, they reported smoke and had an early landing in tampa. there were earlier problems. the flight had taken off two hours late, which raises questions about why they took off at all. reportedly, they had mechanical issues. the airline and the faa are investigating. new accusations as the standoff between u.s. and russia intensifies. the top russian diplomat is accusing america of trying to control ukraine. and he says pro-russian militias will not disarm until they took off. president obama is accusing russian of ignoring to stop the violence. the president took time to mourn the nearly 300 victims dead or missing in the sunken ferry disaster. and he said it may now be time to consider further sanctions that have, quote, even more bite. back in the u.s. this morning, a violent end to a high-speed crash near atlanta. a jeep hitting speeds of 100 miles per hour. then, flipping over and bursting into flames. the police jumping into action. to kick out the windshield so they could pull the driver out to safety. he was arrested on a list of charges too long to list here. in phoenix, fire heigfighted to rescue a weather and his son while the two got lost. the father and son did have enough water. they were okay. federal health regulators have approved a genetic test as an alternative to the pap smear for cervical cancer screening. it can now work as a stand alone option for that screening. and will, kate and baby george are heading home. they waved good-bye to australia today after their ten-day tour. and as he's done for nearly the entire visit, a dressed up little prince george was clearly the star of this show, making a variety of faces and doing everything possible to wriggle out of mommy's arms during the whole thing. when most couples learn they're expecting a baby, they tell their family and friends. but a reporter in richmond was inspired by taylor swift lyrics. check it out. ♪ good things we're telling you, telling you ♪ ♪ we are having, having, having another baby ♪ ♪ we are having, having, having another baby ♪ >> a great case for autotune. >> oh. >> sorry. it just came out. it came out. sometimes i go off the teleprompt every and i get in trouble. we should say this song was a parody of "we are never, ever getting back together." despite my tart comment, we want to send our congratulations. i will now be taking the rest of the show off. >> you said congratulations. why don't you send some flowers, as well. >> i will send some flowers. >> and baby sitting services. >> and some vocal lessons. perhaps. >> oh. >> i think it's time for dan to stop digging. so, we're going to get to the weather from ginger. >> we have a crowd, i will tell you, here in times square. look at these beautiful ladies from chicago. they got some voices on them, that's for sure. celebrating birthdays and everything else in the world. we have to start with dallas. we have some serious weather to talk about. dallas right now, fine. through the weekend, going to develop some severe weather chances. i wanted to show you that. a hot day here. saturday's risk takes you from nebraska to the deep south texas. and wraps close to little rock. i'm abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco with your bay area microclimate forecast. light rain sunday. today, upper 50s, mid to upper 50s along the coast into san francisco, low siktsds for the rest of us. significantly colder tonight if you're out and about, mid to upper 40s for the rest of us. accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s, 80s, and 90s next week. >> here it is. i like this one. "gma" getaway weekend. miles from home, from south dakota. lara, let's get into you. >> thank you, ginger. here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." first, in "pop news," superstar in disguise. any guesses? well, that's a clue. we'll get into that. it's very, very funny. coming up. and also, tiger woods hanging out with his girlfriend, lindsey vonn, and also his ex-wife. why it's all for the kids. and are you allergic to exercise? if so, i know your pain. all that and more. we have so much more than that, including ugly sandals. we'll explain, on "good morning america" in times square. stay with us. in pursuit of all things awesome, amazing, and that's epic, bro, we've forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ] good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it and do some experiments. ♪ so start your day off good with a coffee that's good cup after cup. maxwell house. ♪ good to the last drop they weren't looking at me. ♪ i can't believe i still have acne at my age. i feel like it's my acne they see...not me. [ female announcer ] acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, a dermatologist can prescribe aczone® (dapsone) gel... fda approved for the topical treatment of acne, and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness, redness, oiliness and peeling of treated skin. looked great. [ female announcer ] ask about a free sample size of aczone® gel. aczone® gel. see a dermatologist and see for yourself. aczone® gel. buttons. what phones are supposed to have? one for each number. so-called smartphones have two, maybe three buttons max. that's neat, but what do you do when you want to dial a four? it's not so smart then, is it? (laughter) nice phone, dude. thanks! smart phones make life easier. that's why esurance is introducing video appraisal. you can use your smart phone to video chat with a claims expert. they'll assess the damage and help settle your claim faster than ever. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. ♪ ♪ hello kitty hello kitty ♪ avril lavigne causing internet buzz. critics blasting her song "hello kitty" calling it racist. levine is defending it saying, i love japanese culture. i spend half of my time in japan. and she made it for her japanese fans. >> honest comeback for her. >> i agree with her. >> yeah. it looked like that to me, as well. >> agreed. and more coming up in "pop news." we begin with major buzz in the art world. the andy they have found. it was commissioned to celebrate the amiga computer. they were uncovered by the computer club. thank you for doing that. >> how often do you look at a floppy disc? think about that. >> last night. >> a different context. >> oh, no. okay. dan, you're on fire today. >> i'll say anything. we've all been to birthday parties, i dare say, when the entertainer may not have entertained. in katy perry's video, "birthday," she turns herself into five. she turns hes into an animal trainer. a princess. and over-the-hill exotic dancer. the superstar said she was so tired of making gorgeous, racy videos. she wanted to change. she wanted to laugh. and in the video, she revealed herself, to the kids. [ screaming ] >> it's a great moment. it's also a really fun song. >> it's a great idea, too. >> that's brave, i think. braver than brave. >> really? >> yeah. you never forget it. >> memory. >> and the song, "birthday," climbed this week on the hot 100 chart. and her last two songs from "prism," have gone number one. >> one person who does not need autotune. i'm so excited to announce. a zonkey has been born. a rare cross between a zebra and a donkey. born at a zoo in northern mexico. his mom is a zebra named reya. and his dad is a donkey. he lives on an adjacent farm. and momma used to visit the donkey every afternoon. the zoo says the zonkey is a rare case in the world, because they are not known to be compatible. >> that's the cutest thing. like it's wearing leg warmers. >> that's "pop news," everybody. now, we go to the family photo, creating so much buzz. tiger woods, after that messy divorce, and his new girlfriend. paula faris has the story. >> reporter: this is a snapshot of tiger woods' modern family, sitting between elin nordegren and current girlfriend, olympic gold medal skier, lindsey vonn. >> it's wonderful that tiger's kids are getting to see tiger, elin and lindsey together at their sporting event. it shows there's a unity in supporting the kids. and it makes for a huge cheering section. >> reporter: it's a moment far removed from the infamous suv crash outside of woods' home in 2009. revealing a cheating scandal. and inevitably, the divorce from elin in 2010. >> they realized their marriage was not perfect. and tiger made some mistakes. he learned from those mistakes. he took a big fall. >> for all that i have done, i am so sorry. >> reporte >> now, they're both happy in other relationships. >> reporter: woods went public with his relationship with vonn last year. there's no bad blood between the ladies. >> it turns out elin loves linds lindsey. she respects her. >> reporter: the couples have reportedly even gone on double-dates with elin and her current beau, coal industry billionaire, chris klein. >> for most people, the breakup of their marriage is that they don't want to spend time together. it tells me that all of these four people actually enjoy each other's company. >> reporter: now, the therapist we spoke with said it's rare that the couple will go on dates without the children. but they could actually enjoy each other's company. and they reportedly have gone on vacation, as well. >> there's so many sporting events. a divorced mom, blended families. we sit side-by-side, at the theater or in the stands. it's a show of unity. >> would it bother if your ex brought a date? 54% said yes. date. >> the word date throws the thing off. if you're in a meaningful relationship, you put the kids first. >> exactly. now, what sounds like the dream of every couch potato, a reason not to exercise. it turns out some people are actually, legitimately, allergic to exercise. and many people who don't even know it. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: it's the ultimate excuse to avoid the gym. i'm allergic to exercise. but for caitlin, it's no joke. >> i have dots on my arms. bad stomachaches. brain fog. >> reporter: that's right. when the 20-year-old soccer player works out too hard, it triggers an allergic reaction that be so life-threatening, it could put an end to her soccer career. the university's team doctor watched it happen. >> she got swelling around the mouth. >> my core temperature rises. and that triggers cells, which causes me to go into anaphylactic shock. >> reporter: anaphylactic shock can kill you. similar bombs begin with exercise. including hives or skin irritation. swelling of the mouth or face, and abdominal pain. for some, it's a food they may have eaten before working out. >> 25% of the patients have food plus exercise as the allergic trigger. the double-whammy. >> reporter: others may have a mild form of the allergy and not realize it may be dangerous. >> it may progress. >> reporter: trainers tried everything to help caitlin, from cooling baths to cold showers. but nothing worked. today, her allergy is kept in check with antihistamines and asthma medication. but she hasn't completely hung up her sneakers. she's now coaching soccer at a local club. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> all right, reena. thank you so much. moving on, they say you don't have to sacrifice comfort for style. the women are listening. they're ditching their stilettos for foot-friendly flats. sara haines has how these ugly sandals are becoming the must-have shoe of the season. >> reporter: we're used to sexy stilettos. plastic pumps. high heels. introducing the new spring fashion in shoewear. >> some people look at shoes like this. >> the word ugly might come to mind. it's the cool thing right now. >> the newest trend hitting the streets and the runway, the look people are calling ugly sandals. jane buckingham, the ceo of trendera, a trend forecasting company, says women have drawn the line. making comfort convert in a fashionable way. >> we can't be perfect. we might have a stylish outfit, but we're going to wear comfortable shoes. >> reporter: and kim, a style blogger, says the shoes off the foot may look sweet. but comfort is sexy. >> i know it's not the most attractive for a shoe. and it's a similar toll of not caring too much or trying too hard. and i think that's so much sexier. so, i decide it was time to get professional help. eva chin, editor in chief at "lucky" magazine, needed to give me a shoe makeunder. >> we're frumpifying your outfit. and you're going to look cute. >> i like frumpy. >> you're wearing something that's frumpy on the bottom. and something cute or feminine on top. >> shorter dress. a tailored trauser. and the deal-breaker is a chipped pedicure. these shoes may not add five inches. but now -- >> i can do this. >> yes. >> sara, thank you for exploring this. and we're joined by sara and eva chen of "lucky" magazine. we have on our own version. they're calling them ugly sandals. i think they're quite comfortable. i like the way they look. some big celeb. long, lean legs. i think you can pull it off. >> when you're stunning and you put that on, it doesn't ugly you down. >> but the price tags can be ugly. >> they go from, you know, $60 to $600. and some are selling on ebay for $6,000. >> you're paying for that frumpy. >> exactly. in the case of some brands. they're wearing them in fashion week and in paris. it's a thing. >> every time i say i'm not going to wear the next trend, i always end up wearing it. >> you're wearing it now. >> moonwalk. >> i've never seen amy in a flat shoe. and i've known for her for a long time. >> there's a reason why. >> can you do that in a heel? >> possibly. i don't know. >> why do you think this style has come back in a big way? >> i think what's so cool right now is looking comfortable. looking like you're confident in yourself. and really, this is the manifestation of that. >> birkenstocks, you think of the hippie. how can our viewers make them work in their day-to-day life? >> there's a trend right now called norm corp, which is dressing like a normal person. >> with we all are. >> if you're wearing a frumpy scandal, wear something feminine on top. i'm wearing a little dress, wearing it with my tevas. >> would we back up? >> yes. >> obviously, you'll let us know on social media what you think. we'll be right back. stay with us. good morning. i'm kristen sze. police are going door to door in east san jose this morning searching for two armed suspect who is robbed two 7-eleven stores earlier. the first one on south white road was robbed at 4:30 this morning. the second one on martin avenue just a short time later. officers have been gathered in an area near mt. pleasant road and rocky mountain drive. pleasanton school officials are warning parents about somebody soliciting inappropriate photos from students on instagram. police are working with instagram officials to figure out who's behind the account. your morning commute is a little wet and a little troublesome. let's talk to leyla gulen. >> indeed it is. we take you over the millbrae along 280 northbound side at millbrae avenue, that's where we have some sweating in the roadway. it pulled a car 15 feet to the side. it did result in an accident but we have some water causing for slick conditions and also hydroplaning. so be careful. as we head out the door to 101, a busy drive to sfo. >> we'll neck in on your forecast with mike in just a moment. good morning. live doppler 7-hd seeing some heightened radar returns along the peninsula, especially along skyline boulevard, 280 getting some reports of ponding on the roadways, right into the san mateo bridge. this is all moving to the east so, watch out east bay, especially across the bridge over towards hayward and eventually into the east bay valleys. we're going to have light rain through noon, scattered showers this afternoon. good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right. there is -- i told you, there's josh in virginia getting ready for his epic prom-posal. it will happen in just a minute. you'll see in just a minute. you won't believe the surprise he has planned for one very, very lucky girl. and also right here, d.j. pro style, spinning us into the weekend. also a big day for amy. yesterday was your eighth and final round of chemo. >> yeah. >> she posted on facebook. never facing a battle like this. >> you can see the range of emotions on my face. i started out strong. and you know, it gets harder as it goes along. but i'm sheer today. happy to share my story and encourage others. >> and you look beautiful in every picture. >> oh, thank you so much. >> how do you feel? >> i'm marginal. but i'm good. i'm here. i'm alive. i'm happy. >> really looking forward to that. so proud for you. and also, coming up. say it with me. "improve this." we have some great do-it-yourself tips for making over your patio. ginger, you have to be happy about good weather. >> i'm always happy. >> i'm going to deliver really easy do-it-yourself tips. >> we'll be watching those. and he is the good guy in "the other woman." we are talking about taylor kinney. he's here. he stars alongside cameron diaz. he's going to answer your questions and have them ready. look at that selfie. >> getting photo bombed right there. now, the moment has come. time for our epic prom-posal. josh and sami all ready to go, on live tv. sami doesn't know it's coming. first, you're going to look at a phenomenon that's gone viral. ♪ ♪ going to be the best day of my life ♪ >> will you go to prom with me? >> reporter: prom season is here. and teens are redefining how they ask that question. elaborately-planned prom-posals are all the rage. from horseback suitors. ♪ i don't know what you're used to ♪ ♪ let me take you out you and your friends ♪ ♪ and me and my friends and come back to my house ♪ >> reporter: to crafty music video parodies. ♪ let me take you out >> maddie, if you don't go to the prom with stephan, then maybe your best course of action will be to tread lightly. >> reporter: even getting the biggest celebrities to help out. >> maddie, would you go to program with me? >> reporter: others involving the law. scaring their dates into saying yes. >> thank you. oh, my god. ♪ go to prom with me >> reporter: and guys and girls, even setting off real fireworks. so, let's see what happens now. we're going to hanover, virginia. josh, a junior at reid davis high school has a big surprise for his girlfriend, sami davis. and rachel smith is there, with students who think they're doing a local story about their theater group. big surprise is coming. open my mic right now. rachel, how are you this morning? hey, rachel. >> hey, guys. hey, george. good morning to you all. we're in the bradley theater. the historic hanover tavern. and i'm hanging here with the coolest of cool, the lee davis players. you guys are so talented. but we're going to let you in on a little, bitty secret we have going on here. this is not your wonderful local abc affiliate, wrsc-tv 8. you're actually on "good morning america," live right now. [ cheers ] all right. you don't cut me out. where is miss sami davis? come here, miss sami. step forward with me, young lady. so, we have something very special to show you from your boyfriend, josh. so, take a look right here, young lady. ♪ >> sami and i have been dating for about a year now. ♪ i had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high ♪ ♪ i touched a cloud whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa >> i know her through school, through doing theater with her. that's how we met and got to know each other. i want sami to be able to say my prom-posal was the most over-the-top thing to happen to me. ♪ ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life, life >> i want sami to remember this for the rest of her life. i'm ready for this. >> this is zach from american authors. and i just want to say, josh is the man. so, come on, sami. say yes. >> did you hear what he said? >> oh. >> where is he? >> i don't know. >> i believe josh is around here somewhere. josh? >> josh? [ cheers ] >> we love you, josh. ♪ ♪ i had a dream so big and loud i jumped so high i touched the cloud ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ i reached my hands up to the sky ♪ ♪ we danced with monsters in the night ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ i'm never going to look back i'm never going to give it up ♪ ♪ no please don't wake me now >> oh, my god. >> will you go to prom with me? [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> all right. are you surprised? >> yeah. he said he was going to be, like, not here. >> he certainly is here. and that was quite the prom-posal. was it over the top enough? >> yeah. >> yeah? that's wonderful. was it hard to keep it a secret? >> i feel really bad about all of the lies i've had to tell. >> all right. more to come from this epic prom-posal. for right now, we'll go back to george in the studio. >> that was a lot of fun. that was great. actually heard that sami was getting a little annoyed with josh. what he was doing was getting ready for prom. we want to thank rent the runway and the men's warehouse and the hanover tavern for pulling off this surprise. ginger, you had a big night last night. >> he is very brave. so many superheros. we were at the premiere, sara and i, at "the amazing spider-man 2" and what a night it was. there were huge crowds of spidey fans and stars galore on the red carpet. including the movie's villain, electro. showing his not-so-villainous side with his daughter. jamie foxx is here, everybody. >> she's 5 years old. how do you spell spider-man? >> s-p-i-d-e-r-m-a-n. >> you nailed it. nice job. >> what team are you on tonight? >> electro. >> reporter: spider-man showed up with a school bus of real-life heroes, kids who are volunteers from new york city. kind of like peter parker. >> he's a working-class kid from queens that is extraordinary. he's as ordinary as he is extraordinary. just like all the kids you see here. just like these three here. and we're trying our best to be the best we can be, just like peter parker is. >> reporter: then, emma stone, spidey's love interest on and off the screen, surprised one young fan. >> you want to see the movie? >> reporter: with two tickets to the premiere. >> it's nice to meet you. >> that was out of control. >> reporter: look who we have behind us. it's pharrell. who would pharrell play in the movie? >> i would have to choose spider-man because i would want to do some good. >> now that you're spider-man, meet your electro. she was trying to speak like electro. and it came out like a gremlin. it didn't work. >> i'm not very good at it. >> let's do it together. >> thank you. it's like a "gma" sandwich. >> with my boo. >> it was a good night. pharrell saying he likes us together. >> you need to work on your voice. that electro voice is very cute. but not very scary at all. >> you'll see it when you see the movie. there is a point. let's go ahead and check on the weather forecast because we do want to get to the rain that's going to come along with some of the severe storms. in places there will be flooding rains. two to three inches in the pockets of red there. some local spots may even see more than that. i'll leave you with a look across the nation. good morning. i'm mike nicco. we have some light rain through the morning and then scattered showers with some thunder and small hail through a tmpb. check out how cool the temperatures are, 50s in most areas, if awe low 60s around the bay and inland. accuweather seven-day forecast, summer next week. >> all that weather brought to you by pet armor. amy is in social square. yes, i have a special guest with me. taylor kinney plays the good guy in "the other woman," after getting burned by her three-timing boyfriend, cameron diaz turns to taylor for some advice. you are a good guy. you said, do you want some pezz? he carries pezz in his pocket. that was so nice of you. i can really appreciate it. and you do play a nice guy in this film. >> yes. >> i'm curious. do you think that women always fall for the bad boys? is it hard playing the good guy? >> it's not hard playing the good guy. but there's an allure to the bad guy. trying to change him or remedy any mishaps he may have. and trying to get him on the straight and narrow. >> are you a good guy in real life? i think you are. of course you are. it's pretty natural for you to play a good guy. you come from lancaster county, amish country. how did you find your way to that seedy world of hollywood? >> i get out as much as possible. i had a good mom. i got into theater in college. and it just -- it held my interest more than anything. and it beats roofing. >> agreed. all very good points. let's get to the social slot machine. >> sure. >> a lot of fans have a lot of questions for you. go ahead and pull the lever. this one is from i think britt on instagram. were you nervous to be in a movie with cameron diaz? >> i think nervous is not the operative word. i was more excited. i remember meeting her. i met nick cassavetes, who i was really excited to work with, the same day. and i remember going up to meet her. and i was just -- i was really excited. you have expectations of people. and how they'll be and interact and work with you. and she exceeded all those. >> who was funnier? cameron or leslie? >> oh, that's a -- you can't -- i don't think you can -- >> you're a nice guy. >> just across the board, amazing personalities. and then, leslie's a force. cameron's salt of the earth. i had a blast. >> i cannot wait to see this movie. >> i hope you do. >> i will. "the other woman" is in theaters everywhere today. i'll be there. coming up, diy spring projects you can do this weekend. [ cheers and applause ] time, now, for "improve this." and this morning, we have great diy tips for beautifying your outdoor space in just a weekend. and what do you know? it is friday. here to show us how to do it, host of diy network's "yard crashers," matt blashaw. hi, matt. >> hello. >> i love these ideas. these planters are gorgeous. >> nice, chic planters are what i like to call them. >> these are reclaimed wood. >> reclaimed wood is so hot right now. we basically made a box out of plywood. we sprayed it with flexible sealant. the rubber sealant. >> available at any home improvement store. >> exactly. and what we did was we used a brad nailer and had reclaimed wood to make our pattern in front. you can do parallel. you can do stripes. >> i like the stripes. very in. and i like how you brushed the paint on, rather than doing a thick coating. >> and more textures and variety of colors, the better. it will make it truly unique for your backyard. >> how long does this take? >> a day. or two. but the most important thing is just make them truly unique. this is what you can do instead of buying a glazed pot. >> we'll have all of the instructions on our website,, for those planters. i love those. this is a great idea for a garden trellis. store-bought and reinvented. explain. >> you find these trellises. fan trellises. you have these next to a wall. but now, by putting three of them together, we have made our own free-standing trellis tower. >> it's like a tripod. >> exactly. we cut the bottoms to make sure they're nice and flat. we cut the sides to make sure they fit together. and a terra-cotta pot. you can paint it whatever you want. >> really easy. >> you have the knowledge on that. i like that. >> we only have time for one more. >> yeah. i know you are wearing the safety chaps. these are actually garden stools, everybody. big hunks of wood. you have 30 seconds. >> this is really easy. this looks great with a modern table. here we go. everyone want to see a chainsaw? we cut this off. and you slice it like the crust off of a sandwich. ready to see this work? >> yes. >> there you go. we'll be right back. big news on amy. stay with us. we'll be right back. okay. we want to round out our happy friday with encouraging news from our "gma" family and for our "gma" family. amy, a big milestone in your recovery from breast cancer. >> that's right. this year, it's estimated more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. i was diagnosed just six months ago. and this week, yesterday, actually, i reached a milestone to inspire anyone to know that after dark, there is light. words i never expected to hear. i was told that i have breast cancer. i found out i had stage 2 breast cancer that spread to my lymph nodes only because of this mammogram, live on "gma," for breast cancer awareness month. for anyone fighting this fight, undergoing a double-mastectomy and 12 weeks of chemotherapy, is an uphill battle. while i maintained a strong front working through treatment the last six months, every day is different. some, much harder than the others. i was one of the lucky ones. only losing about one-quarter of my hair. but no one escapes all of the side effects, both physical and emotional. from december to april, i went through seven rounds of chemotherapy. and while i started off strong, each round became increasingly more difficult. today marks my eighth round of chemo. this is my final round of treatment. the doctors say i graduate today. i decided to have most of my medical moments remain private. but this one, i wanted to share. this is a huge milestone for me and for anyone else who has battled cancer. and i join the ranks of 2.8 million u.s. women who are breast cancer survivors. and i plan on living each day to the very fullest, thankful and grateful, and encouraging so many women out there who are still in the thick of it, who have yet to fight this fight, that you can do it. you can get through this. one step at a time. and i am there for you. i am there with you. with my eighth and final round of chemo complete, i will start on a new journey. helping raise awareness about early detection, and letting women everywhere know, you can kick cancer's butt. i wanted to say another word. but they wouldn't let me. >> go ahead. >> you can kick cancer's [ bleep ]. >> i know robin shared this tradition. blowing bubbles right now. tell us what it is. >> for every one that lands or every one in the air, it's good luck. it's hope. it's everything positive hitting you at once. >> and look at everybody. oh, gosh. >> that's so beautiful. and while everyone's blowing those bubbles, i want to share. i had so much positive reaction on social media yesterday. but one stood out to me. joanne said, congratulations, i, too, am a breast cancer survivor. tough times don't last. tough people do. >> yes. >> and i loved that. and it's so inspiring to hear everyone's story, too. we're all in it together. >> absolutely. >> congratulations. >> i appreciate it. i know. i am -- woo. a sigh of relief. >> is there a part two? is it different kinds of bubbly? >> that comes in two weeks when i don't have to go to chemo. and i'm going to pop a bottle of champagne. that's what they suggested. may 8th. >> well deserved. >> thank you. thank you. 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[cheers and applause] ♪

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