Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20150214 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 800AM 20150214

he as much as ten degrees cooler. 43, it's 49 in concord and livermore. some of the warmest numbers in the north bay today at santa cruz. we could see once again around 80 degrees. we'll pinpoint the warmest numbers, talk about the long holiday weekend, and see if we can get any rain into our third week of february. that's all coming up. chris? lisa thank you. we want to get breaking news out of san jose where a dangerous fire is burning at an auto repair shop. this is a live picture from our san jose camera. flames broke out just before 7:30 at commercial streak. it was so fierce that firefighters had to pull a fourth alarm. this is north of highway 101. it's not too far from coyote creek fire officials tell us there's an electedrical line on fire and it's threatening to drop which is definitely a safety issue for firefighters on the scene. at this time there are no reports of injuries. officials say the building was unoccupied. we will continue to follow this breaking news out of san jose and bring you any new developments throughout the newscast. 8:02 is the time. president obama is wrapping up his three-day trip to the bay area. he'll soon be off to palm springs for the holiday weekend. tiffany wilson is live at the fairmont hotel in san francisco with more on the president's de departure. tiffany, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. i was just told a couple minutes ago that the president was en route to his car. i will step out of the shot in case the motorcade starts in the next couple of seconds. the president, of course, is heading to san francisco international airport. he is going to travel to palm springs where he plans to spend the night. he hases no public event scheduled unlike his time here. now yesterday the president spent most of had his day in the south bay for a cyber security conference. he returned to san francisco for a fund-raising dinner in russian hill and made a surprise visit to a restaurant spruce. air force one's wheels up time was moved up an hour and a half earlier than originally scheduled. tourists and locals have a split reaction to his departure. >> hope i get to see him. never know what the future holds. >> reporter: what do you think they moved up his flight time so he's now leaving at 8:30 as opposed to 11:00 a.m.? >> actually that works out for me because i'm taking my sister wedding dress shopping so hopefully it means i don't get stuck in traffic or we miss the appointment because he had to go to the airport. >> reporter: now back out here live you can see a lot of people are lined up along california street hoping to get a glimpse. we're starting to see some movement a little bit further down by the fairmont. a motorcycle is heading this way. we are on standby at this point. here the whistles are being blown. i believe this is the official start of the presidential motorcade as he does make his way to the airport to head to palm springs. but, again, we've been on standby for a couple of minutes. we're wait to go see exactly when he will depart the fairmont. as you heard you tourists excited to catch a glimpse. the locals are happy to see him go, hoping to get their parking spots back to normal very soon. chris? all right, tiffany wilson reporting live for us in san francisco, thank you so much. earlier yesterday the president spoke at the stanford university cyber security conference using jokes to keep the mood light. >> it's just too easy for hackers to figure out user names and pass words like password or 1, 2 3, 4 5. those are some of my previous words. i've changed them since is then. >> he also signed an executive order to encourage tech companies to help the government stop cyber threats. 8:05 is our time. an upscale neighborhood was flooded with the bomb squad, hazmat police and firefighters responding to complaints of loud explosions. inside a home near indian valley road they discovered more than 80 explosive devices and arrested a 43-year-old mop. abc 7 news reporter alan wang has the story. she's a great mother. she's a really sweet person. >> reporter: joy brown was floored when police arrested her roommate. the bomb squad found mayson's bedroom full of explosives. >> she has the master bedroom and she keeps her door locked so if they were in there, we didn't know about it. >> reporter: the marin county sheriff's office says she ignited some he can mroesivesignite ed some explosives. they discovered 87 explosive devices. >> apparently they were so loud they were going off over across town. >> reporter: homes in the immediate area were evacuated and other neighbors were ordered to stay inside. police also found bomb making ingredients in the home. mason was also charged with endangering her 5-year-old daughter who lives in the house. her 33-year-old boyfriend is is charged with possessing one of the explosive devices. in marin county, alan wang, abc 7 news. the message of an anti-police march in oakland was once again obscured by violence. about 75 people met and began working north on broadway. one person smashed several windows of a store. he was quickly arrested. a statement on facebook announcing the march urged participants to let fellow activists do what they want as tactics of resistance. police want to find a person shot who shot a man. a 19-year-old man was shot twice in the stomach. officers think he was walking on the sidewalk at the time. the victim suffered critical injuries. ports are shut down again after reopening the cargo unless labor negotiators reach a deal. for the first time in a week, the session ended without an agreement. the talks have dragged on now for about nine months. a moratorium to slow down in the mission. david compost told the sf business journal he will propose legislation to temporarily stop approvals for market rate housing. it would affect the area of the outer mission established as a latino cultural district. compost hopes the moratorium would at least delay development while the city establishes more low income housing. the american red cross will be canvassing the mission district to teach residents about fire safety. last month a deadly fire broke out at 22nd and mission. the red cross will go door to zoo installing smoke alarms in homes that need them and instructing residents on what to do in case a fire breaks out in their homes. 8:08 the time. tuxedos may be in short supply locally because a century old bay area formal wear company. abc 7 says people are now scrambling to find replacements. >> reporter: jennifer's brother is getting married next saturday when she took her sons to be fitted for their tuxedos, she got some bad news. >> they wouldn't be able to do my brother's wedding. all six locations like this one are closing. the owner can department follow through with his plan so the next step is lick whichization.i lickquidation. >> the brides are in a total panic. >> reporter: he's had at least a dozen phone calls can and scheduled multiple emergency appointments for the weekend. >> we'll work with the wedding parties if they put money down with felix. we'll make sure the price they pay is comfortable. >> reporter: jennifer has been able to replace all eight tuxedos. >> i told my brother i hope this is the biggest thing that goes wrong with your wedding because it's easily solvable and we'll be fine. >> reporter: felix had will be out of business as of monday. katie marzullo. all right. 8:10 is our time. a lot of people with plans for the valentine's day weekend. presidents' day coming up as well. beach weather. we're looking at more 70s around the bay. here is a look from our sister tower camera. average high he in san francisco for february 14 is 60. so you know we're surpassing that with a high of 70. a slight cooldown coming up. >> lisa, thank you. also ahead, a busy day in the big apple for steph curry. the question isn't where was steph yesterday. the question is where wasn't he? larry beil has the answer from new york city. it is ♪ with kaiser permanente you'll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. don't miss yoplait's exciting new flavors -- creamy caramel and cookies 'n cream. if you plan to send flaurs to your sweetheart you have more choices than ever before. 7 on your side's michael finney with the details. >> reporter: the most obvious way to get flowers to your sweetheart is to go through a respected local florist. another popular way is by way of internet and package delivery, ftd, 1-800-flowers all passed our 7 on your side quality testses a couple can years back with flying colors. now you have new choices. first up, insta card. it is partnering with whole foods. >> bouquets start at $29.99. if you want it in one hour that would be $5.99. you would have your deliver yy to your sweetheart. >> reporter: and you don't have to stop there. >> we have a great selection, a handful of bow teke items that you can add on to fur insta card order and have them delivers to your loved one. are. >> reporter: jonathan has picked up flowers and a card and is now in ross. . how much did it cost? >> $7.99. the flowers, the vase and the card under $40 and it included the delivery it will be $60 total. >> reporter: he writes the message asked for by the client and heads to the drop off location. >> awesome. thank you so much. >> reporter: job done. a job well done and how he did it. if people said get it cheaper? >> reporter: i would did whatever he wants me to do. i'll do it like i'm him. >> reporter: now look at all these flowers and gifts. it might surprise you to know this is safeway. the store really gets it together for valentine's day. >> we're a flower shop within a grocery store. >> reporter: they have local floral delivery services and many of us have access to which is offering a special deal for valentine's day. >> a dozen long stemmed roses under $20. and that would be on the website. >> reporter: so if i grabbed those roses and that cake back there i would hit the $35 limit perhaps and have it delivered for free. >> yes, you could, on the first time is free delivery with a $35 purchase. >> reporter: so if you haven't used before and spend $35 delivery is free. i'm michael finney, 7 on up side. today is a day of flowers, love chocolate and marriage. it is the most popular day to tie the knot. extending operating hours today. the san ma tateo office will throw in a free long stemmed red rose. couples must have a marriage license before they can get riched. the all stars are practicing at madison square garden ahead of tomorrow night's big game. larry beil is in new york for the all-star festivities. >> reporter: it is freezing cold in new york city pu but the splash brothers hope to heat things up. >> both of us want to have bragging rights. steph tells me he's 0 had-3 and this is his moment. >> reporter: curry had an appearance on "can good morning america" to a signing at foot locker. and at an event with lebron james. >> having the game at madison square garden will be truly special. i'm going to enjoy it to the full est fullest. i know the city is hosting us and spreading the love to all our fans. it means a lot. >> reporter: steph can kurcurry is blossoming into a superstar right in front of our eyes. we'll be live in brooklyn for the three-point shoot-out live at 5:00 and 6:00. at madison square garden in new york city larry beil, abc 7 sports. >> larry looks warm with the jacket on. >> that's real winter and it won't let up. we need some rain. and it is all clear. it if you look outside you've been here the past couple of days, you know we are going in the wrong direction. temperatures from 12 to 15 degrees. we're almost there in san francisco right now. here he is a look it at the horizon from emeryville. 52 in oakland and for mt. tamm you can see the haze there. numbers range from 45 in santa rosa. 46 petaluma and 49 by the delta. a little bit of fog but the winds are very, very light. we're looking at strong high pressure over the city. temperatures at about 70 degrees downtown. the rest of you well above average not only here but in southern california the mountains and the west bone-dry with more rain needed for sure. around the west coast and offshore nothing going on. it's going to be a warm weekend and there are storms out in the pacific. in the sierra nevada warmer at 64 degrees. could be a record today. overnight lows in the 20s. no lines there. it looks like a pretty good weekend if you're going to head out with upper 50s into presidents' day. that keeps us 14 to 15 degrees above average and then we get into a slight cooldown. a few high clouds bumping up and over the ridge allowing for some cooling but not that much. no rain in sight. 74 in milpedas. 77 santa cruz. 79 gilroy. low 70s half moon bay. men low park and redwood city low 70s. up in the north bay some of the warmest numbers with the down sloping wind. up to 77. near the east bay a 75-degree reading in oakland as well as union city. more mid-70s to pleasant on . the accuweather seven-day forecast shows temperatures may be a few degrees cooler into tomorrow but nothing significant by the middle of next week. and then we're even warmer by the end of next week. you can track the ret or rain with the abc 7 weather app. we have more information on abc 7 we could be back into flooding in march. >> track the heat in february. >> crazy. >> lisa, thank you. coming up, the biggest bird in the world. in honor of black history month using our instagram feed to celebrate the people who have made a difference where you live. remembering the first african-american superintendent. students in oakland will honor dr. foster's life and legacy with a special program. we have more information on instagram. why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. the volvo presidents day invitation. this month, lease the xc60 for just $399 a month. visit your volvo showroom. nasa has released a submersible vehicle that could explore the depths of sat you shall saturn's largest moon. the submarine would have to be designed to withstand extreme conditions including big waves and temperatures as low as 298 degrees below zero. nasa envisions sending it on a three-month mission collecting and analyzing samples and sending it all back. 8:25 is the time. a childhood toy getting a new high-tech makeover. mattel teamed up with google to create a new virtual reality view master. it uses apps on a smartphone to simulate 3d there will be view master reels to enhance the virtual reality experience. it will go on sale for about $30. big bird made a big splash on twitter. it joined the social media site back in october of 2012 but post ed for the first time yesterday tweeting out just one word, tweet. in a few hours the sesame street star has more than 15000 followers. love was in the air at the california academy of science. heart shaped valentines to the penguins. it serves two purposes. the male penguins return to the nest and offer to their mates. it encourages them to breed and later they will use the papers to line their nest. president obama is scheduled to take off for palm springs in about ten minutes. plus, ci welcome back. president obama is scheduled to fly out of sfo momentarily. cornell joins us live on the phone. good morning to you. >> the president is here. he just boarded air force one getting ready to leave after a three-day visit. the schedule was moved up last night. i asked a few secret service agents why the change. they said they didn't know. one joked with me the pred doesn't need to have a reason for leaving. president obama has been really busy here in the area. a summit on tiber security followed by a fund-raiser in san francisco at the home of capitalist sandy robinson happened yesterday afternoon. heading to palm springs where he has nothing on the schedule . r&r. a little golf i'm told. this is his fourth visit to the desert in four years. the obamas love spending time down there. michelle obama may be joining her husband there from washington, d.c. a lot of the press boarding air force one getting ready to leave here in just a few minutes. restricted airspace for the next hour. that's about the flight time down to palm springs. anybody with a flight to or from the area likely going to have to wait. the president has precedent driving around anywhere. because of that there will be flight delays for people leaving the bay area or leaving los angeles. no flight delays for the president of the united states. pretty much go when you want to go. air stairs moving away from air force one here as the president leaves the bay area after a three-day visit heading to palm springs for a little vacation. live at sfo abc 7 news. >> cornell, thank you very much. as you see in that live picture as we zoom out right now, the official takeoff time is supposed to be in about three minutes or so. skedcheduled for 8:35 this morning. you can see san francisco police just drove by in the shot there. signed an executive order as well as the private secondtor to share more information about cyber security threats. that was really again one of the highlights of the trip over to stanford university for that cyber security summit. again, as cornell mentioned, the president wrapping up what's been a quick but very busy trip here to the bay area. last night he was the guest of honor at a democratic party fund-raiser in san francisco's russian hill neighborhood. so again, the original departure time was scheduled for just after 10:00 pushed up to 8:35. heading to palm springs to spend the holiday weekend, and we'll wait and see if michelle obama, the first lady, ends up joining him for some rest and relaxation. the president deserves a break. we do too from time to time. again, a live look at san francisco international airport where you can see air force one getting ready to take off to palm springs. lisa argen and the weekend forecast warm temperatures expected. >> the bay area in southern california. average highs should be about 60 in oakland and san francisco. 64 san jose. that's not going to happen. in fact, right now temperatures are in the 50s from san jose to palo alto. and we're looking at lake at that hoe. maybe some of you have plans to get to the sierra nevada. 64 degrees. slately coolerer, though, over the long holiday weekend. it's 49 in concord can and final finally from the golden gate bridge you see all the blue sky and we're looking at temperatures 12 to 15 degrees above average. putting the coast at about 70, 72 in in san francisco. mid-70s across the bay in oakland. upper 70s down towards santa cruz. morgan hill. and we'll pinpoint some of your neighborhood temperatures over the weekend. and see if we can get any rain in here. temperatures is 8:34. we did see a picture there in boston. . now a look air force one getting ready to take off this morning with the president in tow. our reporter in san francisco who saw the president leave the fairmont hotel. now we just checked in with core cornell bernard at sfo. you can see the plane is getting ready to take off. 8:35 and there we go as planned. should get back to normal on this presidents' day weekend, a lot of neighbors had expressed some frustration about their streets being closed off in certain parts of san francisco. we saw some extra traffic as a result of the president's visit to palo alto. how often do we get to see a president in our neck of the woods? some residents saying, you know, it was great to be able to see the motorcade. we talked about that earlier in the week. it's a converted cadillac. our live picture you can see the plane getting ready to take off to palm springs. again, this has been a live coverage of the presidential visit to the san francisco airrea. so new this morning, president obama spoke about giving every child everywhere a fair shot. a new lou that would make a real investment in preschool as well as tackle standardized tests. that means trying new things, investing in what's working on fixing what's not. >> make sure parents and teachers know how our kids are doing year to year and relative to schools statewide. they have the resources they need to spend less time teaching to attest and teaching the skills they need. >> the president added eded parents need to make sure kids pick up the books. still ahead on the abc 7 saturday morning news, celebrating love where you live. going vintage. why you may want to think outside the box when sending flowers to your sweetheart. you can see the san francisco skyline in the distance. no traffic issues to report over the bay bridge. temperatures expected in you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! pillsbury crescents--awesome. but now you can use them to make pizza night awesome, too. unroll, separate, add sauce, pepperoni, cheese, and fold. behold: week night crescent pizza pockets party. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. guess what goes really well with eggs? pillsbury grands biscuits. make breakfast even better. grands biscuits. make breakfast pop. welcome back. we want to get back to the breaking news, a big fire burning at an auto repair shop. this is north of highway 101 south of coyote creek. firefighters still trying to get a handle on this thing. the smoke continues to rise but for now we are told no injuries to report, but we will continue to monitor this break inging news out of san jose and let you know if we learn anything new. you can enjoy our national parks free of charge this holiday weekend courtesy of the national park service in honor of our nation's president. you can enjoy the national park without ponying up the $7 entrance fee. president obama has visited grand canyon and yellow stone national parks with had his family and created five new national parks via presidential proclamation. it should be a nice weekend to head out to a park if you want to do that. >> yes, too warm. no rain out there. feeling like southern california in instead of northern california. emeryville 52 degrees. nothing but blue skies. strong high pressure in control. we need it to go away. it won't. 75 today in oakland. we'll have a look at some other temperatures around the bay and a ten-day outlook coming up. lisa, thank you. also ahead, hop on the ice with a welcome sight for josh mcclellan. the de our vision for partnering with more farmers, growers manufacturers is that eventually organic and natural will be the norm. for raley's that means a lot more organic and natural options on the shelf. and for our consumers, that means having a lot more affordable and readily available, healthy products to feed their families. sustainability is about making a difference in our community. it's about being happy, healthy and well for many years to come. to learn more, visit raley's family of stores on youtube. time now is 8:44 on your val en vallen tin's day looking live from our lake tahoe camera. tahoe could see a record in terms of temperatures. the season has been pretty rough for the ski resorts you up there. lae is a will break down the forecast in just a little bit. many people across the bay area are gearing up up for a sweet valentine's day weekend. many people are finding it's too late to make last-minute plans. fourth and santa clara in san jose this young man is shopping for valentine's day but he has something else on his mind. >> i rewrote a song sang by justin bieber to fit our relationship. i plan to sing that to her. >> customers getting creative and keeping it cool. >> if anybody were to see this, just more eye catching i think. >> these days more people are turning to modern and vintage designs. >> peonies tulips create beautiful vintage arrangements. >> still need to book a reservation? you may be in luck. we checked open table for a party of two at 7:00 on saturday. nearly 40% of tables are still available. however, at levi stadium, they booked nearly two weeks ago. >> a six course can tasting menu. we're so happy we got the positive feedback from the guest guests and have a fully booked reservation book. >> still not sure what to do for that special someone? ♪ you're my special little lady ♪ ♪ the one that makes me crazy of all the girls i've ever known ♪ ♪ it's you it's you ♪ >> we spoke to ivey blooms. she's been slammed at the shop. she's been staying there until midnight every night since monday. hopefully she gets a break after today. >> the flowers are beautiful. a good voice, too. we're looking at more sunshine around the bay. more record warmth. 10 to 15 degrees above average. live doppler 7 hd shows the component of the wind has been light offshore and all that high surf is beginning to subside. still, high pressure our dominant weather feature. light winds and blue skies. 55 degrees. it's 58 down at the airport. 57 already at half moon bay. another vantage point from mt. tamm a. pretty picture with the hills there. 47 in napa. 49 in fairfield as well as concord and livermore. good morning santa rosa. san francisco, well today's high will be 70 degrees. you should be about 60 and look for numbers to continue to stay above average not only for the long holiday weekend. that gives you an idea how strong it is and really shouldn'ting the moisture everywhere all the way up into the gulf of alaska. we have the warm weekend with all this high pressure around us. storms are off in the pacific but they remain here and they're getting deflected well up to the north because of the strong ridge. so it's going to be deflected a little bit in the days ahead throughout the middle of the week. will they bust through the ridge? this long-range outlook takes us ten days out into about february 24. tuesday, unfortunately, the outlook remains dry. we will keep looking and we've had soggy march weather. hopefully that will bring us more rain. 80s in southern california. 60s in the sierra nevada and that could be record south lake. 69 in yosemite with mid-70s around monterey today. so very warm day. of course pebble beach with the numbers there just very comfortable. 77 santa cruz. they had 80 yesterday. maybe a few degrees of cooling. very warm for the middle of february. 75 in concord . 76 in san jose and napa. a few degrees warmer in santa rosa with those north winds. that's when things really warm you up and exactly what we have. by sunset it's the valentine's day pillow fight and temperatures in and around san francisco will still be in the 60s. the accuweather seven-day forecast 70 coast. upper 70s inland. a couple degrees of cooling tomorrow through presidents' day and then with some higher clouds around the bay looking at the coolest days into wednesday and thursday. but then high pressure rebuilds. not only talking wam inging warmer weather, higher fire danger. we'll try to change that. >> always a concern. thank you. turning to sports now, this morning third-round play of the at&t pebble beach national pro-am begins at 8:00 a.m. at pebble beach golf links spy glass hill golf course and monterey peninsula country club. today buster posey matt cain and bill murray are at pebble beach. the leader board is starting to take shape. here is colin rush with the highlights of this morning's sports report. good morning. after winning at pebble beach two years ago brandt snedeker number four in the world. he's since dropped to number 63. sned searching to regain his form and it looks like he has. friday another picture perfect day on the monterey peninsula. condoleezza rice can play. started taking the game serious about six years ago, pretty competitive, too. a 5 hand yiy cap, teeing off at pebble. if you of played this hole you know how tough it is. guides it down the alley funnels to within about three feet and he would make that birdie putt. pretty good. bill murray found his spot. i don't know if he ever left. he must be friends with john daly. back to earth yesterday 1 over 72 at monterey peninsula. at spy glass hill matt jones 6 under 66. he's at 12 under overall. so is snedeker. sne can sned dialed in. had hit all 18 greens friday on his way to a 5 under 67. snedeker and jones tied atop the leader board. jason day making a big move on friday. 9 under at monterey peninsula. he's tied for 14. daly, he drops from a tie to third for a tie for 37th. sixth off the lead. todd mcclellan sitting on 299 career wins for over a week. i said he had been. the shacks in arizona, losers of three straight on the verge of four early. they'd have to rally from a two-goal deficit. off a skate and in. 2-1. leads the league in power play goals. that was easy. tied at 2-2. rookie goodrow, look at the patience here. his fourth of the season. 3-2, san jose. 90 seconds left. arizona empties their net. and that completes the hat trick. mcclelland gets the win. bruce boudreaux, the sharks, with the win. the sharks were in phoenix. the rink they'll be playing on in seven days taking shape in levi's stadium. crews working to have it ready. they'll begin creating the ice. stanford in the midst of a two-game losing streak. about three in a row. hosting ufc yesterday roberson 3 of her 13. came off the bench and scored 14 14. she had four assists. the losing streak ends at two. stanford wins 79-60. they said it was mutual but we all knew it wasn't. jim harbaugh admitting to it in a podcast interview with tim kawakami. harbaugh says the niners informed him he'd be let go after the loss to seattle in early december. he opted to stay saying he wanted to coach the last two games and finish what he started. >> i was told i wouldn't be the coach anymore. put the 49ers in a position to have a coach they didn't want anymore. i didn't leave the 49ers. i felt the 49ers hierarchy can left me. >> that's a look at morning sports. have a great day everyone. >> 5:53 is our time. next the andnual san have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! here are the winning numbers from last night's $74 million mega draw. 4, 20, 64, 74, the mega number 14. nobody picked all six so tuesday night's jackpot grows. love isn't the only thing in the air this valentine's day. the annual pillow fight will bust out in san francisco. organizers recommend participants bring a mask or ban bandanna. they also want people to bring a garbage bag to help clean up afterwards. it starts at 5:50 tonight. how is it going to be for the pillow fight? upper 60s, should be pleasant. way too warm in emeryville. we are in the 50s so it's nice and sunny. the cooler numbers in the valleys. the fog is gone. lacking pretty good out there. upper 70s from livermore and san jose and looking at the extended outlook a little cooler for the middle of next week. warm er warmer by the end of next week. >> thank you and thank you for joining us on the abc 7 saturday morning news. the news continues online on twitter, facebook and all your mobile devices with our abc 7 news app. and with the great weather outside, we'd love for you to post your pictures to our instagram feed. instagram us at abc 7 news bay area and follow on twitter as well. for lisa argen and the rest of our abc 7 news family, i'm chris nguyen. beautiful conditions for the start of this valentine's day/presidents' day weekend. have a great day, everybody. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. >> hi, everyone. i'm jack hanna coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown." sea cucumbers are red. ooh hoo hoo. dart frogs are, too. >> i can't see it. >> i see it, i see it. >> i've got more red animals on today's show for you. red isn't only the color of romance; it can also serve as a camouflage... >> you can hardly see that other bongo. >> or even a warning. >> it's not frightened of predators. >> today, 7 remarkable red animals. >> we have a very successful breeding program with these guys.

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Mission District , Russian Hill , Sierra Nevada , Brooklyn , Oakland , Alaska , Redwood City , Stanford University , Boston , Massachusetts , Pebble Beach , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Marin County , Arizona , Emeryville , South Lake , Monterey , Fairmont , Phoenix , Morgan Hill , Petaluma , America , American , Jim Harbaugh , Tiffany Wilson , Tim Kawakami , Lebron James , Posey Matt Cain , Los Angeles , Santa Clara , Jalan Wang , Josh Mcclellan , Justin Bieber , Madison Square , Sandy Robinson , Todd Mcclellan , Larry Beil , Bruce Boudreaux , Chris Nguyen , Michelle Obama , Jack Hanna , Matt Jones , John Daly , Brandt Snedeker , Michael Finney , Kaiser Permanente ,

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he as much as ten degrees cooler. 43, it's 49 in concord and livermore. some of the warmest numbers in the north bay today at santa cruz. we could see once again around 80 degrees. we'll pinpoint the warmest numbers, talk about the long holiday weekend, and see if we can get any rain into our third week of february. that's all coming up. chris? lisa thank you. we want to get breaking news out of san jose where a dangerous fire is burning at an auto repair shop. this is a live picture from our san jose camera. flames broke out just before 7:30 at commercial streak. it was so fierce that firefighters had to pull a fourth alarm. this is north of highway 101. it's not too far from coyote creek fire officials tell us there's an electedrical line on fire and it's threatening to drop which is definitely a safety issue for firefighters on the scene. at this time there are no reports of injuries. officials say the building was unoccupied. we will continue to follow this breaking news out of san jose and bring you any new developments throughout the newscast. 8:02 is the time. president obama is wrapping up his three-day trip to the bay area. he'll soon be off to palm springs for the holiday weekend. tiffany wilson is live at the fairmont hotel in san francisco with more on the president's de departure. tiffany, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris. i was just told a couple minutes ago that the president was en route to his car. i will step out of the shot in case the motorcade starts in the next couple of seconds. the president, of course, is heading to san francisco international airport. he is going to travel to palm springs where he plans to spend the night. he hases no public event scheduled unlike his time here. now yesterday the president spent most of had his day in the south bay for a cyber security conference. he returned to san francisco for a fund-raising dinner in russian hill and made a surprise visit to a restaurant spruce. air force one's wheels up time was moved up an hour and a half earlier than originally scheduled. tourists and locals have a split reaction to his departure. >> hope i get to see him. never know what the future holds. >> reporter: what do you think they moved up his flight time so he's now leaving at 8:30 as opposed to 11:00 a.m.? >> actually that works out for me because i'm taking my sister wedding dress shopping so hopefully it means i don't get stuck in traffic or we miss the appointment because he had to go to the airport. >> reporter: now back out here live you can see a lot of people are lined up along california street hoping to get a glimpse. we're starting to see some movement a little bit further down by the fairmont. a motorcycle is heading this way. we are on standby at this point. here the whistles are being blown. i believe this is the official start of the presidential motorcade as he does make his way to the airport to head to palm springs. but, again, we've been on standby for a couple of minutes. we're wait to go see exactly when he will depart the fairmont. as you heard you tourists excited to catch a glimpse. the locals are happy to see him go, hoping to get their parking spots back to normal very soon. chris? all right, tiffany wilson reporting live for us in san francisco, thank you so much. earlier yesterday the president spoke at the stanford university cyber security conference using jokes to keep the mood light. >> it's just too easy for hackers to figure out user names and pass words like password or 1, 2 3, 4 5. those are some of my previous words. i've changed them since is then. >> he also signed an executive order to encourage tech companies to help the government stop cyber threats. 8:05 is our time. an upscale neighborhood was flooded with the bomb squad, hazmat police and firefighters responding to complaints of loud explosions. inside a home near indian valley road they discovered more than 80 explosive devices and arrested a 43-year-old mop. abc 7 news reporter alan wang has the story. she's a great mother. she's a really sweet person. >> reporter: joy brown was floored when police arrested her roommate. the bomb squad found mayson's bedroom full of explosives. >> she has the master bedroom and she keeps her door locked so if they were in there, we didn't know about it. >> reporter: the marin county sheriff's office says she ignited some he can mroesivesignite ed some explosives. they discovered 87 explosive devices. >> apparently they were so loud they were going off over across town. >> reporter: homes in the immediate area were evacuated and other neighbors were ordered to stay inside. police also found bomb making ingredients in the home. mason was also charged with endangering her 5-year-old daughter who lives in the house. her 33-year-old boyfriend is is charged with possessing one of the explosive devices. in marin county, alan wang, abc 7 news. the message of an anti-police march in oakland was once again obscured by violence. about 75 people met and began working north on broadway. one person smashed several windows of a store. he was quickly arrested. a statement on facebook announcing the march urged participants to let fellow activists do what they want as tactics of resistance. police want to find a person shot who shot a man. a 19-year-old man was shot twice in the stomach. officers think he was walking on the sidewalk at the time. the victim suffered critical injuries. ports are shut down again after reopening the cargo unless labor negotiators reach a deal. for the first time in a week, the session ended without an agreement. the talks have dragged on now for about nine months. a moratorium to slow down in the mission. david compost told the sf business journal he will propose legislation to temporarily stop approvals for market rate housing. it would affect the area of the outer mission established as a latino cultural district. compost hopes the moratorium would at least delay development while the city establishes more low income housing. the american red cross will be canvassing the mission district to teach residents about fire safety. last month a deadly fire broke out at 22nd and mission. the red cross will go door to zoo installing smoke alarms in homes that need them and instructing residents on what to do in case a fire breaks out in their homes. 8:08 the time. tuxedos may be in short supply locally because a century old bay area formal wear company. abc 7 says people are now scrambling to find replacements. >> reporter: jennifer's brother is getting married next saturday when she took her sons to be fitted for their tuxedos, she got some bad news. >> they wouldn't be able to do my brother's wedding. all six locations like this one are closing. the owner can department follow through with his plan so the next step is lick whichization.i lickquidation. >> the brides are in a total panic. >> reporter: he's had at least a dozen phone calls can and scheduled multiple emergency appointments for the weekend. >> we'll work with the wedding parties if they put money down with felix. we'll make sure the price they pay is comfortable. >> reporter: jennifer has been able to replace all eight tuxedos. >> i told my brother i hope this is the biggest thing that goes wrong with your wedding because it's easily solvable and we'll be fine. >> reporter: felix had will be out of business as of monday. katie marzullo. all right. 8:10 is our time. a lot of people with plans for the valentine's day weekend. presidents' day coming up as well. beach weather. we're looking at more 70s around the bay. here is a look from our sister tower camera. average high he in san francisco for february 14 is 60. so you know we're surpassing that with a high of 70. a slight cooldown coming up. >> lisa, thank you. also ahead, a busy day in the big apple for steph curry. the question isn't where was steph yesterday. the question is where wasn't he? larry beil has the answer from new york city. it is ♪ with kaiser permanente you'll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. don't miss yoplait's exciting new flavors -- creamy caramel and cookies 'n cream. if you plan to send flaurs to your sweetheart you have more choices than ever before. 7 on your side's michael finney with the details. >> reporter: the most obvious way to get flowers to your sweetheart is to go through a respected local florist. another popular way is by way of internet and package delivery, ftd, 1-800-flowers all passed our 7 on your side quality testses a couple can years back with flying colors. now you have new choices. first up, insta card. it is partnering with whole foods. >> bouquets start at $29.99. if you want it in one hour that would be $5.99. you would have your deliver yy to your sweetheart. >> reporter: and you don't have to stop there. >> we have a great selection, a handful of bow teke items that you can add on to fur insta card order and have them delivers to your loved one. are. >> reporter: jonathan has picked up flowers and a card and is now in ross. . how much did it cost? >> $7.99. the flowers, the vase and the card under $40 and it included the delivery it will be $60 total. >> reporter: he writes the message asked for by the client and heads to the drop off location. >> awesome. thank you so much. >> reporter: job done. a job well done and how he did it. if people said get it cheaper? >> reporter: i would did whatever he wants me to do. i'll do it like i'm him. >> reporter: now look at all these flowers and gifts. it might surprise you to know this is safeway. the store really gets it together for valentine's day. >> we're a flower shop within a grocery store. >> reporter: they have local floral delivery services and many of us have access to which is offering a special deal for valentine's day. >> a dozen long stemmed roses under $20. and that would be on the website. >> reporter: so if i grabbed those roses and that cake back there i would hit the $35 limit perhaps and have it delivered for free. >> yes, you could, on the first time is free delivery with a $35 purchase. >> reporter: so if you haven't used before and spend $35 delivery is free. i'm michael finney, 7 on up side. today is a day of flowers, love chocolate and marriage. it is the most popular day to tie the knot. extending operating hours today. the san ma tateo office will throw in a free long stemmed red rose. couples must have a marriage license before they can get riched. the all stars are practicing at madison square garden ahead of tomorrow night's big game. larry beil is in new york for the all-star festivities. >> reporter: it is freezing cold in new york city pu but the splash brothers hope to heat things up. >> both of us want to have bragging rights. steph tells me he's 0 had-3 and this is his moment. >> reporter: curry had an appearance on "can good morning america" to a signing at foot locker. and at an event with lebron james. >> having the game at madison square garden will be truly special. i'm going to enjoy it to the full est fullest. i know the city is hosting us and spreading the love to all our fans. it means a lot. >> reporter: steph can kurcurry is blossoming into a superstar right in front of our eyes. we'll be live in brooklyn for the three-point shoot-out live at 5:00 and 6:00. at madison square garden in new york city larry beil, abc 7 sports. >> larry looks warm with the jacket on. >> that's real winter and it won't let up. we need some rain. and it is all clear. it if you look outside you've been here the past couple of days, you know we are going in the wrong direction. temperatures from 12 to 15 degrees. we're almost there in san francisco right now. here he is a look it at the horizon from emeryville. 52 in oakland and for mt. tamm you can see the haze there. numbers range from 45 in santa rosa. 46 petaluma and 49 by the delta. a little bit of fog but the winds are very, very light. we're looking at strong high pressure over the city. temperatures at about 70 degrees downtown. the rest of you well above average not only here but in southern california the mountains and the west bone-dry with more rain needed for sure. around the west coast and offshore nothing going on. it's going to be a warm weekend and there are storms out in the pacific. in the sierra nevada warmer at 64 degrees. could be a record today. overnight lows in the 20s. no lines there. it looks like a pretty good weekend if you're going to head out with upper 50s into presidents' day. that keeps us 14 to 15 degrees above average and then we get into a slight cooldown. a few high clouds bumping up and over the ridge allowing for some cooling but not that much. no rain in sight. 74 in milpedas. 77 santa cruz. 79 gilroy. low 70s half moon bay. men low park and redwood city low 70s. up in the north bay some of the warmest numbers with the down sloping wind. up to 77. near the east bay a 75-degree reading in oakland as well as union city. more mid-70s to pleasant on . the accuweather seven-day forecast shows temperatures may be a few degrees cooler into tomorrow but nothing significant by the middle of next week. and then we're even warmer by the end of next week. you can track the ret or rain with the abc 7 weather app. we have more information on abc 7 we could be back into flooding in march. >> track the heat in february. >> crazy. >> lisa, thank you. coming up, the biggest bird in the world. in honor of black history month using our instagram feed to celebrate the people who have made a difference where you live. remembering the first african-american superintendent. students in oakland will honor dr. foster's life and legacy with a special program. we have more information on instagram. why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. the volvo presidents day invitation. this month, lease the xc60 for just $399 a month. visit your volvo showroom. nasa has released a submersible vehicle that could explore the depths of sat you shall saturn's largest moon. the submarine would have to be designed to withstand extreme conditions including big waves and temperatures as low as 298 degrees below zero. nasa envisions sending it on a three-month mission collecting and analyzing samples and sending it all back. 8:25 is the time. a childhood toy getting a new high-tech makeover. mattel teamed up with google to create a new virtual reality view master. it uses apps on a smartphone to simulate 3d there will be view master reels to enhance the virtual reality experience. it will go on sale for about $30. big bird made a big splash on twitter. it joined the social media site back in october of 2012 but post ed for the first time yesterday tweeting out just one word, tweet. in a few hours the sesame street star has more than 15000 followers. love was in the air at the california academy of science. heart shaped valentines to the penguins. it serves two purposes. the male penguins return to the nest and offer to their mates. it encourages them to breed and later they will use the papers to line their nest. president obama is scheduled to take off for palm springs in about ten minutes. plus, ci welcome back. president obama is scheduled to fly out of sfo momentarily. cornell joins us live on the phone. good morning to you. >> the president is here. he just boarded air force one getting ready to leave after a three-day visit. the schedule was moved up last night. i asked a few secret service agents why the change. they said they didn't know. one joked with me the pred doesn't need to have a reason for leaving. president obama has been really busy here in the area. a summit on tiber security followed by a fund-raiser in san francisco at the home of capitalist sandy robinson happened yesterday afternoon. heading to palm springs where he has nothing on the schedule . r&r. a little golf i'm told. this is his fourth visit to the desert in four years. the obamas love spending time down there. michelle obama may be joining her husband there from washington, d.c. a lot of the press boarding air force one getting ready to leave here in just a few minutes. restricted airspace for the next hour. that's about the flight time down to palm springs. anybody with a flight to or from the area likely going to have to wait. the president has precedent driving around anywhere. because of that there will be flight delays for people leaving the bay area or leaving los angeles. no flight delays for the president of the united states. pretty much go when you want to go. air stairs moving away from air force one here as the president leaves the bay area after a three-day visit heading to palm springs for a little vacation. live at sfo abc 7 news. >> cornell, thank you very much. as you see in that live picture as we zoom out right now, the official takeoff time is supposed to be in about three minutes or so. skedcheduled for 8:35 this morning. you can see san francisco police just drove by in the shot there. signed an executive order as well as the private secondtor to share more information about cyber security threats. that was really again one of the highlights of the trip over to stanford university for that cyber security summit. again, as cornell mentioned, the president wrapping up what's been a quick but very busy trip here to the bay area. last night he was the guest of honor at a democratic party fund-raiser in san francisco's russian hill neighborhood. so again, the original departure time was scheduled for just after 10:00 pushed up to 8:35. heading to palm springs to spend the holiday weekend, and we'll wait and see if michelle obama, the first lady, ends up joining him for some rest and relaxation. the president deserves a break. we do too from time to time. again, a live look at san francisco international airport where you can see air force one getting ready to take off to palm springs. lisa argen and the weekend forecast warm temperatures expected. >> the bay area in southern california. average highs should be about 60 in oakland and san francisco. 64 san jose. that's not going to happen. in fact, right now temperatures are in the 50s from san jose to palo alto. and we're looking at lake at that hoe. maybe some of you have plans to get to the sierra nevada. 64 degrees. slately coolerer, though, over the long holiday weekend. it's 49 in concord can and final finally from the golden gate bridge you see all the blue sky and we're looking at temperatures 12 to 15 degrees above average. putting the coast at about 70, 72 in in san francisco. mid-70s across the bay in oakland. upper 70s down towards santa cruz. morgan hill. and we'll pinpoint some of your neighborhood temperatures over the weekend. and see if we can get any rain in here. temperatures is 8:34. we did see a picture there in boston. . now a look air force one getting ready to take off this morning with the president in tow. our reporter in san francisco who saw the president leave the fairmont hotel. now we just checked in with core cornell bernard at sfo. you can see the plane is getting ready to take off. 8:35 and there we go as planned. should get back to normal on this presidents' day weekend, a lot of neighbors had expressed some frustration about their streets being closed off in certain parts of san francisco. we saw some extra traffic as a result of the president's visit to palo alto. how often do we get to see a president in our neck of the woods? some residents saying, you know, it was great to be able to see the motorcade. we talked about that earlier in the week. it's a converted cadillac. our live picture you can see the plane getting ready to take off to palm springs. again, this has been a live coverage of the presidential visit to the san francisco airrea. so new this morning, president obama spoke about giving every child everywhere a fair shot. a new lou that would make a real investment in preschool as well as tackle standardized tests. that means trying new things, investing in what's working on fixing what's not. >> make sure parents and teachers know how our kids are doing year to year and relative to schools statewide. they have the resources they need to spend less time teaching to attest and teaching the skills they need. >> the president added eded parents need to make sure kids pick up the books. still ahead on the abc 7 saturday morning news, celebrating love where you live. going vintage. why you may want to think outside the box when sending flowers to your sweetheart. you can see the san francisco skyline in the distance. no traffic issues to report over the bay bridge. temperatures expected in you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! pillsbury crescents--awesome. but now you can use them to make pizza night awesome, too. unroll, separate, add sauce, pepperoni, cheese, and fold. behold: week night crescent pizza pockets party. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. guess what goes really well with eggs? pillsbury grands biscuits. make breakfast even better. grands biscuits. make breakfast pop. welcome back. we want to get back to the breaking news, a big fire burning at an auto repair shop. this is north of highway 101 south of coyote creek. firefighters still trying to get a handle on this thing. the smoke continues to rise but for now we are told no injuries to report, but we will continue to monitor this break inging news out of san jose and let you know if we learn anything new. you can enjoy our national parks free of charge this holiday weekend courtesy of the national park service in honor of our nation's president. you can enjoy the national park without ponying up the $7 entrance fee. president obama has visited grand canyon and yellow stone national parks with had his family and created five new national parks via presidential proclamation. it should be a nice weekend to head out to a park if you want to do that. >> yes, too warm. no rain out there. feeling like southern california in instead of northern california. emeryville 52 degrees. nothing but blue skies. strong high pressure in control. we need it to go away. it won't. 75 today in oakland. we'll have a look at some other temperatures around the bay and a ten-day outlook coming up. lisa, thank you. also ahead, hop on the ice with a welcome sight for josh mcclellan. the de our vision for partnering with more farmers, growers manufacturers is that eventually organic and natural will be the norm. for raley's that means a lot more organic and natural options on the shelf. and for our consumers, that means having a lot more affordable and readily available, healthy products to feed their families. sustainability is about making a difference in our community. it's about being happy, healthy and well for many years to come. to learn more, visit raley's family of stores on youtube. time now is 8:44 on your val en vallen tin's day looking live from our lake tahoe camera. tahoe could see a record in terms of temperatures. the season has been pretty rough for the ski resorts you up there. lae is a will break down the forecast in just a little bit. many people across the bay area are gearing up up for a sweet valentine's day weekend. many people are finding it's too late to make last-minute plans. fourth and santa clara in san jose this young man is shopping for valentine's day but he has something else on his mind. >> i rewrote a song sang by justin bieber to fit our relationship. i plan to sing that to her. >> customers getting creative and keeping it cool. >> if anybody were to see this, just more eye catching i think. >> these days more people are turning to modern and vintage designs. >> peonies tulips create beautiful vintage arrangements. >> still need to book a reservation? you may be in luck. we checked open table for a party of two at 7:00 on saturday. nearly 40% of tables are still available. however, at levi stadium, they booked nearly two weeks ago. >> a six course can tasting menu. we're so happy we got the positive feedback from the guest guests and have a fully booked reservation book. >> still not sure what to do for that special someone? ♪ you're my special little lady ♪ ♪ the one that makes me crazy of all the girls i've ever known ♪ ♪ it's you it's you ♪ >> we spoke to ivey blooms. she's been slammed at the shop. she's been staying there until midnight every night since monday. hopefully she gets a break after today. >> the flowers are beautiful. a good voice, too. we're looking at more sunshine around the bay. more record warmth. 10 to 15 degrees above average. live doppler 7 hd shows the component of the wind has been light offshore and all that high surf is beginning to subside. still, high pressure our dominant weather feature. light winds and blue skies. 55 degrees. it's 58 down at the airport. 57 already at half moon bay. another vantage point from mt. tamm a. pretty picture with the hills there. 47 in napa. 49 in fairfield as well as concord and livermore. good morning santa rosa. san francisco, well today's high will be 70 degrees. you should be about 60 and look for numbers to continue to stay above average not only for the long holiday weekend. that gives you an idea how strong it is and really shouldn'ting the moisture everywhere all the way up into the gulf of alaska. we have the warm weekend with all this high pressure around us. storms are off in the pacific but they remain here and they're getting deflected well up to the north because of the strong ridge. so it's going to be deflected a little bit in the days ahead throughout the middle of the week. will they bust through the ridge? this long-range outlook takes us ten days out into about february 24. tuesday, unfortunately, the outlook remains dry. we will keep looking and we've had soggy march weather. hopefully that will bring us more rain. 80s in southern california. 60s in the sierra nevada and that could be record south lake. 69 in yosemite with mid-70s around monterey today. so very warm day. of course pebble beach with the numbers there just very comfortable. 77 santa cruz. they had 80 yesterday. maybe a few degrees of cooling. very warm for the middle of february. 75 in concord . 76 in san jose and napa. a few degrees warmer in santa rosa with those north winds. that's when things really warm you up and exactly what we have. by sunset it's the valentine's day pillow fight and temperatures in and around san francisco will still be in the 60s. the accuweather seven-day forecast 70 coast. upper 70s inland. a couple degrees of cooling tomorrow through presidents' day and then with some higher clouds around the bay looking at the coolest days into wednesday and thursday. but then high pressure rebuilds. not only talking wam inging warmer weather, higher fire danger. we'll try to change that. >> always a concern. thank you. turning to sports now, this morning third-round play of the at&t pebble beach national pro-am begins at 8:00 a.m. at pebble beach golf links spy glass hill golf course and monterey peninsula country club. today buster posey matt cain and bill murray are at pebble beach. the leader board is starting to take shape. here is colin rush with the highlights of this morning's sports report. good morning. after winning at pebble beach two years ago brandt snedeker number four in the world. he's since dropped to number 63. sned searching to regain his form and it looks like he has. friday another picture perfect day on the monterey peninsula. condoleezza rice can play. started taking the game serious about six years ago, pretty competitive, too. a 5 hand yiy cap, teeing off at pebble. if you of played this hole you know how tough it is. guides it down the alley funnels to within about three feet and he would make that birdie putt. pretty good. bill murray found his spot. i don't know if he ever left. he must be friends with john daly. back to earth yesterday 1 over 72 at monterey peninsula. at spy glass hill matt jones 6 under 66. he's at 12 under overall. so is snedeker. sne can sned dialed in. had hit all 18 greens friday on his way to a 5 under 67. snedeker and jones tied atop the leader board. jason day making a big move on friday. 9 under at monterey peninsula. he's tied for 14. daly, he drops from a tie to third for a tie for 37th. sixth off the lead. todd mcclellan sitting on 299 career wins for over a week. i said he had been. the shacks in arizona, losers of three straight on the verge of four early. they'd have to rally from a two-goal deficit. off a skate and in. 2-1. leads the league in power play goals. that was easy. tied at 2-2. rookie goodrow, look at the patience here. his fourth of the season. 3-2, san jose. 90 seconds left. arizona empties their net. and that completes the hat trick. mcclelland gets the win. bruce boudreaux, the sharks, with the win. the sharks were in phoenix. the rink they'll be playing on in seven days taking shape in levi's stadium. crews working to have it ready. they'll begin creating the ice. stanford in the midst of a two-game losing streak. about three in a row. hosting ufc yesterday roberson 3 of her 13. came off the bench and scored 14 14. she had four assists. the losing streak ends at two. stanford wins 79-60. they said it was mutual but we all knew it wasn't. jim harbaugh admitting to it in a podcast interview with tim kawakami. harbaugh says the niners informed him he'd be let go after the loss to seattle in early december. he opted to stay saying he wanted to coach the last two games and finish what he started. >> i was told i wouldn't be the coach anymore. put the 49ers in a position to have a coach they didn't want anymore. i didn't leave the 49ers. i felt the 49ers hierarchy can left me. >> that's a look at morning sports. have a great day everyone. >> 5:53 is our time. next the andnual san have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! here are the winning numbers from last night's $74 million mega draw. 4, 20, 64, 74, the mega number 14. nobody picked all six so tuesday night's jackpot grows. love isn't the only thing in the air this valentine's day. the annual pillow fight will bust out in san francisco. organizers recommend participants bring a mask or ban bandanna. they also want people to bring a garbage bag to help clean up afterwards. it starts at 5:50 tonight. how is it going to be for the pillow fight? upper 60s, should be pleasant. way too warm in emeryville. we are in the 50s so it's nice and sunny. the cooler numbers in the valleys. the fog is gone. lacking pretty good out there. upper 70s from livermore and san jose and looking at the extended outlook a little cooler for the middle of next week. warm er warmer by the end of next week. >> thank you and thank you for joining us on the abc 7 saturday morning news. the news continues online on twitter, facebook and all your mobile devices with our abc 7 news app. and with the great weather outside, we'd love for you to post your pictures to our instagram feed. instagram us at abc 7 news bay area and follow on twitter as well. for lisa argen and the rest of our abc 7 news family, i'm chris nguyen. beautiful conditions for the start of this valentine's day/presidents' day weekend. have a great day, everybody. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. >> hi, everyone. i'm jack hanna coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown." sea cucumbers are red. ooh hoo hoo. dart frogs are, too. >> i can't see it. >> i see it, i see it. >> i've got more red animals on today's show for you. red isn't only the color of romance; it can also serve as a camouflage... >> you can hardly see that other bongo. >> or even a warning. >> it's not frightened of predators. >> today, 7 remarkable red animals. >> we have a very successful breeding program with these guys.

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Mission District , Russian Hill , Sierra Nevada , Brooklyn , Oakland , Alaska , Redwood City , Stanford University , Boston , Massachusetts , Pebble Beach , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Marin County , Arizona , Emeryville , South Lake , Monterey , Fairmont , Phoenix , Morgan Hill , Petaluma , America , American , Jim Harbaugh , Tiffany Wilson , Tim Kawakami , Lebron James , Posey Matt Cain , Los Angeles , Santa Clara , Jalan Wang , Josh Mcclellan , Justin Bieber , Madison Square , Sandy Robinson , Todd Mcclellan , Larry Beil , Bruce Boudreaux , Chris Nguyen , Michelle Obama , Jack Hanna , Matt Jones , John Daly , Brandt Snedeker , Michael Finney , Kaiser Permanente ,

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