Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20240622 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20240622

in vallejo. this this third time that firefighters have been called out to the neighborhood. this is the first time around they were here. crews tried to snuff out any flames on the pear. ed hill behind he houses against the blue rock springs corridor park. the embers damaged a house roof and crews left the scene but were called back when the winds rekindled the smoke and flames a couple hours later. >> some of the neighbors were getting ready to pull hoses out but the fire department came and everybody kind of just shut down. their roof over here supposedly got some embers on it. >> reporter: firefighters got the second fire under control, and then they returned probably about 15 minutes later. that neighbor tells me the dry hill behind their home is a concern, especially in this drought. he says they're trying to figure out how to clean up the brush and low grass back there. the neighbors say they want to make there is a pretty good buffer zone between the dry vegetation in that public park and their homes. reporting live in vallejo, abc7 news. >> lightning sparked wildfire in burning in northern california. it's grown to more than 1300 acres and is only five percent contained. the fire broke out tuesday in the shasta-trinity national forest. crews have citifully built containment lines but winds could spread the flames. a gusty and hot day for much of the bay area. people in foster city enjoying the sunny weather at the lagoon at the memorial park. right now it's still pretty warm in much of the bay area. drive drew tuma has more with a look at live doppler 7hd. >> we're really entering prime fire season. we have gusty winds, low relative humidity, ingredients for fires that start to spread rapidly. when you have numbers in the mid-50s like we have right now, it's a pleasant feeling but a rather dry atmosphere, and you combine that with gusty winds right now, out of the east fairfield, a gun of 35 miles-per-hour. 24 in livermore. 21 in hayward and mountain view, and that wind is coming off the ocean water so it's having a cooling effect. look at the 24-hour temperature change. 20 degrees cooler right now in concord than this time yesterday. and cooler air will continue to filter into the bay area throughs as well. detail those numbers and the full forecast in just a few minutes. >> state lawmaker devote hundreds of millions of dollar to immediate drought relief but much of the money has not been spent. california set aside $687 million for projects to east effects of the drought but only half of it has been spend on things like water treatment plants and pipelines. critics believe the governor should do more to cut red tape. >> i don't think he wants owninger ship of this negative thing called the drought. if he steps in, then owns it. >> we're waiting for things like environmental approvals and we are waiting for things like local governments to come up with a matching share of dollars to go along what if the state committed. >> state officials expect to spend all of the drought relief money by the end of the year and ad some has helped unemployed farmworker. >> an investigation is underway into the cause of a rollercoaster accident great america. witnesses say the rollercoaster hit a park employee. cornell bernard has details. >> reporter: witnesses say the park employee was trying to retrieve a cell phone dropped by a rider when they were struck by the approaching rollercoaster. that person hospitalized with critical injuries. tonight as you can see the flight deck coaster is shut down. there's lots of questions about no indication the ride malfunctioned. >> that's horrible. so sorry for the families. >> great america park goers react to extent on the flight deck rollercoaster. today the ride is idle as investigators look into the cause. sky 7hd was overslade after authorities aa park man is worker was struck in the head. witnesses on the ride saw what happened. >> itself was some guy trying to get something from the floor somebody dropped a cell phone. then when we were turning to the right, see him getting hit by the front of the line from the flight deck. >> the worker was dragged 15 feet by the coast, both the employee and rider were taken to the hospital. >> bad place, bad time. hopefully they'll be safer about and it take care because they don't do that. it's not worth it for a cell phone. >> some park goers were uneasy about the accident. >> makes met not want to ride the role coaster. >> it's scary. >> this is video of the flight deck roller coaster in action. heart-pounding 360-degree loops at 50 miles-per-hour. riders' feet dangle while suspended below the coaster's steel track. great america management told news a statement: safety is at the heart of everything we do and remains our highest priority. we are working closely with local and state authorities to investigate the matter. in 1998 there was another accident on the same coaster which used to be called top gun, a man was killed when he climbed over a security fence to get his wife's hat and was kicked in the held bay rider. the investigation into friday's incident continues. >> a man died in a head-on crash in sonoma county today. the highway patrol believes a car crossed into oncoming traffic east of petaluma. another driver broke her arm in the crash. investigator does not believe alcohol was a factor but are looking to see if someone was on their cell phone. >> the u.s. military wants to take steps that could increase tensions with russia. why the head of the uc system believes the student body will grow by just a small amount this fall. and john stamos arrested and taken to the hospital. a show over strength. the u.s. military wants to station up to 5,000 troupes and heavy weapons like tanks in several eastern european nations. this comes after russia is flexes muscles in places like crimea and ukraine. "the new york times" reports the secretary of defense and the white house still need to sign off on the plan. despite an increase to funding the uc system expects to admit just a few hundred students more than usual this fall. the sometime president janet napolitano says the budget is not set so it's too late to add students to the waiting list. she hopes to see thousands added next year. john statement mose, the star or the tv show "full house" was arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving last night. he was pulled over in beverly hills and taken to the hospital for a poll medical condition, and that's where doctors say they realized he had been drinking, stamos was cited and released into the care of the hospital. today he tweeted out a thanks to fans for love and support. stamos will produce and star in a 13 episode reboot of full house next year on netflix. >> up next on abc7 news at 6:00, game six of the nba final will be anway game but you can help keep oracle arena rocking. well we see any relief from the heat? meteorologist drew tuma has the forecast. >> the warriors continue the small ball lineup? both teams practiced today in oakland and andrew bogut talks about his role as the series continues coming up in sports. we spend a lot of time online around here. but with all this speed from xfinity, it's all good. hey, why don't we do some homework for a change? gary, you too. stuff. yes! lovin' the new design! konichiwa hirosan. five minutes... all this speed is very empowering. check out the new hardware. with the fastest internet available, xfinity is perfect for people who need to get a lot done at home. and now you can go even faster. we've just increased the speeds on two of our most popular plans. thousands of people enjoyed san francisco's popular north beach festival today. [music] >> abc7 news was in the little italy neighborhood as people enjoyed free live mosquito. the festival, now in its 61st 61st year, featured nearly 150 booths offering gourmet food and arts and crafts. you can catch the fun tomorrow from 10:00 until 6:00. >> oracle arena will be packed for game five of the nba finals and also be filled with fans for game six on tuesday, even though that is an away game. the team will host an official watch party on the warriors' home court. attendees receive a commemorative ticket, rally tall and. cards. it's $15 to get in and five dollars to park. >> abc7 instance the only place to catch the finals. coverage of game five in oakland begins tomorrow at 4:30. game six is tuesday in cleveland at 5:30 and if we need a game seven it will be back in oakland next friday at 5:30. before game five tomorrow, let's celebrate the best fans in basketball. all series long we have been sharing fan photos and choosing an abc7 news fan of the day. today's pick is a colorful one take a look. amanda shared this shot of the talented little rose. we think amanda hey have helped with the talk design. very nicely done. thank you for spreading warriors love where you live. >> you can share your fan picks with us use the hash tug dubs on 7 and include your city so we can give you a proper shoutout if you're chosen as the next fan of the day. so many great pictures coming in, great weather as well. drew has the forecast. >> by tomorrow if you're tailgating early on in the afternoon on sunday, nice and comfortable. sunshine temperatures in the upper 60s in oakland. live doppler 7hd this hour tracking pretty clear skies in terms of precipitation put right along the coast you are dealing with clouds. we'll take you live outside the south beach camera showing you the view from downtown san francisco. the easterly wind has been overachieving, pushing the marine layer further inland today. that's having an affect on temperatures. a cooling affect around the immediate bay. 56 in oakland same in san mateo, 67 in hayward. once you get away from the cool east breeze off the ocean water where it's 80 in antioch, san jose, 74. so live doppler 7hd along with satellite, here's the bigger picture. high pressure acting as a heat pump yesterday is wakening and the heat is really going to ease especially inland on sunday. then right on the heels we'll track the cold front. a weak and quick-moving piece of energy. it will bring more clouds and even cooler temperatures on monday. take a look at san jose, for example. i should say lows overnight tonight. mainly clear skies inland, cloud cover right along the coast mid-50s so a rather comfortable night around the bay, even warmer inland, and south bay locations where temperatures will only bottom out in the low 60s. overnight tonight highs, san jose, 80 degrees tomorrow. 80 milpitas. 82 the high in kuper tina. -- cupertino. for mountain view cooler, and downtown san francisco, 66. north bay 92. petaluma, 80 in vallejo. east bay, 68 in oakland. sunny skies. 70 san leandro. 72 castro valley. inland 80s. 89 antioch, 82 concord. the warmest spot, 90 in brentwood. i if you're haven'ted to oracle arena here's the planner. 2:00, lots of sunshine, 68. a light breeze later in the evening. by 11:00 patchy fog out there. otherwise a temperature cooling to about 57 degrees. just want to take you into the pacific very quickly. we're tracking our next hurricane in the pacific hurricane season. this is carlos winds 85 miles-per-hour just off the coast of acapulco and will kind of parallel the coastline and category 1 storm by tuesday morning and rights now all indications are the moisture will stay away from the lower 48. the accuweather seven-day forecast, a little cooler tomorrow cooling breeze hits us on monday. so that will feel nice illinoisland, and then it is short lived by wednesday we're tracking the dome of heat over us again and a third time it's coming back this time next weekend so up and down, rollercoaster-wise, temperatures in the next seven days. >> thank you drew. i like how the sun sunshines and the warriors logo lights up the whole seven-day. >> i don't like everytime i go to cleveland it gets nice here. we're closing in on the finish line for the nba championship with game five tomorrow at oracle. three games in five games is brutal this time of year. the two-day break it much immediate needed. the big question mark, starting lineup for game five. steve kerr -- iguodala started bogut today said he had no issues of being benched. >> kind of guides postups and we went small to adjust. we can switch for the strength now. it's a serious adjustment. that's what all playoff series are,. >> are you embracing the moment more and more as even game goes on and you understand how hard it really is just to win a game and you take it one game at a time. you learn how mentally strong you have to be and in order to just win a game. >> i think we should be better tomorrow because we have a feel for our opponent. and i'm looking fur a better game at home. >> cavalier coach david blatt has to adjust after steve kerr pulled a fast one in game four. lebron was gassed and had to welcome this two-day arrest. cavaliers have to count their warriors lineup which might change on sunday. the need more offensive fire power from someone not named lebron or mozgov. >> a different change for it but we'll be much more prepared for it tomorrow night. >> every game brings out new things and certainly presents new challenges and if you look at the four games in three out of four of those games we were pretty good doing the things we did. >> the giants return home for a three-game set with the diamondbacks. now arizona held the g-men to two hits last night in a victory. looking for their second straight toy. the grill house on mccovey's cove. ryan vogel sock, rough start. 2 or d-backs. next batter bags still full. ryan walked four in the first. second inning, joints offensive struggles continue. without a hit through five. fourth inning, vogelsong's woes continue. the single to left gives arizona the lead. that ends his day. right now in the seventh it's 4-2 d-backs. we'll have the highlights at 9:00 and 11:00. women's world cup, inland and mexico, 82nd minute. alex sevens it in car any puts it away to give england the lead and the victory. brazil and spain. jiminez flies to save the goal but her clearance goes to the foot of and it bounces in. france taking on colombia. 19th minute. rincon with a perfect ball. it's put away with the right foot. colombia upsets france. 2-0. third around of the lpga championship. second major of the year for women. kim with the one, streak -- stroke lead. misses the bird poise. settles for the bogey. kim shot a 68. mv park doesn't miss often. birdie putt. six on the day. shot a 66. a two-stroke lead heading into sunday. this sports log brought you by bank of the best. nhl playoffs, giants and a's tonight. >> next at 6:00, what a day for a ride through wine country while people wanna know, why has my high efficiency washer been saying 7 more minutes for 25 minutes? the problem may not be with your machine but with your he detergent. all he detergents are not created equally. look. this detergent says it's made for high efficiency washers but look at all these suds that your machine needs to rinse! that means more time. fact is the wrong detergent can add up to 25 minutes to your wash cycle. it can waste water too. up to 10 extra gallons. so, what's the answer? introducing new tide he turbo with quick collapsing smart suds. smart suds means a more efficient rinse cycle - saving time & water. look at the difference. and, tide delivers 6 times the cleaning power. put tide he turbo to work for you. it helps save time and helps save water with 6 times the cleaning power. get a money saving coupon for new tide he turbo at now you can turn laundry time into turbo time. join us on kofy tv 20. risings from the ashes and now open for business. a new start for a local shop destroyed by flames. then on abc7 news at 11:00 here on channel 7 very different kind of bake sale. these food items are not for everyone how much the man behind the event hopes it will help change state law. that's tonight at 11:00. dozens of cyclists enjoyed the beautiful weather in wine country detroit, riding to raise money for less fortunate children. both local and pro cyclists took part in the century ride. it started at the roberts winery. the ride raises money for the united health care children's foundation which helps families pay for services not covered by insurance. the 100-mile ride does have stops along the way with entertainment and food. looks like a win-win for everyone involved. that is it for abc7 news at 6:00. thank you for watching. see you again at 9:00 and 11:00. 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