Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170419 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170419

mohammad was tackled by a police officer and was heard shouting the arabic phrase for god is great. >> all of these rounds were fired within less than a minute at four different locations. >> reporter: police say mohammad was wanted last thursday in the murder of a hotel security carl williams. and had recently posted racist comments on his facebook page. at this point, the police chief says this is not terrorism. >> all three attacks today were random, all three were approached by him, they were unprovoked attacks. >> reporter: and we're showing you a section of fulton street here, that's where the shooting spree ended where the suspect was apprehended, as we pull out, you can see down the street, there are some flashing lights, that's where one of the victims was shot. now police here are crediting their shot spotter technology with their quick reaction to this crime. they were able to get here in a matter of minutes. in fresno, laura anthony, abc7 news. and we are learning more about the criminal history of the alleged fresno gunman, cory ali mohammad. >> mohammad used several aliases can. his criminal record goes back to 1998. >> prior to this last week, his most serious run in with the law happened in fresno back in 2004. in that instance mohammad was arrested on a parole violation and when officers searched his car they found a drugs and a gun. >> he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to nearly nine years in jail. now pg&e released a statement on tied's shooting saying no training or protective equipment can prepare one for events outside of one's control. in minutes, we do expect to hear from the chief of fresno's police department. we're going to bring you that news conference live, we're taking a look in there as they are getting set up and ready to go. our coverage of the fresno shooting continues on abc7 news and on our abc news app. three drifters were sentenced for killing a canadian tourist and a hiker two years ago. abc7 news was in san rafael as the three killers apologized for their crimes. all three killed 23-year-old audrey kerry in golden gate park in 2013 and then two gays later, they shot never miss steven carter. one of the defendants lila allgood asked for forgiveness. >> i feel so much shame in the wrong doing and the horrible decisions i made and i'm so sorry. >> you have become cold blooded murderers, so now prepare to pay for it. >> aligood was sentenced years in prison. new at 6:00, fewer juvenile criminals are being kept in california facilities but the cost of incarcerating each child keeps going up. this year it's expected to reach a record high of $271,000 per juvenile per year. that's according to data analyzed by the center on j juvenile justice. the recidivism rates remain high, 74% of juveniles are arrested after their release. their report concludes in this fiscal year, california will spend a quarter million dollars per youth on a system that cannot demonstrate consistent or satisfactory outcomes. a new state audit says the dmv is doing a poor job in its disaimed person parking placards. the dmv did not check the signatures of the documents and about 26,000 placard holders are now deceased because they would now be over 100 years old. people with these placards can park in metered spots for as long as they want free of charge. a hip-hop concert on a world war ii era aircraft carrier on easter weekend. >> reporter: the u.s. hornet is probably best known for retrieving the apollo 11 space capsule after his first trip to the moon. but after the weekend, it's going to be taking on a new mission, hosting hip-hop artists on the flight deck. on memorial day weekend, hip-hop artist wiz khalifa will be hosting a two-day music concert called the ship show. >> this is the first time we have had grammy nominated art t artists come and perform on our ship here in alameda. >> the music festival with the artist will be a sharp contrast to the usual events they host. ♪ snech♪ >> the event is about music, not controversy. >> it's the old saying, don't judge a book by its cover, because these fans do a lot of charity work. every ticket sale is going to the hornet as a donation. >> reporter: today marks the 75th anniversary of america's effort to strike back against japan after pearl harbor, the daring doolittle rate was launched from the ship's deck i november of 1942. >> once they come here for the music, then they're going to come here and see the ship, i think that's fantastic. >> this is what we call the land of the free, so this is our country and so people are capable of doing whatever it is they like and want. and we're toll ranlt of that. >> reporter: security will be provided by the alameda police department, the music festival will be the largest ever held aboard the world war ii era aircraft carrier. now we want to take you live of our breaking news coverage of the shooting in fresno today. >> this is the police chief jerry dyer talking about the investigation and what happened today. >> then a fourth activation at 149 north fulton. these are within about a block and a half of each other. and a total of 16 rounds were fired according to our gunshot detection system. and all of those occurred in approximately a minute to a minute and a half. and as a result what we know is we had three people that were shot and killed and one person shot at in less than a two-minute time frame in the city of fresno. immediate lly upon arriving, officer frank he immediately surrendered and defense on to the ground. and gave up to officer borrego. as the officer was taking him into custody, he made some spontaneous statements, those statements were i did it, i shot them, he identified themselves to officer borrego as kori mohammad and said you guys are looking for me. the fact that kori mohammad was a wanted suspect in a murder that occurred thursday evening at a motel 6 at black stone in ash land. in that case, suspect mohammad shot and killed a 25-year-old security guard by the name of carl williams and he also attempted to shoot a second security guard but ran out of ammunition prior to being able to do so. muhammed also stated that he had thrown the gun that he had utilized over by a pile of clothing and we at this point have not been able to locate that firearm, we believe someone may have picked it up in the area and left. and our detectives are tracking that down today. also after he was placed in the patrol car, he yelled out akbar as he was seated in the back of the patrol car, which obviously prompted some concerns as to what his motive may have been. he also learned during the course of the investigation that he may have made that same statement after he shot the pg&e employee in nes. i do want to make this statement early on, we do not believe based on the information that we have today that this is a terrorist-related crime. based on the information that we have been provided in our investigation has shown is that this is solely based on race. and it has nothing to do with terrorism, in spite of the statements to be made. he did clarify that the reason he had made that statement, in the event that anything did happen to him, that he was in fact pledging hiss allegiance to god for protection. we also know that kori -- his previous name was kori mcccc nalcdidn't -- mcdonald. it's now kori muhammed. he saw a media release and as a result he made a decision to himself that he was not going to go to jail for shooting a security guard, that he was going to kill as many people as he could today and that's what he set out to do. kori muhammed did shave his braids from his head two days ago and also had shaved his face and was a much different appearance than he was on the night of the april 13th, and would probably not have been recognizable based on the photo we had sent out. we have a total of more than 20 witnesses that we have interviewed today. and there are additional individuals that we will be attempting to locate, people that did not necessarily see the shooting, but may have heard something. and again, we are in the process of attempting to locate them. we also learned that the reason that suspect kori muhammed was in the area in which he was, and prior to the shootings, he knew that there were several abandoned houses in that area, and that he was hoping to stay at one of the locations. again, i'm not certain as to whether or not he did stay at those locations, but that's the information that he did have. kori ali muhammed is 39 years of age, he has been arrested, he is being charged with four counts of murder by our district attorney and at least two additional cases where there is an assault with a deadly weapon. a couple of things that i did not state, number one, was when officer borrego had taken muhammed out of the vehicle and had searched him and put him back in the car. and immediately upon seeing me, he made a statement, i'm sorry, chief and then was placed back in the car, so we have no doubt he had his mental faculties about him at that point in time. and there were three females that were contacted by kori muhammed, these women were parked in their car on fulton, just south of this car, a mother and a daughter when they heard the gun fire in the area, they got back in the car very quickly and were attempting to drive away, had difficulty starting the car, when kori muhammed approached on the passenger side, pointed the gun directly at them and for whatever reason did not fire, and they drove away from the location. they did hear gun fire afterwards, which may have been the shooting that occurred directly after. so what we do know at this point in time, based on our investigation, that approximately 10:45 a.m. this morning, kori muhammed, approached two individuals that were in a pg&e truck, the driver, a hispanic male, the passenger was a white male, he fired what appears to be four rounds into that vehicle, striking the passenger and ultimately that passenger was drive n to headquarters where a ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital. he then immediately went on to mildreda. a male came out of the house, he fired at him and missed. and then he went on to encountered another victim, fired several rounds at him, striking him, and then the fourth victim, he encountered at catholic charities, 149 north fulton. and again, along the way, he encountered the two females. so as a result of this incident today -- >> you are listening to the chief of the fresno police department, jerry dyer describing the events today that left three people shot to death at random, and the suspect, kori ali muhammed under arrest for those crimes. >> >>. the biggest social media network in the world wants to make your world more social. >> and facebook plans to do it by augmenting reality, we're going to explain how at 6:30. they're building and rebuilding an apartment complex that should have been open a year ago, find out why there are even more delays. and after a dozen public meetings, find out why tonight is the one that a proposed ordinance would eliminate no cause evictions. david lui is covering the meeting at san jose city hall. >> this is a showdown months in the making, tennants and their landlords makes their last minute pitch to approve the proposal. over 20 public hearings have already been held since no. tennants took to the streets holding rallies and a hunger strike. several land lords told me they believe councilmembers have already made up their minds. >> the just cause eviction requirement would be the worst thing you could do to 90% of the good tennants. it's my only way of acting as an arbitrator between a good ten napt or a bad tennant. >> reporter: a just cause provision would set specific reasons for evictions, that, tenants fear might throw them out into a and higher represent. >> if full just cause is implemented, good tennants will not have to fear eviction the way the i and the other tennants in my building did. >> reporter: passion runs high on both sides. the council has three options, to accept it, to reject it or to send it out for more amendments and more study. in san jose, david lui, abc7 news. b.a.r.t.'s 10-mile extension to antioch is set to open next may. today a director's committee talked about ways to make the new station more accessible to car pools and those walking or riding bikes. the director who represents the area is also concerned about riders parking in nearby neighborhoods. >> they're not against b.a.r.t., they just don't want the b.a.r.t. parkers to park in their front yard and not have them have the ability to come and go as they please throughout the day. >> b.a.r.t. has also identified a location near lone tree way in brent wood that could link riders to the antioch station and maybe where another b.a.r.t. station could be built in the future. finally blue sky after so much rain, that's an encouraging sign. >> and temperatures are starting to warm up. >> it's starting to feel actually like the season we're in. spencer christian is here with the forecast. >> we have mostly blue skies over the bay area right now, we do have a little bit more rain coming our way before we get too excited. rain will arrive late tomorrow night, we'll see a new lingering showers on thursday, the approaching storm ranks 1 on the storm impact scale, a storm of light intensity, it will produce up to a half-inch in some locations in the north bay, but most location also see under .10 inch rain. tomorrow nigh at 10:00, it will be raining across much of the north bay, but notice how the system breaks up and it will be pretty much over by the time the morning commute begins on thursday, so here's the accu-weather 7-day forecast, this storm tonight into early wednesday morning, a 1 on the storm impact scale, sunnier temperatures on wednesday, mid 60s on the coast, beach weather and going into the weekend and into next week, it will remain mild and dry. we hope this does not come as a news flash, but taxes are due today. >> yes, all right, it is a busy time at the irs. tax preparers at h & r block were very busy today. they had all kinds of excuses for delaying the process. >> they're waiting on documents, which can be quite true. a lot of times you have to wait for your documents to come n and other people have busy lives, they're traveling, they have a lot going on. >> procrastinators who need more time to file their tax return can file a six-month extension. they still need to pay their taxes today or set up a payment plan with the irs. plenty of local businesses are offering tax day free byes and discounts. are you ready to taste the unicorn? that's the name of starbuck's newest frappuccino that will go on sale tomorrow. the drink includes pink powder, mango sugar and whipped cream. starbucks says it changes color as you stir it and they confirm, this is not a joke. california could soon legalize bake sales, you know, technically they're illegal. >> we're going to explain the rules currently on the books and how they could change. >> reporter: facebook's biggest development conference yet. plus the president signs a new executive order and this one and we have an update on that breaking news, just a few minutes ago police wrapped up a news conference with new information about a shooting spree that killed three in fresno. >> they believe race not terrorism was the motive behind the crime. police arrested kori ali muhammad. >> muhammed had comments on his facebook page. the nationwide manhunt for a killer came to an end with some mcdonald's employees. steve stephens who posted a live murder on facebook was arrested after a tip. mcdonald's employee called to say that stephens six piece of chicken and fries. >> he didn't want to stay. >> investigators have not said if they'll give the mcdonald's employees the $50,000 in reward money. facebook owner mark zuckerburg talked about the shooting. >> it was a somber moment in inn morning of announcements. >> reporter: mark zuckerburg's keynote was streamed on facebook live. it's not the first big event this week to play out on facebook. zuckerburg spoke to the murder of a grand father streamed on facebook. >> our hearts go out to the family and friends of robert godwin sr. we will keep doing all we can to keep tragedies like this from happening. >> reporter: zuckerburg said that he wants to bring people together in virtual reality. >> with your real friends no matter where you are in your physical world. >> even if you and your friends are worlds apart. >> i know i can chat with them on phone and internet. but this is vary virtual reality, i can feel that they're there with me. how does the cartoon you look compared to the real you? >> i look smart and handsome so i'm not really sure. >> reporter: solar airplanes could stream down solar internet. >> a window into life in other communities, a window into the future of technology. >> reporter: and there's augu ' augmented reality. >> let's add some breakfast clouds around my bowl. >> reporter: real objects just on your phone, but it will be in your glasses soon. >> it's going to be a crazy new world, there's a very weird world coming, because i can get rid of you, i can change you to spongebob. >> reporter: this is facebook's biggest developer conference, they outgrew s that's why they're here in san jose with some 4,000 attendees. on to politic, happening now, votes are being tallied in georgia that could be a test case for the rest of the nation. currently a democrat is winning a congressional seat that's been held by a republican for nearly 40 years, that seat was vacated by tom price who is now the secretary of health and human services. democrats of course want to win this race and send a message to the white house. president trump has all right tweeted about this election and recorded a robo call for voters. president trump today signed an executive order aiming to close the loopholes that allow foreign workers to be hired in the united states at lower wages, but silicon valley leaders are concerned that it could instead hurt america's economy by forcing the world's top talent to go elsewhere. ab a >> the order is called buy american, hire american. the administration considers it a prime example of a company that uses american workers to build quality goods. >> we are sending a powerful signal to the world, we're going to defend our workers, protect our jobs and finally, put america first. >> mr. trump executive order has two parts, one it requires federal agencies to buy more goods and services from american companies. two, it requires a tightening of the h1v visa program the one that silicon valley depends on to bring in highly skilled engineers. >> american worker who is cannot accomplish the work they need done in the united states will have to find a place to do it. so some of those companies already may be forced to find other locations outside of the united states. >> supporters say the president is fulfilling his campaign promise to hire american, but opponents point out his order does not affect the visa that trump uses to staff his mar-a-lago resort. state lawmakers want to make it legal for you to sell food you cook inside your own home. a group of home made food advocates shared different dishes on the white house loun. 20,000 people sign ed pea e e e to change laws. >> this is for folks who might not have the capital to start a food cart or a food truck but are looking for a way to make some extra income. >> the proposed law would require home cooks to follow state food safety standards like restaurants do. it faces many legal hurdles before becoming a law. find out which wine grape varieties helped set a new record. and we're looking intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it. it's not likely to go away on its own. it took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. she told me premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ♪ ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. . a missing boy in pleasantton has been found safe and sound. daniel romeo was found and w brought home safely. the 1906 earthquake and the fires that followed destroyed more than 80% of the city. [ sirens ] >> at 5:12 this morning a siren sounded to mark the time the ground started shaking more than 111 years ago. more than 3,000 people died in the great san francisco fire. the san francisco earthquake association wants to -- the deyoung building has already given permission. the city hopes to have the plaque installed by next year's anniversary. and you will find guidelines for stocking an earthquake survival kit on napa county set a record for agricultural production value. the value of the wine grape crop was up over 33% over the last year. it totaled more than $729 million, that's a new record for the county. cabernet frank grapes sold at the highest price of over 729,000. together they account for 70% of all the grapes grown in napa county and almost 80% of the total value. brand-new apartments will soon be available in the north bay, but don't hold your breath. >> people were supposed to be able to move in more than a year you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. these crews are rebuilding apartments in what began as a $47 million project has become much more expensive. they have had water leaks and wood is already rotting. >> these are just some of the problems at the tam ridges residences in corte madera. >> reporter: when rain fell on what will be the tam ridges apartment, no one batted an eye. are you worried about the rain? >> not at all. >> reporter: would you have been? >> i would have been, but i'm not today. >> reporter: this man is known as the fixer, he came along when this building needed a big one. it was 18 months behind schedule, with water and rot and three pages of codes have violations. >> we literally rebuilt this building from the outside. >> reporter: add more issues with flashings, exterior wood, we could go on. just bricks alone, 16,000 square feet, damaged, removed, then they bought more, and now they're replacing it. >> i don't know the numbers off the top of my head, but it was a sizable amount of money to take it down and put it back up. >> reporter: more than a house? >> more than multiple houses. >> reporter: tam ridge has been controversial since the beginning when the government ordered this 2.4 square mile town to zone for a disproportionate 294 housing hog units. >> we appealed the quota and it was denied. >> reporter: so now this apartment building will be due to open in late june, thanks to the fixer. >> it's always harder to do it the second time around. >> reporter: more expensive? >> more expensive. >> reporter: would you live here now? >> absolutely. >> spencer? >> we have a few clouds still lingering, here's a look at live doppler 7, i give you a look at current conditions, this is the view from mt. tam looking down on parts of san francisco to ocean beach. right now 61 degrees in san francisco, oakland 63 degrees, 57 in gill roy and 67 in half moon bay. mainly clear skies in san francisco, and we only have a 3-degree temperature range between napa, fairfield, concord and livermore of and tonight we'll see a few more clouds gathering in the north bay. temperatures will be in the upper 40s, and then tomorrow we'll have a dry day for most of the day. highs tomorrow will range from low 60s at the coast, so upper 70s inland and rain will arrive first in the north bay with a storm ranking 1 on the storm impact scale. that storm won't arrive until late tomorrow night, it will produce light showers, and most of the bay area will see undunde under .10 inch of rain from this system. but some areas will see a quarter inch. 10:00 tomorrow night, it will be wet in the north bay. we'll see the rain gradually moving southward and eastward, but breaking up and tapering off by the beginning of the morning commute on thursday, so most of the day thursday will actually be dry, and here is the accuweather 7-day forecast, friday we'll see temperatures around 80 degrees in our inland areas, through the weekend we'll see mid 70s under dry conditions, going into the weekend, we'll see a slight increase in clouds, but no hint of any significant rainfall in the next seven days. two sports words tonight, uh-oh. >> those were the first two words of my tweet when i heard about kevin durant. first it was his knee, now it's another injury for kevin durant. so will he even play tthey are 100% made-to-order,hat which is 100% awesome. 100% beef burgers with fries from denny's. 100% seriously. good evening, new concern for the warriors, kevin durant listed as questionable because of a strained calf. keep an eye on durant, he gets kneed in the calf. later he was seen being worked on by the drainer. he actually scored eight points in the fourth quarter, steve kerr thinks he will play tomorrow. >> that's fully the expectation, but you got to be careful with this stuff too. so we'll see how he feels tomorrow. >> healthy and we need to apply the way we need to play when certain guys are out. >> the sharks will drop the puck in their game four with edmonton in just a moment. the last time the sharks were shut out was in 19 -- patrick marlow, marlow is still a shark, could be playing his final game in the tank tonight. abc7's mark shuman, sharks got to find a way to score here? >> reporter: no question, and you can see the fans trickling in, they're about to drop the puck in about 15 minutes, but you're right, larry, they have got to find some offense, the last time they scored a goal was in overtime. history is not on their side tonight. they have lost three strait game fours dating back to last year, they need to get their offense clicking here in a hurry, at home when they want to even the series at two before they head back to edmonton. >> there's not a lot of goals out there so you want to find one or two early, so hopefully you can build on that and get a little bit of momentum that way. >> defensively, i don't think we change anything, i think just cash in on the times we get good chances, that's all. >> i think any team that goes on any kind of a deep run has some adversity and a great part of our playoff hockey, you know, we're one of the teams that is still here and has the opportunity to handle that challenge. >> reporter: well, they need to get busy, you don't want to go back to edmonton down 1-3. mike schuman, abc7 sports. giants skipper bruce expected to return to the bench for friday's game against colorado. they do welcome back their catcher buster posey, coming back from a concussion, he was out for a week. the giants in kansas city didn't have a base runner until the fifth, until posey singles off of a.j. and hamel. bottom of the fifth, whit neverfield, sounds like he would be great at a prep school. just called up today, takes matt cain deep. a little defense, chris mar rer are, scored it deep. but giants just tied it up on a hunter pence single. and the a's are playing the rangers tonight. ranquarterback derek carr h apologized after making some comments about who the true fans really are. >> we're not going to split up like you have seen other cities do, we're not going to do things like that, for the ones that do, i don't really believe they are true raider fans. you know, i feel their hurt, i'm with you, i hurt too. >> today carr responded to criticism on twitter and from espn's steven a. smith, he tweeted, don't @me with that nonsense, i love all raiders fans and they know it, period, nonissue taken out of context. so this is going to be something that raiders players are going to be asked about repeatedly over the course of the next two years, and it's a fine line, because a lot of players love this team and they don't like what's happening. >> join us tonight at 9:00 on kofi channel 20. we're following events in fresno, where a man opened fire killing three people. the police chief says this is not terror related but race related. now coming up tonight on abc7 at 8:00. that will do it for this edition of abc7 news, look for breaking news on twitter @abc7newsbayarea. this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants -- an economist from berkeley, california... a writer and stay-at-home mom from cumming, georgia... and our returning champion, a loan coordinator from chicago, illinois... ...whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. welcome, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] he didn't get the final jeopardy right on yesterday's program, but not to worry. he had an insurmountable lead going into final jeopardy! and that's why jamie's back with us today. kimberly and ani, welcome also. let's go to work. one daily double in this round and here are the categories... hmm. ...for us. a food selection there, jamie. drinks for everyone! for $200. jamie. -what is sake? -sake, yes. drinks for $400. ani. -what is beer? -that's good. drinks for $600, please.

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United States , Berkeley , California , Georgia , Canada , Japan , Fresno , Oakland , Colorado , Illinois , Napa County , Brent Wood , Chicago , San Francisco , Deyoung Building , America , Canadian , American , Laura Anthony , Steven Carter , Spencer Christian , Steven A Smith , Kori Muhammed , Patrick Marlow , Kori Ali Muhammad , Kori Ali Muhammed , Cory Ali Mohammad , Derek Carr , Jerry Dyer , Matt Cain , Steve Stephens , Carl Williams , Mike Schuman , Gill Roy , Audrey Kerry , Steve Kerr , Daniel Romeo , Kori Mohammad , Lila Allgood , Chris Mar ,

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