Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170318 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20170318

millions of americans after hacking the yahoo! account. >> let's not talk about them like criminals. >> reporter: the consul general in san francisco sergey petrov would go no further. not even to say russia would hand over the two intelligence agents if found guilty. he was adamant, though, that russia had no influence in the november u.s. elections. >> as far as i know, my government approached the u.s. government requesting this evidence and we never received anything. >> reporter: he is cautiously optimistic that under president trump the relationship between the two countries will improve. he insists that under president obama things deteriorated. towards the end of his administration, mr. obama ordered the expulsion of some russian diplomats in the united states, including a few from the san francisco office. >> i wouldn't use word offended. i would use a word disappointed. >> reporter: there is a large russian-speaking community in san francisco concerned about what's happening between the two countries. >> a lot of people protest in america. no, they don't know what their future. >> reporter: some fear there will be some animosity towards them. in san francisco, leeann me len des, abc 7 news. >> happening now in palo alto, police continue a massive search with dogs and helicopters for suspects in a hit and run. sky 7 was first over this on abc 7 news at 5. about an hour ago police say a bicyclist was hit by a car on homer avenue near emerson street. the cyclist went to the hospital with major injuries. officers have arrested two people. they are searching for up to four more suspects. >> san jose police shot a man after he allegedly went on a naked rampage this afternoon. officers spotted the nude man acted erratically near a park in campbell. police say he got into a truck and rammed a police car as he sped away. officers followed. they say the man crashed into another car during the chase. it ended outside the safe way on stevens creek boulevard where officers opened fire. >> our officers attempted to make the car stop and take the suspect into custody. during that encounter, multiple officers fired at the suspect. he was struck at least once. the suspect was taken into custody and transported to a local hospital. >> a witness posted video to snapchat. officers have not said if the man was armed. his injuries are considered life-threatening. >> today only abc 7 news spoke with one of the napa high school football players expelled after reported hazing incidents over the past two years. the student was expelled just last night. abc 7 news reporter wayne friedman spoke with him today and joins us live. wayne? >> reporter: well, dan, the story keeps going on and on. this is a student who told us today that he thought he was just messing around with his friends. he says it was just horseplay. he trusted that the district would do the right thing and exonerate him. instead, it expelled him. he says his life and his future may be ruined. it may have looked like a field day outside napa union school district headquarters this morning until one read the signs and realized that, in fact, this was a student walk-out and protest. >> expulsion is harsh because that will ruin their lives. >> reporter: no one appreciates that more than high school junior alan knowing he will never again play football in this stadium because the school district expelled him last night. >> i felt like i was wrongly accused. i felt like this whole process was rigged from the start. >> i move for the expulsion of student b. >> reporter: the board expelled two students actually bringing the total to three with six more pending for hazing incidents on the jv football team in 2015 and 2016. parents continue to question the board's methods. >> they're ruining our kids. they are ruining our community. they are the bullies. my question is when are they going to be suspended? when are they going to be expelled? >> reporter: yesterday napa superintendent told us parents do not have all the facts. he said the board had no choice but the d.a.'s office investigating a possible 16 felony victims in the past two years. >> there are certain areas that are mandatory, they're called mandatory expulsions by the state of california. >> reporter: expulsion would be mandatory for use of a firearm or a knife or for sexual assault. but the board charged him with battering, with bullying and hazing for an incident in 2015. it would seem that the board might have had some discretion. >> i think the district should have focused more on everyone's best interest and just not them, theirs, you know. i feel like they kind of wanted to save their jobs. >> reporter: that from a high school student with a 3.3 gpa who was taking advance placement honors classes. he wants to be a chemical engineer and now -- >> now we're dealing with reputation, people talking about us, people looking at us differently. >> reporter: in napa, wayne friedman, abc 7 news. >> a man who ran children's outreach programs for may rinne film institute was a rained on child pornography charges today. police arrested 71-year-old john morrison at his home in san francisco monday after a search found numerous devices with images of minors involved in sex acts. here he is leaving court today. morrison has resigned as education director for the california film institute. >> there is a crime that is happening with alarming frequency, and it's on the increase on bay area free ways. shooting incidents. this year alone there have been 19, and two of them fatal. abc 7 news reporter is live in concord with new information the chp just released. laura? >> reporter: kristen, highway 4 here has been one of the hot spots for these shootings and cameras, they say, would help a lot, but they say the biggest help is when witnesses come forward. >> people need to feel safe as they drive down the free ways of the bay area. >> reporter: the chp for all nine bay area counties says it's become one of their top priorities, cushing the rash of freeway shootings, especially in contra costa county. >> these aren't random shootings. they are shooting at somebody else they know and they have animosity towards, or they mistakenly fire at somebody thinking it's somebody they know. >> reporter: in 2015 there were 37 shootings on bay area free ways, in 2016 that number jumped to 55. already this year there have been 19. some deadly, like last week's incident that killed 24-year-old demarcus daus on interstate 80. others involve bullet holes or shell casings left behind. but investigators say they are taking all of nemanja seriously. >> our call to action is that we need drivers and passengers to be good witnesses should they see an incident occurring. >> reporter: this week 24-year-old elliott john henry johnson was a rained for murder in the death of daus. two alleged accomplices, both 17-year-old boys, could be tried as adults. investigators say one of the teens was the shooter. >> all information that we have is the victim was in this case was absolute innocent victim. >> reporter: next week local sheriffs are meeting with cal trans officials to discuss installing cameras along troubled stretches of freeway. but so far there's no state funding available. in concord, laura anthony, abc 7 news. >> happening tonight all of westbound interstate 80 will be shut down for a few hours in fairfield so cal trans can install new signs. this is the second of two straight nights of closures near green valley road. all westbound lanes will close at 11:30 tonight and should be reopened by 4:00 a.m. tomorrow. this is part of a big project that cal trans is doing to improve the interchange of i-80, 680 and highway 12. >> tonight abc is airing a special two hour documentary on charles man son, his cult of volers, and the grizzly murders in los angeles. >> we were the first television crew on the scene. we had no idea what we were walking into. >> reporter al wine man was just 29 years old when he covered the case. he helped find crucial evidence. the killers' bloody clothes. >> the time, how long it takes me to undress and redress, and i put the stopwatch on and ran it for six minutes and 20 seconds. and at that time when it hit 6:20, i said, okay, where are we? we stopped and got out and looked over, i said, my god, those have to be the clothes. >> pretty smart. other details of the gruesome crimes will be revealed in tonight's documentary. truth and lies: the family man son heirs 9:00 right here on abc 7 followed by abc 7 news at 11:00. >> jcpenney is closing its doors at the hill top mall. it's a loss for richmond, but also an opportunity. what the city and members of the community want to see in its place. >> all right. this sounds like something only san francisco would do. conduct a census of every tree in the city. find out what surprised them when the data crunching was done. more than 100 jcpenney stores nationwide will close down, including one that's an anchor store at richmond's hill top mall. the mall itself, in fact, is up for sale. as abc 7 news reporter mel any woodrow explains, everyone from city officials to commercial real estate brokers, even customers has ideas about what they'd like to see at hill top. >> reporter: this somewhat empty parking lot outside the hill top mall jcpenney despite sales signs inside suggest business isn't booming. >> the department store model is dead. >> reporter: john is the ceo of a commercial real estate brokerage firm. he calls internet shopping the final nail in the coffin of large department stores. >> there needs to be a reason to go to that place that can't easily be replicated on the internet. >> reporter: jcpenney ceo has said the move will allow the company to adjust its business to compete against the growing threat of online retailers. >> i'd like to see something around some kind of family oriented, maybe some kind of recreation for the younger kids, the teenagers. >> lots of different ethnic food styles that i think people would really dig to have in the mall. >> reporter: other flagship stores here like macy's own the property they're on. the mall itself is up for sale. by phone, richmond city manager said he'd like to see something maracedes lew mixed use with more residential properties. cumberland said that's definitely the way to go. >> to create neighborhoods, to create pedestrian traffic. >> what if it was a drive-in? >> that would be nice. >> reporter: creating space for something new, melanie, abc 7 news. >> ruby sky is closing, but the spot won't be empty for long. this is san francisco, of course. partners at hood line report several areas at bay area bar are planning to open a new music hall and bowling alley. abc 7 news was at ruby sky and mason at gear i. the plan is to stay open until early may. although the economy is robust in the bay area, one san francisco neighborhood seems to be falling behind. our partners at san francisco-based news and information site hood line found a lot of empty store fronts in san francisco's castro district. now, the retail occupancy rate in the castro is 87%, comparatively city wide, san francisco's occupancy rate is one of the highest in the country, 97%. so, what's going on here? abc 7 news reporter cornell bernard has more. >> reporter: it's a neighborhood where rainbows don't just fly from flag poles. the streets are paved with pride, too. >> this is a fun neighborhood. it's an interesting vibrant fun neighborhood. >> world famous. >> world famous. >> reporter: the president of the merchant's association, he owns mud puppy's dog grooming a successful business on castro street. >> find a need and fill it. >> reporter: not all retailers in the castro can say the same. take a walk around the neighborhood and you'll see the evidence. empty store fronts, locked up tight. some businesses have relocated. others possibly gone for good, from restaurants to retail. >> it's three steps frward, one step back. you know, there's always going to be challenges. >> reporter: according to our partners at hood line, there are 53 vacant store fronts in the castro. occupancy rates in the castro were 92% in 2015. they dropped to 87% in 2017. >> it's not just small businesses like this bookstore that is packed up and gone. even corporate chains have called it quits. this cvs store closed this month after being opened only a year. the company says it was under performing and closed along with 70 other stores nationwide. cvs is definitely a blow. why so many vacancies? high rents have priced many retailers out of business. around here monthly rents range from 5,000 to $50,000 per month, depending on the space. >> rents are getting higher and it's tougher to make a buck. >> reporter: phil owns active nutrition on markets where he's noticed foot traffic drop off over the past ten years. more tech workers moving in, not interested in shopping brick and mortar. >> it's been a struggle because we're up against the internet like a lot of other retailers. amazon has taken a big hit. >> people really wanted trader joe's. >> reporter: many people want better options for grocery shopping in a neighborhood that's changing. >> a lot of people are talking about the transition of the castro, is it becoming more gay, less gay, what does that mean. at the end of the day the retail of any neighborhood goes through transitions. >> reporter: but there's good news. nine new businesses are expected to open in the coming months in the castro. supervisor jeff shea he's wants to make it easier for new business owners by streamlining the permit process which can take up to a year. >> the whole time that they're waiting to open their business, they're paying rent and that can fundamentally change economics of a business. >> what i know is the entrepreneurial spirit is we will overcome this. >> reporter: daniel is optimistic. he'd like to work with landlords on setting realistic rents to allow more small business owners to fill the void in a world famous neighborhood. in san francisco, cornell bernard, abc 7 news. >> the city of san francisco found out it is home to 20,000 more trees than previously thought. that's because it just completed the city's first-ever tree census. it took a year to count every tree as well as know the type and condition of each one. trees on private property or within public parks were not included. a data shows san francisco has almost 125,000 street trees. the city identified 500 different species as well as 40,000 places where it could plant new trees. now, starting in july, proposition e will go into effect which makes the city not private property owners responsible for street trees. as part of the census, the city put data about every tree online and we have put a link to this map on our website if you'd like to check it out, abc 7 >> announcer: now your accuweather forecast with spencer christian. >> saint patrick's day has been lovely, sunny and warm. we still have sunny skies, but clouds will be increasing over the weekend. here's a look at live doppler 7. you can see we have some high whis pi clouds moving through the area now. let's take a look back at some of today's high temperatures. highs in the upper temperatures, 77, clover daily, napa, over 234 concord, antioch, fremont. 80 was the high in gilroy. 76 in oakland and cooler 61 in half moon bay. this is the view of the southeastern sky from our south beach camera here in san francisco 66 degrees. low to mid 70s in oakland, mountain view, san jose, gilroy, half moon bay 63 degrees at the moment. this is emeryville, bright western sky. and current temperatures are in the low to mid 70s at santa rosa, napa novato, fairfield, concord, and livermore. one more live view increasing clouds from our sue troe tower camera. these are forecast futures. cloudy conditions this weekend. spotty showers this weekend. but a series of rainy days will greet us first week of spring next week. here's the forecast animation. well, before we get to that, lelgts ach give you tonight's lows. getting ahead of my sechlt we'll have increasingly cloudy skies in the north bay overnight with low temperatures generally in the upper 40s to low 50s and then tomorrow we'll see clouds continuing to increase. we may see a couple spotty showers tomorrow, mainly in the north bay where highs will reach into the mid to upper 60s. we'll see highs reaching to the low 70s as we move farther south ward. ornlt coast low to mid 60s. now forecast animation, showing you 7:00 tomorrow morning. notice as the clouds sweep through most of the bay area will remain dry, but a few spotty showers are possible early in the day tomorrow going into -- going through the north bay. into tomorrow night we'll see a chance to diminish a little while and clouds come back early sunday with again another chance of a couple spotty showers moving right along the golden gate or through the north bay, but most of the bay area should remain dry through most of the weekend. then we get into the rainier pattern next week. storm impacts still indicates monday and tuesday will have a system ranking 1 on the storm impact scale, light intensity. it will produce light to moderate rainfall. it will be breezy at times. our forecast animation 7:00 monday morning and notice a more widespread pattern of rain will cover the bay area going into tuesday morning. looks like it will be wet for the morning commute on tuesday. and rainfall totals for the first two days of the week will range anywhere from a quarter of an inch to just under 1 inch. then we get into the latter part of the week and we have a stronger storm coming in on friday. it will rank 2 on the storm impact scale, a storm of moderate intensity. likely to produce some periods of heavy rainfall. so, it's going to be a wet week for most of the week. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. once again lots of clouds, but only isolated showers over the weekend. so, there will be some dry periods, but monday, tuesday and even wednesday late, we expect some rain, each of those systems ranking 1 on the impact scale. same thing on thursday, but then a stronger storm on friday. and once again i want to thank gloria at elementary school in orinda for inviting me to talk weather today. terrific kids, they were fantastic. >> they learn from you or you learned from them? >> we learned from each other. >> thanks, spencer. >> coming up next, find out whether it paid off for a bay area software company to go public. >> that's right. and why this one is worth paying attention to. plus. >> the sport of quid its made its way into the mug l world in a big and that big cheer is for mule soft. leaders of the san francisco bae company rang l bell as they went public today. the ipo price was $17 per share. mule soft closed its first day of trading at 24.75, roughly a 40% increase. the dow overall dipped slightly. the nasdaq was essentially flat. mule soft was a unicorn, that's the company worth more than a billion dollars before it went public. analysts say it will be a good barometer for the industry as a whole because mule soft as a software company is more traditional than companies that focus on apps and social media usage. >> happening now, triple a. is rolling out tow trucks for answering calls for tipsy toe. it's free for anyone who can't drive their car after having too much to drink. here's the number to call. 800-222-4357. you don't have to be a aaa member to call. we posted information about this program and others on our website, abc 7 and abc 7 news was in san francisco's financial district for an annual saint patrick's day tradition. harrington's bar. the royal exchange pub attracts so many revellers that the street is closed outside the tavern. a lot of people having fun. >> next, paralyzed veteran gets a chance to walk again because of bay area innovation. plus. >> this is ridiculous because people benefit. >> it's not just for seniors and it's not just about food. coming up, the people who prove what a difference mea ♪ "turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack."♪ "each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one, it's more than a meal. 3,000 san francisco seniors who rely on meals on wheels for food every day are now worried what a loss of federal funds means for their future. president trump's budget proposal would cut money from this program's budget exactly how much, though, is not certain at this point. >> abc 7 reporter kay larson introduces us to people who count on the service for more than just food. >> hello there, it's meals on wheels. >> reporter: monday through friday ken fleming delivers two meals a day to rosa in forest hills. rosa is 89 years old, survived the holocaust in paris and now lives alone after her husband passed. she's been relying on meals on wheels in san francisco. meals on wheels agencies across the u.s. including here in the bay area are worried about losing much of their funding. donald trump's proposed budget which includes a $15 billion cut to the department of health and human services, which in many states like california, partially funds programs like meals on wheels. yesterday the president's budget director said this about the cut. >> we can't spend money on programs just because they sound good. >> anybody make a statement, he doesn't know what he's talking about. if he were here with a glass of wine, he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. >> i'll help rosa open pills, pill bottles, change light bulbs. >> reporter: jim explains that meals on wheels is much more than free food delivery. he provides a welfare check, daily visit, and friendship. >> it allows most of my clients to stay in the home that they love, the home most of them raised their family in. >> reporter: meals on wheels also says their program makes financial sense. the cost of food for a senior for one year, $3600, is about the same as one day in a hospital, which the daily nutrition and visits help prevent. in san francisco, kate larson, abc 7 news. >> president trump is in florida tonight for the weekend. it's the fifth weekend out of seven so far as president he's spending at his private mar lag owe resort. the palm beach county sheriff's department estimates it costs about $60,000 in overtime every day the president spends in florida. county officials are now asking donald trump or the white house to foot the bill. before leaving for florida, the president had his first meeting with german chancellor angela merkel. the president doubled down on his claims about wiretapping at trump tower during the obama administration. >> as far as wiretapping, i guess this pastat least we have common, perhaps. >> he was referring to merkel's cell phone being wiretapped by the nsa during the obama administration. donald trump has been very critical of merkel in the past saying her refugee program was ruining germany. sales force ceo visited the white house today to discuss women's pay with president trump. after his meeting he tweeted this photograph saying, thank you ivanka trump for leading the charge on gender equality and work force development. we all need to strive for equality for all. >> the secret service is tightening security at the white house. that's after revealing that it took more than 15 minutes to capture a milpitas man who hopped over the fence last friday. investigators say jonathan tran never made it inside the white house. tran faces chashlrges of being a restricted area and carrying weapons. agents say he had two cans of mace with him at the time. let's update the search in palo alto where we told you that police have caught all three suspects and are now -- no longer looking for any others. around 5:00 today, police say a bicyclist was hit by a car on homer avenue near emerson street. the cyclist went to the hospital with major injuries. all suspects involved now caught. >> hope delivered to a paralyzed veteran in the form of a exo skeleton. our sister station in los angeles shows us what a difference it makes. >> reporter: navy veteran cedric de long has been paralyzed from the waist down for 33 years. it was a life changing accident in 1984 when he was struck by a car while bicycling in san francisco. so, what you're about to witness is somewhat of a miracle. cedric is strapped in to demonstrate a new exo skeleton device donated to the va spinal cord injury center in long beach. the technology allows the patient to stand, take steps, and potentially regain some form of independence. >> it's quite encouraging, quite encouraging for me and i'm sure for many other veterans today. >> reporter: and how times have changed. cedric says this technology three decades ago -- >> it did not exist, did not exist, no. there was no -- there was very little hope that veterans and quadriplegics, para pleej i cans would ever walk again. as a matter of fact, my doctor told me i'd never walk again at that time. >> reporter: alice hahn is his physician here at the hospital. >> it's nice to stand up and look people in the eye and have the same interaction you might have otherwise. >> reporter: the final cord injury center received the $150,000 device from soldier strong and the fraternal order of eagles. doctors believe their newly acquired device represents a shift in treatment options for patients. the device is fda approved for rehabilitation, meaning the patients that use it like is he trick here, need to already have some form of mobility. >> my hope is that over time this device will become much easier to use and more widely available for everyone. >> you remember ironman, the movie? yeah, yeah, feels like that. >> reporter: cedric telling us the opportunity today means the world to him, and to other veterans suffering from spinal cord injuries. >> what i'd like to say to them is hope is on the way for you because the sky is the limit. >> reporter: mark, abc 7 news. >> wow, yes. and part of harry potter's magical world has come to life in the bay area. >> yes, next, find out where quid itch is a sport being taken very seriously. >> small print that actually works for the consumer afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. a sports played with magic in the world of harry potter is casting its spell over the bay area in a big way. tomorrow morning kids can learn to play quidditch at balboa park in san francisco. and as abc 7 reporter jonathan boom explains, it's a sport they'll be able to play all the way through college. >> reporter: it looks a little different when it's played here on the ground. but this is the wizarding sport of quidditch straight from the pages of harry potter. >> in the books you're on a flying broom. obviously we can't do that, extremely unfortunate. >> reporter: but there are brooms. >> this is a broom. you have to have mounted on the broom at all times to be considered in play. >> reporter: he coaches quidditch for kids in san francisco. >> the ball is dee flatd. you can grip it. >> reporter: it's a combination of rugby and dodge ball. if you were going to score, how would you stop it? and it's a workout. >> you have kids that come in with wands. oh, it's a harry potter club. by the end they have cleats on. >> reporter: making goals riding brooms is hardly child's play. a serious sport played here at u.c. berkeley. >> it's gotten way more intense than in the beginning. >> reporter: the college version is full contact and coed. >> combining female players who might have more speed with male players who might be stronger. >> reporter: cal quidditch learned they made it into the national tournament. >> in a lot of ways it's like march madness. >> reporter: they have a growing tradition of nontraditional sport. >> they are your winners! >> reporter: this is' becoming a huge deal. >> people are body painting themselves with their favorite team name. >> reporter: it's been recognized by the university as a club sport. >> now we can finally say we are the cal team and it's so satisfying. >> reporter: administrators say they are product to be broadening cal's official sports offerings. >> we would welcome them to come and talk to us. >> reporter: meanwhile the team is sforjing new traditions. >> we're playing against stanford at the big sweep. >> reporter: at u.c. berkeley jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. >> we're taking that one. and congratulations to the high school in san mateo for hosting its largest ever career day featuring 80 speakers representing different professional and vocational fields. i went back to school today to my alma mater to talk with students about a career in tv news. the students at the 2015 california gold ribbon school prange egg from how to get into the business to how do we deal with slow news days. >> it's up to us to dig hard for that little nugget in even what you would consider a boring story that may matter to people. >> no such thing as a boring story. each focusing on a career. most popular, the presentation by san mateo fire fighters. kudos to all for coming to share. >> good job. well, we are looking live at santa cruz right now. soak up the sun as long as you can. >> spencer will e you know a great deal of time to protect us from small print. >> he does a lot of that. tonight he is here with small print that could make your life better, michael. an interesting twist. >> it is an interesting twist. i know it's surprising but there is actually some small printout there that can bring you big value. small print found on credit card contracts often cost big bucks, with fees and credit costs. bull there also can be small print in those same contracts that save you money. often credit card provide extended warranties and free rental car insurance. these hidden deals aren't confined to just credit cards. recently bay area consumer checkbook went looking for hidden perks. >> we found that health insurance plans often give you free or even discounted health and fitness club memberships, or discounted weight watcher memberships. >> reporter: checkbooks kevin says since amazon prime offers much more than just free shipping. with it you can back up all your photos on the cloud for free. and you can also get free music streaming service. right there, a savings of about $250 a year. >> costco actually offers and sam's club, too, offers free tech support. so, you buy something, you can't get it to work, you can't configure it, you have to get free tech support if you bought it from costco or sam's club. >> reporter: members of aaa can score perks, too. >> just for signing up for our gold plus rewards program you automatically get a free day just for signing up. if you're one of their higher members in aaa you get two free days. >> reporter: and that's just the beginning. there is a 20% discount. free use of child car seats and young driver fees are waived. so, how do you find deals like there? many of them are hidden in plain sight. >> all these places, we kept digging and digging and the more we dug, the more hidden benefits we found. hidden perks we found. it wasn't hard to find these things. usually they were just listed under member benefits. >> and another place to find a hidden perk, 7 on your side. because you're watching right now, i'm going to give you free access to bay area consumer's checkbook hidden perks article and database. you'll get it from one month. get it from our website abc 7 >> wow, wealth of information. thanks, michael. >> well, as you know, the bay area is a beautiful place and abc 7 news viewers prove it every day. >> yeah, let's look at darrell's picture captured these clovers in san francisco today. perfect for saint patrick's day. and this picture has the hashtag #abc 7 now and helped us find and and feature it on tv. >> they may get some raindrops. spencer is tracking the weather. >> i don't think they can get any greener. we have mainly sunny skies now. it's been nice, pleasant, even warm in some spots on saint patrick's day. a few clouds in the north bay, may be a sprinkle or two tomorrow. generally the upper 40s and 50s, tomorrow a chance of sprinkles in the north bay increaseses we'll see high temperatures ranging from low 60s in the coast and upper 60s in the bay, low 70s inland. as we head to lake tahoe, heading that way this weekend it's going to be pretty windy. be prepared for the gusts that may exceed 30 miles per hour, and lake wind advisory in effect from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. tomorrow. back to the bay area, accuweather seven-day forecast shapes up like this. increasing clouds over the weekend with spotty showers likely. we'll have steady rainfall monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday with systems ranking one of the storm impact scale and stronger storm next friday ranking 2 on the storm impact scale. that one may be one that will give us a good soaking. >> that's refreshing weather. >> very refreshing. >> interesting news in the sports department. >> yes, what's going on, larry? >> the fact that we're working. is that what you were talking about? >> management is always surprised >> sports news, too. might we see marshawn lynch in the backdrop for the raiders this season? raise your hand if you want to see good evening. march madness continuing with more first round games. we haven't had any huge bracket busting upsets so far. one surprise, though, today, 11 seed usc trailed smu by as many as 10. in the second half under 40 seconds to go, elijah stewart knocks down the three. trojans up one, 66-65. smu shakes milton. i love the name shake, a little shake and bake. not baked, no good at the buzzer. 66-65, trojans for the upset will play three seed baylor on sunday. in sacramento dylan brooks and 3 seed oregon, no trouble at all with 14 seed eye yoen a brooks, the surface layup there. he had 18 points. payton prich ard, throw right, throw left, the big dunk. tyler dorsey, the ducks were 93-77, they knocked off six seed cray ton. st. mary's is the only california team left in the tournament. perhaps not long. they face the two seed arizona tomorrow. these teams do have some familiarity. they scrimmaged against each other in 2015 so the gayles know exactly what to expect. >> in a scrimmage you get -- you have a familiar sense of their style of play, their defensive principles, their offensive system. so, that definitely helps rather than preparing two days for a team you're complete lie blind to. i'll tell you both games were pretty competitive. >> it was pretty -- it wasn't -- it wasn't too far down, but it was competitive and should be a good one tomorrow. >> we'll see. the warriors, they looked like the fast fun team we've come to expect. last night they hammered the magic, beat them by 30. the warriors host the bucks tomorrow night. steve kerr, though, he's already getting questions about golden state's next meeting with san antonio. spurs hot on their heels, of course. draymond and andre dm a blowout loss to san antonio last weekend. the warriors were coming off an eight games and eight stays double cross-country trek covering about 11,000 miles. the warriors and the spurs will meet again on march 29th in san antone. what's the plan for that game, mr. kerr? >> i'm going to rest all 13 guys that game. so, we're going to forfeit. yeah. we'll see where we are, but back to back houston, and san antonio, not minnesota and san antonio. not the end of a 13-day journey. i anticipate we'll be playing everybody, but who knows. >> as kevin durant rehabs his ailing knee, he got a good will or get well potato. katie posted a picture of the spud. somebody has been sending customized spuds with their photo on the potato. you know you have arrived in the world when your potato arrives in the mail. seems like a marriage that must be made. marshawn lynch coming out of retirement to play for the raiders. they need a running back. beast mode considering coming out of retirement to play or his hometown team. he didn't play last year. he's still under contract with the seahawks. has to get past that. asking seattle to release him. no idea what shape he's in, but beast mode would do quite well should he join the raiders. meanwhile raiders wide receiver this week was in recruiting mode tweeting to adrian peterson. come join the dark side. #raider nation. peterson is a free agent and the raiders are on his list of potential teams. we'll see how this plays out. either one of those guys would be fantastic for the raiders. >> we love it. thanks. >> join us tonight at 9:00. coming up three parents one baby. the controversial procedure that's been approved. that's at 9:00. >> we told you about tea palms in oakland on sale for $1. on abc news at 11:00 we're adding up the numbers to find out how much it will cost them to move them to your own pot of land. and coming up tonight on abc 7th, last man standing, doctor ken, truth and lies the family manson followed by abc 7 news at 11:00. >> finally tonight a few thoughts about what really matters on this sanlt patrick's day. as they say, we are all irish today. but why do they say that? march 17th is always a fun and festive day that honors a group of people who have a history that has often been anything but fun and festive. the irish have a hard scrambled past, forced to immigrant because of the salmon, many coming to america to find a better life. but they were treated badly, often facing cruelty and discrimination. they worked hard and persevered to build successful lives in this country, but it was seldom easy. the so-called luck of the irish was a phrase that originated in america and can be interpreted two ways. many who came west found luck in the gold mines of california, which is where the phrase was apparently coined. but at the time it was often used in a negative connotation, meant to dismiss the success of irish miners as nothing more than luck instead of grit and back breaking work. now it's entirely positive, a wish for extreme good fortune. what really matters is to keep in mind how our attitudes evolve over time as we debate immigration policy. i always appreciate hearing from you. let me know what you think. follow me on twitter dan ashley abc 7. >> that was nice. we ail have the luck of the irish. ♪ ♪ it's spring, and we can't wait to open our sheds and get working on our yards. scotts and miracle-gro are here to help. we make it easy to grow thick, healthy lawns, spectacular plants, and bountiful flowers. because when spring starts right, the months that follow stay perfect. load up your shed with scotts and miracle-gro. it's time to get outside. ♪ ♪ this is "jeopardy!" introducing today's contestants -- a tax attorney from atlanta, georgia... a psychologist from baltimore, maryland... and our returning champion -- a software developer from ottawa, ontario, canada... whose 3-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. this is turning into canada week here on "jeopardy!," isn't it? with our current champion, grant, playing very well and demonstrating a considerable knowledge of american history and culture. rebecca and holly, it's up to you to stop him, if you can, today. good luck, players. here we go. now let's take a look at the categories... good subject. notice the "i" in quotation marks. and finally, in honor of st. patrick's day. [ irish brogue ] ah... ...we're dealing with. grant. idioms for $200, please. holly. what is a cat? that's it. idioms, $600. grant. what is "seize the night"? that's right. idioms for $400.

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