Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20160727 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600AM 20160727

they wondering if maybe he had a medical condition or fell asleep. they are trying to figure out what he was hauling that spilled. there is a gift it is mineral oil but they are not sure. there is a commercial vehicle officer out here so he is trying to federal government out what the material was or is. they will call the trucking company. today they are dailying with several fox25ers out here, very busy, also, investigating the crash. that is why the lane is still shut down to give them a buffer, room to work, and clean up. though think it could be closed for another couple of hours. >> it is a problem because as the morning progresses, sue, the commute will stack up. >> we are seeing significant delays of at least 30 minutes from 238 to the maze because of the big-rig accident, the right lane as you heard, will remain closed for a couple more hours and the davis street off-ramp is closed and the alternate is to take 580, no big-rigs, however, allow on 580, and if you normally take the davis off-ramp you can use marina off-ramp. we will look at map and show you exactly where the backup is extend. all the way to 238 and we will check on the most recent drive times, sig-alert is issued and we are be on this most of the morning to make sure you get latest information on the lane reopening. >> we are on reach where it is cool in san francisco with temperature of 53 degrees and live doppler hd is showing we have a little bit cloud cover language cost and a couple of fingers of fog rolling across san francisco and the bay to the east bay. here is the day planner, another "spare the air" day, and we are waking up warmer in must areas, 50 to 68 at 7:00, 66 at the coast and 93 inland with the murky sunshine. 67 the at coast and sun inland, hot and hazy, away from the coast. an investigation is under way in pittsburg this morning after a suspect died in police custody after being tazeed. our reporter is at police headquarters with what they say what happened. katie? >> good morning, matt, police are on scene saying they purchased cpr on man but he was particular pronounced dead. they used during the confrontation and arrest a taser. the police say that the 32-year-old map was wanted on a felony warrant for drug-related charges. officers tried to pull him over yesterday afternoon, he sped away and ran into a home on hill view drive. a struck struggle in the home ensued and stun officer was bit on the hand. here is arding of the call for help. >> they requested paramedics after taser deployment. >> police have not released man's name but say he lived at the home that he ran into. police say he had an extensive criminal history from terrorist threats to assault chances with a firearm. the death is not only being investigated by pittsburg police but the d.a. is thering into this in-custody death. >> a san francisco police officer has been arrested for having an illegal ar-15 rifle gendering yesterday. he faces two felony couples of manufacturing and possessing an assault weapon. he is an 18-year veteran of the force and now on unpaid leave. fellow officers reported him. >> tonight at the democratic national convention, a first will make the case for another first. the first black president of the country goes to bat for the first major party female nominee reggie aqui is in philadelphia for us. >> good morning, this will make us feel old, it was 12 years ago thatment of us first heard the name barack that, tonight, but mostly about the capability of woman he picked to be his first secretary of state. last night, we heard from a defendant man, also a person close to hillary clinton, her husband, who give a more personal look. >> how does it square with the things you her at the republican national convention? what is the difference in what i told and you what i saidst how do you square? you can't. one is real. one is real. other is made up. you just have to decide >> obviously they are using their individual you'll and ought we i don't capability to signal that hillary clinton broke a glass cerealing to become the first major party presidential candidate. she is telling little girls last night she could be the next president and they could be, too. tonight the white house is moving north, we will hear from the president but we will hear from the vice president, and v.p. nominee, tim kaine, has been trying to not get lost in the headliners. we are told the president has been working on this speech for weeks. he said that it is a hard act to follow especially given his wife made such a big splash on monday. matt and natasha? >> thank you, reggie. >> to my lifetime and i hope this comes true, i will have seen the first african american president but the first female president, that would be a life worth living. >> california senator boxer articulated the foolings of the dnc with a moment history not lost on anyone. >> "new york times" is reporting american intelligence agencies have "high confidence," that russia was behind the hack of e-mails from the democratic national convention. malware was undetected for a year. it showed that the party officials made a coordinated effort to support clinton's campaign and sabotage sanders. officials still are not sure in the hacking was routine cyber espionage or an effort to influence the election. >> we will is complete coverage of convention and we will go back to regular at 6:30 with reports from lawyer are anthony at the afternoon report. say the local sheriff is being sued by her own deputies say she is cheating system. is cheating system. >> remember the ice bucket it's tfrom the old way off buying and selling cars. introducing beepi, the radical new way to buy & sell cars, all online. carefully inspected, guaranteed and delivered right to you. if you never have to step foot on a dealership lot again, neither should they. zero to happy. >> this is a look at 880 morning and southbound with the burned out big-rig that happened at 4:00 a.m. this morning, a fatality, the coroner is on the scene. the right lane does remain shut down northbound 880 with a look at our maps. you can see the backup, backed up to 238 with the solid red line and look at a 35 meant drive northbound so the alternate is 580, 580 is a great ride this or, and since the davis street off-ramp remains shut down you can take marina there, as well, and estimated time of opening, we are not sure, close to 8:00 hour some time. remember the unhealthy ozone in the south bay, it is possible again today and it came too fruition, with low-to-mid 60s in the south bay, los gatos in the hills, 82 degrees, right now, we have 50s from alameda, san carlos north into the north bay, and mid-to-upper 60s inland east bay neighbor, half moon bay at 48 degrees. from the east bay hills, today it is "spare the air" and you can go to the beach to stay cool and watch out north of the bay bridge with a small craft advisory. it will be breezy. heat inland dead but look at 100s hold on tomorrow and through friday while the sea breeze is making inroads into the coast and the bay. i will show you how either affects the weekend plans. >> this morning this is a sent for a man who is missing in the east bay and how you can help. >> agreeing controversy over pokemon go japan now upset over the location with my moderate to severe crohn's disease,... ...i was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i had it covered. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief... ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,... including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,... ...and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb,... ...hepatitis b, are prone to infections, ...or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. whe gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at >> novato, oakland, sunnyvale, and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. almeda county sheriff needs your help to find a man with severe mental disorders, 66-year-old living in hayward last seen on model in dublin, possibly headed to bart. authority say the man was no cell phone or money and afraid of people. he was last seen wearing a gray zip hoodie and white shirt at 123 pounds, 5' 3". all the santa clara sheriff has been sued by her deputies for charging climbs at sporting of develops but put the money in a slush fund which is a clash between smith and the union. the union accused her of interfering with an investigation hooking into jail operations. >> pokemon go is not making everyone happy with a stop picked as a popular stop for players and jessica has more on this. >> yes, this time the controversy comes from the atomic bomb memorial harm in japan, the site has asked game developers to remove the pokemon stop from the location and do it fast. you will remember the game was launched in japan last friday. the city of hiroshima wants the site removed by next saturday. august 6. that is the anniversary of the 1945 balling and an annual celebration held to remember victims. the hiroshima peace memorial park is just the latest on a controversial list with people in the united states unhappy about holocaust memorial museum in washington, dc and arlington national cemetery, also, made into a stop. san francisco-based company, the developer, have refused to comment and it is unclear how they will spend to the complaints of the game now controversial across the globe. >> two of san francisco's most well-known start yeses make a push at the democratic national convention, including airbnb policy chef a former clinton white house advisor. also, had philadelphia, uber advisor, president obama's federal campaign manager. uber and airbnb say the users are critical to the election and airbnb is purring for help in the democrat party to fight against anti-airbnb lawmakers. >> the top soccer players, two of them, in are the bay area for an all-star game in the bay area. the earthquakes head coach talked to players about game, and say he is excited to coach soccer's top tall built but more excited to play the high profile game in the south by. >> i never in the at seven when i made the trip to officer tan stadium that i on be sitting here 42 years later next to these all stars, a complete honor. >> fans are thrilled also about livermore and milan playing on sunday at stadium. >> enthe ice bucket challenge, people getting soaked with freezing water unundating social media in 2014 to fight lou gehrig's disease? people questioned, how the money was raised by people posting video clips of the challenge. it did raise minute, a last it, and according to the company $220 million was distributed for als research. >> back to sue tracking sig-alert this morning, and how is the delay looking? >> good thing you asked. i pulled the terrorism time and in the middle of our screen, 880 from 238 to the maze is just new 30 minutes. i would actually put this in red. i make the change here in a little bit and other drive times at sfo, to sfo from the city is looking great, southbound 101 and northbound we in south bay you have delays toward the airport. on highway 101. outside, the van is leaving as right lane is blocked 880 near davis street. you can see the traffic is getting by fairly well but there is a backup and we will look at that in a second. the maze may i am showing you this because we had an accident second lane from the last on 580 apopping the 88 flight and the 580 approach to the toll plaza is very, very slow and you are looking at will side 20-minute delay to the toll plaza and another ten minutes to get to san francisco. we will look at the map for the backup inship tremendous but expect a 30-minute drive time to the macarthur maze from the 880 approach. >> we are on the roof, again, a colorful sunrise is developing, and the smoke is identity there from the fire down to our south and we will look at sfo, partly cloudy at 56, on the "spare the air" day, hotter than average away from the coast and inland heat alert through tomorrow and the heat, the excessive heat will taper and it tapers in some areas today because of the sea breeze that will develop, and we have a small craft advisory east of the golden gate bridge and north of the bay bridge at 2:00 this morning through 3:00 tomorrow morning, and specifically small craft advisory with winds at 24 to 38 miles per hour. most affected is downtown, in the coast, you can see 72 downtown and a warm spot everyone else in the mid-to-upper 60s such as daly city at 63 and also, along the east bay, through richmond at 7 but forth south you go you hit the mid-to-upper 80s san leandro to fremont, and on the peninsula, san mateo 84 but to millbrae it is 76 and pacifica at half moon bay in the mid-60s and upper 80s as far south as redwood city, and in the not bay, from 83 in vallejo to knife in santa rosa and san jose 94 down to 100 in gilroy and morgan hill and the least affected, 100 small inland east bay. my seven-day forecast shows we could still touch 100 out highway 4 in northern intercounty contra costa, and the end weekend, 60 at coast and 70s around bay and upper 80s to low 90s where we should be. >> as we compete in the summer games in rio de janeiro are checking and the compound. australians call the villiage " unlivable." the athletes, however, are moving in. stress tests caused water to gush down the walls and cerealing. it will accommodate 18,000 athletes and staff. >> now ask michael finney and helping ditch the unwanted helping ditch the unwanted magazine >> in the south bay, kaiser permanente is donating $1 million to community groups. this is from kaiser permanente, saying that includes the boys and girls club, and the girl scouts. it goes do nonprofits work on health care access, and healthy eating and mental health awareness and violence prevention. >> we now ask michael finney including canceling magazine subscriptions. "7 on your side" has the answer. >> i recently moved and i still continue to get the magazines although i canceled it p line and i am still getting bills. >> this is a tough one. if you can find a number for the publisher you can call and tell them to step sending the magazine and bills, but, here is an easier way to stop this mess. go to the website www.,lookingfor subs criptionsdoyou--. theycontactthecompanyandtell theycontactthecompanyandtellthem to. they tell the companies to knock it off. >> if you have a question head you can charity on social media # askfinneywith your question answers right here on the morning news. >> ready for another rush to the powerball mania, the jackpot now is $422 million and that is because of a forly three months without a winner. last jackpot win was in may, and this jackpot now is the 8th largest in game history, and in order to when you must five numbers and the red powerball. we have break news on interrogate 880, with an upstate on how a deadly big-rig crash is impacting the commute. >> are the courts in santa clara county shutting down? the move that could put justice in jeopardy. >> i am reggie aqui and a chant of black lives matter on the floor of the convention and we will talk to california's attorney general on the issue when we return. mike nicco? >> we will look at what is happening at home, by hooking at what is going on outside. you can breezes this morning but this afternoon, nature such, in the santa clara valley. the santa clara valley. i will let you know how many wetlands embody the life-giving abundance that nature has to offer and perhaps more than any other organization, ducks unlimited is working to ensure that our continent's wetlands not only survive, but thrive. for generations well beyond this one. the time is now... to band together the time is now... to rescue our wetlands. it's tfrom the old way off buying and selling cars. introducing beepi, the radical new way to buy & sell cars, all online. carefully inspected, guaranteed and delivered right to you. if you never have to step foot on a dealership lot again, neither should they. zero to happy. live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news >> breaking news is impacting the commute. you can see a deadly big-rig crash on interrogate 880, sill causing big issues hours later. i am natasha zouves. >> i am matt keller. we will johnny us in a moment with reggie aqui from the democratic national convention, but, first, at look at aim at the scene in san leandro for the break news. amy? just got an update from the c.h.p. and they figured out what the big-rig was hauling. they have determined it was motor oil so it is now a haz-mat situation. they do not know in the 3,000 gallon tanker was full. they do think there is a clean up process on their hands. the lane could be closed for a couple more hours. this is northbound 880 inship dough at the davis street off ramp. the call came at 4:00 this morning the big-rig crashed through the concrete divider and burst into flames. the driver was killed. there is no indication his brakes and they wonder if he had a medical condition or fell asleep at the wheel. they have reached out to the trick company based if san jose and they are sending a representative to the scene. still a couple of hours to avoid the area if you can. right now, time to check with sue hall and how it impacts the commute. >> it is obviously backing your drive especially northbound on 880, from 238 to the maze we are look at 35 minute delays northbound because of the big-rig accident account right lane is closeed and that is true in the next couple of hours and the off-ramp is close. use the marina off ramp if you usually use davis. you can see the extent of the backup all the way to 238 and just a little bit past 238 for the 35 minute delay beyond the scene. southbound we are seeing slow traffic because of the "lookie-loos" so to avoid it, 580 is the best am not, and you can use the marina off ramp because davis is close asked no big-rig allowed on 580 at this point accord to the c.h.p. we will check back in a few, but, first mike. >> a history smock hooped me on the roof and a lot of fog rolling across the golden gate bridge to the east bay shore. live doppler hd is showing it is quiet. our exploritorium you can see the hazy sunrise developing right now and temperatures are milder this morning, mid-50s to even upper 60s at 7:00. from noon to 4:00 an the coast, to the bay 76 to 80, and inland, 95 to 100 degrees. another entire spare day. be careful. back to the dnc a big fight tonight as president obama will speak with people still talking about last night and the mores of the movement. social media lit up as mothers of trayvon martin and sandra bland and spacer risk garner spoke to the nation. reggie you talk about police reform? >> yes, we will hear in a second, but we will hear from reverend jesse jackson and a dome police commissioner in philadelphia and the issues will pop up through the evening. last night we her from the mothers of children who died from gun violence, some in police custody, some from people on the streets would they got into arts with. here is a look at the impact. >> hillary clinton isn't afraid to say that black lives matter. she isn't afraid to sit at a table with grieving mothers and have the full force of our anguish. >> they call themselves mother of movement and that is more of major dan davis shot and killed by a man upset over loud music. other mothers lost children to police action, and her what california attorney general told me when i asked abut issue of violence by and for the law enforcement. >> i reject the notion that says if you accept and embrace the challenges from civil rights, you cannot embrace police officers. ridiculous. i reject the notion that certain commons do not want law enforcement. that is absolutelien true. kamala harris saying there is a false narrative to be on one side of the issue. she said everyone including mothers in the bay area want to make sure their mothers can walk in the neighborhood safely and be kept safe by our police department. this now is the band rehearsing "watt world needs now," and amen to that, love sweet love. >> i say that hick should be selected as the nominee for the democratic party of the united states. >> and there were cheers and admiration for a man who fought a tough campaign. >> trip trump responded to bill clinton's speech before he delivered the address saying and i quote, "no matter what bib become said and no matter how well he says it the media will explain it to be incredible and highly overrated." as you saw, reggie is in philadelphia covering the dnc and we check in with him in 10 minuteses and look for laura anthony's report each afternoon here on abc. >> in south sacramento this morning, a six-year-old girl is recovering from gunshot wounds. she was in a car with her mother sitting an at intersection and shot in a in a drive-by. it is not then in the car was targeted. no one else was hurt. the search is still under way. >> an investigation is under way after a suspect died in police instead of a being tazed in big burr. casey is at police headquarters with what hand. -- happened. >> officers say this was a chase, physical fight and at some point a taser was used. they did perform cpr on the man. he was later declared dead at a local hospital. police say the 32-year-old map was wanted on a felony drug warrant. stores tried to pull him over he sped away and ran into a home where he lived. a struggle inside the house ensued and the man bit an officer on the hand. police say he has an extensive criminal history from terrorist lets to assault with a firearm charge. the death is being investigated by pittsburg police and the contra costa county d.a. but the name is not releaseed as of >> oakland voters can concretes an independent police commission in november. after to hours of debate, the oakland city council last night finally approved a ballot measure to make the commission a reality. several activists said a commission was paramount for a police department racked by off duty discipline cases. in voters approve the commission it can discipline and fire officers and the chief. >> federal judge ruled a man who tried to assassinate president ronald reagan will be released from a psychiatric hospital after 35 years. jessica? john hinckley jr. could be released next week, the judge decided the 61-year-old no longer poses a danger to himself other others the he was put in the government's psychiatric hospital after the attempt assassination of president ronald reagan and shot three other people outside the washington hilton in march of 1981. there are a lot of conditions upon his release. he will live full time with his mother in virginia, and the judge ruleed that it will be effective august 5 on friday. he will also have to have dozens of treatment and monitoring conditions if he does everything required, the restrictions could be lifted in a career or year and a half. he was 25 when he tried to kill ronald reagan but was found not guilty by reason of insanity and did it to impress actress gentleman difficult foster because of an obsession with her. >> it is coming up on 6:39 on wednesday morning. we did have a traffic alert a charred big-rig is off to the side of the road, northbound 880 near davis street and investigators are out there trying to figure out what happened this morning, all we no the driver hit the embankment and it went up in films but it is carrying motor oil or was. dole is, the right lane is still blocked, northbound 888, at davis, and that is the next couple of horses, and, also, the davis street off ramp continued to be closed. look at this backup beyond 238 and you are look at 35 minute delay. the best alternate route is 580, and that is green and that is great and if you do not normally take davis, use marina, the exit just before that in the northbound direction. no big-rig is allow on 580, and the c.h.p. is estimating that a couple of hours before it cleared just after 8:00. mike? >> we look at what is going on in soberanes fire and what the fighters are dealing with overnight with the temperatures up in the mountains, 83 degrees still, and humidity is 1% and the winds were light from the northwest at two miles per hour and as we head into the afternoon they will blow from the south and southwest and that means more smoke moving offer our neighborhood into san jose and the south bay into inland east bay so we will have those areas with the poorest air quality during the "spare the air" day, and another one is going to be issued tomorrow. right new, we are in the clear. as far as our next three days the heat peaks and it will taper and you can see still the 100s through thursday and friday and the rest us are in the 80s and san francisco is dropping back and the 60. now difficult have relief from the heat come up in the seven-day forecast so stick around. >> santa clara county superior court clerks are closetory going on strike, her to under paid and everwork have not received a raise to eight years. the court offered 4.5% raise, and an immediate 5% raise for all workers who have been with the courts for six years. the clerks rejected the deal last night. the strike could come next month and it would shut down all of courts. >> the f.b.i. is offering $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of a bank robbery suspect. the surveillance video is "dreaded bandit." he is accused of holding up four bay area bangs since april, two take over style robberyies in san francisco on june 23 and july 11. authorities say he is wearing disguises and you can see he is you are aing face makeup, and a dark help colored wig. >> this could be the must interesting things we have each at the dnc, next, the marin man behind the unique creation. >> steph curry's star power is help and these are the lungs. (boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it. (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> san francisco unified school district superintendent appears to be heading to texas, with the humidity independent school board naming him the only finalist for the position yesterday. the board now must wait 21 daze before a final vote on whether to hire him. you can follow the story on twitter. he has led san francisco unify ied still 2012. all the democrats bring owe the stars to the convention, meryl streep, paul simon, and even reggie aqui was there. in philadelphia with san rafael man's unusual mission. wrote hear the give drove from marin county to philadelphia? >> yes. he did so in a ghandi mobile. what is a gandhi mobile? you have do see it to believe it . watch. this is the ghandi mobile. >> who is gandhi puppet support increasing >> before any. >> is gandhi going to come around for hillary clinton? >> gandhi puppet? >> ing so. it depends on what happened. particularly in california. in it look like: close election he will probably vote for hillary clinton. but in it is not a vote of could consequence of being practical. >> give days to get cross the country in san rafael to downtown philadelphia. just him. a couple of his friends. and the ghandi puppet. matt and natasha i know you are wondering, how many layers of paper mach. does it take to make this? >> we are dying to know. a stunning response from both you. 14 layers of paper. >> sorry, reggie, with veto move along. >> for first time, court documents of revideo why vallejo police called the kidnapping of a young woman last year a hoax. you remember denise huskins disappeared in march of 2015 and she surface add few daze later and said she was kidnapped from her boyfriend's home and they thought she was lying because she did not want to talk to huntington police. the police say she was wear sunglasses with luggage with her when she was found and so she returning from vacation. however, according to the f.b.i. statement, she did speak to huntington police and wore sunglasses to hide mans made by goggles she had to wear by the kidnapper. a man was arrested and charged with the kidnapping. >> after criticism, the f.d.a. could consider lifting restriction on gay and bisexual men donating blood. the agency began to seek but comment to poll yesterday signaling a possible change. right new gay men are prohibited from donating blood unless they have been celibate for a year because of the ice -- risk of aids. new could be a good time to sell your home. jane? >> yes, everyone. we are higher, apple, were of the reason for that. better than expected aning report giving a boost to the dow up 51 points right now. the s&p 500 and nasdaq are trading up, and facebook has hit a new record high this morning. facebook reports earnings after the close today so it will be interesting and we have a fed meeting wrapping up today with no change in interest rate is expected. whom prices in the bay area have continued to reach record-breaking prices, with the app sales rice in san francisco reached a record high of 712,000 a 1% from may, and 8% increase from last week and the en$said the local whom prices are appreciating but the gains are getting smaller. google is making it easier for emergency services to find you in a crisis with a new feature for droid called emergency location service so when you call in an emergency number, that uses data from your phone like g.p.s. or wi-fi and work out where you are, it sends the information to the emergency services ruled out in europe and hopes to bring it to the united states soon. steph curry has helped a company with second quarter revenues a 28% year-over-year increase because of the n.b.a. mvp steph curry helped with the sales of the signature basketball lane and sales are up 20%. >> people made fun of the shoes so he is doing well off the court. sue has the check of the sig-alert? >> still there. we have the charred big-rig. before, it was fully engulfed and there was a fatality. right now the right lane is still blocked off, and northbound 880 near davis street we got word from the c.h.p. and the big-rig new is allowed it use 580 to get around and that is your best alternate route as well and if you normally take the davis street off ramp that is closed, and, so, marina is the alternate. the backup on the traffic map is backed up now well beyond 238 for a solid 0 minute -- minute delay, and the bay bridge backup to contend where and metering heights were turned on at 5:30, so 580 is the greatest alternate, and big-rigs are allowed. >> good morning from the top of the broadcast center, i am watching the smoky sunrise, and, feeling refreshing here in san francisco. because of the sea breeze. and "spare the air" is in affect for all of us and excessive heat continues through tomorrow inland, all of that is tapering. ten miles per hour at sfo and the prosecute of us at five minute or less, with high pressure dominating our forecast again. waking up in san francisco, 55 in castro, and through the ferry building, 57 degrees into downtown at 56. same temperature at richmond, and by but, correct, london and tracy union city and saratoga all in the low-to-upper 60s. starting off warmer andening inwarmer in the south bay with upper 70s to mid-90s like san jose at 94 and 100 in morgan hill. money 80s at peninsula and millbrae is 76 and low-to-mid 60s along the coast and downtown and south san francisco, refreshing low-to-mid 70s and upper 80s to mid-90's through the in the bay trillion cloverdale and lake pot more than 100 degrees and snow may county fair we top out at 3:00 at moot and 6:00 is still warm at 85 but breeze, richmond is 7 of lax 80s for must of us east bay senior line and well over 100 inland east bay neighbor. my seven-day forecast shows looking toward the weekend for a break from heat and the poor air quality, by monday and tuesday next week, we are back where we should be. >> a job if teaching -- if you are teaching, oakland is look for 60 projects including special education and math and license teachers. the video of a job fair held yesterday, the teacher shortage is due to budget cuts and retirements and will hold two more job fairs in the coming days. >> lufthansa is turning to airbnb to sell tickets with round trip fares starting at $885 between new york and frankfurt the first time an airline has turned to arab to attract -- turned to arab to attract -- turned to arab to attract by finding a policy to fit your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat! water would be nice, but that would go right through me. ghost problems. these are the seven things you need to foe before you go. number one, the breaking news, you will want to avoid interrogate 880 through san leandro. the coroner is working to remove the body of a big-rig driver who was killed in the fiery crash this morning. officers also are trying to determine what was in the tanker >> two, that is what this looks like, a shot of the charred tanker still off to the side of the road, the right lane is blocked and traffic is stacked to 238 for a 35 minute late northbound 880 to get to the macarthur maze and use 580. >> three, our stagnant weather pattern means hazy conditions again, "spare the air" alerts for all of us and excessively hot inland with 100s inland east bay and the north bay, and 80s around the bay and 60s and 70s at the cost into san francisco. >> four, an investigation is underway in pittsburg this morning after a 32-year-old suspect died in police custody after being tazed. he was warned on an arrest warrant for drug charges and died at the hospital. >> five, hillary clinton has officially shattered a glass ceiling, becoming the first woman to win a major part presidential nomination, bill clinton offered a spirited endorsement of his wife and tonight we will hear from president obama. >> six, dub nation got a look at what kevin durant will bring to the warriors scoring 31 points in the crushing victory over china. and now they head to chicago to tune-up for the the rio de janeiro olympics. >> 11 hours to stock up on the drawing for powerball estimated at half a billion. that is the eighth largest jackpot in the history of the game. >> back in defy minutes with an update, but reggie aqui is in philadelphia and a lot is happening today. >> yes, a fun fact the last time that a democratic party in the white house was able to pass it on to another democratic party in the white house full term was before the civil war so we will see in president obama and vice president biden and tim kaine can make the case to do it again >> a look outside and "good morning america" is up next. on the first day of school, [i learned... it only takes some thing small to go from not friends... to totally friends! good morning, america. hillary clinton makes history. >> i can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. >> the first woman nominated for president. as bill clinton makes a passionate and powerful case for his wife. >> in the spring of 1971, i met a girl. >> calling her a devoted mother and fighter. >> she is still the best darn change maker i have ever known. >> bernie sanders buries the hatchet, puts clinton over the top. >> i move that hillary clinton be selected as the nominee of the democratic party. >> and this morning, my one-on-one with vice president

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