Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170815 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20170815

>> that would be great. >> i'm down. >> not objecting to that. >> we're all okay with that? good. let's talk about the fact it's a little drier this morning. anybody have drizzle? >> not today. >> no. >> nothing. so there's good news for the morning commute. it's still breezy out there behind that cold front that came through yesterday and brought us that really great fall-like day. our winds are still blowing ashore. you can see it's gusting 17, livermore 27 to 37 through the alta mont pass, 13 in concord. there is some clouds through the, just not much in the waive drizzle. so let's talk about temperatures. we are cooler this morning, 50 stoichl 59. as we head through the 12-hour day planner 59 to 70s spread at noon. 61 at the coast, 70 to 76 for bay and i land areas and 50s and 60s as you head through the evening hours. grab a coat. here's alexis with a look at the morning commute. we're looking good so far this morning too. here's a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. no metering lights yet we've got about 20, 20 phi minutes before those will flip on and slow things down. not going to have to deal with that mist or light rain this morning. southbound 680 highway 4 to walnut creek in the green with six minutes and construction work wrapped up well ahead of schedule. west bount wednesday 4 walnut creek to highway 13 eight minutes and westbound 580 phrasesy to dublin slowly starting to fill in. not too bad for that are dive time in the yellow at 39 minutes. we'll be back in less than ten. developing news about a cancer nurse from oakland and her husband who have been ordered to leave the country. they're scheduled to be deported in a few hours. >> pleas from the nurse's coworkers have not stopped maria sanchez from having to go. matt kefl letter is live at sfo. matt. >> reporter: they're schedule to leave here from sfo at 12:55 and then head to mexico city on that plane. but not before they made one last plead to president trump to stay here in the bay area. >> how woe feel if only sad end if something would happen to -- to, let's say, ivanka or one of the other of his kids and they have to leave their kids >> high land hospital nurse maria mendoza sanchez and her husband are being deported and must leave the country today. they're attorney has asked federal immigration authorities for a stay of deportation while senator dianne feinstein wants to introduce a private bill in congress next month allowing the couple to remain here in the u.s. the couple has held jobs, paid taxes and stayed out of legal trouble 230r two decades. they have four children, three of them u.s. citizens. >> hopefully question get a stay of the petition, the one that we need for a year, so my daughter can graduate from us santa cruise cruz and we can be here for her. >> reporter: ice issued the following statement. the courts consistently held that neither of these individuals has a legal gase sis to remain in the u.s. while ice continues to focus on individuals who pose a threat to safety, they will not exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement. they say they'll take their son to mexico with them and leave their three daughters behind. abc 7 news. fu thank you. now the fallout from the violence in charlottesville. the ceo of santa clara based company has resigned. brian krzanich made the announcement last nine joining under armor and america all of them protesting the president's response tots white nationals rally over the weekend. emily rou live in washington with the other protest the president is facing. >> reporter: good morning, reggie. pressure on the president was strong and growing from petition politicians to those big time ceos that you just mention and finally president trump responded condemning those hate groups. >> more than 1,000 demonstrators lined the sidewalks around trump tower monday hours before president trump's expected arrival. scores of police worked to keep the manhattan streets clear and as night fell, the protesters remained marching and chanting with a message for the president. nearly 48 hours after that car plowed into a group of people in charlottesville, president trump finally condemning white supremacy groups by name. >> racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the kkk, supremacists, and other hate groups that are repug nant to everything we old dear as americans. >> but it took two days after his first statement seemed to spread the blame. >> and violence on many sides. >> even 9 president's republican allies calling him out. >> call this white see prem six, evil, let the country hear it, let the world hear it. it's something that needs to come from the oval office and this president needs to do it today. >> and tension simmers in charlottesville. >> get the hell out of here. >> white nationalists gathering and counterprotesters making their voices heard from the scene of the crime in charlottesville to right outside the president's own door. >> this is what america looks like. >> president trump what's tweeted that it's go goode to be home there in new york. he also retweeted a prom nenlt conspiracy theoryist overnight commenting on the lack of media outrage over the gun violence in chicago. in washington, emily rou, abc 7 news. reggie and natasha. thank you. developing news now a self-described right-wing group has been given permission to stage a rally in san francisco later this month. >> the group patriot prayer sponsored this rally that ended over the weekend with 3 arrests for assault. they applied for a first amendment permit at chrissy field which the city must grant by law. counterprotests are expected to be organized at each rally. happening today, santa clara supervisor will pay tribute to charlottesville during today's board meeting. she plans to call for a moment of silence this morning in honor of the three people who died saturday. she released a statement saying we will not stand for this kind of hatred and bigotry in the u.s. it's against our beliefs and all we've worked for as a nation. >> organizers from google say their first amendment supporters who wanted to protest the firing of james damore who was let go for a controversial memo on sexism and diversity, they say no one has applied for permits to hold a demonstration at mountain view. it was among nine cities where protests were report lid planned for this saturday. >> now a live desk update. i have some international breaking news i'm watching. air berlin is filing for a braps. the german government made 8 announcement only a short kwhiel ago. they say the airline will receive loans from the government in order to continue their flights at least for now vand seen some reports that the mange juror airline is helping the german government and could take over parts of the business. air berlin is germany's second largest airline after lift ton saturday and i want to show thank you map because they do fly from the bay area to sfo. reggie. a dublin familiarly is desperate to find their missing daughter. they say she disappeared over the weekend. she was last seen. 8:00 saturday night at starbucks off dup blin boulevard. sme she often goes by lizzy and is described as 5'9" with red hair and green eyes. if you see her contact the number on your screen. the support for charter schools is dropping as the trump administration continues to push for expanded school choice. it shows 39% of respondents favor opening more charter schools. last year that was 51%. charter schools receive government funding but operate independently of the established state school system. supporters say they offer more choice. president trump calls the public education system quote, a government run monopoly. now your accuweather forecast with mike nicco. >> let's talk about what's going on. we'll get to gert in a second. your temperatures running in the upper 50s to low 60s, 58 any lafayette, danville, pleasant hill to brentwood at 61. same thing in concord. other neighborhoods, 59 be in oakland, carlos 63 at san jose, little bit cooler up in the hills los gatos, 52. same thing in novato. napa 58 and pacifica about 54 degrees there. let's look down in the south bay. 280 and 17 where it's a little cloudy this morning. good news for your activity planner. look at that green just about everywhere. slower breezes if you're going to be on the bay. no small craft advisory right now. exercising, it will be mild this afternoon, little more smooin shine than yesterday and at the coast calmer, no small craft advisory there either and a little bit brighter approximately we'll see sunshine. notice that cold front, it even took the 100s. still, took the 100s out of vegas and palm springs. still in the 90s, 73 in l.a., 89 in fresno, 79 in tahoe and you can see overnight gert became a hurricane, category 1, 70-mile-per-hour winds. it's on that warm ocean water but it's moving away from land. so it's going to strengthen to about 80 miles an hour and all this wet weerts you see if is from a cold front that's going to push gert away from the coast. it's kind of a rip current and dangerous suffer more than anything else or the east coast. alexis. what a difference 24 hours makes. yesterday we had traffic alerts, we had all of 880 closed,ed to we're really quiet. i don't have any major incidents to talk about just keeping track of overnight projects that are wrapping up. state route 37 we've got a major paving repair project, pavement repair project i should say on state route 37 between skaggs island and state route 121 now through friday. so each night this week we have lanes schedule to be closed in each direction in the evening. they were supposed to be done at 5:00 and they went a little longer so we're still seeing a little backup there. if you're just heading out the door, expect some delays. quick check out side at the richmond bridge still looking good here. drive times still looking good, we'll look at those at 5:20. a developer has big plans for dublin. look at that. the major project it's planning in the community. a love of reading can change young lives. how you can help bring 100,000 books to san francisco. books to san francisco. a new turn in a you cand even one of these. now you can book a table on yelp. find the perfect spot, and make it for tonight or anytime at restaurants you can book only on yelp. reservations on yelp. we know just the place. now break news from the abc 7 live desk. >> welcome back. in that breaking news iranian president says iran could abandon its nuclear agreement with world powers within hours if the u.s. imposes any new sanctions. the warning coming overnight, but stems from an announcement last month that the u.s. would impose new sanctions against anyone with ties to iran. iran says the new sanctions are not in line with the 2015 agreement that traded sanction relief for a reduction in the country's nuclear program. the president also suggested the u.s. is an unreliable partner reportedly citing the withdraw from the paris accord and newspaper sanctions imposed on cuba. >> thanks. a development company for an entertainment and housing complex in dublin, our media parter in the east bay times reports that are shea companies wants to develop a 26 acre site on the north side of interstate 580. shea officials say the project would include a movie theater, restaurants, possibly two hotels and 700 residential units. shea provided this image. dublin city officials tell abc 7 news they have net to receive any formal proposal for this project. a tees piece of evidence may have been found in the db cooper case. a strap that's believed to be bart part of his pair chutd was found in the pacific northwest if the has been turned over to the fbi for evidence. colbert maintains the website db cooper kok. the mystery began in 1971 when he pair chuted from a boeing 747 with dwo hundred thousand dollars in ransom money. a spokesperson for the fbi did not comment on that discovery. a man is accused of trying to detonate what he thought was an explosive-filled van outside of a bank in oklahoma city. >> turns out to wasn't. we have the details. >> reporter: in this morning's first look, 23-year-old jerry var nel is behind bars. he was planning to blow a bank building in downtown oklahoma city. >> he had several components to make a large vehicle born iebd and loaded if in noo a cargo van. >> reporter: a plat similar to timothy mcvay's 1995 oklahoma city bombing which killed 168 people. but it was all a sting set up by the fbi. according to prosecutors, he drove the van to bank first downtown parking it in this alleyway before being arrested. the fbi says over an 8-month investigation, he told one of their informants he admired mcvay and was aspiring to bomb the federal reserve building in washington, d.c. and we'll have the latest on the arrest coming up at 7:00 a.m. with your gma first look on pierre thomas, abc news, washington. president trump says he may pardon former arizona sheriff joe opyo. a jury convicted him of misdemeanor contempt of court in july. a federal judge ruled in 2013 that his officers racially profiled latinos but the sheriff reviews fused to stop his immigration patrols. he lost a bid for re-election last november. the president says he support pz his strong stance on undocumented immigrants. warriors hall of famer rick berry calls the scrutiny that president trump is under, quote, a disgrace to the world. he opened up in an interview to usa today. the eight-time all-star urged an end to the sbrefgs into collusion of russia. he said they're beat a dead horse and it's time to move on and do what's good for the country. they plan to file a motion to dismiss a lawsuit instead of taking it to arbitration by ewing ber. it claims cal len neck is trying to pack the board instead ever doing what's best for the company. benchmark owns 13% of uber stock. apple and etna are working on a plan to bring the apple smart watch top of millions more people connected to etna. cnbc reports that the two companies had secret discussions last week. under the plan people insured under naet could receive free or discounted apple watches. it already offers an apple twooch its 50,000 employees as part of its corporate wellness program. nope. >> that's the one gave you for christmas. >> you gave me this watch. >> it's an old fashioned kind of watch. >> that's right. jetblue airways is teaming up with the local bookstore to bring deserving children free books. >> san francisco competing with boston, l.a., and new york and airlines soar with reading contests. jetblue will provide the city with 100,000 free books to kids who have limited access. it kicks off today at books inc. free ice cream from double rainbow will be served. people can vote on the city they support and you we have a link if you want to do so. mike. unnecessarily close to the camera there because, guess where i got this watch? >> that's from skble that's from you. >> that's what we do here, give each other's watches. >> now, if this ends up on someone else's wrist -- i would never do that. it's cloudy and about 63 degrees, brighter and mild they're afternoon. did it feel like fall yesterday, didn't it? clouds return, cool tonight, not as much drizzle as even we're seeing this morning which is hardly any and summer warmth returns thursday, friday, and saturday. let's take a look down stouj. 82 in gilroy, 70 four in medical pete tats to 74 in santa clara, cupertino. 69 in millbrae then 71 at san mateo, mid-70s for the rest of the peninsula. 63 degrees in half moon bay. everybody else about 62. downtown san francisco around 64. heading over to sausalito, 68, jump to 76 in san rafael, 80 in santa rosa. along the east bay shore, 60 nait richmond, 70 to 74 elsewhere with her cue lous at 72 and union city at 70 four. inland san ramon the cool spot, 75, few 80s around brentd brentwood, antioch and livermore. tonight temperatures are going to be 5559, pretty much like this morning. the seven-day forecast we jump about another two to six degrees tomorrow, about another 2 to 4 degrees away from the coast thursday, and look at that thursday, friday, saturday, 90s inland, 80 around the bay and mid-60s at the coast. pretty typical range for this time of year. let's find out about that morning commute. anything typical about it? >> we're look going so far today. no major issues just starting to see the volumes fill in on all the typical areas. we do have some overnight road work here. lanes scheduled to be closed until 6:00 this morning on that interchange is also close and a new trouble spot on the countercommute just before the 580 merge sounds like we have a zailkd disabled vehicle blocking lane number three. chp son the scene too. quick check of drive times, so far look going here too. westbound 580 tracy to dublin it is breezy with a high wind advisory across altamont pass, that's going to take but 45 minutes. westbound 4 antioch to concord in the green at 15, san rafael to san francisco, highway 101 you look great too 15 minutes. purple was prince's favorie color and now he's going to have his own shade. look at this. this is love symbol number two, the hue created by the pan tone color institute to pay tribute to the purple one. he was 57. the color is going for market with the trademark squiggly graphics that prince made popular. it's not the first time they created a custom color. jay z. has his own shade of blue. students are trying to break the begin necessary world record for form a letter. move in day, an exciting time for new students, an emotional one for parents of course, the record breaking try is aimed at bring the new class together in a fun way. it will happen at memorial stadium this weekend. the current record held by the university of tennessee and i know you guys can do it. coming up next, the seven things you need to know. who can forget trump's tweet, how one driver managed to skort word on her license plate. how one has left uc berkeley with a huge debt. mike and alexis hoping to mike and alexis hoping to make this a better day ♪ depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. ♪ that's why there's trintellix, a prescription medication for depression. trinllix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens and young adults. do not take with maois. te your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur, especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. ask your healthcare professional about trintellix. it is 5:25. here are the seven things to know today. number one this it is it, facing deportation oakland nurse and her husband are getting ready to leave the u.s. senators feinstein and camilla harris are both working behind the scenes to get a reprieve. no luck so far. number two more fallout this morning from the violence in sharps. the ceo of has resigne this is from the president's response to the white nationalist rally. number three, postponing plans to launch missiles toward the territory of guam. a state-run news agency reported overnight kim jong-un will continue to watch the u.s. as on the korean peninsula. number four costco is going to have to pay tiffany $19 million. a judge ruled the store sold tiffany engagement rings that weren't made by the jeweller. costco argue today was using tiffany as a generic term. what? number five hi, everybody. after flirting with record-cold high temperatures yesterday, we're going to rebound anywhere from about 208 degrees. instead of 60s and 70s, we'll be more in the upper 60s to upper 70s. a little bit warmer today. and number 6 we don't have any major issues on the road so far this morning. quick check of the bay bridge toll plaza those metering lights flipped on a few minutes ago. fif 22 once you make it past those toll booths wide open in the green at 11 minutes. san francisco is the 21st best place to retire in the u.s. santa rosa whun 10th. number one, orlando, floo florida. the best place apparently to stretch your, he tiermt dollars. remember that mysterious tweeted typo by the president in may? one woman in ohio will have that on her license everybody scamming their heads, the president showed his sense of humor tweetig who could figure out the meaning of cofee fee, enjoy. she said she simply put the request on for a license plate and the dmv improved it. >> you keep that license plate for a long time. >> you do. >> jokes die. >> jokes die. i'm just put thaug ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. good morning south bay. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc 7 mornings. >> morning on this tuesday, august fif teenth it is 5:30 thanks for being there. >> hi, early risers you're either at work, school, just chilling out today, we envy you. let's kick off the weather. we're not doing yesterday again. was kind of neat, kind of refreshing little nostalgic thinking about fall. it was chilly yesterday. here's a look at live dopplar 7. the clouds are increasing this morning but they are drier and not hearing much about the way of drizzle. in fact, you can see all of the sky scrapers in downtown san francisco from our exploratorium camera at pier 15. 7:00 we'll go mostly cloudy, little bit cooler 56 to 59. at noon 59 at the coast, 68 around the bay to 70 inn land. 4:00, 601 at the coast, 68 i land and temperatures at upper 60s at 7:00. if you're heading out this evening grab a koelt or blanket. here's alex sis with the morning commute. how's it going? >> going pretty well this morning we have one issue in the south bay. let's go down to northbound 101 just before that 880 interchange we've got reports of a collision involve a semi and another vehicle. they're calling for an ambulance to the scene. we don't know what lane is blocked but one is. and here's our camera just north of that, 101 and 880 it's looking fine here but i will strie to get some more details. i'll have an update on that in less than ten minutes. thank you. on to developing news, just days after the violence in charlottesville, two right-wing protests are being planned in france in the east bay. >> one group has posted plans to counterprotest. amy hollyfield live for us at chrissy field. amy. >> reporter: hi. some san franciscans we talked to do nont want to see this group come here to chrissy field. the alt-right group patriot prayer has been granted a permit for a rally at chrissy field next saturday, the 28th from 2:00 to 5:00 here in chrissy field. the national park service says, by law, they have to grant first amendment permits. but some we talked to don't want them here. >> free speech when it's tied to violence, which is what this is, and which breeds violence. i mean, it's the first thing. it's based on hate and then it causes people -- what they don't understand about this free speech is it causes the kinds of consequences we saw in virginia. >> reporter: so that ralley will be here next saturday, the 26th. then a rally is also plachbed then a rally is also plachbed for berke lib, the marksism in america has organized that one for the 27th. one will be from 1:00 to 5:00 and that will be in civic center park in berkeley. counterprotests are expect the at both events. we asked the organizer here at chrissy field why san francisco. he said because there's a lot of intolerance here for different ideas and beliefs. reporting live in san francisco, amy hollyfield, abc protests against the white supremacists? virginia are intensifying across the u.s. you were just watching there as a crowd erupted in cheers as a statue of a confederate soldier was pulled down in dure ham, north carolina last night. it was outside a county administration building. a couple living in oakland is expected to be deported in a matter of hours. they have held jobs, paid taxes and stayed out of legal trouble for two decades. they have four kids, tleef them are u.s. syd citizens. their attorney has asked a stay of deportation to give them time to have a bill filed next month. a man suspected at shooting at officers and caltrans work serz in custody this morning. vests 43-year-old joshua buck brown opened fire yesterday morning in kelseyville. no one was hit but the shooting led to a six-hour man hunt. he was event wlal taken into custody near his house. they were there to close an illegal road that he had built. >> i assumed that it angered him caltrans was coming to block that driveway off and it was while they were performing that function that he came out, exchanged words and started shooting. >> he has a confederate flag hanging on on his property but they do not believe his actions were racially motivated. >> a warning for east bay drivers nails have destroyed dozens of tires in concord. neighbors believe someone is dropping these deliberateny in the area of san miguel one resident says the problem started a few years ago and he has spent nearly 500 tods repair tires. >> they've been roofing nails, screws, they've been regular nails, they've been thumb tacks, they've been a whole bunch of just everything that will make your tires pop. they've filed police reports, they've tried putting cameras and we just can't figure out who's doing it. >> the parks manager confirms three vent flat tire complaints. he documented around 50 incidents in 2015, poice say they haven't received any vent complaints about nails in the road. hamgs happening today, officials are expected to reject all proposal to revariety lies a santa clara county fairgrounds. the santa clair clara county board of such advisers has been considering five proposal. according to a report only one of proposals met qualifications but the developers want the county to issue a $50 million bond for improvements. you may soon be able to buy alcohol at cal football and basketball games pptdhe daily generate 150 to $350 a year. the university also plans to sell naming rights to memorial staitd stadium to make more than $4 million a year. havemore than $4 million of debt to pay for the stadium and student athlete performance city. the fire burning in the community of wawona and yosemite is now more than 1600 acres. flames are being fueled by dead trees killed by a beetle infestation. it usually sees around 2000 visitors this time year. visitors this time year. they say lightning may yosemite forecast, we'll show you looilkt lightning could be a problem today and tomorrow we go from a 20% chance to 40% chance or wednesday and then the heat rushes thursday. we're in the low to mid-80s today and tomorrow, 91 for thursday. and more chances of thunderstorms over the weekend. back here at home, it's a little clearer up in the north bay but the clouds are starting to move in, we've got novato at 52, warmer in napa volley, american canyon 58, tiburon 53 right alameda, san core laos 59. brentwood 61, san jose golden gate bridge, marine larp has not established but look for cloudiness over the bay. let's take a look at our commute planner on the roads. less drizzle, that's good. on the bay, lighter breezes, that's good. and mass transit's going to be cool to mild today. let's take a look. peninsula. temperatures locked in the 60s once you get best 10:00. we'll be in the upper 60s for the afternoon hours, few 70s out there especially further south. east bay valleys well below average, 87. noon mid to upper 70s in the afternoon hours. back in the 60s by 8:00. i'll show when you summer returns in my seven day fracht up next. how kbt commute? >> it hasn't been terrible so far this morning. i want to zoom into a couple spots in the east bay that are a little slow. we have road week here westbound 980 between southbound 24 and that off-ramp is closed until 6:00 this morning. so we've got about 20 minutes ton go and that's starting to stack up on the westbound 24. little bit of good news, eastbound side of 24 just before you get to the phi 80 merge we had a disabled vehicle briefly blocking a lane. looks like that has cleared and that little backup that we had approaching that interchange has cleared. southbound 101 santa rose 0 a to petaluma you're in the green, castro valley to the maze also looks good at 13 and 2 ate to highway 85 you're in the yellow we have a crash reported at oakland road and i'll have more details on that. a san francisco police officer takes action after a man collapses and stops breathing. the unique way that officer is being honored today. disturbing new details emerging in tiger woods dui arrests, the drugs he had in his system. it is 5:39. it is 5:39. we always keep track of weather abc 7 mornings. >> all news are. >> all morning. >> talor swift is $1 richer this morning it's a major victim for her, though. a jury has decidn i groping law. it start when'd she accused a denver dj of groping her in 2015. he sued her after his radio station fired him. yesterday's verdict was over her countersuit? which she aor fed$1ym. s a the ex-dj spoke exclusively with good morning america. >> what i'm saying is i didn't do what they say did i. i didn't do it. i never grabbed her. i never had my hand under her skirt. and i can pass a polygraph. >> swift apologized for the cost of the trial in a statement after the verdict and she is vowing to make future donations to organizations that help the victims of sexual assault. state governor candidate and state treasurer john chiang is vefd defending some campaign donations this morning. they report he got more than $100,000 from three housing developers. those developers then got awarded tax credits and bonds from a committee that chiang oversees. some are concerned that they led to political favors. in a political statement he said they are lool and had no influence over his decisions. tying ore woods had five drugs in his system when he was arrested for duui. he tested positive for vicodin, xanax, ambien, thc and dilaudid. vicodin and dilaudid both are pain kill rerz xanax and ambien are sleed be aides and thc is the active ingredient in marijuana. cannabis assist legal in florida where he was arrested. it it's not clear if he had medications.s for those a man who saved a man's lunch is being honored with a brunch. they posted these photos of officer robert fung. he formed cpr on a 66-year-old man who stopped breathing and lost consciousness at steph curry's showcase a week ago. gootarts today at 10:30 at bed edmorning, tasha, reggie, hi everybody. open the window on walnut creek not nearly as moist as it was yesterday. south on 680 clouds are starting to gather and we're going to have a lot of sunshine today. not quite as chilly or fall like like it was yesterday. a little drizzle possible near the coast and we're going tge t forecast but nothing too dprooem extreme. let's take a look at our back to school forecast. immediate mont unified school district over on pedmont in the east bay great morning way sunny afternoon. 54 this morning to about 67 during the afternoon hours so make sure to bring the hood i disease and the coats district, cloudy then sunny, a much brighter day than yesterday. 58 this morning to 69 afternoon. congratulations, have fun, and have a great day. meet somebody new today at school. 74 at mill pete tas, 77 san jose, 80s in gilroy and los gatos. to 71 for high in san mateo. 74 in redwood city, 62 along the coast, 62 downtown san francisco. north bay 76 in san rafael to 79 in santa rosa. east bay shore we go from 68 in richmond to berkeley to about 74 in union city and inndla 75 in n ton 82 in brentwood. it will be mostly cloe tdyoigon. notice the big jump in temperatures coming for bay and i land neighborhoods by the time we get to thursday, friday, saturday we'll have 80s and 90s there but still 60s at the coast. look for a little more fog those couple mornings also. and kind of hard to see the kids at the bus stop. >> i know. we've got a handful of districts heading back today an those school zones you've had a couple months off where you could cruise on through but take it easy and look out for those crosswalks. that's going to be the norm as we get into fall here. the roads not too bad this morning. i do want to head back down to the south bay. we're working on contacting chp right now we've got conflicting information northbound 101 on oakland road it sounded like a standard collision involve a semi and smaller vehicle and now we're hearing it's possibly a roll over. so we're working to confirm that and we're also trying to find out how many lanes we have blocked. obviously we've got something blocking aproech 880 and heavy traffic as you go through that merge. down to 19 miles an hour, as soon a have more information i'll give you an update on that situation. the bay bridge toll plaza those lights on early today another indication we're geert a lot of folks heading back to school and work here too. 5:22 and we've got those typical delays along the maze. now a live desk update. hi, everyone. want to gate breaking news update. air berlin filing for bankruptcy and i've just learned they needed a government loan or else thousands of tourists could have been stranded. as i reported earlier, the german government is stepping in to help air berlin along with its rief val of tun za. this could impactpl p here. their financial woes are because a major shareholder suddenly pulled financing and if the airline had not received that loan for $177 million, they would have stopped operating immediately. this loan keeps them -- keeps them flying at least for now. back to you, reggie. thanks, jess. the warriors are going to be feet fourth degree on national tv 3im tom sson now that they have won the nba tietd until two of the past three seasons. the nba can't seem to get enough of steph, kd, andre and draymond. more than a third of the warriors games are going to be seen on either abc, espn, or tnt. you're going to see six games on abc 7 through march. first one is the christmas day finals rematch when the warriors host the cavs at oracle. traffic in the bay area already bad. first food is almost as popular as the 9ers at levi stadium. how the team going to whet their appetites today. it's 5:48, we hope you have a better day and it starts with knowing about weather and traffic. there's a live look at the there's a live look at the golden gate there's a live look at the golden gate ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to faster downlothadr net speeds up toternet from the phone company. 250 megabits per second. get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only $34.90 more per month. call today. comcast business. built for business. it's 5:51. look at this mess, a fire suppression system accidentally discharged a bunch of that foam insi an airport hangar in main. four employees were initially reported as missing but they are all okay. you may remember the bay had a similar incident with foam. last year in san jose a fire suppression sprung a leek e leak releasing foam that filled a city block. that foam is used to help put out fires and coat the surfaces like gasoline. it eventually dissolves. mexican regulators targeted two dozen destinations in can kuhn, and that include the iberia star resort tha t'rehe w 20-year-old abby connor died after doing shots on a family vacations. he they say the unnamed producer of the alcohol had bad manufacturing practices. a stunt woman died on the set of the movie "deadpool 2" it happened in vancouver where that sequel is being shot. she somehow lost control of her motorcycle and crashed through a plate glass window. she had successfully completed thatted you stunt for times before the accident. the movie star ryan reynolds released a statement saying here heartbroken, shocked, and devastated. fewer americans are dying from lightning strikes according to a new report out this morning. so far 13 people have died from lightning this year and that's far less than the high in 1940 where lightning killed more than 300 people. researchers say the number of lightning strikes is aut the same, however, we have learned how to get out of the way. the solar eclipse is now just six days away and getting your hands on a pair of eclipse glasses is getting tough. 7 on your side gave away a thousand pairsft aer 5,000 requests. a quick search on amazon shows you many vendors are now sold out. stores that still have them are charnging anywhere from 30 to $100. we did some research and found that protection costs for each purchase -- or production costs for each weigh pair are less than 50 cents so someone is making a lot of money off of that. who's making all that money, though? good old supply and demand in the usa. if you're interesting in learning more about the eclipse happening, we have a whole section off you are website dedicated to it just go to our website let's talk about how we're going to view this and where because it happens so early in the morning, the marine layer's about 9:00 when the eclipse begins. now, we start to see a break in that over the bay, around 10:15 when we're at 75%, which is the maximum of what we're going to do see. and by the time it ends at 11:30, we're definitely clear around the bay on a typical day. now, as we get closer we'll be able to fine tune that. definitely if you head to the north bay, inland east bay or the south bay you're going to have sunshine just about the entire total eclipse or if you head about 2000 feet. let's look at what's happening today. it's jewish heritage night at the athletics game, royals in town. 7:05 first pitch, 63 dropping down to 602021 chimy there once again. as far as lows tonight you see more cloud cover and 54 to 59 degrees. let's see what alexis is watch organize ow for thank you morning. let's take you back down to the south bay northbound 101 around oakland road we talked to chp a few minutes ago and they said they have that crash voching a semi but it's off on the shoilder and they don't believe anyone flipped over in fihivecltelyes seeing some heav onlooker delays as folks get passed that. they did call for an ambulance and a tow truck to the scene. right now it's about 22 minutes if you're traveling from the 280/680 split to highway 85. more drive times westbound 80 highway 4 to the maze about 20 minutes. and southbound 101 san francisco to sfo not too bad you're in the green at nine minutes 39s here's a live look outside at walnut creek. a lot of brake lights on 680 but no blocking issues for that route. next trafficup date at 6:00 a.m. thanks. american idol coming to abc 7 this fall and auditions will be held until oakland on sunday. the bus will be in jack linden square giving a chance to be a star put don't have to wait till sunday, you can audition online right now we have a link to the application to and you have to be at least 15 years old. >> don't do mariah or whitney. >> liftoff. a capsule loaded with supplies set to dock with the international space station tomorrow. a falcon 9 rocket took into orbit from florida's kennedy staigs space center yesterday. . booster successfully returned and landed back on earth minutes later. it will eventually be reused. droog gone cap tulz satisfactory 6,400 pounds of science experiments and supplies and here's the most fun part about all this, it includes ice cream. >> real ice cream or that aus astro nout naut ice cream. >> i hope it's the real stuff. levi stadium will host some of the food items 9ers fans can expect to see. >> star bird chicken, red rooster tacoans the organic coop. they'll be in the faithful mile where fans tailgate before the games. there's going to be a froyo robert called probot. >> it's just a vending machine. >> reg giz's disappointed. he wanted something with eyes that handed you froyo. they say some of the new ideas came straight from surveying thousands of the fans. i would of? >> i would take someone doing the rot bot serving a a twist. next the way the alameda police department is responding after it received a post from the whoit supremacists. we the fallout from one bay area tech company. we learned the man at the snefrt recent google diversity scandal is speaking out about the alt-right movement. this wunls has do with what happened in charlottesville. i'll explain. plus the one thing that could save an east bay couple from being deported to mexico in just a few hours. a live look outside right now at fif:57 in the morning rts now at fif:57 in the morning rts the embarcade now at fif:57 in the morning rts the embarcade you cand even one of these. now you can book a table on yelp. find the perfect spot, and make it for tonight or anytime at restaurants you can book only on yelp. reservations on yelp. we know just the place. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. good morning bay area. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc 7 mornings. >> good morning. it's almost 6:00 here on tuesday, august fife tooej teenth. >> the whole team here ready to go. welcome, thanks for watching. let's start with you, mike. let's talk about what happened yesterday really quick because we had that cold front roll through, it brought us a lot of drizzle yesterday morning. backside of it we still have an onshore flow but it's a drier breeze and that's why temperatures are going to be a little bit warmer today and you'll need the sunglasses. altamont pos pass our fastest wind southwest the 20 sfoen 37 right now. here's a look from our roof cam raund can see the bay bridge, which was hard to see yesterday because all that moisture in the area. your 12-hour day planner 56 to 59. 59 to 61 noon to 4:00 around the coast. for the bay 68 to 70, and then 70 to 76 for the inland neighborhoods. all of us in the 50s and 60s. here's alexis with the morning commute. not too bad this morning. here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza one of our slower spots as usual. those metering lights on about 5:42 this morning and we once you make it past the toll boolgs you're wide to to san francisco. richmond san rafael bridge in the green 7 minutes. westbound san mateo bridge 14, and dumbarton you're also in the green at nine minutes. we say

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