Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20160924 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20160924

>> as some demonstrators filled the streets, protesting the police shooting of keith lamont scott. >> he has no weapon. >> we now have our first look at his last moments. >> don't shoot him. don't shoot him. he ain't doing anything. >> this cell phone video taken by his wife and released by his family. >> he doesn't have a gun. he has a tbi. he's not going to do anything to you guys. he just took his medicine. >> she is pleading with her husband to get out of his truck. >> keith, get out of the car. keith, don't you do. don't you do it. keith! keith! keith! don't you do it! it [bleep]. >> did you shoot him? did you shoot him? >> his wife in shock as her husband lies mortally wounded. >> did you call the police? or the ambulance? >> the image from another angle shows what may be the same object, far from the body. the police chief, resisting calls to release video of the shooting. >> if i were to put it out indiscriminantly and it doesn't give you good context, it can inflame the situation. >> the investigation said charlotte police do have the authority to release the video. they say local officials are actively discussing whether or not they will release it. abc news, charlotte. >> and one more note from north carolina. both hillary clinton and donald trump announced they have cancelled plans to visit charlotte. this comes after pleas from charlotte's mayor. she said resource necessary the city are stretched too thin. and a reminder, you can watch the first presidential debate monday night here on abc7. coverage of the debate starts at 6:00 p.m. 5:08 is our time this morning. lisa, what are we waking up to? >> we are waking up to comfortable temperatures. 54 is as cool as we get right now and that's in concord. 55 livermore, 55 in san francisco. the sun is up. it's 7:00. high in the mid-70s here. that sounds okay for san francisco. we have 80s in the not-too-distant future. and the look at a very hot forecast coming up. >> lisa, thanks. also ahead, thanks to a san francisco political icon. the who's who list paying their respect to rose pak. and muslim brotherhooders accused in a dozen different times. codogs just won't quit.! neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. . >> welcome back. this morning the funeral mass will be held for rose pak. the city held a wake last night in north beach. we have nor on who showed up to say farewell. >> rose pak was unlike any other san franciscan and she was honored accordingly. san francisco police officers in dress uniform provided security, and the capitol central station will be will pallbearer for her funeral. >> i've been able to become really good friends with rose. she was a tremendous supporter of the police department. >> in political circles she was known as someone who got things done, and played hardball, if kneaded. >> i would say defining achievement was actually keeping politicians in check. bigger than central subway, bigger than the chinese hospital. >> those who knew her said she wasn't motivate bid getting any notoriety. >> the underdog in san francisco lost a champion because that's what rose was about, about helping the little guy. >> rose pak was never aelected to office and shied away from being boards and committees, but she pushed numerous to run and got mayor ed lee to get elected. former mayor willie brown said he's going to miss his friend, rose pak. >> her funeral will be at saint mary's church. they anticipate a large turnout. abc7 news. the parents of a man suspected of crashing a stolen police cruiser thursday night planned to take him to a mental hospital. everychambers crashed his vehicle in the hayward hills. and then while being treated he stole a police cruiser and led officers on a chase before crashing the cruiser near the san mateo bridge. his parents said he was trying to see his young daughter. they called 911 early yesterday when he started acting manic. >> he had a mental breakdown. we tried to get help for him hours before this happened. >> the chambers' parents planned to bail him out last night and get him mental health treatment. one person drown near the town of jenner in sonoma county. fire officials say it happened around 1:00 p.m. yesterday. one woman was pulled from the ocean at goat rock beach. she died after attempts to resuscitate her failed. her friend got out of the water and is doing okay. fire officials aren't sure what led up to the drowning but the beach is notorious for sneaker waves. >> the u.s. coast guard is searching for a sailor last scene leaving hawaii. that he are asking him to be oning lookout for paul lind. he was aboard a 35-foot sailboat called watercolor. he was bound for victoria, d.c., but when he failed to show up, his family notified authorities. the coast guard said he should have arrived by september 10th or 11th. two brothers have been arrested for robbing more than a dozen street vendors in san jose. the two were taken into custody wednesday between july 30th and september 16th. police say they robbed 13 vendors. and in some cases the victims were beat ton and pistol whipped. >> a scary, scary situation for the victims. something i'm sure that's going to last with them for a long time. both emotionally and physically. >> police are talking to street vendors to offer tips on how to stay safe. a bay area mother who lost her son on 911 is pushing congress to override president obama veto of a controversial bill. justice against sponsors of terrorism act would allow families toa the saudi arabia government for any role they may have had in the 9/11 attack. a resident wants her day in court. she lost her son on flight 93. >> aim disappointed we 9/11 families are, that the president has seen fit to try to throw a winch in our effort to make sure we have our day in court. >> the house and senate both needs two-thirds support to override the veto >> happening today the annual st. jude walk and run in san francisco to help end childhood scanser. the money would fund research labs and help scientists with saving the lives of children. their goal is to raise $310,000 from today's event. the opening ceremony starts at the san francisco zoo. >> good morning. >> lots of the advisory to pass on as the heat gets cranked up over the weekend. here's a look at the fog wishes is really absent throughout much of the bay area. maybe a couple patches by half moon bay. but we have a red flag warning in effect for the greater sacramento area. we talked about the heat advisory earlier. this goes into effect today. so if you are headed up to the sacramento valley, temperatures beginning to soar there. we have a heat advisory beginning tomorrow right through monday. you notice in the north bay a little bit more red here. the national weather service has issued a red flag warning beginning don't into 3:00 tomorrow. winds are going to kick up in the north bay. perhaps up to 40 miles an hour. so critical fire. 59 in san francisco. 58 san jose. good morning, gilroy. cool at 51. it's 57 on the coast and a live look at sfo. don't the have any fog to worry about. 58 in fairfield with 55 in livermore. yesterday numbers came up and this morning we are anywhere from about 6 crease to 9 degrees warmer from livermore to napa and even half moon bay in the upper 50s right now. today it's going to get warmer, but certainly not as warm as it will get with the peak heat arriving on monday. much warmer today. triple digits tomorrow. the heat alert into monday. probably a spare-the-air day tomorrow and the heat advisory for both days. we are talking about much hotter. even hotter than last weekend. here's a look at santa cruz maybe you want to check out the beach. yesterday was 82 and today same deal. 72 down around monterey. water temperature upper 50s. 69 half might be bay. 71 ocean beach and bodega bay a mild 74 degrees. by tomorrow with heat advisory upper 90s. 98 livermore, 91 around the bay with upper 80s richmond. redwood city, and we could see some records not only on sunday but into monday, the highest rank 15 to 20 degrees above average. triple digit heat atrying here and it will stay cite warm into tuesday. the offshore flow really will be perhaps bringing some gusty winds up to the north bay mountains. 84 in san francisco. lack what happens tuesday. looking at more of a sea breeze. 75 sausalito. half moon bay still mild. today mid-80s in san jose, about average. 84 in sunnyvale. low to mid-80s redwood city. 78 milbrae. in the north bay 91 should be the high in santa rosa. and 84 by the water in vallejo. lack for highs in the near east bay show from the low 80s to 86 in castro valley. inhand it's low 90s. looks like you can deal with that but you look at the accuweather seven-day forecast you notice how temperatures continue to climb into tomorrow and then monday looks to be the warmest day. some cooling on the coast on tuesday. and then it's going back to autumn for the rest of the work week with much cooler numbers. in fact, below average numbers. so certainly download our app. i heard you mention a this earlier. this is the time of year that it's always very critical around here with high fair danger. >> keep the a. c. on, as well. >> yeah. >> coming up, why this piece of history is roaming city streets. and first abc7 is celebrating hispanic heritage month with posts to our instagram feed. today we introduce to you the superintendent of a national historic trail. the trail runs from san francisco to mexico. we have more details on instagram at abc7 news bay area. . >> a new living room set can set you back thousands of dollars so it's good to know if anything goes wrong a warranty covers it. a person still needed help from 7 on your side's michael finney. >> mark likes to have the seats recline on his living room couch. there's just one problem. >> we can't use the recliner on this side and, of course, over there it's stuck in an upright position. >> the motor stopped working on this seat, stuck in the reclined position. the motor stopped working on this seat too. it won't recline at all. >> no problem, we will contact the warranty. >> he had the seven year warranty from macy's. it's called worry no more, so he didn't. >> and they did send somebody out. >> the technician said he kneed new motors, he would be back soon. that was a year ago. >> we called and asked about the progress and there wasn't because they didn't have a record of anybody coming to the house. >> at first worry no more told him to wait some more. >> they said they had to order the motors from china. >> the motors never came. mark cancelled plans to entertain relatives. >> because of the bad chair, we didn't want people sitting on it or leaning on it. >> he contacted "7 on your side" and weasked macy'swhy he&-úcoue problems. if you missed the event, you can call monday through friday from 10:00 to 2:00. abc7 news was at san francisco hall of justice yesterday as veterans celebrated second chances. this is a graduation ceremony for former members who completed the justice court. the vets get treatment and counseling instead of going to jail for a crime. >> all they need is a chance and people to support them and let them get their stuff back up. and i happened to be one. those individuals. i am very thankful now that i am doing very, very well. >> and of the 84 vets who have completed veteran justice court, only one has been convicted of a new crime. here's proof that dog the right thing does pay off. a woman in san jose ordered lunch from her local dominoes pizza, but inside a box that was supposed to have bread sticks, she found nearly $35,000 that was supposed to go to the bank. >> -- $5,000. >> i thought i can't keep it. it's a crazy amount of money. it's not like $20 you find. it's almost $5,000. she tried to get in touch with the manager to return the money but didn't get a a response. we connected with the franchise manager who thanked her with a reward and her moisture is also giving her a week off with pay. a big milestone this weekend. the department is 150 years old. we were at fishermen's wharf as firefighters got ready for the big parade. it features fire engines going back to the late 1800s, including three horse-drown steam engines. the grand marshal is the oldest living member of the department. >> it's the greatest thing i ever did, and i enjoyed all the guys that were there. of course, it's like having a bunch of toddlers to go in there and take care of. >> the youngest member of the department, just 21 years old, stood next to the 97-year-old retired chief. today's parade starts at 10:00 in the morning at pier 45. >> coming up, weighing in on the national anthem controversy. what the sharks think about it as san jose gets back on the ice. >> historic moment asen industry in the making. president obama, former president george w. bush and thousands are expected at the opening of the histori codogs just won't quit.! neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. . >> we are starting this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. here's lisa argen. >> a heat alert is in effect for sunday and monday. right now temperatures comfortable. >> 55 half moon bay. 58 over in oakland. so sfo fog-free conditions everywhere. the forecast, as you look at the golden gate bridge, no fog to speak of. the calm winds, 70s will arrive at the shoreline to low 80s inland, and we are going to keep numbers in the 70s at the coast to lower 90s. the warmest inland valleys. that's five toen ten degrees warmer than yesterday. another ten degrees of warming getting set for the second half of your weekend. chris. >> thank you. happening today, the national museum of african-american history opens up in washington, d.c. it looks at the highs and lows of african americans in the u.s. from slavery to the election of the nation's first african-american president. we are joined live from the nation's capitol with the details. good morning, karen. >> good morning, chris. it's a beautiful day here on the national mall. you feel the excitement building a lot of families here to experience the historic day. security is tight at the mall. president obama will be speaking, as well as former president george w. bush. now, this opening is decades in the works. the idea for the museum first came from a group of african-american civil war veterans, all the way back in 1915. >> it's a historic moment. more than a century in the making. >> what makes the museum so powerful and so viserel is it's a story of all of us. >> the national museum of african history and culture happened at a time when the nation is grapple with big questions about race and equality. it's a time to look back and take measures forward. >> while we should ponder the pain of segregation, it also has to find the hope, the spirituality. >> most of the museum is below ground built around a segregation railway car and a guard tower. prisoners start in the basement and it tells a story that take place over 400 years from the slave ships, the civil war, the civil rights movement and the election of the first black president. >> as i walked through i saw sadness, and other emotions. >> more than 3,000 artifacts are on display. >> my hope is that this complicated, difficult, sometimes hair -- harrowing and triumphant story will help us talk to each other, and more important, listen to each other and recognize the common humanity that makes america what it is >> and this massive collection of artifacts actually doesn't contain any from the life of civil rights leader martin luther king junior. the king family did not share them with the museum. abc7 news. >> karen, thank you. 5:33 is our time. in san jose the elderly woman attacked in her level last week remains in intensive care at a local hospital. man accused of beating the 88-year-old woman made a brief court appearance. the 19-year-old faces multiple felony accounts, including attempted murder, robbie. and several family members attended wearing green ribbons, her favorite color. >> when i saw the young man in the courtroom, my heart started aching and i was almost brought to tears. what he did is heinous, and he needs to pay for his crime. >> family members say douglas is now dealing with complications from the beating, and is in very critical condition. they are asking the public to wear green ribbons until she goes home from the hospital. earlier this week nfl hall of famer ronly lott offered $167 million for the oakland coliseum land and nearby properties now a different group has dropped their offer to purchase the coliseum land. according to the media partner, the east bay times, the attorney for the development sent a letter to retract the offer of more than $167 million. the group said it's goal of the purchase was taxpayer relief, but because mayor libby shaft did not recommend their proposal to be forwarded for consideration, they decided to withdraw. a large billboard supporting colin kaepernick's national anthem protest will be highly visible to thousands of bay area drivers. the courage campaign billboard will sit where the bay bridge meets the interstate 80 corridor starting monday. eastbound drivers exiting the bridge will be able to sea it. the adrianza features a picture of colin kaepernick and the word "patriotism." they said in light of recent police shootings it's specially importance to take a stand against violence is that targets black people. sowhat happens when you take a protest from a group with predominant lib black athletes to a group of predominantibilitily white athletes. we sent a reporter to see how the san jose sharks feel. >> ward is the only player on the san jose roster. he is canadian but he thinks he knows where colin kaepernick is coming from. >> he's just trying to take a stand. >> the stand is to take a knee during the playing of the national anthem as a pro the test to violence against black men at the hands ever police. but the predominantly white national hockey league. >> there's nothing more important than the freedom to express yourself. you can't give someone freedom and then tell them how to do it. >> american football works with predominantibilitily american players and hockey deals with players from a host of nations. >> the patrick marleau, who is also canadian. and winger is from long beach. >> the different players have respect for the country and that's something you don't always see. >> and the topic of race, said ward, isn't that simple. >> on a personal level, i have dealt with it my whole life in different areas. you know, that's just part of life. >> ward said they haven't discussed the matter as a team yet, so for now the only time you may see the sharks kneeling is to get an update from the coach. eric thomas, abc7 news. >> happening today, you can play pokemon with police. the el~cerrito police department is hosting a free event today to catch them all. they plan to have none stop mod duals at the police station. there will be free treats and a free bike give bay. officers want to provide a fun and safe environment for trainers to play in. the event runs from noon to 2:30 at the el~cerrito police department. a major blow has been dealt to wells fargo. the city of san francisco said wells fargo can't be trusted and has announced they had are trusting them as a financial part as a partner in the program is connects low income consumers to trustworthy banks. here's lyanne melendez with more. >> when wells fargo first acknowledged it's is fake accounts scandal, they reached out to the financial giant. questions went unanswered. >> how many san franciscans were affected? have they been notified? how much restitution will they receive? this is simply unacceptable. >> the city dropped wells fargo as a partner in their bank with san francisco programs, meant to serve the low income consumers afraid to put their money in a bank. wells fargo reacted saying they will, quote, continue to address the needs. for years wells fargo has pushed existing customers to open more accounts, calling it cross selling. but thousands of wells fargo employees went too far, opening secret accounts without customers' permission in order to boost sales. during a recent senate hearing the ceo was accused of promoting that culture of agreed when he suggested all their customers should have 8 accounts. >> that's not because you went in on the numbers and found the average customer needed 89 banking accounts, it's because you thought 8 lines would be great and with no rational in your 2010 annual report. >> they aren't saying how the scandal affected business. they are offering free credit reports to anyone who thinks they may have been victimized. san francisco leeann melendez, abc7 news. >> still ahead on abc7 mornings, a new popular hobby with the hottest toy of all times. we check out the lego drone but will it head to consumers? here's as look from the sutro tower camera pointed at the bay bridge this morning. a warmup is on the way. lisa argen returns in a little the bit with the full accuweather for ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. is. >> a group of third graders prepared for the biggest sandcastle competition in northern america. it is the 24th annual leaf sandcastle classic. money raised by teams make it possible for leaf to provide arts programs to bay area schools. the competition is october 15th at ocean beach. >> very important. today 30 degrees warmer for you. it's not the hottest day out of the seven. we will talk which day coming up. >> thanks, lisa. also ahead, the race to the wildcard. buster posey gets a big hit for the giants, but could they get a much-needed win over the padres? larry beil has the highlights coming u come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. . >> in sports a full day of college football with all three bay area teams playing tough road games. this morning san jose state is a ames. this evening seventh rough ranked stanford battles ucla at the rose bowl. you can watch the game only on abc7 at 5:00 p.m. then at 7:00, cal takes on the undefeated arizona state sun devils in tempe. you can watch that on our sister network espn2. tonight madison bumgarner will try to pitch to a win at petco park of the last night they suffered a disappointing loss this san diego. here's larry beil with the highlights in this morning's sports report. good morning, everybody. as bad as the giants have played in the second half of the season with just over a week left in the regular season, a playoff spot is still within their grasp. but you've got to beat bad teams like the padres. 25 games under .500? come on. the giraffe head there. bottom of the first. albert couldn't get a single out. the -0 padres in a flash. buster posey. against edwin jackson. a two-run double. giants back in the game. down a run at 3-2. but the padres bust it open. bottom of five. alex dickerson. he hits two-run double and the padres pull away for good. the giants didn't really threaten. final was 7-2. so the giants loss leaves them a game behind the mets for the top wildcard spot with 8 games left. the cardinals lose, so they are half a game behind the giants for the second wild card berth. a's and rangers in oakland. nobody has been more excited to get a ball than that young man there. dealing. had a perfect game through six innings. through just 59 pitches n the seventh, that's when things go terribly wrong. he unloads. 3-0, texas. is a tough loss for graven. the rangers would win and clinch the a.l. west division title. college football, number 7 stanford will be feet murder another prime time game. tonight right here at abc7 at ucla. kickoff at 5:00. last night number 24 utah trailing usc for most of the game. 24 seconds to go after converting the fourth and one. the 18-yard touchdown, and the utes are up 31-27. the coach going crazy on the sidelines. the utes win it. they are 04-2 in the pac-12 and their head coach could be on the hot seat. top running back recruit in the country. a clash of powerhouses. this kid is athletic. that hurdle is illegal in california high school football. he scored one touchdown in the game. and this kid also in the marshing band. the top running back on the field, 223 yards and three scores as de la salle would hold off antioch. 28-21. that's a wrap on morning sports. have a great quack end, everybody. i'm larry beil. now your accuweather forecast with lisa argen. >> good morning, everyone. fog-free conditions for most as we take a look at live doppler 7. just a little bit of it trying to move into the san mateo coast. but we have not only a red flag warning from the sacramento valley, but for the north bay mountains tomorrow. today up in sacramento looking at noontime. the heat advisory in orange for tomorrow and non, and then as we go closer to the north bay we are looking at gusty winds anywhere from 25 to 40 miles an hour. so this begins late today, 9:00, right on through sunday afternoon. yes, a critical fire weather is upon us with low relative humidity and we can probably add in a spare the air alert for sunday into monday. 58 in san jose. good morning, gilroy, 52 for you. 59 in the city. looking at more comfortable conditions from the peninsula to the inland east bay with mid-and upper 50s. 55 livermore, napa. 58 in fairfield. 24 hours ago we are cooler. we were five to six degrees warmer in the east bay and 10 degrees warmer in napa. the wind shift is cutting off the on shore push. it will be offshore elements with high pressure building in and triple digits arriving tomorrow into monday and a heat advisory for both days. about 100 degrees tomorrow, low 100s monday. records possible and even around the bay. and both days in the lower 90s. beaches about 80 degrees. some tips for you for the heat with the increase fire danger, always an issue for heat-related illnesses. looking at dangerous conditions in the car. so certainly leave the windows open and don't leave pets or children in the car and stay cool and hydrated. looks like the heat wave much warmer than we had last weekend. san jose today forecasting 86. should be 80s and in the 90s the next several days. the cool down arrives the middle of the week. here's san francisco. about 75 today. warmer than yesterday. warmer than average. then looking at low 80s, the temperatures peeking. we will look for the warmth today over in our east bay shoreline with temperatures in the upper 70s. over in oakland. by 4:00 in the afternoon very little wind and temperatures in the low 80s. highs around baited to ranging from putt upper 60s in half moon bay, 80 san mateo, 81 oakland. these numbers anywhere from five to ten degrees warmer than yesterday. low 90s arrive today for inland east bay and 91 in morgan hill. the accuweather seven-day forecast, 70s at the coast and low 90s inland, and tomorrow and monday temperatures well above average. high fire danger the red flag alert going into effect tonight in the north bay. gusty winds. the cooling won't arrive until thursday. looks like a repeat performance from last weekend, but at least five to eight degrees warmer than last weekend with the sun setting just after 7:00 and it cools off significantly. but we won'ting getting to that point until tuesday when the heat really loses it's grip around the bay area. >> as for the advisory, i'm glad you pointed out the tips because so many of us forget to drink water throughout the day. >> by the time you are thirsty, it's too late, you are already dehydrated. thank you. apple is developing a new home device that uses siri. it is currently undergoing testing. like amazon's echo, it's designed to control appliances, location, lights and curtains via voice activation. apple could still drop the project. but if it reaches the market, it would be their most significant piece of new hardware since the apple watch in in 2014. >> drones are everywhere but none like you are about to see. it's a hot new hobby combined with one of the hottest toys of all-time. >> you can take the motor arms and attach them to your airframe. >> holly is doing exactly what you think she's doing. >> you take like a control board and snap it on. >> building a drone out of legos. >> we had the pilot. we will go for a pirate. >> she meant to build drones for serious stuff. >> while in the developing you start troubleshootth and learning by trial and error. >> looks like we're making progress. >> we had a good landing. >> most can't survive a bad crash, let alone being stepped on but each time you rebuild it, it's a chance to make it better. it uses standard start building some interesting, innovative designs. >> in san francisco, johnathan bloom, abc7 news. >> next, an experience of a lifetime. the south bay marching band that was invited to play in a spec codogs just won't quit.! neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. >> san jose's color guard and marching band has been invited to play in the london's new year's day parade. the mayor formally invited them during a ceremony yesterday. only 12 high schools in the entire country were picked to go to >> it's saturday, september 24th. thanks for joining us. i'm chris ngyen. let's start with a first look at the forecast. here's it meteorologist lisa argen. she's tracking live doppler 7 this morning. hi, lisa. >> good morning, chris. live doppler 7 showing just a little bit of fog right there. highway 1 around pescadero. each and every day we've been getting warmer and warmer. right now we are sitting at 60 degrees in mountain view. 55 on the coast with clear conditions half moon bay. sfo, clear. 59 in concord. so your forecast today calls for numbers to warm up again with numbers in the 80s around oakland. mid-80s san jose. low 90s east of the called decot tunnel. 70s on the coast. we aren't stopping there. we will talk about the heat advisory for the second half of the weekend and triple digits arriving tomorrow. chris. >> lisa, thank you. developing news out of washington state where a gunman opened fire in a mall. the state patrol is on a massive manhunt this morning to find the shoot who are killed four women and one man. it happened just before 7:00 last night at the cascade mall in burlington.

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