Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20140712 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500AM 20140712

weekend coming up. katie. >> thank you, lisa. breaking news right now. all southbound lanes of highway 101 at blossom hill road in san jose are now reopened. there was a fatal accident just before 2:00 this morning involving at least four cars. that caused the lane closure. it took the chp about 2 1/2 hours to clear the highway. the cause of the accident is under investigation. the man accused of killing morgan hill teenager sierra lamar is a sexual predator with a history of violence against women. that's according to a nearly 2,000 page nearly-released transcript of the indictment against antolin garcia-torres. we have details. >> according to the evidence presented to the grand jury, antolin garcia-torres was quickly identified as a suspect. he was interviewed twice by detectives nearly three weeks after 15-year-old sierra lamar disappeared in 2012. it was in those interviews that he implicated himself. >> he started to volunteer answers to questions that weren't asked. and the most damaging of which is regarding how his bodily fluids could be contained at the sierra lamar crime scene. >> according to the transcript, his dna was found on a pair of her pants on a field recovered near her home in morgan hill. it also had fibers from his red volkswagen jetta. when it was confiscated by police, they also found her dna on an armrest inside the car and her hair was found on a rope discovered inside the trunk. they said that's a key piece of evidence. >> the defense is going to have a big fight as to how there's an explanation for that huge piece of evidence for the prosecution. >> lamar's body has not been found so detectives and prosecutors have assembled the case mostly based on dna, but they have also linked him to a series of carjackings in 2009. entrepreneur violent attacks on women at the parking lot in morgan hill. his fingerprints was used at a stun gun used in an attack and they also tracked a car he used. >> they were putting those three other attacks that garcia-torres is responsible for as part of a bigger picture. he's a sexual predator. he preys on women. >> antolin garcia-torres was indicted by the santa clara county injure in february. his attorneys tried to keep the details sealed, saying details could bias members of a jury in his trial. abc7 news. our media partner, the san jose news, won a court battle to make the testimony public. >> this is a case that's been going on for more than two years. sierra lamar disappeared on march 16, 2012. on march 28th investigators began watching garcia-torres around the clock after finding evidence linking him to the disappears. nearly two months later he was aterrorist morgan hill safe way on may 21st. on february 17th of this year garcia-torres pleaded not guilty to kidnapping and murder charges. happening today, there will be another rally to protest a decision to not prosecute an officer that killed a boy. the weapon turned out on the boy to be a toy. the district attorney said he acted reasonably because he felt his life was in danger. many in the community say they no longer trust law enforcement. today's rally is at 1:00 at old courthouse square in santa rosa. a brush fire in couldn't draw costa county has forced evacuations. it broke out last night at 9:45 following a car crash. the crash caused powerlines to fall which sparked a vegetation fire. homes along bragden way had to be evacuated, affecting about 20 people. the flames are now 50% contained. portion of more, creek road near the fire could remain closed until 7:00 this morning. abc7 news spoke with a man considered to be a hero for helping rescue his neighbors from their burning home t happened around 1:00 yesterday morning at a san leandro apartment building. neighbors living across the street heard breaking glass and found smoke. they found the man badly burned and disoriented and heard his wife. >> we heard the wife and asked if she heard my voice. if you here my voice come to boo-boo-boo-boo and we got her out thereof. >> almeda county firefighters arrived minutes later and the man suffered severe burns,s his wife smoke inhalation. they rescued and survived their cat and dog who both suffered smoke inhalation. they believe cooking started the fire. new details, san francisco police announced a second arrest in a fight near at&t park that left a woman unconscious. is happened thursday in front of a restaurant two days after the giants-a's game. the victim was trying to break up a fight between two groups of people when she was hit in the face and knocked out. one suspect was arrested in sacramento thursday night and a second man taken into custody last night. he's facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon. >> the big guy, the suspect, hit her right in the face. knocked her out flat. just one single punch and she was down, out cold on the sidewalk. >> police say the fight was not caused by fan rivalry. the long-awaited police report on the accident involving oakland mayor jean quan has been released. investigators were not able to determine who caused the crash. another driver said kwan ran a red light and was on her cell phone before the collision at 26th and market street on june 8th. kwan denies that claim. phone records shows neither driver was on their phone. last night kwan released a equipment reading in part, as the investigation found, and as substantiated by my cell phone records, i was not using my cell phone while driving and it was not a factor in the traffic accident. i stand by my original statement that i do not believe i ran the red light. in san francisco a car crashed on to the steps of hall. justice. an officer reports seeing it happen. police are investigating if the driver had been drinking. it happened just before 9:00 last night when police say the driver drove the wrong way up bryant street and turned on to the steps in front of the building. luckily nobody was hurt. new details about the accused prostitute police now believe gave two men fatal dosefs heroin. an atlanta police station reports show gave heroin to her boyfriend last year in georgia before he overdosed. her ex-boyfriend, 53-year-old man, died last year at his home. she told the 911 operators the overdose was accidental but one of his friends said he's suspicious. >> he would never, ever do that. put two and two together, you get four. i think absolutely that she definitely had something to do with it because, like i said, dean would never go down that road. >> two weeks after his death, the lead was arrested for biting him during an argument. she has not been charged in the death but she's facing felony manslaughter charges after she investigated google executive forest hayes with hair oh win and left him to die on his yacht last september in santa cruz. and there's a booming sex trade in silicon valley. tech workers say they have benefited from clientele who have a lot of money to burn. >> unable to find a job in 2009, she turned to dancing it lefty lead. >> what i heard from the dancers working before the recession it was absolutely insane how little money we were making because the tech book in the late 90s and early 2,000s had really been great for the sex describe. >> today she sees a similar resurgence thanks to new money and new customers. >> around here we are getting an influx of people moving to the bay area and getting paid lots of money wishes is great for my industry. >> another said she commutes to silicon valley because she can charge higher rates to people who have more money than social students. suezzy q is a bay area sexual entrepreneur. >> it would being ridiculous if i did not respond to the economic boom in the silicon valley. >> she noticed a major shift in her clients the past year. >> i have gone from having maybe a handful of some of, you know, maybe my best clients be in the tech industry to a majority of being in the tech industry. >> the death has not hurt the industry. but there was a closer of a forum where they could communicate. >> can you imagine who small businesses in the bay area would do if yelp got shut down. >> she expects the industry will come up with alternatives and come up with solution necessary the open. >> when it is in the criminalized. >> in the industry they believe there are around 10,000 working in the industry and even though business is booming, they still can charge higher prices in new york city. >> abc news. there's another mountain lion siting in san mateo county. it happened around 7:30 in the morning in the open space area behind lexington avenue in the san mateo highlands. it's the third sighting in san mateo this month. it's unknown if it's the same cat spotted multiple times or if there's more than one. on saturday morning, lisa has a check of the forecast. gray, you say? >> surprise. we are looking at temperatures in the 60s already. kind of mild out there. it's 60 here. downtown san francisco. we are looking for a high of 66 today but warmer weather headed our way. i will tell you about it in detail when we return. >> also next, he could light up your day with a single way. the special tribute for a man who touched so many harts. and it was like a scene out of the show lost. the terrifying ordeal passengers on a fli and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. llions of us. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems.r insuliny increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. >> welcome back. developing news. firefighters are trying to get a handling on a large fire in shasta county this morning. it's called the bully fire. flames broke out afternoon and have charred at least 2500 acres. it's about 45 minutes from redding. mandatory evacuations have taken place along a road closed. laninas is closed between rainbow lake road and highway 36. the fire is 10% contained. a difficult time for a lot of people in a bay area community after an unexpected loss. they say barnaby lactoin made the world a better place by just being a friend to all. alan wang explains. [chanting] >> you are witnessing what one man with an unchallenged heart can do for a community. >> he made friends in three minutes. >> barnaby lactowen was a fixture here. will he was mentally challenged, he remembered the names of every person he met here. each day the 57-year-old manmade his rounds with his replica wrestling belt in hand, waving to cars and greeting people with a smile and hug. >> one a day he lost his belt and our guys ordered a new one for him and gave him a writesling belt. >> last night they responded to a call of a man struck by a car on el camino real. >> if i went to everyplace barnaby touched somebody, we would be walking at least 50 miles today. >> and i think we will have to say hi to each other every day from now on because that's what his life was. >> his caretaker and sister was overwhelmed by the countless stories of encounters with barnaby. >> this is what he came up with. oh, my god! thank you so much! >> she knew he was making friends, but she had no idea barnaby was uniting a community. in san bruno, alan wang, abc7 news. after comedian tracy morgan is suing wal-mart after last month's crash that left him severely injured and another man dead. he was hit by a wal-mart truck on on the new jersey turnpike. he's saying wal-mart is negligent in allowing him to go up and driving after so many hours. he has pleaded guilty to all charges against him, including death by auto. >> a very bad day for a valet. surveillance cameras captured an expensive fender-bender at a five star hotel in india last month. a parking attendant lost control of a lamborghini. and what is worse, the driver borrowed the car from a friend. the driver claims the sports car is worth half a maldollars and damages total about $330,000. yikes! >> passengers said they felt like they were in a scene from the show "lost." the flight had to make a middle of the night landing on midway island after reports of a burning smell and mechanical problems. passengers say the flight was delayed in hawaii thursday night because of the smell on the boeing 777 and then about five hours into the flight the smell grew stronger. >> i overheard some of the steward he is talking, and they were talking about the smell getting stronger and they were kind of whispering that we were going back to hawaii. and then another stewardess came up and kind of shushed them. >> the pie lot said they lost radar. they had to spend the night at an abandoned base in a gym at a military base on the island and then they were flown back to guam. thousands of people participate in the 12th annual avon walk for breast cancer. two-day walk kicks off in about an hour att6:30. it's not for the feint of heart. it's 39.3 miles from san francisco to marin county and back. participants will begin at fort mason, cross the golden gate and end up on highway 101. we have details of it on our website. sounds like they should maybe have a few extra layers this morning? at least in the beginning. >> that is quite a walk. my goodness. it's mild out right now. they will get sun as they head over the golden gate bridge. things will be warming up today compared to where we've been in southern marijuana and parts of the north bay. it has been breezy and cloudy. and today the clouds are going to be hugging the coast. that has not changed. although yesterday half moon bay was up to 70 degrees. you have that south flow. when that happens, much of the -- the south-facing beaches are warmer and upper marin county you get the cool, cool south winds. but the fog and low clouds hugging the coast today and the changes come in our inland valleys tomorrow when you are going to warm up significantly. today even a couple degrees of warming in the south bay. here's a look at our exploratorium camera. it is pretty gray out there. san francisco, we are looking at clouds and 59. it is cloudy in san jose. good morning. 60. 50 half moon bay. oakland is at 61 already. and from emeryville this morning a cloudy start. in fact, the clouds extend all the way inland to concord and livermore with 61 there. 59 novato, 59 napa. really relative often form temperatures this morning. the dewpoints are in the mid-50s, but numbers are quite mild and feeling just a little bit muggy out there, i think. as you head on out this morning, plenty of low clouds and we will look for the clouds to scatter out. the marine layer 300 feast it will be warmer inland. today i think you will notice a couple degrees of warming, as well, away from the coast and the summer spread stays with us right on through next week. but the warmest days are still yet to come. so low pressure has been sitting off the coast all week long. that has allowed for the cooler-than-average numbers. now as the low continues to drift to the north we are looking at high pressure building in from the east. that's going to bring another warmup. almost a carbon copy of what happened last weekend. we get the late weekend warming and the return flow around, it could bring up a few higher clouds, but the heat will peak on monday. today it will be about two to three degrees warmer in the south bay. 80 in san jose. notice more mid-80s the further south from morgan hill, los gatos and gilroy 88 today. about the same in santa cruz. a few degrees of warming. palo alto, 78. look at the coast. we will be cooler today. the west wind is back. we will see temperatures in the mid-60s. only partial sun san francisco. 62 in daly city, and in the north bay more 80s arrive with 83 in sonoma. 76 san rafael. look at the fog. stinson will be gray and sausalito partly cloudy, 67 for you. 73 in san leandro. and notice the mid-and upper 70s as you head out toward castro valley and fremont. the big warmup today, as much as five to maybe seven degrees warmer in the inland east bay out toward the delta, and pushing 90 brentwood. 84 in pleasanton. here's a look at the forecast. warmer today, significantly warmer tomorrow and low 90s arrive inland. 82 around the bay. mid-60s coast. cooler at the coast. monday mid-90s. that takes us through tuesday. monday the summer spread is still with us and slightly cooler thursday and friday and maybe a few extra clouds. we will let you know how warm it will take my bicycle your community by keeping track on twitter. for a city dweller, probably not noticing much of a difference. >> no. thank you, lisa. up next, where big crowds, and where they are expected to watch tomorrow they often say, "i wish i had done this sooner." don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ >> soccer fans will be back at the civic center plaza to watch the world cup final between germany and argentina. they expect another big crowd like the one that showed up last week. there will be a viewing park in st. james park in san jose for the third place game between brazil and the netherlands, as well as tomorrow's final. you can watch today's match between netherlands and brazil at 1:00 p.m. on our sister network espn and tomorrow you can watch germany and argentina play live. that starts at 10:00 a.m. you can catch the game on the go with your telephone or tablet with watchabc. the fbi has a new billion dollars electronic facial system. next generation identification system was 85% accurate. that's compared to facebook's 97% when identifying people through photographs. the government's main problem is the photos they use are typically from surveillance cameras. a joke went viral. this is steven spielberg sitting next to a triceratops from the movie ""jurassic park"." people posted it as a many got riled up and reported the picture as animal cruelty. but the triceratops died out 65 million years ago. black swans are catching waves along australia's gold coast. they surf for many reasons humans do, to have fun. and they often mimic what one member of their species is doing to have fun. more and more data shows humans and animals may share more emotions. a dog trapped for weeks on an island in the delta has been rescued. this castaway ended up on a small mud island along a slough in stockton. they finally had to set a trap for the terrier. he's now recovering at the stockton animal shelter and workers are looking for the owner. much moreland ahead on the saturday morning news. not cleared forlanning. why a north bay airport is cancelling flights, including one that was about to land. and a major new milestone for san jose. how apartment living is fueling >> this is abc7 news. welcome back. it is 5:30 and we are starting this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning. starting out cloudy. not only where you would expect along the coast. san francisco and oakland. but all the way inland. livermore and concord look at a gray start. here's emeryville. temperatures are just around 60 degrees in the east bay. cool spot 57 santa rosa. 58 in fairfield. but the west wind is cranked up to 28 miles an hour. so we are looking at another typical summer day here. although some minor warming on tap. here's a look at our fog profile. we will notice by 10:00 the fog continues to pull back. we will still see it along our beaches today. it will be cooler along the coast. oh that west wind wrapping up. and instead of the south wind. low 70s will arrive in the east bay. south bay san jose about 80 today. and more 80s arrive north of santa rosa. mid-and upper 80s in our inland east bay. we keep the cool sea breeze and the warmest day of the weekend. we will talk about that in a few minutes. katie. >> thank you, lisa. in 1948 harry truman won the presidency campaigning against a do-nothing congress. today the president is asking congress to do something. he said congress has blocked every idea to help the middle class this year such as raising minimum wage and student loan reform. >> and their intent now is not to work with me but to sue me. they spend their time on. it is waste months of america's time and they will pay for it using your hard-earned tax dollars. i have a better idea. do something, congress. do anything to help working americans. republicans argue the president's proposals would hurt business and have proposed their own measures. federal officials have suspended the shipment of potentially dangerous germs between a lab in atlanta. this comes as they shut down two of their labs that suffered safety lapses. one of those labs was involved in an incident last month that cop exposed workers to anthrax. >> our labs are a national treasure. we are the reverence laboratory for the world. when something like this happens here, i'm deeply concerned about it. >> the cdk said another lab accidentally contaminate add sample of conventional flu with a deadly bird flu jermareo. so far nobody has reported getting sick. a former yahoo employee is suing a high level executive for sexual harassment. it accuses march ria lang who was supervising a woman she supervises to have sex with her. the two shared an apartment after being transferred from seattle. the plaintiff said she was given a bad performance review after she resisted the encounter. she was later fired. they said they will defend vang against the accusation. a handful of flights have been turned away from the sonoma county airport or cancelled because of red tape. they lobbied hard to get alaskan airlines and last year 17,000 passengers flu in and out of santa rosa. but a lighting snafu ground add couple hundred passengers this week. >> at the airport it's the oversight that's become an inconvenience and all they say for the sake of progress. >> it's a matter of visibility in ceiling high cloud cover. >> now according to assistant airport manager, cancellations. a total of three alaska flights to or from los angeles, plus another on tuesday night that flu all the way up and all the way back without landing because the fog came in and the faa has yet to sirte guy the lights for low ceiling landings. a technicality. >> nobody knew we needed to flight check the runway lights. >> so far the cancellations and die versions have affected 194 passengers. some of whom have taken days to reach their final destinations. quote, we are frustrated with the situation, the airline said today. we know many of our commercial are greatly inconvenienced and we feel for them. we hope it can be resolved quickly. >> should the faa have told you or should you have known? >> again, a little of both. i'm not here to point fingers. we've had several meetings with the faa and over this project. i think at some point someone probably should have said you need a flight check for the runway lights. >> the faa did attempt to certify the landing lights at 5:00 this morning but once again it was too foggy. federal agency will try again tomorrow evening. meantime, no word from alaska airlines with about whether they will send the flight up from los angeles tonight or not. it depends, once again, on the weather. at sonoma county airport, wade freedman, abc7 news. >> san francisco is considering getting rid of hundreds of on-street parking spots and the plan has many upset. yesterday sosesens of angry residents spoke up at a transportation agency hearing. they want to reserve 450 parking spots this year exclusively for car share companies. many would go to residential companies. >> why not have it on private spaces that currently exist? what's wrong with that model? why take 450 more spaces away from the common people in san francisco that use cars to get around? >> the pilot program would increase on-street rental parking spots from 12 to 900 over the next two years. it's part of a plan to encourage car share companies to extend their services to neighborhoods far from downtown san francisco. san francisco's mta wants to charge so-called google buses more to use muni stops to pick up passengers in san francisco and take them to work on the peninsula. tuesday board members will vote on whether to increase a usage fee from one dollar to $3.55, five per stop. they said the tech buss are making fewer stops than first thought, and the fee increase is needed to cover the $3.7 million cost of enforcing the pilot program that let's private buses use muni stops. they say it exploits city property for their employees' benefits. san jose's newest high rise was topped off yesterday but it's not going to be home to a tech company. instead one south market will likely be home to work workers. abc news reporter david louie said they want renters, not buyers. >> they are capitalizing on a trend that downtown living appeals to a growing number of workers. they are building high rise rental projects for people like jodi. >> we have a despite we love the fact you have the children's museum right across the street, you have the great library at the university. it has lots of children programs and we love saint peter's square. we go there quite a bit on the weekend. we don't even get in our car, we walk everywhere. >> san jose is encouraging this as they try to past the population from 800 to 2500. that's why the mayor and several council members were on hand for a topping off celebration at one south market. this is a residential tower that will have 312 rental units. >> it's a lifestyle choice. people buy organize renting want to live in the downtown area and that's what they are going to do throughout their entire working career. they aren't going to be moving into a traditional single-family detached home. >> as the downtown population grows, downtown shops and restaurants will benefit. >> finally getting to a point where retailers are looking at downtown san jose as a great opportunity because we have both office space and residential in the same neighborhood. san jose will see 4200 new apartment units this year. analysts don't think there will be a nut of rental units but it might help to moderate rental rates with more choices. the mayor said knew rental units will meet growing demand as a result of job growth. >> we around providing enough house to go meet the demand why prices are skyrocketing. we just can't meet that demand. we aren't overbuilding in that sense. >> in san jose, david louie, abc7 news. >> you can no longer spark up an e-cigarette on some properties. golden gate board voted to ban e-cigs. they say the ban is aimed at customer comfort, saying some people on buses have been using e-cigarettes, causing other riders to complain. instead of using tobacco, they heat a liquid nicotine solution, creating a vapor inhaled by users. still ahead, we will take you to an auction where all these tanks are about to go up for bid. and a live look outside at 5:39. a view of the golden gate bridge. a location where the 12th annual avon walk for breast cancer will actually be crossing later this morning. that walk kicks off at 6:30. it will be busy on the bridge, but right now it looks light. lisa argen will have your forecast in a few minutes. i'm a. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. >> this is abc7 news. >> some good news for space-x. a launch that's been scrubbed for weeks will likely take off monday. the falcon 9 rocket was supposed to launch last month but there were problems with the tank pressure. monday's forecast shows a 70% chance of favorable weather during the launch window. the mission is to take 6 sell communication satellites into space and return to earth as part after reusable rocket test. do you agree with that forecast? >> for florida? yes. i think so. i saw the cumulus clouds. it certainly didn't look like california. we have the low clouds this morning spreading across the bay. already looking to clouds inland, as well. so it is a great start in san francisco with numbers near 60. a little milder. we are talking about a cooler afternoon at the coast. warmer, though, around the bay and inland. we will talk about the warmest day of the weekend, which is going to be pretty hot, coming up. >> thanks, lisa. also next, a controversial call ends the a's game in seattle. why the a's were so upset with why the a's were so upset with the umpire. llions of us. and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. why the a's were so upset with the umpire. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems.r insuliny increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. oh hey there! (laughs) hmm. you're that grumpy cat. well i know! how about some honey nut cheerios? humans love them. moms, dads, kids-well, all of 'em. not even a smile? huh... maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast... for almost everyone! >> happening today, it's a classic vehicle auction like no other. we aren't talking about ferraris area researchers lamborghinis, we are talking about tanks. we went to preview the auction that putting a vast collection of military history up for grabs. >> this was used in the british -- >> how much to go? >> up for auction, a variable army of tanks, guns, even missiles. >> he amassed the largest privately owned collection of military vehicles in the world. >> he has been obsessed with tanks since a boy. he made restoring them his life's work. >> i enjoy working on them and driving them around. it's not as much furnaces bulldozers. >> by the time he died he collected around 200. now some are expected to sell for millions. >> we have the german panzer world tank which might have been one of the most important vehicles in world war ii. it was designed to have extraordinary thick armor so it could go into the battle. >> it's interesting to see the stuff and what they had to deal with way back when. >> this family came from indiana. >> it might be am fib bus, i don't know. >> it is. >> nick has competition. >> sort of feeling the hankering for a new toy. >> it could sell for $10,000 or more. >> if it all seems a bit overwhelming, don't worry. there is a 200 page glossy sat log to help you sort it out. and if your question is why would somebody buy one of tees? do you have to ask? >> people have an interest in the military history. this is this life time opportunity to come and buy one of those vehicles. >> or guns. >> this one raises and lowers. >> ray wants this russian cannon. >> put it in the backyard and if the neighbors have loud parties, i will ask them to be quiet. >> the proceeds will build a museum in massachusetts that will put receipt major 84 on display. a moving, almost living piece of history. >> and the guys who serve on those, it's a tribute to those to keep them alive. >> sold! $10,000! >> abc7 news. . >> wow, that's a different auction, indeed. the weather, though, the same. >> kind of. you know. for those of you at the coast it will be a little cooler. in the city you will get partial sun. we have minor changes around the bay which include mostly warmer weather for you today. the south bay, and the north bay. take that. the east bay significant warming both days. we will look at low clouds and fog to start for everyone this morning. and that official sunrise, 5:58," setting at 8:34. here's a look at live doppler 7hd. we are look at the cloud cover all wait toward the delta this morning. won't last long there. the exploratorium camera bay with 59 san francisco, 61 gilroy. half moon bay upper 50s. we are looking at another gray vantage point from rimville. 57 santa rosa. 58 by the delta. and low 60s for concord and livermore with san francisco coming in with very still conditions. west win at 10 right now at the airport. they will ramp up to near 20 miles an hour. higher gusts today. with the west wind it will feel cooler in the city, cooler at our beaches. so the low clouds and fog spreading around the bay and a warmer day today inland. also significantly warmer tomorrow. but even the south bay and peninsula, should come up a few degrees today. we will look for the summer spread to stay with us through the next several days. the hottest weather arriving monday and tuesday. the area of low pressure has kept a south wind with us and that's brought folks near the coast a bits of a warmup. but elsewhere it's been cool and gray. and with this lifting north our pattern does change. that allows for a more typical pattern with the westerly winds. and in combination with that high pressure building in around the fair corners region, allowing for the warmup today. and a significant warmup in the east bay valleys. statewide you notice nothing but heat with 99 in press no, 108 in palm springs. we will look for subtropical moisture headed up by tuesday in the mountains. so the possibilities of some thunderstorms southern sierra, perhaps northern sierra. but today it's going to be 95 in sacramento. 100 in chico. so the week ahead in san jose looking like this. today a high of 80. average high 84. and tomorrow a few degrees of warming with the warmest day comes monday with about 89. tuesday slightly cooler. still above average. and by wednesday, thursday and friday, temperatures will continue to trail off very summer-like. so it had it will be cooler half moon bay. it was 70 yesterday. 64 today. but the warmth spreads a little further north up into the north bay. and over into the east bay with upper 70s returning for palo alto today." 80 san jose, 86 livermore with upper 80s in antioch. so if you are headed over to at&t park today it will be a nice afternoon. a little breezy with temperatures coming in in the low 60s at about 1:00. and by 4:00 65 degrees. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. and for today, then, see a few degrees of warming, low 90s inland tomorrow, mid-90s inland monday and everyone should warm up a little bit day-to-day. then by tuesday, pretty nice, 64 to 94 and then the summer spread takes us through the middle of the week. a few more high clouds and slightly cooler thursday and friday. so very little change, subtle changes with the fog and the wind direction. >> all right. thank you, lisa. in sports, tonight the a's will try to rebound from last night's loss in seattle. that ended up with both nick punto and manager bob melvin being ejected. here's the highlights in this morning's sports. good morning. after taking three out of four from the giants, the a's tried to keep their winning ways going in seattle. they would have to get through hernandez and his court. things started off well, scoring two runs in the first. the solo shot from bolt. he has an 11-game living street. jeff samardzija made his second start. samardzija went 8 innings, vikings out five. after the shaky first, king felix settled down, struck out nine batters. and they declare the ball fair down the line. james jones scores. with two outs, runner at third and nike punto is called out on a questionable third strike. take another look. that was high and inside, folks. seattle wins, 3-2. it's been a rocky ride for the giants of late. playing the last place diamondbacks a great way to right the ship. the long two-run shot. hits his 11th of the season. tim lincecum turn in another strong performance, throwing 7 shutout innings. 3 hits and strike being out 6. timmy helped his own cause in the second. laying down the squeeze bunt. able to score from third. the giants go on to win 5-0. after playing in the world cup, chris was back with the earthquakes last night. dc united took the two-goal lead in the 25th minute. juan dough did make his presence felt in the 39th minute. he scores his 6th goal of the season. san jose had chances to pull even but couldn't get the ball in. 2-1, the final. the quakes lose their fourth straight. after winning two nba titlings with miami. lebron james is going back home to ohio. yesterday he announced he is returning to the cavaliers. james, who grew up in akron, played seven seasons with cleveland after being the overall number one pick in 2003. he wants to give the cityitis champion in more than 50 years and according to one sports book the cavaliers are now a 3-1 favorite to win the nba title. and steveker made his coaching debut last night as the warriors made their debut in las vegas. the monster jam. he had 11 points. and the warriors go on to beat the hornets 7-58. we should add the rockets have traded local product jeremy lin to the lakers. that's sports for saturday morning. i'm rick quan. see you again tonight at 5:00. next, 49ers greats return to the field. the historic game being played tonight. helping you find a dentist you'll want to go to for the rest of your life. we've helped over 8 million people find that dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ >> happening today, the final football game will be played. tonight our mike shumann will be playing in the legends of candlestick game with other 49ers great and with dan marino. schu is a member of joe montana's squad. yesterday he was still trying to figure out his jersey situation during practice at candlestick. >> for some reason we are both wearing 84. >> well, a couple of studs, a jersey that obviously should be retired, rightly so. >> yeah. >> and i think the most concerning thing to me was i made a cut spending up he will. really sweet grabs in practice and people yelled, hey, schu, you've never looked better and it did scare me. i was thinking to myself do i look that old? >> and prior to the legends playing the san francisco fire department and the san francisco police department will square off at the stick at 4:30. kickoff for the legends game is at 7:00. more than 47 tickets have been sold so far. new information released in the case after missing bay area teenager. the evidence against the man accused of killing sierra lamar. and selling sexson in silicone valley. a bay area sexson worker >> good morning, everyone, i'm katie marzullo. 6:00 a.m. now on saturday morning. we will start off with a quick look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. hi, lisa. >> good morning. despite the gray we are waking up to mild condition with upper 50s to low 60s. live doppler 7hd will show the clouds banked up along the short line once again this afternoon. wind direction changes a west wind today. that will allow for a partly cloudy skies here, downtown b you a cooler day at the coast. 60 san jose. 59 half moon bay. and san carlos coming in at 59. so we will be look at slightly warmer weather. the peninsula, south bay and inland today. north bay, too. but in the city still in the 60s with the coast coming in in the low 60s. around the bay mid-and upper 70s should do it. inland

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