Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20160804 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20160804

which could cause the fire to grow. >> there's good news, though. amy hollyfield spoke with evacuees who were able to get back into their homes today. >> residents got the all clear this morning. they were lowed back to the golden bear estates after being evacuated tuesday night. there's much relief that the cold fire is no longer a threat to this area. >> everybody is feeling happy now. they did a mighty fine job keeping the fire on that side. >> but that side is an incredibly tough side for firefighters. >> it is moving into an area that's very challenging for us. this is steep, rugged, nasty terrain. very dry out here. that mixed with the winds creates some headaches for us. >> we found smoke billowing up near the monticello dam this morning. firefighters say that is an indication that the fire could whip up here later this afternoon. so they will likely be focusing their air attack here to try and calm it down. >> they were expected erratic winds and winds in different directions. that's a concern of ours. >> the fire has scorched 4700 acres off highway 1 twalth near the canyon creek resort. people who camp near the dam or live in the area say it's tough to watch this beauty burn. >> well, it's a bit sad because it disturbs people, but mostly wildlife, horses, dogs, cats. and it really disturbs them probably more than us humans. >> the fire is burning in a northward direction and very steep terrain. at this point, no one has been hurt. they don't know what started this fire. in winters, abc7 news. >> the big wildfire burning out of control in monterey county grew in size again overnight. the fire has jumped to 51,000 acres, which is nearly 80 square miles. it broke out two weeks ago and is only 27% contained. the fire has already destroyed 57 homes and killed one person. cal fire officials say 2,000 homes remain threatened. many residents living in the fire zone have been evacuated. and because of the smoke from the fire, the salinas valley half marathon has been cancelled. it was supposed to happen on saturday. all food and water planned for the race bill be done atded. participants can still pick up their t-shirts and goody bags. >> how are the winds right now in the fire zones? that's the question. >> spencer christian is here now with our update on the weather. spencer. >> just checking on readings from two official weather reporting stations near the cold fire. the temperature is not a factor in the firefighting effort. about 72, 73 degrees. relati relative humidity is way up. between 60% and 80%. winds have been calm in the higher elevations and breezy, about 16 miles per hour in the lower elevations. that's the latest on conditions there. here's a live doppler showing you conditions closer to home. a foggy and cloudy day near the bay and the coast. it's a little sunnier in our inland areas. temperatures are well below average for this time of year wrarb in fact, look at the 24 hour temperature change. 14 degrees cooler this hour than -- today, than it was at this hour yesterday in novato, fairfield, concord, so all around the bay area. 17 degrees cooler in livermore than this time yesterday. here's the view from mount tam as we look down into the bay. we see a little less low cloudiness than we did a couple hours ago. so the sun is breaking through a little bit. it's also misty. i'm feeling a few droplets. 59 degrees now in san francisco. oakland, 64. mountain view, 69. 72 for san jose. 77, morgan hill. this is a view from our abc7 camera at pier 15 looking over the bay where we see partly cloudy skies. 70 degrees in santa rosa. 72 at napa. petaluma, 66. concord, 76, and livermore, 74. how long will this cooler than average weather persist and will it drizen over night? i'll have the accuweather 7-day forecast in a few minutes. >> keep track of the changing weather conditions where you live with the abc7 news app. download it for free and track it anytime you wish. >> today, a team of federal investigators examined the bus involved in tuesday's deadly accident on highway 9 in merced county. the crash left four people dead. ntsb investigators say they'll scrutinize everything starting with the company that operated the charter bus. auto buses based in southern california. >> they're looking at the company records such as maintenance records, the driver's qualification file, and also conducting an interview with the owner. >> the bus driver and his family will also be interviewed as part of the investigation. 57-year-old mario david vasquez of los angeles is still in the hospital recovering from injuries he received in that accident. >> a hiker found dead on a trail on mount tamalpais yesterday has been identified as dr. julian parer. dr. parer told his family he would be hiking near phoenix lake yesterday afternoon. another hiker found his body 50 feet down a ravine. no indication of foul play. he's listed as a paranatalologist at the pernassus campus in san francisco. >> it was anything but business as usual again today at the santa clara county courthouse. day two of a strike by clerks and other court workers prompting long lines of people trying to do business. >> i was here yesterday and standing in line and then the sheriff comes out and says there's a strike, so if you're taking care of ticket matters, you're not going to be taken care of it today. so i'm coming back today in hopes that i can take care of it. >> as for the walk-out, more than 280 employees are off the job. they say they haven't gotten a raise in eight years. >> members of the california public interest research group ro rallied today against kfc, calling on them to stop using chicken raised with the routine use of antibiotics. they delivered a petition with the message, they believe consuming the chicken helped superbugs to emerge. kfc says the chain minimizes the use of chickens raised on antibiotics. >> state health officials say two babies with zika related birth defects have been born in california. they're the first reported cases of babies born in the state with microcepha microcephaly, which is connected to the zika virus. both survived. neert mother contracted the disease in the u.s. >> in florida, aerial spraying taking place in that miami neighborhood where the first local cases of zika infections were reported. >> ray has the latest developments on the fight against zika. >> the war against zika continues in miami-dade county. aerial spraying of insecticide began thursday morning. the target, a mosquito some call little ninja baize it's so difficult to control. >> it's very local and focal. it's a particular area, a particular mosquito that doesn't travel more than about 150 meters, 500 feet in its life. >> it's been three days since the cdc issued a travel ban for pregnant women to the miami neighborhood where the first local zika cases were found. and since then, state and local health departments have deployedover 100 teams into the field, testing more than 20,000 mosquitoes in florida for the zika virus. mosquito inspectors going door to door, testing standing water, destroying any areas where breeding could occur. >> how are you? >> florida's governor says no one should be afraid to visit the sunshine state. >> we're telling everybody, this is a safe state. >> but florida isn't the only part of the u.s. fighting zika. in puerto rico, doctors say up to 40% of the territory could be infecting by year's end. victor and christy just got tested. >> i keep telling her that we take precautions, we're making all that we can so she doesn't get zika. >> both grateful to hear their baby is okay. with travel to and from the olympic games and with hurricane and rainy season in full swing, florida's governor says the mosquitoes will be an ongoing problem, but he assures everybody the state is prepared and will use all available resources to combat zika. abc news, new york. >> i could hear the policeman screaming, stop, don't move. don't go any further. stay where you are. >>. >> the latest on the deadly knife attack in london. what we learned about the suspect and the american killed. >> the recent brock turner sexual assault case is raising awareness about sexual assaults on college campuses and there are alarming numbers. how local officials are trying to help all students. >> and a man in san jose finds more than a million dollars in his wallet that he didn't know about. >> and taking a live look at our traffic over the skyway in san francisco. that is not moving in either direction on the right-hand side, trying to get to the peninsula, 101 southbound. on the left side, to the east bay. -lois pricese. [ifrom grocery outlet. - hi, it's... the rest of us! - hey there. - hi! - hey. loifor over 60 years now, grocery outlet has been selling the brands you know and love, for up to 60% less than what you'd pay at traditional grocery stores. - and check this out. lois: we've got meats and produce, naturals and organics, at prices that'll make you wanna sing. - good thing we've got a really catchy theme song. hit it! - ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - ♪ bargain market ... now it's stuck in my head. ♪ ♪♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. the conviction of former stanford student brock turner for sexually assaulting a young woman drew national attention to the problem. an alarming statistic out today. only 5% of women who are sexually assaulted on campuses end up reporting it to law enforcement. san francisco prosecutors have partnered with colleges to raise awareness. >> we're in the newsroom with what they're telling them. victims of sexual assault don't always report the incident to police shortly after it happened. >> they come out of the shock of that happening and then they usually tell someone, a friend or another student. >> many college students worry abilities the consequences of coming forward. >> people feel scared to do it. it's something that's hard to admit sometimes, that it happened or they feel like they should have done more to help themselves. >> a eryooago, the district attorney's office and police announced they would team up with colleges in san francisco to help them follow the same protocol when dealing with this type of crime. today, those colleges are part of a training focus said on campus sexual assault and the resources out there even if the victim is not ready to press charges. >> that doesn't mean they do not need services, that they do not need assistance and we should not collect forensic evidence in case at a later date she decides she wants to prosecute the case. >> college representatives learned san francisco general hospital is the only facility in the city that can collect that forensic evidence. today's training also focused on a phenomenon known as the red zone, the first six weeks of school when colleges see the most cases of sexual assault among freshmen and sophomores. >> a lot of excitement, a lot of young people out on their own for the first time. lirbing on their own, making their own decisions, in charge of their own safety. that puts them at a little bit of risk. >> these colleges and universities have adopted the hashtag #no consent, no excuse. in san francisco, abc7 news. >> the 911 system to get help in a hurry, but they face their own emergency here in california. many communities rely on money from the state to keep their local emergency dispatch systems running. now funds are running dry. california has $11 million in its 911 fund. the l.a. times reports that down from $77 million just three years ago. costs may go up as california tries to add new technology to work with our local phones. >> that's really a tragedy. and it's probably not because they're running out of money so much it is the politicians of sacramento haven't yet run out of wind. >> right now, a tax on your phone bill funds 911 in california. phone companies want to change that. they're asking lawmakers to use money from the state's general fund. >> one of the oldest gay bars in san francisco appears close to beelg saved from closing down. the owner of the stud bar threatened to close the south and market club after his landlord raised his rent by 300%. a coalition of 17 workers and patrons stepped forward today. they announced they're close to finalizing a business plan to buy the 50-year-old bar. the current owner has already agreed to sell to the cooperative. >> it will stay open and it will continue as a place for community to get together, celebrate, gather, share ideas. and throw parties. >> the coopincludes workers, djs, promoters, a drag queen performers and a newspaper editor. the ownership group would need to negotiate a new lease with the property owner. >> a consumer group says california drivers are getting ripped off by oil companies. according to consumer watchdog california's wholesale market for gasoline is the cheapest in the country, but the group says drivers here are paying the highest price in the nation for a gallon of gas. consumer watchdog says there's usually an 80 cent difference between the wholesale and retail price of gas in california. the group says right now the difference is $1.58. the petroleum marketing group responded by claiming market factors are the primary driver of fuel costs in california. >> interesting study. a majority of so-called millennials say they don't believe they'll ever become millionaires. that's according to a new study by wells fargo. it's an often noted target for retirement. it's also viewed as a status symbol. nearly two thirds of adults between the ages of 22 and 35 say theyerant earning enough money to save for retirement. one third of millennials carry student loan debt and many say it's unmanageable. still, 63% say having a job they love is more important than earning a high income. >> a man in san jose just cashed in a winning powerball ticket he didn't realize he had for nearly two months. the man says after he bought the ticket back in april, he put it in his wallet and forgot about it. didn't even tell his wife about the purchase. then in june, he found that ticket hiding behind a credit card. the retiree checked online and found out he matched five out of six numbers. his winnings -- $1.2 million. he didn't see that coming. >> he's going to retire. >> let's turn our attention outside. a little cool. nice out there. >> spencer christian is here with the latest. >> okay. cooler than ever all across the bay area. right here in the embarcadero, it's misty. i'm getting a little damp as we talk. here's a live look at the doppler. low clouds and fog have lingered in the coastline and over the bay. a pretty overcast day for much of the bay area, although it's sunny in our inland areas. the view at sfo and our forecast pictures. morning overcast tomorrow, with spotty drizzle. cooler than average the next few days. temperatures will rebound early next week. lows tonight, low temperatures mainly in the mid 50s to fairly narrow range of temperatures with drizzle near the coast and drizzle likely, spotty drizzle, out over the bay and inland as well. here's our forecast animation starting at 5:00 p.m. notice how the low clouds fill in overnight. stretching well inland, and again, little patches of green there indicate spotty drizzle. morning commuters will probably be problemed by reduced visibility. by midday, the clouds go back to the coastline, and it will be sunny at the bay and inland. tomorrow, you can see high temperatures remain below average. only upper 50s at the coast to just a few low 80s inland. even cooler across the entire region on saturday with most inland locations reaching only into the 70s. just 60s around the bay, and once again, only 50s at the coast. the beginnings of a warmer trend on sunday. still below average, but temperatures will start to move back to the 80s on sunday. if you're headed to the beach the next few gdays, santa cruz beach is our indicator of beach conditions, as mild as we can find. after clouds and fog in the morning, tomorrow, mostly sunny skies in the afternoon. over the weekend, mostly sunny saturday and sunday with high temperatures in the low to mid 70s. in the south bay tomorrow, look for highs ranging from mid 70s to low 80s. 78 in san jose. low to mid 70s on the peninsula. only upper 50s on the coast will clouds will linger. a high of 62 degrees in downtown san francisco tomorrow. in the north bay, mostly sunny with highs reaching from 75 in santa rosa to 74 in novato, 73, union city, 76 at castro valley. in the inland east bay, sunny and mild. temperatures still below average. we'll see upper 70s at walnut creek and concord. 80 degrees at fairfield, 82 in livermore. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. again, temperatures will drop a few degrees on saturday. that will be the coolest day in the forecast period all across the bay area. temperatures begin to bounce back on sunday. mid to upper 80s inland, and finally, monday and tuesday, we'll see two days with high temperatures and an average range for this time of year, low 90s inland, 80 around the bay. low 60s on the coast, then as we head into midweek next week, temperatures will start to drop off again. >> thank you, spencer. aloha means i'm back. i'm back. i can't even believe it. >> larry beil isn't here today, but he is busy working his return to his roots just ahead. >> and checking our traffic across the san mateo bridge. it's slowing in both directions. a little heavier on the left-hand side, that's the we have breaking news to tell you about happening in san francisco. a live look from sky 7 hd at a rescue onboard a dry docked navy ship near the dawn patch neighborhood. >> a man fell between 15, maybe up to 10 to 15 feet into a small space. this is the quat aloupy. the man is conscious and firefighters are lowering a rope down to him. he's not a navy employee. right now, they have him harnessed and are preparing to lift him out. >> this is a picture san francisco fire posted on twitter of the firefighters taking part in the rescue. follow us on twitter for the latest updates on this breaking situation. >> a grassroots effort to stop the construction of a stadium in las vegas for the raiders is now under way in nevada. the group has to set up a facebook page called stop the stadium scam. it's also sent a pamphlet to nevada lawmakers with reasons to propose the stadium proposed by sheldon adelson and partially funted by public money. it comes at the same time a group led by ronnie lott moves forward to build a stadium in oakland for the raiders. a letter of intent is expected next week. >> the russian olympic team for the rio summer games is now set. the olympic committee approved the entry of 271 russian athletes, about half the size of russia's 2012 team. last month, the ioc considered banning russia's entire olympic squad over evidence of doping. they pulled back and allowed federations to decide which individual athletes should be cleared for the games. russia's rowing, weight lifting and track and field teams will not compete in the games. >> well, larry beil is not in this seat today after the news at 4:00 because he has returned to his roots at our sister network, espn, for a few days. >> how is this? larry beil is back on sportscenter. i want you to google him and aloha means aloha. >> aloha means i'm back. i'm back. i can't even believe it. >> yeah, that's larry last night alongside his own pal neil everett. larry is doing a little vacation relief on sportscenter from los angeles and here are some highlights. >> you know, i was looking at him earlier. and then i started looking at you, and you kind of have the fitzpatrick starter kit going there. i'm not sure if you're going fitz or einsteinish. good if you're a sprinter, you live for the olympics for the gold. if you're a golfer, it's somewhere between the traveler's championship and the john deere classic. >> have you ever been on a cruise ship? >> honeymoon, the caribbean. stay away from the midnight buffet if you're thinking of going. >> larry worked at espn for six years until he came to abc7 in 2001. he tweeted this picture thanking the crew for welcoming him back all the way down to their hawaiian shirts. you can check larry out tonight and tomorrow on espn anchoring sportscenter. >> we continue, a new title for a bear, and this one has nothing to do with the giants. >> donald trump is president, stand up. >> the growing divide in the republican party as more candidates try to distance themselves from donald trump. >> living in london, you live with that threat of terrorism. >> new details after a stabbing in london. what we have learned about the victims. honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. here are the headlines at 4:30. the mayor of stockton arrested this morning at a city-run youth camp in amador county. anthony silva is accused of committing several crimes against children, including providing alcohol to a minor. >> notorious chinatown gang leader raymond "shrimp boy" chow has been sentenced to life in prison. the city of orlando is considering buying the pulse nightclub and turning the property into a memorial. abc news tweets the mayor is behind this idea. 49 people were killed when a gunman went on a rampage there in june. >> we're learning more about the american killed yesterday in a random knife attack in central london. 64-year-old darlene portman is the wife of a florida state university psychology professor. alex is in london with the latest. >> today, a london on edge. armed police stepping up security on the streets after an a aparentally random knife attack in london russells scare. a 19-year-old man is in custody. he's of somali origin, suffering from mental health issues. >> i emphasize, so far, we have found no evidence of radicalization that would suggest the man in our custody is in any way motivated by terrorism. >> police arrived on the scene of the stabbing after 10:30 last night. minutes after the first of many emergency calls. >> i could hear the policeman screaming stop, don't move. don't go any further. stay with you are. he turned around and continued running. >> officers used a stun gun to subdue the teen and arrested him on suspicion of murder. >> then he was down. and so many police officers then came here and they blocked the street. >> after several recent terror attacks in europe, london's mayor is urging calm but vigilance. >>iving in london, you live with that threat of terrorism. >> the stabbing spree came within hours of london police announcing they'll be putting more heavily armed officers in the streets. in an effort to boost the public's confidence following several deadly isis inspired attacks in europe. this is already a nervous city, just this week, the chief of london's police saying the question of a terror attack is not if but when. and in response to this attack, the police said they will be beefing up their presence in the streets today for as long as need be. abc news, london. >> an investigation is under way after the man accused of the racially charged mass shooting at a south carolina church was attacked in jail today. dylann roof was attacked outside his cell this morning. happened when a black inmate in a high-security unit managed to get through a cell door to reach roof. roof and his attorneys say thap don't want to press charges. this is the first snebt involved roof since he was jamed for shooting nine black parishioners last june. >> president obama said the military campaign to defeat isis is working but it alone will not be enough to eliminate the threat they pose. the president spoke from the pentagon after being briefed by his national security council. he says there have been more than 14,000 air strikes against the islamic state, hitting the targets in syria and iraq. but the president noted there are unexpected consequence s resulting from the success of the air strikes. >> in fact, the decline of isil in syria and iraq appears to be causing it to shift to tactics that we have seen before. an even greater emphasis on encouraging high profile terrorist attacks, including in the united states. >> the president today also addressed the air lift of $400 million to iran around the same time that bay area native jason rezaian and three others were released. president obama said the money sent was not a secret and dismissed the notion it was a ransom payout of some kind. it belonged to iran and was freed up in last year's nuclear deal. >> now in your voice, your vote. the latest maris poll shows hillary clinton opening up a 15-point lead over donald trump after a series of gaffes that have some republicans reconsidering their affiliation. we have the latest developments. >> he has cheated contractors. i take that personally. >> an impassionate hillary clinton traching her first question from the press in a while, making her comparison of her father as a small businessman and trump's foreign business. >> i have met people who were destroyed by donald trump. take a look at what he's done, not what he says. >> while tim kaine launched a new attack, saying while clinton was working at the chirp's legal defense fund. >> donald trump was taking a different path. in 1973, the "new york times" reported the justice department had filed suit after donald trump and his father for refusing to rent apartments to african-americans. >> speaker of the house paul ryan indicating he was not also 100% onboard with donald trump. >> he has had a pretty strange run since the convention. you would think we ought to be focusing on hillary clinton, on all of her deficiencies. >> ryan did not pull his previous endorsement but indicated it is not irrevocable. >> i'm a marine. for me, country comes first. >> this is an ad for republican representative mike coffman. >> donald trump as president, i'll stand up to him. >> out of the bouth of babes, a question for mike pence. >> i have been watching the news lately, and i have been noticing that you have been kind of softening up on mr. trump's policies and words. >> sometimes things don't always come out like you mean, right? >> and the job approval ratings of president obama are in at 54%. it is the highest of his second term in office. and on par with president reagan at the end of his presidency. abc news, washington. >> that's a fitting birthday gift. the president turned 55 today. michelle obama tweeted this picture to wish her husband a happy birthday, writing the smile still gets me every day. >> well, san francisco giants president and ceo larry bair has a new role. he has been appointed by president obama to the u.s. holocaust memorial council. the council consists of 55 members from around the u.s. and is the governing board of trustees for the memorial museum in washington, d.c. he has been with the giants since 1993. >> earl has been downgraded to a tropical storm once more. it's moving west of guatemala and southern mexico with winds still in the 60-mile-per-hour range. the tropical storm warning is still in effect in belize, where some places saw destruction like this. now, this is a view of earl from space. earl is centered about 90 miles southwest of belize city and is heading west. >> coming up at 4:00, working out regularly has benefits for everything from body weight to mental well being, but now researchers say it could be used as a tool to fight drug abuse. we'll explain. >> i'm spencer christian. we see a few clouds lingering on this cooler than average day, and there's more cooler than average weather to come. i'll have the forecast coming up. >> okay, thanks a lot. >> let's take you outside for a live look at traffic along 101 in san jose. as you can see, it is a little bit slow. stay with us. mo looking for something fun to do this weekend? >> jessica castro has some ideas if you are. >> don't call me a crazy cat lady but we went nuts over the idea of bringing furry friends to yoga. get the downward dog, it's no ordinary yoga. it's yoga with cats. pets are not required. the teacher gave me a quick lesson, so grab mrs. whiskers, and head to lafayette park this weekend for the free event. >> this is o'meara. o'meara cat on facebook. she's my roommate, my best friend. she goes everywhere with me. i love to encourage people to take their cats outside, especially if they're indoor cats because i think that they love to be outside, and it's a great bonding experience. >> at the park, gathering across from the tennis courts, the group of 20 to 60 yogis meet the first saturday of every month, careful not to get any scratches, bring water and maybe some milk for your pet. from a new idea to an sf sfapal, the street fair in japantown is this weekend. it's organized by volunteers and starts saturday morning at 11:00. runs through sunday evening. the fair hopes to inspire asian pacific american youth in leadership and communication. there's arts, music, food, and community services. for information on these event and others, just head to have a great weekend. >> a lot going on. >> definitely. how is the weather going to fair? >> big question. spencer christian is here to update the forecast. >> okay. weekend is looking pretty pleasant. it will be cooler than average. much as it is right now, but we'll probably have fairly sunny skies during the daytime hours. when else would we have sunny skies? not at night. low clouds at the coast right now and locally over the bay. mainly sunny in the inland areas. state-wide tomorrow, look for high temperatures of 90 in cheecho, 96 in fresno, 82, los angeles, and 107 in palm springs. in the bay area tomorrow, once again, low clouds and fog slowly pulling back to the coastline by midday, giving us a cooler than average day with mainly sunny skies inland. highs will range tomorrow from upper 50s at the coast to 60s and lower 70s at the bay and upper 70s to low 80s at our inland areas. for the week ahead, using livermore as our high temperature trend indicator. saturday will be the coolest day with temperatures well below average in livermore and other inland spots. temperatures will bounce back up to or just above the average range early next week. upper 80s and low 90s in our inland areas by tuesday, and by late next week, temperatures will start to drop below average once again. an up and down sort of trend. >> perfect. thanks, spencer. >> still ahead at 4:00, going off the grid could have some big health benefits, but one in particular is a big surprise. how going amish could make you healthier than ever. >> a potential flaw in those new chip credit cards. could it let hackers get int -lois pricese. [ifrom grocery outlet. - hi, it's... the rest of us! - hey there. - hi! - hey. loifor over 60 years now, grocery outlet has been selling the brands you know and love, for up to 60% less than what you'd pay at traditional grocery stores. - and check this out. lois: we've got meats and produce, naturals and organics, at prices that'll make you wanna sing. - good thing we've got a really catchy theme song. hit it! - ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - ♪ bargain market ... now it's stuck in my head. researchers in southern california are trying to learn whether something that's good for your health in general might be a tool in fighting drug abuse. >> as gerald jennings reports, the link may be self-control and better decision making. >> most people would agree working out regularly has benefits from body weight to mental well being. >> to not have heart attacks and to stay healthy. pretty much. >> exercise gives you a sense of accomplishment. >> but could the benefits extend to drug addiction? ucla researcher edith london and his colleagues studied healthy methamphetamine users. they found three hours a week of physical activity helped addicts regulate a key brain chemical, dope mean. it appears to boost the dopamine levels that helps them be less compulsive. >> another approach to dealing with addiction might be to augment the dopamine receptors. >> in the mall ucla study, participants who exercised about three hours a week increased their level of dopamine receptors by about 15%. >> i think a regular fitness program combined with some other type of behavior therapy would be very helpful. >> cat scans confirmed higher levels of dopamine in the brain during the exercise study. they also had lower levels of meth in their systems. some find the potential benefits of the study mirroring the benefits. >> it relaxes you so you're able to make more rational decisions. >> two months after the intervention, the benefits lessened, but researchers don't know why. the next step is to see whether the benefits of exercise can help addicts make better decisions. cheryl jennings, abc7 news. >> now, an ongoing studies, researches have noted the potential for to combat depression in the early phases of drug treatment. >> ford motor company is recalling more than 800,000 cars because the doors might fly open while you're driving. >> no kidding. mooikal finny is here with that. >> there seems to be a problem with a door latch, and it may not fasten properly. ford says it has reports of one crash and one injury related to this defect. faulty latches may come loose and cause a door to fly open unexpectedly. the company is recalling about 830,000 cars made between 2012-20 sc 2012-2016. they include escape, focus, lincoln mkc, and mustangs. dealers will repair them for free. i posted a complete list at you can check it out on 7 on your side. i have been reporting quite a while and quite a bit recently about new chip technology that will protect credit cards from hackers. however, researchers say they have found a scute flaw. the chips on these cards are nearly impossible to counterfeit, however, cards still also contain a magnetic strip. experts say hackers can still make the card act as if it has no chip on it. so they can still copy the data off the card. chip technology companies say retailers can use encryption to stop that from happening. >> dog food maker has agreed to stop implying that food will add years to the life of your dog. the federal trade commission took issue with the ads like this one from morris pet care. it says this black labrador is living 30% longer than the average for that breed. the ftc says ads like this imply the dog food is the reason dogs are living longer. morris did not admit any wrongdoing and will not pay any financial penalty, but it did agree to stop using those ads. >> now, i want to hear from you. so the 7 on your side hotline is open monday through friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. here's the number, 415-954-8151, and of course, as always, you can reach my on my facebook through abc 7 >> excellent. thanks, michael. >> the amish can give us clues on how to cut the risk of asthma. >> aerial yoga is giving fans a lift. here jane with today's wellness report. >> an amish lifestyle brings an unexpected benefit. less asthma. the university of chicago study says there could be something about working directly with farm animals and the dust of farmer that could somehow reduce risks. perhaps by exposing them to allergens. we can learn something from this, it's okay to let kids get dirty sometimes and don't feel like you have to sterilize everything. >> a new study links sleep problems to recovery. a review of 29 studies found sleep disorders are more prevalent in stroke patients. some of the studies show sleep apnea especially was present before a stroke and may have contributed to its risk. sleep disorders can be treated. >> exercise might ease hot flashes. endurance exercise can improve the body's ability to regulate temperature. in the study, the participants experienced far fewer hot flashes than the control group. and this is aerial yoga, one of the newest competitors in an increasingly competitive fitness phase. the idea is to take yoga to the next level by allowing gravity to work for you, not against you. it work said the body, stren strengthening core and grip. >> a rhode island soda company's enthusiasm for the november election is bubbling over, if you will. it's holding what it's calling a soda pop poll, selling hillary's blue raspberry limeaid, and donald trump punch for its soda pop poll. the company owner thinks the drinks are like the candidates themselves. >> they have a slight acidity to them, so they have a bite. they kind of meet the candidates. they have a little edge to them. >> the company will be keeping track of how many bottles are sold. it's not a scientific poll, but the owner says it's a fun way to take the edge off the polarizing political season. >> abc7 fews at 4:00 continues. >> this is one of the top five festivals in the country. >> up next, setting the stage for another record-breaking year at outside lands. why it's becoming a top draw for artists and fans. >> coming up at 5:00, a warning tonight along the russian river after officials there find toxic algae in the water. >> also, cat-killing coyotes are spreading out across one south bay community. the solution to keep your pets safe. that's at 5:00, but we'll be back in a moment. honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. here's a look at what's ahead tonight at 8:00. battlebotts followed by the live finale of greatest hits at 9:00, and abc7 news at 11:00. >> more than 200,000 music fans are expected to converge in golden gate paerk this weekend for the outside lands music festival. it's setting all kinds of records for san francisco events. we'll have a preview at 6:00. for more information, go to >> grand theft auto by laptop. houston authorities arrested two suspects believed to be responsible for stealing an illegally exported more than 100 vehicles possibly using a high-tech hack. >> lauren has more. >> this surveillance footage apparently showing a high-tech car heist in action. watch the man with a laptop creeping up to this jeep grand cherokee, getting in and getting to work. within four minutes, he's driving away. texas officials allege he's part of a duo that has stolen more than 100 vehicles in the houston area, taking them over the border to mexico. car crook hacks are a growing problem. in california, this alleged thief using some sort of device to unlock the car and steal the owner's belongings. a similar incident caught on camera outside this home in seattle. this security researcher says thiefs can put devices like these under cars to capture the unlock code from a key fob and break in. >> when the criminal returns to the vehicle, they can take this device from underneath the car, press the button and unlock the vehicle. >> in response to the houston heist, fiat chrysler asking owners to be sure their vehicles are in a secure location at night and are locked. >> if somebody has the ability and the knowledge to steal your car, they're going to be able to take it. there's not a whole lot you can do about it. >> fiat chrysler tells abc news they're investigating whether employees could be selling access to a master database of codes. criminals can match those codes to vin numbers printed on the driver's side door and program their own key fobs to drive away. lauren lister, abc news, los angeles. >> that's our report for now. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama daetz. >> cat killing coyotes are spreading out across one south bay community. we're live with the disturbing new evidence and how you can keep your pets safe. >> also, think before your swim. signs went up along a popular north bay river warning of a toxic algae bloom. >> and in san francisco, crews are rescuing a trapped worker on a docked navy ship. >> plus, california highway patrol to the rescue, saving a hiker and a sick bird. >> abcsauv news at 5:00 starts right now. >> stay away from them. don't allow your kids to sit and play. >> there's a warning tonight for boaters and swimmers in the north bay after a toxic algae bloom has been uncovered in a popular river. good evening and thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm dan ashley. signs went up warning swimmers and boaters along the russian river of a toxic algae bloom. >> officials say it's still all right to swim but to be careful. lonny rivera is live near the river with the story. >> yes, health officials are telling people it's okay to come out and enjoy the river. they say swim. they found low levels of it, but they advise people to keep a watchful eye on children and pets along the shoreline where it's growing. rafting on the russian river is a summer tradition in sonoma county and adventure that bridges out families to cool off. >> fantastic, a nice day. we're spending the week out here. >> as rafters take to the river waters -- >> it's mucusy, and after you touch it, you should rinse off right away. >> there's a warning from sonoma health officials about greenish-yellow algae growing along the shoreline. it's toxic. the health department just posted these signs in the sand. it said to stay away from the algae, keep children away from the green sticky stuff, and don't let pets eat it or drink the water. it's a moving body of water so we always tell people that there are situations that could change. it takes some time for algae to grow and for it to produce toxins. we will be continuing to monitor. >> the russian river adventure zone lara is getting the word out to rafters too. >> a lot is in the first half mile. beyond that, very little. >> last year, health officials issued warnings about the harmful algae. they say warmer water temperatures from the drought and changes in wildlife are some factors causing the algae blooms. and sonoma water officials lowering russian river summer flows played a role as well. right now, health officials say it's safe to swim, just be aware of the problem and watch your pets. >> manage your dogs actively when you come out on the river. and at the end of the day, rinse off. >> i think it's okay as long as we say in the boat and stay safe. >> this outdoor tradition is one henry is determined to continue. no matter what's growing along the river banks. in sonoma county, lonny rivera, abc 7 news. >> this isn't the first bloom causing problems this year. we were in discovery bay last week where toxic

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