Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20160621 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20160621

today in most spots than yesterday by 4 degrees in hayward. 5 degrees in -- 4 degrees in novato. outside we go. the tower camera shows you bright blue skies out there and current numbers down to 67 in san francisco. owing land to 75. 80 mountainview. 85 san jose. a little bit of a refreshing look at the moratorium camera at pier 15. 91e we are at 82 napa. 95 in fairfield. 94 concord. 96 in livermore. future tracker temperatures, as we plan your evening ahead, by 9:00, still at 80 degrees in antioch. lot of 60s and 70s. ly 11:00, a few clouds gathering on the coast. that will bring a little cooling to the coast. wait until you see the numbers headed our way shortly. we'll have that with the accuweather forecast coming up. >> thank you, drew. energy use is going up. you can see how much power is being used from this graph. this is the usage hour by hour. the dotted lines so the predicted demand. the yellow line at the top is the available resources. right now there's plenty of powerful -- of power available. a problem with an underground cable is blamed for knocking out power to 2600 pg and e customers overnight. the outage happened at 2:30 this morning. power was restored by lunchtime. the latest on the wildfires fueled by sweltering heat. several fires are burning and several hundred people evacuated from their homes. >> lts take a live look outside from one of the fires burning right now in southern california. you can see those flames and the smoke coming off of it. >> reporter stephanie ramos has the latest from los angeles. >> reporter: massive wildfires are burning across the west, even in alaska. >> massive fires in back of our neighborhood. >> a skyline of smoke in california. two fast moving fires in los angeles area. the fires scorching at least 5400 acres. >> our big threat today is still that left side of the fire. that still is a very uncontrolled flank of the fire. >> the two separate wildfires being called by a single name. the san gabriel complex fire. its flames chasing towards homes. >> we've evacuated 770 homes. >> unpredictable winds, dry brush and record hot in california are fueling the fires. sweeping in to drench the flames from the air. >> excessive heat warnings in place, not only in the golden state but in utah. arizona and nevada. at least 16 large wildfires are now burning across eight states. local l.a. firefighters stand ready to respond to new fires that may flare up and crews say residents who haven't been evacuated from their homes yet have their bags packed. >> get ready and get set to go early. don't wait until the front is in your yard. >> the weather may start to help firefighters. the coastal areas will begin cooling the west in the next few days. pushing some of that heat out east for colorado and kansas. stephanie ramos, abc news, los angeles. check out this map from cal fire. it shows the severity zones. you can see the areas in red are larger concern for wildfires. the area in yellow shows moderate fire hazards. if you live in any of those areas, cal fire reminds you to take preventative measures. a new billboard can be seen near the san mateo bridge. it's not up there to sell a product. >> it's to recall judge aaron persky at the center of a controversy in a rape case. >> vic lee is live at the courthouse with the story. >> reporter: we're talking about judge aaron persky who has been widely criticized by many victims advocacy groups. he sentenced former stanford swimmer brock turner after his sexual assault conviction and the judge is fighting removal from two fronts now. protect survivors, not rapists. the digital billboard was up this morning on the westbound side of the san mateo bridge. a message to drivers that santa clara county judge aaron persky should be removed from office. the sign was put up by a group called ultraviolet. they recently submitted a million signatures to the state commission on judicial performance demanding his removal from the bench. this after judge persky gave stanford swimmer brock turnera a six-month sentence after being convicted of sexual assault. >> we believe this is the problem of the judge being inadequa inadequate. >> a stand for professor is supportive of that movement. but she's fighting the judge on another front. using the ballot box to recall him. >> we're going to collect something like 70 or 80,000 signatures, we'll submit them probably in june and we'll get it certified for the november 2017 ballot. >> daubert's group began getting the signatures for the recall campaign. it's being sent to santa clara county voters and hopes they'll be generous donors. >> the fundraising goal is between $750,000 and a million. we feel that we'll make that comfortably. >> supporters of the judge say questioning the judgment of a sentence is fine but he's not guilty of miss conducts. vic lee, abc 7 news. an army training area in dublin was on lockdown for hours today over reports of an intruder on the ground. we were over the training area this morning after the first alerts were sent out. agents from multiple agencies conducted a building to building search but didn't find anything suspicious. the alameda county sheriff's office called it an unconfirmed rumor. >> from the sexual miss conducts scandal involving oakland police, now the district attorney's office has placed a second investigator on leave and their boss, d.a. nancy o'malley vowed today that her office can and will investigate this case subjectively. >> there's no conflict of interest. my office has been prosecuting people who commit crimes, whether they're police officers or they're doctors or politicians. if somebody has broken the law and someone is committing a crime, we're going to prosecute them. >> more than a dozen officers are under investigation suspected of improper relations with the underage daughter of a police dispatcher. others are being looked at for exchanging racist texts and for compromising investigations by revealing privileged information. now coming up at 5:00, the east bay group trying to help young prostitutes by getting them off the streets. california's last remaining nuclear power plants will close by 2025. pg and e announced that it had reached an accord to shut down the diablo canyon power plant located on the california central coast. it supplies 9% of the state's power. it replaces the production with green energy. environmentalists have long thought to close the nuclear power plant given the proximity to seismic faults along the coast. more okay a is trying to get money -- the sinkhole opened in march after eight consecutive days of heavy rain. the town has spent more than $3 million to fix it. more okay a is appealing to deny the emergency funds. traffic on the san mateo bridge is flowing freely right now. that's a big change from earlier. because emergency pothole repair work on the westbound side closed down dramatically. this is a live look at the span. the westbound lanes were backed up beyond the toll plaza earlier today because of the closures. cal trans tells abc 7 news they had to secure a steel plate over the pothole. that led to lengthy delays getting from the east bay to the peninsula. hope you can stay with us. still ahead at 4:00, hundreds line the streets of san jose to honor a fallen officer. inside today's really touching memorial. new at 4:30, we're learning more about the shooter in that deadly nightclub attack in orlando. abc news has confirmed he was planning on heading to san francisco. what we know, coming up. a bizarre story. employees spanked for poor behavior on the job. the video that's going viral. taking a live look at our traffic. it's slowly moving on the right-hand side. that's your traffic towards the bay bridge and into san francisco. maybe moving a little better than the 80 eastbound traffic on the left side. stay with us. hi. is the internet still out? yes! come on. work together. work together. do you have anything? no i don't have anything. please come back internet. i love you. i love you so much. just come back. please. please. he's streaming a cat video. (family laughs) and the whole party is looking... can i take a look? mitch come on! get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability at an everyday price with no extra fees. keep calm, your internet's on. ♪ ♪ a touching moving motherial service for michael katherman who died in a motorcycle accident in the line of duty last week. officers lined the streets of san jose saluting as the hearst carrying officer katherman as it headed to the memorial passed. the service for michael katherman was full of tears and laughter. abc 7 news reporter david louie has more on the service and the people who honored the fallen officer. >> reporter: on the outside, a solemn procession. starting from the funeral home in los gatos and winding to downtown san jose. officers from law enforcement agencies across the region, the state and the nation converged in mourning the loss of a highly regarded san jose police officer. a flag was draped between two fire ladders at the entrance. but inside, the somber mood changed as family, friends and colleagues remembered michael katherman whom members dubbed the kat-man. >> mike at a 5'8", 5'9" could actually dunk. he could do great impersonations. i understand he did a great chris farley and a kermit the frog. but i hear that his best was a retired sergeant kang lee. >> his father spoke on behalf of the family saying his son was a devout christian and others liked him back. >> mike was a passionate person. his passion for god, his passion for his family, his passion for sport. his passion to be of service to help others and all on the way to make people laugh and smile. >> it was difficult for loved ones and strangers to hold back tears as they heard how officer katherman was a devoted husband, father of two sons and dedicated police officer. he supported the families of other officers killed in the line of duty. the tears flowed more as a family friend read letters from the sons in which they expressed how much they miss him but will remember the fun times like dirt biking and camping. >> no response from 9204. >> at sap center in san jose, david louie, abc 7 news. and we have a slide show of officer katherman's memorial. you can watch all of the eulogies from today's service, again very moving on abc you can share condolences on our facebook page and on twitter or instagram at abc 7 news bay area. a long awaited project and tear-down and rebuild terminal 1 at san francisco international airport will break ground next week. the $2.5 billion improvement project will demolish part of the terminal to make way for a larger building. these are renderings of the new terminal. the airport plans to replace concourses a and b with a brand new 24-gate building. concourse c will remain standing but will be renovated. delta, frontier and southwest fly out of terminal 1. construction is expected to be completed by 2020. according to a linked in rating, google tops the list of the best employers in the u.s. sales force of apple round out the top four. all of the companies are based in the bay area. other companies to make the top ten, uber, tesla, twitter and air bnb. the list ranks 40 top employers and bay area companies appear throughout it. this next company likely isn't on anyone's best jobs list. bank officials in china are under fire for a public display of corporal punishment against their workers. executives hired a corporate coach to spank bank employees at a training seminar because the workers were not, quote, exceeding themselves. one by one, the coach smacked each employee with a wooden paddle. it went viral on chinese social media. two bank executives have been suspended. as the oakland mayor deals with the police department scandal in her city, she found a welcoming crowd that featured big names in business and politics. >> sure did. kristen sze is here with more. >> 1600 people are wrapping up their day at the moscone center. they had a goal of empowering women and families. ed lee and livia schaaf are co-hosting the summit. they tweeted a selfie and valerie jarrett, the senior adviser for the president. other speakers and panelists include rosie rios and lisa jackson and instagram coo marin levine. mayor schaaf welcomed the attendees with this message. >> this is not just about fighting for women's rights. it's about fighting for what is right and fair. and let us remember that we are not a lolone in that fight. >> reporter: speaker shined a spotlight on workplace equity, shattering stereotypes, child care and elderly care policies and mentoring. the hope is leaders and attendees will take the conversations and push through real change that will benefit women, especially middle class women, working class women and single moms. dan andama. >> thank you. let's turn our attention to the weather. >> drew tuma in for spencer. >> a lot of spots, especially inland are approaching 100 degrees. if you look at the seven-day forecast, this is going to be cool speaking. live doppler 7hd. first full official day of summer, the sun really effective at warming us up. concord at 98 degrees. san ramon and livermore at 96. oakland's warm at 75. at 85 in san jose. 87 mountainview. you want to beat the heat, san francisco the place to be right now. coming in at 68 degrees. a live look from the east bay hills camera facing west. what you do not see are any clouds. that will change over night tonight along the coast. there will be partly cloudy skies there. but once again for your wednesday, we're going to see about 34 degrees in our afternoon highs and then we're just calling it a sizzling weekend and the worst on the accuweather forecast. if you're headed to the coliseum, mild conditions. 70 degrees by first pitch. you'll have that sunshine with you and by 10:05 as the game is wrapping up, plenty of stars and comfortable. the temperature at 60 degrees. overnight, coastal clouds but otherwise mainly clear skies. elsewhere, 60 overnight. 54 in oakland. 58 san jose. and 51 the overnight low in santa rosa. highs for wednesday and on microclimate, starting in the south bay, lots of sunshine. 91 for morgan hill. about 86 san jose. 85 sunnyvale, 86 cupertino. 80 redwood city. half moon bay at 63. downtown san francisco, at a mild 70 degrees. 65 for dailey city. the north bay -- 84 vallejo. oakland tomorrow, 75, lots of sunshine. 74 the high in richmond. inland, we're hot. 99 in brentwood approaching 100 degrees. antioch, 97. 93 san ramon and 93 for concord. summertime means the beaches are packed. tomorrow going to be another nice beach day for your wednesday. plentiful sunshine. 79 in santa cruz. there will be a breeze. about 10 to 25 miles per hour. that uv indentix on the extreme side. the climate prediction center which monitors the entire united states for extreme weather has placed much of california in above normal temperatures starting saturday. some 10 to 20 degrees above normal. you take a look at the week ahead for antioch, starting saturday, we stay in the triple digits. by tuesday and wednesday, especially, we are posting 105 degrees. the accuweather seven-day forecast shows you morning fog tomorrow. a little bit of relief inland on thursday. temperatures beginning to climb friday. the hot weekend saturday. not only inland, look at your bay temperatures. in the mid-80s on sunday. remaining hot and even into tuesday, the bay likely many cities approaching the lower 90s even the coast in the upper 70s. if you look at day 8 and 9, the numbers are continuing to climb. a lot of heat headed our way, especially over the weekend. >> thanks, drew. >> yeah. ♪ the iconic musical cabaret returns to the bay area. why the show is more timely than ever. we are using our instagram feed to celebrate lgbtq pride where you live. today we recognize the q foundation and its founder for working to end homelessness in the lgbtq areas. you can learn sniefrnlts feeling lucky? you might want to invest in the mega millions drawing. it's only $223 million if you take a lump sum, unfortunately. but you can get by. it's the searchth largest in the 20-year history. the odds of winning tonight, 1 in 259 million. tony award winning musical set against nazi germany, returns to the golden gate theater tonight. cabaret tells the story of a kit kat nightclub in berlin before world war ii and how the performers coped the beginning of hitler's regime. he came harrison says following the attack in orlando, the themes in cabaret take on added relevance. >> there's a great satisfaction to know that i'm doing this show and i'm able to do a show that in some ways really speaks about violence directly, speaks about targeting of minorities very directly. >> harrison will be the special celebrity guest at this sunday's san francisco parade. the entire cast will also march in the parade. cabaret is on stage at the golden gate theater through july 17th. >> looks great. abc 7 news at 4:00 continues. new details coming out of the orlando terror attack including a bay area connection. was the shooter heading here next. the race for president is heating up. one candidate isn't coming out on top when it comes to money. do you or someone you know own a drone? good news, changing regu this is abc 7 news. checking your headlines at 4:30. evacuations in effect for neighborhoods in los angeles counties because of a major fire. the san ghraib real complex fires are burning north of the angeles national forest. hot weather in southern california is making containment efforts difficult. just how hot are the temperatures in the southwestern u.s.? abc 7 news meteorologist drew tuma tweeted the numbers not long ago. the triple digit heat in many cities. drew says it was even hotter yesterday. san francisco's board of supervisors wants nothing to do with gun companies in the wake of the orlando nightclub shooting. abc 7 news reporter carolyn tyler was at city hall today where legislation was introduced from gun companies. she'll have that story live at 5:00. some streets surrounding pulse nightclub in orlando partially reopened today. a temporary barricades was removed. the attorney general visited today to meet with families and victims. abc news reporter adrian is live with the latest. >> reporter: good evening to youama. this comes after criticism from the governor of florida, saying that the white house should have approved an emergency declaration. the white house pushing back saying that there's been substantial federal resources provided to the city in addition to those announced today by the attorney general. attorney general loretta lynch visiting orlando today. >> i am so inspired by the strength and the resilience of the survivors and their loved ones. >> announcing $1 million in emergency funding from the department of justice to cover the cost of overtime, counseling and added staff for law enforcement as the case unfolds. she's meeting with lead investigators as the fbi releases unedited transcripts of the 911 call from shooter omar mateen telling the dispatcher i'm in orlando and i did the shooting. it's a tragedy impacting security and the economy. overnight, orange avenue, the street where the carnage unfolded, back open again while the shuttered pulse nightclub remains a crime scene. neighboring businesses open for the first time in ten days. >> there's financial constraints with respect to the core problem. those that have lost their lives. >> the terror and hate unleashed in orlando reigniting increased gun control. all four proposed amendments failed in the senate leaving president obama to tweet today, gun violence requires more than moments of silence. it requires action. in failing that test, the senate failed the american people. new developments, a source telling abc news, a day before the attack, three plane tickets were purchased for mateen and his family to travel to san francisco. >> we're getting all kinds of new details day by day. an associate of mateen back in 2014, flagged the fbi seeking out. -- sources telling abc news that mateen's wife the day of the attack saw her husband with a bag of guns and she tried to stop him from leaving. the fbi not determining whether or not she has any implication in the criminal side of this case. right now, it's just a lot more news to follow. again, sad news, more funerals happening in orlando. ama, back to you. >> adrian, do we know the tickets to san francisco and when they were planning to head here to the bay area? >> right now, investigators saying they have not determined who was the one who purchased the tickets, whether omar or his wife. but we do know that they were planning to travel to san francisco in july. >> okay. adrian, thank you. thank you. funeral services were held today for the 2-year-old boy killed in the alligator attack at walt disney world resort last week. lane graves was laid to rest today in his hometown of elk horn, nebraska, outside omaha. a gator dragged the boy into ayala goon last tuesday as you probably know. his body was found the next day. his family asked for privacy over the weekend. disney is the parent company of abc 7. donald trump appears to be losing support to hillary clinton in critical battleground states according to the latest poll numbers. this as the two rivals are turning on -- lana zack is in washington with more. >> reporter: the campaign arrows are flying today. neither hillary clinton nor donald trump holding anything back. at a meeting with nearly 1,000 evangelical leaders suggested his rival is not worthy of their prayers. >> one specific person and we can be politically correct and say we pray for all of our leaders. because all of your leaders are selling christianity down the tubes and the evangelicals down the tubes. >> in a speech, clinton argued that despite his business experience, trump can't be trusted with the finances of the nation. >> he's written a lot of books about business. they all seem to end at chapter 11. >> trump posted this instagram video in response. >> hillary clinton is right about one thing. i understand debt and how to handle t i've made a fortune with debt. but debt for this country is a disaster. obama has piled it on and she's been there watching. >> going even further in a barrage of tweets invoking the memory of chris stevens, killed in benghazi and accusing clinton much making money off of the enslavement of women and murder of gays for the benefit of the clinton foundation. and from clinton, her continued warning arguing that trump would be dangerous for america. >> just like he shouldn't have his finger on the button, he shouldn't have his hands-on our economy. >> if you think the tenor of the attacks today were nasty, just wait until tomorrow. donald trump is promising a whole new assault on clinton in his upcoming speech. lana zack, abc news, washington. top republican pundit weighed in on the odds of delegates trying to unseat donald trump during the gop convention. william crystal spoke to members of the commonwealth club in downtown san francisco today. crystal serves as editor of the weekly standard and often appears on abc's this week. he's one. biggest voices in the ongoing never trump campaign. >> let us figure out who we want to nominate. do we have to understand -- i don't know what the odds of us succeeding are. >> i would have said 5%, 1 in 20. today i would say 10 to 15% maybe. >> crystal did credit tmp for capturing voters frustrated with the current state of politics. you have to decide whether california should abolish the death penalty, a measure that made it on to the november ballot, would end capital punishment, replacing it with life in prison without the possibility of parole. >> the move would save some $150 million a year in legal fees. >> federal reserve chairman jenny yellen said that the u.s. economy will suffer if britain leaves the european union. >> i think it would usher in a period of your honor f uncertainty. it's very hard to predict. but there could be a period of financial market volatility that would negatively affect financial conditions and the u.s. economic outlook that's by no means certain but it is something that we will be carefully monitoring. >> yellen also said the fed will continue to gradually raise the interest rate but will proceed with caution. still to come here on abc 7 news at 4:00 -- >> making beautiful music in a very unusual location. the reason behind this remote venue. i'm meteorologist drew tuma. live look from the tower camera showing you lots of sunshine. but clouds building along the coast tonight. we'll bring a wide range in temperatures tomorrow. the forecast coming up. let's take a look at the a-bridge toll plaza. i was stuck in this mess a little while ago. took almost an hour to get across the bay bridge. as you can see, it's really pretty bad for 4:37 in the afternoon. stay with us. stay with us. abc 7 news at 4:00 stay with us. abc 7 news at 4:00 ♪ ♪ ♪ light piano today i saw a giant. it had no arms, but it welcomed me. (hawk call) it had no heart, but it was alive. (train wheels on tracks) it had no mouth, but it spoke to me. it said, "rocky mountaineer: all aboard amazing". internationally renowned pianist used an appropriate stage to draw attention to global climate change. ♪ ♪ performed his piece he will ji for the arctic on a floating platform on the arctic ocean. he teamed up with greenpeace on the backdrop of a melting glacier. sent an urgent message to world leaders. >> what happens here, the arctic is related to the rest of the world. >> this video was released by greenpeace on the eve of a week long meetings. it's an institution composed of 15 governments whose mission is protect the north atlantic's marine waters. abc 7 news meteorologist drew tuma is in tonight for spencer. >> likely seeing more locations, especially over the week lend hit that century mark. live doppler 7hd. it's a quiet picture. blue skies today but to the south once again, that sunshine really warming areas up. an excessive heat warning still in effect for at least four states to our south. look at the current numbers. 112 in vegas, 110 in phoenix, 107 in palm springs. if you can believe this, these numbers are actually cooler than yesterday. they're still dangerously hot in many areas. even here locally, we've got very warm numbers inland. concord, brentwood. 96 san ramon and livermore. oakland at 75. 90 in novato. half moon bay, got to love that sea breeze this time of the year. you're at 59. wednesday, tomorrow, midweek, a couple of clouds along the coast keeps the coast in the low 60s. a lot of 70s around the bay. our warmest spots near 100 degrees as we head towards tomorrow afternoon. the accuweather seven-day forecast, a little relief inland. then temperatures take off over the weekend. it's down right hot. not only inland but in the bay, mid-80s. upper 60s. low 70s on the coast. tuesday, yes, the bay, many cities likely along the water will go into the low 90s. that heat to our south is slowly going to march its way into the bay yar. >> thank you, drew. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, fast food fans rank the best restaurants. did your favorite make the list? 7 on your side michael finney. a warning for anknows how it feelsiabetes to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. invokana® works around the clock by reducing the amount of sugar allowed back into the body, and sending some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight loss, it may help you with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. lightweight drones have been cleared to take flight. but with a new set of regulations. the obama administration today cleared the way for routine commercial use of small drones weighing less than 55 pounds. but they can't fly above 400 feet and the licensed operator must be able to see the drone at all times. the new rules do not apply to delivery companies like amazon and google which are evaluating the use of drones in their business. >> stuff delivered by drone. >> i know. dropping out of the sky. >> maybe a pizza. assembly committee took action after the collapse in berkeley. >> michael finney has more. michael? >> safety measure inspired by that balcony collapse if berkeley that killed six students and it passed unanimously today from the state assembly committee. it would require contractors to notify the state licensing board when they're convicted of felonies or a crime. removed from the measure is a requirement that contractors report settlements of negligence, fraud or incompetence. >> it had faced $26 million in settlements over the three previous years. a mother of one of students killed in the collapse spoke to the committee. >> as a mother what i'm trying to do is to protect your family. i don't want this to happen to anyone else. if any more balconies fall down in the state of california. >> the previous version of the bill failed to pass out of committee one year ago. automaker fiat chrysler agreed to stop installing an airbag scheduled to be recalled in two years. the airbags from takata are known to explode with enough force to shoot pieces of shrapnel of passengers and drivers. last week it was reported that fiat chrysler along with toyota, volkswagen and mitsubishi continued to use the airbags in new vehicles. why? well, there's no law that prohibits use of those airbags since the recall doesn't technically take effect for another two years. more than 250,000 bottle and food warmers being recalled by may born usa due to a fire hazard. they've received reports of six tommy tippy close to nature bottle and food warmers overheating. melting. smoking and catching on fire. the tommy tippies have a zero or min on the left-hand side of the dial. you can go for free replaguesment. i have a lipg on abc i want to hear your consumer questions. this friday, i'll be in san jose to answer your questions live. i'll be at santana row on friday between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. to meet you. be sure to bring your questions. you can also ask those questions on social media. just post them with the #ask finney. dan, ama. puberty is starting earlier and earlier for many children. >> handwriting is still important in the keyboard age. here's the wellness report. researchers are finding more children appearing to hit puberty at earlier ages. pediatric endocringeologists at kaiser permanente say that girls are getting to puberty earlier and boys as well. 7 is the norm for puberty to start for girls. experts say some of the earlier puberty could be explained by the increase in childhood obesity. pharma plans to begin testing for zika -- google is rolling out the new feature over the next few days to make it easier to get a more accurate list of symptoms and health conditions that you could be searching for. a team of doctors reviewed the symptom information. these doctors were from harvard medical school and the mayo clinic. they evaluated related conditions to come up with a representative sample of searches to get more accurate health informs. there is a -- researchers say not so fast. there's a body of research saying writing things down helps the developing brain. the "wall street journal" cited a study that found that children with good handwriting may get better grades. learning handwriting helped kids with fine motor skills later on. i'm jane king from the nasdaq. here's to your health. a new ranking by fast food customers. the georgia-based chicken chain earned the number one spot on the american customer satisfaction restaurant report. customers says they gave chick-fil-a high marks because the chain sticks to what it's good at. chicken. pizza chain papa johns ranked second. followed by little caesars and panera bread which they tied for third place. >> why am i hungry all of a sudden? >> taco bell tops your list of favorites, you're running out of times to get your freebie. as michael finney said yesterday, you can get a free taco in the promotion. they're giving away free dorito low coes tacos today until 6:00 p.m. all you have to do is ask for itment. >> get in on that before it's over. a cal administrator accused of harassment still receives his high-paying salary despite the accusations. details why this is considered standard practice. that's just ahead. christien is here with a look at what's coming up. thanks. san francisco giants pitcher jake peavy hit his -- did his fate lead to a million dollar loss. michael finney has tips on what to do. these stories and more when dan and i join you for abc 7 news at 5:00. it's the middle. follow by blackish. at 9:00, uncle buck comes on. then at 10:00, to tell the truth. followed by abc 7 news at 11:00. a uc berkeley administrator was able to continue receiving his high salary even after violating sexual harassment policies. according to university offic l officials, it's actually standard practice. it's one more discovery involving a number of university professors add cal. abc 7 news reporter lyanne melendez has more. >> reporter: on one hand we have the former dean of the law school filing a grievance letter with the university and we'll tell you more about that case coming up at 6:00. in the meantime, the salary of one administrator even after he was booted for sexual harassment is getting a lot of attention from this office. as vice chancellor in 2014, graham was found to have sexually harass theed his assistant. denied the allegations. >> he admits that he one or two times touched this person and kidd kissed her on the neck once. that's not sexual harassment. >> fleming was removed as vice chancellor but kept his $434,000 salary for ten months. which at the time was completely within the rules of the university. it's called transition leave. it's when a high-level administrator takes up to 12 months to prepare for a role as a faculty member. fleming is now a chemistry professor. uc president nanette napolitano recently found out about it. >> how can she not know? well, we have a system of over 200,000 employees. she relies on the chancellors to run their own campuses. it wasn't communicated to her. >> napolitano is said to be upset about the latest incident. >> i think it's the president of the university is so unaware of what's going on, she ought to resign. >> she's instituted a peer review system for all senior administrators. her office says had this happened today, it's unlikely he would have been granted a transition leave. lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. reportedly refused to turn over her university issued cell phone, laptop and ipad to investigators. they claim there are privileged communications with her law on the dee viegss. she says turning them over to the university would compromise her attorney-client privilege. uc says they own them and can confiscate them at any time. she's on paid leave and under investigation for her conduct. that's going to do it for abc 7 news at 4:00. thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz, abc 7 news at 5:00 begins now with dan and kristin. >> what we're seeing right now is awful. >> blunt kmoents from alameda county prosecutor about the sex scandal consuming the oakland police department. tonight fresh calls for the mayor to step down. the damaging fallout for women caught up in sex trafficking. also ahead, break-in at bloomingdale's. they've caught two of the thieves but looking for help with a third one. thousands turn out to honor the life of a fallen officer in san jose. >> a day to mourn. but it's also something to celebrate. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm kristen sze. pressure is mounting on the oakland mayor. they're calling for her to step down. over growing police scandal. meantime, the city's public defender gives us the scope of how many cases could be in jeopardy. laura anthony is live at the alameda county superior court. laura. >> reporter: hi, christien, the fallout from the multiple scandals facing the oakland police department. that includes the possibility that many criminal cases could be dropped or not filed at all. >> people ask us, are we angry? my question to you is why aren't you angry? >> they're calling for greater accountability for oakland police and the resignation of the mayor, libby schaaf. it comes amid a growing scandal that involves illicit sex with a minor, racist texts and other illegal behavior on the part of more than a dozen police officers. >> we've been sitting and meeting in your office, mr. mayor, in your council chambers, telling you with details about all of this corruption. now. all of a sudden you're showing up saying that you're not running a frat house. you're right. you're running a house of horrors. >> appearing at a conference, mayor schaaf told us she sympathizes with the group's concerns but has no plans to resign. >> i share their passion about holding officers accountable, having a police department that every community feels trust in. >> it's kind of shocking. >> in the meantime, alameda county public defender, brendan woods is calling for eye review of -- including the 2014 murder of judy solomon. gans has been accused of disclosing confidential information to his alleged girlfriend who wrote his reports for him. >> we got to get to the bottom bo of this. find out what reports have been authored by him or her. either way, it brings in question his veracity and credibility as a police officer. >> he went further saying hundreds of cases investigated by all the officers involved in various scandals may have to be reviewed. in oakland, laura anthony, abc 7 news. now the police sex s

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