Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20160528 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20160528

>> announcer: live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is abc 7 news. now at 11:00, the desperate search for a missing 15-year-old girl shifts to the sonoma county coastline. crews are now combing rural wilderness for the high school student who has not been seen in more than two days. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz. she was abducted kicking and screaming on wednesday. police say she was taken in vallejo. today efforts to find her shifted 70 miles west to the coastal town of jenner. >> the latest on the developing story. >> reporter: investigators say a strong lead brought them here to the willow creek area just outside jenner, california. >> why here has been a big question. >> reporter: it's one investigators say they are not ready to answer. more than a dozen people spent the day searching four square miles for 15-year-old pearl pinson, with additional crews in the water and air. >> this is still very much a search and rescue effort and our number one priority is bringing pearl home safely to her family, and we do believe that is possible. >> reporter: pearl's family also believes she is alive. >> it's heartbreaking knowing that she's still not found. >> reporter: pearl was last seen wednesday morning near the foot bridge on her way to catch the bus to school. witnesses say 19-year-old fernando castro kidnapped her. police shot and killed him following a high-speed chase that ended in santa barbara county. >> we needle him. he was our main source. >> reporter: with castro gone investigators are combing through countless tips. they say the most promising ones are here. this road will stay closed overnight. search and rescue efforts will pick back up in the morning with additional efforts to search nearby waterways. in sonoma county melanie woodrow, abc 7 news. >> back in vallejo friends and supporters hung ribbons and left other tributes to pearl pinson this evening at the place where he had she was last seen alive. witnesses saw pinson calling for help on a pedestrian bridge above interstate 780 on wednesday morning. that bridge is near her home. we now know the identity of the novato high school student killed by two fellow students earlier this week, and we're now learning about a possible motive for the deadly stabbing and shooting. abc 7 news reporter sergio quintana is live in novato tonight with our developing story. sergio? >> reporter: ama, there were some students who were planning a candlelight vigil here at novato high school for sunday, but that vigil has since been canceled since authorities released the name of that victim. investigators released the name of the teen who was killed wednesday at this novato hiking trail. 17-year-old edwin jose ramirez guerra. another teen was critically wounded. two suspects were arrested during two separate s.w.a.t. raids yesterday. police say they hope to catch the third suspect very soon. >> we can't disclose who that person is. as we are continuing to try to paint a picture of exactly what took place and why. >> reporter: during an afternoon news conference there was a question whether this week's attack was related to a sexual assault case reported to novato police at this park last week. >> there are some common names. but whether there's any true nexus between that and the investigation we have right now we have not clearly defined that. >> reporter: at the apartment community where s.w.a.t. teams swooped in to arrest a 17-year-old suspect thursday, neighbors say he's a seemingly we well-behaved young man. she said "he's a good boy. he comes from a good family." both suspects in custody are facing murder charges. at novato high school students were invited to meet with grief counselors if needed. sergio quintana, abc 7 news. protesters and donald trump support yirz clashed in san diego tonight. outside the city's convention center this afternoon police in riot gear arrested at least a dozen people. more than 1,000 people were in the crowd. it started with a few small scuffles after trump's speech and erupted into larger fights, as you can see. one man pepper-sprayed another guy in the face. police stepped in and took people down to the ground and handcuffed them. 18 people needed medical attention. earlier in fresno trump's chp motorcade blew through a barricade where a much smaller group of protesters were gathered. police arrested two people for blocking a roadway after trump made his exit. during his speech there trump said he talked with farmers who said there is no doubt. >> no, we have plenty of water. i said what's wrong? well, we shove it out to sea. and i said why? and nobody even knows why. and the environmentalists don't know why. now they're trying to protect a certain kind of three-inch fish. >> trump is talking about the endangered delta smelt. democratic front-runner hillary clinton is heading to the east coast for fund-raisers after swinging through the bay area. this morning she met with oakland mayor libby schaap at the home of chicken and waffles. the mayor asked clinton for flexibility in spending millions of dollars in public housing and career training if she's elected. brothers and sisters, we can win here in california. >> democrat bernie sanders is confident he can win california's primary on june 7th and also win the democratic nomination. he held a rally today in san pedro outside los angeles. he criticized donald trump and corporate greed. the crowd was packed with union members. today's the sixth straight day campaigning in southern california. sanders will be in oakland for two events on monday. stay up to date in the race for the white house with the abc 7 news app. download the app for free and enable push alerts to get breaking election updates as they happen. new at 11:00, a family hopes that you can help find the driver who drove off after hitting a woman and hurting her dog so badly they had to be euthanized. ann palmer provided this picture of her family and their labradors sadie and chudly in happier times. palmer was also hurt wednesday morning. you can see what happened. what appears to be a ford pickup. and as you may notice, its camper shell is a different color, making it somewhat distinctive. if you've seen this truck, santa clara county sheriff's deputies certainly want to hear from you immediately. you're looking at a sinkhole that opened up along lakeview avenue in san francisco's oceanview district this evening. city crews will decide tomorrow if they'll patch the hole over the weekend or maybe wait until tuesday after the holiday. it's about four feet deep, and officials say it pose noz danger at this point. a school in san jose is taking steps to ensure nobody else gets sick after several students came down with a contagious stomach virus. abc news was at willow glen elementary this evening, and as you can see, a play structure is roped off. workers are cleaning the campus. the school has canceled all field trips for the time being, and a school bulletin urges parents to keep sick kids at home. san francisco mayor ed lee is honoring a hawaiian teenager who is recovering from a life-changing surgery before he returns home. abc 7 news was at san francisco city hall as hikeah ahuna received a certificate of honor and a warriors hat from mayor lee. the mayor also let him put on his warriors championship ring. not too bad, right? the 14-year-old has spent the last month recuperating at the palo alto ronald mcdonald house from surgery at stanford hospital to remove a brain tumor. >> bay area and san francisco has been -- the people here have been really amazing. and we're really appreciative of all the aloha that we've been receiving, and so thankful to the connection between san francisco and hawaii. >> the sf tech democrats rallied support for the family after abc 7 news reporter vic lee first reported the story back in late april. that's when thieves broke into the family's car at fisherman's wharf and stole several things including his medical records, believe it or not. people sent cards and the san francisco police officers association replaced a laptop and a camera. they will return home to hawaii tomorrow after a great send-off today. he's doing pretty well. still ahead on abc 7 news at 11:00, a plane crashed into the hudson river. the problem the pilot had just moments before going into the water. and the wife of an a-list hollywood celebrity goes to a california court to demand a restraining order. the allegations of violent abuse that she's making tonight. and the bay area's largest city is just days away from hosting its first ever stanley cup championship game. the preparations under way in san jose. i'm abc 7 news meteorologist sandy patel. >> first here's a look at what's coming up tonight on "jimmy kimmel live" right after abc 7 news at 11:00. jimmy. >> thanks, dan and ama. here's something from me to you. >> i am the ultimate washington outsider. i probably couldn't even find washington on a map. put a map up on the wall. let's see if i can find it. nope. i have no idea where it is. from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them. that's the excitement of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. what are you doing? 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[crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] >> announcer: san rafael, south bay, plaechtoeasanton, and all y area. this is abc 7 news. in developing news near new york city fleet week celebrations took a tragic turn when a world war ii vintage plane crashed into the hudson river. divers recovered a body believed to be the pilot from the cockpit of the p-47 thunderbolt. witnesses say the plane appeared to have trouble with its only engine. the military aviation museum is honoring the p-47's 75th anniversary this weekend. actor johnny depp has been ordered to stay away from his estranged wife amber heard. the actress filed the restraining order this morning in los angeles county superior court. she alleges that during a fight last weekend the actor hit her in the face with a cell phone, pulled her hair, struck her, and screamed at her. as evidence she submitted photos of herself with a bruised eye. heard said in court documents obtained by abc news that she feared depp would return to her home to terrorize her. well, you might use one to follow your fitness goals, but tonight jawbone says it is done making the up brand of trackers. jawbone struggled to sell three different versions of up. tech insider also reports jawbone has sold its remaining inventory at a discount to a reseller in order to get enough cash to keep the company going. it could develop other so-called wearables. jawbone owns a small share of the market dominated by fitbit and apple. the bay area's largest city is on the verge of a first. next week san jose will host its first ever stanley cup championship game at the s.a.p. center. >> yes, incredibly exciting. the success of the sharks is a real point of pride for san jose and for fans it's really long overdue. >> abc 7 news reporter katie mars yooulo is live at s.a.p. tonight. hey, katie. >> hi, ama, hi, dan. yep, pure joy emanates from this arena even when it's empty. it will be filled soon enough. game 3 of the stanley cup playoffs will be played here next saturday. so you'd better believe fans and businesses are getting geared up. >> it's home. san jose is home. they're bringing it. >> reporter: sharks fans don't mince words. >> this is the most amazing time in my life right now. >> reporter: it's an amazing time for all of san jose. >> great things come to those who wait. >> reporter: mayor sam ricardo says the sharks are a great source of pride and economic impact. an estimated $200 million a year. >> there's a lot of folks who benefit from the sharks' success, and we want to continue to have them playing games in downtown so, we love it when they get deeper and deeper in the playoffs. >> he's talking about hotels, taxi drivers, and of course establishments like britannia arms where the shots are teal and the owners are ready for stanley cup action. >> you wanted to try to get to my office down there you're going to have to climb over the kegs of beer. we're opening after the games. you'll be climbing over empty kegs of beer. >> reporter: manager shane murray might be the biggest fan in the place. >> it was a fantastic time for us. it's good for the bay area. and i don't care what anyone says, we are a hockey town. >> reporter: and ahead of this hockey town is already counting on the cup coming home to san jose. >> fortunately, they don't put me in charge of parade pranning. i just take full responsibility as mayor for their victories. >> reporter: confidence is high. santa clara supervisor dave cortesemate a bet with a counterpart in pittsburgh, the loser has to wear the other team jersey while delivering donations tots boys and girls club. in san jose katie marzullo, abc 7 news. >> the stanley cup finals begin on monday game 1 in pittsburgh starting at 5:00. abc 7 news reporter wayne freedman will be there and reporting live on abc 7 news. game 2 is wednesday with games 3 and 4 at the shark tank in san jose on june 4th and the 6th. >> let's not forget about our warriors. game 6 of the western conference finals is tomorrow in oklahoma city. our mike shumann is there. game 7 would be monday back in oakland. and a reminder, you can watch all the nba times games right here on abc 7. >> what a fun time to be a bay area sports fan. spacex lending one of its reusable rockets on an offshore platform today. >> it's the third time in three months that elon musk's company have made a successful landing at sea. spacex posted this video tonight. >> the unmanned falcon 9 rocket sent a thai communications satellite into orbit. the rocket then descended back to earth with a camera strapped right toyotas side to bring these great shots. you can see the engines make a controlled burn that slows the descent until the rocket lands on the platform. pretty much picture perfect. >> that was pretty cool. all right. our weekend not so cool temperaturewise. >> no. but nice nonetheless. and it's three days at least, sandhya. >> that's right. it is going to be absolutely beautiful this upcoming weekend. not cool. definitely on the hot side inland. you'll notice there are some high clouds passing through the north bay. they're harmless. no need to worry about those. temperatures right now look like this. it's still warm in many parts of the bay area. upper 60s to low 70s inland. we have 50s and 60s elsewhere. and here is a look at our sunset at 8:23 tonight. tower camera. you can see those high clouds were coming in, and it did add a little color to our sunset. as you take a look here or the next couple of days, you may be wanting to spend some time at the beach and with good reason. with the heat building very high uv index tomorrow, make sure you have your sunset. 75 degrees if you're heading to the beach in santa cruz. cooling sea breeze sunday. and then mild weather expected for your memorial day. temperatures about 72 degrees. sutro tower camera the visibility is good in san francisco and clear skies overnight tonight, warm to hot for your holiday weekend, but don't worry, it will remain comfortable at our beaches. first thing tomorrow morning, most areas will start out on the comfortable side with 50s, 60s. half moon bay down to 48 degrees and clear conditions for the start of your holiday weekend. watch what happens. walnut creek, you go from 55 tomorrow morning. 32 degree rise in temperature by 4:00 p.m. it's 87 degrees. your hour by-hour forecast will show you how quickly it is going to heat up inland. tomorrow afternoon 83 in the south bay. in san jose. 76 santa cruz. 85 morgan hill. gilroy. 81 in sunnyvale, milpitas. really a warm day on the peninsula. lower 80s for palo alto. 78 san mateo. half moon bay 75 degrees. if you're spending some time in daly city. 65. 73 degrees in downtown san francisco. napa, santa rosa, 80 san rafael. sausalito 74 degrees in the east bay it's going to be quite comfortable. 76 in oakland, 78 castro valley fremont. inland spots. 90 degrees any fafield, 89 livermore, 85 in san ramon. here's a look at the forecast for sunday. if you're not a big -- take a look at that in just a moment. sorry. -- i shouldn't forget about -- i think ama you'll be there, right? 10:00 a.m., 71 degrees. warm 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., upper 70s to low 80s. 63 by 10:00 p.m. now we take a look at the sunday forecast. if you're not a big fan of the heat, you get a little relief. sea breeze comes in and it cools a few degrees. don't feel it so much inland. memorial day. those temperatures are going to soar back up. we're looking at low to mid 90s inland. and the heat peaks for tuesday. near 100 inland. along the coastline. we'll keep you in the 60s and the 70s. here's your accuweather seven-day forecast. mid 60s to mid 90s saturday. temperatures come down a little on sunday but memorial day gets hot inland, mild at the coast and the summer heat continues tuesday before we drop you down into the low 90s inland. dan, ♪ you are looking at one of napa county's biggest parties. bottle rock kicked off today. the outdoor festival kicks off plenty of music, food sxfrks as you'd expect in napa, wine. and fans have plenty to rave about. >> we love napa. we come up here often. and we thought combining good food, good music, a great beautiful day. >> great music. good location. nice weather. ♪ >> today's headliners including stevie wonder and lenny kravitz. ziggy marley performs tomorrow. the red chot chili peppers will play when bottle rock wraps up on sunday. we've got hockey, basketball, baseball to talk about. >> a lot going on, larry. >> it's all good. the giants have been rolling. but matt cain hurt again tonight. and if the warriors are going to beat the thunder in okc, they need a fiery draymond. but not too hot now. not good evening. the warriors and the sharks, they've been dominating the sports headlines locally as of late. meanwhile, the giants quietly been sizzling winning 13 of their last 14. ten straight against nl west, trying to keep the good times rolling tonight in colorado. but trouble early on. matt cain on that pitch pulls his hamstring and would have to leave the game, maybe going to the disables list. top of the third cain's replacement albert suarez grounds up the middle. jared parker, they call it out at the plate, and then upon further review he was safe, slid nunder the tag. suarez would give up five hits in five innings of relief. unfortunately, they were all doubles. noted giant killer nolan arenado drives in charlie blackmon. suarez allows three runs. that was enough for colorado. giants start a ten-game road trip with a loss 5-2. a's and tigers. beautiful night for baseball in oakland. gorgeous sunset there. speaking of gorgeous, ian kinsler. what a catch by billy burns on that sinking line drive to center field. sean manaea loving it but the ace couldn't get anything going. michael fulmer had the handcuffs on them. one hit in seven innings. struck out danny valencia there. manaea pitched well but a mistake here. here it comes. there it goes. in the sixth nick castellanos in his tenth of the year as the a's would fall 4-1, and they have dropped 7 of their last 8. for the warriors to keep their season alive tomorrow in okc they need to bring even more energy and intensity than the thunder because you know the home crowd's going to be going nuts. and that's where draymond green comes in. he needs to be emotional but under control. it's like trying to bottle lightning. draymond has not been the same since the infamous kicking incident in game 3. out of sorts, a little lifeless at times in games 3 and 4. much better in game 5. however, did pick up his fifth technical foul in the third quarter last night. seven ts means an automatic one-game suspension. steve kerr knows harnessing draymond's emotion is like juggling vials of nitroglycerin. >> we'd be lost without draymond. i can tell you that. we need his edge. we need his fire. every once in a while he spills over the top. he knows that. but we'll take it. you know, he's got to be composed tomorrow night for sure. especially on the road. lebron and the cavs trying to wrap up the eastern conference title in toronto. all cavs all the time. kyrie irving with the steal. cavs by seven there. this is ferocious. baseline. with authority! get out the way! no drama in this game really. cavs cruise 113-87 heading to the finals for their second year in a row. and lebron going to his sixth straight finals. first player to do that since bill russell, casey jones and all those great boston celtics teams back in the '60s. abc 7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. everybody have a great holiday weekend. >> yeah. >> and we'll see you at bottle rock. >> you too, larry. thanks a lot. >> all right. and abc 7 news continues now online, on twitter, on facebook and on all your mobile devices with our abc 7 news app. >> our next sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. save $500 on the memorial day special edition mattress with 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"jimmy kimmel live"! tonight dax shepard, from fox sports, katie nolan, and music from macklemore and ryan lewis. and now, bear with us, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much. thanks for watching the show. thanks for coming.

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