Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20131124 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20131124

"do good, do good, do good, do good" "keep peddling, keep peddling, keep peddling..." life insurance from new york life can help your family keep good going. it opened up a new path. >> history made only the after a month of efforts. iran agrees to curb its nuclear activities. good evening. the nuclear agreement was reached between six world powers in the early morning hours in geneva. abc7 news reporter is live in the newsroom with the details. >> reporter: republican members of congress have already said this deal doesn't go far enough and it is just a distraction from obama care but the deal is historic because it came after weeks of secret meetings between diplomats from two countries that haven't talked to each other since the late 1970s. in geneva, switzerland, u.s. secretary of state john kerry shakes hands with the delegation of diplomats including the iranian foreign minister. this deal mark an important step in what has been a cold history with iran. >> for what? 34 years, iran and the united states have not been able to talk to each other. >> at the white house, president obama said this agreement marks a promised new path for curbing iran's nuclear ambitions. >> since i took office, i made clear my determination to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: in this six-month agreement, iran will limit its enrichment. they will dilute any weapons grade fuel they already have. they will also open their facilities to increase inspections. in return iran will see eased hispanics allow up to $4.6 billion in oil sales and $1.5 billion in sale of other goods and the international community will not impose any new sanctions for six months. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been the biggest critic of these negotiations saying tougher sanctions should continue. but secretary of state kerry said ignoring iran would incourage them on grow their nuclear program. we believe you would wind one an iran with bigger stockpiles, more advanced centrifuges. >> reporter: all sides in the negotiation say this is the first step in a long process and if iran does not comply, the country could see even stricter sanctions. abc7 news. tomorrow on this week, george stephanopoulos will talk with john kerry about the historic deal right here on abc 7. president obama returns to san francisco monday. the president will visit the recreation center in chinatown to push for immigration reform. he will also attend a fund-raiser at the jazz center thfls president's eighth visit to the bay area in the last two and a half years. stay with us for the complete coverage. you can get updates on twitter. two buildings are empty tonight in san francisco after a three-alarm fire in the presidio heights neighborhood. you can see the flames in the video from an abc 7 news viewer. the report is he live on the scene with the latest. >> reporter: this is where the fire started down this narrow alley between these two buildings. one reason why the fire may have moved so quickly is because it hit all of these utility lines. massive flames and huge plumes of smoke billowed out of the buildings in presidio heights. the sight was shocking. >> people were just shell shocked. they were so scared. so i was a little nervous. and it looked like it was traveling quickly. >> reporter: the fire moved so fast, the firefighters attacked it from all sides. including the roof, the frowned and even from inside. >> with the wood framed constructed buildings and the property lines up to one another, when the fire starts in two buildings, it gets into both. >> reporter: there's heavy damage. the fire devoured what was inside the offices and apartments on the upper floors of the building. >> i hosed my house down. i know with shingles, i was hosing it because i was worried about ashes. >> reporter: just about everyone on sacramento street was worried and scared. the owner of the italian bar first got his customers out. burning building and then got other business owners to evacuate. >> i ran in. like i didn't even put one thing to the safe. the knock on the door, go out, go out. >> reporter: the fire didn't spread. there were no injuries and the cause is under investigation. in san francisco, lisa amin gulezian. another fire in san francisco damage ad popular restaurant. it started at 9:00 this morning and damaged little henry's italian food. a floor heater appears to be the cause of a four-alarm fire that damage ad century old building in burlington. san francisco public works inspectors are trying to figure out why a building partially collapsed taking a scaffolding down with it. no one was hurt but several cars parked in front of the building were damaged. >> new at 11:00, police are investigating the shooting death of a man in san jose tonight. it happened at capital park not far from inl state 680. police say they found a man who appeared to be between 18 and 20 years old, lying on the ground with at least one gunshot wound. the man did not have an i.d. and police are trying to find out who he is. it is the city's 44th homicide this year. the naacp wants four students accused of bullying a black students to face felony charges. the four freshmen including joseph bomgardner are charged with misdemeanor, hate crime and battery. prosecutors say they used racial slurs against student, decorated rooms with nazi images, put a bike lock around his neck and blocked him inside his room. the naacp wants the charges raised to felony imprisonment. bomgardner said he only did it because of peer pressure. they said it was so bad they don't speak about what happened. >> as friends we try to surround him with friendship. people he can come to if he wants. but we just let him do his thing and we're there for him if he needs us. >> reporter: san jose state university officials will meet with the naacp monday to discuss racial tensions on campus. it is going to get cold. let's head right to the weather. >> we have clear skies. the northeast winds have calmed down. you take clear skies and calm winds and that will mean some radiational cooling. even colder toward the central valley area. the freeze warning is up until 8:00 tomorrow morning for much of the central valley. also, sacramento valley as well as parts of lake county. even those of you toward the delta area could possibly be affected by a little frost, a little freeze. we'll take a look at those overnight lows coming up. >> thank you. that fierce storm that moved through bay area last week is moving east. temperatures dropped into the 20s in new mexico, bringing icy roads that caused several accidents. new mexico isn't the only state being hit hard. abc news reporter chuck has the story. there are powerful storm system is on the march across the country. taking the snow all the way to the midwest. california got its first taste of heavy snowfall. the win blast also swept over arizona. we definitely need it. it is good. we've been so dry. it's horrible. >> reporter: for those outside, it is miserable. snow covered in icy roads have caused hundreds of accidents. some of them deadly. plows are on the move trying to stay ahead of the snowfall. heavy rains played a part of the crash of willie nelson's bus. the storm will move all the way to the northeast bringing with it snow, freezing temperatures and gusty winds just in time for the busy thanksgiving travel season when over 40 million motorists are expected to hit the road. abc news, new york. crews are cleaning up from the wind storm that swept through bay area this week. the storm uprooted dozens of trees around the east bay. city crews are using chippers and power saws to clean up the branches and limbs. a crane is being used to remove a cedar tree that fell against a house but caused little damage. >> i've been extremely fortunate. i have a whole bunch of antique glass right near where the tree fell and hit the house. and one plate fell off and broke and that was it. >> in lake merritt, this giant eucalyptus fell down. city crews say it is not a priority and they'll get to it when they can. >> high winds continue to be a problem for crews battling a fire in the north bay. not only flame but steep and rugged terrain that is himming the access near geyserville. one building has been destroyed but crews say 12 homes are still threatened. right now the fire is 25% contained. flame are no longer threatening several geothermal power play plants in the area. also officials are calling a 190 acre fire burning near napa 100% contained. new at 11:00, a benefit for typhoon haiyan victims was held in san francisco. the studio was the site of the musical performances and an auction. all proceeds will go for filipino concerns. total damage is estimated at $288 million. still to come on abc7 news at 11:00. the amazing story of how some football players took a stance to protect a 6-year-old boy. and later, a warning from police tonight who teens are targeting in a bizarre game on the street. plus, it is beginning to look a lot like christmas. how pretty, mickey mouse and friends lighting the christmas tree at pier 39 in san francisco. as you see there, abc 7's christian spencer was on has not to help out as were hundreds of parents and kids. and this year there's a twist. there are two days of holiday magic. a second tree lighting will be held tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. the festivities kick off at noon. abc 7 pier 39 and disney resort will bring you a special prenlation of the tree lighting celebration next sunday, december 1st, at 4:30. into the holiday shopping season. there will be no construction around san francisco's union square for the rest of the year. crews have paved, re-line and reopened the street. the two blocks have been closed since last july for construction of the new central subway union square station. consumers welcomed the moratorium. >> i think it is a great thing. we can walk freely and we're not even down. we are downtown. it is our own little sidewalk. >> work is still going on under stockton street. by monday it will be under union square marking a major milestone in that project. a group of elementary school boys in massachusetts are truly wise beyond their years. they banled together this week to show support for a classmate who was getting picked on. jack harper met up with the students. >> reporter: in the middle of it all, danny keith, bridge water first grader, water boy for the fifth grade football team. danny always wears a tie and jacket. he has some speech issues. a few other kids have been picking on him about that and yesterday his team dressed up to show they don't approve. >> we heard that he was getting picked on so we thought we would have a day to dress up like danny and we thought we would all come to school like danny. to show danny that we love him, that we love him very much. >> reporter: if you think this has all made him very happy? >> yes. >> reporter: why? >> because everybody is cheering him on. and everybody loves him. >> reporter: danny suffered a brain hemorrhage after he was born. years of speech therapy are helping and so did yesterday. when you came out of the hospital, it was the best day but this is a really great day. >> yeah. >> we don't want him to keep getting picked on so maybe if we do this, he will stop getting picked on. >> this was the right thing to do and he went and did it and 45 other kids stood by his side. >> it was very emotional yesterday. before he went to bed, he was crying. and i said what's the matter in and emhe said he felt very love. >> reporter: after this, he should sleep very well again only the thanks to his friends the badgers. >> danny's old broer plays for the badgers and their father is the assistant coach. mark keith said he is always impressed with the way the football players treat danny. let's get to leigh. >> it gets a little dicey tuesday into wednesday. here's a look at live doppler 7 hd. you can see a little low cloudiness, a touch of low fog developing near the coastline. otherwise we are clear and it looks like as we move live, the clear skies, the call winds as i mentioned will give way to radiational cooling which means the heat from the day will just radiate away. that will cause temperatures to bottom out at near freezing in some locations. live camera from our roof top cam. you can see the live shot. you can see the embarcadero at san francisco. it is getting chilly out. there san francisco, 54. it is already 48 in oakland. los gatos at 46 degrees. check out some temperature in the north bay. santa rosa, 40, napa already 36. 39 in novato and concord and east bay, 45 as is livermore. here's a look at our forecast. we will go, as we look live now toward the city from our cam. inland falls possible. it looks like a rainy outlook as we get into the thanksgiving holiday. low pressure off a cold front responsible for the brisk winds, continuing to kick on toward the east of the bay area. into the southwest and this is where we're looking for the chance of slowdowns into the dallas area. you could find some flight delays. sunny and mild tomorrow with you we'll push the forecast animation forward. this is wednesday. 5:00 in the morning, you can see we're clear here. the forecast mod sell backing off a little on some of this moisture biffle late in the day and overnight into early thursday morning, thanksgiving morning, this is 10:00 a.m. that's when this low will start to brush some rain our way. by 6:00 thanksgiving night, we'll look for more rain to continue across the bay area in through friday morning. and it looks like by friday afternoon, we should start to clear things out. overnight, it will be a cold one. look for frost in the protected valley areas. 40s elsewhere across the bay area. here's a look at our highs for sunday. it will still be a mile day with some mid 60s after a cold start for santa rosa. 62, san francisco, inland. 63 and 65 for san jose. the active weather seven day forecast, a dry start monday, tuesday. by wednesday, clouds thicken up leading to rain overnight, rain for thanksgiving. the model cosmetic change. we'll give you an update tomorrow pitch friday afternoon and saturday we'll dry things up. it will be a much colder week as we head toward the latter part of the workweek. >> she was here with sports and a local match-up. >> the 116th big game was not bad at all. thanks in part to a phenomenal game. a big game record. the bears had no answer. the lon to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at some mone deposit a check, transfer some money. so it's your uncle's turn. what? wait, wait, wait... no, no, no, wait, wait. 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[ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant the 116th big game was a big rout. with the victory they're back in the rose bowl. a career day. he's been toward bust out. 31 yards, 7-0, stanford. cal answers. breaks the single season record for passing yards. 15 yards. kevin hogan, more td passes the last three games. 21-7. he threw for a career high. 329 yards. finally we reach the second quarter. tosses to it montgomery and he does the rest. check that out. 72 yards, 28-10 cardinals. the big game record with the sixth touchdown of the game. 11 seconds. the corner of the end zone. he hangs on for the fourth straight year with a 63-13 victory. cal tends dreadful season 1-11. >> yoch much to say. it is what it is. wish it was better. it is on me. all i can say. >> all we talked about was the axe. we talked about the legacy of the big game and we talk about the guys that play in this game. you get memorialized to a certain degree. we talked about, you've had some internships, jobs here. and you want to say that you kept it. >> arizona put stanford back in the rose bowl picture with a win over oregon. to marcus mariota had not done anything until this first drive. that leads to a carry, 7-0 arizona. we go to the second quarter. he faked the run. throws to it terrance miller. the wildcats up 28-9. 48 carries. four tds. stanford clinches it. 42-16 victory it's a they close arizona state. >> a brief time-out before we hit the hard road. the warriors hosting portland and it got heated. andrew bogut throwing after missing two game with a concussion, both losses for golden state. the blazers coming down with nine straight wins. iguodala out after pulling a hamstring. oakland, damian lillard assists wesley matthews. clay knocks down three in the second. steph curry got hot in the third. 6-3 to open up the 9-point lead for the warriors right there. but then came the fireworks. andrew bogut gets locked one joe freeland. we have ourselves a little scrum. nobody ever seem to fight in the nba them get back to basketball. they took golden state 42-18. lamarcus aldridge. the warriors have lost three straight. the sharks hosting the devils. drilled from the point. top shelf on future hall of famer. 1-0 san jose. martin havlat, no look past. tyler kennel, 2-0 sharks. san jose will hold on to a 2-1 victory. three win away from .900. cardinal on the break. thompson saves the ball but to texas, they throw it into the arms. he lays it in to give stanford the lead. second half. the passing lane goes coast to coast. she had 18. thompson has seven. 2 for 3 from down. that gives the cardinals a 52-44 lead. vanderveer is two away from the coaching milestone of 900 victories. a lot more from the big game coming up later in the newscast. it's a game that nobody finds funny. the warning police are issuing only the across the u.s. plus the unlikely hero in an attempted carjacking. wait until you hear how the suspect was stopped. and with holiday magic in both parks, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier. iran has agreed to curb its program in exchange for sanctions. a family was displaced in several businesses damaged in a three alarm fire in san francisco. it happened on sacramento street near locust. there were no injuries and the cause is under investigation. a fire in sonoma county north of geyserville is 25% contained. more than 1,800 firefighters are battling the flames in steep and rugged terrain. this week's wind storm left what seem to be a ton of debris around the east bay. today city crews were out cleaning the fallen trees and branches. a huge uk limit us tree will remain on its side until the city figures out how to remove it. police across the country are warning people about a dangerous trend. grooms of young men randomly attacked people in what is being called the game of knockout. the attackers literally try to knock out their unsuspecting victims. >> reporter: it's being called the game of knockout. but there is no fun in this game for its unsuspecting victims. groups of primarily young men have been seen attacking people randomly and knocking they will to the ground with one blow. >> that's crazy. that's crazy. that's what people do in their spare time. not a hobby. just knock somebody out. >> reporter: the attacks have taken place in different cities with different victims. last year in pittsburgh a 50-year-old english teacher was struck and knocked down to the curb. a 15-year-old was arrested for that attack. and several attacks have taken place in new york city. the latest, a 78-year-old woman who was punched in the head. police made an arrest in that case after flooding the area with additional patrols. new york activists, revv reynold al sharpton spoke out against the attack. >> this is insane. there is nothing cute about that. there is no game play about that. knocking somebody out is not a game. >> reporter: at least two deaths have been linked to the attacks. one psychologist said the attackers may be doing this to impress their friends, then bragging online about their violent deeds because of the public the attacks are getting. but in a new york city neighborhood, near where an attack occurred, this woman described the assailants differently. >> i think they're cowards. >> reporter: abc news, new york. a young boy in north is being called a hero after scared off his own carjacker. it was tuesday when a woman ran into a walgreens left the child in the car. >> when she came back out, before she got there she could their juvenile screaming for her. >> reporter: this is video you see of the suspect running past the door. you're seeing it a few time. you see the boy come into the store wondering where everybody is. by the time everybody got outside, the suspect was long gone. police are hoping the finger print evidence will lead they will to the suspect. new fallout after images were found to be used to lure soldiers. it was written, in general ugly women are perceived as compensate while pretty women are perceived as having used their looks to get away. she has agreed to step away. a second colonel was also suspended. tonight several locations including california are offering to take the job of building boeing's new 777 x airplane, being picked to build it. they initially offered the job to washington state but wanted concessions from a machinists union which turned down the contract. some changes will be coming to the post office next year. the cost of the stamp is going up again. the one cent hike will kick in on january 26th, making a single first class stamp 47 cents. it is the second year in a row the price of a first class mail stamp has gone up. many traffic sensors buried under california freeways will be broken and it will be costly to fix them. more than a third of the 27,000 loop sensors aren't working. caltrans officials say they wore out or were damaged in road construction or broken by copper wire thieves. "catching fire" isn't just the name of the new hunger game movie, it is also a description of the number. it made more than $70 million on just thursday and friday. international ticket sale topped $64 million. combined that's a few million more than it took to make the movie. and they expect to it top $170 million for the entire weekend. in london, the line -- are not you a little short for a storm trooper, may have been said a few times. that's because kafgt began for the new star wars movie. a female age 17 or 18 and the man, 19 or 20. they wonderful say for what roles. star wars episode 7 will begin shooting next year and will be released in 2015. star wars is owned by our parent company, disney. just ahead, an abc news follow-up. an amazing donation. some bay area teachers head back to school. how the exploratorium is helping change the system. and a big travel week ahead. a winter storm brewing in the southwest could slow the nation down a bit. we'll take a look a ♪ [ male announcer ] more room in economy plus. more comfort, more of what you need. ♪ that's... built around you friendly. ♪ we are days away from thanksgiving and food banks say they don't have enough turkeys. second harvest food bank has 7,000 turkeys but needs at least 12,000. sacred heart community service help for several hundred more turkies as well. we have put the link in if you want to help. to go abc7 and look for see it on tv. st. anthonys in san francisco hopes to check 1,000 turkeys before thanksgiving. they kicked off the annual food drive. they expect the record number of diners this year. the curbside service will accept turkeys and canned goods through thursday. we have a follow-up on the power of social media. a san jose man need surgery to save his eyesight. cheryl jennings shows us how it all came together. >> reporter: it has been a stressful, emotional today but so rewarding for william fleming who underwent surgery to save his sight thanks to someone who donated $18,000 because of a social media request. >> can you see me now? >> reporter: william wanted los angeles eye surgeon brian to perform the surgery for a degenerative eye disease. because dr. brian invented a machine and a procedure just for this disease. he has a ten-year track record of successful william's fiance watched nervously nearby during procedures. she did all the research and found dr. brian and william is so glad she did. >> it feels great. i can see everything. i looked around. i saw the doctor that did my surgery. >> reporter: they live in san jose with their five children. william was worried about not being able to watch his kids grow up and provide for them. he is a caregiver for his fiance's disabled brother who has cerebral palsy. he tried fundraising but did not have much successful then his fiance's mother message immediate on facebook asking for help. i single out a tweet and didn't expect anything. that's when a miracle happened. >> i came to know william because of cheryl at abc in san francisco. and she had put out an alert. an anonymous donor contacted us. was very moved by his story and wanted to step in but be anonymous because they're high profile. >> so everything is brand new. i can see you. i can see her. i can see the paintings on the wall. everything is really lovely and i'm really excited, really happy. >> now william will be able to live his life the way it was meant to be lived. >> i thank him from the bottom of my heart. >> reporter: abc7 news. >> we never could get name of that anonymous donor. obviously they wanted to be anonymous but we want to thank them for stepping up them not only saved his eyesight but saved the family's future. teachers are being encouraged to use more engineering in their classrooms. it is called stem teaching. it incorporates engineering into other subjects. today at the exploratorium, bay area teacher got some hands-on training. activities included a look at bugs, how to design a planter to maximize sunlight in tight spaces. >> engineering has been identified as an important skill that all students will be expected to learn. and the difficulty is that virtually no teacher has had experience teaching to engineering. >> reporter: today's event is the first in a series of stem conferences nationwide. ski season in tahoe is officially here. they opened with limited operations. heavenly was supposed to open but strong winds delayed the plan. kirkwood will make artificial snow to mix with snowfall. for a look on all of our weather conditions. >> they may have had some snow there yesterday, it is all dry there this evening. live doppler 7 hd shows you a little light fog. some of that may venl you are in. let's turn our attention to the storm system. the one that brought us all that wind. it is kicked in toward portions of albuquerque, new mexico, you can see that it is creating a lot of wind, a lot of rain and a lot of snow in the pink area here. it is freezing rain. that is headed toward the dallas area by tomorrow afternoon in through the day on monday. it should change to snow. if you have travel plans, this will be an area that could cause some slow downs. especially into monday morning. maybe some flight delays. st. louis, 33. all of this will shift east by tuesday night and wednesday. so more travel woes there. for our state tomorrow, 68 for los angeles. mild, 62 for monlt ray. 54 for sacramento. lots of sunshine. my accu-weather seven-day forecast, enjoy monday and tuesday. sunshine. and then it does look like rain will return to the bay area wednesday night and on thanksgiving day. >> i may not get in that thanksgiving walk after dinner. thank you so much. sports and local college football. >> stanford is back. arizona knocked off oregon. the cardinals and arizona state will face off in the pac-12 title game november 7th. the 116th big game was a big bust. stanford wins the fourth straight over with the cardinals victory, they're back in the rose bowl picture. they never lost to cal. todd montgomery, a career day. goes 31 yards. stanford up 7-0, just like that. 3,500, 16 yards. he ties it at 7-7. he left with a shoulder injury. kevin hogan, no passes today. finds montgomery again for his third touchdown. 329 yards. that's a career high. finally we reach the second. hogan and montgomery, 28-10, cardinals. he then had his fifth touchdown. 11 secretaries before the half. stanford hangs on for the fourth straight year. cal ends the dreadful season, 1-11. >> it feels good. it is really important. i love stanford and it means a lot to be part of the team. i couldn't believe it. i wanted to stay focus asked they asked me. >> we know it needs to be fixed. we're going to do it. we're going to fix it and be ready for next year. that's all we can do. there's a lot of it is not even football stuff. just stuff that, mentality wise, we need to fix. some of the people on the team. >> got some fixing to do. arizona put stanford back in the rose bowl picture. ducks, marcus mar yet onna. gets the assist. scooby comes one the pick. a touchdown, 7-0, air air. second quarter, b.j. denker takes run. wildcats up 28-9 at the half. a monster day. 48 catch. four tds. thanks to arizona's airs it out to calvin benjamin. 32 yards. 225 yards, four tds. florida state up in the first. taylor davis picked off by calvin smith. going 79 yards the other way. fsu has two pick sixes. that's a school record. 80-14. number three, ohio state hosting ingd. a big 10 match-up. first quarter. bounces off tackle. 16 yards. 7-0. next possession. the read option. goes up untouched. 37 yards for the touchdown. second quarter, miller. the may of the game. wild cat formation. takes the pitch. gets upended. pogo sticks into the touchdown. what a play. he ran for 144 yards, four tds. osu, the 23rd straight victory. >> steph curry returns after missing two games with a concussion. andre iguodala is out after pulling a hamstring. portland started strong. damian lillard assists wesley matthews. klay thompson has 30. he fouls out later in the half. 6-3 to open it up. the 9-point lead for the warriors. good to have him back. then came the fireworks. mo williams takes a shot at bogut. a little nba scrum. that means nobody gets hurt or throws the punch. they get back to basketball. portland took over. 42-18. lamarcus aldridge. the blazers win it 113-101. the warriors have lost three straight. from the point. top shelf, future him aer. still in the first. tyler ken, one timer. the third of the year. this is the abc 7 sports report. i'm on my way to maryland for the game between the redskins and the 49ers. i'll be returning there. >> thank you. thank you for joining us. thank you for being here. abc7 news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. don't forget, you can download our different apps for free. it is now online, on twitter and all your mobile devices. thank you for joining us. be sure to check back in the morning. to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway is just what they crave. a hero of the table, "so delicious" they'll rave. fresh, natural, frozen. it's the best selection around. spend $30 and a frozen safeway turkey is just 59 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. welcome back, dr. king. thank you. (staff speaking indistinctly) aah! aah! aah!

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Burlington , California , United States , Central Valley , New York , Turkey , New Mexico , Washington , District Of Columbia , Sacramento Valley , San Francisco , Arizona , Massachusetts , Sacramento , Lake Merritt , Switzerland , Stanford , Philippines , Lake County , Portland , Oregon , Iran , Texas , Oakland , Florida , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Los Gatos , San Jose State University , Albuquerque , Israel , Be Ton , Palawan , Sonoma County , Geneva , Genè , Maryland , Italian Bar , Ohio , Dallas , Filipino , Iranian , Israeli , Jack Harper , Marcus Mar , Christian Spencer , Taylor Davis , Cheryl Jennings , Wesley Matthews , Lisa Amin , Tyler Ken , Calvin Smith , Todd Montgomery , Los Angeles , Klay Thompson , Willie Nelson , Kevin Hogan , Terrance Miller , John Kerry , Mo Williams , Benjamin Netanyahu , Reynold Al Sharpton , George Stephanopoulos , Calvin Benjamin , Damian Lillard , Joe Freeland , William Fleming ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20131124

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"do good, do good, do good, do good" "keep peddling, keep peddling, keep peddling..." life insurance from new york life can help your family keep good going. it opened up a new path. >> history made only the after a month of efforts. iran agrees to curb its nuclear activities. good evening. the nuclear agreement was reached between six world powers in the early morning hours in geneva. abc7 news reporter is live in the newsroom with the details. >> reporter: republican members of congress have already said this deal doesn't go far enough and it is just a distraction from obama care but the deal is historic because it came after weeks of secret meetings between diplomats from two countries that haven't talked to each other since the late 1970s. in geneva, switzerland, u.s. secretary of state john kerry shakes hands with the delegation of diplomats including the iranian foreign minister. this deal mark an important step in what has been a cold history with iran. >> for what? 34 years, iran and the united states have not been able to talk to each other. >> at the white house, president obama said this agreement marks a promised new path for curbing iran's nuclear ambitions. >> since i took office, i made clear my determination to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: in this six-month agreement, iran will limit its enrichment. they will dilute any weapons grade fuel they already have. they will also open their facilities to increase inspections. in return iran will see eased hispanics allow up to $4.6 billion in oil sales and $1.5 billion in sale of other goods and the international community will not impose any new sanctions for six months. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been the biggest critic of these negotiations saying tougher sanctions should continue. but secretary of state kerry said ignoring iran would incourage them on grow their nuclear program. we believe you would wind one an iran with bigger stockpiles, more advanced centrifuges. >> reporter: all sides in the negotiation say this is the first step in a long process and if iran does not comply, the country could see even stricter sanctions. abc7 news. tomorrow on this week, george stephanopoulos will talk with john kerry about the historic deal right here on abc 7. president obama returns to san francisco monday. the president will visit the recreation center in chinatown to push for immigration reform. he will also attend a fund-raiser at the jazz center thfls president's eighth visit to the bay area in the last two and a half years. stay with us for the complete coverage. you can get updates on twitter. two buildings are empty tonight in san francisco after a three-alarm fire in the presidio heights neighborhood. you can see the flames in the video from an abc 7 news viewer. the report is he live on the scene with the latest. >> reporter: this is where the fire started down this narrow alley between these two buildings. one reason why the fire may have moved so quickly is because it hit all of these utility lines. massive flames and huge plumes of smoke billowed out of the buildings in presidio heights. the sight was shocking. >> people were just shell shocked. they were so scared. so i was a little nervous. and it looked like it was traveling quickly. >> reporter: the fire moved so fast, the firefighters attacked it from all sides. including the roof, the frowned and even from inside. >> with the wood framed constructed buildings and the property lines up to one another, when the fire starts in two buildings, it gets into both. >> reporter: there's heavy damage. the fire devoured what was inside the offices and apartments on the upper floors of the building. >> i hosed my house down. i know with shingles, i was hosing it because i was worried about ashes. >> reporter: just about everyone on sacramento street was worried and scared. the owner of the italian bar first got his customers out. burning building and then got other business owners to evacuate. >> i ran in. like i didn't even put one thing to the safe. the knock on the door, go out, go out. >> reporter: the fire didn't spread. there were no injuries and the cause is under investigation. in san francisco, lisa amin gulezian. another fire in san francisco damage ad popular restaurant. it started at 9:00 this morning and damaged little henry's italian food. a floor heater appears to be the cause of a four-alarm fire that damage ad century old building in burlington. san francisco public works inspectors are trying to figure out why a building partially collapsed taking a scaffolding down with it. no one was hurt but several cars parked in front of the building were damaged. >> new at 11:00, police are investigating the shooting death of a man in san jose tonight. it happened at capital park not far from inl state 680. police say they found a man who appeared to be between 18 and 20 years old, lying on the ground with at least one gunshot wound. the man did not have an i.d. and police are trying to find out who he is. it is the city's 44th homicide this year. the naacp wants four students accused of bullying a black students to face felony charges. the four freshmen including joseph bomgardner are charged with misdemeanor, hate crime and battery. prosecutors say they used racial slurs against student, decorated rooms with nazi images, put a bike lock around his neck and blocked him inside his room. the naacp wants the charges raised to felony imprisonment. bomgardner said he only did it because of peer pressure. they said it was so bad they don't speak about what happened. >> as friends we try to surround him with friendship. people he can come to if he wants. but we just let him do his thing and we're there for him if he needs us. >> reporter: san jose state university officials will meet with the naacp monday to discuss racial tensions on campus. it is going to get cold. let's head right to the weather. >> we have clear skies. the northeast winds have calmed down. you take clear skies and calm winds and that will mean some radiational cooling. even colder toward the central valley area. the freeze warning is up until 8:00 tomorrow morning for much of the central valley. also, sacramento valley as well as parts of lake county. even those of you toward the delta area could possibly be affected by a little frost, a little freeze. we'll take a look at those overnight lows coming up. >> thank you. that fierce storm that moved through bay area last week is moving east. temperatures dropped into the 20s in new mexico, bringing icy roads that caused several accidents. new mexico isn't the only state being hit hard. abc news reporter chuck has the story. there are powerful storm system is on the march across the country. taking the snow all the way to the midwest. california got its first taste of heavy snowfall. the win blast also swept over arizona. we definitely need it. it is good. we've been so dry. it's horrible. >> reporter: for those outside, it is miserable. snow covered in icy roads have caused hundreds of accidents. some of them deadly. plows are on the move trying to stay ahead of the snowfall. heavy rains played a part of the crash of willie nelson's bus. the storm will move all the way to the northeast bringing with it snow, freezing temperatures and gusty winds just in time for the busy thanksgiving travel season when over 40 million motorists are expected to hit the road. abc news, new york. crews are cleaning up from the wind storm that swept through bay area this week. the storm uprooted dozens of trees around the east bay. city crews are using chippers and power saws to clean up the branches and limbs. a crane is being used to remove a cedar tree that fell against a house but caused little damage. >> i've been extremely fortunate. i have a whole bunch of antique glass right near where the tree fell and hit the house. and one plate fell off and broke and that was it. >> in lake merritt, this giant eucalyptus fell down. city crews say it is not a priority and they'll get to it when they can. >> high winds continue to be a problem for crews battling a fire in the north bay. not only flame but steep and rugged terrain that is himming the access near geyserville. one building has been destroyed but crews say 12 homes are still threatened. right now the fire is 25% contained. flame are no longer threatening several geothermal power play plants in the area. also officials are calling a 190 acre fire burning near napa 100% contained. new at 11:00, a benefit for typhoon haiyan victims was held in san francisco. the studio was the site of the musical performances and an auction. all proceeds will go for filipino concerns. total damage is estimated at $288 million. still to come on abc7 news at 11:00. the amazing story of how some football players took a stance to protect a 6-year-old boy. and later, a warning from police tonight who teens are targeting in a bizarre game on the street. plus, it is beginning to look a lot like christmas. how pretty, mickey mouse and friends lighting the christmas tree at pier 39 in san francisco. as you see there, abc 7's christian spencer was on has not to help out as were hundreds of parents and kids. and this year there's a twist. there are two days of holiday magic. a second tree lighting will be held tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. the festivities kick off at noon. abc 7 pier 39 and disney resort will bring you a special prenlation of the tree lighting celebration next sunday, december 1st, at 4:30. into the holiday shopping season. there will be no construction around san francisco's union square for the rest of the year. crews have paved, re-line and reopened the street. the two blocks have been closed since last july for construction of the new central subway union square station. consumers welcomed the moratorium. >> i think it is a great thing. we can walk freely and we're not even down. we are downtown. it is our own little sidewalk. >> work is still going on under stockton street. by monday it will be under union square marking a major milestone in that project. a group of elementary school boys in massachusetts are truly wise beyond their years. they banled together this week to show support for a classmate who was getting picked on. jack harper met up with the students. >> reporter: in the middle of it all, danny keith, bridge water first grader, water boy for the fifth grade football team. danny always wears a tie and jacket. he has some speech issues. a few other kids have been picking on him about that and yesterday his team dressed up to show they don't approve. >> we heard that he was getting picked on so we thought we would have a day to dress up like danny and we thought we would all come to school like danny. to show danny that we love him, that we love him very much. >> reporter: if you think this has all made him very happy? >> yes. >> reporter: why? >> because everybody is cheering him on. and everybody loves him. >> reporter: danny suffered a brain hemorrhage after he was born. years of speech therapy are helping and so did yesterday. when you came out of the hospital, it was the best day but this is a really great day. >> yeah. >> we don't want him to keep getting picked on so maybe if we do this, he will stop getting picked on. >> this was the right thing to do and he went and did it and 45 other kids stood by his side. >> it was very emotional yesterday. before he went to bed, he was crying. and i said what's the matter in and emhe said he felt very love. >> reporter: after this, he should sleep very well again only the thanks to his friends the badgers. >> danny's old broer plays for the badgers and their father is the assistant coach. mark keith said he is always impressed with the way the football players treat danny. let's get to leigh. >> it gets a little dicey tuesday into wednesday. here's a look at live doppler 7 hd. you can see a little low cloudiness, a touch of low fog developing near the coastline. otherwise we are clear and it looks like as we move live, the clear skies, the call winds as i mentioned will give way to radiational cooling which means the heat from the day will just radiate away. that will cause temperatures to bottom out at near freezing in some locations. live camera from our roof top cam. you can see the live shot. you can see the embarcadero at san francisco. it is getting chilly out. there san francisco, 54. it is already 48 in oakland. los gatos at 46 degrees. check out some temperature in the north bay. santa rosa, 40, napa already 36. 39 in novato and concord and east bay, 45 as is livermore. here's a look at our forecast. we will go, as we look live now toward the city from our cam. inland falls possible. it looks like a rainy outlook as we get into the thanksgiving holiday. low pressure off a cold front responsible for the brisk winds, continuing to kick on toward the east of the bay area. into the southwest and this is where we're looking for the chance of slowdowns into the dallas area. you could find some flight delays. sunny and mild tomorrow with you we'll push the forecast animation forward. this is wednesday. 5:00 in the morning, you can see we're clear here. the forecast mod sell backing off a little on some of this moisture biffle late in the day and overnight into early thursday morning, thanksgiving morning, this is 10:00 a.m. that's when this low will start to brush some rain our way. by 6:00 thanksgiving night, we'll look for more rain to continue across the bay area in through friday morning. and it looks like by friday afternoon, we should start to clear things out. overnight, it will be a cold one. look for frost in the protected valley areas. 40s elsewhere across the bay area. here's a look at our highs for sunday. it will still be a mile day with some mid 60s after a cold start for santa rosa. 62, san francisco, inland. 63 and 65 for san jose. the active weather seven day forecast, a dry start monday, tuesday. by wednesday, clouds thicken up leading to rain overnight, rain for thanksgiving. the model cosmetic change. we'll give you an update tomorrow pitch friday afternoon and saturday we'll dry things up. it will be a much colder week as we head toward the latter part of the workweek. >> she was here with sports and a local match-up. >> the 116th big game was not bad at all. thanks in part to a phenomenal game. a big game record. the bears had no answer. the lon to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at some mone deposit a check, transfer some money. so it's your uncle's turn. what? wait, wait, wait... no, no, no, wait, wait. 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[ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant the 116th big game was a big rout. with the victory they're back in the rose bowl. a career day. he's been toward bust out. 31 yards, 7-0, stanford. cal answers. breaks the single season record for passing yards. 15 yards. kevin hogan, more td passes the last three games. 21-7. he threw for a career high. 329 yards. finally we reach the second quarter. tosses to it montgomery and he does the rest. check that out. 72 yards, 28-10 cardinals. the big game record with the sixth touchdown of the game. 11 seconds. the corner of the end zone. he hangs on for the fourth straight year with a 63-13 victory. cal tends dreadful season 1-11. >> yoch much to say. it is what it is. wish it was better. it is on me. all i can say. >> all we talked about was the axe. we talked about the legacy of the big game and we talk about the guys that play in this game. you get memorialized to a certain degree. we talked about, you've had some internships, jobs here. and you want to say that you kept it. >> arizona put stanford back in the rose bowl picture with a win over oregon. to marcus mariota had not done anything until this first drive. that leads to a carry, 7-0 arizona. we go to the second quarter. he faked the run. throws to it terrance miller. the wildcats up 28-9. 48 carries. four tds. stanford clinches it. 42-16 victory it's a they close arizona state. >> a brief time-out before we hit the hard road. the warriors hosting portland and it got heated. andrew bogut throwing after missing two game with a concussion, both losses for golden state. the blazers coming down with nine straight wins. iguodala out after pulling a hamstring. oakland, damian lillard assists wesley matthews. clay knocks down three in the second. steph curry got hot in the third. 6-3 to open up the 9-point lead for the warriors right there. but then came the fireworks. andrew bogut gets locked one joe freeland. we have ourselves a little scrum. nobody ever seem to fight in the nba them get back to basketball. they took golden state 42-18. lamarcus aldridge. the warriors have lost three straight. the sharks hosting the devils. drilled from the point. top shelf on future hall of famer. 1-0 san jose. martin havlat, no look past. tyler kennel, 2-0 sharks. san jose will hold on to a 2-1 victory. three win away from .900. cardinal on the break. thompson saves the ball but to texas, they throw it into the arms. he lays it in to give stanford the lead. second half. the passing lane goes coast to coast. she had 18. thompson has seven. 2 for 3 from down. that gives the cardinals a 52-44 lead. vanderveer is two away from the coaching milestone of 900 victories. a lot more from the big game coming up later in the newscast. it's a game that nobody finds funny. the warning police are issuing only the across the u.s. plus the unlikely hero in an attempted carjacking. wait until you hear how the suspect was stopped. and with holiday magic in both parks, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier. iran has agreed to curb its program in exchange for sanctions. a family was displaced in several businesses damaged in a three alarm fire in san francisco. it happened on sacramento street near locust. there were no injuries and the cause is under investigation. a fire in sonoma county north of geyserville is 25% contained. more than 1,800 firefighters are battling the flames in steep and rugged terrain. this week's wind storm left what seem to be a ton of debris around the east bay. today city crews were out cleaning the fallen trees and branches. a huge uk limit us tree will remain on its side until the city figures out how to remove it. police across the country are warning people about a dangerous trend. grooms of young men randomly attacked people in what is being called the game of knockout. the attackers literally try to knock out their unsuspecting victims. >> reporter: it's being called the game of knockout. but there is no fun in this game for its unsuspecting victims. groups of primarily young men have been seen attacking people randomly and knocking they will to the ground with one blow. >> that's crazy. that's crazy. that's what people do in their spare time. not a hobby. just knock somebody out. >> reporter: the attacks have taken place in different cities with different victims. last year in pittsburgh a 50-year-old english teacher was struck and knocked down to the curb. a 15-year-old was arrested for that attack. and several attacks have taken place in new york city. the latest, a 78-year-old woman who was punched in the head. police made an arrest in that case after flooding the area with additional patrols. new york activists, revv reynold al sharpton spoke out against the attack. >> this is insane. there is nothing cute about that. there is no game play about that. knocking somebody out is not a game. >> reporter: at least two deaths have been linked to the attacks. one psychologist said the attackers may be doing this to impress their friends, then bragging online about their violent deeds because of the public the attacks are getting. but in a new york city neighborhood, near where an attack occurred, this woman described the assailants differently. >> i think they're cowards. >> reporter: abc news, new york. a young boy in north is being called a hero after scared off his own carjacker. it was tuesday when a woman ran into a walgreens left the child in the car. >> when she came back out, before she got there she could their juvenile screaming for her. >> reporter: this is video you see of the suspect running past the door. you're seeing it a few time. you see the boy come into the store wondering where everybody is. by the time everybody got outside, the suspect was long gone. police are hoping the finger print evidence will lead they will to the suspect. new fallout after images were found to be used to lure soldiers. it was written, in general ugly women are perceived as compensate while pretty women are perceived as having used their looks to get away. she has agreed to step away. a second colonel was also suspended. tonight several locations including california are offering to take the job of building boeing's new 777 x airplane, being picked to build it. they initially offered the job to washington state but wanted concessions from a machinists union which turned down the contract. some changes will be coming to the post office next year. the cost of the stamp is going up again. the one cent hike will kick in on january 26th, making a single first class stamp 47 cents. it is the second year in a row the price of a first class mail stamp has gone up. many traffic sensors buried under california freeways will be broken and it will be costly to fix them. more than a third of the 27,000 loop sensors aren't working. caltrans officials say they wore out or were damaged in road construction or broken by copper wire thieves. "catching fire" isn't just the name of the new hunger game movie, it is also a description of the number. it made more than $70 million on just thursday and friday. international ticket sale topped $64 million. combined that's a few million more than it took to make the movie. and they expect to it top $170 million for the entire weekend. in london, the line -- are not you a little short for a storm trooper, may have been said a few times. that's because kafgt began for the new star wars movie. a female age 17 or 18 and the man, 19 or 20. they wonderful say for what roles. star wars episode 7 will begin shooting next year and will be released in 2015. star wars is owned by our parent company, disney. just ahead, an abc news follow-up. an amazing donation. some bay area teachers head back to school. how the exploratorium is helping change the system. and a big travel week ahead. a winter storm brewing in the southwest could slow the nation down a bit. we'll take a look a ♪ [ male announcer ] more room in economy plus. more comfort, more of what you need. ♪ that's... built around you friendly. ♪ we are days away from thanksgiving and food banks say they don't have enough turkeys. second harvest food bank has 7,000 turkeys but needs at least 12,000. sacred heart community service help for several hundred more turkies as well. we have put the link in if you want to help. to go abc7 and look for see it on tv. st. anthonys in san francisco hopes to check 1,000 turkeys before thanksgiving. they kicked off the annual food drive. they expect the record number of diners this year. the curbside service will accept turkeys and canned goods through thursday. we have a follow-up on the power of social media. a san jose man need surgery to save his eyesight. cheryl jennings shows us how it all came together. >> reporter: it has been a stressful, emotional today but so rewarding for william fleming who underwent surgery to save his sight thanks to someone who donated $18,000 because of a social media request. >> can you see me now? >> reporter: william wanted los angeles eye surgeon brian to perform the surgery for a degenerative eye disease. because dr. brian invented a machine and a procedure just for this disease. he has a ten-year track record of successful william's fiance watched nervously nearby during procedures. she did all the research and found dr. brian and william is so glad she did. >> it feels great. i can see everything. i looked around. i saw the doctor that did my surgery. >> reporter: they live in san jose with their five children. william was worried about not being able to watch his kids grow up and provide for them. he is a caregiver for his fiance's disabled brother who has cerebral palsy. he tried fundraising but did not have much successful then his fiance's mother message immediate on facebook asking for help. i single out a tweet and didn't expect anything. that's when a miracle happened. >> i came to know william because of cheryl at abc in san francisco. and she had put out an alert. an anonymous donor contacted us. was very moved by his story and wanted to step in but be anonymous because they're high profile. >> so everything is brand new. i can see you. i can see her. i can see the paintings on the wall. everything is really lovely and i'm really excited, really happy. >> now william will be able to live his life the way it was meant to be lived. >> i thank him from the bottom of my heart. >> reporter: abc7 news. >> we never could get name of that anonymous donor. obviously they wanted to be anonymous but we want to thank them for stepping up them not only saved his eyesight but saved the family's future. teachers are being encouraged to use more engineering in their classrooms. it is called stem teaching. it incorporates engineering into other subjects. today at the exploratorium, bay area teacher got some hands-on training. activities included a look at bugs, how to design a planter to maximize sunlight in tight spaces. >> engineering has been identified as an important skill that all students will be expected to learn. and the difficulty is that virtually no teacher has had experience teaching to engineering. >> reporter: today's event is the first in a series of stem conferences nationwide. ski season in tahoe is officially here. they opened with limited operations. heavenly was supposed to open but strong winds delayed the plan. kirkwood will make artificial snow to mix with snowfall. for a look on all of our weather conditions. >> they may have had some snow there yesterday, it is all dry there this evening. live doppler 7 hd shows you a little light fog. some of that may venl you are in. let's turn our attention to the storm system. the one that brought us all that wind. it is kicked in toward portions of albuquerque, new mexico, you can see that it is creating a lot of wind, a lot of rain and a lot of snow in the pink area here. it is freezing rain. that is headed toward the dallas area by tomorrow afternoon in through the day on monday. it should change to snow. if you have travel plans, this will be an area that could cause some slow downs. especially into monday morning. maybe some flight delays. st. louis, 33. all of this will shift east by tuesday night and wednesday. so more travel woes there. for our state tomorrow, 68 for los angeles. mild, 62 for monlt ray. 54 for sacramento. lots of sunshine. my accu-weather seven-day forecast, enjoy monday and tuesday. sunshine. and then it does look like rain will return to the bay area wednesday night and on thanksgiving day. >> i may not get in that thanksgiving walk after dinner. thank you so much. sports and local college football. >> stanford is back. arizona knocked off oregon. the cardinals and arizona state will face off in the pac-12 title game november 7th. the 116th big game was a big bust. stanford wins the fourth straight over with the cardinals victory, they're back in the rose bowl picture. they never lost to cal. todd montgomery, a career day. goes 31 yards. stanford up 7-0, just like that. 3,500, 16 yards. he ties it at 7-7. he left with a shoulder injury. kevin hogan, no passes today. finds montgomery again for his third touchdown. 329 yards. that's a career high. finally we reach the second. hogan and montgomery, 28-10, cardinals. he then had his fifth touchdown. 11 secretaries before the half. stanford hangs on for the fourth straight year. cal ends the dreadful season, 1-11. >> it feels good. it is really important. i love stanford and it means a lot to be part of the team. i couldn't believe it. i wanted to stay focus asked they asked me. >> we know it needs to be fixed. we're going to do it. we're going to fix it and be ready for next year. that's all we can do. there's a lot of it is not even football stuff. just stuff that, mentality wise, we need to fix. some of the people on the team. >> got some fixing to do. arizona put stanford back in the rose bowl picture. ducks, marcus mar yet onna. gets the assist. scooby comes one the pick. a touchdown, 7-0, air air. second quarter, b.j. denker takes run. wildcats up 28-9 at the half. a monster day. 48 catch. four tds. thanks to arizona's airs it out to calvin benjamin. 32 yards. 225 yards, four tds. florida state up in the first. taylor davis picked off by calvin smith. going 79 yards the other way. fsu has two pick sixes. that's a school record. 80-14. number three, ohio state hosting ingd. a big 10 match-up. first quarter. bounces off tackle. 16 yards. 7-0. next possession. the read option. goes up untouched. 37 yards for the touchdown. second quarter, miller. the may of the game. wild cat formation. takes the pitch. gets upended. pogo sticks into the touchdown. what a play. he ran for 144 yards, four tds. osu, the 23rd straight victory. >> steph curry returns after missing two games with a concussion. andre iguodala is out after pulling a hamstring. portland started strong. damian lillard assists wesley matthews. klay thompson has 30. he fouls out later in the half. 6-3 to open it up. the 9-point lead for the warriors. good to have him back. then came the fireworks. mo williams takes a shot at bogut. a little nba scrum. that means nobody gets hurt or throws the punch. they get back to basketball. portland took over. 42-18. lamarcus aldridge. the blazers win it 113-101. the warriors have lost three straight. from the point. top shelf, future him aer. still in the first. tyler ken, one timer. the third of the year. this is the abc 7 sports report. i'm on my way to maryland for the game between the redskins and the 49ers. i'll be returning there. >> thank you. thank you for joining us. thank you for being here. abc7 news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. don't forget, you can download our different apps for free. it is now online, on twitter and all your mobile devices. thank you for joining us. be sure to check back in the morning. to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway is just what they crave. a hero of the table, "so delicious" they'll rave. fresh, natural, frozen. it's the best selection around. spend $30 and a frozen safeway turkey is just 59 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. welcome back, dr. king. thank you. (staff speaking indistinctly) aah! aah! aah!

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