Transcripts For KGO ABC 7 News At 6 20161130 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC 7 News At 6 20161130

various homes, hams, and also, sweet potato. >> some people only ate left overs. the ages range from teens to people in their 70s. nobody answered the door at asised living home's minerva place where several residents got sick and thursday's meal was sponsored by golden hills community church. the church released a statement. part of it reads we're fully cooperating and praying for families who lost loved ones and others who are sick. a police purse yurt ended in a crash in the east bay and a trio of suspects injured. police say the driver slammed into a parked car. the driver was in the hurt. the stolen car may have been involved in an armed robbery. three people ran from the scene and officers caught them. police tell us all three are teen-aged boys. the sheriff's office goal today is to find these two inmates that escaped from jail before thanksgiving. vic lee is live with the story. vic? >> reporter: this was a busy day for the sheriff's office. they say that tips from the public are pouring in on a quiet neighborhood on a quiet street. >> this is scary. >> the operation start started around noon and deputies blocked off streets through a mebl command post was set up and schools were on lock down. yesenia sanchez's aunt was baby-sitting on the block. >> they say there is a man that could be him. so i freaked out and left work. >> the sheriff's office says deputies were following up on tips from the public, most received after the announcement of a $20,000 reward. >> we conducted number russ operations throughout the county. >> after an hour half, s.w.a.t. was ready to move in. they stuck a cram inside of the trailer and a deputy yelled out a warning. then... bang. they did confirm that this person arrested yesterday is emily a fae well tonight for a fixture in berkeley. mayor tom baits is retiring. before becoming mayor, he spent 20 years in the state assembly. a san francisco program is proposing the city for undocumented immigrants and abc 7 news reporter carolyn tire has more. >> ysolda says she faced deportation two years ago for check fraud charges. >> it wasn't that fun being alone, without my mom. >> the supervisor unveiled his proposal to place $5 million in the budget to offer free legal help to the immigrant campos who is now a citizen says there are 44,000 undocumented immigrants living in san francisco. >> studies show if you're in a depression proceeding you're 6 to 7 times more likely to prevail if you have a lawyer representing you. >> the money would pay for attorneys and the public defender's office. the mayor is out of town. a spokesperson says $4 million is in the budget for immigration related legal services and the mayor supports more. in san francisco, abc7 news. >> new details on san francisco's sinking millennium tower. the board subpoenaed an engineer involved in the construction. jack maley refused to testify looking into the building and found the design to be sound and recommended they get a permit. now, taking a look at these images from space. the space agency says those red dots represent a tilt of the building. satellite shows the tower has sunk 1.8 inches in the year and 16 inchings since 2009. >> tonight, mountain view city council is dealing with a plan with 17 acres of land the army owns not far from 101. it's currently used as military housing but the property could be sold. lonny riviera joins us live now with more. lonny? >> yes. this is still 18-24 months down the line but already, mountain view city hall received several letter rz from military generals, members of congress and families and what makes this unusual is families may be displaced by the country they serve. samantha wright, her army officer husband and 3-year-old son enjoyed shenadoah square. >> rent increases $500 that ais a big chunk of money. it's -- it's rough and hard seeing it happen. >> wright received this letter about rent going up. >> it opened up housing to the public and i feel like since they did that, our requests for maintenance went unanswered and we're pushed to the back of the line. >> the increase was the first bad sign, then, she learned the federal government, which owns the property, is looking to sell it. a proposal that could potentially displace more military families. >> the federal government will make a decision. >> congress woman anna eschew wrote a letter saying quote, i'm deeply concerned the army has chosen to ignore the impact of the 108 military and civilian families residing at shenandoah square. >> my husband, 10 years in service, now, we're out, looking for a home. >> this reality gives a glimpse but she says service men, and women, deserve better. in mountain view, lonny riviera, abc7 news. >> san francisco mayor ed lee says he's thrilled the warriors are now officially cleared to move to san francisco. opponents challenged the report and approval of the saying quote, we believe it a warriors stam says this. quote, we engaged in an extensive public planning process and were approved by every board, agency, and regulatory body. we look forward to breaking ground, soon. the arena is expected to open in 2019. >> warriors might leave but there are positive signs in the efforts to keep the raiders in town. >> find out what is giving fans of the silver and black new hope, at 6:30. >> next, hear what a pay raise would mean to the people who rallied today as part of the fight for 15. i'll have details on a chill and maybe a little bit of rain. coming up. >> facebook opened flood gates to a new way to play games on the phone. why it could be the next big thing, aahead, on abc7 news. the fight for a $15 minimum wage took center stage today at oakland and san francisco. organizers pay enough to love on. >> this is the 4th year paying atoengs the need for men mum wage. some cities have set the pace. >> it's hard to ignore hundreds of people with posters in hand. employees looked on. security kept protestors from disrupting the daily operations. this airports rely on service workers. holly dixz is a single mom that turns $10.22 an hour. >> my dad raised me to work for everything i have. when i have to borrow money for diapers or milk, it's heart breaking. >> our logo says service workers we're not servants. >> the call for action started this morning with a march. protestors blocked the intersection the 98th avenue in east oakland. some cities are set to bring minimum wage up to $15 california by 2022. >> $15 is not sufficient. >> workers say a small increase will make a significant difference in their lives. at sfo, lyanne melled yend yez, abc7 news. >> details about the weaks a redding mother was held by kidnappers before being freed. sheri papini's husband detailed some of her injuries. bruises, her nose was broken and her captors branded a message on her skin during the ordeal. opt on "good morning america" the shasta county sheriff says it remains a mystery why someone grabbed her while she jogged near her home. >> we don't know if it was targeted to her, or a random on ducks. a passing driver stopped to her her thursday morning. you can read from her husband at yesterday's cyber monday gave way to giving tuesday. how local charities are hoping to benefit. >> the #givingtuesday is trending and celebrities are urging us to shift to helping others. charities are hoping to match, or purchase what is donated last year and today, wounded lavamay was awarded a half million dollar praise from kind snacks. >> i like to come here. every time people take showers and do a good job. >> kind snacks has been giving a challenge for you. do something nice for someone, tweet about it. maybe they'll send free snacks. if you want maybe more ideas, abc7 news has a section on giving tuesday. and we invite you to check it out. >> clear skies right now, we may have a few clouds throughout the north bay tomorrow, and sometime during the day, it's possible that spotty showers can develop. here is a look at current conditions. a live view across the bay on this clear tuesday evening. it's 54 degrees in san francisco. and this is a view over san francisco. 50 now in santa rosa. 48 in napa. and 50 in novato. 55 in hayward. and this is a view from our top camera. and a warming trend beginning at the end of the week. our storm impact expect rainfall totals closer to 0 and will be breezy at the coast. at 5:00 in the morning the day begins we'll see clouds increasing in the north bay. a chance of showers in the north and into south and east bay by the end of the day now, perhaps 8/100ths in san francisco. lows into mid to upper 30s and a low of 48 in san francisco. highs from mid-50s at the coast to upper 50s and here is the accu-weather forecast. we'll have sunny skies thursday, and friday with temperatures near average by the end of the week and a bit of a warming trend with highs in low to mid-60s inland and around the bay saturday and sunday. and tuesday, a cold early morning expected. high temperatures from the weekend by 10 degrees. >> thank you. >> coming up next, how not burning enough could be making california burn too much. what you're looking at here is a fire that broke out following a pipeline explosion in western missouri burning just north of kansas city international airport. an energy company shut off a pipeline. tonight's fire is not affecting flights at that airport. firefighters consider the next 24 hours critical in containing a wildfire in tennessee that killed three people. so far, flames have burned 15,000 acres and destroyed 250 homes. >> those high winds were knocking down trees, those trees hitting power lines and falling on this dry drought like condition. and everything is catching on fire. >> the fire did not damage an aquarium and employees were forced to evacuate without 1200 animals but the aquarium reports the animals are >> the state clears just 35,000 acres and says the goal is difficult to achieve. >> take the weather, air quality. and making sure we have resources to be able to do it and we have to watch the weather, every day. >> researchers say clearing debris can keep forests healthier and california lost 102 million trees to drought since 2010. oakland is talking raiders tonight. there are possible signs that an offer to keep the team in oakland could have home field advantage. the latest from a meeting on the team's future. >> after campaigning, donald trump is thanking washington insiders for his cabinet. plus... >> it's been a year since anknows how it feelsiabetes to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. invokana® works around the clock by reducing the amount of sugar allowed back into the body, and sending some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight loss, it may help you with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. a closed door meet meeting, wheeling and dealing to opening up a new path in oakland. >> abc7 news learned there is signs progress. >> that follows a session that ended just moments ago. >> abc7 news reporter laura anthony has an update. >> it's another step in a process some leaders and fans hopes keeps the team where they are m a new stadium. a closed door session and the goal to get five members to sign off on a proposed deal brought to them by hall of famer ronnie lott. >> i hope five of the council will give directions to the city administrator to continue to move forward. >> the council is set to vote on december 7th. the hope to bring the deal to the full council at its next meeting on december 13th. >> today, to share and let them move it out. >> the deal does not require any public funds, unlike las vegas. >> and my commitment is taking action to retain jobs and to me, that is the most important. >> forever oakland leader chris joins they respect for ryan lott's investment team. >> if the city, supervisors and authority approve the deal incoming weeks it will send a message to owners take a look at a fall that says you took down a mural, now, you have graffiti. it the building's owner had it covered up with white paint. it seemed some people complained about the mural, depicting kaepernick's controversial decision to kneel during the national anthem. >> tonight, air conditioning company carry tweeted it reached a deal to keep a thousand jobs in indiana. mr. trump's cabinet continues to take shape. tom price has been picked to lead the department of health and human services. elaine chou, wife of machine mcconnell has been nominated as health and human services secretary. the president-elect will reportedly elect the next treasury secretary. he has spent years on wall street and has been friends with the president-elect for more than a decade. >> democrats in the house of representatives will decide on their leader, san francisco congressman nancy pelosi. >> he need to make a decision to go into another decision respectful of nancy pelosi an her accomplishments but i think it's time to go in a new direction. now, the tragedy that killed dozens of members of a brazilian soccer team. their plane crashed near columbia overnight. 71 people died in the crash. the number dropped because it turns out fewer people were on board than thought. six survived. three soccer players, two crew members and a journalist. flight data recorders have been recovered and in good condition. isis is claiming responsibility for inspiring yesterday he is tack on the campus of ohio state university. 11 people were hurt. the suspect moved to pakistan in 2007. he came to the united states with his family in 2014 on a green card. u.s. officials say the family went through two years of intense vetting before being allowed into america. friday will mark a year since the terrorist attack in san bernardino that killed 14 people. the suspects were later killed by police in a violent showdown that terrified people nearby. leticia juarez revisited that neighborhood to hear the stories. >> reporter: on december 2, people found themselves in the middle of a gun battle. from inside of the homes or driving along in san bernardino, multiple cell phones began recording as police zeroed in on the terror couple. east san bernardino avenue, less than two miles from the inland regional center, the couple took their last stand. they'd killed 14 people and wounded 22 others. helen was watching news coverage. she says her neighborhood became a war zone. >> the 88-year-old was alone and terrified. across the street, her abullet children hit the floor. she says they emerged to law enforcement we saw two bodies. >> victoria was home with her daughter and says she didn't hear the gunfire first. >> she says call 911 they're shooting. operator says stay indoors. do not go outside. a year later, life along this roadway is back to normal. the neighborhood bears visible marks. but the emotional scars are less visible. >> will be a memory, a bad memory. >> scammers targeted a bay area couple but this couple didn't fall for it. >> no. first they called fbi and then, michael finney. next, what lessons we can learn, also ahead... >> somebody cares and people are good. >> what is under the green sheet that moved this teacher to tears in her classroom today. stay with us. i want my blood sugar i to stay in so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin. when my schedule changes... i want something that delivers. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ i can take tresiba® any time of day. so if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as there's at least 8 hours between doses. once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration... twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba® ready. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ michael finney tells us what to watch out for. >> you think you're not going to fall for this, but they're >> you had a contract with us for your computer printer. we're closing up our company. >> the caller said it was entitled to a $189 refund. >> i said fine. >> the caller told maureen to put her remote control online. >> he said i don't want your social security. just tell me. >> a deposit was pending. >> we have to please send us back $2,000. >> he felt a gain slipping from him. >> the bank said $2189 was deposited into their account. they told the scammer the jig is up. the man got angry. >> he said if you don't send it, we're going to crash your computer. >> just then, a picture came up. all pictures is hacked and the couple shut it down and called fbi. >> i said let's call michael finney. because we want to protect others. >> listen, they tell you they want to give you money on the phone, hang up. > any time a stranger tells you they sent too much it's almost certainly a scam. don't let a stranger take control over your computer. that is a ticket to trouble. and you can also reach me through my facebook page and on life... is unpredictable. life is deaths. and births. sickness and health. love and heartbreak. and covered california is there for it all. not just to help keep you well. but to make sure the cost of being unwell doesn't ruin this whole life thing. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. who won the game, who won on the dancing show... ...i mean, if i watched that show. same with my banking. with my bank of america mobile banking app, i can see my accounts all in one place. i can easily manage them and if something doesn't look right, i'm going to know. plus, i can set up alerts to help detect unusual activity. so i feel secure. wait, he won? that's an average tango... at best. more of the eastern span of the bay bridge came down today. a tuesday was pulled away from the bridge and taken to be recycled. this is speeded up time lapse video of the work from caltrans. there are 10 remaining trusses. >> a gift of inspiration given to a san francisco school these robots helped young children learn how to code. their teacher became emotional. >> i think it's important for my students and in the bay view to be exposed to computer science and to be able to love science, and learn how to code. >> and california students have a higher interest in stem than most of the >> there is a new way to why the instand games could be a game changer. what is new is where you play them. a game with people. >> for a generation, this may be how they play games. >> everybody said are you crazy? they saw games would become a gold >> i get a message and i click on play. >> this is fluffy. >> it takes good design and coding to make the game. if you ask them, this is the future. to strike gold you have to send a code. >> you may go for 15 minutes and 30 minutes. >> it's a big change, but chat games are huge here. >> it's about discovering something new and different with the people you talk to every day. bay area is a beautiful place to live. and our viewers prove it every day. >> this is a great picture. >> days ahead should bring us more opportunities like that. and there could with spotty showers. the week ahead will bring us high temperatures over the weekend. you can see here, mid-60s oaf the weekend so there big chill. >> to sports, larry beil is here. >> they're rolling. >> yes. >> we knew kevin durant could score at will. do we know about his defense? sports is coming up ne did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. zero really can be a hero.ds) get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event. so much for the notion it's going to take a while before warriors gel as a team. remember, steve ker was talking about that. they're 16-2 with a 12-game winning streak. not bad considering you've got two new starters and six players and just starting to see night in, night out, how spectacular kevin durant is. abc7's mike shumann has more. kevin durant was named player of the week for the 26th time in his career, averaging 25 points, eight boards, and almost three blocks. wait. kd? playing defense? >> you note team defense. >> his learning curve is shrinking and he has 29 blocked shots, six against minnesota saturday night. >> 4, 5 years now that i've been going to games thinking more defense. i just know about blocking shots. >> he can defend anyone. and this is pretty elite. you know? he's stronger than he looks. >> we know is that kd can score. he's playing less than he did at okc with more energy to inform the court. >> getting into open spaces, doing damage. >> at 16, 2, well, he is fitting in well. >> 49ers are getting ready for a game in chicago sunday. niners have lost 10 in a row. and kaep through at three touchdowns in miami. this is practice footage in orlando. question, is when will this thing win another game? >> our play will be determining that. we have to get over that hump now. we have to be able to cut mistakes that are killing us. >> today, christian mccave rewas named all this is he says he's taking intro to nuclear physics by the way. new rankings are out. alabama and ohio state moves up and washington is fourth. and can you dub stay at four? we'll see next weekend. and finally, johannes hit 31 homers for new york. >> so i checked with allen george. he said you would not survive. really. >> wow. wow. >> i don't think we can survive intro to nuclear physics. >> thank you. >> spencer, of course. join us tonight. coming up, new a cabinet pick at 9:00. >> a team is and e-mail your questions. >> yes. >> thank you. >> appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> from all of us, thanks for joining us. we'll see you tonight at 9:0 can fill you with wonder. other. where a walk down main street, and the smile of a mouse can spark joy. where magic is spread with every touch, and always leaves you wanting even more. so make the time... to take your time because one day just isn't enough. here, there is magic for days. this is "jeopardy!" here are today's contestants -- a medicare appeals coordinator from indianapolis, indiana... a data specialist from essex junction, vermont... and our returning champion, a technical engineer from boulder, colorado... ...whose 2-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] hey, john. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. wasn't that a big downer at the end of yesterday's program? all three contestants played brilliantly for two rounds, and then all three of them missed the final jeopardy! our champion justin had a chance to clean up yesterday and pick up $34,000. instead, he won $1,199. i hope today is different. dan and jennifer, make it happen also. good luck. here we go. all righty, here are the categories... yes, that's what it's all about. good. ooh, ooh. and next... "a" in quotation marks. you all know what that means. justin, off you go. let's start with take the "a" training for $200. dan. what is accounting? right. winning! for $600.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Alabama , Missouri , Oakland , California , Washington , Shasta County , Vermont , Ohio State University , Ohio , Mountain View , Brazil , Turkey , Minnesota , Indiana , Bay View , San Bernardino , Essex , Pakistan , San Francisco , Berkeley , Tennessee , Redding , Colorado , Boulder , Orlando , Chicago , Illinois , America , Brazilian , Emily Vaca , Famer Ronnie Lott , Lonny Riviera , Laura Anthony , Larry Beil , Shenandoah Square , Jack Maley , Vic Lee , Nancy Pelosi , Las Vegas , Elaine Chou , Allen George , Dan Ashley , Michael Finney , Yesenia Sanchez , Ryan Lott ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 7 News At 6 20161130 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 7 News At 6 20161130

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various homes, hams, and also, sweet potato. >> some people only ate left overs. the ages range from teens to people in their 70s. nobody answered the door at asised living home's minerva place where several residents got sick and thursday's meal was sponsored by golden hills community church. the church released a statement. part of it reads we're fully cooperating and praying for families who lost loved ones and others who are sick. a police purse yurt ended in a crash in the east bay and a trio of suspects injured. police say the driver slammed into a parked car. the driver was in the hurt. the stolen car may have been involved in an armed robbery. three people ran from the scene and officers caught them. police tell us all three are teen-aged boys. the sheriff's office goal today is to find these two inmates that escaped from jail before thanksgiving. vic lee is live with the story. vic? >> reporter: this was a busy day for the sheriff's office. they say that tips from the public are pouring in on a quiet neighborhood on a quiet street. >> this is scary. >> the operation start started around noon and deputies blocked off streets through a mebl command post was set up and schools were on lock down. yesenia sanchez's aunt was baby-sitting on the block. >> they say there is a man that could be him. so i freaked out and left work. >> the sheriff's office says deputies were following up on tips from the public, most received after the announcement of a $20,000 reward. >> we conducted number russ operations throughout the county. >> after an hour half, s.w.a.t. was ready to move in. they stuck a cram inside of the trailer and a deputy yelled out a warning. then... bang. they did confirm that this person arrested yesterday is emily a fae well tonight for a fixture in berkeley. mayor tom baits is retiring. before becoming mayor, he spent 20 years in the state assembly. a san francisco program is proposing the city for undocumented immigrants and abc 7 news reporter carolyn tire has more. >> ysolda says she faced deportation two years ago for check fraud charges. >> it wasn't that fun being alone, without my mom. >> the supervisor unveiled his proposal to place $5 million in the budget to offer free legal help to the immigrant campos who is now a citizen says there are 44,000 undocumented immigrants living in san francisco. >> studies show if you're in a depression proceeding you're 6 to 7 times more likely to prevail if you have a lawyer representing you. >> the money would pay for attorneys and the public defender's office. the mayor is out of town. a spokesperson says $4 million is in the budget for immigration related legal services and the mayor supports more. in san francisco, abc7 news. >> new details on san francisco's sinking millennium tower. the board subpoenaed an engineer involved in the construction. jack maley refused to testify looking into the building and found the design to be sound and recommended they get a permit. now, taking a look at these images from space. the space agency says those red dots represent a tilt of the building. satellite shows the tower has sunk 1.8 inches in the year and 16 inchings since 2009. >> tonight, mountain view city council is dealing with a plan with 17 acres of land the army owns not far from 101. it's currently used as military housing but the property could be sold. lonny riviera joins us live now with more. lonny? >> yes. this is still 18-24 months down the line but already, mountain view city hall received several letter rz from military generals, members of congress and families and what makes this unusual is families may be displaced by the country they serve. samantha wright, her army officer husband and 3-year-old son enjoyed shenadoah square. >> rent increases $500 that ais a big chunk of money. it's -- it's rough and hard seeing it happen. >> wright received this letter about rent going up. >> it opened up housing to the public and i feel like since they did that, our requests for maintenance went unanswered and we're pushed to the back of the line. >> the increase was the first bad sign, then, she learned the federal government, which owns the property, is looking to sell it. a proposal that could potentially displace more military families. >> the federal government will make a decision. >> congress woman anna eschew wrote a letter saying quote, i'm deeply concerned the army has chosen to ignore the impact of the 108 military and civilian families residing at shenandoah square. >> my husband, 10 years in service, now, we're out, looking for a home. >> this reality gives a glimpse but she says service men, and women, deserve better. in mountain view, lonny riviera, abc7 news. >> san francisco mayor ed lee says he's thrilled the warriors are now officially cleared to move to san francisco. opponents challenged the report and approval of the saying quote, we believe it a warriors stam says this. quote, we engaged in an extensive public planning process and were approved by every board, agency, and regulatory body. we look forward to breaking ground, soon. the arena is expected to open in 2019. >> warriors might leave but there are positive signs in the efforts to keep the raiders in town. >> find out what is giving fans of the silver and black new hope, at 6:30. >> next, hear what a pay raise would mean to the people who rallied today as part of the fight for 15. i'll have details on a chill and maybe a little bit of rain. coming up. >> facebook opened flood gates to a new way to play games on the phone. why it could be the next big thing, aahead, on abc7 news. the fight for a $15 minimum wage took center stage today at oakland and san francisco. organizers pay enough to love on. >> this is the 4th year paying atoengs the need for men mum wage. some cities have set the pace. >> it's hard to ignore hundreds of people with posters in hand. employees looked on. security kept protestors from disrupting the daily operations. this airports rely on service workers. holly dixz is a single mom that turns $10.22 an hour. >> my dad raised me to work for everything i have. when i have to borrow money for diapers or milk, it's heart breaking. >> our logo says service workers we're not servants. >> the call for action started this morning with a march. protestors blocked the intersection the 98th avenue in east oakland. some cities are set to bring minimum wage up to $15 california by 2022. >> $15 is not sufficient. >> workers say a small increase will make a significant difference in their lives. at sfo, lyanne melled yend yez, abc7 news. >> details about the weaks a redding mother was held by kidnappers before being freed. sheri papini's husband detailed some of her injuries. bruises, her nose was broken and her captors branded a message on her skin during the ordeal. opt on "good morning america" the shasta county sheriff says it remains a mystery why someone grabbed her while she jogged near her home. >> we don't know if it was targeted to her, or a random on ducks. a passing driver stopped to her her thursday morning. you can read from her husband at yesterday's cyber monday gave way to giving tuesday. how local charities are hoping to benefit. >> the #givingtuesday is trending and celebrities are urging us to shift to helping others. charities are hoping to match, or purchase what is donated last year and today, wounded lavamay was awarded a half million dollar praise from kind snacks. >> i like to come here. every time people take showers and do a good job. >> kind snacks has been giving a challenge for you. do something nice for someone, tweet about it. maybe they'll send free snacks. if you want maybe more ideas, abc7 news has a section on giving tuesday. and we invite you to check it out. >> clear skies right now, we may have a few clouds throughout the north bay tomorrow, and sometime during the day, it's possible that spotty showers can develop. here is a look at current conditions. a live view across the bay on this clear tuesday evening. it's 54 degrees in san francisco. and this is a view over san francisco. 50 now in santa rosa. 48 in napa. and 50 in novato. 55 in hayward. and this is a view from our top camera. and a warming trend beginning at the end of the week. our storm impact expect rainfall totals closer to 0 and will be breezy at the coast. at 5:00 in the morning the day begins we'll see clouds increasing in the north bay. a chance of showers in the north and into south and east bay by the end of the day now, perhaps 8/100ths in san francisco. lows into mid to upper 30s and a low of 48 in san francisco. highs from mid-50s at the coast to upper 50s and here is the accu-weather forecast. we'll have sunny skies thursday, and friday with temperatures near average by the end of the week and a bit of a warming trend with highs in low to mid-60s inland and around the bay saturday and sunday. and tuesday, a cold early morning expected. high temperatures from the weekend by 10 degrees. >> thank you. >> coming up next, how not burning enough could be making california burn too much. what you're looking at here is a fire that broke out following a pipeline explosion in western missouri burning just north of kansas city international airport. an energy company shut off a pipeline. tonight's fire is not affecting flights at that airport. firefighters consider the next 24 hours critical in containing a wildfire in tennessee that killed three people. so far, flames have burned 15,000 acres and destroyed 250 homes. >> those high winds were knocking down trees, those trees hitting power lines and falling on this dry drought like condition. and everything is catching on fire. >> the fire did not damage an aquarium and employees were forced to evacuate without 1200 animals but the aquarium reports the animals are >> the state clears just 35,000 acres and says the goal is difficult to achieve. >> take the weather, air quality. and making sure we have resources to be able to do it and we have to watch the weather, every day. >> researchers say clearing debris can keep forests healthier and california lost 102 million trees to drought since 2010. oakland is talking raiders tonight. there are possible signs that an offer to keep the team in oakland could have home field advantage. the latest from a meeting on the team's future. >> after campaigning, donald trump is thanking washington insiders for his cabinet. plus... >> it's been a year since anknows how it feelsiabetes to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... love your numbers? discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. invokana® 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medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. a closed door meet meeting, wheeling and dealing to opening up a new path in oakland. >> abc7 news learned there is signs progress. >> that follows a session that ended just moments ago. >> abc7 news reporter laura anthony has an update. >> it's another step in a process some leaders and fans hopes keeps the team where they are m a new stadium. a closed door session and the goal to get five members to sign off on a proposed deal brought to them by hall of famer ronnie lott. >> i hope five of the council will give directions to the city administrator to continue to move forward. >> the council is set to vote on december 7th. the hope to bring the deal to the full council at its next meeting on december 13th. >> today, to share and let them move it out. >> the deal does not require any public funds, unlike las vegas. >> and my commitment is taking action to retain jobs and to me, that is the most important. >> forever oakland leader chris joins they respect for ryan lott's investment team. >> if the city, supervisors and authority approve the deal incoming weeks it will send a message to owners take a look at a fall that says you took down a mural, now, you have graffiti. it the building's owner had it covered up with white paint. it seemed some people complained about the mural, depicting kaepernick's controversial decision to kneel during the national anthem. >> tonight, air conditioning company carry tweeted it reached a deal to keep a thousand jobs in indiana. mr. trump's cabinet continues to take shape. tom price has been picked to lead the department of health and human services. elaine chou, wife of machine mcconnell has been nominated as health and human services secretary. the president-elect will reportedly elect the next treasury secretary. he has spent years on wall street and has been friends with the president-elect for more than a decade. >> democrats in the house of representatives will decide on their leader, san francisco congressman nancy pelosi. >> he need to make a decision to go into another decision respectful of nancy pelosi an her accomplishments but i think it's time to go in a new direction. now, the tragedy that killed dozens of members of a brazilian soccer team. their plane crashed near columbia overnight. 71 people died in the crash. the number dropped because it turns out fewer people were on board than thought. six survived. three soccer players, two crew members and a journalist. flight data recorders have been recovered and in good condition. isis is claiming responsibility for inspiring yesterday he is tack on the campus of ohio state university. 11 people were hurt. the suspect moved to pakistan in 2007. he came to the united states with his family in 2014 on a green card. u.s. officials say the family went through two years of intense vetting before being allowed into america. friday will mark a year since the terrorist attack in san bernardino that killed 14 people. the suspects were later killed by police in a violent showdown that terrified people nearby. leticia juarez revisited that neighborhood to hear the stories. >> reporter: on december 2, people found themselves in the middle of a gun battle. from inside of the homes or driving along in san bernardino, multiple cell phones began recording as police zeroed in on the terror couple. east san bernardino avenue, less than two miles from the inland regional center, the couple took their last stand. they'd killed 14 people and wounded 22 others. helen was watching news coverage. she says her neighborhood became a war zone. >> the 88-year-old was alone and terrified. across the street, her abullet children hit the floor. she says they emerged to law enforcement we saw two bodies. >> victoria was home with her daughter and says she didn't hear the gunfire first. >> she says call 911 they're shooting. operator says stay indoors. do not go outside. a year later, life along this roadway is back to normal. the neighborhood bears visible marks. but the emotional scars are less visible. >> will be a memory, a bad memory. >> scammers targeted a bay area couple but this couple didn't fall for it. >> no. first they called fbi and then, michael finney. next, what lessons we can learn, also ahead... >> somebody cares and people are good. >> what is under the green sheet that moved this teacher to tears in her classroom today. stay with us. i want my blood sugar i to stay in so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin. when my schedule changes... i 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changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing... fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba® ready. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ michael finney tells us what to watch out for. >> you think you're not going to fall for this, but they're >> you had a contract with us for your computer printer. we're closing up our company. >> the caller said it was entitled to a $189 refund. >> i said fine. >> the caller told maureen to put her remote control online. >> he said i don't want your social security. just tell me. >> a deposit was pending. >> we have to please send us back $2,000. >> he felt a gain slipping from him. >> the bank said $2189 was deposited into their account. they told the scammer the jig is up. the man got angry. >> he said if you don't send it, we're going to crash your computer. >> just then, a picture came up. all pictures is hacked and the couple shut it down and called fbi. >> i said let's call michael finney. because we want to protect others. >> listen, they tell you they want to give you money on the phone, hang up. > any time a stranger tells you they sent too much it's almost certainly a scam. don't let a stranger take control over your computer. that is a ticket to trouble. and you can also reach me through my facebook page and on life... is unpredictable. life is deaths. and births. sickness and health. love and heartbreak. and covered california is there for it all. not just to help keep you well. but to make sure the cost of being unwell doesn't ruin this whole life thing. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. who won the game, who won on the dancing show... ...i mean, if i watched that show. same with my banking. with my bank of america mobile banking app, i can see my accounts all in one place. i can easily manage them and if something doesn't look right, i'm going to know. plus, i can set up alerts to help detect unusual activity. so i feel secure. wait, he won? that's an average tango... at best. more of the eastern span of the bay bridge came down today. a tuesday was pulled away from the bridge and taken to be recycled. this is speeded up time lapse video of the work from caltrans. there are 10 remaining trusses. >> a gift of inspiration given to a san francisco school these robots helped young children learn how to code. their teacher became emotional. >> i think it's important for my students and in the bay view to be exposed to computer science and to be able to love science, and learn how to code. >> and california students have a higher interest in stem than most of the >> there is a new way to why the instand games could be a game changer. what is new is where you play them. a game with people. >> for a generation, this may be how they play games. >> everybody said are you crazy? they saw games would become a gold >> i get a message and i click on play. >> this is fluffy. >> it takes good design and coding to make the game. if you ask them, this is the future. to strike gold you have to send a code. >> you may go for 15 minutes and 30 minutes. >> it's a big change, but chat games are huge here. >> it's about discovering something new and different with the people you talk to every day. bay area is a beautiful place to live. and our viewers prove it every day. >> this is a great picture. >> days ahead should bring us more opportunities like that. and there could with spotty showers. the week ahead will bring us high temperatures over the weekend. you can see here, mid-60s oaf the weekend so there big chill. >> to sports, larry beil is here. >> they're rolling. >> yes. >> we knew kevin durant could score at will. do we know about his defense? sports is coming up ne did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. zero really can be a hero.ds) get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event. so much for the notion it's going to take a while before warriors gel as a team. remember, steve ker was talking about that. they're 16-2 with a 12-game winning streak. not bad considering you've got two new starters and six players and just starting to see night in, night out, how spectacular kevin durant is. abc7's mike shumann has more. kevin durant was named player of the week for the 26th time in his career, averaging 25 points, eight boards, and almost three blocks. wait. kd? playing defense? >> you note team defense. >> his learning curve is shrinking and he has 29 blocked shots, six against minnesota saturday night. >> 4, 5 years now that i've been going to games thinking more defense. i just know about blocking shots. >> he can defend anyone. and this is pretty elite. you know? he's stronger than he looks. >> we know is that kd can score. he's playing less than he did at okc with more energy to inform the court. >> getting into open spaces, doing damage. >> at 16, 2, well, he is fitting in well. >> 49ers are getting ready for a game in chicago sunday. niners have lost 10 in a row. and kaep through at three touchdowns in miami. this is practice footage in orlando. question, is when will this thing win another game? >> our play will be determining that. we have to get over that hump now. we have to be able to cut mistakes that are killing us. >> today, christian mccave rewas named all this is he says he's taking intro to nuclear physics by the way. new rankings are out. alabama and ohio state moves up and washington is fourth. and can you dub stay at four? we'll see next weekend. and finally, johannes hit 31 homers for new york. >> so i checked with allen george. he said you would not survive. really. >> wow. wow. >> i don't think we can survive intro to nuclear physics. >> thank you. >> spencer, of course. join us tonight. coming up, new a cabinet pick at 9:00. >> a team is and e-mail your questions. >> yes. >> thank you. >> appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> from all of us, thanks for joining us. we'll see you tonight at 9:0 can fill you with wonder. other. where a walk down main street, and the smile of a mouse can spark joy. where magic is spread with every touch, and always leaves you wanting even more. so make the time... to take your time because one day just isn't enough. here, there is magic for days. this is "jeopardy!" here are today's contestants -- a medicare appeals coordinator from indianapolis, indiana... a data specialist from essex junction, vermont... and our returning champion, a technical engineer from boulder, colorado... ...whose 2-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] hey, john. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. wasn't that a big downer at the end of yesterday's program? all three contestants played brilliantly for two rounds, and then all three of them missed the final jeopardy! our champion justin had a chance to clean up yesterday and pick up $34,000. instead, he won $1,199. i hope today is different. dan and jennifer, make it happen also. good luck. here we go. all righty, here are the categories... yes, that's what it's all about. good. ooh, ooh. and next... "a" in quotation marks. you all know what that means. justin, off you go. let's start with take the "a" training for $200. dan. what is accounting? right. winning! for $600.

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Alabama , Missouri , Oakland , California , Washington , Shasta County , Vermont , Ohio State University , Ohio , Mountain View , Brazil , Turkey , Minnesota , Indiana , Bay View , San Bernardino , Essex , Pakistan , San Francisco , Berkeley , Tennessee , Redding , Colorado , Boulder , Orlando , Chicago , Illinois , America , Brazilian , Emily Vaca , Famer Ronnie Lott , Lonny Riviera , Laura Anthony , Larry Beil , Shenandoah Square , Jack Maley , Vic Lee , Nancy Pelosi , Las Vegas , Elaine Chou , Allen George , Dan Ashley , Michael Finney , Yesenia Sanchez , Ryan Lott ,

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