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In the taxi industry on regulations increased operating costs for dc cab driver as the new contenders are eating into profits. Well son you more later and show a yet the end of the lab and find him in washington dc. I am up ads and you are watching our tea. Well today im on and the United Nations nuclear chief announced that theyve reaed a deal that would expand that monitoring f t countrysuclear sites the inspectors and places that they did never previously been allowed to inspect what this thing can be said for the p fe plus one discussions that happened last week. Negotiators from the us britain france germany russia andhina. What labor talks in Geneva Switzerland but that our plant which restaurants and Nuclear Programme. Now the idea was to lessen sanctions against the country in exchange for all on a freezing its Nuclear Program. International powers fear that iran is tryingo build a weapon but tehran says that the Nuclear Program is peaceful. Secretary of state john kerry said monday progress was made in the p five plus one pox and he hopes the deal could be reached soon. So we are working hard. To try to overcome this for us to try to build confidence to try to find the way is that both the p five plus one in the United States and the and around have the ability to be able to achieve this goal of ascertaining the sort without doubt. That day program. It is a peaceful Nuclear Program the diplomacy takes time and all the parties here need time to fully consider the issues however talks were cut short when iranian officials look back down to a new round of negotiations is expected on november the twentieth. Archie pulse the year has more. Was this moment in fact the colts did seem promising new hat the main eu Foreign Ministers meet in with the European Union on the scene scene from ict calf and hamstring in the mood in a nice innocent the one of optimism. This home has seen opposed to these negotiations from the stock saying that you and wont eat anyway. And in fact israel has already seen a case demands Nuclear Program netanyahu says is that easing sanctions on the matter would like to quote the time now to put in the hole in a tie at. And soon had the United States which is true these negotiations was the scene is possibly the most areas making these mini scandal and disputes in years that view its dangerous too. Because it keeps you on. As an opiate thresholds nation. We are not blind them and i dont think were stupid. I think we have are pretty strong sense of how to measure whether or not we are acting in the interests of our country and of the globe and particularly of our allies like israel. He also says to close him that islam needs to make it nice that no agreements with the band has a ph even stand any kind of a single position is essentially premature. Paul kenny said it was at the time to produce any kind of deal is when you actually see what it is candy saying that the major thomas win at tonights it on and you may need a new kit deal but it was the Maintenance Crew were unable to accept it. Now we did during the sts from evil and on to the talks ended on saturday that it was in fact thomas who was responsible for blocking any kind of deal the French Foreign minister obvious and that we dont want a fools deal. That was our teams hollis layer. And speaking of negotiation as the us and the European Union have had a rough patch in relations in recent months due to the same revelations about the signs and scope of american fine on the eu leaders. Despite the backlash negotiators are moving forward this week was transatlantic trade and Investment Partnership talks in brussels the meeting originally scheduled in october but were postponed it to the Us Government shutdown officials from the us and the eu on ground that the tt bike he would create jobs and boost growth in the two economies could say that these negotiations are in knots and just about trade but also about reining in the wild ways of the internets as well. Our teapot peter oliver fills us in on the latest. Just over a shoulder of the hit video shows of the day the us and the seat at the john kerry the second tier state says that the nsa spying sunday isnt going to be in a shooting comes to talking about trade goods. Solid as limited trust between the two countries. How can you have trades when you dont come to trust. I mean. Germany and eu is nothing outstanding. Lets face it. This list of United States in addition to sing old is very bad debts and anasta as buying them into the makeover is low heel. It depends on if it be known as the lead boat of business in particular that make us say one of the big giant German Companies would you be willing to sit down with one of the all american counterparts the tea trade knowing that perhaps they were listening in to little secret on the stations of cost and is in all this barn is not only of a political issues but also promote economic pacts German Companies are aware of the house quiet and did the americans take the results of this barn for themselves but they cannot do anything against it. There is a potential delay justice of mine field becomes a mason also the potential for the stripping of sovereign rights and not the People Campaign in the eu saying that too many rights go to bed as determined by brussels well this could end up seeing is that rates could end up determining the loss of a country how will i go down in gemini. Lets face it i mean is this treaty is nothing else then submitting the eu one conforms to the goat of us call them proceed. Michael m ross economic analysts like you very much a token to me that so the second round of talks on top thats underway. But sadly still a long way to go to convince the people of europe. This is best for them that was our teams peter oliver. The philippines now where nearly one thousand people have been confirmed dead and officials feared that number could reach ten thousand aspirants an historic super typhoon made landfall on friday philippine present in danielle me know. The third declared a state of National Calamity in the wake of typhoon me i know Authorities Say that almost ten Million People were affected by the storm. Some twenty three thousand houses were damaged or destroyed communication lines are down and roads and bridges have been decimated leaving many thousands more are scrambling to find food water and shelter. More than a hundred thousand people were evacuated. Even before the storm hits. God only reason that the death toll may be so high is because of those of the Information Center is for schools churches and government buildings that were made of brick and mortar so they could not withstand the winds and water surges themselves how one woman described the chaos i was even a good tree to seek refuge. To my husband earlier that day. See you in the game. Maybe losses will to add. There is no time to resign as leader. Xd hes telling me there is water everywhere. Theres no time anymore. The effects of iowans and forty one provinces experience winds of up to one hundred forty seven Miles Per Hour with one hundred seventy mph gusts and storm surges that reached twenty eight. U s government is providing twenty Million Dollars in immediate humanitarian assistance according to the usa auntie anna sent troops to help what a will be clearing in the bodies from the streets as a matter of health one out to a developing story out of pocket stalin. According to sources within the talabani the brother of the puck on the Networks Leader was fatally shot in islam by the earlier today now three noon at knotts reader wrote in an icon he was the group said a Senior Commander in finance see are his also the son of the groups founder of money was described as intelligent and business oriented and good with money so his death would be a huge blow to the crew. Now back on a network of the syndicated operating group in afghanistan has been involved in extortion kidnapping smuggling and transportation it is now aligned with that call upon the latter means time with parts of pakistans isi and was funded by the sea i am back in nineteen Seventy Eight else around the con iis death are still questionable. These are all quite say that the group of gunmen on motorcycles trial pass and then fired bullets and no one has claimed responsibility for the attack security sources believe that his body is now being taken back to North Waziristan preparing all well i have one i know you probably do two lead in is the professional version of facebook whe career oriented adults post their resumes and connect with Business Associates or potential employers online but to know who is behind the websites. If youre living in the uk and the answer could be in the British Intelligence service gc each candle according to german magazine der spiegel Edward Snowden revelations found that the pages look the way they always did and they didnt take any longer than usual well one of the victims and didnt notice that what youre looking at whether the regional flights but a fake profile was one invisible added feature a small piece of malware and then turn computer isnt it tolls for brands that gc hq Intelligence Service the technique known as quantum inserts ncc hq apparently placed server is in strategic spots so that they can intercept and re direct targeted traffic to a fake website faster than a legitimate service could respond. According to articles written by laura waitress was one of the few journalists believed to have access to all the documents snow day. The cc hq wasrage targeted by they actually were heartening that global roaming and Data Exchange company is down to comic con for an ma as well as Senior Management Companies Like the opec oil cartel. Leeds intels der spiegel that the company would not have authorized the creation or the use of a fake linked in profile and was not notified of the alleged activity so it looks like networking in the uk is a new meaning the way. On the weekend hundreds of people across california and texas streets demanding justice for victims of Police Brutality the emotional marches were sparked by the thirteen year old doubt that the death of thirteen year old andy lopez he was killed last month anyone shot and killed by Sonoma County deputy eric jailhouse who was holding ag doll house that they feel is holding a toy gun and that resembled an ak forty seven assault rifle. Our teaser mongol and i was at the protest and enjoy it and he brought us more the other the road that goes with you in los angeles in several places to sleep much and taken to the streets demanding justice for and you know this too but you need to be an iraq war veteran eric gill house shot thirteen year old and guilt over twenty second gap house claims that he felt threatened by the gun and he was holding the gun turned out to be a toy which resembles an ak forty seven weeks after the shooting andys dad is still stirring up strong emotions. Kyle i may yet live. I want that to happen to them that badly among the protesters. But the most acute in police shootings. To be with our son penalty is more shot and killed by police last year his dad also sparked weeks of protests. Very fact that the bank is trying to cough again. Throughout the United States. Cheap jacksons son thirty one year old Michael Nader was going on when he was shot and killed by Southern California Police Officers mistook metaphor an armed robber shot in the back after you ran from police the family tree to a settlement of four point five Million Dollars. But the officer was never criminally charged in the case in any offence. This cop shot. Shoot first ask questions later. She was third in as much of a dedicated with my sad about the giving part. It is believed the shooting is part of a troubling trend of over aggressive policing in the us that the book and the locus of the city has a child and i were sitting in the militarization of the police department. We need to start addressing this issue of the police fatalities. It is true i think its stupid but the sea peace be taught that never existed because it does we see happening everywhere all the time and all about selling the api is still looking into the envelope that you didnt. As his family continues to mourn supporters will likely continue to rally on the streets demanding justice for any help this and other victims of Police Violence the los angeles. Ramon valley mill. Rte. And our teaser mongol and an adjoining earlier to explain the latest in a law suit that andys lopezs family filed on his behalf. Take a lot thats right have a copy of this huge year that was filed in U S District Court in san francisco. It claims that debbie harry gal house acted recklessly and violated the rights of any lopez when he shot and killed them back on oct twenty seconds. This is also called the Sonoma County Sheriffs Office claiming that the sheriff encourages its deputies to use Excessive Force when encountering the. Am i. A number of other people who were family members and they had loved ones that were killed by Police Officers. I mean if you love those stories in your in your teeth can cause more about them in their case this. Sure in a and settle the cases they did those mothers say that their children were shot and they were unarmed at the time the investigation did prove that however is that the surge in most cases of opp officer involved shootings the prosecutors in each of those cases found that the shootings were justified in the pool we go see him most to alter ball shooting where prosecutors to rule that the shootings are justified so good that really means a lot of frustration from these families who who think that we believe that this is a troubling trend that that the d always takes up his work and that justice in that the Justice System does not accommodate the victims. I hopped in our officers being charged with wrongful that. Ray an officer being charged with a roll of wrongful death while doing the shooting on. You know in uniform as theyve been read we saw in it. A conviction against upsurge on this mystery is in the us or drink is a couple years ago he served eleven months for that right now were seeing a couple of fullerton Police Officers going on trial for the beating death of kelly thomas but in reality is very rare. The press democrat the newspaper there in santa rosa where andy was killed documented dozens of officers both shootings going back to the nineties and none of it and in every single case helps or so was justified. I know a lot of Police Agencies are now starting to look at their officers with body camera has been hard to clear the spirits could have helped in any of those cases that you reported on. Isnt is emerging that the lapd is actually about to experiment with these body cameras. They they claim that its a day hope to catch up serving misconduct and also protect the officers over false allegations of misconduct but just going back to those cases of kelly thomas and off to grant those are just tough very few cases where an officer does go on trial for a death while on duty and really the only reason that those to go to trial is because there was video and all share. The corners of the lopez family have planned for the future. Sure well tonight there will be a prayer vigil at the same at the side of the shooting where andy was killed and we are seeing that there are organizers playing future rallies that there are some online petitions right now demanding that they do that to be involved in the bendigo be shooting the cross he did theres also a petition to create and add the milk was no more of our parents animals as well. And that her mom for these protests local lines in any part in california today friday on california let you know. What there is hundreds of people who turned out for a rally there in santa rosa and he opens his home town but we also saw the video from here in los angeles and sacramento and even in oakland all communities where there are several victims families who believe that Police Officers who are involved in deadly confrontations need to be held accountable thank you so much for reporting on the rt course on the mongol a nap either. Well still ahead here on artsy taxi drivers find themselves at odds with industry change in the same regulations and competitors are making us wonder that the prophets of old school taxi drivers will tell you how after the break the new warriors. Stories of those with a new window. Changing the world likes. Picture. I dont. This is my hero. I refuse to let one go listen to him the plan for success be it from. Fortune. Puppets the third round. So that these words. Peabody award but the bar the eye i was sis. Welcome back when hail a cab on the street are probably not giving too much not to the person driving or the company he or she works for your concern is getting from point a to point me in the quickest way possible the pain the smallest amount the Nations Capital a taxi turf war is playing out on the streets. New regulations are now in place to modernize dc cabs but at what cost to the driver is. The seatbelts as ortiz ugly wall explains the road rage the remote to know them and ended up riding it will mean nothing. Elias everyday has been driving taxi cabs in washington d c for twenty years. Its been around for a given business the last few weeks after d c taxi cab nation implemented a number of new rules. Now while taxis must come to seem dont like carrying approved credit card system and eventually peaking at the same color. Drivers have had to take on the cost themselves up for ease of a thousand dollars because of the new these new elimination no im not a peep about abuse is as cause for these dome lights keeps going up many drivers can even get windy too long waiting list now some drivers have been taken it to their cars towed and their business at a standstill. I dont give them and hope that my fourth form i e it is how kind they pay my bills just like anybody of the drivers that say theyre tired of being ignored banded together in killing the teamsters union. They are now suing the district to many they get an extension on the rules and for the city to stop touring cars and imposing fines. Rob lantana the chairman of the dc Taxi Cab Commission. He says he put the rules in place for a reason. Under the instructions of the mayor with no money actually take this position. To modernize regular taxi service to the difficulty of its not just new regulations i cant ever say are impacting their business. All parking lots like this have been more full lately because cab drivers say they are losing business to another company thats not claimed by the same rules number as a booking service known for its upscale luxury car serviced. But the click of a vine on a smartphone customers can expect a car dealer riot in a matter of minutes. Diaries are dressed for business and the transaction is smooth and seamless milk as needed director d c in late two thousand alaska. People could have provided least the illusion of being small is more of the elites cab drivers say they even find that sharing the road with them over until now. Cooper recently launched a more Affordable Service called hoover acts will be a license for what its nobodys business going up the tactic of a senior from bc and taking the evidence cab drivers stayed longer acts which are two similar rates for regular taxis. It doesnt have to follow the same rules in order to be a cap that led us to forget that the fingerprint. What is yes kept me home with the indians didnt i think the Commission Says its still the process of breaking the rules of our acts as the cars can stay open for business and tell that blueberries are gaining popularity and many of its users think its the future of urban transportation. We know that its fundamentally transforming transportation if the venture arm of global is given in this company. A quarter of a trillion dollars for taxi drivers that dont welcome to serve as a Taxi Cab Commissions as if they think going green or even use other services are a problem and indeed ads themselves why are people using them instead of me. Thats thats the question. Its a question many town drivers are struggling to answer. As their business. Cam nightly high remain uncertain. In washington the small parts feinstein to earlier my rt zonal is wall to fill the family s with a lot to taxi drivers have come up with two teams competition yet it is getting nastier and typically taxi drivers day on the opry independently is whats been very difficult for them or for their voices to be heard because theyre kind of all over the place now theyre trying to change down by uniting hundreds of them have united and killing got kinda puts things start to form the dc Taxi Operators Association and on their behalf of a lawsuit has been filed in superior court thats down to federal court what it does is ask for or ninety seats you will pay its use not to extend the deadline so that they can have more time in order to comply with these regulations and see that they wanted to having a hard time getting soaked in the city to stop getting on fine slapping them with fines and telling their cars so i bury a sabre string or during our china sea where that goes thats up in the air by death knowing things are heating up absolutely no new dimension a new kind of highlights and a Different Service is that one company thats really up and coming our hands and you know i know you tried it. Id definitely try that service before it is so convenient so is it time for taxi drivers to catch up with the times that followed technology for a while the commission is going to say absolutely say no a lot of people come to dc. Are you studying in other cities where day everybody takes credit card and thats just the way that it is and that you youre competing with that with huge Companies Like work and that thats just the way that that thats the changing times like that again with that time the Taxi Cab Commission and is not actually came under fire because the spokes person. I just kind of controversial words when he was describing this problem hearing he seemed sad that our taxi cab system is comparable to third world country is back in top flight very well but can i raise here in dc of asking for an apology in addition add to that legal action to take mail an apology from the Tax Commission for using those words saying that theres kind of racial undertones that Day Associated with those strong words. This is the timing of a company like a cool bar or some of those other companies they dont and how the same regulations as a regular taxi company right. Well thats kind of where the controversy lies that whoa we in the airport there spoke to a london taxi cab drivers that have been driving here in dc for years and years on for decades and they have always had to abide by the liberals have to get fingerprinted a half to death that they have their drivers are records and havent looked at very closely. May some of them napping and their medical records check and said now because this business is coming and buried bully right in front of them swooping up their buisness and not at least as of now until the rules are more and more interactive more in play set for whom were over act specifically that competes directly with easy taxi cabs and theyre allowed to operate so its frustrating alike and drivers who say that theyve had to abide by these rules for years meters out and seeing seemed slightly higher than in danger at the same time. I know a lot of people might use to regaining popularity its so quick its so easy its so simple and silly see lance and i did see a gain in popularity so on. So yes that some of them some of them are adapting some drivers are adapting. For some its harder man and another is that its achievements in the changing times and i know that customers want to have that safety and knowing that they can trust the person whose car theyre getting into but at the same time that Technology Makes things so convenient it is and can be only on changes that affect our thinking they look so good example of how big a former aide at the moment that we were at lunch that not too long ago in two thousand nine and since then it adds that they exploded its in fifty cities now that im going global thinking about expanding into other parts the world on the ac here in dc just downright land of my friends use it got to use it once and then looked at the zoo because it is so convenient. So ive been very popular grow in popularity and only expected to grow. Thank you so much for putting on the sexy turf wars are to correspond and its longtime unit study on things. And that does it for now and again no panacea to stare at eight pm eastern. In which. Yours. All that well continue trying to choose a november. Whilst im katherine comanche in tokyo relief workers have fanned out across parts of the philippines to help the survivors of a deadly typhoon. Many have been surprised by what theyre seeing more than one thousand seven hundred people are reported to have been killed but authorities fear that disaster can claim as many as ten thousand

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