Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160206 : comparem

Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160206

live in denver jennifer brice, cbs4 news. more breaking news, in arvada a possible threat led to a lockdown in arvada k-8 school in jefferson county. a school resource officer identified a threat outside of the school that led to the lockdown. we don't know exactly what the threat is. as a precaution, the kids who walk home had been kept at school until their parents can come get them. developing tonight, the investigation after a shooting in boulder leaves one man dead. it was early this morning that the ponderosa pines mobile home park on broadway was -- at the ponderosa pines mobile home park on broadway. >> reporter: so far released -- police are not releasing his identity. police have been using medical -- metal detectors and marking evidence. window -- when they arrived victim on the ground. at about 8:00 in the morning, people called police saying they had heard shots fired in your 4400 broadway. >> i talked to the manager. i said, somebody was -- [ pause ] -- shot dead. >> reporter: a man who stays in the neighborhood described the crime scene. >> it freaked me out to have someone get -- dead at ponderosa pines. >> reporter: deputies found when man on the ground with serious injuries. he had been shot multiple times. photos taken showed deputies detaining two people. they were not arrested but brought in for questioning. >> investigators are speaking with the two people who came from the trailer and also with the witnesses, the people who shot died later at the hospital. deputies are not saying what led to the shooting. for one hour a nearby school went into lockout mode in case any suspects were on the run. no word tonight from investigators on whether they plan to arrest those two people they took in for questioning but deputies tell me they are not looking for anyone else. we are live and boulder county, lauren dispirito cbs4 news. a former denver broncos is fight with his girlfriend. police in medicine -- madison wisconsin arrested monty bell -- montee ball . he was a running back for the broncos during the 2013 and 2014 seasons. he was cut before this season. new tonight, it is a crime that can severely injure and even kill a victim. now there is a push to toughen the punishment in colorado for anyone convicted of strangling someone. capital. this is not always a felony.>> reporter: is -- it is usually charged as a misdemeanor. in some cases, strangulation cases are sent to domestic court . oftentimes there is little to no jail time. >> someone can put their hands around your throat and say they are going to kill you and have that be a mistake a -- a misdemeanor. >> reporter: a survivor of strangulation 10 times over a six-month pepper -- six-month period. she nearly lost her life. >> what i have learned in the last few weeks was that i came very close. there is very likely brain damage. >> reporter: and yet he was charged with a misdemeanor. >> he was sentenced to 6 months in jefferson county and served there are marks left. -- there were no marks left so you couldn't see. no one is going to know. i can do this. there is no proof. they are not going to believe you. >> you literally have your life in your hands. as an offender that is something they like. >> reporter: representative mike foot -- foote has introduced a bill that would define speculation is a felony assault. that would be difficult to prove under current law. >> it would require people to come in and talk about how hand can be a deadly weapon. necessarily a parent, it still could have been something that could've caused serious injury. >> in some cases, death. >> i want to be able to give back. i want to be safe. >> reporter: the bill has its first hearing on tuesday. daniel will be there. states worst regulation is not a felony. live at the e -- at the capital, shaun boyd cbs news. a warning for broncos fans heading into super bowl weekend, police want to avoid a scene like this. the celebrating got out of control after the broncos beat the packers in 1998. police are trying to prevent things like this with a message. break the law and you will be arrested. >> certain people use that as an excuse to act out. i personally can't understand that. i deleted celebrating responsibly and having a good time, respecting other people's property. >> police are urging businesses in larimer square and lodo to use plastic cups instead of glass and remove chairs from the outdoor patios. karen, we are now less than 48 hours from the game. >> reporter: can you believe it? all of this talk about it. we have finally here. we are so close to super bowl 50. looking at this place, it is packed. it gets more crowded by the hour. we cannot up -- we caught up with an impressive young man, tom mustin just introduced us to these two people. they are the boys and girls club young men and young woman of the year. you finally made it. >> yes we did.>> reporter: what do you think about all of this? >> it is really cool seeing all of these people. >> reporter: did you think there would be this many people? >> [ laughter ] not this many. wow! i don't think we have seen this many people in colorado. >> she's a great kid. she is represent the broncos boys and girls club in the city of denver. lewis is one of the most polite men in the club. is manors, how he helps other people and is always looking out for his family, is really a beautiful thing. >> this is amazing. this is my first time in california. i didn't know what to expect. this is pretty amazing. >> i am amazed seeing this culture. it's my first time writing a train. it is really amazing. -- riding a train. it is really amazing. >> reporter: lewis has already tried squid for the first time. breanna says all she wants to do while she is here besides sketching the game is to go by the full house, house, and take a picture in front of it. we are so happy they get to be a part of this experience. >> don't forget about the great sourdough bread. you have to have a few bites of that. >> i have. [ laughter ] of the super bowl action. we coupled live reports on cbs4 news. its drive to the championship at 8:30 a.m. and all sorts of special coverage leading up to kick off at 4: 25. cell phone video capturing a giant crane tumbling down in new york city. why there was concern about this crane even before the accident. high pressure it is a beautiful day across the state, just a few high clouds. as we look to the west, high pressure is in control. we have a bunch of these days coming our way. san francisco looks pretty good too. i will give you the latest bronco or cast coming up. proof you can never be too ,, ,, (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, music paying [baby crying] whatever the reason massage envy can help your valentine manage the side effects of this wonderful thing we call living. come in today for this special offer massage envy investigators want to know what caused a towering crane to collapse on a street in new york city. others were hurt. a construction worker used his cell phone to get this video. crushed cars and scattered debris along an entire city block. crews were working to lower the crane due to high winds when it collapsed. 3 you heard the boom and then run to the windows and you see a crane falling on the street. -- >> you heard the boom and then run to the windows and you see a crane falling on the street. >> it had just passed inspection yesterday. now new york mayor has ordered all cranes in new york city to be secured. unemployment is at its lowest level in 8 years. it is now a. -- 4.9% nationally. employers added 151,000 job. the stock market took a beating as a result. twitter has suspended promoting isis. they have now set up a system to flag any of these accounts. joining me from san francisco is karen leigh. it wouldn't be a trip to silicon valley unless we send someone over to a big tech company tech >> -- >> reporter: everyone -- big tech company. >> reporter: [ name indiscernible ] went inside the twitter headquarters which is just a couple of blocks from here.>> reporter: it's one of the biggest social media platforms on the globe. >> the real game is on twitter. >> reporter: twitter says at six -- says it expects an explosion of activity during the game. >> #broncos, that is where you will see the stuff from your team, your players, your coaches and everyone else talking about the game. >> reporter: from twitter to the short video platform called fine, to periscope, twitter expects fans to get closer than ever. >> having those conversations with the teams that are there, the players that have played, the coaches that are all involved, and other fans and followers that you can enjoy it with, that's the best part. it's real time. it's open. >> reporter: 400 miles of cable wires where built into levi's stadium so that fans inside could share their experience to the rest of the world like never before. >> if you are tweeting with #sb 50, that is where you can find all of the great content that is happening around the game. see inside the social media companies, how they prepare for these big events. if you're going to tweak along with us, don't forget, #cbs4 sb. >> -- >> reporter: the grammys are a week away as well. that will really blow up twitter. it's fantastic. that's it from us. we will send it back to you. students here at heritage high school in littleton got schooled and broncos history today. >> [ cheering and applause ] >> three heritage alumni who went on to play for the broncos in past super bowls were special guests at a great pep rally today, mark rumford, brad henke and todd i they received --. they received super bowl 50 footballs. they were cheering the broncos onto super bowl victory. got crocheted hats in orange and blue. this is at the nicus center at university of colorado hospital. we know you want to see more of these. we have more of these posted. check out the pictures at we are rooting for the broncos. >> you can hardly contain it as we get closer and closer. there's a lot of sunshine going on here, a few high clouds over the west and a great day and temperatures are still on the chilly side but they will warm up. we have a big trough of low pressure way out in the pacific. we don't have to worry about much. san francisco right down to los angeles looks pretty good today. we have snow in the great lakes region. it will move on over to new england. that's about it for the country. this includes colorado, they -- this shows most of the country looking good. believes in -- 72 degrees in santa clara. miami got in on the act with 74 degrees, los angeles with 77, 30s and 40s in this area, 37 degrees for denver. you can see the sun going down but -- there are clear skies. 37 today, we were 40, 20, 40 -- 24 at the airport, southeast 9 miles an hour for the winds. the barometer holding steady. you know all of the jingles that peyton manning does for nationwide? look at what they spelled out on the building, "good luck peyton. " mostly in the single digits and teens on the eastern plains. and teens as well. it will be more seasonable tomorrow with 30s, 40s and 50s on the eastern plains, teens, 20s, 30s for the mountains, 20s and 30s out west. let's look at the forecast. for tonight we're looking for clear skies, 20 and 17, 49 and 47 for the next couple of days. ban on monday we have -- on sunday rather, it's a little cooler. everyone will be inside watching the game though. no one cares about that. we care about it on monday. 46 for monday, 53 tuesday, 56 wednesday, karen, the big played -- the big parade could be perfect that we are planning. >> i was thinking the exact same thing. that will be awesome. thank you so much. the media kept the broncos busy all week long and peyton questions. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, time to talk sports with kelly werthmann. no more questions for the broncos. it's time for them to keep their focus. >> reporter: we are just two for the broncos that meant today was her final practice over at stanford university. finally they are done with all of the media questions. clearly they were over it after . straight days of questions. they had a lot of questions to answer, answering many of the same questions over and over. peyton manning and ordered all, answering questions from discounts on papa john's pizza to his possible last rodeo. during the final media session yesterday he was asked about leaning on his brother eli and his dad archie as he prepares for super bowl 50. >> i had dinner with eli the other night and he and i talked about a lot of things. certainly, he played against these guys earlier in the year. we talked about the practice routine and the setup. it. sounding board for me throughout my lifetime. i am very grateful to have both the nfl, to be able to talk to. -- played in the nfl to be able to talk to.>> reporter: the pro football hall of fame class is going to be announced. running back terrel davis is one of the finalists along with john lynch and steve atwater. the game has changed since those two played. the current safeties wish they were allowed to hit like them. >> they could knock the mess out of someone. they would get people's heads on the swivel. we can't do that. >> their physicality, their attitude that they brought to the defense, the leadership, both of them are a lot bigger than i am by to bring the same attitude -- anger, they played with anger. you could see that. >> reporter: all good things must come to an end, but first interview. the shrine to the immaculate heart of mary is around the corner from the broncos hotel. interview there and ask them questions, such as what are some of his favorite super bowl memories as a kid. >> they involve me and my dad watching the games at my house. one of my favorite ones would be the raiders playing the books . -- the buccaneers. i forget what you wrote was. forgets quarterback at the time. that was one of the highlights -- i forget who the quarterback was. that was one of the highlights. >> reporter: more coming up ,, music paying [baby crying] whatever the reason massage envy can help your valentine manage the side effects of this wonderful thing we call living. come in today for this special offer massage envy because everything (donkey sound) (elephant sound) between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. >> pelley: in a new national poll, sanders pulls even with clinton. >> i know what needs to be done, and i will do it. >> pelley: also tonight, new c.d.c. advice for stopping the sexual transmission of zika virus. a deadly shoot-out ends the crime spree of a couple that the cops called bonnie and clyde. and steve hartman with a prediction from a super bowl coach. >> none of us is going to get out of this thing alive. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: hillary clinton's once-commanding lead over bernie sanders in national polls is a new poll out today shows they are now in a statistical tie, and in new hampshire, four days before the primary, sanders leads by 20 points. after their feisty debate last night, clinton talked to our nancy cordes. >> reporter: madam secretary, when i talk to voters here who don't support you, one of the reasons they often give is because of your speaking fees, because of donations from wall street. how do you change that perception? the sanders campaign has been running this campaign of insinuation and innuendo. say it to my face. show me one view, show me one vote that has ever been influenced. i take my responsibility to people i serve really seriously and i have always had that as my i north star. but i'm tired of this, you know, smear campaign that they've been trying to get people to buy into and enough is enough. >> reporter: why do you think it's been so successful? >> oh, look i think there is a susceptibility for people to, that, and that's why i'm answering questions, and that's why i'm putting out, you know, ning and that's why wall street billionaires are running ads against me. they're not running them against senator sanders. >> reporter: if you knew you were probably going to run for president why leave yourself ou open to that attack by taking these large speaking fees on wall street. >> i didn't know -- >> reporter: everybody knew. >> well, i'm glad you did. i spoke to campers, i spoke to heart doctors, i spoke to auto dealers, i spoke to a wide range of people who actually want to hear from former secretaries of state. but that's not what this is about. what this is about is the implication that somehow i'm going to be in the tank for the campers of america, or i'm going to really go overboard for heart doctors. now, really, this is so unfair and wrong. >> reporter: at the debate, clinton was asked if she would release transcripts of her wall street speeches, and she said i asked her today, scott, what there is to look into. she said she didn't know but that it's going to have to wait until after next tuesday's primary. >> pelley: nancy cordes with the key interview tonight. nancy, thank you. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will be john dickerson's guests on "face the nation" this sunday. donald trump is leading republicans in new hampshire, but marco rubio is gaining with ted cruz close behind. john kasich is also in double digits. major garrett tells us that jeb bush brought out heavy artillery today. >> reporter: heavy snow today did not stop 90-year-old barbara bush for campaigning for jeb bush. >> gloria, we need your vote. >> reporter: bush accepted all the help he could get, even from children. >> what is this? >> i'd like to donate this to your campaign. >> you're kidding. >> we love trump! >> reporter: the snow forced donald trump to cancel his only new york and connecticut slogged through the winter weather to knock on doors on behalf of a campaign suddenly trice to mount a voter mobilization effort. president to expand the american dream. >> reporter: volunteers for marco rubio worked the phones as the florida senator also tried to stand up a ground game in the home stretch. chris christie, attending his 65th town hall, warned voters about candidates like trump and rubio, who have not invested as much time in the granite state. >> if you reward those folks who don't show up here, there's no reason-- there's no reason for new hampshire to be first. >> reporter: john kasich is in the middle of his 100th town hall. he doesn't have the poll numbers here that rubio does, but he doesn't necessarily need to. scott, the way rubio and kasich finish in this state, because kasich has the best organization, will tell a lot in the future about politicking for the presidency here in new hampshire. >> pelley: major garrett, thank you. the zika virus, suspected of causing birth defects, is now in 26 countries and territories in two new cases in florida now bring the total in the u.s. to ta at least 53. zika is most often spread by mosquitoes, but today, the c.d.c. put out new guidelines aimed at transmission through sex. our dr. jon lapook is in brazil, the country hardest hit by the outbreak. >> reporter: today's c.d.c. guidelines say men who live in or have traveled to a country with a zika outbreak should abstain from sex or use condoms during sex with pregnant women. zika virus testing should be offered to all pregnant women who have been to affected countries. if they have symptoms, testing should be done within the first week of illness. c.d.c. director tom frieden. >> we're looking to increase the number of women who are intensively monitored by their health care provider if they're pregnant to see if they have any indication that they might have this infection. >> reporter: the main cause for concern in pregnant women is the suspected link between zika infection and microcephaly, and possible brain damage. health officials in brazil say more than 4,000 babies have this serious birth defect. ou the c.d.c. is telling doctors in the u.s. to be vigilant. dr. nancy cossler is an ob/gyn at university hospital's case medical center in cleveland. >> once microcephaly starts to develop, we can't fix it. it's not like having hypertension in pregnancy or diabetes in pregnancy where we know what to do to get best outcomes for babies whose moms are affected by those diseases. >> reporter: today, brazilian researchers reported finding the virus in urine and saliva, but that does not mean zika infection can be transmitted by those fluids. scott, zika is still primarily spread by mosquitoes. >> pelley: jon lapook covering zika for us in brazil tonight. jon, thank you. today we got some overdue good news on the economy after weeks of worry over the stock market, the government says 151,000 jobs were created in january, not spectacular, but solid. the unemployment rate fell to 4.9%. and just look at the journey america has taken to get there. after the great recession struck in 2008, unemployment shot up to 10%, and it has taken more than six years to get here. and because the job market is tightening now, wages have finally started to rise, up 2.5% in the past year. maybe it's a miracle that more people weren't killed in manhattan this morning as cars and people scurried through rush hour, a 560-foot construction crane tipped over and crushed parts of two city blocks. one person was killed, two were hurt, and here's demarco morgan. >> there it goes. it's moving fast now. he's dropping it really quick >> whoa! >> reporter: cell phone video taken from 30 stories high captured the frightening moment. >> whoa! >> it's falling! it's falling! oh, it broke! >> reporter: the emergency calls immediately started pouring in. >> it was terrifying. i screamed. >> reporter: vivian collins watched from about 100 feet away. >> if it had fallen sideways i would have been crushed. >> it almost split in half from the roof, driver's side, straight down. >> reporter: the massive crane split an entire block of cars nearly in half. the collapse killed 40-year-old david wiches. the crane, which had been in place since last saturday, was due to high winds from the early-morning snowstorm. cbs news learned, big crane services, the company that owns the crane, has been cited four times for safety violations since 2011. yesterday and declared it safe. collins said residents were concerned the crane wasn't secure. you have been complaining about this for quite some time. >> we have been complaining about this. we filed a complaint with the city on sunday. >> reporter: scott, from 2006- fatalities due to crane accidents. >> pelley: demarco morgan in lower manhattan tonight. demarco, thank you. taiwan has been hit by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake, and one high-rise apartment building in the city of tainan has partially collapsed. rescuers scrambled to pull people out. there's no word yet on whether anyone was killed. there are reports that water and gas mains have broken. in syria, the tide may be turning for the assad dictatorship after five years of civil war. we were struck by these new images from syria. this is the city of homs. philadelphia, and now there are only ghosts. it is hard to spot a single building that isn't shattered. now to the north of homs, with the help of continuous russian airstrikes, the assad dictatorship is advancing on the city of aleppo, the main rebel stronghold. it was once syria's largest city, and assad may have it surrounded in a matter of days. so tonight, thousands of syrian refugees are streaming out of aleppo in a march toward turkey, and holly williams is there. holly. >> reporter: scott, the syrian regime launched a new offensive around aleppo this week, backed by russian airstrikes. it's thought that tens of thousands of people have fled the intense fighting, and up to 20,000 people are already massed on the turkish border, according to the u.n., though so far they haven't been allowed across. didn't just lose territory but also control of the main supply route linking aleppo with turkey. that sparked fears that the regime could surround the entire city, laying siege to areas held by the rebels and trapping civilians. russia began launching airstrikes in syria in september, and it's helped government forces to capture several strategically key towns. but taking full control of aleppo, which was a city of more than 2 million people before this war began, would be a much bigger prize for the syrian regime and also for its russian backers. >> pelley: the assad dictatorship making significant gains on the battle field for the first time in years. ht holly williams in istanbul for us tonight, holly, thank you. f now, one of college basketball's winningest programs has just benched itself for the postseason. jim axelrod reports on what's behind the drastic action by the university of louisville. >> reporter: more than 40 years an champion, rick pitino and his louisville cardinals are now mired in a sex scandal that will leave the team sidelined for the postseason. >> i've had my share of crying and didn't want to go through it anymore, but this is certainly a night of extreme pain. >> reporter: the ban was imposed by the school's president. >> this is a decision that's as harsh as anything i've seen. >> reporter: in a book published last october, an escort named katina powell claimed a basketball staffer named andre mcgee paid her and other strippers $10,000 to throw parties that included having sex with players and recruits. louisville got the results of their own investigation yesterday. >> this is a team that is very much favored to go very far in the tournament, so this penalty is quite substantial, much more- - it comes with complete shock to me. consistently denied knowing anything about the parties where the recruits and players were allegedly entertained by the strippers. the escort has said with recruits, loud music, alcohol, security, and cameras in a campus dorm, how could he not know. >> pelley: jim axelrod tonight. jim, thank you very much. coming up next, a family was held hostage at gunpoint. >> it was absolutely terrifying. >> pelley: but then they helped catch a modern bonnie and clyde when the cbs evening news continues. continues. i am his guardian. i am his voice. so i asked 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case. >> reporter: are you okay? >> am i okay? no. no. i'm not okay. >> reporter: april gunnell's husband ian called in the tip that led police to blake fitzgerald and his girlfriend, escambia county florida deputies shot and killed fitzgerald who the sheriff said used his girlfriend as a shield against bullets, but authorities insist she volunteered in the couple's six-day crime spree from mississippi to florida, allegedly robbing, carjacking, and holding people hostage over six days. last night, they were caught on surveillance camera, right before gunnell says fitzgerald kicked down his door. >> they were telling us why they were here. >> yeah. >> which was they were on the run, in trouble, needed somewhere to stay right now. >> reporter: they had abandoned a vehicle near your house. >> right. >> reporter: so they're in your house holding you hostage and the police are driving around. >> yes. >> reporter: and they're watching it. >> and they're waiting for a break to go. >> reporter: april was in the room with the couple's two-year- old daughter madeline. did you think they were going to hurt you and your daughter? >> yes, of course, i did. i did. of course. you know, somebody comes in with a gun in your house. gunnells say they were held hostage by these suspects. at one point they even used the couple's phones. >> we heard those conversations. >> it was really hard. >> they said good-bye to their families. >> reporter: shortly thereafter, this so-called modern day bonnie and clyde, fled in the gunnells' truck. within 10 minutes, a sheriff's deputy spotted them. do you feel hate toward them? >> no. >> reporter: or sorrow? >> i don't feel hatred. i feel sorrow. >> reporter: that female suspect, brittany harper, was taken to this pensacola hospital behind me with gunshot wounds but, scott, authorities say her injuries are not life threatening. >> pelley: david begnaud, thanks. still ahead, steve hartman "on the road" but up next, watching over the fans at super bowl 50. over the fans at super bowl 50. it's been a real struggle to find relief. paint a different picture. talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. a heart attack doesn't care if you run everyday, or if you're young or old. no matter who you are a heart attack can happen if you've had a heart attack, can help prevent be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i have asthma... life. so when my asthma symptoms kept on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden 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target of isis in paris last november was a big soccer match with the president of france among the fans. two men securing the super bowl talked to our michelle miller. >> reporter: in the ramp-up to sunday's super bowl, the f.a.a. has banned consumer drones, part of a 50-agency crackdown marshaled by homeland security secretary jeh johnson. is there a credible threat against the super bowl? >> we know of no specific, credible threat directed at the super bowl. >> reporter: still, super bowl security is at a near-lockdown level. license plates on cars crossing bridges are recorded, the cargo in every truck entering the stadium is scanned. on game day, the skies over levi stadium will be a no-fly zone, but all week, customs and border protection black hawk choppers have had the san francisco bay area under surveillance. john pirdy is in command. >> we can put eyes on anyone within a 30 nautical mile radius time. >> reporter: but after all of that, secretary johnson says the very fans he's trying to protect may themselves be the best defense. >> if you see something, say something. >> reporter: has it worked? >> i believe it has. >> reporter: the f.b.i. is staging six secret locations in and around levi stadium, scott, all to protect the 70,000 fans expected on game day. >> pelley: michelle, thanks. when a super bowl coach claimed he had no story to tell, it was game on for steve hartman. next. there's only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. with more great nutrition. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. the microsoft cloud allows us to access information from anywhere. the microsoft cloud allows us to scale up. microsoft cloud changes our world dramatically. it wasn't too long ago it and analyze a genome. now, we can do a hundred per day. with the microsoft cloud we don't have to build server rooms. we have instant scale. the microsoft cloud is helping us to re-build and re-interpret our 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allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card ,, >> pelley: finally tonight, a super bowl coach gave steve hartman a look inside his throws at you. >> reporter: all week, carolina panthers special teams coach bruce dehaven has been deflecting. >> i'm just going to refrain from answering a whole lot of questions about all that. >> reporter: telling reporter-- >> this is not a story. >> reporter: after reporter, that there are more important things to talk about than him. but in the one interview he did sit down for this week, i learned bruce dehaven knows a lot more about what it takes to win at football than what makes an important story. >> well, in terms of what's i happened to me, if i've only got a limited amount of time left, why would i want to spend it feeling sorry for myself? >> reporter: last spring, at the age of 66, bruce was diagnosed with an incurable form of prostate cancer. obviously, that diagnosis would have driven many people into retirement, but not bruce. coach, and -- >> reporter: why does coaching win out? >> i just love coaching. coaching's teaching. i mean, for whatever reason, it's in my blood. i mean, i'll probably cry after this ballgame just because we're not going to have another week of practice. >> reporter: in fact, he loves practice so much, he actually scheduled his cancer treatments ts around it, never missed a single day of work all season. >> some guy's got to work for a living, don't they. >> yeah? >> i find myself lingering after practice, thinking about i want to make a little picture here in ft my mind in case i'm not doing this soon. >> reporter: he knows this could be his last year. and given that perspective, you'd think the super bowl itself wouldn't matter as much, but don't talk to bruce about the prospect of losing. >> i wouldn't even want to think about that. >> reporter: you're telling me it still matters, the game still matters who wins or loses? >> we're in the same position. none of us is going to get out of this thing alive. >> reporter:and if you can get out with a super bowl ring, all the better. >> that is way better, yeah. figured out by now, bruce is and always has been one of the nicest guys in the n.f.l. players like wide receiver corey brown adore him. >> he's like a grandpa to me. he's a guy i care about. >> reporter: the difference is, this season everybody has been going out of their way to tell him that. >> when lou gehrig said, "i feel like i'm the luckiest guy in the world," i can understand what he meant. you just have no idea how you've touched people sometimes, and if it hadn't been for this, maybe i would never have known this. >> reporter: so says the man with no story to tell. steve hartman, "on the road," in san francisco. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley. good night. captioned by media access group at wgbh police have a message for fans in denver. the cops do not want to see scenes like this one from prior celebrations. this is what denver looked like the last time the broncos won a super bowl in 1998. rick sallinger live in larimer square. police are warning fans, break the law, get arrested. in '98 and '99 when the broncos won the super bowl, and also when the avalanche won the stanley cup. i can tell you those joyous celebrations can quickly turn quite ugly. the year was 1998. there was jubilation as the

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Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160206

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live in denver jennifer brice, cbs4 news. more breaking news, in arvada a possible threat led to a lockdown in arvada k-8 school in jefferson county. a school resource officer identified a threat outside of the school that led to the lockdown. we don't know exactly what the threat is. as a precaution, the kids who walk home had been kept at school until their parents can come get them. developing tonight, the investigation after a shooting in boulder leaves one man dead. it was early this morning that the ponderosa pines mobile home park on broadway was -- at the ponderosa pines mobile home park on broadway. >> reporter: so far released -- police are not releasing his identity. police have been using medical -- metal detectors and marking evidence. window -- when they arrived victim on the ground. at about 8:00 in the morning, people called police saying they had heard shots fired in your 4400 broadway. >> i talked to the manager. i said, somebody was -- [ pause ] -- shot dead. >> reporter: a man who stays in the neighborhood described the crime scene. >> it freaked me out to have someone get -- dead at ponderosa pines. >> reporter: deputies found when man on the ground with serious injuries. he had been shot multiple times. photos taken showed deputies detaining two people. they were not arrested but brought in for questioning. >> investigators are speaking with the two people who came from the trailer and also with the witnesses, the people who shot died later at the hospital. deputies are not saying what led to the shooting. for one hour a nearby school went into lockout mode in case any suspects were on the run. no word tonight from investigators on whether they plan to arrest those two people they took in for questioning but deputies tell me they are not looking for anyone else. we are live and boulder county, lauren dispirito cbs4 news. a former denver broncos is fight with his girlfriend. police in medicine -- madison wisconsin arrested monty bell -- montee ball . he was a running back for the broncos during the 2013 and 2014 seasons. he was cut before this season. new tonight, it is a crime that can severely injure and even kill a victim. now there is a push to toughen the punishment in colorado for anyone convicted of strangling someone. capital. this is not always a felony.>> reporter: is -- it is usually charged as a misdemeanor. in some cases, strangulation cases are sent to domestic court . oftentimes there is little to no jail time. >> someone can put their hands around your throat and say they are going to kill you and have that be a mistake a -- a misdemeanor. >> reporter: a survivor of strangulation 10 times over a six-month pepper -- six-month period. she nearly lost her life. >> what i have learned in the last few weeks was that i came very close. there is very likely brain damage. >> reporter: and yet he was charged with a misdemeanor. >> he was sentenced to 6 months in jefferson county and served there are marks left. -- there were no marks left so you couldn't see. no one is going to know. i can do this. there is no proof. they are not going to believe you. >> you literally have your life in your hands. as an offender that is something they like. >> reporter: representative mike foot -- foote has introduced a bill that would define speculation is a felony assault. that would be difficult to prove under current law. >> it would require people to come in and talk about how hand can be a deadly weapon. necessarily a parent, it still could have been something that could've caused serious injury. >> in some cases, death. >> i want to be able to give back. i want to be safe. >> reporter: the bill has its first hearing on tuesday. daniel will be there. states worst regulation is not a felony. live at the e -- at the capital, shaun boyd cbs news. a warning for broncos fans heading into super bowl weekend, police want to avoid a scene like this. the celebrating got out of control after the broncos beat the packers in 1998. police are trying to prevent things like this with a message. break the law and you will be arrested. >> certain people use that as an excuse to act out. i personally can't understand that. i deleted celebrating responsibly and having a good time, respecting other people's property. >> police are urging businesses in larimer square and lodo to use plastic cups instead of glass and remove chairs from the outdoor patios. karen, we are now less than 48 hours from the game. >> reporter: can you believe it? all of this talk about it. we have finally here. we are so close to super bowl 50. looking at this place, it is packed. it gets more crowded by the hour. we cannot up -- we caught up with an impressive young man, tom mustin just introduced us to these two people. they are the boys and girls club young men and young woman of the year. you finally made it. >> yes we did.>> reporter: what do you think about all of this? >> it is really cool seeing all of these people. >> reporter: did you think there would be this many people? >> [ laughter ] not this many. wow! i don't think we have seen this many people in colorado. >> she's a great kid. she is represent the broncos boys and girls club in the city of denver. lewis is one of the most polite men in the club. is manors, how he helps other people and is always looking out for his family, is really a beautiful thing. >> this is amazing. this is my first time in california. i didn't know what to expect. this is pretty amazing. >> i am amazed seeing this culture. it's my first time writing a train. it is really amazing. -- riding a train. it is really amazing. >> reporter: lewis has already tried squid for the first time. breanna says all she wants to do while she is here besides sketching the game is to go by the full house, house, and take a picture in front of it. we are so happy they get to be a part of this experience. >> don't forget about the great sourdough bread. you have to have a few bites of that. >> i have. [ laughter ] of the super bowl action. we coupled live reports on cbs4 news. its drive to the championship at 8:30 a.m. and all sorts of special coverage leading up to kick off at 4: 25. cell phone video capturing a giant crane tumbling down in new york city. why there was concern about this crane even before the accident. high pressure it is a beautiful day across the state, just a few high clouds. as we look to the west, high pressure is in control. we have a bunch of these days coming our way. san francisco looks pretty good too. i will give you the latest bronco or cast coming up. proof you can never be too ,, ,, (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, music paying [baby crying] whatever the reason massage envy can help your valentine manage the side effects of this wonderful thing we call living. come in today for this special offer massage envy investigators want to know what caused a towering crane to collapse on a street in new york city. others were hurt. a construction worker used his cell phone to get this video. crushed cars and scattered debris along an entire city block. crews were working to lower the crane due to high winds when it collapsed. 3 you heard the boom and then run to the windows and you see a crane falling on the street. -- >> you heard the boom and then run to the windows and you see a crane falling on the street. >> it had just passed inspection yesterday. now new york mayor has ordered all cranes in new york city to be secured. unemployment is at its lowest level in 8 years. it is now a. -- 4.9% nationally. employers added 151,000 job. the stock market took a beating as a result. twitter has suspended promoting isis. they have now set up a system to flag any of these accounts. joining me from san francisco is karen leigh. it wouldn't be a trip to silicon valley unless we send someone over to a big tech company tech >> -- >> reporter: everyone -- big tech company. >> reporter: [ name indiscernible ] went inside the twitter headquarters which is just a couple of blocks from here.>> reporter: it's one of the biggest social media platforms on the globe. >> the real game is on twitter. >> reporter: twitter says at six -- says it expects an explosion of activity during the game. >> #broncos, that is where you will see the stuff from your team, your players, your coaches and everyone else talking about the game. >> reporter: from twitter to the short video platform called fine, to periscope, twitter expects fans to get closer than ever. >> having those conversations with the teams that are there, the players that have played, the coaches that are all involved, and other fans and followers that you can enjoy it with, that's the best part. it's real time. it's open. >> reporter: 400 miles of cable wires where built into levi's stadium so that fans inside could share their experience to the rest of the world like never before. >> if you are tweeting with #sb 50, that is where you can find all of the great content that is happening around the game. see inside the social media companies, how they prepare for these big events. if you're going to tweak along with us, don't forget, #cbs4 sb. >> -- >> reporter: the grammys are a week away as well. that will really blow up twitter. it's fantastic. that's it from us. we will send it back to you. students here at heritage high school in littleton got schooled and broncos history today. >> [ cheering and applause ] >> three heritage alumni who went on to play for the broncos in past super bowls were special guests at a great pep rally today, mark rumford, brad henke and todd i they received --. they received super bowl 50 footballs. they were cheering the broncos onto super bowl victory. got crocheted hats in orange and blue. this is at the nicus center at university of colorado hospital. we know you want to see more of these. we have more of these posted. check out the pictures at we are rooting for the broncos. >> you can hardly contain it as we get closer and closer. there's a lot of sunshine going on here, a few high clouds over the west and a great day and temperatures are still on the chilly side but they will warm up. we have a big trough of low pressure way out in the pacific. we don't have to worry about much. san francisco right down to los angeles looks pretty good today. we have snow in the great lakes region. it will move on over to new england. that's about it for the country. this includes colorado, they -- this shows most of the country looking good. believes in -- 72 degrees in santa clara. miami got in on the act with 74 degrees, los angeles with 77, 30s and 40s in this area, 37 degrees for denver. you can see the sun going down but -- there are clear skies. 37 today, we were 40, 20, 40 -- 24 at the airport, southeast 9 miles an hour for the winds. the barometer holding steady. you know all of the jingles that peyton manning does for nationwide? look at what they spelled out on the building, "good luck peyton. " mostly in the single digits and teens on the eastern plains. and teens as well. it will be more seasonable tomorrow with 30s, 40s and 50s on the eastern plains, teens, 20s, 30s for the mountains, 20s and 30s out west. let's look at the forecast. for tonight we're looking for clear skies, 20 and 17, 49 and 47 for the next couple of days. ban on monday we have -- on sunday rather, it's a little cooler. everyone will be inside watching the game though. no one cares about that. we care about it on monday. 46 for monday, 53 tuesday, 56 wednesday, karen, the big played -- the big parade could be perfect that we are planning. >> i was thinking the exact same thing. that will be awesome. thank you so much. the media kept the broncos busy all week long and peyton questions. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, time to talk sports with kelly werthmann. no more questions for the broncos. it's time for them to keep their focus. >> reporter: we are just two for the broncos that meant today was her final practice over at stanford university. finally they are done with all of the media questions. clearly they were over it after . straight days of questions. they had a lot of questions to answer, answering many of the same questions over and over. peyton manning and ordered all, answering questions from discounts on papa john's pizza to his possible last rodeo. during the final media session yesterday he was asked about leaning on his brother eli and his dad archie as he prepares for super bowl 50. >> i had dinner with eli the other night and he and i talked about a lot of things. certainly, he played against these guys earlier in the year. we talked about the practice routine and the setup. it. sounding board for me throughout my lifetime. i am very grateful to have both the nfl, to be able to talk to. -- played in the nfl to be able to talk to.>> reporter: the pro football hall of fame class is going to be announced. running back terrel davis is one of the finalists along with john lynch and steve atwater. the game has changed since those two played. the current safeties wish they were allowed to hit like them. >> they could knock the mess out of someone. they would get people's heads on the swivel. we can't do that. >> their physicality, their attitude that they brought to the defense, the leadership, both of them are a lot bigger than i am by to bring the same attitude -- anger, they played with anger. you could see that. >> reporter: all good things must come to an end, but first interview. the shrine to the immaculate heart of mary is around the corner from the broncos hotel. interview there and ask them questions, such as what are some of his favorite super bowl memories as a kid. >> they involve me and my dad watching the games at my house. one of my favorite ones would be the raiders playing the books . -- the buccaneers. i forget what you wrote was. forgets quarterback at the time. that was one of the highlights -- i forget who the quarterback was. that was one of the highlights. >> reporter: more coming up ,, music paying [baby crying] whatever the reason massage envy can help your valentine manage the side effects of this wonderful thing we call living. come in today for this special offer massage envy because everything (donkey sound) (elephant sound) between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. >> pelley: in a new national poll, sanders pulls even with clinton. >> i know what needs to be done, and i will do it. >> pelley: also tonight, new c.d.c. advice for stopping the sexual transmission of zika virus. a deadly shoot-out ends the crime spree of a couple that the cops called bonnie and clyde. and steve hartman with a prediction from a super bowl coach. >> none of us is going to get out of this thing alive. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: hillary clinton's once-commanding lead over bernie sanders in national polls is a new poll out today shows they are now in a statistical tie, and in new hampshire, four days before the primary, sanders leads by 20 points. after their feisty debate last night, clinton talked to our nancy cordes. >> reporter: madam secretary, when i talk to voters here who don't support you, one of the reasons they often give is because of your speaking fees, because of donations from wall street. how do you change that perception? the sanders campaign has been running this campaign of insinuation and innuendo. say it to my face. show me one view, show me one vote that has ever been influenced. i take my responsibility to people i serve really seriously and i have always had that as my i north star. but i'm tired of this, you know, smear campaign that they've been trying to get people to buy into and enough is enough. >> reporter: why do you think it's been so successful? >> oh, look i think there is a susceptibility for people to, that, and that's why i'm answering questions, and that's why i'm putting out, you know, ning and that's why wall street billionaires are running ads against me. they're not running them against senator sanders. >> reporter: if you knew you were probably going to run for president why leave yourself ou open to that attack by taking these large speaking fees on wall street. >> i didn't know -- >> reporter: everybody knew. >> well, i'm glad you did. i spoke to campers, i spoke to heart doctors, i spoke to auto dealers, i spoke to a wide range of people who actually want to hear from former secretaries of state. but that's not what this is about. what this is about is the implication that somehow i'm going to be in the tank for the campers of america, or i'm going to really go overboard for heart doctors. now, really, this is so unfair and wrong. >> reporter: at the debate, clinton was asked if she would release transcripts of her wall street speeches, and she said i asked her today, scott, what there is to look into. she said she didn't know but that it's going to have to wait until after next tuesday's primary. >> pelley: nancy cordes with the key interview tonight. nancy, thank you. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will be john dickerson's guests on "face the nation" this sunday. donald trump is leading republicans in new hampshire, but marco rubio is gaining with ted cruz close behind. john kasich is also in double digits. major garrett tells us that jeb bush brought out heavy artillery today. >> reporter: heavy snow today did not stop 90-year-old barbara bush for campaigning for jeb bush. >> gloria, we need your vote. >> reporter: bush accepted all the help he could get, even from children. >> what is this? >> i'd like to donate this to your campaign. >> you're kidding. >> we love trump! >> reporter: the snow forced donald trump to cancel his only new york and connecticut slogged through the winter weather to knock on doors on behalf of a campaign suddenly trice to mount a voter mobilization effort. president to expand the american dream. >> reporter: volunteers for marco rubio worked the phones as the florida senator also tried to stand up a ground game in the home stretch. chris christie, attending his 65th town hall, warned voters about candidates like trump and rubio, who have not invested as much time in the granite state. >> if you reward those folks who don't show up here, there's no reason-- there's no reason for new hampshire to be first. >> reporter: john kasich is in the middle of his 100th town hall. he doesn't have the poll numbers here that rubio does, but he doesn't necessarily need to. scott, the way rubio and kasich finish in this state, because kasich has the best organization, will tell a lot in the future about politicking for the presidency here in new hampshire. >> pelley: major garrett, thank you. the zika virus, suspected of causing birth defects, is now in 26 countries and territories in two new cases in florida now bring the total in the u.s. to ta at least 53. zika is most often spread by mosquitoes, but today, the c.d.c. put out new guidelines aimed at transmission through sex. our dr. jon lapook is in brazil, the country hardest hit by the outbreak. >> reporter: today's c.d.c. guidelines say men who live in or have traveled to a country with a zika outbreak should abstain from sex or use condoms during sex with pregnant women. zika virus testing should be offered to all pregnant women who have been to affected countries. if they have symptoms, testing should be done within the first week of illness. c.d.c. director tom frieden. >> we're looking to increase the number of women who are intensively monitored by their health care provider if they're pregnant to see if they have any indication that they might have this infection. >> reporter: the main cause for concern in pregnant women is the suspected link between zika infection and microcephaly, and possible brain damage. health officials in brazil say more than 4,000 babies have this serious birth defect. ou the c.d.c. is telling doctors in the u.s. to be vigilant. dr. nancy cossler is an ob/gyn at university hospital's case medical center in cleveland. >> once microcephaly starts to develop, we can't fix it. it's not like having hypertension in pregnancy or diabetes in pregnancy where we know what to do to get best outcomes for babies whose moms are affected by those diseases. >> reporter: today, brazilian researchers reported finding the virus in urine and saliva, but that does not mean zika infection can be transmitted by those fluids. scott, zika is still primarily spread by mosquitoes. >> pelley: jon lapook covering zika for us in brazil tonight. jon, thank you. today we got some overdue good news on the economy after weeks of worry over the stock market, the government says 151,000 jobs were created in january, not spectacular, but solid. the unemployment rate fell to 4.9%. and just look at the journey america has taken to get there. after the great recession struck in 2008, unemployment shot up to 10%, and it has taken more than six years to get here. and because the job market is tightening now, wages have finally started to rise, up 2.5% in the past year. maybe it's a miracle that more people weren't killed in manhattan this morning as cars and people scurried through rush hour, a 560-foot construction crane tipped over and crushed parts of two city blocks. one person was killed, two were hurt, and here's demarco morgan. >> there it goes. it's moving fast now. he's dropping it really quick >> whoa! >> reporter: cell phone video taken from 30 stories high captured the frightening moment. >> whoa! >> it's falling! it's falling! oh, it broke! >> reporter: the emergency calls immediately started pouring in. >> it was terrifying. i screamed. >> reporter: vivian collins watched from about 100 feet away. >> if it had fallen sideways i would have been crushed. >> it almost split in half from the roof, driver's side, straight down. >> reporter: the massive crane split an entire block of cars nearly in half. the collapse killed 40-year-old david wiches. the crane, which had been in place since last saturday, was due to high winds from the early-morning snowstorm. cbs news learned, big crane services, the company that owns the crane, has been cited four times for safety violations since 2011. yesterday and declared it safe. collins said residents were concerned the crane wasn't secure. you have been complaining about this for quite some time. >> we have been complaining about this. we filed a complaint with the city on sunday. >> reporter: scott, from 2006- fatalities due to crane accidents. >> pelley: demarco morgan in lower manhattan tonight. demarco, thank you. taiwan has been hit by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake, and one high-rise apartment building in the city of tainan has partially collapsed. rescuers scrambled to pull people out. there's no word yet on whether anyone was killed. there are reports that water and gas mains have broken. in syria, the tide may be turning for the assad dictatorship after five years of civil war. we were struck by these new images from syria. this is the city of homs. philadelphia, and now there are only ghosts. it is hard to spot a single building that isn't shattered. now to the north of homs, with the help of continuous russian airstrikes, the assad dictatorship is advancing on the city of aleppo, the main rebel stronghold. it was once syria's largest city, and assad may have it surrounded in a matter of days. so tonight, thousands of syrian refugees are streaming out of aleppo in a march toward turkey, and holly williams is there. holly. >> reporter: scott, the syrian regime launched a new offensive around aleppo this week, backed by russian airstrikes. it's thought that tens of thousands of people have fled the intense fighting, and up to 20,000 people are already massed on the turkish border, according to the u.n., though so far they haven't been allowed across. didn't just lose territory but also control of the main supply route linking aleppo with turkey. that sparked fears that the regime could surround the entire city, laying siege to areas held by the rebels and trapping civilians. russia began launching airstrikes in syria in september, and it's helped government forces to capture several strategically key towns. but taking full control of aleppo, which was a city of more than 2 million people before this war began, would be a much bigger prize for the syrian regime and also for its russian backers. >> pelley: the assad dictatorship making significant gains on the battle field for the first time in years. ht holly williams in istanbul for us tonight, holly, thank you. f now, one of college basketball's winningest programs has just benched itself for the postseason. jim axelrod reports on what's behind the drastic action by the university of louisville. >> reporter: more than 40 years an champion, rick pitino and his louisville cardinals are now mired in a sex scandal that will leave the team sidelined for the postseason. >> i've had my share of crying and didn't want to go through it anymore, but this is certainly a night of extreme pain. >> reporter: the ban was imposed by the school's president. >> this is a decision that's as harsh as anything i've seen. >> reporter: in a book published last october, an escort named katina powell claimed a basketball staffer named andre mcgee paid her and other strippers $10,000 to throw parties that included having sex with players and recruits. louisville got the results of their own investigation yesterday. >> this is a team that is very much favored to go very far in the tournament, so this penalty is quite substantial, much more- - it comes with complete shock to me. consistently denied knowing anything about the parties where the recruits and players were allegedly entertained by the strippers. the escort has said with recruits, loud music, alcohol, security, and cameras in a campus dorm, how could he not know. >> pelley: jim axelrod tonight. jim, thank you very much. coming up next, a family was held hostage at gunpoint. >> it was absolutely terrifying. >> pelley: but then they helped catch a modern bonnie and clyde when the cbs evening news continues. continues. i am his guardian. i am his voice. so i asked 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case. >> reporter: are you okay? >> am i okay? no. no. i'm not okay. >> reporter: april gunnell's husband ian called in the tip that led police to blake fitzgerald and his girlfriend, escambia county florida deputies shot and killed fitzgerald who the sheriff said used his girlfriend as a shield against bullets, but authorities insist she volunteered in the couple's six-day crime spree from mississippi to florida, allegedly robbing, carjacking, and holding people hostage over six days. last night, they were caught on surveillance camera, right before gunnell says fitzgerald kicked down his door. >> they were telling us why they were here. >> yeah. >> which was they were on the run, in trouble, needed somewhere to stay right now. >> reporter: they had abandoned a vehicle near your house. >> right. >> reporter: so they're in your house holding you hostage and the police are driving around. >> yes. >> reporter: and they're watching it. >> and they're waiting for a break to go. >> reporter: april was in the room with the couple's two-year- old daughter madeline. did you think they were going to hurt you and your daughter? >> yes, of course, i did. i did. of course. you know, somebody comes in with a gun in your house. gunnells say they were held hostage by these suspects. at one point they even used the couple's phones. >> we heard those conversations. >> it was really hard. >> they said good-bye to their families. >> reporter: shortly thereafter, this so-called modern day bonnie and clyde, fled in the gunnells' truck. within 10 minutes, a sheriff's deputy spotted them. do you feel hate toward them? >> no. >> reporter: or sorrow? >> i don't feel hatred. i feel sorrow. >> reporter: that female suspect, brittany harper, was taken to this pensacola hospital behind me with gunshot wounds but, scott, authorities say her injuries are not life threatening. >> pelley: david begnaud, thanks. still ahead, steve hartman "on the road" but up next, watching over the fans at 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target of isis in paris last november was a big soccer match with the president of france among the fans. two men securing the super bowl talked to our michelle miller. >> reporter: in the ramp-up to sunday's super bowl, the f.a.a. has banned consumer drones, part of a 50-agency crackdown marshaled by homeland security secretary jeh johnson. is there a credible threat against the super bowl? >> we know of no specific, credible threat directed at the super bowl. >> reporter: still, super bowl security is at a near-lockdown level. license plates on cars crossing bridges are recorded, the cargo in every truck entering the stadium is scanned. on game day, the skies over levi stadium will be a no-fly zone, but all week, customs and border protection black hawk choppers have had the san francisco bay area under surveillance. john pirdy is in command. >> we can put eyes on anyone within a 30 nautical mile radius time. >> reporter: but after all of that, secretary johnson says the very fans he's trying to protect may themselves be the best defense. >> if you see something, say something. >> reporter: has it worked? >> i believe it has. >> reporter: the f.b.i. is staging six secret locations in and around levi stadium, scott, all to protect the 70,000 fans expected on game day. >> pelley: michelle, thanks. when a super bowl coach claimed he had no story to tell, it was game on for steve hartman. next. there's only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. with more great nutrition. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. the microsoft cloud allows us to access information from anywhere. the microsoft cloud allows us to scale up. microsoft cloud changes our world dramatically. it wasn't too long ago it and analyze a genome. now, we can do a hundred per day. with the microsoft cloud we don't have to build server rooms. we have instant scale. the microsoft cloud is helping us to re-build and re-interpret our 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diagnosis would have driven many people into retirement, but not bruce. coach, and -- >> reporter: why does coaching win out? >> i just love coaching. coaching's teaching. i mean, for whatever reason, it's in my blood. i mean, i'll probably cry after this ballgame just because we're not going to have another week of practice. >> reporter: in fact, he loves practice so much, he actually scheduled his cancer treatments ts around it, never missed a single day of work all season. >> some guy's got to work for a living, don't they. >> yeah? >> i find myself lingering after practice, thinking about i want to make a little picture here in ft my mind in case i'm not doing this soon. >> reporter: he knows this could be his last year. and given that perspective, you'd think the super bowl itself wouldn't matter as much, but don't talk to bruce about the prospect of losing. >> i wouldn't even want to think about that. >> reporter: you're telling me it still matters, the game still matters who wins or loses? >> we're in the same position. none of us is going to get out of this thing alive. >> reporter:and if you can get out with a super bowl ring, all the better. >> that is way better, yeah. figured out by now, bruce is and always has been one of the nicest guys in the n.f.l. players like wide receiver corey brown adore him. >> he's like a grandpa to me. he's a guy i care about. >> reporter: the difference is, this season everybody has been going out of their way to tell him that. >> when lou gehrig said, "i feel like i'm the luckiest guy in the world," i can understand what he meant. you just have no idea how you've touched people sometimes, and if it hadn't been for this, maybe i would never have known this. >> reporter: so says the man with no story to tell. steve hartman, "on the road," in san francisco. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley. good night. captioned by media access group at wgbh police have a message for fans in denver. the cops do not want to see scenes like this one from prior celebrations. this is what denver looked like the last time the broncos won a super bowl in 1998. rick sallinger live in larimer square. police are warning fans, break the law, get arrested. in '98 and '99 when the broncos won the super bowl, and also when the avalanche won the stanley cup. i can tell you those joyous celebrations can quickly turn quite ugly. the year was 1998. there was jubilation as the

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