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Thats true. If youre a fairminded person that has been infuriating to watch its patronizing its almost unbelievably stupid. Trump works for russia, truck works for putin. Clearly of the smart kids want to finance americas website an tv stations about the rest comeaux unfortunately have to live with the consequences of that right unremitting hostilit to the resident of the United States is far from the greatest threat america faces. Reporters are supposed to be tough on people. Thats why we have journalism t keep a close eye on those who have outsize influence over our lives forho the people we shoul watch carefully would include business moguls, intel agencies prominent academics cultural figures, military leaders, and most obviously our politicians. The rest of f us cant really k what these people the people in charge are doing. In the end, the real threat to hear is not to any nasty questions from reporters, its the opposite of that. The real threat is collusion. We are in deep trouble. Lies go unchecked, democracy cannot function and thats what were watching right now. Yesterday, and this may be the starkest example of all, we learned that the fbi is conducting an active investigation into joe bidens son for business deals that apparently include his father, the former vice president. That is not speculation, it is confirmed. Former biden Business Partner a five hour interview with six fb agents. Feelings in china with the bide family. We dont know at this investigation that is significant because joe biden a you may have heard is running for president of the election i on tuesday. This is a stop the presses new story. This is a criminal investigatio into business deals we know for a fact that joe biden is party to. Why havent we heard more about this . If oryou dont want to strangle you likely have heard nothing a all. You know why. Because the media are collaborating very w theyre collaborating with the Democratic Party. There collaborating with the technology that choked off the average persons access were no overstating any of that. Lots of people youre supposed to be able to trust, dismissed completely legitimate as a russian pop. Holding super spreader event and giving russia disinformatio spreading russian disinformation. Youve said this entire thin is so obviously a russian plot. It is sort of a crazy quilt at this point. That said, it wasnt for lack o trying. Basically functioning is a russian asset by pushing russia disinformation. Cnn reporter are saying if the emails we just talked abou are connected to an ongoing russian disinformation effort. I got to tell you, it has all the hallmarks of russian disinformation. Gave these people wouldnt know russian disinformation if it go me shower with impaired they know nothing. Every word of what they just said was alive. Russia didnt forge v emails, Vladimir Putin didnt invent th two separate meetings that tony bob linsky had to discuss business in china. The fbi is investigating in a criminal investigation. Thats entirely real rate it happens, it is happening now an the people you just watched on the screen know that it did. Yet theyre telling you its al w concoction of a hostile foreign power. You have to ask yourself at som point, whyin would they tell yo that . They know its not true, theyr saying it anyway. There expecting you to believe it. Why . These people are not your allie further not trying to help you just the opposite. These people are your misleadin you so you will obey. And maybe it works. The most basic question, preventing him in any way. This can work. Its a gambit, but what next. Many of these people you just o the screen will go to work for biden officially. You to expect that because te expect many these people will need jobs. Joe biden and Kamala Harris cant help hire everyone it nbc. Some people have to continue to bern quote journalists. The question is can they really do that . Can they keep pretending on you screen. Y the latest on what was again, a real story. It is good to see you tonight. Tell us what we know. Youtube. Look, we have continually, ever single day we have the liberal media colluding with big tank and the intelligence agencies t cover up a story about joe bide which shows that he is corrupt or has been corrupt. And the evidence has piled up, you reported, you did the interview with tony bobulinski. Reports at the New York Post on the material that we found on hunter biden laptop. It all points to joe biden involvementt in his familys influence peddling scheme in china, and ukraine, and other countriess. This is a legitimate story. Weve had nothing from joe bide because of course he doesnt have to add to these allegations. He is not being in because the rest of the media is running into fear and interference for him. There accusing us the New York Post and you as well i of course. Rving agents of russia and peddling russia disinformation. I think this is not journalism and any journalist who is complicit in this coverup is correct this corrupt coverup, just ought to resign varied. I saw an anchor at cnn on social media call for the New York Post to erase it stories off social media. A call for the New York Post yo can become complacent its its own censorship right i never thought i would live to the age where a news anchor a journalist , a reporter would Say Something like that. Ay what do you make of it . . That is, the New York Post, we were locked out for two week by twitter, only tonight has twitter been kind enough to let us have our account back. But for two weeks, we were held hostage by jack dorsey, the hea of twitter who said we could only get our account back if we deleted the tweets pointing to story about hunter biden laptop. There was nothing inaccurate in those tweets, there was nothing inaccurate in the stories. Their stories were not hacked material as everyone now admits. Initially we were locked out because twitter said we had violated their hacked material rules are then excepted we hadnt, but they wouldnt unloc us we have integrity and honor, and take capper, obviously has other ideas. He said we could have just made it all go away and we could hav at our account back if we just deleted the tweets ended what twitter wanted. W which is so pathetic. That tells you that the rest of the media is not aware of the danger of censorship from the allpowerful organizations that control the channel of information that we all use. The proof of that is that now, more than half of americans think that the hunter biden laptop story is russian disinformation. So its worked. This is right before in electio campaign. Real evidence of corruption tha points to joe biden being involved in this influence scheme, making millions of dollars with his family out of selling out this country to china in particular. Into the euro crane. Yet that has been covered up by the media and censored by big tech and other journalists thin thats okay. Just library just retry youre conscious. Just go along with what they want you to deal. Mouth of the words, and will give youre social media accoun back. R great to see you tonight. Thank you so mucho. Thanks, tucker. Where is everyones dignity gone . The partisan Media Outlets not the only institutions in the United States working hard to election and the outcome. Our next believes he studied this more closely than anybody in the country. Have the power to persuade millions of votes in one direction. We will talk to him after the break. Weavers heard someone sugges years ago that the big Tech Companies, note the monopolies might intervene on behalf of th candidates in American Election it seemed farfetched. Now its obvious that is happening. So far the tech monopolies have censored reporting on the biden s Family Business practices, they silenced politicians they dont like, they d platform to any user who deviates from a narrowly prescribed set of approved ideas. And they also have other less obvious ways to influence the election youtube gets to pick the next video that you watch. What is the effect of all of this . Much more profound than anythin any foreign country is doing to us. Doctor Robert Epstein has been studying tech and the effect on politics forn years and hes expose concern about the power of tech monopolies on this show he did it two years ago. We should be paranoid becaus what google and facebook can do is really mindboggling. If for example if Mark Zuckerberg on election day last , if hed chosen to press the enter key in Early Morning and just set out a message to Hillary Clinton supporters only saying go out and vote, go out and vote reminder, that wouldv sent her an additional 450,000 voters that day with no one knowing that it had occurred. When you control all the information, you control what people know in they believe, yo control peoples minds. What is the practical effects o that control four days out from a president ial election and is there anything e we can do abou it . Dr. , thank you so much for coming on. N. Ts what do you think big tex interference will do to the Election Results . Based on the dated that we are collecting, i would say tha if what were saying is present nationwide, they are probably shifting this year, in this election, about 15 million vote without anyones awareness and except for what im doing, without leaving a paper trail for authorities to tray spread. How are they doing that . They are doing it with bias in search results, which basically commit no one can see. It would be very tough to see. We have been measuring that wit about 600 field agents in the swing states and just based on the first 150,000 searches that weve looked at, that is about 1. 5 million search results and over a million webpages. We are finding very substantial pro liberal bias in all ten or at least nine out of ten search results in the first page of Google Search results, strong liberal bias and we are seeing that bias in every single Demographic Group. In fact, in one report we generated recently, we saw more liberal bias in Google Content going to conservatives then going to liberals. Interesting. That is the definition of prope propaganda. There tailoring information to change the views of people in a wsvery targeted way. Its obviously election interference. It is it illegal . There are no specific laws o regulations in place stopping a company fromlike google from doing Something Like have. Basically the courts of over an over again said they can exercise their free speech rights and show people anything they want to show people. But yes indeed, you could look at this as an extreme violation of Campaign Finance laws and in effect they are making huge inkind donations. Huge to one party or one candidate. It doesnt cost them a dime, bu thats not the issue. The issue is what would it cost you i to do it or what would it cost me to do it and were talking tens of millions of dollars at least. One of the reasons this is s corrosive is because it so difficult to measure and it makes everybody paranoid and distrustful. You cant see it as you said. How do we measure this, how do we prevent this, its not just to stop helping democrats, not for the partisan reasons but fo the sake of our collective confidence in our system . I think theres only one way to do it. I dont think laws and regulations can keep up with its. Ive been in touch with a lot ou members of congress, a lot of ag s and theyre all very frustrated. G i think we do it with a Monitoring System with largescale nielsen type Monitoring System. We have more than 600 field agents this year in the swing states, will probably have seve or 800 by election day. What happens in that case is with their permission, we are using software to look over their shoulders and see what these Tech Companies, google, being, facebook, yahoo, and mor see what the Tech Companies are showing us, real people, they have to be real people. Them across republicans, aggregate e and we that data and we look for shenanigans. We look forward targeted messages. We look for bias, and were doing it on a massive scale in preserving that information. I think that is how you defend democracy. I agree with that completely they must hate you. Thank you for coming on tonight. I appreciate it. My pleasure per. New concerns about the dangers the very real dangers o the Health Effects for example of locking down schools for the coronavirus. Several studies both here an abroad reaching virtually the same conclusion. In person schooling is better for kids than homeschooling and pretty much every way. Most importantly, putting kids in class does not impact the spread of the coronavirus parad one study by Yale University at 57,000 childcare providers and those whose facilities close. In other words commit no for working t with kids and a spanish study found no increase in infection in teachers or kids when researchers said what we found is dthat no difference in the number of cases. He as similar number of schools an 191 countries discovered the same thing. What the data suggest is that Opening School does not inevitably lead to increased case numbers. Here and in the states, pediatricians say. Obesity due to inactivity. Routine medical care and a greater risk of abuse. And ifr improved education. Consistent findings, no spec fo student and teacher and more helpful effects for those who stayed home. They still have four or partial closures in effect. Thank you so much. If i didnt is elected he ha promised to continue in some wa the shutdown. A hollywood thriller gives us some sense of what he might be like. Plus International Television star man of mystery says he cannot be friends with people who disagree with himmo because they are like crack cocaine addicts. Adam corolla is standing by to discuss. If you have medicare, listen up. The medicare enrollment deadline is only weeks away. With so many changes, do you know if your plan is still the right fit . Having the wrong plan may cost you thousands of dollars out of pocket. And thats why i love healthmarkets, your Insurance Marketplace. With healthmarkets fitscore, they compare thousands of plans from National Insurance companies to find the right medicare plan that fits you. Call or visit healthmarkets to find your fitscore today. In minutes, you can find out if your current plan is the right fit and once youve let the fitscore do the work, sit back and enjoy not having to shop for insurance again. Healthmarkets fitscore forever technology will continuously scan the market for the best coverage at the best price. So you can shop once and save again and again and again. Rest easy knowing youll have the right plan at the right price and the right fit for you. 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Find your fitscore and get your answers today to get the most out of medicare. Call the number on your screen or go to healthmarkets. Com call now. Doctor anthony may be old, but he is busy. He has plans for you. ,detailed plans. He want you to wear a mask, he wanted to stop shaking hands with one another after 3,000 year spread he wants to cancel thanksgiving and probably the rest of the Holiday Season to. But get used to it because he believes that it may be years before we get back to normal iff ever. So ewhat would that look like exactly . This new society were going to live in . A new movie called songbird speculates about that. Tensions rise as we head through lockdown. A grim new reality emerges. New Data Confirms the virus attacks the brain tissue. Doctor marc siegel is medica contributor the author of the new book covid, the politics of fear and that and an expert now on social control. Great to see you tonight. What do you think of this visio of our future . Do it is scary. Fear corrodes. We have no fear as i write in m book without having made up fea forced on us, pressed on osprey thats why by the way im working on a novel about bioengineers because i dont want to inflict anymore fear. The biggest fear monger of the mall, Alfred Hitchcock was aske how dare you scare everybody with the birds, with psycho, people have Blood Pressure goin up you know what he said . He said you get to turn the camera off andha go home after movie. You dont get to go home here and michael should listen to that before he jumps into deep water. He should stick with transformers. Hes talking about a major mutation occurring two covid 19 and becomes covid 23 and that world is wiped out. I talked to the head of the nih last week that said this virus is not mutating in that direction. Its not becoming more severe. In the meantime in the movie, there is a Virtual Reality wher the couples meet cade to alpha and Sophia Carson meet virtually. They have a virtual relationship. We talked about this, zoom in meetings with masks on. Shouldve worn an entire facemask. And then of course, other peopl are suggesting that people wear masks during its even worse in that movie because you have a virtual marriage going on. Im wondering, tucker, i have a question for you. Virtual marriage, how do you make a virtual baby . Ak by the way, what would a virtua baby look like, tucker . I dont know, but im pretty sure its not possible. Great to see you. Thank you. Thank you, tucker. Unless at the truth it in a Secular Society cannot handle s pandemic like this because a Secular Society denies and people meltdown. The president issues executive order last week makin it easier to fire government workers. Any peoplesu our part of an operative more likely to die in a federal then be fired. New documentary called the topl against the president details how National Security officials worked to oust their boss behin the scenes. Heres a look. There is an illusion being ncreated using the most awesome tools of the american intelligence notes being deployed against the American People. They are investigating the Term Campaign with what they lvthemselves were doing not jus Democratic Party and their operatives, but also the fbi. The entire time this is goin on they thought this was going to be let the donald trump presidency. They still havent found it. You dont have to support trump to be terrified by what happened. A former state Department Official in the trump administration, she is behind this documentary. Thank you so much for coming on thank you for having me. You work there, you saw the spirit t this is the definition undermining democracy. For two reasons, i saw it on a smaller volvo. In the other reason is because russia gave me something i thin people whove pulled it off on us. Wish us to forget. It seems like the whole country in a sense had to be put in its transfer they believe something that wasnt real and it needs t be stop hold on a second list didnt actually happen. And we need to acknowledge that. Yes in the executive order, really one of the best things the president could do to counteract this culture of perversion that is very prevalent in the federal government. Its always the big crimes they go unpunished. After spending all the time we did making this film, where you more convinced or less convince that russia gave the hoax about russia interference what affected they have on the country. It had a major National Security implications and this is what i did see personally an up close working at the state department. And around other bureaucracies is its not that they just convinced a very large part of the American Public that the president was a russian asset, they convinced a great deal of russian employees that was the case to. They weree going home, so when they come into work, they have sort of a false imperative to d their own thing and to disregar the instructions from the commanderinchief and the chai of command and there is nothing really more dangerous than in convincing the entire federal government that the president i a foreign assets. I dont think people really dealt with the National Securit implications of that. And convincing that which is demonstratively not. Do you think they really believ that the clicks if it wasnt they commit they believe it . I dont know what these people believe. All ali know is that they got just as much information as devon nunez did it was willing h to go out and say theres no russian collusion, theres no evidence of that. Even on your show, i remember watching it when adam schiff would come out of those briefings and say he had evidence of russian collusion. Only know is what they say on the media. And i know that they are lying. I think its time the whole country knew that. And hold some people accountable. I am glad you came on. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. Ra a fox news alert for you tonight. Two Police Officers abused in new orleans, breaking now, Rick Leventhal is on it right. They were ambushed on routin patrol in the French Quarter when they were fired on by a passenger in a pedicab. This gunman shot at both officers who were in their vehicle, hit both of them. One officer was shot in the lef cheek. The bullet is now lodged in his school according to the police chief down there. Hes in serious but stable condition for the second received minor abrasions to his arm. The suspect again firing a weapon from a pay cab he was apprehended near the intersection of st. Peter and decatur street. Witnesses in the area according to the Associated Press were able to identify and pointnt ou the suspect. They heard several loud popping noises. Some people saw the gunman apparently and pointed him out to responding officers, but we have two Police Officers ambushed in the French Quarter by passenger in the heat open fire on the two officers. One of them shot in the cheek i stable condition, the other wit wounds to his arm. Horrifying. There werent as ambushed, not abuse. What our crack addicts and Trump Supporters have in common . Quite a bit according to cnn. Adam corolla responds to it next. Next next. s to National Television sensatio mister don lemond isnt just a idly loved cable news anchor. Hes not simply debt this generations Mister Rourke from this generations fantasy island. Hes also a spiritual leader an he has some advice for this country. Its time to overlook our differences and unite. People have to stop being so judgmental and become curious about other peoples lives. Pick up the phone on the weeken and say what are you doing, you want to meet, do you want to gow out on the boat, do you want to go fishing. You know, talk she and i want t come over. The real difference comes with relationships, and not just lip service. I think that is so beautifully said. So beautifully said. Hes a life coach really. And hes giving you a message o love and unity. Even love and unity messages have limits and in the case of mister lemond, that limit is people who might vote for someone hes not voting for. He because they are like crackheads. There are a lot of friends that i had to get rid of becaus they are so nonsensical. They have every single talking. They hear on state tv and that they hear from this president. They repeat it and they are blinded by its. I think they have to hit rock bottom like an addict and they have to want to get help. Ive got to let them go. If theyre willing to come back if theyre willing to live in reality, then i would welcome them with open arms, but i can do it anymore. Piggy adam corolla is the autho of the book im your emotional support animal which he is. He joins us tonight great thank htu for coming on, i was planning on mocking this and making fun of it here you have him on television saying im quoting noww i had some friends had to get rid of. Does this make you feel like we should call authorities . What does he mean get rid of them . They are in a bay somewhere. E i had some thoughts. One is, you know how everyone o the left is constantly accusing republicans of being scared of people who look at different than we i think people on the left are scared of people who think different from they do. Tucker why do you thinkdi that is . People arent afraid to engage with others who disagree. Obviously its insecurity and projection but think about this. Republicans are racist and homophobic, don lemon is black and doesnt that shoot a hole in his point of calling all Trump Supporters racist and homophobic and the black gay man is cutting them loose because they think differently . Tucker would it evenex occurr to you to do this youve got political views, im not exactly sure what they are it doesnt occur to me to end friendships over those views not because they arent real views they are. What if you spent the last four years for people building the case for all those people being hitler and homophobic and misogynistic, you would have to by law, by personal decree, you would have to get ridd of those people because they are bad people. There arent people who think differently from you, they are bad people and you can cut them loose. If you are playing chess with someone who can beat you at chess but you label him a racist and you win the game. Tucker if youth really w thought someone was so evil you couldnt be friends with him, why wouldnt you hurt that person . Seriously . Mostly because these people are soft pacifists who couldnt hurt anybody. Tucker i guess thats our one protection. There are too beta to threaten us a reassuring point. Thank you. One unexpected twist in this race full of unexpected twists is that donald trump is getting praise from some of the worlds most famous rappers. T kanye west, 50cent all have expressed some degree of support for the president , not everyone is happy about that. Why . Jason whitlock after the break. E is happy about that. Why . Jason whitlock after the break. The world is in turmoil. Been turned on its head. Of a possible recession. American cities are experiencing a devastating surge. Hello, im michael youssef. Lately, we are hearing so many conflicting voices and i dont blame you if you are anxious and worried and troubled. But if i told you that theres only one voice that you can absolutely trust. After all, he wants nothing from you and wants to give you everything. Im talking about the lord jesus christ, who said, come unto me, all who are carrying heavy burdens and worry and anxiety. And i will give you rest. Hes the only one who can give you true rest and peace. Will you come to him . [female voice] are you waiting to find a trustworthy voice in the midst of the chaos of this world . Visit findingtruepeace. Com to find a voice that will never let you down. Again, thats findingtruepeace. Com. Any Demographic Group voting that much in favor of one party sort of raises questions. Tucker thats one of our favorite rap stars, on this show a year ago tonight he expressed his concerns about the changing political atmosphere. He is one of a handful of rappers who have faced ain backlash for thinking for themselves and define Democratic Party orthodoxy a another example is rapper little wayne, who visited the white house yesterday after tweeting out support for donald trump. That did not go over well on the internet, he was attacked prettc progressively as a sellout as others have before him. 50cent, he endorse the ppresident because of his tax policy, he said he didnt want to become 20 sent. You heard his support of donald trump. I saw your tweets and i go whats happening . Ea 52 in taxes, i had to remind them that he was a black person, so he cant vote for donald trump and he shouldnt be influencing an entire swath of people that may listen to him. F tucker dumb is one thing and arrogance is another but to be dumb and arrogant together is pretty unappealing. Jason whitlock is another one of those things, hes a partner at out kick. Com, why the mania about trying to force certain people to stay in their prescribed lane . Why not ignore it and let us go . And some rapper wants to vote for trump, who cares . But they do care, why . Because white liberals being honest like Chelsea Handler think its their job to control maintain, limit the amount of freedom that black people enjoy here in america. We are supposed to be beholden and dependent upon them and it threatens them when people like little wayne, ice cube, 50cent any of these guys stray from their prescription or course of action that they want to take. It threatens them and its her job as a modernday overseer to whip us back in line. It really is that simple. Tucker shes disempowered by this because little wayne who she imagines she has some kind of authority over him disobeying her means that she is less powerful . It means that he is more powerful. I honestly believe that not all but there are a lot of white liberals who are threatened by the independence and selfdetermination of black people. They want us dependent upon them. There is a superiority complex. There is a you guys cant do it without us complex and there is we want your vote and we want you in line with the feminist agenda, we want to meld the two off the back of oppression and we want to advance all of these other things that have nothing to do with black people. Tucker the feminist agenda im not sure what youre saying but i have a feeling its close to the heart of this, can you explain that a little bit . The greatest beneficiaries of the Civil Rights Movement in a lot of peoples view and certainly in mine has been white women. Ill go a step further. Women have advanced off of the oppression of black people white women in particular, and im just going to go all the way there, i think we are now seeing the Lgbtq Community latch on to black oppression and try to use it to advance their cause. Anybody that strays from those agendas and that support, any person, black person that puts their advancement and their priorities ahead of the feminist movement, and the lgbt movement is going to face stiff repercussions over social media in particular and theres goings to be celebrities, white and black, that are used like attack dogs to make sure certain black men and others stay in line with the movement that the elite liberals want us to stick to and that is the matriarchy, the empowerment of women, and the empowerment of the lgbt community. Tucker you are not allowedt to say any of that which makes me think i want to hear more about it. It almost sounds like some of the people whoho were jumping up and down and making the most noise about how deeply they care about black people may not actually care quite as much as they say they do. One of the biggest mistakes we as black people make is we mistake affinity, affection for respect and freedom. Affinity is not a substitute for respect. Affinity a lot of times and affection has almost everything to do with the giver. We understand affection, that pleasures the giver as much if not more than the receiver. E respect pleasures to receiver and reveals the character of the giver and so i think one of the biggest mistakes that we as black people make, we say oh, my god, they like us. That doesnt mean they respect or have our best interests at heart, what it means is they like the pleasure they receive from the show of affection. Tucker thats a very deep point and i think a lot of us make that mistake. Ma im glad you came tonight igthank you for that. Thank you, tucker. Tucker not just a sports guy. 8 00 p. M. , see you sunday. Sean welcome to hannity. In 4 days you the American People will decide and President Trump is fighting for every vote. Today he was in michigan, wisconsin and minnesota. Over the final 3 days, he will hold a whopping 14 rallies including 4 tomorrow in the state of pennsylvania. On sunday, the president will hold 5 rallies. One in michigan. Iowa, North Carolina and georgia and florida. On monday the president will have 5 more rallies including stops in North Carolina. Or

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