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Many of them signing Hurricane Harvey as motivations take any and all precautions. I dont want to take that risk with my family. I dont want to put people i love in that position. We have an older daughter who lives in atlanta. Thank god we have someone to receive us. Were not going to take a chance. We take it very seriously. For the latest on the storm, lets turn to fox news senior meteorologist rick reichmuth. We are hearing about traffic to georgia. Glad to see everybody is evacuating. Category 5 storm, so the latest. This just came in. Wins have come down to 165 miles an hour. Looks like its probably going through and drywall replacement cycle. The possibility for it to strengthen. Moving the same direction it has been, and the turks and caicos for the last six to eight hours have been pummeled. Its moving towards the bahamas. Tonight throughout the day tomorrow and take a look at this. Water temperature where its going will be warmer than any place its been so far. Weve had this category 5 storm now for almost three days. And now we are talking about it moving into the warmest waters yet. Right before he gets in towards the rest. Take a look at some of these wave heights. Storm surge maybe 15 to 20 feet and then waves on top of it. Waves recording at 45 and 46 feet on top of the storm surge. All of that Energy Moving towards the florida area. In the shortterm, moving towards the bahamas. Take a look at this future rada radar. A little bit hard to get a sense of it but you see that by the time will get towards saturday, its a solid hurricane. Weve been watching the models for days and days. And weve been saying its going to make this righthand turn. We are Getting Better agreement. Would like to see these models get closer and closer together. Its implicating florida more, a little bit less georgia and south carolina. Take a look at this model. Its a really reliable model. Sometime sunday, right here, splits through florida. We have a hurricane come out wins extend out 70, 80 miles each side. Her Hurricane Force winds across florida. A lot of people heeding governor rick scotts advice to get out of town as fast as they can, especially after Hurricane Harvey and all that damage in texas. We dont want to see that again. Thank you. For now, i am jackie ibanez. Back to tucker carlson. Tucker connect map authorize the National Guard and the a Virgin Islands to seize peoples guns and ammunition. The nra threatened legal action. Last time we talked to the governor he said it was a misunderstanding. Itsan a complete incorrect assessment. I did not order or authorize the adjutant general of the National Guard to seize any weapons from any citizens and i do not have any powerr by Virgin Islands or by the constitution of the United States to seize weapons from citizens via the military. This order is a standing orderap that most adjutant generals receive. Tucker and yet the order said clearly that the National Guard has the authority to seize weapons and ammunition. What is going on here . To get to the bottom of it, we are joined by radio host and nra spokeswoman dana loesch. I was confused by that. Our questions were completely sincere. Are you planning to do this . The order seemed to me, as a nonattorney, to give power to the National Guard to do this. What exactly is the truth, do you know . Well, tucker, thank you for having me. I watched you question the governor of the u. S. Virgin islands, and just as you, were, i was also confused, and so were many millions of members of the nra, because there was a lot of discussion. Of what on earth did he mean that n he only was allowing the National Guard to procure firearms and ammunition for use in these emergency purposes because, tucker, and you quoted the statement that this governor himself released. Se he was allowing he used the word seized firearms. He didnt say procure firearms, he said seized firearms. Incendiary weaponry, explosive devices. He used the word seized. He said there was a misunderstanding. I am happy to believe that there is one, yet there is a troublins problem of what he wrote in the statement, tucker. Tucker sure, and you wouldnt need the authority to seize weapons from your own armory, of course, which is what he was trying to say. The fact remains weve seen this in other natural disasters. We saw this during katrina with the mayor, now in prison. Guess what bothers me most is it really is confirmation that a lot of the proSecond Amendment people have a right to be a little bit paranoid about gun registration. If governments are going to use natural disasters as a pretext for violating your Second Amendment rights, maybe youre not paranoid. Maybe your concerns are legitimate. Youre spoton, tucker. P m during katrina, i will never forget the superintendent said, you are not going to be able to walk around new orleans armed, not going to be able to be armed with this disaster. There was actual firearm confiscation that took place, and it took the nra gettingsa involved legally in order to put a stop to this and to put pressure on these officials who were disarming lawabiding citizens who simply wanted to be able to protect themselves at a time, tucker, when you hadpr First Responders and lawia enforcement who were completely overwhelmed with search and rescue missions of their own. And that is exactly what l lawabiding Second Amendment practitioners are standing up for right now. Now, during times such as these and this is law. Back in 2006, there is the appropriations act, an amendment by a republican from louisiana, it bars the federal government, under the guise of helping during any sort of natural disaster, using any kind of, federal money, et cetera, et cetera, to disarm lawabiding americans using the context of national emergencies. Furthermore, this is a time when people most need to be able to protect themselves from looters, from other violence. They need to be able to protectl themselves when you have Law Enforcement, as i said, and First Responders who are most overwhelmed. Tucker in the case of katrina, it was the New Orleans Police Department who were murdering people, actually. I covered that story personally. And looting walmart, not protecting lawabiding citizens who were preyed upon by mobs of people. I saw it firsthand. So i wonder if there is a way tn make sure this doesnt happen. I think a lot of people are concerned on some level, but if there is civil disorder they wont be able to protect themselves. I dont think that is a paranoid concern or a crazy concern. No, it is not a paranoid d concern at all, because there are historical precedents for it. Weve already gone to court over this. Er it has happened before in the United States. S. It has happened recently in the United States. You cant be paranoid over something that has actually already happened. Tucker a good point. The current fear isve legitimate. Tucker yeah, youre absolutely right. Dana loesch, thank you for this, and i hope if you all get to y e bottom of what that order was about and if there was gun confiscation, youll come back and tell us about it. I know the nra is watchingyo it, and if they go through with it, the statement is that the nra is watching it and will take action. Thank you, tucker. Tucker good, i appreciate that. Meanwhile, in california, Sacramento County sheriffs Deputy Robert french murdered last week during a battle withth thomas littlecloud, a convicted felon. Some in Law Enforcement in the state say governor jerry brown is in part to blame. The l. A. Deputy sheriffs association, another police union, says that a 2011 lawo designed to relieve prison overcrowding allowed littlecloud to keep receiving bail despite multiple violent criminal offenses. Jessica sloan is the mayor of r mill valley, a pretty place, she also cofounded the cut 50 campaign to drastically lower incarceration, and she joins us tonight. It is good to see you tonight. I just want to say that i think this actually is a complicated issue, and i dont think everyone who, you know, does something wrong belongs in jail, and i think jail overcrowding ia a real thing, and i recognize all of that. But its got to give you pause. Thank you for having me on, tucker. Tucker thank you for coming. Again, i think it is a complex issue, but if enforcement is saying that laws designed to lessen prison overcrowding are resulting in the murder of Law Enforcement officials, that has got to give you reason to stop and assess whether this is achieving what you wanted it to achieve . Listen, i think first, in glad to hear that you and i have some common ground, and i think its very important to state that, you know, my heart goes out to the officers family. I cant imagine what theyre going through and the entire police force mourning the death of one of their fellow Public Safety officers. This is truly a tragedy. Y. I think this is also a realh clear sign to us that we need ta focus on making sure that our counties, as well as our prisons, have all of the resources they need to actually rehabilitate people before they let them back out onto the street. Tucker how lame is your state that thats not a state function . The whole idea here, in case our viewers have not been following this, the counties are nowth taking up the slack where the state is no longer involved. Ha the idea is, the state prisons are overcrowded, the counties need to do their part. Maintaining prisons is really, i think fair to say, a state function. Is the state so dysfunctional it cant maintain prisons without having them be so overcrowded that judges get involved . Maintaining prisons is absolutely a state function, and im sure you know the governor,n jerry brown, did fight all the way up to the Supreme Court saying that he didnt want to let anybody out. But the Supreme Court did rule that our prisons were unconstitutionally overcrowded and that they were actually endangering, not just the men and women who were housed there, but the correctional guards whog were working there as well. So a. B. 109 was enacted. It was designed to move people from the state prisons into the counties. What is very clear from this case and others is that the counties do not have thear resources that they need to actually rehabilitate people. There is wonderful programs going on we can get them funding to replicate some of the cognitive behavioral programming thats going on in the prisons that actually makes people think about the criminal behavior theyve done and start thinking and more of a prosocietal form. Tucker im for that, im for rehabilitation, it does work in some cases, but the primary role of the state is to protect the lawabiding from the lawbreaking. The first job of the prisons is not to make prisoners better. Its to protect the rest of us from the prisoners. Ak its not doing that. But i actually have a solution to california prison overcrowding and im sure you would agree with it. A huge percentage of california inmates are foreign nationals. They are from mexico and central america. Why not deport them . Well, i wouldnt be so sure that i agree with that, tucker. What i will say is that our prisons are tucker you cant afford hold on. If you cant afford to keep people in prison, and you cante and so they are getting out early and murdering cops, why should taxpayers in california pick up the slack to house people who shouldnt be here in the first place . I dont understand that. Why is that the obligation of california to house foreign nationals . I think the problem is a lot more complicated than that. If youre looking at the resources, we can follow models that are working, that can save t states like texas, louisi, where they are actually reallocating their resources instead of just housingin peopl. They are using their resources to rehabilitate them for services, for crime prevention, strengthening. Tucker thats all great. I am for free ice cream and ponies for everybody. But if u you cant afford to kep people locked up, dangerous people california, for example, wont tell us, the, public, what percentage of its inmates are foreign nationals. Why is that . Ill tell you why. A theyre a massive political block, theyve got politicians in their pocket, being protected. But why shouldnt i, as a native california, have the right to know what percentage of the prison population is not an american citizen . There are lots of people who are in prison. Some of them are undocumented, some of them are not. Some of them are u. S. Citizens. I think we need to be using this moment not to focus on the percentage of foreign nationals who are incarcerated in california but to focus on hows we can actually bring people home in a manner that makes our streets safer. Tucker okay, i get it, but why shouldnt i i am too, but why shouldnt i know that . Its a really simple question. What percentage of the prison population is illegal . Why are we paying for them . Get out of our country. Ly you are illegal already. Why shouldnt i be able to know the answer to that question . Why are you hiding the numbers for me . Thats a fair question, isnt it . So i dont work for the California Department of corrections and rehabilitation, but what i can speak to is the fact that our criminal Justice System is failing to actually rehabilitate people, and we know that there are Smart Solutions out there that are being employed across the country and across the state of california. A we have a model prison here, san quentinnd prison, where thee is a Rehabilitative Program and going on, and ill tell you something very interesting. You were talking about nonviolent versus violent offenders. I recently learned that, of the 700 people who have committed violent offenses as youth who have been released in the lastav three years, not a single one of them has gone back for a violent act. In fact, only one of them has gone back at all, and that was for a drug violation. So 700 people who have received Rehabilitative Programming and cognitive behavioral programming have actually come home and not ended up committing more crimes or creating more victims, but becoming members of their community. Tucker i dont believe that. I wrote a book on this one. Those numbers are so that would be the most effectivey. Rehabilitation program in the history of the world. If thats really true, then itu should be replicated everywhere. Happy to show you the numbers for the folks who came home the numbers under sb 260 and 261, im happy to share with you the data that both conservatives and progressives have tucker if thats true, you just solved the ageold question of human sin. I hope you did. [laughs] mayor sloan, thanks for joining us, i appreciate it. The fbi says it wont release its files on Hillary Clinton because it doesnt serve the Public Interest. Up next, well speak with an attorney who says the bureau is acting like president obama still is running the place. Plus, republicans suggesting they are open to a deal on immigration. Amnesty inim return for a wall. Wewe will talk to a democrat who says that deal is not acceptable. Its racist. Then well go to florida for an update on hurricane irma, which is headed our way. Stay tuned. H excuse me, are you aware of whats happening right now . Were facing 20 billion security events every day. Ddos campaigns, ransomware, malware attacks. Actually, we just handled all the priority threats. You did that . We did that. Really. We analyzed millions of articles and reports. We can identify threats 50 faster. You can do that . We can do that. Then do that. Can we do that . We can do that. Can we do that . Itwhats possible. Nk rethink the experience. Rethink your allergy pills. Flonase sensimist allergy relief uses unique Mistpro Technology and helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. Most allergy pills only block one. And 6 is greater than one. Rethink your allergy relief. 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That may make the fbis files about Hillary Clinton pretty compelling material, but according toay the bureau, thats not the case. The fbi recently rejected a foia, freedom of informationur request, saying her privacy rights outweighed any Public Interest in the release. Ty clevenger is a lawyer. He filed that foia claim. He says the fbi is acting like president obama is in charge. He joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. Give us the background on this. Was this this was for a book youre writing, correct . Exactly, i was writing about corruption and the Legal Profession and the courts, andoo most state bars will cover up for politically prominentup lawyers. I thought this would be the perfect case study to file a grievance against mrs. Clinton and her attorneys for destroying an email, but part of the foia is to get evidence and support the grievances, then i got this letter from the fbi telling me it was not a matter of Public Interest. T tucker meaning its not inm the publics interest, not meaning the public doesnt care, but that is not good for the country. No, saying the public doesnt care. Tucker huh. Od three reasons to release it. Not to release it. They can say that the subject, mrs. Clinton, is dead, which she is not, or she has consented to release, which she hasnt, or this is a matter of Public Interest, and the fbi, despite the fact that i sent the news articles, it said it was not a a matter of Public Interest. Having said that, i think they are changing course. Ic i got an email from the justices department. I appealed the denial to doj, and now doj has already granted my request to expedite. Nt and the reason that is significant is because my grounds for requesting the expedited response was, this was a matter of Public Interest. So doj has already conceded, this is a matter of Public Interest. H tucker well, yeah youre talking about it on television right now. It just seems very odd that they could ever make that claim. I mean, of course, by definition its of interest. She just ran for president. She is a public figure. And my understanding of the foia law was that the government hass to have a compelling reason toid deny the request. T. There is a little bit of an exception. If i were to request the personal fbi file on a private citizen, then these three exceptions that i just cited would apply, but obviously, this is not just some random citizen. And im not asking for the entire fbi file, im asking for things that Congress Asks for or for things that congress sent to the fbi. Tucker what do you think the motive was here . I have changed my view. Originally i suspected there was some obama holdover at the fbi that was trying to cover this up. Ma as you know, last week, senator graham and senator grassley released a letter indicating that the former fbi director, james comey, had already decided to exonerate mrs. Clinton before she had been interviewed. Tucker right. At this point, i think the fbi is trying to cover its own h rear end. I think they know this thing is going to look terrible for them. They deepsixed this. They whitewashed it. And they dont want the documents coming out showing how badly they covered it up. He tucker since youre writing about this, and you are an attorney, watched you think what do you think the chancs are if you are i were accused of felonious behavior that the fbi director would say lets stop this investigation before interviewing us. It would never happen. If an average lawyer destroyed 30,000 pieces of evidence, he would be disbarred andti prosecuted criminally. Anybody else would have been prosecuted criminally, and as an attorney, disbarred, under these exact same circumstances. Tucker youve got to think Martha Stewart is watching this, who did time in federal prison for lying to an fbi agent, and thinking, man, i could have hired Hillary Clintons lawyers. Ty, thanks for coming on tonight. Well, now some republicans in congress are now suggesting theyd be willing to swap daca legalization in return for a border wall. Up next, well talk to a democratic congressman who says that deal would be racist. Stay tuned. Th a farmers market. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. To make something original. Has grown into an enterprise. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. Now, im earning unlimited 2 cash back on every purchase i make. Everything. Which adds up to thousands of dollars back every year. And helps keep my passion growing. In every direction. Whats in your wallet . I enjoy the fresher things in life. O. Fresh towels. Fresh soaps. And of course, tripadvisors freshest, lowest. Prices. So if youre anything like me. 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He said it would just give you a pass to be a slight racist on monday so you can be fully d racist on tuesday. He joins us tonight. So daca, if youre opposed to it, that makes you a racist . Good evening, tucker. I want to update your viewers. I am working with republicans on the stranded americans in the caribbean right now. Its not just the people who are going to be leaving florida, we have thousands in the caribbean and other countries. Just to update that. Were working with the state department. T tucker good for you. Tucker, i want to say that i believe that Donald Trumps wall and the premise for his wall, yes, iss racist. Having Border Security is a responsibility we have, but these dreamers are part of our country, and whether you follow the bible and believe we dont punish the children for what their parents did or you just think its our countrys obligation to make sure that lawabiding kids who came there by no fault of their own have a pathway to be a part of our community, we should make this happen as soon as possible. Tucker so there are two obvious i mean, do you haveve any kind of problem with the law itself, with the idea that the president , if he doesnt like a law, can invalidate it . Could trump do that with taxes and say, im not prosecuting anyone who is not paying certain taxes . Thats my tax reform . Does that bother you at all . I agree with the president that the congress should put this into law, and we tried, and there was actually a majority of the senate and 59 senators and every democrat in almost a actually, a majority of the house. Hundreds of republicans voted against it. President obama sought to save these children. But we should actually pass it in congress. What the president could do though, because hes creating ambiguity, is just say, put the dream act on my desk and ill sign it. But hes not saying that. Tucker congress should figure it out, youre adults and you never will but heres my question though. Everyone recognizes, this is a tough spot for some of these kids, now adults, you know. They were brought here when they were really little. Its a complicated deal. The concern is that if you allow them to become citizens, it is an inducement to the rest of the world to come here with kids in tow because then it cant be deported. I guess, whats the limit . How many people should relate in ss should we let in with minr children . Whats the number . The dream act doesnt allow them to become citizens. It allows them to work here. I have got constituents ec tucker its the same thing. Theyre never going to be deported, and im sure democrats will be pushing for them to have Voting Rights soon. They should be able to apply for citizenship, sure. Tucker so the same thing. But how many get to do that . There are a billion people who want to move here tomorrow. Like, are they all allowed to move here now . Whats the number . Tucker, youre presentingng a theoretical challenge. Theres 800,000 people who actually are here and they have faces and they are contributing to our military and to ourur police forces, and they are doing a lot of good. Lets look at that issue and then have comprehensive Immigration Reform to take on the valid question youre asking. Tucker lets talk about it now, because youre setting up a precedent. What youre saying to the world is, as long as you get here illegally with a kid under 16, you cant be deported. And so that is a massive inducement for people to come here illegally, as you welll know. Youre from california,e the state that has been totally changed by illegal immigration, as you know, since you grew up there, as i did too. Largely for the better. Tucker really . The poverty rate has risen dramatically since i left there. 11 in 1983, now over 16 . It hasnt made that state richer. Its made it much poorer. Like, why would be concerned about that and the rest of the country . We would love to have you back, tucker, but we have to take on Immigration Reform. 68 senators, republicans and democrats, had a pathway to citizenship that did not have the undocumented cut the line of people who were already waiting. They would have a more, i believe, functioning system that had order in it and allowed people to be a part of this Great American country. Tucker what are the rules . I show up here illegally. Under what circumstances can i be deported . Lets say i show up, i dont commit a felony. Aam can i be deported under any circumstances . I think you should come forward, go through the process, if youre not committing crimest and contribute into our economy, we want you to be a part of this country in an orderly way. Tucker what youre saying is, nobody can be deported unless you commit a felony. Youre saying borders are meaningless. I can sneak in, and as long as i dont commit a felony, and cant be deported. Why is that different from open borders . Its not. Because we have a broken immigration system right now, tucker. People are coming in that way. I think if you fix the immigration system have certainty that you wont see what youre describing. Tucker thats my question, what is the rule you would like to see become a model . After this comprehensive Immigration Reform, no one whoho comes in illegally can stay . Everybody is deported who comes in illegally after this law passes . Is that what youre saying . I doubt thats what youre saying. What im saying is, the Senate Passed a bill that increased Border Patrol agents so that you would limit the number of people. I welcome enhanced Border Security, i just dont think a wall is the best way to do it. Tucker but once they get here, once youre in the country, under your scenario, can you be deported . Because if cant be deported, then you have open borders, right . We should have a system that has order and removes people who dont follow that system. Right now, we have disorder. It doesnt help families. It doesnt help our security. Tucker i totally agree. Youre saying anyone who comes here illegally should be deported after this law is passed. Is that what youre saying . We should create an orderly immigration system. T right now, tucker, these kids who have said the same pledge of allegiance as kids born in the United States tucker my concern is for americans first. Mine too. Mine too. Ed tucker thank you for coming. Googles shadowy censors decide who is allowed to make money on youtube, and politics apparently plays a big role on those decisions. Up next, well talk to dave rubin, who is fighting to keep google from blocking ada revenue on his popular talk show. Plus, well talk with the will give you the latest on hurricane irma. Stay tuned. Eat or how healthy you look. No matter who you are, a heart attack can happen without warning. A bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another heart attack. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Bayer aspirin. baby crying slow jazz music fly me to the moon and let me play bell ringing audience cheering listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. And fragmented care stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. 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D what does it mean and why did they decide to do it . Well, i think most important, the reason i agreed to do this with you, tucker, i am on thato platform, the youtube platform, and i want that platform to work. I want it to be all of the things for all of the creators who put their content out there across the board politically or whether you are doing Community Videos or sports videos or politic videos or anything else. I want it to be treated fairlyly for everybody and be transparent in what it is. The word demon is an demonitized, and i can tell you, dealing with this, that it appears there is some pretty shady stuff going on. Look, i dont want to fight google and youtube. Theres a biblical story of david versus goliath, i dont want to be dave versus google. Le it probably wont work out so well for me. We do a talk show based on big ideas, sort of a oldschool larry kingesque style, and ay talk to people all over the political map, many are friends of yours, then progressives ande lefties that i talk about religion and science and all of this stuff. And our videos, our back catalog, just lately i was off the grid, which is where this beard came from, for a month. But just lately, almost our entire back catalog has been demonetized. Im talking about videos where were talking about god and morality, basic stuff about the election, even today, the video that i posted, one video today, with a youtuber by the name of phil defranco, one of the original youtubers, really, really interesting guy that im sure many of your audience knows. They demonetized that. This is one of the top creators who has been on there forever. I dont know exactly what is going on. A lot of creators are upset. Re tucker we got a statement from youtube, and it contradicts what you just said. Over 90 of the videos on the rubin report are fully monetized. D the remaining 10 are not because they contain discussions of adult topics, pornography, isis. These are topics that many advertisers find objectionable. What is your response . Thats simply not true. Im telling you right now, it have an iphone here, its a fancy thing, the video that i posted this morning with phil defranco, i can tell you about videos i did with mainstream people that did what i did on, fox, a man i think is the greatest human rights hero we have on earth, Bishop Robert barron, from the archdiocese in l. A. , people i agree with, people i disagree with. By the way, i dont think im necessarily at tucker those videos have been demonetized . Yeah, tucker, im not b. S. Ing you. I dont know why they issued that strange statement. Im glad that there is some communication because unfortunately because the lack of transparency there, took me about two years to get on the phone with them. Finally did about two weeks ago and didnt really get any answers. Ns tucker its scary. Apparently Jason Whitlock got demonetized too, a frequentksd guest and friend of the show. Good luck, were rooting for you. I hope youll come back when you get to the bottom of whats going on. Somebody needs to keep track ofo what google is doing and we hope to do that on the show. Thanks, tucker, and appreciateo it. Tucker up next, time for final exams. Do you know more about the weeks news than our twowo contestants, professional newspeople . Play along and test yourself after the break. Stay tuned. Us . Its time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses and automatically adjusts on both sides. The new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. And right now the sleep number queen c2 mattress now only 699. Ends sunday i was playing golf love golf. I used to love golf. Wait, what, what happened . I was having a good round, and then my friend, sheila, right as i was stepping into the tee box mentioned a tip a pro gave her. No. Yep. Did it help . It completely ruined my game. Well, the truth is, that advice was never meant for you. I like you. You want to show me your swing . Its too soon. Get advice thats right for you. Investment Management Services from td ameritrade. Tucker we warned you there would be a test, and there is. Time for final exam, where we pit two contestants against one another to see who was paying attention to the news this week. This weeks contestants, anst editing manager and a White House Correspondent for the washington examiner. All right, contestants. Put your hands on the buzzers. Im going to ask the question. The first one who buzzes and gets to answer the question. Each correct answer is worth one point, an incorrect answer subtracts a point from your c score. Five questions, best of five wins. R you ready . Never readier. Tucker question one. E. A wild story in baseball this week. The new york yankees are accused, or rather, accusing the red sox of cheating against them. They say the sox stole hand signals from opposing teams by using which device . Oh gabby im going to go for it. A cell phone. Tucker a cell phone. Lets go to the tape. Is it a cell phone . The feud is entering the digital age with the yankees accusing the sox of using an apple watch to help steal and relay their catchers hand signals. Pl t tucker its the tiny first cousin of the cell phone. The apple watch. It doesnt quite qualify. Im sorry, our judges are saying they are impressed by your ambition, but were going to have to take a point away. Y so you are at 1. You can dig yourself out. Question two. Big news overseas as two members of the royal family announced they are expecting their third child. Who are they . Katie. Will and kate from britain. Tucker will and kate from britain. To the tape we go. Britains royal family is expanding. The duke and duchess of cambridge are expecting another child. 4yearold george and 2yearold charlotte will now have another sibling who will be fifth in line to the throne. Tucker the duke and duchess. Is that the same as will and kate . Yeah. Tucker good. Ke [laughter] we fought a revolution not to care, and i dont. Three. Gamers got very upset when nintendo announced they would be making some changes to iconic character. The video game giant is dumping super marios occupation. They are changing what he does for a living. He used to do this . He used to be a plumber and he is no longer a plumber. Tucker he is no longer a plumber. Mario. Tucker lets check the tape and see if you are right. Twitter up in arms after nintendo announced super mario is no longer a plumber. Fans not taking the news very well, one fan tweeting, what the heck, nothing is sacred. L apparently now he is an athlete. Another tweet reading, the vanishing working class. Tucker you are absolutely right. Fun fact. When he was originally created, he was technically a carpenter. Tucker he is a video character of many trades. Al question four. Dont lose heart. You can still come back. Which member of the Trump Administration went on the view this week, the daily show, andth was asked hostile questions about president obamas heritage . Katie . Sarah Huckabee Sanders . Tucker sarah Huckabee Sanders. Where was president obama born and is he an american citizen . I think this has been pretty well addressed. Tucker sarah Huckabee Sanders went on the view. Was it wise to do that . Thats next weeks question. A final question, worth the same as all of the other questions,to but you can win a moral victory, nbby. Which female singer and frequent trump basher slammed the president s daca plans this week and promised she would let dreamers live in her home . Madonna. Tucker madonna is your guess. Does the tape confirm your guess . Cher has the answer. Ke cher has the ultimate solution. S she says those who can must take a dreamer into their home and protect them. Tucker it is another onename singer from an earlier age. Close enough. I almost want to award you that, basically interchangeable, but our judges say no, cher is different. From beyonce. Thats a modern 1name singer. Katie, you win this weeks news quiz. Gabby, youre brave. Thank you both. Thats it for this weeks final exam. Well do it again next thursday. An update on irma is next. Well take it to the florida keys, where they are battening down for the storm, right after this. Rabbit . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit, from voya. Riiight. And that means. . Im the money you save for retirement. I help you get organized so your money could multiply. See . Got it. Whos he . Hes green money for spending today. You know, paying bills, maybe a little online shopping. Makes it easy to tell you apart. That, and i am better looking. I heard that. 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Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Tucker this is a fox news alert. We have the meteorologist. He gets in the middle of things. He is in key largo right now. Whats it like . We are standing in front of one of the fuel gas station still open. They have a new gas truck that came in. Theres been a rushsh to get ga. A lot of people evacuating. They heard about the westward shift in the model tracks which puts this area and a very bad spot. A lot of people here in the keys are taking the warnings seriously, and they are evacuating. 11 people coming from key west now. You can see these pumps here are already out of gas. They are already starting to run out. This is the last opportunity people have to fill up their tanks before they go whats your plan . Im fascinated with guys with jobs like yours. There arent many. Are you going to ride it out there . It depends on where the eye goes. Were monitoring the forecast track. We have an instrument probe right here, that we measure wind speed and direction inside, also the pressure fall, but brought this w out to Hurricane Harvey d deployed that inside the eyewall. Measured winds in excess of 120 miles an hour, and so some pressure variability. Well be deploying this in the eyewall, wherever that sets up. Right now the forecast track takes it up the center of florida, an absolute worst case scenariolo for the keys. Where do you stay when this happens . I mean, are you going to be physically down there . Are you going to remain in the keys . Yeah. Well mount it on edge, then retreat to a structure. We have enough water or food ife we get trapped down here. We alsoga have a backup plan too if we have towe go up higher in emotional. Tucker reed. Thanks a lot. Godspeed down there. Fox news tracking hurricane irma. Thats it for us. Tune in every night at 8 00. The five effect is next. Have a great night. Im greg gutfeld, with lisa booth, juan williams, jesse watters, dana perino. Its the five. Hurricane irma remains an category five hurricane, trudging toward florida, with expected landfall this weekend. Whats up, adam . Greg, the latest news that came in, governor rick scott in florida has ordered all schools, universities, junior colleges, high schools, elementary schools, all schools closed in the entire state tomorrow as they prepare for this massive

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