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September 27th and 28th, 2012, is being withheld from the executive branch dribrations and theres concern they say that releasing the unclassified content of these emails could have a chilling effect. On the email chain, Senior Administration officials, including mcdonough, john brennan and ben rhodes, september 14th, 2012 email critics say linked benghazi to shape the discussion. The fox report from september 27th concluded the white house knew about terrorism within 24 hours and run information prior to those statements, including those of the president. The sevenpage dialogue concerning one fox news report, to me, demonstrates an alarm bell situation where they are reacting to and trying to shape a response. Thats the big takeaway from what we know about this email chain is that the administration was trying to come up with what was described as the formulation of a media strategy to deal with this fox news report. And the fox news report, u. S. Officials knew within 24 hours it was terrorism is the subject line of several of the emails. How likely is it that mrs. Clinton will be called to testify . Based on the comments by the chairman of that new committee today, it does seem highly likely because the state Department Investigation known as the accountability review board or arb, chaired by Thomas Pickering and retired admirable mike mullen never interviewed ms. Clinton in the first place. How can you run an investigation without talking to the person in charge . The manner in which we talked to her i cant tell you this morning. I can tell you this. Anyone who has evidence or information is going to be talked to. A short time ago at the state Department Briefing they were asked to address whether mrs. Clinton would testify before this committee. And they punted, which is what you would expect. She is now a private citizen and its really her call. Very interesting. Catherine, thank you so much. Youre welcome. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi today opening the door to putting democrats on that special panel tasked with investigating benghazi saying if its to be done fairly, the members should be equally divided bo divid divided. Congressman James Lankford joins me. What do you make of the fact that nancy pelosi changing her tune. Just the other day, she seems to be mimicking benghazi, lets get over it, now shes saying, maybe democrats should be in equal numbers . She is saying we should put democrats on it as long as we have the same number of democrats as republicans. And she knows the plan would be to block every top of the investigation. If theres a vote to subpoena to move, to block it. Shes saying, as long as its fair. But she put together a select committee as well dealing with Climate Change while she was chair as speaker of the house and it was not an equal number. When she was putting together the select committee, she didnt think it should an equal number. Of course it should not be. We have to move the investigation forward. Let me play devils advocate for a moment. In these press briefings over the last few days, jay carney seems to be sticking to the same talking points that its the republicans who have this Conspiracy Theory about benghazi. And they are really good at investigating investigations. So could it be, if you had democrats on this committee that that would at least bring credibility to the committee in the eyes of the white house . No, im glad to be able to have republicans and democrats. Facts are facts. Theyre not republican facts and democrat facts. Theyre just facts. If were bringing the facts out and getting a chance to walk through this investigation in terms of how it happened and prevent it from happening again, there should be republicans and democrats there. It shouldnt be a partisan issue. But if the goal is to block an investigation, thats not a worthy goal. Weve had plenty of stalling and delaying over the last two years. We need to get it resolved. What do you make of pundits who say republicans should be careful about this committee, maybe it could backfire if there is no bombshell evidence. How do you respond to that . Lets walk through some of the basic that is we know at this point. Four americans were killed. We know no one has yet been arrested or picked up or held to justice for this. There was initially a report that this was a video that the white house ran for a long time when it was known not within 24 hours, but within hours, a very few hours. We said generally lovell that was on the stand last week confirmed that night they knew it was not a video attack. We also know that there was not coordination happening between the state department and the department of defense. Weve got to be able to resolve that. We had personnel that was in that facility that didnt meet the minimum standards for our facility and we didnt have the minimum amount of security there. A lot of mistakes were made here. Its reasonable for us to resolve that. A lot of unanswered questions. Lets move on to another scandal that rocked this nation. And that was the irs targeting of tea parties. Now lois lerner going to be held in contempt. And democratses like steny hoyer saying the contempt effort is all about political messaging. Are they right . No. Theyre not right. Again, whether youre conservative or whether youre liberal progressive, it shouldnt matter what the irs has an opinion about you. The irs is a Tax Collection Agency and should be neutral to every american, regardless of religious or political preference. We have a situation where its obvious the irs was engaged in trying to limit speech of americans based on their political perspectives. That is something that should be confronted. People should be held to account for that. What is the end game in terms of going of lerner, then . Can you really force her to talk . Were going to bring her up. Weve subpoenaed her. Were holding her in contempt. Weve gone to the irs and requested all emails and the interaction with other employees. Weve also done that same thing to eric holder. It was obvious the department of justice was also engaging with irs and they were also looking for ways to engage in the same investigation. So weve got the irs to look at. We have the department of justice to look at and all these things circle around lois lerners office that she led. Were gathering information, well put it all in front of her. Great to see you, congressman. Thanks for your thoughts. The white house standing behind the secretary of Veterans Affairs now amid growing calls for his resignation after reports that veterans in arizona were put on a secret waiting list and died waiting for medical care. The white house releasing this statement we must ensure that our nations veterans get the benefits and services that they deserve and have earned. The president remains confident in secretary shinsekis ability to lead the department and take appropriate action based on the Inspector Generals findings. And it was also said, it is paramount that secretary shinseki get publicly in front of this immediately to address the valid concerns of veterans and their families. But does the problem go beyond arizona . My next guest is among those calling for secretary shinsekis resignation, commander daniel dellinger, the National Commander of the nations largest veterans group, the american legion, may guest today. Great to see you, commander. Thank you very much, gretchen, for having me on today. We just heard from two other well, from the president , from the white house and another veterans organization. Theyre not ready to call for the resignation. Why are you . Well, as you mentioned earlier, it goes deeper. It isnt just phoenix. Phoenix was a tipping point. Weve had instances around this country of unacceptable deaths. And any death of a veteran is tragic. But any preventible death especially is unacceptable. And then when they try to cover it up, thats unforgivable. And the secretary and the undersecretaries have failed in their duties as overnight and also failed in their leadership roles. And if this was the military, they would be relieved of duty. If it was the private sector, theyd be fired. But the secretarys found fit not to fire anyone associated with these deaths. I want to point out some of the other problems that are going on at other v. A. Medical centers. For example, in dallas, directors have received 50,000k in bonuses since 2011, allegations of poor care by patient families. Dozens of complaint in the last three years. And then the d. C. Medical center, the executive in charge got 60x in bonuses. Sevenfold increase in backlogged claims. And in st. Louis, over 800 patients exposed to hiv and hepatitis, multiple reports, dirty equipments, high numbers of patient deaths. Commander, its not just phoenix, is it . No, it isnt. Thats what weve we have a team called a system worth saving. For the last ten years, we send teams out to the regional hospitals and we conduct interviews. We review their procedures. We hold town Hall Meetings with the local veterans to see how that care is for them. Now, i need to also say that veterans a recent poll came out where 84 of all veterans stated that theyre happy with the care that they receive. And 95 of them would come back to that hospital for their next doctors visit. So it isnt the entire system thats broke. But there are just too many instances of people not being held accountable for failure. Its interesting because we interviewed the second whistleblower yesterday to come out in the phoenix situation. And she said that she feared that that secret waiting list and other documents might be destroyed before the Inspector General got there. So she hid them herself. These are brave individuals who are coming forward, are they not . They definitely are. And i think that once around the country, you see that or the caregivers see that they wont be retribution against them, youll see more coming out in different facilities of things that are wrong there. And they shouldnt be held accountable. These are great people. V. A. Employs over 3,000 employees. They do fantastic jobs for our veterans. And they really care. As i go around to different hospitals around the country, i see that care. And its important that we do what we can to ensure that all veterans get the best care possible. You said it exactly right. We owe them a lot for what theyve given to us. We thank you, commander, for your time today. Thank you very much, gretchen. Its primary day. A new poll has good news for the gop. Voters heading to the polls in several key states that could have a huge impact on the balance of the senate come november. Plus, brandnew video of daredevils. What did they do . They jumped off the world trade center. And today, they face the judge. And a small plane getting ready for a flyover at a Major League Baseball game, when this happens and you may not believe what the pilot found out about this house after crashing into its roof. Kind of did a uturn. It was really low. Didnt sound right. Humans. We are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. Thats why Liberty Mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. Call. And ask an Insurance Expert about all our benefits today, like our 24 7 support and service, because at Liberty Mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. Plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to 423. Call. Today. Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Welcome back to the real story. A major roadway in Southern California is expected to reopen this afternoon after a major overpass fire. Interstate 15 shut down yesterday when the fire broke out at a construction site. Officials say a workers blow torch is what started it. The cost . 32 million. The fire burned all night, hot enough to melt metal that sagged into the lanes below. Interstate 15 is Southern Californias main artery to las vegas. Officials say the northbound lanes could open by the evening commute. The southbound lanes not till tomorrow morning. So today is a big primary day for voters in three key states. But the contest getting all the attention right now, North Carolina. Firstterm democratic senator kay hagan facing a tough challenge against tom tillis. According to a new annual justice by the washington post, the chances of her wim winning, a whopping 82 . 82 , if youre a republican at home, youre saying yahoo sitting at home. This is a proprietary model done by the washington post. They look at the factors including polls and going across the country and saying the gop has an 80 plus chance of taking the senate after november. And you say . I think its silly to bank on anything like that being precise right. I think there is a congealing conventional wisdom now that the republicans have a good shot at taking the senate. But as weve learned over the last few cycles, they need the net six seats. Doing that in any cycle is extremely difficult, regardless of how positive a political environment may seem. Because you have to also keep the senate seats that you currently have. Thats right. Lets talk about North Carolina and dissect that a little bit. So you have this runoff today, the primary. Tom tillis looks like hes going to be the ultimate winner. But he has to get 40 of the vote, right, to not have a runoff . Thats right. If he gets the 40 threshold, he will be the republican nominee and will face kay hagan, the incumbent democrat. If he gets even a little bit below, 39 , that will spark a runoff. And i think obviously supporters of the other candidates in the race, including senator rand paul, governor mike huckabee, theyve endorsed other people in the race, if tom tillis doesnt get that 40 hurdle or clear it, we have two more months on the republican side to watch a bloody, costly battle in the runoff and finally someone emerges. That would give kay hagan and her team eight to ten more weeks of sort of getting ready for battle while the republicans duke it out internally. We all remember how that worked out in the president ial election. Ironically, its mitt romney who i think has endorsed tom tillis. You mentioned other highprofile republicans endorsing by the way, bless you on the side of the set. Im hearing a lot of sneezing going on over there. What does this mean, though, in general moving forward with regard to the issues . Now weve talked a lot about obamacare. But the recent surveys, everyone says the most important thing is jobs and the economy, for both parties. Jobs and the economy is number one. Health care is a huge one. Obamacare is a huge driving factor, particularly among the republican leading electorate. And theres that Enthusiasm Gap that people talk about where the gop and their base are more likely to turn out in a midterm election. Thats the top issue on a lot of those voters minds. And the republicans can make the case that the economy and obamacare are related. To tie it back to the North Carolina race, kay hagan clearly wants this intramural fight on the republican side to go on as long as possible. Shes running ads attacking tom tillis for not being antiobamacare enough. Wow. Isnt that interesting . That is sort of getting involved in the republican primary, an interference, if you will, the likes of which we saw in 2012 in missouri where cla ran ads and todd aken was her opponent. Incredible new details in the crash of a small plane. It smashed into a house. And turns out the pilot is very familiar with that house. Plus, Monica Lewinsky breaking her silence again, saying its time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress. The lengthy new interview about her relationship with former president bill clinton. Is it time to burn the beret or is there something more to monica coming out now . Tweet me gretchencarlson. Well read your comments at the end of the show. With diabetes, its tough to keep life balanced. 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Further analytics are necessary. Beam us up. Thats my phone. Hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. Only from xfinity. Tv and internet together like never before. Welcome back to the real story. Fire gutting a bus carrying the Jackson State University baseball team. Destroying most of its equipment. The team was traveling to game yesterday when the bus caught fire on an interstate in alabama. Police say the bus, completely destroyed. You can see in the pictures. Everyone on board managed to get out safely. The games been canceled. The team returned home to mississippi. The cause of the fire, under investigation. A strange twist of fate in a colorado plane crash. The small plane destroying the very same house the planes pilot used to own. He was en route to fly a banner over a Colorado Rockies baseball game yesterday when the plane went down. The pilot says he didnt realize it was his old home until someone else pointed it out. Trace gal ler live from los angeles with more. Strange twist of events here. Very much so. When the plane flipped over and crashed into the second story of that house, the structure kind of acted like a safety net. The plane was destroyed. And it caught fire along with the house. But the cockpit was very much insulated by the structure itself and the pilot was able to lower himself out of the cockpit into the second story and actually walk down the stairs. Now, when the plane hit the house, the neighbors had no idea if anybody was inside. So one of the neighbors ran across the street to try to help and was very surprised at what he found next. Listen. There was a man inside the house. He was kind of crouched down on the stairs, the whole top of the stories were on fire. At that point, he identified himself that he was the pilot which blew me away. I figured whoever was in the plane, didnt seem like anybody would survive that. Turns out the pilot owned the home from 2000 to 2003. He says he didnt realize it was the same home until someone pointed it out to him. Hes also a firefighter and he grabbed a hose as soon as he saw the fire and started to put it out. Witnesses say the plane was carrying a Geico Insurance banner, flying very low and struggling to stay airborne. The pilot released the banner right before the plane crashed. It kind of looked like the pilot actually parachuted out. But it was the banner leaving the plane. Neighbors called the crash a double miracle, one because the pilot survived and two because nobody was inside that home. We should note they are pulling the plane out of that home at some point today. And number three is that it was actually a house that he lived in. What are the chances . Amazing story, trace. Thank you. Did you ever think, whatever happened to Monica Lewinsky . In a new interview, the infamous intern addresses once and for all whether or not her boss took advantage of her. And House Republicans move one step closer to a resolution Holding Former irs official lois lerner in contempt of congress. We have a live report coming up. And our Political Panel weighs in as the white house dodges a series of questions about cooperating with the new benghazi investigation. Is the white house going to cooperate with this investigation, yes or no . A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. And its not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. All prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. 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Hospital in ohio. A former employee shot a man in the ankle during a struggle. That former employee arrested when he tried to seek psychiatric treatment. Nearly 300 kidnapped school girls are trying to be found. An Islamic Terrorist Group vowed to sell the girls into slavery. We now know the cause of this terrifying crash during a ringling brothers performance in rhode island. Investigators say a metal ring snapped over the weekend causing a ring to come crashing down. Eight performers hospitalized. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi now calling for a special Benghazi Panel to be equally divided between both parties. This comes after one democrat pushed for a boycott and the white house still quiet, dodging reporters questions on it altogether. Is the white house planning to cooperate with the House Select Committee on benghazi . Dont you feel like you need to get that message out more strongly . That it wasnt a politicizization how do you expect to see that the exactly same guy do you consider the select committee is the white house going to cooperate with this investigation, yes or no . Would it be impolite if it would be. Kirsten powers is a Fox News Contributor and Larry Oconnor is a radio show host in washington, d. C. Theyre my guests. Great to see both of you. Kirsten, i guess the white house does not want to participate in this select committee. Shocker yeah, yeah. Obviously they dont because they have been saying all along even the president has called this a phony scandal and they claim this is just republicans on a political witch hunt. I think they will probably do their best not to cooperate. But i dont know how much of that is in their hands, frankly. Theyre going to probably have requests for documents that if they dont respond to at this point, i think people will start paying attention. I dont think reporters were paying that close of attention in the past. But now they are starting to get a little curious about whats going on. Larry, what do you make of the fact that now nancy pelosi wants to have the committee equal . Just the other day, she said, benghazi, benghazi, benghazi. Now she wants to have it equal. Is that good or bad for this investigation . Well, listen, its good that shes now acknowledged that the watergate hearings from 1973 were not fair because those werent equal. The hypocrisy is obvious here. I cant tell which nancy pelosi we should listen to the one who wants equal representation on the committee or as you said, the one who dismissed this as a complete distraction. But kirsten is so right. The white house can only blame themselves. Now even reporters in this town are starting to figure out that they have been so, so reluctant to release any information. And it begs the question, why . What was going on that night . And thats all republicans and most americans want to know at this point, what happened. It was interesting to watch jay carney over the last few days. Theyd solidified the talking points saying the republicans are after this Conspiracy Theory and theyre really good at investigating investigations. Do you think he can stay with those talking points and try to blow off the select committee . I dont think reporters really seem to be buying it anymore. If the white house had released all the information in the first place, they would be on much stronger ground. They could have said, this is what we thought at the time. We made a mistake. But instead, they have come out with a variety of different stories, in fact, theyre constantly changing their story. They redacted an email that was quite obviously an email that should have been released that was clearly relevant to any benghazi investigation. And i think that just makes people suspicious, even reporters who are inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt, are saying, this doesnt really make the white house look very good. Could be something there. Talk about a blast from the past. One of the white houses most wellknown interns opens up in a new interview. Monica lewinsky says she deeply regrets what happens between herself and president clinton. That its time to, quote, burn the beret and bury the blue cress. Lewinsky also trying to set the record straight insisting that, quote, sure, my boss took advantage of me but i will always remain firm on this point, this was a consensual relationship. Why would Monica Lewinsky come out now and do this interview . Shes basically been in the background for quite some time. Shes done a few interviews. But why now . I have to move past the comment of burying the dress. I dont want to be part of the vast right wing conspiracy because i know were going to be blamed for everything as soon as Hillary Clinton becomes our inevitable president. But i honestly think this is part of the clinton plan of trying to get this out there now, get it out early and say, even if Monica Lewinsky wants to move on, the rest of america should be able to move on, too. Youre saying the clintons would ask your to go out and do this interview right now . Theyre behind everything, absolutely. Listen, i think it plays into their cards. I have no idea. Im not saying theyre behind it. Larry thinks this is good for Hillary Clinton. Do you see it that way . No, no. I dont think anytime Monica Lewinsky is in the news its good for the clintons. And i dont think that Monica Lewinsky would do anything that bill and Hillary Clinton asked her to do. I definitely dont think the clintons are behind this. I guess what she wants to talk about is she talks about how horrible it was for her during this time, that she became suicidal. And theres a fair discussion to have about why is Monica Lewinsky treated so badly and president clinton is one of the most admired people in the world. Thats the first thing that came to my mind. It seems to me, not mentioning anything about the actions, she has struggled. Larry, give you the last word. Its a terrible double standard. There is one question that needs to be asked. Ill give a 100 to whatever reporter in this town will ask it. If bill clinton behaved this way when he was in the white house as president , how will he behave as the husband of the president . Okay. Kirsten, you want 100 bucks . Interesting discussion with the two of you. Thanks so much. Thanks, gretchen. Were awaiting a vote in the house linked to the irs political profiling scandal. Lawmakers deciding whether to charge lois lerner finally with contempt. Shes the former irs director who twice refused to answer questions from a congressional committee. Mike emanuel is live on capitol hill. Mike, why are republicans so focused on going after lerner today . Well, gretchen, republican lawmakers in the middle of this irs investigation say they are convinced that lois lerner a great deal about the targeting of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status. House Republican Leadership aides say she can avoid being held in contempt of congress if she testifies fully and honestly. The contempt effort is part of trying to keep the pressure on her to make her come forward and to talk. But shes taken the fifth on two separate occasions and really outraged lawmakers when she first defended her actions. I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any irs rules or regulations and i have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee. Lerners attorney has suggested it would be unamerican to hold her in con cement of congress. Some republican lawmakers have fired back, what is unamerican is infringing on the First Amendment rights of many americans. Whats going to be interesting when this vote comes up, do we expect democrats to play ball when that happens . What are they going to do . No. Steny hoyer has told reporters that he is going to encourage House Democrats to vote against holding her in contempt of congress. Hoyer doesnt think she has waived her fifth amendment right. Other democrats sound frustrated with their gop colleagues. We all want to find out about the undertakings of the irs, then i think well get far. But if the republicans want to play this game of gotcha and going after folks where the evidence doesnt really substantiate doing some of these things preparations of this contempt measure will get under way later this afternoon. And then we expect the vote on the house floor in the coming days. Gretchen . Mike emanuel live for us, thanks much. Time to check in with Shepard Smith. We have a great story coming up for you. Remember the bionic woman, Lindsey Wagner . We have a real one. She was born without part of her arm. Her friends was to raise the money she needed for this thing a kind of bionic arm. Well show you the moment she found out about the big surprise and shell join us here live to talk about how her bionic arm has changed her life. Thats top of the hour on Shepard Smith reporting. See you then. Outrage and questions after an air Traffic Controller faulted in a deadly crash, allowed to go back to work. Well break down the reasons why he was reinstated. Plus, boxing champ Lloyd Mayweather with the humble brag about his payout after his win over marcos madana. What he earned for just 36 minutes in that ring. And a bad scene on a california highway after a herd of goats sets up shop. How long it took cops to clear them out. Out angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. For over 18 years weve helped people take care of the things that matter most. Join today at angieslist. Com. Yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. It has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. For gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works mmm mmm live the regular life. Time to check out what america is clicking on today. Office depot getting set to close 400 Stores Across the nation despite surging firstquarter sales boosted by a takeover of former rival officemax. Welterweight Champ Floyd Mayweather sending out an interesting message after winning against his opponent maidana. 32 million for 36 minutes. Im waiting for the payperview numbers to come in to make another 38 million on the back end. Making it a grand total of 7 million. Nice money for a days work or 36 minutes. And American Idol winner, scotty mccreary, the victim of a terrible home invasion. Mccreery and his schoolmates are okay. No arrests so far. Growing outrage over a story we first told you about yesterday. The air Traffic Controller who could have prevented this deadly crash over the hudson river back in 2009 in new york is now back on the job. Families of the victims want to know why. The faa only saying, quote, controllers have the same Due Process Rights as other federal employees and are also covered by the provisions of the national air Traffic Controllers association contract. Commercial pilot joins us and will break it all down. Great to see you, robert. You, too, gretchen. The question is, why is this guy who was on his cell phone at the time those two planes crashed into each other talking about barbecuing attacked . Why is he back on the job . I know this is going to sound difficult for many people to understand. But its extenuating circumstances. Although the controller was on the phone when he shouldnt have been, the pilots are ultimately responsible for separating themselves from other aircraft in that new york airspace. Theyre on what we call visual condition. And so the controller was a factor. But he wasnt the only factor. Right. I looked at all the factors. I looked at them. But heres the bottom line, robert, the pilot was on the wrong frequency and had the controller nod been talking about what she was going to eat for dinner on his cell phone, he could have told the pilot to get on the right frequency, right . Thats absolutely correct. And no matter what you see even the recommendations that came out for airspace reallocations and new procedures and everything else, it is still something youre going to walk away from and say, but if the guy hadnt been on the phone, he would have noticed this and he would have prevented it. But he was on the phone. How he got out of this one, i have no idea. Theres apparently an faa selfreporting policy. And theres something to be said for if you come forward and say that youve made a mistake as an air Traffic Controller, according to the language im seeing, the faa cannot take disciplinary action against the involved employee. How can that be . Thats correct. We have the same kind of resource for pilots. But there is one extenuating circumstance to that as well. And thats if you are proven negligent. In the sense of negligence, it all goes out the window. That means that somehow the prosecutor in this case was not able to prove negligence. It may have been stupid and it may have been a stupid human error. But it doesnt appear to have been negligent. But hes not alone because according to our reporting, about a dozen people who have had similar situations with deadly accidents are now back on the job. And im thinking about train operators who have been on their cell phones and they get in a whole heck of a lot of trouble. Theyre not back operating trains. Now this guy is back down in virginia and hes being an air Traffic Controller for military jets as well as jets that you and i might be on. Well, i have to admit, one of the problems with being involved in the union and i was involved in natca for a long time. The unions are forced to defend people they might not really like to defend. You may not believe the story but its the way the union is organized. Thats one of the downsides. Is it the union, then . Is it the strength on the one hand, if you work for the union, its good news because they get you out of a pickle. But is it bad news for the rest of us because is our safety now somehow in jeopardy . No, i dont think so. I grant you, this is a really strange case. But what the systems did of being able to report situations either as a controller or a pilot is that it gave people the flexible to report problem areas that they wouldnt normally talk about because they were afraid they would be prosecuted. It doesnt always have to involve someone being killed. It could involve a close call or something else. So while this was a really awful example, the upside has been a lot of information weve gained that we never had before. If youre a Family Member of one of those nine People Killed in just this one incident, youre scratching your head a lot more than you and i are today. Absolutely. I couldnt disagree with you. Tough one to understand. But thank you for coming on to help us understand. Robert, always good to see you. The neighbors of olympic blade runner Oscar Pistorius take the stand in his murder trial and describe the characterize that they heard coming from the runners home the nice pistorius fatally shot his model girlfriend. Because i heard please, please, no, no. What pistorius did in court that could get him in even more hot water. Plus, a major city rattled by something incredible overhead. Look at that. What caused these sonic booms . Bulldog oh boy mattress discounters Memorial Day Sale whats this . A queensize sealy gel memory Foam Mattress for just 497 . Mattress discounters has the Largest Selection of memory Foam Mattresses under one roof comforpedic. Icomfort. Optimum. And wow four years interestfree financing on the entire tempurpedic cloud collection dont miss the Memorial Day Sale. Mattress discounters could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads youd take that test, right . Well, what are you waiting for . You could literally be done with the test by now. Now you could have done it twice. This is awkward. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. Two huge sonic bombs heard in toronto. Listen. Well, this is what followed just moments later. What appears to be a meteor. Seep flying over the city in broad daylight, david and his wife thought it was fireworks but were surprised when they went back to thy their dash cam and saw this. Part of an annual meteor shower folks can see when earth passes through the tail of halles comet. Major developments in the blade runner murder trial in what could be a case of witness tampering. During a break Oscar Pistorius reportedly walked over to a friend of Reeva Steenkamp and asked, quote, how can you sleep at night . The court hear from throw of the runners neighbors, and paul is live on the phone. Paul, tell us more about this alleged intimidation by pit storeas . What happened . Indeed. This alleged intimidation is now been confirmed by several sources. According to the lawyer for riva steenkamps friend, the blade runner came over to her and what the lawyer told us was that in an extremely sinister tone whispered, how can you sleep at night . She was seen recoiling in shock and a Senior Police officers ninereportedly heard the comment and immediately went and informed the lead prosecutor. Kim meyers has independently confirmed the incident. She said this was very ing disturbing and nasty as myer may be called as a witness in mitigation of sentence if the athlete is convicted of the murder. Claims pistorius bail conditions could now be changed, and put the blade runner in a cell. But right now, no one else is saying that yet. Gretchen. What actually happened in the actual Court Session today . Well, we got hear from three more neighbors who were coaxed by defense attorney to d about the highpitched claims were claimed from pistorius rather than as the prosecution claims from his girlfriend. Is it possible to make a sound you could resemble it . I dont have the is so. Pistorius left the court perhaps relieved in the knowledge that there will be a day off from Court Tomorrow because south africa is having a general election. Paul, thank you very much for that update. Call it proof that old habits die hard. Are we going to do that or not . Okay. Instead well do this. Guys just taking the long way home . Go, go, go. Our drive to end hunger has donated 29 million meals, and counting. Find more real possibilities at aarp. Org possibilities. Golive gardensvorites asignature favorites, just 10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. Plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. Signature favorites, just 10 all week long, at olive garden. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. 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