Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20171130 22:00:00 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20171130 22:00:00

squeaky clean. there were complaints. meredith vieira says he kept sex toys in his office. hoda and savanna knew about thi this. and at msnbc, they said it was kind of a open secret. i know that's been a band phrase. some of it was consensual but a lot of it was not. a lot of it was humiliating, degrading, harassment, borderline sexual assault. it looks like they have a problem because when you combine them spiking the ronan farrow weinstein peace with them spiking the juanita broaddrick bill clinton peace and protecting matt lauer for all these years. and doesn't good for them and they made a half a billion dollars in profits every year and the ratings are great.
people who were playing by the rules that got them where they were doing with the rules say this is a huge error. >> dana: what to think about the ronan farrow piece? nbc-today show fixture and have a harvey weinstein story. nbc said take it somewhere else. it's not a story want to do. it comes out in the new yorker and that's the spark that lit the wildfire. >> kimberly: i think after you mention this yesterday. >> dana: things i should've said during the a block. >> kimberly: why didn't you make that point? i think it's very bad for them because it makes them look like they were trying to do kind of a cover-up. they don't want to do a story like that another have their own skeletons in their own closet. such a big story. ronan farrow obviously was telling the truth, and there was never there to not talk about these stories and not shine a light. >> dana: we are not saying we know for sure it's connected. we don't, but it does raise
putting out a statement. that's not what i said. the fact of the matter is the young lady in question is african-american, and i know he her. >> dana: juan, ever since nancy pelosi was on "meet the press" and screwed it up in a week later calling for the roseate trickle resignation come are the democrats trying to get themselves into a place where they can agree these allegations are serious. >> juan: there is so much to say. you have to put it in this -- democrats are not united and not all of 1 party when it comes of this. what you had is pelosi trying to maintain relations with these senior members of the democratic delegation in the u.s. house of representatives, john conyers. 88 years old, senior member of
the party in the head of the judiciary committee but you want to maintain relations with the congressional black caucus which is going to be especially protective of the man who founded it and is referred to in the black community but by pelosi as an icon. >> brian: would you also say the right thing to do politically and the right thing to do personally. if you listen to these women talk and you read these accounts and close the book and say i have to go do meet the press. i've got to be honest. i can't back him anymore. as opposed to i better not lose the congressional black caucus. kathleen rice has been the hero of this entire. freshman new york congresswoman has spoken out on both sides. she said she walked out of a meeting with nancy pelosi because they weren't addressing the elephant in the room. that takes guts, telling senator franken to step aside.
that's takes cash that takes guts >> juan: i think they are asking him to step aside. if you're talking about the institution, there's no way of getting away from the politics. nancy pelosi wanted to demonstrate she's a leader to her members but also i think she screwed up on "meet the press" when she talked about questioning the women, the same screwup that my friend james clyburn made. >> jesse: she managed to alienate both constituencies, women and blacks. at first she says he is an icon and raised doubts about the women and you know democrats need women because they are a key constituency. then she flip-flops and says should probably resign but she hasn't called for the white al franken to resign. a lot of members in the black unity see little bit of a different standard there. >> juan: wait a second. this is what greg was talking about. it's a huge difference between these cases. you want to throw them in the
same bucket. i don't think that's fair. >> jesse: there are similarities between both. conyers has four allegations against him. frank n photographic evidence, groping. similar. >> dana: when it comes to the law, sexual harassment, the women accusing al franken weren't working for him. is that the key distinction? >> kimberly: yeah, because it wasn't something taking place in a work environment or he was a superior to them or supervisor. it's a completely nonconsensual, unwarranted, inappropriate. that's what makes it so disturbing. people think they have free rein to behave in this way but it's injurious to others and women. when you see the situation of conyers and the situation with
franken, there's evidence to substantiate these claims that it can be independently corroborated. >> dana: do you think conyers will resign by tomorrow? >> juan: conyers is in the hospital. as kimberly said, this is an 88-year-old man under tremendous stress. i think you have to stop for a second. we don't often do this but be sympathetic for a second. the poor guy's whole life has crumbled here because he is no longer going to be known as the founder of the black caucus or the longest-serving member or a terrific representative of southeast michigan. he's going to be known as the guy who got caught up in this. the real crime in the conyers case is that he used public funds to pay off this woman as hush money. that's the sin here. >> brian: would you say we should give tribute to harvey weinstein for doing some great movies. he's been doing this for 50 years. if it turns out, the v shape.
bill cosby is hysterical but i don't the could put on an album again. stephanie templer. >> dana: can i interrupt. we have good news. the president of the united states has just lit the national christmas tree and i think we have some tape of it. >> merry christmas and happy holidays. >> i want to thank you. we want to wish everybody a merry christmas, a happy new year. have unbelievable holidays, and we are not going to light a very beautiful tree, and i will ask our first lady to get ready. maybe we will do a countdown
from 10. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. ♪ ♪ >> dana: that is pretty fun. the white house christmas tree lit for all the people of america. the president and first lady enjoying their first christmas season at the white house. we will bring you more if we have it. i i had come british prime minister theresa may condemns president trump over his recent activity on twitter. he had some words for her as well.
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britain's prime minister theresa may in a war of words over some recent tweets by the president. the president has come under fire after he retreated anti-muslim videos. that prompted this response. >> the fact that we work together does not mean we are afraid to say when we think the united states has got it wrong and to be very clear with them, and i'm very clear that retreating -- retreating from britain first was the wrong thing to do. >> jesse: that didn't sit so well with the president. he fired back with: "@theresa_may, don't focus on me, focus on the destructive radical islamic terrorism that is taking place within the united kingdom. we are doing just fine!" kimberly, is this an old spanish between friends or is it more than that? >> kimberly: this is the new age of politics. we are in a twitter war with theresa may. did we ever think we would be here? >> jesse: no, we did not. >> kimberly: this is a new day, a new age and i expect it will continue especially now
with more characters on twitter. she's also getting back. you wouldn't think this is the new president trump affect. she says i'm going to get in the mix. >> jesse: she says she's not afraid to criticize her friends when she thinks her friends have done something wrong. >> juan: first of all, apparently much of the video that was retweeted is fake. it's not real. it shows muslims engaged in violent acts and the like and the president read tweets it. the key point to me is not theresa may. she is our ally. she says it's not affecting the u.s. british relationship anywa anyway. but it somewhat different than what we saw from president obama, wouldn't you say? yes want, they said it was in america's best interests to maintain its alliances with muslim majority countries. from south carolina, senator graham said this is not
good. >> brian: he didn't say all muslims were bad. he said these two extremist groups. >> juan: when you retweet something like that. >> jesse: re-tweeting is not an endorsement, juan. >> brian: the mayor of london wants theresa may to rescind the invitation the president accepted. we don't have a date yet for the visit, because of this. she says they are doing just fine. i say, if theresa may got video of the bike path terrorist and tweeted that out and said hey, theresa may, hey president trump, cracked down on your terrorism problem in new york city, how would president trump have handled it? >> dana: there's a few things. the extremist groups here is britain first. that's the extremist group.
they are too far right wing to call them right wing. they are a white supremacist group. on twitter, you can turn off retweets, that's a good rule. he doesn't need to retweet anything. retreating his a bad idea. i also think this idea that they are fake but in general we know there are muslim extremists and therefore its okay is wrong. it reminded me of 2004 when dan rather tried to pass off those forged documents about george w. bush's air guard participation, though they were forged. "the new york times" editorial page wrote "fake but accurate." not good enough. i think she's the most ideologically aligned with president trump. she agrees with him. they are allies. i think instead of punching back at her, you have to understand she has domestic politics she has to deal with as well.
she is inclined in a precarious situation. they might have to call for another election soon. she has to be able to stand up. i would say there's no need to put your allies in that positio position. >> jesse: i am going to give the royal expert the last word. the president is going to england later next year. what do you think his reception is going to be and how do you think they are going to handle it? >> kimberly: let's see how the relationship is. the mayor into more trouble. last time, a lot of back-and-forth. people want to get in on the feuds. general speaking, i think will be favorable but i think there'll be protesters are people offended by something on that particular day and they will hit him and he will hit them back twice as hard. >> jesse: spent some time with the queen. a winning progress report from president trump on the economy, next. ♪
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>> remember when i used to say we are going to win so much. i used to say that, right? i used to say it, and that's what's happening. that's what's happening. the governor is going to come to that beautiful historical oval office. he's going to say to me mr. president, the people of missouri cannot stand all this winning. were going to keep winning and winning and winning. i used to say that. i had fun with that. but we are winning. we are winning again. we are winning a lot bigger than anyone ever thought possible. >> kimberly: winning indeed. the dow broke 24,000 for the first time today and president trump taking credit for that on twitter, another sign of a booming economy. consumer confidence is up also
because a long-awaited tax cut for americans is possibly on the brink of passage. john mccain announced today he will vote for the tax bill, increasing the chances of getting through in a senate vote tonight or tomorrow. fortuitous, jesse, in terms of the president, the timing, the numbers. getting senator mccain to get on board. >> jesse: the president has always been a closer. he's closing the time this year. once he gets these tax cuts passed. they are going to slip and obamacare mandate repeal once they go to conference. that's of two-for-one. republicans going to the midterms next you're going to feel a lot better once they post those wins. maybe throw in an infrastructure bill, get some democrats to vote for it. the economy is already juiced. jobless claims started all-time low. consumer confidence, 17-year high. manufacturing, housing markets
booming. dow, historic records. there's a lot to look forward to next year. i think they revised the gdp last quarter to 3.3%. could see a 3% gdp for the year. obama never saw that in eight years. if trump gets that after the first year, it's pretty impressive. >> juan: thank you, obama. thank you. >> brian: he can't turn the economy around in ten months. >> juan: i know that. >> brian: confidence, the stock market. what i like is that the business world looks at what tax reform is that we can debate it. the business world is about dollars and cents and they say this is getting close. i'm doubling down. i like the confidence they are showing me the markets. >> juan: reduce the evidence of doubling down? >> up 24,000, as it gets closer to closer to package, the market has rocket fuel. much like rocket man.
we will talk about north korea later. this is the mccain surge. when he walked forward and said i can support this, right tell me corker is going to sit on the sideline? >> juan: corker, flake, susan collins. i think danes from montana. when you get john mccain to say yes, i think a lot of those people now feel like the bandwagon is rolling and we better get on board. my feeling is even as people say let's get something done, this is not a good tax bill. i'm a bigot it helps people. i think 25% of the money goes to people making over 300,000. >> brian: two different plans. >> kimberly: i want to get the dana perino forecast. >> dana: i think it is unstoppable. imagine if senator mccain had said he was not going to vote for it. i think he made the decision on the merits. the question will be on, the
republicans were able to ensure obamacare remained the most unpopular piece of legislation ever passed. although it's more popular now. that really help them in the midterm elections. this will be a little bit different. obamacare, for many people, was a bridge too far because of it's a step towards socialized medicine. everybody can understand tax cuts but the debate will be on the statistics. does the economy continued to do better? do wages go up? do people see more money in their paychecks starting in january and does not have an effect? the democrats are going to say clearly this is only going to the rich. all these people who voted for president trump and are disappointed, we will have a better answer. that's what the debate is going to be but i think republicans, because the economy is in good shape right now, you add tax cuts to it. i don't see how it doesn't get better. >> brian: it's not like
health care was going good and obamacare made it better. right now the economy is going in the right direction by almost every stat. if it improves incrementally, it's only going to help. >> dana: the economic concern the president will have to deal with will be inflation. >> brian: one quick point. chad pergram wrote, senator senator kennedy from louisiana, he said the meetings are different. they are more positive, upbeat. he's rallying people together. he's not scaring them, intimidating them. they are cutting commercials. he's going on the road. he's working them. >> jesse: tell everybody who chad pergram is. >> kimberly: you are saying bees with honey. >> brian: i wouldn't be surprised if you get four democrats voting for it. heidi heitkamp, joe manchin, may
be claire mccaskill. >> dana: i don't think so. i will bet you dinner on that. >> brian: are we taping the show? we could play it back. >> kimberly: may be some bold predictions on "fox & friends" " >> brian: every break i get into an argument with kimberly which has never happened. i am afraid to go to commercial right now. >> juan: what did i say? >> kimberly: get ready. the twitter employee who deactivated president trump's twitter has come forward. his explanation, if you want to believe it, next. (avo) when you have type 2 diabetes, you manage your a1c,
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twitter. we now know who he is, a german man. he has come forward as the customer support contractor for twitter who deactivated the president's account on his last day, november 2. some people may not believe this but he insists it wasn't intentional. >> in my opinion, it was definitely a mistake. if i'm involved in this, i really apologize. i didn't do anything on purpose. i was tired sometimes and everyone can do mistakes. of course, not only one little mistake of one human being can lead to such a result. i think it's all about a number of coincidences. >> juan: wow. you guys are laughing. >> brian: there is no way he is telling the truth. it was his last day. hoda were laughing at the guy
who was interviewing him. >> brian: i don't know what you're talking about. >> dana: he said he did like the president. >> brian: i don't believe it. his last day. he said authorities are not interested in him. it's the preston are relentless. he lost his privacy, and his explanation is i didn't do it on purpose on my last day. no one tells the truth anymore about anything. >> juan: maybe he is worried about criminal action or liability. >> dana: i tend to think the best of people. english is his second language. maybe the sincerity of his statement there was no coming through. i don't know. >> brian: he's not telling the truth. >> dana: i think there was no harm done, so maybe we can let this guy live his life. >> jesse: no harm done, dana?
a classic trump tweet, may be a new nickname, he let that happe happen. >> juan: maybe he was working for the white house and this was a way to get trump to stop tweeting. >> jesse: it was john kelly. >> kimberly: obviously you do it on purpose. yes, come on. couldn't you tell? >> juan: i thought he was trying to protect himself in case it turns out he did something that was in violation of american law. >> kimberly: so you do believe he's lying? >> juan: i don't know. deflecting attention. >> brian: he was in the trust and safety division of customer support and he was a private contractor. again, a private contractor with this type of control over something as powerful as twitter. >> dana: maybe we should thank
him for pointing out this huge flaw. maybe twitter will fix it. >> jesse: though dana feels sorry for this guide. you used to work for the bush administration. >> kimberly: say it again, dana. >> juan: people say how is that trump is allowed to use twitter when he violated some of their policies, like for example this thing -- not in keeping with their standard but at twitter respond, anything the president says is newsworthy and so we have to put it out there. >> brian: there is no one man who's done more for any one thing then president trump has done for twitter. if you're in the news, in the country and you don't follow twitter, you are missing nine or ten things to talk about every single day. for us, we are missing nine or ten stories to rationalize. >> jesse: trump probably thinks twitter owes him stock options.
>> kimberly: don't you think they kind of do? juan, you would be crying in the corner if he wasn't tweeting. you love it. you like to do the dramatic reenactment when you read the president's tweets. >> juan: the national christmas tree was lighted at the white house. some grinch slammed this year's decorations. all of that grazing is coming up next on "the five" ."
shining" and narnia. this is fantastic. look at this. some of the memes. >> dana: what is a meme? >> brian: a series of phrases that bring highlights to pictures. there it is. as we watch this, let's go over it. it's another attack at this white house and the trump twist on the white house. they have in this main room, white branches in the east colonnade. i love the look. silver and black. do you feel like you are in the woods. what's wrong with that? >> dana: nothing. every white house is pretty at christmas. one time, laura bush had a seashell theme. it was a national seashore thin thing. some people were making fun of her in the media. we didn't have twitter way back
then. it's never appropriate. the white house can be whatever the first lady wants. >> brian: i think people should be open to it. everyone puts their own stamp on it. 25,000 people walk-throughs and state room. gingerbread houses. >> jesse: shots fired on the war on christmas. i remember christmas controversies during obama year years. i think this was a fox news exclusive. you covered it heavily. they had a christmas tree ornament mao on it. eight years in a rural president obama refused to use the word christmas in his annual christmas card. his christmas cards have happy holidays. we can say merry christmas again. >> brian: of those were the good old days when those were our controversies. kimberly, your reaction to people's reaction to somebody's version of a fashion forward christmas. >> kimberly: my reaction to
somebody's reaction? >> dana: knee bone connected to the shin bone. >> kimberly: i love christmas. i like the decorations. >> brian: do you like the first lady's decorations? >> kimberly: i do. what's wrong with that? >> brian: nothing. people complaining about the branches. >> juan: i haven't been there but looking at the pictures, the initial pictures, it's a very dark setting that looks like something from the nightmare before christmas. >> jesse: juan, come on. >> juan: look at that picture. >> kimberly: winter wonderland. bring >> juan: bring out the to, we will butter up the trumps. >> brian: the east wing has a tribute to gold star families.
>> jesse: you insulted christmas and the military in the same breath. >> juan: i did? >> brian: may be people out there are better fashion charges that we are but i believe it's unanimous. this is one heck of a decoratio decoration. it's unanimous. >> jesse: more eggnog for juan juan. >> dana: it's been a long day. you've been up since 2:00 in the morning. >> brian: "one more thing" is next.
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get more out of your water. get zerowater. ♪ >> dana: it's time for "one more thing." juan. >> juan: as you know, i am a granddad and these days i get my d.c. scoops from a lot of people in elementary school and they tell me disney's pixar film cocoa is the hottest movie of their season. it's an animated musical fantasy that has grossed over 160 million worldwide and about 12 days. it tells the story of a little boy named miguel. he visits the land of the dead apparently not scary. particularly exciting because with the budget over 200 million, the first budget animated film with an all latino cast. >> dana: kimberly. >> kimberly: thank you.
cute story of an airline reuniting little girl named summer with her teddy bear. summer lost her teddy bear when she boarded a plane. her mother took to facebook to ask for the public's help and that's when the airline stepped in and flew the teddy bear first class back to summer. first class seat with a little snack. very cute, and with the pilot. >> dana: that is sweet. i've got one for you. there were 18 new names that were added to the nypd's memorial wall yesterday here in new york city. these are 18 forgotten cops who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. most of the officers being saluted died before 1922, the oldest being in 1869. the officers were killed in unusual circumstances. one was thrown from a horse. another died trying to save a
drowning girl. william martin died in 2011. many descendants and family members were there in attendance, and i think that was a really great thing for the nypd to do. >> brian: i love the way they salute their legacy and care about those who used to serve. >> jesse: you have been consumed with the daily briefing. i'm going to try to pick up some of your slack and throw a great dog video at you. this is a dog, and the dog plays jenga. spencer the rescue pup. he was adopted and now he is a jenga master. he's really good at it. i don't think jasper can do this. >> dana: jasper cannot do that that. >> brian: i can't do that.
>> jesse: very talented. the producers found this for me. >> brian: isn't real? it seems like the tower seems pretty secure. >> dana: you have said almost everything on the show is not real. >> brian: i am a little cynical today. here we go. there's no wide shot? i am finally on camera. >> kimberly: how ungrateful. >> brian: andrew jackson, hero under fire will be on the 8:00 a look at jackson in the battle of new orleans. his incredible life. he is front and center because everybody makes the comparisons with president trump. the one thing i wanted to share. they let me behind the glass at his house. they brought me to the trophy room. these are the things that mattered most to andrew jackson. >> this is the front parlor of
the mansion and if you are coming to visit president jackson or former president jackson, you would have been invited to come in here and wait for him. he would've let you wait long enough to look at the things he has in this room that would tell you he is important man. >> brian: see the candle on the table? that candle was led by george washington after the battle of yorktown. he sat down with his officers and set hold a candle. i'm going to light it for you. we made history. jackson looked up to washington, and when one of the officers there had to go give that candle to andrew jackson himself, and that very candle was held by george washington, handed to andrew jackson and sat out on a table. >> dana: did you get to touch it? >> brian: yes. >> jesse: does this have something to do with your book? >> brian: miracle of new orleans. it's going to be on december 10.

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Fire , Entire , Kathleen Rice , Congresswoman , Guts , Senator , The Elephant In Room , Sides , Meeting , New York , Way , Cash , Institution , James Clyburn , Politics , Screwup , Leader , Jesse Watters , Constituencies , Blacks , Constituency , Doubts , Flip Flops , Al Franken , Cases , Hasn T , Unity , Difference , Standard , Greg , Waita Second , Evidence , Both , Bucket , Similarities , Photographic , Frank N , Four , Law , Sexual Harassment , Groping , Al Franken Werent Working , Similar , It , Distinction , Supervisor , Superior , Work Environment , Nonconsensual , Wasnt Something Taking , Unwarranted , Situation , Rein , Claims , Franken , Hospital , Guy , Life , Second , Stress , Crime , Caucus , Member , Representative , Founder , Conyers Case , Southeast Michigan , Woman , Tribute , Thev Shape , Hush Money , Movies , Funds , Sin , 50 , President , News , Maybe Don T , Album , Bill Cosby , Stephanie Templer , Tape , National Christmas Tree , Holidays , Merry Christmas , Everybodya Merry Christmas , First Lady , Countdown , Tree , 9 , 8 , 7 , 3 , 6 , 4 , 5 , 10 , 2 , Theresa May , White House , Season , White House Christmas Tree , British , Git Ii , Twitter , Words , Activity , Prevagen , Ingredient , Brain , Memory , Name , Jellyfish , Clinical Trials , Level , Care , Advisors , Cafes , Exercise Rooms , Pet Care Services , Swimming Pools , Bistros , Options , Nobody , Place For Mom , Living , Advice , Memory Care , Service , Call Today , Helping Hand , Cost , Family , Mom , Choice , Trump , War , Tweets , Videos , Fire , Response , Britain First , Didnt Sit , Dont Focus On Me , Friends , Terrorism , Spanish , Focus , President Trump Affect , Characters , Mix , Something , All , Video , Like , Acts , Muslims , President Obama , Wouldn T , Ally , Relationship Anywa , Want , Graham , Countries , Interests , Alliances , Muslim , South Carolina , Endorsement , Extremist Groups , Tre Tweeting , Two , Accepted , Visit , London , Terrorist , Bike Path , Groups , Terrorism Problem , Extremist , Extremist Group , Wing , Rule , Group , Retweets , White Supremacist , Anything , Idea , Okay , Extremists , General , 2004 , The New York Times , Documents , Georgew Bush , Page , Air Guard Participation , Allies , Yideologically , Punching , Word , Need , Position , Expert , Election , Trouble , Relationship , Reception , Mayor , England , Speaking , Feuds , Protesters , Economy , Jesse , Progress Report , Queen , Love , Responsibilities , Lincoln Financial , Life Insurance , Lincoln , Issue , Food Particles , Denture , Dentures , Seeds , Seal , Mouth , Dabs , Super Poligrip , Mycome , Ones , Lets Go , Governor , Mr , Oval Office , Fun , Winning , Anyone , Missouri , Consumer Confidence , Sign , Credit , Dow Broke 24000 For The First Time Today , 24000 , John Mccain , Tax Bill , Americans , Chances , Tax Cut , Vote , Brink , Passage , Senate , Terms , Tax Cuts , Numbers , Closer , Timing , Fortuitous , Obamacare , Republicans , Infrastructure Bill , , Midterms , Wins , Mandate Repeal , One , Housing , Low , High , Manufacturing , 17 , Gdp , Dow , Records , Eight , Ten , The Business World , Tax Reform , Confidence , Stock Market , Business World , Rocket Man , Market , Package , Rocket Fuel , Up , Markets , Tell Me Corker , Sideline , Mccain Surge , North Korea , Susan Collins , Flake , Feeling , Bandwagon , Montana , Danes , Money , Bigot , 300000 , 25 , Plans , Decision , Merits , Forecast , Elections , Legislation , Popular , Everybody , Debate , Statistics , Step , Medicine , Bridge , Effect , Paychecks , Wages , Shape , Answer , Doesnt Get Better , Health Care , Stat , Direction , Concern , Senator Kennedy , Inflation , Chad Pergram , Louisiana , On The Road , Commercials , Meetings , Positive , Upbeat , Bees , Honey , Heidi Heitkamp , Joe Manchin , Show , Dinner , Predictions , Claire Mccaskill , Fox Friends , Argument , Break , A1c , Explanation , Type 2 Diabetes , Avo , Who , Deactivated , Side Effects , Stop Taking Victoza , Spain , Doctor , Reaction , Symptoms , Difficulty Breathing , Rash , Swelling , Swallowing , Pancreatitis , Stomach Area , Sulin May , Constipation , Gallbladder Problems , Vomiting , Indigestion , Diarrhea , Appetite , History , Nausea , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Silent Night , Move , Sleep Number , Bed , Let , 360 , Entyvio , Treatment , Store , Change , Yor Crohn , Site , Uc , Remission , Infusion , Reactions , Crohn S , Inflammation , Symptom Relief , Patients , Gi Tract , Risk , Infection , Infections , Brain Infection , Virus , Condition , Pml , Liver Problems , Crohns Treatment Isnt Working For You , Relief , Sores , Gastroenterologist , Reach , 11 , Customer Support Contractor , Account , German , November 2 , Mistake , Opinion , Wasnt Intentional , Everyone , Purpose , Mistakes , Human Being , Course , Number , Wow , Result , Coincidences , Guys , Preston , No One , Authorities , Privacy , Language , Action , Best , Liability , Sincerity , English , Brian Williams , I Dont Know , Harm Done , Tweet , Nickname , Come On , Yes , Couldn T , Tweeting , John Kelly , Case , Violation , American Law , Deflecting Attention , Contractor , Control , Type , Customer Support , Safety , Division , Trust , Flaw , Guide , Administration , Policies , Example , Keeping , Country , Stock Options , Nine , Reenactment , Corner , The National Christmas Tree , Ewasnt Tweeting , Decorations , Grinch , Grazing , Memes , The Shining , Narnia , Pictures , Series , Meme , Attack , Phrases , Trump Twist , Room , Branches , In The Woods , Look , East Colonnade , Nothing , Seashore , Media , Seashell Theme , Laura Bush , State Room , Wants , Stamp , People Walk Throughs , 25000 , Gingerbread Houses , Shots , Christmas Tree Ornament Mao , War On Christmas , Fox News Exclusive , Christmas Card , Cards , Somebody , The Good Old Days , Controversies , Fashion Forward Christmas , Version , I Love Christmas , Shin Bone , Knee Bone , I Haven T , Setting , The Nightmare Before Christmas , Picture , Winter Wonderland , Trumps , To , The East Wing , Gold Star , Families , Fashion Charges , Heck , Breath , Military , Decoratio Decoration , More Eggnog For Juan , 00 , Bond , Gaps , The Y , Divides , Ay , 65 , Isn T , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Vaccines , Lung Disease , Flu , Lung , Vaccination , Part , Cold , Mucus , Bacteria , Pharmacist , Water , Get Zerowater , Me Disneys Pixar Film Cocoa , Its Time , Granddad , Elementary School , Scoops , Dc , Miguel , Movie , Fantasy , Land Of The Dead , 160 Million , 12 , Budget , Film , Latino Cast , 200 Million , Airline Reuniting Little Girl , Teddy Bear , Plane , Mother , Public , Facebook , Help , Airline , Snack , Seat , Teddy Bear First Class , Nypd , Cops , Names , Line , Pilot , Lives , Memorial Wall , 18 , Officers , Another , Being , Most , Duty , Circumstances , Horse , 1922 , 1869 , Descendants , Family Members , Attendance , Drowning Girl , William Martin , 2011 , Dog Video , Legacy , Briefing , Spencer , Dog , The Dog Plays Jenga , Rescue Pup , Jenga Master , Jasper , Jasper Cannot , Everything , Producers , Tower , Isnt Real , Camera , Shot , How Ungrateful , President Jackson , Center , Comparisons , 00a Look At Jackson , Battle Of New Orleans , House , Trophy Room , Glass , Parlor , Mansion , Jackson , Candle , Table , Set , George Washington , After The Battle Of Yorktown , Sat , Miracle Of New Orleans , December 10 ,

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