Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

united auto workers for the first time in history are striking against the big-three u.s. automakers all at once. economist forecast strike if it continues could end up costing the national economy $5 billion by month's end. this at a time when 70% of americans polled they feel the economy right now is getting worse. this is a quote, real time test, biden's economic agenda says "new york times" called for higher wages for the middle class, apologetic pro union stand, push for electric vehicles centered in michigan, a state he must win in 2024 to remain in the oval office. >> davin mc bowl, now with ed lawrence, i believe -- there you are, north lawn of the white house. >> jillian, yeah, so far president joe biden sitting on the sidelines, he told the american people that the auto companies need to pony up. >> record corporate profits which they have should be shared by record contracts for the uaw. and just as we are building an economy for the future we need labor agreements for the future. it's my hope the parties can return to the negotiation table, forge a win-win agreement. >> president delivering a harsh statement on this strike saying the uaw strike and indeed the summer of strikes is the natural result of the biden administration's whole of government approach to promoting unionization at all costs for the 94% of american private sector workers not in a union the costs are stacking up, i asked about this 30 minute ago. >> is the automakers strike and the 'em pass to electric vehicles? >> no. we don't believe that. >> the president trying to convince americans in a speech yesterday that his policies would be better than that man, he highlighted the time under former president trump during covid when the country shut down, ignoring the pre-covid knee from that president. listen to this. >> democracy at risk because i don't think they do think it matters anymore because the country should know the facts, they should know the choice between bidenomics and -- >> so far not buying what president biden is selling. the president is losing or within the margin of error on polls. fox news poll with all the leading candidates and jillian, we are starting to see overall inflation tick up a little bit, gas prices that are on the rise again, back to you. >> ed lawrence at the white house, now, thank you. >> let's bring in dagin mc bowl, hi, a lot to unpack here. let's start i think with the question that ed asked the press secretary about ev's. take a look at this tweet from jd vans, random fact, ford loses $32,000 on each ev they sell. these things even with subsidies are massive cost centers for the american cost industry, that's in part because you are subsidizing joe biden's donors. >> it's more than fair, actually, ford based on my calculations loses between $60,072,000 on every electric vehicle that it sells. and ford and general motors they subsidize these money losing electric vehicles through the very profitable gasoline powered pickup trucks and suvs that they sell. and what joe biden has done, and i don't mean to get off track, but the push is, americans will be forced to buy electric cars and trucks and these automakers will be forced to make them, period. and electric vehicles are a job killer for the unions. period. that the electric vehicle each ev can be built with anywhere between 30% and 50% fewer auto assembly workers. that is a simple fact. it just takes a lot fewer workers to make an electric vehicle. and estimates from the uaw say that tens of thousands of jobs would be lost, i've seen estimates up north of 100,000 jobs lost. and joe biden's epa has mandated the tail pipe emissions regulations in less than a decade, two-thirds of all the vehicles produced by automakers must be electric to meet these new tail pipe emissions standards. that is not a choice. and so what ford and et al have done suckling at the teeth of the federal government taking subsidies top to bottom particularly the inflation reduction act and low costs billions of dollars in low cost loans. there are up to $400 billion in subsidies or tax credits for people who ultimately buy these electric cars. the union by the way, wanted the tax credits in the inflation reduction act to only go to be limited to only union-made cars. so, the unions that are in a real pick 'em, they are worried about job guarantees, the factories building built across the south, those plants are not unionized yet. so, they are looking to joe biden and the white house for protection but these jobs are in jeopardy. so, but again, inflation is up, the job market's tight and they are putting the screws to these detroit three automakers right now. >> before i let you go i went to ask you about the politics involved in this strike. david asmund earlier said said the fact that the strike went forward despite the president heavy handed involvement indicates he has indeed lost the unions for now and forever, what do you make of that? >> they are striking because inflation is hurting these workers. number one. and that's joe biden. and they are striking because their jobs are in jeopardy because of the electric vehicle mandate coming straight of this white house. that's part of it. they have not endorsed him for the presidency. i think that that speaks volumes. but i will note that the original offer that the uaw and sean fein wanted from the big three would have put the total labor cost at $150 an hour. that's what they were demanding. $150 an hour. at $40 an hour demand would put the total labor cost including health benefits at 150 bucks. right now they make $65 an hour including health benefits. at tesla it's $45 an hour. at honda and toyota it's $55 an hour. but watch out with these detroit three because, again, if this whole electric vehicle thing goes south and there is a new regime comes in and changes it all, they are going to come looking for another bailout from the american people. we already shelled out $80 billion for chrysler and gm just in 2009. we lost $11 billion on general motors bailout. >> we have to leave it there, thanks for taking time with us on friday, we'll look for you ahead on espn. >> thank you. >> still ahead, congressman pat joins us as well as brian kilmeade and joe concha. since hunter biden faced his three-count indictment. >> the president pardon or commute his son if he is convicted? 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he we heard phone calls, 20 times on speaker phone, not to talk about the weather, he has gone to dinner to hunter biden's business associates. these are happening in places where u.s. foreign policy is crucial, ukraine, china, russia, kazakhstan, i can go through the list. that's the bigger story here. this has been the worse week this presidency has seen. right? is i mean, you impact the last week on top of the hunter biden indictment. we have the unprecedented auto strike that could cripple the economy. in particularly in michigan and ohio. yet, the administration still continues to twerk over how wonderful bidenomics is working. you see the reporting unmitigated national security disaster, we are seeing thousands of people in cages in arizona. the president said he was at ground zero, he wasn't, that was an indulting lie to the 9/11 families. the day and the wash ton post, ignacius is an ardent supervisor pore of the president. that sent shockwaves to the white house, i can guarantee you from that. and those calls are growing now. jillian. >> brian, there are two alternate realities here in washington right now. the democrats says the charges against hunter biden says proof it's everybody is equal in the eyes of the law. this is proof now there are actually two systems of a justice. >> james comer said, this is the least serious out of all of it. joe had nothing to do with the gun charge. now they are going to look to get james biden's bank accounts. and get eric sherwin in. he was the guy who had all the money and handled all the nonor payment of taxes however you want to slice it. so, we'll see where it goes, but maybe somebody on the left knows where this is going to go and that's why it looks like they are looking to push joe out and take kamala harris with him. >> quick last word to you, joe, latest ap poll reveals only 6% of americans across the country say that they are very confident in the justice department. >> wow. i mean, can you imagine hearing that sort of number even 5 or 10 years ago and that just shows you how politicized the perception is of the department of justice overall. so, all institutions it seems, whether we are talking government overall or media, i can go down the list are taking a huge trust hit at this point. i will leave it here, jillian. the president on his official public schedule, he received the daily briefing shortly before noon and then nothing else on that schedule except another flight to delaware, he has spent 40% of his presidency on vacation and that is another reason why in trust intuitions are so low, we have a president that doesn't seem to be interested in working very hard. >> gentleman, gotta leave it there. thanks for taking time with us on a friday. >> well, ahead this hour, former new york city mayoral account curtis leber on the meltdown happening today over migrants in new york city. stick with us. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. 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okay, i go back to you. do you think the president lied when he said -- you want to know, i'm not saying impeachment i am saying i would like to know answers to these questions. >> let's bring in pat bowan serves on the oversight committee. sir, this reporter who was questioning the speaker is not the only person, you know, repeating that line of no evidence. take a listen to some of your democratic colleagues. >> there is no evidence. at all to support an impeachment inquiry based on what we know. and every single time you hear a republican say the biden family, just know that's because it does not include joe biden. if it did they would say joe biden. >> republicans are againing in an evidence-free, fact-free, impeachment inquiry that has nothing to do with high crimes and misdemeanors. >> congressman, what do you say to your colleagues there. >> did i just see adam schiff saying republicans are engaging in evidence-free inquiry. talk about the pot calling the kettle plaque. i'm on the oversight committee, we are spearheading this investigation and we have troves of evidence. i know that's the talking point that the left wants to use to convince middle america there is nothing here and this is mere leah revenge tour, it's not the case at all. joe bids the one that told american people in 2019 he had no idea what his son did and never met with his business associates. that was an out right lie. why did he lie? why did hunter biden accept the job with burisma and ceo was being investigated for corruption and joe biden after his son asked him for help went to ukraine and withheld a billion dollars worth of aid or threatened to unless victor shokun got fired, he did get fired, he was doing a great job. that is one of several instances where there is actually damming evidence. >> your colleague james comer leading the probe has produced a whole lot of evidence that doesn't look great for president biden. it's also true, sir, that he has gotten egg on his face in a couple instances ahead of the evidence. right now we're waiting to see if the white house is turning over -- or archives turning over unredacted e-mails, then vice president biden sent under a pseudonym. if those are released and don't produce the evidence that your committee hopes it does, is somebody going to acknowledge that reality? >> oh, sure. i mean, jillian, i just want to get to the truth and to justice. if the bide -- if we find evidence that exonerates the bidens we would move love. i would love to see joe biden be the democratic, i am not elected to go to congress, i'm located to follow my constitutional oath. seven times we subpoenaed bank records, we find more money that was funneled from foreign entities or foreign individuals to the biden family. i believe the preponderance of the evidence shows that hunter biden was acting as joe biden's bag man, we know what that is and smart enough not to be that stupid to have the money go directly to joe biden. >> congressman, we gotta leave it there, thank you so much for taking time with us on this friday. we appreciate it. >> thanks, jillian. god bless, take care. >> thank you, sir. there is also this, chaos erupting in new york city manhattan after democratic lawmakers tore through a facility they plan to use asylum seekers in the future i don't. former curtis sliwa with us coming up next. the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? 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[out of control] book an exam today at >> not even migrants, it's people here the homeless, the homeless who have been here, the people in the street who don't have -- they can't go to nobody and talk to nobody in the streets of new york. what, legal migration, not illegal, there is a tremendous difference. eric adams you don't get it. >> do you know who is coming to these places, molesters, murderers, they just let them in? as an american that's sitting on the street that doesn't have a dollar for a piece of bread. >> well that was midtown manhattan earlier today. protesters there were shouting down new york lawmakers just outside a hotel that is being used as a migrant processing center. guardian angels founder and wabc host curtis sliwa is standing by with his reaction. correspondent alexis mc adams reporting in the middle of the mayhem outside of the roosevelt hotel all day today. alexis, what is going on now. >> hey, jillian, calm down now. earlier this afternoon we ended up being be the middle of the chaos, a lot of yelling, if you had your blow horn people grabbed it and came down here. democratic congress members who came in to tour the roosevelt hotel, telling them close the southern border, watch. >> and that was the scene outside of the roosevelt hotel just a short time ago as protesters interrupted members of the congressional hispanic caucus who thought they were going to have a quick press conference and wrap up with remarks. that didn't happen. more than a dozen congressman members toured that hotel which is the main processing center for migrants in the big a he will. new yorkers to demand answers saying therefore legal immigration. >> i have family members waiting seven clock years in columbia, they filed legal petitions, what message are you sending to the world. break the law, come, we give you everything free. >> tensions boiling over there as the surge shows no sign of slowing down. at least a thousand migrants showing up in new york city each and every month. congress members tried to talk about their plans to get things under control but you really couldn't hear much, watch. >> people see this is a contentious issue. but we are all americans. we all been leaving the american dream, that is the common denominator here. the american dream. we believe in it. we will fight for it. >> and we reached out to aoc's team and other members who were here to find out whether their action was to this because it happened pretty quickly, jillian, we didn't see much action, the protesters showed up with their message. people are fed up here and that's what they wanted the members of congress to know. >> alexis mc adams in the middle of all that great coverage, thank you. >> let's bring in guardian angels founder and wabc host curtis sliwa. curtis, i don't know what kind of environment these lawmakers thought they were walking into this morning, they must have been poorly briefed by staff to willingly head into the middle of that. >> well, again, to let you know you are going to expect more of that. i am the leader of the rebels. i am not the politician who goes out and gives speeches or the lawyers who go into court to seek preliminary injunctions against migrant center its. we are going to tie this city up in knots. they allowed an illegal invasion into our city, state and our country, politicians only give speeches, so you are seeing the rage of people and what aoc look at her on her face, aoc crazy, alexander ocasio-cortez who stopped amazon from providing good paying jobs for americans. she was stunned because in that crowd she saw moderate democrats, not just republicans and independent, the rage has spread and these elected officials thought we were sheep going -- they can forget about that. we're coming after all of them. every last one of them who supports illegal aliens invading america who we don't know, we know nothing about, at the borders, they are going to pay a price at the ballot box. >> curtis, take a listen to a new york city resident whose name is david, we'll get your response on the other side. >> i have family members waiting seven long years in columbia, they filed legal petitions, what message are you sending to the world? break the law, come, we give you everything free. >> when you talk about this invasion at assess tell ec level, who are you talking about specifically? >> we are talking about all those first generation i am any grants who had to wait online as david said, who were patiently abiding by the rules, many of whose family members are still back in their country of origin. can you imagine how they feel that all of these people that we don't even know get to jump the queue, they haven't been vaccinated, no medical checks, then our elected officials in sanctuary states and cities by the way no laws that say you are a sanctuary city or state, call ice, thugs, demean them, won't let them cooperate with police and the criminal justice system, they bend over backwards for the illegals and expect us to sucker taxpayers to pay the bill. we need ice, we need border security. we need closed borders and we need to change the political status of those who declare sanctuary cities and sanctuary states for illegals and meantime we have veterans in the street, mostly african americans, they live in the parks, subways and street etis, many have emotionally disturbed issues, they get nothing, they have to show up a shalter, there is a curfew, illegal alien there is is no curfew. they get to smoke weed, drink attacks payer's expense, ride up and down the streets on motor bikes, where do they get the money for this. americans are outraged, democrats, republicans, independents and aoc she doesn't understand that because the princess is never out in the streets anymore. she's up in the street suites getting wined, dined and pocket lined. >> all right. curtis, thanks for taking time with us this afternoon, we are going to leave it there. >> this is just the beginning, many more actions to come, you watch. >> all right. democratic presidential candidate rfk junior is fighting against his party's officials at the dnc accusing leadership falling off the track and creating an unleaving a playing field. stick with us. >> a lot of people are believing the system is rigged, democracy is no longer functioning and the democrat ec party ought to be a template for democracy, it ought to be role modeling democracy i think most americans assume that the candidate who is the candidate who gets the most votes and we should have rules that reflect that assumption. so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. my father didn't know his dad. with ancestry i dug and dug until i found some information. birth certificate. wow. and then you add it to the tree. it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at what was it like before viasat satellite internet? 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>> i think the vice president could beat donald trump, gavin newsom could beat donald trump. josh shapiro, gretchen whitmore, we have a great bench of democrats in terms of governors, senators that could beat donald trump or whoever the republicans put up at that point. >> david, i'm betting, i don't want to talk for you, you would like to see a kamala harris run against former president trump. >> let's stop and say every republican running for president is a competition for joe biden. head to head or beating joe biden. why is that partly? because of this infatuation the bidens have about bidenomics. and what is so flawed about their thinking is, the majority of independent voters who will decide this election when they hear the words bidenomics they think of wasteful spending and inflation. then you have a white house and a team that want to every day come out and talk about this. that's why any republican nominee could beat joe biden right now. >> listening to david -- >> he gets passionate, that's a for sure. >> why the white house this week decided to tip their hat to the former president by giving his economic agenda a cute term, they called it maganomics. >> donald trump saying joe biden is too old, maybe it was a gift back to response to that comment. but listen i think elections are about contrasts. and you know i think that the president has a good economic record to talk about when he talks about jobs and manufacturing, gdp growth, best job situation we've seen in 50 years. to david's point we have to do a lot more to get that message out. it's not connecting with every american. >> david, this surprised me from our latest fox news polls, 46% only of the country think that trump has the mental soundness to serve another four years, 52% think he doesn't. that's surprising. >> as former president obama said, you have chicken or beef. we are going to have two nominees and americans are going to pick one of those two be the next president of the united states. that's why it's going to be fun to watch. >> i'm thinking beef. >> the most dramatic season, i'm hosting the bachelor -- the most dramatic season of campaign world ever. gentleman, thanks so much. >> a new push on capitol hill to cap credit cards as americans are burning through limits like never before. stick with us. 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[ chanting ]. neil. the strike is on. 30,000 u.s. awe though workers gone up higher and 40 day strike against again motors in 2019 caused nearly $4 billion. so anyone trying to get on how long this could go and talks will resume tomorrow and fox teem coverage with

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Glasses , Pairs , Breaks , Exam , Americasbest Com , Out Of Control , Bucks , Brakes , 59 Bucks , 9 95 , 79 95 , 59 , Homeless , The Street , Who Don T Have , Nobody , Streets , Immigration , Difference , Molesters , Eric Adams , Piece , Murderers , Protesters , Bread , Dollar , Midtown Manhattan , Hotel , Founder , Migrant Processing Center , Wabc , Guardian Angels , Middle , Alexis Mc Adams Reporting , Roosevelt Hotel , Mayhem , Correspondent , Yelling , Chaos , Horn , Blow , Scene , Congressional Hispanic Caucus , Congressman Members , Didn T , Processing Center , Remarks , Big A He Will , Family Members , Message , Petitions , Tensions , Columbia , Plans , Couldn T , Surge , Sign , A Thousand , Issue , The American Dream , Denominator , Action , Team , Aoc , Coverage , Host , More , Environment , Staff , Leader , Politician , Rebels , Speeches , City Up , Lawyers , Injunctions , Go Into Court , Migrant Center Its , Alexander Ocasio Cortez , Rage , Invasion , Politicians , City , Aoc Crazy , Republicans , Crowd , Amazon , Aliens , Sheep , We Don T Know , Response , Borders , Price , Ballot Box , Tell Ec Level , Rules , Generation , Grants , Origin , David Said , Sanctuary City , Call Ice , Cities , Queue , Checks , Laws , Haven T , Bill , Won T , Illegals , Police , Criminal Justice System , Taxpayers , Thugs , Demean Them , States , Status , Sanctuary , Sanctuary Cities , Ice , Border Security , Curfew , Alien , Parks , Subways , Street Etis , Shalter , Expense , Payer , Weed , Independents , Motor Bikes , Drink , Princess , Wined , Dnc , Rfk Junior , Leadership , Actions , Unleaving A Playing Field , Role Modeling Democracy , Template For Democracy , Functioning , System , Candidate , That S My Boy , Votes , Assumption , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Freeways , Fail , Try , Tuberculosis , Ability , Vaccine , Five , Ancestry , Move , Dermatologist , Father , Information , Birth Certificate , Ancestry Com , Family Member , Tree , Words , Satellite Internet , Viasat , Log Off , Internet , Everyone , Times Up , Speeds , Data , Vet , My Name , Josh Sanabria , Viasat Com , You Babe , Isla Veterinary Boutique Hospital , 5 6 , Everything , Loan , Financing Piece , Alexandra , Steps , Perfect , Contest , Debates , Primaries , Rfk , Meeting , Video , South Carolina , Iowa , Bylaws Committee , Primary , Take A Look , Well Today , New Hampshire , Campaign , Letter , Momentum , Wishes , Biden Agencies Reelection , Democratic Nominating , Leaders , Chairman , Republicanning , Misunderstandings , You Shay , Go Pac , Faces , Scathing , Neutrality Charter , Unit , Bylaws , Promise , Voters , Running , Bernie Sanders , Complaining , Hillary Clinton , Member , Governor , Beefs , Donald Trump , Mass Mark , Illinois , Commander , Chief , Throws , Distress , Process , Polling , Parallel , Haggling , Ditch , Relevance , Rnc , Tim Scott , House , Nomination Process , Debate Qualifications , Who , John F Kennedy , Profiles , Nomination , Cowardice , Opinion Piece , Op Ed Out Yesterday , Valdimor , Cocktail Parties , Trunk , Potter , Caucus Rooms , Tv One , Harry Potter , Thinking , Indications , Tenants , 2020 , Image , Unone , General , Match , Gavin Newsom , Endeavor , Governors , Senators , Gretchen Whitmore , Bench , Beat , Josh Shapiro , Competition , Stop , Infatuation , Majority , Head , Nominee , Election , Listening , Term , Sure , Hat , Contrasts , Comment , Elections , Gift , It Maganomics , Record , Gdp Growth , Manufacturing , Job Situation , Soundness , Obama , 52 , 46 , Four , Season , President Of The United States , Nominees , Beef , Fun , Chicken , Credit Cards , Bachelor , Campaign World , Capitol Hill , Limits , Sneeze , Allergy , Relief , Feeding Food , Allergy Sprays , Astepro , Dogs , Real Food , Living Being , Eating , Meal , Care , Better , Never A Dull Moment , The Nelsons , Fifth Generation , Ranchers , Land , Montana , John Deere , Gatortm Xuv , Fashion , Ella , Setting Trends , Operations , Customer Demand , Level , Production , Verizon , Jen , Marquis , Customers , Enterprise Intelligence , Vision , Efficiencies , Agility , Yogurt , Delicious Fage , Creamy , Tools , Credit Card , Debt , Push On Capitol Hill , Interest Rates , Look Oturu , Consumer Credit Card Debt , Gerri Willis , Rates , 25 , Trillion , 1 Trillion , Backdoor Fees , Writ Payments , Fees , 18 , Households , Government Price Controls , Downsides , American Banker Association With Business , Bankers , Census Bureau , 35 , Credit Card Interest Rates , Cap , Research Cap , Access , Organization , Cards , Bar Rowers , 65 Million , Habit , Yes , Maying , Alexandria , Lookg , California , Congressman R , Ro Khana , Martha , Friday , September 15th , 2023 , 15 , Friday September 15th 2023 , 2023 Martha , 3 , 00 , Awe , Chanting , Neil , 30000 , Talks , Anyone , Fox Teem Coverage With , 4 Billion ,

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