Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 2018

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20180702

flip his loyalty to the president. chief white house correspondent john roberts starting us off from the white house, good evening. >> good evening. president trump hopes to give his next supreme court nominee confirmed before the november election, he needs to act quickly. given the timetable, there is literally no room for error. >> the person that is chosen will be outstanding. >> with his self-declared deadline to announce his pick to replace anthony kennedy just a week away president trump is moving at full speed, interviewing four candidates today. >> i will be meeting with two or three more and will make a decision. >> president trump has narrowed his list of 25 judges down to around six. the leading contenders are said to be appellate court judges amy kelly barrett, bret cavanaugh, joe larson, raymond h-uppercase-letter and thomas hardeman. the white house has what is bound to be a bruising fight in congress. it white house counsel don magana will lead the selection and process. justin clark of the office of public liaison will do outreach to support groups. the president is optimistic he can have a nominee confirmed before the midterm break. >> i think it's going to go very quickly. i think we will have a lot of support. i think we will have support from democrats. >> is the president steals for a supreme court battle, his former longtime attorney michael cohen has broken his silence in a 45 minute off-camera interview with abc's george stephanopoulos. he once that he would take a bullet to protect president trump, now he seems to have backed off telling abc my wife, my daughter and my son would have my first loyalty and always will. i put family and country first. his world was much more than simply an attorney. he was president trump's fixer, at one point making $130,000 payment to buy stormy daniels' silence. when asked if the president knew about that payment, cohen said i want to answer, one day i will answer, but for now i can't comment further on advice of my counsel. speculation has swirled that cohen may be prepared to cooperate with robert mueller's investigation. cohen insists if the president's legal team comes after him he won't sit back and take it, cohen saying i will not be a punching bag is part of anyone's defense strategy. i am not a villain in any story and won't allow others to try and depict me in that way. president trump is also weighing in on the growing drumbeat among democrats to abolish ice, immigration and customs enforcement. the president tweeting "the liberal left, also known as the democrats, want to get rid of ice, who do a fantastic job and want open borders. crime would be rampant and uncontrollable." alexandria ocasio-cortez, new york mayor bill de blasio and senators kirsten gillibrand and elizabeth warren all want to abolish ice. >> we need to rebuild our immigration system from top to bottom. starting by replacing ice. >> i think it's time to evaluate scrapping the agency. >> president trump says he is only too happy to make it an election issue. >> all it's going to do is lead to massive, massive crime. that's going to be their platform. open borders, which equals crime. i think they will never win another election. >> on the supreme court pick neither the white house know whether the president would state whether he feels it's important to pick a judge would overturn the abortion while roe vs. wade. in past interviews the president has said that he's picking pro-life judges and that overturning it may be a natural consequence of that. john. >> jon: john roberts, thanks. canada is answering back to the trump administration's new taxes on steel and aluminum. on midnight sunday the company began imposing tariffs on $12.6 billion in u.s. goods. among the items getting hit with higher rates, steel and iron, dishwasher detergent, catch up and even pizza. mexican voters have elected a new president, one many see as an opportunity for the country to overcome corruption and reduce the deadly violence ther there. national correspondent william la jeunesse is in mexico city with a look at how the president-elect hopes to change the landscape. >> fueled by anger, filled with hope, mexican voters sunday elected a 64-year-old left-wing nationalist andres manuel lopez obrador to lead them for the next six years. >> we will apply the three basic pencils, do not lie, do not steal and do not betray people, viva mexico. >> but satisfy mexican voters could also inflame relations with the u.s., especially his plan to end the drug war in three years. >> why should we go on doing your dirty work for you? do it yourselves. if americans want to stop drugs from entering the u.s. from mexico, with the army on the border. >> former foreign secretary jorge castaneda says he may disappoint president trump on drugs and immigration. >> there is very little support for any mexican government to maintain levels of cooperation on central american immigration. with president trump when every other day he insults us one way or another. >> they walk through mexico like it's walking through central park. it's ridiculous. mexico does nothing for us. >> that was president trump nearly two weeks ago. today, he is mending fences. >> i think the relationship would be a very good one. >> trumps that he talked for over 30 minutes about trade and immigration. >> i think is going to help us with border. >> his campaign manager said it's better when neighbors are friends, not enemies. >> we do believe and we do think that it is necessary to continue with the nafta. if we do believe that there are some things that need to be changed. >> mexicans hope lopez obrador can end decades of corruption, violence and enduring property. at the question, will the president -- knowing a fight with the u.s. could risk mexico's economic future? speak of the poor people, the people who need better education, how will he defend their rights and promote their rights and improve their lives, but also catered to the financial market? >> lopez obrador also took plenty of shots at trump during the campaign. both men seem to have shrugged it off and interviews. he said trump uses anti-mexican rhetoric because it works for him politically but he reassured skeptics that mexico had good relations with u.s. because it has to. >> jon: william la jeunesse in mexico city, thanks. the justice department says the fbi has arrested a man who discussed setting off a bomb during a fourth of july parade in cleveland and attacking people enjoying fireworks there. the fbi arrested demetrius sunday. they say it is not clear how close he was to carrying out his threats. they say he was scouting locations for a site to attack this past week. if the national security agency is overseeing the purge of 100s of millions of phone records. why? because some of the information the agency received, it was not authorized to keep. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge reports. >> the national security agency is destroying hundreds of millions of records that go back to 2015 after analysts found technical irregularities in data provided by phone companies. the nsa was not supposed to get some of the information that includes phone numbers and length of call, but not the content. the aclu says the data is still revealing. >> lets information about who a person may have called, how long they spoke to them, essentially information that would allow the nsa to put together a picture of the most intimate details of someone's life. >> the usa freedom act passed by congress in 2015 would place the controversial and one secret post-9/11 collection of american phone records. under the new system the phones companies all the records and the nsa can access on a limited basis. the aclu says the new system fails. >> we don't know what went wrong. what the nsa has said is that the problem was apparently of such a magnitude that they couldn't tell what were the records that were collected improperly versus the ones that were collected lawfully? >> according to an agency statement it was not feasible for the nsa to identify and isolate the data it was authorized to receive so with approval from the justice department and that of the intelligence community, the nsa said the appropriate course of action was to delete the record records. >> my great concern is there will be data of interest regarding specific individuals were planning terrorist attacks domestically with their cronies that may be lost in this purge. >> on surveillance during his march hearing the new nsa director promised to credibility. >> i would say there are two things that i would do. i would follow the law and i would ensure, if confirmed, that the agency follows the law. >> john wyden, a defender of privacy rights of the telecom company pulled festivals of private data in the incident shows unacceptable carelessness. >> jon: catherine herridge, thanks. at this hour in operation is underway to rescue 12 boys and a soccer coach on their cave where they were found alive. the boys ages 11-16 under 25-year-old coach were cut off from help more than a week ago when severe rains in northern thailand raised water levels in the huge cage, trapping them inside. tempers flared in iran over the weekend over a clean water shortage during the heat of summer. protesters there took a deadly turn. thousands of miles away in paris, thousands more gathered to call for regime change, including president trump's personal attorney. correspondent benjamin hall reports in france. >> tens of thousands of demonstrators taking to the streets in the city of kerman shop now the regime have responded by opening fire, killing at least four. the latest are different from the past, fueled in part by food and water, a faltering economy and high levels of corruption. there are others who feel a revolution is coming too appeared in paris, opposition figures gathered over the weekend for their annual rally. >> this has been more of a rock concert than it has an opposition political rally with over 100,000 people attending. and what they are talking about is deadly serious. human rights abuses in iran, growing protest and now the very real possibility of regime change and if you listen to the people here, they think that it's just around the corner. >> most significantly, a large u.s. delegation from both sides of the political i was there growing the growing chorus of regime change. >> those who practice it are going to find themselves shamed in world history. the time has come to stand up to these bullies and these murderers. >> ever since president trump pulled out of the iran deal with the pressure has been building and the iranian currency has plummeted. speaking to fox news, mayor giuliani urged the iranians to consider their future. >> step aside before there's more bloodshed. they are killing their own people. once a regime turns on its own people it's only inevitable that it comes to an end. their fate is sealed. >> in place is a ten-point plan for the future of transition of power in iran. there was a general agreement that military action to get there was not the solution, nor even arming the opposition. >> i don't want to advocate military conflict among anybody. what i want to see is more political and economic pressure on iran so it allows free elections, so it allows the opposition, like the resistance here, to have a say in its future. >> there is pressure building on all sides for iran. we've been here before. in 2009 there were very serious protest that they were put down by the regime. whether this is no sign of real change to come, we don't know. what is for sure is following president trump's decision to pull out of the nuclear deal, the compton my country is heading into economic free fall. >> jon: thank you. belgian authorities say they arrested a married couple that was planning to bomb that iranian opposition rally in france. the prosecutor's office say a search of their car turned up more than a pound of explosives and a detonator, enough to cause a sizable explosion. police raided five homes after the couple was dictated but have not disclosed what else they might have found. thousands of syrians fleeing the conflict in their home country are heading for the border with israel despite knowing they will not be allowed into the country. so what brings them to the border? chief correspondent jonathan hunt has our report from the border. >> this is the israeli-syrian border and this is how close the syrian refugees are to that border. what was a trickle has become a flood. the syrian government forces seek to crush rebel strongholds in southwestern syria and tens of thousands of innocent civilians are caught in the cross fire as they have been throughout the seven year civil war. the u.n. says more than 250,000 refugees have fled the fighting around the city of just in the last few days. the majority heading towards the jordanian border hoping you might eventually be allowed to cross. but thousands more heading toward israel for a different reason. even though they know they will never be allowed to cross this border, the refugees feel safer here believing emma with good reason, that they are far less likely to be the targets of syrian government bombing raids when they are this close to israel. but with the rebel flag flying above this camp, it is clear at some point the syrian army will come here to flush out the opposition forces that will bring the obvious danger of engagement with the israeli army watching over the situation. neither the syrian nor israeli government wants that, but accidents happen in war and that is precisely why israel is bolstering its forces along the border. in adding reinforcements, israel is sending two messages, telling its own people this border will not be breached and telling the syrian government forces do not get too close and be very careful. >> jon: jonathan hunt from the golan heights. thanks. up next, what will it take to get a nominee for the supreme court confirmed by the u.s. senate? first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering to me. box 2 in san francisco, where a nearby wildfire is threatening homes and forcing evacuations after growing dramatically overnight, fire officials say the fire has burned at least 70 square miles and is just 3% contained. a fox 32 in chicago, where maternity leave is up for the first senator to have a baby while holding the office. illinois senator tammy duckworth says she's referring to full-time work after 12 weeks of leave to care for her baby. the senator's daughter was born in april. and take a lie look at seattle from fox 13. the big story there tonight, a new ban on eating or drinking with plastic now in effect. about 5,000 food service businesses will no longer provide plastic straws and utensils for their patrons in an attempt to be more environmentally friendly. the city says they will be lenient on businesses who have a stock of plastic utensils and the focus will be to help business comply with regulations rather than enforcement. that's tonight live look outside the beltway from "special report." we will be right back. his musical copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪ go your own way get your first prescription free at (voowners always smiling?ck get your first prescription free because they've chosen the industry leader. subaru outback holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class, according to alg. better than rav4. better than grand cherokee. better than edge. make every adventure a happy one with subaru outback. get 0% apr financing on the 2018 subaru outback. i receive travel rewards. going new places. (oh!) going out for a bite. going anytime. rewarded! learn more at is a comusical >> jon: it is now perhaps the most important decision of the year filling justice anthony kennedy's seat on the supreme court and as ed henry reports, getting a nominee through could come down to a select few. >> the senate, with just 100 members, is known as the world's most exclusive club. but the fate of president trump's next supreme court nominee could be decided by an even more exclusive group of just two republicans and three democrats with one of them, susan collins, already suggesting she will oppose anyone who would vote on the high court to change existing law on abortion. >> an important position would overturn roe v. wade would not be acceptable to me. >> then there's republican lisa murkowski, who like collins isn't pro-choice and conservative note she has to be handled delicately because attacks from the rate are likely to backfire. >> at the white house may reale she may not be susceptible to the same type of political pressure that other senators could. >> possible defections by either, on top of the fact that republican john mccain has not been voting for health reasons would force senate majority leader mitch mcconnell to bring in moderate democrats for the simple majority he needs. that's why the president last week immediately brought in the three democrats who last year supported justice neil gorsuch. democrat heidi heitkamp, a tough reelection in north dakota, praise the president for consulting her. democrat joe manchin is facing voters in a state that the president carried by 41 points and says he's more focused on qualifications than any one issue like abortion. democrat joe donnelly is up for reelection in vice president mike pence's home state of indiana. amy barrett, who like donnelly went to the university of notre dame, the pressure make it intense even though some democrats like kirsten gillibrand have tried and failed to push the narrative that neil gorsuch got no democratic votes. >> he did not. they said strong and they passed it with republican votes. >> i thought he got three, by the way. >> you might be right, but i believe this democratic caucus will stand together. >> collins says the white house's original list of 25 candidates may expand, though the president has to be careful about upsetting conservatives who loved that original list. >> jon: ed henry, thanks. for more analysis, we turn to senior political analyst brit hume. good to have you here. >> thanks, nice to see you. >> jon: it's fascinating to me, the man who is retiring seat, justice kennedy, received 97 votes when president reagan appointed him. now they are counting heads in washington to see if they can get a nominee across. >> that's right and in many, many instances since at least 1987 these votes have turned out to be very close, even for supremely well-qualified nominees, at least in terms of their credentials, their temperament, and so on. because so much of what the left has accomplished of its agenda, it's been accomplished through the courts. by courts doing what conservatives at least think were inappropriate things, basically making up law and that has to conservatives wish for judges who will not do that and that has led to worries about things like roe vs. wade, which was i think, some of the supporters of its result i think was a pretty flimsy piece of legal reasoning worrying that could be overturned. and this is going to be a real bloodbath. >> jon: susan collins, it is interesting, she's the senator who is kind of on the bubble about many of these potential nominees. she had some thoughts about that. i want to share those with the viewers now. >> i would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to roe v. wade, because that would mean to me that their traditional philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law. >> one of the concepts that really means a lot in america is you don't overturn the president unless there's a good reason. he can be pro-life and conservative, but also believe in stare decisis. >> jon: kind of curious, susan collins says if he or she demonstrates hostility towards roe v. wade, that's a disqualifier. but judges aren't supposed to demonstrate anything. >> they are not supposed to say much about anything. it's all most impossible to imagine any judge in this climate or any nominee in this climate going up there and suggesting hostility to any particular precedent. i think broadly speaking any of these nominees are being considered would speak of a respect for precedent and the judges who practice judicial restraint are always more hesitant than others to upset presidents. it happens from time to time, but it's probably less likely than liberals fear about roe vs. wade. >> jon: one of the probably top two contenders, judge amy barrett, seven court of appeals in chicago, taught at notre dame, raised roman catholic, has seven children, one can probably define how she feels about roe v. wade, but she also says that she has to set personal feelings aside when you are a judge. >> politicians have been saying that for decades, that they are personally opposed to abortion but they support a woman's right to choose. i don't think judge barrett would go so far as to say that she supports or does not support a woman's right to choose, because that's the core of roe vs. wade. i would say this. i noticed there was discussion about the possibility if you lost collins and murkowski would be down below the majority and you could pick up some democratic votes. collins and murkowski go against this nominee, it's hard for me to believe they will pick up any democrats. >> jon: give a short prediction of what the week or weeks ahead is going to look like. >> i don't know who the nominee is going to be and i wouldn't pretend to, but i do think with this much thought to be at stake, and as president making the nomination, that this is likely to get really nasty. i remember who covered the bark nomination back in 1987 and that was pretty much character assassination, but it worked and he was defeated and that's why we got anthony kennedy. i would look for this to get really ugly really soon and you are beginning to see traces of it now in the comments about judge barrett's catholicism. efforts will be made to betray her as some kind of sort of a weirdo and hope that that will stick. if it starts to stick, believe me, republicans may well start to defect. >> jon: it was very hot in washington and it's about to get hotter. up next, a new kind of gold rush out west. first, beyond our borders tonight. president trump's national security advisor promises the u.s. has a plan that would lead to the dismantling of north korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs in a year. john bolton said sunday it is to north korea's advantage to dismantle quickly in order to see the elimination of sanction sanctions. his remarks come after u.s. intelligence reported signs that pyongyang does not intend to fully give up its arsenal. israel's prime minister is coming to his wife's defense ahead of her trial this month for misusing public funds. benjamin netanyahu called his wife sarah an amazing woman whose image is being trampled in the media. in recent days, leach transcripts of sarah from leaked investigations show her complaining about the quality of food served at the prime minister's residence and using expletives to describe the staff. and an incredible escape from prison as heavily armed men andd a helicopter in a french prison yard and pull a notorious criminal to freedom. nearly 3,000 officers are now searching for him after his great escape on sunday. this is the second breakout for the career criminal in the past five years. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we will be right back. ♪ with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as 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harness the water and clean it up. >> this is where in that it was in violation and bankrupt and had no way to clean it up so we are actually using the water supply, the economics of the water, to fund the cleanup. >> new wells drain the water out of the mines working for us. they like and get to putting and drinking straws to bring the water out. >> how the water comes out of the mine. to redo the plumbing interior to the mine to move the water supply away from the minerals. >> the city of aurora has inked a deal worth more than $34 million in order to meet projected growth. a win-win. a win for the environment, a win for the municipality. >> nearly 2,000 miles of streams in colorado are polluted by mines according to water experts. if this supply can be tapped, it could be a game changer for millions on this side of the country. >> the city of aurora says the water will have very, very low levels of minerals, kind of like taking a morning multivitamin. >> jon: alicia acuna, thanks. if the dow jumped 36 today, the s&p 500 gained 8. nasdaq finished the day ahead 57. green arrows on wall street. nearly half a million people on medicaid in the state of kentucky are losing dental and vision coverage. republican governor matt bevin's administration is making the cuts after a judge rejected the governor's plan to overhaul medicaid. his and administration calls it a "unfortunate consequence" to the ruling. health care is unofficial -- an issue i should say that affects us all and since obamacare passed in 2010 it's one that seems to concern many americans, as premiums continue to rise and congress has failed to pass a plan to replace it. this week we are checking in on the state of obamacare. the night correspondent peter doocy looks at whether the issue is dead on capitol hill. >> one of the main midterm issues for democrats is a law that would was signed eight ye. >> is there a female doctor in the house? >> obamacare, democratic candidates have artie flooded airwaves with 9,600 political ads expressing support for the affordable care act according to the kaiser family foundation. now party leaders are framing the supreme court site is one about president obama's signature legislation. chuck schumer wrote one judge would vote to strike down pre-existing condition protections in the aca. democratic senator dick durbin added this on sunday. >> he's looking for someone on the court will make sure that they rule that the affordable care act's protection for those with pre-existing conditions is unconstitutional. that will means thousands if not millions of americans will lose their health insurance. >> it's been all most a year since republican senator john mccain tanked his party's attempt to repeal and replace obamacare. that is a thumbs down that still comes off as president trump campaigns for republicans. >> that was a very sad day for the country when that boat was cast. >> republican lawmakers don't think there health care efforts have been totally fruitless. >> eliminated the individual mandate that the people had to buy government approved insurance. for a lot of people that meant much more freedom and flexibility in their lives. that was part of the tax bill. but in this sense it blew a big hole in obamacare. >> prices for many voters are set to spike just before the midterms when premiums increase. >> we will get another round right before the election, which is something republicans are nervous about, but since the beginning, the premiums in the individual market have doubled and tripled in most places. >> the last few cycles, republicans have had success with their pledge to repeal and replace obamacare, so now democrats are hoping to find luck with their pledge to protect obamacare and liberal groups are betting millions of dollars that that's their ticket to winning back the house and the senate. >> jon: peter doocy, thanks. good president trump's former fixer be fixing to cooperate with the special counsel? our panel weighs in after the break. ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, lucy could only imagine enjoying a slice of pizza. now it's as easy as pie. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? for all-day, all-night protection. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at ♪ >> i interviewed and met with four potential justices of our great supreme court. they are outstanding people. they are really incredible people in so many different ways. very interesting. i will be meeting with two or three more and will make a decision on the united states supreme court, the new justice. i think the person that is chosen will be outstanding. >> jon: and to buttress his point, the president sent out this tweet to his 45 million twitter followers. he writes "a big week, especially with our numerous victories in the supreme court. heading back to the white house now. focus will be on the selection of a new supreme court justice. exciting times for our country, economy may be stronger than it has ever been!" let's bring in our panel. tom rogan is commentary writer for the "washington examiner." mollie hemingway, senior editor of the federalist and charles lane, opinion writer for "the washington post." i was getting ahead of myself bringing you in before actually introducing you. molly, we were talking with brit hume about this upcoming court pick. it is certainly going to be a very heated battle. >> its past is prologue. it will be very contentious. it's also true that it's a very tough time for democrats to be fighting this pick. a lot of people are focusing on how republicans might peel away, but you have a bunch of senators in red states, in states that were carried by donald trump for democrats fighting for their political lives and if they throw up a lot of obstruction, that could be very tough for them and what are already some tougher races that they are facing. donnelly, heitkamp, there are quite a few senators in a very tough spot. there's also the issue if they do vote to obstruct this nominee and the republicans can't keep their coalition together, that fully incentivizes republicans to show up and vote in november to make sure that the next process will go much smoother for the republican nominee. >> jon: to make the point, the president invited many of those senators, or conferred with them at the white house about this choice. >> i think what you're seeing here is once upon a time a gang of 14 on federal judges, the bipartisan coalition that was trying to steer that crazy and contentious process down the middle. now it has sort of trunk to the gang of five. murkowski and collins, republicans, and then the three democrats, heitkamp, mansion and donnelly. you get the feeling those five are trying to help each other out because they all kind of had the same interest, which is not having to vote on a candidate that will cause them embarrassment in the fall. when susan collins said what she said about roe vs. wade, i really hurt her saying don't send me somebody appear who's going to jam me and embarrass me and forced me into a tough vote on that issue of precedent and roe vs. wade. and of course i think that's probably what senator mcconnell would prefer too, to just do this on the basis of republican votes. we will see what the white house, what kind of response she's going to get out of the white house on that. >> jon: a couple of names that are considered front runners on the president's list this time around were also on the list when he nominated and successfully placed neil gorsuch on the bench. >> one of the opportunities the president has here is the best way he can unify the republican party around him as the leader and also the banner man. there's a sense of unity with tax cuts, but also with the appointment of well-regarded justices and neil gorsuch obviously very much respected across the judicial spectrum, including by liberals who opposed them on certain issues. i think you can see as well the president trying to take that now -- these are respected and to try and push democrats into the position of do they challenge them at risk their own position in those senate seats? or, and this is where trump has the opportunity, or do they vote with him and then put themselve themselves -- it goes into the feuding inside the democratic party. see obviously with ocasio-cortez. the new wave of democrats want to lead that momentum to the next presidential election. if you can create this warfare in the party. trump is in a strong position i think. >> jon: and you echo something the president himself said. we are about to play that. he's looking out there at the political landscape and despite his poll numbers, he thinks he's in a very good place. listen to what he told maria bartiromo. >> between maxine waters and nancy pelosi and getting rid of ice and having open borders, and the biggest thing, you have open borders, all that's going to do is lead to massive, massive crime. that's going to be their platform. open borders, which equals crime. i think they will never win another election. i'm actually quite happy about it. >> jon: do you share the president's belief on that? >> you should never predict too far out in advance but you have a problem in the democratic party. a lot of people have invested in resistance at all cost. people were actually running on an agenda are extremely to the left of the mainstream of the american public so it will be difficult to have that message, the one that won the day in the primary in new york democratic socialism. that's not going to resonate quite as much in tougher districts. it is a challenging moment for democrats, but both of the approaches they have taken her problems, both of the obstruction and far less. >> jon: senators like amy klobuchar have said you can't get rid of ice. >> what's going on here is fascinating, in some ways the base of the party is running away from its leadership in washington. chuck schumer would never have chosen the message to abolish ice. he never would've chose the message democratic socialism, but the voters out in queens, those who showed up, they chose it and this has got a life of its own on social media. it's got a life of its own at the grassroots. way beyond the sort of perception of the senators in the leadership in the house here in washington. i'm not sure they know how to handle it. >> jon: to the president's delight, that is the issue that is making headlines this week. >> democrats are stuck in a difficult position. there is that populist fervor towards this issue, that ice is immoral, it should be decapitated. but on the president's side, he truly believe, and frankly he's probably right, that the margin of the general election, which is ultimately what matters, won't play well if they get rid of law enforcement. >> jon: panel, standby. next up, from mexico to the wto, our panel on some pretty big foreign affairs. that's next. call one today. are you in good hands? so let's promote our summer travel deal on like this. surfs up. earn a $50 gift card when you stay just twice this summer. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at ♪ >> i just spoke with the president-elect of mexico, we had a great conversation, about a half an hour long. we talked about border security. we talked about trade. we talked about nafta. we talked about a separate deal, just mexico and the united states. we had a lot of good conversation. i think the relationship would be a very good one. >> jon: we told you earlier in the hour about the candidate that mexico has chosen as its next president, quite a break from the past. here is how he characterized his conversation with president trump. andres manuel lopez obrador writes i got a call from donald trump and we talked for half an hour. i proposed to explore a comprehensive agreement of a development project that would generate jobs in mexico and with that reduced migration and improve security. there was respectful treatment and our representatives will talk. so at least from the sounds of things, it's off to a decent start. >> i think lopez obrador -- he recognizes that it is a poor idea to insult him or challenge him. i also think there's a recognition with the policies that he wants in mexico, which cost a lot of money, which required -- economic growth, that definitely requires the united states allowing the continuation of trade, allowing american companies to operate there. the question will be as you get into the margin of nafta, how the president correlate that with his own narrative in terms of mexico stealing jobs. >> jon: both of these presidents, president and president-elect are described as populist. are they more alike than they are different? >> i was a little puzzled that he thinks the answer to migration is to create jobs in mexico because most of the migrants are coming from central america, not mexico. that's a side point. in answer to your question, it is a fascinating development here. now we have the three member countries of nafta, instead of being covered by the centrist who made that agreement, now we have a right wing populist in the united states, a left-wing populist in mexico and sort of a leftover from the old liberal world in canada. how will they ever bring things together? i think strangely, in terms of their temperament, and terms of the style of politician they are, in terms of their disruptive ambitions for the existing order, trump and lopez wow lopez obrador are more alik alike. at least they are more alike than trump in the previous mexican administration. we are going to find out whether this new mexican president is the disruptive, radical populist that a lot of people fear, or the pragmatic guide who is mayor of mexico city ended a relatively moderate job. and how that plays out with donald trump is going to be absolutely one of the most fascinating stories of the next few years. >> jon: president trump made that stop at the g7 summit in canada and talked a little bit about what he said to the other leaders there regarding free trade. listen to this. >> i love free trade. when i was at the g7 i said i have an idea. nobody paid any more tax, everybody take down your barriers. no barriers, no tax. everybody, are you all set? no more tax. do not happen? everybody said can we get on to another subject? >> jon: pretty funny story from inside that meeting. >> it is an interesting one and it's actually at the heart of what is the uncertainty at the moment we are in. great economic growth but you have some hesitation as companies try to figure out is all this talk about tariffs a negotiating tactic or is this something with us is really what he believes in his bones that he wants high tariffs? comments like that show you that it suggests he views it as a negotiating tactic. look at what's happening with mexico, and it's interesting because one of the policy proposals of the u.s. kind of aligns with one of the policy proposals of the new lopez obrador administration. one of the things the u.s. wants is to raise how much mexican workers are paid, increase their hourly rate. right now they get paid $4 an hour to $8 an hour to put together cars in the proposal was that that should be raised up to $16 an hour or you would see some of the car production coming back to the united states. that's exactly what lopez obrador is also saying. he wants to raise worker standards in mexico. there might be some symmetry or alignment that wouldn't have been there in the previous administration. >> jon: mollie hemingway, charles lane and tom rogan our panel tonight. thank you. and when we come back, a dramatic rescue at sea. ♪ this is not a screensaver. this is the destruction of a cancer cell by the body's own immune system, thanks to medicine that didn't exist until now. and today can save your life. ♪ ♪ man: it takes a lot of work to run this business, but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long, and sometimes i don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost to get the nutrition i'm missing. boost high protein now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. and it has a guaranteed great taste. man: boost gives me everything i need to be up for doing what i love. boost high protein. be up for it. with savings on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? don't miss the 4th of july special. save up to $500 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus 36-month financing. ends sunday. ♪ >> jon: finally tonight, a 33-year-old norwegian cruise line employee is lucky to be alive today. he fell overboard saturday when the norwegian cruise line getaway was about 28 miles off the west coast of cuba. emergency calls went out and the intense searched commenced. at 22 later, the carnival cruise ship glory sailed by. >> within moments i was contacted about a sighting we slowed down, turned the ship around and went near where the person was in the water. >> i was part of the crew that pulled him out of the water. he was all right all right but obviously distressed from being in the water for so long. >> jon: the crewmember is believed to have treaded water the entire time. he's reported to be in stable condition tonight. passengers on their way with quite a story to tell. that doesn't for "special report" tonight. good night from washington. "the story" hosted by sandra smith starts right now. sandra. >> good evening, john, thank yo thank you. breaking tonight, with a fierce battle brewing in the future of the supreme court hanging in the balance, the senator who could make or break the confirmation process making a stunning announcement. i'm sandra smith in for martha maccallum and this is "the story." republican susan collins said the white house has told her that it has expanded its short list of potential candidates beyond the 25 that have been publicly disclosed. if it comes as collins and others have expressed concerns about the names that are out there, particularly when it comes to the issue of abortion. >> a candida

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