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Goler is monitoring the situation and the american reaction. And isis fighters moved through iraqs anbar province, they were headed in the direction of baghdad. But Administration Officials downplayed their prospects of actually taking the city. Iraqi Security Forces in and around baghdad are strong, theyre under constant assessment. The Embassy Remains open and we continue to comfortable business. Reporter president obamas aides remain clear that he is sticking by his decision not to put boots on the ground. The president s own advisors think its going to take somebodys boots on the ground, but in they still could cause a problem in baghdad. Its not so much the american presence that is there, its the government thats there. Reporter in syria, isis pushes farther north to the town of kobani. Appearances can be deceiving, overall the syrian county of kobani looks pretty peaceful now, but we have been hearing a battle royal coming from the center of town, come frlg a long line of trees, is the kurdish defenders. But according to the combat that we are hearing from there, the fight is still on. Turkish tanks also watched from the other side of the border, unwilling to take on for fear that al assads group will they want to set up no fly zones which are tarkgeted at th assad regime because theyre worry reporter u. S. Officials said a buffer zone is not being considered now, but they said there is hope to turks would step up. Were talking got what more everyone can do. Reporter president obama spent the end of the week in california, mostly fundraising, including an event at the home of actress Gwyneth Paltrow thursday night. Democrats might be better served by mr. Obama adopting a rose garden strategy. He needs to stay in the white house and look like hes tending to business, thats what the American People want right now, they want a president whos rolling up his sleeves, is totally engaged and is communicating not only inside the white house, but to the American People. Reporter no president wants to be held captive by events and in mr. Obamas case, the event, the fight with isis is still likely to be going on when he leaves office. North korea, where is leader kim jongun and why has he been u out of the public eye for more than a month . Jonathan hunt looks at what we know and what we dont. Reporter no one outside north korea is certain where kim jongun and is very few inside the country probably know for sure. Most experts dont believe theres been a coup and the best guest is that 31yearold kim is sick and doesnt want to appear in public. Hes made no public appearances since october 3, and he was a no show at the event of the the national fouchtd he had a pronounced limp, gout among the possible causes. A state Tv Documentary in typically breathless fashion recently alluded to a health issue. Saying in part that kim jongun is quote, lighting the path of the people, despite suffering discomfort. But if kim jongun is physically weak, hes likely to be politically weak too, and that matters to the United States. Because north korea is a Nuclear Armed nation that is continue wally developing its then theres the ongoing tension on the korean prince. Korean activists released balloons on the border between north and south sarksd protesting kim jonguns dictator ship and north koreas forces fired antiaircraft with the south Korean Military returning heavy machinegun fire. These are adults that are killing each other and some of them have access to nukes, and biological and chemical agents. Reporter and as long as kim jongun is out of sightso while u. S. Officials say they are not overly concerned, they are watching this situation very closely. Brett . Jonathan, thank you. President obama is not missing, hes heading to a Democratic Fundraiser in San Francisco this hour. But he is con conspicuously reporter with her husband down in the polls, First Lady Michelle Obama hit the trail in his stead trying to if we keep on stepping up and bringing others along with us, i know that we can keep on making that change we believe in. Reporter democrats hope the first lady makes a better surrogate than her embatled husband, i. But make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them. Reporter David Axelrod called that a mistake given how the president and his policies are in the polls. Fun noticed it, u but mrs. Obama doubled down on her make no mistake about it, the last campaign was not in 2012, baracks last election is this year. Did you vote for president obama in 2008, 2012 . This election isnt about the president. I respect the sanctity of the ballot box and i know the members of this board do as well. Reporter in new hampshire, Vulnerable Senate democrat Jeanne Shaheen tap danced too when she was asked if she would benefit from an obama visit . I think its important for him to continue to address whats happening with isis, to continue to address the ebola scare and so i examine him to be in washington. Some democrats have gone even further, Democrat Mark Begich of alaska is actually paying to advertise his differences with the president. He took on both in the arctic and he voted against obamas trillion dollar tax increase. Reporter the first lady campaigned in iowa. Its unclear if mrs. Obama brought energy or embarrassment to democrat bruce brayley. She also said he was a marine, brayley never served in the military u earn military. The denver post has endorsed cory gardner. Some other reasons given for the eng dorsment, the paper criticizesish couple bent democrat despite his support of over the countier contraceptives. Udall is trying to frighten voters rather than inspire them. His on skox shus oneissue campaign is an insult to those he wants to convince. After an investigation into plagerism allegations, walsh says he disagrees with that decision but will accept it, hes already dropped out of this falls race because of that scandal. Voter id laws in texas and wisconsin have been blocked less than a month ahead of the elect shung. The state attorney general says he will appeal. The u. S. Supreme court blocked a similar measure in wisconsin, three days after an Appeals Court declared the measure unconstitutional. First heres what some of our fox affiliates uncovered tonight. Fox 31 in denver, with the latest data breach from a well known country. This time from dairy queen. Fox 11 in los angeles with the exoneration of a mother of three who has spent 17 years in prison for murder. Susan mellon was convicted of killing a homeless man in 1997. The eye witness testimony use in her trial has since been discreted, and today a judge ordered her release. The big story at ktvi in st. Louis, braces for more trouble from the latest Police Fatal Shooting of an africanamerican. The death of von da rick highers follows two months of protests. That is tonights look at outside the belt way, from special report, well be right back. 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. Save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness. From the stevia leaf. Can you start tomorrow . Yes sir. Alright. Lets share the news tomorrow. Today we failrly busy. Tomorrow were booked solid. We close on the house tomorrow. I want one of these opened up. Because tomorow we go live. Its a day full of promise. And often, that day arrives by train. Big day today . Even bigger one tomorrow. When csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. Csx. How tomorrow moves. Two of texass most prominent members of congress of asking to put the dallas and houston areas on its list of enhanced screening for ebola. Ebola fears america is on a hair trigger. This was the result yesterday when a man on board a u. S. Er ways flight sneezed in his hand and then joked that he had ebola. And a sick man who claimed he had been to west africa was rushed to the Isolation Unit of this hospital. The man was promptly taken out of isolation, it is the new reality in america, as the government prepares to ramp up screens at five airports, ebola threatens to become the new aids. I will say that since i have been working in public health, the only thing like this has been aids. Reporter the response here to the first real case of ebola, Thomas Duncan was marked by bungles. He was sent home from the hospital despite having a temperature of 103. At a hearing at the dallas ft. Worth airport, House Homeland Security we must learn from these missteps and assure that proper procedures are established and followed should another case arise in the United States. To far, almost remarkably, none of duncans 48 contacts have fallen ill. The anxiety over the virus isnt limited to the United States. In macedonia, a hotel has been sealed after after a british man fell they were in contact with nurse teresa r ork mera who was desperately ill after she caught ebola from a patient being treated in madrid. The death toll has passed 4,000, though the cdc believes the actual number is far higher. Dr. Kent brantley, that the virus is devastating entire nations. You have seen the news reports and i assure you the reality on the ground in west africa is worse than the worst report you have seen. Tomorrow, customs and Border Protection begins its enhanced screening protocols from travelers from west africa at jfk airport in new york city. Newark, dulles, chicago ohare and atlanta airports will follow soon after. Thousands of protesters are back on the streets of hong kong tonight, demonstrations that had been leveling off have rekindled after the government called off talks with student leaders. Protesters want a greater say in choosing the citys leader. Back home, another down day on wall street t dow lost 115, the s p 500 fell 22, the nasdaq was off 102. For the week t dow gave back 2. 75 . Still ahead, what gives more to charity, democrats or republicans . Well look at the numbers, first Monica Lewinsky, white water, the first batch of dock k50u7um released today and what they reveal. A why do i cook . Because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson® i have a cold. I took nyquil but im still stuffed up. Nyquil cold and flu liquid gels dont unstuff your nose. Really . Alkaseltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. breath of relief oh, what a relief it is. Thanks. Anytime. Everyone is looking for ways while to cut expenses. S unique, and thats where pg es Online Business Energy Checkup tool can really help. You can use it to track your Actual Energy use. Find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. Even develop a Customized Energy plan for your company. Think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. And yet another Energy Saving opportunity from pg e. Find new ways to save energy and money with pg es Business Energy checkup. Now to a friday document dump that we actually knew about before the evening rush hour. The clinton president ial library has released records dealing with some of that administrations most controversial and sensational times and it comes just before the dawn of what could be another clinton president ial run. Chief washington correspondent james rosen is here with that. Reporter the 230 pages labeled Monica Lewinsky segments one included mostly talking points and snide emails from lesser known staffers. Several dozen documents within that time remain with held, but other documents provide insight into an earlier scandal, white water, and they offered insight into Hillary Clintons conduct under strain in the white house. Unsigned notes from a white house bheeting in march 1994 recorded several comments by the first lady as aides scramble to diffuse the white water we have been so incompetent mrs. Clinton complained, why is it we dont get it done, mrs. Clinton asked appointmentedly . Another meeting that goes no wrrks another useless conversation. The first lady said his weakness was that he doesnt tell you what he doesnt know. She also complained that then white house aid george stephanopoulus. No formal charges were ever charged mrs. Against mrs. Clinton. K kagans controlling arkansas triggered the president s false relationship with white house internal Monica Lewinsky, in an october 1996 memo to clintons private counsel, kagan lamented the gutter level of our politics and the Supreme Court then constituted would even jeblgt a new and disgusting element into american political life by advancing joness claim. In another memo sent to her boss in may 1996, kagan apologized for not relaying some porngt news. I may have really blanked up. Hillary clinton ordered an aid to determine who had been linking behind the scenes accounts to in a 1995 memo, Ira Magaziner told was then hhs secretary who remained in that office for the entirety of clinton presidency. Speculation about what will happen in this novembers voting has become a key part of the news media political coverage, we obviously do it a lot right here. Tonight Fox News Media analyst and host of fox newss media buzz on the evolving industry of picking political winners and losers. Politics has always been covered like a horserace, with journalists scrambling to figure out whos ahead. Now a new breed of whiz kids with sophisticated computer models is trying to reduce it to pure science. The predictor in chief is jay silver who made his name at the New York Times by accurately calling all 50 states in president obamas reelection victory. Lord and god of the algorithm. This is where it all happened. It is, this is our new newsroom. The republicans chances of taking over the senate next month are 57. 9 , dont forget the decimal appointment. The times replaced ville sir with the up shot blog which places the gop request a takeover at 76 , thats better than the Huffington Post which gives the republicans a 54 shot. But nowhere near as favorable as the washington posts election lab, which says that theres been some trash talking between silver and sam wang whose Princeton Election Consortium gives the president a 51 chance of capturing the senate. What could go wrong with this approach . These models rely on local polls. So theres a 99. 9 chance some of these folks will have egg on their face. Well watch all this stuff. A federal judge has struck down north carolinas gay marriage ban. That opens the way for the first samesex weddings in that state to begin immediately. Monday you may remember, the u. S. Supreme court refused to hear appeals from five states, seeking to prohibit samesex marriage and that gave those states and a handful of others a Virtual Green light to proceed. How to turn a half billion dollars into about 30,000, thanks to your federal government. And president obama is serenaded business his selfproclaimed biggest fan, a gushing grapevine is next. That patry return on troops and equipment in afghanistan, but were never put to use. The ig says they never met the criteria needed for the job. So after sitting idle on the tarmac in kabul for quite some time, they ended up in the junk heap. So why no one considered, quote, possible other alternatives in order to salvage tax payer dollars. Allison lungd luchbd one democratic elected official in philadelphia doesnt have to worry about that, the commissioner in charge of elections and getting people to vote reportedly has not voted himself in the last five elections. Philadelphias city paper pulled voting records for Anthony Clarke and found he has missed the last five elections including the 2012 president ial elections. Clark has not responded to questions for comfort. President obama attended a Democratic Fund raiser at the home of actress Gwyneth Paltrow. It turns out that she is unabashedly quite smitten with the president. She told the president , she was, quote, one of your biggest fans, if not youre biggest. Youre so handsome, i cant speak properly. Her love for the president , it appears, trumps her love of the constitution and balance of power, she mused to the crowd, quote, it would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass. The president seemed to appreciate such a star struck introduction, telling the crowd, quote, im taking her to the next event. Interesting new information tonight on who gives the most to charity. Molly heninberg says a new study shows a are a pretty good indication of their generosity. Reporter where in america do the most generous people live . Utah is the state with the highest percentage of Charitable Giving, followed by mississippiing the study based on the numbers from 2012, also look at how the states voted in that years president ial election and found that the top 17 states in Charitable Giving voted for republican mitt romney, number 18, florida, was the first on the list to vote for president obama. One political analyst says theres a religious connection here, that for example, christians in the bible belt or mormons in utah often see Charitable Giving as their religious duty and not the job of the government. People who give a lot of jobs to charity, are skeptical of government. They feel that they are in need so they feel an obligation to do something about that personally. Which all went to the president in 2012, those who give less, may feel that the government has a larger responsibility to help the needy. There tending and that tax dollars are supposed to be more use for these kinds of charitable purposes rather than voluntary giving. The study also found that between 20 06 and 2012, the wealthy in america reduced the percentage of their income that they gave to charity, by 4. 6 . While middle class americans increased by 4. 45 . Democrats running away from president obama for 2014, movements on the campaign trail, with the panel, when we come back. If you dont think beat con mewhen you think aarp, you dont know aarp. The Aarp Fraud Watch Network helps everyone protect themselves and their families against scams and identity theft. Find more real possibilities at aarp. Org possibilities. An Unprecedented Program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. For better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. And you pay no taxes for ten years. 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I was actually a delegate for Hillary Clinton and i think that kentuckyians know im a democrat through and through. The president is on the ballot, as much as Mitch Mcconnell would like to be. The president s dealing with a lot of crises in the world right now and i think its important for him to continue to address whats happening with isis, to continue to address the ebola scare and so i expect him to be in washington. Well, hes not in washington tonight, hes actually kentucky, take a look at the rcp average in polls, allison lu Lundergan Grimes the president s been in San Francisco and hes not been campaigning, but the average of these polls, there you see new hampshi hampshire, 41 , but take a look at the next set of states, and these are the average of polls, arkansas, kansas and kentucky, 33 . Our poll in arkansas has the 31. Associated editor of the hill and. These are actually different races but theyre both just as panicked. Allison lundergen crime shes trying to make sure that she keeps in that lead. They cannot appear with obama and any statement they make is parse for any support for him. Allison lundergen grimes should have had a better answer that. I liked shaheens address a little bit better. This obviously when the president and first lady speak out about the election. Im not on the ballot this familiar. Michelle is pretty happy about that. But make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them. Make no mistake about it, baracks last campaign wasnt in 2012, baracks last campaign is in year, 2014 because that el t election in 2012, that was not the change we sought, it was only the chance to make that change. This is why this matter is trending with real politics and did an analysis of Competitive Senate races going back to 2010 and 2012. In 23 of 31 Competitive Senate races t democrats ran within 5 of Barack Obamas approval ratings, within five points. You can see if youre talking about races where the president is in the 30s and that history holds true, theyre all going to lose, so none of the democrats want to be associated with president obama, we see it in mark begich, taking it on a little bit more directly. But this isnt why democrats dont wanting to talk about the president , they dont want to embrace him, they dochbl want to have anything to do with him at this point. Mentioning the iowa race, as joni earnest, the republican up slilgly and shes continuing to theres eat debate coming up, prognosticators thinking its going more red in iowa. She did have a little bit of an issue in that she called the candidate by the wrong name, bailey. I am beyond thrilled to be here today to support your next senator from iowa, your friend bruce bailey. You need to elect leaders like bruce bailey, for bruce bailey or you can go to vote dot bruce bail bailey. Com, or even better brayley, what did i say . Im losing it. Im getting old. Ive been traveling too much. Vote. Bruceb rarks vote. Brucebrayley. Com. Its comic relief, it wont have an effect on the election, when you get somebody like allison grimes, not just being tied to the president , but being pushed to a position where she looks ridiculous, where she will not answer a question like who did you vote for . Its obvious she voted for the president. See simply had to say i did and have a sentence to follow that. And anyone can trust her to say they can speak on anyone else. So i think it does hurt her in a deep way, its not just her tie to the president. As for the tie to the president , steve is right. In the sixth year of the presidency, its always brought me the most important. President obama is much lower in these states, of course and i think what happened is he got a bit of a bump when he made the speech on isis, he finally, he showed actually signs of life. He was actually doing something but now that that has worn off, i think he resumes the slide that he was in before that, its worn off because we can see that nothing real is happening on the ground in syria and iraq and we are actually losing our guys, our side is on the defense and baghdad right now is itself under threat. So i think that he had a slight temporary halt of the slide and slide continues and the more it continues, the more it weighs down the democrats. Mentantime, a lot of democrat allison lundergen grimes, and she has been campaigning. At the same time there were more documents coming owl from the little rock president ial library for the clintons. No bombshells today, but not exactly the, programs environment that you want to be talking about, the white water investigation, and monica hue win sky. But release on a friday, i would argue in the middle of this very busy time. September was all about isis and ebola, but i think were going to be looking at the campaign trail for weeks to come and focus will be off of Hillary Clinton, i think this is really the ideal time for her to have these documents released, better than january, better than december, the focus is going to shift to her so riling now is actually a very good time. Rand paul has said the woman issue ought to be a big issue in the 2016 campaign, where it involves hillary. I think hes completely wrong. If that is raised again in 2016, its already old news now, i mean whos interested in and whats coming out now, imagine how old that news will be in 2016, very smart of them, as you say, releasing it in the middle of a lot of other news, and releasing it so early that the impact is completely dissipated. I think barring some new document that confirms something that we have seen from Hillary Clinton more recently, or confirms maybe what perceptions of her as secretary of state. I dont think these documents are going to have an effect. And the more the republicans , i think on her time in the its foolish. Next up, the friday lightning round. Savings accounts . Thats right. Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. If youre suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. For gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. Ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. Dulcolax, for relief you can count on. Dulcolax, or relief you can count on. Test test. Test test. The nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies. The only thing left to fear is your imagination. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Each week we ask you to skroet on our friday lightning round, this is it for your Favorite Panel topic, this week its Health Care Policy cancellations. The assets are hard to come from, but it looks like several hundred thousands people across the country will receive notices in the coming days and weeks, indicating that their reopen plans that they thought they could keep are now going to be closed in 2015. Now these are 13 states not offering exemptions so those notices could be going out any day now. Of these states, only two have Competitive Senate races, minnesota and virginia. Were back with the panel. Virginias interesting because ed gillespie has been focusing more on obama care and hes one of the republicans that has fully embraced a republican plan. To actually talk about it, to include it in his stump speeches to campaign on it. Perhaps because of these notices. perhaps in a place like these notices. A. B. . They are not battleground states, really. Virginia is going to be won by mark westerner, the incumbent. He might have a few frustrated customers as a result of this. It is big news. Its just not in the right states i think to effect the race. Im not sure that it will matter that its not in the right states. I think its going to be news. Obamacare has dropped off the map as a result of all of other crises, isis, ebola, Everything Else going on, secret service, the competence of the government and the scandals, i think it puts it in the news. With a week to go, there will be a lot of stories if you like your doctor, you keep it. Thats going to revive that and i think its going to have an effect in other states. Well see if it there are a lot of stories. So far Major Networks have not covered that story that much. Speaking of off the map, kim jong un, he is missing in action. The leader of north korea. Yeah, i tend not to be a conspiracy theorist, of course with pyongyang everything is conspiracy so how you can tell . The fact is we really dont know. Is he obviously ill because in the pictures we saw is he limping. They dont usually show a god king limping unless he has a problem. I would guess he has a health problem. That could weaken him to the point where he gets pushed aside. A. B. . I would agree. It seems like he is not glue yet. He is ill. Anything could happen and we could never see him again. Not glue . The limp could just be his pimp roll it doesnt have to be a real limp, you know. Its friday. Go with it. I was fully prepared to not buy the conspiracy theories and there was a reuters piece that everybody was citing that quoted an authoritative source saying look, is he fine. Then i read the reuters piece. This is what the authoritative source said. He pulled a tendon then moments later said he injured his ankle and knee. When, moments later, late august or early september. Because he was drilling while he was over rate. And whats the prognosis . 100 days to recuperate. This source has no idea what is happening. Thats terrible, terrible sourcing. Terrible reporting. Winners and losers besides that article . Yeah. That article would be one of them. So my winners, i was really struck watching the john roberts piece earlier about the doctors and nurses particularly christian immigrationaries going to west africa to fight ebola. I think its incredibly notable thing to do to help where you can putting yourself at tremendous risk and shows tremendous courage. My loser is the u. S. Army. Christina wong from the hill reported today that the army has decided that they are not going to go public with the results of the investigation into the departure of bo bergdahl from the army when he left his squad mates. I think the army owes it to us but more importantly the army owes it to his squad mates to tell him what happened. They risked their lives searching for this guy. They deserve to know. A. B. . My losers are alice lund green grimes, you saw her in the grip there obama whether or not she voted for him. Mark pryor battling for his job in arkansas this week was asked about whether or not the administrations response to the Ebola Outbreak had been appropriate and he said in about three minutes not answering that question. I thought his constituents deserved a response. To be fair and balanced my winner this week is the Democratic Senatorial Campaign committee throwing a Million Dollars at the south dakota race which is a new opportunity as you discussed on the panel last night from a safe republican seat to possible item. Dem . Charles. The winner Nobel Peace Prize committee not the winners obviously they are winners choosing that young girl malala without any implication of any american as people who deserve it loser again are the kurds, deceived and denied a doublecross for 100 years. They lost out 100 years ago at versailles. The only people in the region never got a state. The United States turkey and others are watching face a massacre and no one lifts a financinger. Notice the Nobel Peace Prize had one from pakistan and one from india. A little balanced but it wasnt antiamerican for a change. That is really is remarkable development. That is it for the panel. Stay tuned for a celebration long overdue. Finally tonight, it has been many decades since a divided nation had very little positive to say as its warriors returned home from unpopular war in southeast asia, vietnam. Now some people are trying to make amends for that. Tonight, correspondent dan springer tells us how from washington state. It was a heros welcome, more than 40 years late. 2,000 aging vietnam war veterans were honored at joint base lewis mccord in washington state. Lord, please bless and heal these beret warriors who answered their nations call to fight on freedoms frontier in the jungles of southeast asia. It was the reception they never got. As the country they came back to in the late 60s was in turmoil. Purple heart recipient says he was spit on by war protesters. It hurt. It really really hurt. That we did what we felt was right for the country. We did our duty. And nobody appreciated it. Pat ferguson remembers kissing the ground when he got home and then being told to change into civilian clothes as soon as possible. It kind of plugs a hole in my soul there, that there is some recognition that this contemporary army is doing the same thing for us that they do for their own returning troops. Even war protester chris who was a Conscientious Objector thinks the treatment is long overdue. I think its a small token of appreciation for the service that those men and women put in. Its way late in coming. 2. 6 million americans deployed to vietnam. About half saw combat. 58,000 died. More than 300,000 returned wounded. Now, finally, a welcome home. And because of your service, your sacrifice, you have made our land of the free and brave a better place. At joint base lewis mccord, dan springer, fox news. Thank you all for your service. And thank you for having us in your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Make it a great weekend. Greta goes on the record right now. This is a fox news alert. Isis moving in on the baghdad airport. They are closing in on the ultimate prize in iraq. Right now isis only 8 miles out from the airport. That is terrifying not to mention a disappointment for Many Americans who fought so hard in iraq. Isis has lots of money, heavily armed heavily shoulder to missile. Also today a raging fight for the syrian town of kobani, isis trapping civilians as that town now a massacre is feared. Thats not all, isis could invade turkey greg palkot standing by on the border. First, the dangerous threat to the baghdad errant. Kevin barron of the news web site joins us. Nice to see you, kevin. Isis 8 miles out from th

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