Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20170328 0

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye With Tom Shillue 20170328 07:00:00

say, other than obamacare is the law of the land and will remain the law of the land. >> tom: it's the law of the land, or lol for short. on sunday, president trump blamed the freedom caucus and two conservative groups for the sale of the health care bill. steve bannon is reportedly encouraging trump to reply coma list of republicans that refuse to support the health care bill. while repeal and replace had a major setback last week, at least from republican isn't ready to give up. >> we shall never surrender! [laughter] >> tom: that was the famous church hill impression of a few
>> i liked "blended into the carpet." >> tom: lets go onto to the next story. he said it on the campaign trail, european nations need to start paying their nato bills and stop letting the u.s. pick up the tab. president trump took the opportunity from his meeting with angela merkel to hand her a fake bill for $375 million. this according to the times of london, the white house denies the story, as did the german government. why am i talking about it? because i hope it happened. it should have happened. it seems like a trump move, doesn't it? it's consistent with what he's been saying in public. just last week, he tweeted --
this led "the washington post" to say "trump may really not know how nato works." he knows how it works, nato countries have pledged to spend 2% of their gdp on defense, and germany has consistently fallen short of that. pay up, europe! nice to close it with a button list, that was the whole monologue. liz, you know the countries, don't you, that pay their bills? >> would you believe it's greece? poland, there are four countries that are at the 2% of gdp spending on defense. maybe latvia. >> tom: i have them down here. >> poland, greece, the u.k., and estonia. and the u.s. >> could he hand them the bill
of reconstructing germany after world war ii? germany is a really solid ally of the united states, you don't want to alienate them. it's like living in a co-op, you'll have to pay certain fees and when you find out you've been paying and your neighbor who is getting the same services hasn't been paying, it's not a good feeling. >> tom: always happens, do you go to the board meetings? >> i hide. i am washing my hair that night. >> with the exception of the u.k., the other countries, their gdp is kind of small period of 2% is a small number. let's have exxon pay for those shipping lanes we keep open with their navy. >> tom: they pay a lot of money. >> they don't. they don't pay for our navy keeping pirates off their ships, i don't think they do. we've got a guy in the state department that know some people at exxon, let's send them a bil
bill. >> like the tom hanks movie, right? >> tom: our guys wanted to save him. >> did we ever send the bill to him? >> tom: you made good point, captain phillips should pay us back. i don't think these european countries are paying their bills and i think trump does understand that. what do you think, joe? [laughter] i know you know a lot about this. [laughter] >> i thought you were going to ask about bills and people and -- >> tom: that's the analogy. >> i get more upset, you and i talked about this before, you go out to eat and everybody you said you hate when people don't pay for the tax. >> tom: there's always one guy. >> you always say there's one guy who doesn't do that, i find that i hate more the guy that gets way more and wants
everybody to owe the same. >> tom: he wants to split the bill, but he -- >> everybody owes $11, i had a honey bun. >> adults split the bill when you go out, it's the way it works. i don't drink, everyone else drinks, i split the bill. >> i say -- >> tom: that's a good point. of the united states goes out, we eat and drink the most but we also pay the biggest bill. >> i'm happy that guys are handing women some bills. it's about time. i come home, my wife hands me a bill, whether it's karate for the kids or school supplies or, i get handed a bill and a wet nap. >> tom: they're denying it,
but do you think he gave her a fake bill? >> i can see him doing that and shaking her hand with a buzzer shocker, leaving a will be cushion on the chair. >> i hope he didn't. >> tom: i want everyone to know. >> that's embarrassing. it's the president of the united states, and her a bill -- >> tom: you know it's embarrassing, 1.2 1.2% of the p for the defense. >> 1.2 of their gdp is like all those other countries combined. >> tom: moving on, before the attack in london, the terrorist used whatsapp to send message. who was he communicating with? they have no way of knowing, whatsapp uses encryption. here's how that company explains it, when you send a message, the only person who can read it is
the person or group chat that you sent the message to. no one else can see it. >> it is completely unacceptable. there should be no place for terrorists to hide, we need to make sure that organizations like whatsapp, plenty of others like that, don't provide a secret place for terrorists to communicate with each other. it used to be that people would steam open envelopes or listen in on phones, but on the situation we need to make sure that our intelligence services have the ability to get into situations like encrypted whatsapp. >> tom: liz, i like the old days where you had to steam open envelopes, right? >> just called the israelis, they'll fix it. here's what they should give up, not their entire platform, here's how you access inside all
of these messages, they should find the message, and they should hand a text of exactly what was said, this guy used it 3 minutes or so before he attacked. and murdered for innocence, including a police officer. if whatsapp isn't going to give it, we can argue forever. they are owned by facebook, facebook is complicit too. they are an accessory, find who this person was speaking with, they're not helping, ask the israelis, they'll find out. >> tom: why doesn't whatsapp say "were going to give it to you, but just pretend." they want to put up a good front. >> i think what she said it was exactly right, as long as there's a reason to ask for it, they should be giving it over. it's a brave new world. they absolutely can, there's no
way that they don't control the data that they have or have a way to access it somehow on the back end and they should be able to do that. >> didn't you see "war games" that those two nerds were telling matthew broderick that there is a backdoor? >> i was just thinking about why does it actually matter to have something like that where you can encrypt? >> tom: they encrypted it but it was lame. it was encrypted in a very mickey mouse way. >> let me tell you this. whatever you design an app that makes it capable for you to cheat on your better half secretly, terrorists will arriv arrive. those are the markets that people look to pitch apps to these days. terrorism, porn, and whoever is
gluten-free. those of the markets you have to go out for. >> tom: if you're talking to people who want to cheat, that's why they want whatsapp. >> that's why it's encrypted, too. >> tom: those people will move to another thing. there's always going to be a new app. >> odds are that this guy was talking to another dude who is pretending to be a 23-year-old girl in kentucky. >> tom: do you not agree that you are being monitored, do you use this, what do you use? >> i tried to use whatsapp and i was unsuccessful, it's kind of confusing. i've gone abroad a few times, that's when you use it. when my wife goes away for her job or i go away, i'm always deleting it and then putting it on my phone again. >> tom: you are using it to talk to your wife? >> yes. i don't understand it. >> tom: it's not made for you. >> i'm sure not the only person we go to another country, am i
getting charged right now are not? do we get wi-fi, i don't understand, i'm afraid to turn my phone on. >> the last thing that app was designed for was for a husband to talk to his wife, just so you know. >> tom: the technology, they make them for teenagers. they seem to know how to use them better. >> i've always like five generations behind, all i use our twitter and facebook. >> tom: facebook is for the dads, isn't it? put your cargo shorts on there. >> i don't where cargo shorts. golf shorts, i'm suburban. >> tom: coming up, i was waiting for you guys to discover something. coming up, celebrities get their
leggings in a bunch after united airlines refuses to let two teenagers fly. and my first book, "mean dads for a better america" is available for preorder at speed 29.
back -- 13 states taking legal action in support of president trump's travel ban, they are urging the fourth u.s. circuit court of appeals to overturn a lower court judges ruling that blocked the revised executive order. the states claim that the president acted lawfully and in the interest of national security. to the white house calling on russia to release hundreds of antigovernment protesters arrested over the weekend. press secretary sean spicer says people everywhere deserve "the ability to exercise their rights without fear of fear of attributing." the father of maryland school
rape suspect has been arrested for being in the united states illegally. the teen accused is also an undocumented immigrant. large hail and strong winds already pelting texas and oklahoma. forecasters say the area could see even more damaging winds and possibly tornadoes. now back to "red eye." ♪ >> tom: nothing is more protectable than the outrage news cycle. on sunday, and activist tweeted that united airlines refused to allow two teenage girls on a flight because they were wearing leggings. naturally, celebrities responded by opening up on twitter. sarah silverman tweeted "hey, united, i fly a lot. about to go on tour in april and changing all my flights to other airlines."
"leggings are business attire for 10-year-olds, their businesses being children." mike huckabee tweeted -- he's a master of twitter. but here's the thing. the girls were wearing back using free passes from the family benefits program. "to our regular customers, your leggings are welcome." it's not surprising that's liberties were outraged about the story, they love to wear leggings when they fly, as you can see. here are some of them looking stylish and comfortable. and wow, huck has some muscular
legs. liz, look. what do you think of this? i want to talk about the outrage, this story went around the world before united had a chance to mention that they have a dress code. >> wire and celebrities more outraged about murders and deaths and attacks and things like that? i will say this, if united said that eating a free ticket because you are a relative of one of the employees, you have to adhere to our dress code, should the 10-year-olds have been wearing neckerchiefs? then with the leggings be okay? i wear yoga pants, a soiled t-shirt that says new jersey, will take everyone. i made it on every flight. >> tom: people don't dress up on flights, you don't even dress up when you come on my show. >> i give what i get, none of
you respect me, why should i respect you? look at the rest of the people on this plane, i walk by seat 4d and i have eight guys nuts staring at me from his short shorts. "no daughter of mine is going to be dressed like a harlot on a plane." either it's across-the-board for everybody for everybody, no leggings, no nuts poking out and we can all fly -- people use to get dressed up four flights. >> tom: i like to look while on a flight. >> i think when a woman is dressed up to go on a flight, that means she's a psycho. that's a red flag for me. i think when you go on a flight, especially along flight, you're flying to europe are going to australia and you're wearing high heels, you look like you're going to a business meeting,
that's a little weird. >> what if she's going to a business meeting? she's got to get off the plane and go to a meeting? >> who would get off a nine hour flight and go right they are? >> i have, it happens all the time. >> i wear sweatpants to fly everywhere. >> i flew twice last week, i wear sweatpants. >> the thing about it is, tell me, united has a dress code. when anyone travels, they're getting a free ticket, they should have to abide by the rules. >> i have a 10-year-old, she would wear leggings to fly on a plane, it's on thing 10-year-olds wear. it's the 10-year-old dress code right now, leggings all the time. >> wire leggings not dressed up, it depends on what you wear with them. my daughter is five, shall wear leggings with address. >> it's like united is on meerkats and everyone else is on periscope.
>> tom: they're going to change their thing because they got so much guff about it. the outrage is ridiculous, all they have to do is say everybody calm down, kids can wear leggings now, stop tweeting at us. >> or do what you always do, if you want to take comfort away from us, charge us for it. >> tom: coming up, it's "halftime" with tv's andy levy. and be sure to check out the "red eye" podcast, subscribe on itunes and on
♪ >> tom: welcome back, it's time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tvs at andy levy over at the "red eye" news deck. >> andy: let's talk about health care finger-pointing. tom, you said you feel like trump isn't that into health care. i totally agree, the thing is, repealing and replacing obamacare was a pretty huge campaign promise for him, he sort of needs to be into it. >> tom: you can't make can be into things. he's into the things he's into. >> andy: he did move on from it pretty quickly. liz, you said the freedom caucus always ran on pure repeal. they were never going to vote for this bill. say what you want about democrats, they somehow managed to pass a bill. >> your 1000% correct. it took a long time, a lot of effort, today on my show on fox business at 3:00 p.m. eastern, we had two republican
congressmen, both said you don't get stuff like this done in 64 days. it's not dead, we should come back and try again, it is a process. >> andy: that sounded too reasonable. >> imagine that. >> tom: the doctors caucus, do they have a nickname? >> the one i thought was not cute. >> andy: joe, you set an enemies list is very italian. also very jewish. especially older jewish. >> i wasn't allowed to talk to jewish people. after [laughter] >> andy: shuli, you said you're not an expert on this health care story, but you prove that you were by comparing trump
to the person who blames his farts on other people. >> whoever smelt it dealt it, whoever denied it supplied it. >> now we are highbrow. >> leave it to me. >> andy: tom, let's talk about your merkelogue. liz, you are absolutely light right about the members of nato hitting the percentage of their gdp. iceland is a member and they pay nothing because they do not have military. >> sweden just reinstated the draft because they hate the russians. >> andy: the thing is that the u.s. asked iceland to join because of its strategic
location. money is not always the greatest indication of what nation is giving. >> it's also fun in risk to have iceland. >> tom: it's perfect because they give nothing and we get nothing. zero, we should kick them out. >> andy: they're not bothering anyone. i have no idea what exxonmobil has -- >> i was trying to make a point. >> andy: they can't all be gems. >> what you want for me? >> tom: tom, you said we eat and drink the most but we also pay the biggest bill. is that fair? >> tom: they are not all gems, andy. it was a good analogy. what i'm saying is we eat and drink the most but we still pay for other people's bills, too. >> andy: okay.
shuli, i was going to ask you what the wet nap was for, but -- >> you were there, you filmed it. >> andy: the british secretary who doesn't understand how end to end encryption works, you said whatsapp should give up the message and they can find it. they 100% cannot. they can't read them, but whatsapp messages are not stored on a server anywhere. these messages are gone. >> i do not believe that. >> andy: you cannot believe whatever you want, but that is how it works. chris hahn, you also said they can access the message. the entire point of end to end
encryption is that absolutely nobody can read it but the recipient. if the company could read the messages, they wouldn't be secured by end to end encryption. >> do i look like an engineer to you. >> andy: you made a statement and it's factually wrong. >> i don't know that it's wrong. [laughter] >> andy: honestly -- >> it's transmitted over the world wide web to get someplace, everything that's in the world wide web is somewhere else. >> they can see your keystrokes. they can figure it out, i'm sure of this. >> andy: you all have equal -- the israelis could not break the encryption. >> tom: andy, none of us know anything. we know one thing, that we are right.
>> andy: liz, you mentioned that whatsapp is owned by facebook, which is true. it's based in the u.s., but the british government can't tell us to do anything. two members of the house of commons foreign administration committee have asked to help pressure whatsapp. >> if they could, they -- -- >> andy: they can. >> you got to help in situations like that. when they send out warrants for money laundering, the banks give up the transaction. how is this different? >> andy: the banks have the information. >> apple wouldn't open the phone -- >> andy: that's a separate issue. the important thing to remember is encryption doesn't kill people, people do.
>> tom: all right. >> andy: i am done with all of you. >> tom: thank you, andy. coming up, uber's a self-driving cars are back on the road. does anyone trust them? we debate.
12 estate attorneys general and one governor are urging a federal appeals court to let the law take effect. they say the law does not discredited against muslims, and that the president acted lawfully. they want the appeals court to overturn a lower court ruling blocking the executive order. the chairman of the house intelligence committee is facing growing calls from democrats to step down. democrats say representative nunes should not lead to the probe into russia's meddling in the 20 2016 election. nunes says the documents he viewed had nothing to do with russia, president trump reacts to the investigation monday night, tweeting that the russia story is a hoax. a committee vote on the presidents a supreme court nominee is on hold for a week. that's after democrats requested a delay. a committee vote is scheduled for next monday, april 3rd.
the full senate is then expected to take up the matter. senate minority leader is promising a filibuster. the oakland raiders are heading to las vegas. the nfl approved the move by a landslide on monday, only the miami dolphins voted against the relocation. the team will not pack up quite yet, since they are expected to play in oakland for at least two more years. that's a look at news, i'm kelly wright, now back to "red eye." for all of your headlines, be sure to log on to you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news. ♪ >> tom: uber is not going to let a little accident stop its driverless car program. on friday, and uber self-driving
car ended up on its side after hitting hit by an old-fashioned human driving car. the person in the other vehicle made an illegal left turn. uber announced that the program will resume. while the driverless car program has showed some promise, there are still issues. internal documents leaked to the media show rides in the driverless cars go about 2 miles with unpleasant breaking and jerking. >> turn on the ignition. let's go. ♪
>> oh, my god, . >> that's me without adderall. >> tom: they're working on it. joe, would you trust a driverless car? they drive better than the people car the hum of that's a problem. they are driving correctly, people are driving bad. >> my joke when they first came out, it didn't work on stage, so why do it here? >> tom: why not? >> they've had these forever, it's your wife. my mom would always yell at my dad, turn, turn, turn. i think it's going to be the greatest invention of our lifetime. maybe the internet is first. but driverless car, that's something i say to my son all the time, he's nine. "you're going to live to b to go somewhere without driving."
he how great is that? get completely wasted, laid down in the backseat. how great is going to be? >> tom: "son, you're going to get so wasted." >> "dad, it's at 2:30 in the morning, while you waking me up again"? >> think of what it will do for the alcohol industry, no one will have to worry about drinking and driving anymore. it will make america great agai again. >> maybe you won't be allowed to be drunk in the car, they'll still say you have to be sober? >> tom: they're going to keep that up, they'll have -- >> you rent those party buses, the guy is driving, everybody in the back is getting hammered. the downside to driverless cars as were going to lose hundreds of hours of quality uber video fights between customers and uber drivers?
that's the only thing i live for. as a comic, human interaction is everything to me. that's where the stories come from, where the materials come from. to be on stage and go "my driver went the wrong way, took me 25 minutes, i was late, i cursed at him" he said nothing, no one was there. the doors locked in the engine died until robot authorities came. i've ordered mcdonald's for my kiosk and it's weird. i'm use to acne and a voice cracking. i need puberty guys a dripping's not. that's what i come to fast food for. >> my one really good talent was parallel parking. because i'm from california and we all drive and were all obsessed with driving -- >> tom: you're good at it, you are a woman who can parallel park, you want to show off that
skill. >> that's my big trick. if that goes away, what do i have? >> tom: the real question is -- >> will they store the data of where people have driven and will we be able to access it? >> they do it now. >> tom: coming up, a reality show gets canceled but the contestants continue filming. learn about the poor saps after the break. ♪
when the men and women emerge, they were shocked to learn that brexit had passed and donald trump was president. they also missed the breakup of one direction, and of the oscars going off without a hitch. they signed a contract, those y said leave them in the woods. >> this is scarily reminiscent to the world war ii japanese soldier who didn't realize the war was over and didn't surrender until 1974. he stayed hunkered down. >> what a sitcom that would be. >> it's a reality show, they're out in the wilderness, might as well let it play out. it was off the air but they have the footage. >> did they not realize it was
canceled when the cameras were put away? how bad was this show that for episodes in a gets canceled? "cop rock" was on for a full season. 11 episodes of cops singing. on skates. >> do they still get the prize at the end of the show? >> >> tom: i don't know, there was nothing to win because the show wasn't on the air. this is the modern world, they have stuff on digital. the crew was part of this, they stuck the camera people in ther there. >> they knew. >> tom: i don't think they knew either. >> they had phones. >> tom: the crew was in the wilderness, didn't you see the trailer? >> what did they sign up for? >> i think we are getting confused here. all of these reality shows film late and air them later. i think there's a confusion. they kept filming because they
probably had an heir to them ye yet. >> tom: they got canceled in august and continued filming. it's going to be on youtube. the show is over, i know you want to keep talking -- >> this show is over, too.

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, Secretary , Cannot , 100 , Server , Anywhere , Chris Hahn , Nobody , End Encryption , Wouldn T , Engineer , Recipient , Everything , Somewhere , Statement , Web , Someplace , Keystrokes , Equal , Anything , House Of Commons , British Government , Administration Committee , Banks , Information , Money Laundering , Warrants , Transaction , Apple , Encryption Doesnt Kill People , Issue , Andy , All Of You , Self Driving Cars , Road , Law , Appeals Court , Governor , Law Take Effect , Estate Attorneys , Muslims , 12 , Chairman , House Intelligence Committee , Calls , Nunes , Court Ruling , Documents , Probe , Election , Meddling , 2016 , 20 , Committee Vote , Presidents , Hoax , Nominee , Hold , Supreme Court , Investigation Monday Night , April 3rd , Delay , Monday April 3rd , Senate , Matter , Filibuster , Minority Leader , Team , Landslide , Relocation , Oakland , Las Vegas , Nfl , Oakland Raiders , Miami Dolphins , News , Kelly Wright , Headlines , Name , Look , Foxnews Com , On 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