Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Happening Now 20141127 17:00:00 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Happening Now 20141127 17:00:00

at home right now having pecan pie. bill: we are going to to regulate cap. heather: happy thanksgiving fewer family as well. "happening now" is starting right now. bye. ♪ >> well, the great american migration is underway, splitting time with our family and friends. welcome to "happening now." >> it was a sloppy trip to grandma's house for many americans and no trip at all for many others. dropping heavy snow and rain along the east coast forcing airlines to cancel hundreds of flights and delay thousands. in new york mother nature playing along for the most part at the annual macy's things giving day parade.
people of all ages they can input image to see floats and giant balloons inkling six new balloons unveiled this year. happy thanksgiving, maria. >> we are looking at some pretty hefty snow totals across places like west virginia and into main with the nor'easter responsible for the flight delays and flight cancellations. hopefully they are able to make it out to see their families coming up today as the storm system is moving on out. more than a foot of snow in places like massachusetts, maine and 20 inches recorded in portions of west virginia. much colder air moving into parts of the east, this is what it feels like, 38 i 38 atlanta,n memphis. for below zero in minneapolis and the teams in the city of chicago, so very chilly and temperatures below average for
some of you across the country. we still have lingering snow showers not really associated with the nor'easter, is all associated with the services run through and moisture off the great lakes. and of course across the pacific northwest another storm system for his areas of rain in the coastal areas including cities like portland and seattle, mse thanksgiving day out there for you. across the northern rockies looking at snow showers rolling through. relatively quiet weather picture across the country. it will stay chilly in the south, highs in the 40s atlanta but a beautiful day across florida and tampa 67 degrees with sunshine across the plains as well with highs in the 60s, 40s in tulsa. look at l.a., a very warm day today. highs in the 80s, some clouds, you will be cooling off this
weekend across california but for today enjoy the warmth while you have it. upper 80s for some locations. patti ann: thanks. eric: something else for you to think about or maybe not think about while you are out shopping for bargains, turns out could end up getting unsolicited pitch for obamacare. live in washington with the very latest on this. what is this about? >> in addition to the great del on a tv or clothing you might be inundated with flyers about obamacare while you scurry around on black friday. allowing the health care navigators to offer obamacare around the country. although it may be difficult to do in crowds like these, coming in open enrollment 2.0 which appears to be gone smoother than a disastrous website rollout that happened last year.
it focusing more on outreach than the celebrity advertisements we saw and perhaps wondering if there are any for buster deals to be had on obamacare. no dice. you along with the taxpayers will be paying the full price. eric: thanks. patti ann: the new focus on pushing forward with obamacare at the mall coming days after democratic senator chuck schumer blamed obamacare for the democrats losing seats in 2010. >> the plate of uninsured americans and the hardships caused by insurance company practices certainly needed to be addressed, but it wasn't the change we were hired to make, americans were crying out for the end to the recession, better wages and more jobs, not changes in health care. patti ann: the chief congressional correspondent for the examiner, thank you for joining us.
the obama administration partnering with westfield owning dozens of malls across the country targeting shoppers. last year there was some backlash running those commercials urging people to chat about obamacare. is it a good idea to target shoppers who are trying to escape the holiday spirit at the mall? >> lesser there was the pajama clad man talking about health care underneath the christmas tree. this time they are going to the front lines basically, where the people are. they will also be in pharmacies dealing really with the frontlines of health care because so many people rely on prescription medication and social media targeting young people, women about to get married or have children. not just to sign people up, but looking to sign up young
invincible's who can pay into the system but don't have chronic health care issues so they are not taking out of the system as much. they are realizing last year didn't work, they are trying something new. a better chance at success because they are targeting people in person. this is the busiest shopping time of the year. a more narrow enrollment period. our shoppers really going to be open to the idea of talking about health care reform paying into perhaps expensive health care plan while they are trying to pay for gifts for relatives and friends? it is a big experiment, basically. patti ann: they are already worried about their budget. and then you hit them with that. they are targeting younger people, administration partnering with these social media groups focusing on the newlyweds and new parents, going for those millennials but as chuck schumer said, the
democrats lost the midterms because they were over focused on obamacare and not focused enough on the economy. the democrats blew their opportunity, they had a mandate in the squandered it, do you agree with that? >> those of us covering it at the time said that was really the issue that matters most americans was reforming the broken health care system. they all got behind it saying this is what americans want because so many people are uninsured. what senator chuck schumer saying now is it is not working and it is not popular, his shifting because it is not a popular health care law. people either wants to change it or get rid of it. democrats have come to realize it has hurt them in elections over the past four years so marginalized in congress at historic lows, just looking to change course, what are people focusing on now. they want to have jobs so people
were saying that for years ago. health care reforms are a big thing, our opportunity to change it and they went for it and it has backfired politically as a party. patti ann: as the democrats have admitted. interesting if the new targeting push in the malls, don't be surprised more if you see some of these obamacare people. thank you for joining us. eric: supreme court justice heading home today. one day after ginsburg was taken to the hospital by ambulance on tuesday. the spokeswoman says the justice ginsburg expected back on monday. ginsburg leads the liberal wing and some have called her to step
aside. she has suffered in the past from cancer but no indications she has any intention to step down. patti ann: a violent robbery caught on camera. storming the convenience store, one of them wielding a machete. we will show you what happened next. plus the u.s. adding more military aircraft in the battle against isis coming amid questions on if airstrikes are an effective strategy stopping that. today we are thankful for our men and women around the world serving in the nation's military. >> this is colonel supporting nato. the headquarters. want to wish my wife, my kids and all my family and friends in san antonio and california happy thanksgiving. i love you all, i will be home as soon as i can. st and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit.
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patti ann: u.s. and world leaders extending until next year a deadline for talks with iran over its nuclear program. now iran supreme leader says he is not opposed to further negotiations. western powers suspect iran could be developing atomic bomb. iran suggest nuclear program is peaceful. there is no indication agreement. in nuclear deal could make it in even bigger threat. eric: now the fight against radical islamic terrorist of isis. the pentagon taking the steps in the fight against that group. the u.s. is shifting aircraft's from afghanistan to the air war against the islamic state in syria and iraq. growing questions over how effective the airstrikes have been against an enemy that may fight like an army but can still easily hide among the general population. fox news military analyst. happy thanks giving, good to see
you today. >> same to you. eric: absolutely. what is the shifting from afghanistan to the iraq syria at hand? >> you will note the type of aircraft being shifted. what is the arm draper, very large drone dropping hellfire missiles and potential bombs. second most importantly is a warthog, the so-called hog. unlike many aircraft's in the force, this would fly very low and very slow and packs a huge 35-millimeter canon that is very precise so as enemy disperses he hides among the people, he is increasingly more difficult to target and 1000 pounds or 500-pound bomb has too much collateral damage to get inside buildings and get inside hiding places so the air force is bringing in the plane of choice
for precision strikes close to border ground troops and for delivering fire inside of cities, that is the a-10. eric: the warthog as you call it. what an odd looking airplane. the guys who fly it love it. one goal is to take out those tanks they stole from the iraq he army. >> that is true, but it is very good against personnel, against bunkers, it has explosive as well as a tank killing rounded but the most important thing is the pilot is trained to do this, trained to fly low, trained to use flyballs to pick out targets and differentiate its target from the clutter around them. and a second burst to kill virtually anything. the great fear everywhere is when you get low and slow, you
increase sadly the probability one of these aircraft are going to get shot down and that would be tragic. eric: what happens if that is the case, what if isis shoots down an aircraft? >> the intelligence i have seen is isis has put out notices that said their goal is to capture an american pilot particularly alive and he had seen what's isis has done two other americans on global television and god for bid that the fate. having said that there are very robust evacuation scenarios in place that hopefully can plug a downed pilot off the ground long before isis can get to him. the air force is now going after precision targets, moving targets on the ground because they know so far the results of bombing from a distance simply hasn't worked.
eric: do you think we have the ability basically god for bid one of our pilots is shot down, we can save them before the savages of isis can use it as a propaganda tool. >> have been with the search and rescue mission before, they are very good while you cannot disclose too much, they are very close. the air force surgeon as a 20-millimeter gun. they can defend themselves, they can plug in ehrman out of the ground, so unless it is extremely unfortunate, his odds of survival are very good, god for bid that should happen. the thought is just terrible. eric: i absolutely agree. one concern, if we are taking these assets out of afghanistan into syria and iraq, what does that do to our fight against the
taliban and what do you think will happen in our fight against isis? >> to your first part, the airpower over afghanistan not only do they have air force aircraft in afghanistan and nearby but they have army attack helicopters both light and heavy, armed and see 47 and a huge fleet of drones. given and level of activity it seems to be that is proven risk. what is going to happen, wait and see. 9800 in about three months. what is important is what the president allows them to do. are they going to hide, or are they going to go on patrol with them and assist them in killing the taliban which mark so for the cance answer appears to be b b. a precipitous pullout and a
collapse of the army like with what happened in iraq. i don't think that will happen but in the middle east, you never know. eric: we are thankful for our men and women in service. for protecting us. patti ann: militants seized the city in june during a rapid advance over northern iraq. the move is to prevent them from revealing their locations to u.s. forces conducting airstrikes but still access to the internet which operate on a different network. eric: talking about potentially rescuing any kind of a downed pilot. do you hear about it in yemen? an unbelievable rescue mission with a group of hostages from al qaeda as an american journalist we are told is still being held. the white house have jobs
wanted, jobs open so why is nobody taking that? you would think a cabinet position would be quick to fill but not for a replacement so far. >> hello, how are you doing. in afghanistan, i want to send a special thanks and seasons greetings to my family in north carolina and also jacksonville, florida be it to my fiancé cindy and my kids, i love you and miss you, i will see you soon. is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned...
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i'm just looking over the company bills.up? is that what we pay for internet? yup. dsl is about 90 bucks a month. that's funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. wow that's fast. personally, i prefer a slow internet. there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. eric: time now for checking the headlines we are following for
you. surveillance video capturing two men, one wielding a machete at a florida gas station. chasing the store clerk. arresting both suspects within hours of this frightening incident. and woolly mammoth auctioned off for nearly $300,000. an unidentified private collector will now have the skeleton that weighs about 6-ton. where do you put it? and russia supplying early christmas presents to france. a christmas tree in paris. calling it a message of peace amid the tension over the violence in ukraine and france delaying the sale of warships to moscow. patti ann: the white house says the official reason for defense secretary chuck hagel resignation is that hagel has
the wrong skill set set deal wih isis. now he is a wartime secretary to take on the islamic state it turns out filling his position is becoming a challenge. to go top prospects have already dropped out. jack reed wanting to remain in the senate and the chief executive for the center for a new american security withdrawing saying she has family issues. so what does this mean for u.s. foreign policy? former secret service agent for president obama and international consultant joins us now. happy thanksgiving. and republic is running an article entitled firing hagel will not solve the problems. the article goes on to say he is being scapegoated for the administration's. difficulties abroad. do you agree? >> i do agree. i don't think president obama has a coherent policy right now and that is a problem whether it is the negotiations iran, it
seems at this point internal delay kicking the can down the road mentality, which will leave a nuclear iran for the administration. it doesn't seem to be a coherent political north star in terms of foreign policy anybody in that position can follow. i would not take the job, i can tell you that. patti ann: apparently a lot of people wouldn't. michelle pulling her name citing family reasons. the new republic says foreign policy is truly directed from the white house, potential candidates are concerned they will take all the blame but none of the power. is that a legitimate concern? >> it is being that is what you saw with secretary hagel. they thought they had perpetual yes-man. in some respects they did, but some of the more important respects they did not. there is a memo out there the
contents happen to be week, it lays out his position on this failed strategy, it wasn't going to work. it does no good to have a yes-man that doesn't in fact say yes. he was clearly pushed out the door and they were looking for more of aj johnson type department of homeland security what it meant the's policies pretty much the matter what. patti ann: we also some reports hagel was butting heads with susan rice. the effect that to continue with whoever comes in next? >> i do. susan rice seems to have the ear of the president. they have outside power for their positions and level of experience. susan rice has shown her willingness to go on the national broadcast shows and edge of the line whether she means it or not.
she knows cooperation with turkey, she should have advised the turks first who rapidly came out and said we are not cooperating on this. she is a mouthpiece for the administration and i don't think she really stands on any principles other than what president obama says. patti ann: whoever takes his post will have multiple international issues to deal with around the globe. we will see what happens. thank you for joining us and happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving to you. eric: a pretty dramatic raid in yemen. after being captured by al qaeda. in a remote area in yemen, the operation sadly was unable to free five other hostages including an american journalist. the official says that american along with the other hostages have been moved elsewhere by al qaeda days before the raid. the name of the missing journalist is not being made public.
patti ann: more on that coming up in the next hour. after days of violence in missouri, mother nature helps calm things down in the wake of the grant jury decision. protesters across the country are getting arrested. and meanwhile we're looking at a demonstration over another issue, shooting death of a 12-year-old boy carrying a realistic looking toy gun. the legal panel shows off on this coming up.
eric: the demonstration started at ferguson, missouri, spurting to cities across the country. days after the grand jury chose not to indict ferguson please also darren wilson in the killing of michael brown. california police arrested 130 people a protest in downtown l.a. be at dozens more protesters arrested and detained in oakland after police say a march turned destructive. in ferguson has been heavy snow and the cold weather has cap a lot of the protesters and had been out on the streets inside. the demonstration still mostly peaceful this time. live in ferguson with the very latest. >> you don't often have people being thankful for a wet, miserable heavy snow that comes down but it did last night keeping the number of
demonstrators to a minimum. he still saw the demonstrators particularly at the police headquarters from the ferguson three police, lot standing there provoking the national guard who were standing, they went off marching in a couple of different directions. at the end of the night on a couple of arrests indication it that could be trouble over the weekend. we also have a look at some of the looting inside the market and liquor. that is where it all began where brown stole the cigars before the whole incident happened on august 9. you can see them snatching everything they can. you can also see one individual who starts a fire. sprays it with one some sort of excitement. and a heartwarmingplays on longu will see a woman, long take what looks to be milk and put out the fire preventing it from becoming another one of the turned down hubs we see where so much of the
loot handwriting took place. overnight not much trouble at all, two arrests looking to see if any, will start with black friday. eric: stay peaceful, thank you. patti ann: the family of a 12-year-old boy shot and killed after brandishing a toy gun says the tragedy didn't have to happen. it was caught on surveillance video. you can see him waiving the fake gun in cleveland moments before a rookie cop pulled up and opened fire barely two seconds later. the family says it is our belief this situation could have been avoided and he should still be here with us. one thing to simply, police officer reacted quickly. here is the legal panel. thank you both for being here and joining us. we saw the video released by the
family of the boy who was killed and we stopped it before seeing the actual shooting but to back it up, police got a 911 call from a woman who set a guy was waiting the gun around, the 26-year-old cop got out, the 12-year-old reaches for his waistband for a pellet gun and the officer shoots him immediately. his partner kicks the gun out of the hand, to that behavior sound like the definitely thought it was a real gun. >> the legal test is not whether or not the gun israel but whether or not the person proceeding it reasonably believes it is real. it is a totally tragic case but at the same time it could have easily had the reverse headline in a bizarre incident 12-year-old boy shot a cop or in a bizarre incident 12-year-old boy shot two people in a park and the police who were there did nothing. very hard to discuss this. of course it is tragic.
patti ann: we were just showing a photograph of the toy gun, it looks very realistic even from some law enforcement professionals who said if somebody was waiting that at them they would absolutely think it was real. the woman who called 911 said the guy may be a kid and the gun was probably fake. the dispatcher did not tell the cops that but some are arguing if a civilian was able to figure out the gun might be fake, the cops should have hesitated for a second. >> that is a great point and when we're talking about these split-second decisions, that is what we are talking about because it was literally a second after the police arrived at the park. that is one of the reasons the family released the tape to begin with. it is about to show how quickly the police responded. because of a split-second decision and the real fault is
why didn't the dispatcher say there is an eyewitness who believes this to be a child, possibly a fake gun but when the police arrived that is not what they were told. we believe it to be a 20-year-old. that is his perception immediately after the shots were fired. that would be very critical. what they are thinking. those utterances moments after the shot it really lends to what we were thinking at the time. >> still have a finger on the trigger, somebody who thinks it is not a pellet gun. what happens next, what should happen, what do you expect to happen? >> first of all the point he
made is one of the key factors in whatever litigation is how realistic the gun looks, it did look very realistic. the other thing is how far away the police were. whether or not a criminal charge, that will be difficult because you can't tell necessarily they split-second how old somebody is and obviously can't tell the status of the weapon. and it a civil case, the reasonableness of a split-second decision may provide quite a bit of a defense. but we need a policy discussion coming out of all these incidences on how we can nullify people without killing them. >> and is it responsible for manufacturers to make twice that are this realistic? and for parents to buy them. >> that is a great point, penny. this toy gun had an orange tip
which is what gives everyone to say it has to be a toy. it was actually taken off, another issue. patti ann: we have to leave it there. thank you so much and happy thanksgiving. >> thanks to you. eric: store owners may have an unusual way to stop shoplifters. a mall cop for the 21st century. it doesn't sleep, doesn't eat and doesn't need a lunch break and you only have to pay at once. would that stop anybody, do you think? and thanksgiving day, traffic across the highways and in the air. we got hit with winter weather that caused havoc on one of the busiest travel days of the year. the holiday travel update coming up. cocoa or eggnog?
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eric: you can enjoy a gift-free thanksgiving today. we are about to face an avalanche of nutrition information about almost everything we eat. fox news correspondent has the story from washington. >> whole new wrath of federal relations taking everything everything from calorie counts to the environment to the internet. >> steve, you are hereby pardoned. >> a president may have offered a presidential pardon plea turkeys, but movie theaters, vending machines and small restaurant chains will get no such reprieve, they will soon be required to post calorie counts. >> movie theaters are included, bowling alleys, convenience and grocery stores included as well as restaurants. >> while the national restaurant association is in favor because it would replace patchwork of state rules, small restaurant chains may have to spend a lot of money and lab fees to figure
out how many calories are in a slice of pizza. driving the cost up. new line galatians don't stop there. the obama administration announced new proposed rules to crackdown the new ozone relations improving health, but they will also cost up to $15 billion making them the most expensive environmental regulations in u.s. history. >> she may be imposing more more cost on businesses make it difficult to invest? should be imposing more cost on businesses that drive up the cost of energy not just for manufacturers who are third of the nation's energy supply but for every consumer including senior citizens desperately trying to pay their home heating and cooling bills. >> and then there is the internet which is largely regulation free. the debate over net neutrality, some being charged than others could be to relations treating the net like a utility. among other things, that could mean new fees for consumers like
you see on your phone bill. the fcc will have to decide to compose the new regulations. the president would like to see them. in washington, fox news. patti ann: a minnesota boy has something thankful for. getting a new grip on life. fitted with a robotic hand, born with only a thumb on his right hand. it was actually developed by high schoolers, believe it or not, in a technology class. after nine months of work, they used the 3d printer to create the design. >> i don't want to call it disabilities, but to give them a feeling of a wholeness or to raise their self-esteem. >> if it gives them something, just an idea, strength to move
forward, anybody missing something, that is huge. patti ann: the family says it is already changing johnny's life. great for the students. eric: oil prices have been plunging today following a decision overseas. good news for us, they say with priceprice is likely to keep on falling. but it will mean for our wallet. >> from afghanistan, i would like to give a shout out to my family and friends and happy thanksgiving.
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plus enjoy special savings when you purchase any new verizon wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more. eric: they will keep their current production target despite rising supply and plunging prices. prices will continue falling.
the national average price per gallon of regular gasoline is $2.80. your ago $3.29, so will it keep dropping? an expert on energy joins us now. if the shakes wants to keep the bill at their level now and prices are dropping, what will they turn off the spigot? >> this goes back to having supply and demand. if it iif you disrupt supply, te demand will change. it has driven the price is down, this is an acceptable. eric: what do you think they're going to do? >> they want to see the profit it will disrupt the supply making us more hungrier for oil meeting we will have to go.
eric: what are the chances of that? >> they do control the oil and supply and the whole planet. i believe that could potentially happen. eric: north america shell, with american crude, so some point they say we can pump more oil than they can. >> we could come but we have to go back to understanding and the u.s. refineries, they haven't been built, so we're still importing gasoline and petroleum products so we have high yield on that as well. eric: do think the phone prices will continue, how will that affect the rest of the economy? >> it could continue for a bit more, you will have short term based on the holidays we are approaching the short-term high demand for this which would allow the prices to go up a
little bit, we are in a cycle where we're looking at whether they will allow that to continue to happen, i think that is an big question. eric: so the short-term we are okay. what about natural gas? this it is for a percent lower but natural gas is creeping up. >> looking at where we are right now, york for example northeast approaching the winter where natural gas we used to keep the homes warm so this is expected for the price to be up. will that change an effect how much depending on that heating oil as well to keep ourselves warm. eric: prices, gallons of gasoline down, we will be there for a while until opec decided to do something or another. thank you so much. happy thanksgiving. patti ann: one wild turkey has spent a year befor befriending a
family but now that it is thanksgiving day, it is a deadly decision for the bird? >> she eats every day, she is getting eager and plumper. i had with terrible chest congestion. better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go!
mhere's our new trainer! ensure active heart health. heart: i'm going to focus on the heart. i minimize my sodium and fat... gotta keep it lean and mean. pear: uh-oh. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium... and phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. major: i'm feeling energized already. avo: new delicious ensure active heart health supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. ensure. take life in.
>> a robot could be coming soon it a shopping mall near you to help with security. it is the night scope five k and
the job is to provide monitoring using camera and gps and phones. and feeds back to the operation center. >> give the work to the robot and send alerts to the security and allow the humans to to strategic work. >> they are urging the malls to buy the robot. the robots will be there next year. >> i if that would stop them. >> and the turkey, giblets and wild turkey. giblets is now considered part of the family. >> had he is out here, he comes up to them.
>> she's never going to be hurt as long as she stays here. >> are you having a thanksgiving dinner. >> what are you having? >> turkey. >> no relation to giblets. >> and well, they will have turkey but not him or her, thank goodness part of the family. >> and giblets. >> and fox news alert. the storm that wrecked so many travel plans sparking power outages in the northeast and leaving hundreds of thousands in the dark on thanksgiving day. welcome to a new hour of "happening now". >> the out ages affecting people from virginia to new england and could be days before the power is all restored in north carolina they are working to to clear the road ways down south and trying to make sure
everybody can be home safely for the holday. brian has the latest. and some people will have cold turkey dinners this holiday. >> a lot of giblets that will be safe for the families. there are estimated 400000 people without power as of this thanksgiving morning. in new york, pennsylvania, and west virginia, 80000 of them live in maine. but the hardest hit is new hampshire. 200000 people are in the dark. they are experiencing the fourth largest power i out alm after 18 inches fell in the state yesterday. power will not be restored in time for thanksgiving dinner and warn they could be left without electricity for days. >> the snow blew the drive way and i took a shower and
everything went upon black. so since then, it is a cool night and we'll just hope the power comes up quickly. >> he told them he is planning on going to his daughter's house who has power this evening. and the snow and rain created havoc. 751 flights were cancelled nationwide. and compare that on the day before 140 cancellations and the roads are icy and slippery. and in new jersey governor chris christie declared a state of emergency where 200 accidents were reported and people are urged to remain cautious. >> it is slippery and wet. i have three sweaters and
a scarf and two pairs of socks and trying to keep as warm as i can. >> we have 17 people over and they got to eat. we need supplies. >> parts of new england could see more snow tonight. and thankfully the worst weather is behind us eric. >> it is important they get to where they want to go safely. >> and then you can enjoy the dinner. >> happy thanksgiving. >> it is it a calmer scene in ferguson now. a handful of people gathering downtown for a pro community car cruise and a few groups took to demonstrations that are mostly peaceful. it is a welcome site after the violence following the grand jury decision. but protest remain heated in other cities. more than 200 arrests in los
angeles yesterday. >> the police department of los angeles want to facilitate genuine first amendment activity. however, we'll not condone nor will we allow individuals to trample the rights of others in pursuit of the amendment rights. >> and one person was arrested for felony batter ary. the crisis in ferguson is fuelling new calls for police around the country to wear cameras. miriam, kansas is issuing cameras to the police officer. that dispouts the claims of police misconduct. >> i don't think our officers are doing anything wrong. but if they are, i want to know and i want citizens to be able to tell me, i think your officer was doing something he or she was not supposed to. i can go fine the video and look
at it together. >> the merram police department used a grant money to buy the cameras. >> how would you like to be flying along and look out of the airline and window, you can so something buzzing there. there are warnings that commercial airliners are facing the threat. there is a surge between commercial airliners and drones. there have been 25 close calls since last june. most incident in take offs and landings. mike emmanuel focusing more on this. >> close calls reported from new jersey, kansas and hawaii. the fa a receives 25 reports from pilots who have sewn model planes or drones operating near the aircraft. others are reported by helicopters and commercial
airline crows. the reports range from unmanned aircraft sightings without impact to other pilots and aircraft, to onna a few occasion pilots altering course to avoid an unmanned aircraft. a lot of the reported sightings are near the major airports on the east coast near newark and jfk. and in washington. there are 25 sitings since john by pilots and air traffic controllers spotting drones near restricted air space. in many cases they weigh less than ten pounds and have cameras and just a now feet in diameter. and a group that represents the firms that makes drones notes with half million unmanned aerial vehicles in our air space there are no accidents.
close call talk could lead to a restrictive rule that could stifle the innovation in our country. the majority of the drone owners are operating them safely. fa an officials say the reports are just sitings and pilots did not alter the course. and it could be attributed to pilot awareness and better reporting and record keeping. >> there was one above me in my head and going buzz. and i was like that is a drone and if you are in the airplane, the people who supports drones say that the faan is over reacting to this. >> reporter: they are pointing that there are half million out there. but if one gets in a jet engine, you have a big problem there and there are concerns about the
right balance. innovation going forward and also safety for the flying public. if you are a pilot and seeing a drone near by it would be alarming. >> and this summer it was alarming. the patty ann. >> a sales pitch for obama care. promoters of health care are hitting the malls all over the country. >> reporter: at the mall you might be inundated on flyers about obama care. they are allowing the health care navigators to hawk obama care around the country. it may be difficult to hawk anything in the crowd. there is open enrollment version 2.0 that appears to be going
smoother than the disaster last year. the new program focused on outreach than it does on the celebrity advertising. still at lost one democrat is having second thoughts of pushing obama care through after the obama win in 2010. >> it was not a change we were required to make. they wanted more jobs and not changes in health care. >> reporter: it appears on black friday, you and the taxpayers will be paying full price. >> leland vitter in washington, thank you. >> mitt romney said it over and over again i am not running for president in 2016. republican voters feel otherwise. we will have the results of the new gop pole and the race for the white house.
and the president is saying thanks to our servicemen and women overseas and making phone calls to the american troops thanking them for their service in the country. and one country is hosting a very special service. we'll take you there live and what they are doing and where. cocoa or eggnog? toasty or frosty? exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime!
your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. don't miss the ultimate sleep number week going on now. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. silent night not so silent? elk bellow sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. give the gift of amazing sleep only at a sleep number store. this week only, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number.
hello... i'm an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing.
so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> a new poll shoes that gop voters is supporting mitt romney. he is getting more support going into 2016. and that includes more than florida governor jeb bush. the only problem is romney is not interested. do you believe that? >> joining us is pete snyder and ceo of disrupture capitol.
and the democratic strategist and former communication director for john corzoin. pete and steve thank you for joining us. is romney going to run? >> absolutely not. i take the goff govern at his word. there is a decent amount of good will with the republican governor. he was right on the issues on putin and the sdaefrt that is obama care and right in drawing a hard line in the middle east. >> if he is so right, why will he not go do it? >> i think republicans are looking for something new. when barak obama said voters are going to be looking for a new car smell and kind of a dig at hillary clinton. and i think republicans are looking for a new face. >> hillary; stove does she have
the new car smell. she is ahead in the polls, but people might say who else is there? >> the democrats would be be thrilled for mitt romney to run again. he would lose the third time. but it does speak to republicans and cultivate hopeful candidates in the way they did with george bush. they have had a successful strategy on obama is a failure thaw heard in poet's intro. that only works while obama is president. you will have candidates that have compoting vision for america. >> who could it be? >> i think hillary clinton, and good candidates.
jim web and former governor of montana and martin omolly. on republican side i don't so them as the sint rift. >> this is a problem. great thing is, on thanksgiving we have a lot of options to choose from. we have entros and side dishes and a bunch of governor from the midwest. the democrats are only serving one thing and they are left overs that are rewarmed and called hillary clinton and that is the only option for democrat voters. >> they are serving something that the american like. >> reheated and rejected. >> hold on, that happens to be thorough that there is a candidate already who is almost declared jim web and other candidates that are are good candidates. and the republican for the republican men ow it is a men u
people tend not to like. right wing and idea logical. >> hold on. rejected in five out of six. >> you got left wing and right wing on any bird at the table. let's talk about jim web. elizabeth warren may not run. bernie sanders or someone from the democratic party. you think they will challenge hillary in a way? >> i think so. and it is good and healthy for the party and i think it is important for democrats to not allow themselves to get locked in a lefty box. elections for president are won from the center and won on hopes and aspirations and not on negativity and america is going to fail, which is what the republican message has been last six years. >> and just as a republican
message, look at what senator schummer said about obama care, pete, he said we did the wrong thing. >> i never thought i would agree with chuck schummer. barak obama won in 2008 and people wanted him to focus on the economy and instead he rammed the obama care vote. his party is in chaos and all they have as an buyer is warmed over hillary clinton. and i am hopeful about the republican choices we have. senator ran paul could be terrific and we have good focused republican governors out there and it resonated in the past year. people want a change. >> resume this past year not liking the president. i would like to so the 2016
hillary clinton and ran paul. >> i would take that any day of the week. >> you are right on both sides. you got stuffing and cranberry sauce and chestnuts but don't know which candidate is the turkey. >> happy thanksgiving, eric. >> patty ann. >> do you ever wonder why you get sleepy after thanksgiving dinner? >> most people blame the turkey. turkey doesn't have much more of triptofan than chicken and beef. it is the ca rbes. potatoes and pumpkin pie. they load us up with glucose. >> and no pecan poi today. >> good news for cigarette smokers.
>> the centers for disease control said fewer than 15 percent of the american adults were smoking this year. that is the lowest since statistics were kept in 1965. the u.s. has a long way to go to help the healthy 2020 target. they hope to bring adult smoking down below 12 percent. and islamic terrorist of isis, what we are trying to do to to peoplely take them out. and out of the world thanksgiving, our american astronauts, they are up there and we used to know all about that. they are flying up around the cosmos and how they are celebrating the thanksgiving holiday next. happy thanksgiving to my family.
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>> right now overseas a terrorist attack on afghanistan. a homicide bomber targeted a british vehicle in kabul. kabul has been under daily attacks in recent weeks as insurgents continue their war. the president this week he will be keeping more troops in afghanistan than first planned. >> it may be an american holiday, but thanksgiving is appreciated in other places in the world. today marked with a special celebration in a world famous church in the uk.
hi, amy. >> ashes parentally, the average american travelled 214 to get to loved ones over the thanksgiving holiday. and for people who live abroad 215 miles will not take you to the people who are nearest and dearest to you. for many americans in london a special service in st. paul's cathedral. it is a special place. >> before the turkeys were popped in the ovens cross the pond. there was sounds in the st. paul's of american the beautiful. and preparations for the american service under way. and the musical director warming up. it is about welcoming the american community to st. pauls.
it is great to share the energy and enthusiasm. >> american choirs joined st. paul's. there is the american memorial chapel built to commemorate americans who died defending europe in world war ii. >> they spoke at length about the meaning of the holiday. >> you count the first blessings and so thankful for the blessings we have and same time remembering those around the world who need more blessings. we bring the thankfulness and need to do more for others on thank thank. >> i imagine the people in the service today and in their hearts and prayers were grateful for many things in life and in the mean time thankful to it
st. pauls for hosting a special event. >> amy kellogg, live in london. thank you, and happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. >> another thanksgiving held up over the earth. the astronauts in the international space station are chowing down. there is aridated smoked turkey and thermalized blue berry cobbler and freeze tried dressing. how about that? >> you can still try it if you like thanksgiving. >> i would try anything blue berry. >> when you are up there you get used to it for a while. >> oh, boy. u.s. special forces and a mission overseas.
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>> the fight against islamic terrorist with isis. the u.s. is now shifting more attack and surveillance aircraft from afghanistan to wipe out isis in iraq and syria.
>> reporter: we are talking about heavy firepower at this point. not only reaper drones, but atten thunder bolt 2s, that are known as tank busters and war hogs. take a look. u.s. air force officials say the fighters were redeployed in afghanistan and a ratified in an undisclosed base on november 17th- 21st. they are known for the machine guns mounted on the nose it is the largest automatic weapon used on the aircraft. and over all heavy firepower capability and sweeping in low and attacking enemy tanks and ground positions as well.
and we saw them used by the wars in afghanistan and iraq. military officials said reaper drones will be redeployed from afghanistan. to date as we reported, the u.s. is using drones and bombers and f- 18 hornest and apache helicopters along with help with coalition force aircraft as well. and as far as the air strikes go. the latest numbers she more than 1000 air strikes in august in iraq and syria and the questions remain whether the air strikes are doing enough. they have weakened isis' positions and the mill at that point group in iraq and syria, but clearly have not destroyed isis and the militants and continuing the debate at this point, eric on whether a large
ground scale operation is necessary. >> we are told it will likely take a few years, patty ann. >> details about a daring u.s. raid in yemen. but when our commandos swooped in the province. they found eight other hostages but not the american. joining us is lee ferris and the author of the lost spring and u.s. policy on the middle east and catastrophes to avoid. five hostages were moved from the cave days before the raid, what do you make of that? >> the problem in yemen, there is chaos. we have depend relation with the counter terrorism units. we trained most of them. the rest of the army is infiltrated and it is possible there are leaks from the army to
other organizations including to al-qaeda and could be to iranian factions and it is not an easy landscape to work in especially with an american or european hostages on the ground. >> details are kept quiet. but we are learning more now. what did we learn about the raid in yemen, if anything? >> we are learned on one hand and also and how far the yemeni armed fores can help us. and the situation is deteriorating and in the north, you have pro iranian militias and in the south, and in the center al-qaeda is spreading. al-qaeda in yemen is stronger than the killing of the most important player in yemen or osama bin laden. and so this country in my view will probably be the next iraq in the region.
>> you say that iran is pushing allies to seize the country to provoke a reaction from al-qaeda? >> we have focused on isis and isil in syria and iraq but not paid attention to what the iranians are doing in yemen. they are pushing in northern yemen to seize the capitol. but the factions are pushing to take over the country and so al-qaeda now in reaction as happen in iraq are seizing the large portions of the country. we are not facing one threat, but two threats in yemen. >> and in iran, the a yatolla is saying he's not opposed to extending the nuclear talks. >> the negotiation with the iranian regime is about them gaining time and outmaneuvering
washington. meanwhile they are working on the long range missile. a nubbing without a long range missile is a sitting duck and now they have another six months and about yemen. iran y is penetrating yemen and iraq and syria and lebanon. and unfortunately our failure in putting an end to the program is going to lead to a stronger iran in the next few weeks and months and years. >> you believe that the country will be divided in pieces? >> yemen is showing just that. it is witnessing what happen in iraq and maybe in syria, the south is going to call for susession and there will be a fight over that. and the north in control of the iran and militias and the rest
will be a fight in the center. and fragmented country and it is a controlled the accesses to the red sea and access to the suez canal. and we saw rebels taking control of a compound that it belonged to a powerful tribal clan. you have rebels and tribes fighting. how does that play into it? >> that's what the iranians are trying to do. they are backing the militia and taking one compound after another and waiting weeks or months and they will get to the coast. and then they could get support. and on the red sea. we are deployed in the persian gulf and now they are deployed in the red sea behind us. >> and al-qaeda, we'll see from al-qaeda the hostage taking
situation? >> there is a competition between al-qaeda and isis over the leadership of the jihaddist worldwide. isis is brutal and killing on on tv. al-qaeda has done that in the past. will they seize and display as much violence or will they use the hostages to exchange them with other al-qaeda detain owe in guantanamo or europe or other locations. we'll have to wait and see. >> walid phares thank you for joining us. >> happy thanksgiving to you. >> and to you, too. >> speaking of thanksgiving, a lot of folks spending time in the kitchen. and maybe you popped the turkey in the oven. here is unique advice from the the first graders and the fox affiliate in austin, texas.
gobble. >> reporter: they know how turkeys sound. >> turkeys are smashing. you have to sneak up on them. >> and how to catch them. >> i think they run away. >> you have a boyand arrow. joishgs twas the night before thanksgiving. the first graders know all about thanksgiving. and what it takes to cook a turkey. >> i like turkey. you bake it in the oven. and then you get all of the bones out. it is just one of my favorites. >> it tastes really good. >> sometimes you have to take it off. and put it in the microwave. i cook it wi a frying pan. >> reporter: what do you put on the turkey to make it taste
good? >> i don't know. >> ketchup on it. i don't put anything on. it >> maybe spicy sauce and spicy sauce. >> reporter: the 6 and 7 years olds say turkey is not the only thing on the table. >> what is that type of stuffing, is it stuffing? i never tried stuffing. >> i like to oat stuffing and cockies and bread. >> we do other stuff sometimes you have ham and rolls and all kinds of stuff including corn. that's what people like. >> i guess carrots. and i will eat apples and aspargus. i don't really like. it>> reporter: visions of turkey legs dance in our head. thanksgiving is about more than
the meal. >> i invite my family over to my house and gather around them and say what i am thankful for. >> i am thankful for texas. >> that is the spirit of thanksgiving. and especially like bar-b-que sauce on turkey. thank you from austin. this thanksgiving day. they are thankful in buffalo, new york. mostly cloudy and 36 degrees. they are cleaning up after seven feet of snow. for some people it could be a long time before it gets back to normal. and we'll have tips from an expert on how we all travel smarter. i would like to wish my family happy thanksgiving in jackson, mississippi. i miss you and see you soon.
happy holdays. cocoa or eggnog?
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is right for you. >> western new york is still cleaning up from the massive snowfall. the epic snow nearly wiped out one business completely. rick has more. >> reporter: twisted metal and shattered glass, two and half acre of greenhouses crushed under the weight of the buffalo freeshish snow storm. >> we have seen four feet of snow. but never 6 or 7 in 30 hours. it started wet and heavy and just sat. >> mark is a fourth generation farmer and he and his brother grow vegetables and flowers and they lost 85000 starter plants in one area and estimating damages in the millions. >> demolition is the focus.
>> and stable otherwising the water pipes and the boiler roms and shutting them down and freeze and are a total lost. this was rebuilt six years ago and the weight of the snow was too much for the glass panels and this is the result. >> workers are trying it salvage one of the structures. >> you have a lot of work to do. >> yes. 20 degrees nights are not working in my favor for the next 3 or 4 months it is the worst time of year to build a greenhouse. we build them in our vegetable season. it is bad timing. >> you don't have a choice. >> no choice. i see the sun come up tomorrow. >> mark has plenty to be thankful for. insurance will cover some of the losses and the kindness of friends and neighbors is helping to put the farm back on track.
>> and you know mother nature is refouzing to coptwith the holiday plans of travellers. there are things to control and avoid delays and travel smarter. we have setting joining us now. i am glad you made it in. if you are traveling this holiday accept, what can we do to avoid those issues? >> yeah, eric when you see the doctoreded word and cancelled. airs do a good job of finding us the next vaebl seat to the airport we aretraveling. if you are flying to new york laguardia but don't mind newark and jfk and that will get you nearer where you need. tell the airline. and make sure they have your contact information. and so when you get the text and cull us, you can do it soon as
possible. and beyond that, technology is great and mobile boarding passes and keep a paper copy. when things go wrong you want to have a paper record. >> if they say the flight is cancelled, you're lying there on the carpet. what are our rights when it comes to the ticket or refund. what the airline obligated to do. >> reporter: first of all the gate agent will say go stand in the long line. and if you get in the line, call the airline as well. you are competing for few empty seats and whatever you can do in purpose or on the phone gives you a better shot. and airlines have certain obligations and when it is weather related, they are off of the hook for a lot and they will be flexible about you changing your plans.
it will be close to where you are going. and one time we flew on christmas and no one was on the flight. can you do that and move your itinary to avoid that mad rush. >> reporter: even that is getting more difficult than usual. that used to be the old trick. everybody wants to fly on wednesday. but fly on thanksgiving and no one is flying that day. airlines have realized, if there is less demand for travel today in thanksgiving, why fly the same schedule. and so basically it is it an effort to keep fares up. just like mcdonald, not as many people will not eat the hamburgers. they don't make as many. the airlines can keep the fares up and not as many empty seats and cancelled flights yesterday, are not finding a day full of
flights today. it is good for them and not good for consumers. >> when they cancel the flights, it is like they get going? the next day, you've got people on those flights that are booked. >> exactly. and that's where the picture is kind of mixed. one thing airlines do now that's very different from the old days, they used to just try to fly as long as they could. when the storm hit, you had all these planes and people stranded everywhere. well, you might remember, the government actually changed the rules a few years ago. they have this tarmac delay rule where airlines can be fined literally millions of dollars for one plane load of people stranded away from the gate for more than three hours. so airlines have said, we're going to do anything possible to avoid that. so what they do is, they proactively cancel hundreds, sometimes thousands of flights to avoid the possibility of that. so the upshot is, you don't see as many of those really terrible situations anymore. that one plane load full of people that we hear about.
but they actually end up inconveniencing more people than before albeit in a smaller way. >> at least that way you're not delayed, even if it's canceled. all right. thank you so much for joining us. and happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving to you, eric. the christmas spirit taking over one major city. a nighttime parade, artificial snowstorm, the works. we'll show you where this is all happening. it says here that a won's sex drive increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disse. keep hrt-healthy. live long. eat the 100% goodness of post shreddedheat. doctorrecommend it. .. ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm... amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. mhere's our new trainer! ensure active heart health.
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right now an amazing reunion decades in the making. two families who are also good friends, separated by war and time. now, they have something new to be thankful for. lauren green has this touching story. >> reporter: the year 1939,
hitler's germany attacks poland. britain forced to declare war on germany. world war ii begins. for jews in europe, there is no safe place. such was the case for the polish wechsler family who operated a mill on the farm of their catholic friends. but they were in great danger to themselves hid the wechslers. one was 5, one 13. both families survived the war. and haven't seen each other for 69 years until this week. an emotional reunion as the now elderly women see each other for the first time since the end of the war. i think my heart would explode from the happiness, said elena. i thought i wou never be given the chance to see amira. amira said she was very controlled, but a lot of emotion. helena recounted the dangers. she was staying at the house with her mother and the germans were staying a hundred feet from our house.
the reunion was brought up by bringing holocaust survivors to the families who denied nazi rule to obey a higher law. >> i think it's important, it's not dead history. >> reporter: joining the reunion, some of mira's children and grandchildren, realizing that without this family's sacrifice, mira may not have survived the war and they would not be here. the intergenerational reunion only possible because one christian family helped their jewish neighbors. in new york, lauren green, fox news. new york city had its macy's thanksgiving day parade today. that's not america's only holiday spectacle. in bellview, washington, the tenth anniversary of the over the top christmas extravaganza.
it takes over the streets in bellview outside seattle. there's a nightly parade with fake snow, and it brings lots of business to the huge shopping center and provides jobs to local teens
. welcome to a new hour of happening now. in the wintry mix of snow, rain and ice, creating massive delays today. it is one of the busiest travel days of the year. 46 million of us hitting the road. >> it doesn't do you any good to get upset. because it's mother nature. she does what she wants to do and you have to just kind of go with it. >> very true. >> just go with it. hello, happy thanksgiving. >> we have a lot coming up for you in this hour. john and jenna are off today. historic snow levels in west virginia. records also broken in albany, new york, and concord, new hampshire. where there's more than ten inches of accumulation.
this winter weather slog may not even be over yet. meteorologist maria malena has more from the fox extreme weather center. hi, maria. >> thank you. we saw significant storm bring all kinds of snow totals across places like west virginia, up into maine, with many areas seeing more than a foot of snow. you can see portions of west virginia picking up to 20 inches, in new hampshire seeing up to 18.4 inches. that storm system is now out of here, leaving behind cold temperatures. we have lake-enhanced snow showers as far south as pennsylvania and ohio, lingering snow showers as well. across portions of upstate new york. across the pacific northwest on this thanksgiving day, we do have another storm system rolling through producing areas of rain and showers along the 5 through oregon, and also washington state. and lingering snow showers across portions of the northern rockies. but overall, thanksgiving day is very quiet weather-wise. most of the country looking at dry conditions. we have cold temperatures across
portions of the midwest and northern plains. highs only in the teens in cities like fargo. meanwhile, across parts of the south, a lot of sunshine. very pleasant temperatures. fall-like in the 40s in atlanta. you're in the 60s, though, in places like tampa, houston, tulsa. southern california, 84 degrees for the high in l.a. sunshine and clouds. back to you. >> meanwhile, on this thanksgiving, streets of ferguson, missouri, calming down after this week's violence. last night's protests were mostly peaceful. snow and winter weather keeping many demonstrators away. on the third night since that grand jury decided not to indict officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. we're in ferguson with the latest today. hi, mike. >> reporter: eric, i don't think anybody was complaining about the bad weather last night. because it really changed the picture out here. you had a small handful of demonstrators here in ferguson
in front of the city police department. for the most part they stood in front of the national guardsmen who were standing sentry at the city police headquarters there. they took off walking a couple of different directions. a little bit of skirmishes, no major clashes. only two people were arrested. we can show you video from inside of the ferguson market and liquor. that's really where this all got started. that is where the cigars were stolen by mike brown. well, the looters busted through the front door there. you can see in the video, someone starts a fire, sprays an accelerant on top of that fire. something that people are pointing to as kind of a heart-warming moment through all of the destruction and all of that looting, is that someone takes milk. it looks like milk, anyway, and pours it on top of the fire to prevent it from becoming one of the burned-out hulks we see up and down the avenue here. the sun is out right now. however, most people are
predicting a calm day. looking to friday and saturday where there is some information that there might be some trouble then. eric? >> mike, thank you very much for that report. patty ann? the 18-year-old minnesota terror suspect accused of trying to travel to syria to join isis is out of jail this morning. a magistrate releasing the 18-year-old without bail into the custody of his parents. he will be required to turn over his u.s. passport. the 18-year-old is charged with conspiracy to provide material support to isis. prosecutors have already appealed the magistrate's decision. best-selling crime novelest pety james died this morning. james penned more than 20 books, including children of men, the murder room, and death comes to peberly. millions of her books are sold around the globe. some applied for television and film. just last year, james said she was working on another detective story. her agent said she died peacefully in her home in oxford, england. p.d. james was 94 years old.
in case you haven't noticed, black friday has morphed into black thursday. people already lining up at some stores nationwide hoping for deals and markdowns. rob lowe from our affiliate fox 31 in denver has a few ideas for getting the most bang for your uck. >> reporter: no one has to camp outside walmart since it's open 24 hours. but 6:00 p.m. thursday is one-hour guarantee begins. hot items like headphones, nearly half off at $179. 65-inch vizio tv for $648. rca tablet for just $79. >> if you're in line between 6:00 and 7:00, you're going to get that item, either that night or before christmas. >> reporter: still, we met customers who would rather not wait for black friday and steep discounts. >> i'd rather not. i would rather get it now that there aren't as many people.i d it. if i have to stand in line for a couple of hours.
>> reporter: jolene is just the opposite. we found her at best buy with pad in hand, scouting the best black friday deals. >> you've got to have the whole deal on thanksgiving. this is part of thanksgiving. i think it's called thanks shopping. >> reporter: television and tablets are at the top of her list. panasonic may be tough to beat. >> it's normally $550, for $200. >> reporter: plus 55-inch samsung curve for $1,400, and computer items heavily discounted. >> almost all of our laptops, at least $100 to $200 off. >> reporter: melissa still isn't sure she'll come out black friday. >> whether or not i want to brave the masses, if i want to be out here with a lot of people, it's a little overwhelming. >> reporter: it's why target are offering customers door maps. to get a deal like the tv, before the shopping even begins. >> anything related to "frozen" is huge. and legos, that's always big.
>> reporter: for the first time, target offers gift cards 10% off. if you can't decide what to buy on black friday, you can still save later. >> how about that. there's been a major shift in north korea. it's always been all in the family there. another blood relative moves closer to the kingdom's communist dictator. the tea party getting a big boost thanks to president obama. how his immigration decree may be putting new win in the party's sails. before we go, we asked you to tell us which topics are off-limits on your family thanksgiving day dinner. here's what you had to say. >> just don't say anything bad about the food. >> never talk about religion. >> politics. >> politics. >> politics. >> anything with politics. i'm an idaho potato farmer
and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. so my buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it's out there somewhere spreading the word about america's favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart association's go red for women campaign. if you see it i hope you'll let us know. always look for the grown in idaho seal. -seltzer plus presents the cold truth. i have a cold, with terrible chest congestion. better take something. i'll catch up later. awww... truth is, theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really?
new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go! woooo! woooo! and now, alka-seltzer plus has a complete line of powders to treat your worst cold symptoms.
a dictator keeping it in the
family. his younger sister has been elevated to a senior position in the ruling workers party. her name is kim yo jong. now a departmental vice director of the central committee. the official announcement seen as a confirmation of her rise to the ranks of being a trusted adviser to her brother who is the dictator kim jong-il. president obama's executive action on immigration has the tea party all fired up, and some activists are predicting that come the 2016 elections, it could become a bigger issue than obamacare. eric erickson is fox news contributor. president obama is said, has provided a blast of energy for the tea party. do you agree? >> yeah, i definitely think so. we're seeing it around the country. in fact, you're seeing republicans who prior to the election was open to the plan, now taking a tough stance against it, sounding very much
like the tea party, some of them even campaigned against. >> much is being made of this discord between the gop establishment and the tea party. and we certainly saw some of that in the midterms. but you say they're not as far apart as they seem. >> well, if you listen to even the language of the establishment republicans who won, and even beat tea party activists in primaries, they're running on appealing obamacare and sealing the border, which was the tea party message all along. they may have beaten tea party activists, but they've adopted their message to do it. >> so the tea party pushed the gop to the right? >> right. >> so what do you predict for 2016? you know, there's this backlash that always happens against the tea party, you know, a lot of the democrats saying this candidate is a tea party guy, as a very bad thing. >> well, but if you look at the polling, the tea party per se, isn't necessarily popular. less than 50% polling.
but the issues they run on are popular, repealing obamacare, sealing the border. they don't need to run under the tea party label. most of the national tea party groups aren't going to be putting candidates forward. but people will run with their message. the message matters more than the actual tea party organization. >> so, you feel that it's almost -- you're not saying they should hides their tea party a fal yags. >> no, no. >> that they should downplay the term tea party, and just run on the issues. >> i think they need to run on the issues. they don't need to be affiliated, or tied directly to the tea party. they'll get attacked for it with their message anyway, but run on the message that wins. right now, we saw in 2014, 2010, to some degree in 2012, the tea party message wins even if the label doesn't. >> so in this midterm election, the tea party candidates did better in open seats than they did in challenging incumbent
republicans. >> right. yeah, the tea party, they didn't have the funding to take off incumbent republicans. for example, cochran in mississippi. but the open nebraska seat, and around the country in house races, we're going to see a much more conservative house in 2015 than we saw even from 2012 to 2014, when john boehner was having trouble corralling them already. >> you mentioned the funding. that is an issue. there are some tea party candidates whom the gop establishment won't support, trying to kind of avoid that label. is the funding situation going to change? >> well, you know, in 2016, a lot of the establishment funding will be tied into presidential races. so it will be an opportunity for grass roots to come in from behind and fund congressional and senate races in a way that all that money will otherwise be tied up in the presidential race. although the tea party has been much more successful in midterm elections. they kind of learned their lessons in how to apply funding.
>> it's not all about the funding. there's this whole online thing of just trying to get some buzz going, trying to be trending. >> right. >> is the tea party trying to get better at that kind of messaging? >> i think so. the tea party is a diverse group. local tea parties around the country at the county level tend to be much more activist and engaged than the national groups that turned their time to fund-raising. often fund-raising just for consultants and it doesn't even go to candidates. the local people are very committed to candidates and low dollar donors. i think you'll probably see in 2016 the presidential candidates rise to the top, it will be the guy who gets a lot of small dollar donors. >> yeah. eric erickson, red happy thanksgiving. >> thank you. happy thanksgiving. the supreme court justice ruth bader ginsberg has been released from the hospital and she is heading home today. one day after she received a heart stint. doctors implanted the device
after they discovered a blockage in the justice's coronary art y artery. she was taken to the hospital by ambulance on tuesday, after she experienced some discomfort while she was exercising. justice ginsberg is expected to be back at her desk at the supreme court on monday. she's seen as the leader of the court's liberal wing and has rebuffed suggestions from some that she step aside. she has also suffered from cancer. an eye-opening look into what russians think about the ukraine crisis. what they're now saying about their country's possible involvement and what they would like to see happen. also, the ferguson police shooting case takes a chilling turn. isis terrorists are offering to send militants to help protesters attack the police. we'll have details on that coming up. i'm mark graves here in afghanistan. hi, i love you, miss you, brandy, samantha and jessica, and happy thanksgiving to 3rd an3.
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a new opinion poll shows a majority of russians believe their country's troops are not fighting in eastern ukraine. 45% say they would be glad if russian soldiers were fighting there. they said russian troops are providing the backbone for ukraine's pro-russia rebels. this all coming amid new protests in ukraine over the country's inaugural session of parliament. ukraine's president calling for an immediate overhaul of its justice system. eric? patty ann, the ferguson police shooting is now beingng exploited by isis. yes, we're learning that the islamic terrorists there are now using the social media to try and urge protesters to pledge allegiance to the islamic state, vowing if they do, isis will help those protesters launch
attacks on police here in our country and in the american system. this propaganda move comes as the u.s. is deploying more air power in the battle against isis. we have a security analyst for the clarion project. ryan, this is unbelievable when isis over there starts pouncing on issues like ferguson here in our country. what does it mean? >> they want to be relevant no matter what the issue is. they say if you pledge allegiance to us, we'll help you with your rioting. what you're doing is no different than what hamas or the other jihadists do around the world. they're trying to connect with what's going on internationally to what's going on in the u.s. domestically. they say this proves the american experiment of democracy has failed. for black people, you have no place in america, you need to follow a different system, and the best system for you is sharia. >> some of the protesters might be saying, what are you talking about. some may agree. most would say, you know, we're
not protesting that. they're protesting the shooting, those issues. but radical groups like isis can try and portray it in that manner? >> right. well, first every all, it's partially in order to boost the morale of their own supporters, saying, america is crumbling internally. they're hoping to also pick off a few of the people that are angry over what's going on in ferguson. and infect them with their ideology. they want to just -- they want to be in the mix. they always want to be in the headlines. >> is there a possibility we've seen this with sympathizer in the past that there could be people who could pick up on this and sympathize. there have been arrests of several people trying to go over to syria and join isis. >> sure. that's because whether it's racist like the kkk, or radical islamic forces, there's always a common theme, which is that the u.s. government, u.s. society is out to get you. all the forces that have the evil caricature of the american law enforcement, they're responsible for creating
situations like this. >> they're tweeting this out and showing pictures. we'll just show one from the demonstration. this is an actual tweet from isis. >> the reason is because they want to characterize this as anti-american rioting. this isn't just about a shooting. that this is a way of condemning the united states as a whole. >> what are they saying in some of these tweets? >> they're saying obviously join isis, we'll come to help you. and they're even calling for people to commit beheadings. >> beheadings here in the united states. >> specifically in ferguson. >> in ferguson? >> that's what they want to happen. they want it to happen everywhere, but they specifically want it to happen in ferguson against law enforcement. >> i don't care what they say, these are savages, they're barbarians and terrorists there. what are the chances that some deluded person potentially could be brainwashed by all this junk, and actually carry something out? >> it's possible. and that's because when you have this mind-set that america is essentially evil, its very
foundations are unjust, that's thetion. isis can come in and say sharia is your answer. and isis is going to be under increasing pressure in iraq, as terrorists are being slaughtered by our military. >> there's a lot of talk about the home-grown type terrorist, we see the allegations against joe carson, with the bombing in boston. finally, is there a fear that all this stuff can get into somebody's head and that could potentially cause a lone wolf or someone could potentially carry something out? >> it can even influence people who aren't muslim. that the u.s. government, law enforcement is evil, that the violence previously forbidden becomes permissible. with the online publications that give instructions on how to create bombs and attack police,
that becomes useful for anyone that reads it. >> a lot of propaganda, a lot of trying to stir these things up. hopefully they're not successful. thank you very much. >> thank you. eric, lots of travelers are not giving thanks to mother nature this week. we'll tell you what we're seeing and what you might expect op the commute home. the grand jury determined there was no probable cause to file charges against ferguson police officer darren wilson. but that may not mean the case is over. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. really? alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime.
many folks still trying to get home for the holiday, now, after a travel nightmare. a massive storm hit the east coast making for some dangerous roads. and it canceled more than 700 flights yesterday. of course, that delayed thousands more, and knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of customers. brian has the very latest. >> hi, eric. there are an estimated 400,000 people who are now without power as of this thanksgiving morning, in new york, pennsylvania, virginia, and west virginia. now, about 80,000 of those customers live in maine. but the hardest hit state is new hampshire. where some 200,000 people are in the dark. the state now experiencing their fourth largest power outage ever, after 18 inches of snow fell in parts of the state yesterday. new hampshire officials say power will not be restored in time for thanksgiving dinner. in fact, they warn residents they could be left without electricity for days.
>> we snow blowed the driveway, and i went in about five of 9:00 and was taking a shower, and everything went black. since then it's just been a cool night. we'll just hope the power comes on quickly. >> don't worry, he told our affiliate he's planning on going to his daughter's house that has power this thanksgiving. the wintry mix of snow and rain creating travel havoc yesterday on one of the year's busiest travel days. yesterday, 751 flights were canceled nationwide, according to flight to put that in perspective on tuesday, the day before, there were only 140 cancellations. now to the roads, where they were icy and slippery, check out these dangerous conditions in monroe county, pennsylvania, about 90% of travelers choose to drive during the holidays. in new jersey, governor chris christie declared a state of emergency, where more than 200 accidents were reported. roads are still icy and people are being urged to remain cautious.
>> it's slippery, wet. i've got three sweaters, a scarf, two pairs of socks. trying to keep as warm as i can. >> we've got 17 people coming over and they've got to eat, so got to get the supplies. >> for most the worst seems to be past of us. but parts of new england could see another two to four inches by tonight. we're just getting a report actually of two children who were found after being buried in a pile of snow after a snowplow came over, in new york, they were found and they are okay. just a reminder of the dangers that happen after these storms. people have to remain vigilant and cautious. >> if you've got kids, you've got to be really careful about that. that's dangerous when the snowplows come through. the kids play in the piles of snow on the side of the road. get them in the yard, or in the park. that can be very dangerous. >> thankfully this ended well. >> that is definitely good news.
also we want everyone to at least be safe. thank you. >> no problem. the firestorm of debate continues after a prosecutor's decision to release the evidence, the grand jury reviewed in the shooting death of michael brown. while the grand jury has put an end to the state's case against ferguson police officer darren wilson, could this decision to release the documents influence future action in the case, including the justice department's ongoing investigation. joining us now whitney bone, criminal defense attorney and dan shore, former prosecutor. thank you both so much for joining us on this thanksgiving day. >> good to see you. >> you say the grand jury proceeding was a farce. because the grand jury was asked to evaluate whether there was probable cause that darren wilson did not act in self-defense. you object to that phrasing? >> i do. i think that the issue was that the prosecutor in this case, mr. mccullough, he presented it to the grand jury in a manner that to me came off as actually
dishonest. he presented it in a manner that he expected them not to issue an indictment, which kind of bastardized the whole process of having a grand jury. i think it was a farce. i think that they should have had the accountability as governmental officials, that if they thought there was not sufficient evidence to prosecute darren wilson, to stand behind that and not to take it to a grand jury and ask them to make some public validation of something that they don't have the ability to do. >> dan, how would you evaluate the prosecutor's handling of the case? >> the prosecutor's role is different than any other attorney. they're not supposed to seek a specific goal or work for a specific interest. they're supposed to seek truth and justice. different witnesses are going to be treated differently in the grand jury, and witnesses who this prosecutor thought were lying or had inconsistent statements, they were confronted in a vigorous way. other witnesses weren't. that's appropriate. then the grand jury can sift through all of that and make a decision. if people want to debate how the grand jury heard evidence, whether the prosecutor should have asked different questions
or call different witnesses, that's legitimate. but this was a complicated case and it was right for a grand jury to hear everything and reach a decision. >> we know exactly what went on because of the release of the grand jury proceedings, transcripts. whitney, you feel this might cause a chilling effect on witnesses down the road? >> i do. i think that the whole concept of a grand jury was created upon the idea that the witnesses that testified there would have a level of anonymity, and that they would not be subjected to having their identities disclosed. it was meant to protect law enforcement. it's really an odd situation where you're dealing with a cop who is now the suspect and the subject of the grand jury proceedings, but the bottom line is, i mean, it was intended to be confidential. it was intended to be secret since we developed this system back, taking it from the british system preceding the american system. so i'm concerned about what effect that will have in the future on witnesses' ability to
testify and feel comfortable doing so. >> dan, before the release, you had a lot of people objecting to the decision without even having all the facts. now they have all the facts. we learned a lot of things, including a lot of information about officer wilson's side of the story. do you support the transcript release? >> absolutely. and i agree that we want to make sure our witnesses aren't afraid to testify in a grand jury. that's why it's usually kept secret. but here their names were redacted. this is an important case for a lot of reasons. it's also a very complicated case. you have witnesses who testified in the grand jury who have very different versions of what happened that day. can you imagine what people would be saying now if the evidence and the grand jury transcripts were not released and all we heard was there was a grand jury decision not to indict? it's really important that the evidence is available to the public, so people can really look through it, read through it, and then question things that they think might not have been done right and think what they think was done correctly. >> whitney, what's next? we have a justice department investigation, a potential for a civil suit? >> right.
that's correct. the issue of whether or not they'll be able to utilize the testimony from the grand jury for the department of justice, if they decide to pursue some civil remedies against darren wilson for violating michael brown's civil rights, that will be interesting to see how that develops. but it's definitely still out there. it's still a possibility. it doesn't look likely they'll issue a federal indictment for criminal charges against darren wilson, but there's still the possibility of pursuing a violation of 1983, and michael brown's civil rights. >> dan, what do you think should happen next? >> well, certainly the federal government should investigate it. and they are, they're going to see whether they can make a case for a civil rights violation. all of the key witnesses presumably have been locked into states now in the grand jury. so those statements will be used by federal prosecutors, federal investigators. of course, a civil suit is going to come out of this. lawyers in the civil suit can also use the transcripts and prior statements as they build that case. it's all going to be relevant and it will all be used as legal
proceedings go on. >> dan and whitney, thank you both so much for joining us, and happy thanks giving. >> you, too. there was a bold smash-and-grab robbery caught on camera. a minivan crashes into the store. like one of those clown cars at the circus. all those people run out, 20 of them, and they go in and out of that store twice. police say they made off with thousands of dollars worth of designer jeans, in just under three minutes. they say this is just the latest in smash-and-grab robberies in the chicago area just this month. thieves drove a car in the louis vuitton store. uniquely american holiday that goes back to the roots as a nation. but there are celebrations happening around the world. we'll show you how the british put their mark on thanksgiving
day. the bulls are running on wall street, the dow breaking records almost on a daily basis. 20,000 average around the corner? is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. hurry into the sign-then- drive event and get a five-hundred- dollar black friday bonus on select new volkswagen models. black friday bonus offer ends december 1st.
reflections on the special relationship between the united states and the united kingdom this thanksgiving, from freedom to u.s. soldiers who fought in world war ii. hi, amy. >> hi, patty ann. well, each year there is thanksgiving service for americans at st. paul's cathedral in london. many say it is a natural home for americans here, because it hosts the american memorial chapel. that is something that was put together after world war ii. st. paul's was damaged during the blitz. and when it was being repaired, british men and women raised money for this chapel to commemorate patty ann, the 28,000 american service men who died while they were on their
way over here or during their time being based in britain, defending europe against the nazis. before turkeys were getting popped into ovens across the pond, st. paul's cathedral in london were alive with the sounds of america the preparations for this thanksgiving ceremony were under way, and u.s. marine color guard posing with the choir. the musical director warming up. >> this service is about welcoming the american community to st. paul's. it's great to be able to share the energy and enthusiasm of the thanksgiving feast. >> american choirs joined st. paul's choir in this place with special meaning for the united states. >> at the far end of the cathedral behind the main altar is the american memorial chapel. built to commemorate the americans who died defending europe during world war ii. the u.s. ambassador to london thanked st. paul for hosting the
london flock, and spoke about the meaning of the holiday. >> we count our own blessings, 1621 in the first thanksgiving, so thankful for the blessings, at the same time remembering the -- those around the world who need more blessings. so we bring both that spirit of thankfulness and the need to continue to do more for others on thanksgiving. >> patty ann, lots of thanks given today for the special relationship. and the senior pastor at the church here gave the sermon. he pointed out that only 10% of people typically give thanks to their colleagues on a regular basis for the work they do together. so i figured i should take this opportunity, patty ann, to say thank you for being a terrific colleague. >> thank you, amy, as well. happy thanksgiving to you as well. thanks. >> thanks. many u.s. troops are celebrating thanksgiving a long way from home. some eating their turkey dinners at nato headquarters in kabul,
afghanistan, marking the last thanksgiving celebration before the u.s. and nato combat mission there is scaled back. this coming december 31st. speaking of thanks, wall street is on a roll. the markets going up and up and up ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. the dow jones setting another record this week. some analysts say we're in the middle of a continuing bull market. but how long can it last. steve moore is chief economist for the heritage foundation and fox news contributor. first of all, steve, happy thanksgiving to you. >> same to you. >> it's going up and up, seems like no stopping. but that's when i get worried. >> well, look, i'm bullish. i think this market has a way to go. as you said, a few minutes ago, i think actually this market could hit 20,000 by the end of next year. we're knocking on the door of a dow 18,000. i think we could see a dow 20. by the way, i think that's because business conditions have really improved. american companies are very profitable. and the old saying that profits
are the mother's milk of the stock market, we're really seeing that in spades right now. >> you hear about europe, and they say that's going to go up and suddenly you're in a recession, and china is now a house of cards. no, it's going up. how do you sort this out? >> do you want to spoil the day here? you're right, there are some negative trends here. you're right, europe is a big minus for the world economy. it hurts the u.s. when europe is essentially in a recession. these countries like spain and italy and germany are in recession right now essentially. the u.s. is really leading the global economy right now. the way i always put it is right now the best-run companies in the world are american companies. and they are profitable. they're incredibly efficient. i would mention one industry in particular that has just been so important in terms of this turn upward in the u.s. economy, and that obviously is the oil and gas industry which is super charging the economy, not just only with jobs in that industry, but also causing a kind of nice
renaissance in american manufacturing right now. >> what do you do? if you're in the market, i mean, what would you suggest? where should we look for it? are there still bargains or is it potentially too late? >> you know, it's always really difficult to predict where the market is going to go week to week. i always tell people, stocks for the long run, if you've got a 401(k) plan or retirement plan, as you know, you want to be at least some portion, you know, at least half of your nest egg should be in the stock market. the long-term return on stocks after inflation for the last 100 years has been 7%. as i look at the economy, i think it's picking up. we've got a good number on the gdp last week. there's real reason to be confident that we have not hit the end of this bull market. it's a good time to be in stocks. by the way, if you're not in stocks, what do you want to do? buy a ten-year treasury bill at 2% interest rate? you're not going to make any money that way. >> but also, not only if you're not in stocks, and this is kind
of interesting, there is the group of people who benefit. then you've got the labor participation rate. that is so high. millions who are out of work. and can only work part-time. the effects of obamacare on those out of work and this sort of thing. how come both things don't correlate? stock market is up here and other things are down here and people are having a tough time. >> i call it a bipolar economy right now. you've got one area where the stock market is on a tear and american businesses are doing really well, and you're right, a lot of american workers have not seen a pay raise now for six years. by the way, one of the things we want to do is get more americans into the stock market. as the economy improves, and businesses improve, everybody does better. we want to be a nation of capitalists. let's hope we start to see those wages rise. because eric, it has been six years now that the average american worker has not had a pay raise. that's a big problem. >> steve moore, bipolar economy, very well put.
>> thanks for getting better. happy thanksgiving to you. >> happy thanksgiving to you. thank you. how would you like to go to the gas station and you go to pay and there are robbers in there swinging a machete. that's the terrifying scene that unfolded at one gas station, and it was all caught on tape. and this tape helped the investigation. plus, reporting on the nasty weather that's been getting in the way of the holiday plans. take a look at that. we have insider tips coming up, and how travelers can avoid some of these problems. i'm rick stole, i'm here at bagram airfield afghanistan. i want to say hi to my family back in salt lake, esther, and my two boys, joseph and gabriel. i love you. happy thanks giving.
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south florida accused of sticking up a gas station. not with a gun. look at that, with a machete. it was in hollywood, florida. they were using a giant knife to break into a coin-operated game and chased the clerk down the aisle. they traced it back to this home in florida, hollywood, florida. the two guys are now in jail. more than 700 flight delays nationwide this thanksgiving holiday left thousands and thousands of travelers cooling their heels around the country. what can you do to avoid problems? a little late for some. mark murphy is the founder and ceo of he is here with holiday travel tips. thank you for joining us. talk about the people that are half way through and stuck someplace? >> enjoy the shopping at the
airport mall. it's ironic, the airports made the airports a destination themselves because of this. >> you don't get compensated. the airlines are like we don't have control over the weather. >> if it's outside their scope of control, you are stuck. however, if they leave your stranded, even with weather issues on the plane for more than a certain number of hours, you get fined. that's why you see the proactive cancellations. the last thing they want to do is leave people stranded on the plane and $25 million per passenger. >> because of that fear of fines, they are going in the other direction. we hear about random cancellations. >> that's the law of unintended consequence. if the government is going to do this, the airlines pull back and make it worse for the traveler. you may have had a decent chance to get out.
>> what about the airline mergers? what impact have they had? >> the airlines have gotten very, very good at making money and limiting capacity. as demand picked up and the economy improved, the math picks up, cost per seat goes way up. there's 85% of all domestic travel being controlled by four major carriers, little competition on the routes. you are pretty much stuck. like out of philadelphia, i'm based near philly, you are stuck. you have to look at other airline departure places like trenton, new jersey where frontier goes out of. >> there are secondary airports, if you are near a more obscure one, you can save money. >> that's it. >> let's get to more of your tips. one is, don't travel at all. >> the travel guy says don't
travel. how ironic is that? i try to avoid peak days. i would rather travel on thanksgiving day. take the first flight out this morning rather than yesterday. that's common sense, get out of the rush hour. think of trips that don't require air travel. take a cruise out of new york city. in a day and a half, you are in the caribbean. you can do different things that save you money and headaches, that you may not have thought of. call a travel agent. they can give tips and advice about the different suppliers and how you can save cash. >> you mentioned travel agents. a lot of people are doing it themselves on the internet. are they missing out of dimpt things? >> download this app and this app, how many apps do you need? i like a human app. that human app, if i need to get rebooked, they say stand in line and call the airline. if you had a good travel agent,
they would be rebooking you. if you have status on the airline, guess what? they are moving you because of that status. they will reward you if you are loyal. they are sticking us on the fare. >> you recommend traveling off season to take your chances on the weather. >> i look at europe. i just got back. a great value. room rates were low, air rates were half the summer season. gets dark early. you are there for the culture and everything else. a lot of that is museums and food. you are inside anyway. >> yeah. >> why pay an exorbitant price if you don't have to. >> wear a sweater. >> yeah. >> mark murphy, thank you so much. happy thanksgiving. eric? >> it's not a good time of year if you are a turkey, unless you are this turkey.
this one has been hanging out for a year and a half. this is gibblets. as long as she is with them, she will always be safe from the dinner table, unlike some of her cousins. happy thanksgiving, everyone. >> i have only one shoe on right now. hey! i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today. mhere's our new trainer! ensure active heart health.
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, Tank , Combat Vehicle , Village , Weapon , Painting , World Rally Championship , Medi Cal , Birth , Tall Ship , Ship , Watercraft , Boat , Sailing Ship , Mast , Galleon , Schooner , Manila Galleon , Battleship , Waterway , Canal , Channel , Harbor , Marina , Port , River , Boating , Dock , Performance Art , Opera , Statue , Vintage Car , Antique Car , Classic Car , Middle Ages , Tradition , Religious Institute , Learning , Layered Hair , Desk , Output Device , Office , Smartphone , Ball , Icon , Emblem , Vehicle Door , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Model Car , Headlamp , Rear View Mirror , Automotive Mirror , Automotive Fog Light , Toy Vehicle , Gmc , Mini Suv , Electric Car , Billiard Ball , Individual Sports , Pocket Billiards , Precision Sports , Elliptical Trainer , Treadmill , Classroom , Education , Dining Room , Videoconferencing , Collaboration , Social Group , Animation , Christmas Ornament , Christmas Decoration , Holiday Ornament , Sphere , Infrastructure , Mecha , Automated Teller Machine , Street Light , Performing Arts , Circus , Mammoth , Bone , Elephants And Mammoths , Human Anatomy , Skull , Commercial Building , Basilica , Synagogue , Byzantine Architecture , Classical Architecture , National Historic Landmark , Christmas , Christmas Lights , Christmas Tree , Arch , Police Officer , Flower , Elephant , Festival , Pride Parade , Rebellion , Mecca , Water Resources , Watercourse , Terrain , Escarpment , Coast , Mountain , Mountainous Landforms , Canyon , National Park , Inlet , Lake , River Delta , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Club , Music Venue , Concert , Rock Concert , Infantry , Marines , Marine Biology , Bicycle Racing , Triathlon , Player , Walking , Running , Exercise , Marathon , Long Distance Running , Ice Skating , Racing , Road Bicycle Racing , Light Emitting Diode , Action Figure , Lego , Figurine , Jersey , Sports Uniform , Sportswear , Tournament , Championship , Nightshade Family , Dentures , Microphone , Road Bicycle , Hero , Justice League , Hairdresser , Electronic Instrument , Library , Reading , Teacher , Breadboard , Circuit Component , Circuit Prototyping , Everyday Carry , Electronic Engineering , Desktop Computer , Personal Computer Hardware , Tablet Computer , Shadow , Line Art , Snout , Drawing , Clip Art , Emoticon , School , Class , Academic Institution , Business School , Training , Secondary School , Private School , Engineering , Microwave Oven , Mobile Phone , Portable Communications Device , Friendship , Singer , Song , Van , Light Commercial Vehicle , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Honda , Nissan , Mitsubishi , Feature Phone , Iphone , Telephony , Telephone , Car Seat , Honda Ridgeline , Volvo Cars , Carmine , Playground , Woody Plant , Outdoor Play Equipment , Inflatable , Campus , Park , Driveway , Artificial Turf , Portable Media Player , Smoking , Coffeemaker , Precipitation , Non Commissioned Officer , Biathlon , Captain America , Avengers , Comics , Floristry , Police Car , Intersection , Nonbuilding Structure , Track Cycling , Firearm , Gun , Trigger , Handgun , Gun Accessory , Gun Barrel , Air Gun , Airsoft Gun , Ranged Weapon , Airsoft , Ammunition , Starting Pistol , Rifle , Practical Shooting , High Speed Rail , Bullet Train , Train , Railway , Maglev , Outdoor Recreation , Recreational Fishing , Fishing , Fly Fishing , Food Truck , Recipe , Cephalopod , Medicinal Mushroom , Lingzhi Mushroom , Mushroom , Crab , Baking , Comfort Food , Produce , Wedding , Groom , Bird , Galliformes , Phasianidae , Turkey , Vending Machine , Brunch , Function Hall , Town , Fence , University , Plaza , Mixed Use , College , Corporate Headquarters , Hamburger , Finger Food , Fried Food , American Food , Sandwich , Identity Document , Pizza , California Style Pizza , Sicilian Pizza , Pizza Cheese , Flatbread , Italian Food , Tarte Flambée , Asian Food , Tomato Pie , Quiche , Manakish , European Food , Focaccia , Frittata , Supper , Staple Food , Lunch , Middle Eastern Food , Turkish Food , Cookware And Bakeware , Tomato , Folk Instrument , Fish , Musical Instrument , Plucked String Instruments , Chimney , Lighthouse , Control Tower , Observation Tower , Cooling Tower , Tornado , Thunderstorm , Dome , Mosque , Palace , Listed Building , Medieval Architecture , Khanqah , Disc Jockey , Mixing Console , Typing , Drum Machine , Keyboard , Shooting Sport , Shooting , Shooting Range , Assault Rifle , Cash , Mo Ney , Banknote , Currency , Money Handling , Card Game , Dollar , Fur Clothing , Bodybuilding , Rubiks Cube , Bartender , Recliner , Playset , Birthday , Poker , Striking Combat Sports , Boxing Ring , Boxing Equipment , Boxing , Glove , Interview , Crane , Construction Equipment , Drilling Rig , Construction , Lineman , Ranch , Air Force , Military Camouflage , Fighter Pilot , Paratrooper , Floral Design , Flower Arranging , Boutique , Clinic , Health Care , Operating Theater , Party Supply , Saint Patricks Day , Kindergarten , Mother , Family , Daughter , String Instrument , Guitar , Acoustic Guitar , Hair Care , Ipad , Pda , Touchpad , Lumber , Woodworking , Track , Workbench , Workshop , Media Player , Ipod , Mobile Phone Accessories , Ipod Touch , Case , Box , Craft , Scrapbooking , Creative Arts , Birthday Cake , Chocolate , Breakfast , Fisheye Lens , Handbag , Filling Station , Gas Pump , Convention , Bear , Vertebrate , Bird Of Prey , Beak , Accipitriformes , Vulture , Zoo , Falconiformes , Andean Condor , Pleased , Modern Art , Visual Arts , Action Film , Light Bulb , Coca Cola , Sketch , Figure Drawing , Reindeer , Deer , Tail , Coloring Book , Elk , Moose , Child Art , Antler , Cow Goat Family , Antelope , Fawn , Bovine , Sweater , Hood , Collar , Coat , Costume Design , Fashion Illustration , Saab Automobile , Water Transportation , Space Shuttle , Spaceplane , Rocket , Bus , Clothes Iron , Hyundai , Ford Five Hundred , Infiniti , Toyota Prius , Toyota , Mazda Mazda5 , Hybrid Electric Vehicle , Hydrogen Vehicle , Honda Fit , Honda Insight , Toyota Yaris , Lexus Hs , Toyota Matrix , Sidewalk , Sail , Dinghy , Sailboat , Skiff , Flood , Speedboat , Rain , Minibus , Sea Turtle , Turtle , Pigeons And Doves , Hawk , Reptile , Tortoise , Common Snapping Turtle , Loggerhead Sea Turtle , Flightless Bird , Wild Turkey , Ratite , Boar , Rhinoceros , Bull , Domestic Pig , Hippopotamus , Water Bird , Duck , Ducks Geese And Swans , Waterfowl , Suidae , Pig , Beagle , Popcorn , Kettle Corn , Mixture , Food Grain , Sweet Corn , Corn Kernels , School Bus , Police Dog , Off Roading , Bald Eagle , Accipitridae , Sea Eagle , Golden Eagle , Automobile Repair Shop , Falcon , Wildlife Biologist , Hunting , Amusement Ride , Amusement Park , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Ford , Pickup Truck , Blizzard , Guard Rail , Drag Racing , Race Track , Off Road Racing , Rallying , Off Road Vehicle , Honda Element , Jeep , Hummer H3 , Jeep Wrangler , Jeep Commander Xk , Hummer H2 , Jeep Liberty , Hummer H3t , Nissan Xterra , Branch , Fir , Conifer , Pine Family , Rain And Snow Mixed , Glacial Landform , Icicle , Snow Blower , Snow Removal , Bulldozer , Snowplow , Tractor , Agricultural Machinery , Cable Car , Power Tool , Tool , Shovel , Military Transport Aircraft , Airliner , Airbus , Wide Body Aircraft , Narrow Body Aircraft , Jet Aircraft , Airbus A330 , Airbus A320 Family , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Boeing 767 , Boeing 757 , Airbus A380 , Boeing 777 , Boeing 747 , Aircraft Engine , Flap , Boeing 737 , Landing , Fighter Aircraft , Fog , Mist , Gmc Terrain , Gmc Envoy , Public Utility , Suspension Bridge , Bridge , Electricity , Chevrolet Hhr , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Mazda Cx 7 , Acura Mdx , Mazda Cx 9 , Acura Rdx , Buick Rendezvous , Saturn Vue , Mazda Tribute , Umbrella , Tent , Entertainment , Slam Dunk , Basketball , Basketball Moves , Team Sport , Road Trip , Tunnel , Lock , Camera Accessory , Cameras Optics , Remote Control , Electronics Accessory , Camera , Trijet , Runway , Mcdonnell Douglas Dc 10 , Boeing 737 Next Generation , Twinjet , Fokker 70 , Roller Coaster , Business Jet , Boeing 727 , Monoplane , Bombardier Challenger 600 , Learjet 35 , Northrop Grumman , Lockheed Martin , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Golf Club , Golf Course , Golf Equipment , Freestyle Motocross , Acrobatics , Safari , Radio Controlled Helicopter , Radio Controlled Toy , Insect , Revolver , Helicopter Rotor , Skiing , Freestyle Skiing , Parade , Printer , Perfume , Cosmetics , Tints And Shades , Lip Gloss , Lipstick , Cream , Picture Frame , Brassiere , Personal Care , Golf , Hill Station , Highland , Plantation , Pitch And Putt , Conformation Show , Cheering , Carnival , Zumba , Aerobic Exercise , Line Dance , Walkway , Water Park , Fountain , Hacienda , Leisure Centre , Professional Golfer , Golfer , Putter , Ball Game , People In Nature , Match Play , Nordic Walking , Cart , Swat , Wedge , Angling , Hobby , Casting Fishing , Lawn Game , Competition , Hickory Golf , Sports Training , Stick And Ball Sports , Fourball , Scale Model , Motorcycle , Cg Artwork , Hay , Fire Apparatus , Cessna 182 , Race Car , Slot Machine , Choir , Thanksgiving , Roasting , Turkey Meat , Thanksgiving Dinner , Turducken , Dinner , Banquet , Party , Steamed Rice , Gelato , Ice Cream , Chef , Tobacco Products , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Sex On The Beach , Cocktail , Ball Pen , Pen , Cigarette , Tobacco , Ring , Fireworks , Sea , Peach , Backlighting , Silhouette , Sun , Rolls Royce , Tesla Model S , Sports Car , Scion , Lexus , Toyota Vitz , Celestial Event , Moon , Caving , Album Cover , Digital Compositing , Formula One Tyres , Synthetic Rubber , Tread , Tire Care , Spoke , Hubcap , Bmw , Mercedes Benz , Supercar , Steering Wheel , Bugatti Veyron , Concept Car , Bugatti , Steering Part , Speedometer , Porsche Panamera , Porsche , Bentley , Tesla , Maserati Quattroporte , Lamborghini , Alarm Clock , Watch , Smoke Detector , Tripod , Cold Weapon , Carton , Book , Basket , Gift Basket , Present , Osechi , Pastry , Fruit , Superfood , Food Storage , Energy Drink , Diaper Bag , Luggage And Bags , Temple Fade , Breakfast Cereal , Cereal , Chemistry , Wedding Reception , Cone , Pyramid , Laminate Flooring , Artificial Hair Integrations , Hair Accessory , Factory , Warehouse , Crash , Banger Racing , Taxi , Oldsmobile Alero , Chevrolet , Motorsport , Auto Racing , Dirt Track Racing , Rallycross , Marching , Marching Band , Veterans Day , Holy Places , Naval Officer , Pianist , Keyboard Player , Organist , Piano , Musical Keyboard , Digital Piano , Player Piano , Electronic Keyboard , Electric Piano , Musical Ensemble , War , Battle , Panorama , Input Device , Phd , Mortarboard , E Book Readers , Homework , Computer Desk , Shopping Cart , Astronomy , Panda , Sports Gear , Fairchild Republica 10 Thunderbolt Ii , Boeingb 29 Superfortress , Jet Engine , Naval Ship , Aircraft Carrier , Warship , Pole Vault , Engine , Automotive Engine Part , Missile , Birds Eye View , Internet Meme , Peking Opera , Tiger , Chicken , Fowl , Domesticated Turkey , Rooster , Macaw , Cassowary , Big Cats , Felidae , Dinosaur , Bangs , State School , Oven , Kitchen Stove , Grilling , Bakery , Toaster Oven , Gas , Barbecue Grill , Ping Pong , Baluster , Fireplace , Racquet Sport , Table Tennis Racket , Torte , Watercolor Paint , Drum , Foundation , Animal Shelter , Scaffolding , Cattle , Industry , Ferris Wheel , Tap , Espresso Machine , Belt , Wallet , Optometry , Dentistry , Drop , Joker , Twig , Fashion Design , Choreography , Afro , Dreadlocks , Fitness Professional , Greenhouse , Carpet , Concrete , Rowing , Fixed Link , Sailing , Electrical Supply , Cash Crop , Groundcover , Paddy Field , Fodder , Herbaceous Plant , Herb , Plant Community , Perennial Plant , Tarpaulin , Mattress , Glacier , Iceberg , Sea Ice , Waste , Slaughterhouse , Climbing , Rock Climbing , Bouldering , Fishing Vessel , Beam , Aluminium , Canopy , Shade , Winter Sport , Ford Explorer Sport Trac , Ford Super Duty , Jeep Patriot , Motor Ship , Ferry , Mechanical Fan , Chandelier , Entertainment Center , Cup , Potato Chip , Apple , Malus , Picnic , Arborist , Performance Car , Maserati , Coupé , Maserati Ghibli , Maserati Granturismo , Exhibition , Supermini , Photobombing , Professor , Award , Snare Drum , Timbales , Tom Drum , Rabbits And Hares , Plant Stem , Double Bass , Bowed String Instrument , Cello , Bass Guitar , Wilderness , Valley , Fell , Ridge , Alps , Marble , Paint , Acrylic Paint , Sleep , Porcelain , Pillow , Sofa Bed , Baby Shower , Cushion , Throw Pillow , Technician , Toolroom , Machine Tool , Swimming , Flag Day Usa , Cadillac , Ford Freestar , Cadillac Dts , Horse Racing , Stallion , Horse , Tabletop Game , Strategy Video Game , Courthouse , Official Residence , Ancient Roman Architecture , Seat Of Local Government , Food Court , Metro , Doll , Bookselling , Publication , Loudspeaker , Guitar Amplifier , Aisle , Prescription Drug , Pharmacy , Drug , Demonstration , Social Work , Beef , Jellyfish , Cnidaria , Marine Invertebrates , Invertebrate , Bioluminescence , Fractal Art , Physician , Health Care Provider , Recruiter , Scientific Instrument , Optical Instrument , Microscope , Memorial Day , Trial , Trap Shooting , Clay Pigeon Shooting , Sniper Rifle , New Year , New Years Eve , Cadillac Cts V , Cadillac Srx , Cadillac Cts , Custom Car , Chrysler , Chrysler 300 , Cadillac Xts , Cadillac Escalade , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Fiat Bravo , Limousine , Chevrolet Tahoe , Suzuki Kizashi , Buick Lacrosse , Suzuki , Pontiac Vibe , Honda Civic Hybrid , Group B , Drifting , Basketball Player , Arena , Soccer Specific Stadium , Track And Field Athletics , Athletics , High Jump , Gridiron Football , American Football , Canadian Football , Football Gear , Arena Football , Football Equipment , Football Helmet , Football Player , Rugby , Tackle , Six Man Football , Touchdown , Super Bowl , Defensive Tackle , 4 100 Metres Relay , Sprint , Multi Sport Event , Baseball Field , Honda Accord , Honda Stream , Honda City , Bmw 3 Series , Lexus Es , Center Console , Acura Tsx , Acura , Honda Accord Hybrid , Ford Motor Company , Audi Q5 , Mini , Bead , White Coat , Non Sporting Group , Sari , Ritual , Marriage , Garmon , Accordion , Cosplay , Clown , Payment Card , Ice Skate , Skating , Ice Rink , Figure Skate , Long Track Speed Skating , Figure Skating , Jumping , Synchronized Skating , Speed Skating , Music Artist , Ice Dancing , Mascot , Stained Glass , Credit Card , Nissan Armada , Tsunami , Supersonic Transport , Overhead Power Line , Daewoo Lanos , Subaru , Nissan Rogue , Hyundai Veracruz , Kia Sportage , Mountaineering , Parrot , Ancient Rome , Stock Trader , Stockbroker , Volkswagen Touareg , Volkswagen Eos , Citroën C4 , Stop Sign , Animated Cartoon , Parka , Overcoat , Hoodie , Trench Coat , Auditorium , Crew , Pianet , Orchestra , Gothic Architecture , Shrine , Convent , Broadcasting , Parachuting , Archery , Waist , Navel , Briefs , Underpants , Slope , Santa Claus , Christmas Eve , Volkswagen Fox , Audi A4 , Audi A3 , Scooter , Volkswagen Phaeton , Bicycle Wheel , Computer Icon , Bowling , Ten Pin Bowling , Bowling Equipment , Indoor Rower , Net Sports , Volleyball , Motorcycle Helmet , Bowling Ball , Soccer Ball , Lifejacket , Coach , Projection Screen , Bowling Pin , Graphics Tablet , Endurocross , Automotive Carrying Rack , Roof Rack , Ford Crown Victoria , Ford Windstar , Seminar , Marine Mammal , Cartilaginous Fish , Shark ,

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